THE BLACKFISH MARCH 2020 Rotary, bushfires and a very big cheque The Koo Wee Rup and Lang Lang Rotary Club recently presented a cheque for $30,000 to Fire Aid. This money was the proceeds of their annual Show 'n' Shine which is held at the Lang Lang Showgrounds. What an extraordinary effort has gone into raising this amount of money from an event staged in a small country town. Congratulations to everyone involved. The five Rotary Clubs of East have come together, forming a Fire Aid Committee, in preference to each club working on their own with possible double up. We are a greater force as one collective. Pictured from left. Chris Woo Manager Bendigo Bank Lang Lang a major sponsor, 100% of all funds raised will be used Peter Dell assistant Rotary Governor district 9820, Laura McBride CEO Community to benefit the Bank Lang Lang, Judy Wright Rotary Club of Koo Wee Rup Lang Lang President, Keith Community and individuals, that have White Media and Public relations, Jan Kruizinga Show 'n' Shine president, Rudi de Jong been impacted by this fire disaster, coordinator through no fault of their own. Money raised will be divided into the following categories; • Hay/Fodder/ fencing, many land-owners have insurance for their fencing and only require volunteers to assist with cleaning of fence lines. Others will require hay / fodder for their livestock, this we are presently assisting with. • Money vouchers, to allow people to purchase new items they can determine for themselves within the local area, returning dignity and independence to the survivors. A knock- on effect to the local retailers will occur, placing money into local businesses which have been hit hard by the loss of the peak holiday season trading. • There is also an emergency fund, this is for items that sit outside the above two categories and are deemed to be having a great impact on a community or a family and need urgent action e.g. fuel for a truck load of hay / fodder to be transported into the area. Community BBQ's and working Bee's will be organised to assist and support small communities to reconnect with neighbours that may have had to find temporary accommodation outside their local area & support network.

The Township Committee Meeting Report The Township held its AGM and monthly meeting on Wednesday, 5 February. Township Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 March at 7:30 pm at the Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend. Cr. Brown brought up the subject of signage in Cochrane Park. He said he had spoken to the planning manager and both had realised it was a big project and the cost amount should be part of the Shire budget. Cr. Brown added that there should also be an illuminated sign on the other side of the road. Both are an urgent requirement and he is pushing for action now. Continued page 4

Items printed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or beliefs of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit any items, where necessary. All work associated with the production of The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish is done on a voluntary basis. Edited by C Roff email: [email protected] PO Box 64, Koo Wee Rup 3981, Tel 5997 2333 Proudly supporting the Koo Wee Rup Blackfish Printed by KWR Township Committee

The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 What's on in Koo Wee Rup and District March Mon 2nd Pilates Eco House at hospital 6pm Mon 2nd Dog Walking Group Bus interchange carpark 6.30pm Mon 2nd CWA Meeting Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Tues 3rd Bingo Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Weds 4th Koo Wee Rup Coffee Club Royal Hotel 10am Weds 4th Koo Wee Rup Township Committee Meeting Community Centre 7.30pm Thurs 5th Heart Foundation Walking Group Clock Towers 7pm Fri 6th KWR Regional Health Service Ladies Auxiliary Education Room, Hospital 9.30am Fri 6th Triples Bowls Club 10.30am Fri 6th Barefoot Bowls Bowls Club 6pm Sat 7th Pilates Eco House at hospital 9am Sun 8th Bayles Fauna Park Working Bee Bayles Fauna Park 9am Mon 9th Pilates Eco House at hospital 6pm Mon 9th Dog Walking Group Bus interchange carpark 6.30pm Tues 10th Bingo Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Weds 11th Community Centre Committee Meeting Community Centre 7.30pm Thurs 12th Heart Foundation Walking Group Clock Towers 7pm Fri 13th St John's School Family Fete and Market Night St John's Primary School 3.30pm Fri 13th Barefoot Bowls Bowls Club 6pm Sat 14th Pilates Eco House at hospital 9am Sat 14th Lions Free Sausage Sizzle Woolworths All day Mon 16th Pilates Eco House at hospital 6pm Mon 16th Dog Walking Group Bus interchange carpark 6.30pm Mon 16th CWA Craft Night KWR Senior Citizens 7.30pm Tues 17th Bingo Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Weds 18th Koo Wee Rup Coffee Club Chandelier Café 10am Thurs 19th Heart Foundation Walking Group Clock Towers 7pm Fri 20th Triples Bowls Club 10.30am Fri 20th Barefoot Bowls Bowls Club 6pm Sat 21st Pilates Eco House at hospital 9am Mon 23rd Ladies Invitation Day Bowls Club 10am Mon 23rd Pilates Eco House at hospital 6pm Mon 23rd Dog Walking Group Bus interchange carpark 6.30pm Tues 24th Bingo Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Thurs 26th South West Gippsland Bowls Club 11am Thurs 26th Heart Foundation Walking Group Clock Towers 7pm Fri 27th Barefoot Bowls Bowls Club 5.45pm Sat 28th Pilates Eco House at hospital 9am April Weds 1st Koo Wee Rup Coffee Club Royal Hotel 10am Weds 1st Koo Wee Rup Township Committee Meeting Community Centre 7.30pm Thurs 2nd Heart Foundation Walking Group Clock Towers 7pm Fri 3rd KWR Regional Health Service Ladies Auxiliary Education Room, Hospital 9.30am Sun 5th Bayles Fauna Park Working Bee Bayles Fauna Park 9am Mon 6th Dog Walking Group Bus interchange carpark 6.30pm Mon 6th CWA Meeting Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Tues 7th Bingo Senior Citizens Club 7.30pm Weds 8th Community Centre Committee Meeting Community Centre 7.30pm

HAVE YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? If you want to be included in Have you got some news, a photo, or an opinion you want to share with your community? 'What's on in KWR', please Why not say it in the Blackfish? Just drop me a line at [email protected] post to contact me. Details at left. PO Box 64, KWR or phone 5997 2333 Caroline Roff, Editor Page 2 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Christmas Trailer Raffle At the Lions dinner meeting on Wednesday 19th February, President June Wright presented Steve from the Koo Wee Rup Scouts with a cheque for $2,255. This was 50% of the profit from the Lions/Scouts Christmas trailer raffle. The raffle was drawn at the Carols by Candlelight. Girls Want To Have Fun “Girls want to have fun” at the Hub has started back for the new year. We have moved to the Men's Shed, so have much more room and can spread out. Our first project for the year is bags made out of old jeans (see photos). The girls are making either a pocket bag or a larger bag made from the top half of the jeans with the legs cut off. The legs are then made into the handles. The Lions have donated two new sewing machines and accessories so Sheryl and Linda don’t have to keep bringing their own machines. The girls meet weekly and can create something crafty or do some cooking. It has been decided to have sewing classes every fortnight and on the other nights Brian Harlow will teach them other skills. We have space for new members, so come along and learn a new skill in a safe and friendly environment. And for those of you who missed it ... We had a little bit of flooding in Koo Wee Rup this month. On 14 February an intense downpour, over an inch in less than an hour, resulted in some hazardous driving conditions. Naturally, just in time for school pickup. John, Mickle, Gardiner and Henry Streets were 4WD access only with waves hitting the Royal Indian at the corner of Gardiner. The Station Street & Rossiter Road intersection was hit badly also. Right: Rossiter Road and Station Street junction under water Below: Mickle Street North and Mickle Street South

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The Township Committee Meeting Minutes (from Page 1) Re: the barbecue shelter at Bayles. A request has been raised with the appropriate Council officer for the shelter repair and also the good news that a new barbecue shelter will be built. A car that has been lodged in a drain for some time on the Pakenham road has now been moved. Cr. Brown advised that the KWR Tennis Courts are now up and running and everyone, including children, can now enjoy a game on the new courts. However, the courts are not yet officially opened. Cr. Brown proposes to hold a public meeting with an inaugural AGM to vote in a committee. He said that the president of this committee should be a person of some experience in the running of tennis courts. (It was observed later in the evening that children and adults where playing under lights on the courts at the same time as the TC was meeting) Gus Moore noted that a rubbish bin was urgently needed near the courts and Gary Oats mentioned that you could actually book a court via a mobile phone but you need to fully acquaint yourself with the procedure before trying this method. Cr. Ray Brown noted that there was a meeting of the Town Planning Committee held this month but “there was nothing spectacular to report”. Applications for grants from the Shire Council are now open, closing on the 2nd of March 2020. Concerning the Community Centre; Gus Moore met with a Shire official to discuss the painting, polishing and repair of the Community Centre floors. The cost is estimated at $15,000. The annual Stan Henwood award is now open and Cr. Brown asked for thoughts about possible nominations. This award is presented each year to a person who has made a positive, long-term contribution to the Cardinia Shire community through their volunteer service. It honours the late Stan Henwood OAM, and his lifetime contribution to the township of Tynong and the wider Cardinia Shire community. The operation by the Pakenham police called “safe pupil” is under way by the Highway Patrol. The officers are watching and advising on the correct way of dropping off of pupils at and around schools and vehicles travelling over the speed limit whilst passing schools. Cr. Brown then talked about the restoration plans for the historic KWR railway platform. Funding has been allocated but Cr. Brown is not happy with the current plans. (It is to be noted that Cr. Brown, many years ago, was the stationmaster at Koo-Wee-Rup) The rough timbers will be recreated with new rough sawn timbers and there will be a reproduction waiting room installed. Cr. Brown favours a memorial wall with photographs of the early days of the railway to be etched on a metal plate. Finally, Cr. Brown reported on a case of extreme racism pitted against some Shire residents of South Sudanese origin. He said that he was appalled at the viciousness of this un-Australian attack and the local police inspector had described it as racism at its worst. It has been noted by all, that these residents of South Sudanese origin had tried very hard to fit into the local community and had contributed a lot towards the well being of Pakenham and district. There were a few youths who had been doing wrong things but so have a few youths of Australian origin too. The Cardinia Shire Council Electoral Representation review was the next subject of Cr. Brown's report. He thought the Victorian Electoral Commission's preference for option A created a disproportionate representation with 4 councillors elected in the Central Ward, and three Councillors on the other wards, especially at Council voting times on rural decisions. Peter Cleghorn complained about the present state of Moody Street. It has three different widths, with no continuing footpath, he said, and there was a big “drop off” into open drains that was “very bad and dangerous for kids”. He said it had been like this for two years now and nothing has been done. He will send photographs to Cr. Brown. A complaint was made to Cr. Brown about the state of the footpath outside the premises of Koo-Wee-Rup Stockfeed. A question was asked about Blackfish Drive and if the two separate pieces of the Drive would ever be joined. The answer given was that the Council was waiting for the developer to extend the Drive. Another question about the state of our roads asked when the potholes would be fixed in Boundary Drain Road. Very soon was the answer. A question from Chris Thomas was in regard to hard rubbish collection; especially what to do if someone else put tyres on your pile for collection that was sitting there on the nature strip. The answer to this is to either phone the Council or go to its website and take up the issue on the website for action by the Council. Cr. Brown then displayed to the Committee an old kerosene lamp from his time as station master in Koo-Wee-Rup. It is an original lamp, circa 1890, a French model that warned and signalled the train guard and driver at night- known as the guard's best friend. In 1968, this type of lamp went to battery power so the one displayed tonight is a rarity. Cr. Brown said he wanted to donate this lamp to the Koo-Wee-Rup Historical Society in time for its reopening on March 1st 2020. Continued next page

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The Township Committee Meeting Minutes (from previous page) Day went off very well with no major problems and there was an excellent breakfast prepared by our local Lions Club. Our ambassador, Richard Rozen OAM gave an interesting but harrowing story of his life as a young Jewish boy in occupied Poland during the WWII. Caroline reiterated on the subject of the Cardinia Shire Council Electoral Representation review as mentioned above. She noted that there was a 36 page official report on rezoning etc., looking at Regional Townships versus Central Ward. A small physical area but more residents hence more Councillors in Central Ward. Geoff Stokes referred the meeting to the latest write-up about the Men's Shed in this month's Blackfish. It is mostly concerned with the New Year’s start to computer lessons for people who are complete beginners. Maybe perhaps, but not necessarily so, elderly ladies or gentlemen who have been somewhat scared to try and communicate with a computer/laptop/IPad etc., not realising what fun they can be There is also an extra class for those who are a little more advanced in computer knowledge. The Community Notice Board outside in Cochrane Park will be updated. Rob Muré presented an illustration of the new sign that describes the history and details about the Dragline excavator in Cochrane Park. The sign will cost $700 to $800 and will be vandal proof. A vote was taken to purchase this sign and the yes vote came unanimously. Garry Oates reminded the meeting of the purpose of the Forget-Me-Not Café and invited everyone to the next get- together at a garden party on the 26th of February 2020. The Café aims to bring together, in Koo-Wee-Rup and surrounding areas, people living with dementia and their loved ones. Garry invited all to come along for a cuppa and a piece of cake. Garry also talked about what was needed to help those so afflicted eg., easier to understand signage over toilets and other in-general signs. He also talked about a once-a-month social event to find out what is available to help people with dementia – medical specialists for example. They are hoping to organise a “memory walk” (or run) as a fund raiser, the distance to walk or run to be anything from 100 metres to 5 kilometres. Our guests from the Local Scouts, Molly Worthington and Lachlan Aulich, spoke about the coming Jamboree in this year and the Scout hall refurbishment with the new flagpole and flag. Joyce Light asked if the Scouts needed help with costs. They will advise. Valmai Walker asked if anyone else had been bothered by someone who keeps ringing doorbells after 10:00 pm at night. No one else said yes and Valmai was advised it's probably some juvenile playing pranks. Maybe a talk to the local police might help. Geoff Stokes told the meeting about his worries, as a resident of Sybella Avenue, about the speeding of vehicles past his house and beyond towards the highway. Speeding was now the norm, he said, and what can be done about it? Finally Cr. Ray Brown talked about the late Doug Hamilton who died in January this year. He was a stalwart and conscientious Councillor for the ward and a guiding light in the development of the Koo-Wee-Rup War Memorial. Doug was a member of the Lang Lang community and was a part of the original steering committee for the Lang Lang Bendigo Community Bank Branch and its inaugural Vice Chairman. Doug served two terms as a Cardinia Shire Councillor. He was also a charter member of the Rotary Club of Koo-Wee-Rup/Lang Lang since 1974. Condolences to Pamela, Scott and Julianne on their sudden loss. Vale Douglas Hugh Hamilton.

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Page 6 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Updates on the KWR CWA The Cardinia Community Kitchens event on Monday February 17th at the Pakenham Library was all about the versatility of tomatoes. Attendees got to learn how to make passata, tomato paste and salsas amongst other things; each receiving a bottled passata sauce to take home. This coming month (16th March) we will be showcasing Apples. Held at Officer R.G. Porter social rooms at the Officer reserve from 7pm, the event is free, to ensure that we have enough samples (and gifts!) please book if interested. The event can be found on under Cardinia community kitchens. Members of the CWA also attended the opening night of Mamma Mia on February 22nd. We had received 50 tickets at a discounted price, so we thank members of the public who purchased these tickets through us. We hope you all had a phenomenal time! Craft this month is Monday March 23rd where we will learn how to Crochet Anzac Day Poppies for our wreath, as well as create brooches for the day, then following on Saturday the 28th of March, members will be attending a City photowalk hosted by Paul Pavlinovich, experienced photographer and Star Australian “Google Local Guide”. Paul will show basic set ups on DSLR/Digital cameras, as well as tips and tricks on how to obtain the most out of your camera. The photowalk runs from 9am-12pm. Interested in volunteering your time for an excellent cause: supporting local education, local emergency services and our community? Then come and talk to us! We will be at the St John's Fete on the 13th of March, Bayles regional Primary school on the 15th (with a cake stall) and our next meeting is on March 2nd at the Senior Citizens. For more information in regards to any of the above events including how you can become a member of the KWR branch: contact the branch secretary at [email protected], or through our Facebook page. BBQ Grillmaster Award At the Koo Wee Rup Lions meeting at the Chandelier Café on Wednesday 19th February, Suzanne De Pelsenaire was awarded a certificate for “BBQ Grillmaster”. While cooking at one of our sausage sizzles, Suzanne had been overheard saying that “this is what Lions are all about” and how much she enjoyed cooking the sausages. Congratulations Suzanne, I’m sure you will be cooking lots of sausages in the near future. Get your racquet on this February and March! Koo Wee Rup Tennis Club and the Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre are encouraging people aged between 25-45 to ‘get their racquet on’ and join an Open Court Session this February and March. Open Court Sessions are a Tennis Australia initiative, and are a relaxed and fun way to have a hit of tennis without having to commit to club memberships or join a competition. It’s more about snacks than serves. No racquet, no mates, no skills are required. The sessions throw tennis tradition out the door and includes music that will keep players moving, as well as fun tennis activities and off-court socialising with food and drinks. Equipment is available to all participants, so players no longer need to worry about finding a racquet, or even someone else to hit. Sessions will go for around 90-minutes, with a 10-minute warm-up, 50- minutes of tennis activities and 30-minutes of socializing. Both Koo Wee Rup Tennis Club and the Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre will be participating in this year’s program: Koo Wee Rup Tennis Club Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre 7–8.30pm on Tuesday evenings until 17 March 2020 7–8.30pm on Thursday evenings until 26 March 2020 Address: Cochrane Park Reserve, Koo Wee Rup Address: 11 Webster Way, Pakenham Phone: (03) 5997 1070 Phone: (03) 5940 8510 To join an Open Court Session, or for more information, visit For more information about the Pakenham and Koo Wee Rup Tennis Courts, visit Council’s website at or call the Customer Service team on 1300 787 624.

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WOW WOW AND WOW what an amazing day Show 'n' Shine on Sunday the 9th of February. An enormous thank you to all our sponsors, committee members, attendees, show cars, show bikes, Rotary Clubs from Drouin, Warragul, Scouts, CERT, parking attendants, gate keepers, cooks, family members, friends of Rotary, judges, everyone that made the day such a success, not just as a fundraiser for Bushfire Aid, but as an organisation bringing the community together to assist those less fortunate. The $30,000 profit is an amazing amount to raise of which 100% will go to the bushfire areas from Mallacoota to Bruthen etc. There is information on the front of the Blackfish from East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid which outlines the use of the funds. As President I extend to the Committee members of Lang Lang Hot Rod & Classic Car Show 'n' Shine my congratulations on an extremely well run day of amazing cars and bikes. The work that goes into preparing the day for those cars and bikes that their their dedicated dedicated owners owners bring bring out out for for all allto tosee seeand andbe admired, be we thank admired,and congratulate we thank you and all congratulate for supporting you all our for Show supporting 'n' Shine our this Show year. Don't worry 'n'about Shine those this magnificent year. Don't men worry in theirabout flying those machines, magnificent worry men about in their those crazy people flyingracing machines,those hotted worry up lawn about mowers those crazyfrom VicMow.people racing Thank those you hotted all for the assistance upyou lawn give mowers to the committeefrom VicMow. and the Thank support you youall for give the to assistance the community. you Thank you givealso to to all the that committee came along and with the supporttheir Swap you Meet give items, to the they community. certainly add dimension Thankto the you ThankalsoThank to youyouall thattoto allall came that that attended, alongattended, with if if you theiryou have haveSwap any any Meet queries queries items, at at all all please please don't don't hesitate to contact us to discuss theyhesitateyour concerns. certainly to contact add us dimension to discuss your to the concerns. day. Thank you to all that attended, if you have any queries at all please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your concerns.

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There’s a lot more to Lions Australia than barbecues On Saturday, 7 March 2020, thousands of Australia’s most dedicated and hard-working volunteers will be on deck to let you know more about what Lions Australia does. After more than a century of helping others, we know our role as a service club is only becoming increasingly important. It may be providing emergency relief during natural disasters or supporting farming communities during drought, supporting critical medical research into childhood cancers and diabetes, or working on local environmental programs – the work of all of our members is valued, and critical. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to join us at Woolworths on Saturday 14th of March for a free sausage in bread, (we are having it a week later because of the long weekend), talk to a Lion and ask them why they decided to give some of their time and effort to help others. With over 30,000 members, Lions Australia is Australia’s largest service organisation. But there’s much more to us than fundraising BBQ’s. That’s why we are taking the opportunity to tell our story on Lions Awareness Day. We want the rest of Australia to know more about what we do and the causes we support. So if you see your local Lions club on Saturday March 14, make sure you stop and say hello!

If you are interested in becoming part of the Koo Wee Rup Lions contact: Ken Blay (Secretary), Email: [email protected], Phone: 5915 3613

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All proceeds raised from this event go to the Kooweerup Regional Health Service Ladies Auxiliary

Gate prize sponsor: Gumbaya World 1 family pass for family of four 1 ticket per car

Page 14 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 St John the Baptist Primary School, Koo Wee Rup Welcome to the beginning of the 2020 school year at St John the Baptist Primary School. We welcome many new children and families to our school this year, especially our 37 Foundation students. We hope that all the children and their families enjoy another wonderful year at St John's. This year, we also welcome three new staff members to our school. Miss Georgia Williamson (Yr 1/2), Mrs Anna Hughes (Foundation) and Mrs Simone Vanderputt (Italian and STEM) Australia Day Awards Congratulations to students Patrick Noble and Erica Condron on receiving the Junior Citizenship awards at the Koo Wee Rup Australia Day celebrations. Student Leadership Our senior students went through the process of selecting School and House Leaders for 2020. A large number of students prepared and delivered fantastic speeches in front of parents, staff and students. The Social Justice Leaders were also chosen after having to write a letter of

application to the Principal. The student leaders for 2020 are: School Captains: Scarlett Benwell and Lachlan Stevens

House Captains: CREMIN: Lily Selitsch-Banks and Dylan Thurling MACKILLOP: Summer Missen and Xavier Underwood WOOD: Star Leftley and Cody Wlazly SCOTT: Sofia Abela and Mitchell Ventura

Social Justice Leaders: Layla Borthwick, Patrick Noble, Erica Condron and Lucius Di Pietro

Future Events 28/2 St John’s Swimming Carnival 1/3 Reconciliation Commitment Mass (9:30am) 4/3 Reconciliation Workshop 13/3 St John’s School Fete

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Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm Saturday - 9.30am to 4pm Closed public holidays Same day appointments usually available

Page 16 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 What was that siren? February 2020 It was the Koo Wee Rup Fire Brigade back up siren to alert all of the volunteers to attend the station for a turn out call. It’s also used to let the local community know we are about to be out and about on a call. Our calls since the last report were: 30/1/20 – Large gas bottle leaking – Rossiter Rd Koo Wee Rup 14/2/20 – Grass Fire – Nar Nar Goon Rd Nar Nar Goon 15/2/20 – Smoke alarm operating – Moody St Koo Wee Rup 16/2/20 – Structure fire – South Gippsland Hwy Tooradin 17/2/20 – Motor Vehicle Collision – Rupert St Lang Lang 21/2/20 – Caravan Fire – South Gipplsland Hwy Lang Lang 22/2/20 – Burn off during fire danger period – Westernport Rd Lang Lang 23/2/20 - Motor Vehicle Collision – Koo Wee Rup Rd Koo Wee Rup Fire Danger Period is here now This means you cannot light a fire unless you have a permit and comply with certain requirements. If you don’t obtain a permit, you could be breaking the law and may be prosecuted. Go to for more information regarding welding, grinding, BBQ’s etc. Koo Wee Rup–Longwarry Flood Protection District services ballot CLOSES 6 March 20 20 We are inviting all residents of the District to take part in a ballot to help inform where Water should focus our efforts and investment in the Koo Wee Rup–Longwarry Flood Protection District over the 2021–26 period. Your input will play a key role in determining the service standards and prices proposed in our Price Submission to the Essential Services Commission, including the Special Precept Rate you pay. We therefore encourage you to take the time to carefully consider all the information provided on our Your Say page before casting your vote. The survey comprises of only two questions and should only take 2- 3 minutes to complete with a chance to win an iPad. If you have any questions or issues completing the online survey, please call 131 722 or email [email protected].

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Page 18 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Art Show- Pakenham moves to Cardinia Cultural Centre Now over two weekends Art Show- Pakenham moves to the New Gallery at the Cardinia Cultural Centre. Now over two weekends this year’s art show is embracing digital art as the special category. “The state of the art facility with the latest digital capabilities is an exciting venue to hold this year's exhibition and sale of traditional and fine art. Event coordinator Jillian Ronald said. If you haven’t seen the New gallery this is the perfect opportunity to come and have a look. Open for 10 days there are opportunities to engage in workshops and demonstrations . There will be something for everyone. The event will also have all the usual attractions including the Wearable Art Parade at Opening Night on Friday 29th May 2020. The gift shop will be open on weekends and is a great place to purchase a unique gift. All products are priced under $40. We are very excited to see the Art Show step it up a notch. Tickets to Opening are $20 purchased at the door. General viewing entry is only $2 Two evening viewings are set for Thursday 4th and Friday 5th. A great opportunity for a night out . Art Show - Pakenham is open on 24, 25, 26 May 2019. For further details email: [email protected]

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KOO WEE RUP MEDICAL CENTRE has been providing comprehensive medical care to Koo Wee Rup and surrounds for over 20 years. Hours are: Mon - Fri--- 9.00am to 6.00 pm Sat---9.00 am to 12.30 pm Our Doctors Are: Dr Sandy Chandrananth Dr Mathie Chandrananth Dr Rachel Marr Dr Mahesh Jayaratne Dr Dr Neha Parvatreddy Dr Dinushka Perera Koo Wee Rup Medical Centre provides 'on site' Pathology, Podiatry, Audiology, a Mental Health Social Worker & inpatient services at the Koo Wee Rup Hospital & Aged Care.

Phone: 5997 1222 303 Rossiter Road

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The latest news from the Community Advisory Committee. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) met at the end of January and welcomed to its a fold a new member, Sam Afra, JP, MAICD, who is also a member the board of Directors of the Koo-Wee-Rup Regional Health Service. Sam gave a brief verbal autobiography of his busy and exciting life and he warmly expressed enthusiasm to be very much involved with the KRHS community and the Township. Our guest speaker was Naomi Rendall, Nurse Unit Manager District Nursing and Infection Control Coordinator. Naomi spoke about the role of the District Nurses supporting clients in their readiness for summer by giving to their clients information sheets on fire and heatwave emergency action plans and mentoring their clients in preparation for any of these dangerous and unpredictable events. Naomi also told how the Nurses were diligently getting ready for any possible outbreak of the Coronavirus disease and they have developed guidance protocols for managing the health of patients and the public should this outbreak happen. Aileen Thoms, Manager Community and Innovation, gave the committee an update on the current progress of the project “Get Active Koowee”, now to be linked in with Cardinia Council and the Public Health and Well Being Plan for a Community initiative through a Victorian Government Health funding application. Frank Megens, KRHS CEO, updated the meeting about several outstanding talking points. He told the members about the proposed and rather sentimental project of 'Parents and Babies Connecting with Aged Care Residents', similar to that as seen on television last year. Bayles and Koo-Wee-Rup kindergartens were approached as possible partners in this project but at this current time both kindergartens were unsure if they would take part in this venture. Frank also informed the committee that the furniture in the Killara Hostel had been refurbished and that Home Care packages are growing strongly. As regards the Cyber Security problem at KRHS that has been an ongoing conundrum for some time; Gippsland Health Alliance have indicated that the situation is almost back to normal. Public WiFi is now also restored and will be improved. Finally, Frank informed the meeting that the Health Promotion team are now fully installed in the new offices and the Home Care Team has moved into the original Health Promotion office. Geoff Stokes gave the meeting an update on the activities of the Cardinia Aged Care Friendly Alliance meeting that he attended recently and this included a discussion on elder abuse and a comprehensive review of the recent Victorian Seniors' Festival. There was also a discussion about physical difficulties experienced by Seniors accessing and travelling on Public Transport. Geoff also reported on his and his wife Olives' experience with the project called, “Empowering Older People in Accessing Aged Care Services in a Consumer Market”. This is run by Latrobe University. An update was provided on the PALS project. PALS is the Patient Advocate Liaison Service which aims, by use of a caring third person, to bridge the gap between patients and care providers and to enhance both the client and staff experience. In other words, a person who will have a patient's confidence and will listen to their problems and concerns about their daily life and then to find an answer for them from their health management team. An extra volunteer is really needed right now for this job. Could you do it? Several other matters were discussed including a new Consumer Participation Plan and also the subject of a dementia friendly Koo-Wee-rup with the Committee invited to a presentation by Angelique Jauffret on the subject at the next Committee meeting. Always remember that the aim of the Community Advisory Committee is to provide the KRHS with feedback and advice to improve and strengthen their services, their information, their forward planning, and the future policy development of the KHRS. The Committee will furnish advice to the KRHS Board of Management taken from a Patient, a Resident or a Carer’s point of view, and also, maybe, from an individual Koo-Wee-Rup resident or, indeed, from the whole Community’s point of view. The Community Advisory Committee will listen closely to these consumers and acknowledge their concerns and aspirations so that these alternatives that they offer are consistently understood and seriously considered. This advice, and the recommendations developed, will be broadened into balanced information to assist the complete understanding of a particular topic by the KRHS Board of Management. If you have a suggestion or some JUSTICE OF THE PEACE nagging thoughts about your difficulties, or your dependants comforts or problems For document signing and associated services contact: with any aspect of the KHRS, then get in GARY KING JP touch with the CAC Committee. Simply phone 5997 9679 or Geoff Stokes on 0435 0438 663 655 085 002. Or you can email: [email protected] Your “JP duties are a free community service” email will be acknowledged. Geoff Stokes

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All your joinery/cabinetry needs. No job too big or small. Factory D3, 381 Rossiter Rd., KooWeeRup Vic. 3981 Stephen Johnson, 0425 779 537 [email protected]

Lang Lang & District Historical Society BAYLES FAUNA PARK Next Working Bee Welcome visitors to our Sunday, 8 March, 9am start Heritage Centre situated in followed by a BBQ lunch Kester Kitchin Park, Lang Lang Please bring own bottled water, wear long pants and closed in shoes We open each Wednesday, 11am-3pm Next Committee Meeting or by appointment Sunday, 8 March immediately after working bee Secretary Peter Hayden All welcome 0417 593 719

Page 22 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Draft Amendment C240: improving built form outcomes in Koo Wee Rup You’re invited to have your say on a draft planning scheme amendment which formalises planning objectives outlined in the adopted Koo Wee Rup Township Strategy. Amendment C240 will be on public exhibition between 13 February and 16 March 2020. The amendment introduces planning overlays, which are the planning tools to address key objectives and strategies within the Koo Wee Rup Township Strategy (2015) and the Koo Wee Rup Urban Design Study (2013). It is proposed to apply two Design and Development Overlays (DDO) and two Development Plan Overlays (DPO). The overlays implement requirements for built form, to provide certainty about how a particular area should be developed. Four different areas of Koo Wee Rup are proposed to have overlays applied, which are as follows: • Moody Street Residential Precinct (DPO23) • Sims Lane Residential Precinct (DPO24) • Koo Wee Rup established residential areas (DDO8) • Koo Wee Rup Township Commercial Precinct (DDO9) The DPOs are proposed to be applied to two areas that could potentially be further developed for residential use. These provide guidance to ensure that any future development integrates with the existing surrounding residential area and has requirement for subdivision layouts, specifically, lot sizes, road linkages, setbacks, and transition to the surrounding green wedge land. This is consistent with the existing character guidelines within Koo Wee Rup Township Strategy. The DDOs provide guidance for any redevelopment within the existing residential and commercial area of Koo Wee Rup. This includes front and side setbacks, building heights, landscaping requirements and, in the Koo Wee Rup Township Commercial Precinct, requirements for public surveillance and location of car parking. The provisions of these overlays is also consistent with the existing guidelines in the township strategy. The application of these overlays will ensure that development within Koo Wee Rup is consistent with the Koo Wee Rup Township Strategy, which has previously been through an extensive community consultation process. For more information visit Koo Wee Rup Senior Citizens Club Icke Road, Koo Wee Rup Members enjoyed a good day out to the movies last week to see Little Women. Tuesday bingo is going well and Friday lunches are well attended, followed by Hoy. We are always on the lookout for new members at an annual fee of $10. This allows you to participate in outings and events as arranged throughout the year. All enquries to: Dianne D - 0419 405 404 Diane K - 0408 663 655 Weekly Activities Mon Indoor Bowls 1pm Members Tues Bingo eyes down 7.30pm All welcome Fri Lunch 11.45am Members Fri Hoy 1pm All welcome Mat Pilates @ Koo Wee Rup Regional Health Service The two sessions run in the Hewitt ECO house, have started the year well, so if you are interested in building strength and resilience in daily living, by working on your core muscles, balance, breathing and posture then this is for you. All ability levels can be accommodated by this great program offered by a qualified instructor. The first session is FREE so you have nothing to lose. Bring along a water bottle and towel as we have mats and we’ll see you either Mondays @ 6 pm or Saturday mornings @ 9 am in the Hewitt ECO House on Rossiter Rd at the western end of the health service. Enquiries to Marlene on 0429 814410 Page 23 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020

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Page 25 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Outlook Community Centre presents courses which we see a need for in our Community. We offer certificate courses in First Aid, Food Safety and Responsible Serving of Alcohol to get you ready for employment/volunteering in the service industries or as a refresher course. The centre also offers focused learning courses, including Time Management and Canva Online Design throughout the term to allow you to increase your skills, wellbeing and productivity. To view our complete Term 1 Programme online please visit or drop by the Centre to pick up a programme. All courses below can be booked online, or alternatively call the Centre on 5940 4728. HOW TO ENROL IN A PROGRAMME: In Person: 24 Toomuc Valley Road, Pakenham; Online:; Telephone: 5940 4728; Email: [email protected]; Payment: Credit Card - online, over the phone or in person. Cash, cheque or EFTPOS Canva - Online Design Made Easy Food Safety Level 1 You will learn to quickly and easily create attractive, high Choose one of the following certificates: impact social media and marketing designs. During the • SITXFSA001 Hospitality and Retail – Use hygienic session we will create a sample Facebook post, practices for food safety promotional poster and business card. • HLTFSE001 Community and Health – Follow basic Wednesdays commencing 18 March for 2 sessions, food safety practices 1.30pm - 4.00pm. Cost: $15 • FBPFSY1001 Food Processing – Follow work Creative Writing Group - Word Warriors procedures to maintain food safety Join a group of like-minded others to experiment with the Nationally recognised for hospitality and retail, written word in our creative writing class. In a fun and community and health and food processing sectors. friendly atmosphere, we will use various styles of writing Monday 16 March, 5.00pm - 9.00pm. Cost $95 to reinvent and empower ourselves! Let the process help Training and assessment provided by CFT International tap into your passion and explore your hidden expressive RTO provider No. 21120 potential. Only basic writing skills are required. Cardinia Shire volunteer discount may apply to these Thursday 12 March, 9.30am - 12.30pm. Cost $20 programmes. Time Management Provide First Aid (HLTAID003) Take control of your day. Achieve more with less stress. Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide a first Practical and simple strategies to manage your time. aid response to a casualty in a range of situations. Includes Learn how to reduce stress, increase productivity, achieve CPR. goals and work smarter. Be in control, create successful Saturday 21 March, 9.30am - 4.30pm. habits and stay focused on being productive every day. Cost $175 per session Thursdays commencing 19 March for 2 sessions, Training conducted under the auspice of Asthma 9.30am - 12.00pm. Cost $35 Australia RTO provider No. 4987 Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA Vic) Some homework prior to class. Increase your opportunities for employment in the Cardinia Shire volunteer discount may apply to these hospitality industry. All people serving alcohol in Victoria programmes. need this certificate which is approved by the Director of Liquor Licensing Victoria. Monday 16 March, 12.30pm - 4.30pm. Cost $80 Training and assessment provided by CFT International RTO provider No. 21120 Cardinia Shire volunteer discount may apply to these programmes. Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID001) and Care Setting (HLTAID004) The first five minutes is crucial in saving a life. Gain the For educators, support staff and carers working within an knowledge and skills necessary to maintain breathing and education and care setting who are required to respond to circulation following a cardiac arrest. a first aid emergency, including asthma and anaphylaxis. Saturday 21 March, 9.30am - 12.00pm. Saturday 21 March, 9.30am - 4.30pm. Cost $70 per session Cost $175 per session Training conducted under the auspice of Asthma Training conducted under the auspice of Asthma Australia RTO provider No. 4987 Australia RTO provider No. 4987 Some homework prior to class. Some homework prior to class. Cardinia Shire volunteer discount may apply to these Cardinia Shire volunteer discount may apply to these programmes. programmes.

Page 26 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 KOO WEE RUP BOWLS CLUB NEWS Tuesday Pennant and a trip to Mornington for Rd. 10 proved a disaster for Div. 2 “thrashed” 45-104 to possibly end their finals chance. Better result for Div. 5 at home to Mornington Civic and scoring a convincing 60-27 win to stay in the finals race. 2 games for 2 wins was the result in Rd. 11 with Div. 2 defeating Somerville at home 55-53. Div. 5 went to Karingal and recorded a 45-30 victory. Results from Rd. 12 saw Div. 2 visit Karingal and were narrowly beaten 58-60. A better result for Div. 5 at home to Mt. Eliza winning 42-26. The penultimate round had Div. 2 travelling to Blue Hills which was transferred there due to the state of our Green and they scored a narrow 58-54 win to remain in 5th position with 1 round to play. Div. 5 went to Somerville and shared the points due to a wash out. They will now finish 4th and will play in the finals. After “searing” weather on Friday 31st Jan. Rd. 10 of Saturday Pennant ended with both teams being “washed out” resulting in the points for the games being shared. Div. 3 were having a tight game at with only 1 shot the difference overall.

Unfortunately for Div. 5 who were very comfortably leading against City of Frankston. Rd. 11 saw Div. 3 keep their slim hopes on playing in the finals alive with a hard fought 58-54 win against Mt. Eliza. Div. 5 travelled to Karingal and were unable to match them losing 56-78 sides A trip to Mornington for both teams resulted in 2 losses and probably ended both sides chances of playing finals. In a re-arrangement of venues due to our Green being closed Div. 3 went down on the final bowl of the day 56-58. Div. 5 “copped” an old- fashioned belting from the top team on their synthetic losing 34-84. The results of the games of Triples played on 7/2 saw the winning rink for the day being Don Jeffery, Jenny Smith & Tony Abbott [Lang Lang] with 34 pts & 17 shots. Runner Up rink with 34 pts & 5 shots was a team of John Thwaites [Lang Lang], Brian Potter {KWR} & Mal Newman [Garfield]. Best 1st game was won by Pauline Gray, Mary Masters & Lindsay Wealands [KWR] on 19 pts & best 2nd game was won by Ned Courtin, Ken Clifton & Luis Aquiler [Pakenham] on 18 pts. Games due to be played on 21st were cancelled due to our Green being closed. Rex Alexander , Sec. 03.59961862 Page 27 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020

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Page 28 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Some Zestful News from the Men's Shed for March 2020. Our write up for last month focused on the start of computer classes for the coming year. We still need some more Seniors to join us at 9:00 am on a Friday morning so please contact Brian Harlow on 5997 9679 or Geoff Stokes on 0435085002 and just say you are ready to have some fun. Our computer course for real beginners at the Men's Shed in Koo-Wee-Rup will introduce you to a great new world, a world of fun and education. We start at 9:00 am with a look at what’s inside that black box and you'll discover it’s not frightening at all. You will learn how to use a ‘mouse’, and a keyboard, to write a letter, a text, or an email to someone and how to create a colourful poster or even an advert. About three weeks into your course then the real fun begins. You will learn about that other world, the Internet, and how to connect with other people, anywhere in the world. You will have your own email address and at the end of the course, you will be sending photos, jokes, and messages to your friends and buying things. But most of all you will have real fun. No previous experience is required. We also told you that the new metalwork and mechanics shed is now finished so ... we can tell you now that the official opening date is Wednesday the 25th of March 2020 at 2:00 pm. Everyone is welcome and light refreshments will be provided. Do come along and see what the Men's Shed members have been up to these last weeks; you will be amazed at what they have achieved, it's mind boggling, it really is. While you are on site looking at the new metalwork workshop, pop your head around the door of the main Men's Shed building and see what's going on there too. If you haven't been in the place for a while you will indeed have a very nice surprise. The Annual general Meeting of the Men's Shed will be held on the 11th of April 2020 at 12:00 noon. As with all AGMs, every official and committee position will be declared 'open' and all paid up members can have their say by voting for their favourite candidate. Nominations for these executive positions would be preferred seven days before but nominations will be accepted on the day. There has been an increase in the number of members over the last few months which is great to see so we all hope that there will be a good turn-out on the 11th of April. As you see, the Koo- Wee-Rup Men’s Shed continues to grow in stature and it is now recognized as one of the very best in the State if not in Australia. This amazing achievement has been won by the untiring work of the president, past presidents, the committee, and of course the steadfast work of all the members. If you live in Koo-Wee-Rup and District, take note that all of our very friendly members will give you a real warm welcome as you come through the door. There is always a genuine open invitation to come along, meet us, and enjoy the company of real good blokes and maybe get a boost to your own health and well-being at the same time. The underlying principle of the Men’s Shed is the health and well- being of the men of the district; some of whom live alone at home and others who are getting age-fragile and really need some male company. Some of the 'Shed members have been busy working on projects to support the Koo-Wee-Rup Community. One such project is the refurbishment of some of the signage around the Koo-Wee-Rup Footy Oval. Our members have been helped by VCE students from the Secondary College. These students are being mentored in the 'Shed workshop in the art of refurbishing . Always remember - “A Camel is a Horse designed by a Committee”. Geoff Stokes BINGO EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT!!! Community Hall, Nar Nar Goon (opposite the primary school) Books on sale from 7pm. EYES DOWN at 7.30pm for the 1st session, 1st Session - $2 a book - $20 games & $100 in the last 8.15pm for the 2nd session and 3rd session after that. 2 flyers on the night too. Little Ducks Flyer - $2 for a FULL sheet or $1 for ½ a sheet – You win $80 plus a rolling Jackpot 2nd Session - $4 a book -$40 games & $100 in the last Big Bucks Flyer - $2 a ticket. In house prize around $300, plus the chance to win $2000, $10,000 or $100,000 3rd Session - $4 a book - $40 games $1000 JACKPOT (if sufficient books sold) COOLED/HEATED VENUE!!! Hope to see you all there. Any questions please call Gill on 0412553951

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Koo Wee Rup Community Centre 247 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup The Community Centre is used by a wide range of groups to bring people together and foster a positive community spirit in our local area. From birthday parties to weddings, conferences to community seminars, the Community Centre caters for many different events in its three function rooms. The centre is fully equipped with 250 padded seats, 25 tables that each seats 10 guests, a portable stage, kitchen facilities and crockery – so you have everything you need to ensure your function runs smoothly. MAIN FUNCTION ROOM Cocktails, conferences and seminars – 250 seat capacity Banquets, weddings, and birthday parties (must be 21 or over) – 200 seat capacity SWAMP ROOM 25 seat capacity TOWER ROOM 10 seat capacity Enquiries to [email protected] or 5997 2001 *Bookings subject to Committee approval

Page 30 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 Heart Foundation Walking Evening Group We are still walking weekly every Thursday night at 7 pm from the Clock Towers and bus interchange in Rossiter Rd. We’ve had some really challenging weather with some extreme heat days in the last month and then rain or high winds. A bit of everything. That’s Melbourne weather for you. Our walks will continue until daylight saving finishes in early April so we have all of March left to walk. How about getting motivated and joining us. We cater for all ability levels and we never leave anyone behind. For enquiries ring Marlene on 0429 814410 Koo Wee Rup RSL Sub Branch Report This month's RSL report may interest former ADF personnel and, in particular, those who served in the RAN between the years of 1950 to 1980. There must surely be more former ADF personnel living in our community than we have in our sub branch; which leads me to ask the question: why aren't you a member of our branch? Why not join us and help us 'hold the line' - from my point of view, it is not about us who are still standing, it is about paying honour with honour to those who did not return home from the shores of Gallipoli, all throughout the islands in the Pacific, Middle East, Far East, those lost at sea and elsewhere, last but by no means least, those who were brought home. You will be warmly welcomed and, if you can spare the time, we have a job for you. This invitation goes out to those who have family connections to those who have served or are serving our country in our ADF and any member of the community can join as a social member, more info on Further, if you are a former ADF member and need assistance, we will do all we can to be of help and, if the matter is beyond our capability, we can point you to someone who can help. Much time and effort has been expended by many ex-service organisations in Australia in their pursuit of appropriate recognition and medical support for veterans of the Vietnam and other wars Australia has been involved in on Australian Government Order. Through all of this, silent and lethal poisoning of RAN personnel has gone mostly unrecorded and unrecognised. Many chemicals specific to RAN ships were used without provisions of personnel protection, equipment was not available or not considered necessary. The period of 1950 to 1980 was, in many instances, a period of ignorance in the ships of the RAN as to the effect of those chemicals wrought upon those who used them. Men became accustomed to poison by degrees. I wish to focus mainly on the dreaded chemical Agent Orange. Named for the colour of the barrel in which it was stored, Agent Orange was one of many broad-leaf defoliants used in Vietnam to destroy dense forests in order to better visualise enemy activity. Especially the surrounding area close to our anchorage. In December 2002, the DVA commissioned a report titled 'Examination of Potential Exposure of RAN Personnel of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans via Drinking Water'. The report is long and very detailed, but in short it proves that members of the ship's companies of RAN ships deployed to Vietnam waters during the war were exposed to the Agent Orange toxins at unacceptable levels by consuming potable water which had been produced by evaporative distillation of estuarine Vietnamese waters. In my youth, I would have politely refused to believe the above, as we distilled drinking water and boiler feed water in what must have been some of the world's dirtiest harbours; Vung Tau, Saigon and the Bangkok river were not happy anchorages and I don't recall having any issues with the health/purity of distilled water. The report points out that as this is the 'potable water' it was used for drinking, showering and cooking as well as washing our clothes in it. If the contaminant remained in the clothes after drying it is possible that in the hot and humid environment on the upper deck and even hotter conditions in the engine/boiler rooms, the contaminant could have 'aerosoled' and become a respiratory danger as well as being in close contact with one's skin when the skin is hot and sweaty with open pores. The mortality rate amongst all veterans is 7% higher than the general population in relevant age groups. It was also found that prostate cancer is 53% higher than the average and lunch cancer is 29% higher than the average. These are the main points and concern dioxins that have been directly linked to these diseases. The breakdown amongst the services: Army 10% above average, RAAF 12% above average, RAN 37% above the average. Public release date 5 August 2008 Contact Karen Finney [email protected] AGM Tuesday March 10th at 1900 We will remember them, Lest we forget, Yours Aye, John Camilleri, KWR RSL Sub Branch.

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Page 33 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 A short history of By Heather Arnold, Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society French Island is not, of course, part of the Koo Wee Rup Swamp, but you can see it from the Swamp, especially if you go to the Swamp lookout tower on the South Gippsland Highway, where the Main Drain enters . French Island, in Western Port Bay, is the largest island in Victoria and the largest island between Kangaroo Island in South Australia and Stradbroke Island in Queensland. The size of the island has been listed variously as 15,400 hectares or 17, 900 hectares*. The first European explorer to reach Western Port Bay was George Bass (1771 - 1803), who had left Port Jackson on December 3, 1797 in an open whaleboat, only 28 feet 7 inches long. Along with Bass there were six volunteers and six weeks of provisions. The purpose of the trip was to establish whether Van Diemen’s Land was an island or connected to the mainland. Bass entered Western Port Bay on January 5, 1798. This journey was a remarkable feat of navigation and confidence. Bass set out from Sydney again on October 7, 1798 this time with Matthew Flinders (1774 - 1814), in the Norfolk and they circumnavigated Van Diemen’s land, thus confirming the existence of the Strait, which was named after Bass. In 1801 the Lady Nelson, under the command of Lieutenant James Grant (1772 - 1833), and later acting-Lieutenant John Murray (1775-1807) visited Western Port and members of the crew planted a garden on , prepared the first chart of Western Port and also discovered Bay in January 1802, which they entered on February 14. Bass, Grant and Murray did not realise that French Island, was in fact an island. It was the French under Captain Jacques- Félix-Emmanuel Hamelin (1768-1839) in the Naturaliste who reached Western Port and circumnavigated and mapped French Island in April 1802, who discovered this. Hamelin was part of a French expedition, under the command of Captain Thomas Nicolas Baudin (1754- 1803), whose mission was to map the Australian coast and undertake scientific studies. Baudin was in the Geographe. They named the island Ile des Francais - Island of the French People. The arrival Map - 1840 map of Western Port by William Thomas of the French in the area prompted the British to establish a short-lived settlement at Sorrento in October 1803, which was abandoned in May 1804. In common with other parts of Western Port the first European settlers were sealers and other visitors to French island may have been residents of a settlement at Corinella established in December 1826 and abandoned in February 1828. The first legal settlers, John and William Gardiner who took up the French Island run in April 1847. The land was eventually surveyed and subdivided in the 1860s. Early industries on the island included the French island Salt Company, operated by Richard Cheetham, from 1869. Saltmine Point is a legacy of this business. Chicory was also grown until the 1960s and when the industry was at its peak there were 22 chicory kilns on the Island. Continued next page Page 34 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020 A short history of French Island (from previous page) By Heather Arnold, Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society In the 1890s, Australia was in a depression thus a number of unemployed people were settled on French Island from 1893. They were given small farms and expected to become self-sufficient. It was not a success - lack of fresh water, lack of roads, poor land, difficulty of shipping in building and other supplies and shipping out produce were some of the reasons for failure. The village settlements were named Energy, Star of Hope, Industrial, Perseverance, Callanan's and Kiernan's. Of course, some of the farmers did succeed and in an article in the paper in 1953 it said there were 35 farming families on the island. They had sheep, grazing and crops - potatoes, peas and onions - but dairying was impossible due to the unreliability of getting the milk to market on the barges - which had to battle the tides and the weather. Rabbits were also a source of income with a report in The Age of July 2, 1931 saying Rabbits are numerous, and many trappers are obtaining fifty pairs nightly off Crown land. Great wastage is caused owing to the heavy cost of transport to Melbourne. During the Great War, over 30 men and one woman, who had a connection to the Island, enlisted. In 1916, the McLeod Prison farm was established on the south-east side of the island. It housed 127 prisoners and closed in 1975. This was another source of agitation for the settlers - escaped prisoners, who even though their aim was to get to the mainland, they sometimes menaced the locals. Access to the Island was improved when the train line reached Stony Point in 1889, and a regular service to Tankerton on the island was established. Cattle were taken by barge to Corinella or swam across on low tide from Stockyard Point. From around 1940, to supplement the regular ferry, Les Paterson, operated an ‘on call’ service from Tankerton to Stony Point, with his boat, Amanda. Emergencies involved maternity patients, the cartage of coffins and the deceased and the local cricket team. Ken Gartside also operated a barge from Tooradin to French Island from 1946. The Gartsides had 2000 acres on French Island. He was part of the Gartside family who operated the cannery in Dingley from the 1930s to the 1970s. French Island National Park covers 11,000 hectares of the Island and the rest of the land is privately owned French Island is not part of a local government area and so landowners don’t pay rates. However, they also have no electricity, have to use generators, have no made roads and of course rely on the ferry and barges for mainland access. As I said before, the ferry service runs from Stony Point on the mainland to Tankerton. The barge runs from Corinella to Point Leschenault, according to the Parks Victoria visitor guide. Théodore Leschenault de la Tour (1773 - 1826) was the botanist on Nicolas Baudin's expedition to the Australia that I mentioned previously. There is one primary school on the island at Perseverance, No. 3261 which opened in June 1896. It operated part-time with the Star of Hope School, No. 3262. A letter was sent to the Education Department by a resident, John Christophers, in November 1894 and he said that there were 47 school age children on the Island and this does not include the largest settlement, which I am assured contains from 20 or 30 children more. Both schools were originally wattle and daub huts with thatch roofs, fairly basic. By 1903 the average attendance at the This photo of 'the old State School on French Island' was schools were eleven at Perserverance and seven at Star of Hope. entered by Mr Windebank in a competition in Table Talk and In 1907 new schools were erected at both sites. was published on April 3, 1930. I am unsure if this was In 1911, the population was 149, 1933 - 204; 1954 - 178; 1961 - Perserverance, No. 3261 or Star of Hope, No. 3262. 228 and today the population is around 110. * Size of the island - Victorian Places website says it is 154 square kilometres and the French Island Community Association website says it is 179 square kilometres. The Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at Mallow house in Rossiter Road, corner of Henry Street. The next meeting is on March 11, at 7.30pm. New members welcome. Museum re-opening on Sunday, March 1 2020 from 1.00pm to 3.00pm, afternoon tea provided. Come in and see what we have been doing for the past two years when we have been closed. We will then generally be open on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Heather Arnold [email protected] 0407 521 637. Page 35 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish March 2020

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