For Our Time EUROPE 8I Moresignsthat Britain Is Makingthe Grade in Eurcpe
August/September 1981 Picasso and Turner - European painters for our time EUROPE 8I Moresignsthat Britain is makingthe grade in Eurcpe Our breakdown of the performance of British industry i.n Europe Published by the Commission of the (page I5),based on the latest figures, confirms that the United. European Communities, 20 Kensington Kingdom's trade with the rest of tlr.e Community continues to Palace Gardens, London tI78 4QQ. Tel: 0l-727 8090 increase, despite a falling-off in such traditional industries as iron and steel andmotor car manufacture.Areport onthe cross-Channel Editor-in-Chief: George Scott ferries, on the Business Page, tells a similar story. Editor: JohnGreenwood Associate Editor: Denis Thomas Desigl : Lawrence Edwards Our second rep ort ( opposite ) on how European fund.s are being mad.e available to help in the recovery of IAIales, covers both southern and Printed by Lawrence-Allen Ltd, lU7eston-super-Mare, Avon northern parts of the Principality. In both regions ttre prospects 1ook Europe 8l does not necessarily reflect, goodfor tourism - now accepted throughout Europe as a key area for in all economic growbh. particulars, the opinions of the Community institutions. Unsigned material may be quoted or reprinted without payment, We also report on two Britlsh families who are making new lives for subiect to suitable acknowledgement. themselves in France (page g), and on the situation in Tanzania, where European aid, under the terms of Lome Belfust Offce : W'ndsor House, the agreements, is 9/15 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG being put to urgent use (page 7). Tel. (0232) 40708 C ardiff Offi ce : 4 Cathedral Road, CardiffCFl 9SG Anyone who is con-firsed by stories of how EEC regulations are Tel.
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