
News for friends of Spring/Summer 1996 The Leonard Bernstein Center: To Our Readers: Education Ready to Grow Through the Arts Needs Your Help

he BET A Fund is poised to Tlaunch a natio nwid e cam­ paign to develop the Bernstein Center's new projects in Boston, Miami, Dallas and New York. We in vite you to participate in this breakthrough in educati on. Nothing was more important to Leonard Bern stein than find­ ing ways to excite yo ung people abo ut the joy of learn ing. Won't you join us in sharing the Maestro's enthusiasm with th e rest of the nation? In add ition to a request for funds, this is also a req uest for advice. If yo u know of a foun­ dation, a corporation or an acquaintance that you think wo uld be interested in becom ing in volved with this exciting pro­ ject, please let us know. We by Alexander Bernstein urgency . The res ults have been matter. What makes th e approach have resu lts, we have vision; tremendo usly successful. Teachers so powerful is its distinctive use of what we need now are he experiment that ha s report fee li ng fresh ly moti vated to challenging masterwo rks as resources. Please take a moment been such a resounding teach and lea rn; th ey observe that anchors for the curriculum. Not to fi ll out the enclosed envelope. success in Nashville is all of their students are responding only works of art, but acts of cre­ The BET A Fund is very about to burst onto the with enthusiasm and creativity of ation ranging from The proud, indeed, of the Center's T gro und-breaking accomplish­ national scene. The Leonard their own. Declaration of Independence to Bernstein Center wi ll be taki ng its Crucially, th e Bernstein Center Einstein 's Theory of Rel ativity ments. We look forward to research and development in itia­ does not present a prescribed rnr­ become a ga teway to the world of working with you to bring tives to Boston (the Boston Latin rirnlum. Such an effort has been experience, inq uir y, creation and Leonard Bernstein's educationa l School), Da ll as (W.E. Grein er th e doom of man y a sc hool­ reflection - the cornerstones of legacy to classrooms all over the Middl e School), Miami (New reform program . On the con­ true learning. United States. World Sc hool of the Arts) and trary, the Bernstein Center On ly resea rch over many years Alexander Bernstein New York (The brand-new approach is itse lf a creative wil l give us the kind of "quantita­ Jamie Bernstein Thomas Spec ial Music School of America). process: painstaking but extraor­ tiv e" res ul ts that we might like. Nina Bernstein The Bernstein Center has co l­ dinarily rewarding. Teachers But when a teacher of twenty Schuyler Chapin laborated with teachers in the des ign their own currirnlum plans years in the classroom says to me, Paul Epstein Nashville publi c sc hool system, that are fl ex ibl e eno ugh to all ow "I fee l like I just started teaching Harry Kraut using th e model of the creative for im aginati ve thinking, yet disci­ again! ", I know that we 're on the Robert Lantz • process itself to infu se all learn ing pli ned eno ugh to insure a deeper right track. • with an irresistible liveliness and und erstanding of critical subj ect The BETA Fund

BETA Fund Supports Nina Bernstein Honored Arena Stage

Education Director Karen L.B. Eva ns, who initiated th e work­ shop. "The material is so rich both in artistic and educational BETA terms that it ca n be quire bewil­ dering, so the CANDIDE Teach­ FUND In was a real boon! " In additio n to financial support, the BET A Fund was also able to provide he Bern ste in Education Evans and her staff with advice TThrough the Arts (BETA) and assistance in planning the event. Fund recen tly supported a special Activities bega n with an workshop at Washington D.C. 's overview of the history of CAN­ Arena Stage. Held in conjunction DIDE by Alexander Bernstein, with the th eater's spring 1996 followed by smaller workshops in which teachers explored both the production of Leonard Bernstein's artistic and humanities-related CANDIDE, th e workshop - or aspects of CANDIDE. Another "Teach-In" as it was termed at 0 . Aldon James, Jr., Schuyler Chapin, Nina Bernstein, Alexander Bernstein, Esther workshop focused on the hi story Arena - brought teachers and Dyer and Elizabeth A11111an. students from throughout th e of musical theater. This "Teach­ In " was targeted to second ary Washington area for a full day of And since we're ta lking about school teachers bur also included n March 12, 1996 the acti vities at the theater. Leonard Bernstein here, in th e performing arts students from the OEduca ti on Committee of The "We were looking for a way spirit of his often startlingly Ellington Sc hool for the Nati onal Arts Club honored Nina to reach our to the many teachers Bernstein and the Spri ngate extravagant pronou nceme nts, I Performing Arts, who, with gener­ who wanted more information wi ll go so far as to say that this al academic-track junior and Corporation (of which she is about how they co uld better inte­ project sym boli zes how teaching senior high school students, had Pres id ent) with the The Third grate their class tri p to Arena to an d learn ing ca n be tran sfo rm ed the opportun ity to work with the Annual Medal of Honor for see CANDIDE into their day-to­ Education. The Spingate in this co untry. performers fro m this production day teach ing," says Arena Thea ter Co rp oration was the beneficiary "My fat her once said, 'A work of CANDIDE. • of Leo nard Bernstein 's profession­ of art does not answer questions: al and personal archi ves, which it provokes th em - and its essen­ have been donated to the Library ti al meaning is in the tension of Congress and are currentl y between their contradictory being digitized for wo rl d wid e answers.' I would add that it is access in collaboration with the urge to inquire which drives Springate (see article on page 3) . all real learning. Later that even ing Alexander "What is scholarship but an Bernstein, President of the act of inquiry? Of selectivel y ga th­ Bernstein Ed ucation Through th e er ing information in new and per­ Arts (BET A) Fund, made the fo l­ so nall y meaningful ways? The lowing remarks concerning hi s promi se of the Leonard Bernstein sister's award. Digital Archives Project is that "In what we are ce lebrating sc holars of any age, background, 2 here tonight, in this extraordinary discip lin e or level of understand­ melding of art, scholarship and in g can pursue their questions - tec hn ology, is the very esse nce of perhaps in hopes of imagin ing my father 's ed ucational legacy. furth er questions rather than ready answers - as long as they are all owed and encouraged to ask them." • Karyn Quackenbush as Paquette and Paul Binotto as Candide with Jessica Frankel and Dornthy Yanes as sheep in the Arena Stage workshop of CANDIDE. Announcements

Library of Congress Prototype 1996 Oratorio and Song Competition Announced; Compositions in 1997 by Elizabeth Auman Congress, the New York Public he Leonard Bernstein Library for the Performing Arts TJerusa lem Intern ati onal Music he past 18 months have been and the Museum of the City of Competitions has announced the Tbusy for the gro up working New York. In our second proto­ 1996 Ora torio and Song and the on the prototypes for the Leonard type we attempted to recreate the 1997 Composing Competitions. Bernstein Digital Archives. The experience one would have work­ Open to singers between the fir st demo nstration of our work ing with the mater ials at a lib rary ages of 22 and 33, th e Oratorio was given by Nina Bernstein, - we digitized entire folders of and Song Competition will con­ Chris Pino and myself at a meet­ correspo ndence from Comden centrate on the voca l sy mphonic ing of the Advisory Board for the and Green, for example, includ ing repertoire, including a song from project held in conj unction with items that were not directl y relat­ Leonard Bernstein's SONGFEST. the nati ona l meeting of the ed to ON THE TOWN. Following an initial screening American Library Association last In the past few months we of applicants by audiocassette, as Janu ary in Philadelph ia. Covering have shown the two prototypes many as 120 entran ts will partici­ the circumstances surrounding the (in conjunction with the video pate this summer in live prelimi­ yo ung Leonard Bernstein being made at the beginning of the pro­ nary regiona l auditions in Vienna, asked by Aaron Copland to create ject) in San Antonio and New London, Sapporo, Jerusalem and a pi ano arrangement of EL York. In Ma rch, there were two Tanglewood. Selected contestants SALON MEXICO, the materia ls presentations of the video and the wi ll be invited to the Fin al Rounds become Finalist Works and be include music manuscripts by two prototypes at th e Library of in Jerusalem from September 30 both composers, letters, a photo­ Congress, and a version consisting through October 9. From these, scheduled for performance during th e Laureate Selection in graph from the period, audio of th e video and the Copland/ fi na lists wi ll be selected to appear sn ippets of both th e orchestral Bernstein prototype has been with the Jeru salem Symphony Jerusalem, October 17 -27, 1997. As in last year's and piano version s, and foot age installed in the Visitors' Center of Orchestra. One will become competition the Sponsoring from home movies taken at th e Na tional Digital Library at "Leonard Bernstein Jeru sa lem Institutions will provide artistic Tanglewoo d. th e Library of Congress. By the La urea te" with a prize of $25,000. advice an d will eac h appoint a After working out some bugs, end of summer, we hope to get a Open to composers of all ages, we took that prototype "on th e limited di stri buti on of a CD­ the Co mposing Competiti on has representative as a Mem ber of the road " to our sister institutions ROM version of the second pro­ ca tegories in orchestral and cham­ Jury for the final rounds. The Leonard Bernstein and other interested parties, totype for testing and feedback to ber works. The composition's Jerusalem International Music including representatives of the the instituti ons represented on the theme mu st be based on th e Bible, Competitions are sponsored by Copland Estate and most of the Advisory Board for the Bernstein the other Holy Books, and/or sec­ staff at the New York office of Digita l Archives. With their input ular poetry and literature written the Municipality of Jerusalem and the Ministry of Boosey & Hawkes. We also took we will set out our next steps for in, inspired by, or otherwise con­ Communications, Science and it to Betty Comd en and Adolph proceeding from th e prototype to nected with Jerusa lem. The com­ Green, whose interest and enthu­ the production stage. • position must not have been pre­ Arts. Substantial support has also been received from the Susan and siasm encour­ viously performed. Preliminary aged us to ask screening will begin in April 1997 Elihu Rose Foundation. • permission to fro m wh ich 50 works (25 in each use ON THE ca tegory) will be selected to enter TOWN for our the Semi-Final Ratings. Ten second proto­ works (5 in each category) will type. They agreed. 3 We spent many enjoyable hours looking at ON THE TOWN mater i­ als at the Li brary of Chris Pino, Nina Bernstein and Eliza beth Auman at work . Opinion

Bernstein and Mitropoulos: An Author's View

In his recent biography of Greek ­ 1956, been a hit rather th an a In Richard Dyer's (Boston born conductor Dimitri fl op, l doubt whether less than a Globe) perceptive and informative Mitropoulos (Priest of Music, year later he wou ld have accepted review of the Trotter book, Dyer Amadeus Press), author William th e directors hip of the New York also challenges Trotter's claim Trotter makes several allegations Phi lharm onic. His correspon­ that Bernstein scotched concerning Leonard Bernstein dence with his wife (Trotter trots Mitropoulos' succession to the and Mitropoulos. In the follow­ out th e ludicrous suggestio n that Boston Sy mph ony. As my biogra­ ing article, Bernstein biographer in April 1956 the marriage, phy of Bernstein ma kes clear, Humphrey Burton takes excep­ blessed with two child ren, was Ko ussev irzky very mu ch wanted tion to Trotter's characterization "on the rocks") includes an hil ari­ Bernstein to rake over for him in of relations between the two ous acco unt of his contract nego­ Boston. But, as I' ve noted, the muswans. tiations with the Philharmonic: Boston Symphony's trustees want­ "I'm going to be a conductor, ed Charles Munch and it was ill iam Trotter's affectionate Bernstein and Mitropoulos, 1956. after all," he announced to her in arguab ly the best choice at th at Wand detailed portrait of August 1957, hard ly the boast of time: Bernstein, under thirty, was Dimitri Mitropoulos (Review, a ca lcul ating schemer. (See my too yo un g for them and wanted th e young Bernstein to New York Times, January 4) has Bernstein biography, page 271. ) Mitropoulos was somewhat errat­ succeed him, but th e Boston much in it to admire but it is seri­ Of co urse the post had allure, ic in the core cl as sical repertory; Symphony Board eventually chose ously marred by Mr. Trotter's but I suspect he rook th e job Munch represented a conti nua­ Charles Munch. When persistent attempt to denigrate because he was a temporarily tion of the aristocratic French tra­ Newsweek had goss iped in March Leonard Bernstei n. To quote the unsuccessful Broadway composer dition estab li shed by Mon teux 1947 abo ut the Koussevitsky suc­ reviewer, James R. Oestreich, with a wife and ki ds to support. and Koussevitzky. cession, the three names suppos­ Bernstein is presented as "invari­ It's true he'd always loved con­ I repeat: readers should be edly in contention were ab ly a snarling and scheming ducting - ever since the day back warned that Mr. Trotter is consis­ Mirropoulos, Bernstein and Black Bart. " in 1937 when he wa tched tently so ur about Bernstein. He Bernstein's teacher at the Curtis In hi s lifetime I nev er hea rd Mitropoulos rehearse Schumann 's even suggests that Bern stein 's last­ In stitute, Fritz Reiner. Bern stein Mr. Bernstein speak in anything Second Symphony - and in the fa ll minute substitution for Bruno was described as "the boy wonder but reverent tones about of 1955 he began a modest New Wa lter at the New York of Carnegie Hall, Broadway and Mitropoulos, who was, with York come-back conducting a Philharmonic Carnegie Hall co n­ Tnformation Please." Aaro n Copland, the most impor­ season of six co ncerts with the cert in 1943 was "very ca refull y Secondly, Mr. Trotter claims tant influ ence on hi s musical Symph ony of the Air. But it's plotted". If anybod y has proof that in 1956 Bernstein acti vely development when still a teenag­ wrong to assert, with no evidence, that was invo lved schemed to dislodge Mitropoulos er. Yet Mr. Trotter would ha ve that in 1956 he was orchestrating in a plot to falsely ca ll in sick on from his position as musical direc­ us believe that Bernstein - the hi s own se lection campaign for that occasion (so that yo ung tor of the New Yark most loyal of friends - was guilty th e . Bernstein could take over), let him Philharmonic. A little historical of betrayal , not once but twice. Mr. Trotter's book makes it produce it in support of Mr. perspective is needed here. Firstly, in 1948, Mr. Bernstein abundantly clear why Bernstein Trotter, who supplies no ev idence Bernstein had enjoyed consider­ al legedly confirmed to Serge preferred the co mpany of the gre­ of hi s own. It's all rath er sad, able success as a conductor in the Koussevirzky that Mitropoulos garious Koussevirzky - Copland since in other respects, Mr. US and Europe between 1943 and was a homosexual and therefore mu sica l axis rather th an th at of Trotter's Mitropoulos bi ography 1951, bur he began a sab batical in an unacceptable choice as his suc­ the chronic loner Mitropou los, is a fascinating study of an impor­ the spring of 1951 and after his cessor. This tawdry and prepos­ whose devotion to 12-tone music tant and und eniably neg lected marriage later in the year he terous ta le would onl y begin to Bernstein never shared. For all arti st. devoted him se lf almost fu ll-time • make even partial sense if his dynamism and charisma, the 4 to composition (in the space of six Koussev itsky had had the power Greek co nd ucror possessed not Humphrey Burton yea rs he wrote TROUBLE IN to name his successor - which one iota of a sense of humor, London, February 1996 TAHITI, WONDERFUL TOWN, demonstrably he didn't: he'd whereas the ab ility to laugh, even ON THE WATERFRONT, SER­ at him self, was one of Bernstein's ENADE, CANDIDE and WEST ab iding strengths. SIDE STORY). Had CANDIDE, which premiered in December Reminiscence

Leonard Bernstein's New York

was Jewish. They were so sweet, "I had a good sing ing vo ice, and hilarious with their philosophy. and got a chorus ro le in Lenny's They knew the town like a book. new musical, ON THE TOWN. "The first time I came to New But I wasn' t really a 'bohemi­ York, I was 15. I spent the week­ enne. ' I wasn't comfortable stay­ end with my big brother Lenny. I ing up till 4:30 every night. Also, was utterly bedazzled. He took I had a big nepotism problem. me down to the Village Vanguard Who do you suppose was my to see the Revuers, featuring Betty accompanist at aud ition s? Comden, Adolph Green and Judy "In those days, we went a lot Holliday. I was in awe of Betty to the Russian Tea Room, where and Adolph. They were so the clientele consisted almost sophisticated! To me, Judy and entirely of musicians. A lot of the Betty were the most beautiful, New York Philharmonic showed glamorous people I'd ever seen. up there, as well as Olive Dearing, They wore identical white strap­ the stage actress. She was a fix­ less evening gowns that night. ture there. Harold Clurman used Years later, Judy told me that she to say, 'I'll meet you at 8 in front remembered that night when 15- of Olive Dearing. ' But I can't year-old Shirley Bernstein came remember the prices there because down to the Village Vanguard, back then I never paid for any­ and that she'd envied me! I was thing. Girls didn't! so poised, she said, so secure and "The big thing we did was to at ease with myself, while she walk into the second act of musi­ threw up before every perfor­ cals. We'd walk in with the mance! crowd after intermission and join "I moved to New York after the sta ndees. I saw all the second graduating from Mount Holyoke. acts of every musical in town! I was 20: totally naive and she l­ "We were all so young back t was inevitable that Leonard Greenw ich Village of the 1930s tered. Of course, my parents then - your life was before yo u; Bernstein would gravitate to as encountered by those two opti­ I thought New York was the City you didn't know what you were New York City; no other town mistic sisters from Ohio, Ruth of Sin, but they allowed me to go going to be yet, but everything cou ld possibly keep up with him. and Eileen Sherwood. Finally, in because my big brother was there was possible, nothing unachiev­ Mr. Bernstein 's collaborators, all 1957, came WEST SIDE STORY to look after me. able. The talented people took the New Yorkers, found a kindred the moth er of all New York Cit/ city and made it their own." sp irit in the young man from musicals, written with collabora­ In his later years particularly, Boston ga lvanized by the big city. tors Stephen Sondheim, Arthur Mr. Bernstein threatened to move With Jerome Robbins, FANCY Lawrence and Mr. Robbins. elsewhere - to Vienna, for exam­ FREE was born - the first of Mr. Mr. Bernstein's sister Shirley ple, or Rome or Jerusalem. But Bernstein's "New York works." was in New York during those he co uld never quite disengage The 1942 ballet, about three exci ting early days in the 1940s. himself from New York's unique sa il ors on shore leave in New She recently shared with prelude, pulse. New York City, with its York City, gave rise the following fugue & riffs the following mem­ fearless American brassiness year to the musical ON THE ories of that time. mixed with Europe's subtle TOWN, Mr. Bernstein 's first col­ "Lenny always loved New 5 sop hi stication; its popular culture labora tion with Betty Comden York. But it used to be a far mixed with all the grand artistic and Adolph Green. The three col­ more habitable place. No one traditions; its global secularity laborators' second work together, was lying in the street; that was mixed with a profound Jewish WONDERFUL TOWN, looked what you saw in Europe after the sensibi li ty - this place was noth­ back fondly on an earlier New war: not here. In those days we ing less than an urban incarnation York period - a sunny, goofy stro ll ed through Central Park at Betty Comde11 a11d Adolph Green in of Leonard Bernstein himself. • night. Almost every cab driver ON THE TOWN, 1944. In the News

Tanglewood CANDIDE WEST SIDE STORY Tour Continues

" T here are three things I fter a highly successful tour miss at Tanglewood, " Tanglewmd Aof Japan, the Marvin Kraus Leonard Bernstein once said, • and Barry Brown revival of WEST "Koussevitsky, Copland and Symphony Orchestra and the SIDE STORY returns to the opera." This season will remedy Tanglewood Festival Chorus in United States to charm East Coast two out of three. For Benjamin Bernstein's CHICHESTER Britten's opera PETER GRIMES, PSALMS and then join Yo-Yo Ma commissioned by Koussevitsky in THREE MEDITATIONS FOR and staged in 1946 by CELLO AND ORCHESTRA Tanglewood Music Center stu­ FROM "MASS". The Leonard dents under the direction of the Bernstein Memorial Concert takes young Leonard Bernstein, Seiji place on July 14 and features Ozawa will lead the Tanglewood works by Brahms, Copland and Music Center Orchestra and Stravinsky. his spring and summer brings Vocal Fellows of the Tanglewood BBC Radio 3 broadcasts from Tthree new productions of Music Center in the 50th anniver­ Tanglewood, hosted by Humphrey CANDIDE. MAY - sary of the American premiere. Burton and Jamie Bernstein At the Arena Stage in On opening night, July 5, Seiji Thomas, begin on July 12 and Washington, DC, CANDIDE 7-12 Charlotte, NC: Ozawa will conduct the Boston continue through July 14. • opened on March 31 and will run Oven Auditorium through May 26. This produc­ 14-19 Louisville, KY: ti on of the "Chelsea version" is Kentucky Center staged by artistic director Douglas 21-26, Cincinnati, OH: C. Wager, with George Fulginiti­ 28-31 Aronoff Center Pacific Music Festival Announces Shankar as musical director and Seventh Season conductor and Darryl V. Jones choreographer. The cast includ es 1, 2 Cincinnati, OH: Paul Binotto (Candide), Richard Aronoff Center Bauer (Dr. Pangloss), Rebecca 4-9 Tampa Bay, FL: ounded by Leonard Bernstein Baxter (Cunegonde), Karyn Tampa Bay Performing in 1990, the Pacific Music F Quakenbush (Paquette), Merwin Arts Center Festival announces its 7th season PMF Foard (Maximillian), Dana 11-16 Columbus, OH: from July 6 through August 2, Krueger (Old Lady) and Jeffery V. Palace Theatre 1996 in Sapporo, Japan. Thompson (Governor). Maestro Christoph Eschenbach - From June 6 through June 29 18-23, St. Paul, MN: will be Artistic Director in resi­ the Vancouver Opera presents the 25-30 Ordway Theatre dence, with Maestro Yutaka Sado Music Festival leads the vocal Chelsea version of CANDIDE at JULY _ as Resident Conductor of the department, assisted by Mme. the Playhouse Theatre. Directed 2-7 St. Paul, MN: PMF Orchestra, joined on the Vallecillo and Mr. Isepp, Mme. by David Gately with musical Ordway Theatre podium by Maestro John Fiore of Larissa Gergiyeva of the Kirov direction by Tyrone Paterson, this 9-14, Toronto: the . Opera and Mme. Christa Ludwig, production includes Paul Moore 16-21 O'Keefe Theatre The instrumental faculty, with her husband, stage director (Candide), Lyndy Simons under Professor Peter Schmid! of Paul-Emile Diebert. (Cunegonde), and Brian Nickel 23-28 Dallas: the Vienna Philharmonic, will The annual Pacific Soundings (Maximilian). Also in June (16- Music Hall again include principal players of 6 concert this year honors Igor 21), Opera Roanoke in Roanoke, AUGUST the VPO and pianist Irma Stravinsky and the recently VA, will stage the Scottish Opera 1-4 Dallas: Music Hall Vallecillo, joined by principal deceased Toru Takemitsu. The Version of CANDIDE, directed 6-11, San Francisco: players from the Berlin fest ival will also present an by Ben Krywosz and conducted 13-18 Golden Gate Theatre Philharmonic, Vienna Symphony orchestral recital by opera star by general/artistic director Craig and Empire Brass Quintet. Marilyn Horne, as well as Fields. • 20-25 Montreal: Professor Paul Sperry of The Mozart's COSI FAN TUTIE Place Des Arts Juilliard School and the Aspen and Tchaikovsky's EUGENE 23-28 Green Bay, WI: ONEGIN. • Weidner Theatre • - Calendar of Events·

''·Partial listin g. Please note that all dates and programs are subject to change.

May May, continued July 1-26 Washington, DC: CANDIDE; Douglas C. 24 Charleston, SC: SYMPHONY NO. 2, 1-31 Sundance, UT: WEST SIDE STORY; Wagner, director; Darryl V. Jones, choreo­ "THE AGE OF ANXIETY"; Charleston (see June 22-30). grapher; George Fulginiti-Shaker, musical Symphony Orchestra; David Stahl, conduc­ 5 Lenox, MA: CHI CHESTER PSALMS; director; Richard Bauer, Pangloss; Pau l tor; Lucas Foss, piano; Spoleto Festiva l. THREE MEDITATIONS FOR CELLO Binotto, Candide; Rebecca Baxter, 24-26, Palo Alto, CA: CAN DIDE; West Bay AND ORCHESTRA FROM MASS; Cunegonde; Arena Stage. Opera; David Sloss, music director; Boston Symphony Orchestra; Seiji 3,4 Charlotte, NC: "Bernstein on Broadway"; Jonathan Feld , stage director; Licoe Stern Ozawa, conductor; Yo-Yo Ma, cello; Charlotte Symphony Orchestra; Janna Theatre. The Shed at Tanglewood. Hymes, conductor; North Caro lin a 7-15 Thomaston, ME: WONDERFUL Blumenthal Performing Arts Center. TOWN; Watts Hall Community 4 Park Forest, IL: CHICHESTER PSALMS, Players; Watts Ha ll. Selections from CANDIDE; Illinois June 14 Lenox, MA: "The Leonard Bernstein Philharmonic Orchestra; Carmon Deleone, Memorial Concert"; Tanglewood Music conductor; Smart Center. 2--t Dallas: SERENADE; Dallas Symphony Center Orchestra; Robert Spano, con­ S-6 Dortmund, Germany: THREE DANCE Orchestra; Andrew Litton, conductor; ductor; The Shed at Tanglewood. EPISODES FROM "ON THE TOWN", An ne Akiko Meyers, violin; Meyerson 22 New York: ARIAS AND BAR­ CANDIDE OVERTURE; Philh armoni sc hes Symphony Center. CAROLLES; Theodora Hanslowe, Orchester Dortmund; Lucas Howefling, 6-29 Vancouver: CANDIDE; Vancouver mezzo-soprano; William Sharp, bari­ conductor; Opernhaus Dortmund. Opera; David Gately, director; Tyrone tone; Anne-Marie McDermott and John 9,10 Eugene, OR: MASS; Eugene Symphony Paterson, musical director; Paul Moore, Browning, pianists; Alice Tully Hall. Orchestra and Chorus; Marin Alsop, con­ Candide; Lindy Simons, Cunegonde; Sandy ductor; Douglas Webster, celebrant; Hult Wi nsby, Volta ire and Pangloss; The Center. Playhouse Theatre. 10 St. Paul, MN: SYMPHONY NO. 3 "KAD­ 7 New York: ON THE TOWN (New York DISH " (final movement); St. Paul Chamber City premiere of the concert version); August Orchestra; Gi lbert Levine, conductor; Concordi a Orchestra and the Gol li ard 9,10 New York: SYMPHONIC DANCES Ordway Mus ic Theatre. Chorus; Marin Alsop, conductor; Alice FROM "WEST SIDE STORY"; New Tully Hall. 10, 11 Oceanside, NY: WONDERFUL TOWN; York Philharmonic; , con­ 11 Memphis, TN: PRELUDE, FUGUE AND 16-21 Roanoke, VA: CANDIDE Scottish Opera ductor; Avery Fisher Hall. Version; Opera Roanoke; Ben Krywosz, RIFFS; Memphis Symphony Orchestra; 10 Santa Cruz, CA: SUITE FROM "ON director; Craig Fields, mu sical director; Alan Balter, conductor; Vincent de Frank THE WATERFRONT"; Cabrillo Music Curt Peterson, Cand id e; Elizabeth Music Hall. Festival Orchestra; Marin Alsop, con­ Comeaux, Cunegonde; Dan Dressen, 12 Indianapolis, IN: CANDIDE OVERTURE; ductor; Santa Cruz Civic Aud itorium. Voltaire/Pangloss; Olin Theatre. Burler University. 12 Highland Park, IL: OPENING 22-30 Sundance, UT: WEST SIDE STORY; 15 Brookline, MA: SYMPHONY NO. 2, PRAYER; Rav ini a Festival Sundance Summer Theatre; John Caywood, "THE AGE OF ANXIETY"; Brook li ne Orchestra; Christoph Eschenbach, con­ director; Dale Dean, production coord ina­ Symphony Orchestra; hall TBA. ductor; Thomas Hampson, baritone; tor; Mearle Marsh, musical director; Ravinia Festival Park. 15 St. Louis, MO: THREE DANCE Myron Johnson, director of choreography; EPISODES FROM "ON THE TOWN"; Sundance Institute. Kirkwood Symphony; James E. Richards, 28 Tel Aviv: CHICHESTER PSALMS; conductor; Meremec Community College. As hdod Chamber Orchestra; Luis Gore li k, 18 Richmond, VA: CANDIDE OVERTURE, conductor; Israeli Conservatory. SYMPHONIC SUITE FROM "ON THE 30 San Francisco: SYMPHONIC DANCES WATERFRONT", WEST SIDE STORY FROM "WEST SIDE STORY"; San CONCERT SUITE NO. 1, selections from WONDERFUL TOWN and ON THE Francisco Symphony; Michael Tilson TOWN; Richmond Symphony; George Thomas, conductor; Davies Hall. Mana han, conductor; Ca rpenter Center for the Performing Arts.

Note to Readers 7 prelude, fugue & riffs will be sent upon request. Tax deductible donations to The Bernstein prelude, fugue & riffsrn is a publication Please send all correspondence to: Education through the Arts (BETA) Fund, Inc. of The Leonard Bernstein Society. Craig Urquhart may be sent in care of the same address. © 1996 by Amberson, Inc. prelude, fugue & riffs We appreciate notice of any performances or Executive VP: Harry]. Kraut 25 Central Park West, Suite 1Y events featuring the music of Leonard Bernstein Managing Editor: Craig Urquhart New York, NY 10023 Fax: (2 12 ) 315-0643 or honoring his creative life and sha ll do our Ed itor: Ned Davies e-mail: [email protected] best to include such information in forthcoming Design: BorsaWallace, NYC Calendars. Looking Ahead

New Summer CD Releases ..

Tilson Thomas . Also premiering CA Victor has rel eased on this recording is the SUITE RBLACKWELL SINGS BERN­ FROM "A QUIET PLACE" STEIN, A SIMPLE SONG. On arranged by Sid Ramin and this recording, Harolyn Blackwell Michael Tilson Thomas assisted performs a selection of songs by Michael Barrett, with the from WEST SIDE STORY, CAN­ London Symphony Orchestra DIDE, PETER PAN, WONDER­ conducted by Maestro Tilson FUL TOWN and MASS. Thomas. This CD also includes a Co llaborating with the Mandy Pati11ki11 a11d Do1111a Murphy. performance of SYMPHONIC Metropolitan Opera star as a spe­ DANCES FROM "WEST SIDE cial guest in a WEST SIDE Patinkin, Dawn Upshaw, Donna STORY". STORY suite is pop singer Murphy, Audra McDonald, Judy his summer brings a new crop Vanessa Williams. Blackwell Blazer, Richard Muenz and the Tof recordings of Bernstein launched her performing career in Orchestra of Sr. Luke's conducted music. First of all, Deutsche the 1980 Broadway revival of by Eric Stern. The material on Grammophon is set to release the WEST SIDE STORY. Danny this CD are songs and orchestral first recording of ARIAS & BAR­ Troob, who first met Blackwell in works from WONDERFUL CAROLLES arranged and newly that production, is the arranger TOWN, ON THE TOWN, orchestrated for chamber orches­ and conductor for this recording. WEST SIDE STORY, and tra by Bruce Coughlin. This per­ FANCY FREE including "Come formance features Thomas onesuch records plans to Up to My Place," "New York, Hampson and Frederica von Nrelease LEONARD BERN­ New York," "One Hand, One Stade with the London Symphony STEIN'S NEW YORK. This Heart" and the Danzon Variation Orchestra conducted by Michael recording features Mandy from FANCY FREE. •

Bulk Rate prelude,fugue & riffs U.S. Postage 25 Centra l Park West, Suite 1Y PAID New York, NY 10023 Permit #45 Newark, NJ

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