برانمج توثيق املراجع العلمية Citation & bibliographic Management Dr. Atef Mohamed Khedr Nassar Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture

برنامج تنمية قدرات اعضاء هيئة التدريس Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) 2 البشاشة المشاركة االختالف ال اإلحترام يفسد للود واالبتسام الفعالة قضية المتبادل اجللسة ا ألوىل: 9:00 12:00-

اسرتاحه: 12:00 – 12:30

اجللسة الثانية: 12:30 – 2:00

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يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى إكساب المشاركين المعارف والمهارات األساسية واالتجاهات اإليجابية المتعلقة باستخدام برامج إعداد وتوثيق المراجع وذلك إلعداد بحث علمي يتسم بالمعايير الدولية ويمكن نشره دوليا نشاط )5 ق(

الفرق بين ال Citation و Bibliography What is citation?

A "citation" is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source. More importantly, it gives the readers the information necessary to find that source again,

The citation include:  information about the author  the title of the work  the name and location of the publishing company  the date of publication  the page numbers Why should I cite sources?

 Established academic practice  Shows where you got your information – well-founded research  Allows other researchers to trace your sources of information quickly and easily  Acknowledges the work of other researchers  Protects you against accusations of plagiarism Does citing sources make my work less original?


On the contrary, citing sources actually helps your reader distinguish your ideas from those of your sources. This will actually emphasize the originality of your own work. When do I need to cite?

whenever you use quotes whenever you paraphrase whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed whenever you make specific reference to the work of another whenever someone else's work has been critical in developing your own ideas Which style should I use?

 Various different styles are in use  If you are writing a paper for an academic journal, use the style that they specify  If no advice, choose one of the University’s recommended schemes: Harvard, Numeric (Like Vancouver)  Vancouver probably is the most suitable one for Health & Medical subjects Citation styles Humanities Chicago MLA (Modern Language Association) Sciences ACS (American Chemical Society) AMA Citation Style IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) NLM (National Library of Medicine) Vancouver (Biological Sciences) Social Sciences AAA (American Anthropological Association) APA (American Psychological Association) APSA (American Political Science Association) Reference management software

 Download and store references  Include abstracts, keywords and notes with the references & also full texts.  Produce lists of references for yourself or others  Automatically insert citations of references while typing (Cite While You Write)  Create a bibliography while typing (Cite While You Write) Reference Management Tools

™ Free Reference Management Tools Citation Style Languages There are over 8000free CSL citation styles •ACS ChemWorx •Katalog.plus! •Bibliograph •Lens Writer Logos •BibSonomy • •Manuscripts •CitacePRO • •Cite This For Me •Open Science Framework •colwiz •pandoc Paperpile •CrossRef • • •digi-libris Reader •Qiqqa •Docear •ReadCube •Drupal •Refeus ReFindit •EasyBib • •RefME •F1000Workspace •Talis Aspire •Fidus Writer •WordPress: •I, Librarian • Academic Blogger’s Toolkit BibSonomy/PUMA CSL •Islandora • • KCite •Jekyll • MendeleyPlugin •Juris-M • Zotpress •

This is the Sign In page for an EndNoteWeb account. We will go through the steps to register. You first click on the Sign Up for an account - to complete this process. You will be directed to this screen where you are required to enter your First and Last Names plus a Password and answer questions about your Primary Role/Title and Subject Area. You also must 'agree' to the license agreement. Note the complicated Password Guidelines and please make sure you save the password in a secure place. From the initial EndNoteWeb page, you are given the options to My References, Collect, Organize and Format bibliographic citations. We will review all these sections. From the Collect section, there are three options to obtain citations. The Online Search option retrieves references from a selected database or library catalog.

The New Reference enables users to create new references by entering manually the relevant data in the bibliographic fields of the displayed template.

The Import References is used to collect references saved as text files (.txt) from databases or any other sources. We will access PubMed. In the PubMed Search box, enter the avian flu AND chickens keyword search. After the search is displayed, check the left-column boxes. (see Module 4.1 for further instructions). These checked citations will be exported to EndNoteWeb. In the Summary display, 12 citations that previously were checked are listed. We will click on the Citation manager send to file option in order to save and export these files to EndNoteWeb . Note that the Medline display lists the fields that will be transferred to EndNoteWeb Via the Reference Sources drop down menu, access and Login to EndNoteWeb. In the Collect section, we will open the Import References option. From the File drop down menu, browse for the previously saved .txt file, activate PubMed(NLM) from the filter menu and, in the To: Select menu, choose the new group option. In the Enter a New Group Name option, add the Avian Flu and Chickens name and click on OK. The final step is to click on the Import box and transfer the files from the .txt file. This slide confirms that 12 references have been imported into the Avian Flu and Chickens group that previously was created. From the My References option, display the Avian Flu and Chickens group. Note that all the groups are displayed. For all of these citations, you can view the Author, Year, Title and Journal information. Also, you can Copy, Delete or Remove from Group any of the citations. In Collect, you also can import records from an EndNote File that you have saved. You are able to select the EndNote Filter and also select a group (e.g. Avian Flu and Chickens) that the files will be imported To. We now will proceed to the Organize section. In the Collect section, you also can manually enter New References in the Bibliographic Fields. The key is to make sure you have entered all the relevant data so that that they can be formatted correctly. In the Organize/Manage My Groups section, you will note that the Avian Flu and Chickens Group has 12 references and a previously saved Bednets Group has 17 references. Also you can create New Group(s) if you choose and look at other Group(s) that have been created. In the Format section, we have activated the Bibliographic style drop down menu. From this page, you can choose a specific journal or format (e.g. BMC Medicine). In the Commonly Used Styles list, the Harvard Writing Style Guide is recommended for Science related bibliographic citations. For this bibliography, we will organize the Avian Flu and Chickens References using the Harvard Bibliographic style with the TXT File Format. You also have Save, Email and Preview & Print options. We have displayed the Print option. Note that in the Harvard writing style, the citations are in alphabetical order by author and also include the year published, title, abbreviated journal title, volume and pages. We have displayed the E-Mail option. You can send an email of this bibliography to a colleague or to yourself (if you do not have a flash or floppy drive available). We have displayed the Save option. As noted with importing of files, you can save this text document to the computer's hard (C:) drive, a CD-ROM, flash drive or floppy disk. We have saved the file to the C: drive in the Documents folder as a .txt file. This file can be opened with any word processing software. Note the display of the bibliographic citation that is using the Harvard Style. The Format Paper option lets you save references to a document or file as a rich text file (.rtf) - for temporary citations. A new version of your paper is saved with formatted citations and a bibliography. In this example we will select the Harvard Bibliographic style. In the Options section, you can choose to change your Password, E-mail Address and Profile Information. We have displayed the Change Password option. We now have accessed the All My References display. In the left column, the, 5 records from Web of Knowledge have been saved to EndNote Web in the Unfiled group. Also note the original 12 citations from the Avian Flu and Chickens group plus a previous one titled Bednets. We have displayed the Unfiled citations. By checking the boxes and highlighting the appropriate group from the drop down menu, you can add these references to the Avian Flu and Chickens group. Note that Web of Knowledge is listed as the Source Record for these citations. We now have transferred 5 previously Unfiled citations to the Avian Flu and Chickens group and have a total of 17 references. Periodically, you will want to delete references from your EndNoteWeb account. We have returned to the My References display, have clicked on all the entries in the Bednets group and on the Delete icon. In the My References column, you will note no citations in the Bednets and 30 in the Unfiled group. You will need to click on the citations once more and delete them to the Trash group. In this PubMed Online Search list, we are combining the terms bednets And clinical trials by using the Any Field option. Note, in the drop down menu, the various choices to make a search more precise that uses many of the PubMed LIMITS options. From PubMed, we have 61 articles for the bednets AND clinical trials search. We will Retrieve these citations. In the Online Search Results page, you can view citations that are similar to the HINARI/PubMed Summary display. You can show 10, 25 or 50 citations on a page. To save citations to a group, you must place a check mark in the box next to the author's name. In this example, we have checked 5 boxes. We will click on the add to group drop down menu that allows you to create a new group and lists previous groups. Note the Go to URL link. This will transfer you to the PubMed Citation for this listing - see next slide. This is an example of the Abstract display of PubMed. It will include icons for a further link to a Free Full Text article and a HINARI one. If you choose to access the other articles, you must check if it is a HINARI title by viewing the Journals collection A-Z list. Note that PubMed’s Send to: drop down menu includes a Citation manager option. We now have displayed the add to group option and will create the Bednets group by entering the name and clicking on OK.

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RefWorks • Cloud-based bibliographic management tool • Create your own reference databases • Import references from library catalogues & databases • Manage & organize your references in folders • Search your references • Adding your own keywords & comments • Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in- text citations & reference list in preferred style Sign up a new RefWorks account https://refworks.proquest.com/

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Folders Reference List Reference Inforamtion (My Library) (In selected folder) (in selected reference) Toolbar in the Word 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Insert Citation 2. Edit Citation 3. Insert Bibliography 4. Edit Bibliography 5. Refresh 6. Set Doc Preferences 7. Remove Codes Citation Windows Zotero Online Library

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