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, ; • Friday, August 31, Allston-llrighton TAB, 15 OBITU RIES ough. Mark J. Charlebois of ~P~tric:ia Bowles Arthur Bums Brigl1ton, Karen A. Clark and her Formerly ofBrighton husband, WaY"", of Middletown, Obituary policy J;1n!j?h,ton resident; Rl., Deborah Gilarde and her husband, N"mo. of Foxborough, TheAllston-Brighton TAB publishes obituaries tion in current Week's edition is II a.m, 'fu:s4aiy\ Arthur V. Burns of Needham and Dennis P. Dwyer and his of Allston and Brighton residents, former resi Send obitu1l!y information via fax to: I 0 l-f+~ I~- Patlicia C. (lango) Bowles of died Wednesday, {l-ug. 22, :W07, wife, Leann, of Waltham; her sib deJnts and close relatives of residents as a commu 7836. E-mail! lrigl'jIDn died Thesday, Aug. 14, at Beth Israel :eT M,x1ica1 lings, Barbara Santagati and her nity semce, free of charge. ObItuaries must may be .,..mailed in format Center in Boston. e was n. husband, Sonny, Peter J. Huculak come from a 'llmeral home, or list the name also be maileg to Bowles made friend!, Mr. Burns was in Boston Jr. and his wife, Joyce, Loretta and contact of the IImeraI service In cbarge of ond Ave., N'lildham, MA her daily walks from l and grew up in Brighton. He was Grenon and her husband, Ed, and arrangements- Submi.ssion dead1ine for publica- not accepted by telephone. Cle'ftlaJld Circle to Coolidgt l a graduate, of Sl Seb3!:tian's Mijk Huculak and hi.s wife, Ann; and the Beacon Stree I Country Day School and Eoston her brother- and sister-in-law, She met regularly with College.
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