

Senate Journal



Printed daily by the State of Iowa during the sessions of the General Assembly. An official corrected copy is available for reference in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office. (The official bound copy will be available after a reasonable time upon adjournment.)






Senate Chamber Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Senate met in regular session at 8:45 a.m., President Kibbie presiding.

Prayer was offered by Reverend Jim Howland of the First Presbyterian Church in Winterset, Iowa. He was the guest of Senator Appel.

The Journal of Monday, April 2, 2007, was approved.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on April 2, 2007, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 718, a bill for an act relating to cigarette fire safety standards, and providing penalties.

Read first time and referred to committee on Human Resources.

House File 808, a bill for an act concerning accountability requirements for entities, administrators, and boards created for joint exercise of governmental powers and providing effective dates.

Read first time and referred to committee on Local Government.

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1027

House File 815, a bill for an act requiring the department of transportation to conduct a statewide conference concerning antenna structures affecting aviation safety.

Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation.

House File 841, a bill for an act relating to alignment of the kindergarten through postsecondary education systems and providing an effective date.

Read first time and referred to committee on Education.

House File 864, a bill for an act providing for candidate physical ability tests for fire fighter applicants under the statewide fire and police retirement system and providing an effective date.

Read first time and referred to committee on State Government.


Senator Gronstal introduced to the Senate chamber U.S. Senator from Delaware and Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

The Senate rose and expressed its welcome.

The Senate stood at ease at 8:53 a.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of party caucuses.

The Senate resumed session at 10:26 a.m., President Kibbie presiding.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Deferred April 2, 2007)

Senate File 573

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 573, a bill for an act creating an interim commission on affordable health care plans for small businesses and families and a health care data research advisory council, and providing an effective date, deferred April 2, 2007. 1028 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Senator Hatch offered amendment S–3234, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill.

Senator Hartsuch asked and received unanimous consent that action on amendment S–3234 and Senate File 573 be deferred.


Leaves of absence were granted as follows:

Senator Fraise, until he arrives, on request of Senator Courtney; and Senator Kreiman, until he returns, on request of Senator Ragan.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Ways and Means Calendar)

Senator Courtney asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 564.

Senate File 564

On motion of Senator Seng, Senate File 564, a bill for an act regulating dangerous wild animals, including their ownership and possession, requiring registration, providing for fees and appropriations, and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Seng offered amendment S–3231, filed by Senator Seng, et al., from the floor to pages 3, 8–10, and 13 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3231 was adopted by a voice vote.

With the adoption of amendment S–3231, the Chair ruled amendments S–3176, filed by Senator Seng on March 27, 2007, to pages 8–10, and 13, and S–3212, filed by Senator Dotzler, et al., on March 29, 2007, to page 10 of the bill, out of order.

Senator Rielly offered amendment S–3230, filed by him on April 2, 2007, to pages 2 and 3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3230 lost.

Senator McKibben offered amendment S–3162, filed by Senators McKibben and Seng on March 26, 2007, to page 13 of the bill, and moved its adoption. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1029

Amendment S–3162 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Seng moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 564), the vote was:

Yeas, 48:

Angelo Dvorsky Kettering Rielly Appel Gaskill Kibbie Schmitz Beall Gronstal Lundby Schoenjahn Behn Hahn McCoy Seng Black Hancock McKibben Seymour Boettger Hartsuch McKinley Stewart Bolkcom Hatch Mulder Ward Connolly Heckroth Noble Warnstadt Courtney Hogg Olive Wieck Danielson Horn Putney Wood Dearden Houser Quirmbach Zaun Dotzler Johnson Ragan Zieman

Nays, none.

Absent, 2:

Fraise Kreiman

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 564 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 512.

Senate File 512

On motion of Senator Danielson, Senate File 512, a bill for an act relating to the regulation of pharmacy benefits managers and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.


Senator Lundby asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 512 be deferred.

The Senate stood at ease at 11:03 a.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of a Republican party caucus.

The Senate resumed session at 11:27 a.m., President Kibbie presiding.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 508.

Senate File 508

On motion of Senator Rielly, Senate File 508, a bill for an act requiring health care benefit coverage for certain prosthetic devices and providing an applicability date, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Rielly offered amendment S–3208, filed by him on March 28, 2007, to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3208 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Lundby asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 508 be deferred.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Appropriations Calendar)

Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 574.

Senate File 574

On motion of Senator Bolkcom, Senate File 574, a bill for an act relating to statewide greenhouse gas emissions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Bolkcom offered amendment S–3237, filed by him from the floor to page 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3237 was adopted by a voice vote.

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1031

Senator Bolkcom withdrew amendment S–3228, filed by him on April 2, 2007, to the title page of the bill.

Senator Bolkcom moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 574), the vote was:

Yeas, 28:

Appel Dearden Hogg Rielly Beall Dotzler Horn Schmitz Black Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Seng Connolly Hancock Olive Stewart Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Ragan Wood

Nays, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Absent, 2:

Fraise Kreiman

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Courtney asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 574 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Courtney, the Senate recessed at 11:40 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.




The Secretary of the Senate issued the following certificates of recognition:

Burley and Helen Beam, Burlington—For celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Senator Courtney (4/3/07).

Reverends Bill and Sheri Daylong, Jefferson—For being the Pastors of the Day. Senator Beall (4/3/07).

Malory Jane Dreasler—For winning the University of Iowa Presidential Scholarship Award for 2007. Senator McKibben (4/3/07).

Robert A. Jones, Sr., Montrose—For celebrating his 90th birthday. Senator Courtney (4/3/07).

Dr. Thomas Renze—For being named the 2007 Iowa School Communicator of the Year. Senator McKibben (4/3/07).

Scott and Joan Williams, Burlington—For celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Senator Courtney (4/3/07).

Manuel and Pattie Valladolid, Sioux City—For celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Senator Warnstadt (4/3/07).

Marguerite Williams VanArsdale, Waterloo—For celebrating her 92nd birthday. Senator Dotzler (4/3/07).



Convened: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 12:00 p.m.

Members Present: Courtney, Chair; Wieck, Ranking Member; Lundby and Schmitz.

Members Absent: Connolly, Vice Chair (excused).

Committee Business: Approved SSB 1346.

Adjourned: 12:10 p.m.

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1033


Senate Resolution 29, by Ragan, Gaskill, Connolly, and Beall, a resolution declaring the trombone Iowa’s premier musical instrument.

Read first time under Rule 28 and referred to committee on Rules and Administration.


Senate File 576, by Gronstal, a bill for an act relating to locally administered human services programs involving county mental health, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities services funding and the decategorization of the child welfare and juvenile justice funding initiative by making an appropriation, authorizing nonreversion of certain funding, and providing effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

Read first time under Rule 28 and referred to committee on Appropriations.

Senate File 577, by committee on Government Oversight, a bill for an act relating to administration of provisions involving violations of the state’s noncompetition by government law.

Read first time under Rule 28 and placed on calendar.



Bill Title: SENATE FILE 577 (SSB 1346), a bill for an act relating to administration of provisions involving violations of the state’s noncompetition by government law.


Final Vote: Ayes, 4: Courtney, Wieck, Lundby, and Schmitz. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Connolly.




The Senate reconvened at 4:35 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.

The Senate stood at ease at 4:37 p.m. until the fall of the gavel.

The Senate resumed session at 4:48 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.


Senate File 573

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 573, a bill for an act creating an interim commission on affordable health care plans for small businesses and families and a health care data research advisory council, and providing an effective date, and amendment S–3234, previously deferred.

Senator Hartsuch asked and received unanimous consent that action on amendment S–3234 and Senate File 573 be deferred.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 543.

Senate File 543

On motion of Senator Mulder, Senate File 543, a bill for an act relating to the state interagency Missouri river authority, by providing for the participation in or withdrawal from interstate associations, providing for the appointment of a vice chairperson, and providing for duties of member agencies, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Gronstal offered amendment S–3252, filed by him from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3252 was adopted by a voice vote. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1035

Senator Mulder moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 543), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Angelo Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Appel Gaskill Kreiman Schoenjahn Beall Gronstal Lundby Seng Behn Hahn McCoy Seymour Black Hancock McKibben Stewart Boettger Hartsuch McKinley Ward Bolkcom Hatch Mulder Warnstadt Connolly Heckroth Noble Wieck Courtney Hogg Olive Wood Danielson Horn Putney Zaun Dearden Houser Quirmbach Zieman Dotzler Johnson Ragan Dvorsky Kettering Rielly

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


The following message was received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on April 3, 2007, passed the following bill in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 777, a bill for an act relating to judicial branch practices and procedures including but not limited to adoption petitions, clerk of the district court duties, and recordkeeping affecting real estate and change of name records.

Read first time and attached to similar Senate File 521.



Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 543 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 538.

Senate File 538

On motion of Senator Hogg, Senate File 538, a bill for an act relating to a parent’s cause of action for the recovery of expenses and actual loss of services, companionship, and society resulting from the injury to or death of a child and including an applicability date provision, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Hogg asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 538 be deferred.

The Senate stood at ease at 4:58 p.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of party caucuses.

The Senate resumed session at 6:48 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.


Senate File 573

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 573, a bill for an act creating an interim commission on affordable health care plans for small businesses and families and a health care data research advisory council, and providing an effective date, and amendment S–3234, previously deferred.

Senate Hartsuch offered amendment S–3270, filed by him from the floor to pages 1 and 3 and to the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1037

Amendment S–3270 lost.

The Senate resumed consideration of amendment S–3234, previously deferred.

Senator Hatch moved the adoption of amendment S–3234.

Amendment S–3234 was adopted by a voice vote.

With the adoption of amendment S–3234, the Chair ruled amendments S–3263, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and amendment S–3271, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to pages 1 and 2 of the bill, out of order.

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–3265, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3265 be adopted?” (S.F. 573), the vote was:

Yeas, 18:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Wieck Behn Houser McKinley Zaun Boettger Johnson Mulder Zieman Gaskill Kettering Noble Hahn Lundby Putney

Nays, 32:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Seymour Connolly Hancock Olive Stewart Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Ward Danielson Heckroth Ragan Warnstadt Dearden Hogg Rielly Wood

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3265 lost. 1038 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–3264, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3264 be adopted?” (S.F. 573), the vote was:

Yeas, 16:

Angelo Hartsuch Lundby Noble Behn Houser McKibben Wieck Boettger Johnson McKinley Zaun Hahn Kettering Mulder Zieman

Nays, 34:

Appel Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Beall Fraise Kreiman Seng Black Gaskill McCoy Seymour Bolkcom Gronstal Olive Stewart Connolly Hancock Putney Ward Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Ragan Wood Dearden Hogg Rielly Dotzler Horn Schmitz

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3264 lost.

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–3261, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to page 3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3261 be adopted?” (S.F. 573), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Ward Behn Houser McKinley Wieck Boettger Johnson Mulder Zaun Gaskill Kettering Noble Zieman Hahn Lundby Putney 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1039

Nays, 31:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Seymour Connolly Hancock Olive Stewart Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Ragan Wood Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3261 lost.

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–3262, filed by Senator Hartsuch, et al., from the floor to pages 3 and 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3262 be adopted?” (S.F. 573), the vote was:

Yeas, 15:

Angelo Hartsuch Lundby Wieck Behn Houser McKibben Zaun Boettger Johnson McKinley Zieman Hahn Kettering Noble

Nays, 35:

Appel Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz Beall Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Black Gaskill McCoy Seng Bolkcom Gronstal Mulder Seymour Connolly Hancock Olive Stewart Courtney Hatch Putney Ward Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Warnstadt Dearden Hogg Ragan Wood Dotzler Horn Rielly

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3262 lost.


Senator Hatch moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 573), the vote was:

Yeas, 48:

Angelo Dvorsky Kettering Rielly Appel Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Beall Gaskill Kreiman Schoenjahn Behn Gronstal Lundby Seng Black Hahn McCoy Seymour Boettger Hancock McKibben Stewart Bolkcom Hatch Mulder Ward Connolly Heckroth Noble Warnstadt Courtney Hogg Olive Wieck Danielson Horn Putney Wood Dearden Houser Quirmbach Zaun Dotzler Johnson Ragan Zieman

Nays, 2:

Hartsuch McKinley

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 573 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senate File 538

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 538, a bill for an act relating to a parent’s cause of action for the recovery of expenses and actual loss of services, companionship, and society resulting from the injury to or death of a child and including an applicability date provision, previously deferred.

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1041

Senator Hogg withdrew amendment S–3236, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill.

Senator Hogg offered amendment S–3266, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3266 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Hogg moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 538), the vote was:

Yeas, 37:

Appel Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Beall Gaskill Kreiman Schoenjahn Black Gronstal Lundby Seng Bolkcom Hancock McCoy Seymour Connolly Hatch Mulder Stewart Courtney Heckroth Noble Warnstadt Danielson Hogg Olive Wood Dearden Horn Quirmbach Dotzler Houser Ragan Dvorsky Kettering Rielly

Nays, 13:

Angelo Hartsuch Putney Zieman Behn Johnson Ward Boettger McKibben Wieck Hahn McKinley Zaun

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Deferred April 2, 2007)

Senate File 519

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 519, a bill for an act providing for energy performance-based contracts for certain public entities, and amendment S–3199, deferred April 2, 2007. 1042 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3243, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3243 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3242, filed by Senator Zieman, et al. from the floor to page 3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3242 be adopted?” (S.F. 519), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Warnstadt Gaskill Kettering Noble Wieck Hahn Lundby Putney Zaun Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Zieman

Nays, 30:

Angelo Dearden Hogg Rielly Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Wood Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Danielson Heckroth Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3242 lost.

The Senate resumed consideration of amendment S–3199, previously deferred.

Senator Zieman withdrew amendment S–3253, filed by him from the floor to pages 1 and 3 of amendment S–3199.

Senator Putney offered amendment S–3250, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of amendment S–3199, and moved its adoption. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1043

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3250 be adopted?” (S.F. 519), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman Hartsuch McKibben Seymour

Nays, 31:

Angelo Dearden Hogg Rielly Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3250 lost.

Senator Danielson moved the adoption of amendment S–3199.

Amendment S–3199 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Zieman asked and received unanimous consent to withdraw amendment S–3238, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to page 4 of the bill.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3274, filed by him from the floor to page 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3274 be adopted?” (S.F. 519), the vote was:


Yeas, 19:

Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman Hartsuch McKibben Seymour

Nays, 31:

Angelo Dearden Hogg Rielly Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3274 lost.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3241, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to page 5 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question, “Shall amendment S–3241 be adopted?” (S.F. 519), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Warnstadt Gaskill Kettering Noble Wieck Hahn Lundby Putney Zaun Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Zieman

Nays, 30:

Angelo Dearden Hogg Rielly Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Wood

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1045

Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Danielson Heckroth Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3241 lost.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3239, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to pages 5 and 6 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3239 lost.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3246, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to page 7 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3246 was adopted by a voice vote.

With the adoption of amendment S–3246, the Chair ruled amendment S–3254, filed by Senator Zieman from the floor to page 7 of the bill, out of order.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–3240, filed by Senator Zieman, et al., from the floor to pages 8 and 9 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3240 lost.

Senator Danielson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 519), the vote was:

Yeas, 24:

Appel Dotzler Hogg Rielly Black Dvorsky Horn Schmitz Bolkcom Fraise Kibbie Schoenjahn Courtney Hancock Kreiman Seng Danielson Hatch Quirmbach Stewart Dearden Heckroth Ragan Wood


Nays, 26:

Angelo Hahn McKibben Ward Beall Hartsuch McKinley Warnstadt Behn Houser Mulder Wieck Boettger Johnson Noble Zaun Connolly Kettering Olive Zieman Gaskill Lundby Putney Gronstal McCoy Seymour

Absent, none.

The bill, not having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have failed to pass the Senate.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 457.

Senate File 457

On motion of Senator Quirmbach, Senate File 457, a bill for an act relating to the rights of peace officers and public safety and emergency personnel, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Quirmbach offered amendment S–3235, filed by him from the floor striking and replacing everything after the enacting clause of the bill.

Senator Quirmbach offered amendment S–3251, filed by Senators Quirmbach and Kreiman from the floor to pages 1–3 of amendment S–3235 , and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3251 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Quirmbach moved the adoption of amendment S–3235.

A nonrecord roll call was requested.

The ayes were 28, nays 20.

Amendment S–3235 was adopted. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1047

Senator Quirmbach moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 457), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Nays, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 457 and 538 be immediately messaged to the House.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Deferred March 28, 2007)

House File 793

The Senate resumed consideration of House File 793, a bill for an act relating to administration of regional transportation by regional transit districts and of highways and regulation of motor vehicles by the state department of transportation, including provisions relating to the placement of advertising devices along primary highways,

1048 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day qualifications of property appraisers, state standards for land surveying, destruction of suspended or revoked driver’s licenses, requirements for a temporary restricted driver’s license, registration and titling of vehicles, legion of merit special registration plates, antique motor vehicle registration plates and fees, licensing of motor vehicle dealers, motor carrier registration and fuel tax liability, the maximum length limitation for single trucks, requirements for operation of certain self-propelled implements of husbandry on secondary roads, and disposition of regional transit district tax revenues collected by a county treasurer, and providing effective dates, deferred March 28, 2007.


MR. PRESIDENT: I move to reconsider the vote by which amendment S–3196 to House File 793 was adopted by the Senate on March 28, 2007.



House File 793

Senator Behn called up the motion to reconsider amendment S–3196 to House File 793, filed by Senators Behn and Fraise on March 28, 2007, found on page 950 of the Senate Journal, and moved its adoption.

The motion to reconsider was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Behn withdrew amendment S–3196, filed by Senators Behn and Fraise on March 28, 2007, to page 9 of the bill.

Senator Ward offered amendment S–3248, filed by Senator Ward, et al., from the floor to page 7 and to the title page of the bill.

Senator Kreiman raised the point of order that amendment S–3248 was not germane to the bill.

The Chair ruled the point not well-taken and amendment S–3248, in order.

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1049

Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that action on amendment S–3248 and House File 793 be deferred.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 492.

Senate File 492

On motion of Senator Horn, Senate File 492, a bill for an act relating to the Iowa law enforcement academy and minimum entrance requirements, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Noble asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 492 be deferred.


In accordance with Senate Rule 59, Senator Gronstal called up the following eligible appointees on the En Bloc Confirmation Calendar:

Linda Schmitt – Accountancy Examining Board Donald Timmins – Accountancy Examining Board

Mary Hunter – Alcoholic Beverages Commission

Dale McKinney – Architectural Examining Board Susan McKinney – Architectural Examining Board

Troy Kleese – Board of Athletic Training Examiners Shaun McCarthy – Board of Athletic Training Examiners

James Anastasi – Board of Behavioral Science Examiners Kenneth Fann – Board of Behavioral Science Examiners

Michael Hoenig – Commission for the Blind

Judy Gouldsmith – Board of Interpreters for the Hearing Impaired Examiners 1050 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Susan Oltrogge – Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board Keith Taeger – Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board

Suzanna de Baca – Iowa Capital Investment Board

Lionel Foster – Child Advocacy Board Roberta Payne – Child Advocacy Board

Rod Rebarcak – Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Alicia Claypool – Iowa State Civil Rights Commission Debbie Gitchell – Iowa State Civil Rights Commission

G. Kevin Middleswart – Commission on Community Action Agencies

Arthur Neu – Board of Corrections Michael Sadler – Board of Corrections

Jack Morlan – Board of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences Examiners

Patrick Gill – County Finance Committee Ben Lacey – County Finance Committee Suzanne Ruble – County Finance Committee Dale Sunderman – County Finance Committee

Muhammad Chowdhry – Commission on the Deaf Rachel Nemmers – Commission on the Deaf

Lynn Curry – Board of Dental Examiners Deena Kuempel – Board of Dental Examiners Michael Rovner – Board of Dental Examiners

Mary Sand – Board of Dietetic Examiners

John Garringer – Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council Jane Larkin – Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council

Bradley Dirks – Board of Educational Examiners

Nancy Nichols – Commission of Elder Affairs

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1051

Marvin Schumacher – Elevator Safety Board

Darshini Jayawardena – Iowa Empowerment Board

Patricia Heagel – Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board Craig Johnstone – Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board

Roger Caudron – Iowa Finance Authority Heather Kramer – Iowa Finance Authority

Susan Cell – Health Facilities Council Marc Elcock – Health Facilities Council

Susan Salter – Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) Board Seldon Spencer – Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) Board

Gregory Hoyman – Board for the Licensing and Regulation of Hearing Aid Dispensers Gregory Moore – Board for the Licensing and Regulation of Hearing Aid Dispensers

Roger Hartman – Council on Human Services James Miller – Council on Human Services

Robin Anderson – Iowa Great Places Advisory Board Samantha Erickson – Iowa Great Places Advisory Board Mark Ginsberg – Iowa Great Places Advisory Board Theresa Lynch – Iowa Great Places Advisory Board

Daniel McGinn – IOWAccess Advisory Council Terrence Neuzil – IOWAccess Advisory Council

David Cochran – State Judicial Nominating Commission Mary Beth Lawler – State Judicial Nominating Commission Madalin Williams – State Judicial Nominating Commission

Shelly French – Commission on Judicial Qualifications

Helen Kimes – Landscape Architectural Examining Board

Elaine Baxter – Iowa Lottery Authority Board of Directors Thomas Rial – Iowa Lottery Authority Board of Directors 1052 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Mary Belieu – Board of Massage Therapy Examiners Kimberly Eaton – Board of Massage Therapy Examiners

Tom Drew – Board of Medical Examiners Blaine Houmes – Board of Medical Examiners Yasyn Lee – Board of Medical Examiners

Richard Heitmann – Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Brain Injury Commission Raymond Todd – Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Brain Injury Commission Gano Whetstone – Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Brain Injury Commission

Wayne Clinton – Mental Health Risk Pool Board Marjorie Pitts – Mental Health Risk Pool Board

Margaret Eicher – Board of Mortuary Science Examiners LuJean Welander – Board of Mortuary Science Examiners

William Bird –Natural Resource Commission Gregory Drees – Natural Resource Commission Janelle Rettig – Natural Resource Commission

Jane Hasek – Board of Nursing Examiners Mark Hilliard – Board of Nursing Examiners

Connie Connolly – Board of Optometry Examiners Christopher Olson – Board of Optometry Examiners

Jacqueline Johnson – Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Fund Board Nancy Lincoln – Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Fund Board

DeeAnn Wedemeyer-Oleson – Board of Pharmacy Examiners

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1053

Denise Behrends – Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy Examiners Susan Callanan – Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy Examiners Martin Ungs – Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy Examiners

Edward Friedmann – Board of Physician Assistant Examiners Anila Khan – Board of Physician Assistant Examiners

Eric Barp – Board of Podiatry Examiners Denise Mandi – Board of Podiatry Examiners Jill Scholz – Board of Podiatry Examiners

Claibourne Dungy – Prevention of Disabilities Policy Council Maggie Tinsman – Prevention of Disabilities Policy Council

Mary Johnson – Board of Psychology Examiners James Moody – Board of Psychology Examiners

James Kesterson – Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board Gregory Morehead – Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board

Judith Stevens – Real Estate Commission

Kerry George – State Board for Respiratory Care

Leland Tack – School Budget Review Committee

Timothy Neugent – Small Business Advisory Council Nikita Rainey – Small Business Advisory Council Loretta Sieman – Small Business Advisory Council

Christine Hoffman – Board of Social Work Examiners Ken Zimmerman – Board of Social Work Examiners

Jason Aird – Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners Coral Jud – Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners

Michael Mahaffey – Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission 1054 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

Patricia Schneider – Title Guaranty Division Board

Cathryn Callaway – Commission on Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Gary Streit – Commission on Tobacco Use Prevention and Control

Dean Upton – Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine

Senator Gronstal moved that the foregoing appointees be confirmed by the Senate.

On the question “Shall the appointees be confirmed?” the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Angelo Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Appel Gaskill Kreiman Schoenjahn Beall Gronstal Lundby Seng Behn Hahn McCoy Seymour Black Hancock McKibben Stewart Boettger Hartsuch McKinley Ward Bolkcom Hatch Mulder Warnstadt Connolly Heckroth Noble Wieck Courtney Hogg Olive Wood Danielson Horn Putney Zaun Dearden Houser Quirmbach Zieman Dotzler Johnson Ragan Dvorsky Kettering Rielly

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The appointees, having received a two-thirds vote, were declared to have been confirmed by the Senate


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration House File 803.

House File 803

On motion of Senator Quirmbach, House File 803, a bill for an act relating to civil service for deputy county sheriffs by allowing a 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1055 county to appeal certain decisions of the civil service commission, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Quirmbach moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 803), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Angelo Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Appel Gaskill Kreiman Schoenjahn Beall Gronstal Lundby Seng Behn Hahn McCoy Seymour Black Hancock McKibben Stewart Boettger Hartsuch McKinley Ward Bolkcom Hatch Mulder Warnstadt Connolly Heckroth Noble Wieck Courtney Hogg Olive Wood Danielson Horn Putney Zaun Dearden Houser Quirmbach Zieman Dotzler Johnson Ragan Dvorsky Kettering Rielly

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that House File 803 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Gronstal, the Senate adjourned at 9:27 p.m. until 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 4, 2007.




MR. PRESIDENT: I move to reconsider the vote by which S.F. 519 failed to pass the Senate on April 3, 2007.




Convened: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 1:00 p.m.

Members Present: Dearden, Chair; Courtney, Vice Chair; Ward, Ranking Member; Dotzler, Dvorsky, Hahn, Hatch, Horn, McKinley, Seng, and Wieck.

Members Absent: None.

Committee Business: Presentation by the Interim Workers’ Compensation Commissioner.

Adjourned: 2:30 p.m.


Convened: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 2:45 p.m.

Members Present: Rielly, Chair; Danielson, Vice Chair; Noble, Ranking Member; Beall, Dearden, Hancock, Heckroth, Houser, Putney, Warnstadt, Zaun, and Zieman.

Members Absent: McCoy (excused).

Committee Business: Passed HF 559 and approved Governor’s appointment.

Adjourned: 2:55 p.m.


Convened: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 4:10 p.m.

Members Present: Beall, Chair; Warnstadt, Vice Chair; Seymour, Ranking Member; Black, Danielson, Hartsuch, Horn, Kibbie, McKibben, McKinley, and Ragan.

Members Absent: None

Committee Business: Subcommittee assignments.

Adjourned: 4:25 p.m. 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1057


House File 585

HUMAN RESOURCES: Bolkcom, Chair; Ragan and Seymour

House File 718

HUMAN RESOURCES: Dotzler, Chair; Seymour and Wood

House File 841

EDUCATION: Schoenjahn, Chair; Mulder and Wood

House File 864

STATE GOVERNMENT: Wood, Chair; Black and Hahn



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 158, a bill for an act relating to a requirement that children receive a blood lead test by age six or prior to enrollment in an elementary school.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Ayes, 10: Ragan, Schmitz, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hatch, Johnson, Kreiman, Mulder, Quirmbach, and Wood. Nays, 3: Seymour, Behn, and Boettger. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 566, a bill for an act relating to the definition of a free clinic for the purposes of the volunteer health care provider program.


Final Vote: Ayes, 13: Ragan, Schmitz, Seymour, Behn, Boettger, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hatch, Johnson, Kreiman, Mulder, Quirmbach, and Wood. Nays, none. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 585, a bill for an act relating to the selection of board members by area agencies on aging.

Recommendation: DO PASS.


Final Vote: Ayes, 13: Ragan, Schmitz, Seymour, Behn, Boettger, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hatch, Johnson, Kreiman, Mulder, Quirmbach, and Wood. Nays, none. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 718, a bill for an act relating to cigarette fire safety standards, and providing penalties.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Ayes, 13: Ragan, Schmitz, Seymour, Behn, Boettger, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hatch, Johnson, Kreiman, Mulder, Quirmbach, and Wood. Nays, none. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 826, a bill for an act establishing an Iowa Abraham Lincoln bicentennial commission and fund and providing for its prospective repeal.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Ayes, 13: Ragan, Schmitz, Seymour, Behn, Boettger, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hatch, Johnson, Kreiman, Mulder, Quirmbach, and Wood. Nays, none. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 559, a bill for an act relating to the midwest interstate passenger rail compact and providing an effective date.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Ayes, 12: Rielly, Danielson, Noble, Beall, Dearden, Hancock, Heckroth, Houser, Putney, Warnstadt, Zaun, and Zieman. Nays, none. Absent, 1; McCoy.



The Secretary of the Senate submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: The Secretary of the Senate respectfully reports that the following bills have been enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, and presented to the Governor for his approval on this 3rd day of April, 2007:

86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1059

Senate Files 116, 202, 204, 361, 450, and 535.

MICHAEL E. MARSHALL Secretary of the Senate


The following appointee, assigned to standing committee for investigation, was placed on the Individual Confirmation Calendar with recommendation for confirmation:


William Brand – Administrator of the Division of Community Action Agencies


The following appointees, assigned to standing committees for investigation, were placed on the En Bloc Calendar with recommendations for confirmation:


Brenda Langstraat-Janisch – Board of Behavorial Science Examiners

Sara Monroy-Huddleston – Iowa Empowerment Board

David Johnson – Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Brain Injury Commission


James Romar – Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council


S–3231 S.F. 564 Joe M. Seng Paul McKinley S–3232 S.F. 562 James F. Hahn S–3233 S.F. 562 Jeff Angelo Steve Kettering S–3234 S.F. 573 S–3235 S.F. 457 Herman C. Quirmbach S–3236 S.F. 538 Robert M. Hogg 1060 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

S–3237 S.F. 574 S–3238 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David Johnson David L. Hartsuch Paul McKinley James F. Hahn S–3239 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David Johnson David L. Hartsuch Ron Wieck Paul McKinley Pat Ward James F. Hahn S–3240 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David Johnson David L. Hartsuch Ron Wieck Paul McKinley James F. Hahn S–3241 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David Johnson David L. Hartsuch Ron Wieck Paul McKinley James F. Hahn S–3242 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David L. Hartsuch Paul McKinley David Johnson Ron Wieck James F. Hahn S–3243 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman David L. Hartsuch David Johnson Paul McKinley Ron Wieck James F. Hahn S–3244 S.F. 562 Becky Schmitz S–3245 S.F. 562 David Johnson Mary A. Lundby 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1061

Jeff Angelo Nancy J. Boettger Dave Mulder John Putney James F. Hahn Paul McKinley Ron Wieck James Seymour Larry Noble Mark Zieman E. Thurman Gaskill David L. Hartsuch Larry McKibben S–3246 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman Jeff Angelo Larry McKibben Ron Wieck John Putney James F. Hahn Hubert Houser S–3247 S.F. 253 Joe M. Seng S–3248 H.F. 793 Pat Ward Thomas G. Courtney Jeff Angelo David Johnson James F. Hahn John Putney Ron Wieck S–3249 H.F. 793 Thomas Rielly Eugene S. Fraise Jerry Behn Larry Noble S–3250 S.F. 519 John Putney S–3251 S.F. 457 Herman C. Quirmbach Keith A. Kreiman S–3252 S.F. 543 Michael E. Gronstal S–3253 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman S–3254 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman 1062 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

S–3255 S.F. 512 Mark Zieman S–3256 S.F. 512 Mark Zieman S–3257 S.F. 512 Mark Zieman S–3258 S.F. 508 Ron Wieck Rich Olive S–3259 S.F. 382 Ron Wieck S–3260 S.F. 382 Ron Wieck S–3261 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Mark Zieman Brad Zaun Paul McKinley James F. Hahn David Johnson Nancy J. Boettger Jerry Behn Mary A. Lundby Ron Wieck Steve Kettering S–3262 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Mark Zieman Brad Zaun Paul McKinley James F. Hahn David Johnson Nancy J. Boettger Jerry Behn Mary A. Lundby Ron Wieck Steve Kettering S–3263 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Brad Zaun Paul McKinley James F. Hahn Jerry Behn Ron Wieck Steve Kettering S–3264 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Mark Zieman Brad Zaun Paul McKinley James F. Hahn 86th Day TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2007 1063

Dave Mulder David Johnson Nancy J. Boettger Jerry Behn Mary A. Lundby Ron Wieck Steve Kettering S–3265 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Mark Zieman Brad Zaun Paul McKinley James F. Hahn David Johnson Nancy J. Boettger Jerry Behn Mary A. Lundby Ron Wieck Steve Kettering S–3266 S.F. 538 Robert M. Hogg S–3267 S.F. 424 Ron Wieck Mary A. Lundby James A. Seymour Paul McKinley Hubert Houser Jerry Behn Jeff Angelo Brad Zaun E. Thurman Gaskill Steve Kettering John Putney James F. Hahn David L. Hartsuch Larry Noble Pat Ward David Johnson Mark Zieman Nancy J. Boettger Larry McKibben Dave Mulder S–3268 S.F. 424 Ron Wieck Mary A. Lundby 1064 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 86th Day

James A. Seymour Paul McKinley Hubert Houser Jerry Behn Jeff Angelo Brad Zaun E. Thurman Gaskill Steve Kettering John Putney James F. Hahn David L. Hartsuch Larry Noble Pat Ward David Johnson Mark Zieman Nancy J. Boettger Larry McKibben Dave Mulder S–3269 S.F. 382 Ron Wieck S–3270 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch S–3271 S.F. 573 David L. Hartsuch Brad Zaun Paul McKinley Ron Wieck James F. Hahn Steve Kettering S–3272 S.F. 562 Becky Schmitz S–3273 H.F. 566 Human Resources S–3274 S.F. 519 Mark Zieman S–3275 H.F. 849 Steve Warnstadt Jeff Danielson Thomas Rielly Tom Hancock Brian Schoenjahn John P. Kibbie Frank B. Wood William Heckroth S–3276 S.F. 495 Frank B. Wood