Wednesday, Wood County May 24, 2017 Vol. 2 No. 21 Three Sections MONITOR 50 cents

MEMORIAL DAY CHAMPS GET STAMP Wood County Vets schedule annual event The Wood County Vet- erans Association will have their annual Me- morial Day event Mon- day on the northeast grounds of the Wood County courthouse. The program will consist of a special speaker, a fl ag ceremony and the play- ing of “Taps.” The solemn service will begin at 11:30 a.m. and end at noon. All military veterans, fami- lies, friends and the gen- eral public are invited to att end the service. This year’s special speaker will be John Schwing, a Korean War veteran See VETS, Page 9A MHS Junior Historians to remember Jeremiah Crawford (left) and Kourtland Sinches did the honor unveiling the Official U.S. Postal Service commemoration of Mineola High School’s football championship. Also pic- tured are Athletic Director Luke Blackwell (second from right), and U.S. Postal Supervisor Carlist Brinkley (also a school board member). The first day cancellations are now on sale ‘great war’ at the Mineola Post Office for $2 each and customers are limited to a purchase of 10. (Monitor photos by Doris Newman) The MHS Junior His- torians will observe Me- morial Day with a cere- mony at noon, Monday, Mineola commemorative edition on sale May 29, at St. Dunstan’s In honor of the Mineola 3A Division championship title for Mineola in its ath- Episcopal Church. The 1 State Football Championship Title in letic program’s 102-year history. ceremony, “Remember- December 2016, the Mineola Post Of- The fi rst cancellation, as it is referred to ing the Great War,” will fi ce released a commemorative stamp by postal offi cials, was released in limited commemorate the cen- Wednesday at the school Administra- quantity at the Mineola Post offi ce at 10 tennial of World War I. tion Building. It was the fi rst commem- a.m. Wednesday. The event is commem- “We will read the list orative edition issued for a state football orated with the Yellowjacket logo and of casualties and re- championship authorized in the Dallas “Mineola High School Station” May 17, member the sacrifi ce Postal Service District. 2017 cancellation. It also bears the score of these men made for our When the 2016 Mineola Yellowjacket the game. freedom. It was modern Football Team defeated Yoakum 35-14 See EVENT, Page 10A in December, they won the fi rst football See STAMP, Page 9A

Class of 2017 prepares to walk Fireworks Galyean, Raymond top A-GHS Beech, Hendricks to lead Yantis fundraising The commencement ceremony Yantis High School’s graduation time is here for Alba-Golden High School will will be Saturday at 6 p.m. in the It’s that time of year be celebrated Thursday at Wagstaff Yantis High School Gymnasium. again when it doesn’t Gym with Evan Galyean The valedictorian for the Alba-Golden, Yantis seem possible, but the giving the valedictory ad- YHS class of 2017 is Gra- Fourth of July is right is dress. Graduation Section cie Beech. Salutatorian is Inside just a couple of calendar Class Salutatorian, Amanda Hendricks. pages away. And that Colton Raymond, will also be part In addition to Beech and Hen- means fi reworks fund- of the program. This will be the sec- dricks, the YHS class of 2017 hon- raising time in Mineola. ond year the school’s graduation is or graduates areErica Rios, Bayley This year the fund See ALBA-GOLDEN, Page 11A See YANTIS, Page 11A starts with $218 in it… a long way from the $3,000 Evan Galyean Colton Raymond Gracie Beech Amanda Hendricks plus needed. Rodney Watkins took time from his business Thursday to reflect on Valedectorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian The fi reworks show benchmarks during his two years as the mayor of Mineola. He was has become a Mineola succeeded by Kevin White, who took over the gavel during Monday’s Independence Day tra- Mineola City Council meeting. (Monitor photo by Doris Newman) dition with the Mineola Fire Department light- ing the fuses to the cen- Benchmarks and Brinks: terpiece of the holiday celebration at the civic Outgoing Mineola mayor center. The fi reworks See FIREWORKS, Page 5A refl ects on city’s status By DORIS NEWMAN This Week in Your [email protected] Alba city leadership gets infusion Neighborhood As he exits the offi ce of mayor of Mineola, Rod- By TOMMY ANDERSON Levitt polled just 17 votes. There were ney Watkins sees a bright future for his home- [email protected] two at-large seats open in the race for town. • Don’t forget dead- alderman and voters could cast votes “I think the city is poised for great things,” Wat- lines are early this week. The city of Alba held a special city for two of the three candidates on the kins said as he took time during his business day See story inside. council meeting last Tuesday, May 16, ballot. In that race Harris got 54 votes, to give a state-of-the-city outgoing mayor inter- • The Mineola High to canvass the votes of the May 6 city Heinert collected 52 votes and Larry view. His desk is stacked with fi les and docu- School Sports Banquet is election and to swear in two new coun- Jones drew 23 ballots. ments. While he hasn’t cast a vote in his two years tomorrow (Thursday) at cil members and a new mayor. At the May city council meeting the as mayor, he is leaving a lasting imprint in the the Mineola Civic Center. City Secretary Lindy McCarty did council discussed the possibility of city. However, tickets had to the swearing in honors for new Mayor fi lling the unexpired term of Gib May- “I disagree with some people who think the be purchased in advance Preston “Sonny” Hass and Aldermen nard, whose resignation was accepted economy could slow down here,” he said. “I don’t for the evening that in- Maria Heinert and Larry Harris. at the May meeting. However, City think it’s going to slow down.” He said those who cludes a barbecue dinner. Before that action, the council af- Att orney Jim McLeroy told the council feel that way should drive down Bromberg Street • The Wood County fi rmed the vote totals of the election that for such a move they would have and see the recently completed building for ETAS Democrat Club will meet in which Hass garnered 65 votes for See WATKINS, Page 10A See THIS WEEK, Page 5A mayor while the incumbent mayor Ted See ALBA, Page 12A

Church Directory ...... 6A Obituaries ...... 11A Classifieds ...... 3-4B Opinion ...... 2A Sports Inside Community Calendar...... 2A Police/Fire Reports ...... 5A Quitman honors athletes Fishing at state 1B Meals on Wheels ...... 4B Sports ...... Section B at annual banquet Science extravaganza 4B 2A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Corner Column Letters to the Editor Dear editor: Doris Newman’s May 10 op-ed was right on! Head into the wind Proposed changes to the current ACA should con- cern us all. If the people of Wood County care about This is one of my fa- the conditions are there university though, and that’s coverage of preexisting conditions, it is imperative vorite times of the year. for these young people to completely okay. Maybe more are that we be represented by elected offi cials who The excitement that set out to become what prepared now than in the past to make this a priority. If our current representative, seems to be oozed at this they want to be. Many are fi gure out what they really want Mr. Hensarling, continues to support the limiting time of year is invigorat- graduating with several to be in life. I know that is one of coverage to preexisting conditions we should ing and almost tangible. college credits; partic- of the schools’ goals is to help consider other candidates. The boys and girls, now ularly those att ending children set their course for the By Carol Spanko and on behalf of Sandra Fry, young men and women, districts that help with longed-for careers, whether it be Linda Connell and Bett y Groepper whom we have watched college course tuition. a coach, teacher, singer, movie grow up in our very DORIS NEWMAN Even those who aren’t star, professional baseball player, To the editor: midst often through from those districts have politician or intelligence direc- It recently came to my att ention that Mineola ISD their accomplishments forked over the time and tor. All of these (and more) are plans to move Donna Palmer from counselor at followed in our community news- money to invest in their higher things which people who have elementary to primary next year. I’m not saying that papers, are ready to launch. education. our primary students don’t need a counselor, but It is the spring of their lives and Not all will go to a college or See NEWMAN, Page 11A what about elementary? Those students are older and beginning to enter puberty with a mix of hor- mones and emotions. They need a counselor. Although none of my 31 years of teaching came at either of those levels, I’ve had children, grandchil- Write Your Representatives dren, and now great-grandchildren in those grades during my 35 years in Mineola. A counselor is a FEDERAL U.S. Representative Dist. 1 Louie Gohmert STATE Dist. 9 Board of Education Member Keven Ellis very vital part of the elementary campus, especially U.S. Senator John Cornyn 2243 Rayburn HOB Dist. 1 Senator Bryan Hughes P.O. Box 151453 next year with a new principal. The students will 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station Lufkin, TX 75915 need a familiar person in whom they can confi de. Washington, DC 20510 866-535-6302 (toll-free) Austin, TX 78711 512- 710-7915 Years ago, counselors may have spent more time 202-224-2934 1121 ESE Loop 323, Ste 206 512-463-0101 [email protected] Regions Bank Building Tyler, TX 75701 701 N. Pacific testing and scheduling than anything else, but now 100 E. Ferguson Street, Suite 1004 903-561-6349 Mineola, TX 75773 State Board of Education Member Keven Ellis they do so much more. Counselors must be able Tyler, TX 75702 • 903-593-0902 903-569-8880 was the only state or federal elected represen- to recognize a traumatized child and know how to U.S Representative Dist. 5 Jeb Hensarling tative with an email address on his website. treat him. They sometimes handle situations where U.S. Senator Ted Cruz 2228 Rayburn HOB Dist. 5 Representative Cole Hefner the entire population of the school is aff ected, as 404 Russell Washington, DC 20515 P.O. Box 2910 For direct links to most state and federal in the death of a student. Counselors help families Washington, DC 20510 202-225-3484 Austin, TX 78768 officials’ emails, go to the website Who Rep- meet physical needs about which even teachers 202-224-5922 810 East Corsicana St., Suite C 512-463-0271 resents Me and type in your address. 305 S. Brodway, Suite 501 Athens, TX 75751 115 West 1st may not know. Counselors help families get out- Tyler, TX 75702 903-675-8288 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 See LETTER, Page 3A WOOD COUNTY COMMUNITY CALENDAR 2nd FRIDAY ACOUSTICAL JAM - second Friday 6 - 9 each Thursday, 7 p.m. at the hall. Public invited. QUITMAN CITY COUNCIL – third Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; p.m., Quitman Public Library, 202 E Goode St, Quit- FOREVER YOUNG ACTIVITIES CENTER - Wednes- MINEOLA MASONIC LODGE - second Thursday, city hall. man 903-975-5745 day and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fitness exercises, dinner at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m. All Masons QUITMAN SCHOOL BOARD – 2nd Monday, 6 p.m. ALBA CITY COUNCIL - fi rst Monday, 6:30 p.m., City bridge, lessons, Bingo and card games. invited. 569-2608. Administration Building. Hall. FOUKE-LAKE HAWKINS CRIME WATCH - third MINEOLA REBEKAH LODGE - fi rst and third Tuesday, REPUBLICAN CLUB OF WINNSBORO - fourth Mon- ALBA LADIES CLUB - fourth Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Alba Thursday, 7 p.m., Fouke Community Center 11 a.m., 106 S. Line St. All Rebekahs welcome, 569- day, 7 p.m., 903-342-0575. Community Center. 765-2573 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY - second Tuesday, Quit- 2776. REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF WOOD COUNTY - third ALBA LIBRARY/MUSEUM BOARD – third Monday man. MINEOLA ROTARY CLUB - Monday noon, Dogwood Monday, 11:30 a.m., Red Dome, Quitman, 903 383 every other month,, 4 p.m., library building. Everyone FRIENDS OF THE MINEOLA MEMORIAL LIBRARY Room, Mineola Civic Center. 2121. welcome. - fi rst Wednesday, 1 p.m., Mineola Library, 569-2767. MINEOLA ROTARY RECYCLING – third Saturday, 9 SINGING AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALBA-GOLDEN SCHOOL BOARD - second Monday, 7 GED CLASSES, FREE - Sand Spring Baptist Church. a.m. to noon, Walmart parking lot. Cardboard, paper HAWKINS - fourth Sunday, 2-4 p.m. p.m., high school library., 768-2472. Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon, or 6-9 p.m. 903- and plastic accepted. SCOTTISH RITE - Wood County Scottish Rite Club ALBA-GOLDEN YOUTH FOUNDATION - second 768-3239 or 903-569-9350. MINEOLA SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER - 308 Universi- meets third Thursday of odd month, 6:30 p.m., Red Tuesday, elementary gym, 7 p.m. All welcome. GED FREE PREPARATORY CLASS - each Thursday ty, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 903-497-1162; Dominoes & Dome Smokehouse meeting room. 903-253-3635. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Sunday and Monday, 4 - 6 p.m. concurrent with QISD calendar. Quitman other games. STROKE SURVIVORS & APHASIA CLUB OF EAST 7 p.m., Friday 8 p.m., Wednesday noon; Women’s Public Library, 202 E Goode St, Quitman 903-975- MLOTA LINE DANCE GUILD - Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., and - fourth Wednesday, 6-7 p.m., First Baptist Group Mon. 11 a.m.; St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 5745 Friday, 9:30 a.m. Church Quitman, 903-878-2392. Mineola. GIRL SCOUT TROOP #3 - Monday, 6 p.m., Broad MLOTA FIBER/CRAFT ART GUILD - Wednesday and TEXAS INMATE FAMILIES ASSOCIATION - second ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Wednesday and Satur- Street Church of Christ Annex, 903-569-2610. All girls, Thursday, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., business meeting Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m., First Christian Church Tyler, day, 7:30 p.m., 404 S. Main Street, Quitman. kindergarten-12th grade welcome. fourth Thursday, 9:30 am. Broadway & Loop, 903-839-2349. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – Gateway Group, Tues. HAINESVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER - second Tues- MLOTA QUILT GUILD - fi rst, second and third Thurs- TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL - Garden Valley & Sat. 7 p.m. Puckett House, 109 Kilpatrick Street. day, 6 p.m. Members bring a covered dish and enjoy day, 9:30 am; business meeting fi rst Thursday. chapter, Thursdays on Mercy Ships property, 5:30-6:30 AL ANON - Thursday, 7:30 pm; St. Dunstan’s Episco- an evening of fellowship. The center is located at FM MLOTA PAINTERS GUILD - Wednesday, 10 a.m.; p.m. 903-882-0887. pal Church, Mineola. 49 and 778, 903-769-1091. business meeting fourth Monday. TOPS GROUP - Thursday, 8-11 a.m., Harvest Acres ALZHEIMER SUPPORT GROUP (sponsored by Pilot HAINESVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. - second MLOTA RUG HOOKING GROUP - fi rst Thursday, 10 Baptist Church, NW Loop 564, 569-1240 , 569-2415. Club) fi rst Monday, 11 a.m., Red Dome restaurant in and fourth Thursday, 7 p.m., Firehouse downtown a.m. to 4 p.m. Beginners are welcome. UPPER SABINE VALLEY SOLID WASTE DISTRICT Quitman, 903-569-5237. Hainesville. MLOTA PHOTOGRAPHY GUILD - fourth Thursday, - every three months on third Monday, Wood County AMERICAN LEGION POST 296 and Auxiliary - fourth HAWKINS LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Tuesday 6:30 p.m. All levels welcome,, 903-569-8877. Courthouse, 5:30 p.m.. 903-763-2123. Monday, 6:30 p.m., Highway 80, three miles east of at the depot in Willful Crossing. MLOTA SCULPTURE GUILD - Tuesday, 1 p.m. Busi- UTU AUXILIARY MORNING STAR LODGE #851 - Mineola. 903-569-0348. All are invited. HOLLY LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT -fi rst and third ness meeting fi rst Tuesday.. third Monday (except July and August), 11:30 a.m AMERICAN LEGION POST OF WINNSBORO - fi rst Tuesday at the fi re station at Holly Lake Ranch. MONDAY NIGHT KNITS - 6-8 p.m. Monday, Golden VFW LADIES AUXILIARY #7523 - third Sunday, 1 Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., 102 West Broadway, in Winns- IRIS GARDEN CLUB-GOLDEN - fi rst Monday, Sep- Methodist Fellowship Hall. 903-768-2540. p.m., Recruiting new members. 569-2228. boro. 903-752-0913 or 903-7675338. tember-May, Golden United Methodist Church. 903- THE NAME CENTER (National Association of Mar- VFW POST #7523 - third Wednesday, 6 p.m., Karaoke APET (Animal Preservation of East Texas) Thrift Store 765-3000. riage Enhancement) - i302 S. Stephens, Quitman. every Friday, 8 p.m. 569-2228. - Dog Gone Good Stuff, 915 S. Pacifi c Street, Mineola, KIWANIS CLUB - noon Tuesday, Mineola Civic Center Certifi ed and experienced counselors by appointment WHYTE DOVE WRITER’S GROUP - fi rst Tuesday, 6 Thursday-Saturday. 903-569-0505 or 903-563-9542. Dogwood Room. to assist couples in Wood County. Free, donations are p.m., 407 N. Stephens in Quitman. 903-763-1210 or BOY SCOUT TROOP #36 QUITMAN - meets Sunday, THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OF SAINT PETER’S accepted. 903-763-1286. e-mail [email protected] 4:30 p.m., Scout House behind First United Methodist THE APOSTLE COUNCIL #11933 - second Thursday, NORTHEAST TEXAS PARATROOPERS ASSOCI- WOOD COUNTY 4-H HORSE CLUB - Business meet- Church. Danny King, 903-521-5930. 7 p.m., at the church, 203 Meadowbrook Drive, Mine- ATION - third Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at Red Dome ing, Monday, 2 p.m, Wood County Extension Offi ce. BOYSCOUTS TROOP 385 MINEOLA - Tuesdays 7 ola. 903-569-3662. Smokehouse in Quitman. Wood County Aggie MomS - 1st Tuesday, 6 p.m., 903- p.m., Mineola Methodist Education Bldg. New boys/ LAKE COUNTRY CLASSIC CAR CLUB - third Mon- OPEN HEART MINISTRY - third Friday, 7 p.m., Mine- 539-7049 or Wood County Aggie Moms Facebook alums welcome! Chris Jennings 903-569-3531 day, 6:30 p.m. 903-850-2557. ola Civic Center. page. BOY SCOUTS TROOP 180 WINNSBORO - Tuesdays LAKE COUNTRY REPUBLICANS - fourth Tuesday, 6 OVERCOMERS RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP WOOD COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT - Quarterly, 6:30 p.m., Church of Christ. New boys/alums welcome! p.m., Quitman Library, 202 E. Goode St. - Monday, 7-8 p.m., Whispering Pines Church of the third Thursday, 8 p.m., appraisal district offi ce. Open Tex Willis 903-816-0638 LAKE COUNTRY RV TRAVELERS - of Good Sam Int’l. Nazarene, located on CR 3811, Hawkins to the public. BOY SCOUTS TROOP 379 WINNSBORO - Tuesdays Monthly, RV parks w/in 150 m. radius. 903-569-3677 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS - Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., WOOD COUNTY CENTRAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT - 7 p.m., City Bldg @ Walker Park. New boys/alums wel- or 3069. St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church. 569-9223, 569-1760. third Monday, 5:30 p.m. (every three months). come! Sherry McGovern 903-335-9744 LAKE COUNTRY SYMPHONIC BAND - will resume PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL OF MINEOLA ELE- WOOD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT - every BREAD OF LIFE MINISTRY FOOD PANTRY - Humble rehearsals Aug. 6 at Mineola High School Band Hall. MENTARY- fi rst Tuesday, 8:15 a.m., elementary library, other Friday, Commissioners Court, Quitman, 10 a.m. Baptist, fi rst & third Tuesday 1-4 p.m. 7 p.m. 903-569-2300. PARENTS ANONYMOUS GROUP - Tuesday, 6:30 763-2716. BREAKING FREE - meeting place for families and LAKE FORK ROTARY CLUB - Wednesday, noon, at p.m., First Baptist Church, Quitman. Children’s pro- WOOD COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS - every other friends of addicts and alcoholics. Monday, 7 p.m., 971 the Lake Fork Baptist Church on State Highway 515 gram provided. 903-629-2114 month, third Monday, 6 p.m., Wood County Justice E. Goode St., Quitman, 903-497-6149. LAKE HOLBROOK ASSOCIATION - fi rst Saturday, PILOT CLUB OF MINEOLA - second and fourth Tues- Center courtroom. The public is invited. 903-763-2201 CELEBRATE RECOVERY - a support group for those February, May, August and November, Harold Sim- day, 6 p.m. Mineola Civic Center. 903-569-5237. or 903-569-6294. with various hurts, habits or hang-ups, every Monday, mons Community Center, 5:30 p.m. directors, 6 p.m. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - at First Baptist Church WOOD COUNTY DEMOCRAT CLUB – fourth Thurs- 7 p.m., Church On the Rock annex building at 302 S. all members and guests welcome. 903-569-0223. in Quitman. First Tuesday 1-3:30 p.m. in the Fellow- day, covered dish and meeting at 6 p.m. 903-383-7036 Stephens. 903-763-4588. MINEOLA BAND BOOSTERS - second Tuesday, 7 ship Hall. 903-763-8101. or COUNSELING CHRISTIAN GUIDANCE CENTER - p.m., in high school band hall. All parents invited. QUITMAN CHILD ADVOCACY GROUP - third Thurs- WOOD COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY - third 903-850-3858 or [email protected]. MINEOLA LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Thursday, day, 10 a.m., 403 Conger in Quitman. The public is Monday, January through May and September through DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - noon, Mineola Country Club, 903-638-1596; 903-569- welcome. November, 7 p.m., Quitman Public Library, Shamburg- fi rst Saturday except June, July, August and Decem- 3340. QUITMAN GARDEN CLUB - second Tuesday (except er Community Room. For 903-763-4191 or 967-2458. ber, 12 p.m. Harvest Acres Baptist Church, 460 NW MINEOLA MARINE CORPS LEAGUE (Toys for Tots) - when on fi eld trips), 2 p.m., Quitman library. quitman- WOOD COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. IMMUNIZATION Loop 564, Mineola. 903-629-7837.. third Tuesday, 7 p.m., American Legion Hall. 903-569- [email protected]. All are welcome. CLINIC - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9-11 a.m., DELPHIAN LITERARY CLUB - fi rst Wednesday, 569- 6481, commandant. QUITMAN/LAKE FORK KIWANIS - Wednesday, noon, and 1-3 p.m., third Monday, 1-6 p.m. Public Health 6794 or 569-3586. MINEOLA SCHOOL BOARD - third Monday, Admin. Faith Student Center, 403 S. Main St., Quitman.QUIT- Department offi ces, 213 W. Bermuda, Quitman, 763- DRUG AND ALCOHOL AWARENESS - 7 p.m. Friday, Bldg., Loop 564, 7 p.m. MAN LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Tuesday, 6:30 5406. Seventh Day Adventist Church, Ronny Polley 768- MINEOLA CITY COUNCIL - fourth Monday, 5:30 p.m., p.m., Peralto’s Restaurant. Contact any Lions Club WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT - second 2992. City Hall. Public welcome. Call City Hall for changes in member to donate your used eyeglasses for recycling Monday, 7 p.m., hospital conference room in Quitman. DUPLICATE BRIDGE ACBL games - Wednesday and November and December because of holidays. to the needy. Public invited. Friday, 10:30 a.m., Masonic Lodge, 882-1335. MINEOLA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOOSTER QUITMAN PILOT CLUB - third Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., WOOD COUNTY RETIRED SCHOOL PERSONNEL EASTERN STAR - Quitman Chapter 659, 2nd Tues., CLUB - last Monday, 6 p.m., high school lobby. Quitman Public Library. 903-383-5075. ASSOCIATION - third Monday, September-December, dinner 6:30 p.m., meeting 7:30. Flora Lodge in Quit- MINEOLA HISTORICAL MUSEUM ADVISORY QUITMAN ROTARY CLUB, Thurs., noon, ETMC Com- and February-April, 2 p.m. and in May at 5 p.m., Forev- man. 903-638-6420. BOARD - third Tuesday, 4 p.m., city hall. 569-6944. munity Room, N. Hwy. 37. er Young Activity Center, 402 S. Main St., Quitman. All ETMC Quitman - needs volunteers. Great opportunity retired school personnel are invited. to meet people while helping your community. Contact To add a listing to the WOOD COUNTY TEA PARTY - fi rst Monday, 7 p.m., Judy Johnson, 903-383-3433 calendar, email editor@ Quitman Library FANNIE MARCHMAN GARDEN CLUB - third Wednes- YANTIS CITY COUNCIL – second Tuesday, 6 p.m., day, September - May, Mineola Civic Center, 9:30 a.m. city hall. Visitors welcome. Charla Martin, president, 903-638- or news@woodcounty YANTIS SCHOOL BOARD – second Monday, 6 p.m. 6389 or call 903- (executive session), 7 open meeting, school cafeteria. FLORA MASONIC LODGE #119 - fi rst Tuesday at the 569-2442 or 903-763-4522 YANTIS/LAKE FORK LIONS CLUB - second Thurs- lodge hall, Highway 37, Quitman. Covered dish - 6:30 day, 6:30 p.m., Yantis Community Center. p.m., meeting 7:30 p.m. Study nights for members

Wood Count Subscription Rates: OUR STAFF: y  In County: $31.50 a year Publisher • Joyce Hathcock  Texas: $42 a year  [email protected] MONITOR Outside Texas: $50 a year Editor • Doris Newman, Mineola News • Larry Tucker, Quitman OUR OFFICES: Wood County Monitor (U.S.P.S Errors which may appear in the Wood [email protected] [email protected] No. 781-460) May 24, 2017, County Monitor will be corrected upon MINEOLA Vol. 2 Number 21, Published being brought to the attention of the Sports writer • Brianna Harmon, Mineola 715 Mimosa St., weekly by Bluebonnet Publishing editor. Wood County Monitor is a member [email protected] Mineola, TX 75773 LLC, 610 E. Main St., Kilgore, TX of the Texas Press Association, North and 903-569-2442 East Texas Press Association. Marketing • Larry Box, Quitman 75662. Subscription price $31.50 903-569-6836 (fax) a year (in county). Periodicals [email protected] Main News deadline: postage pending or paid at QUITMAN Noon on Friday Marketing • David Gilbreath, Mineola 310-C E. Goode, Mineola, TX and additional mail- [email protected] Quitman, Texas 75783 ing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send Community News deadline: 903-763-4522 address corrections to Wood 4 p.m. on Thursday Classifi eds • Brandi Box, Quitman 903-763-2313 (fax) County Monitor, P.O. box 1210, classifi [email protected] Kilgore, TX 75663. Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3A

Quitman High School Valedictorian Early deadline Caroline Cameron opened the May 18 city planned for next council meet- ing singing “America the Beautiful” week’s newspaper to a packed council Early deadlines will be in eff ect for next week’s, chambers. May 31, edition of the Wood County Monitor due to (Monitor pho- Memorial Day weekend. to by Larry The deadline for all society, civic club news will be Tucker) 5 p.m. today (Wednesday). Deadline for business ad- vertising will be noon on tomorrow, Thursday, and for classifi ed “line” or “word” ads will be 10 a.m. on Friday. The Monitor offi ces will be closed Monday in obser- vance of Memorial Day. Please have a safe Memorial Day weekend. Letters David Dobbs takes over in Quitman From page 2A By LARRY TUCKER ed Hitz eman had met with Texas breath and Kevin Taylor att ended side counseling, but that’s not a great option here [email protected] Parks & Wildlife to discuss plans the Sabine River Authority pro- because children’s counselors are scarce in our area to revamp the Texas Sharelunker gram for the Sabine River Basin to meet the needs of everyone. Counselors also help The David Dobbs era as may- Program. Steering Committ ee and the Texas bridge the gap with law enforcement when needed. or of Quitman started out with In departmental reports, Quit- Clean Rivers Program in Emory. I know personally that Mrs. Palmer has helped a song, literally. Quitman High man Public Library Director De- In early April 35 people att end- with all of these on the elementary campus. The stu- School 2017 Valedictorian Caro- lene Allen listed members now to- ed a customer inspection class at dents have made do with her there only part-time line Cameron began Thursday’s tal 7,300 with 2,476 from the city of Quitman Library. this year. Who will do it next year? city council meeting singing Quitman and 4,747 from outside In April at the wastewater treat- Please, school board, administration, parents and “America the Beautiful.” Three the city limits, but still in Wood ment plant 6,221,100 gallons of students, let’s do something to fi nd the money to former mayors were at the meet- County. There are also 27 out-of- water were treated for a daily av- hire the primary school a counselor of its own and ing and Dobbs thanked them for county members, 15 business, 13 erage of 207,370 gallons. Gilbreath leave Donna Palmer at Mineola Elementary School their service and dedication to the staff , 12 Tex-Share cards and 10 reported “We had lightning dam- where she belongs. city of Quitman. Those former day cards. Allen further reported age at the water plant. The level Thank you. mayors in att endance were Sam the Second Friday Acoustical Mu- transmitt ers were knocked out, Jackie Ricks Lange, David Seago and J.R. Ev- sic Jam continues to be popular the batt ery back-ups had to be re- ans. with 85 att ending last month. The placed, and the hard drive to the To the editor, During the mayor’s comments next jam is set for June 9. computer that runs the plant had On behalf of the residents of Wood Memorial part of the agenda Dobbs spoke Walter Lutonsky’ and his city to be replaced.” Nursing Home, we would like to send our heart- briefl y to those in the crowd- employees served the city in var- In other matt ers the council: felt appreciation to the staff at Wood Memorial for ed chambers of the city council ious activities covering water dis- Moved the June 15 council meet- the care and consideration that they showed the stressing safety and excellence. tribution, sewer collection and ing date to June 22 at 5:30 p.m. night of April 29, 2017 during the storms that swept “Our citizens and our fi rst re- street work. In April, there were Approved an ordinance ap- through our town. The tornado sirens were going sponders must work together to 11 connections and 8 disconnec- proving a negotiated sett lement off and they came in and got each one of us to the achieve safety in all that we do,” tions, 11 customer service in- between the Atmos Cities Steer- hallway to ensure our safety. This was done with Dobbs said. “I have had a chance spections, and 20 tons of asphalt ing Committ ee and Atmos Energy such a calmness so all stayed calm and continued to to start meeting with some of the was put out to patch streets. The corp. Mid-Tex division concern- feel safe throughout the entire ordeal. department heads. I appreciate department also shredded city ing the company’s rate review Also, a 15-year-old, Mineola High School 9th grad- everything they have done, are right-of-ways, mowed city prop- mechanism fi lings. er, Jacob Dabbs, was also there to assist us. He came doing and desire to do.” erties, worked at Jim Hogg City Authorized the expenditure for in and assisted us to safety as well and he too re- Sam Scroggins gave the month- Park, worked at the city pool and emergency sewer line repairs. mained calm. We would like to send a special thank ly update for Wood County In- performed routine duties such as Approved a resolution of signa- you to him for his acts of kindness during that time. dustrial Commission activities. unstopping sewers, reading wa- tories for city accounts to include We could not ask for a kinder, more caring group of Scroggins reported WCIC chair- ter meters and picking up brush, David Dobbs, mayor; Randy people to take care of us, so again thank you to the person Sue Hitz eman completed bags and pine straw. Dunn, mayor pro-tem; Gregory staff at Wood Memorial Nursing Home, and that appointments to the executive Dee Gilbreath, waste/water de- D. Hollen, city secretary / admin- very special young man, Jacob Dabbs. board and they are Neal Duncan, partment head, reported for April istrator; Sheryl Laudenslager, fi - Thank you. Mineola; Richard Pearce, Yantis; they produced 8,174,000 gallons nance clerk; Brad Medlin, alder- By Jeanne Yarber on behalf of residents of Wood Dan Kirk, Hawkins and Janna of water for a daily average of man; Susan Resnik, alderwoman Memorial Nursing Home Castloo, Mineola. Scroggins add- 272,000 gallons. On April 26, Gil- and Kevin Gilbreath, alderman. Mineola Mineola school discusses failed bond, security measures By BRIANNA HARMON bond. room. a counselor with the Amanda Whitecott on, and Dr. Kyle Gully were [email protected] As part of the discus- “Where do you look,” high school. Elementary Melissa Fisher who was sworn in to serve a three- sion about safety and the asked Dr. John Abbott , Counselor Donna Palm- with the middle school year term on the board. MISD is running out of lack of control of who vice president of the er will go to the primary band, high school science They were unopposed space. goes on the high school school board. “Are we school. teacher Christina Hyde for their seats. At the Mineola School campus, the board talk- going to be a school dis- “You are ripping the and kindergarten teacher Assistant Superinten- Board meeting last Mon- ed about making the trict full of portables, is safety net out from un- Nicole Litt le. dent for Business & Op- day nig ht the bond and back parking lot at the that the direction we are der the children, teach- Retiring is long-time erations William Bjork security issues were ad- high school a staff only headed?” ers and parents,” said Agriculture Teacher discussed the district dressed. parking lot with a secu- Tunnell replied to DeAngelo. “We choose Glenn Dossett and Auto having to switch banks The board discussed rity gate and card reader. Abbott saying that she to come to this school for Mechanics Instructor due to Capitol One drop- sending out surveys to With the switch in park- hopes that’s not the direc- many reasons and now John Callison. ping all schools. The the community to get ing, students and parents tion the district is headed you are taking one of Also in the May meet- school district will now feedback on where the would then park in the and that the schools are those reasons away from ing: bank with Wood County community stands with side lot. Delivery truck ‘’busting at the seams.” us. You are choosing a * the board accepted a National Bank. the bond. The surveys drivers would buzz the The Mineola ISD Ed- checkbook over the stu- $500 bid on a 1999 Chevy Bjork stated that it ‘’will are to help fi nd a com- offi ce and enter through ucation Foundation dents.” pickup. The money will be diffi cult to do transi- mon ground between the the new staff lot. awarded seven teachers Several teachers have go to scholarships for the tion’’ but plans to have individuals who are for This summer the dis- with grants for a total of resigned from the dis- auto mechanics program. everything switched over and against it. trict plans to increase $14,997. The recipients trict. Those teachers are * incumbents Abbott as quickly as possible. Discussion of calling a security throughout the found out they were bond in August to have a schools as well as adding awarded when a prize November election were more lighting to the na- patrol went in during also brought to the table ture trail. their classes. last Monday during the Also the schools have Public comments were regular May school board space needs for the made by concerned par- meeting. Superintendant middle and high school ents Melonie Hender- Kim Tunnell stated that fi ne arts program, the son, Diana DeAngelo if a bond was to be voted high school health sci- and District Judge Jeff on in November the fi rst ences program, as well Fletcher concerning the payment would not be as needing more class- counselor position at until next year, as well as rooms in the high school the elementary school. taxes won’t be raised un- for the freshman AVID Their comments were on til then. (Advancement Via Indi- the decision for there to Tunnell also stated that vidual Determination) no longer be a full-time only 17 percent of regis- class and U.S. History. counselor on campus at Mineola Main Street tered voters showed up Talk of adding porta- the elementary school. at the polls to vote on the bles went around the The school will share Autumn Every Saturday -- Rain or Shine! May through October y 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Noon Wind The Pavilion @ 101 Front Street (west of the train depot) Assisted Living 135 Autumn Wind Court - Mineola, TX 75773 903-569-1111 | FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY - MOVE IN SPECIAL Autumn Wind accepts Medicaid star plus/United health care. We also accept private pay and long term care insurance. The inclusive cost also includes water and electricity, housekeeping, laundry and three delicious meals daily. Assistance is provided with dressing, grooming, showers, transfers, toileting, incontinence as well as administering medication. As there are only a few apartments left, please schedule a tour by calling 903-569-1111. 4A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 QISD board approves new softball facility By LARRY TUCKER ball fi eld and the baseball fi eld at noted. “We are gett ing refurbished [email protected] Grace Community School in Tyler. computers and we are gett ing them “I want to say thank you to for $269 each, cart included, ship- After years of playing home the board because we had about ping included. We are gett ing quite games at Dawson Park on Youth $950,000 in fund balance to do a deal on 60 computers and two Foundation fi elds, the Quitman these type of activities. We are get- carts. The computers have a three- Lady Bulldog softball team will fi - ting the ag barn, the show pavilion year warranty.” nally have a home. and the softball fi eld done,” Su- The board canvassed votes from The Quitman School Board unan- perintendent Rhonda Turner said. the May 6 election in which Ray- imously voted to build a facility “Our next thing is to get bids to fi n- mond Peek received 196 votes, Jane north of the high school for $403,104 ish up the road work, concession Herring 183 and Mark Breding 125. on a bid awarded to Deen’s Irriga- stand and bathrooms. The fact we Peek is returning to the board after tion from Wills Point. This money have saved our money and put it being off for a year and Herring re- is not coming from the bond is- aside we are able to do these kinds tains her seat. Board President Trey sue approved in November 2015. of things. On behalf of our kids, Teaff did not run for re-election. Money for the project will come and the coaches, we appreciate it The board approved an update from the designated fund balance. so very much. This is huge for our on the current wellness policy as Deen’s has built facilities in the school district.” recommended by the Texas Asso- area including the Yantis baseball In another matt er, the board ap- ciation of School Boards. The pol- fi eld, baseball and softball fi elds at proved a proposal to buy 60 laptop icy states the district shall support Martins Mill, baseball and softball computers from VIG Solutions for the general wellness of all students fi elds at Bland, three baseball fi elds $17,000. Scott Turner, district infor- by implementing measureable for the Wills Point Youth Associa- mation technology director, pre- goals to promote nutrition, student tion, Van softball fi eld, Terrell soft- sented the proposal to the board. health and to reduce childhood “What we are seeking is 60 new obesity. Quitman High School Class of 2017 Salutato- laptop computers and two carts for The board further approved the rian Mischel Fry led the pledges at the Quit- the high school campus. Our com- student/athletic insurance renewal man school board meeting May 16. (Monitor puter inventory is quite old, most contract in the amount of $26,500 photo by Larry Tucker) of them are not useable,” Turner for the 2017-2018 school year.

Quitman Commissioners get financial update

Pharmacy By LARRY TUCKER ed services and changes we are. We are going to er to add Shelly Ogle to Has the [email protected] to terms. They heard take responsibility for represent Yantis on the Scott’s from BTH represen- everything we do on our Wood County Industrial Under the leadership of tative Troy Robinson. side. If we make a mis- Commission. Pct. 2 Commissioner Jer- “Just for defi nition, trea- take we are going to fi x it There were three per- ry Gaskill in the absence sury management is the immediately. sonnel actions taken at of Judge Bryan Jeanes, online access, the way “You are responsible the meeting. In the Wood Wood County commis- your offi cials deal with for keeping the bad guys County Sheriff ’s Depart- sioners moved effi ciently the bank on an electron- out of your systems. We ment, Carl Goode, Jr. and Stop by, let us help you with your graduation shopping! through a short agenda ic basis, which is obvi- can’t control what you do Andrew Deimert are 'ŝŌǁƌĂƉƉŝŶŐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ Friday morning. ously very important. or don’t do or what sys- leaving the corrections Commissioners ap- It’s effi cient for us, it is tems you elect to put into division to become dep- proved an update to effi cient for you. There place to keep those guys uties at $20.24 per hour BTH treasury manage- are a lot of cyber securi- out. There have been each. Linda Bradley was ment services for add- ty issues we are staying some well-circulated in- hired as a part-time em- on top of all the time,” cidents where county ployee at $10 per hour Robinson explained. governments have been for the Texas A&M Agri- “There is one section, a breached. We want this Life Extension Service. ȪȶɃȶȿȺɅɊU limitation of liability that to be a two-way street. Payroll of $316,361.58 is a stronger version of We want to protect you was approved. what has been in there. and we want you to help Approved the contin- Randy White Pharm. D. YOGA Again, with all the cy- us protect you.” uation of property in- Proud to be your hometown pharmacy ber security that we are In other actions: surance coverage with RESTORE - RELAX - YOGA all facing nowadays, we Commissioners ap- the Texas Association of 310 E Goode St | Quitman, TX 75783 4WSgf[Xg^EfgV[a want to be sure that we proved a request from Counties Risk Manage-  both understand where Yantis Mayor Jerry Mill- ment Pool. 903-763-9600 2 WEEKS FREE with THIS AD! ȣɀȴȲɅȶȵȺȿȤȺȿȶɀȽȲȲȴɃɀɄɄȷɃɀȾ Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 6:00 | Saturday 8:30 - 12:00 ȤȺȿȶɀȽȲȥȲɅɆɃȶȧɃȶɄȶɃɇȶ ǁǁǁ͘ƐĞƌĞŶŝƚLJLJŽŐĂͲƐŚĂƌŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ Society plans eye on the sky evening The Mineola Nature eryone is invited. The the naked eye. Preserve, in conjunction activity begins about 10 This is a weather per- with The Astronomical p.m. and will end about mitt ing program and in Society of East Texas, 11 p.m. the event of inclement will present stargazing The location will be weather or cloud cov- at the Mineola Nature the amphitheater next er, the program will be Preserve Friday. This is to the pavilion. The pro- cancelled. A cancelled a free program and ev- gram is a group exercise notice will be posted in Hometown Friendly from Hometown Folks in identifying objects in the calendar page of the Offering FREE delivery - Drive thru the night sky that can be Society’s website, ase- seen with binoculars or on 125 E. Broad St. Mineola y 903-569-3882 the date and a sign will be posted at the pre- FISH DAY! serve entrance IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOUR POND! Organizers ask par- Delivery Will Be: TUESDAY, MAY 30 ticipants to keep an Wood County Pittsburg 11:15-12:00 eye on the weather and @ TX County Farm Supply dress appropriately for Democrat Club FRIDAY, JUNE 2 Emory 1:30-2:15 it. There has been a sig- P.O. Box 1188 Mineola, TX 75773 (Across from WAL-MART) @ Potts Feed Store nifi cant amount of rain SATURDAY, JUNE 10 lately, so wear clothing 903-569-5115 Mineola 7:30-8:15 @ Big Country Farm Center to ward off mosquitoes. Jonathan, Rodney & Nic Watkins Quitman 8:45-9:30 @ Potts Feed Store If you bring mosquito Sulphur Springs 10:15-11:00 @ NE Texas Farmers Co-Op repellant, do not bring Mt. Vernon 11:45-12:30 @ TX County Farm Supply aerosols; use wipes in- Discounts up to 40% stead. FISH WAGON For more information 45 TX Nimitz held this To Place an order Call ACROSS 1234 on this event and the rank from 1907 ‘til 1 at start of WWII, 1-800-643-8439 1910 when he made TEXAS society, contact us at TX Nimitz was a 5 lieutenant (abbr.) ____ admiral [email protected] or 46 this Favor was 6 5 in Hidalgo County CROSSWORD the trail boss on text to 903-520-7338. on highway 107 by Charley & Guy Orbison TV’s “Rawhide” 7 Copyright 2017 by Orbison Bros. 6 TX Gilpin who was 47 ice cream holders “Roz” on “Frasier” 48 rodeo bull riders 89 1011121314151617 87FRXUVHSUHÀ[ have to hold on for 8 this is a tributary 18 19 20 eight of these to the Frio River WKLV5HG6R[JUHDW 21 22 23 Williams was 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WKHÀUVWPDQDJHURI WKH7H[DV5DQJHUV 32 33 34 35 19 eliminated 21 TXism: “__ have to 36 37 38 get better to die” 22 TXism: “sounds 39 40 41 OLNHBBBBD[OHµ 42 43 44 23 Oiler QB Warren Moon also played 45 46 47 for Edmonton in this league (abbr.) 50 “Dallas” 1980 48 49 P-1325 24 this actress Greer cliffhanger: “Who wed a TX oilman ____ J.R.?” 50 29 “do I have _ ___ 51 Lake La ___ del 51 in what happens?” Rey 11 TX-born Debbie 30 folding Hamiltons? 52 TX-based “Steak 5H\QROGVÀOP 52 31 business informa- and ___” “___ One for Me” 30 TX revolution tion in the Bay Area 53 “the ___ is the limit” 12 “in the year of our 53 cannon: Observer (abbr.) Lord” (abbr.) “____ Sisters” 32 the shape of Delta DOWN 13 TXism: “hard as 33 TX’s nation (abbr.) County, roughly 1 founded in 1866: dodging ______34 TXism: “____ rag” 34 TXism: “he’s too “Winchester a wedding” (hanky) OD]\WRBBBBÁLHVµ ______14 founded in TX in 35 book of maps 35 “it don’t ___ up” Company” 1977: “_ ____ 24 Ford two-seater 37 TXism: “______36 soft leather slipper 2 TXism: “he couldn’t Believe It’s Yogurt!” sports car earrings on a sow” 37 component JHWBBBBBBBÀGGOHU 15 moving trucks 25 TXism: “costs an 38 shoe bottoms 38 “____ the course” JHQHUDORI7H[DVµ 16 arrival guess at ___ and a leg” 40 part of the eye 39 TX George Jones (not well liked) Hobby Airport 26 early saying: “One 41 TXism: “big frog in hit in 1964 3 TXism: “hot __ (abbr.) ____, one Ranger” the ____” (VIP) 41 TX Cyd Charisse ____ tar in July” 17 noted TX oil well 27 17 miles NE of 44 ____ Belvieu, TX recovered from this 4 Emory is the seat ÀUHÀJKWHU Dallas on 47 this TX Denton disease as a child of this county 20 this Wade is a TX highway 78 LPSODQWHGWKHÀUVW 42 Mr. Houston 9 _____ Hill, TX culture artist 28 “______Aggie, DUWLÀFLDOKHDUW 43 white heron 10 TX Swayze was 22 TXism: “sneaky __ Always An Aggie” 49 TXism: “_____ talk” 44 TXism: “_____ “____ Main” in TV’s __ ___-sucking 29 seat of Jim Wells (coach’s mop” (toothbrush) “North and South” dog” County instruction) Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 5A Mineola Police Report

Mineola police reports for the past thing was fi ne and the offi cer did not been used in several Texas towns and whom she had a protective order was week included: see any signs of an assault. in Florida, Alabama and Louisiana in a sending her text messages. Later that May 17 – Personnel at Bob Smith May 16 – Personnel at Cross Coun- short time period. day, Larry Jeff erson Burge, 22, Mine- Auto on West Broad Street reported the try Foods reported a person who was A traffi c stop for a defective tail light ola, was arrested for that violation on theft of rims and tires off a Chevrolet previously issued a criminal trespass on West Broad Street led to the arrest Giles Street. pickup. warning was back in the store the pre- of two Edgewood men. Police arrest- At 9:37 p.m. a couple reported they At 11:16 a.m. personnel at the An- vious day. A warrant was issued for the ed Llogan Matt hew Hinton, 21, on two were headed to Hawkins and a male drew’s Center reported an aggressive man for criminal trespassing. Wood County warrants for failure to driving a silver Cadillac was tailgating client. Offi cers talked to the man and he Police arrested Leann Michelle Wilt, identify as a fugitive. They arrested them and displayed a weapon when left with his family to go to the hospital. 29, Tyler, for possession of drug para- Hayden Wayne Case, 19, for hindering they were at Highways 37 and 69. The A Francis Street man reported his phernalia. At 6:30 p.m. an off -duty of- apprehension. matt er is under investigation. child’s mother entered his home and fi cer reported reckless driving on West May 14 – Police noted at 5:27 p.m. There was a report of a disturbance took their baby without permission. Broad Street, stating Wilt was driving that a baby had been left alone in a ve- in the Walmart parking lot at 9:44 p.m. The man wants to pursue trespass all over the road. An offi cer pulled her hicle at Walmart. The man was issued Police checked on the matt er and found charges in the matt er. There are no le- over and reported fi nding the para- a citation. those involved were only arguing and gal documents on the custody of the phernalia. Police arrested Angelica Desiree were fi ne. child, so no charges will be fi led for the May 15 – Personnel at Walmart re- Washington, 23, Mineola, for posses- May 12 – At 6:48 p.m. a woman re- mother taking the baby. ported a theft that occurred in March sion of drug paraphernalia. They re- ported she was sexually assaulted by Police arrested Tracey Lynn Hender- when they discovered a suspect re- ported Washington was at a house on a male friend. Police reports there was son, 48, and Jason Lee Wolford, 34, both ceived $500 cash in change and had Krause Street and the family who lived alcohol involved, and she reported she of Mabank, for theft. The pair were al- an employee also load $1,500 on a gift there did not want her there. When was taken advantage of while the male legedly stealing merchandise from card. Police say this is an ongoing scam police arrived they found Washington said it was consensual. The matt er is Walmart. The woman took some of the involving a group of people, usually a in possession of a small amount mari- under investigation. property back to customer service and female and at Walmarts, who will get juana and arrested her. She was also is- At 10:42 p.m. a renter on Patt en Street returned it with an old receipt. the clerk confused on loading a gift sued a criminal trespass warning from reported her landlord had removed the A woman reported two hubcaps were card and end up walking out with a the house. washer and dryer that she had rented stolen from her vehicle while parked large amount loaded on a Visa or Mas- May 13 – Parents reported their from Aaron’s. The matt er is under in- on East McDonald Street. terCard gift card. The matt er is under 15-year-old son had run away at 2:30 vestigation. A disturbance was reported on South investigation. This is the second occur- a.m. At 5:30 p.m. that day he returned May 11 – Amtrak personnel request- Pacifi c Street when a driver saw a rence at Mineola’s Walmart. home. ed an ambulance when they arrived in man with his arms around a woman’s A My Credit Union customer report- A violation of a protective order was town to check out a woman who fell throat. An offi cer found the couple and ed his debit card was used 17 times reported when a woman on Giles Street and offi cers assisted but she refused they said they weren’t fi ghting, every- without his permission. The card had reported her ex-boyfriend against transport.

Wood County Sheriff’s Report May 16 - Deputies were dispatched to County Quitman at approximately 10:41 p.m. on a theft. A There were reports of cows out at 12:13 p.m. on Road 4930 in Quitman at approximately 8:37 a.m. computer was stolen from the victim’s vehicle on Highway 37, at 2:57 p.m. on Highway 515 / 154 and on a theft. The victim’s trailer and welder were sto- his property. This case has been forwarded to in- at 5:32 p.m. on FM 778. len off of his property. This case has been forwarded vestigators. May 11 - At 4:13 p.m., cows were reported out on to investigators. At 10:20 a.m., cows were reported out on HWY 11 CR 3854 and at 7:38 p.m., cows were reported out Deputies were dispatched to Greenbriar Trail in E. on CR 3230. Hawkins at approximately 10:48 a.m. in regards to May 14 - Deputies were dispatched to Private May 10 - Deputies arrived at CR 2174 in Quitman criminal mischief. The victim’s windshield on the Road 6304 in Mineola, at approximately 12:34 a.m. at approximately 12:45 a.m. to serve a warrant. The vehicle was damaged. This case has been forwarded in reference to an assault. An individual was arrest- wanted person was found in the residence. Acey to investigators. ed at the scene for outstanding warrants. This is an Farris, 55, of Quitman was arrested for tampering A deputy was contacted over the phone at approx- ongoing investigation. with evidence, possession of a controlled substance, imately 2:54 p.m. in reference to a theft on CR 3940 Deputies were dispatched at approximately 10 and on a warrant. at 3950. Copper wire was stolen from the victim’s a.m. to FM 17 in Alba on a burglary. The owner of Deputies were dispatched to CR 3482 in Hawkins work yard. This case has been forwarded to inves- a boat reported parts of his boat were stolen. This at approximately 10:36 a.m. in regards to a burglary. tigators. case has been forwarded to investigators. Miscellaneous sporting goods were stolen from the May 15 - An individual made a report by phone May 13 - Deputies were dispatched to CR 1388 at victim’s deer stand. This case has been forwarded to at approximately 6:40 a.m. about a theft on Farm-to- approximately 3:13 a.m. on a report of a suspicious investigators. Market 49 near FM 14. The victim states that several vehicle. The deputy made contact with a person Deputies were dispatched to CR 3840 in Hawkins steel pipes and a couple joints of casing were stolen. outside of the car who appeared intoxicated. Juan at approximately 11:33 a.m. in regards to an assault. This case has been forwarded to the investigators. Garza, 22, of Quitman, was arrested for public in- John McCann, 34, of Hawkins was arrested for as- Deputies were dispatched to FM 1804 in Mineo- toxication. sault causing bodily injury family violence. la at approximately 7:09 a.m. on a disturbance. The The department received calls about cows being At 10:06 a.m., cows were reported out on FM 852 victim was assaulted at the residence and wanted to out at 8:11 a.m. on FM 515 in Yantis, at 9:42 a.m. on in Winnsboro. press charges. Virgil Worsham, 38, of Mineola, was FM 2088 in Winnsboro and at 9:22 p.m. at Spur 514 Total Jail Count – 155 prisoners – 126 males and arrested for assault causing bodily injury family vi- in Yantis. 29 females. olence. May 12 - Deputies were dispatched to CR 3170 in Deputies spoke to someone about a theft. Three Quitman at approximately 10:15 a.m. in reference to military headstones at Muddy Creek Cemetery on an individual pouring gasoline on a vehicle. Upon FM 69 in Quitman were stolen. This case has been arriving at the residence, deputies were informed forwarded to investigators. that the individual who poured gasoline on the Fuller’s Deputies were dispatched to FM 49 in Mineola at vehicle assaulted another individual. Christopher approximately 6:03 p.m. regarding an assault. The Shelton, 38, of Quitman, was arrested for assault victim was assaulted at the residence and wanted causing bodily injury family violence. Transport to pursue charges. Stephanie Loy, 37, of Mineola Deputies were dispatched to CR 3620, at approxi- 903-975-2859-Phone | 903-492-3501-Fax was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly mately 2:15 p.m., in regards to information on a pos- 708 S. Main St. | Quitman, TX 75783 weapon. sible stolen vehicle. Jason Craft, 39, of Big Sandy, Deputies were dispatched to Highway 182 in was arrested for Theft of Property. We don’t want your arms and legs just your Tows!! invited to att end the ser- vice on the grounds of the This week Wood County Courthouse Mineola Fire Report From page 1A in Quitman. Mineola Fire Depart- vehicle fi re at the inter- • The Mineola High ment activities for the section of FM 1253 and East Texas708 Pressure S. Main St. Thursday at 6 p.m. in School Junior Historians past week included: 857 at 10:27 p.m.; MAF Pressure Enterprises LLC. JOY Hall at First United Quitman, TX 75783 will host “Remembering May 17 – a request May 12 – a request Methodist Church Quit- 903-975-2859 the Great War,” on Memo- for medical assistance for medical assistance man. They will hear from rial Day, Monday at noon to FM 1801 at 11:38 to McWhorter Street at [email protected] congressional candidate at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal a.m.; 4:17 p.m. Dan Wood. • Commercial and Residential Power Washing Church. The public is in- May 14 – manning May 11 – a call about • The Astronomical vited to the observance. a landing zone at the arcing electrical wires • Lot Restriping Society of East Texas is • A group of veterans Mineola Civic Center on Northwest Loop • Commercial Vent Hood Cleaning hosting stargazing at the are planning a Memorial at 12:52 a.m.; a request 564 at 10:46 p.m.; a call Mineola Nature Preserve Light Mechanics | Brake Jobs Day run in Mineola car- for medical assistance about a controlled burn Now Friday at 10 p.m. It is $ 99 rying fl ags from Snap Fit- to East Highway 80 at on CR 2298 at 3:27 p.m. Oil and Filter change 39. planned for the amphi- Offering: up to 5 quarts ness to the Veterans Me- 5:48 p.m. ; a request for medical theater area and of course, morial in downtown and May 13 – manning a assistance to CR 25456 Michael & Amber Fuller, Owners depends on the weather. back. The run has been set landing zone on at the at 4:12 p.m. • The Wood County for 5 p.m. on Monday. For Mineola Civic center at Veterans Association is more information contact 9:36 p.m.; a request for hosting their Memorial Kelly Smith. medical assistance to Day event Monday at • The American Legion North Johnson Street 11:30 a.m. through noon. Post 340 in Winnsboro is at 10:53 a.m.; a call to a All veterans, families, having a Memorial Day friends and members of Celebration at Legion Park the general public are Monday at 10 a.m.

is Club and the Wood Fireworks County Monitor. BC’s Anyone wanting to do- 4 Wheeler & From page 1A nate to the fund can do so by sending a check Lawn Mower are bought with funds marked to that fund to donated by the commu- the Wood County Moni- Repair nity and the event is co- tor, Post Offi ce Box 210, ordinated by the Kiwan- Mineola, Texas 75773. 903-967-7301 Chain Saw Repair Tillers & Jet Skis XUV’s, ATV’s & UTV’s Side By Sides Hours: 8-5 Mon. - Fri. 9-12 Sat. 1352 E. St. Hwy. 154 Quitman, Tx. 75783 B.C. Roberts 20 Years Experience 6A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Wood County Church Directory Alba Mt. Pisgah Baptist Ebenezer Baptist Lake Fork Baptist Church ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1294 CR 3270, Mineola FM 14, Quitman Gunter Assembly of God 903-857-2541 903-967-2848 Tiffany’s Restaurant A lighthouse on the lake 4578 North FM 17, Alba New Hope Baptist Church Pastor John Skelton “My-O-My the Pie” 9483 W FM 515 (903) 473-9523 (903) 765-9981 3855 FM 1801, Mineola Faith Baptist Church 271 CR 1558 • Alba (903) 569-3760 405 S Hart Street, Quitman Alba, Tx 75410 Fax: 903-474-9045 BAPTIST Pastor Fred Morrow 903-492-3535 Website: Bright Star Baptist Church Northside Baptist Church Pastor Mike Midkiff 903-765-2087 2795 Co Rd 3480, Alba 1718 N. Pacific, Mineola First Baptist, Quitman email:[email protected] 903-473-4064 903-569-3872 301 W. Lane, Quitman Open Daily 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pastor Jerry Jackson Jr. Joe Adams, Pastor 903-763-4142 Enon Baptist Church Rose Hill Baptist Church Rev. Gabe Martin 7133 TX-182, Alba 1420 CR 2460, Mineola Forest Hill Baptist Church The Employees of (903) 765-2014 (903) 569-5746 1880 TX-37, Quitman Pastor - Reggie Day Pastor Jeff Thompson (903) 967-3420 First Baptist Church of Alba Sand Springs Baptist Church Pastor Keith Prather Watkins Insurance Group 219 E. Holly, Alba 3208 C.R. 2330, Mineola Mt. Calvary Baptist 903-765-2471 (903) 569-9350 1119 E. G Goode St., Quitman urges everyone to attend BUILDING MATERIALS Pastor Kelly B. Burton Pastor Nick Kerry 903-967-2392 Lake Fork Baptist Silver Lake Baptist Church Darrell Pixley the church of their choice! 401 S. Pacific • Mineola • 903-569-5423 9483 W. FM 515, Alba 150 E Hwy. 80, Mineola Muddy Creek Baptist 903-473-9523 (903) 569-2433 FM 69, Quitman Pastor Perry Crisp Pastor Mike Sullivan 903-967-3384 St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Jerry Williams Quitman Flower Shop/Gifts CHURCH OF CHRIST 304 S. Stone St., Mineola Myrtle Springs Baptist Lowe Funeral Home Alba Church of Christ (903) 569-8722 2185 FM 2225, Quitman 627 E. Lane • 903-763-2922 Off Hwy. 69, Alba Pastor Demethruis T. Boyd David Cook 1102 E. Goode • 763-2242 John Ratliff 903-878-2504 Church of Christ of Alba BIBLE INDEPENDENT Dwayne & Lucy Lowe “Attend the Church 105 W. Holley St., Alba Lake Country Bible Church New Life Baptist Fellowship of Your Choice” 903-765-9450 1402 N Pacific St, Mineola 7365 Main St., Quitman Quitman, Texas George Filpansick (903) 569-5730 903-763-1405 Pastor Craig Lacy Charles Brewster METHODIST Rock Hill Baptist Alba United Methodist CATHOLIC 3543 FM 2966, Quitman 170 E Holley St, Alba St. Peter the Apostle 903-878-2762 Hughes Appliance Paddy’s Autoworks 903-473-2411 Catholic Church Ken Goodson Rev. Beverly Tune 203 Meadowbrook, Mineola Whispering Hope Baptist Church Auto Repair Professionals 903- 569–3665 155 S Farm Road 14, Quitman & Air Conditioning NON-DENOMINATIONAL Pastor Lawrence Love (903) 967-3149 3841 E. Hwy. 154 • 903-967-3799 Open Amazing Grace Fellowship Church Pastor Eddie Slaton 7405 US Hwy 69 E, Alba CHURCH OF CHRIST 1305 W. Broad - Mineola Pastor Byron George Broad St. Church of Christ CHURCH OF CHRIST Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Open Door Church 440 West Broad Church of Christ 903-569-5440 or 903-569-6903 633 CR1560, Alba 903-569-2046 111 Winnsboro, Quitman (903) 765-3587 903-763-5544 DISCOUNT B.D. Bohannoi CHRISTIAN CHURCH Del Ussery First Christian Church BUILDING Golden Disciples of Christ LATTER-DAY SAINTS MATERIALS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 209 North Pacific, Mineola Church of Jesus Christ of Cottonwood Assembly of God 903-569-2537 Latter-day Saints 602 E. Goode • 903-763-2931 8481 FM 779, Golden Pastor Rick Son 1128 E Goode St, Quitman BUILDING MATERIALS - FLOORING SHINGLES SHEET Chad Lewis 903-763-5445 (903) 765-2675 (903) 967-3533 Pastor: Otis Lee CHURCH OF CHRIST Bishop Wayne Crabb METAL - DOORS CABINETS - WINDOWS 305 E. Goode St., Quitman Broad St. Church of Christ Open Monday-Saturday 8 a m to 5 p m BAPTIST 440 West Broad, Mineola METHODIST Golden First Baptist Church 903-569-2046 Brock’s Chapel Methodist County Road 2940, Golden Golden Church of Christ 207 Clark Street, Quitman For all your insurance needs 903 768-2258 Golden 903-763-4062 Pastor Ed Lewis 903-768-2712 Linda McCullough Pilgrim Rest #2 Baptist Church North Loop Church of Christ First United Methodist Dunahoe Insurance 205 County Road 2376, Golden 326 W FM 564, Mineola 406 E Lane St, Quitman 903-768-2653 903-569-3117 (903) 763-4127 Pastor Craig Kearby Clark Dugger Dr. Dick White Agency 135 NE Loop 564 - Mineola - 903-569-0180 Jamestown Church of Christ Liberty Methodist Open 24 Hours BIBLE INDEPENDENT 22022 FM1253, Mineola E. Goode St./Hwy. 154, Quitman 617 N. Broad • 903-569-6912 Golden Bible Church (903) 569-0516 (903) 967-7691 CR 2290, Golden Mineola Church of Christ Dr. Dick White (903) 768-2700 1621 N. Pacific, Mineola Kenneth L. Williams CPA 903- 569-5571 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Autumn Wind Assisted CHURCH OF CHRIST Southside Church of Christ Church on the Rock 308 N. Main • Quitman Golden Church of Christ 527 Read St., Mineola 302 S Main St, Quitman FM Rd. 779, Golden 903- 569-6812 (903) 763-4588 Living of Winnsboro 903-763-4366 903-768-2712 Malcolm Duncan David Jackson James Stringer Country Fellowship We support our local community EPISCOPAL of Wood County 903-342-3388 METHODIST St. Dunstan’s Episcopal 709 Oakwood Dr • Quitman Golden United Methodist 800 N. Johnson, Mineola Andrew McQueen 658 FM 1799, Golden 903- 569-2478 Living Water Fellowship 903-768-2268 The Rev. Thomas A. Pantle 2574 FM2088, Quitman Pastor Jim Pickens (903) 967-2000 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES David Hartley Jehovah’s Witnesses Wood County Cowboy Church Hawkins Hwy. 69 South, Mineola 3435 FM 2088, Quitman Family owned business for more than 60 continuous years ASSEMBLY OF GOD 903-569-6370 903-535-9155 1238 N Pacific St • Mineola, TX First Assembly of God Chase Pope 102 Hams St., Hawkins METHODIST/ CHRISTIAN 903 569-5432 903-769-3835 EPISCOPAL PENTECOSTAL UNITED Pastor Don Majors East Chapel CME Church Victory Fellowship MINEOLA • 903-569-5437 723 South Pacific, Mineola United Pentecostal Church Packagers of Dried Beans, BAPTIST 903-569-3624 1600 N. State Hwy. 37, Quitman Peas, Rice, Popcorn, Liberty Baptist Pastor - Leonard Spurling (903) 967-2628 Coventry & Cameron P.C. Household Aluminum 288 CR 3650, Hawkins Pastor Keith Clark 903-769-2250 METHODIST Larry Coventry, CPA Foil & Plastic Wrap Pastor Bob Sexton 1st United Methodist Church Sulphur Springs Kevin Cameron, CPA 612 N Newsom St, Mineola LUTHERAN LUTHERAN 569-5426 Our Savior Lutheran 125 Lipscomb (on the square) • Quitman, TX 75783 322 Freeman Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Bobbie Maltas 1000 Texas St, Sulphur Springs 3718 FM 2869 • Hawkins Smith Chapel Methodist (903) 885-5787 903-763-4711 903-569-2636 903-769-4065 670 FM 1804, Mineola Timothy Eden Kyle Kirk 903-569-9187 Pastor Jim Pickens Winnsboro PENTECOSTAL Johnson Chapel Methodist BAPTIST Keepit Mini Storage Pine Mills Pentecostal Church 224 Elliott, Mineola Cartwright Baptist Kelly Drug Hwy. 14, Hawkins 903-569-9536 267 CR 4896, Winnsboro Hwy. 69N (Next to KMOO) 903-857-2527 Pastor Clara Gilbert 903-967-2818 Corner of Hwy. 69 & 80 | 569-3882 Pastor M.D. Thornhill Pastor: Bro. Cody Mize 903-569-0400 NAZARENE Crossroads Baptist Keypad Entry - 5’x10’ to 10’x30’ Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. | Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Holly Lake First Church of the Nazarene 1314 CR 4870, Winnsboro Locally Owned FREE DELIVERY CATHOLIC 503 N. Line, Mineola Pastor Terry Bolton Climate Control Units Available Holy Spirit Catholic Church 903-569-3057 East Point Baptist lOXlO & 10X20 1612 S. 2869, Holly Lake Rev. Randy Larpenteur. 5029 FM 2088, Winnsboro Rev. Michael T. Snyder Bro. James Scott 903-769-3235 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Perryville Baptist Church Coventry Financial Group Dairy Queen Bethel Worship Center 9429 E. FM 851, Winnsboro Mineola 2973 St. Hwy 80 E., Mineola 903-725-7729 Larry Coventry, Certified Financial Planner ASSEMBLY OF GOD 903-569-8708 Sharon Baptist of Mineola First Assembly of God Rev. Kenneth Teo 176 CR 4890, Winnsboro Brian Coventry, Financial Advisor 1917 N US Hwy 69 Church of the Lakes 903-629-7202 (903) 569-9882 at Enchanted Lakes Perry Shirley 125 Lipscomb (on the square) Quitman, TX 75783 903·569·5454 Pastor Jerry Williams 22410 County Rd 455, Mineola Iglesia Primera (903) 569-5101 CATHOLIC 903-763-4711 Asamblea de Dios Holy Ghost Central Church St. Ann’s Catholic 511 N. Second, Mineola Hwy. 69-10 N of Mineola 1010 W. FM 515, Winnsboro 903-569-5537 903-768-2262 903-629-7889 WOOD COUNTY Pastor Rick Childers Mani Mathai DOW AUTOPLEX BAPTIST Lake Country Bible Church Calvary Baptist Church 1402 N Pacific St, Mineola CHRISTIAN Full Service GM Dealer ASPHALT 779 FM 49, Mineola (903) 569-5730 Central Christian Church (903) 768-2313 Craig Lacy 110 Sage St., Winnsboro Sales Mon.-Fri. 8 - 6 Sat. 9 - 5 2124 County Road 2670 Pastor Donald Masters Mineola Christian Fellowship 903-342-5883 1313 Hwy. 69 S - Mineola Central Baptist Church 2207 W US Hwy 80, Mineola F. Kevin Hollowell 602 N Line St, Mineola (903) 569-8884 903-569-2621 903.569.1833 (903) 569-3203 Safe Harbor Prophetic Ministries METHODIST First Baptist Church 5411 Hwy 37, Mineola Perryville Methodist Church 204 N Johnson St, Mineola 569-8388 FM 852, Perryville Compliments of (903) 569-3873 Pastors: Andy & Irene Madding 8 Miles SE of Winnsboro SUPPORT OUR AREA Pastor Dr. Mark Neeley Spur on Ministries Glenda Mendoza Freedom Baptist Church 2670 S. State Hwy 37, Mineola Kemp-Meek 155 CR 2201, Mineola 863-697-0469 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES WITH AN AD 903-638-8555 Pastor Mike Fletcher First Presbyterian Manufacturing Co. Inc. Pastor Al Dusek 302 S Chestnut St, Winnsboro Hainesville Baptist Church PENTECOSTAL UNITED (903) 342-3011 Mineola, Tx. IN THIS LOCATION 3368 FM 49, Mineola New Life Pentecostal Rev. Dr. Julie Adkins “Strong churches make strong communities” 903 569-3212 201 W F M Rd 564, Mineola Pastor Terry Davis 903-569-5750 Yantis The Grooming Palace Harvest Acres Baptist Church Pastor David Bethel BAPTIST 1062 W State Loop 564, Mineola County Line Baptist Plas Tech Fiberglass 903-569-5351 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 6380 FM 2966, Yantis Pet Grooming Pastor David W. Burcham Seventh Day Adventist 903-383-2148 Industrial and Custom Fabrication Hubbard Chapel Baptist Church 1904 Old Tyler Hwy., Mineola Pastor Rodney Christ FM 2422 Hwy. 778, Mineola 903-569-6930 Covenant Reformed Baptist Oil Field Services Pastor: Rick Ellington Pastor Richard Rose FM 515 & 852, Yantis 911 E. Broad • Mineola Mineola Legacy Baptist Fellowship Pastor Tony Jackson 415 W. McDonald, Mineola Quitman First Baptist, Yantis 903-569-5786 903-316-0552 ASSEMBLY OF GOD 100 Church St., Yantis Macedonia Missionary Baptist First Assembly of God 903-383-2393 903-569-5856 1555 County Road 3875, Mineola 909 E. Goode St., Quitman Pastor Craig Vance (903) 769-5618 903-763-2901 White Oak Baptist TOWN & COUNTRY CLEANERS BAILEY’S ACE Pastor Thomas Ricks Pastor Ken Otwell 116 PR5922, Yantis FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED BY Mt. Enterprise Baptist Church (903) 383-2310 HARDWARE 3331 S St. Hwy. 37, Mineola BAPTIST Pastor Jimmy Rogers BOB WEAVER (903) 569-2124 Clover Hill Baptist 411 S. MAIN ST.• Quitman 522 E. Broad 903.569.2911 Jonathan Allen FM 69, Quitman Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm, 903-967-7440 Pastor Earl Kernes 903-763-0251 Sat 8 am - 6 pm • Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm MON – FRI 7:30AM TO 5:30PM Joann Jones Boddie Roofing Order your Tee’s now for VBS & Family Reunions Machine Quilting ACTION PRINTING of MINEOLA, TEXAS SUPPORT OUR AREA Composistion - Torchdown - Metal T-shirts * Caps * Banners * Signs QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Residential • Free Estimates Business Forms * Business Cards CHURCHES WITH AN AD REASONABLE PRICES Envelopes * Brochures “We are proud to support our local churches” 903-850-4642 150 CR 2740 * Mineola * 903-569-5502 IN THIS LOCATION Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7A COWBOYS SQUAD BRINGS CHEER TO WOOD MEMORIAL NURSING HOME

Is that really you, asks Judy Brashear, of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Elizabeth during a visit to the Wood Memorial Nursing home this past Saturday. Brashear is checking out the photograph Elizabeth had just autographed and given to her.

ABOVE: The house was packed Saturday morning at Wood Memorial Nursing Home when five Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders rolled up in a big custom Cowboys bus to spend some time visiting with residents, their families, and other visitors. Here Bill Van Horn chats with Cheerleader Elizabeth and thanks her for autograph- ing a photo for him. LEFT: Wood Memorial Nursing Home resident Sharon Lewis was doing a pretty good job of raising a cheer herself when Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Robin posed for a picture with her after Robin had autographed a cheerlead- ers team picture for her.

(Monitor photos by Tommy Anderson) James Ray chats with Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Holly while she autographs a Dallas Cowboys Cheer- leaders team photograph for him. A quintet of the famed cheer squad spent an hour Saturday Morning at Wood Memorial Nursing Home, visiting with patients and signing autographs.

R E A R E L S A Last Puzzle P E R I Solution E C O N A T A S C O S A R I V E R T E D E R A D I C A T E D I D A D R Y C A N A D A G A R S O N A S A Y T E N S A D T R I A N G U L A R S W A T A D D M O C C A S I N U N I T S T A Y T H E R A C E I S O N P O L I O S A M E G R E T M O L A R E N S G I L C O N E S When facing a S E C O N D S S H O T S A L A L E movement disorder, S K Y S-1325 you want the most skilled specialists

If you have Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia The ETMC Movement or another movement disorder, you want intelligent and Disorders Center experienced care. You want the ETMC Movement Disorders team provides Center, ranked in the top 10 percent of the nation’s programs world-class care for deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgeries. and works closely with patients to Under the direction of renowned neurologist Dr. George Plotkin, improve the a team of neurosurgeons has perfected techniques to reduce quality of their George Plotkin, the length of DBS surgery and improve outcomes for hundreds lives. PhD, MD of patients. For instance, a person with Parkinson’s disease is likely to experience six more hours of daily functioning time and need half as many medications after DBS.

DBS is one of many treatment options offered at the ETMC Movement Disorders Center. To learn more, call Loretta Daughtry, Amy Mullins, RN, 903-535-6092 or visit RN, MSN, FNP-BC MSN, FNP-BC [

A not-for-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life in East Texas communities. We care for East Texas 8A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Quitman Library Connections


Summer Reading begins Thurs- Friends of the Library day, June 1 at 2 p.m. with a kick-off Friends of the Quitman Public Library recently party at Gov. Jim Hogg City Park. Adult Services held its last meeting of the season and will meet This year’s theme is “Build a Bett er GED preparatory classes will extend through the again in September after Summer Break. Friends is World.” Join us for an afternoon of summer. The class meets each Thursday from 4 - 6 an active group of men and women dedicated to the hot dogs, yard games, splash pad p.m. and is taught by certifi ed instructor Susan growth and improvement of the library. and family fun! Resnik. We will hand out Summer Reading packets on The class is designed to prepare students for On Display that day. On the following Thursday, June 8, at 2 the GED test. Call 903-763-4191 or stop by on In the lobby showcase is a display of dragons p.m. we will meet at the Quitman Public Library Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. to meet with the instructor. from the collections of Sara de la Rosa of Mineola for Tinker Day where we will build stuff with the Rebekah Yeager and Virginia Hoff pauir invite stu- and Beverly Chamberlain of Quitman. Among the help of teen volunteers from Glowing Hearts. dents of all ages and skill levels to bring their own interesting items are fi gurines and pieces of original The 2nd Friday Acoustical Music Jam at the supplies and join the group for free knitt ing and art by Sara de la Rosa. Quitman Public Library is Friday, June 9. Acous- crochet instruction each Thursday 2 - 4 p.m. in the tical musicians of all ages and musical levels are library’s main gallery. New Arrivals invited to join in from 6 - 9 p.m. in the library’s The latest books, audiobooks and movies that community room. There will be an open micro- Children’s Services have been added to our collection can always be phone set-up for those who wish to perform. Story Time will take a summer break will resume found by visiting our online catalog at quitman.bib- Listeners are always welcome. in September. Special thanks to Peoples Telephone Also, download the OverDrive® Hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10a.m. - Quitman for sponsoring this year’s crafts and app to connect to our library’s vast collection of until 6 p.m. Keep up with current events on our activities. eBooks, audiobooks and streaming videos for your page on Facebook and on our website at quitman- electronic devices.

Ag News PUBLIC INVITED BY CLINT PERKINS, WOOD COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT Pond Management Field Day June 2 THIS SUNDAY The Texas A&M AgriLife Ex- the Private Applicator Li- tension Service in Wood, Rains, cense. Bring pond weeds to and Van Zandt counties will be the program for a proper I.D. having a Rescheduled Pond and management recommen- Management Field Day on Fri- dations. Also bring sunscreen May 28, 2pm-5pm day, June 2, at Greene’s Lake and a lawn chair. Please stop outside of Emory. We had to by your local county extension cancel the original program agent’s offi ce to pick up a map due to the tornadoes that hit Rains to the location. We ask that you RSVP County. Topics on the program are to the Wood County Extension offi ce Leslie Cain Realty Office Water Quality Management, Pond by Friday, May 26. Water Management, Weed I.D. and Directions from Emory—At the in- Control Methods, and Fish Stocking tersection of HWY 69 and HWY 19 Rates and Management. Go South on HWY 19. Just as you OPEN HOUSE Dr. Billy Higginbotham (Texas turn on 19, take a Left on FM 3274. A&M AgriLife Extension Service Continue down FM 3274 for 4.2 miles Wildlife & Fishery Science Specialist) until you reach county Road 2300 (if 1405 N. Pacific, Mineola is the speaker for the program. Reg- you reach HWY 779, you have gone istration starts at 8:30 a.m. with the too far). Take a right on RCR 2300 for program starting at 9 a.m. and end- .5 mile and then turn left on Greene’s ing at 11:30 a.m. Cost of the program Lake Private Drive. Watch for signs is $10. leading into the location. I look for- Two CEUs will be given towards ward to seeing you there!

y Free Hot Dogs y Popcorn y Inflatable Slide Home Sweet Home y Corn Pop the Magician BY ANGIE MONK, WOOD COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT ..We can’t wait to see you there! Don’t wing it ... use poultry safety tips The National Part- clean hands and surfaces that have po- nership for Food Safe- tentially come in contact with poultry ty Education is utiliz- or its juices. ing the Mott o “Don’t Thaw in the fridge: Keep poultry at Wing It” to promote or below 40 degrees F when thawing. safe handling of poul- Use a food thermometer: Cook poul- try. try to a safe temperature of 165 degrees Remember these F to kill harmful bacteria. Place food important facts when thermometer in the thickest part of handling poultry: food making sure not to touch bone, Think before your rinse: Rins- fat or gristle. Clean food thermometer ing poultry increases the chances of with hot, soapy water after each use. spreading raw juices around your For more information on handling kitchen. Remember, cooking to 165 poultry safely as well as other food degrees F is the ONLY way to kill bac- safety topics, visit wwwfi teria. Place poultry in plastic bag: Use Reminder: For more information, call Paula Gunn (903)-352-8191 plastic bags provided at meat counter June 6 - Cooking with Chef Cruz to help avoid cross-contamination. Cooking School at Hidden Lakes Place in the fridge or freezer: Keep Hunting Lodge, Yantis, from 6 - 8 p.m. poultry in plastic bag and place on a Registration is $25 per person. low shelf to prevent leakage from con- There are still spaces available. Call Check us out online at www. taminating other foods. Angie Monk at Wood County Exten- Wash hands before and after han- sion Offi ce, 903-763-2924, to sign up dling: Use warm water and soap to and for more information. SELECT THEATER Mineola 569-2300

Alec Lisa Tobey Baldwin Kudrow Maguire

Earn up to 2.14% APY* With a Worry-Free CD 1.93% APY* on a 30 month CD (floor of 1.00% APY*) 2.14% APY* on a 60 month CD (floor of 1.21% APY*) THETHE

or Earn up to1.68% APY** With a Worry-Free Money Market 0.25% APY** up to $99,999 1.48% APY** for $100,000 to $499,999 (floor of 0.50% APY**) Friday, May 26 - 7:30PM 1.68% APY** for $500,000 and over (floor of 0.75% APY**) Saturday, May 27 - 2:00PM Saturday, May 27 - 7:30PM 1825 NORTH PACIFIC STREET 412 EAST GOODE STREET WWW.BTHBANK.COM Sunday, May 28 - 2:00PM MINEOLA, TX 75773 | 903-569-8010 QUITMAN, TX 75783 | 903-763-2264 Regular prices: Adults $6 - 11 and under $4 *Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum to open and obtain the APY is $10,000. Rates indexed to the One-Year Daily US Treasury Yield Curve Rates and may change every three months after the account is opened. Withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. Refer to Truth-in Savings disclosure for complete details. Interest rates and APYs are effective May Saturday Matinee: 1, 2017. Additional deposits of at least $10,000 may be made to the CD. Available for personal and business accounts. **Annual Percentage Yield. Variable rate accounts. Rates are indexed to the One- ALL Tickets $4.00


Featured this week are part of a litter of 7 pretty puppies. They are people-oriented and colors of the 2 not shown are black, white and tan as well as one merle-colored pup. They were rescued from under a building with no mother seen for days and are 6 weeks old.

Betty, the rottweiler, Harper the timid puppy, as well as the kitten featured last week have been adopted. To help decrease the number of homeless animals, please remember to have your dogs and cats spayed and neutered. %$.(5675((7 ,)12$16:(5&$// 78(6'$<6$785'$<)520$030 Please spay and neuter your pets The Mineola High School chapter of the Quill and Scroll, International Honorary Society for High School Journalists, inducted six new members Sponsored by these Mineola businesses: and presented cords to the seniors. The chapter was chartered on Feb 20, 1956. Seated, from left are Kiley Banks, inductee; Sydnie Bell, senior; Gracie Castleberry, senior; Kayla Keith, inductee. Standing from left are Carter Mize, inductee; Seth Hudgins, senior; Austin Witt, inductee; Lake Country Animal Clinic Kitchens Hardware/Deli Tristan Mosher, senior inductee and Dalton Harris, inductee. (Courtesy photo) 1124 FM 564 119 E. Broad (903)569-5418 (903)569-2664

day to be a Mineola Yellowjacket,” he Stamp said. Joiner quoted a modern source, EAST TEXAS BREW IT YOURSELF LLC. “Ricky Bobby” from the movie “Talle- My goal is to supply Wood County a place to purchase firearms in a From page 1A dega Nights,” saying, “If you ain’t fi rst, then you’re last.” He then read a more different way. I am the true valve of firearms sales. A framed and mounted version was philosophical piece by Theodore Roos- draped with a quilt appliquéd with the evelt called “Man in the Arena” stating state championship football tee shirt “the credit belongs to the man who is in John Brust 903-539-8373 logo. The Most Valuable Players, Jere- the arena.” miah Crawford (Off ensive), and Kourt- Page said this had to have been one land Sinches (Defensive), of the cham- of the greatest things to have happened pionship game unveiled the keepsake during his career with the post offi ce. for those gathered in the board meeting He said the commemorative editions BY room Wednesday. were offi cial and would be released The press conference was att ended nationally for only 60 days, which is APPOINTMENT by Randall Joines, Dallas district man- why they are labeled as limited edition. ager post offi ce operations; Mark Page, He said “to begin with” the customers [email protected] ONLY Mineola postmaster and Carlist Brin- would be limited to 10 envelopes each [email protected] kley, Mineola post offi ce supervisor and to make sure all who wanted them MISD School Board member. Mineola were able to buy them. Normally, after Post Offi ce employees who are MHS 60 days, the remaining stamps are de- alumni, Jayne Lankford, Sheree Heim stroyed. However, another postal offi - and Michael Estoll, also got their boss- cial noted that if an offi cial lett er is sent es’ blessings to att end the meeting. from the Mineola Historical Museum, “It is a wonderful day for us at Min- they could obtain them. eola ISD,” Tunnell said. Brinkley, also “Thank you to the school district for $1000 an alumni of MISD, credited his boss- allowing us to horn in on this,” Page es with having done the work for the said. “This is just another example of ƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƟŽŶ keepsake edition. “It’s just a wonderful why it’s great to be in Mineola.” Cash All Military, First Responders & Veterans

MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30AM—6:00PM SATURDAY 8:30AM—1:00PM 539 East Goode | Quitman 903-763-2232

Congratulations to James Roberts Former Mineola Postmaster Allene Doggett purchases some of the first cancellation editions honoring the Mineola Yellowjackets’ state football championship Wednesday morning. Postal employee Kim Lee counts After over 38 years as a her envelopes with Postmaster Mark Page in the background. dedicated employee of Wood County Electric Cooperative, Since 1980 TACL009830E James Roberts will retire on Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

In 1979 James began his HUGHES WCEC career on a Right-of- APPLIANCE & AIR CONDITIONING Way crew. After moving to a line crew he progressed to SALES x SERVICE x INSTALLATIONS become a first class Lineman. In 1998 he was named the Serviceman for the Lake Fork ENERGY STAR area. As a Serviceman, James was the first to receive trouble-calls. He’s answered hundreds of “wee-hour” call- outs, no matter the weather or the hour. James has been a SALES TAX hardworking and effective trouble-shooter, and has worked proactively to ensure power quality and availability.

James is a lifelong resident of the Alba and Yantis region. HOLIDAYSaturday, May 27 from 8 am ‘till 1 pm Together, he and his wife Carolyn have two children, Cindy and Stephanie, and four grandchildren.

In his fully deserved retirement, all of us at the cooperative wish him contentment, as well as the time to richly enjoy his family, his horses, and his love of guide fishing. 1305 W. Broad St., Mineola TX 75773 (903) 569-5440 Free Local Delivery (20 miles) with this ad. $499.00 Minimum Purchase. %HVW:LVKHV-DPHV 10A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017

with a small-town atmo- This may not be where particularly diffi cult. “It and he said “there’s only cause they approached sphere as well as having he envisioned the city makes you feel bad,” he one sheet that matt ers. Mercy for land in the Watkins retail establishments and being about a year and said with a deeper tone And that’s what’s the Mineola area.” He said From page 1A restaurants. a half ago. Watkins got on the last word. “But net cash position of the one thing led to another The town, though, is a bit more than he bar- you’ve got to do what city? Has it increased or and “meetings started as well as the expansive at a crossroads and he gained for when he ran needs to be done. And decreased over the past happening and things area where groundwork believes it wouldn’t be for mayor after doing obviously, at the time, year?” popped.” is being done for yet an- where it is without the what he called “due dili- that’s what needed to be Watkins said anoth- Watkins said that the other expansion of Brian railroad. He believes that gence,” including talking done.” er critical step taken by Sanderson deal has in- Steck’s metal business. the groundwork being with the former mayor He said one of the best the city council was the volved cooperative ef- Additionally, the mayor laid for the Sanderson several times. actions taken by the city cutt ing of the budget by forts in which the Tyler points to the Longhorn Farms project, the instal- “I really thought it was council was hiring Mercy $600,000. However, he Economic Development RV Sales business, and lation of water and sewer going to be a kind of PR Rushing as the city ad- credits Mineola’s depart- Council played a strong of course, the Sanderson service to the property deal,” he said frankly. ministrator. During the ment leaders with adher- role in the purchase of Farms deal. that will be on the east “Progress the city for- time he has been may- ing to those cuts. “I think the property in Mineola “We could absolutely side of town (the city ward with economic or and he and she have it’s very important to and Winona. The plac- jump Lindale in six to council was set to vote development and a few been working together, give them credit because ing of the Sanderson feed 12 months,” he said. He on annexation Monday other things.” That was the city has seen change they’ve got a staff of peo- mill in Mineola resulted believes the Loop 49 ex- after Monitor presstime), until October 2015, fi ve in four out of seven de- ple that now they’ve got in the planned place- pansion is going to de- could “mushroom” into months into offi ce, when partment heads. “Me to do the same amount ment of the hatchery in liver a lot of people to other things. Last week he was just “rolling with and her, we think alike of work with less people. Lindale. If the feed mill Mineola who no longer a grant application pre- the fl ow because all you and we’re wired the same And they’ve got to try to had gone to Hawkins, have to drive through pared for Mineola was know is what they tell way, so there’s never keep everybody’s att i- then the hatchery would Tyler. “And it’s all about sent to Austin and is on you, what they give you, been any issues between tude good.” likely have been in Win- a quality of life. Whether a fast track for state mon- and then I got the call me and her whatsoever.” Watkins said his ten- ona. With the additional we knew it or not, we’ve ey for the infrastructure that said `we can’t pay He says Rushing her- ure has defi nitely been 1,500 jobs it’s expected created a quality of life in work. Watkins said the our bills. We have no self has had “tons of “a challenge.” But he to bring, Tyler’s help is Mineola that most of us city has pursued other money.’” The responsi- challenges.” One can believes, fi nancially, the “because they know it’s who have been here for industrial prospects be- bility of that daunting take a look at the staff city is ahead of where it ultimately going to ben- all of our life have prob- fore, but “we could never situation could have at the main offi ce. “Lots was in 2014, which is the efi t them.” ably taken for granted,” fi gure out how to get it. been enough to cause a of new faces in new year before he was elect- And, he noted that the outgoing mayor said. Now we’ve fi gured out a weaker hearted person places,” Watkins said. ed mayor. From 2013, while the city is approv- That includes having way to get it.” If, that is, to turn tail and run. “Everything that’s hap- 2014 and 2015 the city’s ing tax abatements, even “the best of both worlds” the grant goes through. He said up until then, pened has seemed to fi nances were depleted with those, based on to- “you might think there’s be good.” He said that $1.2 million. “But we’ve day’s property values a problem, but then you while the mayor doesn’t already made it back,” with the feed mill to be know there’s a problem vote unless there’s a tie, he said. The city has been built they know the city when you’ve completely he sets the agenda. “And able to put some money will take in $175,000 more run out of money to pay of course you try to be back into its investment a year in tax revenue it bills.” sure that the council has account “and we think doesn’t currently have. On the day of the inter- all the information they we’re going to have mon- “Those things don’t just view he refl ected on ad- need to make a well-in- ey, and that’s including fall out of the sky,” said vice his uncle gave him formed decision.” That the pay raise for the po- Watkins. That will be a Texas License to Carry that pertains to that time. included him, the city lice offi cers.” factor considered in the “He said, `Rod, the thing administrator and fi nan- Watkins said has been city’s bond rating when is when negative things cial director giving some honored to serve the city. it comes time to fi nance Handgun start happening, get your extended presentations “It’s not that I was mayor a new wastewater treat- helmet on and tighten on the fi nancial situation. that I’m honored but that ment plant. it up real tight’ because All of the hours spent on I came along at the time The mayor who has Class he said, `you’re fi xing to this situation, including that I did, because I know “tried to lead the charge” have a lot of them.’” the countless hours spent what could have hap- when it comes to the hard The mayor said that digging deep to fi gure pened… to come from decisions to be made by most people can handle things out, were while he not having any money city government said SATURDAY one setback, but after was still running his own on the verge of serious two of the best things they sustain one after business. fi nancial diffi culty if not he ever did for himself TH another, they begin to Watkins said one of bankruptcy to… a year were att end American MAY 27 2017 wonder how to deal with the basic questions that and a half later being Legion Boys State and them. “You deal with it has been asked to avoid fi nancially solvent and to take the Dale Carne- 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. and move on. And I’m gett ing in fi nancial straits maintaining our A plus gie course. For years the not saying I’m necessar- again is “what should we rating on our bonds… American Legion has se- $75.00 ily geared for that, but be looking for.” really sets the city on a lected high school boys that’s sort of what it’s “Well one thing, you path that we will thrive to att end the program. PREPAY been.” just don’t spend more for many years to come.” Watkins said when he IN THE One of the hardest than what you have With the city on this was asked, he didn’t STORE things during that time coming in. That seems el- course Watkins had in even know what it was was parting ways with ementary because in per- mind coasting through and thought it had some- the former city adminis- sonal households, if we the last two or three thing to do with sports. trator who had been with did that we’d be upside months before he left It is a program in which the city 30 plus years. down. Well that’s what offi ce. Much like every- the participants establish “The Weight Keeps Coming Off!” Having been in private happened with the city thing else with his term, and run their own mock business since he gradu- and it’s no one’s fault it “That’s not been the governments. While he When I began the weight loss program 5 months ated from Mineola High has occurred.” But he case,” he said. “Sand- said at this point in his ago I weighed in at 178 lbs. As of today I am down School, Watkins said he said with new auditors erson’s obviously a big life he thinks this will be 48 lbs with the help from Phentermine Lipotropic has had to terminate a lot coming in, there were deal. We were working his last elected offi ce, he (MIC B12) injections and the proper exercise. After of people in his career. some questions about on this well before most also believes, “Never say 2 months of diet and exercise my weight was at a But the city situation was what to be diligent about people knew about it be- never.” plateau, and at that time I was introduced to the Lipotropic (MIC B12) injection. The first month of the injection I was down 12 lbs!! Lipotropics are simply fat burners and B12 boosts energy. That extra energy gets you moving more, Event which increases your metabolism and burns more From page 1A calories. Since then I have continued with the injections and I have not hit another plateau since, the warfare and we need to weight just keeps coming off! I hope my weight loss remember these dough- testimonial gets you motivated to join the program at boys,” Junior Historian Elliott Thomas Health Center. President Seth Hudgins said. T. Rios ~ The United States en- Mineola, Tx tered the war on April 6, 1917. The war ended T-TH with the armistice on IOT OM LL A Nov. 11, 1918. E S

HEALTH CENTER The Junior Historians will pay Rapid are homage to people who served 569-2006 415 W. KILPATRICK our country, such as Mr. Binford, on Monday at noon.


Faith Baptist Church invites of the school year,” said Faith popcorn and lemonade will JUANITA BARNETT the Quitman community to at- Baptist Associate Pastor and be served as well. Door prizes 1925-2017 tend the “Faith Outside the Walls Youth Minister/Worship Leader will be awarded during the two MINEOLA-Juanita Barnett , 92, Mineola died May End of School Year Block Party.” Jarrod Yeager. “Our plans are to hours of celebration. 16, 2017 and a Celebration of Life for her was held on The free celebration will be provide activities that the whole The “Faith Outside the Walls Monday, May 22 at Brown Owens & Brumley Chap- held on Friday, June 9, 6 - 8 p.m. family will enjoy and there is no End of School Year Block Party” el. in the parking lot of Faith Baptist cost to att end.” will also provide an opportunity Burial followed Monday in located at 405 S. Hart. The Faith Baptist Sunday to preregister children for Vaca- New Hope Cemetery, Mine- “The students of Quitman ISD School classes will be sponsoring tion Bible School to be held be ola. have had a great year of learning special activities that include a June 12-15, 6 - 8:30 p.m. nightly, Mrs. Barnett was born in and the church wants to hold an cake walk, bounce house, silent for children age four through Rains County in East Texas evening that everyone in the fam- auction, and pett ing zoo. Free completed fi fth grade. January 21, 1925 to the late ily can enjoy celebrating the end food and drinks, along with Herschel and Alma Garrett . She was married to Francis Marion Barnett and lived in the Dallas area before moving School Beech was freshman class studies, was the FFA Greenhand back to Mineola in retirement. Yantis president, Spanish Club treasur- treasurer, a member of FFA and She is survived by two grandsons, Winston and er, Lady Owl team FCCLA as well as serving multi- Matt Barnett and four great-grandchildren. From page 1A co-captain and the Yantis High ple class offi cer positions. School fi shing team president. She has served the fi shing club BILLIE EDGAR HARVEY Bush and Samuel Perry. Beech also found the time as vice president and treasurer 1927-2017 Beech is a Distinguished Grad- to work as a clerk at Brook- and fi shed in numerous Texas ALBA-Funeral services for Billie Edgar Harvey, 90, uate with a 3.72 grade point av- shire Grocery Company and at High School Bass Association Alba, were held May 17, 2017, in Alba with Byron erage. She has received 21 dual Crossroads General Store. She and National Lake Fork Open George offi ciating. college credit hours while taking received the Texas A&M Com- tournaments. Hendricks volun- Burial followed at Salem advanced placement courses. merce Presidential Scholarship teered along with of Fish Club Cemetery in Alba. Beech will att end Texas A&M for $2,750 per year and a schol- members as a fi sh runner at the Mr. Harvey died May 14, Commerce where she will major arship and trip to Washington 2017 Yantis Catfi sh Classic. 2017, in a Tyler hospital. He in agriculture communications. D.C. from Wood County Electric She plans to att end Texas A&M was born February 14, 1927, She was the Greenhand pres- Cooperative. Beech is a member Commerce to major in educa- in Alba to the late John Henry ident of the Yantis FFA for one of National Beta Club, Yantis tion and psychology and earn a and Lula Harvey. He served year followed by three years as Gifted and Talented program, bachelor’s degree. After college in the Army during WWII in the chapter president. Beech was and had the fi rst place lamb at graduation, Hendricks wants to Japan and lived most his life the Mineola District FFA Senti- the San Antonio Livestock Show. become a teacher. She hopes to in Wise County. nel where she helped conduct She is the daughter of Shannon be the fi rst in her family to earn He was preceded in death Greenhand and district camp and Kristi Beech and the grand- a college degree. by his parents; brothers, O.L., Walter and John Har- and represented Mineola district daughter of Freddie and Linda “I want to ensure myself a job vey and sisters, Ruby Sadler, Grace Nutt , Ethel Pope, at state convention and conduct- Fisher and Norma and the late as a high school teacher and in- Bessie Prather, Jewell Wood, Elsie West, Mary Dell ed the district convention. Bill Beech. spire young adults in the same Holland and Atrell Cole. She was also selected area vice Salutatorian Hendricks has al- way I have been inspired and Survivors include numerous nieces and nephews president representing 115,000 ways loved school and has been infl uenced by my teachers,” and other relatives. FFA members and Area VI at involved in many activities at Hendricks said. “My desire is the National FFA convention. Yantis. She has participated in to teach and be able to make an Beech served on the commit- golf and been inducted into the impact on the people I’m around tee which implemented Texas National Beta Club. Hendricks and in contact with everyday.” FFA Day. While at Yantis High won several UIL awards in social Edna Johnston 1925 - 2017 ervices for Edna Johnston was held at 11 a.m. on SFriday, May19, 2017 at Jamestown Church of Christ Alba-Golden Newman with Jerry Presswood officiating. From page 1A From page 2A Edna Laeuna Stiefer Johnston was born July 14, 1925 in Kaufman Co. She had been a resident of Terrell for held at Wagstaff Gym due to year’s valedictorian plans to graduated from schools here have a little over 7 years, formerly living in Jamestown. She needing space for families to att end Texas A&M University achieved. It has been said you can was a member of Jamestown Church of Christ and att end the ceremony. in College Station, where he do anything if you can envision it loved her family. She worked for American Recreation Galyean has lived in Alba will pursue a degree in me- and dream it. as a seamstress for many years. his entire life and att ended chanical engineering. But keep in mind it can be a Mrs. Johnston passed away at the age of 91 on May Alba-Golden for his entire Raymond has also lived in fi ngernail-biting, knuckle-crunch- 16, 2017. She was preceded in death by her husbands, education. In school, Galyean Alba his whole life and began ing time for those who committ ed Pete Crawford and Hoffman Johnston; parents, Walter has been involved in football, school there in kindergarten. themselves to your success up to Stiefer and Ethel Ruth Fikes Stiefer; and nine brothers basketball, baseball and track. “I have worked hard to this point – your families. Please and sisters. Extracurricular activities have achieve my academic goals and keep them in mind as you rocket Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, also been a large part of his am very proud to be salutato- out of the starting gate of adult- Brenda & Jim McClenny of Mineola and Jamie & life during high school. He rian of my class. I grew up in hood and remember what they Phillip Plunk of Terrell; grandchildren and their says that membership in the a stable, Christian home raised have done to help you reach this spouses, Leigh Ann & Marc Stehman, David & Rebekah National Honor Society, Key by my amazing parents,” Ray- point in your life. Remember them McClenny, Todd & Amber McClenny, Stephen & Club, Student Council and mond said. His parents are and be grateful, but don’t spend FFA have all taught him many Corey and Glenda Raymond. too much time looking back as it Michelle Plunk, and Stephenie & Ricky Wickersham; valuable life lessons. The class salutatorian has at- could lead to missing what’s in fifteen great-grandchildren, Dustin Stehman (Kelsey), “I am a very competitive tended First Baptist Church of front of you. Brayden Stehman, Taylor McClenny (Kaylee), Jaime person in all aspects of school, Alba, where his family is very Face into the wind, shoulders McClenny, Mason & Dillon Taylor, Morgan, Brooke and that competitive drive has active, his entire life. down and lean into making this and Lauren McClenny, Allen Plunk (Haley), Ashley pushed me to the best I can be, Raymond is the youngest of new chapter the next best part Frazier (Ruston), Candace Wickersham (Bryan in and out of the classroom. I three children and looks up of your young life. You all have Mieure), Breana Balaz (Logan), Brenda Wickersham, have been raised by a loving, to his older sister and brother. made us very proud and thankful and Brian Michael Wickersham (Ashley); and great- Christian family, and I am His plans after high school in- to have known you and we wish great-grandchildren, Ashton Frazier, Annabell & very thankful for that,” said clude att ending the University (but mostly pray) you the most Priscilla Sanchez, Greyson Huffman, Kaden McClenny Galyean. Galyean’s parents of Texas at Tyler to major in purpose, success - and bett er yet - and Sofia Mieure, and Baby Stehman on the way. are Tony and Angela. This electrical engineering. happiness, that life can bring.

LIFE EVENT SALE June 1-3 8 am - 4 pm 340 County Road 3203 Quitman, TX Don’t miss this event! Established Quitman family downsizing large home full of great items offered for sale, such as, furniture, trundle beds, freezer, washer and dryer, household items, rugs, crystal, tools, TV’s, clothing, the largest holiday collection ever seen, and so much more. 866-653-9669 The tradition of the Mineola High School Senior Cookout by the police department was carried out Friday Seasoned Life Transitions, Inc. - Downsize, Organize, and Consign Your Collectibles and shown are Police Secretary Merci Thomas, senior Jacob Hagan and Captain Dusty Cook. The patties for y Email: [email protected] the hamburgers are donated each year by Mineola Packing Company.

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Hwy. 271 & 155 Healing just feels better here. | 12A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Special Kids Day continues to delight

Over 200 special needs children were treated to all kinds of fun at the pavilion in downtown Golden Friday. Special Kids Day, under the umbrella of the Golden Sweet Potato Festival, began in 2000 with 20 children. It combines community donations and volunteer high school students and community members to host activities such as horseback rides, horse painting, wagon rides and so much more. The question remains to this day. Who actually enjoys the event the most?

ABOVE: Brady plays drummer David J. Rocha’s drums. Rocha is a Bellaire, Texas motorcycle officer. RIGHT: Mineola junior Jessica Seltenreich and her buddy Kinsler take a look at the Alba-Golden Panther. ABOVE RIGHT: Twins (left) Jesus Castillo and Jorge Castillo fish in a pool full of Orbeez TOP PHOTO: Abbie Hill gets her face painted with a flower.


Family Center Care of Quitman

Dr. Scott Olson M.D. Dr. Melody Swinford M.D. Medical care for the entire family, %RDUG&HUWLÀHG)DPLO\3K\VLFLDQV The new members of the Alba City Council take the oath of office during a special meeting last Tuesday, May 16. They are from left, Alderman Larry J. Harris, Alderwoman Maria Heinert and Mayor Preston “Son- Why trust your health care to anything less? ny” Hass. (Monitor photo by Tommy Anderson) Call today for an appointment 903-763-2421. day’s meeting as Jones lined up with the three elected on May 6 to be sworn in. We accept most insurance, including Medicare Alba He had just completed serving the past and Medicaid for all ages. From page 1A fi ve months as a replacement for Glen- da Dedmon, who resigned in December, to wait until after the new council mem- and was the third place fi nisher in the bers were sworn and then an action for 2016 city election, as he was this year. 606 E Goode St, Ste 100 naming the replacement placed on the However, Alderman Jonathan Mize re- Quitman, TX 75783 following regular meeting agenda. minded the council of McLeroy’s advice For a moment, it appeared that some- and Jones had to sit out this swearing-in one had forgott en that during last Tues- session. Wood County Section B MONITOR Wednesday, May 24, 2017 SPORTS Quitman honors athletes

By LARRY TUCKER Lingo said. “We work [email protected] hard, I make them act like young ladies and I A packed house with am really proud to be over 250 students, fami- their coach.” lies and friends were on The volleyball team hand to honor Quitman MVP was Kaci Raley; High School student-ath- Most Improved went to letes at the annual Bull- Britt any Walls; Off ensive dog Booster Club Ban- Player of the Year was quet last Tuesday night Molly Tanner; Defensive at Carroll Green Civic Player of the Year was Center. Madalyn Spears; and the Quitman athletes were Bulldog Award went to honored for post sea- Cammie Hicks. son honors received and The boys and girls team awards were given cross country teams out by the coaching staff . were honored. Freshman Booster club President Julia Simpkins received Paige Brown welcomed girls Most Valuable Run- everyone to the banquet ner and Joanne Satiago and turned the program was named Newcomer over to Molly Tanner for of the Year. In boys cross the invocation followed country, Jacob Rowland by senior athletes Brit- was Most Valuable Run- tany Wall and Ty Moss ner with Newcomer of who led in the pledges to the Year honors going to the fl ags. Dalton Brandon. Players received cer- The awards for girls tifi cates for honors they It was a full house at Carroll Green Civic Center in Quitman last Tuesday night for the Quitman Bulldog Booster Club’s annual sports banquet. basketball were Molly earned and individual (Monitor photo by Larry Tucker) Tanner MVP; Most Im- team award members got proved Utopia Henry; plaques. Coaches from were fi rst on the agen- Year. Senior Wacey War- tany Walls was named several awards. “These Britt any Walls Off ensive each sport spoke brief- da. Off ensive Player of ren received the Fighting for Outstanding Lead- young ladies had a great Player of the Year; Shel- ly and then announced the Year honors went Heart Award and the ership; Britt any Glover year. They ended the by Smith Defensive Play- awards. to senior quarterback team’s Most Valuable won Showmanship; and season in second place. er of the Year; and Most Football team Defen- Jake Farmer. Senior and Player honor went to se- the Bulldog Spirit Award We won our fi rst playoff Improved Utopia Henry. sive Coordinator Josh inside linebacker San- nior Aaron McDade. went to Faith Fitch. game and then got beat Boys basketball awards Wade handed out the tos Morua received the Three seniors received Head Volleyball Coach by a team that made it See AWARDS, Page 2B football awards which Defensive Player of the cheerleader awards. Brit- Ashlee Lingo gave out to the state tournament,” SOFTBALL SIGNING W.C. girls dominate district with post-season honors By LARRY TUCKER [email protected]

The three Wood County schools in District 12-3A, Alba-Golden, Mineola and Quitman, fared well on this year’s post-season softball honor team. The superlative choices were dominated by the district’s top two teams, Alba-Golden and Mineo- la. Alba-Golden senior Gracie Pendergrass capped off a stellar career fi lled with many honors being named the District Most Valuable Player. Other Lady Panthers receiving superlative honors were Pitcher of the Year Morgan Curts; Co-Utility Player of the Year Brianna Weissert and Designated Player of the Year Macie Pendergrass. Mineola had Off en- sive MVP Audrey Bush and Newcomer of the Year Izzy Tresca. Alba-Golden’s Tiff ani Mason and Mineola’s Rheagan Penn got into the act with the respective coaches being named Co-Coach of the Year. Quitman landed two players on the All District First Team and they were outfi elder Madalyn Spears and Utility Player Shelby Hayes. Other fi rst team members were Sydnie Bell, pitcher, Mine- ola; Brianne McCalla, infi eld, Mineola; Lindsey Alba-Golden Senior Gracie Pendergrass signed last week with Trinity Valley Community College to play volleyball. All smiles for the occasion is, seated left, her mother, Christie Pendegrass, and right, Coach Tashara Everett. In the back are coaches Tiffani Mason, Dana Roberts,infi eld, Alba-Golden and Ashlyn Rogers, Wade, Blake Hamrick, Athletic Director Ron Callahan and Regina Cooper. (Courtesy photo) See HONORS, Page 2B WOOD COUNTY

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LAWN CARE LAWN CARE GRASSHOPPERS Yates & Sons Lawn Care BE A PART OF THE UNLIMITED INC. CALL US! Provides Quality Lawn Care ORKBOARD and WeWe ccan get it C ! Pressure Washing Services donedone for you! ALL RANDI TODAY AT y Pressure Washing MarkM D Yates C B y Patios y Siding y Gutters 1190 CR 1540 Senior Citizens Discounts Alba Senior and 903 763-4522! 903-967-2024 Military discounts 903-474-4759 2B Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 MHS fishing team ranks at state event Two members of the Mineola High School Fishing Team placed 41st out of 233 teams at the state tournament this weekend at Lake Ray Roberts. River Simonek and Tristan Rych- lik, with boat captain Kevin Stanley, brought in over 18 pounds of bass to- tal. They received Bass Pro Shop gift cards as prizes. Madalyn Spears was named Quitman High School Female Athlete THSBA teams competed for $78,000 of the Year. She is pictured here with Athletic Director Bryan Oakes. in scholarships this past weekend. (Monitor photo by Larry Tucker) River Simonek and Tristan Rychlik of MHS, with boat captain Kevin Stanley, placed 41st out of 233 teams in the state high school fishing tournament this weekend. Quitman fishing team triumphant at state event A pair of Quitman High School sophomores brought home a 12th place fi nish at the Texas High School Bass Association from the state tournament at Lake Ray Roberts over the weekend. Langdon Bautista and Layton Brown had a two- Athletic Director Bryan Oakes (left) is shown here with Jake Farm- day total of 26.64 pounds after catching 12.79 pounds er who received the Quitman High School Male Athlete of the Year on the fi rst day and 13.85 pounds on day two. Their honors at last week’s banquet. (Monitor photo by Larry Tucker) boat captain was James O’Donnell. For their eff orts, the young men received $1,500 in scholarship money and other prizes. This was the Awards pair’s second trip to the state fi nals. From page 1B Mineola Country Club went to Garrett Taylor MVP; Jake Farmer Off ensive Player of the Year; Jacob Rowland Defensive Play- er of the Year; and Garrett Peek Most Improved. SENIOR GOLF REPORT Shelby Smith and Dakota Boone were regional The winners of the Thursday Senior Golf Scramble at Min- qualifi ers in weight lifting. In golf Most Improved eola Country Club results for Thursday were Jimmy Smart, went to Britt any Glover while MVP was Abby Bill Stone, Jim Pendley and Darby Dowward with 14 strokes under. Dobbs. In boys golf the MVP went to Josh Med- Second place went to Jimmy Baughman, Bill Lochaw, Jim line and Most Improved was Jake Farmer. The Layton Brown and Langdon Bautista brought home scholarship mon- Wray, Charles Rockey with 13 strokes under. Third went to girls track awards went to Madalyn Spears MVP ey and prizes from their 12th place finish at the state bass fishing Elroy Doggett , Mike Cassleman, Roger Stai and Fred Scogliet- in track; Utopia Henry MVP fi eld events; and Most tournament over the weekend. They are pictured here with their boat ti with 11 strokes under. Improved Shelby Smith. On the boys track team captain James O’Donnell. Closest to the pin #5 was Charles Rocky. Closest to pin #9 Jacob Rowland was MVP and Gavin Berry Most was Jimmy Smart and closest to pin #18 was Jimmy Smart. Improved. In tennis, Diego Flores was named boys MVP while Kelly Murphy was named girls MVP. Coach Chris Veach presented several awards for softball. The team MVP honor went to Mada- lyn Spears; Most Valuable Off ense Kendal Wiley; AMERICA’S FLOOR STORE Most Improved Cameron Williams; and Defensive MVP is Macy Wilson. The baseball team was led by Co team MVP players, A. J. Dunn and Jake Farmer. Other awards went to Co-Most Improved Ben Burroughs and Trey Berry. Off ensive Player of the Year honors went to Dawson Hudman. Athletic Director Bryan Oakes was the last to speak. “I want to thank the boosters and Paige Brown for all the hard work they did putt ing this banquet together. I want to thank you parents for Phone # 903-342-1900 | Fax # 903-342-1901 allowing us to coach your kids and I know that 416 West Broadway | Winnsboro, TX 75494 Monday-Fridayy y 9-5 • Saturday 9-12 goes for everyone on this staff ,” Oakes said. “You carpet | tile | hardwood | laminate | vinyl | LVT | area rugs guys have great kids. I thank the kids for their hard work. I know me stepping in here has been diffi cult for some but this is a work in progress. We will all get bett er each day.” Honors From page 1B Alba-Golden. Second team all district honors went to Hannah Ellis, pitcher, Alba-Golden; Makayla Mitchell, des- ignated player, Quitman; Bralee Litt lejohn, infi eld, Alba-Golden; and Shelby Wright, outfi eld, Al- ba-Golden; Kylie Banks, infi eld, Mineola; Hannah McKinney, infi eld, Mineola; Claudia Barriga, out- fi eld, Mineola and Hannah Baucom, infi eld, Quit- man. Students named Honorable Mention were Gra- cie Bizzell, Alba-Golden; Eden Trent and Breanna Wilmoth, Mineola; Macy Wilson, Kendal Wiley, Shayla Smith, Britt any Walls, Kaci Raley, Hannah Hardy and Shelby Bett is, Quitman. NEW $30 Virtual Visit Conditions Denny’s Small • Back pain Engine Shop, LLC • Headache Mowers – ATV – UTV – Chainsaws Virtual Visits • Heartburn • Lice Quick | Convenient | Affordable • Pink | Red eye • Sinus issues 903-975-5740 3550 FM 69 (Between Hwy 37 and 515) A Virtual Visit with your CHRISTUS • Swimmer’s ear Trinity Clinic primary care provider may save you a trip to • Urinary issues the doctor’s office. It is a NEW, affordable and convenient • And more option to assess, and even treat, many minor illnesses and

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Ph. (903) 569-5115 Outpatient Department of CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital 17-0353 Fax (903) 569-5110 [email protected] Texas (800) 460-5510 Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3B

Public Notice Miscellaneous Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice

to present their claims within JEFFREY; VS. OF REGINALD CHRISTIAN; ANN JEFFREY BREWER OR Garage Sales the time and in the manner NAQUANDA JEFFREY STEW- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, FLEICIA CHRISTIAN-HODGES; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR prescribed by law. ART; KAREN JEFFREY DAVIS BENEFICIARIES, OR ASSIG- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR BENEFICIARIES OF BARBARA Wyrick Estate Sale-301 Conger, ; and to ALL PARTIES CLAIM- NESS OF SAMUEL JEFFREY, BENEFICIARIES OF JOHN- ANN JEFFREY BREWER; CLERK OF THE COURT Quitman. ING ANY TITLE OR INTER- SR.; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS NIE CHRISTIAN; CHARLES YVONNE J. JEFFREY BELL; JENICA TURNER May 24th thru May 27th 8:00- EST IN LAND DESCRIBED IN OR BENEFICIARIES OF LACY M. CHRISTIAN; WILLIE B. KENNETH W. JEFFREY OR PO BOX 1707 5:00. DEED HERETOFORE GIVEN JEFFREY; THE UNKNOW CHRISTIAN; HERMAN CHRIS- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR QUITMAN, RX 75783 TO SAMUEL JEFFREY, SR. HEIRS OR BENEFICIARIES OF TIAN; JONETTA JEFFREY BENEFICIARIES OF KENNETH PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY OR Public Notice AND LACY JEFFREY OF THEODORE JEFFREY; THE SESSION OR UNKNOWN W. JEFFREY; DONALD W. JEF- PETITIONER WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS AS UNKNOWN HEIRS OR BEN- HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, OR FREY; BARBARA L. WILSON; RALPH E. ALLEN GRANTEE AND RECORDED EFICIARIES, OR ASSIGNESS ASSIGNEES OF JONETTA LUCILLE WILSON; MICHAEL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 100 East Ferguson Suite 901 IN VOLUME 140, PAGE 356 OF SOLOMON JEFFREY; JEFFREY SESSION; BARBAR L. JEFFREY; THE UNKNOWN Notice is hereby given that 901 FIRST CITY PLACE OF THE DEED RECORDS OF THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR HEIRS BENEFICIARIES, OR original Letters Testamentary TYLER, TX 75702 WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS; BENEFICIARIES OF PAULINE for the Estate of Leola A. Loller, THE STATE OF TEXAS defendants in the cause de- JEFFREY; SAMUEL JEF- Deceased, were issued on May TO: TO THE FOLLOWING scribed in this citation . FREY, JR. OR THE UNKNOWN 15, 2017 under Docket Number PERSONS OR TO THEIR UN- “You have been sued. You HEIRS OR BENEFICIARIES OF 13,107 pending in the County KNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES OR /X[XU\*DUGHQ may employ an attorney. You SAMUEL JEFFREY, JR.; THE Court of Wood County, Texas, to ASSIGNS: or your attorney are hereby UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- Gloria M. Loller. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, Claims may be presented in commanded to appear by CIARIES, OR ASSIGNEES OF +RPH'XSOH[ BENEFICIARIES OR ASSIGN- fi ling a written answer to the JUANITA JEFFREY WILSON; care of the attorney for the Es- EES OF SAMUEL JEFFREY, Plaintiffs Original Petition at THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR 2 bedrooms with tate addressed as follows: SR., THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, or before 10:00 a.m. of the BENEFICIARIES OF HOUSTON Gloria M. Loller, Independent BENEFICIARIES OR ASSIGN- fans in each room; Monday next following the ex- JEFFREY; THE UNKNOWN Executrix EES OF LACY JEFFREY; THE 1 ½ baths; mirrored garden piration of forty-two days after HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, OR Estate of Leola A. Loller, De- UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- tub and oversized shower; vaulted you were served this citation.” ASSIGNEES OF SAM LOUIS ceased CIARIES OR ASSIGNEES OF Said Plaintiff’s Original Petition JEFFREY, JR.; THE UNKNOWN ceilings in living room with fan, c/o Ben J. Kerr, III THEODORE JEFFREY; THE was fi led in the 402nd Judicial HEIRS OR BENEFICIARIES ‰ƒ•ϐ‹”‡’Žƒ ‡ǡ„—‹Ž–Ǧ‹„‘‘ ƒ•‡• Attorney at Law UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- District Court of Wood County, OF JAMES MONROE JEF- (adjustable); wheelchair accessible, P.O. Box 1029 CIARIES, OR ASSIGNEES OF Texas on this the 9th day of Oc- FREY; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, Quitman, Texas 75783 SOLOMON JEFFREY; THE ‡†‹ ƒŽƒŽƒ”•ȋ’—ŽŽȌ‹‡ƒ Š tober, 2015, in this cause num- BENEFICIARIES, OR AS- All persons having claims UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFI- bathroom and master bedroom; bered 2015-569 on the docket of SIGNEES OF ALVIN CHRIS- against the Estate, which is cur- CIARIES, OR ASSIGNEES OF washer/dryer connections; double said court, and styled, TIAN, JR,; THE UNKNOWN rently being administered, are PAULINE JEFFREY; SAMUEL garage (with 2 Genie controls), JAMES E. CHRISTIAN HEIRS OR BENEFICIARIES required to present them within JEFFREY, JR. OR THE UN- ϐŽ‘‘”‡†ƒ†Ž‹–ƒ––‹ ǡ™‘”ƒ”‡ƒ„ƒ”‹ the time and in the manner KNOWN, BENEFICIARIES ‰ƒ”ƒ‰‡Ǣ‡™ƒ’’Ž‹ƒ ‡•Ǣ ”‡ƒ ƒ”’‡– prescribed by law. OR ASSIGNEES OF SAMUEL ƒ†’ƒ‹–Ǣ‰ƒ”†‡™‹†‘™‹‹– Š‡Ǣ DATED the 15th day of May, JEFFREY, JR.; THE UNKNOWN ETMC Home 2017. HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, OR ”‡ Š’ƒ–‹‘†‘‘”•ǢͳǡͷͲͲ•“—ƒ”‡ˆ‡‡–Ǥ Respectfully submitted, ASSIGNEES OF JUANITA Health Is ̈́ͳǡͲͲͲ‘–ŠŽ›Ǣ̈́ͷͲͲ†‡’‘•‹–Ǥ Brown, Kerr & King JEFFREY WILSON ; THE ͳǦ›‡ƒ”Ž‡ƒ•‡ǡ‡‡’—’–Š‡›ƒ”† By: Ben J. Kerr, III UNKNOWN, BENEFICIARIES Hiring: ƒ‹–‡ƒ ‡Ǣ‘’‡–•Ǣ‘•‘‹‰ OR ASSIGNEES OF HOUSTON ƒŽŽͻͲ͵Ǧ͹͸͵ǦͶ͸Ͷͳ The City of Mineola 2016 Annual JEFFREY; PART TIME Drinking Water Quality Report THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BEN- HOME HEALTH AIDE is available upon request at EFICIARIES, OR ASSIGNEES HOME for Mineola Municipal Complex. At OF SAM LOUIS JEFFREY, JR.; THE UNKNOWN, BENEFI- Current CNA license is required and LEASE 300 Greenville Hwy Mineola, TX 1 yr work exp. Position is paid per visit, 75773. CIARIES OR ASSIGNEES OF $950 month (903) 569-6183. Or on the City JAMES MONROE JEFFREY; company car available. of Mineola website. www.mine- THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BEN- $950 Deposit EFICIARIES, OR ASSIGNEES Come Join Our Team! 3 Bedroom OF ALVIN CHRISTIAN, JR.; NO. 13,115 THE UNKNOWN, BENEFI- 2 Full Baths Call Kim Moore RN Area Director , with any IN THE ESTATE OF HARRY CIARIES OR ASSIGNEES OF Near Lake WILLIAMS, DECEASED REGINALD CHRISTIAN; questions (903) 438- 6429, Apply IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE UNKNOWN, BENEFICIA- Online or Fax 903 535 6014 Hawkins WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS RIES OR ASSIGNEES OF Central Heat/Air NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHNNIE CHRISTIAN; Notice is hereby given that origi- JONETTA JEFFREY SESSION Fridge nal Letters Testamentary for the OR THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Stove Estate of HARRY WILLIAMS, BENEFICIARIES, OR ASSIGN- Deceased, were issued on May EES OF JONETTA JEFFREY The Van Zandt County Juvenile Probation Department Dishwasher 16, 2017, in Cause No. 13,115, SESSION; will be accepting job applications for the Washer Dryer Connections pending in the County Court of BARBARA ANN JEFFREY following positions: Wood County, Texas, to: VICKI BREWER OR THE UNKNOWN, Available NOW DENIECE MITCHELL. BENEFICIARIES OR ASSIGN- Full-Time and Part-Time All persons having claims EES OF BARBARA ANN JEF- against this Estate which is FREY BREWER; KENNETH W. 'HWHQWLRQ2IÀFHUV currently being administered are JEFFREY OR BENEFICIARIES required to present them to the OR ASSIGNEES OF KENNETH High School Diploma/GED Required undersigned within the time and W. JEFFREY; THE UNKNOWN in the manner prescribed by law. HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, OR ALL APPLICANTS MUST BE 21 YEARS Apply at c/o: J. Brad McCampbell ASSIGNEES OF PATRICK OF AGE OR OLDER 469-916-1222 Curtis, Alexander, McCampbell JEFFREY; THE UNKNOWN -RE'HVFULSWLRQ0LQLPXP4XDOL¿FDWLRQVDQG & Morris, P.C. HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES OR Application may be obtained at the Van Zandt County P.O. Box 38 ASSIGNEES OF IVAN JEF- Juvenile Probation Department, located at Emory, Texas 75440 FREY; YVONNE J. JEFFREY 323 East Garland, Grand Saline, Texas 75140 DATED the 18th day of May, BELL: DONALD W. JEFFREY; (903) 962-6292 2017. LUCILLE WILSON; SHANAE Curtis, Alexander & McCamp- EEO/M/F/V/H bell, P.C. Attorney for Applicant FLORA MASONIC State Bar No.: 13358000 LODGE Number One Planters Street PO Box 1119 P.O. Box 38 Quitman, TX 75783 Emory, Texas 75440 Stated 1st Tues., 7:30 p.m. Telephone: (903) 473-2297 Master: Hollis Bridges Facsimile: (903) 473-3069 By: J. Brad McCampbell State Bar No. 13358000 Buy lot 50x100’ near Lake Fork, RV ready, $1200 down and TRIPLE G MINI STORAGE monthly payments located at 1122 E. Goode St., under $150. GET OUTTA THE Quitman, will be holding an (903) 878-7265 auction Saturday, June 3, 2017 HAMSTER WHEEL at 1:00 p.m. for the contents of Joseph Michael Trainor Unit #168 and Mark Anthony Under $150/ MONTH Robinson Unit #202 to satisfy a buys land at Lake Fork. landlord’s lien. 50x100’. Perfect for site (5/17, 5/24, 5/31) built homes, mobiles/ RV’s. (903)878-7265. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jump behind the wheel Notice is hereby given that and get your wheels going somewhere original Letters Testamentary uitman ISD for the Estate of Kate Allison Q RANCH LAND AUCTION Don’t sit back and spin your wheels aimlessly. Drive is hiring Selling Stovall, Deceased, were issued your truck, your career and your life forward with on May 8, 2017, in Cause No. Bus Drivers needed Lake Murray / Ardmore, Okla. FRIDAY 13,109, pending in the County Class B CDL with passenger/ purpose as a respected member of the Schneider team. Court of Wood County, Texas, school bus endorsement 577 +/- Acres JUNE 9 Call Steven Schoon • 903-760-5017 to: THOMAS H. STOVALL. Offered in 6 parcels | High Carrying Capacity 10 a.m. All persons having claims All hard surface road frontage. On-site against this Estate which is LAWN SERVICE Lush Bermuda | Fenced & cross-fenced | Pipe & steel pens with hydraulic chute Get traction in your career currently being administered are Mowing y Edging required to present them to the Producing Pecan Trees | Great hunting | Completely Updated Manager’s Home 800-44-PRIDE Shrub Trimming DIRECTIONS: In Ardmore, Okla., from I-35 and undersigned within the time and Trash & Brush in the manner prescribed by law. Hwy. 70, go 7 Miles East on Hwy. 70 to the ranch Haul Off C/O: KYLE G. WAGGONER on the North side of Hwy. 70. WATCH FOR SIGNS. Attorney at Law 903-520-5779 | 405.533.2600 P.O. Box 1568 Lindale, TX 75771

CAUSE NO. 13,101 THE ESTATE OF CHARLES WILLIAM MINSHEW, REAL ESTATE AUCTION SR., ONLINE: JUNE 21 DECEASED – LENDER ORDERED SALE – TexSCAN Week of NLGQH\IDLOXUHDQGNHWRDFLGRVLVZKLFKLVDGLDEHWLF OPERATING CHEVRON GAS FRPDWKDWFDQOHDGWRIDWDOVZHOOLQJLQWKHEUDLQ,I\RX IN THE COUNTY COURT May 21, 2017 John Dotson Trucking. 6HHNLQJH[SHULHQFHGEHOO\ STATION, CAR WASH & FORMER OUTLAW GXPSGULYHU&ODVVD&'/PLQLPXP\HDUs. ([SHUL KDYHWDNHQ,QYRNDQDDQGKDYHRQHRIWKHVHFRQGLWLRQV OF WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS CONVENIENCE STORE BAR & GRILL ACREAGE HQFH6WHDG\ZRUN&DOOQRZ FDOOXVWRGD\IRUSURIHVVLRQDOLQVLJKW NOTICE TO CREDITORS Looking for rural hunting/recreational property in EMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS 5115 Thousand Oaks, 1650 S. IH-35, Texas? We have property in the Hill Country, South Notice is hereby given that origi- Schneider jobs availableLQ\RXUDUHD(DUQXSWR Sawmills from only0DNH 6DYH0RQH\ San Antonio, TX 78233 Pearsall, TX 78061 7H[DVDQG7UDQV3HFRVUHJLRQ2ZQHU¿QDQFLQJ ZLWK\RXURZQEDQGPLOO&XWOXPEHUDQ\GLPHQ up to 30 years with 5% down. We have something )OH[LEOH6FKHGXOHV3HUIRUPDQFHERQXVHV nal Letters Testamentary for the SUGGESTED OPENING BID: $1,800,000 RECENTLY APPRAISED WXLWLRQUHLPEXUVHPHQWDYDLODEOHIRUTXDOLILHG VLRQ,QVWRFNUHDG\WRVKLS)UHHLQIR'9'ZZZ WKDWZLOO¿W\RXUEXGJHWZZZ QRUZRRGVDZPLOOVFRP([W1 Estate of CHARLES WILLIAM Cost to Build: $3,500,000 AT: $1,710,000 GULYHUVZZZVFKQHLGHUMREVFRP We buy oil MINSHEW, SR., Deceased, AUCTION Earn $500 A 'D\/LQFROQ+HULWDJH/LIH,QVXUDQFH JDV PLQHUDOULJKWV%RWKQRQSUR wants insurance agents. Leads, no cold calling. Com GXFLQJDQGSURGXFLQJLQFOXGLQJQRQ3DUWLFLSDWLQJ were issued on May 8, 2017, AG Equipment Auction:HG0D\VW%LGGLQJ mission paid daily. Agency training. Life License 5R\DOW\,QWHUHVW 135, 3URYLGHXV\RXUGHVLUHGSULFH in Cause No. 13, 101, now VWDUWVDP&'7,WHPVWRVHOOUHJDUGOHVV UHTXLUHG&DOO IRUDQRIIHUHYDOXDWLRQ&DOO7RGD\ RIWKHSULFH7UDFWRUVDSSOLFDWRUVFRPELQHKHDGV EVENTS/FESTIVALS ZZZORERPLQHUDOV//&#JPDLOFRP pending in the County Court of EDOHUVZLQGURZHUV PRUH&RQWDFWXVQRZZZZ REAL ESTATE Levelland High 50’s*UDGV)XQ&DVXDO9LVLW Wood County, Texas. Letters Receiving payments from real estate you sold? Ranch Land Auction)ULGD\-XQHWKDP2Q LQJ/HYHOODQG7H[DV-XO\WK -XO\WKZZZ Testamentary were issued to: *HWFDVKQRZ&DOO6WHYHZZZ VLWH$UGPRUH2NODKRPD/XVK%HUPXGD)HQFHG MARLENE MINSHEW KINNEY. NEW CONSTRUCTION, OPENED IN 2015 NEW CONSTRUCTION, OPENED IN 2014 &URVVIHQFHGSLSH VWHHOSHQVZLWKK\GUDXOLFFKXWH FARM EQUIPMENT producing pecan trees, Great Hunting. Contact us The residence of the Inde- · Adjacent to Toyota Field, Morgan’s Located Directly off IH-35 Our sportsmen will pay top dollar to hunt your Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Wonderland Waterpark & Heroes Stadium QRZZZZSLFNHQVDXFWLRQVFRPRU pendent Executor is in Dallas Just South of FM1581 ODQG&DOOIRUD)UHH%DVH&DPS/HDVLQJLQIRSDFNHW $550 AVIATION INSTITUTE 4XRWHZZZ%DVH&DPS/HDV Statewide Ad ...... · 16 multi-product gas pumps 239 Newspapers, 617,408 Circulation County, Texas. Claims may be · 10,177± SF restaurant building · Convenience store – 5,475± SF, Airline Mechanic Training*HW)$$FHUWLILFDWLRQ $ · 2.093± acres North Region Only ...... 250 presented in care of the attorney with sit-down food service area $SSURYHGIRUPLOLWDU\EHQHILWV)LQDQFLDO$LGLITXDOL LEGAL INSIGHT 69 Newspapers, 165,558 Circulation · 200’ of frontage along IH-35 ILHG-RESODFHPHQWDVVLVWDQFH&DOO$YLDWLRQ,QVWLWXWH $ for the Estate at the following · Zoned: C-3, Commercial District - City of San Antonio If you hadD6WU\NHU5HMXYHQDWHRU6WU\NHU$%*,, South Region Only ...... 250 · Zoned C-3, General Business District RI0DLQWHQDQFH address: 1.867± Acre Site - Master KLSLPSODQWUHPRYHGDQGUHSODFHGEHIRUH'HF 85 Newspapers, 267,744 Circulation Planned for Additional Retail Furniture, Fixtures, & DRIVERS/CDL TRAINING \RXVKRXOGFRQWDFWXVWRGD\&DOOXVWRGD\ West Region Only ...... $250 c/o: J. SCOTT KILLOUGH, P.C. IRUSURIHVVLRQDOLQVLJKWRUZZZ 85 Newspapers, 184,106 Circulation Space for QSR and Retail Equipment Included DRIVER CDL A 75$,1,1*,QFHQ Attorney & Counselor at Law WLYH%RQXV1R2XW2I3RFNHW7XLWLRQ&RVW*HW\RXU To Order: Call this Newspaper &'/LQGD\VGD\UHIUHVKHUFRXUVHVDYDLODEOH Invokana is aWUHDWPHQWIRU7\SH'LDEHWHV/DZVXLWV direct, or call Texas Press Service 4660 Kinsey Drive For Additional Information, Call or Visit Our Website: 0LQLPXP\HDUV(2(ZZZ DOOHJHWKDW,QYRNDQDPD\EHOLQNHGWRKHDUWDWWDFNV at 1-800-749-4793 Today! Tyler, Texas 75703 855.755.2300 127,&(:KLOHPRVWDGYHUWLVHUVDUHUHSXWDEOHZH cannot guarantee products or services advertised:HXUJHUHDGHUVWRXVHFDXWLRQDQGZKHQLQGRXEW All persons having claims Buyer’s Premium 5%. Hilco Real Estate, LLC in cooperation w/ Broker/Auctioneer Paul A. Lynn & Assoc., LLC TREC 9000489 Auc. Lic. #9627. FRQWDFWWKH7H[DV$WWRUQH\*HQHUDODWRUWKH)HGHUDO7UDGH&RPPLVVLRQDW)7&+(/37KH)7&ZHEVLWHLVZZZIWFJRYEL]RS The above information is subject to inspection and verification by all parties who are relying on it to formulate a bid. against this Estate are required No liability for its inaccuracy, errors, omissions, is assumed by the Seller or its agents. ([WHQG\RXUDGYHUWLVLQJUHDFKZLWK7H[6&$1\RXU6WDWHZLGH&ODVVL¿HG$G1HWZRUN 4B Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 24, 2017 It’s science my dear!

5th grader Bre’Keilyn Martin sticks his face in soap at Ian Thompson’s and Kourtland Sinches’ sound experiment with a bass speaker. (Monitor photos by Brianna Harmon)

1 2 3 (1) Marco Reyes High school students drives around stu- dents showing them how his group can lead hands-on learning make a go-cart run By BRIANNA HARMON on four batteries. (2) [email protected] Christian Miller and Brett Fowler shoot paintball guns with On Thursday the Mineola High School physics, the students at their engineering and robotic students put on a hands- booth. (3) Dalton on Science Extravaganza for the elementary school Honea makes a children. tornado in a two Over 40 booths were set up with experiments like liter bottle to inform the ‘’Chillin & Grillin” experiment where Noah students about Sneed and his group cooked sausage on a grill to tornados. (4) Senior represent conduction, convection and radiation Seth Hudgins points heat transfers. on students with The high school students explained their project their hands raised and demonstrated how it works before answering while answering the questions of the elementary school children and questions about his allowing them to do the experiment themselves. 4 experiment. Classifieds Public Notice Public Notice real estate Mobile Homes for Sale Employment

ASSIGNEES OF PATRICK JEF- from H.F. Downing and wife, RENT TO OWN NEW 3 and 4 FREY; NAQUANDA JEFFREY Beulah Downing to Sam Jeffrey, Apartment for Rent bedrooms DOUBLEWIDES on Motel part time work ,cleaning STEWART; PHYLLIS JEFFREY dated November 28, 1934, and land no credit check. RBI 36579 rooms ,checking people in to Call Today! NICHOLS; KAREN JEFFREY recorded in Volume 140, Page Mineola apartment for rent 2 (903) 524-2050. rooms . Must live in Lake Fork DAVIS; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS 356 of the Deed Records of story, 2 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, Rent Area .Must be honest and de- OR BENEFICIARIES OF IVAN Wood County, Texas and refer- $600/mo $250 deposit NO GOOD 3/2 single-wide 8,900 pendable and drug free. Prefer JEFFREY; ALL PARTIES ence is made to that deed for a SMOKING, NO PETS. Call 214- NEW HOMES 25,000 and up. retired lady that needs extra 903.569.2442 or CLAIMING ANY TITLE OR more complete description of the 402-9862 or 775-230-8558 RBI 36579. 903 524 2050 income. INTEREST IN LAND property; Monty Montgomery 817-233- A brief statement of the nature of With equitable adjustments for NEW DOUBLEWIDE 4/2 only 3293 this suit is as follows, to wit: the excess taxes paid by plaintiff House for Rent 39,900. Single-wide starting at 903.763.4522 The suit numbered 2015-569 on the land. 24,900.RBI 36579 (903) 524 and styled “JAMES E. CHRIS- As is more fully shown by FOR RENT-MINEOLA: 2-1, 2050 MEDICAL ASSISTANT TIAN vs. THE UNKNOWN Plaintiff’s Petition on ¿ le in this $550 month, ¿ rst/ last month NEEDED: Must be team player HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, OR suit. The of¿ cer executing this deposit. Lap Dogs only. 903- Lots for Sale to share clinical and manage- ASSIGNEES OF SAMUEL JEF- process shall promptly execute 638-8164 or 903-569-4318. ment aspects of a thriving family FREY, SR., et al.” the same according to law, and LONE OAK PLACE SUBDVI- practice, Also need someone in 3BR, 2BA, dining and living The original petition in this make due return as the law SION, ½ acre lot, restrictions accounting and bookkeeping. room area, CH/A, 2 car garage, cause was ¿ led on in the 402nd directs. apply. 903-569-7097 or 903- Send resume to: family_pra- 618 Lowe street. 903-593-8892. Judicial District Court of Wood Issued and given under my hand 492-3110. [email protected] County, Texas. This lawsuit is and Seal of said Court at of¿ ce a suit in which Plaintiff seeks in Quitman, Texas on this the Homes for Sale Immediate Opening. Now hiring for local driver position. Must a partition of the following de- 4th day of May, 2017. Commercial Prop for Sale scribed property: ATTEST: 4/2, 31.75 ACRES, with SHOP, have CLASS A-CDL W/Haz 47.2 acres, more or less located JENICA TURNER-CLERK Mineola ISD, $320,000. Contact Mat and Tanker. Must have a FOR SALE/LEASE-5,000 in the H.F. Robinson Survey, 402nd Judicial District Court JESSICA HARRISON, REAL- clean MVR. Experience helpful. SQ.FT. Red metal building lo- A-499, Wood County, Texas and of Wood County, Texas TOR® Coldwell Banker Lenhart Weekly pay + bene¿ ts. Please cate behind the Pecan House on being the same land described By: Jennifer Mosher, Deputy at 903-808-6691. send resume to Driver Needed Loop 564.Call 903-570-0958 in a warranty deed CITATION ISSUED PO Box 217 Emory Texas 75440 MEALS ON WHEELS Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio THIS WEEK’S MENUS: 7KHHI¿FLHQF\UDWLQJ Wood County IRUDLUFRQGLWLRQHUV Thursday, May 25 - Turkey Rice Casserole, SEER Green Beans, Dilled Carrots, Wheat Bread, Your local Automatic Gas Oatmeal Cream Cookie, Milk Friday, May 26 - Parmesan Chicken, Whole KƉĞƌĂƟŶŐ^ŝŶĐĞϭϵϱϮ Kernel Corn, Wheat Bread, Sliced Peaches , Milk DEALER Monday, May 29 - Beef Hot Dog w/Cheese, is offering a Tater Gems, Hot Dog Bun, Sliced Apples, Milk 16 SEER System ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƟĂůΘŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů Tuesday, May 30 - Turkey Tetrazzini, Okra and for a 14 SEER price Tomatoes, Wheat Bread, Hot Pineapple Tidbits, (with a 10 year parts and ZŽƵƚĞĞůŝǀĞƌŝĞƐ Milk labor warranty!) Wednesday, May 31 - Sliced Turkey, Swiss Cheese, Lettuce and Tomato, Mayonnaise and Call now for details. Propane Mustard, Wheat Bread (2), Copper Pennies, Milk Ramirez Services, LLC Meals on Wheels - Ph.: (903) 497-1162 Email: [email protected] Store Hours Hometown Friendly from Hometown Folks Monday - Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Made in Texas by Texans for Texas heat! 903-763-4000 Sales Service Repair FREE delivery Drive thru y y 408 S. Pacific, Mineola, TX 75773 209 E. Goode • Quitman, TX 75783 125 E. Broad St.- Mineola y 903-569-3882