Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)

Suffolk County Council Early Years and Childcare Service

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CONTENTS Table of Contents 1. Overall assessment and summary 5 picture compared to 5 Suffolk Contextual Information 6 Overall sufficiency in Suffolk 7 Deprivation 7 How does Suffolk rank across the different deprivation indices 8 2. Demand for childcare 11 Population of early years children 11 Population of school age children 11 3. Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 12 Number of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 12 4. Supply of childcare, Suffolk Picture 14 Number of Early Years Providers 14 All Providers in Suffolk - LOP and Non LOP 14 Number of School Age Providers and Places 15 5. Funded Early Education 16 Introduction to funded early education 16 Proportion of 2 year old children entitled to funded early education 16 Take up of funded early education 16 Comparison of take up of funded early education 2016 -2018 17 6. 3 and 4-year-old Funded Entitlement – 30hrs 17 Number of children eligible for 30hrs 17 30 hr Codes Used in Suffolk 18 7. Providers offering funded early education places and places available. 18 Funded early education places available 18 Early Education Places at Cluster Level 21 8. Hourly rates 23 Hourly rate paid by Suffolk County Council 23 Hourly rate charged by providers 23 Mean hourly fee band for Suffolk 23 9. Quality of Childcare 24

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Ofsted Inspection Grades 24 10. Plans for sufficiency work in 2019 25 11. Methodology 25 12. References 27 Appendix 1 Cluster level details 28 Clusters by Ward 28 Section 1.01 Cluster sufficiency overview – 33 Section 1.02 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Felixstowe 35 Section 1.03 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Forest Heath 37 Section 1.04 Cluster Sufficiency Overview Framlingham and Leiston 39 Section 1.05 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - Haverhill 42 Section 1.06 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - High Suffolk 44 Section 1.07 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - East 46 Section 1.08 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - Ipswich West 49 Section 1.09 Cluster sufficiency overview – Lowestoft North 52 Section 1.10 Cluster sufficiency overview – Lowestoft South 54 Section 1.11 Cluster sufficiency overview – Ipswich North 56 Section 1.12 Cluster sufficiency overview – South Suffolk 59 Section 1.13 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – 61 Section 1.14 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Sudbury 63 Section 1.15 Cluster Sufficiency Overview –Thurston 66 Section 1.16 Cluster Sufficiency Overview –Waveney and Blyth 68 Section 1.17 Cluster sufficiency overview –Woodbridge and Kesgrave 70

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1. Overall assessment and summary

Suffolk County Council’s (SCC) is required to report annually to elected members demonstrating how the sufficiency duty under the Childcare Act 2006 (Section 6, which places a duty on English local authorities to secure sufficient childcare for working parents) is met. There is a further requirement to make this report available and accessible for parents.

The legislation above is defined in B1 and B:2 in the Statutory Guidance, page 26. The link to the guidance is here.

Local Authorities have a statutory duty to secure sufficient childcare for the needs of working parents in their area.

The expected outcome is: - Parents are able to work because childcare places are available, accessible and affordable and are delivered flexibly in a range of high quality providers.

B1: Secure sufficient childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0-14 (or up to 18 for disabled children).

B2: Report annually to elected council members on how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare and make this report available and accessible to parents.

SCC has assessed information about the current and projected supply and demand of childcare for particular age ranges of children, and the affordability, accessibility and quality of provision This work is undertaken by gathering data on the number of places available, take up of places and population.

SCC uses this information to plan work supporting the local childcare market. This information is used to target specific areas to ensure that supply matches demand as far as possible. The council also uses this data to respond to housing development enquiries in order to secure provider contributions for the development of early years and childcare places.

The government promotes free childcare or free early education. After listening to the views of the providers in Suffolk a decision was taken to refer to this as ‘funded early years childcare or education’. This is reflected throughout this document.

England picture compared to Suffolk

• there were an estimated 80 thousand providers offering 2.8 million Ofsted registered places in Spring 2018. • In Suffolk there are 776 providers offering 20,095 Ofsted registered places in Autumn 2018. • 45% of Councils in England report having enough childcare places for working parents to access their funded 30 hour place. • There is deficit of -3,332 early education places available in Suffolk. Prior to the implementation of the 30 hour policy Suffolk had a surplus of places across the County.

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• Childcare costs for parents with children aged three and four excluding their funded entitlements is on average £4.72 per hour for England. • Childcare costs for parents with children aged three and four excluding their funded entitlements is on average £4.30 per hour for . • Childcare costs for parents with children aged three and four excluding their funded entitlements is on average £4.50 per hour for Suffolk. • Nationally the take up of funded two year olds is 72% • In Suffolk currently 79% of eligible two year olds take up a funded place. • Nationally the take up of funded three year olds is 92%. • In Suffolk 94% of three year olds take up a funded place. • Nationally the take up of funded four year olds is 95%. • In Suffolk 94% of four year olds take up a funded place.

Suffolk Contextual Information

There are 41,444 children under the age of five living in Suffolk

Suffolk Local Authorities are planning to deliver more than 60,000 new dwellings over the next twenty years. To meet the demand from this housing 10,300, 15 hour places, would need to be developed.

• 97% of early years providers who deliver the funded entitlements are currently graded at good or outstanding. There has been a steady increase in the number of providers judged to be outstanding and this currently stands at 21%. The strength of provision can be seen in the percentage of children achieving a good level of development in early years which continues to improve year on year. The outcomes for Suffolk’s youngest children are on a par with the national average. • The Early Education National Funding Formula was introduced in 2017. The impact for Suffolk was that less money was received from the Government to pass through to providers and less centrally retained to support the service. • Some providers in Suffolk have reported that they are struggling to meet the additional costs of running a childcare business having seen increases in the living wage, pension contributions and business rates. This affects the sustainability of the childcare market.

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Overall sufficiency in Suffolk

Early years and childcare team members are deployed within clusters and are responsible for having an overview of the supply and demand within a cluster area. A Quality and Access Co-ordinator has responsibility for overseeing sufficiency of childcare places across a number of clusters.

This report includes a sufficiency summary for each cluster. The data is based on Summer Term 2018 as this term reflects the period in a year where there is greatest demand for childcare places. This is because schools have one point of entry in September for children into reception. Children become eligible for early education the term after their 3rd birthday. Therefore, childcare providers have three points of entry but only one term when children move on into school.

Across Suffolk the needs of families differ. In areas where there are higher levels of deprivation there is an increase in demand for funded 2-year-old places. The governments criteria for funded 2 year old places is determined by the social economic circumstances of the family. Suffolk also offers a 2 year old funded place to children who are or have ever been in care and children who are in receipt of disability living allowance.

In addition, SCC works in partnership with the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) to offer early funding of places for up to 15 hours per week for 2-year olds who have graduated from the FNP programme for consistency and effective transition. Children accessing the FNP are eligible for funding from their 2nd birthday. FNP engages with eligible teenage mothers and their intervention ceases when the child turns two. An agreement between the childcare provider and SCC is put in place for funding until the child is eligible under the funding at two criteria.


Deprivation in Suffolk

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) in England. The Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks every small area (lsoa) in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprived area).

Suffolk ranks 101 out of 152 upper tier local authorities in England with rank 1 being the most deprived

While IMD is principally used for looking at small areas there is some summary data for larger areas e.g. Local Authorities. However, the pattern of deprivation across large areas can be complex. In some areas, deprivation is concentrated in pockets, rather than evenly spread throughout. In some other areas the opposite picture is seen, with deprivation spread relatively evenly throughout the area, and with no highly deprived areas.

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How does Suffolk rank across the different deprivation indices

Scores are calculated across a number of domains. The table below show details on how Suffolk ranks in each of those domains. Ranks are out of the 152 upper tier local authorities with a rank of 1 being the most deprived Average rank for Suffolk in each of the domains

Suffolk IMD 101 Income 113 Employment 111 Education, Skills and Training 47 Health Deprivation and Disability 107 Crime 115 Barriers to Housing and Services 57 Living Environment 82 Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) 114 Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (IDAOPI 120

Suffolk is more deprived in terms of education skills and training and barriers to housing and Services and less deprived in terms of crime and Income. Suffolk’s Raising the Bar has had a significant positive impact on education, skills and training and we anticipate the next data release to reflect this.

Deprivation at LSOA Level

The map below shows the IMD composite index quintiles of deprivation by LSOA. In 2007 and 2010 all of the areas in Suffolk within the most deprived 20% of areas in England were found in Ipswich and Lowestoft (shown in red). By 2015 these areas of higher deprivation have increased and spread to new parts of the county, including Felixstowe, Great Cornard, Stowmarket, Bury St Edmunds, Mildenhall and Beccles. Since 2010, many areas of rural Suffolk have moved from the second least deprived 20% in England (pale green) to the mid- quintile (yellow).

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IMD quintile by LSOA in Suffolk, 2015

Data source: Suffolk Observatory and Public Health Suffolk

Deprivation at Ward Level

For larger areas like wards we can look at the proportion of LSOAs within the ward that lie within each decile. Decile 1 represents the most deprived 10% of LSOAs in England while decile 10 shows the least deprived 10% of areas.

In Suffolk there are 35 Wards (21%) that include LSOA’s in the top 3 deciles (most deprived neighbourhoods in England)

The breakdown of these Wards into Clusters can be seen here:

Bury St Edmunds 3 wards Felixstowe 1 ward Forest Heath 2 wards Haverhill 1 ward Ipswich East 2 wards Ipswich North 4 wards Ipswich West 6 wards

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Lowestoft North 3 wards Lowestoft South 5 wards Stowmarket 2 wards Sudbury inc. Great Cornard 5 wards Waveney and Blyth 1 Ward Most deprived Wards by Cluster

Bury St Edmunds 3% 8% Felixstowe 3% Forest Heath 14% 6% Haverhill 3% 6% Ipswich East 6% Ipswich North 14% Ipswich West 11% Lowestoft North 9% Lowestoft South 17% Stowmarket Sudbury

These wards have been listed in Appendix One – Cluster Level Profiles

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2. Demand for childcare

Population of early years children In total, there are 41,444 children under the age of five living in Suffolk. These children may require early years childcare.

Table 1 Age Number of children Age 0 7685 Number of pre school Age 1 8412 Age 2 8215 aged children Age 3 8433 Age 4* 8699 8412 8215 8433 8699 * Some four-year-olds will have 7685 started reception Data Source: ONS population estimates 2017

AGE 0 AGE 1 AGE 2 AGE 3 AGE 4*

Population of school age children In total there are 56,192 primary school age children aged from four to eleven, and 22,705 children aged from 12 to 14 in school living in Suffolk. These children may require childcare before and after school, and/or during the school holidays. Table 2 Age Number of children Reception 7913 Number of school aged Year 1 8291 Year 2 8218 children Year 3 8045 Year 4 8017 7913829182188045801779917789 Year 5 7991 75537575757771786942 Year 6 7789 Year 7 7553 Year 8 7575 Year 9 7577 Year 10 7178 Year 11 6942 Data Source: SCC Schools Data

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3. Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Number of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) The local authority has a duty to secure sufficient childcare for children with SEND up to the age of 18.

The number of children with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan in Suffolk is:

Table 3

Age Number of children Birth to school age 26 Primary school (reception to year six) 1400 Secondary school (year seven to 2150 thirteen) Colleges, Specialist Post 16 institutions, 542 other FE, apprenticeships, supported internships All EHCP pupils @ 31 March 2018 4118

Children’s needs change over time and are identified at different ages. Among the youngest children, SEND may only be identified when they start in childcare or school, and it can take some time for concerns being identified to an EHC plan being issued. It is therefore inevitable that the number of children with SEND aged 0-4 is an underestimate. The majority of children receiving support for SEND do not have an EHC plan as their needs are met without the need for an EHC Plan.

SCC strategically plans support for children with SEND to meet the needs of all children in their local authority as per the SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (January 2015). All children are entitled to attend any provision and have their needs identified and met. Under the Equality Act 2010, admission to a provision cannot be denied or a child excluded due to a child’s health or developmental needs. Providers must support and enable all children with SEND to access their provision and the Early Years Foundation Stage. They must provide an inclusive environment which reflects their duty to promote equality and their obligations as outlined in the Act.

SCC works with parents/carers and providers to remove barriers of access to early education and to support all children to fulfil their potential. SCC ensures it meets its duties under the Equality Act 2010 when securing early education places.

SCC support parents to find childcare provision to meet their child’s needs. To assist with this the Suffolk InfoLink website has a Local Offer section for every provider. This provides clear, accessible and accurate information about the services available for children and young people with SEND. To ensure the information provided meets the needs of parents’ and carers, SCC co-produced a guidance document with Suffolk Parent Carer Network. This guide outlines key information parents and carers want to see included in the record of an organisation or provider, so that they can easily understand whether the support would be

December 2018 Page 12 of 71 relevant for their child. SCC encourages all providers to complete their local offer using this guidance.

Childcare providers in receipt of Early Education funding agree to terms and conditions under the Suffolk Agreement for List of Providers (LoP) Members

SCC supports providers to offer an inclusive environment. All members of the LoP are eligible to apply for Inclusion funding. This fund is to support the provider to meet the emerging needs of a child. This is a one off payment, for one term only. Additionally, all members of the LoP are eligible to apply for Early Years High Needs (HN) funding if they have an eligible child accessing all or part of their funded early education with them. This is a contribution to the provider’s total resource to support them to meet the needs of the child and to enable the child to be effectively included. HN funding payments are made directly to the provider and equate to the number of hours the child attends the provision. There are a small number of two, three and four year olds with SEND who have a special school assessment nursery placement and also attend Early Years and Childcare provision.

SCC delivers training on inclusive practice including, SENCO training, ASD training and How to write an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

SCC challenges providers not meeting their duties under the Equality Act 2010. Childcare providers in receipt of Early Education funding agree to terms and conditions under the LoP. As set out in Section G – Equality and Inclusion. SCC will promote equality and inclusion, particularly for disadvantaged families, children in care, children in need, children with disabilities and children with special educational. As set out in Section F – Removal from the LoP. SCC will remove the provider from the LoP if they fail to comply with its legal duties under the Equality Act 2010

In addition to support, guidance and challenge to our childcare providers SCC works in partnership with health to deliver Early Bird (under five years) and Early Bird Plus (ages 4 – 9). These are support programmes for parents and carers offering advice and guidance on strategies and approaches for supporting young children with autism.

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4. Supply of childcare, Suffolk Picture

Number of Early Years Providers In total, there are 776 Ofsted registered childcare providers in Suffolk local authority. 598 are on the LoP, in receipt of early years education funding and 178 offering childcare funded directly from the parent/carer, non LoP

Table 4 Type of provision LoP Non LoP Total Childminders* 216 173 389 Day nurseries 124 4 128 Nursery classes in schools / 94 0 94 Academy nursery classes Nursery units of independent 13 1 14 schools Pre school play group 151 0 151 The data in this table was correct on: 09th Sept 2018

All Providers in Suffolk - LOP and Non LOP

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Providers on the LoP


Day Nurseries 25% 36% Nursery classes in schools / 2% Academy Nursery classes

Nursery Units of 16% 21% Independent schools

Pre School Play Group

Providers not on the LoP 2% 1% Childminders

Day Nurseries

Nursery classes in schools / Academy Nursery classes Nursery Units of Independent schools 97% Pre School Play Group

Number of School Age Providers and Places Tracking the supply of childcare for school age children is difficult because not all of this provision is independently registered with Ofsted. For example, it may come within a school’s registration. Parents may also use provision which is not considered ‘childcare’, for example sports or arts clubs which take place after school or in the holidays. For these reasons we have not included data on the number of places available.

SCC offer a childcare brokerage service for parents requiring assistance finding suitable childcare. SCC proactively work with providers to address gaps in the childcare market.

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5. Funded Early Education

Introduction to funded early education Some children are entitled to childcare, funded by the government. These entitlements are for 38 weeks per year. It is the local authority’s duty to administer this funding and make the payments to the providers each term.

• All 3 and 4 year olds in England are entitled to 570 funded hours per year. It is usually taken as 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. This entitlement is available until they start in reception class in school. This is referred to as their ‘Universal’ entitlement. • Children aged 3 and 4, from working families who meet the criteria set out by the Department for Education (DFE), are entitled to ‘up to’ an additional 570 funded hours per year. Collectively this is often referred to as 30 hours or their ‘additional’ entitlement. • Children aged 2 whose families receive certain benefits (including low income families in receipt of in-work benefits), or those who meet additional non-economic criteria , are entitled to 15 hours per week. In England about 40% of 2 year olds are entitled to this offer, but the proportion varies by area.

Parents do not have to use all the hours of their funded entitlement. They may choose to split them between providers. With the agreement of their provider, parents may also spread them across the year – for example, rather than taking 15 hours for 38 weeks a year they could take just under 12 hours for 48 weeks a year. Or rather than taking 30 hours for 38 weeks a year they could take 23.75 hours for 48 weeks a year. This is referred to as a stretched offer.

Parents may choose to pay for additional hours on top of the funded entitlement. In addition to securing funded places; the local authority is required to secure sufficient childcare places for all children, including under 2’s and out of school care.

Proportion of 2 year old children entitled to funded early education In Suffolk, 29% of 2 year olds are entitled to funded early education. This equates to around 2246 children per year in 2017/18

Take up of funded early education The proportion of eligible children taking up their funded place (for at least some of the available hours) in Suffolk is:

Table 6 Age % of eligible children Age 2 79% Age 3 94% Age 4 94% Age 3 and 4 94% The data in this table is based on Department for Education data in January 2018

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Comparison of take up of funded early education 2016 -2018 Table 7

Age 2018 2017 2016 Age 2 – targeted 79% 85% 81% Age 3 and 4 94% 94% 95%

6. 3 and 4-year-old Funded Entitlement – 30hrs

Number of children eligible for 30hrs Prior to the 30 hours childcare policy being introduced in September 2017 the DfE indicated that in Suffolk around 51% of 3 and 4-year olds would be eligible. The policy came into effect from 1st September 2017. To prepare for implementation we calculated half of the 3 and 4yr old population would require an additional 15 hours and built this into our sufficiency calculations. After the first year of this policy implementation analysis showed that 23% of 3 and 4yr olds accessed their 30-hour codes, however 45% of children are attending provision for more than 15 hours. This could either reflect the actual requirement more accurately or indicate that the 30 hour offer is still in its infancy and will take time to embed.

We will continue to analyse this data each term and once the policy is embedded, we will replace the estimated 51% with the actual take up percentage.

Parents can check their eligibility for a 30 hours place online through the Government’s Childcare Choices website. The same website is used to apply for ‘Tax Free Childcare' and parents can apply for either or both. If a parent is eligible for a 30 hour place for their child, the system creates a code which they can used with their chosen childcare provider. If they are ineligible, they will still be entitled to the universal 15 hours of early education and childcare and may choose to pay for additional hours themselves.

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30 hr Codes Used in Suffolk Table 8

Step Number of families Applied for a place Eligible codes 3026 issued Eligible codes 2684 validated % validated 89%

The data in this table is based on Department for Education data in Sept 2018

7. Providers offering funded early education places and places available.

Funded early education places available

SCC administers early education funding on behalf of the government to providers on the LoP. Providers are not required to join the LoP and offer funded places to parents, but of course parents may choose to use a different provider if they do not. Some providers offer a restricted number of funded places or restrict the times funded places are available.

Table 9

Type of provision offering early Number of education funding providers Childminders 216 Day nurseries 124 Nursery classes in schools / 94 Academy nursery classes Nursery units of independent 13 schools 9Pre school play group 151 ALL 598

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Percentage of type of provider offering early education


Day nurseries 25% 36% Nursery classes in schools / 2% Academy nursery classes 16% Nursery units of independent 21% schools Pre school play group

Places available – 15 hours Suffolk Picture

Table 10

Eligible 2s 3 and 4yr Total 15 hour Spaces Surplus or olds spaces available Deficit needed from Providers (15 hr blocks) 2131 17,132 19,263 24,629 5,366

Table 10 illustrates the total number of 15 hour blocks needed and available for every eligible 2 year old and all 3 and 4 year olds to have their universal entitlement. This table shows that based purely on statistical data there would be a surplus of, 5,366 15 hours blocks across Suffolk

Places available – 30 hours (51%) Suffolk picture

Table 11 Eligible 2s 3 and 4yr Total 15 hour Spaces Surplus or olds (inc 51% spaces available Deficit extra) needed from Providers (15 hr blocks) 2131 25,869 28,000 24,629 -3,332

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*Places available refers to blocks of 15 hours available in a week

Table 11 illustrates the total number of 15 hour blocks needed and available for every eligible 2 year old and all 3 and 4 year olds to have their universal entitlement plus 51% predicted for the additional 15 hours required to fulfil the 30 hour policy. This table shows that, based purely on statistical data, there is a deficit of, -3,332 15 hours blocks across Suffolk.

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Early Education Places at Cluster Level Table 12

Cluster Eligible 2s, Total 15 hour Spaces Places Places 3 and 4 yr spaces available available available olds needed (inc from Surplus or Surplus or 51% for 30 Providers Deficit Deficit (with hours) (15 hr slots) migration considered) Bury St. 1213 1768 2007 239 12 Edmunds Felixstowe 662 959 696 -263 -169 Forest Heath 2280 3368 2083 -1285 -1289 Framlingham 617 893 959 66 102 and Leiston Haverhill 1121 1634 1329 -305 -204

High Suffolk 499 736 867 131 137 Ipswich East 1509 2176 2000 -176 -233 Ipswich North 1329 1915 1798 -117 -264 Ipswich West 2145 3014 1946 -1068 -688

Lowestoft North 1076 1557 1572 15 -29

Lowestoft South 992 1458 1081 -337 -278

South Suffolk 780 1145 1492 347 282

Stowmarket 1144 1682 1655 -27 43

Sudbury 1077 1558 1442 -116 -123 Thurston 833 1226 1008 -218 -192 Waveney and 874 1273 1027 -246 -283 Blyth Woodbridge and 1112 1638 1666 28 -109 Kesgrave Suffolk 19,263 28,000 24,629 -3,332 -3285 * * This number is the total number of children migrating outside of the ward the child lives. It does not include children migrating out of the county.

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Places available for 30 hours - Surplus or Deficit per cluster

347 239 66 131 15 28

-176 -117 -27 -116 -218 -263 -246

-305 -337





















Map – Surplus or Deficit with Migration Considered by Cluster

Places available for 30 hours - Surplus or

Deficit per cluster with migration

282 12 102 137 43

-29 -123 -109 -169 -204 -192 -233 -264

-278 -283
















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8. Hourly rates

Hourly rate paid by Suffolk County Council Suffolk receives funding from the government. The amount is determined by the National Funding Formula. This is distributed to providers based on their termly claims. The funding comprises of an hourly rate plus deprivation funding and inclusion funding for eligible children. Providers also receive Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF) funding for eligible 3 and 4 year old children.

The current early education hourly rate for children in Suffolk is: 2 year olds £5.20 per hour 3 and 4 year olds £4.00 per hour

This rate will remain unchanged during the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years. We are unable to set the rates beyond this date until we have received confirmation from the DfE as to how much funding will be received in future years.

Hourly rate charged by providers

For early years childcare outside the funded entitlements, SCC reports on the average rate per hour, as reported to SCC by providers.1 There may be variations to rates based on the number of hours a family uses, with reductions for longer hours, or discounts for sibling groups. There may be additional rates for additional services, for example, lunch and other meals which are not included in these charges.

Hourly rate Private, voluntary Nursery Units of Childminders and independent Independent nurseries Schools Average of known £4.70 £6.50 £4.20 providers Source: SCC

Mean hourly fee band for Suffolk Mean hourly Fee Suffolk 3 and 4yr old pre- £4.50 school children 2yr old children £4.50 Data source: DfE Childcare and Early Years Childcare providers survey 2018

1 Details of how we collect this data are in the methodology section below

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9. Quality of Childcare

Ofsted Inspection Grades All childcare providers must register with and be inspected by Ofsted, who gives them an overall grade for the quality of their provision. Childminders and private and voluntary providers are on the Early Years Register, and schools and standalone maintained nursery schools are on the Schools register. The grades for both registers are equivalent. Schools with nurseries have an overall inspection grade for the whole school and many also have a separate early years grade.

Both schools and early years providers have four possible Ofsted grades: ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’, and ‘inadequate’.2 Some providers are still awaiting their first full inspection. These providers are excluded from our calculation.

Nursery classes in independent schools do not generally have an Ofsted grade.

Outstanding Good Requires Inadequate Improvement All 17% 78% 4% 1% Childminders 16% 80% 3% 1% Childcare on non- 19% 77% 4% 2% domestic premises Ofsted Data as of 31st Aug 2018

Comparing inspection grades over time % of providers ‘good’ or Aug 2018 Aug 2017 Aug 2016 ‘outstanding’ All 95% 92% 89% Childminders 96% 91% 86% Childcare on non-domestic 96% 94% 89% Premises Ofsted Data as of 31st Aug 2018

2 For more information see

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10. Plans for sufficiency work in 2019

SCC will

• Use 2019 Office of National Statistics (ONS) forecasts to place plan. • Plan to forecast population 3-5 years ahead. • Provide sufficiency data and population profile to childcare providers via an online module.

SCC continue to

• work in partnership with Schools Infrastructure and Strategic Planning to deliver sufficient places in response to housing development • monitor take up of 30 hours and imbedding of the 30 hour policy • review lease agreements with providers in SCC buildings encourage providers, where appropriate, to extend their opening hours to become ‘full day-care’ i.e. 8-6 all year round and to move away from sessional term time practices • maximise developer contributions to extend existing provision or to create new provision • work closely with Schools infrastructure colleagues to develop early years places along with school building projects to achieve economies of scale • support providers when we receive a request to support due to viability issues review their current offer and suggest changes which would better meet the needs of families • share our sufficiency knowledge with existing and potential providers so that new provision is developed in the places where there is a demand • share ideas and good practice with other LA’s, via Childcare works (a Hempsalls/DfE contract), to learn from others and trial new approaches • aim to ‘reuse’ temporary structures which schools infrastructure become aware of to enable places to be developed quickly and cost efficiently. For example, a portacabin no longer required by a school • take advantage of any projects made available by the DfE to create additional places • initiate discussions with providers where we identify a deficit of provision in an area to encourage them to review their offer and explore ways to create more places.

11. Methodology

• Number of children: The data for children under 5 comes from Office of National Statistics (ONS) and the school age children data comes from school census within the local authority.

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• Children with EHC plans: based on data held by Suffolk local authority • Supply of childcare: based on data provided to SCC by Ofsted, who regulate early years provision in schools and childcare provision. In some cases, we have supplemented this with local intelligence where providers are not registered with Ofsted. • Funded early education: data on take up of funded early education entitlements is based on the Early Years and Schools Censuses, which are taken every January and published by the Department for Education in the statistical collection Education provision: children under five years of age. Data on entitlement to a funded early education place for 2 year olds is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions. • Price of childcare: This is an average based on the prices that childcare providers have told us they charge • Quality of childcare: data on childcare quality is provided by Ofsted. • IMD data 2015 has been used for Deprivation

Cluster Level Data

All data used for sufficiency within the local authority is based on the summer term. This is because SCC is aware that this will be the busiest term for childcare providers when most four year olds will be in a setting (before they move to school in the Autumn term)

To calculate sufficiency we use the same information as noted throughout this document:

• ONS population estimates for 3 and 4 year olds • 51% of 3 and 4 year olds to calculate for 30 hour entitlement • DfE data for number of eligible 2 year olds • Provision Registered on SCC List of Providers (as provided by Ofsted) to calculate places available

Take up data at cluster level

• SCC uses all funding claims received and removes duplicates. • Out of county children are included in this report. This decision is based on the likelihood that for every child funded in Suffolk who lives out of county, there will be a Suffolk child who attends a setting in a neighbouring county and is therefore funded by them. • SCC calculates a child’s date of birth based on the first date in the term. For summer 2018 data 01/04/2018 was used. • As take up is calculated against a baseline we include four year olds who are in school reception classes. However, this has less impact in the summer term.

Migration considered at Cluster level

• To factor in migration we look at funding claims (detailed above) • To calculate migration out we look at where children live (by postcode) and how many attend a setting in the same Cluster or in another Cluster.

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• To calculate migration in we look at all the settings within a cluster and whether the children who attend live in the cluster or outside (in another cluster) • These two figures give us a net migration percentage, this has been applied to the population to calculate a surplus / deficit that considers migration

12. References

Childcare and Early Years Providers Survey: 2018 Department for Education

Childcare Survey 2018 Family and Childcare Trust

Education provision: children under 5 years of Age January 2018 Department for Education january-2018

Childcare Providers and inspections as at 31st August 2018 Ofsted august-2018

Suffolk Changes in the Index of Multiple Deprivation from 2010 to 2015 Public Health Suffolk 2015 FINAL.pdf

Suffolk Observatory Deprivation Suffolk County Council

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Appendix 1 Cluster level details Clusters by Ward

Forest Heath • All Saints • Brandon East • Brandon West • Eriswell and the Rows • Exning • Great Heath • Iceni • Lakenheath • Market • Manor • Red Lodge • South • Severals • St Marys Haverhill • Clare • Haverhill East • Haverhill North • Haverhill South • Haverhill West • Hundon • Kedington • Wickhambrook • Withersfield Bury • Abbeygate • Barrow • Chedburgh • Eastgate • Fornham • Horinger and Welnetham • Minden • Moreton Hall • Northgate • Risby • Risbygate • Southgate • St Olaves • Westgate

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Sudbury • Boxford • Bures St Mary • Cavendish • Chadacre • Glemsford and Stanstead • Gt Cornard North • Great Cornard South • Lavenham • Leavenheath • Long Melford • Nayland • Sudbury North • Sudbury South • Sudbury East • Waldingfield Thurston • Bardwell • Barningham • Elmswell and Norton • Gt Barton • Ixworth • Pakenham • North Cosford • Rattlesden • Rickinghall and Walsham • Rougham • Stanton • Thurston and Hessett • Woolpit Stowmarket • Bacton and Old Newton • Badwell Ash • Barking and Somersham • Brett Vale • Haughley and Wetherden • Mendelsham • Onehouse • • Ringshall

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• Stowmarket Central • Stowmarket North • Stowmarket South • Stowupland South Suffolk • Alton • Berners • Brook • Dodnash • Hadleigh North • Hadleigh South • Holbrook • Lower Brett • Mid Samford • South Cosford High Suffolk • Eye • Debenham • Fressingfield • Gislingham • Helmingham and Coddenham • Hoxne • Palgrave • Stradbroke and Laxfield • The Stonhams • Wetheringsett • Worlingworth North Lowestoft • Gunton and Corton • Harbour • Lothingland • Normanston • Oulton • Oulton Broad • St Margarets South Lowestoft • Carlton

December 2018 Page 30 of 71 • Carlton Colville • Kessingland • Kirkley • Pakefield • Whitton Waveney Blyth • Beccles North • Beccles South • Blything • Bungay • Halesworth • Southwold and Raydon • The Saints • Wainford • Wenhaston & Westleton • Wrentham • Worlingham Fram/ Leiston • Aldeburgh • Framlingham • Hacheston • Leiston • and Yoxfod • Saxmundham • Wickham Market Woodbridge/ Kesgrave • Deben • Woodbridge • Grundisburgh • Kesgrave East • Kesgrave West • Martlesham • Melton • Nacton and purdis farm • Orford and Eyke • Rendlesham Felixstowe • Felixstowe East • Felixstowe North • Felixstowe South • Felixstowe West • The Trimleys • Kirton Ipswich North

• Alexandra • Claydon and Barham • Castle Hill • Rushmere • St Margarets • Whitton • Fynn Valley (Witnesham) Ipswich East • Bixley • Gainsborough • Holywells • Priory Heath • Tower (Rushmere St Andrew) • St Johns Ipswich West • Bramford and Blakenham • Bridge • Gipping • Pinewood • Sprites • Stoke Park • Westgate • Whitehouse

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Section 1.01 Cluster sufficiency overview – Bury St Edmunds

Map of Bury St Edmunds Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 20 11 Day nursery 11 1 Nursery units of 2 1 independent Schools Pre-school playgroup 11 0

Maintained nursery 7 0 School / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 2

Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1213 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1768 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 2007 Difference / places available 239 Data Source: SCC sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 12.8%* Total Baseline Population 1368 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1994 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 2007 Difference / places available 12 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 84% 3yr olds 92% 4yr olds 91% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18

The Bury St Edmunds cluster consists of 14 wards. Abbeygate, Westgate, Eastgate, Risbygate, Northgate, Southgate, Minden, Moreton Hall, St Olaves, Barrow, Chedburgh, Fornham, Horringer and Welnetham and Risby. Northgate, Risbygate and St Olaves include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) In the Abbeygate and Risby wards the local providers reported that they have filled all of their places and are currently operating waiting lists. Data indicates that parents are migrating into these wards to access full daycare. Moreton Hall ward has a variety of childcare provision. Currently there is a surplus of places in the ward. This does not take into account any increases from new housing development.

There are currently no providers in the Fornham ward, 100% of the children living in this ward migrate out. Adjacent wards are Northgate, St Olaves and Risby. The take up of funded two year old places exceeds Suffolk’s overall take up for two year olds which is 79%. The take up for funded three and four year olds is slightly lower than Suffolk’s take up which is 94% for both age groups.

Whilst the data illustrates a surplus of 239 places across the Bury cluster, migration of children in and out of the cluster is taken into account there only remains a surplus of 12 places. Only 5.6% of children living in Bury migrate out of the cluster. However, 20.4% of children attending Bury cluster provision have come from other clusters. This causes a pressure for places. Therefore, many providers report that they are at full capacity with a waiting list. SCC is encouraging local providers to network and support each other to meet parental demand in wards with high demand or, where there is additional housing growth, new places are being developed. £57,754 developer contributions was spent in the Westgate ward to provide 31 full time equivalent places. These places are available all year round, full daycare.

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Section 1.02 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Felixstowe

Map of Felixstowe Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 12 7 Day nursery 3 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 9 0

Maintained nursery 2 0 School / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 4

Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for Cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 662 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 959 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 696 Diff / places available -263

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Data Source: SCC sufficiency spreadsheet Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -9.75% Total Baseline Population 597 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 865 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 696 Difference / places available -169 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 71% 3yr olds 97% 4yr olds 98% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 The Felixstowe cluster consists of six wards. These are North, South and West, East Felixstowe, the Trimleys and Kirton. Felixstowe South include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) Whilst the data indicates a deficit of 263 places across the Felixstowe cluster, migration of children in and out of the cluster is taken into account there remains a deficit of 169 places. 9.52% of children attending provision who live in the Felixstowe cluster migrate out of the cluster. Only 2% of children attending in the Felixstowe cluster provision have come from other clusters. The deficit of places in this cluster is not due to demand from outside of the cluster.

In this cluster there is only one group provider offering early education funded places year round which enables parents to stretch their child’s funding. There are other group providers offering year round places but parents pay for the places during the holidays. Some of the childminders offer early education for more than 38 weeks a year. Work has been undertaken to increase the opening hours at two providers so that they now offer places in the afternoon. However, many of the providers are operating out of community buildings that have shared use which prevents them from opening for more hours. Discussions are continuing with providers and community groups to try and find ways of enabling provision to open for more hours where needed. SCC is actively promoting the need for more childminders in this cluster, particularly In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth new places are being developed.

Take up for 3 year olds is higher at 97 % exceeding Suffolk’s 94 %. Also take up for 4 year olds at 98% is higher, exceeding Suffolk’s 94 %. Two year old take up is lower than Suffolk’s take up which is currently 79%. The lower take up of 2-year olds is understood to be as a result of the pressure for places in this cluster.

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Section 1.03 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Forest Heath

Map of Forest Heath Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of Providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 12 22

Day nursery 12 0

Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 12 0

Maintained nursery 4 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 1

Data Source: Cluster work Spreadsheet and School census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 2280 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 3368 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 2083 Diff / places available -1285 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for Cluster (LOP only) with Migration considered NET Migration 0.15% Total Baseline Population 2283 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 3372 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 2083 Difference / places available -1289 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 73% 3yr olds 73% 4yr olds 66% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18

Forest Heath Cluster consists of 14 wards. All Saints, Severals, St Mary’s, South, Exning, Brandon East, Brandon West, Eriswell and the Rows, Great Heath, Market, Iceni, Lakenheath, Manor and Red Lodge. It borders Norfolk and Cambridgeshire County Council. Great Heath and Severals include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived). The data for this cluster illustrates a deficit of 15 hours places, -1285. There is very little migration into this cluster, only 3.78% of the children attending provision in Forest Heath have migrated in from another cluster. The majority of children coming into Forest Heath 83% are from the Bury Cluster. In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth new places are being developed.

There are two airbases which are home to a large number of Royal Airforce (RAF) and United States Airforce (USAF) personnel in Eriswell and Lakenheath wards. The population data gathered is problematic specifically in these wards. This is because the population data used by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is from the 2011 Census. Based on this it makes assumptions on the number of USAF children and this is currently over estimated in these specific areas.

During discussions with staff employed by USAF SCC was informed that parents often make use of local childcare providers off base as they can access their funded entitlement. Additionally, parents choose to access provider and school provision until their child reaches American school age which is 6 years old. At this point they withdraw their child from English provision and access education on the base. Another factor to consider is that charges for on base childcare varies according to officer rank. Therefore, accessing funded childcare off base is a cost-effective childcare option for many. This experience is supported by SCCs ‘on the ground knowledge’ and from information given by the providers within this area.

In 2018 a new primary school with early years provision was opened in Red Lodge. Early Years accessed £225,367 of developer contributions to assist with this. Brandon closely borders Norfolk County Council. The childcare providers in Brandon express that there is limited capacity, and this may explain the current deficit of predicted

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places. However, because Brandon closely borders Norfolk some children may be accessing childcare provision in this county.

There are a considerable number of people employed in the horseracing industry in Newmarket. This employment places demand for a more bespoke offer of childcare hours. Families often require childcare early in the morning and again early in the afternoon. However, because Newmarket closely borders Cambridgeshire some children may be accessing childcare provision in this county. In Severals ward, £26,641 developer contributions was used towards the creation of 37 full time equivalent places. In Exning ward, £6,185 was used towards the creation of 36 full time equivalent places.

Section 1.04 Cluster Sufficiency Overview Framlingham and Leiston

Map of Framlingham and Leiston Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 14 8 Day Nursery 5 1 Nursery Units of 1 0 Independent Schools Pre-School Playgroup 4 0

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Maintained Nursery 3 0 School / Academy Nursery Class Out of School Care 0 5

Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 617 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 893 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 959 Diff / places available 66 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -4.08% Total Baseline Population 591 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 856 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 959 Difference / places available 102 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 93% 3yr olds 95% 4yr olds 112% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Framlingham/Leiston Cluster consists of 7 wards, Aldeburgh, Framlingham, Leiston, Hacheston, Saxmundham, Peasenhall and Yoxford and Wickham Market. This is predominantly a rural cluster with the main arterial road, A12 dividing it. There is a surplus of 66 places. After taking migration of children in and out of the cluster into consideration, there is a surplus of 102. This is because 15% of children living in this cluster migrate out. Children tend to migrate to Woodbridge and Kesgrave and High Suffolk. Only 9.59% of children attending provision in this cluster come from other clusters. The surplus of places is not necessarily in areas where they are needed.

There are two main factors to consider as to why the 4 year old take up exceeds 100% of the 4 year old population. One is that some children will be migrating from another cluster to access provision in this cluster. These children are not included in the population. Secondly ONS population data is used as a baseline and there may be an underestimate of the number of 4 year olds living in this cluster. Suffolk’s overall take up for 4 year olds is currently 94%.

Take up of places for 2 year olds exceeds Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 79%. 3 year olds also exceed Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 94%.

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In the Cluster two new providers, term time only, opened in the Summer 2018, one a daycare provider providing 12 places and another a school nursery. Recent work in Saxmundham created 24 full time equivalent places, all year round from September 2018. This was partly funded by developer contributions, £79, 736 All provision in the Saxmundham area is all year round.

In the Framlingham ward there is no group provision operating all year round. The school nursery is mornings and lunch only. A new provider which would provide 28 early education places all year round, 8 a.m.-6p.m. is planning to open in January 2019. Another provider is planning to move into this ward from a neighbouring ward. Work has not yet started on this site. This provision would also provide all year round childcare. Three Ofsted registered childminders are planning to offer early education in the future and support is currently being provided to enable this to happen. Term time only provision is also considering offering a holiday club. SCC is currently working to develop places in wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed

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Section 1.05 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - Haverhill

Map of Haverhill Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 12 6 Day nursery 7 0 Nursery units of 1 1 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 8 0

Maintained nursery 5 0 School / Academy nursery class Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1121 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1634 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1329 Diff / places available -305 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for Cluster (LOP only) with Migration considered NET Migration -6.14% Total Baseline Population 1052 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1533 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1329 Difference / places available -204 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 95% 3yr olds 78% 4yr olds 89% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18

There are nine wards in the Haverhill cluster. Clare, Haverhill East, Haverhill North, Haverhill South, Haverhill West, Hundon, Kedington, Wickhambrook and Withersfield. It borders Cambridgeshire and Essex County Council. Haverhill South include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived).

There is deficit of 305 childcare places across the cluster. Once migration of children in and out of the cluster is consider the deficit reduces to -204 places. 7% of children living in Haverhill attending provision migrate out of the cluster. Children access providers across the county borders, migrating out and in depending on parents work commitments. Some children will have split placements with Cambridgeshire/Essex providers, often for the same reasons. Only 2.5% of children accessing provision in Haverhill have come from outside the cluster. These children tend to be from the Bury and Sudbury clusters. The data indicates that children migrate across wards to access full day care and provision for babies which is mostly distributed across the Haverhill town wards. Provider information also suggests parents from rural locations will often access provision supporting their working arrangements, travelling across borders into different wards, clusters or counties.

In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth, new places are being developed. In Haverhill town £81, 801 in developer contributions has been used towards creating 62 full time equivalent places, in two separate projects. In Clare £6,200 in developer contributions has been used towards creating 24 places. There is a high uptake of 2 year old places in this cluster, exceeding Suffolk’s overall take up of 79%. Take up for 3 and 4 year olds is less that Suffolk’s overall take up of 94%.

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Section 1.06 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - High Suffolk

Map of High Suffolk Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 4 8 Day nursery 5 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 7 0

Maintained nursery 6 0 school / Academy Nursery class Out of school care 0 1

Data Source: Cluster work Spreadsheet and School census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 499 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 736 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 867

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Diff / places available 131 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -0.85% Total Baseline Population 494 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 729 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 867 Difference / places available 137 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for Cluster Eligible 2yr olds 77% 3yr olds 87% 4yr olds 121%* Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 *this includes 35 out of county children, if these were excluded take up would be 105%

High Suffolk is predominantly a rural cluster consisting of 11wards. Eye, Debenham, Hoxne, Stradbroke and Laxfield, Fressingfield, Gislingham, Helmingham and Coddenham, Palgrave, The Stonhams, Wethringsett and Worlingworth. There is limited public transport. High Suffolk borders Norfolk County Council. In the cluster there is a surplus of 131 places this increases to a surplus of 137 places after migration is considered. Net migration is only -0.85%. The majority of children coming into this cluster come from Stowmarket and Ipswich North. The majority going out go to Framlingham/Leiston and Stowmarket.

Given the rural nature of the cluster, provision is scattered across many villages with small populations of children. Accessing the provision for families is problematic therefore take up of funded 2 years olds is lower than Suffolk’s 79% take up. Take up for 3 year olds is lower than Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 94%

There are two main factors to consider as to why 4 year old take up exceeds 100% of the 4 year old population. One is because some children will be migrating from another cluster to access provision in this cluster. These children are not included in the population. Secondly, ONS population data is used as a baseline and there may be an underestimate of the number of 4 year olds living in this cluster. Suffolk’s take up overall for 4 year olds is currently 94%.

The school nursery in the ward of Eye closed at the end of the Summer term 2018. The smaller rural providers have raised concerns about the sustainability of their businesses. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth, new places are being developed.

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Section 1.07 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - East Ipswich

Map of East Ipswich Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 12 14 Day nursery 8 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 7 0

Maintained nursery 8 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 5

Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1509 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 2176 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 2000

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Diff / places available -176 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 2.64% Total Baseline Population 1548 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 2233 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 200 Difference / places available -233 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 64% 3yr olds 88% 4yr olds 90% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Ipswich East consists of six wards in the east of Ipswich urban area. Tower, Bixley, St John’s, Holywells, Priory Heath and Gainsborough ward. Gainsborough and Priory Heath include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) The 2 year old take up is lower that Suffolk’s 79% and 3 and 4 year old take up is lower than Suffolk’s 94%.

When considering the population for this cluster there is a deficit of 176 places. After migration is taken into consideration, this deficit increases to -233. Not all children in this cluster are taking up their entitlement. 23% of the children attending provision in this cluster come from outside the cluster. The majority of these children come from Ipswich North and Woodbridge and Kesgrave. 23% of children in this cluster who access provision do so in another cluster. The majority of children are choosing to access provision in Ipswich North and Woodbridge and Kesgrave.

This pressure for places could account for the low take up funded year olds. There are limited opportunities to create new places in this cluster due to a lack of suitable premises.

Tower Ward This ward has good transport links enabling children to come into the ward to access their provision. There is one full day care provision offering childcare all year round. Bixley Ward This ward has three full daycare providers, all near major routes in and out of the town. There is a large hospital in this ward and local intelligence suggests that staff living outside this ward access the provision in this ward. St. John’s Ward This ward is closer to Ipswich town centre. It is served by three sessional preschools. There are limits to the time they can provide care because of the restrictions of the buildings that they are operating from. Therefore, meeting working parents’ needs is a

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challenge. There is a significant shortage of places and limited opportunities to increase the current number. Holywells Ward This ward is central in the Ipswich East Cluster. It is served by one sessional preschool but close to Gainsborough ward which has two providers offering year-round full daycare. SCC is exploring opportunities to expand and create places with providers in close proximity to this ward. Priory Heath Ward Although this ward does have a shortfall of places, it has two providers offering year round full daycare and major transport routes to other areas in which there are surplus places. £12,857 of developer contribution was used together with Department for Education 30 hour capital funding to provide 56 full time equivalent places, offering full day care, all year round. Gainsborough Ward This ward has providers that offer year round full daycare attracting parents from neighbouring wards. Some of the providers in this ward have expressed difficulties with the lack of demand and in contrast to this other providers are holding a waiting list. SCC is working with providers individually to address their differing issues.

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Section 1.08 Cluster Sufficiency Overview - Ipswich West

Map of West Ipswich Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 16 11 Day nursery 9 1 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 9 0

Maintained nursery 9 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 4

Data Source: Cluster work Spreadsheet and School census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 2145 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds)

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Total Number of 15 hr places needed 3014 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1946 Diff / places available -1068 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -12.59% Total Baseline Population 1874 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 2634 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1946 Difference / places available -688 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 66.7% 3yr olds 88.6% 4yr olds 95% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 The West Cluster consist of eight wards. Bramford and Blakenham, Bridge, Gipping, Pinewood, Sprites, Stoke Park, Westgate and Whitehouse. 6 of the 8 wards (Bridge, Gipping, Sprites, Stoke Park, Westgate and Whitehouse) include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived)

In this cluster there is a deficit of -1068, a large number of children migrate out of this cluster to access their early education which brings the deficit down to -688. 26% of children accessing provision who live in this cluster, go outside of the cluster. The majority of these children access provision in Ipswich North and South Suffolk. 10% of all children accessing provision in this cluster live in another cluster in wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed. However development opportunities are limited and challenging.

The take up of funded two year old places is lower, at 66.7%, than Suffolk’s overall take up for two year olds which is 79%. Due to high levels of deprivation in West Ipswich there are significantly higher numbers of eligible 2 year olds. For example, in Summer 2018 – the Department of Work and Pensions data showed 422 eligible 2 year olds in West Ipswich Cluster. This is very high when compared to the average number of 2year olds per cluster which is 125. This has had an impact on settings and the places available for 3 and 4year olds.

The take up for funded three year olds is also lower at 88% compared to 94% for Suffolk. Take up for funded four year olds is slightly higher at 95% compared to 94% for Suffolk. There is a deficit of places in this ward which may account for the low take up of funded two and three year olds.

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Bramford and Blakenham This ward is served by one pre-school. Local housing development has created a need for further places and there are plans in place to extend the pre-school provision to create an increased number of places and all year round provision. There is extensive housing development in the area of Great Blakenham. There is a significant shortage of places and a challenge to create places due to limited opportunities in premises and land available. Bridge There is one provider in the ward offering full day care provision, and a primary school with a large nursery class. Local knowledge indicates that parents use this day care provider as it is located near to Ipswich mainline railway station, and a main route into Ipswich town centre. Gipping This ward is located near to the town centre of Ipswich, and the two full day care providers, are near major routes in and out of the town. One of the providers has received significant local authority support to develop places as a part of the school premises, and in an area where previously there was no provision. Local knowledge has shown that families have limited opportunities to travel. Pinewood This ward is served by one provider offering all year round full day care. Sprites This ward is located on the outskirts of Ipswich town, and is an area of disadvantage. It is served by one provider offering full day care. This is a large setting that has been supported by the local authority to expand and create additional places to meet the local demand. This was particularly noticeable in the need to fund places for two year olds. Stoke Park Stoke Park ward has two providers offering full day care provision. There is one pre-school provision, which is exploring options to increase the hours offered but has limited capacity to expand due to shared use of premises by the wider community. In addition, there is a nursery which forms a part of an independent school which offers funded provision for 30 weeks per year. Westgate This ward is central to Ipswich and is on main routes into the town centre. Is has a diverse and mobile population and is in an area of disadvantage. There are three providers in this ward which offer full day care provision. In addition, there are two pre-school providers offering sessional care. The local authority has worked with providers to develop places in response to a high demand in this locality. Historically the school nurseries have been oversubscribed so providers have retained the older children and this has led to pressure of places for two year olds. Whitehouse Whitehouse ward is on the outskirts of Ipswich, close to the A14 and main routes into the town centre. The ward has two providers offering full day care. The primary school has a nursery. There is a permanent traveller site within this ward. £6,091 has been spent in developer contributions in the Whitehouse ward with DfE 30 Capital funding to create 30 places.

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Section 1.09 Cluster sufficiency overview – Lowestoft North

Map of Lowestoft North Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 15 7 Day nursery 7 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 5 0

Maintained nursery 7 0 school / Academy nursery class Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1076 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1557 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1572 Diff / places available 15 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 2.84% Total Baseline Population 1106 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1601 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1572 Difference / places available -29 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 74% 3yr olds 91% 4yr olds 99% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Lowestoft North is a cluster covering north of the bridge in Lowestoft town and consists of seven wards. Oulton Broad, Gunton and Corton, Harbour, Lothingland, Normanston, Oulton and St Margaret’s. 3 of the wards (Harbour, Normanston and St Margaret’s) include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) The River Waveney divides this cluster from Norfolk County Council. The Bascule Bridge divides this cluster from Lowestoft South.

Whilst the data illustrates a surplus of 15 places across the Lowestoft North cluster, after migration of children in and out of the cluster is considered, there is a deficit of -29 places. 5.4% of children accessing provision who live in Lowestoft North attend provision outside the cluster. These predominantly migrate to Lowestoft South. 6.5% of all children accessing provision in Lowestoft North come from outside the Cluster. Across Lowestoft there is a variety of different types of provision. Providers offer a variety of ways to access the 30 hours as either a sole provider or in partnership with others. Providers based in small rural villages are citing difficulties with the small numbers of children and families requesting a childcare place.

2 year up take up is lower than Suffolk which is at 79%. Parents are migrating out of the St Margaret’s ward as they are unable to secure a place at provision as the only group provider does not have the capacity to expand or meet demand. Parents migrate into the Oulton, Gunton and Corton wards. This puts pressure on the places available for 2 year olds in these areas. It is hoped that the nursery at the new primary school will attract some of these families and will alleviate pressure for places. 3 and 4 year old take up exceeds Suffolk’s 94% overall take up. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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Section 1.10 Cluster sufficiency overview – Lowestoft South

Map of Lowestoft South Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 19 4 Day nursery 1 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 7 0

Maintained nursery 9 0 school / Academy nursery class Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 992 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1458 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1081

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Diff / places available -337 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -6.75% Total Baseline Population 925 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1359 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1081 Difference / places available -278 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 82% 3yr olds 82% 4yr olds 85% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Lowestoft South cluster is south of the bridge consisting of six wards. Carlton Colville, Kessingland, Carlton, Kirkley, Pakefield and Whitton ward. 5 of the wards (Carlton, Kessingland, Kirkley, Pakefield and Whitton) include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) The main arterial A12 road enters and splits this cluster. The River Waveney divides this cluster from Norfolk County Council. The Bascule Bridge divides this cluster from Lowestoft North. There is a deficit of 337 places across the cluster. Once migration is considered the deficit reduces to -278 as more children migrate out of the cluster than into it. 7.2% of children accessing provision in Lowestoft South come from another cluster, predominately, Lowestoft North.

In Lowestoft there are several different types of provision. Providers offer a variety of ways to access the 30 hours, as either a sole provider or in partnership with others. SCC is aware of a significant deficit of places within the Carlton and Carlton Colville wards. However, SCC is aware that a planning application for a new purpose built 100 place day nursery has been made. The owners hope the nursery will be open by spring 2019. If this application is successful it will alleviate the current pressure on some of the providers in the area.

In the Kirkley ward, providers taking funded children report that they are at capacity with their current staffing levels although they have capacity to take more children in the building if they increase the amount of staff employed. Take up of funded 2, 3 and 4 years olds is fairly consistent for each of the age groups. Funded 2 year olds exceeds Suffolk’s overall take up of 79% but the take up for 3 and 4 year olds is lower than Suffolk’s 94%. In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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Section 1.11 Cluster sufficiency overview – Ipswich North

Map of Ipswich North Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 19 11 Day nursery 11 0 Nursery units of 2 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 8 0

Maintained nursery 6 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 8

Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1329 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1915 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1798 Diff / places available -117 Data Source: SCC sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 7.70% Total Baseline Population 1431 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 2062 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1798 Difference / places available -264 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 62% 3yr olds 99% 4yr olds 94% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Ipswich North consists of seven wards in the north of Ipswich urban area. These consist of Claydon and Barham, Alexandra, Castle Hill, Fynn Valley, St Margaret’s, Whitton and Rushmere. Four of the ward (Alexandra, Rushmere,St Margaret’s and Whitton) include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) Whilst the data illustrates a deficit -117 places across the Ipswich North cluster, after migration of children in and out of the cluster is considered, this deficit increases to -264 places. This is because more children migrate into the cluster than migrate out of the cluster. 36% of children accessing provision in this cluster come from outside the cluster, predominately from Ipswich West and Ipswich East. 27% of children accessing provision and living in the cluster go outside of the cluster. The take up for 2 year olds is low across the cluster compared to Suffolk’s 79%. The 3 and 4 year olds exceed Suffolk’s 94%.

Whitton Ward Whitton ward is one of the most deprived wards in the county of Suffolk. One provider offers all year round, full day care. Providers are working with SCC to market and develop places. St Margaret’s St Margaret’s Ward has a deficit of places and a higher proportion of children migrate out compared to in. This area is serviced by a main route into Ipswich town. One provider offers all year round, full day care. Rushmere Rushmere ward includes the village of Rushmere. It has two providers offering all year round, full day care.

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Alexandra Alexandra ward has a deficit of places with more children migrating into this ward than out. This puts further strain on a ward in the centre of the town. Development opportunities are limited and challenging. There are four providers offering all year round, full day care. Claydon and Barham Claydon and Barham ward includes the villages of Claydon and Barham and has sufficient places. There are significantly more children migrating into this ward than out. This ward is diverse in its demands on the provision. On the ground knowledge suggests that the more rural provision within this ward has places available. Other provision neighbours a ward with very limited provision, and significant recent housing development. Children are therefore migrating into this ward. The rural provision with places available is statistically masking the real demand. The work of SCC is focused on the pressure point within this ward. Castle Hill Castle Hill ward is in the North West of Ipswich. This ward includes the county’s only maintained nursery school with a provider linked to it which offers all year round, full day care. £6,091 of developer contribution was used with Department for Education 30 hour capital funding to provide 32 full time equivalent places, full day care, all year round. Fynn Fynn Valley is a large rural area served by a sessional preschool. There is a large percentage of children migrating out. On the ground knowledge, suggests families are looking for provision to provide all year round, full day. In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth, new places are being developed.

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Section 1.12 Cluster sufficiency overview – South Suffolk

Map of South Suffolk Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 8 7 Day nursery 9 0 Nursery units of 1 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 12 0

Maintained nursery 3 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 2 Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 780 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1145 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1492 Diff / places available 347 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered

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NET Migration 5.61% Total Baseline Population 823 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1209 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1492 Difference / places available 282 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 95% 3yr olds 91% 4yr olds 102% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18

This cluster borders Essex County Council. It has 11 wards consisting of, Alton, Berners, Brook, Dodnash, Hadleigh North, Hadleigh South, Holbrook, Lower Brett, Mid Samford, North Cosford and South Cosford. It covers a large area stretching from Shotley Peninsula to just beyond and includes the town of Hadleigh. The main arterial A12 road divides the cluster and provides a direct link into Ipswich. There is a surplus of 347 places in this cluster and a wide range of provision providing sessional and all year round, full day care provision. After migration is considered there is still a surplus of 282 places. This highlights that more children come into this cluster than migrate out. 17% of children attending provision in this cluster, live outside of the cluster. The high take up of all funded children demonstrates that the surplus of places is not due to a low take up. Take up of 2 year olds exceeds Suffolk’s 79%. 3 and 4 year olds exceeds Suffolk’s take up of 94%

There are two main factors to consider as to why the 4 year old take up exceeds 100% of the 4 year old population. One is because some children will be migrating from another cluster to access provision in this cluster. These children are not included in the population. Secondly, population data is used as a baseline and there may be an underestimate of the number of 4 year olds living in this cluster.

In Hadleigh there are 170 military houses available. Military personnel and their families tend to be more transient than other families and therefore demand for provision results in peaks and troughs. The ONS data is dependant on the number of military families at the time the census was carried out. Information from the military airbase suggests that there is a desire to utilise the housing at Wattisham military airbase for their families therefore this may result in a decrease of military families in Hadleigh and hence a possible decline in peaks and troughs in demand for provision there. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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Section 1.13 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Stowmarket

Map of Stowmarket Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 11 17 Day nursery 9 0 Nursery units of 2 0 independent schools Pre-School Playgroup 13 0

Maintained nursery 2 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of school care 0 2 Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1144 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1682 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1655 Deficit / places available -27

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Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -4.13% Total Baseline Population 1096 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1612 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1655 Difference / places available 43 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for Cluster Eligible 2yr olds 77% 3yr olds 86% 4yr olds 100% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 The Stowmarket Cluster consists of 13 wards. Bacton, Old Newton, Badwell Ash, Barking and Somersham, Brett Vale, Haughley and Wetherden, Mendlesham, Needham Market, Ringshall, Onehouse, Stowmarket Central, North and South and Stowupland. Stowmarket North and Stowmarket South include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) The main arterial road, A14 divides this cluster providing a direct link to Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds towns. 2 year old take up is lower than Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 79%. 3 year olds take up is also lower than Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 94%. 4 year olds take up exceeds Suffolk’s take up, currently 94%.

There is a deficit of 27 places across the cluster. However once migration is considered there is a surplus of 43 places. Providers in Stowmarket town report that they were full over the summer. Local knowledge suggests that full daycare providers are full, whereas providers who are only open for part of the day or restricted days of the week are not experiencing a demand and in some cases are expressing concern around the viability of their business. 7.8% of children accessing provision in this cluster come from outside of the cluster. However, of the children who attend provision and live in Stowmarket cluster 12.4% attend provision outside of the cluster. They predominantly go to provision in the Thurston, High Suffolk and South Suffolk Clusters. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed. In Stowmarket South £48,771 of developer contributions was used with Department for Education 30 hour capital funding to provide 36 full day care, all year round places. In central Stowmarket a term time only provision opened in September 2018. Although the internal space is the same as the previous provider operating on the site, the new provider is open mornings and afternoons thus providing more places. In Ringshall ward there is a military airbase, including childcare provision. There are 250 military houses available. Military personnel and their families can be more transient than other families and therefore demand for provision results in peaks and troughs. The ONS data is dependent on the number of military families at the time the census was carried out. Other housing is currently available in other clusters and wards but information from

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this military airbase suggest that there is a desire to utilise the housing at the military airbase. There is therefore potential to see an increase in future demand.

Section 1.14 Cluster Sufficiency Overview – Sudbury

Map of Sudbury Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of Providers for Cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 8 10 Day nursery 6 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 11 0

Maintained nursery 9 0 school / Academy nursery class Data Source: Cluster work Spreadsheet and School census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1077 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1558 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1442 Diff / places available -116

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Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 0.48% Total Baseline Population 1082 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1565 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1442 Difference / places available -123 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 84% 3yr olds 90% 4yr olds 96% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 This cluster is focused around the market town of Sudbury/Great Cornard but the cluster extends out to a spread of surrounding rural villages. There are 15 wards in this cluster. Boxford, Bures St Mary, Cavendish, Chadacre, Glemsford and Stanstead, Great Cornard North, Great Cornard South, Lavenham, Levenheath, Long Melford, Nayland, Sudbury East, Sudbury North, Sudbury South and Waldingfield. 5 of the wards in Sudbury (Great Cornard North, Great Cornard South, Sudbury East, Sudbury North and Sudbury South) include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived)

2 year old take up exceeds Suffolk’s take up, currently 79%. 3 year olds do not exceed Suffolk’s take up, currently 94%. 4 year olds exceed Suffolk’s take up, currently 94%. The data indicates that children migrate across wards to access full day care and provision for babies which is mostly located within Sudbury town. There are only three providers offering all year round, full day care and these again are located within the town. Provider information also suggests parents from rural locations will often access provision supporting their working arrangements, travelling across borders to different wards, clusters or counties.

The Sudbury cluster borders Essex County Council and on the ground knowledge indicates children will access providers across the county border migrating in or out depending on parents work commitments. Some children will have split placements with Essex providers, often for the same reasons. The split placements impact on a minimum of 5 providers within the cluster. Although there is a deficit of - 116 places within the cluster the migration between wards and across borders can have an impact on data and currently there are providers reporting that they have spaces available. After migration is considered there is an increased deficit of -123 places. 5.2% of children accessing provision in this cluster migrate in from other areas, predominantly from the South Suffolk cluster. 4.8% of children living in this cluster who access provision do so in other clusters.

SCC is actively working with pre-school providers to develop more flexible provision to meet the needs of working families by extending opening hours, particularly in the rural wards. There are now only two providers in the cluster that are unable to offer parents their full 30hrs funded childcare due to restrictions and access to community shared buildings.

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Preschool providers are being encouraged to consider opening additional weeks of the year, not only to support development of places but to enable parents to ‘stretch’ their funding. This can however be challenging for those operating ‘pack away’ provision from shared community buildings. Currently two providers are exploring how to extend their daily opening hours until 6:00pm. Another provider is currently working with the local primary school to open afterschool care for working families. This will also develop more places available. In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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Section 1.15 Cluster Sufficiency Overview –Thurston

Map of Thurston Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 11 11 Day nursery 4 0 Nursery units of 0 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 11 0

Maintained nursery 3 0 school / Academy nursery class Out of School Care 0 2 Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 883 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1226 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1008 Diff / places available -218 Data Source: SCC sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration -2.03% Total Baseline Population 816 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1200 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1008 Difference / places available -192 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 81% 3yr olds 97% 4yr olds 93% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18 Thurston Cluster covers a large rural area bordering Bury St Edmunds cluster. There are 12 wards in this cluster. Bardwell, Barningham, Elmswell and Norton, Great Barton, Ixworth, Pakenham, Rattlesden, Rickinghall and Walsham, Rougham, Stanton, Thurston and Hessett and Woolpit.The arterial A14 road divides the cluster. The cluster borders with Norfolk County Council.

The data illustrates a deficit of -218 places across the Thurston cluster, after we consider migration of children in and out of the cluster this reduces to a deficit of -192 places. 15.4% of children living in the cluster who access provision do so outside of the Thurston cluster. These children predominately access provision in the Bury cluster. 13% of children accessing provision in the Thurston cluster come from outside of the cluster, predominantly from the Stowmarket cluster.

There is a military airbase at Honington which has 300 houses in the village of Honington (Pakenham ward) and 64 houses available in the village of Stanton (Stanton ward). Military personnel and their families can be more transient than other families and therefore demand for provision results in peaks and troughs. The ONS data is dependent on the number of military families at the time the census was carried out. There is a limited bus route between villages and towns and this can make access to all year round, full day care provision very challenging for families requiring this. 2, 3 and 4 year old take up all exceeds Suffolk’s take up of places. Take up for 2, 3 and 4 year olds currently in Suffolk is 79% for 2 year olds, 94% for 3 and 4 year olds. In wards with high demand or where there are additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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Section 1.16 Cluster Sufficiency Overview –Waveney and Blyth

Map of Waveney and Blyth Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of providers for cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 14 5 Day nursery 5 1 Nursery units of 2 0 independent schools Pre-school playgroup 7 0

Maintained nursery 7 0 school / Academy nursery class Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet and school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 874 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1273 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1027 Diff / places available -246 Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

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Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered NET Migration 2.93% Total Baseline Population 899 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1310 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1027 Difference / places available -283 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 55% 3yr olds 96% 4yr olds 87% Data Source: SCC take up data Summer 18

Waveney and Blyth consist of 11 wards. Beccles North, Beccles South, Blything, Bungay, Halesworth, Southwold and Reydon, The Saints, Wainford, Wenhaston and Westleton, Worlingham and Wrentham. Beccles South include LSOAs in deciles 1, 2 or 3 (most deprived) The main arterial A12 road divides this cluster. This is a rural cluster with limited transport links. Providers report families without transport find it challenging to access the childcare provider. Some providers in this cluster have reported sustainability concerns due to the low numbers of children attending. Children tend to be dispersed throughout this rural cluster meaning that some villages do not have enough under 5’s to sustain a provider. Never the less across the cluster there is a deficit of -246 places within this cluster which after migration increases to a deficit of -283 places. Take up of funded two year old places is very low at 55% compared to Suffolk’s take up of 79%. This is partially due to the pressure for places in this cluster and the limited transport links. Three year old take up is higher at 96% compared to Suffolk’s 94%. However it dips for four years old, dropping to 87% compared to 94% for Suffolk. 6.6% of children accessing provision in the Waveney and Blyth cluster come from outside of this cluster. They predominately come in from Lowestoft South and some from Framlingham and Leiston cluster.

In areas where there is a higher demand for provision development opportunities are limited and challenging. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed. 4.7% of children accessing provision go out of the Waveney and Blyth cluster. These predominantly go to provision in the Framlingham and Leiston cluster. In the Southwold and Reydon ward a provider closed. The building is owned by SCC so a process to request expression of Interest was undertaken and a new provider was found. This has prevented a loss of places in this ward. SCC is currently supporting a pre-school in the Saints ward to expand offering more places.

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Section 1.17 Cluster sufficiency overview –Woodbridge and Kesgrave

Map of Woodbridge and Kesgrave Cluster – All Providers

Table 1 No. of Providers for Cluster Provider Type LOP Non LOP Childminder 9 14 Day nursery 12 0 Nursery units of 1 1 independent Schools Pre-school playgroup 12 0

Maintained nursery 4 0 school / Academy nursery class * Out of school care 0 9 Data Source: Cluster work spreadsheet *school census

Table 2 Places available for cluster (LOP only) Total Baseline Population 1112 (eligible 2s plus all 3 and 4yr olds) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1638 (baseline plus 30 hours projection) Total places 1666 Diff / places available 28 Data Source: SCC sufficiency spreadsheet

Table 2a Places available for cluster (LOP only) with migration considered

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NET Migration 8.40% Total Baseline Population 1205 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Number of 15 hr places needed 1775 (adjustment with migration considered) Total Places 1666 Difference / places available -109 * A positive number means more children migrated into the cluster for places than migrated out. A negative number means more migrated out.

Table 3 Current take up for cluster Eligible 2yr olds 82% 3yr olds 92% 4yr olds 97% Data Source: SCC Sufficiency spreadsheet

The A12 is a main arterial road dividing the Woodbridge and Kesgrave cluster. There are ten wards in this cluster. Deben, Grundisburgh, Kesgrave East, Kesgrave West, Martlesham, Melton, Nacton and Purdis Farm, Orford and Eyke, Rendlesham and Woodbridge. The market town of Woodbridge is the only town in this cluster. 2 year old take up is higher than Suffolk’s overall take up, currently 79%. 3 year olds take up is lower than Suffolk’s take up, 94% and 4 year olds exceeds Suffolk’s take up, 94%. This cluster covers several rural villages and transport can be limited. This may be restricting access for vulnerable two year olds as the take up for this group of children is lower than 3 and 4 year olds.

There are 28 surplus places in this cluster. However, after migration is considered there is a deficit of -109 places. 19% of children accessing provision in the Woodbridge and Kesgrave cluster live outside the cluster. Only 10% of those who live in the cluster who access provision do so in another cluster. There is a wide range of provision in this cluster providing sessional and all year round, full day care provision. In wards with high demand or where there is additional housing growth new places are being developed.

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