Computation of and Related Contraction Problems: Tight Lower Bounds Fedor V. Fomin University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, [email protected] Daniel Lokshtanov University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, [email protected] Ivan Mihajlin University of California, San Diego, California, USA [email protected] Saket Saurabh Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway, and The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, HBNI and IRL 2000 ReLaX, Chennai, India, [email protected] Meirav Zehavi Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, [email protected]

Abstract We prove that the Hadwiger number of an n-vertex graph G (the maximum size of a minor in G) cannot be computed in time no(n), unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. This resolves a well-known open question in the of exact exponential algorithms. The technique developed for resolving the Hadwiger number problem has a wider applicability. We use it to rule out the existence of no(n)-time algorithms (up to ETH) for a large class of computational problems concerning edge contractions in graphs.

2012 ACM Subject Classification Design and analysis of algorithms → Exact algorithms, Design and analysis of algorithms → Graph algorithm analysis

Keywords and phrases Hadwiger Number, Exponential-Time Hypothesis, Exact Algorithms, Edge Contraction Problems

Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.CVIT.2016.23

Funding Fedor V. Fomin: Research Council of Norway via the project MULTIVAL.

Daniel Lokshtanov: European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme (grant no. 715744), and United States - Israel Binational Science

Foundation grant no. 2018302.

Saket Saurabh: European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. 819416), and Swarnajayanti Fellowship grant DST/SJF/MSA- 01/2017-18. Meirav Zehavi: Israel Science Foundation grant no. 1176/18, and United States – Israel Binational

arXiv:2004.11621v1 [cs.DS] 24 Apr 2020 Science Foundation grant no. 2018302.

© Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Ivan Mihajlin, Saket Saurabh and Meirav Zehavi; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 42nd Conference on Very Important Topics (CVIT 2016). Editors: John Q. Open and Joan R. Access; Article No. 23; pp. 23:1–23:25 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany 23:2 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

1 Introduction

The Hadwiger number h(G) of a graph G is the largest number h for which the Kh is a minor of G. Equivalently, h(G) is the maximum size of the largest complete graph that can be obtained from G by contracting edges. It is named after , who conjectured in 1943 that the Hadwiger number of G is always at least as large as its chromatic number. According to Bollobás, Catlin, and Erdős, this conjecture remains “one of the deepest unsolved problems in ” [4]. The Hadwiger number of an n-vertex graph G can be easily computed in time nO(n) by brute-forcing through all possible partitions of the vertex set of G into connected sets, contracting each set into one vertex and checking whether the resulting graph is a complete graph. The question whether the Hadwiger number of a graph can be computed in single- exponential 2O(n) time was previously asked in [1, 6, 14]. Our main result provides a negative answer to this open question.

I Theorem 1. Unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) is false, there does not exist an algorithm computing the Hadwiger number of an n-vertex graph in time no(n).

The interest in the complexity of the Hadwiger number is naturally explained by the recent developments in the area of exact exponential algorithms, that is, algorithms solving intractable problems significantly faster than the trivial exhaustive search, though still in exponential time [8]. Within the last decade, significant progress on upper and lower bounds of exponential algorithms has been achieved. Drastic improvements over brute-force algorithms were obtained for a number of fundamental problems like [3] and Hamiltonicity [2]. On the other hand, by making use of the ETH, lower bounds could be obtained for 2-CSP [16] or for Subgraph Isomorphism and Graph Homomorphism [6]. (deciding whether a graph G contains a graph H as a minor) is a fundamental problem in graph theory and graph algorithms. Graph Minor could be seen as special case of a general graph embedding problem where one wants to embed a graph H into graph G. In what follows we will use n to denote the number of vertices in G and h to denote the number of vertices in H. By the theorem of Robertson and Seymour [15], there exists a computable function f and an algorithm that, for given graphs G and H, checks in time f(h) · n3 whether H is a minor of G. Thus the problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) being parameterized by H. On the other hand, Cygan et al. [6] proved that unless the ETH fails, this problem cannot be solved in time no(n) even in the case when |V (G)| = |V (H)|. Other interesting embedding problems that are strongly related to Graph Minor include the following problems. Subgraph Isomorphism: Given two graphs G and H, decide whether G contains a subgraph isomorphic to H. This problem cannot be solved in time no(n) when |V (G)| = |V (H)|, unless the ETH fails [6]. In the special case called Clique, when H is a clique, a brute-force algorithm checking for every vertex subset of G whether it is a clique of size h solves the problem in time nO(h). The same algorithm also runs in single-exponential time O(2nn2). It is also known that Clique is W[1]-hard parameterized by h and cannot be solved in time f(h) · no(h) for any function f unless the ETH fails [7, 5]. Graph Homomorphism: Given two graphs G and H, decide whether there exists a homomorphism from G to H. (A homomorphism G → H from an undirected graph G to an undirected graph H is a mapping from the vertex set of G to that of H such that the image of every edge of G is an edge of H.) This problem is trivially solvable in time hO(n), and an algorithm of running time ho(n) for this problem would yield the failure of F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:3

the ETH [6]. However, for the special case of H being a clique, Graph Homomorphism is equivalent to h-Coloring (deciding whether the chromatic number of G is at most h), and thus is solvable in single-exponential time 2n · nO(1) [3, 13]. When the graph G is a complete graph, the problem is equivalent to finding a clique of size n in H, and then is solvable in time 2h · hO(1). Topological Graph Minor: Given two graphs G and H, decide whether G contains H as a topological minor. (We say that a graph H is a subdivision of a graph G if G can be obtained from H by contracting only edges incident with at least one vertex of degree two. A graph H is called a topological minor of a graph G if a subdivision of H is isomorphic to a subgraph of G.) This problem is, perhaps, the closest “relative” of Graph Minor. Grohe et al. [10] gave an algorithm of running time f(h) · n3 for this problem for some computable function f. Similar to Graph Minor and Subgraph Isomorphism, this problem cannot be solved in time no(n) when |V (G)| = |V (H)|, unless the ETH fails [6]. However for the special case of the problem with H being a complete graph, Lingas and Wahlen [14] gave a single-exponential algorithm solving the problem in time 2O(n).

Thus all the above graph embedding “relatives” of Graph Minor are solvable in single-exponential time when graph H is a clique. However, from the perspective of exact exponential algorithms, Theorem 1 implies that finding the largest clique minor is the most difficult problem out of them all. This is why we find the lower bound provided by Theorem 1 surprising. Moreover, from the perspective of , finding a clique minor of size h, which is FPT, is actually easier than finding a clique (as a subgraph) of size h, which is W[1]-hard, as well as from finding an h-coloring of a graph, which is para-NP-hard. Theorem 1 also answers another question of Cygan et al. [6], who asked whether deciding if a graph H can be obtained from a graph G only by edge contractions, could be resolved in single-exponential time. By Theorem 1, the existence of such an algorithm is highly unlikely even when the graph H is a complete graph. Moreover, the technique developed to prove Theorem 1, appears to be extremely useful to rule out the existence of no(n)-time algorithms for various contraction problems. We formalize our results with the following F-Contraction problem. Let F be a graph class. Given a graph G and t ∈ N, the task is to decide whether there exists a subset F ⊆ E(G) of size at most t such that G/F ∈ F (where G/F is the graph obtained from G by contracting the edges in F ). We prove that in each of the cases of F-Contraction where F is the family of chordal graphs, interval graphs, proper interval graphs, threshold graphs, trivially perfect graphs, split graphs, complete split graphs and perfect graphs, unless the ETH fails, F-Contraction is not solvable in time no(n). For lack of space, these results are relegated to Appendix C.

Technical Details. A summary of the reductions presented in this paper is given in Fig. 1. To prove our lower bounds, we first revisit the proof of Cygan et al. [6] for the ETH-hardness of a problem called List Subgraph Isomorphism. Informally, in this problem we are given two graphs G and H on the same number of vertices, as well as a list of vertices in H for each vertex in G, and we need to find a copy of G in H so that each vertex u in G is mapped to a vertex v in H that belongs to its list (i.e. v belongs to the list of u). We prove that the instances produced by the reduction (after some modification) of [6] have a very useful property that we crucially exploit later. Specifically, we construct a proper coloring of G as well as a proper coloring of H, and show that every vertex v in H that belongs to the list of some vertex u is, in fact, of the same color as u. Having proved the above, we turn to prove the ETH-hardness of a special case of Clique

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:4 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

Properly Colored List Subgraph Homomorphism

Properly Colored List Subgraph Isomorphism

Cross Matching

Noisy Structured Clique Contraction special case of Clique Contraction

Hadwiger Number Split Contraction, Perfect Contraction F-Contraction Complete Split Contraction special case of Chordal Contraction, Interval Contraction, Proper Interval Contraction, Threshold Contraction, Trivially Perfect Contraction

Figure 1 A summary of the problems considered in this paper, and the reductions between them.

Contraction where the input graph is highly structured. To this end, we introduce an intermediate problem called Cross Matching. Informally, in this problem we are given a graph L with a partition (A, B) of its vertex set, and need to find a perfect matching between A and B whose contraction gives a clique. To see the connection between this problem and List Subgraph Isomorphism, think of the subgraph of L induced by one side of the partition—say, A—as a representation of the complement of G, and the subgraph of L induced by the other side of the partition as a representation of H. Then, the edges that go across A and B in a perfect matching can be thought of as a mapping of the vertices of G to the vertices of H. The crossing edges of L are easily defined such that necessarily a vertex of G can only be matched to a vertex in its list. In particular, we would like to enforce that every “non-edge” of the complement of G (which corresponds to an edge of G) would have to be mapped to an edge of H in order to obtain a clique. However, the troublesome part is that non-edges of the complement of G may also be “filled” (to eventually get a clique) using crossing edges rather than only edges of H. To argue that this critical issue does not arise, we crucially rely on the proper colorings of G and H. Now, for the connection between Cross Matching and Clique Contraction, note that a solution to an instance of Cross Matching is clearly a solution to the instance of Clique Contraction defined by the same graph, but the other direction is not true. By adding certain vertices and edges to the graph of an instance of Cross Matching, we enforce all solutions to be perfect matchings between A and B. In particular, we construct the instances of Clique Contraction in a highly structured manner that allows us to derive not only the ETH-hardness of Clique Contraction itself, but to build upon them and further derive ETH-hardness for a wide variety of other contraction problems. In particular, we show that the addition of “noise” (that is, extra vertices and edges) to any structured instance of Clique Contraction has very limited effect. Roughly speaking, we show that the edges in the “noise” and the edges going across the “noise” and core of the graph (that is, the original vertices corresponding to the structured instance of Clique Contraction) are not “helpful” when trying to create a clique on the core (i.e. it is not helpful to try to use these edges in order to fill non-edges between vertices in the core). Depending on the contraction problem at hand, the noise is slightly different, but the proof technique stays the same—first showing that the core must yield a clique, and then using the argument above F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:5

(in fact, in all cases but that of perfect graphs, we are able to invoke the argument as a black box) to show that the noise is, in a sense, irrelevant. Preliminaries. As we only use standard notations, we relegate them to Appendix A.

2 Lower Bound: Prop-Colored List Subgraph Isomorphism

In this section we build upon the work of Cygan et al. [6] and show a lower bound for a problem called Properly Colored List Subgraph Isomorphism (Prop-Col LSI). Intuitively, Prop-Col LSI is a variant of Spanning Subgraph Isomorphism where given two graphs G and H, we ask whether G is isomorphic to some spanning subgraph of H. The input to the variant consists also of proper colorings of G and H and an additional labeling of vertices in G by subsets of vertices in H of the same color, so that each vertex in G can be mapped only to vertices in H contained in its list. Formally, it is defined as follows.

Properly Colored List Subgraph Isomorphism (Prop-Col LSI) Input: Graphs G and H with proper colorings cG : V (G) → {1, . . . , k} and cH : V (H) → {1, . . . , k} for some k ∈ N, respectively, and a function ` : V (G) → 2V (H) such that for every u ∈ V (G) and v ∈ `(u), cG(u) = cH (v). Question: Does there exist a bijective function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕ(u) ∈ `(u)? Notice that as the function ϕ above is bijective rather than only injective, we seek a spanning subgraph. Our objective is to prove the following statement.

I Lemma 2. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col LSI in time no(n) where n = |V (G)|.

In [6], the authors considered the two problems defined below. Intuitively, the second is defined as Prop-Col LSI when no proper colorings of H and G are given (and hence the labeling of vertices in G is not restricted accordingly); the first is defined as the second when we seek a homomorphism rather than an isomorphism (i.e., the sought function ϕ may not be injective) and also |V (G)| may not be equal to |V (H)| (thus ϕ may neither be onto).

List Subgraph Homomorphism (LSH) Input: Graphs G and H, and a function ` : V (G) → 2V (H) . Question: Does there exist a function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕ(u) ∈ `(u)?

List Subgraph Isomorphism (LSI) Input: Graphs G and H where |V (G)| = |V (H)|, and a function ` : V (G) → 2V (H). Question: Does there exist a bijective function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕ(u) ∈ `(u)? The proof of hardness of LSI consists of two parts:

Showing ETH-hardness of LSH. Giving a fine-grained reduction from LSH to LSI.

We cannot use the hardness of LSI as a black box because Prop-Col LSI is a special case of LSI. Nevertheless, we will prove that the instances generated by the reduction (with a minor crucial modification) of Cygan et al. [6] have the additional properties required to make them instances of our special case.

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Lower Bound: Properly Colored Subgraph Homomorphism. Adapting the scheme of Cygan et al. [6] to our purpose, we will first show that finding a homomorphism remains hard if it has to preserve a given proper coloring:

Properly Colored List Subgraph Homomorphism (Prop-Col LSH) Input: Graphs G and H with proper colorings cG : V (G) → {1, . . . , k} and cH : V (H) → {1, . . . , k} for some k ∈ N, respectively, and a function ` : V (G) → 2V (H) such that for every u ∈ V (G) and v ∈ `(u), cG(u) = cH (v). Question: Does there exist a function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕ(u) ∈ `(u)? In [6], the authors gave a reduction from the 3-Coloring problem on n-vertex graphs of degree 4 (which is known not to be solvable in time 2o(n) unless the ETH fails), which generates equivalent instances (G0,H0, `) of LSH where both |V (G0)| and |V (H0)| are bounded by n o(n) O( log n ). This proves that LSH is not solvable in time n where n = max{|V (G)|, |V (H)|} unless the ETH fails. For their reduction, Cygan et al. [6] considered the notion of a grouping (also known as quotient graph) Ge of a graph G is a graph with vertex set V (Ge) = {B1,B2,...,Bt} where (B1,B2,...,Bt) is a partition of V (G) for some t ∈ N and for any distinct i, j ∈ {1, . . . , t}, the vertices Bi and Bj are adjacent in Ge if and only if there exist u ∈ Bi and v ∈ Bj that are adjacent in G. Specifically, they computed a grouping with a coloring having specific properties as stated in the following lemma (see also Fig. 5 in Appendix B.).

I Lemma 3 (Lemma 3.2 in [6]). For any constant d ≥ 1, there exist positive integers λ = λ(d), n0 = n0(d) and a polynomial time algorithm that for a given graph G on n ≥ n0 vertices of p n maximum degree d and a positive integer r ≤ 2λ , finds a grouping Ge of G and a coloring ec : V (Ge) → [λr] with the following properties: 1. |V (Ge)| ≤ |V (G)|/r; 2 1 2. The coloring ec is a proper coloring of Ge ; 3. Each vertex of Ge is an independent set in G; 4. For any edge {Bi,Bj} ∈ E(Ge), there exists exactly one pair (u, v) ∈ Bi × Bj such that {u, v} ∈ E(G).

Now, we describe the reduction of [6]. Here, without loss of generality, it is assumed that G has no isolated vertices, else they can be removed. An explanation of the intuition behind this somewhat technical definition is given below it.

I Definition 4. For any instance G of 3-Coloring where G has degree d and a positive p integer r = o( |V (G)|), the instance reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) of LSH is defined as follows. The graph Ge. Let Ge and ec : V (Ge) → {1, 2,...,L} be the grouping and coloring given by Lemma 3 where L = λ(d)r. Additionally, for each B ∈ V (Ge), define φB : {1, 2,...,L} → B ∪ {0} as follows: for any i ∈ {1, 2,...,L}, if there exists (u, v, B0) such that u ∈ B 0 0 2 and v ∈ B , {u, v} ∈ E(G) and ec(B ) = i, then φB(i) = u, and otherwise φB(i) = 0. The graph He. Let V (He) = {(R, l): R ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}L, l ∈ L},3 and E(He) = {{(R, l), (R0, l0)} : R[l0] 6= R0[l]}.

1 The square G2 of a graph G is the graph on vertex set V (G) and edge set {{u, v} : {u, v} ∈ E(G) or there exists w ∈ V (G) with {u, w}, {v, w} ∈ E(G)}. 2 The uniqueness of u (if it exists), and thus the validity of φB , follows from Properties 2 and 4 in Lemma 3. 3 That is, R is a vector with L entries where each entry is 0, 1, 2 or 3. F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:7

The labeling `. For any B ∈ V (Ge), let `(B) contain all vertices (R, l) ∈ V (He) such that ec(B) = l, and there exists f : B → {1, 2, 3} such that for all i ∈ {1, 2,...,L}, either φB(i) = R[i] = 0 or both φB(i) 6= 0 and f(φB(i)) = R[i].

Intuitively, for every vertex B ∈ V (Ge), the function φB can be interpreted as follows. It is the assignment, for every possible color i ∈ {1,...,L}, of the unique vertex u within the vertex set identified with B itself that is adjacent to some vertex in the vertex subset identified with some vertex B0 ∈ V (Ge) colored i, if such a vertex u exists (else the assignment is of 0). In a sense, B thus stores the information on the identity of each vertex within it that is adjacent (in G) to some vertex outside of it, where each such internal vertex is uniquely accessed by specifying the color of the vertex in Ge whose identified vertex set contains the neighbor. With respect to the graph He and labeling `, we interpret each vertex (R, l) ∈ V (He) as a “placeholder” (i.e. potential assignment of the sought function ϕ) for any vertex B ∈ V (Ge) that “complies with the pattern encoded by the pair (R, l)” as follows. First and straightforwardly, B must be colored l. Here, we remind that the colors of vertices in Ge belong to {1,...,L}, while vertices in G are colored 1, 2 or 3 only. Then, the second requirement is that we can recolor (by f) the vertices in B so that the color of each vertex in B that is adjacent (in G) to some vertex outside B is as encoded by the vector R—that is, for each color i ∈ {1,...,L}, if the vertex φB(i) is defined (i.e., φB(i) 6= 0), then its color (which is 1, 2 or 3) must be equal to the i-th entry of R. (Further intuition is given in Fig. 5 in Appendix B.) Now, we state the correctness of the reduction.

I Lemma 5 (Lemma 3.3 in [6]). For any instance G of 3-Coloring where G is an n-vertex p graph of degree d, and a positive integer r = o( |V (G)|), the instance reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) is computable in time polynomial in the sizes of G, Ge and He, and has the following properties. G is a Yes-instance of 3-Coloring if and only if (G,e H,e `) is a Yes-instance of LSH. |V (Ge)| ≤ n/r, and |V (He)| ≤ γ(d)r where γ is some computable function of d.

We next prove that we can add colorings to the instance reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) of LSH in order to cast it as an instance of Prop-Col LSH while making a minor mandatory modification to the graph He.

I Lemma 6. Given an instance reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) of LSH, an equivalent instance 0 0 (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) of Prop-Col LSH, where He is a subgraph of He, is computable in Ge He polynomial time.

Proof. Define c = c where c is the coloring of Ge in Definition 4. Additionally, let He 0 be the Ge e e subgraph of He induced by the vertex set {(R, l) ∈ V (He): there exists B ∈ V (Ge) such that (R, l) ∈ `(B)}. Then, define c : V (H0) → {1, 2,...,L} as follows: for any (R, l) ∈ V (H0), H0 e e e 0 define c 0 ((R, l)) = l. Notice that, by the definition of V (He ), every set assigned by ` is He subset of V (He 0). 0 First, we assert that (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) is an instance of Prop-Col LSH. To this end, Ge He we need to verify that the three following properties hold. 1. c is a proper coloring of G. G e e 0 2. c 0 is a proper coloring of He . He 3. For every B ∈ V (Ge) and (R, l) ∈ `(B), it holds that c (B) = c 0 ((R, l)). Ge He By the definition of c , it is a proper coloring of Ge2, which is a supergraph of Ge. Thus, Ge c is a proper coloring of Ge. Ge

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:8 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

Now, we argue that c is a proper coloring of H0. To this end, consider some edge H0 e 0 0 0 e 0 0 {(R, l), (R , l )} ∈ E(He ). We need to show that c 0 ((R, l)) 6= c 0 ((R , l )). By the definition He He of c , we have that c ((R, l)) = l and c ((R0, l0)) = l0, and therefore it suffices to show that He0 He0 He0 l 6= l0. By the definition of E(He) (which is a superset of E(He 0)), we have that R[l0] 6= R0[l]. Thus, necessarily at least one among R[l0] and R0[l] is not 0, and so we suppose w.l.o.g. that R[l0] is not 0. Furthermore, since (R, l) ∈ V (He 0), we have that there exists B ∈ E(Ge) such that (R, l) ∈ `(B). Thus, ec(B) = l. There exists f : B → {1, 2, 3} such that for all i ∈ {1, 2,...,L}, either φB(i) = R[i] = 0 or both φB(i) 6= 0 and f(φB(i)) = R[i]. 0 0 From the second property, and because R[l ] 6= 0, we necessarily have that both φB(l ) 6= 0 0 0 0 and f(φB(l )) = R[l ]. In particular, by the definition of φB, having φB(l ) 6= 0 means 0 0 0 0 that there exists (u, v, B ) such that u ∈ B, v ∈ B , {u, v} ∈ E(G) and ec(B ) = l . By the definition of Ge as a grouping of G, having u ∈ B, v ∈ B0 and {u, v} ∈ E(G) implies that 0 0 {B,B } ∈ E(Ge). Because ec is a proper coloring of Ge, this means that ec(B) 6= ec(B ). Since c(B) = l and c(B0) = l0, we derive that l 6= l0. Hence, c is indeed a proper coloring of H0. e e H0 e 0 e To conclude that (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) is indeed an instance of Prop-Col LSH, it remains Ge He to assert that for every B ∈ V (Ge) and (R, l) ∈ `(B), it holds that c (B) = c 0 ((R, l)). To Ge He this end, consider some B ∈ V (Ge) and (R, l) ∈ `(B). By the definition of ` (recall Definition 4), (R, l) ∈ `(B) implies that c(B) = l. As c = c, we have that c (B) = l. Moreover, the e Ge e Ge definition of c directly implies that c ((R, l)) = l. Thus, c (B) = c ((R, l)). H0 H0 G H0 e e e e 0 Finally, we argue that (G,e H,e `) is a Yes-instance of LSH if and only if (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) Ge He is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH. In one direction, because He 0 is a subgraph of He, it is 0 immediate that if (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH, then so is (G,e H,e `). Ge He For the other direction, suppose that (G,e H,e `) is a Yes-instance of LSH. Thus, there exists a function ϕ : V (Ge) → V (He) such that (i) for every {B,B0} ∈ E(Ge), {ϕ(B), ϕ(B0)} ∈ E(He), and (ii) for every B ∈ V (Ge), ϕ(B) ∈ `(B). In particular, directly by the definition of V (He 0), the second condition implies that for every B ∈ V (Ge), it holds that ϕ(B) ∈ V (He 0). Thus, because He 0 is an induced subgraph of He, it holds that for every {B,B0} ∈ E(Ge), 0 0 0 {ϕ(B), ϕ(B )} ∈ E(He ). Therefore, ϕ witnesses that (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) is a Yes-instance of Ge He Prop-Col LSH. J

We are now ready to assert the hardness of Prop-Col LSH. The proof, based on Lemmas 3, 5 and 6, can be found in Appendix B.

I Lemma 7. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col LSH in time no(n) where n = max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|).

From Graph Homomorphism to Subgraph Isomorphism. In this part, we observe that the reduction of [6] from LSH to LSI can be essentially used as is to serve as a reduction from Prop-Col LSH to Prop-Col LSI. For the sake of completeness, we give the full details (and the conclusion of the proof of Lemma 2) in Appendix B.

3 Lower Bound for the Cross Matching Problem

In this section, towards the proof of a lower bound for Clique Contraction, we prove a lower bound for an intermediate problem called Cross Matching that somewhat resembles Clique Contraction, and which is defined as follows. Lemma 3.1. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col- LSI in time no(n) where n = V (G) . | | TODO

4 Lower Bound for the Cross Matching Problem

In this section, towards the proof of a lower bound for Clique Contraction,weprovealower bound for an intermediate problem called Cross Matching that somewhat resembles Clique Contraction, and which is defined as follows. Lemma 3.1. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col- Cross Matching LSI in time no(n) where n = V (G) . | | Input: A graph G withLemmaLemma a partition 3.1. 3.1.UnlessUnless ( theA, the ETH B ETH) of is is false,V false,(G there)where there does does notA not exist= exist anB an algorithm. algorithm that that solves solvesProp-Col-Prop-Col- o(n)TODO LSILSIinin time timenno(nwhere) wherenn==VV(G(G) .) . | | | | Question: Does there exist a perfect matching| | |M| in G such that every edge in M has one endpoint in ALemmaand the 3.1.TODO otherUnlessTODO thein ETHB, and is false,G/M thereis does a not clique? exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col- LSI in time no(n) where n = V (G) . 4| Lower| Bound for the Cross Matching Problem Lemma 3.1. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Prop-Col- Our objectiveTODO is to prove the following statement. LSI in time no(n) where44n Lower= LowerV (G) . Bound Bound for for the theCrossCross Matching MatchingProblemProblem | In| this section, towards the proof of a lower bound for Clique Contraction,weprovealower Lemma 4.1.TODOUnless theIn this ETH section,bound is towards false, for an the there intermediate proof does of a lower not problem bound exist for calledanClique algorithmCross Contraction Matching that solves,weprovealowerthatCross somewhat resembles Clique 4 LoweroIn(n this) Bound section, towards for the theCross proof of Matching a lower boundProblem for Clique Contraction,weprovealower Matching in time n boundboundwhere for for an anContractionn intermediate intermediate= A . problem problem, and called which calledCross isCross defined Matching Matching as follows.thatthat somewhat somewhat resembles resemblesCliqueClique In this section, towards the proof| | of a lower bound for Clique Contraction,weprovealower 4 Lower BoundContractionContraction for theCross,Cross and, and which which Matching Matching is is defined definedProblem as as follows. follows. Proof. Targetingbound a contradiction, for an intermediate suppose problem called thatCross there Matching existsthat an somewhat algorithm, resembles denotedClique by Matchin- In this section, towardsCross the proof Matching of a lower bound for Clique Contraction,weprovealower ContractionCross, and Matching whichInput: is definedA as graph follows.o(n)G with a partition (A, B) of V (G)where A = B . gAlg, thatbound solves for anCross intermediate MatchingInput: problemA graph calledinCrossG timewith Matchingn a partition.that We ( somewhatA, will B) showof V resembles(G that)whereClique thisA implies= B . the existence| | | | of Cross MatchingInput: A graphQuestion:G with aDoes partition there (A, exist B) of aV perfect(G)where matchingA| =| B|M.| in G such that every edge in M has one Contraction, and whichQuestion: is definedDoes as follows. there exist a perfect matching M in G such|o(|n) that| | every edge in M has one an algorithm, denotedInput: A byQuestion: graphLSIAlgG with,Does thatendpoint a partition there solves exist in (A,AProp-Col B aand) perfect of V the(G)where matching other LSI inAMinB=,in timeB andG. suchG/Mn thatis, thereby a every clique? edge contradicting in M has one Cross Matching endpoint in A and the other in B, and G/M| is| a clique?| | Question:endpointDoes there in A existand a the perfect other matching in B, andM inG/MG suchis a that clique? every edge in M has one Lemma 3.1Input:andA hence graph G completingwith a partition ( theA,Our B) proof. ofobjectiveV (G)where is toA = proveB . the following statement. endpoint in AOurand objective the other isin toB, prove and G/M the followingis| a| clique?| | statement. Question: Does thereOur exist objective a perfect matching is to proveM in theG such following that every statement. edge in M has one We define theOur execution objective is of toLSIAlg prove theas following follows. statement. Given an instance (G, H, cG,cH , `) of Prop- Col LSI, endpointLSIAlg inconstructsA and theLemma other an in 4.1.BLemma instance, andUnlessG/M the ( aL, clique? ETH A,Unless B is) false, of theCross ETH there does is Matching false, not exist there an doesas algorithm follows not exist that (see an solvesFig. algorithmCross?): that solves Cross Our objectiveLemma isLemma 4.1. toMatching proveUnless the 4.1. following theMatchinginUnless ETH time statement. isn theo( false,n)in ETHwhere time there isn false,ndoes=o(nA) not. therewhere exist doesn an= algorithmnotA exist. that an algorithm solves Cross that solves Cross MatchingMatchingin time noin(n) timewherenno(n=) whereA . n = A| .| | | V (LLemma)=V 4.1.(G)UnlessVProof.( theH ETH). Targeting is false, there a contradiction, does| | not exist suppose| an| algorithm that that there solves existsCross an algorithm, denoted by Matchin- Matching in time no(n) where n =Proof.A . Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by Matchin- • Proof. [TargetingProof.gAlg,Targeting that a contradiction, solves| | aCross contradiction, suppose Matching that suppose therein time exists thatno an( theren). algorithm, We exists will show an denoted algorithm, that by thisMatchin- implies denoted the by existenceMatchin- of gAlg, that solves Crosso(n) Matching in time no(n). We will show that this implies the existence of Proof. TargetinggAlg, that a contradiction, solves Cross suppose Matching that therein time existsn an. We algorithm, willo show(n denoted) that this by Matchin- implies the existenceo(n) of E(L)=E(G) gAlgEan(H, algorithm, that) solvesu, denotedCross v : u byMatchingLSIAlgV (G,) that,vin time solvesL(nuProp-Col) .. We willo(n LSI show) in that time thisn implies, thereby the contradicting existence of an algorithm, denoted by LSIAlg,o that(n) solves Prop-Col LSI in time n , thereby contradicting o(n) • gAlg, that solves[CrossanLemma algorithm, Matching[3.1{{anand denotedinalgorithm, time hence} n by completing.2LSIAlg We denoted will, showthat the that solvesby2 proof.LSIAlg thisProp-Col implies}, that the solvesexistence LSI inProp-Col time of no(n), thereby LSI in contradicting time n , thereby contradicting an algorithm,Lemma denotedF.V.3.1 Fomin,and by LSIAlg hence D. Lokshtanov,, that completing solves I.Prop-Col Mihajlin, the proof. S. Saurabh LSI in time and Zehavi), thereby contradicting 23:9 LemmaWe3.1 defineandLemma the hence execution3.1 completingand of henceLSIAlg the follows. the Given proof. an instance (G, H, cG,cH , `) of Prop- A =LemmaV (G3.1) andandWe hence defineB = completing theV ( executionH). the proof. of LSIAlg as follows. Given an instance (G, H, cG,cH , `) of Prop- • ColWe LSI define, LSIAlg theWe executionconstructs define of the anLSIAlg executioninstanceas follows. (L, of A,LSIAlg B Given) of Crossas an follows. instance Matching Given (G, H,as c an follows,c instance, `) (see of Prop-Fig. (G,?): H, cG,cH , `) of Prop- We defineCol the LSI execution, LSIAlg constructs of LSIAlg as an follows. instance Given (L, an A, instanceB) of Cross (G, H, Matching cG,cH , `) of asProp- follows (see Fig. G?): H Col LSI, LSIAlg constructsCol LSI an, LSIAlg instanceColconstructs ( LSIL, A,, BLSIAlg) of anCross instanceconstructs Matching (L, A, anas B follows instance) of Cross (see Fig. (L, Matching A,?): B) of Crossas follows Matching (see Fig. ?):as follows (see Fig. ?): Then, LSIAlg calls MatchingAlgV (L)=V (GV)(L)=Vwith(HV).(G ()L,V A,(H B). ) as input, and returns the answer of this call. • • [ [ Denote nV (=L)=VV ((GG) ) V.(H First,). note that by construction, A = B = n. Thus, because • E(L[)=E V(GE(L)()=L)=E(VHE()G(G)V) (u,VLE v()=H(H:).u)V (VG()Gu,) v,vV :(HuL().u)V .(G),v L(u) . |• | • • o(n[) •[ {{[[ } 2[ {{ [ } 2 2 } |2 | }| | MatchingAlg Eruns(L)= inE(G time) E(Hn ) u,,sodoes v : u V (GLSIAlg),v L(u.) . • A =[V (G)E andA([L{{=)=BV=E(}GV(G)(H and)2E).(ELB()=H=)2VE(H(Gu,).}) v E: u(H)V (G),vu, v L:(uu) . V (G),v L(u) . • • [ [ {{ } 2 2 } For the correctnessA = V (G) and B of=•the V (H). algorithm,• first suppose[ that[ {{ (G,} H, c2G,cH , `)isa2 Yes} -instance of • Then, LSIAlg calls MatchingAlg with (L, A, B) as input, and returns the answer of this call. Prop-Col LSI. This meansThen, A =LSIAlg thatV (G)calls there andAMatchingAlgB== existsVV(G(H)). and awith bijectiveB (=L,V A,( BH function)). as input, and' : returnsV (G) the answerV (H) of such this call. that Then, LSIAlgDenotecalls FigureMatchingAlgn• 2= TheV construction(Gwith) . (L, First, of A, an B instance) note as input, thatof Cross and by Matching construction,returnsin the the answer proofA of Lemma of= thisB 8. call.= n. Thus, because Denote| |n =• V (G) . First, note that by| construction,| | | A = !B = n. Thus, because (i) for everyDenoteu,MatchingAlg vn = V E(G)(runsG. ), First, in time' note(un) thato,(n'),sodoes( byv) construction,LSIAlgE(H. ),A and= B (ii)= n.for Thus, every becauseu V (G), '(u) L(u). | Then,| LSIAlg calls MatchingAlg| | o(n)with| (L,| A,| B|) as input, and returns| | the| answer| of this call. MatchingAlg runs in timeMatchingAlgno(n),sodoesThen,runsLSIAlg inLSIAlg time. ncalls,sodoesMatchingAlgLSIAlg.with (L, A, B) as input, and returns the answer of this call. { For} 2 the correctness { of the algorithm,} 2 first suppose that (G, H, c ,c , `)isaYes2 -instance of 2 Having ' at hand, weCross will MatchingDenote shown that= V ( (GL,) . A, First, B)isa noteYes that-instance, by construction,G whichH A will= B imply= n. that Thus, the because call For the correctness ofFor the algorithm,the correctness first suppose of the that algorithm, (G, H, cG,c firstH , `)isa supposeYes-instance that (G, of H, cG,cH , `)isaYes-instance of Prop-ColInput: LSIA graph. ThisG with means aDenote partition| that there|(A,n Bo)( exists=nof) V (GV) a(whereG bijective) .|A| = First,|B function|. note' : thatV (G) | by|V construction,(H|) such| that A = B = n. Thus, because Prop-Col LSI. ThisMatchingAlgProp-Col means thatruns there LSI. existsin This time a means bijectiven ,sodoes that| function there| LSIAlg' exists: V (G.) a bijectiveV (H) such function that! ' : V (G) V|(H|) such| that| to MatchingAlg(i)withfor everyQuestion: (L, A,u,Does vB) there asE(G exist input), a' perfect(u) returns, ' matching(v) MEYes(inHG),,such and thato(ii)(n hence every) for! edge everyLSIAlg in Muhas V (returnsG), '(u) YesL(u.). (i) for every u, v E{(G),} '2(u)MatchingAlg, '(v) { E(H),runs and} 2(ii) infor time everyn u ,sodoesV (G), '(u) LSIAlg2L(u).. 2 ! Having{ one'} 2at endpoint(i) hand,Forfor the in{ every weA correctnessand will theu, show other} v 2 thatin ofBE,( theand (GL,),G/M A, algorithm,' B(is)isau a), clique?'(Yesv) first-instance,2 supposeE(H), which and that will(ii)2 (G, implyfor H, every cG that,cHu, the`)isa callV (GYes), '-instance(u) L( ofu). BasedHaving on '',wedefineasubsetat hand, we will show that{ (L,MFor A,} B2 the)isaE correctness(LYes)-instance,{ as follows: of which the} 2 willM algorithm, imply= thatu, the first'( callu) suppose: u that2B . (G, Notice H, cG2 that,cH , `)isaYes-instance of to MatchingAlgOurProp-ColHaving objectivewith' is ( toL,at LSI prove A, hand,. B This the) as following✓ we meansinput will statement. returns show that that thereYes, ( andL, exists A, hence B a)isa bijectiveLSIAlg{{Yes-instance,returns functionYes} ' which. : V2(G will) } implyV (H) that such the that call to MatchingAlg with (L, A, B) as input returns Yes, and hence LSIAlg returns Yes. ! the containment ofBasedM(i) ontoinfor'MatchingAlg,wedefineasubsetE every(L)Prop-Col followsu, vwithE (ML, from(G A,LSI), E B'(.) theL( This as)u) as, input' definition follows:( meansv) returnsME that(=HYes), of thereu, and,E' and((u(ii)L) exists hence): foru and everyLSIAlgB a Conditionbijective. NoticeureturnsV that( functionG),Yes(ii)'.(u)above.' :LV(u().G) V (H) such that Based on ',wedefineasubsetI Lemma 8. Unless theM ETHE is(L false,) as therefollows:✓ doesM not= existu, an' algorithm(u) : u that{{B solves. NoticeCross} that2 } ! the containment of M o(in{n) E✓(}L)2 follows from{ the{{ definition} 2 } of 2E(L}) and Condition (ii)2above. 2 Moreover,the by containment the definitionMatching ofHavingM inBasedinE time('L of)at followsn onA hand,(i),'where,wedefineasubsetBfor from weandn every= thewill|A|. because definition showu, v that ofM'E (EL,(L(isG) A,E and), bijective,( BL)isa) Condition' as(u follows:)Yes, '(-instance,v(ii) it) M furtherabove.=E( whichHu,),' follows( andu will) :(ii) implyu thatBfor that. every NoticeM theisu call that a V (G), '(u) L(u). Moreover, by the definition of A, B and{ because} 2 '✓is bijective,{ it further} 2 follows{{ that M} is a2 } 2 2 Moreover, by theProof. definitiontotheTowardsMatchingAlg containment of a contradiction,A, HavingB andwith of because suppose ('ML,at A,in that' Bhand,Eis) there(L asbijective,) input exists follows we anwill it returns algorithm, further from show theYes followsdenoted that, definition and by that (L,Matchin- henceM A, ofis BLSIAlg a)isaE(L)returns andYes-instance, ConditionYes. which(ii) above. will imply that the call perfect matchingperfect in L matchingsuch in thatL such every that every edge edge in inMM hashas one one endpoint endpoint in A and in theA otherand in theB. other in B. perfect matchinggAlg in, thatLMoreover,suchBased solves thatCross on every byto',wedefineasubset Matching theMatchingAlg edge definition ininM timehasno ofwith( onen) Awhere,M endpointB (L,nandisE A, the(L in Bbecause number)A) as asand follows: of input the vertices' is other bijective,M returns in the in= B. u,Yes it'( further,u) and: u hence followsB .LSIAlg Notice that M thatreturnsis a Yes. Thus, to concludeThus, toThus, conclude thatset to thatA concludeinperfect (L, the (L, input. A, that B matching B)isa We)isa ( willL,Yes A, show-instance, B inYes)isa thatL-instance, thissuchYes it implies remains-instance, that the every existence to it✓ itargue remains edge of that an algorithm, inL/M toM argue toishas denoted a argue clique. that one byL/M endpoint To{{ thatis aL/M clique. in} A andis2 To a the} clique. other in ToB. this end,the we consider containment two arbitraryBased of M in on verticesE'(L,wedefineasubseto()n) x followsand y fromof L/M the, and definitionM proveE that( ofL)E they as(L) follows: are and adjacent ConditionM = (ii)u, 'above.(u) : u B . Notice that this end,this we end, consider we considerLSIAlg twoThus,, two that arbitrary arbitrary solves to concludeProp-Col vertices vertices LSI thatx inand (timeL,y A,ofnxL/M Bandwhere)isa, andynYesisof prove the-instance,L/M number that ofthey, vertices and it areremains✓ adjacent inprove the to argue that that theyL/M areis{{ adjacent a clique.} To 2 } in L/Minput.Moreover, Necessarily graph G, thereby byxthethe contradictingis a containment definition vertex Lemma that of 2 replacedA and of, henceBMand completingin two becauseE vertices(L) the follows proof.'uis bijective,A fromand v the it furtherB definitionsuch followsthat of E that(L)M andis a Condition (ii) above. in L/M. Necessarilythisx is end, a vertex we consider that replaced two arbitrarytwo vertices verticesu A andx andv y2Bof suchL/M that, and2 prove that they are adjacent u, v MWe, define and y theis execution a vertex of thatLSIAlg replacedas follows. two Given vertices an2 instanceu A(G, H,2u cGand, cH , `v) of B v such that in L/M.u, Necessarily v M, and y isperfectx a vertexis a matching that vertexMoreover, replaced in thatL twosuch vertices by replaced that theu0 definition everyA twou edgeand0 verticesof inv0 AM,BhasB vand oneusuch because endpoint0 thatA and' in isvA bijective,andB thesuch other it further that in B. follows that M is a { } 2 { } Prop-Col2 in L/M LSI, LSIAlg. Necessarilyconstructs an instancex is a(L, vertex A,2 B) of\{Cross that} Matchingreplaced2 2\{\{as two} follows} vertices2 (see2 \{u } A and2 v B such that u0,v0 Mu0,v. By0 theM definition. By the of definition contraction, of contraction, to show that tox and showy are that adjacentx and y inareL/M adjacent,it in L/M,it u, v M{ , and} 2{ y is}Fig.2 aThus, 2): vertex to conclude thatperfect replaced that matching (L, A, two B)isa in verticesLYessuch-instance,u that0 everyA it remainsu edgeand to in argueMv02has thatB oneL/Mv endpointis2such a clique. that in ToA and the other in B. suces tosu showces that to showuu,and v thatv areMu adjacent,and andv yare inisL adjacent aor vertexu and in thatvLareor replaced adjacentu and v twoinareL vertices(or adjacent both).u in To0 L thisA(or both).u and Tov0 thisB v such that { } 2 Vthis(L{) = end,V}(G2) we∪ V ( considerH). two arbitrary0 0 vertices0 x0 and2 y of\{L/M}2, and\{ prove}2 that\{2 they}\{ are} adjacent u0,v0 end,M suppose. Byend, thatthe supposeu definitionandu0 that,vv 0areu notandMThus, adjacent of.v Byare contraction, theto not in conclude definitionL adjacent, else we in are that toofL done., contraction, showelse (L, weBy A, arethe that B)isa definition done. tox showYesand By of-instance, thethatEy( definitionL),xareand adjacent ity of remainsareE( adjacentL), in to argueL/M in L/M,it that,itL/M is a clique. To { } 2 Ein(L{)L/M = E(G}.)2∪ NecessarilyE(H) ∪ {{u, v} :xu ∈isV ( aG) vertex, v ∈ L(u)} that. replaced two vertices u A and v B such that this meansthis that meansu,A v=su thatV/(GcesE) and(u,G to) vB and show=this/V hence(EH() that end,G. ) andu,u we vand hence considerEv(Gare).u, adjacent vBy two ConditionE( arbitraryG in).L By(i)orabove, Conditionu0 verticesand wev0 derive(i)arexabove,and adjacent2 y weof inderiveL/ML (or2, and both). prove To this that they are adjacent suces to show that{u u,and} v2 {vMare,} and2 adjacenty is{ a vertex} 2 in thatL{or replaced}u20 and twov0 verticesare adjacentu A inu andL (orv both).B v such To this that Then,{ end,LSIAlg} 2 supposecalls MatchingAlgin thatL/Mwithu.and(2L, Necessarily A,v Bare) as input, not2 adjacentandx returnsis a the invertex answerL, else of that this we0 2 call. are replaced\{ done.} By two the0 2 vertices definition\{ }u of EA(Land), v B such that end, suppose that u andDenoteuthis0,vv0n means=are|V M(G) not.|, that and By notice adjacent theu, v thatdefinition/|A|E=( in|GB|) of=L andn, contraction,. Thus, else hence because weu, areMatchingAlg to v show done.E(Gruns that). in By Byx and Conditionthey definitionare adjacent(i) above, of in weL/ME2( deriveL,it), 2 time{|A|o(|A|}) =2no(n), sou, does v {LSIAlgM}. 2, and y is a vertex{ that} replaced2 two vertices u0 A u and v0 B v such that this means that u, v su/cesE to(G show) and that henceu and v areu, v adjacentE( inGL).or Byu0 and Conditionv0 are adjacent(i) inabove,L (or both). we derive To this For the correctness{ of the algorithm,} 2 first suppose that (G, H, c , c ,2 `) is a Yes-instance 2 \{ } 2 \{ } { } 2 u0,v0 M.{ By the} 2 definitionG H of contraction, to show that x and y are adjacent in L/M,it of Prop-Colend, suppose LSI. This{ that meansu}and that2 therev are exists not a bijective adjacent function in Lϕ,: elseV (G) we→ V are(H) done. By the definition of E(L), suchthis that (i) meansfor every thatsu{u, v}cesu, ∈ E v to(G)/, show{Eϕ(u(G), ϕ) that(v and2)} ∈ Eu hence(Hand), andvu,(ii)are vfor adjacent everyE(uG∈).V (G inBy), L Conditionor u0 and(i)v0above,are adjacent we derive in L (or both). To this ϕ(u) ∈ L(u). Having ϕend,at hand,{ suppose we} 2 will show that thatu(L,and A, B) vis a{areYes-instance, not} 2 adjacent which will in L, else we are done. By the definition of E(L), imply that the call to MatchingAlg with (L, A, B) as input returns Yes2 , and hence LSIAlg returns Yes. this means that u, v / E(G) and hence u, v E(G). By Condition (i) above, we derive Based on ϕ, we define a subset M ⊆ E(L) as{ follows:} M2= {{u, ϕ(u)} : u ∈ A}. Notice{ } 2 that the containment of M in E(L) follows from the definition of E(L) and Condition (ii) 2 above. Moreover, by the definition of A, B and because ϕ is bijective, it further follows that M is a perfect matching in L such that every edge in M has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Thus, to conclude that (L, A, B) is a Yes-instance, it remains to argue that L/M is a clique. To this end, we consider two arbitrary vertices x and y of L/M, and prove that they are adjacent in L/M. Necessarily x is a vertex that replaced two vertices u ∈ A and u0 ∈ B such that {u, u0} ∈ M, and y is a vertex that replaced two vertices v ∈ A \{u} and v0 ∈ B \{u0} such that {v, v0} ∈ M. By the definition of contraction, to show that x and y are adjacent in L/M, it suffices to show that u and v are adjacent in L or u0 and v0 are

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:10 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

adjacent in L (or both). To this end, suppose that u and v are not adjacent in L, else we are done. By the definition of E(L), this means that {u, v} ∈/ E(G) and hence {u, v} ∈ E(G). By Condition (i) above, we derive that {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H). By the definition of M, we know that u0 = ϕ(u) and v0 = ϕ(v), therefore {u0, v0} ∈ E(H). In turn, by the definition of E(L), we get that {u0, v0} ∈ E(L). Thus, the proof of the forward direction is complete. Now, suppose that LSIAlg returns Yes, which means that the call to MatchingAlg with (L, A, B) returns Yes. Thus, (L, A, B) is a Yes-instance, which means that there exists a perfect matching M in G such that every edge in M has one endpoint in A and the other in B, and G/M is a clique. We define a function ϕ : A → B as follows. For every u ∈ V (G), let ϕ(u) = v where v is the unique vertex in B such that {u, v} ∈ M; the existence and uniqueness of v follows from the supposition that M is a perfect matching such that every edge in M has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Furthermore, by the definition of A, B and the edges in E(L) with one endpoint in A and the other in B, it directly follows that ϕ is a bijective mapping between V (G) and V (H) such that for every u ∈ V (G), it holds that ϕ(u) ∈ L(u). Thus, it remains to argue that for every edge {u, v} ∈ E(G), it holds that {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H). To this end, consider some arbitrary edge {u, v} ∈ E(G), and denote u0 = ϕ(u) and v0 = ϕ(v). Because L/M is a clique and M is a matching that, by the definition of ϕ, necessarily contains both {u, u0} and {v, v0}, we derive that at least one of the following four conditions must be satisfied: (i) {u, v} ∈ E(L); (ii) {u0, v0} ∈ E(L); (iii) {u, v0} ∈ E(L); (iv) {v, u0} ∈ E(L). Because {u, v} ∈ E(G), we have that {u, v} ∈/ E(G) and therefore {u, v} ∈/ E(L). Thus, we are left with Conditions (ii), (iii) and (iv). Now, we will crucially rely on the proper colorings of G and H to rule out the satisfaction of Conditions (iii) and (iv).

0 0 B Claim 9. For any two edges {x, x }, {y, y } ∈ E(L) such that {x, y} ∈ E(G) and x0, y0 ∈ V (H), it holds that neither {x, y0} nor {y, x0} belongs to E(L).

Proof of Claim 9. Because cG is a proper coloring of G and {x, y} ∈ E(G), it holds that 0 0 0 0 cG(x) 6= xG(y). Because {x, x }, {y, y } ∈ E(L), x, y ∈ V (G) and x , y ∈ V (H), and by the 0 0 0 definition of E(L), it holds that x ∈ L(x) and y ∈ L(y), and therefore cG(x) = cH (x ) and 0 0 0 0 cG(y) = cH (y ). Thus, cG(x) 6= cH (y ) and cG(y) 6= cH (x ), implying that y ∈/ L(x) and x0 ∈/ L(y). In turn, by the definition of E(L), this means that neither {x, y0} nor {y, x0} belongs to E(L). This completes the proof of the claim. 

We now return to the proof of the lemma. By Claim 9, we are only left with Condition (ii), that is, {u0, v0} ∈ E(L). However, by the definition of E(L), this means that {u0, v0} ∈ E(H). As argued earlier, this completes the proof of the reverse direction. J

4 Lower Bounds: Clique Contraction and Hadwiger Number

In this section, we prove a lower bound for Clique Contraction and consequently for Hadwiger Number, defined as follows.

Clique Contraction Input: A graph G and t ∈ N. Question: Is there a subset F ⊆ E(G) of size at most t such that G/F is a clique?

Hadwiger Number Input: A graph G and h ∈ N. Question: Is the Hadwiger number of G at least as large as h? Clique Contraction Input: A graph G and t N. 2 Question: Does there exist a subset F E(G) of size at most t such that G/F is a clique? Clique ContractionClique Contraction ✓ Input: A graph GCliqueInput:and t A ContractionN graph. G and t . Clique2 Hadwiger Contraction NumberN Question: DoesClique thereInput: existContractionA graph a subsetCliqueG andF ContractiontE2(GN.) of size at most t such that G/F is a clique? Question:Input:Input:DoesA graph thereAG graph existand2 t aG subsetNand. hF NE.(G) of size at most t such that G/F is a clique? Input:Question:A graphDoesInput:G thereand t✓ existA graphN. a2 subsetG andF 2t✓E(GN). of size at most t such that G/F is a clique? Question:Question:Does there2Is the exist Hadwiger a subset✓F 2 numberE(G) of of sizeG atat most leastt such as thatlargeG/F as ish? a clique? Hadwiger NumberQuestion:HadwigerDoes NumberQuestion: there exist aDoes subset thereF existE✓(G a) subset of sizeF at mostE(Gt)such of size that at mostG/F ist such a clique? that G/F is a clique? Hadwiger NumberOurClique objective Contraction is to prove✓ the following statement,✓ where the analogous statement for Had- Input: A graph GInput:and hHadwigerAN graph. NumberG and h N. Input: A2 graph Input:G andCliquehA graph2 Contraction. G and t N. Question: IsHadwiger theQuestion: HadwigerInput: Numberwiger numberIsAHadwiger the graph Number Hadwiger of G andat leastNumberNhwill numberN as follow. large of2G as asat ah? corollary. least as large as h? Question:Input:2 DoesA2 graph thereG existand t a subsetN. F E(G) of size at most t such that G/F is a clique? Question:Question:Is theIs Hadwiger the Hadwiger number number of G ofatG2at least least as as large large as ashh?? Our objectiveInput: is toOur proveA objective graph the followingInput:G isand toQuestion: provehA statement, graphN the. Does followingG whereand thereh exist the statement,N analogousa. subset✓ whereF statementE( theG) of analogous size for atHad- most statementt such that forG/FHad-is a clique? Our objectiveTheorem is to prove 5.1.2 theUnless following the ETH statement,2 is false, where there✓ the does analogous not exist statement an algorithm for Had- that solves Clique wiger NumberQuestion:willwiger follow NumberOurIs as thea objective corollary.Question: HadwigerwillHadwiger follow is to prove numberIs as Number the a the corollary. Hadwiger following ofo(nG) at statement, least number as largewhere of G astheath leastanalogous? as large statement as h for? Had- wiger NumberContractionwill follow asin a time corollary.n where n = V (G) . wiger NumberInput:HadwigerwillA follow graph as NumberG aand corollary.h N. | | Our objective is toOur prove objective the following is to prove2 statement, the following where statement, the analogous where statement the analogous for Had- statement for Had- Theorem 5.1. UnlessTheorem the ETH 5.1.To isUnless false,Question: makeInput: therethe our ETHIsA does approach thegraph is Hadwiger not false,G existand adaptable thereh number anN algorithm does. of notG toat extract exist leastthat anassolves large analogous algorithmClique as h? that statements solves Clique for other contraction wigerTheorem NumberTheoremo(n) 5.1.wigerwillUnless 5.1. followUnless Number theo as( ETHn the) a ETH corollary. iswill false, is follow false, there there as2 does a does corollary. not not exist exist an an algorithm algorithm that solves solvesCliqueClique Contraction inContraction time n whereinn time=Question:Vno((Gn)) .whereIs then Hadwiger= V (G) number. of G at least as large as h? ContractionContractionproblems,in timeOurin we| timen objective willn|whereo(n first) where is ton define= proven V=| ( aGtheV )( newG. following|) . problem statement, (which where will the arise analogous in Section statement6) along for Had- with a special Our objective is to| prove| | the| following statement, where the analogous statement for Had- To make ourTheorem approachTo make 5.1. adaptablecaseUnless ourTheorem ofwiger approach it tothe that Number extract ETH 5.1. is adaptable alsoUnless iswill analogous false, followa special theto there as extract ETHstatements a corollary. doescase is analogous notfalse,of Clique for exist there other statements an does Contraction contractionalgorithm not for exist that other an, solves prove algorithmcontractionClique a crucial that solves propertyClique of To makeTo make our approach ourwiger approach Number adaptable adaptablewill to follow extractto extract as a analogous corollary. analogous statements statements for for other contraction contraction problems, we willContraction first defineinstances ain newContraction time problemn ofo(n this) (whichwhere problem,in time willn = arisenV ando(nG) in) thenwhere. Section usingn 6=) along thisV (G) property with. a special prove Theorem 5.1 and its corollary. problems,problems, we we will will weTheorem first first will define first define define5.1. a a newUnless new a new problem problem the problem| ETH (which (which| (which is false, will will will there arise arise arise| does in in in Section notSection| Section exist66)) an6 along) algorithm along with with with a thata special special a solves specialClique case of it that is alsoF.V. a special Fomin,The case D.definition Lokshtanov,Theorem of Clique of I.the 5.1. Mihajlin, Contraction newUnlesso problem S.(n the) Saurabh ETH, is prove isand as false, M. follows a Zehavi there crucial does(see property notFig. exist?). anof algorithm 23:11 that solves Clique case of ofcase it it that that of it is thatisContraction also also is aalso a special special a specialin case time case case ofn ofClique ofCliqueowhereClique(n) n Contraction= Contraction ContractionV (G) . ,, prove, prove prove a a crucial a crucial property property property of of of To make our approachToContraction make adaptable our approachin time to extractn adaptablewhere analogousn| = toV|(G extract) statements. analogous for other statements contraction for other contraction instances of this problem,instancesinstances and of ofNoisy this this then of problem, problem, this using Structured problem, this and and property and then then thenClique using using using prove this this this Contraction Theorem property property property|5.1 prove prove proveand| Theorem Theorem Theorem its corollary.5.15.1andand its its corollary. its corollary. corollary. problems, we willproblems, firstTo define make we a will our new approach first problem define adaptable (which a new towill problem extract arise analogous (whichin Section will statements6 arise) along in for withSection other a special contraction6) along with a special The definition of theThe new definition definitionThe problem definition of of theis the as of new new the followsTo problemnew problem make problem(see our isFig. is approachas isas?). follows as follows follows adaptable (see (see (seeFig.Fig.Fig. to?).?).?). extract analogous statements for other contraction Input: A graph G on at N least 6n vertices for some n N, and a partition (A, B, C, D, E) case of it that iscase alsoproblems, ofproblems, a it special that we will we is case will first also first defineof aClique define special a new a new problem caseContraction problem of (whichClique (which will, will arise proveContraction arise in2 Section a in crucial Section6) along,6 property) prove along with with a a specialcrucial of a special property of Noisy StructuredNoisy CliqueNoisy Structured Structuredof Contraction StructuredVcase(G) of such Clique Clique it that Clique that is Contraction Contraction alsoA Contraction= a specialB = casen, C of Clique= D =2 Contractionn,novertexin, proveA ais crucial adjacent property to ofa vertex in instances of thisinstances problem,case of and it this that then problem,| is| using also| a| this special and property then| case| using of|Clique prove| this Theorem Contraction property5.1 prove,and prove Theorem its a crucial corollary.5.1 propertyand its of corollary. Input: A graph GInput:on atInput:A leastA graph graphD, 6A andninstances graphverticesGGinstances noon onG at vertex aton of forleast least this at of some least this in 6problem,n 6nBvertices problem,6nverticesnisvertices adjacentN and, for and and thenfor for some a thensome some using to partitionn a usingn vertex thisNN, thisN property, (and,A, and and in property B, a aD partitionC, a partition. prove partition D, prove E Theorem) ( (A,A, Theorem ( B,A, B, C, B,C,5.1 D, D,C,and5.1 E D,E) and) its E) corollary. its corollary. The definition ofThe the newdefinition problem of the is as new2 follows problem (see isFig. as222?). follows (see Fig. ?). of V (G) such thatofAVV((=GGof))B suchV such(=Question:G)n that suchthat,TheC thatA definitionA= ==DADoesBB=2== of=Bn theren the,novertexinn,=,Cn newC, exist=C= problemD=D aD=2 subset=2=2A isn,novertexinisn asn,novertexin,novertexin adjacent followsF E (see( toGFig.A) aA ofAis vertexis?).is adjacentsize adjacent adjacent at in most to to a to a vertex vertexn asuch vertex in in that in G[A B C The definition| | | | of the| new| problem| | is as follows (see Fig. ?). | | D| , and| no vertex| ||| || in| |B|| |is| adjacent| |a| | to| a| vertex| | in D. ✓ [ [ [ D, and no vertexNoisy inD,,B and and Structuredis adjacentno no vertexD vertexNoisyX to in in]/FClique aB B vertex Structuredisisis adjacent a adjacent clique, in ContractionD. to to awhere Clique a vertex vertexX in inContraction=DD. u. E :thereexistsavertexv A B C D such NoisyNoisy Structured Structured Clique Clique Contraction Contraction Question: Does thereQuestion: existQuestion: aDoes subset[ Does thereF there existE( existG a) subset of a sizesubsetF atF mostE(GE()nG of)such of{ size size2 that at at most mostG[AnnsuchsuchB thatC that GG[[AA BB CC2 [ [ [ Input:Question:A graphthatDoesInput:Guon thereand atAv exist leastbelong graph a 6n subsetGvertices toon theF at same least forE(G some connected) 6n ofvertices sizen at component, most andfor somen asuch partitionn of thatG[FG, ( andA,][A? B, aB C, partition D,C E) (A, B, C, D, E) a Input:Input:a✓Aa graphA graphG onG aton✓ least✓ at✓ least 6n vertices 6n vertices forN some for some[n nN[, andN[, and aN partition a[[ partition} [[[ (A,[[ B, (A, C,[ B, D, C, E D,) E) D X]/F is a clique,D XXwhereD]]/F/F Xisis]X/F a a clique,= clique,is au clique, awhereEwhere:thereexistsavertexwhereXX=X= =uu uEE:thereexistsavertexE:thereexistsavertex:thereexistsavertexv A2 B C v2vDv 2AsuchA A2B BCC CDDsuchsuchD such of V (G[) such[ thataof ofVA(VGof =(G)V) suchB( suchG)= such thatn, thatCA{A=A2{=BD=2B=B=2n=,=nCnn,novertexin, =CCD===2DDn=2,novertexin=2n,novertexinAn2is,novertexin2 adjacent[ A [is[A adjacentis to[[ adjacent aA vertexis to adjacent a to vertex a in vertex in to in a vertex in [ that[ uthatanduv andbelongNotev{belong that to2 theF to samemight the same connected contain connected{| |2 edges| component| component outside|2 | G of[ ofA| GG|[F[BF] ]??C[ D2 X[]. Then,[ [ we slightly abuse notation so that u and v belongthat tou theand samev belong connected| | D to,| and the| component no same vertex|| connected||| in| ofB|| Gis| |[ adjacentF| component] ?| | | to| | a| vertex of|[G|[F in[}]D?.[ [ D, and no vertexthatD inG,D[ andAB, and isB no adjacent noC vertex vertexD in to inXB] aB/Fis vertexis adjacentrefers adjacent to} in toGD[ aA. to vertexB a vertex inC D}.D} inXD]/.(F E(G[A B C D X])). a a [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ \ [ [ [ [ a aNote thatNoteF thatmightQuestion:F might containQuestion: contain edgesDoes edgesDoes outside there outside there existG[A existG a[A subsetB aB subsetC CFD DFEX(XG].E].) Then,( of Then,G) size of we we size at slightly slightly most at mostn abuse abusesuchn notationsuch notation that thatG so[A soG[AB BC C Note that F Question:might containNoteFigure thatDoes edges 3 FAnQuestion: outside theremight instance contain existG of[ANoisy aDoesB edges Structured subsetC outsidethereDF CliqueX existG].[EA Then,( ContractionG[ aB) subset[ of weC size slightly[ DF[where at✓X abuse most]. dashedE Then,(G notation)n lines of wesuch represent size slightly so that at abusemostG[A notationn BsuchC so that[ [G[A[ B C that G[AWeB referC D toX[] the/F [refers special[ toaG[[A casea B[ [ ofC[ Noisy[D[ [X✓][/(F[ StructuredE(G[A B C CliqueD X])). Contraction[ [ [ where E = that G[A B C DthatXnon-edges.GG]/F[[AA refersBB C[ toC GD[D[Aa[DXXXB]]/F]/F[/FXCrefers]is/Frefers aDis clique, to toaXG clique,G[]A/[(AFawhereB✓B[Ewhere(CG[XC[AD=[XDBuX=[]X/C(u]EF/(F:thereexistsavertexDE\E✓(:thereexistsavertexEGX([AG])).[A[B B[C [CD [DvX])).XvA])).[AB BC[ CD[suchD such[ [ [ [ [ D[ X[ ]/F is[ a[ clique,D[ [X[]where/F[[ is[ aX clique,[= u[ \whereE[ :thereexistsavertex[ X[[{ =[2{ u[2\ [E :thereexistsavertex[ [v [A [ B2 2C[ [[vD [such[A [ B C D such; [ We[as refer[Structured[ tothat[ the[thatu specialandu andv Cliquebelong casev belong of{ toNoisy the2 Contraction[ to thesame[ Structured same[ connected[ connected{ . component2 Clique Note\ component that Contraction[ of StructuredG[2 of[FG][[?F[] [?where[ [E Clique=2 [ Contraction[ [ is We refer tothat the specialuWeWeand refer refer casev belong to to of thethat theNoisy special to specialu theand Structured casesame casev belong of of connectedNoisyNoisy to Clique the Structured Structured component same Contraction connected Clique of CliqueG[F componentwhere Contraction] ? ContractionE =} of }Gwhere[Fwhere] ? E =E; = asOurStructuredalso objective a special is to Clique provea case the Contraction of followingClique statement,. Contraction Note where that theStructured analogous. statement Clique for Contraction is ; as Structured Cliquea Note Contraction that F might contain. Note edges that outsideStructuredG[A B C} CliqueD X]. Then, Contraction; we slightly} abuseis notation; so as Structured Clique ContractionNote. Notethat F thatmightStructured contain edges outside CliqueG[A B Contraction[ C [ D [ X].[ Then,is we slightly abuse notation so asa StructuredHadwigeralso a special NumberSolutions Cliquea casethat(called of G toClique Contraction[A Theorem instancesB ContractionC 1D in of theXNoisy.]/F introduction) Noterefers. that Structuredto G[ willAStructured[ followB [C as[D a Clique corollary.X[ ]/ Clique(F E Contraction(G[A ContractionB C D Xexhibit])).is the following alsoNote a thatspecialF might casethat ofNote containCliqueG[A that edgesB [F ContractionCmight[ outsideD [ X contain][/FG[refersA . edgesB to G[CA outsideBD[CGX[[DA].[ Then,XB][/(FC weE( slightly\GD[A XB]. abuse[C Then,[D notation[ weX])).[ slightly so abuse notation so also a special casealso of Clique a specialSolutions Contraction case to of instancesClique[ . [ of ContractionNoisy[ [ Structured[. [ Clique[[ [[ [ Contraction[[ [ \ [ exhibit[[ [ the[ following[ that GSolutions[AI TheoremB property,C to 10.that instancesD UnlessXG which[]A/FWe the ofrefersB ETH referNoisy willC is to to false, beGD the Structured[A crucial there specialX]B/F doesrefersC casein not theD exist Cliqueof toNoisy proofanXG[]A algorithm/(F Contraction StructuredB ofE Theorem(C thatG[A solvesD BXClique Clique5.1]/exhibitC(FasDE wellContraction( theXG[])).A asfollowing resultsB C where inD SectionXE ])).= 6. Solutions to instancesSolutions[ of [Noisy to[ instances Structured[ We refer[o(n of) [ toNoisy the[ Clique special Structured[ [ Contraction case[ of[ Noisy[ Clique Structured[exhibit\ Contraction[ [ the[ Clique[ following[ [exhibit Contraction\ [ the[ following[where[ E[= ; property,Contractionproperty, which which willin time beas willStructured crucialn be crucialwhere in then in= Clique the| proofV (G proof)|. of Contraction Theoremof Noteas well well that as asStructured results results in Section Section Clique6.6. Contraction; is property, which willWe be refer crucial to the in theas specialWeStructured proof refer case of to Theorem of the CliqueNoisy special5.1 Contraction Structuredas case well of asNoisy results. Note Clique Structuredin that SectionStructured Contraction6. Clique Cliquewhere Contraction ContractionE = is where E = property, whichLemma willalso be5.1. crucial a specialLet F in casebe the ofa proof solutionClique of TheoremContraction to an instance5.1 as. well(G, as A, results B, C, in D, Section E, n) of6. Noisy Structured LemmaTo make 5.1. ouralso approachLet a specialF be adaptable a case solution of toClique extract to an analogous instance Contraction( statementsG, A, B,. C, for D, other E, n contraction) of Noisy Structured ; ; as StructuredLemmaproblems, 5.1.Clique weasLet Clique willStructuredF first Contractionbe defineSolutions a Contraction solution a new to Cliqueproblem to instances. an Then, called instance. ContractionNote ofNoisyNoisyF that(isG, Structured Structureda A,Structured matching B, C,. NoteD, Clique E, Clique of n that) size Contrac-of CliqueStructuredNoisy Contractionn in G Contraction Structuredsuchexhibit thatClique each theis following Contraction edge in F has is Lemma 5.1. Let LemmaF be aClique solution 5.1. ContractionLet toF anSolutionsbe instance a solution. to Then, instances(G, toF A,is an B, of a instanceC,Noisy matching D, E, Structured n( ofG,) of size A,Noisy B,n in C, CliqueG D, Structuredsuch E, n Contraction that) of eachNoisy edge Structuredexhibit in F has the following alsoClique a specialtion Contraction(which caseonealso will endpoint of ariseCliqueaproperty, special in. AppendixThen, in ContractionA casewhichandF C) ofis will alongtheClique a be matching other with crucial. a Contraction special in in ofB the size. case proofn ofin it of thatG Theorem. such is also that a5.1 specialas each well edge as results in F inhas Section 6. Clique Then, endpointF is in aA matchingand the other of size in Bn. in G such that each edge in F has SolutionsoneClique endpointcase of Contraction toClique instancesin Aproperty, ContractionSolutionsand the of. which Then,Noisy other to. Then, instanceswill inF StructuredB beweis. willcrucial a matching prove of Noisy in a the crucial Cliqueproof of Structured property size ofn Theorem Contraction ofin instancesG such5.1 Clique ofas thatNoisy wellexhibit each as Contraction results edge the in in Section followingF hasexhibit6. the following one endpoint in Aoneand endpointStructured the otherProof. in in CliqueABWeand.Lemma first Contractionthe other argue 5.1. Let in that,BF every afterwards a solution vertex we to will inan useA instance thisB propertyis(G, incident A, to B, prove C, to D, E,at n least) of Noisy one edge Structured in F . Targeting property, whichProof. We willproperty, firstLemma be argue crucial which 5.1. that inLet every will theF vertexbe be proof a crucial solution in ofA TheoremB in tois anthe incident instance proof5.1[ toas of( atG, well Theorem least A, B, as one C, results D, edge5.1 E, innas) inFof. well SectionNoisy Targeting as Structured results6. in Section 6. Proof.TheoremWe firsta 10 contradiction, and argue itsClique corollary. that every Contraction Thesuppose vertex definition that in ofA. the Then, thereB new[isF problemincident existsis a matching is a to as vertex followsat least of (seeu size one Fig.nA edgein 3). GB insuchthatF . thatTargeting is not each incident edge in F tohas any edge Proof. We first argue thata contradiction, every vertexClique suppose in A ContractionB thatis incident there. exists Then, to[ ataF vertex leastis a oneumatchingA edgeB of inthat sizeF . is Targetingn notin G incidentsuch that to any each edge edge in F has aProof. contradiction,NoisyWe firstStructured argue supposeone Clique that endpoint that every Contraction there in vertexA existsand in the aA vertex otherB is inu incidentB.2A [B tothat at least is not2 one incident[ edge in toF any. Targeting edge Lemma F .inLet BecauseLemmaFF.onebe Because endpointA a solution5.1.B[ inALetCA toandFDB anbe=6 theC ainstancen other solution, F[D in =6B(n.G, toand2n A,, anG B,[F instance[A C, D,Bn E,andC(G, n)D A,Gof[A B,NoisyX] C,/FB D,is Structured E,aC clique n) Dof NoisyX]/F Structuredis a clique a contradiction, supposeina contradiction,F .Input: Becausethat thereA graphA suppose existsG|Bon at[ a thatC least vertex[| 6D theren[[verticesu=6| exists[nA for, someF[B a| vertexthatn||∈nNand, is andu not aG partition|A[ incidentA| B[B(thatA,[ to B,C C,anyis[ D, notD Nedge[) incidentX[]/F [is to aany clique[ edge[ (where(where the| last[ theProof. two last[ propertiesWe[ two first| propertiesargue follow2 that from[| | every follow the supposition vertex from2 in A the[[ thatB suppositionis[F incidentis a[ solution), to[ at that least itF holds oneis edge a that solution), in F . Targeting it holds that in F . BecauseCliqueA(wherein FB. Contractionof BecausetheCV (G last) DsuchClique two=6A that propertiesn.|BA, Contraction| Then,=F C|B| = followFnDn,andis|C=6| a from=G matchingn|.D[,A| Then, the=F 2Bn supposition, noFn ofC vertexandis size aD inG matchingn thatA[A[Xinis] adjacent/FGFB issuchis of aC a to solution), size clique that anyD n eachinX it]/FG holdsedgesuchis a in that cliquethatF has each edge in F has | [ [vertexG[A [G inB[AD|, and|Proof.CB[ noaD contradiction, vertexWeC|[X| first] in/F[DB argueis| adjacent aX supposethat clique]/F every tois| on that any[| a at vertex vertex thereclique[ least in exists[ 5CAn on. +B[ a atX vertexis[ incidentleastvertices.u[ 5n toA[+Hence, atB leastX[that the onevertices. is degreeedgenot incident in ofF Hence,. Targeting to any the edge degree of (where the lastone twoG(where endpoint[A propertiesB the in[C last followAone[and[ twoD endpoint[ from properties theX[][/F other the[is in supposition a inA follow[ cliqueandB. from the on that at other the leastF supposition inis 5 aBn solution),.+[ X| that|vertices. itF holds2is a Hence,[ solution), that| | the it degree holds of that [Question:every[every vertex[Doesa vertex in contradiction,[ thereinG[FA. exist in BecauseBG a[ subsetAC supposeDABF ⊆ thatBXEC](/FG)C there,of andD sizeD exists in atX=6 mostparticular]/F an, vertexn,|Fsuch and| ofu thatn inu,andAG particular should[A G∪B[BAthat∪ beB 5 isn of notCu1+ incident, shouldDX inX to]/F be anyis 5 edge an clique1+ X in G[A B C DeveryG[AX] vertex/FB isC in a cliqueGD[A X onB]/F[ ataCis[ leastD a[ clique| 5Xn[]+/F onX,[ and atvertices.[ least in| particular 5n Hence,+| |X of thevertices.u2, should degree[ beHence,[ of 5n[ the1+[ | degreeX[| in of [ [ [ [ [CG∪[AD[∪BX][/FCinisFD a[(where[. clique, BecauseX[]/F thewhere.[ However, lastAX[[ two=B{u properties[ because∈CN| :|[thereD no=6 follow exists[ vertexn, a fromF vertex in A the|isvn∈ adjacent|and suppositionA ∪ BG[∪A toC ∪ aBD that vertexCF inisD aD solution),andX| ]/F no| is it a holds clique that | | every vertex inProof.G[GeveryA[AWeB vertexB firstCC[G argue[ inAProof.[DDGB[[XAX that]]/FWe[/FCB. every, firstHowever, andDC arguevertex in|XD particular][/F because thatX. in[] However,/FA[ every, no andofB| vertexuis, vertex in incidentbecause should particular in| A| in beisA noto adjacent 5 atn vertex ofB leastuis1+, incident should to in[ oneX aA vertex[in edgeis be to adjacent[ 5 at inn in D leastF[1+.and Targeting to oneX no a vertex edgein in inFD. Targetingand no [[suchvertex[[ that[ in[uBand[(where[is adjacentvG[belong[A the[ toB last to the[ aC two vertex same propertiesD connected in XD],/F the[ followcomponentis degree a clique from of of any theG on[F vertex supposition] at}?[ least in A 5n that+B| ,X and|F in a particular solution), Hence, of it holds the degree that of G[A B C aD contradiction,vertexX]/F in. However,Bvertexis supposea adjacent contradiction, inbecause[B tothatis[ a[ adjacent no vertex there[ vertex[ suppose[ in exists[ toD in[, aA the that vertex ais vertexdegree adjacent there in ofuD exists any to, theA a vertex vertex degree aB vertexthat in inA ofD is[u anyandB not,| andA vertex| no incident inB particularthat inA to is anyB| not of,| and edge incident in particular to any edge of G[A auB,Note is atC that mostFDmightG[AXevery contain]/FBB . vertex edges However,1+C outsideCD in GDGX[ becauseA/[A2+]/F∪ BBX∪isC a=4C no∪ D cliquen∪ vertexDX].1+ Then,onX2] inX/F at weA,[in least slightly andisG[ adjacentA 5inn abuse particular+B notationXC2 tovertices.D a of[ vertexXu,]. should Hence,Because in D[ beand theu 5n degree no1+ ofX in [ [ [ [ [ [ u,[ is at[| most[[ | [A [|B [[ 1+| [ C| [| D[/2+[ X| |=4n [1+[[| X| [ in[G[A B C D X| ].| Because u vertex in B isin adjacentFuvertex., is Because at tois in mostso a not thatB vertex incidentisGAinA[ adjacentA ∪every inFB B.∪D toGC, Because[∪ anyvertexA1+ theD toC∪B edgeX aC degree]/F vertex inDCrefers inDGA[F=6A/D of2+, to in its anyGBBXnD[A degreeX,]/F∪, vertexB theCF=4C.∪ However,C indegreeDn∪ DDG inn∪[1+AXXAand=6]//F of because(FBXB,∩ anynG andE,,Cin( and[GA vertex[FAG no inD∪[A inB particularvertexB∪ particularXCB inn]∪/FDAC inand∪CisAX of at]))BisDGD.,u most adjacentof, and[A shouldXX its in].]B/FBecause degree particular to be ais 5C vertexn ain u clique1+D ofin XDXandin]/F nois a clique || [[ | [ [||[[[[ ||[||[[[ | [[|| [|[[|[| [[|| [|| |[ [| [[ [[|[[[| [ [ [ [ [ [[ [|[ | u, is at most A(whereBisu, not is the at1+ incidentGIntuitively, most[ lastACisB two notD(whereA to/C the any2+ incidentpropertiesB vertexDvertex edgeX the1+X set=4]. inlast in toXC ThisBnF followconsists any,is twoD its is1+ adjacent/ edgea degree2+ propertiesof contradiction,fromX theX inin noiseto in theFG a=4G vertex[,(representedA[ itssuppositionnA follow thusB degree1+ inB D weC from by,CX the getN inDin)D degreethat thattheGG[XA[XA “interacts”]. indeedsuppositionF] of/F BecauseBisB anyis a every vertexatC solution),with mostuD vertexD that in itsAXX in].F degree it]B/FA Because,is holds andis aB in solution),in at that particularu most its it of degree holds that in | [ | | [ | G[A | B| C D X]/F| .| However,[ because[ [[ [ no[ vertex[[ in[ A is[ adjacent[ [ to a[ vertex in D and no is not incidentG to[A anyG[AB edgenon-noiseB C in[CGF[ (represented|A,DG[D its[[AB degree[XX|u[,]].B/F[ isC by This[ atV inisC( most|GDG[ is) a[\A aN cliqueD[XA) contradiction,| throughB].B ThisXC on|]/F1+ contracted| atisDisC a least thus acontradiction,XD edges clique]/F/2+ we 5nis (in| getX+ atF on|=4), that mostX i.e. atn thethusvertices. indeed least its1+[ vertices degree weX[ 5 everynin get in+ Hence,G[N in[ thatA vertexX[Bvertices. indeed the inC A[ degreeD everyBX Hence,]. Becauseof vertex theu in degreeA B of is not[ is incident incident[ [ to[ tovertex[ any at[ least edge in B[ oneis in adjacent edgeF[|, its[ in degreeF to| . a From vertex in| this,G[ in[A|D because, theB| degreeC| F D ofn anyandX]| vertex/FA| isB atin=2A most[nB,wederive[, its and[ degree in[[ particular in of [ is[ incidentthat[ lie tois together[ incident at least[ with[is one at not to least[ edgeincident at one least[ in vertex[ toF[ one. any in From[V edge edge(G[) this,\ N in in[inF becauseF, a its component.[ From degree[F| this,|in that[| G|n[ willA[ becauseand beB contracted|AC[ BFD| |=2X[|n]n/F,wederiveandis atA mostB its=2 degreen,wederive in G[A B C everyD G[X vertexA]. ThisthatB inFC isisGevery a[ aDA contradiction,u perfect, isXB vertex at]. mostmatching ThisC inA isD thusG a inB[A contradiction,GX we[A1+]/FB getBC,]. that andCD / indeed2+ inD thus particularXX we=4 every]|/F getn| , that vertexand1+ of [Xu indeed in, inin| should[ particularAG[[A everyB| [B be vertex 5C ofn uD,1+ in shouldXA].X BecauseB bein 5un 1+ X in [ [ [ [that [Fandis thereby[ a perfect[ replaced[ matchingG by[A[ a singleB [| inC vertex.[G[[AD| [ WeBX[]. refer].|[ This[ to the[ is| a special contradiction,[| | case ofNoisy thus| Structured| we get[| that[|  indeed[ [ every[| vertex[|[ | | in A B | | is incident toG at[A leastis incidentB oneC edgethat toD inG at[FXFAis least.] notis/F FromB a incidentone. perfect However,where[C this, edge[ND to because= matching in[ any∅XF becauseas[ edge.]/F From.F in However, inF no this,,G itsn vertex[Aand degree becauseB becauseA in]. in AGBF[Ais=2 no adjacentBnn vertex,wederiveandC. NoteDA to in thatX aAB] vertex/Fis=2 adjacentis atn in,wederive mostD itsand to degree a no vertex in[ in D and no Clique Contractionis incident to at least[Structured one| | edge 4 in Clique[F .| From Contraction[ | this,|| [ because[ [ |F[[ n| and A B =2n,wederive that F is a perfectthat[ matchingStructuredF[ is[ a in perfectG[[ CliqueAG[[A matchingB].B Contraction[ C[ inDG[[XAis]. also ThisB]. a special is a contradiction, case of Clique thus Contraction we get that| . |  indeed every| [ vertex| in A B vertex in B is adjacentvertex[that[ to in aBF[ vertexis[ a adjacent perfect[ in D matching, to the a degree vertex4 in G[A inof anyDB]., the vertex degree in A of anyB, andvertex in inparticularA B, and of[ in particular of Solutions tois instances incident of Noisy to at Structuredleast one[ edge Clique in F . Contraction From[ this, becauseexhibit4 theF following[ n and A B =2[n,wederive u, is at most A uB, is at1+ mostC AD /B2+ X1+=4C n D1+/2+XXin=4G[nA |1+B| CX inD|G[X[A].| B BecauseC Du X]. Because u property,| which[ that| will beF is crucial| a perfect[|4 in[ the| matching proof| | of| Theorem| in G[[4A 10| B as]. well| | as| | results4 in[ Section[| C.|[ [ [ [ [ [ is not incident tois any not edge incident in F , to its any degree edge in inGF[A,[ itsB degreeC inDG[AX]/FB isC at mostD X its]/F degreeis at in most its degree in I Lemma 11. Let F be a solution to an instance (G, A, B, C,[ D, N,[ n) of[Noisy[ Structured[ [ [ [ G[A B C DG[AX].B ThisC is aD contradiction,X]. This is thus a contradiction, we get4 that thus indeed we every get that vertex indeed in A everyB vertex in A B [ Clique[ [ Contraction[ [ .[ Then,[F is[ a matching of size n in G such that each edge in F has [ [ is incidentone to endpoint at leastis in incidentA oneand the edge to other at in in leastFB.. From one edge this, in becauseF . FromF this,n becauseand A FB =2nnand,wederiveA B =2n,wederive | |  | [| || | [ | that F isProof. a perfectWethat first matching argueF is that a perfect in everyG[ vertexA matchingB in].A ∪ B inisG incident[A B to]. at least one edge in F . Targeting a contradiction, suppose that[ there exists a vertex u[∈ A ∪ B that is not incident 4 4

C V I T 2 0 1 6 Proof. We first argue that every vertex in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting [ a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex u A B that is not incident to any edge 2 [ in F . Because A B C D =6n, F n and G[A B C D X]/F is a clique | [ [ [ | | |  [ [ [ [ (where the last two properties follow from the supposition that F is a solution), it holds that Proof. We first argue that every vertex in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting G[A B C D X]/F is a clique[ on at least 5n + X vertices. Hence, the degree of a contradiction,[ [ suppose[ that[ there exists a vertex u A B that| | is not incident to any edge every vertex in G[A B C D X]/F , and2 in particular[ of u, should be 5n 1+ X in in F . Because A B C[ D[ =6[ n,[ F n and G[A B C D X]/F is a clique| | G[A B |C [D [X]/F[. However,| because| |  no vertex in[A is[ adjacent[ [ to a vertex in D and no (where the[ last[ two[ properties[ follow from the supposition that F is a solution), it holds that G[A vertexB C in BDis adjacentX]/F is to a a cliquevertex inonD at, the least degree 5n + ofX anyvertices. vertex in A Hence,B, and the in degree particular of of [ [ [ [ | | [ every vertexu, is at in mostG[AA BB C1+DC XD]//F2+, andX =4 in particularn 1+ X ofinuG,[ shouldA B beC 5nD 1+X]. BecauseX in u | [[ [| [ | [[ | | | | | [ [ [ [ | | G[A isB notC incidentD X to]/F any. However, edge in F because, its degree no vertex in G[A in AB isC adjacentD X to]/F a vertexis at most in D itsand degree no in [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ vertexG in[AB isB adjacentC D toX a]. vertex This in is aD contradiction,, the degree of thus any we vertex get thatin A indeedB, and every in particular vertex in A of B [ uProof., is atWe most first[ argueA[ thatB[ every1+[ vertexC in AD B/2+is incidentX =4 to atn least1+ one edgeX ininFG. Targeting[A B C D X]. Because u[ is incident to at least one edge[ in F . From this, because F n and A B =2n,wederive a contradiction, suppose| [ that| there| exists[ a vertex| u| A| B that is not| incident| to any[ edge[ [ [ is not incident to any edge in F , its degree2 [ in G[A B C D| |X]/F is at| most[ | its degree in in F . Becausethat F Ais aB perfectC D matching=6n, F inn Gand[AG[AB].B C[ D[ X]/F[ is[ a clique G[A B C| [D [ X[]. This| is| a| contradiction, [ [ thus[ [ we[ get that indeed every vertex in A B (where[ the last[It remains two[ properties[ to argue follow from that the every supposition edge in thatFFhasis a one solution), endpoint it holds in thatA and the other in B. Targeting[ isG[A incidentB C toD atX least]/F is one a clique edge on in atF least. From 5n + X this,vertices. because Hence,F the degreen and of A B =2n,wederive [ a[ contradiction,[ [ suppose that this is false.| | Because F| is|  a perfect| matching[ | in G[A B], this thatevery vertexF is a in perfectG[A B matchingC D X] in/F ,G and[A in particularB]. of u, should be 5n 1+ X in [ [ [ [ | | [ G[A BmeansC D thatX]/F there. However, exist because two novertices vertex[ ina,A ais0 adjacentA such to a that vertex ina,D a0and noF . By the definition of Noisy It[ remains[ [ [ to argue that every edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting vertex in B is adjacent to a vertex in D, the degree of any vertex2 in A B, and in{ particular} 2 of a contradiction,Structured suppose Clique that Contraction this is false.,neither Becausea[Fnorisa a0 is perfect adjacent matching to any vertex in G[A in DB.], Moreover, this u, is at most A B 1+ C D /2+ X =4n 1+ X in G[A B C D X]. Because u note| that[ | D |V[(G|[A |B| C D | X| ]/F ).[ In[ particular,[ [ the vertex of G[A B [C D X]/F meansis not incident that to there any edge exist in F two, its degree vertices in G[Aa, aB0 CA DsuchX]/F thatis ata, most a0 its degreeF . By in the definition of Noisy ✓ [ [ [ [ [2[ [ [ { } 2 [ [ [ [ StructuredG[A ByieldedC D by CliqueX]. the This contraction is Contraction a contradiction, of a, thus a,neither0 weis get not thata adjacentnor indeeda0 everyis to adjacentany vertex vertex in A to anyB of D vertexin G[A in DB. Moreover,C D X]/F . [ [ [ [ { } [ [ [ [ [ noteis incident that toD at leastV one(G[ edgeA inBF .C FromD this,X because]/F ).F In particular,n and A B the=2n vertex,wederive of G[A B C D X]/F However, this is a contradiction because| | G[A |B[ C| D X]/F is a clique. that F is a perfect✓ matching in[ G[A[ B[]. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ yielded by the contraction of[ a, a0 is not adjacent to any vertex of D in G[A B C D X]/F . Clique ContractionIt remains to argue that every edge in{ F has} one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting [ [ [ [ Clique ContractionClique ContractionCliqueHowever, ContractionWe this are is a now contradiction ready to prove because a lowerG[ boundA B forCStructuredD X]/F Cliqueis a clique. Contraction. Because CliqueInput: ContractionA grapha contradiction,CliqueG and Contractiont suppose. that this is false. Because F is a perfect[ matching[ [ in [G[A B], this Input: AInput: graph AG graphandInput:t GANand graph. t GNand. Nt . [ means2 thatthis2 there problem2 exist twoN is vertices a speciala, a0 caseA such of thatCliquea, a0 ContructionF . By the definition, this of Noisy will directly yield the correctness Question:Question:Input:DoesQuestion: thereA graphDoes existDoes thereInput:G aWe theresubsetand exist aret existA nowF a graphN subset. areadyE2 subset(GGF) to ofandF prove sizeE(tGE at)( a2GN of most lower). size of sizet at boundsuch mostat{ most that for}t 2suchG/FtStructuredsuch thatis that aG/F clique?G/Fis Cliqueis a clique? a clique? Contraction. Because Question:StructuredDoesof Theorem there Clique2 ✓ exist Contraction5.1 a subset. ✓ ✓F ,neither2 E(G)a ofnor sizea0 is at adjacent most t tosuch any vertex that G/F in Moreover, a clique? Question: DoesthisnoteQuestion: there that problemD existV (G is aDoes[A a subset specialB thereC FD case existXE]✓/F of(G). aClique) In subset of particular, sizeF Contructionat the mostE vertex(Gt) ofsuch ofG[ sizeA , thatB this atC mostG/F willD X directlyist]/Fsuch a clique? that yieldG/F theis correctness a clique? Hadwiger NumberClique✓ Contraction[ [ [ [✓ ✓ [ [ [ [ HadwigerHadwiger NumberHadwiger Numberofyielded Theorem Number byLemma the contraction5.1 5.2.. ofUnlessa, a0 is the not ETH adjacent is to false, any vertex there of doesD in G not[A B existC anD algorithmX]/F . that solves Structured Input: A graph Input:G andCliquehA graph Contraction. G and{ t} N. [ [ [ [ Input: AInput:Hadwiger graph AG graphandInput: NumberhHowever,GAHadwigerNand graph. h thisG isandN a. contradiction NumberNh N. because2 G[A B Co(nD) X]/F is a clique. 2 Question:CliqueInput:2 2 ContractionDoesA2 graph thereG existand t ain subsetN. time[ F[n E[ (Gwhere[) of sizen at= mostV (Gt such) . that G/F is a clique? Question:Question:LemmaIs theIs Hadwiger the 5.2. HadwigerUnless number number the of ETHG ofatG2 isat least false, least as as large there large as does ashh?? not exist| an| algorithm that solves Structured Question:Question:Input:Is theA Hadwiger graphIs the HadwigerInput:GWe numberand areQuestion: nowhA of ready number graphNG. toat proveDoes leastG of andG a there lower asat largeh leastexist boundN aas as. for subseto(h largeStructuredn?) ✓F as hE?( CliqueG) of size Contraction at most t such. Because that G/F is a clique? Our objectiveClique is to Contraction prove2 the followingin statement, time2 n wherewhere✓ then = analogousV (G) . statement for Had- Our objectiveQuestion:Our objective is toOur proveIs the isthis objectiveQuestion: tothe problem HadwigerHadwiger proveProof. following is is to the a provespecialTargeting numberIs following Number statement, the the case Hadwiger following of of a statement,Clique contradiction,G whereat statement, Contruction least number the where asanalogous largesupposewhere of the, thisG analogousastheat will statement thath leastanalogous directly?| there asstatement yield| large for statement exists theHad- correctnessas anh for for? algorithm,Had-Had- denoted by CliConAlg, wiger Numberof Theoremwill follow5.1. as a corollary. o(n) wiger Numberwiger Numberwillwiger followwillProof. Number as follow aInput: corollary.thatTargetingHadwigerwill as solvesA follow a graph corollary.Structured aas NumberG contradiction, aand corollary.h N. Clique suppose Contraction that there existsin time an algorithm,n . We denotedwill show by thatCliConAlg this implies, Our objective is toOur prove objective the following is to prove2 statement, the following where statement, the analogous where statement the analogous for Had- statement for Had- thatLemmaQuestion: solvesthe 5.2.Input: existenceUnlessStructuredIsA the thegraph ETH of Hadwiger anGis false,and algorithm, Cliqueh there numberN does. Contraction ofnot denotedG existat anleast algorithm by asMatchingAlg largein that time as solvesh?noStructured,(n that). We solves willCross show that Matching this impliesin time wigerTheorem NumberTheorem 5.1.wigerwillUnless 5.1. followUnless Number the as ETH the a ETH corollary. iswill false, is follow false,o( theren) there as2 does a does corollary. not not exist exist an an algorithm algorithm that solves solvesCliqueClique TheoremTheorem 5.1. Unless 5.1. theUnlessClique ETH the is ContractionoQuestion:( false,n ETH)o(n) there is false,Isin doesthe time there Hadwigern notwhere does exist numbern not an= V algorithm exist(G of) .G anat algorithm least that as solves large that asCliqueh solves? Clique ContractionContractionthein existence timenOurin timen objective, therebyn ofwhereo(n an) where is algorithm, contradictington = proven V=(G theV )(G denoted. following) . Lemma| statement,by| 4.1MatchingAlgand where hence the, completing that analogous solves statement theCross proof. forMatchingHad- in time o(n)o(n) o(n) | | ContractionContractionin time ninnProof. timewherewiger,Targetingn therebynOur Number=where a objectiveV contradiction,contradicting(Gnwill) =. follow isV to(G suppose prove) as|. Lemma a corollary.thatthe| following there4.1 existsand statement, an hence algorithm, completing where denoted the by analogousCliConAlg the proof., statement for Had- Theorem 5.1. UnlessTheorem theWe ETH 5.1.| defineUnless is| false, the| execution the there| ETH does of isMatchingAlg notfalse, exist thereo(n) an doesas algorithm follows. not exist that Given an solves algorithm an instanceClique that (G, solves A, B)Clique of Cross To makeTo make ourthatWe solves approach ourwiger defineStructured approacho(n) Number adaptable the adaptable execution Cliquewill to follow Contractiono extractto(n of) extract asMatchingAlg a analogous corollary. analogousin time n statementsas statements.follows. We will show for for Given that other this an contraction contractionimplies instance (G, A, B) of Cross To makeContractionTo our make approach ourin approachContraction adaptable timeMatchingn adaptable towhere extractin, MatchingAlg timen to= analogous extractnV (G)where analogous.constructs statementsn = statementsV an( forG instance) other. for contraction (H, other A, B, contraction C, D, n) of Structured Clique problems,problems, weMatching willthe we existenceTheorem first will define first of, an define5.1.MatchingAlg a algorithm, newUnless a new problem denoted the problem| constructs ETH (which by| (which isMatchingAlg false, will will an there arise, arise instance that| does in solves in Section notSection| Cross ( existH,6 A,6)) anMatching along B, algorithm C, with with D,in n a time that)a special special of solvesStructuredClique Clique problems,problems, we will first we willdefine firstno(n a), newdefine therebyContractionTheorem problem contradictinga new 5.1. problem(whichUnless Lemmaas willfollowso( (whichn the)4.1 ariseand ETH (see will hence in is SectionFig. false,arise completing?): therein6 Section) alongthe does proof. not with6) exist along a special an with algorithm a special that solves Clique case ofcase it that of it is thatContraction also is aalso special a specialin case time case ofn Clique of owhereClique(n) n Contraction= ContractionV (G) . ,, prove prove a a crucial property property of of To make ourContraction approachWeTo defineContraction make the adaptable execution ouras follows approachin of time toMatchingAlg (see extractn adaptableFig.whereas analogous follows.?):n| = toV Given|(G extract) statements. an instance analogous (G, forA, B) other of statementsCross contraction for other contraction case of itcase23:12 thatinstances of is it Tight also thatinstances Lower ofa is special this also Bounds of problem, this a case special problem,on the of andClique Computation case and then of then usingClique Contraction using of this Hadwiger this Contraction property property Number, prove| prove prove a,| Theorem crucial prove Theorem a property crucial5.1 and property its of its corollary. corollary. of problems, we willMatchingproblems, firstTo define, makeMatchingAlg we a will our new approach firstconstructs problem define adaptable an (which ainstance new towill problem (H, extract A, arise B, C, analogous (whichin D, n Section) of Structured will statements6 arise) along in Clique for withSection other a special contraction6) along with a special instancesinstances of thisThe problem, definition ofThe this definition problem, and of the thenLet of new the andTon using problemnewLet= make thenA problemn this,= our using and is propertyA approachas is,K thisfollows andasbe follows propertyK prove a adaptable (see cliquebe (see TheoremaFig. cliqueFig. prove on to?).?). 4 extractn Theoremon5.1new 4nand analogous its5.1 vertices. corollary.and statements Let its ( Letcorollary.C, D for ()C, be other D) a be partition contraction a partition of V of(KV)(K) Contraction• • as follows| | (see| Fig.| ?): The definitionThecase definition of the it that new of problemis thecase alsoproblems, newsuch ofproblems, a problemis it special as that thatsuch we follows will weC is thatis case will firstas also= (see follows firstC defineDof aFig..=Clique define special aD (see?). new. a newFig. problem caseContraction problem?). of (whichClique (which will, will arise proveContraction arise in Section a in crucial Section6) along,6 property) prove along with with a a specialcrucial of a special property of NoisyNoisy Structured StructuredcaseLet n of Clique= itA that Clique, and| is ContractionK| alsobe Contraction|| a a clique|| special| on| 4 casen new of vertices.Clique Let Contraction (C, D) be a partition, prove of aV ( crucialK) property of instances of thisinstances problem,• case of| and| it this that then problem, is using also a this special and property then case using of Clique prove this Theorem Contraction property5.1 prove,and prove Theorem its a crucial corollary.5.1 propertyand its of corollary. Noisy StructuredNoisyInput: StructuredInput:A Clique graphAinstances graphsuchG Contraction CliqueVinstanceson( thatHG at)=onV ofC least( Contraction thisHV at= of()= leastDG this 6problem,.)nVvertices problem,6(nVGvertices()K and).V for and( thenK for some). then some usingn usingn thisNN, this property, and and property a a partition partition prove prove Theorem ( (A,A, Theorem B, B, C, C,5.1 D, D,and5.1 E E) and) its corollary. its corollary. The definition ofThe the• newdefinition problem| | of| | the is[ as new follows problem (see isFig. as22?). follows (see Fig. ?). Input: AInput: graphof VAG(G graphofon) suchV at(G) leastG that suchTheon 6 thatatAn definition vertices least•=AB= 6=n ofB forverticesn the,= someCn new, =C problem for[nD= someD=2,=2 isn and,novertexinn asn,novertexin follows a partition, and (see aFig.A partitionA (A,isis?). adjacent B, adjacent C, ( D,A, toE to B,) a a C, vertex vertex D, E in) in V (HThe)= definition|V (|G) | V |(K of). the| new| problem| N| is asN follows (see Fig. ?). D, and no• vertexE| ( H| in)=|B |isE[( adjacentG) | E| to(K| a) vertex2| a, in cD2.: a A, c C b, d : b B,d D . of V (G) suchofNoisyV (D thatG,) and Structured suchA no= that vertexBNoisyA= inn=, CliqueB BC StructuredisE= adjacent(nHD, Contraction)=C=2E= ton(,novertexinG aD Clique) vertex=2E(nK,novertexin in) ContractionD.Aa,is c adjacent: aA isA, adjacent to c a vertexC to ainb, vertex d : b in B,d D . | | | ||•Noisy| Noisy|| | Structured Structured| | | [ | Clique| Clique[ Contraction{{ Contraction} 2 2 } [ {{ } 2 2 } D, and noD, vertex andQuestion: no inQuestion: vertexB isDoes adjacent in BEDoes there(His )= adjacent to• there existE a(G vertex) exist aE subset to(K a ina) subset vertexDFa,. [ cF :E ina(GEDA,()G. ofc[) of{{ sizeC size at} atb, most dmost:2bnnB,dsuchsuch2 thatD that}. [GG{{[[AA BB} CC2 2 } Input: A graph Input:G• on atA least graph[ 6nGvertices[on{{ at} least for2 some 62n vertices}n[ {{ ,} andfor2 some a partition2 n} , ( andA, B, a C, partition D, E) (A, B, C, D, E) Then,Input:MatchingAlgInput:a Aa graphA graphGcallsonG atonCliConAlg✓ least at✓ least 6n vertices 6withn vertices ( forH,N some for A, someB,n C,nN D,, andN n,) and aasN partition input, a[[ partition[[ (andA,[[ B, (A, returns C, B, D, C, E D,) the E) answer of Question:Question:DoesD thereXD]/FDoes existXisThen,]/F therea clique, aisMatchingAlg subsetThen, a exist clique, where aFMatchingAlg subsetwherecallsEX(CliConAlgG=XF) of=u sizeEcallsuwith(EG at:thereexistsavertex)E (CliConAlgH, of:thereexistsavertex most A, size B,n C, at D,such most2with n) as thatn input, (H,suchG A,v[2 andvA B,that2 returnsAAB C,G2 D,B[CA the nC)C answerB asDD input,Csuch ofsuch and returns the answer of of V (G) such[ thatof ofVA(VGof =(G)V) suchB( suchG)= such thatn, thatCAA=A{=BD=2B=B=2n=,=nCnn,novertexin, =CCD===2DDn=2,novertexin=2n,novertexinAnis,novertexin2 adjacent[ A [isA adjacentis to[ adjacent aA vertexis to adjacent a to vertex a in vertex in to in a vertex in [ thata uthisand call.vabelong to✓ the same{✓ connected2 component of G[F ] ? 2[ [[ [[[ [[ [ D X]/FDis aXthat clique,]/Fu isand awhere clique,vthisbelong call.|Xthis|where= to call.|theu |X sameE=:thereexistsavertex connectedu|| ||| E| |||:thereexistsavertex| || component|| | | || |||v of| | G|A|[F|] Bv? CA BD suchC D such D, and no vertexD inFirst,,D andB, andD is, nonote and adjacent no vertex vertex no that vertex in to in byB in aBis construction, vertexBis adjacentis adjacent adjacent in toD a. to to vertex aV a vertex(H vertex in) D in=6}.}D in.nD.. Thus, because CliConAlg runs in time [ [ a First, note{ that2 by construction,{ 2 V (H) =6n. Thus,2 [ because2[ CliConAlg[ [ runs[ in time that u andthatv belongu andaNotev to thatbelongNote theF that samemight toQuestion:Fo( oV themight containconnected(Question:( HVFirst,) () sameH contain) ) edgesoDoes(n noteconnected) edgescomponentDoes outsideo there(n that) outside there existG component[ byA existG| a of[A construction, subsetBG aB[| subsetFC ]CF?D of|DFGEX[(FXG].E].])V Then,|( of? Then,G(H) sizeo of()n we we) size at=6 slightly slightly most atn most.n abuse abusesuch Thus,n notationsuch notation thato( becausen that)G so[A soG[ABCliConAlgBC C runs in time Question:FigureDoes 4 TheVV (Question:(H thereH construction) ) | | exist| ofn| aDoesan subset instance,n it follows there, ofF itStructured that exist followsEMatchingAlg(G[ a) subset that Clique[ of} size[runsMatchingAlg ContractionF[ at in time| most}E(nG)n|in.runs ofsuch the size proof in that at time mostG[nA n Bsuch. C that G[A B C that G[A| B | C D Xo(]/FV (Hrefers) ) toaG[oA(an)B[ C[ D[ X✓][/(F✓ E(G[A B C D X])). o(n[) [[ [[ [ a a thatofG Lemma[A B 12| whereC ForD dashed the|VDX( correctnessH] lines/F)Xrefers] represent/F| is of to thea| Gnon-edges. clique,[ algorithm,An B✓where,C it first followsDX supposeX=]/(u thatF thatEE✓ (MatchingAlgG,(:thereexistsavertexG A,[A B)isaB CYes-instancerunsD X in])). ofv timeCross[A nB[ .C[ D such[ [ [ Note thatD NoteF Xmight] that/F containis[F might a[ clique,[ edgesD[For containD[ [X outsidea the[X]where/F[] edges/F[ correctnessisGis[A outside aX clique, clique,=B GuC of[[Aawhere theDwhere[E[B :thereexistsavertex algorithm,[XX[C].=[X Then,[Du=[ {X weEu].2 first\:thereexistsavertex slightly Then,\ E suppose:thereexistsavertex we abuse[[ slightly[[v notationthat[A abuse[ (G,v soB notation A,A B2C)isaB[ sovDCYes[suchAD-instance[suchB C ofDCrosssuch Matching|[that. Thisu| and means[v belong that[ there[ to[ the exists[[ same a[ perfect{ connected[2 matching componentM in G such of G that[F ] ? every2 [ edge[ [ that G[A thatB [GC[AWeDB referXWeC]/F toMatching referDrefers theX tothat[ special] to/F theGuForrefers[ specialAand. case ThistheBv tobelong caseGC correctnessof[A meansNoisyD of{ toBNoisy theX2C] that/ Structured( sameF ofD Structured thethereE connectedX(G] algorithm,/[A(F exists{BE Clique component(2 CliqueGC[ aA first perfectDB Contraction ContractionX supposeC of])).G matching2D[F ] X? that[])).wherewhere ([MG, A,in[EE B=G=2)isasuch[Yes that-instance[ every[ of edgeCross [that[ u[and[ [[v belong[in thatM[ has tou one theand endpoint[ samev [belong connectedin[[A [and to[ the the[ othercomponent same\[ in connectedB[,\ and[ ofG/MG[[F componentis[] a[? clique.[ [ By} of the}G definition[F ] ? ; as Structured Cliquea Contraction. Note that Structured Clique Contraction is ; as Structuredto any edgein FM. Clique BecauseMatchinghasa |Note oneA Contraction∪ B that endpoint∪.CF∪ ThismightD| = means6 contain in.n, Note|AF | ≤ edgesand thatn thatand outside the thereGStructured[A other∪GB[A exists∪ CB in∪ DC} aB∪ Clique, perfectXD and]/FXis].G/M a Then, Contractionmatching weis slightly} a clique.M abuseinisG notation Bysuch the so that definition every edge We referWe to the refer special to theof case specialE(H of), NoteMNoisy case thatE of(HF Structured).Noisymight We contain will Structured show edges Clique that outsideH/M ContractionCliqueGis[A a clique.B [ C Contraction[ AsD [MXwhere].[= Then,n, thisE wewhere= will slightly meanE abuse= notation so a cliquealso (where a special the lasta casethat two of✓ propertiesGClique[A B ContractionC followD fromX]/F therefers. supposition to G[A that[B [CF is[D a solution),X[| ]/|(F E it(G[A B C D X])). alsoNote a thatspecialF ofmightthat caseE (that(H, ofHNote containin A,Clique),G B,M[AM that C,has edgesB D,[F nContractionC)isa oneEmight[ outside(DH[Yes endpoint).X contain-instance][/FG We[refersA . will edges ofB in toStructuredGA show[CA outsideandBD[ thatC theGX[ Clique[DA]. otherH/M[ Then,XB][/ Contraction(F inCis weEB a( slightly\GD, clique.[A andXB,whichwill]. abuse[G/MC Then,; As[D notation[is weMX])). a[; slightly clique.= son, abuse this By will notation the mean definition so as Structuredas Structuredholds Clique that G ContractionClique[A∪B ∪C ∪ ContractionD ∪[X]✓./F[ Noteis[ a clique[ that. Note onStructured at least[ that5[nStructured+ |[[X| vertices.[ Clique[ [ [ Hence,[ ContractionClique[ the\ [ degree Contraction[[ [ is[ [| is| that GSolutions[A BSolutionsC tothatthat instancesD to (H,ofXG instances[]A/F A,EWe( ofH B,refersB refer),Noisy C, ofCM toD,Noisy toGD the n Structured[)isaAE specialX Structured(]BH/F).YesrefersC case We-instanceD Cliqueof to will CliqueNoisyXG[]A/ show(F of Contraction StructuredB ContractionStructuredE that(CG[ADH/MBX Clique]/exhibitCis(F Clique aDE clique. Contraction the( theXG[])). followingA following ContractionB As CMwhereD= XEn,])).,whichwill= this will mean also a specialalso a case specialof of every[ Clique case[ vertex[ of in ContractionCliqueG[[AWe∪ B refer[∪ ContractionC ∪[ toD the∪.[X] special/F[,[ and. case in[ particular of[ Noisy[ of u Structured, should[ \ [ be 5[n −[ Clique1[ + |[X| in[ Contraction\ [ [ [where[ E[= ; property,property, which which will beas willStructured crucial be crucial in the in✓ Clique the proof proof of Contraction Theoremof Theorem5 Noteas well well that as asStructured results results in Section Section Clique6.6. Contraction| | ; is SolutionsWeG refer[A ∪ toB to∪ instancesC the∪ Das specialWe∪ XStructuredthat] of/F refer.Noisy (However, caseH, to A, of the Structured B, Clique becauseNoisy C, special D, no Contraction n Structured vertex)isa case Clique in ofYesA isNoisy-instance adjacent. Contraction Note Clique Structured that to of anyStructuredStructured vertex Contractionexhibit in D Clique Clique the Clique followingwhere Contraction Contraction ContractionE = is where,whichwillE = Solutions to instances of Noisyalso Structured a special case Cliqueof Clique Contraction Contraction. exhibit the following andLemma no vertex alsoB isLet adjacenta specialF be toa case solution any vertexof Clique to in anC, instance the Contraction degree(G, of any A, B,. vertex C, D, in5 E,A ∪ nB) ,of andNoisy in Structured ; ; property,property,as whichStructuredLemma will which be 5.1. crucial willasLet Clique beStructured inF crucial thebeSolutions a Contraction proof solution in the of to Clique Theorem proof to instances an of instance. TheoremContraction Note5.1 of Noisyas that( wellG,5.1 Structured A,Structured as B,as results C,. well NoteD, as E, in Clique results n that Section) of CliqueStructuredNoisy Contraction in6 Section. Contraction Structured6. exhibit Clique theis following Contraction is particularClique of u Contraction, is at mostSolutions|A∪B.|− to Then,1+ instances|C F∪Dis|/ of2+ aNoisy matching|X| = 4n Structured− of1+ size|X| innGin[A CliqueG∪Bsuch∪C ∪ Contraction thatD ∪X each]. edgeexhibit in F has the following alsoClique a specialBecause Contraction caseu isalso not of incidentClique aproperty, special. to Then, any Contraction casewhich edgeF ofis will in Clique aF , be matching its crucial degree. Contraction in in of theG size[A proof∪ Bn ∪in ofC G∪ Theorem.Dsuch∪ X5]/F that5.1isas eachat well edge as results in F inhas Section 6. LemmaLemma 5.1. Let 5.1.FonebeLet endpoint a solutionF beproperty, in aA tosolutionand an which the instance to other will an be in instance(G, crucialB. A, B, in( C,G, the D, A, proof E, B, n C, of) D,ofTheoremNoisy E, n) 5.1of StructuredNoisyas well as Structured results in Section 6. Solutionsonemost endpoint its to degree instancesin A inSolutionsGand[A ∪ the ofB ∪Noisy otherC to∪ D instances in∪ X StructuredB].. This isof aNoisy contradiction, Clique Structured thus Contraction we get that Clique indeed exhibit Contraction the followingexhibit the following Clique ContractionCliqueevery Contraction vertex. Then, in A ∪ B.FLemmais Then,is incident a matchingF 5.1. tois atLet a least matchingF of onebe sizea edge solutionn ofininF size.G From tosuchn an this,in instance thatG becausesuch each(G,|F that edge| A, ≤ B,n eachand inC, D,F edge E,has n) inofFNoisyhas Structured property, whichProof. We willproperty, firstLemma be argue crucial which 5.1. that inLet every will theF vertexbe be proof a crucial solution in ofA TheoremB in tois anthe incident instance proof5.1 toas of( atG, well Theorem least A, B, as one C, results D, edge5.1 E, innas) inFof. well SectionNoisy Targeting as Structured results6. in Section 6. one endpointone endpointProof. in A|Aand∪WeB| in the= firstA 2n other,and we argue derive the inClique thatBother that. everyF Contraction inis aB vertex perfect. matching in A. Then,B[ inisGF incident[A is∪ B a]. matching to at least of size onen edgein G insuchF . thatTargeting each edge in F has a contradiction, suppose that there exists[ a vertex u A B that is not incident to any edge a contradiction,It remains to supposeClique argueone that endpoint Contractionthat every there edge in A exists inand.F Then,has the a vertex one otherF endpointis inu aB matching.2A in A[Band ofthat the size is othern notin inG incidentBsuch. that to eachany edge edge in F has Lemma F .Let BecauseLemmaF beA a solution5.1.B LetC toFD anbe=6 ainstancen solution, F (nG, toand2 A, anG B,[ instance[A C, D,B E,C(G, n)D A,of B,NoisyX] C,/F D,is Structured E,a clique n) of Noisy Structured Proof. WeProof. firstin argueWeFTargeting. first Because that argue a every contradiction,Aone that vertex endpoint|B every[ supposeC in[ vertexA inDA[ thatBand=6 inis| this incidenttheAn, is otherFB false.|is| toin incident BecausenB atand. leastFG tois[ oneA at a perfect least[ edgeB [ matchingone inC F[ edge.D Targeting[ in inX]F/F. Targetingis a clique G[A(where∪ B], this the means| last[Proof. two that[ properties thereWe[ existfirst[| argue twofollow vertices that[ from| | everya, the a0 ∈ supposition vertexA such in thatA [ that{a,B ais0}[F incident∈isF . a[ By solution), the to[ at least it holds one edge that in F . Targeting a contradiction,aClique contradiction,(where suppose Contraction the last that supposeClique two there properties that. exists Contraction Then, there a followF vertex existsis a from au matching. vertex Then, theA suppositionBu F ofthatAis size aisB matchingnotn thatthat[in incidentGF isissuch not of a solution),toincident size that anyn each edgein to itG any holdsedgesuch edge in that thatF has each edge in F has definitionG[A ofBNoisyProof.C StructuredaD contradiction,WeX first]/F argue Cliqueis a supposethat clique Contraction2 every on that[ at vertex there least2, neither in exists 5[An +Ba aXnor vertexis incidentavertices.0 isu adjacent toA Hence, at toB leastthat the one is degreeedgenot incident in ofF . Targeting to any edge in F . BecauseinoneFG. endpoint[A BecauseA BB in[CACAone[andDBD endpoint[ theX=6C][/F othernD, is inF=6 a inA cliqueandnBn,. andF the on atG othern[A leastand inB 5GBn[A.+C[ X|BD|vertices.CX]/F2D is Hence,[X a] clique/F theis a degree clique of | any[[every vertex[[| vertex in[[D[.a inMoreover, contradiction,[[|inG[FA[. BecauseB note| |C that suppose DA ⊆| thatBXV| (]G/F[CA there,∪ andB[D exists∪ inC=6 particular[∪ D an,∪ vertex[|[XF ]|/F[ of[) In,and[A shouldparticular,GB[[Athat beB 5 isn notC1+ incidentDX inX to]/F anyis edge a clique (where the last two properties[ follow[ [ from| [ the[ supposition[ | that| | F0 is2 a solution),[ [ it[ holds[ | that[| (where the lastevery twothe vertexG vertex properties[A B of inG[GCAin[ follow∪AFBD(where.∪BC BecauseX from∪]/FD theC∪.X However, the lastD]A/F supposition twoyieldedBX] properties/F becauseC by, and theD no thatcontraction=6 in follow vertex particularnF, fromisF in of aA{ solution),thea,isna of adjacent}and suppositionuis, not shouldG[ adjacentA it to holds aB that be vertex 5C thatFn inisD a1+D solution),andXX]/F noinis it a holds clique that Proof. We first[ argueProof.[ [ that[We[ every[ first[ arguevertex| [ that in[ A[ everyB| is vertex incident| | inA to atB leastis incident[ one[ edge to[ at in leastF[ .| Targeting one| edge in F . Targeting G[A BG[ACG[ABDto anyBvertexCX vertexC]/FD in DB ofis(whereDisX aX adjacentin]/F cliqueG]/FG[A[A theis.∪ However,B a onlast to∪ clique aC atC two vertex∪ D least propertiesD because∪ onX in]/F 5atXDn],./F leastthe+ However,[ no followisX degree vertex a 5nvertices. clique from this+ of in is anyX theA on a contradictionis vertexvertices. supposition at Hence, adjacent[ least in A 5 then becauseHence, to that+B a, degreeX and vertexF the in a particular of solution),in degreeD Hence,and of of it no holds the degree that of [ a[ contradiction,[[ G[[A[∪[B[∪ C[ supposea∪[D contradiction,[∪ X]/F thatis[ a clique. there[ suppose[ exists[ that a vertex| there| u exists| A| aB vertexthat is[u not| A| incidentB that to is any not edge incident to any edge every vertexevery invertex vertexG[Au in, inisBB atGis most[ adjacentAC G[BADeveryB toBCX a vertex]/F1+ vertexCD,C andD inX inGD]/F inX[DA/2+], particular,/F theandBXis degree ain=4C clique particularnD of of1+u on anyX,] shouldX/F at vertex, ofin least andGu,[ beA 5in inshouldn 5 particularA+Bn XBC1+ be,vertices. andJD 5 ofnX inXu,].in1+ particular should Hence,BecauseX be theinu 5 ofn degree1+ ofX in [ [ [[| [[[ | [[ [|[ [[ | [ | [| [ [ 2| | [ [ [[| |2[ |[ | | | | | G[A B Gin[CAFu.,DB is Because atXCis most] not/FD. incident However,AinAX]everyF/FBB. toG. Because[ However, anyvertexA1+ becauseCB edgeC inDC inDG no becauseA[F=6A/D2+ vertex, itsBBXn degreeX,]/F noCF in=4C. vertex However,A inDnisDGn adjacent[1+AX inand=6]/F becauseABX,nisG and,Cin adjacent[ toAFG no in aD[A particularvertexBXBn] to/FC inand inaCisA vertex ofD atisDGDu mostand adjacent,[A shouldX inX no its].D]B/FBecause degree to beand ais 5C vertexn no ain u clique1+D in XDXandin]/F nois a clique [ [ [[ [[ We[ now[| prove| [[ a| lower[ [ bound|[[[ for||[Structured| [[ | [| | Clique[ | Contraction| | | [| . Because[ [[ it[[ is a [ [ [ [ [ vertex invertex(whereB isis adjacent notinspecial theB incidentis last case adjacent to a twoof(where vertexto any properties tovertex edgein a the vertexD, inlast in theBF follow in,is two degree its adjacentD, this, degree[ properties thefrom will of[ degree toany directly in the a[G vertex vertex[ suppositionAoffollow yield[ any inB[ the inD vertexfrom correctnessA,[C the[BD degreethat the, in and[ ofAX suppositionF Theorem] of/F inBis any particular,is a and vertexat solution), 10. most in that particularin of itsA F degree itB,is holds and aof in solution),in that particular| | it of holds that G[A B CliqueCG[AD ContractionBX].C ThisD isX a]/F contradiction,. However, because[ thus[ we no get[ vertex that[ indeed in A is every adjacent vertex to a[ in vertexA B in D and no G[A B [C [D [Xu[,].[ is This[ at most[ is a[A contradiction,B 1+ C thusD /2+ we getX[=4 thatn indeed1+[ X everyin G[A vertexB inC A[D BX]. Because u u, is at mostuG,[ isA atA mostBBis incidentCA1+BDGC[ toAvertexD1+ atX/ least]B2+/F inC B oneXisCDis a adjacent/=4 edge2+ clique|Dn[ inXFX1+ to| .=4 on] a/F From vertexXn at|isin this, least1+[ a inG[ clique|D becauseAX, 5 theninB| + degreeG on| F[CXA at ofDnvertices.B least anyandXC| vertex].A 5| BecausenDB+ Hence, inX=2AX].[nu BecauseB,wederivevertices.[, the and[ degreeinu[ particular Hence, of of the degree of | [[I[Lemma[| |[ [ 12.[| | [Unless[[[is| not| the[[ incident|ETH||[ is false, to|[ any| there edge| does| in F not, its| exist degree[| an[| algorithm| in| [G[| [A [[ thatB |[ solvesC[ [D| | X[|]/F is at[ most its degree in is incidentthat toF is at a least perfect one matching edge in inFG.[A FromBo(].n this,) because F n and A B =2n,wederive is not incidentisevery not to incident vertexStructured any edge in toG any inevery[ CliqueAFu edge,, is itsB vertex at Contraction indegree mostFC, in itsA inDG degreeBG[Ain[AX time1+]/FB inBnC,G and[CADwhere/D2+ inBDn particular=XXCX|V]=4/F(]G|/FD)n||is., atX and1+ of] most/F[Xu in,isin| should[particular its atG[[ degreemostA | [B be its in 5C of degreen uD,1+ shouldX in].X Because bein 5un 1+ X in that F is a perfect[ matchingG[A[ B [| inC[G[[AD| [[BX[].].|[[ This[ [[ is| a contradiction,[[[| | [ [ thus| | we get that[ indeed[ [ every[ vertex| | in A B | | G[A B GG[C[AA DBB CXC].D ThisDGX[ isXAis]. a] not/F This contradiction,B incident. However,[ isC a[ contradiction,D to[ anyX because thus[ edge]/F we. in However,F getno thus, its vertex that degree we indeedget because in in thatAG[A everyis indeed no adjacentB vertex vertexC everyD to in in vertexX aA] vertex/FisB adjacentis in at inA mostDB itsand to degree a no vertex in[ in D and no [ [ [ Proof.[ [Targeting[ a contradiction,is incident to suppose at least[ that one there edge exists4 in anF . algorithm, From this, denoted[ because[ by[CliCon-F[ n[and A [B =2n,wederive is incidentis toincident at[ least[ to one at[ least edge[ G one in[[A F edgeB.[ FromC in[ FD this,.[ FromX because]. This this, is because aF contradiction,n andF A thusn andB we=2A getn that,wederive|B | =2 indeedn,wederive every| [ vertex| in A B vertex inAlgB, thatis solvesadjacentvertexStructuredthat[ to in aBF[ vertexis Clique[ a adjacent perfect[ in ContractionD matching, to the a degree vertex| 4 inin| G time[A inofn|o anyDB(n|].,) where| the vertex[ degreen is| inthe| A number[ of anyB| , andvertex in inparticularA B, and of[ in particular of that F isthat a perfectF is a matching perfect matching inisG incident[A inB to].G at[A leastB]. one edge in F . From[ this, because F [ n and A B =2[n,wederive u, is atof most verticesA inu theB, is input at1+ graph.most[ C WeAD will[/B2+ showX1+ that=4 thisC n impliesD1+/2+ theX existenceXin=4G of[nA an algorithm,|1+B| CX inD|G[X[A].| B BecauseC Du X]. Because u denoted| by MatchingAlg[ that| F,is that| a perfect solves[| [| matching| | | | in G[[Ain| timeB]. n| o(|n|) where| 4 n is[ the size[| of|[ [ [ [ [ [ is not incident tois any not edge incident in F , to itsCross any degree edge Matching in inGF[A,[ itsB degreeC inDG[AX]/FB isC at mostD X its]/F degreeis at in most its degree in the set A in the input, thereby contradicting4 Lemma4 8 and[ hence[ completing[ [ the proof.[ [ [ [ G[A B C DG[AX].B ThisC is aD contradiction,X]. This is thus a contradiction, we get4 that thus indeed we every get that vertex indeed in A everyB vertex in A B [ [We define[ the[ execution[ [ of MatchingAlg[ [ as follows. Given an instance (G, A, B) of Cross [ [ is incidentMatching to at, MatchingAlg leastis incident oneconstructs edge to at in least anF instance. From one(H, edge this, A, B, in because C,F D,. n) Fromof StructuredF this,n becauseand CliqueA FB =2nnand,wederiveA B =2n,wederive as follows (see Fig. 4): | |  | [| || | [ | that F Contractionis a perfectthat matchingF is a perfect in G[A matchingB]. in G[A B]. Let n = |A|, and K be a clique on 4[n new vertices. Let (C,D[ ) be a partition of V (K) such that |C| = |D|. V (H) = V (G) ∪ V (K). 4 4 F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:13

E(H) = E(G) ∪ E(K) ∪ {{a, c} : a ∈ A, c ∈ C} ∪ {{b, d} : b ∈ B, d ∈ D}. Then, MatchingAlg calls CliConAlg with (H, A, B, C, D, n) as input, and returns the answer. First, note that by construction, |V (H)| = 6n. Thus, because CliConAlg runs in time |V (H)|o(|V (H)|) ≤ no(n), it follows that MatchingAlg runs in time no(n). For the correctness of the algorithm, first suppose that (G, A, B) is a Yes-instance of Cross Matching. This means that there exists a perfect matching M in G such that every edge in M has one endpoint in A and the other in B, and G/M is a clique. By the definition of E(H), M ⊆ E(H). We will show that H/M is a clique. As |M| = n, this will mean that (H, A, B, C, D, n) is a Yes-instance of Structured Clique Contraction, which will mean, in turn, that the call to CliConAlg with (H, A, B, C, D, n) as input returns Yes, and hence MatchingAlg returns Yes. Note that V (H/M) = V (K) ∪ V (G/M). To show that H/M is a clique, we consider two arbitrary vertices u, v ∈ V (H/M), and show that they are adjacent in H/M. If u, v ∈ V (K), then because K is a clique, it is clear that {u, v} ∈ E(H/M). Moreover, if u, v ∈ G/M, then because G/M is a clique, it is clear that {u, v} ∈ E(H/M). Thus, one of the vertices u and v belongs to V (G/M) and the other belongs to V (K). We suppose w.l.o.g. that u∈ / V (K). Because M is a perfect matching in G such that every edge in M has one endpoint in A and the other in B, it follows that u resulted from the contraction of the edge between some a ∈ A and some b ∈ B. If v ∈ C, then {a, v} ∈ E(H), and otherwise v ∈ D and so {b, v} ∈ E(H). Thus, by the definition of contraction, we conclude that {u, v} ∈ E(H/M). This completes the proof of the forward direction. Now, suppose that MatchingAlg returns Yes, which means that the call to CliConAlg with (H, A, B, C, D, n) returns Yes. Thus, (H, A, B, C, D, n) is a Yes-instance, which means that there exists a subset F ⊆ E(H) of size at most n such that H/F is a clique. We will show that F is a perfect matching in G such that every edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Because H/F is a clique, this will imply that G/F is a clique and thus that (G, A, B) is a Yes-instance of Cross Matching. To achieve this, notice that by Lemma 11, F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Because G = H[A ∪ B], we have that F is a perfect matching in G. Thus, the proof of the reverse direction is complete. J

I Corollary 13. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Hadwiger Number in time no(n) where n = |V (G)|.

Proof. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by Hadwi- gerAlg, that solves Hadwiger Number in time no(n) where n is the number of vertices in the input graph. We will show that this implies the existence of an algorithm, denoted by CliConAlg, that solves Clique Contraction in time no(n) where n is the number of vertices in the input graph, thereby contradicting Theorem 10 and hence completing the proof. We define the execution of CliConAlg as follows. Given an instance (G, t) of Clique Contraction, if G is not connected, then CliConAlg returns No, and otherwise it returns Yes if and only if HadwigerAlg returns Yes when called with (G, |V (G)| − t) as input. Because the call to HadwigerAlg with input (G, |V (G)| − t) runs in time no(n) where n = |V (G)|, we have that CliConAlg runs in time no(n) as well. For the correctness of the algorithm, first observe that if G is not connected, then no sequence of edge contractions can yield a clique, and hence it is correct to return No. Thus, now assume that G is connected. First, suppose that (G, t) is a Yes-instance of Clique Contraction. This means that there exists a sequence of at most t edge contractions that transforms G into a clique. In particular, this clique must have at least |V (G)| − t vertices,

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:14 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

and therefore the Hadwiger number of G is at least as large as |V (G)| − t. By the correctness of HadwigerAlg, its call with (G, |V (G)| − t) returns Yes, and therefore CliConAlg returns Yes. Now, suppose that CliConAlg returns Yes, which means that the call to HadwigerAlg with (G, |V (G)| − t) returns Yes. By the correctness of HadwigerAlg, the clique Kh for h = |V (G)| − t is a minor of G. This means that there is a sequence of vertex deletions, edge deletions and edge contractions that transforms G into Kh. In particular, this sequence can contain at most t vertex deletions and edge contractions in total. Furthermore, by replacing each vertex deletion for a vertex v by an edge contraction for some edge e incident to v (which exists because G is connected) and dropping all edge deletions, we obtain another sequence that transforms G into Kh. Because this sequence contains only edge contractions, and at most t of them, we conclude that (G, t) is a Yes-instance of Clique Contraction. J

References 1 Akanksha Agrawal, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, and Meirav Zehavi. Split contraction: The untold story. In 34th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2017). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2017. 2 Andreas Björklund. Determinant sums for undirected hamiltonicity. SIAM J. Comput., 43(1):280–299, 2014. 3 Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt, and Mikko Koivisto. Set partitioning via inclusion– exclusion. SIAM J. Computing, 39(2):546–563, 2009. 4 B. Bollobás, P. A. Catlin, and P. Erdős. Hadwiger’s conjecture is true for almost every graph. European J. Combin., 1(3):195–199, 1980. URL: 80001-1, doi:10.1016/S0195-6698(80)80001-1. 5 Jianer Chen, Benny Chor, Michael R. Fellows, Xiuzhen Huang, David Juedes, Iyad A. Kanj, and Ge Xia. Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems. Information and Computation, 201(2):216 – 231, 2005. URL: article/pii/S0890540105000763, doi: 6 Marek Cygan, Fedor V. Fomin, Alexander Golovnev, Alexander S. Kulikov, Ivan Mihajlin, Jakub Pachocki, and Arkadiusz Socala. Tight lower bounds on graph embedding problems. J. ACM, 64(3):18:1–18:22, 2017. URL:, doi:10.1145/ 3051094. 7 Rodney G. Downey and Michael R. Fellows. Parameterized complexity. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999. 8 Fedor V. Fomin and Dieter Kratsch. Exact Exponential Algorithms. Springer, 2010. An EATCS Series: Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. 9 Martin Charles Golumbic. Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, 2004. 10 Martin Grohe, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Dániel Marx, and Paul Wollan. Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable. In Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC 2011, San Jose, CA, USA, 6-8 June 2011, pages 479–488, 2011. 11 Russell Impagliazzo and Ramamohan Paturi. Complexity of k-sat. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 4-6, 1999, pages 237–240, 1999. 12 Russell Impagliazzo, Ramamohan Paturi, and Francis Zane. Which problems have strongly exponential complexity? J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 63(4):512–530, 2001. 13 Eugene L. Lawler. A note on the complexity of the chromatic number problem. Information Processing Letters, 5(3):66–67, 1976. 14 Andrzej Lingas and Martin Wahlen. An exact algorithm for subgraph homeomorphism. J. Discrete Algorithms, 7(4):464–468, 2009. URL: 003, doi:10.1016/j.jda.2008.10.003. F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:15

15 Neil Robertson and Paul D. Seymour. Graph minors. XIII. The disjoint paths problem. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 63(1):65–110, 1995. 16 Patrick Traxler. The time complexity of constraint satisfaction. In Parameterized and Exact Computation, pages 190–201. Springer, 2008.

A Preliminaries

For a vector R with L entries and i ∈ {1,...,L}, let R[i] be the value of the i-th entry of R. Unless specified otherwise, bases of logarithms are assumed to be 2. Given a graph G, let V (G) and E(G) denote its vertex set and edge set, respectively. Given a subset U ⊆ V (G), let G[U] denote the subgraph of G induced by U, that is, V (G[U]) = U and E(G[U]) = {{u, v} ∈ E(G): u, v ∈ U}. Given a subset F ⊆ E(G), let V (F ) denote the set of vertices that are incident in G to at least one edge in F , and let G[F ] = G[V (F )]. We say that G contains a graph H as an induced subgraph if there exists U ⊆ V (G) such that G[U] and H are identical up to relabelling vertices (more precisely, isomorphic). The set of neighbors of a vertex u ∈ V (G) is denoted by NG(u), that is, NG(u) = {v ∈ V (G): {u, v} ∈ E(G)}. When G is clear from context, we drop it from subscripts of notations. A matching M in G is subset of E(G) such that no two edges in M share an endpoint. In case every vertex in V (G) is an endpoint of an edge in M, that is, |M| = |V (G)|/2, it is said that M is perfect. A function c : V (G) → N is a proper coloring of G if for every edge {u, v} ∈ E(G), c(u) 6= c(v). The complement of G, denoted by G, is the graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set {{u, v} ∈/ E(G): u, v ∈ V (G), u 6= v}. Given an edge e = {u, v} ∈ E(G), the contraction of e in G is the operation that replaces u and v by a new vertex that is adjacent to all vertices previously adjacent to u or v (or both), where the resulting graph is denoted by G/e. In other words, V (G/e) = (V (G) \{u, v}) ∪ {x} for some new vertex x, and E(G/e) = {{s, t} ∈ E(G): s, t∈ / {u, v}} ∪ {{s, x} : s ∈ N(u) ∪ N(v)}. More generally, given a subset F ⊆ E(G), the contraction of F in G is the operation that replaces each connected component C of G[F ] by a new vertex xC that is adjacent to all vertices previously adjacent to at least one vertex in C, where the resulting graph is denoted by G/F . A graph H is said to be a minor of a graph G if H can be obtained from G by a series of vertex deletions, edge deletions and edge contractions. For any h ∈ N, the clique on h vertices is denoted by Kh, and the cycle on h vertices is denoted by Ch. The Hadwiger number of a graph G is the largest h ∈ N such that Kh is a minor of G. To obtain (essentially) tight conditional lower bounds for the running times of algorithms, we rely on the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) [11, 12]. To formalize its statement, we remind that given a formula ϕ in conjuctive normal form (CNF) with n variables and m clauses, the task of CNF-SAT is to decide whether there is a truth assignment to the variables that satisfies ϕ. In the p-CNF-SAT problem, each clause is restricted to have at most p literals. Then, ETH asserts that 3-CNF-SAT cannot be solved in time 2o(n).

B Details Omitted from Section 2

We first present the proof of Lemma 7.

Proof of Lemma 7. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by LSHAlg, that solves Prop-Col LSH in time no(n) where n = max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|) for input graphs G and H. We will show that this implies the existence of an algorithm, denoted by ColAlg, that solves 3-Coloring on graphs of maximum degree 4 in time 2o(n)

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:16 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

B B’ z u x y v w

Figure 5 The reduction in Definition 4. The vertices of G are depicted by black shapes, where each distinct shape represents a different color (say, square is 1, rectangle is 2 and oval is 3), and the vertices of Ge are depicted by circles enclosing the vertex sets identifies with them, where the color of a vertex is the color of its circle (say, black is 1, green is 2, yellow is 3, red is 4, blue is 5 and grey is 6). Edges (of both graphs) are depicted by black lines. (The graph He is not shown). Then, the function φB is defined as follows: φB (1) = z, φB (2) = φB (5) = w, φB (3) = x, φB (4) = 0, and φB (6) = y. Moreover, the function φB0 is defined as follows: φB0 (1) = φB0 (2) = φB0 (4) = 0 u, φB0 (3) = v, and φB0 (5) = φB0 (6) = 0. With respect to B and B , the labeling ` is defined as follows: `(B) = {(R, 4) : R[1] 6= 0,R[2] = R[5] 6= 0,R[3] 6= 0,R[4] = 0,R[6] 6= 0}, and `(B0) = {(R, 5) : R[1] = R[2] = R[4] 6= 0,R[3] 6= 0,R[5] = R[6] = 0}.

where n is the number of vertices of the input graph, which contradicts the ETH and hence completes the proof. The execution of ColAlg is as follows. Given an instance G of 3-Coloring on graphs of maximum degree 4, ColAlg constructs the instance reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) of LSH in Defini- tion 4 with r = dlogγ(4)(n/ log n)e where n = |V (G)|. By Lemma 5, reduce(G) = (G,e H,e `) is computable in time polynomial in the sizes of G, Ge and He, and has the following properties: G is a Yes-instance of 3-Coloring if and only if (G,e H,e `) is a Yes-instance of LSH. |V (Ge)| ≤ n/r = O(n/ log n), and |V (He)| ≤ γ(4)r = O(n/ log n). Then, ColAlg calls the polynomial-time algorithm in Lemma 6 with (G,e H,e `) to construct an equivalent instance (G, H0, c , c , `) of , where H0 is a subgraph of H. e e G H0 Prop-Col LSH e e e e 0 Lastly, ColAlg calls LSHAlg with (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) as input, and returns its answer. Ge He Since the instance G of 3-Coloring was argued above to be equivalent to the instance 0 (G,e He , c , c 0 , `) of Prop-Col LSH, the correctness of ColAlg directly follows. For the Ge He running time, denote M = max(|V (Ge)|, |V (He)|), and notice that M ≤ O(n/ log n). Thus, because LSHAlg runs in time M o(M) ≤ (n/ log n)o(n/ log n) ≤ 2o(n), it follows that ColAlg runs o(n) in time 2 . This completes the proof. J F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:17

In the rest of this appendix, we provide the details omitted from Section 2 regarding the transition Prop-Col LSH to Prop-Col LSI. We begin by adapting the Turing reduction of [6] from LSH to LSI.

O(n) I Lemma 14. There is an 2 -time algorithm that, given an instance (G, H, cG, cH , `) of Prop-Col LSH, returns 2O(n) instances of Prop-Col LSI having input graphs on at most n vertices for n := max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|), such that (G, H, cG, cH , `) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH if and only if at least one of the returned instances is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI.

Proof. Given an instance (G, H, cG, cH , `) of Prop-Col LSH, the algorithm works as follows. |V (H)| Without loss of generality, suppose that V (H) = {1, 2,..., |V (H)|}. Let P = {P ∈ N0 : P|V (H)| i=1 P [i] = |V (G)|}. That is, P contains every vector with |V (H)| entries that are non-negative integers whose sum is |V (G)|. Then, for each P ∈ P, the algorithm returns one instance (G, HP , cG, cHP , `P ) of Prop-Col LSI that is constructed as follows. The graph HP is constructed from H by replacing each vertex v ∈ V (H) with P [v] copies of it, denoted v1, v2 . . . vP [v]. (Note that P [v] can be equal to 0). Then, we connect two vertices vi to uj in HP if and only if v is connected to u in H. That is, V (HP ) = {vi : v ∈ V (H), i ∈ {1, 2,...,P [v]}} and E(HP ) = {{ui, vj} : {u, v} ∈ E(H), ui, uj ∈ V (HP )}.

For every vertex ui ∈ V (HP ), let cHP (ui) = cH (u). For every vertex u ∈ V (G), let `P (u) = {vi ∈ V (HP ): v ∈ `(u)}. This completes the description of the algorithm.

First, we consider some P ∈ P and assert that (G, HP , cG, cHP , `P ) is indeed an instance P|V (H)| of Prop-Col LSI. By the construction of V (HP ) and since i=1 P [i] = |V (G)|, we have that |V (G)| = |V (HP )|. Clearly, as (G, H, cG, cH , `) is an instance of Prop-Col LSH, we have that cG is a proper coloring of G. Now, consider an edge {ui, vj} ∈ E(HP ). Then, {u, v} ∈ E(H), and since cH is a proper coloring of H (as (G, H, cG, cH , `) is an instance of Prop-Col LSH), this means that cH (u) 6= cH (v). By definition, cHP (ui) = cH (u) and cHP (vi) = cH (v), and therefore cHP (ui) 6= cHP (vj). Thus, cHP is a proper coloring of HP . Lastly, consider some vertices u ∈ V (G) and vi ∈ `P (u). By the definition of `P , we have that v ∈ `(P ). Therefore, as (G, H, cG, cH , `) is an instance of Prop-Col LSH, cG(u) = cH (v).

Thus, because cHP (vi) = cH (v), we have that cG(u) = cHP (vi). Now, we consider the number of instances returned by the algorithm along with its |V (G)|+|V (H)|−1 n running time. Towards this, first note that |P| = |V (H)|−1 ≤ 4 . As the number of returned instances equals |P|, it is upper bounded by 2O(n) as required. Because each instance is computed in polynomial time, we also get that the running time of the algorithm is bounded by 2O(n). Finally, we consider the correctness of the algorithm. In one direction, suppose that at least one of the returned instances is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI. Then, there exists P ∈ P such that (G, HP , cG, cHP , `P ) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI. Thus, there exists a bijective function ϕP : V (G) → V (HP ) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕP (u), ϕP (v)} ∈ E(HP ), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕP (u) ∈ `P (u). We define a function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) as follows: for every u ∈ V (G), let ϕ(u) = v where v ∈ V (H) is the vertex for which there exists i ∈ {1, 2,...,P [v]} such that ϕP (u) = vi. We now verify that ϕ is a solution to the instance (G, H, cG, cH , `) of Prop-Col LSH. Firstly, by item (i) above, for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), we have that {xi, yi} ∈ E(HP ) where xi = ϕP (u) and yi = ϕP (v); by the definition of HP , this means that {x, y} ∈ E(H), and as x = ϕ(u) and y = ϕ(v) (by the definition of ϕ), we get that {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H). Secondly, by item (ii) above, for every u ∈ V (G), vi ∈ `P (u) where vi = ϕP (u); by the definition of `P , we have that v ∈ `P (u),

C V I T 2 0 1 6 23:18 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

and by the definition of ϕ, we have that v = ϕ(u), therefore ϕ(u) ∈ `(u). Thus, we conclude that (G, H, cG, cH , `) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH. In the other direction, suppose that (G, H, cG, cH , `) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH. Then, there exists a function ϕ : V (G) → V (H) such that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕ(u), ϕ(v)} ∈ E(H), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕ(u) ∈ `(u). Let P be the vector with −1 P|V (H)| |V (H)| entries where for each i ∈ {1, 2,..., |V (H)|}, P [i] = |ϕ (i)|. Then, i=1 P [i] = P|V (H)| −1 i=1 |ϕ (i)| = |V (G)|, and therefore P ∈ P. Choose some arbitrary order < on V (G). Now, we define a function ϕP : V (G) → V (HP ) as follows: for every u ∈ V (G), let ϕP (u) = vi where v = ϕ(u) and i = |{w ∈ V (G): w ≤ u, v = ϕ(w)}|. It should be clear that ϕP is a bijection. Moreover, analogously to the previous direction, we assert that (i) for every {u, v} ∈ E(G), {ϕP (u), ϕP (v)} ∈ E(HP ), and (ii) for every u ∈ V (G), ϕP (u) ∈ `P (u). Thus,

(G, HP , cG, cHP , `P ) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI, which means that at least one of the returned instances is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI. J We are ready to complete the proof of Lemma 2.

Proof of Lemma 2. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, de- noted by LSIAlg, that solves Prop-Col LSI in time no(n) where where n = max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|) for input graphs G and H. We will show that this implies the existence of an algorithm, de- noted by LSHAlg, that solves Prop-Col LSH in time no(n) where n = max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|) for input graphs G and H, which contradicts Lemma 7 and hence completes the proof. The execution of LSHAlg is as follows. Given an instance (G, H, cH , cG, `) of Prop-Col LSH, LSHAlg calls the algorithm in Lemma 14 so that in time 2O(n) it obtains 2O(n) instances of Prop-Col LSI having input graphs on at most n vertices for n := max(|V (G)|, |V (H)|), such that (G, H, cG, cH , `) is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSH if and only if at least one of the returned instances is a Yes-instance of Prop-Col LSI. Then, it calls LSIAlg on each of the returned instances, and returns Yes if and only if at least one of these calls returns Yes. o(n) It should be clear that LSHAlg runs in time n and that it is correct. J

C Lower Bounds for Contraction to Graph Classes Problems

In this section, we prove lower bounds for several cases of the F-Contraction problem, defined as follows. Here, F is a (possibly infinite) family of graphs.

F-Contraction Input: A graph G and t ∈ N. Question: Does there exist a subset F ⊆ E(G) of size at most t such that G/F ∈ F? Notice that Clique Contraction is the case of F-Contraction where F is the family of cliques. In this section, we consider the cases of F-Contraction where F is the family of chordal graphs, interval graphs, proper interval graphs, threshold graphs, trivially perfect graphs, split graphs, complete split graphs and perfect graphs, also called Chordal Contraction, Interval Contraction, Proper Interval Contraction, Threshold Contraction, Trivially Perfect Contraction, Split Contraction, Complete Split Contraction and Perfect Contraction, respectively. Before we define these classes formally, it will be more enlightening to first define only the class of chordal graphs as well as somewhat artificial classes of graphs that will help us prove lower bounds for many of the classes above in a unified manner.

I Definition 15 (Chordal Graphs). A graph is chordal if it does not contain C` for all ` ≥ 4 as an induced subgraph. Proof. We first argue that every vertex in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting Proof. We first argue that every vertex[ in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex[u A B that is not incident to any edge a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex2 u[ A B that is not incident to any edge in F . Because A B C D =6n, F n and G[A2 B[ C D X]/F is a clique in F . Because| [ A[ B[ C| D =6| | n, F n and[G[A[ B[ C[ D X]/F is a clique (where the last two properties| [ [ follow[ from| the supposition| |  that F [is a solution),[ [ [ it holds that (where the last two properties follow from the supposition that F is a solution), it holds that G[A B C D X]/F is a clique on at least 5n + X vertices. Hence, the degree of [G[A[ B[ C[ D X]/F is a clique on at least| 5n| + X vertices. Hence, the degree of every vertex[ in G[[A [ B [C D X]/F , and in particular of |u,| should be 5n 1+ X in every vertex in[G[A[ B[ C[ D X]/F , and in particular of u, should be 5n | 1+| X in G[A B C D X]/F . However,[ [ because[ [ no vertex in A is adjacent to a vertex in D and no | | [ G[[A [B C[ D X]/F . However, because no vertex in A is adjacent to a vertex in D and no vertexClique in B[is adjacent[ Contraction[ to[ a vertex in D, the degree of any vertex in A B, and in particular of vertex in B is adjacent to a vertex in D, the degree of any vertex[ in A B, and in particular of u, is atInput: most A AB graph1+ CG Dand/2+t X =4. n 1+ X in G[A B C D[ X]. Because u u,Clique is at| most[ Contraction|A B | 1+[ |C D| /|2+N X=4n| |1+ X in[ G[[A [B C[ D X]. Because u is not incident to any| edge[ | in F , its| [ degree2| in |G[|A B C |D | X]/F is[ at[ most[ its[ degree in Question:isInput: not incidentA toDoes graph any edge thereG inandF exist, itst degree a subset. in[ G[[AF B[ EC[(G)D ofX size]/F is at at most most itst such degree that in G/F is a clique? G[A B C D X]. This is a contradiction,N thus we get[ that[ [ indeed[ every vertex in A B [ G[A[ B[ C[ D X]. This is a contradiction,2 thus✓ we get that indeed every vertex[ in A B is incidentQuestion: to[ at[ least[ oneDoes[ edge there in F . From exist this, a subset because FF En (andG)A of sizeB =2 atn,wederive most t such[ that G/F is a clique? is incident to at least one edge in F . From this, because| |✓ F n| and[ |A B =2n,wederive that FHadwigeris a perfect matching Number in G[A B]. | |  | [ | that F is a perfect matching in[ G[A B]. It remains to argue that every edge in F [has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting Input:HadwigerIt remainsA graph to argue NumberG thatand everyh edgeN in. F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that this is false.2 Because F is a perfect matching in G[A B], this Question:aInput: contradiction,AIs graph suppose the HadwigerG thatand thish is numberfalse.N. Because of GF atis a least perfect as matching large as in[Gh[?A B], this means that there exist two vertices a, a0 A such that a, a0 F . By the definition of Noisy[ means that there exist two vertices2 a,2 a0 A such{ that} 2a, a0 F . By the definition of Noisy StructuredQuestion: Clique ContractionIs the Hadwiger,neither numbera2nor a0 is adjacent of G{ at to} least any2 vertex as large in D. Moreover, as h? StructuredOur objective Clique is Contraction to prove the,neither followinga nor a statement,is adjacent to any where vertex the in D analogous. Moreover, statement for Had- note that D V (G[A B C D X]/F ). In particular, the0 vertex of G[A B C D X]/F noteOur that✓ D objectiveV[(G[A is[B to[C proveD X] the/F ). following In particular, statement, the vertex of[ whereG[A [B the[C analogousD X]/F statement for Had- yieldedwiger by the Numbercontraction✓ ofwill[a, a[ follow0 is[ not[as adjacent a corollary. to any vertex of D in G[A B C[ D[ X[]/F[. yielded by the contraction{ of} a, a is not adjacent to any vertex of D in[ G[[A [B [C D X]/F . However,wiger this is Number a contradictionwill because follow{ 0}G[A as aB corollary.C D X]/F is a clique. [ [ [ [ However, this is a contradiction because[ G[A[ B[ C[ D X]/F is a clique. Theorem 5.1. Unless the ETH is false,[ [ there[ [ does not exist an algorithm that solves Clique We are now ready to prove a lower bound for Structured Clique Contraction. Because TheoremWe are now 5.1. readyUnless to prove ao the lower(n) ETH bound is for false,Structured there Clique does not Contraction exist an. algorithm Because that solves Clique thisContraction problem is a special casein time of Cliquen Contructionwhere n =, thisV (G will) . directly yield the correctness Contractionthis problem is a specialin time case ofnCliqueo(n) where Contructionn =| V ,(G this|) . will directly yield the correctness of Theorem 5.1. | | ofTo Theorem make5.1. our approach adaptable to extract analogous statements for other contraction Lemma 5.2.ToUnless make the our ETH approachis false, there adaptabledoes not exist an to algorithm extract that analogous solves Structured statements for other contraction Lemma 5.2. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Structured Cliqueproblems, Contraction we willin time firstno define(n) where an new= V problem(G) . (which will arise in Section 6) along with a special problems,Clique Contraction we will firstin time defineno(n) where a new| n = problem| V (G) . (which will arise in Section 6) along with a special case of it that is also a special case of| Clique| Contraction, prove a crucial property of Proof.caseTargeting of it a contradiction, that is also suppose a special that there case exists of anClique algorithm, Contraction denoted by CliConAlg,, prove a crucial property of Proof. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by CliConAlg, thatinstances solves Structured of this Clique problem, Contraction and thenin time usingno(n this). We property will show that prove this implies Theorem 5.1 and its corollary. instancesthat solves Structured of this problem, Clique Contraction and then usingin time thisno(n) property. We will show prove that this Theorem implies 5.1 and its corollary. the existenceThe definition of an algorithm, of the denoted new problem by MatchingAlg is as, that follows solves (seeCrossFig. Matching?). in time F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov,Thethe existence definition of I. an Mihajlin, of algorithm, the newS. denoted problemSaurabh by MatchingAlg andis as M. follows, Zehavi that solves (see CrossFig. ?). Matching in 23:19 time no(n), thereby contradicting Lemma 4.1 and hence completing the proof. no(n), thereby contradicting Lemma 4.1 and hence completing the proof. We define the execution of MatchingAlg as follows. Given an instance (G, A, B) of Cross NoisyNoisyWe define Structured Structured the execution Clique of CliqueMatchingAlg Contraction Contractionas follows. Given an instance (G, A, B) of Cross Matching, MatchingAlg constructs an instance (H, A, B, C, D, n) of Structured Clique Input:Matching A, MatchingAlg graph G onconstructs at least an 6instancen vertices (H, A, for B, C, some D, n)n of Structured, and a Cliquepartition (A, B, C, D, E) ContractionInput:as followsA graph (see Fig.G on?): at least 6n vertices for some n NN, and a partition (A, B, C, D, E) Contraction as follows (see Fig. ?): 22 ofofVV(G( G)) such such that thatAA==BB==n,n,CC==DD=2=2n,novertexinn,novertexinAAisis adjacent adjacent to to a a vertex vertex in in Let n = A , and K be a| clique|| | on| | 4|n|new vertices.| || | | Let| | (|C, D) be a partition of V (K) • DD, and,Let and | non| no= vertexA vertex, and inK inBbeB ais cliqueis adjacent adjacent on 4n tonew to a vertices. a vertex vertex Let in inD (C,D. D.) be a partition of V (K) such• that C =| D| . such| that| | C| = D . Question:Question: Does| Does| | there| there exist exist a a subset subsetFF EE(G(G)) of of size size at at most mostnnsuchsuch that thatGG[A[A BB CC V (H)= V (G) V (K). a a ✓✓ [[ [[ [[ Figure 6 A two-cliques• DD XV (X]H graph/F])=/F[isV (seeis(G a) a clique, Definition clique,V (K). where 16).whereXX== uu EE:thereexistsavertex:thereexistsavertexv v AA BB CC DDsuchsuch • [ E(H[)=[ E(G) E(K) a, c : a A, c C { { 2b,2 d : b B,d D . 22 [[ [[ [[ • thatthatEu(uHand)=and[Ev(vGbelong)belong[E{{(K to) to} the thea,2 c same same: a 2 A, connected} connected c[ {{C } componentb,2 componentd : b 2B,d} ofD ofG.G[F[F] ]? ? • [ [ {{ } 2 2 } [ {{ } 2 2 } } } Our firstThen, class ofMatchingAlg graphsa iscalls definedCliConAlg as followswith (H, (see A, B,Fig. C, D,6). n) as input, and returns the answer of Then,aNoteNoteMatchingAlg that thatF FmightcallsmightCliConAlg contain containwith edges edges (H, outside outsideA, B, C,G D,[GA[ nA)B asB input,CC andDD returnsXX].]. Then, theThen, answer we we slightly slightly of abuse abuse notation notation so so this call. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Definition 16 (Two-Cliquesthatthisthat call.G[GA[A BB Graphs)CC DD X. X]A/F]/Ftwo-cliquesrefersrefers to toG graph[GA[A BisB aC graphC DDGXsuchX]/(]/F(F thatE(E thereG([GA[A BB CC DD XX])).])). I First, note that[[ by[[ construction,[[ [[ V (H) =6n. Thus,[ [ [ because[ [ [ [CliConAlg[ \runs\ in time[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o( VFirst,(H) ) noteo(n) that by construction,| |V (H) =6n. Thus,o(n) because CliConAlg runs in time exist A, B ⊆ V ((HG)) such| We|o that( V refer(Hn)A) ∪, to itBo follows( then=) V special( thatG), MatchingAlgG[A case] |and ofG|runsNoisy[B] inare time cliques,Structuredn . ando(n) there Clique do not Contraction where E = | |V We(H) refer| | ton the, specialit follows thatcaseMatchingAlg of Noisyruns Structured in time n . Clique Contraction where E = For| the correctness|  of the algorithm, first suppose that (G, A, B)isaYes-instance of Cross ; exist vertices a ∈ Aas\ StructuredForB and the correctnessb ∈ B \ A Clique ofsuch the algorithm, that Contraction{a, b} first ∈ E suppose(G). The that. Notetwo-cliques (G, A, that B)isaStructured classYes-instanceis the of Cross Clique Contraction;is Matchingas Structured. This means that Clique there exists Contraction a perfect matching. NoteM in thatG suchStructured that every edge Clique Contraction is class of all two-cliquesMatching graphs.. This means that there exists a perfect matching M in G such that every edge in M alsohas one a special endpoint case in A ofandClique the other Contraction in B, and G/M is. a clique. By the definition alsoin M a specialhas one endpoint case of inCliqueA and the Contraction other in B, and .G/M is a clique. By the definition It shouldof beE clear(H), MSolutions that theE(H two-cliques). to We instances will show class thatof isNoisy aH/M subclassis Structured a ofclique. the class As M of Clique chordal= n, this graphs.Contraction will mean exhibit the following of SolutionsE(H✓), M toE( instancesH). We will of showNoisy that StructuredH/M is a clique.| Clique As| M = Contractionn, this will mean exhibit the following Now, we furtherthat define(H,property, A, B, a C, family D, which n✓)isa of classes willYes-instance be of crucialgraphs of Structured as in follows. the proof Clique of Theorem Contraction| | 5.1,whichwillas well as results in Section 6. property,that (H, A, which B, C, D, will n)isa beYes crucial-instance in of theStructured proof of TheoremClique Contraction5.1 as well,whichwill as results in Section 6. I Definition 17 (LemmaNon-Trivial 5.1. ChordalLet F be Class) a solution. We5 say to that an ainstance class of graphs(G, A,F B,is C,non- D, E, n) of Noisy Structured Lemma 5.1. Let F be a solution to5 an instance (G, A, B, C, D, E, n) of Noisy Structured trivial chordal ifClique it is a subclass Contraction of the class. Then, of chordalF is graphs, a matching and a superclass of size n ofin theG such that each edge in F has two-cliques class. Cliqueone endpoint Contraction in A and. the Then, otherF inisB a. matching of size n in G such that each edge in F has Clearly, theone class endpoint of cliques in is notA and a non-trivial the other chordal in B. class, and the class of chordal Proof. We first argue that every vertex in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting graphs is a non-trivial chordal class. The rest of this section is divided[ as follows. First, in Section C.1, we proveProof.a contradiction, a lowerWe first bound argue suppose for any that non-trivial everythat there vertex chordal exists in A class. aB vertex Then,is incidentu in SectionA toB at C.2,that least is one not edge incident in F . to Targeting any edge [ 2 [ we prove a lowera boundin contradiction,F . for Because some graph supposeA classesB that thatC there areD not exists=6 non-trivialn, aF vertex chordal.nuandAG[AB thatB isC notD incidentX]/F tois any a edge clique | [ [ [ | | |  2 [ [ [ [ [ in(whereF . Because the lastA twoB propertiesC D follow=6n from, F then suppositionand G[A thatB FCis aD solution),X]/F itis holds a clique that | [ [ [ | | |  [ [ [ [ C.1 Non-Trivial(whereG[A Chordal theB lastC Graph twoD properties ClassesX]/F is follow a clique from on the at supposition least 5n + thatX vertices.F is a solution), Hence, it the holds degree that of [ [ [ [ | | Gevery[A B vertexC inDG[AX]/FB isC a cliqueD X on]/F at, and least in 5 particularn + X vertices. of u, should Hence, be 5 then degree1+ X ofin The main objective of[ this subsection[ [ is[ to[ prove[ the[ following[ theorem. Afterwards,| we| will | | everyG[A vertexB C in GD[A X]B/F .C However,D X because]/F , and no in vertex particular in A is of adjacentu, should to abe vertex 5n in1+D Xandin no derive lower bounds for[ several[ known[ [ graph[ [ classes[ as corollaries.[ | | Gvertex[A B in CB isD adjacentX]/F . to However, a vertex because in D, the no degree vertex of in anyA is vertex adjacent in A toB a, vertex and in in particularD and no of Theorem 18. Let F[ be[ any non-trivial[ [ chordal graph class. Unless the ETH is false, there [ I vertexu, is at in mostB is adjacentA B to1+ a vertexC D in/2+D, theX =4 degreen of1+ anyX vertexin G[A in AB BC, andD inX particular]. Because ofu does not exist an algorithm that solves| [ F|-Contraction | [ | in time| |no(n) where n |= ||V (G)|. [ [[ [ [ u,is is not at most incidentA toB any1+ edgeC in FD,/ its2+ degreeX =4 innG[A1+BX Cin GD[A XB]/FCis atD mostX]. its Because degreeu in | [ | | [ | | | [ | [| [ [[ [ [ [ For the proofis ofG not[ thisA incident theorem,B C to theD any followingX edge]. This in well-knownF is, its a contradiction, degree property in G of[A chordal thusB we graphsC getD that willX indeed]/F is at every most vertex its degree in A inB come in handy. This property[ [ is[ a direct[ consequence of the alternative[ characterization[ [ [ [ Gis[A incidentB C to atD leastX]. one This edge is a in contradiction,F . From this, thus because we getF thatn indeedand A everyB vertex=2n,wederive in A B of the class of chordal[ graphs[ as[ the[ class of graphs that admit clique- decompositions,| |  | [ | [ isthat incidentF is to a perfect at least matching one edge in inGF[A. FromB]. this, because F n and A B =2n,wederive see [9]. [ | |  | [ | that F is a perfect matching in G[A B]. 4 I Proposition 19. Let G be a chordal graph, and let u and[ v be two non-adjacent vertices in G. Then, G[N(u) ∩ N(v)] is a clique. 4 We are now ready to prove Theorem 18.

Proof of Theorem 18. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by NonTrivChordAlg, that solves F-Contraction in time no(n) where n is the number of vertices in the input graph. We will show that this implies the existence of an algorithm, denoted by CliConAlg, that solves Structured Clique Contraction in time no(n) where n is the number of vertices in the input graph, thereby contradicting Lemma 12 and hence completing the proof. We define the execution of CliConAlg as follows. Given an instance (G, A, B, C, D, n) of Structured Clique Contraction, CliConAlg constructs an instance (H, n) of F- Contraction as follows (see Fig. 7):

C V I T 2 0 1 6 Proof. We first argue that every vertex in A B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting [ a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex u A B that is not incident to any edge 2 [ in F . Because A B C D =6n, F n and G[A B C D X]/F is a clique | [ [ [ | | |  [ [ [ [ (where the last two properties follow from the supposition that F is a solution), it holds that G[A B C D X]/F is a clique on at least 5n + X vertices. Hence, the degree of [ [ [ [ | | every vertex in G[A B C D X]/F , and in particular of u, should be 5n 1+ X in [ [ [ [ | | G[A B C D X]/F . However, because no vertex in A is adjacent to a vertex in D and no [ [ [ [ vertex in B is adjacent to a vertex in D, the degree of any vertex in A B, and in particular of [ u, is at most A B 1+ C D /2+ X =4n 1+ X in G[A B C D X]. Because u | [ | | [ | | | | | [ [ [ [ is not incident to any edge in F , its degree in G[A B C D X]/F is at most its degree in [ [ [ [ G[A B C D X]. This is a contradiction, thus we get that indeed every vertex in A B [ [ [ [ [ is incident to at least one edge in F . From this, because F n and A B =2n,wederive | |  | [ | that F is a perfect matching in G[A B]. [ It remains to argue that every edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that this is false. Because F is a perfect matching in G[A B], this [ means that there exist two vertices a, a A such that a, a F . By the definition of Noisy 0 2 { 0} 2 Structured Clique Contraction,neithera nor a0 is adjacent to any vertex in D. Moreover, Proof. We firstProof. argueWe that first every argue vertex that in everyA B vertexis incident in A toB atis least incident one to edge at least in F . one Targeting edge in F . Targeting [ [ a contradiction,notea contradiction, suppose that thatD there supposeV exists(G that[A a vertexthereB existsu CA a vertexBDthatuX isA not]/F incidentB).that In is toparticular, not any incident edge to any the edge vertex of G[A B C D X]/F 2 [ 2 [ in F . Becausein AF . BecauseB C ✓DA =6B n,CF D[ n=6and[n, GF[A Bn[andC G[DA BX]/FC is aD cliqueX]/F is a clique [ [ [ [ yielded| [ by[ the[| |[ contraction[ | [| | of | a,| [ a [is not[ [ adjacent[ [ [ to any vertex of D in G[A B C D X]/F . (where the last(where two properties the last two follow properties from the follow supposition from{ the that supposition0}F is a solution), that F is it a holds solution), that it holds that [ [ [ [ Clique ContractionClique ContractionG[A B C G[AD BX]/FC isD a cliqueX]/F onis at a least clique 5n on+ atX leastvertices. 5n + Hence,X vertices. the degree Hence, of the degree of [ [However,[ [[ [ this[ is[ a contradiction| | because| G| [A B C D X]/F is a clique. every vertex ineveryG[A vertexB inC G[DA XB]/FC, andD inX particular]/F , and of inu particular, should be of 5un, should[1+ X[ bein 5n [1+ [X in Input: A graph Input:G and t A graphN. G and t [ N[. [ [[ [ [ [ | | | | G[A B C GD[A XB2]/F .C However,D X]/F because. However, no vertex because in A nois adjacentvertex in toA ais vertex adjacent in D toand a vertex no in D and no 2 [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ Question: DoesQuestion: there exist avertexDoes subset in thereB isFvertex adjacentWe existE in are( toBG a ais) vertexnow subset adjacent of size in readyD toF, at a the vertex most degreetoE prove( inG ofDt), anysuch the of a vertex degree size lower that inat ofA any boundG/FmostB vertex, andist in forsuch a particularA clique?StructuredB, that and of inG/F particularis of a Clique clique? Contraction. Because ✓ [ [ u, is at most Au,✓ isB at most1+ CA DB/2+1+XC=4Dn /2+1+XX =4in nG[A1+BX Cin GD[A XB]. BecauseC D uX]. Because u this| [ problem| || [[ is|| a special| || [ | case| | | | of Clique [ | [| [ Contruction[[ [ [ [ , this will directly yield the correctness is not incidentis to not any incident edge in toF , any its degreeedge in inF G, its[A degreeB C in GD[A XB]/F Cis atD mostX]/F its degreeis at most in its degree in Hadwiger NumberHadwiger Number [ [ [ [[ [ [ [ Clique ContractionCliqueClique Contraction ContractionG[A B CofG TheoremD[A XB]. ThisC isD5.1 a contradiction,X. ]. This is a contradiction, thus we get that thus indeed we get every that vertex indeed in everyA B vertex in A B Clique Contraction[ [ [ [[ [ [ [ [ [ Input: A graph Input:G and hA graphis. incidentG toand atis incident leasth oneN to edge. at least in F . one From edge this, in F because. From this,F becausen and AF B n=2andn,wederiveA B =2n,wederive Input: AInput: graphCliqueInput:AG graphandA Contraction graphCliquetNG and.G andt Contractiont . N. | |  | | [| | | [ | Input:2 thatANF graphis a perfectthatGNandF matching22is at perfectN in .G matching[A B]. in G[A B]. Question: Is theInput:Question:Question: HadwigerAInput: graph numberDoesIs2 the thereG HadwigerLemmaA ofand2 graphG existatt leasta 5.2. numberG2 subset.and asUnless[ largetF of G theE ETH least[)? of size is as false, large at most there as th?such does that notG/F existis an a algorithm clique? that solves Structured Question:Question:Does thereQuestion:Does exist thereIt a remainsDoes subset exist to there argueItF a remains subset that existEN every to(G a argueF subset) edge of that in sizeEF✓ everyF(NhasG at) one edgeE of most( endpointG sizein)F ofhast at sizesuch in oneA mostand endpoint at that themostt othersuch inG/FtAsuch inandB the Targeting that a otherG/F clique?G/F in Bis. Targetingis a a clique? clique? a contradiction,a contradiction, suppose✓2 that this suppose is✓ false. that2 Because this✓ is false.F is a Because perfecto(nF matching)is a perfect in G matching[A B], this in G[A B], this Our objective isQuestion: toOur prove objectiveQuestion: theDoes following isClique there toClique proveDoes statement, Contraction exist the Contraction there a following subset existwhereF a statement, the subsetinE analogous( timeG)F ofn where sizeE statement(whereG at the) most of analogous sizen = fort[ such atVHad-( mostG statement that) .[t G/Fsuch for thatis aHad- clique?G/F is a clique? means that theremeans exist that two there vertices exista, two a0 verticesA such✓ a, that a0 a,A asuch0 ✓F that. Bya, the a0 definitionF . By of the|Noisy definition| of Noisy wigerHadwiger NumberHadwigerwigerwill NumberHadwiger follow NumberHadwiger Number as Number a corollary.willInput: Number followCliqueA graph as Contraction a corollary.G and t2 N. 2{ } 2 { } 2 StructuredStructured Clique Contraction Clique Contraction,neither2 a nor ,neithera0 is adjacenta nor toa0 anyis adjacent vertex in toD any. Moreover, vertex in D. Moreover, Input:Input:A graphA graphWenoteG are thatandQuestion:GD nowProof.andhInput:noteV (Gh ready that[A. TargetingDoesABND . graphC toV ( thereDG prove[AXG]B/F a existand contradiction,).C Theorem Int aD particular, subsetXN]./F ).F the In6.1 particular, vertex. supposeE(G of)G the of[A sizevertexB thatC at of thereD mostG[AX]B/Ft existssuchC D thatX an]/FG/F algorithm,is a clique? denoted by CliConAlg, Input: A graphHadwigerG andInput:Hadwigerh NumberWeAN graph. are✓ nowG NumberandN2 ready[ h[✓ [N to. [ prove[ [ Theorem[ 2[ 6.1. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ TheoremQuestion: 5.1.yieldedIs2 theUnless by Hadwiger theyielded contraction2 the ETHby number the of2 contractiona, is a0 false,is of not ofG adjacent therea,at a0 leastis to not does any adjacent as vertex not large✓ of to existD anyin asG vertexh[A an? B of algorithmDC inDG[AX]/FB . thatC D solvesXo]/F(n). Clique TheoremQuestion: 5.1.Question:UnlessIs the theHadwigerQuestion:Is ETH the Hadwiger is numberIs false,that theQuestion: Hadwiger there of solvesnumberG at does{DoesStructured leastnumber of} notG there asat exist of large{ leastexistG } anat aas Cliqueas least algorithm subseth large? asF large as Contraction thathE as?(Gh)[ solves? of[ size[ Clique at[ in[ most[ time[t such[n that. WeG/F willis a show clique? that this implies Input:oProof(nA) Input: graphHowever, of TheoremG thisAandHowever, is graph ao contradiction(nh)6.1 thisG.N isandTargeting. a because contradictionh G[AN. because aB contradiction,C GD[A XB]/F✓Cis aD clique. supposeX]/F is a clique. that there exists an algorithm, de- Contraction inContraction timeOurn objectiveProofwhereWein of isHadwiger timen toTheorem arethe= provenV nowexistence(G) the Number26.1where. ready. followingTargeting ofn an to=2 algorithm,V prove statement,([G a)[ contradiction,. Theorem[ [ denoted[ where[ [ the6.1 supposeby[ analogous.MatchingAlg that statement there, that exists for solvesHad- anCross algorithm, Matching de- in time Our objectiveOurQuestion: objective is toOur proveQuestion: is objectiveIs tothe the prove following Hadwiger is| toIs the prove the following| statement, Hadwiger number the following statement,| ofwhere numberG statement,at| the least where analogousof G where as theat large least analogousthe statement analogous as ash? large statement for statement asHad-h?o(n for) forHad-Had- noted byWe areInput:NonTrivChordAlg nowHadwigero( readyn)WeA toare graph prove now Number ready aG lowerand, to thatbound proveh fora solves lowerStructured. bound for-Contraction CliqueStructured Contraction Clique Because timeon(.n Because) . We will show that this wigerwiger Numbernotedthis Number problemwill by nNonTrivChordAlg followwill isthis a special problem, follow thereby as case a is as corollary. ofa aspecialClique contradicting corollary., that case Contruction ofN solvesClique Contruction Lemma, this-Contraction will directly4.1, thisand yield will the directly hencein correctness time yield completing then correctness. We the will proof. show that this Towiger make Numberwiger our approach NumberTowill make follow adaptablewill our as follow a approach corollary.Input: to as extract a adaptable corollary.A graph analogousG and to2 extracth statementsN. F analogous for other statements contraction for other contraction Ourimplies objectiveProofimpliesofOur Theorem theQuestion: of theis objective existence5.1 to Theoremof existence. TheoremproveIs is5.1 the of to of.6.1 an Hadwiger anprove following. algorithm, algorithm,Targeting the number2 statement, following denoted of aG contradiction,at statement, whereby least byCliConAlgCliConAlg as the large where analogous as, thatsuppose,h that? the solves solves analogous statement thatStructuredStructured there statement for Had- exists Clique Clique for anHad- algorithm, de- problems, we will firstQuestion: defineWe define a newIs theo the( problemn) Hadwiger execution (which number of willMatchingAlg of ariseG at least in Section asas large follows.6) as alongh? Given with an a special instance (G, A, B) of Cross problems, we willwigerTheorem first defineTheorem NumberContractionwiger 5.1. a newUnless 5.1.will NumberproblemUnless follow thein ETH(whichthe timewill as ETH is an follow corollary.willfalse,o is(n), false, arise thereby as there athere in corollary. does Section contradicting does not not6 exist) exist along an an Lemma algorithm with algorithm a special5.2 thatand solves solves henceCliqueClique completingo(n) the proof. TheoremTheorem 5.1. Unless 5.1. thenotedContractionUnlessLemma ETH by 5.2.theOur isUnless false,NonTrivChordAlgLemma ETH objectiveo(nin the) 5.2.there is time ETH false,Unless is isn doesfalse, to the prove there there ETH, not thereby does, is the does exist false, that not following existthere contradictingnot an solves an does algorithm exist algorithm not statement, exist an that-Contraction an algorithm Lemma algorithmsolves that whereStructured solves that5.2 the that solvesandClique analogousStructured solves henceinClique time statement completingn for. theHad- We proof. will show that this case of it that iscaseContraction also of a it special thatin is case timealsoMatching of anOurClique special objectivewhereo(n) , ContractioncaseMatchingAlgno( isn=) toofV proveClique(G)o(.n the) constructs, following prove Contraction aF statement, crucial an instance, property prove where (H, a the crucial of A, analogous B, C, property D, statement n) of ofStructured for Had- Clique ContractionimpliesoWe(Cliquen) definewiger Contraction theino(nClique time) Number the existencen Contractionexecutionin timewillwheren follow ofwherenin of an= time asnCliConAlgAlgV algorithm,=n a(GV corollary.)(Gwhere.) . n = V ( denotedGas) . follows. by GivenCliConAlg an instance, that solves (G, A,Structured B, C, D, n) Clique ContractionContractioninstancesin time ofnin this timeWewhere problem, definenwigerContractionn =where theNumber andV ( executionGn then) =. willVas using(|G follow follows of) |.CliConAlgAlg this| as| (see| a property| corollary.Fig.| as?): prove| follows. Theorem Given5.1 anand instance its corollary. (G, A, B, C, D, n) instances of thisTheorem problem, andTheorem 5.1. thenUnless using 5.1. the this|Unless ETH property| is the| false, ETH proveo(|n) there is Theorem false, does there not5.1 existand does its an not corollary. algorithm exist an algorithm that solves thatClique solves Clique To makeofToContractionofStructured makeProof. ourStructured approachTargeting our approachProof. a contradiction,Targeting Clique adaptable Cliquein adaptable time a contradiction,suppose Contraction Contraction ton that extractto extractthere, suppose thereby exists analogous that analogous an,, there algorithm,CliConAlgAlgCliConAlgAlg contradicting exists statements statementsdenoted an algorithm, byconstructsCliConAlgconstructs denoted for for Lemma other, by CliConAlg an contraction contraction an5.2 instance, instanceand hence (H, ( nH,) completing of n) of- - the proof. The definition ofThe the new definition problemthat of solvesTheorem the is asStructured newthat follows solves problemo 5.1.(n)Structured Clique (seeUnless isFig. Contractiono as the(n Clique?).) follows ETH Contractionin is (see time false,nFig.o(n there). Wein?). time will doesn showo(n not). that We exist will this show implies an that algorithm this implies that solves Clique F To makeToContractionproblems, our make approachContraction our weContraction willapproach adaptablein first timeTheorem define adaptableasn toin follows a extract 5.1.timenewwhereUnless toproblemn (see analogous extractn =Fig. thewhereV (which ETH(?): analogousG statements)n is. will= false,V arise(G statements there) infor. does Section other not for6 contractionexist) otheralong an algorithm with contraction a special that solves CliqueF 23:20 Tightproblems, LowerContractiontheWe Bounds weexistenceContraction will define of onfirstthe an existencethe algorithm,Let defineas the Computation followsnin of a= timean denotedexecution new algorithm,A (seen problem,o by( andnofMatchingAlgFig.) | denotedwhereHadwigerK of?):(whichbe byn|,CliConAlgAlg that=MatchingAlg a Number willV| solvesclique(G arise)Cross., that| on inMatching solves Section 4nasCrossnew follows.6in) Matchingvertices. time along within Given timeLet a special (C, an D) instance be a partition (G, A, of B,V ( C,K) D, n) problems,problems, we will first we willdefine firsto(n) a new define problemo(•n a) new problem(which| | will (whicho arise(n) will in Section arise in6 Section) along with6) along a special with a special Noisy StructuredcaseNoisy of Cliquecase it Structured that ofn it Contraction is that, thereby alsoContraction isn contradictinga also Clique special,such thereby a special thatLemmaContraction contradicting casein case time4.1 ofC andClique of= Lemman henceCliqueD where.4.1 completing Contractionand Contraction hencen| = the completingV proof.|(G) . , the, prove prove proof. a a crucial property property of of To makeof To ourStructuredWe makedefine approach the ourWe execution define approach adaptable theof CliqueMatchingAlg execution adaptable oftoas ContractionMatchingAlg follows. extract Givenas to analogousfollows. an extract| instance Given,| (G,CliConAlgAlg an analogous A, statements instance B) of Cross (G, A, statements B) for ofconstructsCross other for contraction other an instance contraction (H, n) of - case of itcase thatinstances ofInput: is it also thatA ofa is specialgraph this alsoLetLet problem,nG a caseTon= specialon= makeA at ofA and. leastClique. Moreover, caseour Moreover, then approach6 ofn usingvertices|Clique Contraction| let let adaptable this|KK for| Contractionand property someKK to,00 proven extractbebe prove two two, a, analogousandcliques, Theorem crucial provecliques, a partition a each propertystatementseach crucial5.1 onand on (2A,n property of its2new B,n for C, other vertices. D, ofvertices. E contraction) Input: A graph G oninstances at least•Matching of 6n thisvertices, MatchingAlg problem,MatchingTo| | make for,constructs and someMatchingAlg our then approachn an usingconstructs instanceN, and this adaptable (H, an aA, property instanceB, partition C, D, to ( nH,) proveextract A,N of B, (StructuredA, C, Theorem D, B, analogous n) C, of D,Structured Clique5.1 E) statementsand its Clique corollary. for other contraction F instancesinstances of thisproblems, problem, of thisproblems, weContraction problem, and will• then first we and usingdefine will| then| firstas this a usingnew followsdefine property problem this2 a (see newproperty prove (whichFig. problem Theorem prove?): will2 (which Theorem arise5.1 and in will Section its5.1 arise corollary.and in6 its) Section along corollary. with6) along a special with a special of V (G) such thatTheof AV definition(TheG=)B such definition=Contraction of thatnproblems,, theC ofproblems, newA the=Contractionas=D followsproblemnew weVB(=2 willH we problem= (see)=n willn firstasFig.,novertexin, is followsVC firstas?): define( isG follows= as(see) define followsD aFig.V new(=2?): a (seeKA new problem). (seenis,novertexinFig. problem adjacentFig.?). (which?). (which to will aA will vertexariseis adjacent arise in inSection in Section to6) a along vertex6) along with in with a special a special The definitionThecase definition of| the of| newit| case of that| problem theV of( isVcase newH|( it alsoH)=|| of)= thatproblemis| V itas• a|V( that|G followsspecial|( isG)| ) also is isV as alsoV( (seeK( casea| followsK) aspecial|)Fig. special ofVV[| ( (see(?).CliqueKK| case0 case0).Fig. of of?).Clique ContractionClique Contraction Contraction, prove, prove a, crucial a prove crucial property a property crucial of property of D, and no vertexD in, andB is no adjacent• vertex• Let to inncase= aBA vertexis of, andLet adjacent itKn that[= inbe[A aD, isclique. and to alsoK on[ a[be vertex4an a specialnew clique vertices. in on case 4Dn .new Let of ( vertices.C,Clique D) be Let a partition (ContractionC, D) be of aV ( partitionK) , of proveV (K) a crucial property of NoisyNoisy Structured Structured• Let Cliquen| |•= CliqueA Contraction.| Moreover,| Contraction let K and K0 be two cliques, each on 2n new vertices. instancesQuestion: ofinstances thisDoesinstancessuch problem, thereinstances that of C this exist of=suchED this( and problem, ofH that. a)= thissubset problem,C then=E problem,(DG.F andusing) andEE andthen then(( thisKG then) using usingof property size usinga, this thisc at this property: mosta prove property propertyA,n such provec Theorem proveC prove that Theorem TheoremG5.1 Theorem[b,A d5.1andB:and5.1b itsCand5.1 itsB,d corollary. corollary. itsand corollary.D its. corollary. Question:Noisy StructuredDoesNoisy there Structured existInput: Clique aE subsetA•(EH graph( Contraction CliqueH)=)= FG|E|Eon(GE( Contraction||G at)(|G)| least)E| ofE(|K( size6Kn|))|vertices atEE most((KK for0) n somesuchu,u,n v v that::u,uG and[VAV( aG( partitionGB),v),vCV (V (KA,()K B,) C,V ( D,VK( E0)K) . ) . Input: A graph G ona• at✓ least 6n vertices[✓ for0 some[ {{n N}N, and2 a[ partition2[ }[[ (A,{{ B, C,[} D,[ E2)0 [ 2 } D X]/F is a clique,TheD definitionXa where]/FThe•is•X a definitionof clique,TheV=( theH)=The definitionu newV ( definitionGwhereE) ofV ( problemV:thereexistsavertexH the()=K[ of).[XV the new( ofG=) thenew isVu problem([K new[ as problem). followsE problem:thereexistsavertex is[ as{{ as{{ (seev is follows followsas2AFig. follows}2} (seeB?).2 (see2 (seeFig.C Fig.Fig.?).vD ?).such2?).A2 B [C[ D }such} Input: AInput: graphof [VAG(G graphofon) suchV at(G) leastG that• suchonV 6( thatatAnH vertices least=)=•AB[ =V 6=n(B forGverticesn,=) someCn[,{V=C( for2nKD= ) someD=2N,=2Vn and,novertexinn(nK,novertexin a0N). partition, and aA partitionA (A,isis adjacent B, adjacent2 C, ( D,A,[ toE to B,)[ a a C, vertex vertex D,[ E in) in [ Then, CliConAlg{|Then, |2| ||MatchingAlgcalls| | |NonTrivChordAlg| | | ||calls2|| |CliConAlgwith22 (H,with[ n) as[ (H, input,[ A, B, and C, D,returns n) as the input, answer and of returns this call. the answer of thatofuVand(G)v suchofbelongV that(D thatG,) andto suchuA theDThen,and no,= and that same vertexvB nobelong•CliConAlgAE= connectedvertex(NoisyH inn=)=,BNoisy toEBC in(isG Structured the)=Bcalls adjacentE(E StructuredHcomponentnis same(D)=K, adjacent)NonTrivChordAlgCE=2(G connecteda,=) to[n c E,novertexin Clique aD:( toaK vertexof)Clique a=2A,G vertex c a,[nF Contraction[ component cC,novertexin in]: a? Contraction inDwithb,A,.DA d c. is: bC (H, adjacent ofB,d nGb,A)[ dDF asis:].b adjacentinput, to?B,d a vertexD and. to returns ain vertex the in answer of this call. Noisy StructuredNoisy• Structured Clique• [ [ {{ Contraction Clique[} 2 [ {{ 2 Contraction}}}[ {{2 }2 2} [ {{ 2 }} }2 2 } | | | First,|| | this note || | call. that| | by| construction,| | V (H) = 10n. Thus, because NonTrivChordAlg runs in a D, and noD, vertex andQuestion:a no inQuestion: vertexB isFirst,Then,Does adjacent in MatchingAlgBEInput:Does there note(isHInput: adjacentThen, to there)= exist thatA acallsMatchingAlg vertexgraphE existA aCliConAlg by( graph subsetG to aG) construction, ina subsetcallson vertexwithGDEF atCliConAlg.on (H,K leastF at A,E in) B, least(GEwith 6DC,n()E D,G. ofvertices (V6)( nH,n)K of( size A,asHvertices size0B, input,)) C,at for at=D, mostand n somemost for 10)u, returnsasn some input, vn.nsuch Thus,such the: andnNu answer, returnsthat that andN, becauseV of and aGG( theG partition[[AA answera),v partitionBBNonTrivChordAlg of C (VCA,( B, (KA, C,) B, D, C,V E D,)(K E)runs0) . in Note that F mightInput: containNote thatA edgesInput: graphF might outsideGA containono graphG( [VA at(H edges) leastB)G Con outside 6o(nn atD)vertices leastGX[].A✓ Then, 6Bn for|verticesC we some slightlyD|| nX for]. abuse someThen,, and notation2 wen 2 a slightly partition so, and abuseo[(n a) ( notationpartition[A, B,[ C, so D, (A, E B,) C, D, E) D timeXthis]/F• call.Vis(H ao clique,)(thisaVFirst,|( call.Ha)[)where| note[ noX([[n that)=,[ itu✓ byfollowsE[[ construction,:thereexistsavertex[ that[ CliConAlg[[ {{VN(Hruns})v =6 inA2 timeNnB. Thus,nC [oD(.n2)[such because[ [CliConAlg}runs in time that Question:G[A B Question:C DoesthatD XG thereX][/FA]time/FDoesrefersB existisV thereaC to( clique, aHofGD subset)[A existVof (XG| VB])where/F( aFsuchGC subsetrefers)| such thatEXD(n toG= thatFX)GA] of[u/A,=(AF itsizeEBB(E= followsGE= at:thereexistsavertex)(BCG ofn[ most,A= sizeDCn that,B=nXC at]DsuchC/=CliConAlg( mostF=2DD that2En|=2n(,novertexinXGsuch])).[nAG,novertexinvruns[A|B thatA2B inC GAB time[DCAisA adjacentCXisnB])). adjacentDC.such to a to vertex a vertex in in of [V (G)[[ suchof[|VFirst, that|([G) note|[ such A| thatFirst,= thatbyo(B noteconstruction,V(H= thatA) n)| =,{ by| |C construction,V2[B{o(||H(=n)2|=)[|=6Dn|[n, .|=2VC Thus,(H|[)|n==6|,novertexin| becauseD|n.| \ Thus,=2|CliConAlgn because,novertexin[runs22ACliConAlg[ inis[ time[ adjacentruns[[[ A in[[ timeis to adjacent ao vertex(n) to in a vertex in [ [ [ [ thata Then,u andForovD( theaCliConAlgVbelong,(H andV)D[) correctness(,H and noo[) to(no)( vertex✓ noV the|([H)calls vertex) same[ in| ofo(nB)NonTrivChordAlg the✓connected inis|nB adjacent\ algorithm,is| , adjacent it component follows| to[ a firstto|[ vertex a that[ vertexo supposeof(nwith) inG[MatchingAlg[DF in.] (?H,D thato(.n) n[) (G, as[runs A, input, B,[[ in C, time[ D, and n[)isan returns.Yes-instance the answer of this call. D X]/FDis aXthat clique,]/Fu isand awhereFor clique,vVbelong(H the) X| where correctness=| to| V|( theHnu) X,|| same itE= follows|| :thereexistsavertex| of connectedun| that the,|E itMatchingAlg| follows| algorithm,:thereexistsavertex| component| that|runsMatchingAlg| in| time firstv| ofnruns suppose|G.A[ inF time] Bv?n thatCA. BD (G,such A,C B,D C,such D, n)isaYes-instance We refer to| the| special| |  || case of Noisy Structured Clique} Contraction where E = We refer[ to the[D special, and no caseofD vertexStructured, ofFor andNoisyQuestion: the noin correctnessQuestion: B vertex{ForFor Structuredis2 the theofadjacentCliqueDoes thecorrectness inDoes correctness algorithm,{ thereB2is there Contraction of to exist adjacent the firstClique a algorithm, exist suppose vertex a of subset thea that subsetContraction to first in algorithm,F( a. supposeG,D vertex A, ThisF.E B2)isa( thatGE) means(Yes[ (of inGG, first}-instance) sizeA,Dwhere of B2[.)isa sizethatsuppose at of most[Yes atCrossE there-instance most=[n thatsuch existsn of[suchCross ( thatG, thataA,G subset[ BAG)isa[AB FBCYes-instanceCE(G) of Cross that u andthatv belongu anda ofv toabelongStructured theFirst, same to the connected note same Clique that connected component by Contraction construction, component of G[F ] ?. of ThisGV[F(]H means? ) = that 10n. there Thus, exists because a subset;NonTrivChordAlgF E(G) runs in as StructuredNote thatNoteMatchingF thatmight CliqueF .might contain ThisMatching means contain Contraction edges. that This edges outside there means outsidea existsG thata[.A aG thereNote perfect[AB existsB matching thatC C aD perfect✓StructuredDMX✓inX matching].].G Then, Then,suchM that we wein every CliqueslightlyG slightlysuch edge that abuse abuse; Contraction every notation notation edge so so[ [is[ ✓[[ [ as Structured CliqueQuestion:Figure ContractionofQuestion: 7 sizeDoesThe constructionD at there mostD X]./FDoesXo Noteexist of(n]is/FV ansuch( aH instancethereis clique,that a) a) subset that clique,Structured existof FwhereG/Fo-Contraction(Fnwhere a)[ subsetXis[E[= aX([G clique.u=[} Clique)inF[ of theuE[ size| proof[:thereexistsavertexE ByE(}:thereexistsavertex ContractionG ofat the) Theorem most| of definition size 18n whereatsuch most ofisv thatHv,nA wesuchGAB[A directlyB thatCBCDoG derive(Csuchn[DA) suchB✓ that C that G[AthatoftimeB sizeG[inACM atBhasVD mostC( oneMatchingHXinD endpoint][)/FMnXhasreferssuch]/F onein refersA. to endpoint thatand ThisG to[A theGnG/F in[ otherAB meansA andB inC,isB it theC,D thata and follows otherD clique.XG/M]X therein/{(]F/Bis(2,F a and that ByE clique. existsE(G/MG(G[ theA[CliConAlgA Byis aB a theB definition clique. perfect definitionCC D Byruns the matchingXX of])).])). definitionH in2, we time[M directly[inn G[ such. derive that that every edge a aalsodashed a special lines represent case[ [ of[ non-edges.Clique[thata[u |and Contractionv |belonga to[ the✓[. same[ { connected[2 ✓ \ component[ [ of[ G[[F ] ?2 [ [[ [ [ [[ [ [ also a specialNote that caseNoteFD ofmightClique thatX] contain/F[F H/FmightD Contractionis[of Eedges a([XisH| contain clique,that),] a/FM[ outside two-cliquesuofis edgesEand|((H awhereG).),.v clique,[MA outside Webelong will graphs,BXE(H showG to=).Cwhere[[A the We thatuD and[ willB sameH/MXX showE therefore[C].=is connected:thereexistsavertex Then,that a[D clique.uH/MX we it].E As\is component slightlybelongs Then, a:thereexistsavertexM clique.= wen abuse[, Asto this slightly of[M willG notation.Thus,(=[[F meanvn abuse],? this[ A so will notationH,B mean nv)isaC soA YesDB-instancesuchC D ofsuch H/FWe referisFor a to two-cliques thein the✓M special correctnesshas case[ onegraphs,✓ of[ endpointNoisy[ of[ and the[[ Structured therefore in algorithm,[ A [and it Clique the belongs| | first other Contraction suppose to| in| B.Thus,(,} and that} whereG/MH, (G,E nis)isa A,= a B, clique.Yes C,-instance D, By n)isa the of definitionYes-instance Solutionsthat G[A tothatB instancesGC[ASolutionsWe[DB refer ofXC]Noisy/F tothat toDrefers[ the instances (H,X Structured A, special] to/F B,Gthat C,refers[aA D,of ( nH, case)isaBNoisyA, to B,GC ofYes C,[ CliqueA-instance D,NoisyD Structured nB)isaX{ ofC]Yes/ StructuredContractionStructured(2F-instanceD EX(G] of{ Clique/[A(Structured CliqueF 2BE Clique(exhibit ContractionGC Contraction[A CliqueDB Contraction theX ContractionC])).,whichwillF followingD 2exhibitX])).,whichwill[where the[2 followingE =[[ [ [ [ [that[[u[and[ that[-Contractionv belong[u anda tovNote[belong the, that[ which sameF[ tomight[ meansconnected the[[ contain same[ that\ edges[ connected component the outside call[\ G[ to[A componentNonTrivChordAlg[ ofB[ G[C[F ]D[?F ofX[].G Then,[Fwith] we? ( slightlyH, n) abuseas; input notation returns so as StructuredofNote CliqueE that(H),F ContractionmightM containE(H edges).. Note We outside that willG[StructuredA showB [ C that[ D [H/M CliqueX].[ Then,is Contraction wea clique. slightly abuse Asis notation;M = so n, this will mean property,as StructuredLet whichn-ContractionofF= |AStructured|. will CliqueMoreover, bethat crucialG letContraction[A,K whichBand in CliqueC theK0 meansbeD proof twoX.] Note/F cliques, Contraction that ofrefers Theorem that theeach to GStructured oncall[A 25.1n[B tonewas[CNonTrivChordAlg. vertices. well[D ThisX[ Clique as]/}( meansresultsF E( ContractionG[A in thatwith} SectionB C (thereH,D6 n. X)is])). existsas input a returns subset F E(G) property,We which referWe will to the refer be specialcrucialF toYes the incase, special and thethat of hence proofNoisyG case[A CliConAlg ofB of TheoremStructuredCNoisyD ✓returnsX Structured]/F5.1refersas Clique5Yes well to.G[A as ContractionClique resultsB5 C D in Contraction SectionX]/(F whereE6(G. [A EBwhere= C DE X=])). | | a also a speciala case of Clique[ 0 [ Contraction[ [ . [ [ [ [ \ [ [ [ [ ✓ also aNote specialV Yes(H that)of, = and caseV sizeF(NoteGmight) hence of∪ atVthat Clique(K contain most)CliConAlg∪F[ (VH,might([K Contraction A,n edges).[ B,such contain[ C,returns outside D, that edges n)isaG.Yes[AG/F outside. BYes[is-instanceCG[ a[AD clique.[ B[X of].C Then,Structured ByD\ the weX]. slightly[definition Then,[ ; Clique[ abuse we[ slightly notation of; ContractionH abuse, we so notation directly,whichwill so derive that as Structuredas Structured Clique ContractionCliqueNow, suppose ContractionWe refer. that Note0 to theCliConAlg that. special NoteStructured thatcasereturns[ ofStructuredNoisy[Yes Clique[, Structuredwhich[[ 0[ ContractionClique means[ [ Clique that Contraction the Contractionis call to NonTrivChordAlgis where E = Lemma 5.1. LetLemmathatF beG aE[A( solutionH 5.1.Solutions)B =thatELet(CGG) to[∪ toFADWeE an instancesbe(KB referX) instance a∪] solution/FCE( toKrefers ofD) theNoisy∪( {{G,X special to tou,] A,/F vG an} Structured[ B,:Arefersu instancecase∈ C,VB D,( ofG to)C,Noisy E,G v [∈(A nG, CliqueDV)( A,KofB Structured)X B,∪Noisy]/VC Contraction( C,(FK D,D)}E. Structured E,(GX Clique[ n]A/)(FofBexhibitNoisyE Contraction(CG[A theD Structured followingBX])).C whereD XE])).= ; SolutionsH/FNow, to instancesis supposeas aStructured two-cliques of Noisy that CliConAlg Structured Clique graphs, Contractionreturns and Clique thereforeYes., Contraction Note which that it means belongsStructuredexhibit that to the the Clique.Thus,( followingcall to ContractionNonTrivChordAlgH, n)isa; is Yes-instance of also a specialalsoClique a case specialThen, ofproperty,Clique ContractionCliConAlg case[with[ of which ( ContractionasCliqueH,calls[ Structured n[ willNonTrivChordAlg)returns[ .[ beContraction Then, crucial[ Yes. Clique[F.Thus,( inwithis the a(H, proofmatchingContraction. [ nH,) as of[ n input,)isa Theorem[ of and[ sizeYes.[ Note returns5.1-instance,[n asin that[ the\ wellG[Structured answersuch as which results[ ofthat\ this means[ in each SectionClique[ that edge[[ 6 there[ Contraction. in F[ existshas[ a subsetis Clique Contractionproperty,.with Then, which (H,F will nis)returns bealso a matching crucial a specialYes in case ofthe.Thus,( size proofof Cliquen inH, of TheoremG n Contraction)isasuchYes that5.1-instance,as each. well edge as which results5 in F has means in SectionF that6. there exists a subset SolutionsSolutionsone to instancesWe endpointcall. refer toF instances of-Contraction intoWeNoisyA theEalso refer(andH aspecial of) Structured special theofNoisy to size otherthe case case at Structured special, in ofmost which ofCliqueB CliqueNoisy. n case meanssuch Contraction ofStructured Contraction Clique thatNoisy thatH/F Contraction Structured the. Clique callexhibit. In to particular, theNonTrivChordAlgexhibit Contraction Clique following theH/F Contraction followingiswhere awith chordalE (=H,where graph. n) asE = input returns one endpoint in A and theLemmaF otherF ✓E 5.1. in(HBLet). ofFSolutions sizebe a at solution to most instances ton ansuch instance of Noisy that(G, StructuredH/F A, B,2 C,F D,. E, Clique Inn) of particular,Noisy Contraction StructuredH/Fexhibitis a the chordal following; graph. ; property,property, whichasLemmaStructured will whichFirst, be crucialYesBased✓ notewillStructuredLet, that be and oninF Clique crucial bySolutions thebe Proposition hence construction, a proof solution in Contraction to Clique theCliConAlg of instances| Theorem6.1 proofV to(H, an) we| Contraction= of of instance 10 willreturnsNoisy Theoremn5.1.. Thus, first Noteas Structured( wellG, because showYes5.1 that A, as. B,.as thatNonTrivChordAlg NoteresultsStructured C, well2 D,H CliqueF that as[ E,A in results n Section)BStructured ContractionofrunsNoisyC inClique in6 Section.D StructuredX Contractionexhibit]6 Clique/F. is the a clique, following Contraction whereis is timeCliqueBased|V (H)|o Contraction(|V on(H) Proposition|) property,≤ no(n), it. which follows Then,6.1 will that,F weis beCliConAlg a will crucial matching firstruns in theshow of in time size proof thatnno of(inn). TheoremHG [suchA[ thatB5.1[ as eachC[ well edgeD[ as results inXF]/Fhas inis Section a clique,6. where Proof. We first arguealsoProof.Clique athat specialWe Contraction everyalso firstX = case aNow,vertex argueproperty, specialu ofV that inClique suppose(.KA caseThen, which) everyBV of( willis ContractionFK vertex thatClique incident0is):thereexistsavertex be a crucial matchingCliConAlg in A to Contraction in atB the of proof incident sizereturns one ofn edge Theoreminv. toGYes atinAsuchF least,B5.1. which Targeting thatas oneC well each edgeD means assuch edgeresults in F that in. thatin TargetingFu Sectionhasand thev6 call.belong to toNonTrivChordAlg oneFor the endpoint correctness in A ofand the algorithm, the other first in B suppose. [ that (G, A, B, C, D, n) is a Yes[-instance[ [ [ LemmaLemma 5.1.aLet contradiction, 5.1.F beXLet a= solutionFu{ supposebe2V a( tosolutionK an) that[[ instanceV ( there toK0 an):thereexistsavertex exists instance(G, A, a B, vertex( C,G, D, A,u E, B, n C,A) D,ofv2BNoisy E,thatA n[) ofB isStructured[Noisy notC[ incidentD Structuredsuch to that anyu edgeand v belong to a contradiction, supposeoneSolutionsof endpoint thatwiththe there in toSolutions sameA instances (H,and existsLemma connected n the)returns to a other ofvertex instances 5.1.Noisy component inLetuYesB.F. ThisStructured ofA.Thus,(beNoisya means ofB solutionHthat that[F StructuredH,] is tothere. nnot Clique an)isa exists instance incident aYes subset Contraction Clique(G,-instance, toF A, any⊆ B,E C,( ContractionedgeG) D, E,whichexhibit n) of Noisy means theexhibit following Structured that the there following exists a subset Clique ContractionClique ContractionStructured. Then,{ Lemma2 Clique.F Then,is Contractiona 5.1.[ matchingFLetisF abe matching2 of a size solution[ n ofin to sizeG an} suchn instance2in that[G such2(G, each A,[ that B, edge C,[ each D, in E,[F edge n)hasof inNoisyF has Structured in F . Because Ain FofB. sizeProof. BecausetheC at most sameWeDTargetingn firstA=6such connectedClique argueBn that, aF thatG/FC contradiction, Contraction componentis everyDn a clique.and=6 vertexnG By,[.A in thesuppose ofF Then,A definitionHBB[FnFis]C thatand incidentis. of aHD matchingGH, we[[AA toX directly at]/FBB least of derivesizeisCC one an clique edgethatDDin G inXXsuchF]]/F/F. Targeting thatisis aeach not clique a edge clique, in F andhas one endpointone|property, endpointProof. in[A and[We in thewhichproperty, firstF[A otherand argue||Clique willE the[ in( whichH that beB other)[. Contraction| crucial ofevery| will in[ sizeB vertex be| in. at crucialthe. inmost Then, proofA| in[|Bn[F oftheisissuch[Theorem incident a} proof matching[ that of to[5.1 Theorem at[H/F of[ leastas size[[ welln onein5.1[[ as resultssuch[[ In inwell thatF particular,. asin Targeting each Sectionresults edge in6H/F.F Sectionhasis a6. chordal graph. (where the last two(where propertiesH/Fa the contradiction,is atherefore last two-cliquesTargeting follow✓ twoone properties therefrom supposegraphs, a endpoint contradiction, the exist and that supposition thereforefollow two in thereA non-adjacentand from exists it belongs the suppose that[ the aother vertex to suppositionFF in verticesis. that Thus,Bu a. solution),AH(H,u[A thatB nand) thatis aBvF itYes isin holdsis2-instance not this aCF solution), incident that graph.D toX By it] any/F holds the edgeis definition not that a clique, of X, and a contradiction,Based supposeone on endpoint Proposition that in thereA and exists the6.1 other, a we vertex in willBu. first2A [ showB that[ that is[ notH incident[[A [B to anyC edgeD X]/F is a clique, where G[A B C DLemmaG[A ofXFin]B/F-ContractionthereforeF 5.1.Lemma.HisC Because[A aLet cliqueDB thereF 5.1.,A whichXbeC on]/F exist aBLet at means solutionDisC leastF two a thatXbe cliqueD]/F non-adjacent5 a then to=6 solution+is callan onn equalX, to instance atFNonTrivChordAlgvertices. least to ton vertices an theand2 5(nG, instance subgraph+ Hence,G[ A,[AuXwith B,andBvertices. C,(( theH,G, of D,v nC) A,in degreeH/Fas E, B,D thisinput n Hence,) C,inducedXof of graph. D,[]/FNoisy E,is the[n by a By) cliquedegreeof Structuredthe[ theNoisy set definition[ of of Structured vertices of X, Proof. WeProof. firstin argueWeFreturns.[ first Because that[Yes argue, every and[ A that hence vertex[Proof.|B everyCliConAlg[ C inWe[ vertexA firstDreturns[B=6 argue inis| Yes incidentAn,. thatFB | everyis| to incidentn at vertexand leastG to in[ oneAA at| least[ edgeB|Bis[ incident one inC F[ edge.D Targeting to[ in atX]F least/F. Targetingis one a edge clique in F . Targeting [ [ [ every[ vertex(whereH[XA inthe=|GB[ last[Au[ two[CBV[ properties[(DKC[)[[X|DV] follow/F(KXis0]):thereexistsavertex/F[ from|| equal,| | and the to supposition in the particular subgraph[ that of[Fuis, ofv should a[H/F solution),A[ beinducedB 5 itn holdsC1+ by thatDX thesuchin set that of verticesu and v belong to everya contradiction, vertexa in contradiction,GClique(where[A supposeBNow, the ContractionCliqueCderived lastsuppose that supposeD twoProof. there{ that from ContractionX propertiesa that2] contradiction,CliConAlg/F existsWe connected., there first and Then, areturns followargue[ vertex inexists particularF suppose components. thatYes fromis Then,au, which vertexa every thematchingA that meansF of vertex suppositionB thereu thatuis,that that ashouldA in exists contain ofmatchingA the isB size not callB a thatthat be vertexis to atn incident incident 5NonTrivChordAlgnFin isleast ofisu notG size1+ a one tosuchA solution),toincident2 atnX any vertexB leastin that[inthat edgeG oneto itsuch fromiseach[ anyholds edgenot[A thatedgeincident in thatFB. each in Targeting toCF any edgehasD edge.In in F has [ G[[A theB[[ sameC[[ [D connected[[X]/F[[ is a[ component clique2 on[ at least2 of H 5[n[F[+] X. vertices. 2 Hence,|[ | the degree[| of | [ [ G[A B C inDFG.[XA Because]with/FB.(derivedH, However,C nparticular,)AreturnsDa fromB contradiction, becauseXYesin]./FCuconnectedF Thus,and.. However,D Because no(vH,are=6 vertexn suppose) is also componentsn aA,Yes because inF non-adjacent-instance thatBA isC theren no adjacent ofandFD thatvertex exists-Contraction=6G vertices contain[ toA an in, vertex aAF vertexBis in, at adjacent whichuH/FnC least inandA means.D ByGB oneand to[A thatPropositionX a vertex]no vertex/FB is notisC aincident infrom6.1D cliqueD,andA thisX to]/F no any impliesBis edge aC clique thatD.In in[ F .[ Because[ one[G[AA endpoint[ BB[one[C[C in endpoint[D[AD[andX=6][/F the inn, isA otherF aand clique| in then [Band onother. [ atG[A[ inleastB|B. 5n +C |X|}D| |vertices.2X]/F[ is Hence, a[ clique[ the[ degree[ of[ [ [ vertex in B is adjacentvertex| there[[ toevery inparticular, exists aB[[ vertex|is vertex a adjacent[[ subsetTargeting[in in in[F[|u(whereDFG.and,⊆[A Becauseto theE[( aHv theB degree vertex)a|areof lastcontradiction,|C sizeA also twoat of inDB most anyD| non-adjacent propertiesX,|C then] vertex/FsuchD, degree and that=6[ follow insuppose inH/FAn of vertices, particular[ from anyF∈B F[,|[. and vertexthe Inthat|n in particular,[ of[and supposition inH/Fu particularH, in[G should[AA.H/F By[BB that be,B Propositionis and of 5CnF inisCD1+ a particular solution),XXD]6.1/Fin,isX this itof a]/F holds clique impliesis that not that a clique, and (where the(where lastevery two the vertex propertieslast( twoH/F in G properties)[[ followANH/FB( fromu[) followC [N theH/FD[ from supposition(Xv)][]/F the is, a andsupposition clique. that in particularF Letis that a1 solution),(resp.F of isu, a should2) solution), itbe[ holds the be set 5 thatn it of holds1+ connected| thatX| in components u, isa at chordalG most[A graph.BA C BasedBDG[[A on1+X[ Proposition]/FBC\.[ However,C|D [/ 19,D2+ we[ becauseXX will]/F[=4 firstis| non show a vertex clique1+ that[| inXHC on| [Ain at∪isBG adjacent least∪[ACC∪ 5DBn ∪ to+[X[C aX]/F vertex[vertices.D[[ inXD].[[and Because Hence,| no|[ theu degree of u, isG at[A mostBGA[ACProof.GB[ABD 1+BWeC(XH/FCProof.C][thereforeof/F firstDH[)[Dis[N argueF(where/X a[WeH/F2+]X] that/F clique]/F[( firstX there thatu theis.) contain However,=4 a argueonlast everyN cliquen existH/F at two at1+that least( vertex propertiesv because on leasttwo)]X every is 5atninnon-adjacenta onein least+ noclique.G followA vertex[X vertexA vertex 5Bnvertices. fromBis+ Let in from in incidentCXA theA1 verticesisVvertices. suppositionDB(resp. Hence, adjacent(Kis to1X)(resp. incident]. at Because2u the least)Hence, to thatand be a degreeV vertexto theF one(Kvuis at the2))in set a edge least of solution),in . degree this ofD Because in oneconnectedand graph.F of. itedge no Targeting holdsF in By components thatFn. theand Targeting definition of X, | [ | is avertex clique,| [ in| whereB[|isX adjacent| =|{u[|∈\V| to([K[ a) vertex∪ [V| (K0| in):[|Dthere| ,| the exists degree[[ a vertex of[| anyCv[|[∈ vertexA [∪ B in∪[CA∪ D[Bsuch|, and[| in[ particular of | |  is not incident[ [ toais[ any[ contradiction, not[ edge[ incident[ of[ in[aHV contradiction,[F[(FAK, to[ its]G[) suppose anythat[A degree=Bevery edgeVB contain(KC vertex in that inC suppose)GF=2[AD,D thereinat itsnG, leastBX[ degree thereAX that] exists/F]C/FB oneis exists there inD aCis a| vertexG clique vertex[| equal atAXD exists] least/F onBX from|u]is/F attoa oneC| at vertex, leastA andtheV most componentD(K 5inBn subgraphu its)(resp.X particular+that]/F degree[XACis vertices. atVB not of in( of mostKthatu incident,H/F(resp. should)) Hence, its is . not degreeBecauseC beinduced tothe incident 5n any degree in)1+ that edgeF by oftoX does the anyinn and edgeset of vertices every vertexevery invertex vertexGthat[Au in,u inisBBand atGisv most[ adjacentACbelong1 BAD to[B the toCX[ a same]/F1+2 vertexD,[ connectedC andX[ in[D]/F inD/[2+, particular,component[ theandX[[ degree in=4[[ particular ofn ofH of[[[1+Fu any],}.[ shouldX vertex ofin[Gu,[ beA[ inshould1 5ABn | BC|1+ be, and1D 5nX inX12].in1+ particular BecauseX 2inu of 2 | | G[A B C DG[AX].B This[ C| [ is aD[ contradiction,[every[| XG[[[[|]. vertexA[| This[B [ in| isC|[G thus a[AD contradiction,[| weBX]/F get|C. that|However,D thus indeedX]/F because we,| every and get2| no in that[ vertex particularvertex[ indeed2[[ in inAA of[[ everyisu adjacent2|,B[ shouldC| vertex to be| a in 5| vertexnA2 1+CB in |XD and|in no G[A B G[CAinu,DB isF[. atXCisTargeting Because most] not/FV[inD(derivednot.K incident However,[FA1X) containa. contradiction,]=/FBA[ Because to.V from However, any(1+B because anyK[2 edge)C connected vertexC[ supposeA=2 inD no[ becausenDFB/,2+ fromvertex, that[[ there its=6C degreeXH[Acomponents no[nA in exists=4,∪ vertex[DABB inFnis∪G=6[C atC adjacent[1+A∪ in leastDnnADB,∪Xand.X thatisF] LetCin one/F adjacent toGis aDc[contain component[A1 notA vertexnandXand aB] clique,to/FBc2 inaCGisbe at vertexD[C at andACD the least mostand1 DB verticesX in no its].1 oneDBecauseX degree(resp.Cand]/F vertex ofD no inH/FCisu[2 aX fromyielded clique|]/F2|) thatisA by a does cliqueB C D.In [ [[ [[ [is[[ incident[[ |[ to[| at[| leastG| [A||vertex[ oneB [|C inedge||B[D[is[ in| adjacentXF|][./F From|. However,| to[[ a this,| vertex| [| because because[ in[ |D|,[| nothe|F[ vertex degree[[n[ in ofandA[ anyis[A adjacent[ vertex[[[B[2 in=2C to[A[ an vertex,wederiveB[, and in[ inD2 particularandC no of[ [ [ is incidentvertex in tovertexB atis leastis adjacent notintherefore oneB incidentis edge adjacent to(wherethe there a in vertexto replacement existF any the to. two From edgein a last vertexnon-adjacentD, in this, twothe ofFC in, degree because1properties itsDand vertices, degree theC of2 degreeu, anyFand in respectively. followG vertexv [ninA of thisand any fromBin graph.A vertexAC As the ByBB allD the, suppositionin=2 and verticesAX definitionn]/F in,wederiveB particular,is in and of atVX that most(, inK1 particular)F of its[isV degree( aK2 solution),) of are in adjacent it holds to that (whereG the[notA particular, lastB containC twoDu[ any,properties isXu[ at vertex].and most This[ v[A is follow fromare aB contradiction, alsoA from|1+|B non-adjacentC theDC[ thus supposition/2+D[| weX.[ get Let[|=4 vertices| that| n[c1 that indeedand1+ FXc in|2 everyisinbeH/F[ aG[ thesolution),A vertex| .B vertices By inC PropositionA itDB of holdsXH/F]. Because thatyielded6.1u, this by implies that that F is a perfectthatG[ matchingAHF[ABis∪ aB[C perfect∪ inC[G∪D[DvertexA[∪ matchingXXB].]/F[ in]. ThisBis equalis is in adjacent aG| to contradiction,[ theA[ subgraphto| B a]. vertex[ | of[ thusH/F in |D[,induced we the| get degree[| by that the of indeed set any[ of| vertex vertices| every in vertexA[ [B[, andin [A[ in[ particularB of u, is at mostu, isG atA[A mostBisBthe incidentA1+G(allH/F[C replacementABC vertices toD)[BD1+ atNis/ least2+ not inXC ]A incident/F oneofX(DuDC)/=4B edgeis12+and anN toXC inX clique] any/F[F1+C.=4D2 edge( From,,isvX respectively.n we)] on a inin isthis, have clique1+ atFG, a its[ least becauseAX clique. that degree oninB 5c AsGn at1F,c[ inCA+ Letall2 leastG[DXAnB verticesNandH/F 5Bvertices.XCn(resp.].A(+Cu BecauseD) inBXDVNX=2(H/Fvertices. Hence,].KX)[n]u1 Because/F,wederive be)(v).is theV at theHowever,(K most Hence,u set2 degree) are its of degree there theconnectedadjacent of degree doin to of components | [derived[ | |[ from[[| connected| [u[, is[| atH/F| components most[| [|A| that[B |H/F contain[1+| C| at| leastD /2+ one| vertexX[| =4[ from|n | [A[1+2∪ B[[X[∪1 Cin[|∪[GD[[.A\ In[| [B2 C D X[]. Because u is not incidentis notis to incident incident any[that edge[ to toFnotis any at inexist a[[ leastF perfect edge, itsG a[[ one[ vertexA indegree matchingF edge[B,| its in inC in\[[V degree inG(FDK|[GA.1[A From)X and inB].|BG This]. this,[a[CA vertex is| D becauseB a contradiction,| inXC|V]/F(DFKis2) atX that|n thus] most/FandC|| are| weis itsA atadjacent get degreemost|B that[|C=2 itsindeed[ in inn degree,wederiveH[[, every and[ in for vertex every in vertexA B everyparticular, vertexalleveryof verticesu inandHisG[ vertexvF[ notareA] in alsothat incidentAB in non-adjacentG containBC[ toA anyCDB vertices edge atDXC, in least] in we/FFH/FD,, have its4 and. one By degreeX Proposition that in]/F vertex particular in,|cG and1|[,cA 19,2 from in thisB particularNof impliesCH/FV|u(,D[K( that shouldu)X)(resp.| ] of/FNH/Fu beis, at should 5( mostvnV).(K However, its1+ be)) degree 5X .n Becausein there1+ X doFin n and that F is a perfect matching[ [ [[[ in4 [G[[[[A [[[[B[]. [[ [[[ [[ [ [ 2 1 \ 2 | | [ | | G[A B G[CA DB(H/FCXnot)[].ND ThisinH/F existV(uX() isK∩]. a1N a)H/F This vertexis contradiction, incidentV(v)]( isKis2 ain a), contradiction,clique. toV its( atK neighborhood leastLetthus) andC1 one we(resp. a getedge thus vertexC2) that outsideinbe we theF in. indeedget set FromV this ofthat(K connected this, every set) indeed[ that because is[ vertex componentscontained are every[ adjacentF in[ vertexA inn andAB in inABHA ,B andCB=2 forDn,wederive.Thus, every vertexc1 | |  [ [ G[[A [ B [GCV[A[(KDGB1[)AX[=C]B/FV.DC( However,K2DX) ]/F=2X1[]..n Thisbecause However,, there is a contradiction, no4 exists because vertex at noin least thus2A vertexis we one adjacent get in thatcomponent|A|is indeed to adjacent[ a vertex every[| C[[ to1[ vertex in| a[D vertex1 inand(resp.A no inB DC2and no2) that does is incidentis toincident at leastof[H to[F one[ at] thatand least edge[ contain[c one[ inmust[that[F at edge. least[ beF From[ is innon-adjacent one[ aF perfect this, vertex.[ From because from matching this, inV (KH/F1 becauseF) in(resp.G.[ However,AnVand(FKB2].)).A Becausen thisandB is=2|FA a| ≤n contradiction,wederivenBand=2n,wederive to the argument[ that vertex ininBvertex|Vis(K adjacent12is) in incident|BV (isK| to adjacent2 to), a at itsvertex least| neighborhood to one in aD edgevertex, the in4 F degree in outside. FromD,[ the of this, this any degree because set vertex is of contained anyF in A vertexn andB, inA andinAAB in=2BB particular2,nC and,wederiveC inD.Thus, particular of 2c1C of |V (K1)| =not|V (K contain2)|[= 2n, there any exists vertex at least from one component| A|  BC| 1 ∈|C C| 1 (resp.[D.|C2 Let| ∈| C[|2)c that1| and |c2[be[| the[ vertices[ of H/F yielded by that F isthat a perfectF is a matching perfect(H/F matching in)[thatNGH/F[AF is(u inB a) perfect].G[NAH/F matchingB(v].)] is a in clique.G[A[ FromB].[ this,[ 4 we derive that[ H[A B[ C D X]/F is u, isdoes at mostand notu, containc is2A atmust any mostB vertex be[1+A non-adjacent from\CB A[D∪1+B/∪2+CC in∪ XDH/F.D Let=4/2+.cn1 However,andX1+c2 =4beX then thisin vertices1+G is[A aX of contradictionH/FBin GC[A D[B X[ toC]. the Because[D argument[X].u Because that u theindeed| replacement[ a clique.| | [| of[| C|1 and| |[C| 2|, respectively.[ | | | | As| all[| vertices[ [[ in[[V (K[ 1)[ V (K2) are adjacent to yielded(H/F by the)[N replacement(u) ofNC1 and(Cv2)], respectively. is a clique. As From all vertices this, in weV (K derive1) ∪ V (K that2) H[A B C [D X]/F is is not incidentisall not vertices to incidentH/F any edge in toA in anyH/FF 4,B edge its degreeC in F4 ,D its in,G we degree[A haveB in4 G thatC[A DcB,cXC]/FNDis atX most(]u/F) is itsN at degree most(v). its in degreeHowever, in there do are adjacentNow, to all vertices notice\ in thatA ∪ B (H,∪ C A,∪ B,D, C, we D, have E, that n)wherec1[, c2 ∈[NEH/F=[([uV) (∩1K[N[1H/F2) ([vV).(KH/F[2) is an[ instance[ H/F[ of Noisy[ G[A BindeedGC[A aDB clique.XC]. ThisD [ isX a]. contradiction, This[ is[ a contradiction, thus we get thus that we indeed get[2 that every indeed vertex\ every in A vertexB in A B However,[ [notStructured there[[ exist do[ not[ aexist vertex[ Clique a vertex[ in in ContractionV (K(K1) 1and) and a vertex. a Furthermore, vertexin V (K2) that in V are since(K adjacent2)F that inn areand adjacentwe have already in H[, shown and for[ every vertex is incidentH, andis for toNow, incident every at least vertex notice to one in at thatV ( edgeK least1) (∪H,V in one( A,KF2) B,,. edge its From C, neighborhood D, in this,F E,. n From)where because outside this, thisEF because set= isV containedn(K|and1|)F AV (nKB2and) is=2 anAn,wederive instanceB =2n of,wederiveNoisy inthatVH(K[A1)B VC(KD2),X its]/F neighborhoodis a clique, we have outside that| F| thisis a solution set| [| is| contained to[ this| instance.| [ in |A Therefore,B C D.Thus,c1 in A Structured∪ B ∪ C ∪ D.[ Thus, Clique[ c1 [and [c Contraction2 must be non-adjacent. Furthermore, in H/F . However, since thisF is a n and we have already shown that F is athatby perfect LemmaF is matching a5.1[ perfect, F is inmatching a matchingG[A B in]. ofG size[A n Bin].H such that each| edge|  in F has one endpoint[ in[A [ contradictionthatandH to[Ac the2 mustB argumentC beD that non-adjacentX(H/F]/F)[N[isH/F a( clique,u) ∩ inNH/F[H/F we(v)] haveis. a clique.However, that FromF is this, a this solution we is a to contradiction this instance. Therefore,to the argument that and the other in B. In particular, F E(G) and hence X = . Because G = H[A B C D], (H/F )[[NH/F[ [(u)[ NH/F (v)] is a4 clique. From4 this, we derive that H[A B C D X]/F is by Lemma 5.1, F is a\ matching of size✓ n in H such that each; edge in F has one[ endpoint[[ [ [ in[A [ andindeed the other a clique. in B. In particular, F E(G) and8 hence X = . Because G = H[A B C D], ✓ ; [ [ [ Now, notice that (H, A, B, C, D, E, n)whereE = V (K1) V (K2) is an instance of Noisy 8 [ Structured Clique Contraction. Furthermore, since F n and we have already shown | |  that H[A B C D X]/F is a clique, we have that F is a solution to this instance. Therefore, [ [ [ [ by Lemma 5.1, F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. In particular, F E(G) and hence X = . Because G = H[A B C D], ✓ ; [ [ [ 8 F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:21 derive that H[A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D ∪ X]/F is indeed a clique. Now, notice that (H, A, B, C, D, N, n) where N = V (K1)∪V (K2) is an instance of Noisy Structured Clique Contraction. Furthermore, since |F | ≤ n and we have already shown that H[A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D ∪ X]/F is a clique, we have that F is a solution to this instance. Therefore, by Lemma 11, F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. In particular, F ⊆ E(G) and hence X = ∅. Because G = H[A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D], we thus derive that G/F is a clique. Thus, we conclude that (G, A, B, C, D, n) is a Yes-instance of Structured Clique Contraction. This completes the proof of the reverse direction. J Now, we give definitions for several classes of graphs for which lower bounds will follow from Theorem 19. First, a graph is an interval graph if there exists a set of intervals on the real line such that the vertices of the graph are in bijection with these intervals, and there exists edge between two vertices if and only if their intervals intersect. A graph is a proper interval graph if, in the former definition, we also add the constraint that all intervals must have the same length. A graph is a threshold graph if it can be constructed from a one-vertex graph by repeated applications of the following two operations: addition of a single isolated vertex to the graph; addition of a single vertex that is connected to all other vertices. A graph is trivially perfect if in each of its induced subgraphs, the maximum size of an independent set equals the number of maximal cliques. It is well-known that every graph that is a (proper) interval graph, or a threshold graph, or a trivially perfect graph, is also a chordal graph (see [9]). Moreover, it is immediate to verify that the two-cliques class is a subclass of the classes of (proper) interval graphs, threshold graphs and trivially perfect graphs. Thus, these classes are non-trivial chordal graphs classes, and therefore Theorem 18 directly implies lower bounds for them as state below.

I Corollary 20. Unless the ETH is false, none of the following problems admits an algorithm that solves it in time no(n) where n = |V (G)|: Chordal Contraction, Interval Con- traction, Proper Interval Contraction, Threshold Contraction and Trivially Perfect Contraction.

C.2 Other Graph Classes In Section 4, we have already proved a lower bound for a class of graphs that is not non-trivial chordal, namely, the class of cliques. In this section, we show that our approach can yield lower bounds for other classes of graphs that are not non-trivially chordal. For illustrative purposes, we consider the classes of Split Graphs, Complete Split Graphs and Perfect Graphs. A graph G is a split graph if there exists a partition (I,K) of V (G) such that G[I] is edgeless and G[K] is a clique. In case {{i, k} : i ∈ I, k ∈ K}, we further say that G is a complete split graph. Notice that the two-cliques class is not a subclass of the class of split graphs, and hence the class of (complete) split graphs is not non-trivially chordal. For the class of (complete) split graphs, we prove the following statement.

I Theorem 21. Unless the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm that solves Split Contraction (or Complete Split Contraction) in time no(n) where n = |V (G)|. Proof. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists an algorithm, denoted by SplitAlg, that solves Split Contraction (or Complete Split Contraction) in time no(n) where n is the number of vertices in the input graph. We will show that this implies the existence

C V I T 2 0 1 6 we thus derive that G/F is a clique. Thus, we conclude that (G, A, B, C, D, n)isaYes-instance of Structured Clique Contraction. This completes the proof of the reverse direction.

Now, we giveProof. the commonWe first definitions argue that for every several vertex classes in ofA graphsB is incident for which to lower at least bounds one edge in F . Targeting will follow from Theorem 6.1. First, a graph is interval if there[ exists a set of intervals on the a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex u A B that is not incident to any edge real line such that the vertices of the graph are in bijection with these intervals,2 [ and there exists in F . Because A B C D =6n, F n and G[A B C D X]/F is a clique edge between two vertices if and only| [ if their[ intervals[ | intersect.| |  A graph if properly[ [ interval[ [ if, inwe the thus former derive definition,(where that G/F theis we last a clique.also two add Thus, properties the we constraint conclude follow that that from (G, all A,the intervals B, supposition C, D, n must)isaYes have that-instance theF is same a solution), it holds that of Structured Clique Contraction. This completes the proof of the reverse direction. length. A graph isG a[thresholdA B graphC Dif it canX]/F be constructedis a clique from on at a one-vertex least 5n + graphX byvertices. repeated Hence, the degree of [ [ [ [ | | applicationsNow, of we the giveevery following the vertex common two in definitionsoperations:G[A B for additionC severalD classes ofX a]/F single of, graphs and isolated in for particular which vertex lower to of bounds theu, graph; should be 5n 1+ X in will follow from Theorem 6.1. First, a[ graph[ is interval[ [ if there exists a set of intervals on the | | addition of a singleG[ vertexA B thatC isD connectedX]/F . to However, all other because vertices. no A vertex graph inis triviallyA is adjacent perfect toif a vertex in D and no in eachreal of line its inducedsuch that subgraphs, the[ vertices[ [ of the the[ maximum graph are insize bijection of an independent with these intervals, set equals and there the number exists of edge betweenvertex two vertices in B ifis and adjacent only if to their a vertex intervals in intersect.D, the degree A graph of if anyproperly vertex interval in A B, and in particular of maximal cliques. [ if, in the formeru, is definition, at most weA alsoB add1+ the constraintC D /2+ thatX all=4 intervalsn 1+ mustX havein G the[A sameB C D X]. Because u It is well-known that every graph| [ that| is a (proper)| [ | interval| | graph, or a threshold| | graph,[ or[ a [ [ length. A graphis not is a threshold incident graph to anyif it edge can be in constructedF , its degree from ain one-vertexG[A B graphC byD repeatedX]/F is at most its degree in triviallyapplications perfect graph, of the isfollowing also a chordal two operations: graph (see addition [2]). of Moreover, a single isolated it is immediate[ vertex[ to[ the to verify[ graph; that G[A B C D X]. This is a contradiction, thus we get that indeed every vertex in A B the two-cliquesaddition of class a single is[ a vertex subclass[ that[ of is the connected[ classes to of all (proper) other vertices. interval A graphs, graph is thresholdtrivially perfect graphsif and [ triviallyin each perfect of its graphs. inducedis incident Thus, subgraphs, to these at leastthe classes maximum one are edge non-trivial size in ofF an. independent From chordal this, graphs set because equals classes, theF numberandn thereforeand of A B =2n,wederive | |  | [ | Theoremmaximal6.1 directly cliques.that impliesF is a lower perfect bounds matching for them in G as[A stateB]. below. It is well-known that every graph that is a (proper) interval[ graph, or a threshold graph, or a It remains to argue that every edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. Targeting Corollarytrivially 6.1. perfectUnless graph, the is ETHalso a chordalis false, graph none (see of [ the2]). following Moreover, itproblems is immediate admits to verify an algorithm that the two-cliquesa class contradiction, is a subclass supposeof the classes that of (proper)this is false. interval Because graphs, thresholdF is a perfect graphs and matching in G[A B], this that solves it in time no(n) where n = V (G) : Chordal Contraction, Interval Con- trivially perfect graphs. Thus, these classes are non-trivial chordal graphs classes, and therefore [ means that there exist| two vertices| a, a0 A such that a, a0 F . By the definition of Noisy tractionTheorem, Proper6.1 directly Interval implies lower Contraction bounds for them, Threshold as state2 below. Contraction{ and} 2Trivially Perfect ContractionStructured. Clique Contraction,neithera nor a0 is adjacent to any vertex in D. Moreover, Corollary 6.1.noteUnless that theD ETHV (G is[ false,A B noneC ofD the followingX]/F ). problemsIn particular, admits the an algorithm vertex of G[A B C D X]/F that solves it in time no(n) ✓where n =[ V ([G) :[Chordal[ Contraction, Interval Con- [ [ [ [ 6.2 Other Graphyielded Classes by the contraction| of | a, a0 is not adjacent to any vertex of D in G[A B C D X]/F . traction, Proper Interval Contraction{, Threshold} Contraction and Trivially [ [ [ [ However, this is a contradiction because G[A B C D X]/F is a clique. In SectionPerfect5, we Contraction have already. proved a lower bound for a class of[ graphs[ that[ is[ not non-trivial chordal, namely, the class of cliques. In this section, we show that our approach can yield lower 6.2 Other GraphWe are Classes now ready to prove a lower bound for Structured Clique Contraction. Because bounds for other classes of graphs that are not non-trivially chordal. For illustrative purposes, this problem is a special case of Clique Contruction, this will directly yield the correctness we considerIn Section the5 classes, we have of alreadySplit proved Graphs a lower, Complete bound for Split a class Graphs of graphsand thatPerfect is not non-trivial Graphs. Clique Contractionof Theorem 5.1. Clique ContractionClique ContractionACliquechordal, graph G Contraction namely,is a split the graph class ofifcliques. there exists In this a partitionsection, we (I,K show) that of V our(G) approach such that canG yield[I] is lower edgeless Input: AInput: graphCliqueInput:AG graphandboundsA Contraction graphCliquet G forNand.G otherandt Contraction classesNt . N. of graphs that are not non-trivially chordal. For illustrative purposes, and GInput:[K] is2A a graph clique.2G Inand2 caset N. i, k : i I,k K , we further say that G is a complete split Question:Question:DoesInput:Question: thereweDoesA exist considerInput: graphDoes there a theresubset theG existLemmaAand classes graph existF at subset aof 5.2.GE2N subsetSplit(.{{andGF)Unless of GraphstF} sizeE(NG theE2 at.)(,G of ETHmostComplete) size of2 sizet is atsuch} false, mostat Split most that theret such GraphsG/Ft such does thatis that not aandG/F clique?G/F existPerfectisis ana clique? a algorithm clique? Graphs. that solves Structured graphQuestion:. NoticeA graph thatDoesG is the there a split two-cliques exist2 graph aif subset there class2✓F exists is notE( aG partition a) subclassof sizeo( at(nI,K) most of) the oftVsuch class(G) that such of splitG/F that graphs,Gis[ aI] clique? is edgeless and hence Question:Question:DoesClique thereCliqueDoes Contraction exist✓ Contraction there a subset exist✓ F a✓ subsetinE( timeG)F ofn sizeE(whereG at) most of sizen =t such atV ( mostG that) . t G/Fsuch thatis a clique?G/F is a clique? the classand ofG[ (complete)K] is a clique. split In casegraphsi, is k not: i✓ non-triviallyI,k K ✓, we chordal. further say that| G is| a complete split HadwigerHadwiger NumberHadwigerHadwiger Number NumberInput: NumberCliqueA graph ContractionG {{and t} N.2 2 } Forgraph the. class Notice of that (complete) the two-cliques split graphs, class2 is not we a prove subclass the of following the class statement. of split graphs, and hence Input: A graph Question:G Proof.andInput:h TargetingDoesAN. graph thereG a existand contradiction,t a subsetN. F supposeE(G) of size that at there most t existssuch that anG/F algorithm,is a clique? denoted by CliConAlg, Input: AInput: graphHadwigerAG graphandInput:theHadwiger classh G NumberANand of graph. (complete)h G NumberandN2. splith N graphs. is not2 non-trivially chordal. Question:TheoremIs2 6.2. the HadwigerUnlessthatQuestion:2 solves the number ETH2DoesStructured is there of false,G existat thereleast a Clique subset as does large✓F not Contraction asE exist(Gh?) of an size algorithm atin most timet such thatno(n that solves). WeG/FSplit willis a show clique? that this implies Question:Question:IsInput: the HadwigerQuestion:IsA theForInput: graph Hadwigerthe numberIs classGA theand graph of Hadwiger of number (complete)hG GatNand least.number of splitGh asat graphs, of large leastNG. at as aswe leasth large prove? as large asthe✓ h following as? h? statement. ContractionOur objectiveWe isHadwiger(or to aretheComplete prove nowexistence the Number2 ready following Split of an to2 algorithm, Contractionprove statement, Theorem denoted where)intime the6.1 by analogous.MatchingAlgno(n) where statement,n that= V for solves(G)Had-. Cross Matching in time Our objectiveOurQuestion: objective is toTheoremOur proveQuestion: is objectiveIs tothe the prove6.2. following Hadwiger isUnless toIs the prove the following statement, the Hadwiger number the ETH following statement,is ofwherefalse, numberG statement, thereat the least where analogousdoesof G where as not theat large exist least analogousthe statement analogous as an ash algorithm? large statement for statement asHad- thath? solves for forHad-Had-Split Input:Hadwigero(n)A graph NumberG and h . | | wigerwiger Number Numberwilln followwill, follow thereby as a as corollary. a contradicting corollary.N Lemma 4.1 ando( hencen) completing the proof. wiger Numberwiger NumberProof.will followContractionTargetingwill as follow a corollary. aInput: contradiction,(or asComplete a corollary.A graph supposeSplitG and2 Contractionh thatN. there)intime exists ann algorithm,where n denoted= V (G) . by SplitAlg, Our objectiveProofOurQuestion: of is objective to Theorem proveIs is the to6.1 Hadwiger provefollowing. Targeting the number2 statement, following of aG contradiction,at statement, where least as the large where analogous as supposeh? the| analogous statement that| there statement for Had- exists for anHad- algorithm, de- Theoremthat solves 5.1.SplitUnlessQuestion: Contraction theWe ETH defineIs is the false, the(or Hadwiger execution thereComplete does number of notMatchingAlg Split of existG at an Contraction least algorithm asas large follows. asthat)intimeh? solves GivenClique anno(n instance).Weo(n) (G, A, B) of Cross TheoremTheorem 5.1.wigerUnlessTheorem 5.1. NumberProof.wiger thenotedUnless ETHTargeting 5.1.will Number by theOur isUnless false,NonTrivChordAlg follow ETH objectivea contradiction, the therewill is as ETH false, isa follow does tocorollary. is prove there false, suppose not as, the does existathere that corollary. following that not doesan solves there algorithm exist not statement, exists exist an-Contraction algorithm an that algorithm,algorithm where solves the that thatClique analogous denoted solves solvesin byClique time statementCliqueSplitAlgn , for.Had- We will show that this Matchingo(n) o(n) , MatchingAlg constructs an instance (H, A, B, C,o( D,n) n) of Structured Clique ContractionwillContraction showthato( solvesnthat) in time thisSplitino(n timeimpliesn)Our Contraction objectivenwhere thewheren existence is= ton(orV= prove(GVComplete)( ofG. the) an. following algorithm, SplitF statement, Contraction denoted where by)intime theCliConAlg analogousn, that statement.We solves for Had- ContractionContractionin time nimpliesin timewherewigern then Number=where existenceV (Gnwill) =. followV of(|G an) as|. algorithm, a| corollary.| o(n) denoted by CliConAlg, that solves Structured Clique TheoremStructuredwillTheorem 5.1. showUnless Clique thatwigerContraction 5.1.this the Contraction implies Number|Unless ETH| the iswill the|as existence false, follow followsETHin| time there as isof (see an anfalse, corollary. does algorithm,Fig., thereby there not?): exist does denoted contradicting an not byalgorithm existCliConAlg Lemma an algorithm that, that5.2 solvesand solves hence thatClique solves Clique To make our approach adaptable too extract(n) analogouso(n) statements for other contraction completingStructuredToContraction make theTheorem proof.our Clique approacho 5.1.(n Contraction)inUnless adaptable timeo the(n) ETHtoin extract time, therebyis false,n analogous, there thereby contradicting does statements contradicting not exist for an Lemma Lemma algorithm other5.2 contraction5.2and thatand hence solves henceClique completing the proof. Then,ToCliConAlg makecallsToContraction ourSplitAlg make approachwith ourContraction (H, approach n adaptable)in as input, timeTheorem and adaptablen to returnsin extract 5.1.timewhere theUnless to answern analogous extractn = of thewhere thisV ETH( call. analogousG statements)n is.= false,V (G statements there) for. does other not for contractionexist other an algorithm contraction that solves Clique problems,problems,Wecompleting we define willWe we thefirst will the define execution define proof.firstLet define thea newn of a= execution newCliConAlgAlg problemA problem,o( andn) (whichK of(whichasbeCliConAlgAlg will follows. a will clique arise arise inGiven on in Section Section 4nas annew follows. instance66)) vertices. along with with (G, Given Let A, a a special B, special (C, C, an D D,) instance nbe) a partition (G, A, of B,V ( C,K) D, n) First, noteproblems, that by construction, we will firstV (HContraction) define=7n + a 2. new Thus,in problem because time nSplitAlg (whicho|where(n)runs willn in| = time ariseV| (G) in. | Section 6) along with a special problems,o( V (H) ) weocase( willn) first of it define thatWe| isdefine a new| alsoContraction the problem a• special execution (whicho( casen) in of| timeCliConAlgAlg of| willCliquen arisewhere in Contractionas Section follows.n| = V|(G6 Given)) along. , prove an with instance a a crucial special (G, A, property B, C, D, n of) V (H) | | 23:22n , it followsTightcase thatLower of itCliConAlg that Bounds isruns also on in thesuch time a special Computationn that. caseC of= ofClique HadwigerD . Contraction Number , prove a crucial property of | |  ofToStructured makeof Structuredof To ourStructured make approach Clique Clique our Contraction approach adaptable Contraction Clique adaptable to Contraction, ,CliConAlgAlg extractCliConAlgAlg to analogous extract| constructs,| CliConAlgAlg analogous statements an an instance instance statements for (H,constructs ( nH, other) of n)Split of for contractionSplit other an instance contraction (H, n) of - caseFor the of correctness itcase thatinstances of isof it the also thatinstances algorithm, ofa is special this also first of problem, this suppose a caseTo special problem, make that of andClique (G, caseour andA, then B,approach of C,then using D,|Clique Contraction n| using)isa adaptable this|Yes this| Contraction-instance property property to, of prove extract prove prove a, analogous Theorem crucial prove Theorem a propertystatements crucial5.1 and property its of its for corollary. corollary. other of contraction F Structured Clique ContractionContractionContractionContraction. This means(or Complete(or thatToComplete make thereas exists our follows Split a approach Split subset ContractionF (see Contraction adaptableE(GFig.) of size?): to) as extract follows follows analogous (see (seeFig.Fig.?): statements?): for other contraction instancesinstances of thisproblems, problem, of thisproblems, we problem, and willproblems, then first we and usingdefine will we then will first this a firstusingnewdefine property define problem this a a newproperty✓ provenew (which problem Theorem prove will (which (which Theorem arise5.1 willand in will arise Section its5.1 arise in corollary.and Section in6 its) Section along6 corollary.) along with6 with) along a a special special with a special at most n such thatTheG/F is definition aThe clique. definition By of the the definition ofproblems, new the problemnew ofVH(,H we problem we)= willderive isV firstas that( isG follows as) defineH/F followsVis( a(seeK anew complete). (seeFig. problemFig.?).?). (which will arise in Section 6) along with a special The definitionThecase definition of the of newitVcase of( thatH problem the)=V ( ofH iscase newV)= it( alsoG ofV thatproblemis) (G itas• aS) that followsspecial iswhereS alsowhere is is as alsoS (see casea followsisS aspecialis aFig. special seta of[ set (see?). ofClique of case casennFig.+2newvertices.+2newvertices. of of?).Clique ContractionClique Contraction Contraction, prove, prove a, crucial a prove crucial property a property crucial of property of split graph: (S, V (G/F )) is a partition of V (H/Fcase)where ofS itinduces that an is independent also a special set, V ( caseG/F ) of Clique Contraction, prove a crucial property of Noisy•Noisy Structured• StructuredLet Cliquen[ =[ CliqueA Contraction. Moreover, Contraction let K and K0 be two cliques, each on 2n new vertices. induces a clique, andinstances every vertex ofinstances in S thisis adjacentinstances problem,instances of to this every ofE this( and problem, ofH vertex)= this problem, then inE problem,V((GG/F andusing) and). Thus,E andthen then( thisK ( then)H, using using propertyn)is usinga, this thisc this property: a prove property propertyA, provec Theorem proveC prove Theorem Theorem5.1 Theoremb, d5.1and:and5.1b itsand5.1 itsB,d corollary. corollary. itsand corollary.D its. corollary. a YesNoisy-instance Structured ofNoisyComplete Structured SplitInput: Clique ContractionEA•(H graph)= Contraction CliqueE ((asGG)on well Contraction| at asu,|least of vSplit: 6un ContractionverticesV (G),v for),S some which. n , and a partition (A, B, C, D, E) Input:EA(H• graph)=EG(Gon) • at[ leastu,{{ v 6:n}u verticesV2 (G[),v for some2S [}. {{n N}N, and2 a partition2 } [ (A,{{ B, C,} D, E2) 2 } means that the callThe to SplitAlg definition• withThe (H, n definitionof)returnsThe theThe definition newYes[ definition{{, ofand problem the hence of} the new ofCliConAlg2 thenew is problem new as problemreturns follows problem2Yes is}. as as (see is follows followsas2Fig. follows2 (see?). (see (seeFig.Fig.Fig.?). ?).?). Input: AInput: graphof VAG(G graphofon) suchV at(G) leastG that suchonV 6( thatatAnH vertices least=)=AB=V 6=n(B forGverticesn,=) someCn, V=C( fornKD= ) someD=2,=2Vn and,novertexinn(nK,novertexin a). partition, and aA partitionA (A,isis adjacent B, adjacent C, ( D,A, toE to B,) a a C, vertex vertex D, E in) in Now, suppose that CliConAlg returns Yes, whichThen, meansMatchingAlg that the call to SplitAlgcallsNwithCliConAlg (H, n0)N with (H, A, B, C, D, n) as input, and returns the answer of • | | | || | | | |[| | || 2|| [| 2 returnsof VYes(G.Thus,() suchof V (H,D thatG, n))isa and suchAD noYes,= and that-instance vertexB noA= vertexNoisy ofinn=,SplitBNoisyBC inis Structured=B Contraction adjacent StructurednisD, adjacentC=2= ton,novertexin Clique(even aD to vertexClique a=2 if vertexSplitAlgn Contraction,novertexin in Contraction inDsolves.DA. is adjacentA is adjacent to a vertex to ain vertex in Noisy StructuredNoisy Structuredthis Clique call. Contraction Clique Contraction9 Complete Split Contraction|Question:|), which| || meansInput:|Does that || there| thereA graph| exist exists| aG| a subseton| atF| leastF E(HE 6)n(G ofvertices) size of at size for at somemost n such, that and aG partition[A B C (A, B, C, D, E) D, and noD, vertex andQuestion: no in vertexB isDoes adjacent in BE there(isHInput: adjacent to)= exist a vertexEA a( graph subsetG to) ina vertexGDEF.on(K✓ atE in) least(GD)E. of9 6(nK sizevertices0) at most foru, some vn such:nNu thatN,V andG(G[A a),v partitionB VC ( (KA,) B, C,V D,(K E)0) . most n such that H/FInput:is a split graph.AInput: graph Let• (I,KG)A beona graph aFirst, partition ata leastG note ofonV ( 6[H/Fn thatatvertices) least into✓ by an✓[ independent6 construction,n forvertices some[n for{{V someN(,H} and)2 n=62 a2 partitionNn,. and Thus,[[ a ( partition[2A,[ because B,[[ C, D, ([CliConAlgA, E B,) C, D,}runs E) in time D XD]/F Xis]/F a clique,isof aV clique,of (GV)where( suchG)where such thatX = thatXA=u=AuBE= =:thereexistsavertexEBn:thereexistsavertex,=Cn, =C D= =2D n=2,novertexinn,novertexinvv AA AB isAC adjacentCis adjacentDDsuchsuch to a to vertex a vertex in in setQuestion: and a set ofQuestion: verticesDoes that there induceDoes exist a clique. there a subset Because exist aFS o subset=( nVE+(H( 2G) andF)) ofH[S sizeEo](( isnG) an at) independent of most sizen atsuch most that2|n suchG[A| that2B G[CA B C o(n) of [V (G)[ suchof V that(G)V such A(H=|) that| ✓B =An| =,{|✓|Cn2B{|| =2|=,| D itn| , follows|=2C| |n=|,novertexin| thatD| | =2| MatchingAlgn,novertexin22A[ is[[runs adjacent[[[[ inA[[ timeis[ to adjacent[ an vertex. to in a vertex in set, there exist at leastthat two verticesuthatanda Then,suv1,sandbelong2 SvDaCliConAlgthatbelong, andD to are,the and no not to vertex same no incidentthe| calls vertex sameconnected in| toB anyNonTrivChordAlgconnected inisB edge adjacentis in adjacentcomponentF component. As to these a to vertex a of vertex ofwithG inG[F[DF] in.] (??H,D. n) as input, and returns the answer of this call. D X]/FDis aX clique,]/F is awhere clique,2 X|where=| |u |X| E=| :thereexistsavertex| u| |E| |:thereexistsavertex| | | | | v| | A Bv} CA BD suchC D such vertices[ are not adjacent[D, to and one anothernoD vertex, andin HQuestion:, and noinQuestion: B because vertex{Foris2 theadjacentDoes they inDoes correctness{ are thereB2 adjacentis there to exist adjacent a exist to vertex a of all subset verticesthea subset to in algorithm,F a inD vertexF.E2(GE)([ of inG first}) sizeD of2[. sizesuppose at most[ at most[n thatsuchn[such ( thatG, thatA,G[ BAG)isa[AB BCYes-instanceC of Cross that u andthatv belongu anda v toabelongNote the thatFirst, same toF themight connected note same contain that connected edgescomponent by outside construction, componentG of[A GB[F ]C? ofDGV[FX(].]H? Then,) = we 10slightlyn. abuse Thus, notation because so NonTrivChordAlg runs in V (G) (and hence to all verticesNote in thatV (H/FF might) S), it contain follows that edgess1,s outside2 Ia andGa[VA(H/FB ) CS KD✓. X✓]. Then, we slightly abuse notation so[ [[ [[ [ Question:FigureQuestion: 8 DoesThe\ D construction thereD X]/FDoesX exist] ofis/F an a thereis clique, ainstance a subset clique,2 exist ofwhereFwhere a subsetX[E=\X([G✓u=})F[ ofuE size|[in:thereexistsavertexEE the(}:thereexistsavertexG at proof) most| of of size Theoremn atsuch most 21 v thatvnA suchGAB[A B thatCBCDGCsuch[DA suchB C In particular, (H/F )[V (H/F ) thatS] isG a[A clique.B LetCMatchingXD[=oX(u]V/F(SHrefers:thereexistsavertex.) ) This to G[A meansoSplit(nB)[ ContractionC[ thatv DV[(GX there{)][/(2F existsE(G[A aB perfectC D matchingX])). 2 [M [in oG([n)such that every edge a a that G[A\ timeB C[ VD[ ([H[X])/Fa[{ refers| 2 to| Ga[A nB[ C✓,[ itD[ follows2{X[2]/(F✓ that\E(G[ACliConAlg[B [C [ D [runsX])).2 in[ time[[ [n[ [. [ [ [ such thatNoteu and thatv belongNoteFDmightwhere that toX the] contain/F[F dashed samemightDis[ connectedlinesedges a[X| contain clique,that] represent/F[ outsidethatu componentis edgesand| u non-edges.awhereGandv clique,[A outsidebelong ofv BbelongXG[FG to=]Cwhere[.[A the Then,touD[B thesameX weXE[ sameC]. have=connected:thereexistsavertex Then,[D connectedu thatX we].E\ component slightly Then,:thereexistsavertex component we abuse[ slightly of[ G notation of[[FvG abuse] [?[FA] so? notationBv C soA DBsuchC D such We referFor to thein theM special correctnesshas case[ one of[ endpoint}Noisy[ of[ the[[ Structured in algorithm,[ A [and Clique the first other Contraction suppose in B,} and that} whereG/M (G,Eis A,= a B, clique. C, D, By n)isa the definitionYes-instance H[Vthat(G) GX[A]/FthatBis aG clique.C[AWe[DB referXC]/F toDrefers[ theX special] to/FGrefers[aA caseB to GC of[ANoisyDB X{C]/ Structured(2FD EX(G]{/[A(F 2BE Clique(GC[A DB ContractionXC])). D 2X])).[where[2E =[[ [ [ [ a ; Now, notice[ that[ (thatH,[ A,[ B,uas[ C,and[Structured D,that S,[v n)belong is[u anand instanceofNote Clique toEvNote that([belongH theof Noisy), thatF[ Contraction samemightMF[ Structured tomight[ contain connected the[E[ contain(H same edges[).. Clique Note\ edges[ We outside connected component that outsideCon- willG[\[StructuredA showG[[BA component[ ofCB[ thatG[DC[FH/M Clique]XD[].? ofX Then,[].isG Then,Contraction[ weFa] clique. slightly we? slightly abuse As abuseis notation;M notation= so n so, this will mean as Structuredof Structured Clique Contraction Clique. Note Contraction that Structured[ [.[ This[ Clique} means[ Contraction that} thereis exists a subset F E(G) tractionWe. refer Furthermore,We to the refer sinceof special an toF algorithm, then and case special wethat denoted of havethatNoisyG casealready[A G by[BACliConAlg of shown StructuredCBNoisyD thatC ✓, thatXDH Structured][/FAX solvesBrefers]/FC CliquerefersStructured toD GX[ toA]/FG ContractionClique[BisA CB CliqueDC ContractionXD Contraction]/(XF ]/where(EF(G[EA(EG[BAwhere= CB DCE X=D])).X|])). | a also| | a speciala casethat of Clique (H,[ A,[ B, Contraction[ C, D,[ [ n[)isa[ . [ Yes-instance[ [ [ of[Structured\ [ Clique[ [ [ Contraction,whichwill✓ a clique, we have thatalsoF is aNote ain solution special time thatofn too( casen thissize)FNotewheremight instance. of at thatCliquen is contain most Therefore, theF[ might number[ Contractionn edges[ bysuch contain Lemma of[ outside vertices that5.1 edges, FG in. [is theAG/F a outside matching inputB [is graph,CG[ a[AD clique.[ therebyB[X].C contradicting Then, ByD\ the weX]. slightly[definition Then,[ ;[ abuse we[ slightly notation of; H abuse, we so notation directly so derive that as Structuredas Structured Clique ContractionClique ContractionWe refer. Note to the that. special NoteStructured thatcase[ ofStructuredNoisy[ Clique[ Structured[[ [ ContractionClique[ [ Clique Contraction Contractionis is where E = of size n in H such thatthat eachSolutionsLemmaG edge[ASolutions in 12BthatF to andhasC instancesG one hence[ toADWe endpoint instances completingB referX of]/FC inNoisy toArefers ofDand the theNoisy theX specialproof. Structured to] other/FG Structured[Arefers in caseBB. In of to particular,CNoisyG Clique[A CliqueD B StructuredX Contraction]/C Contraction(F DE(GX Clique[]A/(F BexhibitE Contraction(CG[A the theD followingB followingX])).C whereD XE])).= ; FalsoE( aG) special andalso hence a case specialX = of.Clique Because case[H/F[ ofG ContractionClique=[isHas[[ aA[Structured two-cliquesB[ ContractionC[ D.[], we Clique thus graphs, derive. [ Contraction that[ andG/F[ [ thereforeis[ [. Note[\ that it[ belongsStructured[ \ [ to[ Clique[[.Thus,([ Contraction[ [H, n)isa; is Yes-instance of ✓ property,; We define which theas executionStructured will[ be[ of crucialCliConAlg[ Clique in theas follows. proofContraction of Given Theorem an. instance Note5.1 as that(G, well A,Structured B, as C, results D, n) of in SectionClique6 Contraction. is a clique. Thus, weproperty, conclude that which (G, A, B, will C, D, bealso n)isa crucial a specialYes-instance in case the of proofofStructuredClique of Theorem Contraction Clique5.1 as. well as results5 in SectionF 6. SolutionsSolutions to instancesWeStructured refer to instances of-Contraction toWeNoisy theCliquealso refer aspecial of Structured special ContractionNoisy to the case case Structured special, of which of,Clique CliqueCliConAlgNoisy case means Contraction ofStructuredconstructs Contraction CliqueNoisy that an Contraction Structured the. instance Clique callexhibit(H, to n) theofNonTrivChordAlgexhibit Contraction CliqueSplit following the Contraction followingwherewithE (=H,where n) asE = input returns Contraction. This completesLemma theF proof 5.1. of theLet reverseFSolutionsbe direction. a solution to instances to an instance of Noisy(G, Structured A, B, C, D, E, Clique n) of Noisy Contraction Structuredexhibit the following; ; property,property, whichasLemmaStructured willContraction which be crucialYes willStructuredLet, be and(or inF Clique crucialSolutionsComplete thebe hence a proof solution in Contraction to Clique theCliConAlg Split of instances Theorem proof to Contraction an Contraction of of instancereturnsNoisy Theorem5.1. Noteas) as Structured( wellG, followsYes5.1 that A, as. B,.as (see NoteresultsStructured C, well Fig. D, Clique that as E,8): in results n Section)Structured Contractionof Noisy inClique6 Section. Structured Contractionexhibit6 Clique. the following Contractionis is A graph G is a perfect graph if the chromaticproperty, number of everywhich induced will be subgraph crucial of inG equals the proof of Theorem 5.1 as well as results in Section 6. CliqueV (H) = ContractionV (G) ∪ S where .S Then,is a setF of nis+ a 2 matchingnew vertices. of size n in G such that each edge in F has the size of the largestalsoClique clique a special of Contraction thatalso subgraph. case aNow,property, special of Here,Clique suppose. caseThen,the which chromatic of will ContractionF thatCliqueis be number a crucial matchingCliConAlg of Contraction a in graph the. of proofis sizereturns the ofn Theoremin. GYessuch,5.1 which thatas well each means as edgeresults in that inF Sectionhas the6 call. to NonTrivChordAlg LemmaLemma 5.1. Let 5.1.FonebeLet endpoint a solutionF be in aA tosolutionand an the instance to other an in instance(G,B. A, B,( C,G, D, A, E, B, n C,) D,of Noisy E, n) of StructuredNoisy Structured minimum number ofone colorsSolutions endpoint requiredE(Hwith) to= in toSolutionsE color(AG instances ()H,and its∪Lemma {{ vertices nu, the)returns v to} other: so of instancesu 5.1. that∈NoisyV ( in everyGLet)YesB, vF. pair∈ Structured of.Thus,(Sbe} ofNoisy. a adjacent solution Structured verticesH, to n Clique an)isa instanceYes Contraction Clique(G,-instance, A, B, C, Contraction D, E,whichexhibit n) of Noisy means theexhibit following Structured that the there following exists a subset areClique assigned di ContractionClique↵erent colors. ContractionThen, For theCliConAlg. Then, class ofLemmacalls perfect.F Then,isSplitAlg graphs, a 5.1. matchingFwithLet weis prove(FH, abe matchingn ofthe) as a sizefollowing solution input,n andofin statement. to size returnsG ansuchn instance thein thatG answersuch(G, each ofA, thisthat B, edge C, call. each D, in E,F edge n)hasof inNoisyF has Structured property,Proof. whichproperty,FWe first willE(Clique argue whichH be) crucial thatof will Contraction size every be in at vertex crucialthe most proof. in Then, inAn oftheBsuchF Theoremis proof incidentis a that matching of to5.1 TheoremH/F atas least of well size one5.1n as resultsG In in wellsuchF particular,. Targetingas in that Sectionresults each edge in6H/F. Section in F ishas a6. chordal graph. Theoremone endpoint 6.3.oneUnless endpointProof. in theA ETHandWeFirst, in is the first false,A note otherand argue there thatClique the does inone by thatB other construction,not endpoint. Contraction existevery in anB vertex algorithm in.|VA(Hand.) in| that Then,=A the 7n solves+ otherB[F 2.isPerfectis Thus, incident in aB matching because. toSplitAlg at of least sizerunsn onein in edgeG timesuch in thatF . Targeting each edge in F has o(n)a contradiction,o(|V (H✓)|) o( supposen) that there exists[ a vertex u o(An) B that is2 notF incident to any edge Contraction in timea contradiction,n |V (whereH)| Basedn = V suppose(≤G)n on. , Proposition it that follows there that existsCliConAlg6.1, a we vertexruns will in timeu firstn2A .[ showB that that is notH incident[A B to anyC edgeD X]/F is a clique, where in F . Because| one| endpointA B inCA andD =6 then other, F in Bn. and G[A B C D X]/F is a clique Proof. WeProof. firstLemma argueWe firstFor that 5.1.Lemma the argue every correctnessLet that vertexFProof. 5.1. everybe of the aLet inWe algorithm,solution vertexA firstF Bbe argue inis firsta to incidentA solution thatsuppose anB instance everyis tothat incident to at vertex(G, an least2 A,(G, instance B,to in[ one A,C,A at D, B, least edgeB n) C,isis(G, incident aone D,inYes A,F E,-instance edge. B, Targetingn to) C, in atof D,[F leastNoisy. E, Targeting one[ n) edgeof Structured[Noisy in F[. Targeting Structured Proof. Targeting a contradiction,in F . Because supposeX = thatA u there|B V[ exists(CK[ an)D algorithm,[V=6(|Kn denoted0,):thereexistsavertexF | by| PerfectAlgn and , G[A [B [C v[ DA[ X]B/F isC a cliqueD such that u and v belong to (where the| last[o(n two) [ properties[ [| follow[ from| |  the supposition[ that [F is a[ solution),[ it holds that thata contradiction, solves PerfectContractiona contradiction,Clique(where supposeof Structured the ContractionClique last that supposein time twoProof. there{n Clique Contraction propertiesa that2. contradiction, WeexistsWe. Contraction will there first Then, show a followargue[ vertex exists thatF suppose.that this Then,au This implies vertexa everythematching meansAthat theF vertex suppositionB thereu existence thatisthat aAin there exists ofmatchingA isB size exists notB a thatthat vertexisn incident a incident subsetFin is ofisu notG size aF tosuchA solution),toincident2⊆ atnE anyB( leastinG that[)that edgeG oneto itsuch iseach[ anyholds edgenot[ thatedgeincident in thatF . each in Targeting toF any edgehas edge in F has of an algorithm, denotedof byG sizeCliConAlg[A atthe mostB, thatsamenCsuch solvesD that connectedStructuredXG/F]/Fisis a clique. a Clique component clique By2 Contraction the on[ definition at least2 of H ofin 5[n[HF[+, we] X. derivevertices. that2H/F Hence,[ is a the degree of in Fo(.n) Becausein Fone. BecauseA endpointB oneAC in endpointaBAD contradiction,andin=6CF . the innD Because, A otherF=6and supposen inA then, BandF thatB other. GC theren[A inandDB existsB.=6G[A anC, vertexFBD unCXandA]/FDGBis[AthatX a] clique/FB is notisC aincidentD cliqueX to]/F anyis edge a clique time n , therebyG contradicting[A B Lemma[C [5.2D and[ X hence][/F completingis a clique| the[ proof. on[ at[ least| 5n + |X|}| |vertices.2 [ Hence,[ [ the[ degree[ of | [complete[every[[| vertex split[[Targeting[ graph:in in[F[|(whereG.([S,A Because[ V (G/F theB a| )) lastcontradiction,|CAis a twoD partitionB| propertiesX|C]/F of D,V and(H/F=6[ follow suppose in)nwhere, particular[ fromF [S|[induces the that|n[ of[and suppositionu anH,[G shouldindependent[A [B that beB 5CnF isCD1+ a solution),XXD]/Fin isX it a]/F holds cliqueis that not a clique, and (whereWe define the(where the last executionevery two theset, vertex of propertieslastVCliConAlgAlg(G/F two in) inducesG properties[ followasA follows. aB clique, from[ Given followC and[ the an|D every[ instancefrom[ suppositionX vertex[][/F the (G,,[ in A, andsuppositionS B,|is thatC, in adjacent D, particular nF) of|is to that| a every solution),F of vertexisu, a should insolution), itV[( holds[G/F be[). 5[ thatn it[ holds1+[[ | thatX| [in Structured Clique ContractionG[A B, CliConAlgAlgC DG[[AXconstructs[]/FB .[ However,C an[ instanceD becauseX (H,]/F n)is of noPerfect a vertex clique in onA atis adjacent least 5n to+ aX vertexvertices. in D and Hence,| no| the degree of G[A BG[ACProof.G[ABDThus,BWeCX(Proof.C][H,therefore/F firstD n[)Disis argue(whereX a a[WeXYes]/F clique]/F[-instance first there that theis. However, a argueonlast every clique existof at twothat least vertex properties because on two every 5atn non-adjacent in least+ no followA vertexX vertex 5Bnvertices. fromis+ in in incidentXA theA verticesisvertices. suppositionB Hence,(as adjacentis to well incident at asu the leastHence, to of thatand a degree vertextoF onevis at thein a edge least of solution),in degree thisD in oneand graph.F of. itedge no Targeting holds in By thatF . the Targeting definition of X, Contraction as follows (seevertexFig. ?): in B is adjacent[ to[ a vertexComplete[ in[ D, Split the degree[ Contraction of any[ vertex in A BSplit|, and| in particular of [ [ [[ [[[ [[ [ [G[),[ whichAeveryB means vertexC thatD in theGX[ callA]/F toBisSplitAlg aC| clique|withD on(XH,|]/F at n|) ,returns least and 5innYes particular+, and[X hencevertices. of u, should Hence, be the 5n degree1+ ofX in every vertexeverya invertex vertexcontradiction,G[ContractionAu in, inisBBa atHGis contradiction, most[ adjacentAAC supposeBADB[B toCX[ aC]/F that1+ vertexD suppose,[C andD thereX in[D]/F inD/X that2+,exists particular,[] theand/FX there[ degree in=4is a[ vertexparticularn equal exists of of[1+u any,u shouldX toa vertexvertex ofinA theGu,[ beA inshouldB subgraphu 5ABthatn | ABC|1+ be, is andD 5BnotnX ofthat inX incident].in1+ particularH/F Because isX notinduced toinu incident of any edge by| to| the any edgeset of vertices Let K = u0 : u V (G) where each elementG[Au0 isB a newC vertexD referredX]/F . to However, as the tagged because2 no[ vertex2[ in A[is adjacent to a vertex in D and no • { 2 CliConAlg}[ [returns[[every[| Yes[[[. vertex[| [ [ in|[G[A[| B |C | D X]/F ,| and| in particular[ [ of[ u|,[ should| be| 5|n 1+ X in G[AcopyB of Gu.[C Additionally,Ainu,DB isF . atXCis Because most let] not/ incident However,FA aX set.]/FBA of Becausen to. from+1newvertices. However, any1+B because[ edgeC connectedC[A inD no[ becauseDFB/2+ vertex,[[ its=6C degreeX[components non in=4, vertex[DA inFnisG=6[ adjacent[1+A innnAB,Xand thatisFCin adjacent toG aD[ contain[AA vertexn XandB] to/FB inaCGis at vertexD[C atAD least mostandDBX in no its]. oneDBecauseX degreeCand]/F vertexD no inisu aX from clique|]/F| isA a cliqueB C D.In [ [ [[ [[ Now,[ suppose[| [G| [A| thatvertex[ BCliConAlg[|C in|B[D[is[returns| adjacentX|][/FYes|. However,,| to[ which a| vertex| | means because in that|D|,| nothe the| vertex degree call to[[ inSplitAlg ofA[ anyis[ adjacent[ vertexwith[[[ in to[A[ a vertexB[, and in[ inD particularand no of vertex invertexB is(whereis adjacent notin B incidentis the adjacent to(where last a vertexto two any the to propertiesedgein a last vertexD, in twotheF in, degree propertiesitsD follow, degree the of fromdegree any in followG vertex the[A of any supposition fromB[ in vertexA[C the[BD, suppositionin and[ thatAX]/F inBF particular,is andis at thata most in solution), particularF of its[is degree a solution), it of holds in that it holds[ that[ [ V (H)=V (G) K (IH,.G n[A) returnsparticular,B CYes. Thus,Du[, isXu[ at(H,].and most This[n) isv[ aA isYesare aB-instance contradiction, also1+ non-adjacentofCSplitD[ thus/ Contraction2+[ weX get[=4 vertices thatn[ (even indeed1+ ifX inSplitAlg everyinH/FG[A vertex.B By inC PropositionA DB X]. Because6.1u, this implies that • G[[A[ B [C [Dvertex[X].[ in ThisB is is adjacent a| contradiction,[ to| a vertex| [ thus in |D, we the| get degree[| that of indeed any[ | vertex| every in vertexA[ B[, andin [A[ in[ particularB of u, is at mostu, isG atA[A mostBsolvesisB incidentA1+CompleteG(H/F[CABC toD)[BD1+ at SplitNis/ least2+ notXC Contraction] incident/F oneX(DuD)/=4 edgeis2+ anN toX inX clique] any),/FF1+ which.=4 edge( FromisvXn)] onmeans a inin isthis, clique1+ atFG that,a its[ least becauseAX clique. there degree oninB 5 existsGn atF[ inCA+ Let leastG a[ subsetDXAnBand 5Bvertices.XCnF(resp.].A⊆+C BecauseDE(BXHD)X=2vertices. Hence,].X)[n]u Because/F,wederive beis the at the most Hence,u set degree its of degree theconnected of degree in of components E(H)=E(G)| [u,[ u0| : |[u [V [(|G)| [u[, isu| 0 at,vH/F|0 most:[u| 0,v|0A| KB |H/Fu,1+| i :C|u0 |DV (G/)2+,i| XI[| . =4[|n | [[1+[[X[1 in[|[G[[A[| [B2 C D X[]. Because u is• not incidentis notis[ to incident{{ incident any[ofthat} size edge[2 atto toF mostis any at in a[[} leastF perfectn[ edge,{{such itsG[[ one[Athat indegree} matchingF edge[BH/F,| its2 inC in\is[[ degree in}G aF[D split|[GA.{{[A FromX graph. in}B].|BG This]. this,[2[C LetA is|(I,KD becauseB a contradiction,2)| XCbe}|] a/F partitionDF is atX|n thus] mostof/FandC||V |( weisH/F itsA at get) degreemost|intoB that[|C=2 itsindeed[ inn degree,wederive[ every[ in vertex in A B every vertexeveryof inHisG[ vertexF[ notA] that incidentB[ in G contain[C[ toA[ anyDB[ edge[ at[XC in least][/FFD,,[ its[ and one degreeX[[ in]/F vertex[ particular in,| G and|[A from inB particular ofCV|u(,D[K should1X)(resp.| ] of/F u beis, at should 5 mostnV (K its1+2 be)) degree 5X .n Becausein 1+[ X Fin n and G[A B G[CA thatDB FanCXis independent]. aD This perfectX is set]. a matching This andis contradiction,[ incident a setis[ a of in contradiction,vertices toG[ at[[A leastthus that[[B]. one inducewe[ getedge thus a clique. that[ in weF . indeedget Because From that this,| everyS indeed|[= becausen[+ vertex 2 everyand[ FH in[[S vertexA] n andB inAA BB=2n|,wederive| | || |  [ [ G[[A [isB an[ independentGCV[A[(KDGB[)A10 set,X=C]B/F thereV.DC( existHowever,KDX) at]/F=2X least[]..n Thisbecause However, two, there vertices is a contradiction, no4 existss because, vertex s ∈ S atthat noin least thusA are vertexis we not one adjacent get incident in thatcomponent|A|is to indeed to adjacent[ a vertex every| C[ to[ vertex in| aD vertex inand(resp.A no inB DC and no) that does is incidentis toincident at least[ to one[ at least edge[[ 1 one[ in[that[F edge.[F From[ is in[ aF2 perfect this,.[ From because matching this, becauseF in G1[An2andFB]. An andB =2A n,wederiveB =2n,wederive1 1 [ 2 2 vertexany in edgeBvertex| is in F Asin incident| theseB is| to vertices adjacent to a at vertex areleast| not to one in adjacent aD edgevertex, the in to4 F degreeone in. FromD another,[ the of this, in any degreeH because, vertex and of because anyF in A they vertexn andB,A andin AB in=2B particular2,nC and,wederive in particular of 2 C of not contain any vertex from| A|  B | |C| [D.| Let| | [| c1| and |c2[be| the vertices of H/F yielded by that F isthat a perfectF isare a matching perfect adjacent matching to inthat allG vertices[AF is inB ain perfect].GV[A(G) matching(andB]. hence in toG all[A vertices[ B].[ in V ([H/F4 ) \ S), it follows[ [ u, is at mostuthe, isA at replacement mostB [1+A CB of[DC1+/2+andC XCD=4/,2+ respectively.[n X1+=4Xn in1+ AsG[A allX B verticesin GC[A DB in XVC].(K BecauseD) XV].(uK Because) areu adjacent to that s1, s2 ∈| I [and V| (H/F| )[\|S ⊆[| K.| In1 particular,| |[ | 2| (H/F)[| V (|H/F| ) \|S] is a clique.| [| Let[ [[ [[ [ 1 [ 2 is not incidentis not to incident any edge to in anyF 4, edge its degree in F4 , its in G degree[A B in GC[A DB XC]/FDis atX most]/F is its at degree most[ its in degree in X = {uall∈ S : verticesthere exists ain vertexA v ∈BV (G)Csuch thatD,u and wev havebelong[ 4[ to that the[ same[c1[,c connected[2 [NH/F[ (u) NH/F (v). However, there do G[A componentB GC[A of GDB[F ]}.X Then,C]. ThisD we have[ isX a]. that contradiction, This[H[V ( is[G) a∪ X contradiction,]/F is thus a clique. we get thus that we indeed get2 that every indeed vertex\ every in A vertexB in A B [ [not[[ exist[[ a vertex[ [ in V (K1) and a vertex in V (K2) that are adjacent in H[, and for[ every vertex is incidentNow,is to notice incident at least that ( toH, oneA, at B, edge least C, D, inS, one nF) is. edge anFrom instance in this,F . of From becauseNoisy this, StructuredF becausen CliqueandF A nBand=2An,wederiveB =2n,wederive in V .(K Furthermore,1) V ( sinceK2),|F | its ≤ n neighborhoodand we have already shown outside that| |H this[A ∪ B set∪| C|∪ is| contained[ | | [ in |A B C D.Thus,c1 that FContractionis athat perfectF is matching a[ perfect inmatchingG[A B in].G[A B]. [ [ [ D ∪ X]/Fandis a clique,c2 must we have be that non-adjacentF is a solution[ to this in[ instance.H/F . Therefore, However, by Lemma this 11, is a contradiction to the argument that F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other (H/F )[NH/F (u) NH/F (v)] is a4 clique. From4 this, we derive that H[A B C D X]/F is \ [ [ [ [ indeed a clique. Now, notice that (H, A, B, C, D, E, n)whereE = V (K ) V (K ) is an instance of Noisy 1 [ 2 Structured Clique Contraction. Furthermore, since F n and we have already shown | |  that H[A B C D X]/F is a clique, we have that F is a solution to this instance. Therefore, [ [ [ [ by Lemma 5.1, F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. In particular, F E(G) and hence X = . Because G = H[A B C D], ✓ ; [ [ [ 8 Then, CliConAlgThen, CliConAlgcalls SplitAlgcalls withSplitAlg (H,with n) as (H, input, n) as and input, returns and the returns answer the of answer this call. of this call. Prop-Col-First, noteFirst, that note by thatconstruction, by construction,V (H) =7V (Hn +) 2.=7 Thus,n + 2. because Thus, becauseSplitAlg runsSplitAlg in timeruns in time | | | | V (H) o( V ((HH) ) o( Vn(oH(n))), it followsno(n), it that followsCliConAlg that CliConAlgruns in timerunsn ino(n time). no(n). | | | | || |  Then,ForCliConAlg theThen, correctnessForCliConAlg thecalls correctnessSplitAlg of thecalls algorithm,withSplitAlg of the (H, algorithm, nwith first) as ( input,supposeH, n first) asand thatsuppose input, returns (G, and A,that the B, returns ( C,G, answer D, A, nB, the)isa of C, answer this D,Yes n call.)isa-instance of thisYes-instance call. of of StructuredFirst,Structured noteFirst, Clique that note by CliqueContraction construction, that by Contraction construction,.V This(H) means=7.V Thisn(H+ that) means 2.=7 there Thus,n that+ exists 2. because there Thus, a subset existsSplitAlg because aF subsetrunsESplitAlg(GF) in of time sizeEruns(G) in of time size o( V (H) ) o( Vo(Hn)) ) o(n) Prop-Col-| | | | o(n) o(n) ✓ ✓ atV ( mostH) |natVsuch most(H| ) thatnn| suchG/F,| it that followsisn aG/F clique., it thatis follows a ByCliConAlg clique. the that definition ByCliConAlgruns the definition in of timeHruns, wen in of derive timeH. , we thatn derive.H/F thatis aH/F completeis a complete | | | |  splitFor graph: thesplit correctness (ForS, graph: V the(G/F correctness (S, of)) V the is(G/F a algorithm, partition)) of is the a partition algorithm,of firstV (H/F suppose of)where firstV (H/F that supposeS)where (inducesG, A, that B,S an C,induces (G, independent D, A, n B,)isa an C, independent D,Yes set,n-instance)isaV (G/FYes set, of-instance) V (G/F of) Structuredinduces ainducesStructured clique, Clique a and clique, every Contraction Clique and vertex every Contraction in vertexS. Thisis adjacent in This adjacent to that meansevery there to vertex that exists every there in a vertexV subset( existsG/F in).F aV Thus,subset(G/FE(G). ()FH, of Thus, n size)isE(G (H,) of n)is size Clique ✓ ✓ ata Yes most-instancenaatsuchYes most-instance of thatCompleten suchG/F of thatisComplete a SplitG/F Contraction By a Split clique. the Contractiondefinition By the(as definition of wellH, as(as we of well derive ofSplitH as, we that of Contraction deriveSplitH/F thatContractionis aH/F complete), whichis a complete), which splitmeans,weprovealower graph: thatmeanssplit (theS, graph: V that call(G/F to the (S,))SplitAlg callV is( aG/Fto partitionwithSplitAlg)) is (aH, ofpartitionwith nV)returns(H/F (H, of)where nV)returnsYes(H/F, andS)whereinducesYes hence, andS anCliConAlginduces hence independentCliConAlg anreturns independent set,YesreturnsV (.G/F set,)YesV.(G/F ) inducesNow, ainduces suppose clique,Now, and a supposethat clique, everyCliConAlg andthat vertex everyCliConAlgreturns in vertexS isYes adjacentreturns in, whichS isYes to adjacent means, every which that vertex to means every the in that call vertexV (G/F to theSplitAlg in call).V Thus,( toG/FwithSplitAlg ().H, ( Thus,H, n)iswith n) (H, (H, n)is n) Problem Prop-Col-Prop-Col- Clique Then, CliConAlg calls SplitAlgareturnsYes-instancewithYesreturnsa Yes.Thus,( (H,-instance of n)YesComplete as.Thus,( input,H, of n)isa andComplete Split returnsH,Yes n)isa Contraction-instance the Split answerYes-instance Contraction of ofSplit this(as call. of well ContractionSplit as(as of ContractionwellSplit as Contraction(even of Split if (evenSplitAlg Contraction), if whichsolvesSplitAlg),solves which First, note that by construction,Proof.V (WeH) first=7hasn argue+ one 2. Thus, that every because,weprovealower vertexSplitAlg inrunsA inB timeis incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting o( V (H) ) o(n)meansComplete thatCompletemeans the Split| call that Contraction| to Split theSplitAlg call Contraction towithSplitAlg), whicho((H,n) nwith)returns), means which (H, thatn)returnsYes means, there[ and that existshenceYes there, and aCliConAlg subset exists hence aFCliConAlg subsetreturnsE(HF)Yes ofreturns.E size(H at)Yes of size. at Then, CliConAlgV (H) calls| SplitAlg| n with, it (followsH, n)a as that contradiction, input,CliConAlg andM returnsruns suppose in the time answern that. of there this call. exists a vertex u A B that✓ is not✓ incident to any edge . | |  mostNow,n suchmost suppose thatNow,n suchH/F that suppose thatCliConAlgis aH/FProblem split thatis graph.CliConAlgreturns a split Let graph.Yesreturns (I,K, which Let) beYes ( meansI,K a, partition which) be that a means partition of the2V call( thatH/F[ to of the)VSplitAlg into( callH/F an to) independentwith intoSplitAlg an(H, independent nwith) (H, n) ) First, noteFor that the by correctnessthat construction, somewhat of the resembles algorithm,V (Hin) F=7. firstn Because+ suppose 2. Thus,A that becauseB (G, A,CSplitAlg B, C,D D,runs n=6)isa innYes, time-instanceF n ofand G[A B C D X]/F is a clique G | o( V (H) ) o(n) returns| Yesreturns.Thus,(| Yes.Thus,(H, n)isao(n)H,Yes n)isa-instanceYes-instance of Split of ContractionhasSplit one Contraction(even if SplitAlg(even ifsolvesSplitAlg solves ( V (H) | StructuredClique| n Contraction, Cliqueit followsset Contraction that andCliConAlg aset set and of. Thisruns vertices a set inmeans timeof that vertices| thatn [ induce there. that[ exists a induce clique.[ a subset| a Because clique.F E| ( BecauseGS| ) of= sizen +S 2 and= n +H[ 2S and] is[ anH[ independentS[] is an[ independent V | |  . (where the last two propertiesCross follow from✓ M the| | supposition| | that F is a solution), it holds that For theat correctness most n such of that the algorithm,G/FCompleteBis a clique. firstComplete suppose Split ByProp-Col- the Contraction that definition Split (G, A, Contraction of B,H C,,), D,we which n deriveClique)isa meansYes), that which-instanceH/F that meansis there ofa complete that exists there a subset existsF a subsetE(HF) of sizeE(H at) of size at = | ) . set, there| set, exist there at least exist two at least verticesthat two somewhats verticesClique1,s2 resemblesSs1that,s2 areS that not incident are not incidentto any edge to any in F edge. As in theseF . As these n Structuredsplit graph:Clique (S, ContractionG V (|G/F=))| is a. partition ThisG[A means of BV that(H/FC there)whereD existsS Xinduces a] subset/F anisF independent a2 cliqueE(G) of2 onsize set, atV ( leastG/F ) 5n + X vertices.✓ ✓ Hence, the degree of ( mostverticesn such areverticesmost thatnot[n adjacentsuchH/F are[ not thatCliqueis[ a adjacent to splitH/F,weprovealower one Contraction[ another ato split one Let graph. inanother (✓I,KH, and) Let be in because (aHI,K partition, and) be theybecause a ofpartition areV (H/F they adjacent| of)| are intoV (H/F adjacent to an all independent) into vertices to an all independent in vertices in Cross Matchingat most n such that G/FV is aA clique.| By theevery definition vertex of inH,G we,weprovealower[A deriveB thatCH/F.Dis a completeX]/F , and in particularCross of u, should be 5n 1+ X in induces a= clique,| and everysetV (G and) vertex (and aVset set( inG hence and)S of (andis verticesa adjacent to set hence all of vertices that verticesto to every all induce in vertices vertex thatV ( aH/F clique. induce in inBV)| V(G/FS(H/F Becausea), clique.). it) Thus,followsS),S Because (H, it= that follows nn)is+s 2S,s andthat= nIHs+and[,sS 2] and isV ( anIH/FHand independent[S)]V isS(H/F an independentK). S K. Unless) where the ETH is false, there does not exist an algorithm thatn solves | [ [Matchin-[ [ 1 2 1 2 | | n split graph:a Yes (S,-instance V (G/F )) of isComplete a partition ofSplitVG([H/FA Contraction)whereProblemB CS inducesD(as wellX an]/F as independent. of However,Split= | \ Contraction set, becauseV (G/F\ |) no),| which vertex| | in2A is adjacent2 to\ a vertex✓ \ in✓D and no o( Cross Matching suchset,In that particular, there everyInset, existedge particular, thereProblem (H/F at in least exist)[V (( twoH/FH/F at least vertices)[)V (SH/F two] isAs1vertices a),s clique.2S] isSs athat1 Let,s clique.2X are=S not Letthatu incidentX areS=:thereexistsavertex notu to incidentS any:thereexistsavertex edge to inanyF edge.v As theseVin(GF ).v AsV these(G) induces ameans clique, that and the every call vertex to SplitAlg in CrossS iswith adjacent ( MatchingH,[ n)returns to[ every[ vertexYes[, and in henceV (G/F| CliConAlg).2has Thus, one returns (H,2 n)isYes. n Unless) where the ETH)where is false,G there does notProp-Col- existvertex an algorithm in B is that adjacent solves\ to| a vertex\M in D, the{ degree2 of{ any2 vertex in A B2, and in2 particular of a Yes-instance(n of GComplete Splitverticessuch Contraction that aresuchverticesu notand that adjacent are(asv ubelong well notand as to adjacentv oftoClique onebelongSplit the another sameto Contraction to one the connectedin anotherhas sameH one, and), connected in which becausecomponentH, and theycomponent because of areG[F adjacent theyMatchin-] of. Then,areG[F to adjacent] . all we Then, vertices have to we allthat in havevertices that in o Now,( . supposein that CliConAlg returnsCrossYes, Matching which means thatsuch the thatM call every to SplitAlg edge in with (H, n) [ n V .) that somewhat resembles } } means thatreturns the) callGYes|M to.Thus,(SplitAlg H,withVH( n[GV)isa ()(H,G (and) nuH)returnsYesV,[X( henceV is-instanceG](/F) atG (and) mostisYesthat toX a all, ofhence somewhat and]clique./FSplit verticesA henceis toB a)where resembles Contraction all clique.CliConAlg inG vertices1+V (H/FC returns in)D(evenVS/(),H/F2+Yes it if. followsXSplitAlg) S=4), itthatnsolves follows1+s1,s2X thatIinsand1G,s[A2V (H/FIBand)CVS(H/FDK.)X].S BecauseK. u (G( | Clique Contraction,weprovealower| [(G .| | [ | Prop-|Cross?):| | | [ [ [ [ Lemmain 3.1. time Now,) suppose ofV V that CliConAlg returns Yes[Clique, which Contraction[ means that thein call to SplitAlg\ with (H,\ n) 2 2 \ ✓ \ ✓ Complete| Split ContractionIn particular,Now,isIn notice), not whichparticular,Now, (H/F incident that means notice)[V (H,( ( thatH/FH/FV to that A,B any B,there)|.)[ (VH, C,S edge( exists]H/F D, A, is S,B, a in) a clique.n C, subset)FS isD,,] its isan S,F Let a degreeinstance n clique.)X isE( anH=) in Let instanceof ofuG sizeNoisy[XAS at=:thereexistsavertexB ofu StructuredNoisyCS :thereexistsavertexD StructuredX] Clique/F vis atV Con-Clique most(G)v its Con-V degree(G) in ==| = | M ✓ Cross LSI Lemmainreturns 3.1. timeA, BnYesnmost.Thus,(n suchis aH, clique?that n)isaH/F isYes a-instance splitProblem graph. of LetSplit (I,K) Contraction of) be aB partition| \ (even of V\(H/F if`)SplitAlg of) intoFig. ansolves independent{ 2 [ { [2 [ [ Prop-?): 2 2 Crosssuchtraction Matching thatGtractionsuchu.[A Furthermore,and thatBv .belonguC Furthermore,andA|=D since|v tobelongX theF].has samesince This one ton and the isconnectedF, a we same contradiction,n haveand connected component already we have shown alreadythus component of weG that[ shownF get]H. of[ thatA Then, thatGB[F indeedH]C we.[AD Then, haveB everyXC]/F that weD vertexis haveX]/F that inisA B TODO LSI Complete Split ContractionCross), Matching which means that there| n exists) ,is thereby a aclique? subset contradictingFH E(H) of sizeMatchin- at } ) of Fig.} Unless) where the ETHset is and false, a there set of does vertices not exist that an algorithm induce that a[ clique. solvesA,[ B BecauseA[|( [SM|= |n+ 2 and| | H[S] is an independent ` [ [ [ [[[ [ [ [ Unless)TODOn where the ETH isG/M false, there does not existH an[V algorithm(G) isHX thatincident[V]/F( solvesG)is aCliqueX to clique.]/Fo atis least a clique. one edge,c ✓ in F . From this, because F , n and A B =2n,wederive (nomost( n such that H/F is a split graph.a clique,Cross Leta weMatching ( clique,I,K have) be that we a partition haveF|suchis that a ofsolution| everyVF| (H/Fis edge aG tosolution) in into this an instance. independent to this instance. Therefore,) , Therefore, thereby by Lemma contradictingH by5.1 Lemma, F is5.1 a matching, F is a matching o set,. there exist at least twoCross vertices Matching[thats somewhat1,s2)where[SG resemblesthatn are not incident to any edge in FMatchin-. As( thesen | |  | [ | n n )| ,weprovealowerG suchG/M that every edge in o ,c set and a(G set of vertices that induceof sizeCliqueNow, a clique.n thatof Contractionin notice sizeH BecauseNow,F(suchn)where thatis2inin notice a thatH. ( perfectSH,such= each A, thatn + B, that edgematching 2 (C, andH, each D, A,inH S,F B,[S edge n]hasCross) inC, is is an D,G in one an[ independentAF S, instance endpointhas n)B is]. one an ofendpoint instance inNoisyA and inof StructuredtheANoisyG otherand the Structured in B other. Clique In inparticular,B. Con- Clique In particular, Con- , andV vertices are not adjacent to one anotherV G in HG, and because they are adjacent to all verticesn in B ( M inB| | | G, H, c [ Prop-?): in time set, there= | V exist(G) at(and least hence two to vertices alltractionFProblem verticess1E,s(2 inGFtraction)).V ofS Furthermore, and(ItVH/FthatE remains(= henceG), are| and).S and not), Furthermore, itX to incident followshence since= argue. thatFX Becauseto thatas any= sinces followsn,s every edge.and BecauseFGI inwe(see= edgeandF haveHn.Vand As[AG in(H/F already these=F weBhas)H have[SAC oneshown alreadyKBD endpoint. ], thatC we shownH thusD[A in], that wederiveABand thusCH[ thatA theD deriveB otherXG/F]C/F thatD inisis BG/FX.]/F Targetingisis 4 Lower Bound, and for which theLemma isLemma definedin 3.1. time 3.1. as follows.n 2 inMB time 1 2 G, H, c vertices4 Lower are not Bound adjacent, and forto one which the another is✓ defined in) ofH as✓, follows. andA| because\ has they one; are| | adjacent ; |2 to|  all vertices[in time in\[) of✓[[Fig.[ as[ follows[ (see[ [ [[ [ [ [ withLSI a partition ( In particular,Cross (H/F Matching)[Vaa(H/F clique, clique.)A, BS weaa] Thus, clique. clique,is have a| we thata we clique?Thus, conclude haveLetF isX we athat= solution conclude thatuF isS (G, a:thereexistsavertex to solution that A, this B,Matchin- ( instance. C,G, to D, A, this nB,)isa C, instance. Therefore, D,v, `Yes nV)isa-instance(GProp- Therefore,) byYes?): Lemma-instance of Structured by5.1 Lemma, ofF Structuredis a5.1 matching Clique, F is a matching Clique LSI where with a partitiona contradiction, ( M suppose that this) , is thereby false. contradictingH Because F is a perfect matching in G[A B], this G UnlessTODO) theV ETH(G) is(and false, hence there does to not all exist vertices an algorithm in V (H/F thatA,\ Bsolves) S), itis followsa clique? that s {,sThen,2 I andCliConAlgV (H/F(n calls) SSplitAlgK. with2 (H, n) as input, and returns the answer of this call. TODO(n . such that. u and vCrossbelongG Matchingthat to somewhat the same resemblessuch connected that every edge component in1 2 of G[F ]o . Then, we,c have) of thatFig. [ In this section, towards the proof of a lowero bound for)In| this section, towards the proofofContraction) size of an lower)whereinContractionof\G/MHG size boundsuch.n This forin thatH completessuch. each This. that edge completes the2 each in F proof edgehas the of one in prooftheF endpoint\has reverse of✓G one the inendpoint direction., ` reverseA and direction. the in A otherand thein B other. In particular, in B. In particular, n (G A Cliquen . Contraction We willG means show that that this there implies exist the twoFirst, existence vertices) . note Wen} will ofthat) ,a, showthereby by a0 construction, that contradictingA thissuch implies thatV ( theH) existencea,=7 a0n + of2.F Thus,. By because the definitionSplitAlg runs of Noisy in time InV particular, (H/F| )[V (H/F ) ( S] is a( clique.inG/M. Let X = u SA|:thereexistsavertexCross (n (n v V (G)H bound for an intermediate problem called boundH[V for(G) an intermediateX]/F is ao clique. problemV calledB o o( V (H) )o o(n) 2 ,c | {| } 2 o(n) = | = | \F E,( andMGF) and| E hence(G) and{ X2| hence= . BecauseX = .G Because= H[AProp-2G =G?):B H[CA DB], weC thusD], derive we thus that deriveG/F thatis G/F is n such that u and v[belong ton the sameB connectedStructured= | component= Clique of GV[F Contraction(]Hn.) Then,| |n wenG, have,neither H,,as itc that follows follows (seea thatnorCliConAlga0 is adjacentruns in time to anyn vertex. in D. Moreover, ContractionA graphDoes therein time exist a perfect matchingContractionn Now,, and notice whichA is graphthat definedDoes (H, asand) there A,✓of follows.A B, the graph, exist andC, other D, a✓A S, perfectG in n graphis) is a matchingperfect anGn instanceis a graphperfect; of|Noisyif the graph} in| ; chromatic timeStructuredif the chromatic number[ Clique[ of number Con- every[[ [ induced of every[ subgraph induced subgraph of G equals of G equals Lemmaand the 3.1. other4 inLowerH[V (G) BoundX]/FCross foris a theMatching clique. Prop-Cola clique.B A| a Thus, LSI clique. we Thus, conclude we concludethat (ForG, A,theProp-Col that B, correctness C,(G,`) D, of A, LSI nFig. B,)isa of the C, D,algorithm,Yes n-instance)isa firstYes suppose-instance of Structured that of(G,Structured A, B, CliqueC, D, n)isa CliqueYes-instance of 4 Lower Bound, andfor which the iswith defined aClique partitionA,A asB follows. ( | ContractionisClique anote clique?Clique that ContractionD ContractionV (G[A Matchin-B C D, XG,]/F H, c). In particular, the vertex of G[A B C D X]/F A LSI Unless) where the ETH is false, there[traction doesCross not exist. an Matching Furthermore, algorithm that solves since F nCrossand we have Matching already shown) , thereby that contradictingHH[A B CrossCas followsD MatchingX] (see/F is Cross Matching (n CrossGwith Matching a partitionthe size ( the of the size largest ofClique the clique largest Contraction of cliqueStructured that(n in subgraph. of time that,c Clique subgraph. Here, Contraction the Here, chromatic. the This chromatic means number that thereof number a existsgraph of a subsetisa graph theF isE the(G) of size TODOo In thisNow, section, notice towards that the proof(H, A, of B,a lower C,Contraction D, bound S, nsuch for)| isContraction| that anClique every instance)..where This edge in Contraction ofcompletes✓Noisy.) Thisin Structured completes time[ theo proof[ [ the of Clique the[ proof[ reverse[ Con- of[ the[ direction. reverse direction. [ [ [ [ n ) wherea clique,Input: weinG have time that F )whereisG/M a solutionG Input: ton this instance.A graphCliquen . WeTherefore,G willand Contraction showt bythat LemmaN thisG. implies5.1 the, F existenceis a matching of ✓ Inn this section, towards the proof of a lowerInput:G bound forAInput:yielded grapho( A|AG by graphand theto( contractionGNand. atnt mostN of.n sucha, a0 thatis)G/F of notis adjacent a clique. By to theany definition vertex of). ofHD, wein derive.G Thus,[A thatB becauseH/FC isD a completeX).]/F . Input: ( tractionbound for an. intermediate Furthermore, problem since called(Fminimuminn andminimum we) number of have| . alreadyInput: ofnumber colors shownA of graph required colors thatGHand[ requiredA to2 colorBt CN. itstoD color verticesX]/F. itsis Thus, so vertices that. because every so that pair everyu of adjacent pairn of adjacent vertices vertices(u o of size nQuestion:in H such thatV each edge innInput:=Question:F has oneA endpointnInput: graphDoes2) .. We therein willGAA showand2 graphand exist thatt the{ athis2G other subset implies.and} in Bt theF.n InexistenceE particular,.(G) of of-instance size at most of (t such that G/F[ is-instance[ a clique?[ of[L boundContraction for an intermediateA graphDoes problem there exist calledQuestion:,| and aM| perfect UnlessQuestion: matchingnDoes theA ETH| there isDoes false, exist(n there there a subset doesexistsplit notgraph:G,F a H,[ subsetexistas c follows[ (ES,N an(?): V[G( algorithmF (see)G/F[ of)) sizeE is(NG a that at partition) of most solves size) oft atVsuch( mostH/F that)wheretLsuchG/FS induces that=is aG/F clique? an independentis a clique? set, V (G/F ) Question: Lemmain 3.1. time n a clique, we have that Fandis a the) solution ofB other inA to graph thisHowever, instance.GA| is graph aQuestion:perfect Therefore,thisGo isisProp-Col) graph ain,perfect timecontradiction that byDoes Lemmaif solves LSI thethere graphas chromatic5.1 follows. existProp-2,ifF because the ais subsetGiven a chromatic matching number= an✓GF instance[A ofE number((u everyGB}) ( ofC size induced of atD every mostX subgraph induced]t/Fsuchis that a subgraph of clique.GG/FequalsYesis of a) clique?G suchequals that Unless theContraction ETHClique is, andF false, whichAE graph Contractionthere(Clique isG,Does defined that)endpointA andClique does there solves as hence follows.Contraction exist notin are ContractionX a exist perfect= assigned an. matching Becauseare algorithm= assigned di↵Gerent= thatH di colors.[nA↵ solvesuerent} B For colors.Cinduces theDCross], class For a we✓ clique,L, Matchingthe thus of A, perfectB and class derive✓ every2 of thatgraphs, perfect vertexLG/FYes in we graphs,Sis is prove) adjacent such we the that prove to following every the vertex following statement. in V (G/F statement.H). Thus,) (H, n)is LSI 4 Lower BoundCross for Matching thewith a partitionand the (Clique otheras ainL, clique? A,Contraction B Givenn Question: an instanceQuestion:( Does ( Clique thereDoes`) Contraction exist of Fig. there a subset existF a✓ subset[E(G[)HF of[ size)E[(G at) most ofB size| t such at most that(t G/Fsuchu 2 thatis a clique?G/F is a clique? endpoint in of size n in H✓such thatA, eachOur B objective edge in)F iswhere;has to prove one endpoint thein following timeL in A statement.Prop-Col[and[ the[ otherLSI, in B. InB particular,| ( 2 ). V ( TODO CrossInput: MatchingG ACliqueInput: Athe Contraction graphClique(n sizein time ofGthe theand Contraction size largestt of the. clique largest) , thereby of thatclique) contradicting ofH subgraph. of that subgraph. Here, the✓ Here, chromatic the. Thus,u chromatic number because| of number a graphu )isa of is a the graph' is the Input:a clique.AInput: graph Thus, weAG concludegraphando t G thatand. . (G,tHadwiger A,) B,. C,N D,LSIAlg n Number)isa(n Yesa -instanceYes,c -instance of ofStructuredComplete2 Split CliqueV Contractionn ✓( -instance(as= well of as( of`Split Contraction), which Our objective is toIn prove this section, the following towards the proof statement. of a lower boundG/MInput:Hadwiger for ANHadwiger graph NumberGnNand. We Numbert will showo. thatInput: thisLSIAlgClique impliesACross the graph existenceContraction MatchingG|. ofand t),v)isa. ' L , ), in time F EInput:(GQuestion:) and hence X = . BecauseTheoremn )2whereA| GTheorem= 6.3.WeH2o[(AUnless are2inHadwiger timeB2 6.3. nowCN thenUnless ready ETHD], Number we to theG is provethus false, ETH derive a there is= lower false,) that does boundG/F there not` isN does existfor Structured not an= algorithmexist an algorithm thatClique solves that ContractionPerfect) solves Perfect. Because ContractionLSIAlg Question:. ThisUnless completesminimum the(nDoes ETH is thethereminimum numberfalse, proof there exist,v of of does number the a colors2 subset not reverse exist required ofF an direction. colorsmeans algorithmE(G to required that) color that of the sizeu solves call} its to at to vertices color mostSplitAlgG, itst such sowith vertices that ( thatH, everyn)returns soG/F that pairYesAis|Yes every a) of suchclique?, and adjacent that pair henceH ofCliConAlg vertices adjacent! G returns verticesYes. bound for an✓ intermediateQuestion: problemQuestion:DoesInput: calledLSIAlg there; DoesA existoInput: graph= there| a subsetG existAInput:andCrossn graph,) thatF a[t subset Matching solvesAGE[N graph(as.andGF[ follows.)L, oftG A, sizeE B Givenand(NG) atof.)h an of most instance sizeN.(t atsuch ( most( thatt2suchG/F) thatis a),G/F clique?is aH clique?) 2,c (G ( a clique.AQuestion: graph Thus,endpointDoes therewe in conclude exist, a and perfect thatQuestion:Input: matchingn (G, A,AInput: B,Does graph C,Hadwiger D,G there nAG)isaInput: graphand existYesHadwigerh a-instanceG NumberoA subset(nand graph)G,.Question: H,✓ cFhInput: ofGo(nStructuredand Number)NE.(AGDoeshA|)L of graph size there. VG at Clique existHand mostt at subsetsuch!N.B|G thatF G/F.E Thus,(G|is)( of a because clique? sizeu G at most). t suchV that G/F is a clique? Contraction and the otherBLemma inUnlessContraction 4.1.n the ETH isthisContraction false,( problem thereProp-Colin✓ timedoes2 notis LSInin a exist specialtimeN✓where an2as algorithmn followsNow, casen (see=where2 suppose that ofV (Clique solvesGNn) that=.. ,cVCliConAlg( ContructionG)G. returns( Yesn ,, which thisV meanswill-instance'( directly that ofV( theu call yield to SplitAlg the correctness. with (H, nabove.) 4 Lower BoundCross, and forMatching which the is definedAOur objective as follows.Question: is to proveareQuestion: the assignedDoes followingCliqueare thereQuestion: di assigned statement.↵Does,erent Contractionthat existin solves time therecolors. di aIs↵ subset2erentCross the exist For Hadwiger Matching colors.F the a2✓ subset classE For( numberG2 ofthe)F of perfect) class sizeE of(G ofat graphs,()at perfect most of2= least sizeV| wet graphs, assuch at prove large`✓ most)isa that thewe ast proveG/Fhsuch following? thatis the: aL followingstatement. clique?G/F is astatement. clique? is a CrossContraction Matchingendpointwith a. partition This in completes ( in time theTargeting proof ofLSIAlgV the a contradiction, reverse suppose follows. GivenQuestion: that there an,v| instance2| exists(Doesuu} (2| anG there| algorithm,V exist| denoted a subset=, byF . ). EYes(),G) of size' atu most2 t suchYes that.G/F Noticeis that a clique?. A graph G isMatching a) perfectwhereQuestion: graphQuestion:inif timeIs theInput: the chromatic HadwigerQuestion:LSIAlgIsA theInput: number graph Hadwiger numberL,Is A, ofG thereturnsA B everyand graph Hadwiger of) number inducedYeshG.Thus,(Gat: numberand least. subgraph of GH,h asat n of)isa large. leastofG Thus,. .GatYesequals asleast becauseas-instanceh large? as large) asu of hSplit as? h?) Contraction suchabove. that (even if SplitAlg solves B Lemma 4.1. G Our objectiveHadwiger isn to prove the Number followingof Theorem statement. 5.1) of. ✓G LN ✓ : n NA| -instanceH ofG ( !✓ (G H ) is a (ii) M Input:HadwigerHadwiger Numbero( Number. Input:CliqueA graph ContractionG and t .(. 4.1 B,c| ( L G,( H, c 2 . B} In this section, towards the proofthe of size a lower of bound the forlargestin timeHadwiger cliqueCross ofu Matching that2 Number) . We subgraph. willOur show objective that this Here, implies theisHadwiger the toCompletechromatic existence proveN of the Number2 numberSplit following Contraction' of= a2 graph statement,|u 2 is), whichGthe whereYes meansV the. that Notice analogous there(u that exists a statement subset F E for(HHad-) of size at Targeting a contradiction, suppose thatn thereAProof.| exists: Targeting(Proof.n anLSIAlg algorithm,Targeting a contradiction, denoted a contradiction,). by)V suppose2 } thatsuppose there that exists thereYes an| exists) algorithm, suchV that an)isa algorithm, denotedV (ii). byMdenotedPerfectAlgabove.B by PerfectAlg, , Matching bound for an intermediateQuestion:A graph problemG Lemmais called a perfectUnlessInput: 4.1. the graph ETHProof.ATheoremOurif is false,graphthe, that objective chromatic there, thato solvesGTheoremOur does solves6.3.andQuestion:and not objective numberishUnless henceexist toLSIAlgOur an6.3. prove completing. ofalgorithmQuestion: the objectiveis everyIsUnless totheETH the thatprove induced following the( Hadwiger2u isthe solves is} proof. false, toIs the ETH subgraph prove),v theu, following therestatement, v is Hadwiger numberthe false, of does followingG statement,thereequals not ofwhere number existG) statement,does asat= input, theH an not least where analogous:of algorithm) and exist2 whereG` as returns theat an large theleast analogous algorithm that thestatement analogous as' answer assolvesh? largethatstatement ofPerfectforstatement this as solvesHad- call.ish a?. Perfect✓ for for Had-Had- Input: AInput: graph AG graph=andInput:| h GAandn graph.Question:hInput:Gasand follows..L,Does A,ANhconstructs B graphGiven there. anG instanceH exist ananduL instanceHadwigert (a subsetN. (G,F H, Number co(EnB)(| G) ofo size(n) at( most'(u u,t such2B} thatYes), G/F. Noticeis a clique?thatreturnsB u 2 ContractionAendpoint graphDoesminimum there in exist a number perfectHadwigerTargeting matchingn of colors aHadwiger contradiction,Cross NumberrequiredN Matchingwiger to suppose color NumberN2 Number thatits vertices thereNo(n) existswill(Input:: somost2 follow an thato algorithm,((nGA) everysuch graphas thata pair denoted corollary.GH/F ofand adjacentbyish a splitNA.|vertices graph.V ' LetH (I,K) )! beG a partition(ii) of V (MH/F ) into: an independent the size ofand the theLemma largestMatching other in 4.1.). clique ofgAlgContractionthat that}2 subgraph. solvesLemmathatProp-ColContraction3.1PerfectContraction solves2 Here,in LSIwiger 5.2. timePerfectContraction the2Unless Numbern chromaticinV timewhere thewilln numberV ETH2n followin{{=where time isV of as( false, aGn✓ grapha=n)in. corollary.=| time there.V is We(G` then)isa) doeswillG,. H,. show Wec not will,c exist that( showG an this algorithm( that impliesforB this} every the implies that existence solves the) existenceStructured Cross MatchingOurA objectivein is totimeQuestion: prove thewiger followingu,LSIAlg vIs Number statement.wiger the HadwigerQuestion: NumberwillCross follow) number asDoes Matchingwill input, as,v followthere ofa2 and corollary.GsetInput: existat returns) and as least a a a setcorollary. subsetA the as graph of verticeslarge answerF G asandE that,( of2Gh?h this)| induce of size call.),. a atG clique.u most Becauset suchV thatS =G/Fn + 2is and a clique?H[S] is an independent Proof. , that solvesand henceQuestion:are completing assignedQuestion:Is dithe the↵erent proof. HadwigerQuestion:Is colors. the Hadwiger For numberIsLSIAlg the the classOur Hadwiger of number ofG objective perfectat leastnumberOur of) graphs,G} asis objectiveat of to large least weG prove[at prove as as least ish large the? to as following provefollowinglarge asL,hH A, as? the B statement.h)?! statement, followingreturnsNG. V2 statement, where the. where analogous the(u } analogous statement statement for Had- for Had- minimumconstructs numberMatching of(H an colors)Input:where instanceTargeting requiredAan (aInput:in graph contradiction, algorithm, time to colorGA its denotedand graphsuppose verticesh). by thatG so thereand.) thatGu,[ v existshQuestion: everyH an pair algorithm,. of)Is|). asadjacent theA input, denoted| o( Hadwiger|n) and✓ vertices| by,c returnsProp-Col-G number| the( answer of: ofG: thisat call. least(ii)u as2| large| as h? above. Input: Proof.(n , that solvesofand an hence algorithm,Cliqueof completing an algorithm,LSIAlg) ofH denotedContraction the proof.NG( denoted by CliConAlgu( 2Nin by timeCliConAlg, thatn.for Thus, solves every,where becausethatStructured( solvesn2V =). VStructured(G) . Cliquereturns: Clique ContractionLSIAlg Contraction' isin a in 3.1 V o Cross MatchingWeHadwigerconstructsTheorem are, now( an instanceNumber ready 5.1.( V (Unless. toE: set, proveQuestion: the there ETHH exist Theorem| nIs is at the leastfalse,G Hadwiger-instance two6.1V there vertices. of ( doesu numberfor)s every1,s not'.2 of existSuGthat2 atabove. an are leastis algorithm notaYes as incident large. Notice asthat to thath any? solves edge. inCliqueF . As theseis a clique. To gAlg Question: n Our objective{{ o( isn) to proveVo(Theoremn) the2 following{{ 5.1. 2Unless statement,( the ETH where is false, the: analogousthereLG, H, does c not statement exist) an for algorithm. Had-(ii)u, thatM solvesB Clique are assignedLemmaOur diUnless objective 4.1.↵erentOur thegAlgQuestion: colors.ETH objective is is) false,[ to For3.1Proof.Our prove there theQuestion:Lemma isdoes objectiveIs class totheTargeting thenotWe proveProof. existofwiger following define Hadwiger perfect isan algorithmtoIs the theTargeting a prove theNumber graphs,contradiction, execution following statement,Vwiger) that Hadwiger number the solves.) we} a following of contradiction, provewill Numberstatement,Our ofwhere suppose numberfollow theG objective statement,Vat following theinwill least theaswhere= that supposeanalogous of proof. isa followG whereto statement.corollary.there ofas LemmatheYesat prove' large that least) analogoustheexistsas suchu statement theLSIAlg2 a analogous asthere that corollary. as following an(hu?| large algorithm,}Yes exists statement for statement2. Noticestatement, as| anHad-uh algorithm, that?} denoted for forB whereHad-Had-B by denoted thePerfectAlg analogous) by andPerfectAlg, Condition statementand the, otherfor Had- in Theorem) Proof. 6.3., thatUnlessTheorem solvestime the, thatand ETH solvesnTheorem henceas 5.1.time is follows., completing false, therebyHadwigerL,Unlessn GivenA, there 5.1. B, the an). contradicting therebyu theinstance does proof.2[Unless Number(u ETH notu, () v contradicting} exist the isvertices false,Lemmaan ETHL,o A, algorithm(n Bare) there is(ii) not5.2 Lemma false,with adjacentand that does ( there solves hence5.2 not toand one does existPerfect(ii) completing another hence not an algorithmexist completingin H the(ii),( anand proof.M algorithm because-instance, that the solves proof.they} which that areClique will adjacentL solves imply toClique that allthe vertices call in such that an algorithm, denotedendpoint in by [ Targetingwiger(H a contradiction, Number). supposewillInput:Contraction thatL, follow) A,[ thereB AH graphasexists(H: a an corollary.LG algorithm,Ginand). [ timeh denotednNOur=. by objectiveBowhere|(n)) asG, input, H,n isc= and to(HLSIAlgV returnsprove(uG) 2)'. the answer followingBLSIAlg} of), this' and statement, call. where= {{is a the clique.( analogous To A statement for Had- ,it LSIAlgOur objectiveMatchingG is to prove thean following algorithm,wiger statement.H denotedo( NumbernLSIAlg) by constructsGwill followContraction()= an instance aso(n aH() corollary. ( ino(n time) n whereo(n)Vn =( Vo(nG)) . Hu, returnsYes u 2is a clique.E To L/M B such that , wigerContraction( in Numberwiger time gAlgE NumberwillinContraction timeLSIAlg follow(3.1thatn ,willWe solves asContractionwhere followdefine aProof.that corollary.(PerfectContractionnInput:Wein= solves theas( timeV defineTargetingLV aE( execution}G corollary.A)PerfectContractionn.2 graphin theE({{ time executionwhere awigerG of contradiction,andnCliConAlgAlgV2B(nGh Number)=wherein (and= of|V time.CliConAlgAlg hence(Gnwill)`n suppose) to followfollows. allV time.( Wevertices|G')as thatasn. willu, Givenafollows.| in corollary.. there showV Weu(H/F2 an will that existsGiven() instanceS show), this) andit an follows implies that Condition algorithm,instance (:G,and A, thatthisB, the thes implies (1 C,G,,s other existence denoted2 D, A, inI nB,andsuch the) C,ofV that existence by D,(H/FCliConAlg n)) ofS K., TheoremV 6.3. Unless theLemmaOur ETHWe objective define isProof false,LSIAlgOur theCol execution thereQuestion: ofV is objective). LSI to Theorem does prove ofu, vnotLSIAlg)Is,v is exist the) toV6.1 Hadwiger an provefollowing. algorithm)withTargeting as input, the ( number andstatement, following thatNLSIAlg returns solves of a, G the contradiction,atPerfect answer statement, where least), of| this as-instance,returns thelarge call.)| : whereand analogousfor as every whichEsuppose Conditionh?\ the willL and imply analogous statement thatthe that otherM the there call statement in for 2Had- exists for an,itHad- algorithm,\ ✓ de-L/M LemmaWe define the executionProof., that of solvesan algorithm,and henceV completing denotedwithH by theTheorem ( proof.)V) |[ G Theorem| 5.1.[ Unlesswiger 5.1.A|L,2 the A, Number|Unless B ETH-instance,H | . ) isforwill! the| everyG false,), whichfollow ETH and| there willasL is a false, imply corollary. does= {{ thatthere( not the,u exist and) does} callA hence an notL/M algorithm existsuchB an that algorithm that solves thatClique solvesv} Clique ), ) Crosso Matching(n) constructsLSIAlg)=( an instanceQuestion:G[ ( ( ()=H= Is the). HadwigerIn particular,), and number,c (H/F(G) of,sodoes)[G(VH(atH/F leastYes) (S(ii)) as}] is large a clique. as)isaEAh Let? (oX(n)= u S :thereexistsavertexsuch that,itv V (Gv )2 Contraction in time[Theorem3.1n = whereofStructured 5.1. ann = algorithm,VUnlessVthatStructuredof(G(G an)(. solvestheTo{{ Clique algorithm,V denoted ETHmakeBStructured CliqueContraction is our false, byH denoted approachCliConAlg Contraction there. | by Clique does, adaptableCliConAlg,CliConAlgAlgG that notV(n Contraction solves, existVCliConAlgAlg(, to= that an{{Structured extractconstructs solvesalgorithm\(u analogousconstructsinStructured an timeLSIAlg that instance Cliquen' solves statements anL/M. instance ( ContractionH,{ CliqueWe2 n) will ofo for ((PerfectH,n showContraction) other n) of thatinPerfect contraction this impliesin2 (L Lemma)= Proof. 4.1.gAlgGTargetingwigerLemma aTheorem contradiction, Numberwiger,(L 5.1.will Number supposeEUnless)•[ follow that( theELwillTo as there ETH make aL, follow( corollary.A, exists is) B and our false, asH an approach algorithm, athere corollary.oYes(.n does) First,: adaptableo(ii) denoted not noteE existo(n that by) to anPerfectAlg.E by extract' algorithm construction,) Mabove.2 analogous, isthat a Yes solves statementsCliqueB for othersuchv contraction thatL/M ), Theorem(Theorem 5.1. UnlessB Col 5.1.We LSITo thedefinenotedUnless make) ETH theo(|n execution) byTo theVContractionOurH isour| false,NonTrivChordAlgmake ETH objective approacho of().n) there isourContraction false, isV approach does adaptabletoGinTheorem prove there timenot(such, the does exist adaptable that thatn to following notu anextract solvestimeandwhereUnless algorithm existv tostatement,nbelong analogous theanextractnLSIAlg=-ContractionYes ETHalgorithmwhere to that,V and. the where Notice( analogousisGv hence solves same} statements) false,n that. the= that connected thereClique analogousV.( solvesu,G statementsis does) ain for clique.. componentClique timenot statement other To exist forn contractionof anvG forother2[isF algorithm. aHad-] clique. We.} contractionThen, will To that we show have solvesL thatClique thatB \{ this E (L MatchingTargetingE an algorithm, a contradiction, denotedLSIAlg suppose by GV [ that there( exists: u 2o anH)(En algorithm,) o(n) denoted( Cross by)withTheorem,sodoes MatchingMatchingAlg ( ) LSIAlg' 5.1.n u 2UnlessM)isa theu, ETH(-instance,(ii) isM false,Cliqueand whichB the there willother) and imply indoes Condition that notand the exist the call other an} algorithm inL/M that( and solves Clique Contraction, timeContraction ( nin)=theEContraction timetime,problems, thereby existencenOurn( asproblems,[ objective follows, contradictingwhere therebyo we(n=) ofV willasn anwe(see followsis= first contradictingE willto algorithm,(nFig.V prove( firstdefine LemmaG (see?):)G,G. defineH,the| cFig. a following denoted5.2 new Lemma a?): newand problem problemF hence statement, byo5.2(n) MatchingAlgBand (which completing') (which and hence where Condition will will completing the, arise the arise that analogousL proof. in in solves Section Sectionsuch the statement thatCross proof.66,it)) along alongv Matching for with withHad-such a a special that specialE in), time Col LSIV that solves PerfectContractionContractionV o(n) )=wigerL ino(inn timeV() NumberG) time andnnwithwill (where. We followContractionLSIAlg willon =H show as[VV( a(GG thatcorollary.)),.X and this]in/F) -instance, hence time2is implies a clique.n whichYes the), and|where(}, willL existence implyL,n| A,= thatA BV=| the({{G call)(. | vA 2 B} \{ A,itv0 2 Proof.ContractionTargetingContractionLemma a contradiction,Wein define time the executionn•impliesin suppose ). time(problems,L)where( of ) that,sodoesn the} n thereG =where existence we existsV will(BG=n) an first=.. algorithm, First,V of define(|G an note) . algorithm, that a denoted| new), by and construction,v problem by} PerfectAlg denoted=H (which{{ o)(,Yesn) by willCliConAlg ariseL/ME in SectionB, thatsuchis6 bijective, thatand) solvesL/M along it withStructured further aspecial followsL that Clique )=, that solvesand hence completingproblems,Col LSI theE proof.[ wen u,o will( vn=E() • first defineMatchingAlg) as) input, annew andcallsContraction returns)isa| problemV theH[ answer| (Yes (which of thisin call. time( willu 2nuE arise,weprovealowerwhere in Sectionn = )V as(G6 follows:)) along. with0 a specialB such that( Proof. ) and constructs)= (H anWe V( instanceG ( define (casewigerVoWe(n the) ofcase define Numberexecution itA that ofG the it| thatiswill2 execution of also followCliConAlgAlg is also aNow, special as( of a noticea specialCliConAlgAlg' corollary. caseas that casefollows.returnsM (E ofH,: ofA,Clique(as B,Clique Given C, follows. D, ContractionS, an ContractionM n)| Given isinstanceL an instance| an ( instanceG,v,, of prove prove A,ANoisyL/M B,v C,a (aG,2 Structured crucial crucialD, A, n B,) of property C, property D, Clique n) of of of Con- that solvesL ofPerfectContraction an algorithm,Theorem denotedL Theorem 5.1. byinoCliConAlg timeUnlessn Bn 5.1.,, thereby. the that We|Unless ETH will solves( contradicting|) show is the|Structuredfalse, that ETHo)(| thisn| ) thereEYesis impliesfor Lemma, Cliquefalse, every doesL, the A, there4.1 notB existenceContractionand' exist does hence an notis algorithmin bijective, completing exist( | an it further2 algorithm that| the} follows' solves proof.B that\{ thatClique), solves uClique2E and (or both). To this • ( gAlg G3.1 ( V.E First, {{ note)== To that make byV construction,v To our} make approach=n ,sodoes our) approach adaptable, and hence) ) adaptableas to follows:, extract and hence to analogous extractv and analogous statements(L statements, for andv otherproveL/M that forcontraction they other are adjacent contraction ( o(n)Col LSIToMatchingAlgV case make)ToContraction of make• our itncase) [ that approachL our of is approach it also)calls that and adaptablein a) is( adaptable special time also. to an case( special extractto extract, of( thereby)isau Clique case analogous analogous ofProblem contradicting(uClique Contraction}L)isa statements statements Contraction' for for, LemmaE prove other a contraction, contraction5.2 crucial proveandhas a oneproperty crucialhence endpointv (or2 both).completing property of in} To this of are the), adjacentL proof. in E time n , thereby contradicting) Structured| • H LetTheorem(AStructured LemmaKinstances). = CliqueLetuinstances5.2o 5.1.L,0(K:n A,u)andn of B=,sodoesUnless Contraction this Clique henceVu of0(.G: problem, thiso First,u) then( completingnoTo)tractionwhere Contraction ETHproblem,V note make(G(ii) that) isand, eachCliConAlgAlg. false,the ourwhere by Furthermore, and then construction,elementproof. approach there then' each2, usingCliConAlgAlg( using{doesu element sinceconstructs0 adaptable thisYesis not this aF property new existu propertyn0constructsisand antovertex an a extract instancewe algorithm new prove haveprove referred, and vertexB an already\{ analogous Theorem prove Theorem (u instanceH, that2 to referredn that shownand) solves as of they statements5.1E5.1 thePerfect ( thatH, areClique toandandtagged nH adjacent) as[A ofits its theBPerfect for corollary. corollary.Ctagged otheruD X contraction]/FL is of an algorithm,an algorithm,V denoted denotedLSIAlg by byGGCliConAlg[)= ( E, that solves(G • Structuredo( |'MatchingAlgLSIAlg Clique2 ' ContractionYesLSIAlg) ), in and A 0 are adjacentL in } y ( To makeToContraction our, make approach( L ourContractionE• approach adaptable) in and(H timeTheorem•We adaptable{n. todefine First,in=, extract 5.1.time notewhere2{ theL, thatUnless to) n A, execution analogous by extractn}n B2 construction,v=) the}whereToV ETH( analogousG make} of statements)n is.MatchingAlg=( false,ourv u,}VG approach(EG statements there) for. doesas other| adaptable| notfollows.ishas for a contractionexist clique. one other endpoint to Toan Given extract algorithm contraction in anv analogousu 2 instance that solves statements (G,BClique\{ A,[ B[ )[ for of[ otherCrossE contraction Lemma problems,• Vinstancesproblems,F.V.( we Fomin, willGinstances we of first will thisD.problems,MatchingAlgV Lokshtanov,define first problem,) of definen) this aproblems, new weLSIAlg a problem, I.G and willnew problemMihajlin,| problemthen firsto((anruns we) clique, and S. (which defineusing{ inwill Saurabh (which time thenwe firsthave this willa usingwillnew and thatdefine property( ariseis) ariseM. and bijective,F problem thisis Conditionin Zehavi ain a solutionSection newpropertyandSection prove the it (which furtherproblem other to6 Theorem6✓ this)) in alongproveA instance. will followshas0 (which one2with with Theorem arise5.1 Therefore, that a23:23 aMand special in specialwill} Sectiony its5.1 arise byand corollary.and LemmaL/M in6 its) Section5.1 along corollary., F is with a6 matching) along a special withabove, a special we derive Then, CliConAlg calls SplitAlgo(n)=withWeWe (H, define define ncalls) as the the input, executionV executionE and of returns( ofWecopy• ContractiontheCliConAlgAlg V The answer define of withucopy. definition| ofnThe Additionally,(u this the ofas definition follows.u.( time execution Additionally,of then Given' oflet new the),I|where) anbe-instance, newas problem of instance afollows: letn problemset|CliConAlgAlg,=I' whichbe ofV| is ( willnLG,G a as+1newvertices. is) set implyA,. followsas| B, of thatfollows C,n the D, (see call n (seeM) follows. ofFig.Fig.such?).?).v that ,it Given an instanceabove, (G, we derive A, B, C, D, n) time• n , thereby contradictingContraction) Lemma[ V • = 5.2Contraction=LSIAlgand(G as hence(calls followsruns completingV in timeas (see followsproblems,), Fig.), theG andL,o A,(?): (seen proof.) B weFig. will) = {{ first?):EL,✓( A,is define bijective,B A) a as new itL/M input furtherM problem returns followsML/M that (which will ariseA inof(orv Section0 both).2 6A To)\{ along thisand with a special problems,A problems, we will)= first we( willdefineG first a newMatching defineContraction problem a new, problem(whichMatchingAlgin. u time willHproblems, (which( (nLYes ariseconstructswhere will)u in aswe follows: Section arisen willM'E= firstV an in(G6 Section define)) instance) along. as follows: a new with6) ( alongisH, problemB bijective, a A,u specialsuch2 withB, that it (whichand C, furtherA a(or D,\{ special both).and n will follows) Toof arise this thatStructured in Section 6) along Clique with a special(i) First, note that by construction, V (caseH)L =7| of•casenE it+ 2. that= of Thus, itB is thatcalls because alsoAcase isV aalsoSplitAlg' specialofThen, a it specialrunscase that|Denote case in) of( timecase is of( itE alsoCliqueof of that sizeClique an. special) isLin This( asM ContractionH inputalso Contractionsuch means| returns' casea that that specialthat| each somewhatL of there edge,Clique, prove exists, case proveresembles and in,F proveandu ahas of a2 abijectiveofContraction thatprove crucialandClique one they endpoint functionthat are property property adjacent they Contraction in A areand of,y of prove adjacent the other(i) a, in crucial proveB.x In particular, property a crucial of property of We defineStructured theCol LSI|execution(=| CliqueThe of CliConAlgAlgA Contraction definitionThe definition|as of, follows. theCliConAlgAlg new= of Given( problem theG |'constructs ancase newE instanceE of problemis itas an that( follows'G, instance A, is is B, as also (see C, ( follows|H, D, a nFig. special n)( ) of| of (seePerfect?). caseFig.' ofy ?).Cliquevand} areL/M because adjacentL Contractionarex), in adjacentL , in prove0 (or2 aboth). crucial To this property of o( V (H) ) o(n) V To makeof To ourStructuredo(n make)= approach) our approach adaptable Clique. This means adaptable to that Contraction, and extractE there hence exists2Clique to analogous a bijectiveextracthas Contractionhas one, functionendpoint endpointCliConAlgAlg analogous statements inv 2 u in statements for0 constructs, and otherL proveu 2 for contraction thatand theyother an areu instance adjacent contraction (H, n) of - V (H) | | n case, it follows of it thatcase thatCliConAlgn of is it also)=runs that in a is time special alsonThen,• a. Denote case specialNoisyn{ ,sodoes ofnNoisyClique Structured caseV Structured of Clique Contraction)isacaseF CliqueE of Contraction( CliqueG it) thatand} Contraction, hence prove isContraction alsoandXE abecause= a, crucial provespecial. Because. a case propertyhas crucialG} oneof=y CliqueHu endpointu}[A property of2 y(B in ContractionC ofD], weare thusadjacentL, prove derive in a that crucialG/F propertyis of • instancesL of) and thisn problem,ContractionTo),LSIAlgo( make and our then), approach{as2 using follows2 Yes adaptable this), (see{ propertyFig. to extract?): prove analogousL/M Theorem) followsB statementsB\{5.1 fromand the itsE definition forCross corollary. otherabove,and of we contraction derive | | StructuredContractionLSIAlg Clique• Contraction(asinstances follows• LSIAlg (seeLet, ofVCliConAlgAlgFig.( thisHK.instances)= First,?): = problem,VV noteu((HG: thatconstructs))=u= ofinstances and by|GKV construction,V this() thenG(G}I). an) problem, usingK instancewhere of✓ thisI this. eachu, (H, and vproblem, property n element)M ofthenMBPerfectL, prove A, usingandu B is; Theorem then aB| thisand newand using property vertex5.1 and this referred its[ prove property corollary.[ tou Theorem[ as they provetagged5.1 Theoremand its5.1 corollary.and itsF corollary. For the correctness of the algorithm, firstrunsE suppose in( thatGtime (G,MatchingAlg A, B,)runsG C, D,n inTo n timeLet)isa0 makeKYesnruns(=-instance our( inv u} time0 approachinstances:✓ ofu ML,(VG A,✓(G adaptableB of) thiswhere) followsproblem, to each from extractof andelement0 theL/M definition( then analogousL AMu using\{0, ofisand a statements this newL/M property-instance, vertex(i)arex for adjacent referred prove it other} remains in Theorem contraction to toabove, as argue the5.1 wethataretaggedand derive adjacent its corollary. in problems,VNoisyproblems, weContraction• will StructuredNoisyG( first| we• define Structured willE first[CliqueasMatchingAlg a' new followsu,[M define v problem[ Contraction Cliqueinstancesa a clique. (see[ new Contraction(whichFig. Thus, problem ofL this we?):,M will problem, conclude✓ (which arise-instance,= that andA| in willx (0G, thenSectionA it A, arise remains B, using C, in D,6 to) this argue Sectionn along)isa property thatYes with-instance6) along prove a special of Theorem withStructured0 aabove, special5.1 weand Clique derive its corollary. instancesinstances of thisThe problem, definition of this• problem, and of(problems,E the then newInput:• and using{ problem weInput: then willA this)2, graph firstusing{ isAL, propertyFor A,as) graphdefine as BtheG} thisfollows input2onE correctnessG a returns property at provenewon{ (see least} at problem)( as leastof TheoremFig. input6 theAn prove 6vertices algorithm,?). returnsn (whichverticesy Theorem5.1of willE for firstand for arisesomev suppose some2 its5.1x inAn corollary.and Sectionn\{ thatNandN its, (, and and6 corollary.v)0 along aA a partition partition with a (special (A,A, B, B, C,v C, D, D, E) E) Structured CliqueContraction Contractionas. follows This• means (see=The thatFig. definition therecalls?): V existsMatchingAlg of a subset theFor . This thenewF) means correctness as problemuE input(G that{ ) of there ofreturnssize is the existsasCross) algorithm, as follows follows: a bijective MatchingEis (seefirst bijective, function supposeFig. it?). further thatYesA ( follows| u0 that2 of Yes \{ and (i) copyThen,The ofproblems,DenoteUnlessu).copy definitionwhere the Additionally, ETH of( weThe is false,u will.. Additionally,there definitionof This firstThe does the let meansLContraction define not definitionI new existbe that anand ofa a' algorithmproblem therenew let setthe because ofI exists problemthe. of thatbe new Thisn solves new a+1newvertices. is bijective completes set problemy as problem(which of follows functionn +1newvertices. the will is proof as asarise (see follows(or follows ofy2 both). inFig.2 the Section (seeToreverse?). this (seeFig.6 direction.)Fig. along?). ?). with a special(i) Let K = uA : Then,u. ThisVDenote(G means|) where thatn each there element2'✓ existsu ais bijective a(The new definition vertexin function referredwith of (theand, and to new asprove|inu 2 the problem thatandtagged they are is adjacent asx follows (see Fig.x ?). at most n such that G/FThen,Theis a definitionDenote clique.The Bycasedefinition the of definition the of0 Input: newitcase of thatH problem the=, weE ofA isInput: new( deriveH graph it also)=of thatproblemis thato( EVELet as aAG((H/FH}G followsspecialof is graphon)n)=Vis suchalso= is( at aGE completeas)u,(A leastG (seeG thatsuch casea follows u0,)onwith0 special andEFig.2 6that: at)An ofu ( followsu,Kvertices least (see=?).CliqueB uAVat0be case fromB(= hand,GFig.: 6has au)=n theBcliquefor oneofverticesn we definition?).=V, Contraction endpointClique somewill(nCGu, 0),vC on=show ofand in0 forn=D 4: becausenthatuD some Contractionu=20newN,v0,v=2 (,0aren0 and0,novertexin,n adjacent vertices.2:K,novertexinL proveu a0,vN partition in,0 and au,andK Let, crucialiu0 a prove2A:A partition (u (Matchin-C,A,is0isu, adjacentD B, propertyV ai)( C, crucial:G beu () D,0A,,i a to Eto B, partitionVand a)I( of aproperty C,G vertex. vertex) D,,i E inI of) in.V of(K) • { 2 Figure2 1:}case The construction of it that of an instance isatL, also A,hand, of B a} weL special willand, show because caseCross that Matching-instance,of( Cliquex it remainssuch Contractionu that toy argue everyu edgeare that inadjacent, prove0 in a crucial property of • LSIAlg n case n u, of v), it{ thatProp-Col isu, alsov ( | aA| special LSIM'L,| A,|| B| | case| ) followsof| )isaClique||BM| from| 2|| the} Contraction| definitionv0 and2)isa of u , prove). a By crucial Condition property0 of split graph: (S, V (G/F ))Let is aK partition= copyu0 of: u ofV Noisy(H/FuV. Additionally,(G)where)Noisy StructuredwhereS }induces•runs Structured each let inLet time anI element independentbe•Prop-Col Cliquen a(G= setforu Clique every0 ofAis[ LSI' set,nContraction a{{.+1newvertices. newV| Moreover,( ContractionG/F| ✓ vertexE[},wedefineasubsetBfor) {{ every2 referred} letM Yes}K to2[L,wedefineasubset as{{andL/Mand the,)where}taggedKG[}0{{be-instance, two2}x cliques,it} remains[above,{{2 to we}} argue each derive[ {{ that2 on} 2n 2newu2 } vertices.2). By} Condition of MatchingAlgV (GFor) suchofthe correctnessVMatchingAlg(D thatG,{)For and such theofDA the, no correctness and= that algorithm, vertex)Bfollows noM A=' vertexNoisy of first inn= the, fromBNoisy supposeB algorithm,C inAis Structured graphB= the adjacent thatis StructurednD, definition adjacentG (first'(Cis=2of asuppose=( toAperfectGn,novertexin Clique aD toin of vertexA that a Cliquegraph=2\{ vertexand ( n Contractionif,novertexin in the inContractionD chromaticD.A. isor adjacent numberA (isG ofadjacent toare every a adjacent vertex induced to in ain subgraph vertexG in of G equals • { instances2 } u, ofinstances v thisV instances(H problem,)=instancesL,Noisy of A,EVsuch thisV B( of(GH) this andStructured)= problem, of that)L asK thisNoisy problem, inputV then{(CGin problem,I returns,.)= andusingStructuredK andD . andthenCliqueI then this. -instance,such then usingE using property thatx using ContractionV Cliquethis every thisit thisremains property edge prove property property in Contractionand to prove Theorem argue prove prove Theorem(i) thatare Theorem adjacent5.1 Theorem5.1and0 and5.1 in itsand5.1 its corollary. corollary. itsandor corollary. its corollary.( induces a clique, and everyNoisy vertex Structured inNoisyS is adjacent Structured to every Clique vertex• in.Contraction timeClique This in V means((i)G/F that).| Contractionwith| Thus, there|(| ( exists| (H,(i)|| n a)is bijective| || function| | |y | M| | xYessuch that everyL edge, elsein weE arev done. By the definition of copyMatchingAlg of u. Additionally,Input:Then,DenoteInput: letAI graph•beLemmaA a setgraphG 3.1. ofon2•atnGat+1newvertices. hand,on leastQuestion: weat[ will least 6n show[|Avertices 6n| thatDoes[verticesandwith (the| because there([| forsize)isa forL someofin exist thesomeL, largestA,n a Bsubsetn Nu0 cliqueN,2 , andF and ofu0 aE a that partition( partitionG) subgraph. of).v size By0 (Condition (LA,A, at Here,B, mostB, C, C, theD,n D,such E chromatic E) ) thatL G number[,A elseB weE of are aC graph done. is By the the definition of a Yes-instance of Complete SplitFor Contraction the correctnessD(as{, well and of as no oftheDTheSplit, vertex algorithm, and definition'Question: Contraction no in vertexEB first ofis theDoesM), adjacentat suppose in which hand, newBInput: there weproblemisInput: that willadjacent to existYes showA a ( vertexgraph isandA thata as graph subset) to offollows (G inaon vertexGDF at. (seeon least atLEFig. in least(G 6DL,n)?).. A,ofvertices 6Gn B sizevertices at for most some for somennsuchnN,Prop- that andN, and aLG partition[A a partitionB (A,C B, (A, C, B, D, C, E D,) E) V (HThe)=V ( definitionG) KTheProp-ColILSI. definitionoffor theu, every vThe} LSIInput: newHaving definitionL, of A, problemMatchingAlg,wedefineasubset B theAInput: graph new of) follows theHaving isB problem fromnew asGAMatchingAlgon thefollows graphproblem definitionM at is least asG (see of ison followsas2 6Fig. followsn2 atvertices least?). (seeor (see✓ 6Fig.Fig.n forvertices( ?). some?). n for2 and some, andn a partition, and[ a ([ partitionA, B,[ C, D, (A, E B,) C, D, E) Input: AInput: graphof VAG(G graphofon) suchV at(G) leastGwith that suchonV ( 6( thatatAnH vertices leastProp-Col=)=AinBfor'=V 6= everyn(B forG LSIvertices'n(L,=) someCn,, Vsuch=C,wedefineasubset( forminimumnK thatD=a-instance,) someD=2 everya,=2xVn andnumber edgeA,,novertexin itn(n B remainsK,novertexin in a). partition of,is to acolors and argue clique?)isa✓ thatare a requiredA adjacentpartitionA (, elseA,isis adjacent B,weE adjacent into are C, color done. ( D,A, its toE to ByB,}) vertices a the a C,0 vertex vertex definitionN D, so E2 in) that) in of of21 every):N pair2 of[ adjacent[ [ vertices means that the call to SplitAlg with• (H, n)returnsMatchingAlgYes[For, and the[ correctness hence(i) {TODOCliConAlg ofD the algorithm,XtoreturnsD]/FBasedEX firstYesis]/F. asupposeonA clique,isof a thatV clique,of( (GV)whereN( suchG)where such thatX 0= thatNX10A=u=Auv0LBE=10L=E:thereexistsavertexBn:thereexistsavertex,=Cn, =C D=u,=2 vDun=2,novertexinn,novertexinv, `). ByAA ConditionBAB isAC adjacentCisD adjacentDsuchsuch to a to vertex a vertex in in V (H)=V (G) K I.atQuestion: hand,E weQuestion:(H will)=Does showEVE|( there(G|H that)Does)=| exist (|EVu, there((G uGL a0))|to subset':L,| existuVYes A,u,(Based B|KV u aF|0).(G subset: on)uE(GVisF)(u aG0 of vertex,v) size0E(:G thatu at)0u,v of replaced0,v most0 sizeand0 K: nu twoat0,vsuch most vertices0 u,) ,K that2 thereby in :suchu contradictingG0 [Au, thatV i2(BG:)uG,i0[CA }VI (BG. ),iC I . • | | (i)| | |[| | 2| [ 2 0 (orn HG Now, suppose that CliConAlg returns Yes, whichD means, and that noHaving the vertexNoisy callofwithM to in[V StructuredSplitAlg ( (BGis)in[ suchadjacentwithof V (H, that(G Cliquen) to)isa)are asuchA vertex assigned Contraction= thatB in disuchD=↵G/MxA.erent thatn| =,{| colors. everyC|{2B|| =2 edge|= For| Dn| in2 the, |=2C class|is|n= a,novertexin|| ofvertex{D| perfecto| =22| that graphs,n replaced,novertexin,c( 2 weA twoproveis[[ adjacent verticesu,[ the[ v followingA[[is to adjacent statement.a vertex to in a vertex in • of V (GProp-Col)E suchof(HV)=[(D thatGE,[)( and LSI'G such)A no= thatu, vertex• uB0 A:=atu hand,MatchingAlg inn=,VBNoisy•• weBC(Gis will)= adjacent showthat StructurednD[a, thatu{{uC0=2,vand ( 0= ton:v,novertexin}u aD[a0belong[,v vertex{{ Clique0=22 Kn to,novertexin in} the✓ ContractionD}u,.[2 sameA i{{is: u adjacentconnected✓and0 }}V[A({{Gis),i adjacent tou component2 aI} vertex. } [ to{{L of).2 ainG By vertex,[F} else} Condition][G? we{{ in2 are[ done.} [ By22 the[[ definition} [ 2 of[ } forNoisy every D StructuredNoisyX]/F,wedefineasubsetDis Structured athatX clique,]/F CliqueuHavingMisand awhere clique,v Contractionbelong Clique)isaDX,where and=D to,the and Contractionu noX vertex same noLE= vertex:thereexistsavertexL,connectedu in A,u0B B inEisB adjacent:thereexistsavertexisu, adjacentcomponent v} tox a to vertexv a of vertexn GA inL[FD] in.Bv?ED. CA BD suchC 2 D such returns Yes.Thus,(H, n)isa•Yes-instance of Split| [Prop-Col|{{ Contractionfor| every'} LSI|'| to| 2Based||(even,wedefineasubset| on} if[|theSplitAlg{{MatchingAlg| containment| solves} | | of| 2is| a} vertex[| {{, and| that| } replaced| |2| two| | ). verticesor| By Condition|2| }| |G | } { E(H)=E(G) u, u Question:: u V (G)Input:DoesDInput:' ,u there and,vA graph exist:Asuch nou graph,vD vertex aG, that subset andonKG everyaton noin leastF atBu, vertex edge least iEis 6n(:GB adjacentuvertices in 6)n inofverticesV sizeBor(G for)is at,i to adjacent somemost for( aIGaresome vertex. adjacentn 2suchn to, in in that and aD, vertex( and aG. partition[A a partition inB} DC (.A, B, (A, C, B, D, C, E D,) E) D, and no(i)D, vertex andQuestion: no in0 vertexB(i)[isDoes adjacent in BE there[4(isH Lower adjacent to)= exist0 a0 BoundvertextoE a(0 subsetsuchG toBased, and0for) ina that which the vertexonD everyEF. is(Theorem definedK edgeQuestion:xtheE in){ in( as containmentGD follows.2)E. of6.3.0(K sizeDoesL{Unless0) atof2,there else most the weEvu,L areETH{ exist vn done.such is a,: By false,elseN subsetu the thatN we definitionE thereVF areG(2G does[A of done.)E,vG,([ notG H,B2) c exist By of2[VC size the( anK[ atalgorithm definition) most[V n([ thatKsuch of0) solves that. PerfectG[A B C Complete Split Contraction• ), which[Input: means{{ that}that thereA2Input: graphu existsandthat} av[ subsetGA{{belong uon graphandaEF( atH}Ev to)= leasta(LHMoreover,belongG the) ofEonL,2 size( 6A, sameGn Batto) at byQuestion:}vertices[ least the theE connected{{ definition(✓K same 6})n forDoesvertices connectedof2is some componenta, a there vertex cL :n fora thatexist2 componentsome replaced}A, a of, subset candG2[n twoFC2 a]F verticesin? partitionof time,GE and[(b,FGare d][) aof?} adjacent: (as partition size[A,b follows B, at[B,d (see in C,most D, (A,nD Esuch B,). C, that D,G E[A) B C Having• a Note✓La thatNoteL,F thatA,[might BFwithmight✓ contain a partition[ contain edges( y edges outside[ outsideis{{ aG vertexoa([nAGN) [A that}BLB replacedC C2DND twoX✓Xv]. verticesu,].[ Then, v Then,2[ we we[ slightly[ abuse abuse notation notation} so so [ [ [ most n such that H/F is a split graph.Having LetD (I,K)X beD] a/F partitionXis]MatchingAlg/F a clique,ofisofV (the aH/FVQuestion: clique,of• ( containmentG)V)where into( suchG) anwhere such independent thatX of =Does thatXA=uG=A[ thereContractionuBE= =Moreover,:thereexistsavertexEBn exist:thereexistsavertex,=[Cn{{are, = a byCadjacentin subsetD the time=} and=2aD definition2 inn22n=2F,novertexinarewheren not,novertexin)[ ofvE andv2 adjacentis(n a[G henceA= vertex2A})[V[ of✓ in(ABG{{ that[ size)is.AC adjacentC replacedis} at} adjacentDD mostsuch2such twoto an vertices to vertexsuch2 a vertex} in that in G[A [B [C [ Question:Question:DoesMatchingAlg thereDoes exist there a subset existIn this section, aF subset towardsEperfectQuestion:(G theF) proofof matchingD sizeE of aD(X lowerG] at) in/FDoes boundX of most]is/F sizev for a thereis clique,n at a10such clique,x most. exist} where thatvnwhere asuch[10G subsetX[A[=X thatu=[}BFGuE[[CA:thereexistsavertexEE(:thereexistsavertexBG)2 ofC size at mostv vnA suchAB B thatC CDGsuch[DA suchB C [ to Based onMoreover, that by theG[A definition| B| | C{ ofis|| a2D| vertex| X| that]/F| replaced|refers| || tou| two|G[ verticesA| B) GCy 2D2 |X[]/(F[| { E[(G[A B C D X])). of [V (G)a suchof V that(Ga) suchthatA =G that[A✓B10theB=A containmentCn=,{is✓ aDC vertex2B =X= of that][/FDperfectn replaced,refers=2C matching twoton=,novertexinG verticesu,AD[ vA =2 inB n(C✓.,novertexin WeD will2A[ showXis[ that]/{[(and adjacentF this2[ implies[[Eare(AG[ the[ notAis[ existence to adjacent adjacentB[ a of vertexC inD to inX a])). vertex2 [ in[ [ [[ [ set and a set of vertices that induce a clique. BecausethataSThen,u=andn + 2vDaCliConAlg andbelong, andDHbound,[S and no]to is for vertex an noan theintermediate independentcalls vertex sameThus, in[ BNonTrivChordAlgconnected in problemto[isy concludeB[ adjacent[.is called Necessarily adjacent[a , that and component to (are a to not vertex) and aa adjacent| vertex of hencewith2 inG[[ inDFoE( in.] ([?H,D.[} n{)[ as2 ✓ input,\ and)[ and[ returnshence[ [ the2 answer[ [ [ of this[ call.[ [ D X]/FDisto aXthat clique,]/FBasedu isand| a onNotewhere| clique,v belong thatThen,XNoteFwhereD=| toperfectmight| theuMatchingAlg thatXX matching|] samecontain/F[EF=|might:thereexistsavertex|is[ connectedu in|x edgesa[ contain clique,|Ecalls| [| outside:thereexistsavertexthat| CliConAlg edgescomponent| anduwhere|Gand|v[A outside|v Bbelong=X{with|v| ofG=Cand[|G[AA to[ (uFDH,[B] theBv? A,areXu,E[ sameC]. B,v adjacentC:thereexistsavertexA Then,[D C, connectedBDu D,X in wesuch]. n\C) slightly Then,v as componentD input,G wesuch abuse[ slightly[ and notation of[vG abuse returns[[FA] so? notationB the answerC so D such of 10ContractionDMoreover,A graphDoesXisthat there] a/F byProof. vertex existu theisMandu a definition perfectTargeting a that.v clique, Bybelong matching( the replacednG of a definition contradiction, to.where Necessarily the two/ n of same contraction,}X vertices suppose= connectedu to that showE component there:thereexistsavertex that( exists an of algorithm,G[F ] ? denotedv by PerfectAlgA B , C D such set, there exist at least two[ vertices s1,s[2 DS,that and are no notD vertex incident,the and containment to noinQuestion: anyB vertex{ edge ofis2 adjacent inWeF in..Does refer{ AsNecessarilyBthis these2is there to end,L/M toand adjacent the the wea exist other vertex considerspecial inThus, a subset to two caseE in[ ato arbitraryDis vertexconclude ofF[ au. vertex2Noisy[E vertices[(,[ thatin thatG and}[v) Structured[D ofreplaced (2[. size[ [ at two[ most vertices[ Cliquen[Esuch Contraction that G[A B }whereC E = 2 thata G[A thatBQuestion:GC[AWe[Thus,DBCross refer toDoesX concludeC] Matching/F to thereDrefers[x, thethat andAX exist( special] to/FGarerefers[ aA adjacent subsetandM caseB to inGC ofF[yANoisyDEB(GX{)C2]/ ofStructured(2FProp-Col size{D E atX(G2] LSImost{/[A(F 2andBnE Cliqueosuch((GnC)[A thatDB ContractionGXC[])).A DB }2XC])).[where[2E [=[ [ [ vertices are not adjacentthat to oneu anotherandthatv inbelonguH,anda and becausev tobelongNote the they thatFirst, sameMoreover, to arethisF the adjacentmight connected by call. note thesame contain definition to thatall connected vertices edgescomponent ofMisperfect a by vertex outside. in By matchingconstruction, that thecomponentv2G replaced definitiona of[ solvesA G inB[ twoF/PerfectContraction of]C vertices contraction,? ofDGV[FX}M(].]H to? Then, show).are By= that we not the 10slightlyin adjacent definition timenCross. abusen Matching Thus, in/. of notation We contraction, will because showso thatto showNonTrivChordAlg this that implies the existence runs in Note that F might[ [that contain[[thisu[ end,edgesand[ wethat[ outsideconsiderv belongin[u twoandGaa[A arbitrary tovuNoteB[belong the) verticeswhere thatthisC[ same end,FD[✓ tomight[ weu,X connected the✓[in v].[ considertime containand Then, same[ \edges two we[ connected component) slightly arbitrary and outsideu[ hence\ abuseG[ vertices[A component[ of notationB[ G[C[[F ]D so[[? ofX[].[[G Then,[F[[] we?[ slightly abuse; notation so D Xas]Input:/FL/MStructuredisy a clique,Ma }Note Cliquewhere2 thatn X2F Contraction=mightL/Mu containE :thereexistsavertexM edges.v Note outside thatGStructured[A B vC AD CliqueBX]. Then,C ContractionD wesuch slightly abuseis notation; so V (G) (and hence to all vertices in V (H/F )Question:Sthe), it followscontainmentFigureQuestion: thatDoes 9s perfect,sTheD of there construction matchingIXand]/FDoeso existV( (is inVH/F( a ofHthere clique,) a an) S) subset instance existKu,.andwhere vo of(Fn0Perfect aare)[ subsetX noto)[(E and[}= adjacent([G henceContractionu[})F[ inofE[ size|[:thereexistsavertexEu(}Gin at) the most| of proof sizeG of)n of Theorematsuch mostv that2 22[nA suchG[B[A[ thatCB[ DoG(Csuchn[A) B C that G[A B1 2Cas StructuredD inX]/FQuestion:refers2 Thus, to CliqueuG[A toof,vthatv conclude anB} .Gu, algorithm, Contraction NecessarilyC[ vareA, that andD adjacentBin ( XC denoted]/{(FD2 inEX.( by]G/F Note[ACliConAlgrefers(B that toC G,Structured[ thatDA }[BX solves]))..[C Structured[D X[ Clique]/}(F En Clique(.G Contraction Thus,[A } becauseB ContractionC Du). Xis])).in a a that\ G[A WetimeB referC VDWe to(2[HFirst,X the refer][)/F. special Necessarilyrefers| to note} the to\| case2 thatG special✓[A{n of byB0 UnlessNoisy case construction,C✓,( n the itD ETH of follows Structured{Noisy isX false,2]/{(F✓ there2 that StructuredE doesV(G( notH[ACliConAlg) existCliqueEB=6 an algorithmCn. ContractionCliqueDu, that Thus,vruns solvesX])).2 Contraction in2 because[ time[[[where[[nCliConAlg[[E[.where=[ -instanceruns[E of=([ in time In particular, (H/F )[V (H/F ) S] is a clique.Note Let thatXwhere=F umight dashedS[:thereexistsavertex contain[Thus, lines[that torepresenta conclude edgesa[alsou andu,, thatoutsidenon-edges. andvaendpoint specialv0v ( belongaaV inG(G[that caseA) u to[GB theof[EcesA[Cliquevo tosameC(MBn) show[[DC. connected[ that[ By ContractionDX the[].},X that definition Then,]\[/F solvesand2 componentrefers we of[. to slightly contraction,G[[A of[BG abuse[[F toC]u show)[?} notationD [ thatX][/(F so E(\G=[A B [C [D [LX])).[ Note that FDmightMoreover,X] contain/F[ Dis[ edges aby[X| clique,that the]/Falso[ outside definitionuisand aNote| specialawhereGMv clique,[A thatbelong,v. of Byis}B caseXF the a vertexto=might definitionCthiswhere of[and the end,timeuCliqueL/MD[/ same thatcontain of we{Xn contraction,X[E[ consider]. replaced= connected:thereexistsavertex,[ Then,Contraction[ thereby edgesu[ twotou, show we v[ twoarbitrary outsidecontradictingE\ componentslightly that0|u:thereexistsavertex vertices verticesasG/. follows. abuse[|[AL, LemmaA, of[ B GivenBG notation[[Fv anC5.2] instance[?[andA(D so[ ( henceB[Xv]. completing Then,CA\ D weBsuch the slightly[ C proof.[Yes ;D[) abuse suchsuch[ that notation; so \ { 2 this end,L/Mo we( considerV{ (Hu0 )[) twoOur2 arbitrary[Note objectiveuo({[n[) that is vertices to[ prove[F themight[ followingM [ contain statement.,v} edges2 outside{ G[AL } B C o(nD) B| X]. Then,(H we) 2 slightly abuse notation so such that u and v belongthat toG the[A samethatB connectedGC[A[DasB componentXStructuredWeC]/F referDrefers[asFor of X toStructuredGV] to[F/F the the(]HG.refers[) Clique specialA Then, correctness| B to weM caseGyC| have[ ContractionCliquecesA Dof to thatnB showNoisyinX of{Csu that]in/, Contraction2( time the it2FWeD Structured2 followsEare refer algorithm,.X(G] Note{ not/[A( toF{ that2 adjacent theB0 thatE.( Clique specialGMatchingAlgC Note[AStructured firstD inB thatcase ContractionX supposeC[])). ofStructuredDNoisyruns[ }2X Clique[])). in that Structured[where[ time[ [ (G,[ ContractionCliquenE2[ A,=[.[[ B, Clique Contraction C,[ D, ContractionV[is n)isa(u isYeswhere-instanceE = We referperfect to matching the specialin} a in 2 case{Solutions of Noisy to instances}and StructuredWe} define of Noisy the)LSIAlg and executionu Clique hence Structuredcesu, v to} of show ContractionCliConAlgAlg that Clique,v 2as follows.Contractionwhere GivenE ==| anexhibit instance`)isa the (G,' following A, B, C, D, n) of H[V (G) X]/F is a clique. [ [that[[u[and[ that[v belong[u| andathatSolutions tov|Note}G[belong the[A2 that[su sameBthatF to[ tomight[C instancesG connected the[[Au,[D containWe v u, sameB[ v referXv\ of0] edges/F[C2 connectedNoisy tocomponentrefersD outside the[\X special Structured to]G[/FG[ALSIAlg component[Arefers[ of caseB[ BG[C of[ toFCNoisy]GD Clique[[?AD ofX)[].BG Structured Then,X[F Contraction]/C](F we? D slightlyE(GX Clique[]A/ abuse(;F Bexhibit notation,E Contraction(CG[A theD), so B followingX])).C whereD XE])).= ; as StructuredNote Cliqueu, v that0 } F Contractionmight containu end, edges. Note suppose}Cross outside(G that Matching thatG{[StructuredA B C D CliqueX].( Then,G Contraction we slightly abuseA| is notation; H ) so! G [ also aof specialStructuredalso a case.For special Necessarily of,vproperty, theClique case[ correctness Clique[ of which ContractionClique[{ asStructured will[[ ofStructured Contraction0 ,v be[ the Contraction crucial[ algorithm,. Clique[ in Clique the Contraction{ proof[ first. [ [ ContractionThis ofsuppose[[ Theorem[ means[V, CliConAlgAlg[[ that5.1[. Notethat(asG,[ well\constructs A, that[ there B as)isaStructured results[ an,c exists\Yes instance[ in(G-instance Section[( a ( CliqueH,[[ subset n6)[. of ofPerfect Contraction[CrossF[ E;(Gis) Now, notice that (H, A, B, C, D, S, n)as is anStructured instanceinThus,B of.Noisy Into particular, Clique conclude Structuredthat{ uF0 G, Contraction⊆ that[ andAE Clique(GB ()end,LemmaandC suppose Con- henceasD 4.1.StructuredX{. thatX] Note/Futhis=refers∅. meansE Becausethat to thatG CliqueStructured[AGsu=[B H[C ContractionA ∪[DB ∪X[ CliqueC]/}∪(FD],.E we( Note ContractionG thus[A } thatB CStructured| D XisG])).V CliqueV Contraction is We referWe to the refer special to the case specialthat ofproperty,NoisyG case[A Bces of[ Structured towhichCNoisy show[D that[ willX Structured][/F beTargetingandrefers crucial Clique a toces contradiction,G to[A in show ContractionCliquetheB that suppose[C proof[ thatD Contraction[ thereofX] Theorem[/ exists(F where anE algorithm,(\G[A5.1E denotedBwhere=as[C well by[DE as[ X= results])).[ : in Section. 6. above. a also a speciala Solutions case ofM{ Clique to. By instancesthis Contraction theMatching means definitionalsoContraction that of Noisy a/ special. of contraction, Structured caseas follows of Clique(see to showFig. Clique Contraction: u?): that2 Contraction. exhibit' u 2 the followingYes . Notice that ✓ traction. Furthermore, since F n andalso we have aNote special alreadyderiveSolutions thatthis shown casethatF end,NotemightG/F thatof towe thatCliqueHis instances considercontainWe[A asuF[ clique.B refermightC[ Contraction edgesDtwo Thus,[ of toX containWeNoisy arbitrary][/F outside wetheis referu conclude special edges{ StructuredG. verticesto[A thatoutside the caseB(G, special[ A,CG of[ B,[A CliqueNoisyend,D C,[ case D,B suppose[X n)].Cis ofStructured Contraction Then, a Noisy thatYesD\ -instance weX]. slightly[ Structured Then, of[ ; Cliqueexhibit[ abuse we[ slightly notation the; Contraction Clique following abuse so notation Contractionwhere so(ii) E =where E = | |  of sizeL/MMatching at most[ M[ .[n This[suchalso means that a specialsu2 thatG/F case thereis of aClique exists clique. Contraction a perfect By the matching definition. M G,in ofH, cGHsuch, we that directlyB every} derive edge that a clique, we have that FasisStructured a solutionas toStructured this instance. Clique Therefore,Solutions ContractionClique by to Lemma instances ContractionWe5.1Lemmaend, refer, F. suppose ofis Note aNoisy to matching 5.1.thatthe thatProof.. special StructuredLet Note, thatStructuredF solvesSolutions thatcasebeand a[ hence ofsolutionStructured CliqueNoisy[to completing instances Clique[ to Structured[ Contractionthe). an[ proof. instance[ ofu, ContractionCliqueNoisy v}[ ([ CliqueG, Structuredexhibit Contraction A,) B,as input, C,Contraction theis D, and following E,returns Clique n) theofis answerNoisy Contractionwhere of this Structuredcall.E = exhibit the following; ; property,Structuredproperty, which CliqueWe2 will refer which Contraction be to crucial the will special be. in This crucial the case completes} proofend, of inNoisy suppose the of theconstructs Theorem proof proof Structuredthat(H an ofthis of instance the Theorem means5.1 reverse ( as Clique thatwell direction.5.1 as Contractionas results wellJ as in results Sectionwhere in6E Section. = u 26. thatSolutionsG[A Bthat toin C instancesG[AasDLemmaBStructuredX of]/FCNoisy 5.1.refersasD StructuredLetX Structured to]/FgAlgGF Clique[ASolutionsu,refersbe v aB3.1Let solution toC ContractionKG to Clique[=A instancesDu to0B:XuV an Contraction]/C Contraction(V of instanceF(GNoisyD).Ewhere( NoteGX[] StructuredA(/G,( eachF that A,Bexhibit.E element B,(C NoteGStructured C,[A theD D, Cliqueu0 thatB E,is followingX a n])). newC)Structured Contractionof vertexDNoisy CliqueX referred])).returns Structured: Contractionexhibit to; Clique as the thetagged following Contractionis is of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpointH/F in A andisin the}as a otherMStructured two-cliques2has in Bthis. one In means particular, endpoint that Clique graphs, Contraction in andA and therefore the. Note other) {{ that it in belongsStructuredB, and toG/M Clique.Thus,(is a Contraction clique.for everyH,n By)isa; theis definitionYes-instance of also a specialalso a case special ofproperty,Clique case[ [ of whichu, ContractionClique[ v [ will0[ [ be ContractionClique crucial[ .[ Contraction in the proofproperty,. [• of[this. Theorem whichThen, means[ {[[) willthatF5.1[is2 beas a[ crucial matching[\ well}[ as in results the of[L, A,\ size proof B[ inn Section[. ofin [ TheoremG[such6[. that[5.1 eachas[ well edgeu) as} inresultsF has in Section 6. as StructuredClique} Contraction Cliquean algorithm,Contraction.copy Then, denotedLSIAlg of byuF.G. Additionally,is Note[ a matching(H that letStructured). I be of a size set ofnn Cliquein+1newvertices.G such Contraction(ii) that each( edgeis in F has F E(G) and hence X = . Because property,G = H[A B whichAC graphD will],G wealso,v beis thus a crucialperfect a derive special graphalso thatin theG/F caseif a theproperty, proof specialis{ chromaticof Clique of caseTheorem which, number of will Contraction(Clique of5.1 be every crucialasE well induced Contraction(H in as the.results subgraph proof in of of TheoremSectionG. F 65.1. as wellLSIAlg as' results in Section 6. ✓ Solutions; Solutions to instances[ to[ instances of-Contraction[Noisy{ of0 alsoE of Structured(HNoisy aone special), M endpoint Structured, case whichE Cliqueof( inHCliqueLemmaA). meansandWe We define Contraction Clique the Contraction willthe other that executionV show Contraction in theof B. that. callexhibitV H/M to theNonTrivChordAlgexhibitis following aLSIAlg clique. the following As Mwith=u, (nH,, this n) as will input mean returns a clique. Thus, we conclude that (G, A, B, C,We D, nLemma)isa referYes to-instanceWeLemma 5.1. thealsou referaspecialLet of specialcesStructured to 5.1.F to thebe show case caseLet a special solution ofClique thatF ofCliquebeNoisy a case tosolution Contraction an ofStructured instanceNoisy to an Structured) instance(.[G, A, Clique B,( C,G,with D, A, Contraction ( Clique E, B, n C,) D,of Noisy E, Contraction n) ofwhere Structured-instance,Noisy whichE Structured= willwhere) and imply Condition thatE the call= equals the sizeone of the endpoint largest clique✓ in ofA thatand subgraph. the other)= Here, in the(BG . chromatic= number of a graph ), and | | = {{ (L LemmaF 5.1.{ LetFSolutionsSolutionsbe a solution to toSolutions instances instances to anLemma instance of toVNoisy(H of instances( 5.1.)=L Noisy(G,V StructuredLet(EG A,) F B, Structured ofKbe C,BNoisy aD,I. solution E, Clique n) Structuredof toNoisy Contraction Clique an instance Structured( ContractionH Clique(G,Yesexhibit A, B, C, theContraction D,E following E,exhibit; n) of Noisy theexhibit; following Structured the following Contraction. This completesproperty, theproperty, which proofasLemma ofStructuredwill the which reverseClique be crucialYes direction. willStructuredLet, ContractionClique be and inthatF Clique crucial thebe hence (a ContractionH, proof solution in A, Contraction Clique theCliConAlg B,. of Then, TheoremC, proof to D, an Contraction n.F of instance)isa Then,returnsis TheoremCol5.1•. a LSI Noteas matchingYesV F( wellG,-instanceisYes5.1 that A, a as. B,.as matching[ NoteofresultsStructured C, well size[ D, of that as E,Structuredn in ofresults nin Section)Structured sizeofG Noisysuchn inClique6in Section. thatG Clique StructuredsuchE each Contraction6 Clique. that edge Contraction eachM in ContractionF edgehasis in,whichwillF hasis is the minimumsuSolutions number of to colors instances requiredLemma of toNoisy color 5.1. its StructuredLet vertices)=F be so a that solution Clique every topair) Contraction,sodoes an of instance adjacent (G,exhibit A, B,, and C, the hence D, following E, n) of Noisy Structured property,Proof. whichWe will first be argueClique crucial that inContraction every theL proof vertex) and of in. Theorem Then,A B(n isF5.1 incidentisas a matchingwell to as at results)isa least of size one inn Section edgein G insuch6F. . Targeting that each edge in F has Clique Contractionproperty,. Then, whichproperty,F willis a which be matching crucial• will( of be in sizeG crucialthen in proofG in.such First, oftheo Theorem thatnote proof that each by construction, of) edge5.12 Theorem inasYesF wellhas5.1 asas results well asin Sectionresults in6. Section 6. A graph G is a perfect graph if the chromaticClique numberonevertices Contraction endpoint of every areoneassigned induced endpointProof. in A. subgraph different Then,andWe in the first ofA colors.FG otherandisequals argue a For the matching in the thatB other class.E every(H of in)= ofE perfectB sizevertexE(.G()n graphs,in u,MatchingAlgAG u we0 )such:B prove[u nisV that incident the(G) following each(v tou} edge0,v at0 least: inu0,vF0 onehasK edgeu, in i F: u.0 TargetingV (G),i I . also a specialalso case aNow,property, special ofend,Clique suppose case whichsuppose of will Contraction thatClique that beClique crucialCliConAlgone Contraction endpoint inContraction the. proofreturns inVA ofand. Theorem. Then, theYes(G | other,F5.1 whichis inas aB matchingwell. means' as results of size that inn Sectionin theG such6 call. that to eachNonTrivChordAlg edge in F has LemmaLemma 5.1. Let 5.1.FonebeLet endpoint a solutionF be in aA tosolutionand ana the contradiction,instance to other an in instance(G,B. A,suppose• B,( C,G,• that D, A, E, B,= there n C,)[calls D,of exists{{ Noisy E,V [} na) vertexof2 StructuredNoisyu } [)A, {{ StructuredL,B A,} Bthat is2 not} incident[ {{ } to any2 edge 2 } the size of the largest clique of that subgraph. Here,statement. the chromatic number of a graph is the A (u ) as follows: one endpoint in A andaLemma contradiction, thethis other means 5.1. inLet thatB supposeoneF. be endpoint a solution that in there toA and an exists instance the= | other a vertex(G, in A,Bu. B, C,'2A D,[ E,B nthat) (ofL Noisy is not Structuredincident to any edge minimum number of colors required to color itsSolutions verticeswith so that toSolutions instances (everyH, pairn)returns to ofin adjacent of instancesFNoisy. Because verticesYes Structured of.Thus,(NoisyA B StructuredCH, n CliqueD)isa=6n,Yes ContractionF Clique-instance,5 n and ContractionG[A whichexhibitBE meansC theexhibitD following thatX]/F the thereis following a clique exists a subset Clique ContractionClique Contraction. Then, .FLemma Then,is a matchingF 5.1.Lemmais aLet matching ofF size 5.1.ben a ofLetin solution sizeG•F suchben in a to thatn solutionG ansuch each instance that toedge an), each2{ in(G, instanceF[ edge A,has B, in C,(FG, D,has A, E, B, n) C,of D,Noisy E, n) of StructuredNoisy Structured Proof. WeProof.Lemma firstin argueWeF . 5.1. first Because thatLet argue everyF beA that a vertex solutionProof.|B every[ C inWe[ to vertexA firstD an[B instanceLSIAlg=6 argue inis| incidentAn, thatruns(FBG, in| timeeveryis A,| to incident B,n at vertex C,Gand least D, E,G to in[ one nAA at) of[ least edgeBBNoisyis[ incident one inC [2F Structured edge.D Targeting to[ in atXF] least/F. Targetingis one a edge clique in F . Targeting are assigned di↵erent colors. For the class of perfectProof. graphs,TheoremWe we first prove 22.Clique argue theUnless following that Contraction the every statement.ETH vertex is false,. in Then,thereA B doesFis incidentis not a existmatching to an at algorithm least of size one( n that edgein solvesG in10suchMF ✓. Targeting that each edge in F has property,I whichproperty,F willE( whichH be) crucial(where of will sizebe the in at| crucialthe last most[ prooftwo[ in propertiesn ofthe[such Theorem[ proof| follow that of[5.1 from Theorem|H/F|as the well suppositionE 5.1 results) as In input well that[ returnsparticular, asinF[ Sectionresultsis a[ solution), in[6H/F. Section it holdsis a6. that chordal graph. one endpointone endpointProof. in A andWe in the firstA otherand argueClique theClique in thatB other. Contraction every inContractionCliqueB vertex. oProof.(n.) inContraction Then,A WeB.[F first Then,isis incidentThen, aargue matchingDenoteF. thatis toThen, a everyat of matching least. size ThisF vertex meansnis onein athat in edgeG ofmatching thereAsuch size exists inB thatisF an bijective. incident Targetingin eachof functionG size edge tosuch atn in leastin thatF Ghas onesuch each edge thatedge in F . each in TargetingF edgehas in F has a contradiction,a contradiction,(whereone suppose endpoint thein timelast that suppose in An two thereandwhere propertiesa that the contradiction, exists othern there= |V a in( followG vertex existsB)|.. suppose from au vertex theA that suppositionB there2u thatA exists isB not a thatthat vertex incidentF isisu not aA solution),toincident anyB that edge to it is any holdsnot incidentedge that to any edge Theorem 6.3. Unless the ETH is false, there doesa not contradiction,Perfect exist✓ an Contraction algorithm suppose that solves thatPerfect there exists[ a vertex u A B that} is2 notF incident to any edge G[A B C D X]/F is a clique2 onu,[ at v least2L, A, 5 B[n +[ )X followsvertices. from the2 definition Hence,[ of the degree of o(n) a contradiction,in F Based. Becausein supposeoneF on. endpoint Because PropositionA thatB in thereAACand existsaBD the6.1 contradiction,in other=6, aCF we vertex.n inD Because, willBF=6u. suppose first2nAAn, andF[ showB thatB thatGC theren[ thatA isandD not existsB=6HG incident[AA anC, vertex(LFBDB tounC anyXCandA]/F edgeDGBDis[AthatX a]X clique/FB is] not/FisC aincidentisD clique a clique,X to]/F anyis edge a where clique Contraction in time n where n = V (G) . in F . BecauseoneGA[A endpointBB Cone[C inD[ endpointDA=6[andnX, ][/FF the in isA othern aandandMatchingAlg clique in theForG the[BA onother correctness. B at{ inleast ofC theB algorithm,.D 5n +XE first]X/F| suppose| isvertices. that a clique ( Hence, the degree of Proof. WeProof. firstLemma| argueWe| firstProof. that 5.1.Lemma argue everyTargetingLet that vertexF 5.1. everybe a| contradiction, a[everyLet in solution vertexAF[ vertex| Bbe[ inis[ suppose a to incidentA in solution[| anGB[A that instanceis[ to incidentBthere to| atC an| exists least2(G, instanceD| to an[ one A,[| at algorithm,X| B, least] edge/F[ C,,(G, and[ one D,inwith denoted[ A,F E,in| edge(. B, particular Targetingn[) C, by inof[ D,Per-[|FNoisy.| E, Targeting[ of[[ nu2),[of shouldStructured[[Noisy[ be[[ 5n Structured[ 1+[ X[in in F . Because A Proof.|B [[CWe[[ firstD[ =6[ argue| inn[,F that(where.F Because| every| then vertexand lastA twoG inB[AA propertiesC[BBatis hand,D[ incidentC=6 we follow[ willDn show, to[ frominF that atX|] (least/F the|n isand suppositionone a edgeG clique[A in BF that. TargetingCF isD a solution),X]/F is it a holds clique that (whereX the=(where lastuevery two theV ( vertexK propertieslast) two inV (G propertiesK[ followA0):thereexistsavertexB [ from followC[ theo(Dn)[ from suppositionX[]/F the[ , andsupposition that inv particularFMAis that aB solution),F of Cisu, a should solution),D itsuch holds be 5 that that itn holds1+u| and thatX| inv belong to Proof. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there(wherefectAlg existsan the, that algorithm,| lastProof. solves[ twoWe denoted[PerfectContraction propertiesG first[A[ by argue[PerfectAlgB| followC that,D[ from every| X|in] the time/F vertex. suppositionn However,| in [whereAProp-ColBfor[ becausen[ thateveryisis LSI' incident[ the[F number no|is,wedefineasubset vertex a[ to solution), at of[| vertices least in| A oneis it adjacent holds edge thatin toF[. a Targeting vertex[ [ in D[and no a contradiction,a contradiction,Clique(where suppose the ContractionClique last that suppose two there{ Contraction propertiesa that2 contradiction, exists. there Then, a follow[ vertex existsF suppose. fromis Then,au G vertexa[[A thematchingA that[F suppositionBB thereuis[thatC aA exists ofmatching[ isD(i)B size not a thatthatX vertexn incident]/FFin is ofisisu notG' size a asuchA clique solution),toincident2n anyBin that[ onthat edgeGto at itsuch iseach[ anyleast holds not[ thatedgeincident 5n that+ each inX toFvertices. any edgehas edge in Hence,F| has| the degree of that solves PerfectContraction in time no(n).G We[inA will thetheB showinputBG same[C thatA graph.CProof.G thisD[AB connectedD We impliesXB willWeC]X/F the[Proof. showC]/F firstisD existence[ aD thatis component argueclique(whereX[ aWe thisX]/F clique][/F impliesfirst on that theis. at However, a argueonlast theevery least clique of at existencetwoH 5that least vertexn properties[ becauseF on[+] of everyX at5. ann invertices. least+ algorithm, no followA vertexX vertex2 5Bnvertices. from denotedis Hence,+[ in in incidentXA theA byis thevertices. suppositionB Hence, adjacentis degree to incident at the least Hence,of to that a degree tovertexF oneis at the a edge least of solution),in degreeD in oneandF of. itedge no Targeting holds in thatF . Targeting a contradiction,in F .vertex Because suppose in BAis adjacent thatB2 C there[[ toD[ exists a2 vertex=6[[ an, vertex inHaving[FD, theun degreeandA[ GB[ ofAthat anyB is[ vertex notC incident inDA XB to]/F,| andany|is inedge a particularclique of of an algorithm, denotedin F by.CliConAlg Becausein F,oneG. that[A BecauseA solvesendpointBBStructuredone[[CAC in endpoint[[DBAD[ Cliqueand[[X=6C][/F[ the in[n[ ContractionD, isA[ otherF[=6 aand[ cliquen[ in then, G[inBandF[A onother.every atGBn[A vertex inleastandCBB. 5DG inn[AG+CX[AX]/F|BDMatchingAlgB|vertices.isC aXCo|(n clique])/F|DD is Hence, onXX a|]/F] at clique/F| , least the andis a degree 5inn clique particular+ X ofvertices. of u, should Hence, be the 5n degree1+ ofX in everyCliConAlg vertex vertexevery, that ina invertexG solves contradiction,vertex[GA[AStructured inB inBBaCGis contradiction,[ adjacentAC|D suppose[ CliqueBDX][/F toCX, Contraction a][ and/F that vertexD suppose,| in and there particularX in]/F inD that|in,existsto particular,}| timetheandBased of there degreen2 inu aon, shouldvertex particular[where exists of ofu any, ben[u shouldis a 5 vertex thenvertex of[Au1+, be[ inshouldBu 5XAthatn[[inAB be1+, is and 5BnotnXthat in incidentin1+ particular isX not toin incident of any edge to any edge time no(n), thereby contradicting Lemma 5.2|and[[ hence[[ completing| [[Targeting[in [F[| the(where. proof. Because[u the,a is| at lastcontradiction,|A most twoB|A properties|C[B D[1+=6[ follow suppose[Cn,[ fromD[F /[|[2+[ the that|nX[[and supposition[=4H[G[n[A 1+[ B thatBX CFin isCGD[ aA solution),XDB]/F| C|isX itD a]/F holds cliqueX].is that Because not au clique, | and| (where the(where lastevery two the vertex propertieslastnumber two in ofG properties vertices[ followA B in from the[ followC[ input[ theD[ graph,[ from suppositionX[[every[| thereby]/F the[G[[,[ vertexA andsupposition| contradicting[B that in inC|[ particularGF[[ADis Lemma that| aBX solution),]/FF| of12C.|is andu However,,D a shouldhence solution), itX] completingholds/F because be|, and|2 5 thatn it no in holds[1+ particularvertex[| thatX2|[[ ininA[ of[isu adjacent|[, should| to be| a 5| vertexn 1+ in XD andin no We define the execution of CliConAlgAlg as follows.G[A GivenBB G anC[CA instanceinDu,DB isFX. at(]G,X/FC Because mostA,]/F. B, However,inD|. C, However,FA D,[X. n)]/FBA ofBecause[ because. However,[1+B because[ | noCC[A vertexD no[ becauseDB/|2+ vertex in[|=6ACXis nothen in adjacent=4, containment vertexDAFnis=6 adjacent1+ to of in[n[ aA,X vertexand[isFin[ adjacent to[G in a[[AAD vertexn[[andandB toB no[ inaCG vertexD[CADandDBX in no].D BecauseXCand]/FD noisu aX clique]/F is a clique Proof. WeProof.therefore first argue(whereWeG[[ firstA there that the[isB arguelast not every[ existC two incident that[ vertex propertiesD two every toXvertex] non-adjacentany in/F followA vertex edgeis in aBB clique in fromisisF in adjacent incident,[ itsAthe on verticesdegree supposition at[B to leastis to a[ in incident vertex atG 5[un[A least that+and inBXD toF one,vvertices. theCis atin a edge least degreeD solution), thisX in Hence,one] of|/F graph.F any|. itedgeis Targeting holds at vertexthe most in degree By thatF in its.A the Targeting degree ofB definition, and in in particular| | of X of, Structured CliqueG Contraction[A BG[A,CCliConAlgAlgG[ABD BCtheXconstructsC][[/F proof.D[D[is anX a[X instance[][/F clique]/F[ [[is.[ ( However,H, a on n[[ clique) of atPerfect[|[ least because[ onG|[[A| 5at[n B least+ no[X|C vertex| 5[nDvertices.[[+| inX|X]A[/F|is.vertices. However,Hence, adjacent|[ | | | the because Hence, to[ a| degree| vertex|[|| no the|[ vertex of in degree[D[[ inandA[ ofis[ no adjacent[ [[[ to[[ a vertex[ in[D and no [ [ [[ [[[vertex[[ in[ inB[vertexB[isis adjacent(whereisevery adjacent notin B vertexG incident tois[ theA adjacenta to(where vertexB last in a vertextoGC[ twoA any in the toDDB[ propertiesedgein, alast the vertexXD[C|]., degree in[ twothe This|[DF in, degree[propertiesits is of followDX a| any], degree/F contradiction, the|[, of vertex and fromdegree any in infollow inG vertex theparticular[A of thus any suppositionB fromB in, weand vertexAC of get the inuB,D particularthat should, suppositionin and thatAX indeed]/F in beBF of particular,is 5 every andnis at thata most1+ in vertex solution), particularXF of its in[isin degreeA a solution), itB of holds in that it holds that Contraction as follows (see Fig.every?): avertex vertexcontradiction, in inBaWeHGis contradiction,[ adjacentAdefineA G suppose[BA theB execution toBC aC that vertexCD suppose ofDD thereCliConAlgX in]/FXDvertexX that], exists,/F] theandu/Fas,is is thereinfollows. degree atainBis a clique most vertexisparticular equal exists adjacentGiven ofA on any anu attoaB vertexinstance tovertex of leastA the a1+u vertex, 5 inshouldB(Cn subgraphG,uA+that A, inD[[ B,XDAB/ be2+C,,, isvertices. the[ andD, 5BnotXn degree of[)[that inof=4 incident1+ particularH/Fn Hence,[ of is any1+X not[induced tovertextheinX incident of anyin degreeG in[ edgeAA by oftoBB the, any andC edgeset inD particularX of]. Becausevertices of u every vertex in G[Au, is isB at at most mostCu, isADG atA[[AB mostXB[]/FB1+A,1+[[C andB[C[DD in/[2+D1+ particular[X/].[X2+C[ This=4X[Dn is of/=42+ a[1+|u contradiction,n,[ shouldX1+|in=4GXn[ beA| in 51+[Bn thusG| [|ACX|1+ weDinB| getXG|X[C thatA].in BecauseDB indeedXC| ].u| every BecauseD X vertex].[| u Because| [ in [A[ u[B [Structured[ [[every[| G CliqueG[[[[[A vertexA[|[[isB ContractionB incident[ inCG|[G[C[A[AD[ to| BX[DB, atCliConAlg]/Fis least|C not.XC| However,]D one/F incidentconstructsD edgeXis]/F because a toX in,| clique an] any and/FF2|. instance Fromedge no inis[ particularvertexon a in[( this,H, clique atF2 n,[[ in) its because leastofA ofdegree[Perfect[is onu adjacent|, 5[n shouldatF| in+ leastG[nXA to be|and a 5Bvertices.| vertexnnA+C1+B inXDXD=2vertices. Hence,andX[inn],wederive/F nois at the most[ Hence, degree its degree the of degree in of Let K = u0 : u GV[A(G) BwhereG[CA eachinu,DB element isF . atXC Because most]u/F0 isinDderived. a However,newFAX. vertex]/FBA Because|. from referred However,[1+B because[ |C connectedC to[A| asD[ no[ thebecauseD|B/2+ vertextagged|[[[u=6,CX is[|components no atn in=4|, mostvertex[DA[Fn|is=6[| adjacentA|1+ innnBA,Xand| thatisFin1+| adjacent toG aC|[ contain[AA vertexn|DandB to/B2+ ina|CG at vertexXD[C|AD leastand=4[|DBnX in no| ].[ oneD[1+ BecauseXCand][X/F[ vertexD noin|[isGu[[ aAX[ from| clique|]/FB| CisA aD cliqueBX]. BecauseC D.Inu • { 2 } isisContraction not incident incident| is[ not| toisvertexas to incident incidentany follows any[that edge| in edgeB (see[[F to intois| adjacentF any at in a,[[ its9): leastperfectF edge|, degree its[[| to one indegree matching a invertexF edge[,G| its[A in in[[ in degree inG|BFD|G[A.,|[A the FromC inB degreeB|DG]. this,[[CA[X of|]/FD becauseB[ anyis| [ vertexX atC|] most/F[DF inis itsA atX|n degree] most/FBand|[, and|is[ in itsA at in[ degreemost| particularB[|[=2 its[ inn degree,wederive[ of [ in copy of u. Additionally,[ let I[be a[ set[is notof[[n +1newvertices. incident[ [ toG| any[Aevery[ edgeB [ vertexC in| FDevery[,[ its inX| degree][/FisG vertex[ not.AG However,[[A inincidentB in|G|B[|AG becauseC[ toCAB[ anyDB|[C edge no|X[X vertexD].C in] This/F[FXD,[, in] its is/F andA a degreeisX[is contradiction, inadjacent] at/F particular most[in[,| G and|[A to[ its[ a in[ thusB degree vertex particular[ ofC we|u in inget,D[[D should thatandX| ] of/F indeed nou beis, at should[ 5 everymostn [1+ its vertex be degree[ 5Xn in Ain 1+B X in vertex invertexB is(where adjacent in BGis the[A adjacent to(whereLetparticular, lastB aK vertexC= two{ the touthat0Du[:, propertiesin au islast vertex∈DXu[ atFV].,and( mostis twoGthe This[) a} inwhere perfect degreev[ propertiesA isD followare a,B each the contradiction, ofalso matching elementfrom degree1+ any follow non-adjacent[C vertex theu of0[D inis thus anysupposition a/ fromG2+[ new in[A we vertexAX vertex[the get[B[=4B]. vertices that, referredsupposition in[n and thatA indeed1+[[ in toBFX particular as, in[ andeveryis theinH/F thataG[tagged in[solution),A vertex particular.[F ofB Byis inC PropositionaA solution), itD ofB holdsX]. Because that it6.1 holdsu, this that implies that[ G[A[ B[Gvertex[CA[ DB[ in BXCis]. adjacentD ThisX is]. to a This ais contradiction, vertex[ incident is[ a in contradiction,[ toD[, at[ the[ leastthus degree[[[ one we[[ of getedge thus any[ that[ in vertex weF . indeedget From in thatA this, everyB indeed[, and because[ vertex[ in every[ particularF in[ vertexAn and ofB inAA BB=2n|,wederive| | | V (H)=V (G) uK, isI. at mostu, isG atA[A mostBisB incidentA1+Ccopy[ BC ofD[ tou.D1+ atG Additionally,X[/[ least].A2+C This[ oneBXD[ is/=4 edgeletGC2+ a|[IA contradiction,[nbe[ inDX aGFB1+| set[.=4AX From ofCX]nB/Fn|+in this,.D 11+C[ thusnew However,G[| becauseDAX vertices. we]/FinXB| get[]..G| becauseThisF However,[C thatA isDnB indeed aand contradiction,X no4C| because].A vertex| every BecauseDB X=2 vertex inno].[[ thusnu BecauseA,wederive vertex[is in we adjacent[A get inu[ thatB|A|is indeed to adjacent[ a vertex every| [ to[ vertex in| aD vertex inandA no inB D and no • [ [ G[A [ B[G(H/F[CA[ is[D incident)[BNisH/F notXC[] incident/F to(uD[) atis least a[N toX[ cliqueH/F] any/F one[[ edgethat([isv edge)] on a[ inF[ is clique atisF in, a[ a itsF least perfect clique.. degree[ Fromon 5 matchingnat in this,+ Let leastG[XA because in1 5Bvertices.nG(resp.[+AC XFBD]. 2vertices. Hence,X)n]/F beandis the at theA[ most Hence, set degreeB its of=2 degree theconnectedn of,wederive degree in of components[ | [ [is| incident| [[ | [|[[u to, is| at[[ at| least most[|[ | oneA| [B edge|is1+| in incidentFC| .| FromD to/2+ at| this, leastX[| =4 because one[|n | edge[[1+| inF[|[4X[Fin.[|[ FromnG[[and|A[| this,|[BA becauseC BD=2XFn].,wederive Becausen and uA B =2n,wederive E(H)=E(G) isu, not u0 : incidentu isV not(G)is to incident incident anyu0,vthat0 edge: tou toFV0,v(isH any0 at in) aK = leastF perfect edgeV,(vertex itsGG) oneu,[A∪ indegree i matchingK:F edgeB∪u in0,I| its. BV inCvertex in\([G degreeis inG)F,iD|[ adjacentGA.[IA From inX. inB].B|BG This]. this,is[[CA to adjacent is| aD becauseB a vertex contradiction,| XC|]/F to inDF aisD vertex atX,n thethus] most/F|andC| | degree| in weis itsA atD get,[ degreemost|B the that of[|C=2| any degree itsindeed[ in[n degree,wederive vertex[ | every of[| any in[ in vertexA vertex| inB,A and inBA inB particular, and in particular of of • [ {{ } 2 every} [ {{ vertexthat} everyofF inis2Hthat aisG[ vertex}F perfect[ notA]{{F that incidentis}B in a matching perfectG contain20 C[ toA anyD matchingB2 in edge} atGXC[A in least]/FF0 inD,B, its0 and].G one degree[AX0 in]/F0 vertexB particular in,].| G and|[A from inB particular ofCV|u(,D[K shouldX)(resp.| ] of/F u beis, at should 5 mostnV (| K its|1+ be)) degree[ 5X .n Becausein | 1+[ |X Fin n and that F is aE perfect(H) = E matching(G)[∪ {{[u,[ u[ in} :Gu[[[[∈AV ([thatG[[[B)}[]. ∪F[ {{[isu , a v[[ perfect}[: u[[, v matching∈[K} ∪[ {{u, in i}G: [uA∈ VB(G].)1, i ∈ I}. 4 2 | | [ |[ | G[A B G[CA DB CX].D ThisX is]. au Thisis contradiction,, isincident at is amost contradiction, tou, at isA leastthus at mostB one we[ getedge thus1+A that inC weBF[. indeedgetD From1+/ that2+ this,C every indeed[X becauseD[=4 vertex/2+ every[n FX in[1+ vertexA=4nXandBn ininA1+AG[BABX=2Binn,wederiveGC[A DB XC].| BecauseD|  X].u Because u [ [ G[[A [ BThen,[GCV[A[CliConAlg(KDGB1[)AX=callsC]B/FVPerfectAlg.DC( However,K2DX) ]|/Fwith=2X[].[.(n Thisbecause However,H,,| n there) isas| a input, contradiction,[ no4| exists because vertexand[| returns| at noin| least thus theA| vertex[is answer we| one adjacent| get in of thatcomponent| thisA| |is indeed|call. to adjacent|[ a| vertex every| C[ to1[ vertex in|| a[D| vertex1 inand[(resp.A no[ inB[DC[2and[ no[2) that[ does is incidentis toincident at least10[ to one[ at| least edge[[ one[ inis|[that[F not edge.|[F From[ incidentis in[ aFis perfect this,. not|[ From to because incident matching any this, edge becauseF toin G in any[AnFand,4 edgeFB its]. A degree inn andF4B, its=2 inAG degreen[,wederiveAB =2B innG,wederiveC[A DB2XC]/F Dis[ atX most]/F2is itsC at degree most its in degree in vertex in BvertexFirst,is adjacent noteis in incident thatB is by to adjacent toconstruction, a at vertex least to one in|V a(D edgevertexH,)| the ≤ in413F degree inn.+ FromD 1.,[| Thus, the of this,|  any degree because because vertexPerfectAlg of| anyF[ in A vertex|nrunsandB4 in,A andin AB in=2B particular,n and,wederive in particular of of not containo(|V (H)|) anyo(n) vertex from| A|  B C| [Do(n.|) Let| | c1[and[|c2[[be[| the[[ vertices[ [ of H/F yielded by that F isthat a perfectF is a matching perfecttime |V ( matchingH in)that| GG[AF[Ais≤ inB aBn perfect].G[AG,C it[A follows matchingBD].B thatXC in].CliConAlgG ThisD[A[ B isrunsX]. a].[ in contradiction, This time[ n4 is a. contradiction, thus[ we get thus that[ we indeed get that every indeed vertex every in A vertexB in A B u, is at mostu, isA at mostB [1+[A C[B [D[1+[/2+[C[ XD[=4/2+[n X1+=40 Xn in0 1+G[AX Bin GC[A DB XC]. BecauseD X].u Because u [ [ Inthe what| replacement[ follows,is| incident | given[| aisofto subset[| incident atC|1U leastand|⊆ V| to[( oneGC|) at,2| we, edge least respectively.[ denote| in one|UF|.= edge From{|u∈ in AsK this,F:|. allu[ From∈| because verticesU}[. For this,[[F becausein[[Vn(K[and1F)[AVn(BKand2=2) areAn,wederive adjacentB =2n,wederive to is not incidenttheis correctness not to incident any of theedge toalgorithm, in anyF 4, edge its first degree suppose in F4 , its inthatG degree([G,A A, B,B in C,4 D,GC[ nA) isD aBYesX-instanceC]/FDis of atX| most]/F| is its at degree| most|[|[ its in degree| | [ in | all verticesthat F inisA athat perfectBF isC matching a perfectD, we inmatching haveG[[A[ thatB in].[G[c[1A[,c[2B].[NH/F[ (u) NH/F (v). However, there do G[A BStructuredGC[A DB CliqueXC]. This ContractionD [ isX a]. contradiction, This[. This is[ means a contradiction, that thus there we exists get thus a subset that weF indeed get⊆2E( thatG) everyof indeed vertex\ every in A vertexB in A B [ [not[[ exist[[ a vertex[ [ in V (K1) and a vertex[ in V (K2[) that are adjacent in H[, and for[ every vertex is incidentsizeis to at incident most at leastn such to one that at edgeG/F leastis in one a clique.F . edge From Now, in we this,F . will From because show that this,H/FF becauseis an perfectandF graph.A nBand=2An,wederiveB =2n,wederive Toin thisV end,(K consider1) V some(K induced2), its subgraph neighborhoodS of H/F . In outside case the| | maximum this 4 set| size| is| of contained[ a 4 | | [ in |A B C D.Thus,c1 that F isclique athat perfect in SFisis2, matching a then[ perfectS can contain inmatchingG[ atA mostB in four].G non-leaf[A B vertices:]. at most two vertices from [ [ [ and c2 must be non-adjacent[ in[H/F . However, this is a contradiction to the argument that (H/F )[NH/F (u) NH/F (v)] is a4 clique. From4 this, we derive that H[A B C D X]/F is \ [ [ [ [ indeed a clique. C V I T 2 0 1 6 Now, notice that (H, A, B, C, D, E, n)whereE = V (K ) V (K ) is an instance of Noisy 1 [ 2 Structured Clique Contraction. Furthermore, since F n and we have already shown | |  that H[A B C D X]/F is a clique, we have that F is a solution to this instance. Therefore, [ [ [ [ by Lemma 5.1, F is a matching of size n in H such that each edge in F has one endpoint in A and the other in B. In particular, F E(G) and hence X = . Because G = H[A B C D], ✓ ; [ [ [ 8 23:24 Tight Lower Bounds on the Computation of Hadwiger Number

K and at most two vertices from outside K ∪ I (because H[V (G)]/F is a clique); then, it is trivial to color S with number of colors equal to its maximum clique size—in fact, it is straightforward to verify that any graph on at most four vertices is perfect. Thus, in what follows, suppose that the maximum size of a clique in S is at least 3. Now, consider a clique Cb of maximum size in S, and observe that it must either consist only of vertices in K or of no vertex in K (in which case it can contain at most one vertex from I). In the first case, color each vertex in u0 ∈ V (Cb) by a distinct color, and note that all vertices in V (S) \ V (Cb) can be colored using the same set of colors so that a vertex and its tagged copy are assigned distinct colors. The second case is analogous. In either case, we obtain that the chromatic number of S equals its maximum clique size. Thus, (H, n) is a Yes-instance of Perfect Contraction, which means that the call to PerfectAlg with (H, n) returns Yes, and hence CliConAlg returns Yes. Now, suppose that CliConAlg returns Yes, which means that the call to PerfectAlg with (H, n) returns Yes. Thus, (H, n) is a Yes-instance of Perfect Contraction, which means that there exists a subset F ⊆ E(H) of size at most n such that H/F is a perfect graph. We first argue that there does not exist a vertex a ∈ A ∪ B such that neither a nor a0 is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists a ∈ A ∪ B such that neither a not a0 is incident to at least one edge in F . Assume that a ∈ A as the other case is symmetric. Because |F | ≤ n and |D| = 2n, there either exists a vertex d ∈ D such that neither d nor d0 is incident to at least one edge in F , or F is a perfect matching in either G[D] or G[D0], where in the latter case we let d denote some arbitrarily chosen vertex from D. Additionally, since I is an independent set of size n + 1, there exists a vertex i ∈ I that is not incident to any edge in F . Now, consider the cycle i − a − a0 − d0 − d − i (on five vertices) in H. This cycle is an induced cycle in H, because no vertex in A is adjacent to any vertex in D, and by the construction of H, i is not adjacent to a0 and d0, a is not adjacent to d0 and a0 is not adjacent to d. Furthermore, as i, a and a0 are not incident to any edge in F , and if any of d and d0 is incident to an edge in F , then F is a perfect matching in either G[D] or G[D0], we obtain that i − a − a0 − db− db0 − i is an induced cycle (on five vertices) in H/F , where db and db0 are the vertices yielded by the replacement of the connected components of H[F ] that contain d and d0, respectively, if such components exist (otherwise, db = d and db0 = d0). However, an induced cycle on five vertices has chromatic number 3 and maximum clique size 2, thus we derive a contradiction to the supposition that H/F is perfect. So far, we derived that there does not exist a vertex a ∈ A ∪ B such that neither a nor a0 is incident to at least one edge in F . As |F | ≤ n and |A| = |A0| = |B| = |B0| = n, this means that every edge in F has both endpoints in A ∪ A0 ∪ B ∪ B0 and that for each u ∈ A ∪ B, exactly one vertex among u and u0 is incident to an edge in F . Now, we will show that each vertex a ∈ A ∪ B is incident to at least one edge in F . Targeting a contradiction, suppose that there exists a vertex a ∈ A ∪ B that is not incident to any edge in F . Assume that a ∈ A, as the other case is symmetric. Denote i, d, d0, db and db0 as before, and again consider the induced cycle i − a − a0 − d0 − d − i in H. Unlike before, now a0 belongs to some connected component of H[F ], yet we know that this connected component consists only of a0 and some 0 0 vertex in B . Let ba be the vertex yielded by the replacement of this component. As no vertex 0 0 0 in B is adjacent to any vertex in I ∪D, we again have that i−a−ba −db −db−i is an induced cycle in H/F , which gives rise to a contradiction. Thus, as |F | ≤ n and |A| = |B| = n, we know that F is a perfect matching in G[A ∪ B]. Next, we will show that G/F is a clique. This will imply that (G, A, B, C, D, n) is a Yes-instance of Structured Clique Contraction and thereby complete the proof. Targeting a contradiction, suppose that G/F is not a clique, and therefore there exist two F.V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, I. Mihajlin, S. Saurabh and M. Zehavi 23:25 non-adjacent vertices u and v in G/F . As F is a matching in G[A ∪ B], we can let x and y be two vertices in A ∪ B that belonged to the connected components of H[F ] that yielded u and v, respectively. Notice that the only vertex in A ∪ B adjacent to x0 is x, and the analogous claim holds for y0 and y. As F is a matching in G[A ∪ B] that does not match x and y (since otherwise u and v would not be distinct vertices), we have that neither u is adjacent to y0 in H/F nor v is adjacent to x0 in H/F . From this, by the construction of H and since F is a matching in G[A ∪ B], we immediately derive that i − u − x0 − y0 − v − i is an induced cycle in H/F where i is some arbitrarily chosen vertex from I. However, as before, the existence of such a cycle contradicts the supposition that H/F is a perfect graph. Thus, the proof of the reverse direction is complete. J

C V I T 2 0 1 6