Cenacle Congregation for Catholic Education, Second from School, Reviews an Assignment with a Student

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Cenacle Congregation for Catholic Education, Second from School, Reviews an Assignment with a Student WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Feb. 20-March 12, 2015 | Volume 76, Number 8 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia Elizabeth Murphy, Sister Barbara Ehrler, left, and Sister Peggy Lane of the Vatican Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the development director at St. John Vianney Catholic Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle Congregation for Catholic Education, second from School, reviews an assignment with a student. (FC say goodbyes during a gathering of religious women left, is greeted by a student from St. Martha Catholic FILE PHOTO) and men and order priests Feb. 1. (LINDA REEVES | FC) School in Sarasota Feb. 9. (BOB REDDY | FC) Today’s Cenacle sisters Vatican religious serve say goodbye cardinal tours in various ways The diocese bid farewell to members of one reli- gious congregation that ministered here for nearly Venice Diocese 60 years. In celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life, “Our associates will carry on. The Cenacle The Diocese of Venice was blessed to have Vati- the Florida Catholic continues its three-part series charism doesn’t discontinue. It will remain here in can Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the highlighting some of the religious communities the people,” said Cenacle Sister Peggy Lane as she Congregation for Catholic Education, visit for a serving the diocese and the impact they make in said goodbyes upon her departure from Florida few days in early February. the lives of Christ’s faithful. during a reception Feb. 1 in West Palm Beach. The visit of Cardinal Grocholewski, at the in- This second installment highlights some reli- Sister Lane, a member of the Congregation of vitation of Bishop Frank J. Dewane, included the gious communities who serve the diocese today Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle who has celebration of Mass for the Catholic Polish Com- care for the San Pedro Spiritual Development served the diocese for more than 20 years, is leav- munity at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, as well Center in Winter Park along with working in areas ing along with Cenacle Sister Barbara Ehrler, who as tours of three Diocesan Catholic schools and of social justice, education, parish life in all nine was in ministry for more than 30 years and was a then a lunch and presentation for the priests of counties of the diocese. former superior general for the congregation. the Diocese. Click on the ORLANDO DIOCESE above for Click on the PALM BEACH DIOCESE for more Click on the VENICE DIOCESE above for more more on this story. on this story. on this story. E-edition exclusives: • Bishop: Coptic Christians died as martyrs • Texas judge blocks DAPA, DACA expansion • Florida Supreme Court Spirituality keeps Annual Long Sleeve Relief Drive stays Feb. 26 execution American Indian nun going begins WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Feb. 20-March 12, 2015 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE PREPARING ASHES Rejoicing in married love To celebrate World Marriage Father Ken Simpson burns palms as Day, more than 400 couples students from St. Clement School in Chicago look on Feb. 17. The ashes were renew vows during Mass distributed Ash Wednesday. (KAREN CALLAWAY, CATHOLIC NEW WORLD | CNS) celebrated by Bishop Noonan LINDA CALDWELL Pope, cardinals of the Florida Catholic staff ORLANDO | For 57 years, John and Delores Ryndak of Holy Redeemer Parish in Kissimmee have hon- discuss Roman ored their marriage covenant. Holding her husband’s hand and looking lovingly into his eyes, Delores said the years together have been a joy and blessing in her life. Curia reform She wished the same for all married couples. CAROL GLATZ AND CINDY WOODEN “Marriage is a give and take,” she said. “You have to have patience, Catholic News Service faith and a lot of perseverance. We are happy with our long life to- Above, Jose Luis and Deborah Auces of Most Precious Blood gether and thank our dear Lord each day for each other.” Parish in Oviedo embrace after VATICAN CITY | Cardinals meeting at The Ryndaks were among the more than 1,000 people, including renewing their wedding vows the Vatican discussed better ways to bal- 400 married couples, who joined Bishop John Noonan for the cel- with some 400 couples dur- ance the responsibilities of local bishops ebration of the Diocese of Orlando’s Wedding Anniversary ing the Wedding Anniversary and of the Roman Curia, said the Vatican Mass at St. James Cathedral on Valentine’s Day, Feb. Mass. The Auces have been spokesman. 14. Couples gave thanks to God for the Sacrament of married 12 years. At left, A recurring theme in the cardinals’ Feb. Holy Matrimony, renewed their wedding vows and Alma McLean holds 12-13 meeting was “what is it that is done also celebrated their wedding anniversaries dur- her rosary and her best where,” Jesuit Father Federico Lombar- ing the Mass. husband, William’s, di told journalists Feb. 13 during a pause in This celebration is held in each year in the hand during the College of Cardinals’ discussions. diocese near World Marriage Day, generally renewal of wed- About 40 of the 164 cardinals present in recognized on the second Sunday of February. ding vows. The St. the Vatican’s synod hall spoke Feb. 12 about The day honors husbands and wives as the Charles Borromeo the proposal to reform the Roman Curia, foundation of the family and the basic unit of parishioners have he said. A number of them brought up the society. It salutes the beauty of their faith- been married 55 subject of “decentralization” and “the rela- fulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married years. (PHOTOS tionship between the Curia and the local life. BY LINDA churches, the episcopal conferences” as a “The love of a husband and wife is CALDWELL fundamental part of how best to serve the placed in their hearts by God to fulfill his | FC) Church and the world, Father Lombardi design for each person,” Bishop Noonan said. said. “In the Catholic Church, marriage Although no decisions were made and is more than a social contract made be- no vote was taken, he said, there was an tween people. It is more than the benefits emphasis on determining what tasks are afforded married people by society. best done where based on “competencies “The sanctity of marriage unites the and knowledge of the situation” by either entire being of spouses in love and is a the Curia with its more “universal vision” or sign of God’s love for humanity,” he con- by dioceses and bishops’ conferences with tinued. “It is the joining of a man and their direct experience, he said. PLEASE SEE ANNIVERSARY, 3 PLEASE SEE CURIA, 16 Feb. 20-March 12, 2015 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY 2 Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia Elizabeth Murphy, development Adrian Dominican Sister Rosemary Third Order Regular Franciscan Father Anthony Aarons leads director at St. John Vianney Catholic School, reviews an assignment Finnegan interacts with students at St. prayer at the ninth Station of the Cross at San Pedro Spiritual with a student. (FC FILE PHOTOS) Margaret Mary Catholic School. Development Center in Winter Park in 2014. Today’s religious communities serve in variety of ways LINDA CALDWELL of the Florida Catholic staff Sister Ann Kendrick, Sisters In celebration of ORLANDO | of Notre the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dame de Florida Catholic continues its three- Namur, part series highlighting some of the shares a religious communities serving the laugh with diocese and the impact they make a young in the lives of Christ’s faithful. family The Feb. 6-19 edition highlighted speaking the early contributions of the reli- at a Hope gious communities that helped es- CommUnity tablish the diocese with their mis- Center sion of teaching and establishing event. parishes. This second installment highlights some religious commu- nities who serve the diocese today Brother Paul Santoro, Order of Friars Minor Holy Name Province, in the areas of social justice, educa- gives a Santa Fe Catholic High School student a high five during class. tion, parish life and care of the San Pedro Spiritual Development Cen- junct professor at Barry University’s whose embrace includes every- “Each day we work to allow ‘the healing for people of all ages,” said ter in Winter Park. Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law one, showing the goodness of God Christ in us to touch the Christ in Father Giles Schinelli, pastoral ad- in Orlando. through our work of empowerment, all we meet,’” said Sister Eliza- ministrator at San Pedro. Adrian Dominican community and social justice.’” beth Murphy, director of develop- Sisters Sisters of Notre ment at St. John Vianney Catholic Order of Friars Dame de Namur Sisters of St. School. Minor, Holy The Dominican Sisters of Adri- Francis of an, Mich., have a rich history in the In the early 1970s, Sisters of Third Order Regular Name Province Diocese of Orlando. The sisters are Notre Dame de Namur Cathy Philadelphia often known for their involvement Gorman, Gail Grimes and Ann of St. Francis From an early age, Brother Paul in education — either in schools Kendrick came to Apopka to On Aug. 24, 1963, the Sisters of San Pedro Spiritual Develop- Santoro has felt akin to the down- or in adult formation — and also work with the farmworkers and St. Francis of Philadelphia assumed ment Center was the vision of Bish- to-earth Franciscan lifestyle. How- serve in the health care and so- the working poor. Their mission, the leadership and administration op Thomas Grady. His idea included ever, it was not until the mid-1970s cial justice fields. Within the dio- which continues today, was to of St.
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