World's Major Rivers
WWWWWWoorrlldd’’ss mmaajjoorr rriivveerrss AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall wwwwwwaatteerr llaawwwwww wwwwwwiitthh ccaassee ssttuuddiieess THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK WWWWWWoorrlldd’’ss mmaajjoorr rriivveerrss An introduction to international water law with case studies Colorado River Commission of Nevada 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Phone: (702) 486-2670 Website: November 2008 Jacob (Jay) D. Bingham, Chairman Ace I. Robinson, Vice Chairman Andrea Anderson, Commissioner Marybel Batjer, Commissioner Chip Maxfield, Commissioner George F. Ogilvie III, Commissioner Lois Tarkanian, Commissioner George M. Caan, Executive Director Primary Author: Daniel Seligman, Attorney at Law Columbia Research Corp. P.O. Box 99249 Seattle, Washington 98139 (206) 285-1185 Project Editors: McClain Peterson, Project Manager Manager, Natural Resource Division Colorado River Commission of Nevada Sara Price Special Counsel-Consultant Colorado River Commission of Nevada Esther Valle Natural Resource Analyst Colorado River Commission of Nevada Nicole Everett Natural Resource Analyst Colorado River Commission of Nevada THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK World’s Major Rivers ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Daniel Seligman at the Columbia Research Corp. wishes to thank Jacqueline Pruner, attorney at law in Seattle, for her contribution to the section on water law in Canada and her valuable editing assistance throughout the entire document. The staff at the Murray-Darling Basin Commission and Goulburn-Murray Water in Australia provided important information about the Murray-Darling River system, patiently answered the author’s questions, and reviewed the draft text on water trading. Staff at the International Joint Commission in Washington, D.C., and the Prairie Provinces Water Board in Regina, Canada, also offered helpful comments on an earlier draft.
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