IVI Rhythuin & I3Iues sic; GAIL MITCHELL
[email protected] Larrieux's Indie Life Artist Finds Satisfaction After Leaving A Major or every artist damoring to sign a major-label deal, there's dent Albums. Produced and written with her husband, the album another clamoring to get off. is signature Larrieux. Not content to stay in one zone, she shakes Amel Larrieux, the vocal half of former Epic soul /hip- up her melange of R &B, soul, hip -hop and jazz with some folk and hop_ duo Groove Theory, found herself in the latter category. It was music from the Middle East, West Africa and India. 2002, two years after the release of her Epic solo debut, "Infinite While the music part comes easily, it's the business side that is Possibilities." The album reaped its share of critical acclaim but understandably challenging. Especially when it comes to secur- was largely overlooked commercially. ing good distribution. "I had signed one of these uncommonly long deals," Larrieux "Distribution was a little difficult," Lam says. "Distributors are recalls. "But we [husband /manager Laruj had a somewhat dif- happy to hear if you have some type of money yourself. It took us ferent vision that needed to be fulfilled in a different surround- three or four meetings to find the one we wanted." ing. And the major -label surrounding just wasn't working for Settling on the Alternative Distribution Alliance, Laru says us anymore." there are other acts that Bliss Life plans to develop during the Then came bliss in the form of founding Los Angeles -based in- next five years.