FUNDRaISING IDEaS aND InforMaTION DONKEYS WORLDWIDE NEED YOU. THaNK you for your donkeys aT HEaRT INTEREST IN THE Donkey SaNCTUary. To GET you STaRTed, WE’vE PUT TOGETHER THIS GUIDE. HaVING FUN IS aN IMPORTaNT PaRT OF FUNDRaISING, SO DO INVOLVE your FaMily aND FRIENDS. Our family of volunteer fundraisers is very important to us. Since 1969 The Donkey Sanctuary has depended entirely on donations, so your contribution, no matter how small, will be of great value. When fundraising for The Donkey Sanctuary – we’ll support you all It’S a hard life the way. for THE donkeys Just call our community fundraising team on 01395 578222 or email us aND THEIR owners. WE at
[email protected] for further help and advice. were HUMBLED BY THE Good luck. SaNCTUary’S work aND DETERMINED TO fundraise yet again. janET, VOLUNTEER FUNDRaISER VISITING OUR INDIa PROJECT 2 3 EVERY PENNY RaISED, IS GRaTefully RECEIVED... ...aND Carefully USED THE PaTH TO FUNDRaISING SUCCess Whether you’re interested in giving up an hour or so to help us raise funds or undertaking a dream challenge, such as a first time marathon run, we’re here to help your path to personal and fundraising success. Like us – you care for donkeys. Fundraisers are sometimes asked ‘why help donkeys when there are people overseas in need?’ Your fundraising activities will help us continue our vital work for donkeys and the people who rely on them for a living. SHE RaN FOR THE DONKEYS aND I’M VERY PROUD OF HER. ELLIE’S MOTHER Our work in 27 countries reaches thousands of helpless donkeys, who themselves often have a vital role to play in human survival and happiness.