community newsline Annual Report to the Community 2017 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF STARK COUNTY CELEBRATES THEIR 80TH ANNIVERSARY THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF STARK COUNTY, , INC. On Wednesday, June 7th, more Women building better communities® than 120 Junior League Active and Sustaining members came together to celebrate JLSC’s 80th birthday with a luncheon held at Brookside Country Club. This event, planned by an ad-hoc committee of Sustainers led by Judy Russell and Sally Bernard, featured League’s longest tenured member, Tiny Belden (FYA 1942), and our most seasoned living Past President, Phyllis Milligan (President 1967- Executive Board 1968). Past President, Phyllis Milligan (67-68) and Judy Russell In addition, attendees were Stephanie Helline invited to share some of their President favorite memories from their time in League, were treated to Deanna Parks wonderful entertainment courtesy President Elect of Kevin DiSimone and Hilary

Stacey Leath James, and were able to peruse Secretary numerous tables of historical memorabilia. Jennifer Campbell Those members present who Treasurer have achieved 25+ years of Stephanie Hand-Cannane service were presented with a Treasurer Elect pin, and all guests left with a flower in a special engraved vase th Jen Barone commemorating League’s 80 Julia (Tiny) Belden surrounded by her family (Mary Kay Belden Community Council VP anniversary. Overall, it was a Ciccarelli, Dana Belden, Dan Belden, Jr., Judge Steve Belden, great day and a nice celebration Kathy Belden and Dan Belden III) Abigail Schock of 80 years of women building Finance Council VP better communities. Many thanks to all who made the day possible! Cara Beisert Sustainer Council VP

Sarah Lambos Training & Development Council VP

(330) 491-4552 Past President, Karen Belden (79-80) and Sustainer, Susie Steiner Past Presidents, Barb Cockroft (83-84) and [email protected] Susan Sparks (90-91) community newsline

President’s Perspective

I joined The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. as a way to meet other women and to help the community. Over the years, I have enjoyed the interaction with the women in League and love that League is full of women building each other up. Members are constantly encouraging each other and cheering others on. I have formed many friendships in League, have grown personally, and I am always inspired by the women in League.

As I think back about the 2016-2017 League year, I am amazed at what we have accomplished. It is because of the hard work, dedication, and the passion of our Stephanie Helline President members that we were able to do so much. We helped eight community partners this year, had a fun and successful Gala fundraiser event attended by 175 people, continued to grow with The Martin Center (TMC), and took time to reconnect with members. Members enjoyed serving food at The Martin Center and meeting the students that attended each night we served. My favorite evening at TMC was the kitchen warming party when the kitchen was complete and we stocked the shelves with kitchen supplies and enjoyed an ice cream social with the students. Members helped prepare and stuff backpacks with food and hygiene items for the students for Christmas and Spring Break, and we were able to help support TMC including providing funds for kitchen cabinets, basketball supplies, and scholarships for 15 students to participate in the 2017 Martin League who otherwise may not have been able to.

Members attended formal training provided by JSLC and AJLI, but also learned many skills through leading projects and researching committee needs. This year, we welcomed 11 new Provisional members who researched needs in the community and decided as a group to plan a dance for foster teens at Pathway Caring for Families.

We also honored two women at our 70th Annual Women of the Year event in May, recognizing the work Marcia K. Zawacky and Connie Rubin have done in the community. And, we continued to encourage community service of young women in the community through our Junior Leaders Community Service Grant. Read more about their stories and their passion for work to improve the community in the pages ahead.

I want to thank our members who give so much of their time and talents to League, but also to our community members and donors who have helped us grow year after year. This year, we had the pleasure of celebrating our 80th Anniversary of service in the community and I am looking forward to seeing where the next 80 years will take us. I am encouraged by the new Board that will lead JLSC this year. They are coming in with lots of excitement and new ideas and I can’t wait to see how JLSC will transform to help better serve our members and our community.

Thank you,

Stephanie JLSC President 2016-2017


On April 7th, the Provisional class held a Sadie Hawkins dance for foster teens 14-18 years of age. The theme of the dance was “Masquerade Ball” and featured black and gold decorations with brightly colored masks throughout the space. The class worked diligently for months to ensure that ample food, decorations, music, photo booth opportunities and raffle items were available for the event.

The class collaborated with Pathway Caring for Children, a non- profit social service agency aimed at offering innovative mental health and foster care services to families in Stark County. Pathway serves an estimated 600 children and families annually. The Children’s Defense Fund states that in 2012, there were roughly 22,000 children in foster care in Ohio alone and that every 9 out of 1,000 children in Stark county will be placed into foster care every year. Children are placed in foster care when they can no longer live in their current home or with a family Katy Porter preparing a balloon display for the dance. member due to abusive or neglectful situations.

Most of these children will miss out on traditional dances due to their unique circumstances. The Provisional class chose to organize a dance that would be held in a safe and familiar environment. The event was entirely free for the children to attend and there were no stipulations on attire (i.e. formal v. casual). The dance allowed the children to have a fun, carefree evening full of dancing and socializing.

The Junior League of Stark County would like to thank the following event Imari Thompson (left) and Bridget Brenner (right) prepare sponsors: BJ’s Wholesale Club, the wall décor. Children's Physicians, Inc., Gionino's Pizza and McDonald’s.

Give – Donate to Junior League of Stark County, Designate JLSC for a corporate matching gift, choose Junior League of Stark County when you shop at

Attend – We invite you to attend our activities and events. Visit our website ( or follow us on Facebook to find out more about JLSC events

Join – Are you or do you know a woman looking for an opportunity to meet like-minded women, development opportunities, and serving the community? Contact [email protected] to learn more about becoming a member.

3 community newsline $5,000 in Junior Leaders Grant Funds Awarded In its third year of existence, the Junior Leaders Community Service Grant has awarded three grants to young women in Stark County. Grant Coordinator Megan Pellegrino explained, “This unique grant was developed out of an understanding that females are under-represented in leadership roles in the United States and the world. It is our hope that by receiving these grants, these three young women will develop their leadership skills while at the same time providing service to the community.” This program truly fits League’s mission of promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community.

This year’s winners are:

Ruby Beisert, daughter of Sustainer Cara Beisert, a 6th grader at Jackson Memorial Middle School who was awarded $2,100 to create care packages for the homeless who are served hot meals at Refuge of Hope in Canton. Ruby had this to say about the experience:

First of all, I’d like to thank the Junior League of Stark County Ohio for giving me this opportunity to help people in need. My experience at Refuge of Hope was amazing.

I loved talking to the people there. Everyone was so polite! My mom and I liked Refuge of Hope so much that we are going to go there once a month to help make food. This project helped me see that there are less fortunate people in the world.

I learned a lot from this project. I learned that I shouldn’t be greedy and selfish, and I need to be grateful for everything I have, whether it’s new clothes, a new book, or anything else. Thank you again for giving me the money to help people in need. I am so grateful.

Lily Wahl, a 7th grader at Jackson Memorial Middle School was awarded $500 to help purchase books for Jayani’s Army at Aultman Hospital. The books will be given to children who are admitted to Aultman Hospital, the Ruby stands outside of Refuge of Hope on delivery day. Emergency Department, and the free clinic as well as other locations.

Claudia Pedro, a 12th grader at Massillon Washington High School is working in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of Massillon to create a sensory room. This room will provide therapeutic help to the students with sensory processing disorders who spend time at the Club. Claudia received $2,400 towards this project.

Lily poses with the first set of books that she purchased with $234 Claudia Pedro (center with flowers) at Massillon Washington High of her grant money. School the day that she was awarded her grant money.

4 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF STARK COUNTY, OHIO, INC. The Junior League of Stark County Hosts the 70th Annual Women of the Year Award Event Honoring Marcia Zawacky and Connie Rubin

On Thursday, May 4, 2017, The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. was pleased to host the 70th annual Women of the Year Event honoring Marcia K. Zawacky with the Community Award and Connie Rubin with the President’s Award. The Women of the Year Event was started in 1947 as a gift to the community in honor of the Junior League’s 10th anniversary in Stark County.

Marcia, a long-time resident of Canton, has given so much to her community over the past 30 plus years, from lending a hand for animals in need to lending an ear as a phone counselor for those facing a crisis. As a graduate of the fourth class in Leadership Canton, Marcia has proven to be a leader in our community.

Marcia’s specific areas of accomplishment and leadership include: Humane Society, Animal Protection Guild (now SNAP), Crisis Intervention Center in Canton, Hall of Fame Parade Float Committee and Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Balloon Festival, and Queen Pageant Committee, Sharon Lane Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans, Mid-East Veterans Marcia Zawacky Homecoming, Canton Community Kids Summit Against Drugs, Canton Area League of Women Voters, Ohio and Erie Canal Corridor Coalition, Buckeye Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Ohio Greyhound Gathering and Adoption, City of Canton’s Fair Housing Commission, Friends of Fort Laurens Foundation and a strong advocate and leader in the Harrison Hills Neighborhood working closely with the Stark Community Foundation.

Connie, resident of North Canton, is passionate about being involved in her community. Connie’s servant’s heart lies with encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government because of its significance in making our democracy work.

As a community leader, Connie’s specific areas of accomplishment over 20 years include: League of Women Voters of the Canton Area, Planned Parenthood of Stark County, Junior League of Stark County, Inc., Leadership Stark County Citizen’s Committee, United Way of Stark County, Stark County Park District, American Free Tree Program, North Canton Area Democratic Club, North Canton Charter Review Commission, and Coming Together Stark County. Connie Rubin

Marcia and Connie join a select group of women who have been bestowed with this honor over the past 70 years. The Junior League of Stark County is honored to host this annual event in recognition of the impactful work of women volunteers in the community.

The Junior League of Stark County would like to thank our event sponsors Down the Road Productions, Friend of Junior League, and a Junior League Sustainer.

5 community newsline

The Junior League of Stark County is now accepting new members

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill

Over the next few months JLSC will be welcoming all women age 21 and over who have a desire to serve our community with a positive vision for hope and growth. We have informational gatherings scheduled to share how members of JLSC have impacted the progress of our community. Ongoing training is our core base for success, and developing leadership skills with others has beautiful rewards. Looking forward to meeting the new class of 2017-18!! Please contact Kimberly Wells to join with us in our vision - [email protected]

Following is our list of dates and locations for building our 2017-2018 year. All events are from 6-8 pm

July 25th @ Giant Eagle in Green 1700 Corporate Woods Pkwy, Uniontown

August 1st @ Margaritas 121 Lincoln Way W, Massillon

September 19th @ The Barrel Room 7901 Cleveland Ave NW B, North Canton Diaper Drive Thank you to members who donated diapers or funds for the donation drive at one of our first GMMs of the year! We raised $250 in donations that was sent to the JL of Baton Rouge to provide aid when their diaper closet was destroyed by flooding. Donations were sent to JL Baton Rouge and JLSC matched the donations and provided diapers to both TMC and the Pregnancy Support Center to also provide for those in need in our local community. Sustainer News A huge thank you to Sustaining Member, Amy Mast, for training our members at the Winter Leadership Day training about project management, planning, and motivating and empowering others.

Congratulations to all Sustaining members, Barb Cockroft, Lucia M. Pileggi, Kathleen Poporad, and Candy Wallace, who were all part of the 30 Faces of Leadership.


This year the Junior League of Stark County is not hosting a gala. Gasp! The fundraising committee is thinking outside the box to bring new and exciting opportunities for our generous donors to support our organization. Our goals are to expand community outreach, discover new funding sources, and to plan a fundraising experience that brings something new to Canton. Stay tuned for more details about how you can get involved.


Eighteen members of the Junior League of Stark County came together for training with women from Toledo, Cleveland, Youngstown and Akron Leagues on Saturday, November 12th.

Vicki Clark was amazing! Members learned the 11 Commandments of Wildly Successful Women and Avoiding Burnout - Living a Balanced Life. Vicki made us laugh and realize how important we are to each other, to our Leagues and to the community. Everyone went away with something that they can use in all aspects of their lives.

Thank you to all who attended. It was a fabulous day! A special thanks to Stephanie Helline for collaborating with the other Leagues to plan this event.

Friend of the Junior League Award

The Friend of the Junior League Award is given to acknowledge those in the community who have been particularly influential and generous to the Junior League. We are pleased to award the Friend of the Junior League award in 2017 to Gasser Jewelers for their continued support of League over the years.

Gasser Jewelers has provided beautiful bowls for many years to honor the JLSC Women of the Year recipients. We are grateful for your support of JLSC and helping to recognize the work of women in the community.

Santa Project

For the seventh year, The Junior League of Stark County collaborated with Stark County Department of Job and Family Services, Children Services Division to make the Christmas holiday a little brighter for area youth who were aging out of foster-care programs.

This past year, as our League has done since 2009 under the direction of Sustainer Stephanie Jackson, we worked with the independent living coordinator for Children Services and became Santa and Elves, to provide Christmas for a select handful of young people who would otherwise not have a Christmas.

The project is structured around the number of young people we adopt. Each young person has their Santa, who serves as the point of contact and coordinates the gifts for the merry team of elves who help complete the project. All gifts are wrapped and delivered in time for Christmas.

Sustainers Denise Mulqueen, Katie Miller and Stephanie Jackson

7 community newsline

Community Advisory Council

The Community Advisory Council (CAC) is a group of ten members (5 JLSC Sustaining members and 5 Community members) that provide input on community needs and help provide direction for JLSC. Community members are also asked to assist with selecting the annual Women of the Year honorees.

Sarah Buell - Stark Parks, Community Representative

Ben Carter - Canton City School District, Community Representative

Lada Gibson-Shreve Ph.D. - Stark State College, Community Representative

Stephon King - WHBC, NAACP , Community Representative

Mary Moriarty - Goodwill, retired, Community Representative

Stephanie Bradford, JLSC Sustainer

Suzanne Halm, JLSC Sustainer

Kim Hinderegger, JLSC Sustainer

Connie Rubin, JLSC Sustainer

Judy Scheurer, JLSC Sustainer Done in a Day Projects The Community Impact Committee would like to thank those who volunteered at our fall Done In A Day events held in conjunction with the Big, Big, Really Big Toy Box event and the Harvest Moon Run. Both were wonderful events and a lot of fun.

This spring, we partnered with Cliffie McDaniel- Thompson and Kingdom Builders to update the dining room at Andre's House. Thanks to funds from The Junior League of Stark County, donations from members, and numerous volunteer hours, residents now have an updated and cozy place to enjoy their meals.

———— Visit our website at ————


For years, donors have entrusted millions of dollars with Stark Community Foundation. They benefit from the experienced staff, community leadership and professional investment management. The foundation invests your gifts so they are sustainable in perpetuity.

The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., is pleased to continue its endowment fund with Stark Community Foundation and thanks all of the donors from 2016-2017 who have helped continue growth and sustenance of our fund. Earnings from the JLSC Women’s Fund for the Future will be used to support our charitable mission. Your gift is a permanent source of community capital, helping to do good work today and in the future. Thank you to the following donors: Barbara Armitage Pat Fuller Megan Pellegrino Cara Beisert Rosanna Harding Emil and Kathy Poporad Pat Bryant Pat Miller Kathleen Prasnal Carol Canavan Bernie and Sally Miner Susan Savel Nicole Feller JoAnn Ovnic Natalie Weinsz

TMC Project update The past few months have been very busy for the Community Impact Committee and the Junior League of Stark County. On December 4th, 2016, numerous members of Junior League and the community gathered together to paint the kitchen at The Martin Center. In a few short hours, the room was transformed into a serene shade of blue. It was the perfect backdrop for the new professional appliances purchased via the Walmart grant, which the JLSC Grant Committee worked hard to obtain. The Junior League also covered the costs associated with the new cabinetry in the kitchen. In December and again in March, the Actives and Sustainers partnered with The Martin Center to pack 400 backpacks for local children during their winter and spring breaks. The backpacks provided food and personal hygiene items during the weeks the schools were closed. Leaders of The Martin Center mentioned how much these items were appreciated. Thank you to everyone who was involved. The Junior League also hosted a night at the Canton Charge, where kids from The Martin Center received tickets and food/beverage vouchers to see professional basketball players in action. We also organized a kitchen warming/ice cream social where members purchased items needed for the kitchen and enjoyed ice cream with the children of The Martin Center. Most recently, JLSC members painted garden markers for the community garden and purchased items for the nursery at TMC. Future plans include updating/painting the nursery.

9 community newsline We would like to extend a special thank you to all of our Gala donors for their generous support!

415 Group Covelli Enterprises/Panera Bread African Safari Wildlife Park Dairy Queen Akron Art Museum Danny Boys Akron Civic Theatre Denise MacNealy Akron RubberDucks Desert Inn Akron Zoo Dickenson Stained Glass Studio Akron-Canton Airport Dollywood Ambiance. The Store for Lovers! Dove's Auto Wax and Supplies Andreas Furniture Company Dumonts Sporting Goods Angry Barbeque Ellsworth Auto Body Anheuser Busch Sales of Canton Embassy Suites Akron Canton Airport Anthony Petitti Garden Center and Landscaping Encore Resale Fashions Arbonne International Foundation Escape Room Downtown Arrowhead Golf Club Family Video Ashley Monroe Fisher Foods Auto Zone Fleming & Wise Orthodontics Barb Cockroft Fox & Hound Basil Asian Bistro Fred Oliveri Construction Co. Bender's Tavern Friq & Fraq, Inc. Bombay Sitar Gasser Fine Jewelers Brad and Jen Barone Generations Women Health Bravo Gervasi Vineyards Buffalo Wild Wings (BW3) Giant Eagle-Cromer Road Cain BMW Giant Eagle-Green Candy Wallace Giant Eagle-Raff Road Canton Chair Rental Giant Eagle-Washington Square Canton Palace Theatre Golf Tec Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Graffiti Carving Canton Symphony Orchestra Greentown Fire Dept. CAP Restaurant Group Grinders Above & Beyond Cara Beisert Hall of Fame Fitness Center, Inc. Carrabba's Italian Grill Hartville Hardware Cedar Point Heggy's Nut Shop Chick-Fil-A Henry B. Ball Jewelers Children's Museum of Hilton Garden Inn - Akron/Canton Airport Chipotle Mexican Grill Hocking Hills Adventures Christine Kruman Holiday Inn Express Christopher Brewer Home Buys Cici's Pizza Hub Victor Cincinnati Reds Hyatt Place Canton Cinemark Movies 10 J&K Subway Clay's Park Resort Jackson Nails Cleaver & Sokolowski, LLC Jan Brett Cleveland Browns Jane Lauritzen Cleveland Cavaliers Jeff and Katy Porter Cleveland Gladiators Jeni and Greg Yoak Cleveland Indians Jerzees Cleveland Metroparks JoAnn Ovnic Cleveland Monsters Johnnie's Bakery of Canton Cleveland Orchestra Joyce Farrell Cleveland Play House Julz by Alan Rodriguez Columbus Crew K-9 Hairstyles Columbus Museum of Art Kari's Kitchen Comfort Inn Canton Kendall House Inc. COSI Kevin Tubbs and Edward Pryor Cottage Draperies & Interiors

10 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF Kennedy's BBQ Pittsburgh Steelers STARK COUNTY, OHIO, INC. Kevin and Chrissy Rice Pizza Hut Kings Island Players Guild Theatre Lake Cable Recreation Portrait Innovations Laser Quest Pro Football Hall of Fame Lee Spencer Photography Progressive Foam Technologies, Inc. Levin Furniture Promo Sales Queen Lifeway Christian Bookstore Rack Room Shoes Linda Sirak Rae Smedley Longhorn Steakhouse Raintree Country Club LV Nails and Spa Red Carpet Car Wash Lynn Kelley Rice's Landscape Redefined M Bar Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Magic Mountain Fun Center Rockne's Maps Aircraft Museum Roger and Teresa Fout Marks Place Rosanna Fierro Marsh and Mittas Law Office Sally Bernard Mary Ann Sherer Salon Mystique Mary Stires Schumacher Samantha's Restaurant McKinley Grand Hotel Sanctuary Golf Club Megan Pellegrino Sandy Turner Mellion Orthodontics Scott Talbot Salon Melting Pot Seneca Caverns Merle Norman Cosmetics and Day Spa Sesame Street Live, A Vee Corporation Production Metropolitan at the 9 Sheetz Michael and Faith Barbato Shelly L. Boss, DDS Michelle James Salon Studio Sluggers & Putters Family Fun Park Mids Pasta Sauce Smoke the Burger Joint Mike Sopczak Snow Trails Mohican Lodge and Conference Center Speedway Morgan, Bernard & Associates Orthodontics Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Seeley Steve and Melinda Willard MRO Built, Inc. Summer's Fitness N. Polly Hartung Taggarts Ice Cream Nancy Baker Taproot Catering Nancy Hoover TD's Tailgate Nancy Platek The Natalie Weinsz The Cleveland Improv Comedy Club and Restaurant National Interstate Insurance The Dale Earnhardt Foundation Neil Leeson Decor and Floral The District Boutique Nom Nom Popcorn The Dragon Fly Tea Room & Gift Shop North Canton Skate Center The Farm at Walnut Creek North Canton YMCA The Karcher Group OH Wow! The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake Ohio Pools and Spa The Rail Ohio State Athletics The Spa at Atrium Ohio State Reformatory The Step 2 Company LLC Old Carolina Barbeque The Western Reserve Historical Society Olive Garden Time to Play Oriental Trading Company Trumpet in the Land P. Graham Dunn Factory Store Vista Psychological & Counseling Centre, LLC Park Centre Lanes W.L. Jenkins Co. Party Place Walt Disney World Patricia Miller Wasabi Pellegrino Music Center The Wilderness Center Phyllis Milligan Williams, Kratcoski & Can, LLC Picaboo Zoobooks Pittsburgh Pirates

11 Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Canton, Ohio community newsline PERMIT NO. 1381 The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. 4450 Belden Village Street NW, Suite 106 Canton, Ohio 44718



The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.


The Junior League: Women around the world as catalysts for lasting community change.