The London Gazette, January 16, 1900
288 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 16, 1900. GRENADIER GUARDS. H. E. P. Thomas, vice C. J. Tawney, promoted. To be Second Lieutenants. Dated 17th January, Dated 17th January, 1900. 1900 :— The Bedfordshire Regiment, 'Second Lieutenant Lieutenant Arthur Charles Wellesley, from 4th W. W. Muir to be Lieutenant, vice E. I. de S. Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment, in succes- Thorpe, promoted. Dated 17th January, 1900. sion to Lieutenant W. A. Blundell-Hollins- head-Blundell, died of wounds received in The Leicestershire Regiment, Lieutenant Arthur action. A. P. Butler is seconded for service in the Lieutenant Kenneth Charles Edward Meeking, Army Pay Department. Dated 3rd January. from 4th Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment, 1900. in succession to Lieutenant C. E. Corkran, The Lancashire Fusiliers, Lieutenant Harold M. appointed Battalion Adjutant. Farmar is seconded for service with the Army Lieutenant Claude Raul Champion de Crespigny, Service Corps. Dated 2nd January, 1900. from 3rd Battalion the Essex Regiment, in Sergeant Major William Bowes, from the Loyal succession to Lieutenant J. A. Morrison, North Lancashire Regiment, to be Quarter- seconded. master, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, COLDSTREAM GUARDS. on augmentation. Dated 17th January, 1900. Second Lieutenant G. Stewart to he Lieutenant, The Cheshire Regiment, Second Lieutenant vice F. D. Farquhar, seconded. Dated 30th Frederick H. Mahony is seconded for service December, 1899. with the Army Service Corps. Dated 2nd . SCOTS GUARDS. January, 1900. Sergeant-Major Sampson William Adderley to be • Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of The South Wales Borderers, Supernumerary Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 17th Captain Clifton V. R. Wright to be Captain, vice H.
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