Peace and Development in Finland´S Development Cooperation Case Study of Finland´S Regional Programme in the Western Balkans

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Peace and Development in Finland´S Development Cooperation Case Study of Finland´S Regional Programme in the Western Balkans Evaluation Peace and Development in Finland´s Development Cooperation Case Study of Finland´s Regional Programme in the Western Balkans Evaluation report 2014:4 MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF FINLAND REPORT 2014:4 Peace and Development in Finland’s Development Cooperation ISBN: 978-952-281-258-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2014:3 Finland’s Support to Higher Education Institutions ISBN: 978-952-281-244-5 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-245-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2014:2 Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation Synthesis ISBN: 978-952-281-211-7 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-210-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2014:1 Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation A Case Study on Complementarity in the Institutional Co-operation Instrument ISBN: 978-952-281-209-4 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-208-7 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2013:3 Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation A Case Study on Complementarity in the NGO Instruments ISBN: 978-952-281-207-0 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-206-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2013:2 Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation A Case Study on Complementarity in Finland’s Country Programme in Mozambique ISBN 978-952-281-205-6, ISSN 1235-7618 REPORT 2013:1 Complementarity in Finland’s Development Policy and Co-operation A Case Study on Complementarity in Finland’s Country Programme in Zambia ISBN 978-952-281-204-9 (pdf), ISSN 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:8 Meta-Evaluation of Decentralised Evaluations in 2010 and 2011 ISBN: 978-952-281-079-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-080-9 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:7 Finland’s Contribution to Building Inclusive Peace in Nepal ISBN: 978-952-281-029-8 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-030-4 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:6 Nordic Influence in Multilateral Organizations: A Finnish Perspective ISBN: 978-952-281-027-4 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-028-1 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:5 Finnish support to development of local governance ISBN: 978-952-281-002-1 (printed), ISBN: 978-952-281-003-8 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:4 Finnish Concessional Aid Instrument ISBN: 978-951-724-995-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-996-6 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION POLICY BRIEF: Country Programmes between Finland and Nepal, Nicaragua and Tanzania 2012:1 ISBN: 978-951-724-655-2 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-659-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:3 Country Programme between Finland and Tanzania ISBN: 978-951-724-993-5 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-994-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:2 Country Programme between Finland and Nepal ISBN: 978-951-724-987-4 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-988-1 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2012:1 Country Programme between Finland and Nicaragua ISBN: 978-951-724-983-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-984-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2011:5 Junior Professional Officer Programme of Finland ISBN: 978-951-724-966-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-967-6 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2011:4 Finnish Aid for Trade ISBN: 978-951-724-964-5 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-965-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2011:3 VERIFIN Training Programme on Verification of Chemical Weapons ISBN: 978-951-724-951-5 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-952-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 Evaluation Peace and Development in Finland’s Development Cooperation A Case Study of Finland’s Regional Programme in the Western Balkans Evaluation report 2014:4 Evaluation Peace and Development in Finland’s Development Cooperation A Case Study of Finland’s Regional Programme in the Western Balkans Bill Sterland Zehra Kacˇapor Dzˇihi´c Rozeta Hajdari Evaluation report 2014:4 MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF FINLAND This report was commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland to Itad Ltd. The Consultant authors bear the sole responsibility for the contents of the report. The report does not necessarily reflect the views of The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. © Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 2014 This report can be accessed at ISBN 978-952-281-258-2 (pdf) ISSN 1235-7618 Cover photo: Marja-Leena Kultanen Cover design: Anni Palotie Layout: Taittopalvelu Yliveto Oy Anyone reproducing the content or part of the content of the report should acknowledge the source. Pro- posed reference: Sterland B, Kacˇapor Dzˇihic´ Z, Hajdari R 2014 Peace and Development in Finland’s Development Co- operation: A Case Study of Finland’s Regional Programme in the Western Balkans. Evaluation report 2014:4. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Grano Oy, Jyväskylä, 104 p. ISBN 978-952-281-258-2 (pdf). CONTENTS PREFACE ...............................................................................ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..................................................................xi ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................xiii ABSTRACT...............................................................................1 Finnish . 1 Swedish ..............................................................................2 English . 3 SUMMARY ...............................................................................4 Finnish . 4 Swedish ..............................................................................7 English . .10 Summary of key findings, conclusions and recommendations . .13 1 INTRODUCTION . .15 2 APPROACH.........................................................................15 2.1 Scope and purpose . .15 2.2 Methodology and limitations . .16 3 COUNTRY CONTEXT ...............................................................18 3.1 Country background . .18 3.1.1 Socioeconomic situation in the Western Balkans .................................18 3.1.2 Socioeconomic situation in Kosovo . .19 3.1.3 Overview of political/security events in the Western Balkans 2009–13...............20 3.1.4 Overview of political/security events in Kosovo 2009–13 .........................20 3.2 Development assistance to the Western Balkans ........................................22 3.2.1 Western Balkans 2004–08 . .22 3.2.2 Western Balkans 2009–13 . .22 3.2.3 Kosovo 2009–13...........................................................24 4 FINLAND’S SUPPORT TO THE WESTERN BALKANS 2009–13 . 25 4.1 Development policy background . 25 4.1.1 Donor initiatives 2009–13 . .25 4.2 Finland’s development cooperation in Western Balkans 1996–2013 . 25 4.2.1 Finland’s development cooperation 1996–2009 ..................................25 4.2.2 Overview of the Western Balkans framework programme .........................26 4.3 Analysis of Finnish financial disbursements . .29 4.4 Contextual analysis . .31 4.4.1 Regional security...........................................................31 4.4.2 Constitutional frameworks...................................................31 4.4.3 Kosovo . 31 4.4.4 Social exclusion and governance ..............................................32 4.4.5 Poverty and low economic development . .33 4.4.6 European perspective.......................................................33 4.4.7 Finland’s framework programme vis-à-vis the context . 34 5 EVALUATION OF PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT IN FINLAND’S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS.....................................34 5.1 Relevance of support to the drivers of peace and development .....................35 5.1.1 Extent to which the design of and strategic choices made within each country programme is based on good contextual, political economy, poverty and conflict analyses ..................................................................35 5.1.2 Extent to which intervention logics underpinned the designed strategy, and the extent to which these were relevant, valid and understood by Finland’s MFA and its partners ............................................................36 5.1.3 Extent to which other MFA’s interventions (political dialogue, humanitarian action) have complemented and/or provided leverage to development cooperation...........36 Peace and Development in Western Balkan v 5.1.4 Extent to which the mix of Finnish development cooperation aid instruments and modalities was appropriate to achieve objectives..............................37 5.1.5 Extent to which the sectors chosen by Finland were done so in recognition of the characteristics and priorities relating to the fragility of the country/region .........38 5.1.6 Extent to which Finnish country strategy identified specific areas of intervention where its added value would be apparent and recognised by stakeholders .............39 5.2 Policy coherence and resource allocation..............................................40 5.2.1 Extent to which the policy priorities stipulated by MFA (particularly in the 2009 Guidelines) were understood and incorporated into country-level interventions........40 5.2.2 Extent to which security and justice priorities are reflected in country interventions, and the results and learning obtained from these.................................41 5.2.3 Extent to which economic development and employment issues are reflected in country interventions, and the results and learning obtained from these ............42 5.2.4 Extent to which statebuilding and governance priorities are reflected in country interventions, and the results and learning obtained from these .....................44 5.2.5 Extent to which results-based management is able to monitor and evaluate compliance and coherence with global policies . 45 5.2.6 Extent to which the totality of resources made
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