rosse Pointe ews

VOL 45-No 30 , Thursday, July 26, 1984 30 cents 40 pages Five seek District I seat on WCCC board nommatmg petitIOns tor tile I1lJ1e B.y Harriet Nolan 109 to Mongoven, whIch could "Iso IZlng 111 ~tate and fmaocaal plann- board seats \\lllIle four lIlcumbE:'nls Dennis Mongoven ~erve as a ba!>ls for I11S own future mg, Mongoven ~pent 1968 seekmg to represent District I are seekmg re.electlOn, DI'ltnd I ''The biggest tiling thiS new throuah whtch includes the Pomtes, Harper consLClerahon for the Job 1980 a!> director of purchuel (O/t trustee John GryJls I~ not bOdrd \\ III have to do IS research Woods and the far eastside of De- educalLonal adlnLhlatraUon at Under new ~tate 1.1\\, the ..,even dnd seled a pl'e~ldenl," say!> Den- troit on the Wayne County Com- Ill:> :\longou.'n, 63, of the Woods "I would flr"t assure a quality Wayne Stale L:OIvenllty H~ says munity College tee:>should allow the day- Trustees are Potnters Denms Mon- to ds} operdhons 10 the preSIdent IIlg staff," he !lay!> "We need to scope, the problems ar«! the same Half and half goven, L. Renee Ross, Gregory duced to four The 1\\0 top 'vote get- keep student~ and help them con. In In ,1I1dadmllllsiratlon, subject to re- WhJlt the current def!clfmnes Solak and Thomas Steel A fifth ters each dIstrict the prImary tlnue to make progress at all People send us thmgs at the \ lew dnd audit by the trustees ' are being mOnitored by the stale, at candtdate, Anthony AmbrogIO, election to be held Aug 7 \\ Ii[ levels, develop an adequate budget 1Il WIll take a new and a fresh ~~r ...\~~,.~et _~r_~h~es: :e:- 1",p<: in TU>trnit square off agamst one another fn l:lu"'nnrt ,hOlt MII,""'dl"n 'lnrl ""t board va ~, vvvn."" .;)""....n. ....l ~t \-Qt"'-",:), the presH1entiai electtOn Nov 6 In- The current preSident should g~ bey~n'd th~t ".---- .. --- ..- OUllOOk to get me IlOU5e 111 oraer, De press releases and such like Accordmg to the Wayne County terviews WIth each of the Dlstnct I give trustee!l a \\ nlten plan for hiS !lay!> "( 'l\ould auume It would ThlS week I recetved a bumper Clerk's office, 62 people ftled candidates follow remammg IeI'm 10 office, accord- Currently an attorney specml. «'ontuluN 011 Page tAl sticker and a short note from Pomter Stewart McMillin, who described htmself as an "East High School Teacher and World Traveler" No tax The bumper sticker, (a very mce piece of work), reads on Its t upper half, "I have a dream: break for Detroit Umty." It then shows a black hand clasping a white The Presidential Yachl hand. Big Boy Sequoia will vIsit the Grosse Point. Y,cht Club Friday and The lower half of the sticker Saturday, Aug, 3 and 4 and will reads, "And a Tiger World ser- By Mike Andrzejczyk be open to an "Invitation only" les." It then features a snarling Inspection by benefactor tiger. The fate of a $200,000 addition members of S1. John Hospital's and renovation at the Woods Big Cornerstone Club. The visit by The note that accompanied Boy restaurant is uncertain after the Sequoia Is being sponsored the sticker read, "If you need the city council Monday night, July more bumper stickers, please by St. John as part of Ihe ship's 16, turned down a request by the current six month Inaugur.1 tour think can me. Let's positive owners for a 12-year, 50 percent tax hiking the ve ... 1to more than about Detroit and the Tigers! ! !! abatement for the addition. Thank you very much, Stewart 40 towns and cllie. around the McMillin. P.S. The bumper Michael Curis, vice-chairman of United States, The Sequoia will Cuds Big Boy Restaurants, Inc., make the Journey to the POinte stickers were designed so that from Mackinac Island, where the bottom half could be cut off if said the company is undecided so desired." about going ahead with the work at sequoia Captain Glle. Kelly the restaurant at Mack and Ver- (USNR) (below) welcomed Now that's positive thinking. nier without the tax abatement. aboard L Mlcha.1 Smith, vice- It's nice to know liberals have a president of corporate sense of humor too. Curis added the company will development at 81. John, Smith probably go ahead with the add1tion arranged the visit to the GPYC The winner is . . . even though the council rejected the after 'earning from a friend on Well, we finally received con- company's request for a 50 percent Mackinac Island that the vessel fmnation about who won the tax abatement on the addition. No was seeking Detroit are. "Don't Use Drugs" contest that final declSion had been made on spon.c)rshlp. The Sequoia will was advertlsed in the Grosse building the atrium, which could be open to public vIewing when Pointe News a few weeks ago. add 64 seats to the restaurant, he It dock. at Hart Plaza In Detroit added, on Sund.y, Aug, 5. The contest, which was not sponsored by thlS paper, but by Company representatives were a private mdivldual, offered a scheduled to appear before the ci- $1,000pnze to anyone who could ty's planning commission Tuesday write a Simple statement about night for approval of plans for the why teenagers should,n't use 1,078 square-foot addition to the drogs. Nothmg profound, profes- south aide of the restaurant. Com- sional or perfect, was asked for, pletion 01the atrium could mean an just somethmg to make someone addittonal40 jobs at the restaurant, stop and think before folding to Cuns said. peer pressure. The restaurant recenUy signed a The wmnmg entry reads as lease Wtth an adjoinmg property owner "for an astronomical The Sequoia follows: "My friend used dope- now she's dead I don't want to amount" to ease Its parking prob- Jose my head Dope users are al- lems, he said. Spendtng money for Presidential Yacht will berth here ways losers." the lease and the construction is somethmg the company WIll have B) Tom Greenwood Michigan '. Gerald Ford beld There were about 100 entries to think about, he added Grosse Pomte Will soon be the the summit meet.IftP CMl board and to contest, and according to recIpIent of the presidential V1511 reports, the award check was The restaurant, one of 11 WtlJcomed such au-ts uthe Apollo- operated by Curis Big Boy, asked of sorts Soyuzastronauts. 1be end 0( an .. mailed out on July 1. The winner The preSidential yacht SeqUOia, of the contest was a woman from the city last April to consider tt for came Wtth PreudeDt Junmy CaJUr. the tax abatement under state law, which was at Ihe servIce of eIght who had the yacht lIOkI at auction for the Shores, who, for personal presIdents durmg Its 44 year career. reasons, has requested anony- In his letter, CurlS said the $286,000, after declarinl the vessel Wll! soon leave Mackmac Island to mity restaurant was up against "the law an unnecessary luxury. of dlmirushing returns." • journey to the Grosse POll\te Yacht At that time, upkeep on the~ Also, the person who spon- Club for a two day visit on Aug 3 was estimated at $100,000 with an sored the contest has requested "Because thiS is the smallest of and oj addttlonal $700,000 for the 59 Navy anonymtty all our stores, and sales have peak- It should be qUite a Sight The crewmen 'A ho sef'VlCed her ed, our rising costs are greatly af- ~now 'l\hlte and teak vessel depar. Things got bad afler that There's nothing hke a semt- tmg thl;'green of Macklllac to clea \Ie Through lhe years 1977 to 1S81. the mformative column, IS there? outhto !>C('kthe hghthou~ owne~ and altempts as a ~;:.e on Lake St Clair tourl"l aUrachon 1ft Rhode part Pets are of the faml[y and BUilt In 1925a!>a plensure craft for South Carohna and fi10nda as esuW deserve f:Omethmg special Closing hurts seniors a rich Philadelphia family, the a museum or "'I'h«! FloalLng White every now and then, too Right? l04-foot, 105ton Y~'i{'l was comml~' House" At least, that's the way the ~lOned a" the offiCial pre:,.ldential By tht' end of this pmod m h« Zynda famdy, of the Woods, yacht by Herbert Hoover In l!JJ,1 hIStory. the Sequo.a hit I'UC'k bottC'Wn, feels about Cassandra, their pet Cincinnati mum of fate of Kroger And If a boat l'ouid talk, the Se- M"I'V11lg as a cocktaal Iountfe behmd boa constrictor. qUOld ""oulrl have qUite a tale to tell a r~laurll11t 10 F'londa berUwd be- By Tom Greenwood beef pattIes knockt'd dov.n 10 $2 .;() and a fev. lonety shoppt'r'O " Storie~ about btolng used 8l> the t~ e.. n \'ltchts k no'A n as the t So, to give her a bit of a treat, The sl~n on the door said It all per package Ont' of tho!\(' shoppt>rs was v.orld'~ Iar~t'~t personal fl.shlni boat 'Uooker , and the "Bum 8wn II " they routmely drape her In a "This store wtll close Saturday" In the produce' !l('e!lOn,only a ({'w (h,lI Ie'>W('x~tten of (ir~ ..e POinte hy Hoover, ""hocommandet"rt'd the Rldlllg to ~ MqUOlA'S f'8Cue tree 10 the yard, to catch a few The store was the Kroger super- cases of lettuce remaJnC'o to !>€' pIck I',lrk' II ~ ~OIng 10 t)(, kmd uf craft rifter the U S l~partment of "".:IS San DU~IO busJnusman rays because snakes like to sun market on Kercheval In the VIllage ed over by shopper<; Tht' fro/en fond r(lu~h, he ~,lId "There aren'l r<>,ll Commerce purchased It as a dt'('o} RI('Nlrd Art'odMe, 'Aho purd-.aMof thl:>:>Ill' In the l>hlp to trap rtlm runrwrs on lhe the boat for SI I million He and Only the Zyndas got their Mack Avenue In the Farms shut In the c1.i1rydepartml'nt only d 1('\\ an',l Pack"1 ,lIld A&P left, along MI!>...,Il>l>IPPI HI\er Sf'\ ..r a I oth~ l'n trt'pl't'nt'W"S found- down last week after mem~rs of ga,l.lons of milk rem,uOl'd '.'.1111S,J!pm ~~qllar(' I u"t'd to "hop "DJ{ u~t'd the \'t~,('1 to entl>rloALn ed the Prt'Slt:h-nlltll \' a.chl Trust. II "'tres crossed somewhere along Wln"to:l l't11lrl'hlll and the two the lme last week, accordmg to a the UOlted Food and CommercIal II [ookshke!>,on1('thln~ \OU d "'I' hefe onel' 11 \.\{'(>k I gues,; I'll ~_tart l ('c*u..f4 .. P.'e' Z'-\ 1 planned lht"ir slratt'gl~ agaJn~t rhe It Workers Local 876 voted over- ill h~m!>of the Sm II'! I J1101l "ur! to .,hop ovpr In ~I Clalf Shores " Woods police report seems AXI:' po",ers Mrs Zynda came home noticed whelmmg[y La reject concessIons one ..tore empIO)I'" HCntlll1ent:>""as the supermarket cham said It need- 10"" phllI(' K,'{'~an of lhe ".Irk "I Iftlfry Tlum,lll united Pllll,,) the snake was out of Its cage and lll11kl'T'!> on bo.ard plhoptlt'f(' or at the ">tOrt'on Kercheval lilt' pl.IIIO \\ Ith /:"(111«1 gu~t() Inclt't'd year-oJd son DaVid, (the snake's area \1 t( k A\ l'nUt" .,he ...lld .r d like 10 Trum"n .... upn!o1ht Kimball ~)I,t04.~ owner), wasn't around and Because of the vote. a total of 70 t.t oInoHwr "'upt'rm,ll kI't 1ll0\ (' tr1 tl) close Kroger stores throughout southeast- _'" !wlMhl r;I~'nh<~t'r rt"pOl1('(1h ll.'l' Cad,~x IInd NlPff In G,.,... ('{llht' \I",,,d \ t'r~ IllIlt' hut PrC'~L Pmntt Ctl)' 'l\lll tw c1~ to!Th)f husband, so she put In a (all to Rumon floaled around the rn,lIldgl'l, \\,\" .t1\\.I\'> ...0 C1n'I)!n llenl KI'nrlt'd~ crnplll~t'<1 It lor ro~ frum 1\ to 10 p m for II ~ldt-- the Woods anlma[ control of- Village Thur!oday aflf'rnoon Uult the Ill()d,dltl~ In ohl,tltlm..: Il,mf 10 )Cl'! IlU nwrCllJ" ",\\. I O('l'lu.llln:. 1n. wlllk llale ficer He came over and u:.ed a store would re"Open with new own. plorllH.t' I gill',,,., I II rn0\ \' OVl'f to lrlhda\ MUlrOH' b) 1I\'f' dog stick to 11ft the four foot ers 10 a few wl'eks, butlocal offICials F,II nH'r k ...Otl If(\n!l('('ll'd lolli' h.m11"l hll for comment h~ ...,r o~t'r .. ( JO"IIl~ .,hop ar {' ","mOf lon..-:n''''''lllc-n on hclftrd and affi1fod 11\ mc.t !ltorflS w,1l btoam ~'rtda~ "Actually. It v.a'>Ju,>ta hIt of a In Cindnnati, ht"tldquarters for "111/"'1' m.lll\ of \\hOlll y"lIkt'f-I""een the the cham Krogl"f' "pc:*f'Sman Paul Ill!' ",!olt' III 111l' Viii t~(. ..lHIt'r nom ..ho""t'r nour ""all lll~..nod :-.aturday. July., from 9 three of us," lau~h ..rl Mr Zynda, Hernl ..,h confirmed t~t Kroger ''I'H' h",11 rl '0 nHIO~ 01 1114'111 to ,Hl(1111mlld,lll' Ihr ","qUOl ... ~ a m to ~ 10 pm 'Aht."n KHdw' over the phone "Da\ HI and I put had prellmmary agreements to sell '.1\ flul v.llPrI' y, ill I ~o' ",lilt t.ill ..,,1 I'n"'lCt.'n!lal \ 1.,ltor clnd bl~ \a1 ....111 Ix- rropened 10 traffiC the snake there to (~I teh -.orne 17o(the "lorf'S. but rl"fuSf'd to lden. I ,\.\ I'tl '''111111'1 ... of thl'Book VIII.I!.:I' I(t'r knob., arl' IIt.,t,t Ihod 011the boat'!! sun It'" a very natural thmg for tlfy the polentlal nf''''' owner!>, or Ihi" tOrl' hol' h~'i'n \/'n Inl!)(lr door" 10 Iln'lImmodI'II. tlo doll I Ild\ I' ,IllV II,trI"por 1 ht' l 1.11 I ""''''' 'ht" hlj(h itlld lo'l\ Inside we'd forgotten about Ca!>'>andra ed thf>alJ.ler. on Thul"Sday afternoon IdluHI "or /l\,j/l\ It' ...,d ...o ,1.,0(1111 pOIlll"> III I(llh,lIcl ~l),()n .. ldft't"f BU'lIll4!U 13A two day.., t,..fono ..hut-down, a!ioknoa 'lllII I tll'\ 1111'('1 Ilwl! Irll'rHJ... ,tOO :'I.llwn 1'llt,'rtrlJnI'O ~\ If" I'ff'mlf'r "Snake!> hang around m trees (' of "lc1f'e f'mpl(,yes stood talklOR 1,IIk ,It Will' \III.1! ' lI,OlllJo( nil In tht-Ir Lt'OOid Bn"hnco\ on hoarrt u the 1"-" In !.he wLld.,all the time Shf"s a ('laQlfJrd lC qUietly In small groups 11\1.... II 1l1 .tI..o 1",,\1' ,I hljl( j(ap In 1\100 dl<;( Ij"'ot"d Itw l'ourSf' of world plain old boa con!>trJctor and f"f'.ature Pale 108 In both tM Kercheval and Mack Ih,' filii n I. ,,\ 01 thf" \ Illtij(t' f'Y"nt, I'rl'Sldf'l1t "Ileon al!lO found ~e've had her about eight or Groat' Pomte Rul AVf'nuf' slore., the aalles of fresh It v. III lTl"kl' II hi!! rllffrrf>O('f' If II h.tndy to ~('IlP'f' ttwo twoa' of the }o;.tate Exchance nine years now " W..lf'rj(lllf' hf'~nnlil!r1 kf'E'plnM 68 and ("~nned loods began to ~pty as .If,,,Ih(>r "lore' (lllf'''n t opt'n up In I hf' 1M Lf'tlen to Editor hound .. of Ihf' mt"dla .1 hay. a('('('Slu 6, 7A Just a "plain old boa COnJoitTlC- I~ filled thttr ('aTta for the \'III'I~f' ,urnrndmA'dMs SamLWla Obltuanes bl. only hy lell"photo l.-rw It "".. 1M tor" eh? I'll bet the Zynda'. lalt time On Kerehe'Val, all the II II makf' u big dltferf'nl to 1M Pnme Time have very htUe plieorL you meat countera 'tV.. empty WIth the olhl'r mt'rrhanUl. lhe ~nlOr CltlU'11l also on hoard thf' SequoaA lhat NIX' 12.1\ S«let)' 1-68 know-what on the1r front lawn ex.c:repbOrl of t1ro PICUC- ~ JI"OWld and thf' hou....-v.lfe Who wanta to on told hI:' family of h" plans to re- Sports drive over to tM freeway?" Sign lhe preflldency 1,2, S. 14C

• Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 Thl... hit O£GENEAA11¥I Yacht Club Five seek election to WCCCboard Aug. 7 ARTHRmS boat wells (Coatinued from Pal" lA) and a master's degree in pubhc ad- Steel, 51, of the would the responsibility of monitoring (OSTEOARTHAITlS) The third boat break- Woods. '" take four years of hard work and I ministration in 1982. ask that the look into staff carefully whether or not that pohey in of the eoU. season at the have no mtention of staying longer Mrs Ross is involved in several and administrative recnlitment 15 being implemented as directed. " Grosse Pointe Yacht It was never mtended by the con- CIVicactlvities and is worluDg With procedures, financmg and make Steel says the needs of the east Club was reported stItution to be a full-time JOb." the M.1clugan Youth Corp5 Program some suggestions to balance side of Wayne County haven't been aftemooo, Ju. the TUesday through UOlted Community Ser- budget," he says. met b)' the college. "By closing Iy 10, to Shores police. Mangoven receIVed hiS law Vice in a temporary, full-time posi- down and selling Austin and open- degree from the University of tion. "I'm still trying to find a per- Steel, who holds a doctorate in ing up the eastern campus many of The COOlplainant told Detroit and was business adminlS- education from Wayne State Urn- police he left his 43-foot manent JOb that fits my needs and the students who would normally 1Ie -.,_ trator for Frueheuf Corporation's versity, has been employed with Viking boat locked Sun- wants," she adds. have attended, aren't But, If the ! !\awe ar'""'" and I\a"'" corporate purchastng staff for 10 the Detroit Public School system joiftIIlhlI lItOUIllI ...... curriculum offered was so Impor- Q • been lOl::! '0 1M! """ .... day afternoon, July 8, years He is board member and Gregory Solak for 29 years He has worked his paH1 CAlI CMOll"K'>C _.....-. It tant and Vital, and students '*P' ..... and returned. two days president of Purchasing Manage- Gregory Solak, 32, of the Woods, way up through the ranks ftrSt as a - _ .. later to find the cabin couldn't get, It anywhere else, they ~ ment Assoclahon of DetrOit and an alumni of WCCC. says the teacher, admmlStrator and last _ ...... door open. would certainly come to the - board member and president of the school is In deep trouble and needs ....,..,..~ - - year he became assistant superm- A ...... 1'* .., _ eastern campus," he adds Of Jolr*.._-..- .... -..II- -..... "" eM _ .. NatIOnal ASSOCiatIOn of Educa- help in areas of education and tendent m charge of instructlonal The thief broke off We also need to provide a ....- JPtlll.clIO ~ .- ...IN....,.__ ...... lor tl0t181 Buyers, a grouD that rep- management. development. ror-...,--. tM __T...... _.... ~ the door knob and forc- remedial education program for ...-_.....- resents 2,600 colleges and UnIver- "I'd hke to make some changes .. ..- ed the hatch cover, He says past experIences have those students who aren't up to the .....-. SIties 10 the Umted States .. -.. the be- In instructor accountablhty. pres- taught hIm to recognize the differ- "'_ .. etd.-. -.,.,... --....- teanng canvas, same standards as others and not _ .. My ...... Ident selection and have the college _ orlIwlII8 -.. __ ---..-.....-. fore opening the steel ence between the role and respon- lump them with others who have l. Renee Ross serve this area," says Solak...... tM eo --. aDd glass doors, reports sibIhty of a board member vs. that dLfferent expectatlons, notes tr - said Taken was an "I'm absolutely dLsgusted WIth We can improve instructor ac- of an admirustrator, roles that the Steele. --tr ..... '""' u", ...PN><\ WCCC. it's been badlv mIsman- countability bv ha~ uniform stan- ("Il'"f'Pnt luimlni<;tr:ltion and board "A." .l-.~,.. ,..J_ ...... _~ ... "" \...... h"' ....l ...... w •• ~ -""'t"" ..I.,,-) v "....'-- ...,~ ...... aged by both Its trostees and an ad- dards for credenbals. Teachers who seemed embrolled over --,~--...... • - lei who is elected. If they're smcere, TlleN .. no ...... mlnlStratlon which showed ir- have the expertISe but lack skllls in .-- of __ have integrity and don't get wrap- responsiblhty," says L. Renee the actual process of teaching can "I believe the board sets policy • - .. 14Wj' ...... Act will help based on the needs of the communi- ped up in administering the school, Iller ... ,...... "'-cIl ... learn through educa tional pro- o..lICI QUMlIOM .. Do JOf'IU Ross, 54, of the CIty "The educa- .... - IN _ ...... boaters, anglers ty or constituency and administra- hiring relatlves or looking for a Job ...... IN .... ___ GlOMe PIe W


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Thursday. JUly 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Supply tenders sailed behii'Ja the enormous Chinese jwW of yester- Park councilman year. Vegetable ear- dens were cultivated on the supply tenders to heads to capital provide the crews and By Harriet Nolan passengers of the great ships With fresh food It's off to the land where pohhcal History students refer IIiT/(OO «CI IV~.. dreams are made for Mdrk to those vegetables as 'valente, Ill, of the Park. The the world's first Junk 27-year-old Park counCilman has foods THE NEWVINEYARD'S DINING EXPERIENCE been picked to serve an internship in the Office of Public Liaison in Seven courses of excellent food, beautifully Washington, D.C served in an elegant atmosphere. "I'm very excited," says FURNACES Experience our new Fixed Price Menu Valente "How often does some. body get an opportunity as White • BOILERS or your favorite a la carte selections. House aide?" ••Iff-M Either way, you will enjoy Begmmng la~t Monday, he began helping the Capitol Hill staff co- Vineyard's Fine Dining. ordmate speakmg engagements 21300 HARPER .19" GA:&0 between PreSident Ronald Reagan s.c.s...... and ethnic groups around the coun- '.,..-:J ( vI "<0<> VJ 1tO'" 776-9750 263-1U1O try. The Job, he says, will last unttl I)), ,(1<...... ~1l Oi))O election time. ']6 .....11\( tD tAl <'a N~Hwy to get Republican candidates Vic a member of the Republican Na- [~ ~ jult polII12111m. Caputo elected to Congress and SouIMeId tIOnal Committee and the Michigan (0 pan of the Franklin C__ > Philip Ruppe to the U.S. Senate a Republican Heritage Council He is few years ago. These efforts, while comptroller of his family's unsuccessful, Washington inter- bus mess , Valente Men's Formal viewers told him helped in his Wear, and is achve in the com- Make friends with the funrre:"Toda~ selection We'll acquaint you with munity PERFORMANCE and VALUE Woods searches for beauty There's a little less than a week tion certificates are awarded to left before the Aug 1 deadline to residents who have Significantly return complete nomination forms improved and enchanced the ap- TheTI 855 Printer for the Woods Beautification Ad- pearance of the city by their efforts The printer for all major PC's visory Commission to Improve and maintain their Bed Pillows by Pillowtex Nomination forms for the 10th homes. Debut, Hollofil~ annual awards were mailed to A new award to be given this businesses, schools and profes- year will be for resldenhal renova- Reg 995-1295 Sale 8.99-10.99 sional building occupants in the hon The commission added this Classic Choice, auallofiJ~ city. Those who have done exten- category to spur the renovation of Reg 1495-2495 S811e12.99-19.99 sive renovation, repairs or addi- some of the city's older homes Heirloom. White Goose Down tions to buildings, added land- The award for the renovation will Reg 79 95-129 95 511.. 69.99-109.99 scaping or have continued the be a specially-designed Pewabic maintenance of their building are tile. The five-inch square tiles bear eligible. a simplified city seal in an earthy The nommations Will be revIew- blue-green matte fimsh. They can ed by the Beautification Commis- be used either as trivets or hung on sion to decide winners of three the wall. Mayor's trophies in one of four The first of these tiles was pre- Feature for feature, no other mlcroprlnter ran • categories Classes One to Three sented to Mayor George Freeman match the "ersatillty, compallbility, reUabillt) and are for large, medium and small at the July 16 cOWlCil meeting. producti"lIy of the Texas Instruments OMNI800" Model businesses, while the fourth 1.5 for a CommiSSion representatives Jan 855 Microprinter. Here's why. church or school. Trophies are Duster and chairman Allen Dick- Two Printers In One. With the TI 855 )OU get the speed of dot matrix awarded for the best overall con- enson presented Freeman with the draft copy. PluS the precIse c1anty of tl:e most advanced matrix tribution to the beauty of the city. hie, which they say will become an technology for leUer-quahty pnnt. It's two printers in one -at one low An award will also be given to the official welcommg gift to visiting pnce. business or professional office that dignitaries as well as thetr renova- Only the TI 855 has snap-In font modules. Just touch a button: change best reflects year-round cleanli- tion award your typestyle. The 855 gIves you more typestyles to choose from than ness and neatness In landscaping BUSinesses or residents who have ordmary dot matnx pnmers It makes them qUIcker, cleaner, easier to as well as external appearance. A misplaced their nommatlon forms access than any other dot matnx or daISy wheel pnnter. plaque IS also given for the best can pick up copies at the Woods The 855'5 pie charts are rounder ... all Its graphICS are sharper than landscaping, renovation or con- City Hall. The deadline for return- on other dot matnx pnnters, because the TI 855 prlOts more dots per tinued maintenance of landscap- ing completed forms is Aug 1 BREAKFAST AND lOch. As for daisy wheel pnnters . no graphICS. ing Forms should be mailed to the "In stock only Qt Another award is given to the Beautlflcatton AdVisory CommiS- best constructIOn or renovation SIOn, 20025 Mack Plaza, Grosse that conforms to the architectural Pointe Woods 48236. FORMAL BRIDAL SHOV\I ComputetLand' requirements of the city Recogni- tion is also given to the buildmg On the population explOSIOn 10 ST. CLAIR SHORES STERLING HEIGHTS TEXAS .., with the most pleasing rear en- Chma 2,500 years ago, Confuclous 11000 GREATER MACK 35850 Van D)kr INSTRUlwtENTS tranceway. said' "There was a time when men (Between 8 & 9 Mile Roads) (Ilel"un 13 & 16 \i,le Roads) Several years ago, the awards were few and thmgs were many You Ire cordially Invited to Ittend 772-6540 268-4400 program was expanded to mclude Now thmgs are few and men are saturdly. August ". 9:00 a.m, DAIL Y 107, TJ-IURS 109, SAT 104 the residential areas Beautlflca- many And men are unhappy" St. Cllir Room, Gro .. e Pointe See glOriOUS fall and winter , ' gowns, dresses for bridesmaids and flower girls, and apparel Sur~ you can buy cheaper... for the other members of the wedding party. Learn Irorn our experts about our many but not better! Insist on Pella. bridal services, Including InvitatIons and personal / INTRODUCING• THE NEW PELLA ROLSCREEN ••• an inside screen that disappears from papers, Jewelry for you and view . . . it rolls up into the head of the window! Allows 20% more light and a clear your attendants, , unobstructed view. EXCLUSIVELVPELLA!Can be installed on Pella windows at time of pur- and the brIdal regIstry \' , , chase or after the windows are in use. A homeowner's do-it-yourself delight! to list your gift preferences 4. • Breakfast, $200 per person R S V P 882.7000, ext 129

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1\ f t ... I Page Four.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26. 1984 WE KNOW WHAT'S Carol Purdon, Dean Erskine win the 'Clarence' ~ Hotel St RegIS was the for. The fh e-shov. season wlll open Peter Marks' mystery~edy Season tickets are $30. Individual NEW IN HOT WmR mal settmg for the presentatl00 of wtth the muslI:al. "Once Upon A "The Butler Did It.. runs from show tickets are $7 for musicals, ~ Clarence Av.ards, marlung .36 :'tlattress, the ston of the Pnn. ~arch 6 to 16, wtu1e "Amadeus," $5 50 for non-musicals Current years of entertamment b\ Grosse ~t"SS and the Pea dOne 10 a fresh the storv of Wolfgang Amadeus season beket holders will receive Pomte ~att't The statuettes 't\ a} The shoy. opens :'IiO\ 7 at the through the eyes of hiS theIr automatIc renewal notices 10 DO YOU? named after tbl- theater's hrst pro- War .\lemvrlal s Fries Audltonwu musIc tt'acher. ~IU be presented August docuon, are a...arded annuaU~ In and ru~ through :'IiO\ 17 Late Api'll 17 to 27 23 actlJlll and teduucal categories. ~ummer audHlons are planned The sed son concludes ~ Ith r'or more ttcket mformatlon, AIl.... r voted on by the membtorstllp and Paul Osborn s ~lorl1lng at "~ldme," based on the novel '" rite "Tickets, Grosse Pointe TANKlESS W,", TER !"TEA TER tabulated b~ former Park ~Iayor Se\ en" \\ III be prE:'sented Jan 16 "Auntie "lame" by Patrick Theater. 32 Lakeshore Road, Matthew Patterson through :ffl \\ alter :\ldrks' and Denms Grosse POlllte Farms 48236 .. THE SENSIBLE WAY TO The occasIOn y, as hO;Sted b) Gigl HEAT WATER! Gagguu and Robert ~icKenna v. Ith entertainment b\ Berme Katz and • LUXUAK>US Netw'E'( n...ns -J-wt o~ net hIS orchestra afld 111m clip high \IIatet Iii ~ Q hghls of each sOOv. • CONVENiENT ~ WmMTS mdude ~llc~le Karl Goes 01" a....orrill Call) best dlrector for The Little at the rur1"" C' a ta ..cet - PrescnptIon Foxes: Be5t Actress Carol Purdon S6f'flCe DELIVERY • SAFE of Village Lane for "The Little Safety trerrr.:x:ouo-e • JoOst Support Foxes and Best Actor Dean Er. at ~er ana p. C{ Hoslel'Y for hiS 'LIttle Foxes' perfor- • LONG LIFE • DtabetIC $etf- maoce \\orker of the Year a",ard LJrMed 10 '{iiaf • TestJng Cent8f warranty went to .:\lane Devlm of Roslyn ... ,...-. .._....__ e D ...... I .... _...1 t') .....~ ....._ .. "'."'_+t' and Clarence Award "inners Ohvia Wickline and Mary Stutt. fDr outstanding acbie\ ements during the 1983-84season, left to right. Carol Purdon. ;\lichele Karl and Inan Er- "Whose We Is It Anwav'l" skin~. take time out during the theater's Hotel St. Regis banquet to pose Cor the camera. j r More technIcal awards went to t Jackie Maher of Three Mile Dnve J pre$tnt r and Kathleen ~orris of Neff. set Teetaert named assistant principal at North < f THE GOOD OLE SUDERTIME dressing in "Little Foxes;" LOls Tom Teetaert v. as promoted to Grosse POinte High School in 1959, CounCil . Constant of Trombly and Richard assistant prinCipal at ~orth High received his bachelor's degree at Teetaert said he IS looking for- FEST - Saday, JI1y 21, 1984 Selke, costumes. "Little Foxes:' School earher th1s month b, the ?\l1chigan State University and ward to the challenge of his new make-up artlst Arlene Schoenherr. Board of Education . master's at Wayne State His late assignment and especially to /MIming: &.. 3-1 p.•• "On A Clear Day;" lightlng chair. Teetaert, 43, has been with father, Andrew Teetaert, was chief "working with the kids," man Jeft Fisk of Devonsbrre. Grosse Pointe schools for 19 years • Jazz Band-Muaic of the 20'. & 30'. of polIce in Grosse Pointe CIty for The assistant prn1Clpal position ""''hose Lde Is It An)-v.ay?" and as ph)slcal education teacher at many years His mother was a ~. at North became open when James • Barber Shop Quartet sound chairman Kevin Asmus elementary and secondary le\'els retal) at South High School Cooper was transferred to Poupard • Hotay TGUy Antique Can "South Pacific " Last "ear he was head of the Teetaert is married, has three Elementary School as principal as • D&.D Arb &: Crafta Ltd. A speclal recogmtion award was physic'al ~ucatlOn department at children, ages 9, 10 and 12, and part of a system-wide administra. gl\'en to Dale pegg 1I1 apprecIation Xorth. the job Ray Ritter WllIfill 10 lives in the Woods tive reorganization In all nme • Antique'. by Terry of years of pbotograpblc excellence • Cbair Caainc Demonatration 1984-85 He has been swimmmg coach at schools will see new principals next and Erslune for hts cootnbutions to As assIStant pnnclpal. Teetaert the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club for fall William Christofferson will • The Candy l..ady tbe theater's scenic artIstry. Will share responsibihhes for several year and runs the men's head Parcells, Donald Messmg Followmg the awards. retlnng . . , . and much, much more! dlsciphne, class schedulmg and slow-pItch softball league at the Brownell, Leo Warras Kerby, Jack ...... president Richard Vreeland of schedUling of speclal events at the I 20898 Harper A venue Neighborhood Club He was the ldcMahon Richard, Jay Flowers . Audubon turned over the gavel to school and lIS Performing Arts CCW1lIa' of Ridaemont first supervisor of North High ldane, Robert Shover Defer, and Michele Karl. who announced the Center School's intramural Ice hockey Sheila Joyce Trombly Whe~ QUl1lrty 5I.l11 E.rU:J • Sm.E /947 schedule for the theater's upcom- A natne Grosse POInter, program Teetaert also works with The reorgamzation was announc- "f.-C.-.i mg season Teetaert '" as graduated from the Substance Abuse Qlmmumty ed In May ,------,. ARE YOUR CHILDREN LEARNING. We'reTur ANYTHING NEW THIS SUMMER? ~- Interest Rates Is. The Answer! • Regardless of ",hat they ve been dOing - sv.unmmg, -Children ....ho come to YES are gl\.en a senes of ~ boating, baseball or bao;yslttmg. chlldren al~a)'s seem dlagnosllc tests The results of these tests are evaluated 1 to be lookmg for more to do Our August SessIOns will and a personahzed program ISdeSIgned for each child. SQOO begm. and", e can pronde some structure for those The children are taught both 10 ~mall learmng groups extra hours f of se-.en or less and are also lnvoJ..ed In indlviduahzed computer managed educational programs.

I • The atmosphere at YES is full of creatl ..e energy. Drop Il1 and see us any day-you'll feel the excllement in the t air Your child, too, can ha\e fun ....hlle learning and I make ne.... fnends at the same time. YES students are enthUSIastiC about our program and can't ....all for class to begm. Annual 12 MONTH Rate -);outh EnndHrent Scr.iC~ offers mdl"lduahled , educa!Ional programs for all -tudent,; '" ho ....Ish to 'mpro'-c or Jn~rea,e rhe1r senola,ll'; abIlities rES can em,cr ch'ldre, al.ademlcali;, C'laJuate then attitude, about pr"h ...: ~;:,,:-:-'dul '-'ell belrg, and enhance then :.elf,,,'Y.crr, .' , t ...... _.,~ l"-..

,. ... ,. .. "" 4"( r~ ...,... r".. • 1 .... \1..-

.. ''", ... ~ t -l ( ..

'It'l-.a.a:c; ...... 'o.-/'",.t~ ...... ~".',. ~ .... , ..... r1P {::P!/''"'l .... ~J~ "r", - 1 P~r-~"""'l,..r trrfrtJt-- ....

((JkJf"I.d1f~r.. f 1'0- .. ",.;1) ~ 't!,. .f! 'II' ~, ...... "'''"J'. ~r ~ !--""'...-r-1 -;.>~r':''11J''!'''/1 rry'f"~ -Altentlon hIgh 'ichooler<;' Let YES help you prepare It)1n'! r,J!I tl1 r". .., f+ I/J~ f.r., .. ~ "~,....r J of ,'rl~ ... ' ~~r' " ~~~r .....-A<: 0;.,.. j/'j "rod ~j£,,~'" for your \Cho!a.,tlc ApllIude T<:'>I<,Our ~AT preparatIon rnr~-\"-Jo. .. (,. r", 1'- ../""""" 'T tI" .,1("'"'" ....,..J(.r;, l~ .. \< ( 1r'"" ~1f~o\I ". u tj.JZ,...... «,J ~Y ~.'S caft otfe1 ~ ,. r program "an help you IdenlJfj ;our academiC v.r1 /..""')f-' I r 11& .. ,r'f2 tlY- rr;rr,l (f rfn.{ft- ',r !.f" jo'""JlJ. Ii .'\\t-~~ ..."",- ".r...... t.(""'1 ...... IK\~ t.-t~~rt .. ; 11 >1: " A+it""l!" fo .....y...... eakne".,c., and 'itfcngthen them before vou take the ;n..~tfl)f'""r r(..-.,.,r'j' t .. -..,\dv 1 ....."," ..... 4 ..... ~ ,~..,. TJ.-.,... -lo'1 ,r-l ~ oc, f t .,.(~r -1 'Mlt--r,,~ '\ r ",P ~AT\ thl., fa!1 Lnroll toda; for our Augu~t ~AT ib'>Ut ",4 ,,~t~~h,.,,(1 f rr-,# .,,"' ...~~~\\)ili..:~""f';dj_rj ...... r ...... ,.. program .,,,. ""~>P today.•_ what • Come in see we mean. voe Ct\~ BEGIS TO E:\RICH YOl:R CHILD'S Fl'TURE TODAY!

'AO'\~ l'OI

I It ) ---

Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

AT THESE JULY FOOD VALUES Village Food Market has been offering great food valuel for over 28 year •. It'l our peraonal service and courteous employees that make our cUltomers fHI glad they Ihop here. When we finish our remodeling our Ihoppers will have larger selection" varlet ••• and larger

aisles. If you haven't shopped Village Food Market yett please Itop by, you will be pleasantly surprised how convenient we are. • fine VILLAGE.MARKET win". 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms • - present- liquor .... _...- ..._-.,... ---...... """"" .....,.', ..,",) weel\") aeu I('N~~I(;) is Rensselaer winl1er CLOSED SUNDAY AND CLOSED WEDNESDAY, AT 1 P.M. PRlCI.,N IFACT JULY'" 27t1a. .... (hn~ Barl!N'n (center I, ~uuth High JunlOl'. It'('l'h I'd lht' Bt'n~wlal'l' U.S.D.A. 'ledal from Donald Yerkt'~. (left). chairman of the Ill,lthellldllcs depart- CHOICE ment. The a\\ drd IS made annual" to the studellt \\ ha demon'itrates out. ECKRICH stand1l1~ .lchit>' t>lIlenlin Illdthematic!> I!>tantpi incipal for inslruction. CHUCK ALL OF OUR ATLANTIC STEAK OCEAN FISH IS FROM HOT DOGS THE FOLEY FISH CO. BOSTON 98 89 $1 " $1 '.''''0 FRESH BONELESS FRYING LEG CHICKEN '0' BREAST FRESH VEAL 5 LB. BAG BOSTON SCROD FlLLETI ROAST $639 $218 zw: .- OUR OWN - READY TO BAKE FRESH HAUBUT STEAK MEAT LOAF 8 2..LB. PAN $41 Day school winners MOUNT CLEMEN'S BAKERY Grosse Pointe Christian Day School students who won first place OVEN READY aYfards in their recent fine arts festival were John WHITE BREAD Regnerus, sculpture, Child Mo1's, expressive reading, Jill Buchanan, ex- pressive reading, and Lisa BaUs, sculpture. The school, located at 1444 1-LB. lOAVES 00 .i\lar) land Avenue in Grosse Pointe Park, hosted Dearborn Christian and CHICKEN CORDON BLED 2 - $1 Imla) Cil) Christian School for the festival whith included a spelling bee, WITH HAM & SWISS CHEESE Bible quiz, reading, 'ocal and instrumental music as well as writing and BAKE FOR 1 HOUR AT 3500 art. CASCADE PIVs make donations FRESH AMERICAN $29 Parent groups donated a total of parents raIsed $3,000 to buy an Ap- $5,000 to their mdlvldual schools at ple II computer, diSC drive, LAMB SHANKS SCHWEPPES the Board of EducatIOn's July 9 momtor, pnnter, software and TRY THEIII BARIlfQUED TONIC WATER, DIET TONIC, meetmg $1,000 worth of playground equip- BARBEQUEO lAMS SHANKS 6 lamb .hanks, trozen or Ihawed 2 IIPe ... 11 CLUB SODA, GINGER ALE, The Ferry Elementary School ment v. cup 011 2 Iblpl, lemon Juice PTO raised $2,000 for the purchase The school board, whIch must V. cup wine vinegar 14 liP, pepper BITTER lEMON, SELTZER WATER of an addltlonal Apple II computer vote on all gIfts to schools over 2 tbspl, paprika u,. atlanll,$I czon Ot tho • ...,., CvmbUll Je"".:)" r'I~ r9.a el1lio IOfml' I1MI a,..;1pile. ~.,..lo..... m l'tUft tpOOl1 mulWle O\'W ...... , •• IQ' 2"...... WIth pnnter and software $500, accepted the dona lions With JJlarl'\.f."h

,.t < " Page Sbc-A Opinions & letters Thursday, July 26, 1984 Say 'Yes' to Wayne County Wayne County voters, including those in the suade ~ither the county ~m.mission or the public Pointes, will have an opportunity to support COD- to put It on the ballot this time .. tinued improvement in county government on Under the proposal, the commlSSion would Aug. 7 when they will be asked to decide two im- take responsibility for budgets, contracts, ap- portant ballot questions. pomtments, rules and borrowing; monitor One is a proposed charter amendment to budget compliance and exercise other legislative abolish the county road commissIon, which has powers. The county executive, on the other hand, become a symbol of bad government, and spltt would administer and coordinate road system its powers between the county executive, operations Lucas would have preferred a .$ William Lucas, and the board of county commis- broader grant of authority to his office, but final- sioners. The other is a proposal to gh'e the coun- ly went along with tl14> amendment wording pro- ty authority to extend for five years a one-mill posed by the county board. levy that has been in effect since 1964. As for the one-mill levy , approval is needed to Because Lucas ~lready has won control of the retain the $20 mIllion a year the county now gets road commission through the courts and now has from this tax and from state in reimbursements the power to tnre and hre the members, some for inventory now exempt from property taxa- people have felt that the abolition is now un- tion. It should be emphasized that this is not an necessary. But Lucas will not be in power for- additional tax but merely the authority to con- ever and the powerful interests who have sup- tinue the present tax in effect for 20 years. ported the commissioo's independence would be Originally, Lucas had thought an additional levy only too happy to regain control. So the abolition might be needed to solve the county's pressing is a good protection. budget and deficit problems, but now he begins IT's WID. FURTHERMORE, IT MAKES good sense to to see daylight ahead by cuttmg ~y!oll costs consolidate the commission into the public works and other expenses rather than by ralSmg taxes. NEGOTIAT1-=. department to eliminate duplication and over- staffmg. Eventually, it is hoped the county will ON THE PRIMARY BALLOT. the one-mill tax be able to abolish the office of the elected drain extension is identified as Proposition "A" and commissioner, too, and put it into an expanded the abolition of the road commission as Proposi- PUblic works or public services department. tion "B." To continue the progress county --.Il Lucas had sought a charter amendment to government has made under its charter, county abolish the drain commissioner but did not per- voters should vote "Yes" on both issues. Parents must wake up to the truth To the Editor: But those others! All those let- the wanton destruction and .Democrats still underdogs I can't believe the letters ters bemoaning the article's thoughtless acts of our child- Despite the nomination of the fIrst woman to achievements that benefit almost every fa1lll1y. which appeared in last week's tastelessness. Not one word on ren. We must stop closing our grace a major national ticket, the Democratic The Democrats can and do attack the GOP ad- Grosse Pointe News. Together how tasteless and shocking that eyes. We have made our child- party came out of its 1984C<11lveotioninSan Fran- ministration's record on the grounds too many they shared a sad view of our a young life should be so care- ren what they are, and no cisco as a distinct UDdercIo« in its conteSt against Americans have been left out of the economic pro- society. lessly thrown away. Not a letter amount of being ashamed or the incumbent RepubTican president in gress of the last four years. But more have gain- The two headlines read: demanding that whomever disgusted at the truth in print November. " ed than have lost since 1980. "Choice of words was sicken- bought the boy the booze, be ar- will change that. The party healed most of its wounds, moderated Even in Michigan, where powerful labor unions ing" and, "Show us the good rested! No person demanding One woman pointed out that its stand on several controversial issues and ap- endorsed Mondale early, the Democratic ticket things teens do." Interesting. the stricter supervision of li- her young child was disgusted parently won the solid endorsement of people who will be an underd02. Reagan carried this state in On the lighter side, some of our quor dealers. No one thanking by the article. It can only be had supported other contenders for the presiden. 1980and Michigan,llke the rest of the country, has fine young adults make a dis- God that the boy was the only hoped that he will be disgusted tial nomination. benefitted from the improvement in the economy, gusting mess of their school. A one to die, when he could so enough not to try driving • even though unemployment rolls are too long and mess which probably cost quite easily have killed someone drunk. Listen people, there is a BUT IT FACES AN UPHILL fight because of the recovery has been uneven. a bit to clean up. Not to mention else. Or 10 someone elses. real world out there, filled with .President Reagan'. penoual popularity, because One unexpected contribution made by the De- the fact that littering is a It's about time that the pe0- real probleJl'l..s. It's time to save economic conditioas continue to improve and be- mocratic convention was to the revival of crime. But should the paper ple of our community woke up. our children from our stupidity. cause Walter Moodale still does not attract the at- patriotism. In keeping with the more traditional mention it? Oh, Heavens no! There aren't enough good K. Michealo tentioo and support of many voters. themes emphasized at the convention, the floor Then, on the other headline, things to say that will cover up Harper Woods It is true it is too early to measure the effect of was a mass of delegates waving small American about the tragic death of the the nomination of Geraldine Ferraro for vice flags as Mondale ended his acceptance speech. young drunk driver. I have no- president. Democratic leaders contend they have That was a sharp contrast with the scenes outside thing but sorrow for his family. Outrage was misdirected been surprised at the support she bas drawn to the the convention hall in Chicago in 1968 when de- To the Editor: these really important issues, ticket. could make difference, especially monstrators burned the flag and staged scenes she the My h~rt I breaks. for the. your readers choose to concern if ilhe turns out to be a first-rate campaIgner. that helped defeat the nominee, Hubert Hum- Frustrated, SY!1!y~ fa~y. and .the grief, themselves with the "harsh" -'It is also true that MCDiale gave a better accep- phrey. I '4 ~ • they must be feeling over the language used by Nolan in her tance speech than m.any expected. Following on IN THE MORE THAN 11IREE months still left no compasSIon loss of their son, Edward. cer- article. Maybe her language the heels of the brilliant speech-making I:;yGov. in the presidential campaign, the country will tainly his death was a tragedy. was not harsh enough. \ To the Editor: Mario Cuomo and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Mon- have the opportunity to discuss, review and What worse tragedy is there The reality of an 18 year old dale, his friends feared, would make an an- analyze the respective candidates and their plat- I wish to concur with all the people who wrote you about Ed- than the loss of a human life? boy drinking himself to death ti,climactic appearance in the convention theater forms. Even those who don't often take part in But, perhaps equally as tragic should disgust all who hear of of_politics. By sticking to simple themes and ex- partisan political activities will participate, and dy Sullivan. To crucify the boy, j.s the attitude.on the part of so it. to add insult to injury, to play Ud1ng friendliness as well as seriousness, Mondale m the end will either reelect the nation's 40th many of your readers toward A reporter's job is not to God about someone you didn't delivered a fIrSt-rate address. president or pick a new one as its 41st. reporter, Harriet Nolan. whitewash the incident, but to; As for content, be emphasized the fUture, and Events do have a way of affecting campaigns, even know. To take out such hate is not only poor journal- Where is the outrage that present the grisley details in a ~ ~ improved prospects if the Democrati~ ~cket however. Something could happen at home, or, should be directed against the factual, truthful manner. our ~ ism, it shows frustrated women If WlDS. In that respect. he followed the tradition of more likely, in the Middle East, Central America man or woman who sold that stomachs turn slightly as the i the outs. ~ 1-' in Detroi~ Ronald Reapn offered ~ some other foreign area that could affect the with no compassion. I have known Eddy for years. He poor boy the alcohol that cost story is told, perhaps it is all the I the Amencan people brighter hopes if they cast outcome. And Reagan is probably more his life? Where is the outrage better. Maybe we won't forget. I never was anythil'g but fun, their lot with bini. That theme helped him win vulnerable in foreign affairs than on domestic against a society that has failed And, just maybe, the; over ~ident ~. ., issues. So there still is uncertainty over what will helpful, and an absolute de- light. Enclosed is a funeral to convince its youth (and memory of it will one day save t While ~ are blots 00. the p~lC:le~t s record, happen in November, even though the Democrats adults) that drinking and driv- a life. • memorial card, give it to your he can.po~t to the lowenng of inflation an~ !he remain the underdogs as they themselves ad. ing is a deadly combination? Yolanda DeProfio Turner t reduction m the unempJoym~t rate as posltl~e mitted at san Francisco. journalist. Fran Kristufek Instead of concentrating on Grosse Pointe Farms. , Grosse Pointe Park , Scientist clears the air • Just a dying dinosaur? I To the Editor: Christian SCientists make: Is the national political convention just a dying choice They now merely ratify the results of the 'Filthy column' I'd like to clear up a misstate- their OVtm free choices. The i dinosaur that bas outlived its usefulness? primaries so far as the presidential nominee is To the Editor: ment in the recent story (June church doesn't make decisions : Jeff Gralnick, who nms ABC's news coverage, concerned. This year Walter Mondale's early Being under the impression 'l7) about former Christian for them, nor does it interfere , contends the ~ dinosaur "died a little more in choice of Geraldine Ferraro took away the last that the last outhouse had SCientists from Grosse Pointe with the sacred right to think : 1984." He pointed out that the san Francisco con- element of suspense, the name of the vice presi- thankfully long ago departed appearing on national televi- and act - and pray - for them- : clave was a ratifying convention, not a news con- dential nominee. from the Grosse Pointe area, I sion. selves. : vention, ~ that in the future the story rather With the removal of suspense the ratmgs also was amazed that your Tom I realize the Grosse Pointe I than the event is going to dictate the coverage. have drop~. And so the coverage is harder and Greenwood had brought it back News has covered the issues in- This is always been true in I mE mREE TV NETWORKS reduced their harder to Justify. Coverage is costly but if only a in his filthy first page column in volved in the situation exten- our church. It's true in the ~ coverage of the 1984Democratic convention even few people are watching the convention, adver. this Thursday's July 18 edition sively over the past few years. Grosse Pointe congregation. : •more than they had done in 1980. And the pro- tisers are reluctant to sponsor their commercials wherein he commented on the One important pomt about the Our reliance on spiritual heal- : spects are that the)' will cut back coverage even at the prices they have to pay. So the networks will names of boats moored at the case has been rather obscured, ing isn't a blind faith commit. : more in the although CBS still contends cut their investments future, Grosse Pointe Farms Pier. and it seems worth at least a ment or even a matter of: that national political conventions are an in- TV coverage of the Republican convention in "the I firmly believe that our area brief explanation for yotlr own church "orthodoxy," but has: tegral part of the American fabric." Dallas next month Will be similar to that of the ~rves better reading than information and future refer- grown naturally out of all we've : One trouble with the conventions is, of course, Democratic conclave. That, too, will be largely a clUmsy outhouse humor ence I that the primaries have taken the element of gigantic political pep rally. seen and experienced of the John K. Roney The misstatement concerned results - and there have been : suspense out of the sesaion. The primaries have So the answer to the question appears be, yes, to Grosse Pointe Farms Christian SCientists' practice of wonderfUl healings in Grosse : told us who is going to be nominated and we no the political convention is a dying dinosaur - even healing - specifically, the sug- longer have to wait for the delegates to make a though It's not dead yet Pennte through the conscien- : gestion that their faith "re- tious practice of Christian' Gratitude for quires" them to turn to Chris- SCience. tian SCience practitioners A. Dean Joki quick response rather than doctors. Grosse Pointe City To the EdItor Grosse Pointe News On Wednesday, July 4, my fa- ...... WNM,. ., A-.... ,. ,.. • Businessmen are proud NEW'S CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ther, William P Heller. Sr. suf- It KERCHEVAL AVE. II1-t2t4 112-6910 111-3580 fered a stroke Within about one To the Editor' Forster and her committee Grosse Pot. ,. , MklLljtH 48231 minute after our call, the On behalf of the officers, members, Robbie Currie and .....a- ...... J()~'Nt 1I.-It0,It Mf\"IUS~l Grosse Pointe Shores ambu- board of directors, and mem- ...... -.....- A.'>51\1""'" TO PLILMEJI "'''1'-AO£I Paul McCarthy that this com- lInd ClASSIFT!:O M"N"<.E1t lance arrived, as my parents bers of the Grosse POinte Busi- munity event was successful 1A'O£T ""l."£U.U PAT 1I01JSSfAU live only a few blocks away nAn ~ SOCIETY EOlTl)lI. Volf-S P1t0M0Tl0N ness and Professional Associa- Our ultImate intent is not on- ~~ "'Tl.I "J'. \HIl from the Village offiCes. tIon of Mack Avenue, I WIsh to .... ,~ '0\1 I Hi pr .. J lJf.'lI"MIN 0UI'f'U ly to provide a beautiful and "EGG Y (/ ( (,..-.0« ((,kt f" ,1.A'"t£ ItOGf.1t H ...GES Public safety officers Gary extend a personal thank you to ~ - . patrIotic entertainment pro- IOIJItf ""DIt7.E1C1YJ( tRA' IV.< 11,0. llUNADEm HllUfa MitChell, Robert Bensmger and the entire community for the MAU lET "'0LM. t\F "'Af'Jf HIf(r,o.R J "'~E E SIJolON gram for the community, but to \~,~J TOM CAltt"(1l;OOO "l,o. flY flf'flf hF;U. Cpl. Daniel Fronczak worked sincere praise and compli- stand firm in helping to sustain CIItClJLATION very effiCiently and profesSion- ments that our assocIation has it.~ valut"S and promote con- . \':.~~ "'llaCIt £1flO~ ally to get dad to medical atten- receIved In conjunction with tinued economic development. EPlT~I"'1 C(NSl,LTANT O..... "N vn"ltoo tion. AM"'lD" "'HE"TLEY the "Mack Avenue USA" musI- ~c EOOAII Our thanks, agaIn, to the en- l"lIlUSHER The Heller famIly would like cal and fireworks display pro- tire community for their appre- to publicly express Its appre- Robert B. Edt_ .... Publisher gram. ciation for our eff~ and the CIatIOn to these men and the en- (1 'It) It is only with the full co- remarkable orderliness of the tire Grosse Pointe Shores Pub- operatIOn of all the mUniCipali- spectators dUring the enl1re ex • ••• ...... AJl , I""I N...... l'M •• '.,.,.. "_I ..... hc Safety Department for Its ties, the Grosse Pointe Board of tent of the evening program. . assistance Education, the Lochmoor Club , WIlham P Heller Jr. and the dedicated hard work of Edward G. Kane I Grosse Pointe Park our Events Chairperson, Kathy Grosse Pointe Woods i I I .!

't ) Page S8Yen-A Opinions & letters Thursday, July 28, 1.. Let's get on with task of trimming schools To the Editor: will continue to decfine. What not a defeat - for those who There is a growing aware- are we going to do when the favor efficiency in our system. ness in this nation that we have present student population of Finally, the Grosse Pointe been very wasteful and that it's some 7,700 continues to drop to News deserves a large round of time to stop this waste. This has 6000 5000 or even 40001 Will applause for its contributIOn to been dramatically but not total. ~e still ~ontinue to pay the huge our comn:-unity in this contro- ly accomplished by many ele- and rising taxes for two high versy. ThIS newspaper not only ments in our society with many schools and a dozen other provides balanced news ~nefits flowing to all those schools, with their empty class.' ~overa~e,. but it's outstanding mvolved. rooms and idle staffs1 In prOVidIng space for the let. Among these elements are Closing schools is an unpleas- ters of Its many articulate the american auto compames, ant and politically difficult job readers, even when they Wayne State University, because of the young, strident disagree. w~th t~t: paper's Wayne County (can you believe parents. But it should be re- stated edItOrial posItion . .t? ) t t "',., ,. \-.) , __ ~• ,.. .. !. • S0me sue .. ~s ,-,~.i. mcii.l~lt:u that ,11uuuu /" ~I'- 1 VU UVU L CUVt:l LUt: let: fornia with its huge tax reduc- cent of the people in the five cream socials and. other forms tions and many, many boards Grosse Pointes have no involve- of normal behavlOr. Nobody of education around the coun- ment with the school system - would bother reading that. try. Several school districts are except to pay the high taxes for Keep up the good work. even enjoying tax reductions them. And it's time for us to get Jo,e Callahan these days. on with the job of producing a Grosse POInte Woods And that's why it's un- top-notch, but efficient school P t conscionable and inappropriate system. Let's bring in the nec- rogress a that we in Grosse Pointe sit essary computers and what- n • PI back, compliment ourselves ever else is needed. But let's comte aza and tolerate a mere 6.6 percent clean up our act and get effi- To the Editor: reduction in our schools (one cient, like many other organi- Now that with matching fede- closed out of 15) when the num- zations are doing. 1f cis p' PI . k' ber of students has declined In a rare, logical position, one ra un o1Ote aza IS ta 10g shape, how about some co-oper- about 45 percent. former school board member ation from the merchants to A few of the raucous, ambi- said that the people of Grosse clean up the litter? tious dissidents - in the clearly Pointe have been awakened by It's very depressing to see the established miority - say the the school controversy in the bo 1 be f '11' I t t Th" 't paper cups, paper, tt es, etc., nwn r 0 Studen ts WI 10- as year or woo 15 15 qUI e along the frontage _ especially crease in the late 19805and ear- true for me and many other the drug store. Perhaps if this ly 1990s. Grosse Pointers. Let's move mess is cleaned every morning But most of those children ahead and do what needs to be the litter bugs will think twice have already been born. And done. before startina a new mess. the much more likely scenario After all, the last school H'l d F' ht is that the student population board election was a victory _ 1 egar e lC ner Detroit Senator's view from Lansing End of the tax rollhack debate By John Kelly amendments j you can only The Republican Party on the The fireworks Do Pointers demand mediocrity? State Senator vote "yes" or "no." other hand would rather have As the single Democratic As the sponsor of the first tax To the Editor: priced food chain reprueoted spent the surplus quietly and In the years we have lived in In our community. Senate Conference Committee reduction measure introduced kept the higher rate in effect in were a blast member, I was pleased to sign in September of 1983, I wanted order to keep the issue alive Our thanks to all the people Grosse Pointe, we have seen I just hope something better' SB 660 which rolls back the Mi- to reduce the windfall to the and use it politically. As it final- and businesses of Grosse three supermarkets close. replaces the last 01 the chigan income tax from 6.1 per- State Treasury by the unex. ly works out, we will meet the Pointe for a very enjoyable None of them were really great. mediocre l11"f'>NOrV ShtwvVnG' nn. cent to 5.35 percent on Sept. 1. When I hear, read about, and 0- .,.,.~.~ -:T'"'.:--r pected surpluses crea ted by need to preserve essential state fireworks and musical evening. visit the imagInatively and ~tunities we've had m Grone The bill also includes the sett- last year's "emergency" tax services as we pledged to the ing of a date certain for return- increase. To keep faith with my voters, the outstate areas will We hope this event can once creatively stocked markets in ~'very thought 01 Kro8« ing the State income tax to its constituency, I demanded that receive increased spending on again become an annual affair the western suburbs, I begm to wholesaHng a DeW 0WDeI" think that perhaps we Grosse ~i..,..Ll-_ u' old rate of 4.6 percent on Oct. 1, if the tax increase produced their projects and the surplus We saw nothing unpleasant - 1987. While.1 believe the rate Pointers almost demand makes me ---~-_. fte are more income than was needed will be returned to the tax- just lots of fun. . mediocrity in grocery sbopp- back to square one. should be reduced much soon. to keep vital state services that payers as I proposed last sep- ing I realize we have specia)ty We should all nse up! er, the 1987 date was agreed to we should return the excess to tember. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marr markets In the area, but we Gersch by both Republican and Demo- the taxpayers. The Governor's Recina The unfortunate part of the Grosse POInte Woods also need a good, competitively Grosse Pointe City cratic leadership as well as the office at first repudiated this package on the roll-back, how- Governor's office and Con- idea, but then changed its mind ever, is that it entails spending ference Committee reports are and supported an early roll- over $100million more than the barred from having any further back of the tax. "zero-growth" budget pro- ,".t,-,":",-:-~-~----;;-----~~-~2) posed b)' the Governor. I dis- I '"I y.; ) I~ , agreed with the decision and oppose the increased spendmg. I °0 . I ~~ I As in the past, I WIll vote u.J! against inflated budget bills I · "'Ql ~ I and department spending that is misdirected in their priorities, or for departmental By Pat Rousseau programs that have failed to in- I Speedi Photo is proud to bring you... itiate reforms. Last year, lop- Have You Met ... La Strega Boutique's new posed 13 of the 17 state budget owners, Theresa and Mary Jane Mollicone1 They bills for these reasons. I under- would love to show you their new fall fashions so stop stand that the Republican by ... 63 Kercheval in the lobby of the Colonial Senate leadership (now that Federal Building. PHOIOI PHOIO!@ they are 10 a position to cut up I • the pie) wants a piece of the ac • I SPEEDI PHOTO has tion, but this blatant "pork bar- become famous throughout I New Fall .. clothing from Thomas for in- Michigan for offering high fants, toddlers (boys and girls) have arrived at ... reling" certainly removed any I philosophic claim they may I quality custom ONI'; HOllR "\1l!lMG!13 [5(b[!]i?[X][30 110 Kercheval. have to being budget-eutters . color prints & enlargements ...... ------• I We've neglected our Even with the tax relief of SB ECOllocolo~ Next Da~' pro- The Long Awaited.. white wicker tea carts have 660, however, the 1984-85budget I C'eSSlng, so we're re-mtroducmg finally arrived at Persmckety Pedlar They double Will be in.balance and we Will I it WIth a bang' New low, low stylishly as a porch bar cart. 98 Kercheval. have the benefit of a better I prices and PIIOTO! • credit rating and smaller in- PHOT()!~, a new servl<'t" that terest payments ThiS is a wel- Dreamy Nightwear by Sermonata is new at I gl ves you dOlIbit- prints oC come circumstance compared every negatIve on your roll of Bayberry Hill Classics. See the pr~tty I?ng white to the chaos and uncertaInty of I nightgown with an organdy yoke. White pajamas are I film at a price that IS Iwt>r the years durmg my first lban any comparable process- trimmed With eyelet on the tunic top .and pants. There Senate term back in 1979. are night shirts in all white, also pmk and white or I ing offered in Michiganl DISC 15 exposure blue and white stripes All are In soft, fresh cotton at Upon taking office In early 115 Kercheval 1983, Governor Blanchard con- I • ducted an audit of Michigan's I Before you take your next roll 01 rilm to )'our local dnlgs~ All Wall Wreaths and flower ar- ~~ bookkeepIng system used I compare our ECONOC'OWR~ prices and these added rangements are 50% off for the month of ~ under the prt>vlOus admu\lstra- benefits: July at Seasons of Paper, 115 Kercheval,." tlOn of Wilham Mllhken What I was found. among other thmgs, I ·LO\'}o: 'E:\t OR I.KWE 'EM Gt':\RA~TEE! If ~'OU'rt' not thnllt-d • was a series of accounllng with your ECON()COL()R~ prints, )00 don't haVe to pay for them! Beautiful Waterford new accessory deViations, Irregular borrow- I Sel<'Ct the photos you want and only pay for t~ photCti no "'-1-. - pieces mcludmg lamps and decanters Ings from dedicated accounts, I questions m;kl'ti! ' • Ifll.71...- plus some stemware has arrived at the and defIcit spendmg flllElnced ·!'JEXT DAY UI-:I.IVEHY OR TIIEY'R ..: "'R":":: Our pnlfTUSe 15 sim- ~".. League Shop, 72 Kercheval by ~hort-lerm borrowmgs of I ple hn~ us any roll 0( C ...1 compatJblt>o hIm for almost (1 billIon dollars The I ECONc )COl.OR ~ ~c'Xt Dll\" pr"OCf"SS IJ1g, and It WIU be back the next bud~t't was also out of balance I afternoon or It.... \,O\lrs AR~"OU.iTELY FREto:' by hundreds of millIOns of Kercheval,Back AgainEVlan'sAt MmeralTrail ~potheCary,Water Sprayt21 f1"tJJ;U"'_ • KNO\\ I.EI)(iK\'m,E, ('0 llRTf<:CH:SPlUm) SP":l'I.\I.IS~! \\'hen dollar!>, our c~~h now was mll1nd you hnn~ your him to S~I Photo for ECONOCOUJtt' Next Day that sets makeup, cools, mOIsturizes and the threat of bringing the state 1 rehydrates. Great beauty aid any time bet- to payless paydays loomed on • PI'Ol~.,tnR, tht> JX'rson that ht'1~ ~'OU WIll not bE' from the ter yet summertIme It come.<;m 14 OZS , 5 .,. thf' horIzon I "cosmetIcs or vItamin" Dt-pt )oull t>f' servt'd bv someone who is a ozs and 3 travelers sizes. • specialIst in (me thm~ fw.lptna you take PHarOS' • To rorrf'ct thf' SituatIOn the Governor pro~f'd a surcharge Save 10% off on all spE'clal order Henreson on the Income talC rat(' of 1 75 I upholstery dining dUring the month of August at percent on lop of the .. 6 perc('nl Wilham Denier and Company, 77 Kercheval already h(>mg corr~tf'd Vo- • tfOrs reactf'd and recalled two I Summer Sun drymg your skm? Brmg mOisture State senators and the Republi- I and freshness to your skm With a mini-faCial by Anna cans took over the upper cham- at the Greenhouse The mmi-faclal IS mim-prlced, ber Hopefully, the signing of • .,.,. , ~ 20237 Mack Ave. • 881-7330 $15. Anna can also create a new summer makeup for thiS Conference Report will be (00(" block lIOUth of the Pane•• HOUIt) you .. 17 Kercheval call 881-6833. the f1nal chapter on the "38 per- - . Grosse PoInte \\OOda cent tax increue" debate I ------_. • 7

, I' ( Page Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 Summer hours at Corne to the Cabaret libraries Summer hours are In Phil Marcus Esser and Barbara Bredius perform effect at all three Grosse Pomte public library branches Pml Marcus Esser and Barbara BredJus, who mar be remem- through Sept 4 Central Bredius wlll present a Cabaret bered for her part In the singmg Library, 10 Kercheval evem~, an enterta~, r~h group '.Brandywine," performed festival of music, on Monda)', July In mght clubs and colleges in the Avenue, 15 open from 10 a m to 9 p m Monday 30, at the War MemOrial. The lights midwest unltl1974 when she JOined through Thursday and will go on at 8 p.m. in the FrIes forces with Esser to star in his pro- Crystal Ballroom. duction of "Jacques BreI" Srnce from 10 a m to 5 p m Fnday and Saturday It The evening WIll feature selec. then, she has performed in most of tioflS from Jacques Brei, Kutt Esser's productioflS and has team- IS closed on Sunday Weill, Cole Porter, Bob Dylan and ed up with him for nwnerous night The Park Branch, 15430 Kercheval Ave- Broadway tunes. club appearances. Twice the reci- pIent of the DetrOlt Free Press Best nue, and Woods Esser, who has become one of Branch, 20600 ~1ack Detroit's most ambItious producer Actress of the Year Award, Bre- HIDDEN VALLEY of shows, started in 1974with "Jac. dius is a powerful performer Avenue, are open ~1on. CLUB and day through Thursday ques BreI 15 Ahve and Well and Liv. Tickets to the performance are RESORT ing in Paris" He has produced, $9 for reserved seatlIlg, and $5 for Northern M1chll)an's Most Elegant Golf Resort from 12'30to9p m and from 10 a m to 5 p m directed, written or performed in general adrnlsslOn more than 30 musicals. Last year The Cabaret everung IS the fifth on Fnday Both are closed on Saturday and he produced three shows for the of a seven-eoncert series presented ~ 'ttf\('\lr "'~~,11~" U,..+ol U("~ln O"""...... n ... h"_" +'hA.... t)'7+h. ~""""3'1a_... ~~c:"~n• _...... '01'1""'''0_...... ~unaay ...... at-the BookCadill~~,";;M;~g~-ASwnmer Music Festival chaired by Trois" and "Hotel BreI." Mrs John Elias. The last two con- Those seats He also appeared as Captain Von certs w111be a performance by the are hot Trapp at Music Hall In the MIChi- RUSSIan Balalaika Orchestra on If your child lets out gan Opera Theatre ~roduction of Aug. 6, and the Grosse Pointe Sym- a cry when placed in a "The Sound of Music, ' and created phony Pops directed by Felix Res- child safety seat this the new mUSical, "Labor of Love," nick on Aug. 13. For more informa- to open the New Center Theater in tion on any of the concerts, callSS1- Phil Marcus Esser and Barbara Bredlus will perform at the War Memortal's SD\Y AND PLAY PACKAGE summer, don't assume Cabaret night on Wednelday. It's merely a case of in- Detroit 7511 fant irritabl1ity He or she may be gettmg S65!!son burned, the National Double Occupancy Safety Council says. Woods looks at Lakefront Park bridge Expenence the subtle grandeur that IS Nor. The hot buckles and them Michigan at Hidden Valley Club and metal frame on the By Mike Andnejczyk ed the city to send its plans for the The council will have to decide if being developed, Councilman safety seat become ex- possible construction. the project, which would include Thomas Farhner said at the meet- Resort In the heart of Michigan's Alpine Deja vu, boaters. cessively hot during the The Woods council recently ask- City Attorney George Catlin sent the reworking of the bridge ap- ing. Some of the solutioflS consid- Country Packages beginning at $65 00 per summer montM, es- a letter to the council saying the proaches, could be funded and ered five years ago should be up- person, double occupancy Include lodging ed the city adminlStration to collect pecially when the tern. pertinent data on the possible board had no objection to the con- where the money would come dated. Councilman Ted Bidigare and 18 hates of golf with a shared cart on pera ture is in the 90s. removal and replacement of the struction but wouldn't communi- from, Novitke added. Even if ap- said. our Championship PGA Golf Course Ten. Cases have been re- Lakefront Park bridge. cate that to the city in writing. proved, the bridge wouldn't be in The idea of raising the bridge nis courts, sWImming pool, nature hIkes and ported where small The council unanimously approv- place until the next boating season may be unnecessary since the pos- fresh water fIshing In a pnvate lake are also children have suffered If that sounds familiar, it should. ed Novitke's motion to collect the opened, he added. sible sale of Great Lakes water to available firs t and second degree The council has, in one form or data about construction costs and Councilmembers pointed out western states could lower lake P.O. Box 556, Gaytord, MlChiglln 49735 burns because of hot another, been trying to find a solu- alternatives to raising the bridge. there are a number of alternatives levels by as much as one foot seats. tion to the problem of the low to be considered before going Councilman John Sabol said. ' RESERVATIONS (517) 732~5183 The council first took up the To help protect bridge over the Milk River since ahead with the bridge work. There The council will consider the problem of the bridge in By against burns, the 1~6. A couple months back, the um. are possibilities of private dockage matter at its Sept. 10 meetmg council says, parents Citizens' Recreation Commission 1!rl6, the idea of relocating or should cover the seat asked the city to study the pos- replacing the bridge was brought when it 15 not in use sibility of building a tunnel under up and came to two public hearings Solving Detroit's infant crisis with a light-colored the county-eontrolled Milk River in 1979before finally being scuttled cloth to reflect the heat. drain and removing the bridge by the council because of the cost. The Rev. Jesse Jackson pointed Junior League members who at. ,"E LAISm $II a SIftIIUI The bridge is so low, it makes it im- out in his speech before the Demo- loW II 1HCtl..... n lAP Before you put the child entirely. tended a Detroit City Council meet- PElS OIR.' OICE AYUI AT in the seat, always feel When the council begins review- possible lor most boats to use many cratic National Convention last ing to get their award were Gerry AU U'AIWl V1UAIESIJ the vinyl and metal mg its material again at its first of the city's docks. week that in Detroit "babies are Krag and Becky Easlick, 51. JOM ..... wn£ SEIYI. UP parts to make sure meeting in September, it will have Because of high water and low dying at the same rate as in Hon- Hospital nurses Nancy Rancillio THElOT MSOf JIll YUI clearance, only 60ats under a cer- duras, the most underdeveloped and Jo Ann Dramer also work with 'IAIfJIOUU mLi. 1ft they're not too hot. something that it didn't have OUI FUll'ME AD" DU. Removable quilted before, a bridge design that could tain size can moor west of the nation in our hemisphere." the coalition, along with Dee 1m I FlEE PlESS. _. cloth covers, available cut the cost of construction tremen- bridge. The city is losing revenue But St. John Hospital and the Kucembo, of the Beryl Spruce JULY 2tUl FOI SALE flItCU. for many child safety dously, according to city officials. from fees that could be charged Junior League of Detroit are trying Clinic, and Colleen Reed, of North- seat models through were the docks open to larger to change that. east Guidance Center. catalog sales outlets, The proposed bridge construc- boats, Novitke said. The two agencies are part of the also give good msula- tion would use pre-fabricated In his June monthly report, Coalition to Improve Maternal and ~lOn, the council says. square culverts, according to Parks and Recreation Director Infant Health in Southeast Detroit, Councilman Robert Novitke, who Donald Hallmann said there was a which won an award of recognition Concert in Park Two out of five cars serves as council representative to 4-foot.9 iDch clearance for boats at l~t month from the Detroit City WIll be electric at the the recreation commission. The the bridge. Many people who want Council. on Sunday next turn of the cen. design has the approval of the a well but can't get under the The Junior League of Detroit The Grosse Pointe Park Rec. tury. So predicts Gulf &: Deoartment of Natural Resources bridge are trailering their boats to sponsored the coalitIOn and its reation CommisSIOn and city coun. Western President Da- and the Milk River Inter-eounty launch every time and storing their membership of nurses, social cil is sponsoring a concert at Pat. vid Judelson. Drain Board. The drain board ask- boats on the trailers, he added. workers, nutritionists and Junior terson Park on Sunday, Aug. 5 at 7 League volunteers who work to Im- p.m. prove infant care in the area Greektown's Finest Cuiline All Pointers are invited to bring a blanket, food and beverages and Thieves hit boats enJoy the Renaissance Brass LAIKON CAFE Qumtet The Pointe chamber •Monroe INe. - Downtown Detroit - 963-7058 Grosse Pointe Park pollce music eflSemble, under the direc- Authentic Greek Cooking reported that two boats docked 10 tion of Bill Beger, a noted trumpet Windmill Pointe Park were broken soloist, has appeared at the War Liquor • Beer • Wine into Friday, July 20 Memorial, Edsel & Eleanor Ford A depth finder, flare gun and House and surrounding commun- Sun., Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 11 a.m,3a.m. binoculars valued at $300 were ities. Fri. & Sat. til 4 a.m. taken from one boat and a gas can The concert will feature classical valued at $10stolen from the other. and popular music and is free to Police said there were not slgflS of citizens with a park pass from any forced entry. of the Pointes.

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GROUND FULLY COOKID 'CHUCK LEG WMOU '1- OF ~u TURKEY LAMB BREAST AM/FM RADIO S2!8 8 will butterfty for enll 831 NOW@ 82!8 =:D'1~. no c:het'ge SUCED TO 0fIt0£A 82488 S5 IM .. aNTHAUR WHITE BOUNTY ~ It IMPORTED BREMNER It I DREAM (~/'1t IWISS CLOUD JUMBO It MACHINE y,.'t/E 7 PLAIN 1'oht T1uue It It ~ AMIFM DIGITAL CLOCK ~ CHEESE WAFERS ;..--.... DESIGNER It 0 18 It NOW 88 _ r:e,a-%' 8 $1 It 829 .0. M. ,TOWELS .>$3!8 81° 8 It .- 8~ It IIt It ~~ MICH C:UFOIINIA ", It CELERY It POTATOES CAlTALOPES It HEARTS It It It ~ It 39!. 59!.. It .2270 II."., ,£" 1. 990.990 It It s.c.s. _. It FrtIII BBMJ eo"" .. OM"" Ere" FrltIIy .,,1/ S6h1rdllY It WI ~ .. """ " "., ...... PffCM In f/WIK;t rM>ugh JtAy 3'. ,Moo! It n4-1OIO I I I L , ~ I I ~ .c.... ~l _Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-A

• ~ • T...u,a _ 'URNACII • iEIlIIIleIl e..tftl • ..... Old Pointe cemetery an urban casualty • Nt c...... ~i111 • !...... I .. MECHANIC ON WHEELS ". #III By Mike Andrzejczyk The study traces the history of were moved to the new cemetery. bonea and a broken gravestone at.OILERS The people who ended up in the the third municipally owned "11le buriall that remaiDed to In 1958,durmg the construction of ...... c"' WE COME TO YOU MNt.r Mechanic Detroit Cemetery of Grosse Pointe cemetery from its beginnings as a the mercies of city lI'ave dlaera the Edael Ford Freeway, rematns DomMtIc and Foreign C.r. Cert .Ml17Sn Township for the most part were corner of a lot once used for a during the period of massive were once again unearthed In the those who had died penniless and hospital, a pest house and tenant removals (1880 to 1882) were no former playground area. The devel- WE'VE GOT THE 2' Hour. alone, their remains buried in tren- farm. doubt thoee who had no one left to opment and construction in sur. FORMULA Call For ApPQlnlmefll ches after being exhumed from The cemetery should be renamed mourn them or care for their final rounding areas unearthed no more another municipal cemetery. Conner Creek, at least for documen- resting place. They would become remains. J600 I V!~"'0<\ ~} Jeoo I \}04 • !~("U"" en 9v10 CONVENIENCE II QUALITY 'I1lat's one of the concluslOns tation purposes, to ehminate some the 'JaM and Jane Does' of Detroit Baled on that, the study conclude:) In~ ""P,! to 04).1iO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 527.7000 drawn in a study commissioned by of the confusion with two other history - victims even after death the most likely locatIOn for the the Eastern Wayne County Histor- municipal cemeteries as well as the of municipal incompetence and cemeterr to be between Conner, the ical Society. The society received a hospital and rsthouse, the study shortsightedness," according to the 1-945ervlce dnve and Gunston, area $2,000 grant from the Michigan recommende study. untouched by construcl1on, the CouncIl for the Humamties to con- Because of the passage of time Those "John and Jane Does" may study said It recommended an ar. MAKE duct a land use and document and shoddy record keeping, the have gone to their final resting cheologlcal and anthropoltglcal tn- search survey for the third of boundaries of the cemetery are not places separately, but could have vesti~atlon to determine the exact ROBERT K. Detroit's municipal cemeteries once known for certain The last piece of become packed together during the location and method of Interments located in Grosse Pointe Township the property hes between the Con- movmg, the study saId Historical society preSident ner service drive and 1-94 express- Earlier reports of Similar work Mona Guergws of the Woods, said way The chief use of the property showed it not uncommon to pile COSTELLO she isn't optimistic about the ex- was the location of a pest house, more than one set of remains into a Attorney istence of records With other bUilt m 1881,but later abandoned for pme box for remterment, the study Your Wayne County historical societies on the east Side n0n11n!ltp,l locations., withm the city, the study noted. Although accounts at the time that might out name.<; to thf' lon~- CIRCUIT JUDGE ;:,"'su • !~VUL l.W ULC WUI il. ~iu~ '-\IIIUU ....~W .....-...... -...... -."'-' forgotten people In the cemetery- - Incompetence as well as graft With some respect for the dead, the Project coordinator Sally Replck marred the operation of the size of land being used may have The Right ComblnatJon 01 asked that anrone With records municipal cemeteries, according to necessitated Ule burial of more than by Reagan from Grosse Pomte that might show LEGAL AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE the study. Poor management and one person per graft. Farms attorney Richard Suhr- bwials in the municipal cemeteries mamtenance may have led to their Trenchin, may also have been heinrich said it feels "wonderful" to contact the historical society failure. done, allowmg caskets to be buried Paid for tJ; the comfT!lt1lN 10 £1«1 to have been nominated for the through the offices of State Sen "For the middle and the upper close together to pack the most in Robert K CoslfJ{lo, 13100 E Outer Dr D« 48224 federal judgeship in Detroit Suhr- John Kelly by calling 881.{)l22 classes, the Victorian Age provided the smallest space. Were the heinrich, 47, was one of three peo- garden type cemeteries, Elysium cemetery 1.5 acrt!S, trenching would ple considered to f1l1the vacancy. Fields, where the dead could rest in have allowed single caskets to ha ve Suhrheinrlch, partner in Kitch, a bucolic setting. This siphoned off been interred. U it had been 1.2 Suhrheinrich, Saurbier and manr a potential lot owner from the acres, some doubling up would have Druthis, attended Wayne State mumcipal cemetery which had a been necessary, the study adds. University and is a graduate of the poor record of management and It was the forgotten dead buried Detroit College of Law His firm maintenance, II the study said. there that doomed the cemetery to FORAN ANNUITYID BE \\ORfH specializes in defending doctors That didn't keep the rich and oblivion, the study said. Because and hospitals in malpractice SUits famous from buymg mUnicipal lots, they were the paupers and the for- Read ANITHING ATALL, IT HAS 10 DELIVFR His was one of three names sent however, the study said. Among gotten, there was no "rite of visi- by President Reagan to the U.S. ~nCI;' ~un/'} some of Detroit's notables who own- tation" to mark the cemetery and ON ONE rftUVuuc. Aboveallel'>e.anannwtV Department of Justice for consid- ed lots in the city-owned cemeteries give it an identity. Gr,ves may eration for the position, according were Benjamin Porter, Jr., Douglas make a cemetery, but visits or !Sports rnu....t bring a, ...urJOCt' to the m\ ner trloJ.! the fu~ to U.S. Rep. William Broomfield's Houghton, F. Buhl, A.C. Bagley, relatives continue the memory the \\ III be there ,I[ retJremem or \\ hen l1t."t:Jt:o office. Broomfield, a Republican Benjamin Larned, Zachariach study added. from Birmingham, is the senior ~. EnRlan<.iLite am~~r" l.h..1£ Chandler, E. Farnsworth, George "Since only paupers and rt'qull~menl \\ Ith the;\'" ~H1gIe~. GOP member of the state's con. Duffield, Charles Trowbridge and unclaimed dead seem to have been gressional delegation. Hugh Moffat. placed here and since their iden- week' ~ew Ollum DcferredAnnum -hacked The other two on Broomfield's But buying a lot is no proof of tities are unknown, there apparent- a))d( h\ 150 rt"'Jr" offinaocial rt.~lhtJ. list were Hilda Gage, an Oakland bunal, the study noted. These ly have been no occasions where the County Circuit Court Judge, and ""tie It)'and an A + rallrlR from .-\..~tBest famous Detroiters all rest in other gravesites were visited," the study ~ Compam. the 1l1..,ur- Michael Stacey, a Wayne County cemetries, not the municipal ones. said. liThe lack of visitors brought Circuit Court Judge A judicial The closing of Russell Street and about its loss of identity. on r------..,JOCt.' industry ....fore- review panel on behalf of the the disinterments that began in 1870 "Without people to visit and moorn I 1"fIIlJ ,"ul mort: .lo.)U!

Thursday, August 2 at 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe North High School - Outside Auditorium featuring THE DETROIT CONCERT BAND with conductor DR. LEONARD B. Sl\'IITH FREE GIFTS FREE REFRESHMENTS

In cau of mr/ernent wrathl'1. thr ((1m rrt will hr mOl I'd 10 tht' mude auditOrium S,'utmg avmlablt. jirrt (lime, /",1 fUI',.

"~ COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS OAOISI POOfTE fAR., 83 Kercheval 'On the HI' . TU 6-666" OITROIT, '880' Ketty It Moroq . OA 2-11n ~~.. ) Dilly - Slvlngs Certlflclte. GAOISI flOWrI WOODS, 20699 M** SouIl of \I~l8( - TU 6-888' lAir OI'1'1itOlT,15751 Nn M" at 0raI0C . PR 1-8120 IT. Q.AHIt IHORII. 28201 Herper Avenue. 174-8820 •• I' R'lld,nUII Ind Commerclll Mortglg .. ~ S....lngs ".In.urtld 10 SIOO.OOO HOURS: i 30 am 10 ~ 30 pm. Friday '1111 pm CAlVE THRU TELLERS 9:30 to 4:30. Mon .•ThuI'l, e:30 to 7 Frldlly, i:30 to ':00 8aturdlIy

- .... . 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 Del Grossos perfonn for Inter- Faith benefit FOR YOUR Musiaans Rich and Maureen Del Grosso will be the featured per- formt'1"S at the Soup Kitchen salooa BESTDEAL 00 Monday evening, Aug 13, at 8 pm at a beDefit for the Grosse see Pomte Inter-FaIth Center for Racial Justlft. When Rich and Maureen, both now Umversity Llggett faculty Teny members, married in 1m, they brought together 15 years of Dawson musical experience. They share an interest 111 acoustlc musIc styles JfHu Grosse Pointe Neighbor and performmg As thev travel across the mid- west, they have become well known for theu- humor and ver- Classified satility They make use of a Wide range of mstruments mcludmg piano, guitar, mandolIn ( shde mandolm) , concertula, har- ads monica and spoons. As members of I ~~:~_~~~~;L!lI~:~.::.,\'1\':~',.~!.....y_._-...... -...... - ...... - _.....- .- 1 strwnents in recreatlng past music styles. get Their most OOv1OOS pleasure Snvin, tht Grosse Poi"t~ for 27 years comes from entertammg They love to involve the audience m sing- ing! and laughter, and they often pull out a bag of spoons to en- Over A Century of Service qUick courage people to join them. As teachers, they an! eager to explain to the Eastside Communities their music, its history, structure - , l...::" Ir. . and fonn Recently their tastes have c0n- foil ...... RIch Md IIIIurNn 0.. Groao Mve become pIIrt of the national "historic music" reylval. They wiN 1.~ f~ , -J'-r ~ \~ ~4 results centrated on acoustic Blues styles . pItfomllt the Soup KJtchen s.Ioon to beneftt the GrOIN Pointe Interfaith Center for Raclal Justice. Rich's recent mandolin teaching •,7",' ~.: ~Z :.c--'" .~'1),{' experieDce resulted m various ar- ticles on Blues Mandolin style and two recent articles were published Shores orders Yacht Club to move racks call m the "Mandolin World News." If you have a sailboat at the sallboards wen! not boats and so junk, any piece of equipment will Maureen has begun to study and Grosse Pomte Yacht Cub, you'll be didn't fall under ordmance's end up stored there" p)ay traditioDal Blues piano styles. carrying it a little further to the restricoons. The racks were con- O'Rourke said worry about un- Sbe is also interested in traditional water come the end of the next structed near the south wall of the Sightly storage on the site "was not 882-6900 cbildren's music:, women's songs, month club to allow easy access to the an accurate concern " and soogs of fun and humor. She lake for the owners, he added Trustee Daniel Beck noted there Citing an ordinance that ~ are other possible locations for the Groesbedc Chapel of was reeeotly chosen as the top hibits the storage of boa ts and James Babcock, a Shores resi- female Folk/Country singer by the storage of the sailboards as well as recreational vehicles on front dent, complained to the counCil for masts removed from boats dur- "Detroit Metro Times." lawns, the village council last week about the storage, calling It un- The Wm. R.' Covel' charge is $5 with light sup- ing the win ter, gave the Yacht Club 30 days to sightly and adding that mOn! than per and drinks available. Guar- The council unanimouslyapprov- move sailboard storage racks that sailboards "Were stored in that ed Beck's motion that the village Hamilton Co. anteed seating is by advance reser- are next to the south wall of the vation, For reservations and infor- area. enforce its ordinance and give the tliNEaAL DIIl£C1OItS marina. £ t" 4J8jj mation, call882-64&l. The Soup Kit- "If you let that go on the way it Yacht Club 30 days to remove the ~ CROCD:R BLvn chen is at Franklin and Orleans in Attorney Peter O'Rourke, 1S, you'll degenerate the whole racks to a '~more appropriate" M..e a.-- 4II6J the Rivertown district of Detroit representing the club, said the Vlllage," Babcock said "Any bit of location. 46U577 Divorced fathers in 'I ...... R I'. D the South still geoenlly ..... 1 MACK AVE. , ...... M.... I' .....W. ~ an! required to pay more child support ...... Do Htc. Uo,liI I. fit. $ an than At.--. DtredDn money divorced •.."., by 1_1Otl Mdi7 fatbel"s inthe North, re- ,.""",. SNrr«J MonIOtMS ~ search reveals.

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Thursday, July 26. 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.A Park fights two fires No tax break for Big Boy .... Groue Pointe Park firefighters the man was weU prepared and had (Continued from PaKe lA) creased by at least 30 percent, he were kept busy Friday, JUly 20, a garden hose nearby to put it out. fectmg our future profitability. The added The East Detroit location with two small house fires. We went over to make sure it was building is design obsolescent We had a four-fold mcrease, which he A bome in the 800 block of completely out. must expand and renovate If we ex- said was exceptional fdendIy family Middlesex caught fire about 11:20 "I tell people not to use a blow peet to keep this a viable busi- Councilman Paul Beaupre, who a.m., wbea the owner was using a torch," said Costa "There are ness," CurlS s&ld. chairs the Tax Study Committee shopping In blow torch to take the paint off the other methods to remove pamt, The company proposed adding a that re<:ommended denial, said the the CanadIan exterior of his home. perhaps a little harder, but safer greenhouse-like addition of 1,000 proposal didn't meet the reqUire. "Evidently a bird's nest inside In the long run If you have a fire It'S square feet that could seat an addi- ments of the law The act ISdesign. tradition. the cornice caught fire," said goirl$ to cost three times mort' than tional 60 people, Curis said m hiS ed to grant abatements for the Phillip Costa, Park fU'e chief "But a pamt job would cost," he added letter The company would also renovation of vacant, bhghted or Later that afternoon, firemen add parking at the location, ac- obsolete bUIldlOgSto spur business answered a call and went to a home cordmg to the letter. development 10 blighted areas Thurber gets on EUair Place. Costa said some- The design is Similar to one used The restaurant IS stili profitable one had emptied clgarett ashes into on other Cities, including East and so can't be conSidered obso- state post the kitchen waste container and It DetrOit and New Baltimore, Curis lete. "The fact they conSider their caught fire and caused smoke saId design obsolete IS their opinIOn." Governor James J. Blanchard damage to the home Other restaurants 111 the area that Beaupre said last month appomted Donald M D. have the atrlums are drawmg cus- Also, the councIl would have to Thurber of Grosse Pomte to the · h d 1 designate the restaurant property Michigan Historical Commission BIg an pays tomers away from the Mack. Vermer location, he added as a commercial redevelopment for a term explrmg May 21, 1990, dlstnct to grant the tax abatement. sueceedmg AleXIS Praus of "The way they mterpret the law d the stars IS different from seven other Cities Beaupre said The redeslgnahon - Kalamazoo, whose term expired. un er could open "a can of worms" of Some of the best sounds of sum. In which we have restaurants," , The finest st10ppUlg under the .... Thurber is the founder of Public SImilar requests for abatements Relations Counselors, Inc He serv- mer are outdoor musIc programs Cuns said of the d~lsion "Every. for renovatlons, he added ed as president of the firm until his under the sun and stars For lovers one benefits from thiS We would be AIthnll<1h tho> rp.(111o>c:f w~c: "~ nII'!" retirement in 198;/ ana tOQayserves of the Big Band Sound, there's a ye.,)' .flg ~ .,.:;,':ctit \.If the; t.iA~ vil try~;'by.the com~ny, the proposal in the capacity of honorary chair- free concert on Monday, Au!!;.6, at the additIon The city would get 7:30 p.m. at Balduck Park, at East the tax money, we would have didn't meet the requirements of the man and semor consultant. He also law, he said served as exe<:utive assistant to the Warren at Canyon Brmg your own more customers and the commun. chair or blanket and hear the Ity ,,:?uld have more Jobs avail. Councilman Thomas Farhner, late U.S. Senator Blair Moody the long supporter of the abate. Roslyn Market Thurber has been a member and musIc of the is-piece Bob DuRant able 21020 Mack Avenue viee-<:halfman of the Michigan Band performing on a portable East Detroit granted the com. ment. said the city should be en- Crippled ChLldren Commission, a stage with sound system. pany a 12-year tax abatement on a couragmg Instead of discouraging Grosse Pointe Woods busmess development 10 the city. lOCtliO f11ltll_ consultant to the Secretary of the DuRant, a Grosse Pomte resl- restaurant in the city 10 1982,CurlS :::: 884-3600 ':.:=' Interior, a member of the Natlonal dent, has played on the Boblo boats said. In that case, the abatement "Somewhere along the lllle, '11_" Ill) ""'.'3M Park Trust Fw}

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I • \t I .lI.. , 610SSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 • NumillMtic gr'OiUP conwn. -----Prime Timeforseniorcitizens----- In Detroit ~ariu TraiMr ~'ean or the 4S-yeaNJld deft who their jobs Some firms admitted they would not consider appbcants over SO. With the ('x~ 01. On a scale of one to 10 on the im- bas put lD 21 years and says sbe's "Older workers are three hmes The found that two ,,'ar ) ears, the '13- portance of DeWS stories. the "too vOUJJC for a peasion and too as likely as all other adults to gtve House ifso cor- up and WithdraW from the work porations art' resortmg to early re- ,-ear old Amencan Su- anaouuc:emeot that the old for a JOb.... Such casee as theirs K.roser foree," they said ttremeDt IDcentlves to get older mumabc Assoc1alloa company was closing the stores m polDt up the plight 01. the older but "Econonnc recessions Increase unemployment employes off the payroll I A~A I bas held a coo- the Detrott area would not rate in oot "old" \I'OI'ker for all age groups but older Rettrement checks are offered ~~fWit.' .. t1,ODO,OGO...? • • .... YOU ,..... Vefltloa each veal' smce the top fi\'e As for Kroger customers, the but it has been found that em- ~~<- ~ -. 1906 The 1984 annual Yet for sboppen m general. and clo6mg of a store that they helped workers are less lIkelv than others to rebound and fmd 'sultable em- ployers had been known to coerce " .•e..-.. JQbs or OUt of won.: com enUoo will be beJd for older shoppers LD partIcular It to make grow and prol5JIe1' "'ith , ., , • FnIhed 'MI:P1 school 1.0 Detroit. With acUvl' ,,'as an Important Item, thelI' patronage 15 a cbaappomt- ployment" workers to retire earlY • Aetnd ..,.,. In addluon to those older Plant c1osmgs, bankruptCies, I," ties dlnded between TbJs 'II'as partJ.cularly true of the ment and mconvemence This was ho ed, and management decLSions, as m • WIIbng for 0It\e( CO\IE'f age Cobo Hall and the near- customers ....ho bad long and loyal- partlcu1arly true of the Kroger ~oriters 't\ are unempJo\ t there are those ....ho h\'e an.xlous the Kroger situation to SWitch to 8) Wesun Hotel, from l~ supported the Kroger m the store in the Village Most 01 the h\'es because age the more profitable wholesale bUSI- FOA Hid. D€T All:;' CALL Jul) 28 to Aug 1 The VIllage people who came there to shop dld dl~nmll1oitlon regIStered attendance Smce Its opemng. thIS Kroge-r drIve Those customers will Just and t'Ompany IXlhclt"Swork against ness, take a special toll on semor VEABtEST INSURANCE AGENCY older employes E:o.per[s note that at recent ,ears coo- store has profited from the have to dnve a llttle farther Jiod workers. 173-6110 thE' number of age dlscrimmatlOn ObVIOuslyolder workers are at a T to \ entlOns ~s been as spend time tamllulnzing them- NO COST CP C8_rGA C -" patronage not only of Grosse hIgh as 10,000 persoos POInte residents but also of shop- seh es 't\lth locations of vanous cases filed" Ith Ihe Equal Opportu- dlsadvanai'age In getting hired A large area of Cobo pers from the Jefferson and do't\n- Items In other stores nit) CommiSSIOn IS HlcreaslOg "hen 10 competitIon WIth younger The\ state that the rlse m dlscnml- Hall ",,1.11 be ocrUpled to\\ n area It was the closest But for many older people, Job-seekers \\lth A..'\A members' Kroger store Kroger truly a neighborhood nation complaints ma) result In The bot tom line aCCQrdmg to one noocommerclal exhl- ThIS store had to be a prosperous store They ....alked there to do theIr part from management deciSIOns report IS, "unemployment levels bl ts of ra re COinS. and pro!ltable operation There shoppmg,' carn IIlg purchases to tnm costs by la) 109 oif higher are mcreaslOg fastest among older medals. paper money tte\'er a ume when It was free home III hand-pu!led carts. If tht>1I' paid employes v.orkers Age dlscnmmatlOn, A limited mobilIty, and employer and other nU!lusmauc of CUStoolers and In the peak hours groceries ""ere very heavy, it private consultmg ftrm con- IXlhcles cause many older workers Items v. hlch wl.11 be crov.ded With them The closmg dldn'[ cost much to call a cab finned the charges Their sun ey shev. n In competlt1Oll came not because the store was not Sometunes sbopprng \\'as a day dlsclosed that veteran \\orkers to give up the Job search and drop _ l- .. ~_..... L.. \.. ..,.-. .... ll<; for "OA "...-k ,..... T 'n.tM .... -.--oIotJ .--...... ,; -_... _ _-...... _ ..... out thf>v ....::llkPrl thmnPh tlw \\ere vichml7ro because of aile out of the labor force altoe:ether " S~tes ~hnt, Bureau of company had decided It could Village stopping to buy stamps ill EngraVing and Pnnt- make more mane a v. holesaler the book store. a palI' of shoes, a lng. as well as mmts of Paul BernlSh, a Kroger spokes- dress, a prescnptJon at the drug. 5e\'eral foreign govern- man, has admitted that the Cm- store and a coffee cake at Sanders, ments, v. ill have mann- cmnatl-based cham 15 mterested III The) more than likel)' will con- r-----l ed exhibit booths sellmg the stores He also said that tmue to come to the Village for 1ber'ev.lll be a number Foodland Ihstnbutors, Kroger's Items but not as often. parUcularly "To Meet Your Health Needs ... of scheduled talks on ne-ft' ...holesahng venture ....'1th Wet- ....hen another day must be set aside com coUectmg e3ch day terau lnc of St Lows, "", III move to shop for grOcenes else\\1lere ... We Cover The Pointes. " In the ~umlsmatic qwckly to gam the busmess of the Wlu.le such an lDCOOvemence pales HARKNESS PARK ~ter ne .... operators" He cootlnued. by contrast ""th the plight of those 0 PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY Some 2'1S coin dea1e!'s "We expect to be ready and able to who have lost thelc jobs. it is a 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E. Jefferson ... will offer a .....Ide vanety offer wboJesalmg, bookkeepmg, hardship on older shoppers who 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 ...... Inc. of nunusmatlc Items counted on the proxunity of one adverosmg and sales promotion 88 1-().4 77 from lDeltpensive to ra- serVIces. ,. major shopping center to supply rities in fIve to six Bernisb would like to throw the most of their needs figures A seve- ODUS of the Kroger closmgs on the Adjustments will be made. Peo- ral-sess1OO auctlon "'ill DO"A' former employes, blarrung ple v.'1ll get used to DOt being able to BUYING be held at whtch atten- member of Umted FOod and Com- "walk over to Kroger" and many • Rart Co7"5 • Gmd & Silver dants may bid co a meroal Workers. Local 876. be- of the younger workers will flDd • K-RQ,ws Cotns &ifS Saap vanety of collectible cause they rejected concessions de- jobs The real victuns will be the m1mlsmatic items. Spe- older workers • Pr~ sets • CoIn EsUitfS manded by management cial acti\;t!es includ- What management neglected to Studies have sbown that Ing tbetr own 'aUCtlOD, potUt out was that the concesslOOS joblessness among workers over 55 SEWNG \\'1ll be held for Young is at a high level Worse, those who ~ A,wAlWIs were unreasonable and untenable Numismatlsts Iages 11 and directed at older workers become unemployed in their c.w ... Sih'er CohRS to 17) througbout the Kroget' em,wyes have said mId-50's ha,'e a fang struggle to get for ".utwtilb .... Gifts convention (jA they were willing to accept wage back on a payroll. PWIMfI TdftwJr Stmct Largely for the bene- cuts aDd PI'OOQSed cuts in benefits Statistics for unsuccessful unem- fit of out~f town \isi- RARE COIN which woUld have been tough in to- ployed job seekers over 6S show a tors several tours have day's economy but they could oot declme. Although the fact appears INVESTMENT, INC. been ammged- of in- and would not lose rights for ""hlch to be encouraging, it is not. Em- teresting and h1stonc 22027 Kelly Rd. • East Detroit they bad put in long years of \\ork ployment experts say the reason 19818 Kelly Sites In the Detroit to attaln. for Uus m.lSleadiDg fInding is that ,- MIA 10. MIr NrortSJ of Eastll".:i, Harper Woods, Michigan I~ area 1be Assocsauon On the face of it. the Kroger offer unemployed oldeJ' people who will hold two busmess 371.1707 .=. 773.9540 did DOt make this UIlportaot cut- would like to, and often Deed to fiDd meetings plus an backs of rights apparent It was work become discouraged and give OPEN 7 DA YS A WEEK awards presentation camouflaged LD a contract clause up even looking. They're DOt even MON.THURS 11 AM-1 A.M meellng open to all. that would have changed the ratio counted by the Labor Department FRI-sAT. 11.2 AM. \).lIP SAti Various other gather- of Kroger workers from 70 percent as unemployed in the mODthly re- SUN_ 2-12 PM Ings, many of spe- full-time to 70 percent part-time in ports. They are relegated to a cate- ciahzed collectors a year. As one clerk said, "voting gorical limbo known as "dis- ~----~------~ groups, will take place foe the contract would have beeh couraged workers." DINNER FOR TWO, $11.95 : 20% during the five day the same as puttmg myself out of a Studies for the House Select RegUlar $15.90 value - SAVE $3.95 t e'Vent, WIth the Tuesday job:' Committee on Aging show the I Choice of: 16 oz. T.Bone • Pickerel Includfl choiceof I evenmg annual ban- psychological and flJUlDcial prob- Employes ""00 work less than 40 I • Shrimp with Crab meat. :::.:' : and I • quet being the social boors a week are usually paId a lems of senior Amerieans who lose ....------Expores l(H6-&f...... highlight ~minimum wage, are not eligible for COUPON VALID ANYnME AdullSSlOD to the unemployent, pensions hospital m- tugb-secunty conven- Great Luncheons Dally 500/0. surance or other fringe benefits. St. John staff • .a-...-s tion area will be free It should be remembered that in Food, Spirits & Entertainment but everyone must re- refusmg to consider the Kroger of- gister and wear a elects officers -lAMP REfUl fer, the employes realized that 8 Mile whlle in it there was no going back. L'nlike State Fair Thn"e will not be a Arthur A. ffimer, MD, was re- ...... LNMI strikmg employes, the posslblhtv charge for any acbVlty of differences eventually bemg cenll)' Installed as president of the CARDS of the conVefltloo ex. medical staff of St John Hospital rroned out m negotIatIOns or arb.- He succeeds outgomg president 7 lillie cept a few at wtuch food dld For it tratlons not eXlSt. them, Wtlham McIntyre, MD, for a two- 15 served. Daily open- was the end_ It was the death knell year term mgs, Saturday July 28, Kroger employes should be laud- WRI&H1S through Wednesday, Dr. tnmer, Grosse Pomte Shores " ed for their courage. They have lost obstetnClan-gynecolog15t, has been Aug. 1, will be at 0000, their but bave maintained a jobs a member of the hospital staff .!:I~~VIii With 7 p.m clostng the standard of digmty and falI' treat- ..... I.P. ... first three days Closmg Since 1955. He is a past preSident of ESTATE Thursday,August2-7P.M. ment for all those who must nego- the Wayne County Medical Society on Tuesday will be at bate m the marltet place. , 885-8839 4 30 P m and on Wed- and serves on committees of the AUCTION Friday August3 - 7 P.M. It 15 DOt easy for 5,000 workers to ~hchlgan Sta te Medical Society nesday the final day, at say .'no" to tbe1r bvelthood at a and Wayne County Medical S0- property from 2pm tune when jobs are at a premium The Amencan Xu- ciety. Eliza~th Plummly, Buffalo. N.Y. But they did and because they did, Other medJcal staff officers m- rrusmaliC AssociaUoo 15 removed to our gallenes workers tn the area will be able to clude Drs Jacques Beaudoin, of ;; the largest and most set aside fears that the seeunty 825 WOODWARD AVI. • PONTIAC, MICHIGAN j~ active orgamzatlon of the Park. president-e1ect; Josep.'l ~ they have worked and planned for FURNITURE Antlque EnglIsh, Vletorum, Turn of tile CtntuTy and RepreS4'1ltat1t'e COLtl collectors 1.0 the RIZZO, of the Woods, secretary; and ~ ; 15 DOt lD JeOPardy tJeb:es,chaIrs, beds, sofas, 5€roers. nmos, desks, docks, 5€cretanes, etc. CHINA & ...'orld "''1th some 35.000 WIlham salot, of the Farms, -! ~t now the enormity of the ef- treasuret'o CRYSTAL MIMto" Leno;;;, M",s5€rl, Royal Daulton, A men can Bnlluml Penod, members - more than fects of the rejecUon of the contract sten1toare, "asES, ete SIL VER Sterlmg Silver flatware, Stiver Plated stromg pieces, ~ The 1984-1985Executive Commit- .. j 1,..., l ...... ,. A ~ .....,. 1 ". kr" endunng exc.!.amatl(){} hke the 5S-year-

I • Lme !x-r GROSSE POINTE NORTH H.S. I ,i • Therm~tat Classes Begin September 24 4 • Condcntln~ emf' , . ~. baporator Lod Taught by Attorneys J .• " 1. 5 lear V.arranr~ Co Spn'1VlfP(1 bv -:i t " on (omprc, ..or DeDi of Community Edur.~MfI G P PublIC Sr:Mnj, t• For Brochur. C.II: II . '1~ of J (~m~~ ~:i~.744 , ,It In Concert Sunday, July 29th at Bethesda Temple, \11For P.r.I~I.1 Sludi~\. Inc. I~r~ 7616 E. Nevad.a at Van Dyk~, 6:.5 p.m. Free Admission 365-6373 820 BUHl BLOC DU Ron Ml 487n ;' ~~

'~J t

; ~. ( t Ii , 1/ • • c c , 4

Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen.~ Cable adds Dow Jones data system Four join the Remember when cable teleVISion leased from DoY.'Jones, which also requests board at LUTFY PHARMACY fU'St gained mass appeal? Some- WI)) bill for it, Schultz said Big deal, right? A couple of more PROFESSIONAL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY day, people were saymg, you'll be What a subSCriber gets IS access key punches and you can search 21571 KELLY, E. DETROIT, MI. 48021 able to shop, do your fmances and to 3<1services that lllclude general the Wall Street Journal, Barrons Bon Secours read your newspaper through your mformatlon and news, bus mess and Dow Jones News Service for Three Pomters and a Baltimore television headhnes and stones about the • Hallmark Cards and economic news, Dow Jones nun were dPPOlllted thiS spring to • Convalescent Supply's That "someday" has gotten a lit- quotes and buslOess/mvestor company as far back as 90 days the board of dIrectors of Bon tle closer With the recent addition i:>erVlce Still unconvinced? Mampulate a Secours Hospital in Grosse Pointe • Drugs & Cosmetics of the Dow Jones News Retrieval For example, If you want to flOd few more keys and you can call up They Will ser~e on the board for ______" • Precious Moments Collectables Service to Grosse Pomte Cable out how your faVOrite stock IS the earmngs forecast for 3,000 of three year terms Bon Secours ISa • Unique Music Boxes & Gifts This 15 the same service that domg, you can get current quotes, the most \\-Idely followed com- 313-bed faCIlity 011 Cadieux Road • Delivery & 24 Hour Service used to be available by telephone With a mmllnum 15-nllnute delay pames and detailed {mancisl m- and dlso pl'ovlde!>ho!>plce and adulL 10% I With a link to a home computer. durmg tradmg hours, for common formatlOll on 3,150 compames and day care service!> .It olher loca FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL Dow Jones service representative and preferred stocks and bonds as 170 Indus tne::. , IOcluding revenue, hons I Chuck Schultz saId Users of the e<1rlllngs and diVidends OFF \\ ell as for mutual funds, treasury SELECTED telephone service were charged for I::.sues and optIOns Include in the package access to The new boa I 772.5200 the amount of time used while I'd members Ill- MUSIC BOXES I Want to research some stock? updated weather, sports, world W/AD Arthur A. Corker Jr. RPh. cable subsCribers Will pa)' a flat Punch a half-dozen keys and call news. MCI mall serVice, AcademiC elude Ronald monthly charge no matter hoy. up historical Dow Jones quotes. American ~ncyclopedla, movie re- Santo, a partner much the system ISused, he added With dally summa.rles, monthly views and an electrolllc shop-at- With the law Depending on the amount of summaries back to 1979or quarter- home serVIce, among others, and firm of Dykema. SEE ALL THE TIGER GAMES! equipment needed to lmk a person ly summaries back to 1978 LooklOg you have a package of mformatlOn Gossett: Spen- into the service and the type of ac- for Dow Jones averages? Push systems Idedl for the bUSInessman ccr. Goodnow AND EVERY OTHER SPORTING EVENT cess reQuested. the charge runs another couDle of kpvs Rno Ilpt thE' or broker. Schultz said and 'fflgg The n •• nuo ..IC",' ~I A UT ~(,QC:C'" (' ATe. I ITc: T \I VI1 ","W.I ~._ v ,.. .,." " l from $22 to $80 monthly The ter- dally quotes accessible by sPecifiC "ThiS IS perfect for the person l"arms resI- minal and keyboard, If needed, are dates. or monthly and quarterly who wants to do a htUe extra work dent's practlct' at home or do a IItUe more re- mcludmg labor search on spmethmg," he said. "It relations law in ------~----s~oo--~i=i=-l could save stock brokers a lot of the publIc and l:. This Week in Business time. Can you imagIne calling your private sectors Santo broker and giving him the history santo IS also a member of the Rohrs to v-p Ulllversity and IS an associate ac- of quotes and averages?" board of directors of Mantex Cor- LARGE PiZZA I at WDIV-TV tuary m group Illsurance With Mac- There are two levels of access to poration and DetrOit Rubber He is ~Ielclf WIth thIS coupon - EXP/f6S 8.2-84 I cabees Mutual Life Insurance the data system available, Schultz a member of the DetrOIt Athlellc Chris Rohrs, Company in SouthfIeld He lives In said The first is called prime time, Club and Economic Club of DetrOIt 00 of the Park, has the Woods available for 22 hours from 6 a.m. Robert D II been named The second is leisure or non-prime "ii.,A 52 OFF vice-president time, where a subscriber couldn't Krestel, chair- and general get into the system between 9 a m man of the boa- ANy LARGE GREEk sales manager and 6 pm rd and chief ex- of WDIV-TV, The data service ISpart of the ex- ecutive officer Other Coupons OR ANTI.pASTO SALAd~ Channel 4, De- panding role of cable televiSIOn for the First of Not Included '" America Bank I WIth thIS EXpires 8-2-84 troit He jomed the station m 1980 "When I started m cable teleVISIOn. I'--______Grosse Pomte Only __coupon -.1.' _ as sales manager, was promoted to • everyone was saymg one day you'll of DetrOit, also local sales manager the follOWing be able to do this or that. This IS It joined the Bon 18696 MACK OP£N FOR LUNCH " UIr-lWLY LUNCH sncw.s ~ year and general sales manager It's happen 109 now," Schultz said Secours board Groase Pt•. Farms HOURS MeN . THUAS -11 AM .12 P M i Krestel is also last year 885-9040 FAI SAT - 11,(M.l AM. SUNOAY - 1-11 ~ vice - preSident and a director Announcing for the First of Peter Rodin, 0 0 , has jomed the Becker heads AmerIca Bank staff of thp Bon Secours FamIly Corporation Krestel PractIce Center in St Clair Shores UF campaign He is a reSident of the Farms and He received his medical tramlllg at a member of the Umted FoundatIon, Michigan State College 'Of Osteo- Grosse Pomte reSident Don C Becker, preSident of the Detroit Economic Club of Detroit and Fred- pathic Medicllle and lives III the Park Ms. Mozena joins Free Press, will serve as pace- rick and Herud, Ine, boards of setter campaigns chairman for the directors Kl'estel also serves as Receivi'1g 1984 Ulllted FoundatIOn Torch chairman and director of the Michi- Hollidge, Jr. Susan Mozena Drive. gan State Umverslty Foundation your Connection for moves to v-p has been ap- The announcement was made re- and belongs to the Hundred Club of pomted assIs- DetrOit Grosse POlllte cently by Elmer W Johnson, vice- Succulent Seafood and the tant admimstra- preSident and group executive, City resident, tor for Detroit Another new Kenneth B. Public Affairs Staffs Group and Freshest Catch in town Recelvmg Hos- general counsel, General Motors board member, Hollidge, Jr., pItal And Health Ray J Lynch, IS has been ap- CorporatIon and general chairman Center. She Will of this year's fund raismg vice - chairman pomted execu- of American Na- tive vice-presi- be responSible .ofT campaign for directing the ~ -~ tural Resources dent and direc- The pacesetter campaigns unit IS hospital's am- " /. ,-j Company and tor of Hall In- part of the chapter campaigns, bulatory, psy- ,,;,.' < \ ~, chaIrman of its dustnal Publi- which together raises more than 90 chlatry and ,~ "" _.,~ percent of the Torch Dflve total. largest subSid- City, Ill(:, and lary. ANR Pipe- HIP Advertising volunteer pro- ,t ' itli1 Although the economy has Im- grams as weIlla.s \;,1, _;::~ proved, costs have contmued to line Company SerVice. Pre- Lynch lives III viously, he was servmg as laI- rIse and the demand for agency son for several medical depart- the Shores and vIce-president of manufacturing at services has contmued to be great. ments includlOg the departmenu. of ThiS year's Torch Drive volunteer also serves on Snyder Corporation. Hollidge has a medicme and surgery She received the board of bachelor's degree III busmess ad- team Will be askmg for increased a master's degree III health services contflbutions m order to meet com- Great Lakes mlD1StratlOn,and is a member of the Gas Transmis- admllllstratlOn from Umverslty of mumty needs as well as respond to Lynch Society of Manufacturing Engi- MichIgan's School of Public Health sion Company, neers, the SocIety of Automotive the changmg needs of the reSidents ;'\'!s Mozena live!) III the Farms of the metropolitan DetrOit area Michigan National Bank of DetrOit, Engllleers and the Engmeermg Ameflc~n Gas Associa tlon, the Gas Society of DetrOIt ThE' reportmg phase of the 36th annual Torch Drive Will run from Research Institute, Midwest Gas BIgelow. Osgood Oct 15 through No. 8 The Umled ASSOCiation,Children's Hospital and join Fair Haven Foundation Torch Dnve raises Hoysvllle of MIChigan Bertelsen earns funds for 130 charitable orgamza- Charles A Bi,!{elo\\ and Bradle} Fmally, Sister Alice M Talone, a F.S.A. title Osgood. of the Pomte, have jomed tlOns III the tn-county area Last year's Torch Dnve raised $46 9 member of the Congregation of the Allen L. Bertelsen has been nam- newly formed Fall' Haven Indus million Sisters of Bon Secours, also jomed ed a fellow of the Society of Ac- tfles, Inc, whIch purchased the the local hospital board Sisler Gratiot North of 13 Mile Rd. at the Georgian Inn tuaries (F SA) by succes!)fully as~ets of Textile Trim, Inc Bigelo\\, Talone works on the staff of St Bcl'- completing a course of study and who has been named preSident, has Pollsteri:> no\\; report the typlCdl nardlOe Church of Baltlmort> and I::. 294.0440 exammahon on the fmanclal been Q, manufacturers representa- Ameflcan closes the bathroom a member of the board of dlrectol's Mondsy tIJru ThurSday 5 p m to 10 pm. Friday and s.t 5 p m to 11 p m analySIS of fisk and Its applicatIOn tive to the automotive mdustry for door even when alone III the house of Bon Secours Hospital 111 Balll- to life and health msurance, pen- the pa!)t14 years ()<,good, formerly They also say the typical per~on more She has partIcipated In the Closed Sunday SIOnsand other security programs president of TextIle Tflm. \~III con- feels exceedlllgly awkward If re Women's Ordinatlon Conference Bertelsen has a master's degree III tmue as general manager of the ne\\; qUlred to answer the telephone and is a member of the NatlOn..!1 mathematics from Michigan State company when naked As!>oclatlOnof Women HeilglOu!> .I- /. ~_ • 355 FISHER RD. w. de""., 882.5100 ~~..(~~ ... Invest your money where you'll earn high interest plus extra epARMS e5MARl@T bonus interest ... at Standard PORK CHOPS FRESH CttOICl .. fUSS Federal Savings.. CHICKEN SIRLOIN TIP CENTER CUT ROAST ThiS Bonus r-~ateCertificate from Standard Federal offers j Igh LEGS money market Interes1 rates for Itle entire 1erm of the certificate $2~9 C li $1!I PLUS added Donus mtprest for the first month Tako advanldqe 69 of our one year Bo'luS Rate Certlflca1e now ~ and be sure to dsk POTATOE SALAD •••COLE SLAW ••• dbout 811!tIP other high In1ere~1Inves1ment" aVdllClble at S1,mddrd MACARONI .ALAD La redelal Savings You II find we helve a Wide variety of cerlilled'e dccounts rind SiJvlngs plans 10 meet your own tnvf'Slrnen! net'd~ HAVARTI '2~~ DUNDEE ...... STONED ORANGE son BAlCH ONE-YEAR BONUS RATE CERTIFICATE WHEATS 9Se MARMALADE CHOCOLATE CHIP Minimum f)prllY,11 $? SOO00 PliO $2t1 .19 AVOCADO DiP '1- ~ Of 1<:l1li Sty-. LAY'S NACHO DORITOS " '1-

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,'~/;(~/~ (' • Pr'res In /,,,,.cr .' __0"_ 2401 W Big Beaver ?It , until AUS14J~t 8 -STANDARD Troy MI 48084 FEDERAL SAV_NOS (313) ~3-9600 ~ '1 - t '.. > ,-

\' . ______~ , ", .£-...JIL...... l.o...L, 610SSE POINTE. NEWS Thursday. July 26. 19fM YIoman stops burglary What's on Cable A Woods woman frightened olf a lig:bter fbck OIl FINAL 3 DAYS thtef in bet' Boumemoutb Road Tbe ~oman told pOOce she A list of local pracrams on Grosse PolDc.e cable home Fnday niIbt. July 20 T'be scre.amed and barred the door With OF OUR SU.... ER SALEI tb1ef escaped ..,tIt a video cassette a cbaJl unUl offICerS arm'ed 'nItIn4tay. Jill,. It A seareh of the mterior of the recarder aDd a 35mm camfl'a, re- ..~ Job Show, from YESC" ell home re\t~aJed very littre dls- 0530 pm. - ports sald -6pm - "Cancer.('oloa and SbD" -The fU"St preioefltaboa pcoduced SAVE UP TO 75% Police .. ere ca.Ued to the home at tu.rbed. reports said The tluf.f ap- b\' the Amencan Cancer Soc.let) (II • about 11-30 pm by the woman, peared to ha,,'e entered the home -6 30pm - "H.ank Luk.s ~ Cnme" (I) .. be satJ she had been U1 her bed- bv squeezIng through an open .. m. -j OOpm - "The Sa\'Ulg Word." (lJ) NOW IN STOCK room when she saw the door open dO.. after the screen v. as remo\'ed, -;OOpm- 'People 'Alth Erv Stetner" - A frank. d1SCUS6lOO oC rape, Vo'lth and ..-bat a~ to be a clgaret accordmg to reports the .. omen from 0 ARE (II BOY'S & GIRL'S UNIFORMS A duna cabinet appeared to have oiJOpm- 'Sports Vlt!'l!o. Today" - With hosts Ron Cameron and Bob been opened by the Uue~. but Page tI) FOR BOTH PRIVATE AND PAROCHIAL 07 30pm - ..Detroit Round-Up" - What's happerung around DeU'oIt. {21> ootlung v. as reported mlssmg. "Some Sembla~ of Satuty" - With host Gary 'nuson (II SCHOOLS Ph)~icians reports saId A ReA ndeo cassette -Spm - -8 30pm - . The Personal Computer Show" - Part .. Ul the senes (II recordEr ",,'orth $900 and a Pentax share award 35mm camera \\orth 5140 v.ere .'rida,.. J.1) !7 The Boo secours Hospital med. reported miSSing pQllce Russ Gibbs Al Random" - With Barber Coker of Garbage NEW HOT ITEM ICal staff presented the Semmes- are LO\estlgatmg -Spm - K.1ds (I) Holden A"'ards during the res- MICHAEL JACKSON JACKETS -530pm - . Detroit Round-Vp' (61 ldents' gradua tlOO dJ.nner dance o6pm - . Health Talks" - With L1nda Buck {II 84000 last month at tM Grosse Pomte Liggett kids -6 30pm - 'Sports View Today" - With hosts Ron Cameron and Bob Yacht Club Page (I) The Semmes a\\oards ~ere pre- and Corktown • -;pm - "People Wlth Ery SteUler" - Guesl to be annoonced (6) sented ro Dooald Biwottl. :\1 D . -730Dm- "DetrOit Curtaln Call' - With hosts Ene SIemer and Rick ,I and Donald campbell. :\1 D nus The "N;o-way treat" of Sct1ultz (II CONNiE' · STIYIl "-ACE seml-annuaJ a ard IS gl\'en to and n!Celvwg .. as the real reward - 830 P m. - "Some Semblance of Sawty .. m.1y be eummed at lhe office of the ( It) Clf'rk Bid. PrecInct ;'Iio 5 MuniCipal Bldg ,20025 Mack Pla7.a (Lobby-COOncJl) T1JIIEY .aST 13.1' LI. dl11g documenLr, ...111be a\'C:lI~ble after O<"JOn,Tuef>day Jul} 24 1!lfl4 pr£.O(. m<.t :"i0 I) MUniCipal Bldg , 2iXJ25 Mack Plaza (Basement, and I'M} be OBT AlSEO at the offtce of Pall- Him and B~ue, Ine , PrecInct :"fo 7 Ferry Sct-IOOI,7oK)Roslyn Road .... rtca. ClEFSE '2_1' LI. 17000 T~el".e Mile Rr,ad Southfield, Mlchlg~n 4W17fi at a C0St r,f PrKmct ;'Iio 8 Barnes School, 20090 Mommg.'i1l1e Drive L anl ClEEIE 12.1. LI. SIO 00 per set, not refundable Blddmg documf:n~ \hill tJ(' 'fAILf:O PreclTlCt ~o 9 Grl'llUe POinte Post 303, 2(1916Mack Avenue 10 bidders upon recetpl of SI') 00 per set, oot refundable 81d.r, may Precinct ~o 10 Monteith School. 1275 CooIc Road Our frnh be reJeCted unJ~ made on form 'I furnished ....lth bl(idJn~ Prec.Joct No 11 Parcells SChool, 20600 Mack Avenue IAIERY .... reg 99C Loaf •••••••• lOW W LOAf doc-uments Precmd :-.10 12 Ferry School, 748 Roslyn Road EJtrI-LIr'III ~ ...... · . . . .7ee DOZ~ A certified coed, bid bond, or <-ashier" <-heck. ac.ceptatM tll thf' T.W. KRESS8ACH lI •••• '. Ll-fAT MU ...... • 'lo~1 GAL Owner In the amount of 1% o( btd made payablt: to I.M CIty NUNZIO J. ORTISt T're:uuret'. maat accompany each proposal The rleposlt of t~ MX' City Manager-<"1erll: Clly Clerk . lI••••••_O '1_711AL cessfuJ bidder &hall be forleltb:1 If he fall~ to execute the contract City of Grosse POinte City of Grosse Pomte Park ***.*.***.************.*****.******* •• and bonds Within fourteen (]4l days afterward -: ~ • Fo-_ ><.~ • A...... U_M 8225: CHESTER E. PETERSEN RICHARD G. SOLAK '/P"'-: ~ • s.." r....-- 1be City reserves !.he right to reJe(:t any I)T all bid." waIve Infor . ..d''''\..e. . CIty Admlnllitrator-CJerk Clerk ... T r~.., WI •• "'.~I jlo/.>K'~ : ~:'~~.~ malltles, or accept any bid It may deem best CIty .. ~, ...... ,.s..:.,,- I",(~~ per: CIty of Grosse POinte Wood .. CIty of Grosse Pomte Farms .. ~ • , __ s...uqo • Fr~ e.-...1 e..., person : Chester E. Petersen •••••••••••• *.****** ••••••••••••••• *•• GPN 7/216/&4 City Admlm!\tral«.(~ GPN 7/26/84 and 8/2/84 s.Je Item, Expire 8-2~ " ¥ , , I' G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page FIfteen-A

L-- Obituaries _ I Mrs. Elizabeth S. Cudlip Funeral Home and St Bonaven- grandchildren and one great- ture Monastary grandchild Services for Mrs Cudhp, 81, of He died Monday, July 16 the Farms, were held Friday, July Memonal contnbutlOns may be Born 10 Belgium, he was a made to the MIl:hlgan Heart Asso- 20, III Grosse POlllte Memonal member of the Bt'lglan-American ciation Church, the Barbour Chapel As!>oclatlon and the Century Club Mrs Cudhp died Wedaesday. Ju. Mr. Landuyst IS ,!,urvlved by hi!> Iy 18, m the CharlevoIx Area Mrs. Emma I. Schmidt Wife, Mary, two daughters, Julia ScrvlC~ for Mr!> Schmidt, Hospital l"rench and Dons Hensley, a ~on, Born In DetrOit, she was a formerly or Gro!>se POlllle, lately of Richard, eight grandchildren and Tcque!>ta, ria" \\ere held Satur- graduate of Liggett Schonl and four greal.grandchlldren Pine Manor College She \\ a!> a day, .July 21, In Hinckley, III Interment was In Mt Elliott She dlCd Monday, Jul} 16, 10 member of the Arclllve!> of Ceml'tery American Art, Ihe Snuthsolllan In. TcqU('std stitute. the DetrOit Artists Market, Mr!> Schmidt I!>f>urvl\ed by her Detroit HI!>tOrlcal SOCIety. Mrs. Mary Jacques son'lIl law and daughter, Mr and Founders Society of the DetrOIt In Sen'l('c~ fOl' Mr!> Jacques, 69. of Mr", John F Fraltck two grand. stitute of Arts. and the Gro:>!>e the Farms. were held I"rlday, July children and t" 0 great grand- Pomte Garden Club She W.l!>also a 20. at thl' Vel heyden l'~unera[ Home children member of the Country Club of and St Paul's church .\-lemonal conlnhutlOns mal be DetrOit and the Grosse POlllte Club She died Wedne!>day, July 1B, 10 made to the Flr,>t l';\angehcal Mrs Cudhp was the Widow of the Bon Secours Hospital Lutheran Church Allar Fund 800 late Merltn A Cudhp, and IS sur. Born 111 Scottville, Mlch . ~hc I!> Vermer Hoad, Gro!>!>e POlllle ~'~.:~d~y ~ d~t:c;nt~r,!\!r~ p~~~=- D !o>urvlvNI hv two elaullhtN<; ShlrlE'\- Woods, .w236 Whitman, a son. Jack M , eight l\hglla 'olop Here s a oroel checkhst 10 help you If a h,ss or wh,sUe has yOl.l pyzzled, check .SIlks and sh antu.nss {md fab/lou.s ,(lenhfy some common nOIsemake,s lor a loose spark plug or rad,alor pressure cap Irlllllnt nSS A I,ghl metallic engine lap or pm\) Indlcal"" 1amps ref.dlred ,;r your obJ

Spring LEG-O-LAMB 0 '" '1.99 LB.

Shoulder LAM B CHOPS 0 • ,. • •••••• ,.,.. ".,., •• , '2.99 LB. NOTICE OF ABSENT SEAFOOD EXTRAVAGANZA Every Tueaday & Wedneaday Nllhl VOTER'S BALLOT For The YOUR CHOICE GENERAL PRIMARY LIVE MAINE LOBSTER ELECTION OR 95d'iCooIII To Be Held On No $9 c.rd1 'lano,..,..) ALASKAN CRAB LEGS TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1984 Bello r_ wit" .-pIN ~ Registered qualified electors III the CIty of Grosse ~omte. ~Ity of LIIf.'Y Plano a,r Enter- Gro'ise Pomte Park City of Gr()<''ie Pomte Farms, City of Grosse r.lnmenr Wed Ihrough s.r. NIgh,. POInte Woods. the To\\n'ihlp of Gro!>se Pomte and the Town"hlp of Lake \\ho expect to he abc,cnl from the City or Town!>hlp or who are Open Tun .S,I confl ned to home or ho!>pllaJhy IIlne"" or disabIlity or are 60 year!>or lUlKh Illd DI~lltr age or more, may no\\ apply for ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT NO 11 I III Ie Pill Frl Iftd SItl 1111 m"~llhl ~l)CH APPLICATIO,\iS CAN Bfo~ACCEPTED AFTER 2 00 P rn , lOIll\fe .,... till ~ I III ~alurday, Auguc,t 4, 1984 ApplicatIOn!> mu"t be made pTlor to !>uch tIme at the MUllIclpal Office!> 15102""rk, t """, ,,/ \,,"'n/(lI.m "' ,II" l'.rll T W KIU':~SBA(,Jf 881~O:;50 ("Ity Manager Cllv Clf'rk ( lly of Gro'>l>cPOinte H&S8500

('IIr.:~TEH E PEl EftSON ('It v Adm InI.,trator'C'Jty Clerk ('Ity of GrrN,(' POinte Woods 341244,}

,JAME~ T WHiGHT Townc;hJp Clerk (,ro<>'>('P(.lnle Townc,htp fl.Ill fj~,65

r-" Pomle Park 822 f,211l1

lW HAHD G ~OLAJ< (Olty ('l('rk ( It Y of Gro ...", }>Olnt(' Farm" 1l8''111

!tWl/AJW f' [o'OX Town~hlp CI{'rk Lake. TownshJp AAI-/)SG5 GPN 7/26/84 and 8/2/84

- - ~---- . .~ _. ~.------~--_._-~------_--..---.....~ Sixt.-n.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 i( t'-~) J.r'Wii.. IeS WIll• {J....t ~ " ...... Architects' tour of Rivertown is Sunday '"""'~":i~~e8trian. 'The American Institute of Archi- Quently used as a garage, welchng tects, Detroit Chapter, IS sponsor. shop, automobile bump shop, ar- 1>~afetyawards mg an Architect's SWlday Open tists studio and warehouse In ear- ly 1981, Schervish, Vogel and Men. "~ GroDe Pointe Woods has been House, Jut) 29, from 1 to 5 pm, at obtamed nghts to the building and hoDond with the Amencan Auto- the Histone Carnage House Of- In four months converted it Into mobile Assoclatlon Pedestrian fiCes of Schervlsh, Vogel, :\1erz, Award of Excellence for bemg one CardoUl, Architects. Landscape their corporate offices. Construc- tIOn Included excavating a base- of the nation's safest Cities for Architects &. Planners ment Wlder the eXlStlng buildmg, Dedestrians, reports the Automo- The Sunday tour IS open to the of Mkhlgan publtc at no charge Architects m~hamcal sYstems, restoration of bile dub bnckwork, a'new roof, addition of Grcme Pointe Farms and Grosse from the DetrOit Chapter. AlA. and '>\ash rooms, creation of the atnum Pointe Park also recel ved honors Sehen Ish. Vogel, ~lerz, Cardoza and the rear garden in the 45th aMual Pedestrian Pro- ....111be on ha nd to gUide the tours tection Program Actlvlhes of Architect's Sunday RI\'ERTOW~ PROJECTS: Staff Grosse Pomte Woods - \\-hlch '>\111include ....111be available to review the - WCD the Award of Excellence for OFFICE TOl'R: The offices of numerous projects that SchervIsh, the 17th time - competed '>\Ith Schervlsh. Vogel. :\lerz, Cardoza Vogel. :'IIerz, Card,oza are under. 1,004 communities In the 10,000 to housed In the hlstonc :\lcGregor takmg 10 the RlvertowIl area 25,000 populatlon class Carnage House at 1995East Wood- mclud10g 11laUsands Oaks, Calif, received bndge (a block south of Jefferson The Linked Riverfront Parks ttbeGrandAward, ana ...ard won by A\enue Just '>\est of St Aubin) Plan that was undertaken SIXyears Groue Pointe Woods the prevIOUS Budt In 1885hi James ~lcGregor to ago has lead to Chene Park opening ~~ ye~~ ~~ w0':'~~ h?~ ".') .... hnl1l:p n,,, ('~ ..rl"ap<: h","".,<: "nrl this week and numerous other &eVen grand awards, the highest feed, It sen ed the-malO house that Rlvertown developments such as .recognition given for outstandmg once faced Jefferson Avenue the Stroh's Rl\ erplace Eventually PecJestrian death and Injury re- Before 1885 the house had been a It Will mclude three parks, .mUDities were honored by AAA for who moves up to chair, replacmg Humes, MD, pathology. Narayanan Vtkraman, MD, cardio- vish. Vogel, Men, Cardoza offices The ceremony began with the , .' . their 1983 pedestrian safety Peter Stalker II, \lvho remains on One of the highlights of the even- logy, Detroit; Rudy Vervaeke, MD, has recently converted to the Riv- welcoming of the graduates and achievements. More than 2,500 the board. ing was the presentation of the emergency medicine, Detroit; ertown Saloon The developers guests by Pointer Robert E. Birk, cities and 29 states participated in Re-elected officers were Clinic Day Awards by Dr Blrk Dale Scarlett,.MD, internal medi- went to great lengths to open the MD, of Stratford Place, director of the AAA program. treasurer Edward A. Massura, a original stable area that had been The first place winner was l\llchael cine, Mt. Clemens; and Brandi partner at Arthur Young & Com- St. John health education. Dr. Birk D. Khoury, MD, for his paper "A Jenson, MD, pediatrics, Taylor. subdivided A hundred year old then introduced Glenn A Wessel- pany, and secretary Ivabell back bar and hatch covers from the Totally Implanted Venous Access Other graduates will be practic- mann, of Lake Shore Lane, presi- System for the Deltvery of Chemo- ing all over the Umted States in- Harlan. WWII troop ship Ernie Pyle grace dent and chief executiv~ officer of Artists sell work Also elected as new trustees the tavern, therapy." The second place winner cluding sarasota and Miami, Fla., John Hospital and 81. Clair were Carol Roberts, a Detroit 51. was John E. Boccaccio, MD. for hiS Long Beach, Calif., Scottsdale, Walking Tour: A walking tour Health Corp. ai gallery auction Arttsts Market board member, and paper "Myocardial Infarction and Am., Fort Yates, N.D., Youngs- brochure of Histonc Rlvertown Guest speaker was Douglas W. Five Grosse Pointe artists had Robert Sosnick, president of Post-Carotid Endarterectomy Hy- town and Elyria, Ohio and Hous- sponsored by the Junior League of MacDonald, MD, president of The of art auctioned at the Picnic Sosnick Management Company pertenslOn." Tying for third place ton, Tex worb Detroit will be available for inter- Oxford Institute, Inc. MFA 15 a non-profit foundatIOn were Maria Duenas, MD, and Dr Blrk announced that at the xn and Tablecloth Wall Hanging ested parties The tour includes Presenting certificates to the that encourages and supports Brandt Jenson, MD, for their paper annual spring dlMer dance honor- AucticJn Wednesday, July 18, at drawings, histOriC data and a loca- graduates for their particular Mellduwbrook Art Gallery. Bids Michigan artiSts, students, and tIOn map, "Serum Bilirubm Levels in Breast- mg graduating residents, seven at- ~ nued from $50 to $500 spectalties were John H. Burrows, fed and Formula-fed Newborns on tending physicians were given In- cultural orgaruza hons through Sponsor of the Sunday tour is the MD, transitional program; Lucian , Tfie artists were Woods resident grants, awards, scholarships, and DetrOIt Chapter, AlA, a component the Third Day of Life." structor of the Year Awards. They F. CaPObianco, MD, and Christo- First place wmner received $500, were Lucian F Capobianco, MD, Bette Prudden, City resident Julie commissions of the Ama-Iean Institute of Archi- pher Goldsby, family prac- Founded in 1967, MFA is funded l\m, second place $200 and third place family practice; John R. Schnei- ,....~ aDd Farms residents Chris- tects, a national professional as- tice; Francis M. Wilson, MD, and l . topber Bielski, Marilynn !olagreta entirely by corporatiOns, other sociatIOn of over 43,000 members $50 each. These papers and several der, MD, and J. Scott Nystrom, Steven E. Minnick, MD, internal others wJ!l be publtshed 10 the next MD, mternal medic1Oe; Douglas K. aDd CbarIes M. Trowbndge. foundattons, and mdtviduals. Over Detroit Chapter headquarters is tn medicine; John M Formolo, MD, ~'1tie proceeds from the auction the years It has awarded more the histone Beaubien house located issue of the St. John Hospltpl MedI- Ziegler, MD, pediatrics; Arthur A. cardiology; Hadi sawaf, MD, and cal Bulletin. were dGaated to the gaUery. than $1 m{lJlOnto grant recipients 10 downtown Detroit Ulmer, MD, obstetrics and gyneco- Nicholas Relich, MD, pediatrics, Among the graduates who plan to logy, James W. Landers, MD, stay in Michigan to pracllce are pathology, and Jacques Beaudoin, Ese a d a Bradley Berger, MD, family prac- MD, surgery School board pays membership dues The Grosse Pomte Board of Ed- tract settlements, arbItrator 1~\jT~DUCi~~G THEESCIVA FKL ucatIOn earlier th1s month voted to awards and fnnge benefIts. *** continue its membership m four na- Fmally, the trustees also voted to CC~~=C;ON TODAYJULY 26, IN THE tional, state and regional organIZa- jom, at no charge, the Michigan tions at a cost of almost $5,000 High School Athletic Association, r\~CDTrlu\\JD OV;6L RCOfvL MJD The board paid $750 to retam Its Inc , which writes the rules and Start the week direct affiliate membership In the regulations governmg many high ~CIJ10RRO\N, .JuLY27, IN THE NatIonal School Boards ASSOCia- school sports with a chuckle tion, which works With the Federal :J-.S~-.p:\D C\/Pl f-,fry "', ,,'r, ',UI' ~ have the finest cocktails in the Grosse Pointes

End of the week special I hllfldm/! and! "dal./J MIll FRESH LAKE PERCH DINNER 5.95 Auorted Sandwiches Available Tr'1e r'le-w Oval Room' In Hudson's WOOdward Sr'1op' 10 DIFFERENT INTERNATIONAL COFFEES Par/rtnlf In rrar - (om//I, 1(' rrm,,'IJIII INI'/(,(, hudson's 18666 Mack Ave.., Grosse Pointe Farm. (,,11 r'J>"1' 881 ~67S (I,"" I",," 1100, m .,1 I 00 • m -0 "".,1 1()(J • rr, , I ...------I

I Section B The Second Section Thursday, July 26, 1984

Chene Park, newest park on Detroit's riverfront, is the site of a Summer Arts Festival, and the Junior League of Detroit is a contributmg sponsor to one of four series bemg presented over five weeks (July 23 to Aug. 26) at the foot of Chene Street m Rivertown, between Renaissance Centt"r and Belle Isle

The fun began last Monday, at a Patron's Preview PIC. nic featurmg MichIgan Opera Theatre and the Sun Mes- senger Jazz Revue, with special guest tap dancers the Sul- tans. It continues with Classical Wednesdays, Jazz Fridays, 'Tn' '" (' ...1~ .. _ ,.., •• ro 1 to, ,. ..". .. V HU ua,)'~ auu .::I~lal .::IWU.IoCl)";)UULU LUC CUY 01 August, all free to the public with the exception of three ticketed concerts on Aug. 15, 17 and 19.

The Junior League, along with WRBD Channel 50, is a sponsor of the Youth Saturdays Series, debuting day after tomorrow when the HAP Mimes, Sneefler Puppets and Clark Family Players perform between 2 and 5 p.m. The League, under its Riverfront Focus Area, is committed to assist the City of Detroit in the revitalization of its river- front. The Chene Park River Arts Committee has a two-year commitment to plan and implement the summer festival and the fund raising events supporting it.

Members of the committee include Grosse Pointers Ruth Ann Baker, chaIrman, Carol Manetta, assistant chairman, Elena Kerasiotis, secretary, Andrea Tworek, in charge of public relations, Linda Bachteal, Ida Chert, Martha Huttmg, Mary Ellen Kelly, Arlene Lewis, Debbie Montgomery, De~ bie Smith and Michelle Taylor, with Joyce BacKoff, of Royal Oak, and Detroiters Joanne Doublsky and Mary Jane Moore. Chene is the first of three linked parks to be developed along Detroit's east riverfront, complimenting revitahza- tion efforts of the private sector by member firms of the Rivertown Business Association and major developers like the Stroh Brewery, American Natural Resources and Michigan Consolidated Gas. ~~~P,s--=- The CIrcular patterns of Chene's three-level pavilion, Sails set for Canada's Cup Ball plaza and riverfront promenade were designed by Scher- Anticipating the grounds of the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House where Latham. The party, a benefit for the Foundatiob fer Exceptional vish, Vogel, Merz, Cardoza P.C. to reflect the forms of in- THE party of this summer, Bayview Yacht Club's Canada's Cup Cbildren and the Detroit Historical Sod"t)', begins at' p.m. 'Iak dustrial silos and Renaissance Center. A grassy am- Ball, will bring international and national yachting figures, political will be by the Lester Lanin Orchestra. 1"bere'U also be a rock baDcl. phitheater hill slopes toward the promenade and stage, and local celebrities to The Pointe on Saturday, Aug. 4, are (seated, in a separate &eat 011 the Ford House grOMlDCls. aDd a delectabWlIlid- allOWing visitors to sit and enjoy boating activities on the left to right> Dr. SUSAN GRIFFIN, chairman of the black tie par. night breakfast buffet. Ticket Information is available b,. calliDg river as well as performances. A river.fed reflecting pond ty, and MONICA BARBOUR, a member of the steering commit- 822.5858. Honorary chairmen include Go\'t'mor and ~Irs. jam" D. and transplanted mature locust, maple, oak and evergreen teej steering committee members KIM Blanchard, Baron and Mme. ~Iartel Biche, of Paris, France. trees provide for quiet moments. WOODHOUSE, CAZZIE BELENKY, PAM THOMPSON and DEB- Bayview Commodore John Wertbmann, RCYC Commodore Bna~ BIE FLASKA. The ball is the social climax of the Canada's Cup S. McGowan and Mrs. McGowan and Ll,,'yd aDd Sail)' E(dHtooe, Fishing access to the river's edge is available around the selection trials for the three Bayview Yacht Club chaUenKers, and of North Palm Beach, Fla. It was Ba}'view's U,,'yd EctlHtOM "ho clock. The East Riverfront pedestrian/bicycle pathway tbe three cballenging skippers, Bill Martin. John Fowler and Tony brougbt the Canada's Cup, known as "The America's Cup 01 ~ lmks Chene to the other planned parks at the foot of St. Knigbt, will attend, of course, as will Toronto's Royal Canadian Great Lakes," to Detroit from Toronto lor the fine lime in l,j!. Aubin and Mt Elliott, connecting recreation and entertain- Yacht Club defenders Tony Ronza, F ,L. Dicksoa and Dr, E,K. Der- In tbe 15 matches beld since the first Canada's C.p yacht raCing - _mentareas along the fIver from Hart Plaza to Belle Isle. 1»'" AIM aUeJldiDg will be OaarJea M. Kober, pretl .... t 01aM Vaiaed "... • ~ waww ., &.Me ..... elf .- (ContlnuN 011 Page 48> saa_ V_t Rae" V and lite IntenultNu' ~.., ., 011.... • at ,n • ill ••• " ...... , E. Howard, Robert Sloan, Lynn G. Stedman Jr. aad RJcbard

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,..:.Page- Tw0-8 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~y,Ju~26, 1984 More Meadow Brook music Pair exchange VOWS in May ~r Avoid glaring ~ Madow Bl'oot YUSIC Fest1vaJ' s offet1ll8 all patrcos free IJlII'1tiDI for At bae in SaD Die8D. Calif" tbfte mare listen. ud ltatby .. sUth week 01 coaceru. an 0I1r13,.., even' event U1Q& ~ summer where he receiftd bas Associate de- Miller, an 01 "'-tall, were dress- .driving errors ~ University's B.lldwin PaYlhOD Infonnatloa on baets, lawu cr-:a Computer Science from eel identically illDoor IeaItb IJGWDS ~ fatures pi.amst Joba"""'Sen books and 15 avail- CoIema_~ D I"OR- Gnnt coupoa CoDe8e and is curnatIy of laftllder cbiffOll. Pink silk A good paw ol sunglasses W1U perfOl"DliDg ,,;th the Detroit Sym- ab6e at the ft!StJvaJ box offJCe. 111. employed as a programmer I tKds fonned tbeir floral wrea1bs help relieve glare problems, but phony Orchestra UDdet guest coo- 2010 Tlcketsalsoatea~atan a.oaJyU. are 3I(r and Mrs 1"bomas and bcupIets. they sbouJdn't be worn at dusk or ductor Neeme Jarvt at 8 pm to- T1cket \\arid 1ocabons and AAA !fDl)D Mootgomer)' wbo vacaboo- Best man was Matibrw Krcue, 01 wberllt's dark outsIde, the National ~ nigbt. ThursdaY. Jul)' 26. and at 6 brandt offices ed & 1'bomaS U1 tbe YIfIlD Vietm:a, Va. l:sberiDg were William Safety Council says. Sungla.sses re- ~ p.m. Sunday, JW) 29 lnfonnaboD 00 group rates. aVl.1l- 1s1aUIS follolfriJ2l their SJlI'UII wed- W Moallomery, of Evet"green, duce ..islOll during these periods. ,. The Artie Shaw Orchestra, under' abJe f« most coocerts, and raen'- ding 111 Saint Catberine Laboure Coio , and Robert J ~, m ~ the directloo of Dlck Jobnson. and Ul'tpart). tents may be obtalDed b)' Cburc:b, 't\'beatoG, Md. Gn:8se Pomte, brothers ci the • And don't dnve with paper or : tbeTommy ~ Orchestra. coo- ca..ll1n8 %77.3316 Semoc CltrzeDs \62 Mrs Montgomuy is the former groom. M.r. Leary and Tbomas other I.tghto(:okJred objects on the - ducted by Buddy MOITo-.., per. or 00ier l are ehglble for Vtill .i, i.ouKil, ...00 :rir. - --..--- _...... r- ...._- - --..._...... 0- : inits'~t~~\ the i~~\'~ ~ b)-;;~~~'"a'dclt;ciJ~ from a...-reath ofwtute Sllkflowers, ~ tJmversity m FaJJ"lax, Va., and Dooald E. B£'O",'n, Mr and that can enhaoce one's present • and she carried a spray of 'Aiule and is now ...ortung as an mcome tax Mrs C Gregory Marshall, Mrs. wardrobe - A.\'D be adapted after :q Gourmet auction benefits ALS.AC roses, lilies and orcluds attOUDtant The bridegroom, a La ...TenCe A Mc.Dooald, Mr and weight Joss - at a free. open to the : St. Jude Quldren's Resea.rch Accordutg to chapter prendent Mrs. John M Leary, of German- Gros:se Pointe South High School Mrs. John G. Scales and Mrs Rus- pubhc fashIon demonstration on ~ Hospital ...ill benefit from Jacqwe Suno ALSAC bas ralSed t[N"tl. Md, booor matron for bel' graduate, attemed the UDiYel"Sity of sell M. Thempson, all of Grosse ~fonday, July 30, at 6:30 p.m at ',Greater Detrolt Chapter of $13.000 m pre\'lOUS gourmet auc- sisler, and bridesmaids Mary, Michigan where he affJ.liated with Pomte, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert V Peace Lutheran Church on East ~ ALSAC's third annual ~.Gourmet tlODS PartlClpat~ restaurants Carol me and Maureen Carney, PbJ Sigma Kappa fraternity Mathers, of Bloomfield lllils. Warren Avenue ~ Box Soc1al" th.1s saturda~" July 2S~ are .:\ppeteaser Raphael's. BljOU,. ~ at the home of Yillie and Bob Ehz.a beth '5, Excallbur, Golden Friday Jazz Bach Brunch back at DIA this summer : Pastort of Bloamfiekt Hills !t1ushroom. Jacques, !dacKiD- '\ Ei@bteE'D local restaurants have ooo's,)lr Donme's Mtddle East- 'r All ..J~te "Brunch \\ith Bach." the Detroit bread and beverage at $7 7S and a tIcket office (832-2730during regu- ~ donated box diDDen lor two plus em Cafe, Sorman's Eton St. Sta- at D.LrJ. Oil lDstitute of Arts' popular mlormal continental bnmch of nut bread lar business hours), A detailed t wiDe for the UDiqoe dwity auebOft boo. PunchmeUo's, Restaurant Vocalist Fred Jabosoo joins the Sunday DlOI'111Dg chamber coocert and butter, fruit, cottage cheese "Music at The Art Institute" : wbidl is 5pClIISOI'81 by ALSAC, Duglass. RomaDlk's, The La.rk. Kamau Keoyatta Quartet for "Jazz senes, returns to the July caJendar and beverage at $6.75. Stairway schedule of performances may also .. which is affiliated WIth St. Jude's The Meating Place, Trame Jam IF at the Institute" performances at 7 after' a brief SUIDDla' break ...ith seats, at $2.50, are available on a be obtained through the tlcket .. Researdl HaspitaJ Cba.DDel 7's Snug, Truffles and Van Dyke and 9:30 p.m toIrKlrTow, Friday, perfortDaDCeS at 10 and 11:30 a.m. hmited baslS. office. : Jack McCartbi and George Farris Place JUDe %'1. in the Detroit Institute of last Sunday, July 22, and oext Sun- Reservations are required. They Last Sunday's "Brunch WIth ~ will auctioo elf tbe dJ.noen. Chef Arts' indoor garden, Kresge Court. day, July 29, in the DIA' may be made as early as a month Bach" featured Baroque music ~ DugIass Duglass, owner of RestaLr Further mfonnation on the event Tickets at $6 per persoo are avail- timed indoor garden, Kresge Court. pri~ to a desired date and as late of Bach and Teleman, Performed ~ rant Duglass, is co-d1atrman of thE' may be obta..LDed by calling ~ able in advance at the museum's Two menus are offered: a full as the Friday afternoon before a by Robert Sorton, Christopher : event.. 5lB} ticket office (&12-2730). bnmcb of awn caurse, fruit, nut coocert, by callin&.-the museum's Morgan Loy and Benedicta Gray .• • P\JTONA Moving, Engaged, New Baby? Elizabeth A, Dvle, eon, She IS Dean of .... Getti C!!-.Mt~ Made Si Ie daughter of John and Women at the Universi- PERSONAL mum ng Oiftf'UVU mp Eleanor Dyle, of Lake- ty of the South in , , Custom Floristry ..... TOM! di*'nnlas lade after a WELCOME WAGON pointe Avenue, re- Sewanee, Tenn. • call ceived a Bachelor of * * * .• As WELCOME WNJOH'S myjOb 10 Science degree in Den- Christine Tolleson, . "'Your personal in home or officr hel9 you make the most of your new netghbofhood tal HyGiene from the of Kenwood Road, is a r St10ppng AIns Communtty opportunl!leS SpecIal al. &' florist~ lraetJons Lots of lIp5 to save you tIme and money University of Michigan member of the RA Plus a basket of gfts klf yoJt 'am'~f I U be IIstemng in April. Committee at Lake • FftSh II SiJ[ 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL for yo.Jr caJl • * • Forest College, where ...... HIIITI I' .... Eftpge- :\Iary Susan Uvings- she 15 a junior. • Silk Trees • Silk Pbnts *' w .... Bring a new saudent and - ... tOIle Cushman, a for- Chnstme is a 1981 • o.tsiIIr Silts • ea..pieces get a series FREE ,()/rr_".~ mer Pointer and a 1949 graduate of University am ~ graduate 01. The Liggett Liggett SchooL The RA • Wtddiac • Showea • Puties etepnIS .Mty 31, 1'98C I• - ••••.• <. School, was guest committee prepares ~ . • bItaior -.:I bteriM -..- , ,. speaker at the May 4 the annual Lake .. CIIIIr " •••••••••• , ••• ,-222, University Liggett Forest festival which oms GalGOIUCH, --.., ...... •.. , .... , ... az ... t. School alumnae lunch- celebrates spring SaIiow Delipe .. ~rw-Aao.I 2IOl6 HARPER s.c.s. 7'71-1810 Is OUf tudent eaching Academic Potential? Is there a loss of self-esteem and confidence? .• Where do you go? What do you do? I' FIIAL __ a.EARAII:E WHEN YOUR STUDENT NEEDS HELP • Our Professional staff offers a successful NURSING educational plan, K-Adutt UP 10 OFF The exercise professionals 50% • ~ capeled, mlf- HOME • Individualized prescriptive tutoring in an rated studto, changing area. academic environment -BATHING SUITS -T1GHTS • Corporate ptOQiiOlIl and II84S • Learning disabilites-SpeciaJ education pmate doss Iiarnatton f..-\ST JIffERSO!'\ -COVER UPS -WIUUI UPS 0\Ql1abIe. • Specialized Program for K-4 -LEOTARDS -AEROBaC WEAR DETROfI. MICH. tistenin skills, readin and math 821-3525 GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER QUALITY • Educational Services • Psychotherapy col. NURSING CARE • Hypnotherapy • Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist 772-9470 343-0838 63 Kercheval Grosse Pt•. Farms MI ------21517 Kelly Rd. HOURS IrI-P 1().5 30, SA T 1~ East Detroit. MI You may not ENJOY know a THE GLOW hockey puck

from a

golf ball -

You may conSider tlddleywmks your favonte

sport -


You'll enJoy

The Pomte sports scene 365 o.t.TS v.ulesm~IIO\IlIIO SOLID BRASS SWING ARM LAMPS as Interpreted Reflect for a moment on the beauty one of these brass by lamps Will add to your home The shine and the gleam The 91mple yet stylish hnc5 Peggy O'Connor 80th topped With 'me natural linen, pleated, over ....Inyl shades 80th have ~wlng arms, so you ca."! focus light where yO\! need It Wall lamp, Including brass cord cover, 13H,,16'W, $045 Sports Week Floor lamp, height adjusts from 47" 1062". 570 every week see the best, faIrly Priced, at Jacobson's on Page I TnursdaYS Open.\ 9 p.m. of SectIOn C unt\ Jacobson's of the \ Grosse Pomte News Open Thursdays and Fridays untlt 900 pm We Will va!lda1e your par1

I I, ~ .... 444 •

Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-S

"FurSpecialists';;;;:";; ~~ • it.~ Anniversary ThIS curious class. IflCd ad appeared not , I New Arrivals I long ago. "DOCile celehrations young man Will do housework for !otcrn Mr. and Mrs. William demandlllg woman" for AAUW Fradeneck, of Maryland AVenUl\ The Grosse Pomte branch of the announce the birth of thell' second American Assoclatlon of Umver- Child, second daughter, Sarah Rule 4li of the Oxford Marie, June 18 Mrs Fradeneck l~ ..... T•• slty Women proved it knows how to UIllOll Society III Lon- Duty .. put on a party when It celebrated the former Rosemarie n1ugo!>It'I- don dccl'ce~ Lhat no dog "efunded Its FestIve Fortieth Anmversarv ski, daughter of Mr, and Mr!>. 'ft>d Full premIum may be brought onto Its nc: recently at the Grosse Pomte War D1ugoslelskl, of Detroit Paternal ~merlClIf'l ,u premIses ThaI rule '.511.253.1112 MemorIal grandparents are the late Mr. and .llso ~hpu).ltes Ihat any A Reader's Threater presenta- Mrs, Gilbert Fradenl'ck. of The gUide dog for the blind 484 PeI1Mktr St. Park Maternal great.grandmoth tion, wntten, performed, sung and l~ a eat WINDSOR, CANADA danced by members, traced the er ISMrs. Mary Schultz, of Warren II I II II III Q.o...u.u Dally 9-5 30 evolving role of women durtng the Sarah's big sister IS Jl'nnift'r Ho.,t', last four decades It also saluted 3 the growth and achIevements of .. the Grosse Pointe AAUW. which 1\11'. and Mr!>. John Michat'l was founded at the suggeshon of Bana~,ofRoya)Oak,announcethc Mrs John Pear Fll'St POinte AAlJW birth of their first chIld, a girl. president "as Mrs Ta vIol' seeber Lt'slle Katherine, July 10 1\1rs The FortIeth Anmversary Banas IS the former ('arol SIt'ill- ensemble. under the dlrectlon of inger, daughter of Mrs. John It Marty \'orhees, mcIuded readers Steininger, of HIyard Boulevard, Flip ('nf:":t"r, K?~",~ F!she!', ~!:l~e! and the latf> Mr Stf>inlnl.!'pr P:ltpl'- Hillegas and Hope Peslar Their ~" nal grandparents are the late :\11'. narratIve was highlighted by Peggy Ptasznik Oeft), new president or the Grosse Pointe and Mrs. John Banas, of Plymouth musIc from each era Branch or the American Association or University Women, ac- .. . .. Deanna Hawthorne of Vital Op- cepted the gavel from JAN ARNDT, outgoing president, during Mr, and Mrs, John Genweck, of hons, Inc., choreographed the the installation of officers, conducted by Harriet Sawyer, AAUW Bronxville, NY, announce the dance rouhnes performed by Gtn- Division president, as a part of the branch's 40th anniversary birth of their second child. hrst ny Colunl, Betsy Creedon, Helen celebration held recently at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. daughter, Brindley liard" Ickt., Peters. Bonme Woods and JamIe June 25 Mrs Genweck IS the form Wallace Vocalist Bonme Gibson, Peggy Ptaszmk, Marty Vorhees, 2 to 7 at Salem MemOrial Lutheran er Deborah Spitzlc), daughter of WIth the AAUW Chorus, sang the Jean Obenauer and Aralynn Church this year), proceeds sup- Doris Spitzley, of Roosevelt Place 750/0 OFF well-remembered songs Vmande portmg national and Illternational Big brother Jonathan is 2 Betty Sue Campbell was accom. Not one to rest on Its laurels, the AAUW fellowships and scholar. balance of our summer fashions pamst. Mary Jane Starnes con- Grosse Pomte AAUW looked for- ships for women at local colleges plus knits 50% off ducted the chorus. ward as well as backward on Its and UniVerSIties, the Pointe AAUW Macomb Realtors The evemng's program began 40th anmversary In the past It has anticipates a future of mvolvement with the unveiling of a new branch achIeved mUCh, m the future It and accomplishment. will stage benefit banner deSIgned by George Haw- hopes to achieve even more Movmg into that future, durmg The Macomb County Board of kins, of Varlahons/Design DetrOit With over 400 members and 18 the anmversary festivities Jan Realtors' fund raising dmner m-the-Village. and sewn by study groups exammmg Arndt announced that the branch dance to benefit the Muscular members, Followmg a busmess everythmg from computers to Sar. has received a grant from the na. Dystrophy ASSOCiatIOn begins at meetmg, conducted by Outgomg tre to cross stitch ... With a lively tional AAUW's Educational Foun. 6:30 p.m Thursday, Aug 23, at PreSident Jan Arndt, AAUW Divi- interest III equity for women, dation Program to fund a Pens for Athena Hall m RoseVille. Informa- sion PreSident Harriet Sawyer of- education, self.development and Peace wfltmg contest for seventh tion on tickets at $15 per p€rson " ficiated at the installation of new positive societal change with and eIghth grade students in the may be obtained by calling 294- 11 KERCHEVAL offIcers, includmg President Its renowned Used Book Sale (Oct 1984-85school year 5450. 882 SHO Trip to New York ahead for widows Antiques in August in Mount Clemens Reservations are still bemg ac- The plane returns to DetrOit Forty quality dealers will exhibit Clemens THIS WEEK, July 27-28 cepted for a WIdow's OrganizatlOn- Metro Airport at 7 pm. Sunday, a variety of furniture, glassware, A special feature of thiS year's Iitiartzlilll'i' sponsored weekend m New York Aug 19 ReservatIons may be made jewelry, china and porcelain (no sale is a display of about a dozen Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ~..======I starting Friday, Aug. 17, and in- by phoning the Widow's Organiza- reproductions allowed) In the antique cars, including a Maxwell, cluding, for a package price of $242, tion office, 582-3792.The entire price Fourth Annual Mount Clemens An- Model A and Model T Fords and a 15701 WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE plane fare, two nights and three must be paid by Aug 3, checks tique Show and Sale running from 9 Packard, Show ISale visitors may Grosse Polnle Park days In an hotel on Lexington should be made out to the Wldow's a.m to 5 pm Saturday, Aug. 4, on have their pictures taken in one of Avenue and shuttle service to and OrgamzatlOn. Macomb Place, the outdoor pedes- the cars, for a mimmal fet' TIllS IS a grand moving sale full of lrlldlllOnal [urnllure, dc..orallve Hems, sliver from Newark Airport to the hotel. trian mall in downtown Mount plale serving plcces, Royal Worcxsler china. ouldoor furnllure ..nd much more NEXT WEEK, August 3-4 Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. WIDOWED Estate of Ralph H. Bastien Sr. OR 66 Sunningdale Gro!t.'It'Poinle Shore .. ,\ during Forster's Interiors DIVORCED Fn.ndIy IHIIp In flnanellli organiza- tion and planning. , ~Ummff. UJfIETTA LORENZO MED., CFP Certified Tht, glOriOUS sale [ealures Iradilional mahogany 8. pine lInlique, and repr.xlu ..- Drexe~ Financial Planner 11011. There ISa l'Ountry pine dl1llng set, WOOdiUdpor ..h furniture. a gland m..husan~ HE'nlage bedroom sel, 011pamtlngs. Royal Doulloll Iillunncs. bra.s flrepl ..,-e ofnanlffil •• OClC1l141 294.7129 mgs, Oelor.lllve IUIllS. el, Tickers a~'ailable from 8.JO a.I11., FrIdays on~Y Sales conducted by Susan Hartz, 886-8982 % 25OFF


Accolade 11 by Drexel rates applause for blending the best contemporary deSign With traditIOnal warmth Forster's presents an extensive selectlon of bedrooms, dlnll1g rooms and occasional pieces all al speCial sale savmgs Come, surround yourself With pecan lIeneers and pecan solids, glass, brdss finished hardware and cano II's a beautiful way to add pleasure .., and warmth to your home and the best time to onJoy the savlI1gs Sale prices end September 81hI Drexel~ Req SALE Open Panel Bed $399 $299 Night Stands. p,a $389 $289 Drawer Chest $759 5569

DrC!>SN $889 S&66 Vmtlcal Mirror $229 5169


ANOTHER OUTSTANDING VALUE FOR DORM OR HOME ,JURt In 111110for Hw mOlla b~ck 10 campus

1//f/, 1'/.11.1 I IIJ'(lI 1'n I'. r.JM ~ !tV! Nil( JrJ H 24/ 1189111 Chttlf St.rl4ltg H."IIt. G,,,,.. Point. Wood. $ufe ('he~t on Stantl MlJhogttny finish 739~5100 881.9390 W. welcome J.coblon', Ch.rge Ctrd or The Amerlc.n Ellpr... ' C.rd, 14 W)( 1(10)( 21 H OfJ~" M." ~ "JI'" fII 9

III" n 1)/1,,., ()rl~ 'J 1(; I()', iii. (10".,1 ,IJ' ,JJ~ Opon Thur~day~ an,! Fridays until 900 pm We will valldlte your palklr'lg ticket

I 6 l 0 SSE' POI N TEN EW S Thursday, July 26, 1984

JOSBIH ,. PHSI with A& C Up'olt~,.'1Co. "She sits In UPHOlSTERING & DECORATING I front of the t.v. all _ Sr. erg me P!;dttN ':Y 3;" fur.; " I day_ She needs i , ,', oe s.eec' en ::;: more but I ! 't' CALVARY ADULT CASUAL & I can DAY CARE CENTER -t" A supeMsed program tOf the elderly Free PIC~'",P& ~.",:,.'I 9Ive I . sponsored. by Bon secours Hospltal and 'Jlee 'Ss~-at-es DECORATIVE Lut'leran Social 5ef\'lces of MIChigan. VA 2.9660 4950 Gateshead 12339 HAYES ~ABRICS Detroit. MI 48236 313/881.3374

If \OU can't be there to care, Professional t- o 11 ~ ~. . "edical Services is

In case you've forgotten, Its starts at 7:30 p.m. on Tues- day, Aug 7. at the RoostertaJ1 and tickets are $50 per per- son, ,;\lth proceeds gOIng to the Sml~nian Institution bureau \\hlCh has assembled the world's largest collection of material documentmg the history of the VISual arts in America WHITTIER TOWERS 415 BURNS OR. DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48214 Short and to The Pointe What c:o.ld be better •... than ~ge E. CartmiH of GrrJ'S-"e of Arts degree from the CmversIty Pomte rece,,,,ed the Cnnerslt .. of of dunng commeoce- • Reth'e.ent apartment Oil the .. aterfront? Yo ISCOn5, Pomt c!lstm- ment exen.l5eS on May 6 She at- gu:shed alumnus «:.J.ard .JuJle fj tended Westhampton C women's undergraduate dIvisIOn of the top rar.Jc.s a- Harper H(J'lplt.a1 in the unIversity fJ!!e.i..,: Detrr.ll: He ~uy retIred as pr-e51' £k-" • • • dent and chief exec1Jtl', e r.fflcE:T C>f Am()r,g Duke CnJVerslty students ~~~ epri;:te room. and Apartments HarpE"l'-Grace He .. as presl1i:nt fA ....00 receil,ed Dean's List and Class / I -alt with prlvat. baths the -\menc..a n Hos pit.a I .-\ssr...: 14tllm Honors dunng the 1~ ac.ademK: &- I~ if I!"I:~ "6 ~ndwasMme':lli) th~ ';a. jear are 'fargaret Ana ~a)eT, <-:=} \ • Around-the-clock lecurlty tlr/Nll AdvlS()r'. CfJmmI.SSJ()n of daughter of \lr. and "n. Thomas He4ph F"ac,Jlt:e< r,-. Pr~)(j~nt (onnd \ta)'f'r. of Trombley Road, -~ .Reglstered Nur ••• on duty L:-T.doo JrA",r..';t)n an{j the ~Tl':tal) and J)a~ id Donald 'IoU. son of 'Ir. (A Healttl Educatl(Jr'. and ~el!are and~n. DonaldH..\lfJtt. of Van K • Excellent Meals named hIm to ~ HEW C(lmrrllttee Dnve (,1 \{edlC4ld anr:l Related Prr~am. COIl~e s ~fal 21) degref' H (J<; p. tal ".s<;O<.Jat:rJr. ~ • en Ice re<.lfllenl'. .ncluded ~an P. Darby. • 8eauty/Barber Shop ii4ara In 1'1'i';and 11lHfi4 earned tr,e YJfl of \lr and \In. C1larlf"\ Darby, ~tnat's ,:,: r.. : i rAll If, f"lOQrCt"rvmng f.a.vJJOO oi neH:T a C{.Je"t.(I\'" ... t Ed GrM :\ /-.l4ard for Exc~l~e:n of Kerc~al ..her-Jue Baehelor of • Grocery Store Ma!1sz.e""-,,i:, r.. rppt'nf!: t'\-l!!')" IS I.. a~~X? A r~ter ~,f'o('li,o; (A H(.J!'Plta 1 AdmlnISlratlfJn frrJm the CX,ente In Mal.h~matlc'l and OJrn- • Doctor.' Clinic 0nl!rUi .•~ ~ r.ar1 tr.. finti ihort ~ a trip to the (~ n~ !1'! c~~:< American (rJllege of Hospital puter ~~aJor (;()4'")r(hnated With ~ cr.rr.e .r

, . " l Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve.B Noyes-Timms Hogan-Levick Short ...... •• -UU-. rites in Texas rites revealed and to ~PIaza Saint Stephen's EpiSCOpalChw-ch, The 4' 30o'clock ceremony satur- the Pointe JULY %1, 2' 29 Houston, Tex., was the settmg day, 1\18)' 12, in the Grosse Pointe It. Clair, Mich. Satw-day, June 9, for the 11 o'clock Academy's Sacred Heart Chapel at A.... ~ S,. (felt .,.,., wedding of Candace Jane Tunms, of which Christine Sophia Levick Mr. and Mrs. James Ac,.... ".... It. S,. C'-" I. Dallas, Tex, and Robert Slater spoke her marriage vows to James N, Molichall, of Kerby iI DMt. Noyes, whose Houston home \\ as the Patl'lck Hogan was followed by a Road, viSited Notre I.", .. 11sr. CWr setting for the reception that fol. receptlOn at Lochmoor Club. The Dame Umverslt~, HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 10.....ed the late mornmg ceremony newlyweds are making their home South Bend, lne, III FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING The Reverend l\Irs Helen Havens in The Pointe June Mr Motschall presided at the ceremony. The The bl'1de, daughter of Diana Le- celebra ted his 45th bride, daughter of :.\11' and ~lrs Vick, of The Shores, and the late Dr. cla!'s reunion and was Wl1llam C TImms. ofLlvoma. \\ore Walter G Levick, was given in mar- reelected class presI- an ankle length gown of lace over I'lage by her two brothers, Steven dent for another five. veal' term The out. Silk and carried a cascade of carna. ,1 and Walter LeVick, who also hons Her hall', wom In a French ushel'ed along With theIr brother-m- standmg member of the braid. \\as crowned \\lth a \\ reath of .,i-.'" law, Dan Deliglams, of Port Huron. Class of 1939IS the ne- bab\ 's-breath :\11'. dud :'Ill'S. She \\ore a long.sleeved, tea Mr. and Mrs. verend Theodore M. lIessburgh, C.S.C., now She \\as attended by her Sister, Robert S. ~o)'es length gown of Ivory satm and lace, James P. Hogan Sally (~lrs ~.Iark) ZU\ermk, of studded with sequms and pearls, president of the umver- Dallas, m a dress of whlte em- The ne\\" \\ eds vacationed In and a v.reath of stephanotIs, baby's- Flower girls Heather and Tiffany Sit)' He said a pl'lvate broidered cotton, carrymg a bou. :.\lazatlan, ~lexlco Thev are at breath and pink SIlk forget-me-nots Levick, the brIde's daughters, also mass for his fellow quet of Pink carnations home In Houston \\ here the bnde- In her hall'. Stephanotis, gardenias wore ballerina length dresses, puff. classmates and offlcla- tucnara A. ;\oyes, 01 ~tuarf, r la groom. a graetuate 01 Lrrosse l-'omte and pmk and white ~weetheart roses sleeved, whIte In color and trImmed LW a~ ~pt:die.t:!l d tliii lilt: acted as best man for hiS brother. :\orth High School and the Umver- formed her bouquet. at neck and hem with pmk lace, pmk functions. A reception They are the sons of Mr and :.\lrs. slty of :.\hchlgan's School of BUSI- Carolyn Levlck.Deliglams, honor bows defining their fitted waists. was held at the cam- RIchard E :'\oyes, of South Oxford ness, ISController and Treasurer of matl'on for her twm sister, chose a Wreaths Identical to that of the pus' "Top of the Libra. Road Guests were seated bv EADS Operating Company of hIgh-collared, long.sleeved dress of bride, With pink ribbon, crowned ry" - a room to which Timothy Ginese, of Houston, and Houston smokey-rose chiffon, fashioned with their waist length hair. Each car- only Fr. Hessburgh :\11' Zuvermk He worked for AmerIcan Natural a fitted bodice and full, ballerina ried a nosegay of white miniature holds the key The mother of the bride pmned a Resources In DetrOIt and Houston length skIrt. She wore her hair in a mums, pmk silk forget-me-nots and • • • pUlk carnatIOn corsage to her gray before JOIning the firm of Arthur bun, circled With a small wreath of baby's-breath, tied with pink ribbon. Barbara Coluni, sateen gov. n. The bndegroom's Anderson In Houston as a CertIfIed baby's.breath and rose pmk silk for- Mr. Hogan, son of Sue Hogan, of daughter of Mr. and mother chose a dress of blue Pubhc Accountant get-me-nots, and carned an ar. Southfield, and the late Kenneth p. Mrs. Valentine E. Col- georgette, trimmed With Pink rib- The bride was graduated from rangement of white miniature Hogan, asked a childhood friend, uni, of Grosse Pointe, bon. and a corsage of pink high school In Livoma and attended chrysanthemums, pmk forget-me- Dick Taylor, of Birmingham, to act recently completed a carnations Central :\I1chlgan Umversity nots and baby'g.breath as best man. study which explored The mothers of the bride and the effects of automa- bridegroom both wore floor length tion in America's of- Theresa Davis is June bride dresses, and former's of blue chif- fices. Last year, as a fon, the latter's long-sleeved and Samt Paul's-on-the-Lakeshore were trimmed With three rows of jUnior summer mtern peach in color. White orchids form- at the College of Woos. was the settmg Saturday, June 16, lace She made the silk flower ed each mother's corsage. for the weddtng of Theresa Ann wreath that held her Illusion veil, tel', Coluni helped sales The bride's grandmother, Mrs. people adjust to compu- Davis, daughter of Mr and :\lrs and carned a cascade of yellow Szewczuk, of Ottawa, Canada, was Stanley R. DaVIS. of McKinley roses, Euchal'ls hhes, stephanotis ter technology in Arco soloist. guests included Chemical's Pittsburgh, -Avenue, and Robert Stanford Di- and IVy. the bride's aunt, Mylitta Bradette, Vmcenzo, son of Anthony Patl'lck Dee Da VISClark, honor attendant Houston, Chicago and of Manotic, Canada, and, from Dearborn offiCes. After DIVmcenzo, of Gates 1\1111s, Ohio, for her Sister, and bridesmaids TexaS, the bridegroom's brother-m- and the late MarIan DIVmcenzo Frances Davis Ralstrom, another graduation, she will be law andslSter, Mr. and Mrs. James assistant director for Fran Ralstrom sang. to organ sister, Maureen DiVmcenzo, of Strawn, and their family. music by Dr DaVId Wagner, Im- Gates Mills, and Kathleen DIVincen- an overseas urban mediately prIOr to the noon double zo, of Salt Lake City, Utah, sisters studies program in rmg ceremony wh1ch featured more of the bndegroom, Charlotte Parks, State Fair seeks YugoslaVIa music by the pair, With Fran play- Linda Benso, of Kansas City, Mo , mg guItar as well as singmg. and Audrey Edmundson wore long community's art • • • The rites at which Monsignor dresses of buttercup yellow chiffon, Attention knitters, sewers, UniveMoity of Michl' Francis X. Canfield presIded were accented with silk ribbons gan-Dearborn's May 6 bakers, canners . . . there's still degree reCIpients in- followed by a reception at the Flower girl Kathleen Clark. the ~:... • time to submit entries in the 1984 Grosse Pornte Yacht Club, after bride's mece, wore a long, yellow, Mrs. Robert S. DiVincenzo Michigan State Fair Community clude Daniel P. Riske, 'which the newlyweds left to va- smocked-top dress. All carried Arts Exhibit, which gives crafts- of University Place. : cation in Flonda, on Sambel Island baskets filled with multi-eolored silk Walter Mahovlich, of Cleveland, persons an opportunity to display and Debra A. Upowski, , They are at home rn Shaker Heights, flowers, fashIOned by the bride. Glenn Pierce, of St. Louis, Mo., and of Torrey Road, ma- their handiwork and a chance to nagement majors, 1\11- . Ohio John DIVincenzo. of Gates Mills, Gregory Beer, of Moorestown, N.J. win prizes. The bride wore a cap-sleeved acted as best man for his brother The mother of the bride wore a chael A. Howell, of RI- gown of white organza Its lace Guests were seated by Stanley street length dress of pw-ple chiffon. Entries vary from afghans to vard Boulevard, che- SUo s c r ipJiQ_n_~a son bodlce featured a hIgh, lace collar DaVISIII, brother of the bnde, Paul A pair of Eucharis Hhes formed her apricot jam, Christmas decora- mistry, Elizabeth M. Its hem and chapel length tram Wilhams. Thomas Seaman and wrist corsage. . tions to Easter eggs. In previous Semaan, of Bishop fr~ parkins - cnt fTt¥. ~ years, more than 1,300 exhibitors Road, general Studies, Tours of offered daily this summer submitted their finest handiwork Bryan D. Eugenio, of rfl'Staurant dfS(cunts and homemade items. There are Wedgewood DrlVe, psy- DallY tours of Meadow Brook walls, glass and chma collectIOns daughter, Frances, is also open, over 700 dilferent competitions chology; Peter G. Ma- Hall, the lOG-room,hlStonc mansIOn and onental rugs weather permittmg, at 75 cents ad- within the fair's Community Arts nos, of Van Antwerp located on the Rochester campus of Tour tickets are $4 for adults, $3 mission for children of all ages. It is section. Road, electrical engi- Oakland {;mverslty, began Julj 1 for semor Citizens, $2for children 12 located 10 the woods near the Hall, neering, Jane H. Summer tour hours are 10a m to 5 and under ReservatIOns for group whIch stands on 123.4 roIling acres Deadlme for filing entry forms is Miller, of Cloverly p m :\fonday through Saturday, 1to tours are welcome Luncheon is dotted With Wildflowers and Tormal Wednesday, Aug. 1. Premium lists Road, political science; 5 p m Sunday available Monday through Fl'1day gardens for all State Fair competitions are Richard J. Monette, of The Hall. former home of Matllda from 11 30 a m to J p m m the Tea Further IIlformatlOn about Mea- available by writing the Communi- Yorktown Road, econo- Dodge Wilson, contams pnceless an. Room A Sunday buffet ISavailable dow Brook Hall tours, luncheons and ty Arts Section, Michigan State mics, and David H. tlques and Irreplaceable wood, from 1 to 4 pm dmners, group tow-s and conference Fairgrounds, 1120 West State FaIr Ruemenapp, of Ford. plaster and stone carvings. ongmal Knole Cottage. the mlm-manSlOn faCIlities may be ubtained by calling Avenue, Detroit, MIch. 48203,or by croft Road, psycholrr crystal chandehers, sllk-eovered playhouse of ~lr~ Dodge'~ 377-3140 calhng 368-1000 gy/soclology

We bill MedlCilr! « Medicaid and , Insurance companys for the pallents • Hotpl .. 1 Equipment .~_ WORSHIP SERVICES • Fr.. Dellyery • S.t.up • "daIWh"lch.l~ • S.... • Servlc. • R.nt.l. ~ Rm English GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Woods • Complet. PIU.nt Care Equipment \ I~ Ev. Lutheran PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • Oxygen Equipment ,.... \ V Church MEMORIAL CHURCH 19950 Mack Avenue Helping People With Hom. H•• lth Presb} terian (L.S.A.) Ihallw4Y between Mo,oss and Vern'er ROilds) NHda II Our Specialty Vernier Road at HIlI, iloll Wedgev,ood Dmf. 10 a m Summer Worshlp Grosse POinte \I, oods Crib Toddler Care Woods Home 884-~O care "THE '1\01 \'\ \ JO\E<.;' or- THE 10:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 19775 MACK AVENUE t rlur(h y nO1/110".1 "'n,h,,,1 61 Grone POinie Blyd. SU-S09O kkl II'}II .. 1..... 1 'll::\DIER WOHSHIP ~-undd\ '.< hr,r,l ~ d n'l ~( HElJCLE Fdmll;, v,orstllp ~ d rn July l.<"<-pl 2 &< 1(, :lol d I" "umml.-r Wonhlp Srh,.dul .. 'lunday~ '1 'If) " m Thur~den IU'~ Iloly Eu( hans! GR05SE POINT PAIlK ~ Lutheran United .. ;; , Church H (X) fI m 'Iund/l) " ... '" R.'ph Drown Ui 14~1 J Methodillt ,c ,'). 881.6670 9 'l(l :1 m '1I1I''o01lY (.IJro1.-1J Church 'I. Ch.llonle Ind ~ \0 M .1' BJ,!, <'twl. , iii P '" <.,,,Iurd,t\ 1(; ?h (."~(.d..,,, y rr(.....JI Loth,op Ir).,71 \, ,nlr-r III "1/) v,'Jr-.f JI' jlJ ()'I" rn 11 4'. (Iill, .. t. hill101o,,t'r' \\fJf{'-,HIP !I ,r I" r V.'l";(h TIJ4'<,(1,,) ..,un If f. I'M /01'> The Gro"l Polnll ,I r/, If) , ¥/ rr r It <,t,rJI' ~pt1.< 1ST MICHAEL'. 7 "!Ii rJ'V'r""'(, (,r<~Jp \I H\~ 1"( , ~/{ \ Ir I ' ~ t ;1 n (t j. (t l.( nr ftl . EPISCOPAL Conaregilionl' J(l 'I! t rr thfJf"Jnp """,Jr..-w1"J l:b I 1'1111II' \\ '.HI , CHURCH and II ,,I, tl, 41h Amd7lrll J(r ... J HJfj I I( Mt f1(~ lr fl!' \ iUill I- I:I I I 1'1(, llH7\ "unlll.lllhlt' '-uk (,Ia (. """"'Il". '>;J( ~ r JlT~ t. American Ilpllal r.r" .. ~ 1'"llIu WOOlll Church a,ou. Pointe ~M .~20 HARPER WOODS Unlled ~ (~, I rn 111,1)' ~ '" h:.r Ih' BAPTISf CHURCH METHODIST " III" I( Blhl' <.1,,(1)1 10,1 m '>un/IIlY ..."". I 'j A,.JI~h]I" W()r ..hlp ~'rvl( f' CHURCH Iii 'If, ~ rn DIAL MEETING AT I(fih mom Ilvl4llllhle) 211 Moron AOld ( 101".1 ~ LH ~,~rl,t Hod 4 aum3 \, ,,,,f,n <""nt11l'i '" hlJi,l f.(j( A ';' ,..I) (J ... ;Sl"";1 WI'f'k<1.> hwrllt 'I I I ,\ ,liLY ~ 'lI1 • rn 1UP\"')I "STRESS" il) "'1 r.l)' "AI, IJ" 'I.) f' I'" )1:"1111' I( A \1 Sl .Iohn 15 I 5 PRAYER r hJ.',), r t ... , 1/;,1 (' It.. ( If! H( If '-,(Ij(Jf)L ~rH"'1"'ATIItlJA\' p~ (~r""r:. ~. i \1 K\r.HV ( !dU. 1tr<1<>r "ob.,t f "I.II}' I" 1I1/~ rl 11,,1,,,,./In 1/~.kml( ~ or t r ... n<1~'/liP 882.SnO Il, J~ik ~ "llIW' SOUTHE RN fV. f7T15T I Jr f(r,tif r I V. Ilr,lroy .Ill1 fllt,le r"", hlnll' CONVENTION Hi Y I"r k ""..rJn'(hn.c k .:

Thursday, July 26, 1984 Page Six.8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

OU1STANDING VALU~ - GREAT BU\'S Grosse POInte Park 964-66 BEACONSFIELD Livmg I'm , d1rung rm ,lt1tchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, Florida rm , 2 furnaces, good mvestment Land Con. tract terms Both units rented Attractive bnck ranch Wlth central all' condilioning featuring Large family room, hYing room With natural fireplace, d1rung-L. 2 bedrooms, Ph baths, paneled rec room, central all', 212 car attached garage, beaullfullot Call ;Jfo~n,$. ~OOdman,. for appomtment Computeflled - MlJlrtltsted 93 KERCHEVAL 886.3060 GROSSE POINTE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Established IgSI FIRST OFFERING 703 Holly't\ood-GP Woods Expecllonally well mamtamed ranch located on one of the Woods most popular strees 2 bedrooms, paneled den 1m Huntmgton - Chanmng Spotless Bungalow or 3rd bedroom, ltvmg rm With NFP, dmmg-L, Flonda room, hard- for a famJly on the go 3 bedrooms, kitchen wood floors, central alC, large lot. 2car attached garage, unmedJate SUE SEWARD With bwlt-In breakfast booth. Formal duung SINE REALTY occupancy CongratuiatlOl\S to Sue on her supenor sales room WIth buJ.1t-1n cbma. cabmets,llvmg room .. , IT'S WORTH YOlJR TIME record Her outstandmg performance and 456-SHELBOURNE WIthnatural ftrepJace and fanuly room. Base- TO CALL SINE ... valuable expertISe made her tops 10 sales at ment features a ree-room, laundry room, - 3 bedroom 2 bath Co}. & Baker ranch In the Farms on extra large Schultes Real Estate for the month of June ....ork room, Lav and spare bedroom $67,000 lot, Flonda room, recently redecorated, new carpetmg throughout, For diligent. kJ1Ol,\ ledgea ble set"Vlce,\.\nen ~ou OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 HARPER WOODS Imme<1late occupancy Land Contract oltered engage III the Important busmess of buYing or sellmg a home call Sue or anyone of our skill- PARKCREST OFF HARPER - Sharp 2 bedroom ed Real Estate Sales experts - Brick ranch - 11 2 bath - !l:atural Fireplace SCULLY - Formal Dmmg Room - 2 car garage - POSSI- ble short term L C - Immediate possess1On ST. CLAIR SHORES ~"T"(""T'l t"'T"""'T""'" ....~o~c C"t,...., ClJI\onT ...... ""o.J.A. ..)u ...... "IV IV ...... '-'4 ...... _nl ''""' t .., SCHULL Y & HENDRIE REAL SINE REALTY Cozy brick ranch 2 or 3 bedrooms, family room. paneled rec room, large 2 ESTATE ~n:LTILIST SERVICE car brick detached garage $62.500 881-8900 20169 Mack Ave. 881-8310 FARMS OFFICE 884-7000 .. 710 NOTRE DAME DETROIT LISTINGS

3426-28 Haverhill- BrICk flat 6-6 $38 000 Will consider LIC to qualified buyer FIRST OFFERING NEW OFFERING 5951 Han ard -Sharp bnck Colomal, 3 bedrooms, 1'2 baths. modern kitchen $42,500

500 PEMBERTON-Move nght m aDd enJOY wonderful Wmdmill POtnte Park. this summer Our newer center entrance bndt Colonia1 bas I~alnls. three bedrooms, 21'2 baths, Ilbrary, Flonda room Wlth tJle floor, formal d.J.nmg room, .....---ntteen cheery Jutchen, lovely yard and many ~ REALTORS amemlles - all at a reasonable price. Don't walt, call today 17646 MACK 886-4444

Three bedroom two and a ball bathroom home 35 BEVERLY - JUST REDUCED! ! On a newly well maintained by the owner with family room In the paved pnvate street Farms. Custom Wlth frreplace, spaCIOUS kitchen. breakfast room, built for the present oymer. Low maintel1aDce, central air~tionmg and many extra features. energy effJ.CJent, center entrance ColOIlial with four generws bedrooms, 2112 baths, den anlt GREAT LOCATION-m G.P Ci- fantastic family room with raised brick Must be sold - owner leaving state - comfortable ty, near Bon Secours, the Vtllage, hearth, up to the mmute Iotchen and breakfast schools, transportation A roomy room The perfect home for summer enter- fanuly home. Large living room and formal 4 bedroom alummum clad older taining With two doorwalls to a wall. dining room, sun room, kitchen has eating home With lots of nice, natural ed patio and beautifully landscaped yard. CaD area, two additional fll'St floor rooms. Three woodwork, built-in kitchen and for appomlment bedrooms on second floor. Assumable Mortgage! room to grow In Attractively pric- ed in the mid 90's Call for your appointment I FIRST OFFERING Present owner is ready to move - most desirable Great family ~ between Kercheval and Grosse Shores location. Beautifully maintained center en- Beautifully mamtained 3 bedroom bnck ranch 1D Pointe Blvd convenlent to schools, shopping trance Colonial featuring a large well desIgned Jut- East Detroit, attached garage. South Lake aDd transportation. 4 bedrooms, sitting room chen, family room, formal hvmg and dining school dlStnct backs up to picturesque Wlth fireplace, 2 baths, 2 lava plus garden rooms, fU'St floor master bedroom Assumable OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Spindler Park room and l1brary. Circular dnve Land Contract 676 SHOREHAM-For a SpaCIOUScustom built 4 bedroom two bath bungalow, thIs home can't be beat Two bedrooms on the fll'St floor, hardwood floors, Good-loolung ranch in an excellent location, coo. 1022Waybum - $59,lXXl- Bnck income 2 bedrooms, wet plaster walls, roomy pme paneled kitchen, pme (amdy room, cen- vement to shopping, 3 bedrooms, spaClOUSlut- 1 bath up and down, 2 fireplaces, well tral alC - even a steam bath' Nifty rear yard has patio and double BBQ eben, famdy room, attached garage, private maintained Delightful dead end road Lots more GUARDIAN HOME WARRANTY garden, among more expellSIve houses $127,500 See It Sunday JUST $71,500 buys th1Snice 3 bedroom, 11h bath family Coloma I Pnced right -. to settle estate Newer roof and kitchen cabinets Queen of Peace Parish - near G P pubhc and parochial schools See It Sunday at 1706 76 KERCHEVAL BOURNEMOUTH

CUTE AS A BUTION BUNGALOW at 878 HAMPTON In G P Woods Ex- THOROUGH COVERAGE OF TO BUY OR SELL tras mclude copper plumbmg, newer landscapmg, rnce S1Ze glass & screen GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES A HOUSE CALL porch, rec room With flCeplace & full bath. Three nice bedrooms, iormal dlnlng room All brick Orrered at $89,000 885-7000 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH TUDOR At 1063BALFOUR, magmfi- cent decorative plaster moldmgs, mlald cherry doors, cherry paneled hbrary, stamed & leaded glass, and so much more You Simply must see tius 5 bedroom, 31'2 bath, slate roofed gem The kitchen IStemflc too and the price just $192,500

879 ELLAIR PLACE . Enchanting country like homestead Delightfully decorated Many extras Lakefront park owned by Its private road You've Seen Our ~ residents 5-8 brs 3lh baths $160's Superb quahty at 813 TROMBLEY Random pegged floors, leaded glass, decorative plaster mouldmgs &: cedmgs Authentic Enghsh Pub ree room Sign Around the Pointe TERMS Lots more 5 brs ,3% baths Octagonal borary A must see Lower '160's WARRANTED

SPACIOUS RANCHSTYLE 11/2 story at 1370N RENAUD Feels like a ranch There is a reason why sellers chose McBrearty and Adlhoch Realtors to represent them in but has a surpnse 3rd bedroom and 2nd bath Upstairs Hardwood floors marketing their home. Call one of our Professionals today and set up an appointment to discuss front vIew kitchen Ready to decorate to your taste Large yard, 2-ear at: our ideas further. tached garage-morel Nice opportumty in lower $90's Move In at closing ~ DANBURY LANE m Harper Woods, lhe Colomal lovers lane' Very special FIRST OFFERLIIJG-3 bedroom Ccloru.alm cen- 4 bedroom bnck and alummum Colomal has large family room With tral Woods location UVlllg room with fire- NEAR YACHT CLUB flCeplace, 21~ baths and SUPER FINANCING How about a $70,000 21 year place, Iotchen WIth eatlng area, unmedIate oc- term at $711 53 per month pnnclpal &: mterest? The askmg pnce is $89,500 CUP" ncy, $73,500 means tbedown payment ISreachable too You'll love the dead-end street Don't m1SSthiS one FIRST OFFERING - CoIomal In Richard school area 3 bedrooms, family room, remodeled kltchen With, paneled recreation THE VERY BEST CAN BE YOURS ... room IN GROSSE POINTE SHORES FIRST OFFERING - EnglISh Tudor Condo 3 .. bedroom, 2 baths on second floor, 2 bedroom and bath on thlrd floor, hvmg room With fire- place, large kitchen With eating area.

:,'>'. .•...... " ( "';".~,lJ , "," . JEFFERSON AT HARVARD - Completely reo , ' ~ j,.• "~ .' , .', sWred English Tudor near Village &eautlful ~" ,#. A,,1t-~" WASHINGT(J~ ROAD - 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, muter bedroom SUite With Cathedral celhng den and a Mutschler lUlchen, Great family home Master bath has sunken tub and dressmg WIth plenty of appeal In!llde and out ?nced C6m- room EnJOY the four firepla~ and the two 1; !JlIiL: "~" petltlvely 10 a very popular area rec~tlon room.... along With the (our other IF YOU'VE BEEN WAI'I'ING for U;XU({I- Great famLly entertainment Woods offered by ongmal owner Family may be It CLL'ltomquahty. Impcc J 9111 quah I) thrc,ughout Four room '18;.-12, 2 full baths modernized kit- home, large family room 21 x 19 With EXECUTIVE HOME on attractive Shores !>tref't cahle dl'lall - ab"oJutely large hedroom<;, 'l full baths For- fireplace, updated kitchen, attached garage, chen !'leV> furnace 5 bedroom'!, 11~ baths Large hbrary With dehghtfllJ' A 4 bc<:lroom, 31"2 hath mal !>17e,IOformallJVIng A short newer furnace and roof Ideal for schools charter oak panehng newer family room With gem of a house Featunng a first stroll to Lake St Clair Call for SETTLE ESTATE - Ranch near Star of sea shoppmg and transportation cathedral ceiling Kitchen With all the modern (Ioor hedroom and bath With a detall<; DehgMful 3 bedroom With iamll) room, at. amenities Truly a (me home for the charming garden room that tached garagl' newer roof and furnace, dlscnmlnatmg buyer overkJOks the very private rear remodeled kitchen terrace and garden'! 1111" type of Wilham R \1cBrearty Wilham G Adlhoch FLAt:l'.'T THI~ AIJDRE."'c;" GrO!>.'lcPomte ~horcs home comes along ra rt'ly ea II for MONTIETIf - Om~ Entrance Ccloosal, iU~ Lmda L Demorest John n Hoben, Jr 91tz% formal &.'lSUmptlonWIth large halancc A detail!! and your pnvale shOWing: Woods 10000hon.'l bedrooms. 21';/ baths.larg~ Karol Tyler Mananne DaVIes wonderful address for a fantastic price 10 hVlOg room ...flth fireplace, 2 car garage Henri Ettl'd~uI Myrna M Smith allow you to decf,rate to sUll your pleasurf' 4 MANY, MANY MORE BY APPOINTMENT MaureeTl L Allison Jane Mal"llMlI bedroom, bnck Colomal, large lot Al:THE ....'TTC CAPE COD - Just ''2 hlock from Mary A Daas Dottie MAllen 80RI.A"W A~"lO"'An.'l Lakeshore. H bedroom!>, modern ltlt.ctM'f1 Nana "06ter WIII~m F Leslie SHELDEN - DEEPLAND~ t'eatures mclude WIth bl.ult In aWhan<'e5, attractive SfleC10Ul Chnsllne Keller Dianne Sanden over 2200 8q rt With a large family room and lot transferred ov. ner Will give qUick Fred R West Ann W Sa~ kitchen, 2 full bath.'l and prOfellll!Onally occupancy manicured Iandllcape, all nicely 'iltuated on a 100;;( 160 lot EARL KEIM COLO:\IAL ( HAk \{ - (,rO!i'!e Pomte Woods 4 - ----.-.._.',-~l bedroom bnrk (.r1!flfllAl ....lth lit noor lal.RlTy, FARMS foor bedrooms. Vf'ry r;pacIOI.L'I room'! plUll famll~ room v,lth I'Ullural fireplace. attach. MtRRfARIY, stalTll to 3rd floor expaNlioo area Quahty REALTY 1 ed garage With door opener, ree room, 2 },z & AUI HO( H features mclude na tural wood"" ()rk and baths greenhooM: and much more l _ ,__ _ , cathedral, leaded gla'>ll WIndows Enjoy a 30)(14 hVlng room and a 21Y13 kItchen plus THE FULL SERVICE Of ~ • ~ .:a \ FARMS 3 BEDROO\i -?need at a re.uonlble a den PEOPLE $75,000 thiS IS lhe lea'lt f'x~lve Colona I 111 the Farms Featurelllnch~ ruce decor, 2 car '10,()'1) PRln: Rf~Dt:C'TJON - 4 bedroom Col- garage and a large scTft'l'led porch CloIe to onial nom.. In Windmill POInte ~uh f'eaturel'l 20647 MACK AVENUE 395 FISHER ROAD IIChools and shop Include 2J~ bathll, !ten, updated kitchen, new OpPOfSltt' Parcell~ Middle SChool, Oppo<>lte G P Soulh Jhgh 882-5200 rool, newer furnace and cl<»e III Tromhly School 884--6400 -+- 886-3800

r L Thursday, JUly 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page 5even-B

,..- ..,.....,...~-'",...,,,. ~ When you list your hflme WIth 1517 HOLLYWOOD - Beautiful SUPER OFFEIU ....G-!;-l9 --BAL CENTURY 21 LOCHMOOR 04'e face Imck Colomalln G P Woods LA~TYNE OVTSTA:-'DI\G 4 Ichweltzer.~Bett6fnes. place a picture of your reSidence Ne roof dul trim, fin base- bedroom 2 5 bath (cnter entranct' Reol E/tate.lnc. I .md Gcudens m the Macomb M L S book as weir ment and In Immedl

FIRSI OFFEIUNG-418l\lOROSS-AT1 RA(~f1VE 15 stor) resIdence 10 G P f'arm~ Amplellt.'tJr'.Jf)m STRIKING LY REDECORATED Beautiful !,I1P<; nel'oer roof, gdfage and dnvewa} Fam room, face brick mallllen,lnce [n'e &: mf)r~ , ~hf)v. shrubbed & landscaped grounds are a fllhng ' .k"1i~''-:~ & sell I I Intro to a superb InterIOr to thiS magmflcent ~~ ~ ~ resIdence Cozy panelled hbrary, SpaCIOUShv- '" FIR~T OFFEHl!'l;G-215-11 BOUR~E~IOt>TH-CHAR:\Il"'G brick bungdlo"," In a gredt iocdl,on tlf H 109 rm & dlnlOg rm , efficient kit , 4 bdrm", \\ oods Large updated kIte-hen, dlum trim ovel'blzed garage fin basem~nt & more' , l.olil (or dt. 'Alb w/prlvate bath, Ige screened terrace & much ~ more Price reduced (G-549) 886-4200 aaJ~1~I .J--~ .- CHARMING BUNGALOW-.l0!l32 VER;'>;IER.Thls one owner home I~ 10 mO'le 1'1 condition 1 gO.JI1 Sill:: IJIIIIiii . bedroom!>, 1 bath Gros!>e Pie schools & allrach'lel) finished basement. central aIr .-- ~" ..- ~IIP!"RR IN('OMF'-12'>S\ MARYLAND-POSItive cash flo"" ....hen \OU assume the outstandm~ balance on thIS G P Park t'l'lO family Income Completely updated & redecorated Call [or detaIL,' ~ ~~~~~-.~

NEW OFFERING Immaculate Ranch 10 prime 42 S DUVAL SPLENDID.; bedroom, 3'2 baths Cape Cod Colomal WIth IamrJ) room J,brar) Jenn -\Ir location Beautiful new kitchen, flreplace, for- 1!>land & ""hlrlpool In master bedroom Excellent Land Contract Terms!' mal dimng room, central air, and attached garage many quality features throughout ATIRACTIVE RESIDENCE-1470TORREY-SPACIOUS Semi-Ranch III an e'(cellenllocallOn of G P $77,900 (F ~34) 886.5800 Woods New furnace, fm basement, all grage & much more" •

EXECUTIVE RANCH IN GRACIOUS SETIING GREAT BVY-I961 ROSLYN-TOTALLY REFCRBISHED-3 bdrms, Land Contract terms' Tastefully decorated and offermg Ideal floor plan for family hVIDg and entertaIDmg 3 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM CONTEM- bedrooms, updated kitchen with eating space, PORARY Large 28X12 patIo overlooking family room With door-wall to brick paho plus 1517 HolI)\\ood, G P W 2092t) HolI ..""ood. H \\ ood.s marvelous professu)nally landscaped yard 1st professionally finished rec room With umque 20932 Vermer H Wood'! 2~11' -\Ul1re) \\ arren floor master bedroom adjoins hIs & her dress- bar New furnace, central air & much more Ing room & bath 2 car attached garage and slble 10 9% fmancmg 881-4200 Our sign FOUR LARGE BEDROOMS and 3 full baths are Just the begmnlng oElile SpaCIOUS accommodation", m thiS spotless Park Coloma I A\,so mcludes kitchen bUtlt'lns, breakfast room. coz,' ~n. hOlshed base-- gets results ment and attached heated garage' $125,000 8814200 • OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 • 555 LAKESHORE - -I bedrm, 311 bath Mt Vernon Colorual Large site. fantastic \ Ie",,' 88.H)iOQ Ichuelzer_.- ... 1500 OXFORD - 3 bedrm. 211 bath Enghsh beauty Family room, stunning decor 881 4l\lO 246 STEPHENS - 3 bedroom, Jt2 bath Ranch With den JUST REDUCED Super location' 8tH~ 1205 THREE MILE - Larger -I bedrm, 2 bath Bungalow Family room, hbraf), more' 88HI6(,)() 1435 THREE MILE - SpaCIOUS -I bedrm Colomal Library, altached OUlce or apartment 88-l~) \ SEE PICTURE BELOW) SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT NEW OFFERING - 980 HAWTHORNE OPEN FAlkiiOLME - Allractlve 3 bedroom. 11~ bnth Colomal redecorated thruout Famtl\ room sh.irp kll' 11~ In 1035 CADIEUX Grosse Pte Park 3 bdrm 112 SUNDAY Large story home prime area chen, cozy fireplace, fllllshed basement Handy WOOOSlocation and price Just red~ nQ....offered story home Beautifully decorated & land. of Woods Natural flreplace, modermzed kIt- at $102.800 881 6300 chen plus fresh decor Many quality features scaped So many features IncludlOg central air THAT SMAHT SlIURES ADDREs.." and an e'(I.'eptJonaI3 bedroom Ranch With excellent trafhc flQ .... 11001" & huge kitchen w/bullt-ms Open Sunday 2-5 as newer carpeting & Window treatments plan Inclu~ natural fireplace, large famtly room. basemenl 8am~ room ""Ilh fireplace l~l hollf $124,800 (F-580) 886-5800 Easy mamtenance With alumlDum trim a block (rom the Idke $113,000 88H300 (F-632) 886-5800. LAKEPOINTE near priYate lakelront park EXNlJlent l-owner3 bedroom, J'; tNldleeater ...... t:'oI- NEW OFFERING Beautiful 6 bdrm Cape Cod 24 FONTANA LANE, GROSSE POINTE omal on 75x 174' site \'1lh 3-ear brick garage, modern kitchen With breakfast space den, enclost'd located on quiet cul-de-sac All appliances terrance and central dlr Good value $105,000 88-4-0600 SHORES One.owner custom Ranch 10 Fireplace In both liVing rm & faml1y rm Long prestlglOus area Many amemtles for the BISlH JP - MUST SELL' POSSIBLE ZERO OOWN I J bt.'<1room. l'l bath English hd~ a t:lt-n. gam~ room term Land Contract available $185,000 \\ Ith extra half mlth, natural"" ood\\ork and beaullful ledded glass AHord.lbl) priced dl f;:l.SlWJ (G~14) 886-4200 selective buyer, and wonderful floor plan for graceful formal IIvmg $265,000 (F-611) OPEN 881--1200 PARK COLONIAL on 7ll '< 120' site offers J+ bedrooms, 1I! bdths. panelE'd fdOlll) room lP.mes l'tl<)10 NEW OFFERING Grosse Pte Park center en- SUNDA Y 886-5800 \\~th f1repl,I(,(, ,llld a price you'll like ALL THIS SPACE for 500 88t4..'OO trance Colonial Beautiful home with newer m MAUMEE AT RIVARD - TOWNHOUSE CON ... carpetlOg thruout, 212 baths, family rm , for- ~:- mal dlOlng rm & eating space m kit Land DOMINIUM Simple AssumptIOn terms New .... Contract terms $106,000 (G-604) 886-4200 furnace, remodeled kitchen With stove & refng ,4 bedrooms, 2 baths plus study on third -- floor $99,500 m-Q05) 885.2000

NEW OFFERING located 10 prestigIOus area of Shores ThiS 5 or 6 bedroom center entrance Coloma I has been completely decorated Inside and out 2 baths & 2 half baths SpeCial fman. ClOg available $159,500 (G-610l 886-4200

1.fJ5 TlmEE MILE -- OPE:\ Sl'NDAY 2 5l\Jl1ST MISHOP - BUilt for the lIo11t'S' Su~tb,naturlill "Ol.~vrk petnelt'd l.t.r .Ir~ ha~ 2.1 paneled IIblliry. J flreplal.'t-':>. fll\l~hed ha:.e- Jalow,lt'd ptll"ch, golm~ ,md othc~ 10 iln~h menl and att.l('ht'd offl('e :,ulte could be converled t'd ooSt'mt'nt, l\tt.iched gdragt' -\:.1>unw II '{o, moct GREAT FLOOR PLAN Umque brk ranch 10 Llg- to III 1:11\ h.ll'''' h.l, l.trgt.' t"nlll\ 4 bdrm!> , 2 baths & more Land Contracl terms available $115,000 (G-569) 886-4200 room \\llh flft'pla('e and !x'lIUllful Parquel fllXlrlOl! 1111 In l\ll:\TT CO:'lDITll):,\' Imml'dldt~ !X.'('up.l1li IN TilE SHORES and close to IlIke, Ihl'> In ('} ,mil .m ,lllr.l('tIH' price ddJlI,tmcnt hll~ JU~l lIt",n m.lck' lletlilb ill 8tH ~"I teresllOg contemporary Ranch on cul-de ~ac has TWO GROSSE POINTE INCOMES 10 prime loca. VALlJl-: P'\l I\fo:O BlIl\(;.\J.OW III pOllulnr Wood....lIrell .-\ BlI)(;~l' ~mml-:n~PI-:~loU, '1\ ll11 ~ bt'\lfi"1/l~ 3 bedlooms IInd 2 excellenl balh... Fanlll~ room tlons on Rivard Bolh charm 109 and well I' ,b"th ... Upc111tl'C1klldwn, ilr ,'111\" men I 1JI-028 & H-{)26) 8852000 cludlOg superIOr I~t Ooor Illundry $t7!l,!l'J9 (11-:>ltllt. Ill'l't lillolill IIlg RIll UOU SHOREHAM Oul ...t3ndmg two bdrm Ranch 195 RIl)(a'~MONT GIW~~l': Plll:'-lTE fo'I\HMS I- Oltt'l"" ~ tln< ..,ltt.lbl \lll .1I~1...., on Ige lot III GrO!><;ePtc Woods Large Florida f'1~E 1\1\111.\ ('OI.O:\IA!.1ll tlk'l"lrk bl.'\1rollm ... 211,llJ't:, ~lld)('n ""llh rr.. t~'n Walk to Farm' ... pll'r from Ihl .. hnck r,tnch 1 c'(l Pllr( h h ...ullw I'XI,tllltl 1.lnd Ulllll.lel 1llll,6JOl,l room, 1 7 baths, central air plus newer roof, With !len, formlll (hnm~ room cnuntry kit furnace & garage (G 564) 886 4200 chell, flm ..hed bll~mrnl, 3 hcrlroom .. IInd 2 car garn~e $!l7,ooq (1" 521I lI86 'it\(10 OPEN SUNDAY

PlUDE OF OWNfo:H~IIIP I'" fl'rll'( 1"0 In lhp ....('11 mltllllaUWO mt('nor & I'xtc'nor of Ihl" nl('r WOO(I' I'~ ...tory homt' Comfortahlr family room Ilh gll ... hn'pl!lc(, dml'llr plu~ (ht1lll~ room «(i 1621 1186-I20U ~ '~ Nfo:W 010 fo EHI''1H, ltK"IIt'C1 \II Illl/,hly l1!">lIahh' ,1It'/I IOIlIU\ IW\\l IIPn' , ,I • h,," I' tln.'k Tlo:HKI"'Il'r.\,'I1I\\\ll,I,l\1 'nllwl'l\~I\4, of H,lllx'r Wood .. 1-4 Ot>t!r,,,,r,, bill it innl~,llo .... HUllg.llol1 \I 111l! 1",,11111.11\ .... md tMlh I\f\ ,',1< h floor ~ I~,"",~ :'. Nlt~ tllt'ltullful!\ ~"ltl,",'11 wllh COIlllal dlll1l1ll: room Gro .....e 1'11I1It(' phI'" lIallll.1I (1I1'plll' I' "1<'i'nt'(l and Itllt"o«'l1Itr Ikon. Mh hf(1rlluln .111 1l'\1Ik"'''' \ '"'!)It" 11\I~ I'\l\lt'l 'I('hool'l $';2900 (G flW 1,ll'I' glllllt'''' I ""Ill ....11II 11M lllll! f1rl'pllll'l' Illlli '" llh flrt'pllh'1", liPiU'IlIU,,\ klld,.-n '" Ith hfH~I.:-1 IMPECCABLY MAINTAINfo:n, IllrJ~e f.. mll) !'Ill( 1-' .11 '-,1 Ill-:I>I CEll' :'-In.... offt'rt'(t I\t arn IJn'5~1 \w\t'I1ll"nt I :\tWH ,1\1\),,\\ homl' on lov('ly lot With many cxlr,l'" ( Ifl'ul,lr OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 $111, lK"1 llll\ ',II_I t'lIl Ullll floor plan mcludp ...plJn('lpd family room phi'" (.IU',\'I I (H \ 1111'\ ...\ I'l-l< fo 1,1111{ I't \'\ \ll\ I I 1I....11111!)\' Il,HI 111\1" 11\1' l.lI'I : b.-dr.,,'l!\ Iihrury With book ..hplvp'i Nrwrr rllrpet Ir,1 L.lkl.'1ll .... (.ro ...... t. PllInll' ,"'.trm ... I' h,llh I 111(11...111I.l1!ill ••lllltflllllpd,ltll~ Ihn"~ll \11\lll"lllt¥.l"nlll) n""l1 1"ft'I','r l.lkht-II 11("\\ .Hi~lll~ Ihruout ('cntrlll air N('wrr roof & copper l!l'i HHIK,'nHml (,ro,,'1(, Pomlt' "-arm ... 111'\\ l' I,ll j{,II.,gl' .11111,1111 I' IH'''' ro ...1 ~ 11<1 llIurf' I ""'* 111',1,111 plumbing $2'l!Ill(IO (II (20) KI!'l2000 777 Illlrnllj.llon (,f()'>"1.' POIllI(' I'llrk I'HI\tl' \\ P()! 1'-,\Ill- \, (;H()~!01": POINTE W()()IJ~ 2~ Fon1.loll 1..1Ilt' Ion)',,,, 1'01n\1.' !'11(10 1010 Ill'lhllp. (.n)'> ...,' 1'lIlntl' l'llrk I III III ... <"11111<1'" \In \ .I1lIl.l11 11\11'01,111<111111 I h.~lfl'''111 J' t ... tll h "I\,\< ""I'" nl4llllll"'\.t I I "I\.' '" NII14 Mllrln(' to: J>I'lrUll , hllil 1.11Ill' p,IlI' k,t r .1 III"\ Inom 1\ IIII hll'.lllI I "IIIIl~ .l!lll Ilrtpl'h'1' llolll\l''I 1,.. \lI\ "I I,II' fwd !l,1 r All" ...1\\1 FOR All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN 111111rillllPIw-d HI III IIIII III puul "rrllllll!', II l't"'~llnhn~ IIll,'rltll 1I\101ll"l11l141 III !IIl~ (~.I OPEN MONDAY. FRIDAY 9 a m .9 p m and 9,30-530 SAT and SUN GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE KERCHEVAl.ON THE Hill OffiCE 816.(200 .... 5100 81&.2000 OUT.Of.AREA, CAll TOlL FREE Formerly Tolts Ind AllOe 1.100-247-5200 •• , 23 !!l' Seventeen Office. In Four Countle. l1'll'm GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GHOSSE POINTE WQ()(),,) "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" b2 Kercheval 88".0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881.6300 ------.....-

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26, 1984 William J. Champion & Company -",,

~ 20439 MAC~ ~\'Er-..UE Grosse p",n'l? ...... x-JS E.~. gt~ JE'u~ "Whf'rp .~tllf'S IIIHI frit>mJ,,, Irt' 'twit''' 886-8710 >: OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2.s OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUN 0 • j~ \\ DUYLE - OPE~ SDIDA Y ~ 00-5.00- &.); PDI.BERTt)~ - OPE~ Sl ~DA Y ~ ()}'5 l\\ ~ SS3CA.'iERBCR\-O\-er LlJ)) square ree< 01. flOors! tlOJClnu:g m U-.." ...."':.. C""'-'\.T,",:~ r., :" ~ \\ }L\ T IS OFFERED BY :\ TRI LE\'EL HOt'SE? ~ Brand De'"il Iutchen W1th Cff'a!IUC uk floor 3 bron:IQCl';...... :: ~ ba:h Li..'1i1...~ ='-. .. "'. :-_":>: .l, r Z D\.)~ T ~HSS thJS eXl-eptll'lnal '0\ ell ffiJ1ntdU'ed 3 ('Oll'P.l~' lonWfilenL'e contamro tll d contem. ~m 2'~ bath ..:enler entraol..'t' l'olotHill' U) ta~ (/) !l'lf,lrl "t, I~ ColOnIal J bedrooms 2', baths ~J.:uril \\ovd'ftorl. an~:1'De.lUtlluJ h.aro\\V<.xi lie.....'!' I,mull ll"ml and l :.: ..:~ ,x.' ''.'',' = charrl SpaCIOUS famtl~ lI.lOffi !.ll..:hen \\ 'tll 11\LPg room \\ Ith cJthedral celhng dmmg area i ""'P-l oreakfast room = great l'OmtortJ.blt' i1\ A: bedroom ~ \I'-1th large ~oo 00 the;;a'\JOJ f1u..y Roo: ~ \'C"-'~ ._~ "':€~:.. r 0 rate 1\ l'h OL'O....:> leadmg out to a I er~ pnl ate :>-ard _n..g La:lId t'\.'llltracl tenn.5 = a seller \1 lllll1g to c\'}fl' ~F~~ ~ Upddted l..ll~hen \\ lth all applJances fWlshed o , 1",r ll~ fmancrng ior a tell le3~ -\lIth." dnd bJS( n'€fll Jp(1 possible land contract terms Xear "t 1476S. RE..'AlTI- ..menuoo ba..~ hunter'S One IX t.~ ~,C'tl\~ ~ _"i:: P. " .", :""';'~c .•0 ~ !"1vt'e' :5t".: of t ne Sea ('II bet:izwm r:lJXil _nth fama') room, lJbra.'j utW.t) root!'_ C:". -.g !".)t..'C ~:..:,--r..,.,j g.c.:e~ ,=~ (J\ 7h' RI\' -\RD - OPE~ Sr'Do\ 1 ~ 1)1, .... 5 (oj - \T 2,.,11 SC -\RBOROl GH - OPE" SrXDAY ~ ~~ ~ TE'TI\)' YOl'~G -\T HE-\RT J. Quamt 2 l~1--5 t\l - U'Xl RY R-\XCH CO'DO \11th i %i(J)IJ)('}ll.lOOR-Perte:t s:-a! ..." ,.,!', Z located 10 the heart of the Llll There are IV0m e"ljUbllel) flmshed ba:,ement le\ ei. 'h ...... ,.~, ~ ..."''''''' UM<\tM \..I1ehen a t .. __ .. _ ~"t ...... _ •• ~ .... \.....,.~ ,...... n ...... '" ij) ...... :::: "n deck overlookIng a deep lot'tPat LS acceso:.ole ~~.t'~'l~~~q~;~~f;;t'T~~~~~;~'~;;;'i; z 233(» S. COW ....1AL cr -Borden1lg G~ funte 00 a c<...L1-ile-xc -l tcl ...'\.J"c (' ...~Y'_-,- .. :r. .. - ~ lroID Freoch t:ioon. off the illrung room ~Q.t Ibt Located 1n \~arren LLI baths. ~ room. .~W'ances u:lduded :2 car arl4d:.ed ga.-age Appro'u...CA'c:~ : ::+4' ,.q->-~ 0 ~ t~p1cal Colorual out a ~e \\ltn gfl:~al p;;xer.ua1 pnced In the "e\ ent!e::, ~ ~ ~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY


GRaiSE POL'"TE Crr'l~ CdallOil (11 a grand scaJe. 5mJated re a ~"L-..-::::s ,,~ _.::.:a .. !r- ;;~",u:':J. trees.. ,\ ft r roo-::n ;';'Y."a..!: <"?-ga~.! ~ es:ltt). WIth dauI:iie SQ1rWay,1DlI&M: roam. mommg room. breakfast ro."1ffi ~:i'ed',~ .....~.2a "l,a'c ruoi. ~ dafll!Id iJIcherl. carnage blIuie 0Rr a fr:u" ear garage 'i'-1m t'lio bedrocms presEr.t1) n::r.,ea :.~~ m.,'!lS ba~ beea itdJecanl.ed. Six finpiace.

GRCISSE POl''TE WOODS-- ThIs perfect 3 bedroom den Colomal before the new school) ear' Converuent GRalSE I"OL''TE ~ buill m l!r.t. Ya.ster bedroorr. 00 filS !kU' 'Io1th ad1:uooa: J OO:troorr..s and Caml.l\ room has a SpaCIOUS floor plan large ranns locationtor all ages SpaCLOUS fanuly room, emsec:ood ODor. Ulr'Ie gr1llil ball for: ed.ertalDmg. }lutscbIer n~hen. tlbfar:. f;rn fl

GROSSE I"OINTE SHORES-Beaubfully mamtarrw! by the ongma1 oro."'nE!' Located 00 a qu;et cul-c~5ac. ClOiering 4 bediDlllDS, 2~ batbs, ~. room. cherry updated ktt.cben. recreanoo room ""1m k.:tehen factDbec CttItra1 m, two fw1Jaoes. Burg1ar alarm S)"SU!m. Spnnk.ler system. Bw.l: .n ~A..

HARPER ~ sharp two bedroom rancb ViLth famJl) room Ideal as a sta home S:cr.~ and tm,« IIJdudfd I~ car garage. Gtilit). room Pna!d at S3Slm

KINGS\'lI.l.E-- PloLARr decorated tw9 bedroom coodom.Imum All appha.r..:-esare lIlCluded.. lflDdow aD' CCJOdibmer 1f'dndrd Storage area m ba.serne1t.. \\asher and dryer a\allan!e

urn..ES'T'ONE-C located m Harper Woods.. Attr.ictIve me bedroom ~:'~U!'i L::.rg-::' .1r.2 rwm Prrr.IIe ~.Iot. ftawmen! sWr.age area m basement '10th wash tub ('Ofi\l:.ler: locatllj(j ~~-;...... { '"' ":'" j.l' .... m_ «~ ~ TRl'!: E~GLISH \\1th many details '; bed- -\ WI"~l"G COMBINATWN - a condommlUm rooms, 3'''! baths. faml1y room. SpaCLOUS and carefree h\1ng! EnJOYyourself and It..e com. rooms, natural fireplace and a 2 car garage fortabl) In thIS 3 bedroom townhouse LlVlng A Great bouse for entertaunng at a great pnce room. dlnlfig area. newer kttchen and 112 baths SH8,OOO' Com ement location near tlle Village

Member of the LOCATED "O~ THE HILL' Grosse POinte Real Estate Exchange In Grosse p()lnte Farms ~acomb Board of Realtors across from Perry Drugs Detroit Board of Realtors

BEACONSFIELD Brick iDcome propert). 4 flat. CLOVERLY ROAD-BeautUuJ Engllin rESIdence each W1th one bedroom. All occupaed. 3 car 00 170x liS tot III pnme Farms IOLallao SpaCIOUS g.arage. rooms lDClude step dcr,.l1 {1\ mg rOOM &. pane!~ hbr-..ry 4 !anuli' bedrooms each wltn pn\ ate Mth 1ST OFFERL"G-PutDam Place Qmet Shores on 2nd plus a dellghtfu! bedroom sUIte '),'&0 bath OQ bassodafeS 2 rooms & FI!iuhed baxmem ~Edgar locanoo. just atf lAkeshore CeIlter entrance 3ni.. maJ.0:s bath l~ story ~ % bedrooms %lll baths on Centra! au 3 garage 1St. 2 bedrooms ItbaIh em 2Dd.. Spaoous f.amil) 114 KERCHEVAL 886-6010 room WIth ~ 1St floor 1aulldry Panel- S DEEPL.\..\"DS - V.r..3E:SW'1 a',ail- ed games room WIth bar In bruement Alarm acle .. bem"oom ') ~ bath 1',:: stern rt::: a<:r.«: system, Cftltral aU' lllaYiti sprmkier 2 car at- Libra!} t,l.. th iJreplace E!1cl~ poreD;' .th tacbed garages Many aJJW'!l'beS adJOl1l.1llg paUo Attached garage Great FIRST OFFERING Shores loca tl on 1ST OFFERL'iG WasbmgtoD Hoed. HaDdsome:3 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 HA\\IHOR;-';E-~entl) paLr.teil l~lde &. out . bedroum t ~ bath Cok&a1 011 beal.ltUul tree ;, IzDed Itreet. EDdoIed parch Mlttvbler ct- lJnS ~. offers 2 bearGt'.>ffiS 00 1st & krge dim. Rec. room. % car ~ It SO fool lot bedroom 00 2nd C.!lO Rec room 10th ~ system Sev. er roof

AL1XJBOS ROAD. " bedroom 2"11bath HIDDE:\ LA.'"E-3 bP.droom.s 1 .. bath rar.r 011 mceiy landscaped 116X 1;'-, lot near St Sorth HIgh Table space 1'1 Kitch"" PJlJ3a die (]are sc::boollt c:burt:h. Paneied lJlnry Fanu- Lng roor.l Faml!) room Central al'" r rc.J!ar Iy room !lee room WIth fireplace 2 car at- dn\"e L.'C terms po:1SS1bleL"rdr:r ~W) ,II) tacbed garage ::::------. LAKE\lE~-Dider re:'!Qena: r.e.c.r C( C;un A ITL.DE.SAC setting ill the Farms Just a fe,\ COCR\1LLE-Sear Grosse Pomte Sharp 3 corr.pletel) upiat€f.l fljf' mO<.iem h ..';:-'" \i, hur.dr~ feet from Lake St Clair s sOOre 5 bedroom I ~ bath Cclonlal Den. ~ room &.: paneled l,brar;. 4 bedroorr..s &: 2 . OOw.s 'li j" bedrooms. 3 full baths hbral) anE:.,,1 !...arge ~.P'"'.....::tf;:C ,(.tU~{:f,', .:n Ir Mad: Current! \ J.eued call loc more Lre'?l.ace &: brea,fG~t afe4 f";..r"1- r';(X,-!'":;: 171 perucu1An L;u;.g r(lIrJ'ffi hb-r<::.:r:. & irJnT~ .. 11""llrg rrJ!Y"; ) r...e::r()()rr •.s l.. ~ 2 r)~"r...:; CirCular cr"t(: IT"" McK1~"LEY-4 bedrOOC'",s De::: h batbi ReI: rr.eaJ4te prL~Slr/i room 5lJ it lot o.mer t:rar.Iiferrtd )'kKIXI.EY-P(~r f "rr-..., 'tr~ •• ' 'r;.' ; ,,. 'Jr. MORA." ROAD--.1 bedroom ; .. r4W L.rA'ar; rI. :ms : oe:ir'YJm! < •..a'r. [r..,;05r f-:.r... "hIT. "l pum r R.t, V H ~lT'I \IA ITB p.Ut Comemerlt klca.bar1 SICeI) decnrat«l :2 c..argarage \'e- .. l;:, rrfl'~ ''''J,,: r',.,. r ~ r~ [JEU(,.HTF1.:L A~1) PETITE OJ\DO Ju..,t ""10" \\ er-.-ner TI~L r ~Kt, ,lEV. (uslrJm ~..U1lt [i: (urrr'nt ready to mtlVe to hIS DI!"S ~ ti'..rq;ghrJUt the Ii!ace for a sUlgle pefYJO Sh(Jrt ;,..1" teJ---,n'/p- (JJ r.for '~-", 1("] f.replaces ma rblf' ( r • r" 'l' f' hall p'r~ and tran.spl"Atatlf ...., Vac..ant awl "I a da t,1(. '(If lmmedt<:te oa:upaOC") rr) (r ar<1"",'( rI'{' Dcslgnl-(J for ",r,,{ {I'~' I • n'l It' • / 1lf'

r. .==S .. ~ 't" " Bt:CK r.'\G HAM - "Ice ;u.e " bfodroom 2', t....tti 2 ~TP,,;~.Tf(JRD PL-\( F.. ..;r~ .1jl~J'Tj I ~>••;d"j ( ,f) WJr") l'ftldmc.e OIl is; 167 lot Ltbrar) Rear ser. fAl..etI./t, thtk.d.M~/J !..(/r~;-; ~ r l<:r"J 1 ;r/)- VIa! stall'S SUI bedToom ",',tb beth 00 3rd Rec "",th flrf:1'lace P"fR: ..Ij,r. c,. ,,,,,,'F) ,'" rr"r- ~ ~ ...... , car i",r""u ( :(1...... r L \Kf~<;WJRE R()AD -AFT()Rf) \ flU': PfW f _ atldcr,f.:(J -_ rorATl ~atural ...ooctv.ort: '" leaded "1~ r.' ( 'I hP.M 1 I'.f- .. Till- h V ..K of thl, EnRJl~h .r, l ~l1: thl~ firM' ']I.' : 11f'(jrr"J" ( " 'J-- " '". r t-,,, S119W) ~ I"J'/~fn1J"'~ "'~Jrj"l~ r",,,,,rtr~ •.dk~ A \-(.r"..' ;;[0(10U1i 'MJfJuLJ, "f.."W)~!:-. ;)~, ,f-. ~, ' , .01 • d '>tr. [pi "1J"',t.ernpr;lI""r "'~~r fIr ...... '~, (;' "'j '''''1 ( (()t'" J l' ..,.-1 rJ tJ\Irf" P(jl.~\..~-d (i:Jrrl"~f' r,/AL'o#' r tr{ /. ~k1rrl f' ~I'.. }~r'" (dr". I' :-rJl/'" ;.... '~;J" r< J... "')I.r Open Sunday 2:00-5:00 I F '" ~) f I(1' ~ r r ( (~{I poJ ~ ... 1'i (Ir~:rJ/~J::--#- ~". ',I'/Jr ~ ...... -;.. f-,l'f-r,l. ... r/J'T 1. ~.1it~~'"a ~tj ...~ .... ~f),.a((r •.... : ...~~.(r "JI~r(;J(r 2ln3 Ha ..thorne - 3 l:oedr/'il'Al'l.5 ~ r.tI~ (If, t>"(l (,,, I" 1-;I • ,,. "" 'A bedrot".>ITLS z,'Yl fi'"'' F :- • , 133 Lalt~ - 4 Sl(~ !JII:! , ~ !icK1rJty - 3 l:lf'drr...... rr..s ~ r.tIlJ r~'ltrisl ;',r I..'.Jr. 'r.r ',;.( r !i _I{ Jr ' ~j:,t..t:7Tj, Vi'" ' ...... f)r

HYi" ~ Hlgt,~ r r, '"( ~.. ~r Dooa III R SCn Itb, Mer 83 Kercheval Avenue ~..rj" ~'It ,r""j(.,r R.achel Baumann fUljf'" J'.I')' r ) (.lith B Drvlm Hrnatr h'inK ppop Ie ',!r I'r r -' r -1(. Conl'l)e Gnifltb \f..,r ... r ~'r''- '/)'( .,. ,,.; .. ,. t.. ,i., ~ F'ra.Jllic J HUIter' - and howefl <.,TII r r..J:r ,,(;{ .11lt-.It .... ( (il ('''''1 A r.. Juq a IIn(,rt Peter J KollAffrMln J.. r .', t1 (r 1'1 ,,,lit {((,rr. 'r,l I"k(. 4 t"oflrIJorn 2' I t.ath~ phJll ,If r" lr ....,. it ( .-t"J I r,,l J.... E Mendenha Il with imagination" m" "j '1,,,,r'('(O {," lhf'llnt floor Ext!" room" In Wartbl s.tOe) Weny f',f"~...~r(~J..r, .1/ (lwJ. IIr,r"u ;,o'llamlly r(J(lm ....r-w "KIf gutlf-n r>C}f',1 hill) 8fter1y Padl "i ...... r rJ "If UJfI(l!t ,(If,lnK lAaIn ,...... Inc, 888-3400

i '>,e''' .., >:t I nO ;U ..J " -• ------q C c ..------_.4 __....._------


FIRST OFFERING-Beautiful lhree bedroom, two bath ranch One bedroom IS currently a library and IS paneled Take your pick Located , on qWE't court an Gmose Pomte Woods nus dream FIRST OFFERI house has an ultra modern kitchen With aU built- FIRST OFFERING illS, newer roof,lovel>, landscapUl8, addItional 10' GROSSE POINTE WOODS msulatlon. cl'ntral sir condItlonmg, 12'X15' oak GROSSE POINTE WOODS • LAKIo;LAND - The chm III and bt>.luly of edroom, 2'. 1>.I1I1('ulorual paneled family room, plus fuushed basement with FcllIlIlj room, rec room With w£'t bar ~."(tra m- recreallon room Everythmg has been done A erd combIned ....Ith every lOIlVel1ll'nle of the BO'!> Complete!) renovated Call for mon' lIlfOlITl,ltlOll on ltm spedaculllr homp UNUSUAL FOUR BEDROOM RA!"\CH an pnme East DetrOIt locatIOn Features private entrance off master bedroom, full bath plus Iwo half baths, fUllShed basemt'nt With recreatIOn room Won't last I

SECURITY l\[]~DED? \\ e offer an extra special, almost ne ...., ram:h, With fire and burglar alarm system and outdoor secunty hghtmg Only the begmnmg Hds 1\\0 SpaCIOUS bedrooms, hbrary With booksheh es, Circular drive, attached garage, central :lIr condlllOmng, plus much, much more

THREE BEDROOM F:! bath Enghsh Tudor m excellentltrosse Pomte City location House has a new roof, storms & screens, dnveway, plus updatedlutchen FIl'Sl floor has SpaCIOUShVlllg room and dmlflg

rfYlm rll1~"':l "~rot-:: ~1 !~~!"~~~ ::-:d::~~!~d~~~~:-c~::c::!t:::.::c .E=:.:::r:.:::~:.:L::l:~:d, ,~,t..'4b~;- ..:~;w tlOn room Won't lastl ...... % , POSSIBLE LAND CONTRACT TERMS available on thiS line three bedroom bungalow Everythmg up- GROSSE POINTE WOODS.--- ~ to-dale here Including new carpetmg, custom made drapes, fmlshed basement \\ Ith recreatJon room, KINGS CT - SpclCIOUS3 bedroom ranch Faml- lavatory and office The house and garage are all bnck ThiS I~ a pleasure to show GROSSE POINTE WOODS Ii room Large Kitchen Central air Land Con- ANITA - Mlllt conditIOn 3 bedroom, 11. bath Col. trelct uHlllable $89,500 omal Den, central air Patio. 21"2 car garage All thiS plus hberal Land Contract terms FIRST OFFEReolG - 19202 RAYMOND - At. CHARMING BUNGALOW - 2013 KENMORE - trach\'e Woods Colomal on qUiet closed Perfect starter With 3 bedrooms, den and rec street Three bedrooms, 1~ baths, beautiful room $58,900 With Immediate occupancy WILEOH new kitchen, family room and many other GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Custom buill 4 GROSSE POINTE PARK amellitles Mid $70's Open Sunday 2-5 bedroom, 2'. bath Colomal, new kitchen With WAYBURN - 3 bedroom aluminum home For REALTORS LEXINGTON - Grosse Pomte Farms J bwlt-Ills, family room With built-m shelves mal dmmg room Price rcduccd $3'1,900 bedroom ranch With attached screened and wet bar, central air and more porch and garage, open floor plan for IMMACULATE AND SPACIOUS - Semi-Ranch 884-3550 gracIous entertaining and very convement With recent improvements' updated kitchen, locatIOn newer furnace, central air, and tasteful 1330 WH£ITIER - Charm and Character In thiS carpetmg Family room and rec room Land 3 bedroom Coloma I With paneled lIbrary Contract lerms available Central air & more LIGGETT SCHOOL AREA 21482 WOODS COLONIAL - 2016 FLEETWOOD - WEDGEWooD - Five bedroom, 21n bath Updated kitchen, very SpaCIOUS family Colomal, kitchen w/bUllt-lllS, family room room Simpte assumption, low $70's \\ Ith flreptace and bookshelves NORTON COURT - Immaculate Colomal With 65 VERNIER ROAD - AttractIve newer 3 family room, hbrary, 3 bedrooms, 21~ baths bedroom Colomal With large gourmet kit- and more Price reduced I chen Island work area and b\ Family 1589 HUNTINGTON - Four bedrooms, 2 full room With fireplace. PrIce reduced with • baths, a new kitchen, 2nd floor laundry, qUick occupancy, or for lease at $8OO/mo bnght Flonda room, den With wet bar and 884.6200 more OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 PARK BUNGALOW - Four bedrooms, Ph baths 19202 Raymond 1330 Whittier With ilreplace. $54,000 INCOME PROPERTlES - Four 2-famlly flats In excellent rental area of the Park All units OCCUPied Call for details BALFOUR - WOODBRIDGE CONDO - This well located 2 6 BR, :11. bath beautiful lhm out has family rm + den and much more! Youngblood BERKSHIRE - 4 SR, 31~ bath Tudor, famIly rm large deck, lovely yard bedroom, 2112 bath umt With a family room IS BISHOP - 1 ready for Immediate possessIOn Private Inc. 6 BR, 3 2 bath dbl ga!> grill, screened terrace, patio, pool Lovely neaUy CADIEUX - 2 BH, 1 bath ranch close to Village, school, cent air, 2 car garage patio and more CADIEUX - 1 3 BR, }l. hath Colomal, large modern kitchen w/bay. large screened terrace 1317 WH£ITIER - Four bedrooms, 2 '2 baths, Beauliful and move-lII-eond!lion paneled family room w/flreplace, built In the HAWTHORNE - 60's WIth ternflc floor plan 3BR, ll~ bllthhome In the SHORES library, modem kitchen Veryha~eand IInmaculdte LAKE POINTE - Income 2BRs down With extras for owner rent upper With 2 Bns Home com. pletely renovated $62,000 LEXINGTON - 2 BR, 112 bath ranch new family rm, recently, new landscapu1g and aU In perfect conditIOn RIVARD - 4 BR Colomal With family room, kitchen With special apphance3 Nice for family Sclcufm ReDt er,fate WILLIAM CT - 3 BR, 1'2 bath r.lnch on qUIet court family rm, great location, temflc condlllon, FIVE FIRST OFFERINGS cent all and 2 car at! garage OTHER AREAS

BENJAMIN - CANAL property, 50 ft seawall J BRs down, very mct' studJo apartment on 2nd floor RAUSCH - E DetrOIt - J BR tll-level enclosf'd porch and move-m-eondltlon $39,900 5T CLAIR, 1\11- Hight on theSt Clmr flver 3 BR, 3 full b.lthspectacular CONDO wlthe\'eryUung to mdke hfe"comfortable Dnd edsy For !>ale or lease .... (rI;f.,; E WARREN - Comm('rclal bldg 50X20 Apartment on 2nd floor Extensl\'c improvements -...... ::--...- YORKSHIRE - 4 BR, II. bath bnck WIth all aluminum trim very well maintained $34,900 ~~" - - ;-( ">'~

~~:~ .-< -'. " z, OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 -3n~""' d"4, #..,,.. ~_ "'...... '""'- Magnificent English manor house updated Beautifully decorated throughout With room and throughout and decorated WIth all the colors of storage galore, thIS ISan exceptional four bedroom 30 N DUVAL - 4 BR, 21~ bath Colomal III the SHORES LocatIOn, fanuJy rm, kitchen has all ap- plIances, mcely diVided busement Spnng Every elegant detail of thIS outstandlllg Semi-Ranch With completely eqUiPped Mutschler home Will thnll you, from the spectacular liVIng kitchen, central air and greenhouse 1151 S RENAUD - 213 BH I ':! bath lurge center entrance ranch. Florida rm most attrclctlve! room Wlt.h Its vaulted celllO~ soann~ to a tower- ~'-./T' l750 VERNIER, APT 24 - CONDO large 1 BR, 11 ~ ba th With new efflclt'nt kitchen, excellent I Ing 20 feet and graced WIth balcony and bay to the opUlent five-room master bedroom wlIIg A total of 1.52 acres, directly on the water, With 165 feet TAPPAN & ASSOC. 90 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS of frontage Floor plans Will be furmshed on request

BEACONSFIELD-Large, well-kept four-plex In quahty rental area Two bedrooms III each umt Freshly pamted With np",er carpetmg, newer ap- phances Two new furnaces Seller Will supply OC Slim ~nro:a ~cnt£: .inc. (.upancy Certificate ROBERT JOHN - Beautiful Colomal With In- 17108 MACK ground heated pool Great family home Superb English Tudor 10 oUlstandmg condition features five bedrooms all WIth slUible closet dtstmgut!>hed by gorgeous woodwork, ma- 886.9030 space SpacIOus fIrst floor With slate entry, JestiC staircase, bnght SpaCIOUS rooms, five family room WIth fireplace and first floor bedrooms IOcludlllg dramalJc vaulted ceiling laundry master sUite With bath, fmlShed games room With fIreplace and bar ."HEADLINER HOMES ••• 1222 HUCKI:\'GHA:\1 ')52 THOR1'<1f,1mil)' room, lnodt>rn kltl hen, .l rull batht., ~llr • • Excellent mterlor floor plan Prlc(,'(j to hrll al only $Wl tlOU' • Deluxe gourmet kitchen & breakfa!lt nook • Fln.t floor master bedroom With extra large • Three natural flreplaces hath 41 LOCllMoOH 1':xtn'lIwl\ UI1lQUl' • Ilt'dl nOIll homl' Ih,t! , 11('1f.,( t fOI .'nll'll,unUlK' 11~t' room:. lhru • Attra(tlve beamed CetllOg hVlng room e1nd rc( • Three 'iecond floor bedroom!> and/or family out 4 full h'l III', , 2 [)I)Il, dl'r room, lI11ltk'ln "Ill hl'll \\ llh Iklllin Illlgl' !"ITlII~ room IIbntr), Jlld flour room room laundry room, dtl,ltlll'r1 j.(,lr"f(p Onl) $121 (~M) • Walled In Englt~h garden lanch,caplng • ~kylights & hUilt In bookshelves • Central air Ihroughout 721lCANTJ-~lmliHY ('1 ,\ ht',lull(ul Jlli' ~hdlll.'(llotl~ tilt' '.4 1l1!1j-l for Ihl'" hrt'.ltht.lkll\f{ CllllllU.t1, .. b«-\t!'(Ion\l, 2 5 halhl>, IIhrary, 1,111111\ lown lll\ l'll'd 1l

MORE FINE HOMES AVAILABLE 2U7l0 MAUTEH !tOA I) A IIlI {I( IiYIIW (01 till' mOI\l'!' I b''i!l.)(11l\ IJI l{ k I nllllllal II Ih:ht'rJ "lth f'tNl Attractive {limlly rocJnI full t"lth off Illd~!l'1 ht'dlOOI1l ('\ll'lll'nt !loor pl'Hl, l ,)Yt'rl'tl pollio, .lllal.'l~ &llrllille. on pKlurl")flue lanmcapmg, punltui11('d WIth y,('lIlocated 1 bedroom 2 bath Colomal In 1m, Iy $W,900" 'iecllldN:! patiO and pnvate gardl'ns Stunnlll!! maculate condilion PandNl Ilhrary plus den Inlenor With parquf't f1o0N 1 or 4 bedroom... dll ta~te!ully decorall~ for a ('hecrfulliunny 1334 BlJCKI~(:II/\ \1 <'''IllC' 1110.1'It hol \\Ith \ltlll \t'n 01\1\ HI ~rnlllld p,'ol ,IWollt'll .... ~ptl"ll ,.n.1 J{e~('ntl) lJ~t('d ('{feel :J ~paCIOll" hl'drtlolll~ 2'. h.ll h~, fm"lll'd h,l"'I'Ill' III \\ IIII 1I.l'! h.lf I.. l ol\lln~ ) our l'nlc-rlall1l1\i f~n Irllllllr, I,ll Ill' mum" "I'r[('( I & \ 011 dl"t'rH' to plUlI pt'r HIlIl 'l'tI' Pflu ...1u I onl) $U5 (1)0 1. (' t.... ms PHOVE:"lCAL - (Jorgl'()US umlemporary ( olol1lal Md,llLLA r-. Krand npw klldwn Ideal for the flurr) , Won I I.. "t' lIlpp:' ,t., IJIIt l'I\'" I\,)uld. 1l1"1,h'r 1111' ""i11l1,h T1"lor "'llflh\ lit ltl'Hlll\' d(.u/ them(' prr,vlde!> a mahlerful <;latemfIIJO)l thl' ((,m(ort of till ... t"t/ll.," BEIJFOHD ...tunnln!! I; y('ar old (o)omal (,.,tlur IJfo.I{K"''' , HE \..slrj((' mom .. Hrld lot, of "pac(' In 1IIg exqulhlle prOf('l<~lOnal dN'(/r In cV('ry I'X Ihl' btJdj(I'! pr1rM 5 tJOPdroom, 2 hath bl"ll'k Co) 1f(l.~9 Ll\!VII.Lt': 'tOIHljo(JIIIl'rn', ,tOl\I" Ihroll Iloill -.t l..l,lh ''''''llIllll lllllturdl h!"t1Wll<,", hti rlmlly citIng room Impre~l;lvl' ~pa( IOU~I)("" In~lde lInial Exll'n\lVl' ~tor.I~(" and ({Juntl'r lIpaCf' In room, !nod,'rn kill hc'n I' hdll,~, 1I\ hrrpll" .., Ill< luetL!lltl.JlII' In m ..~lt't bc-.1ruom IMd .-<1I(llIKli Ihru 0111 III

IZlfi WA \' Ill' II' I III dJUOII, I oj",II,d III 'Ill ,!I"" l 1'llIllllon' )-

Iii It f' BOj 1'1 ,,( hultt.~ ( )'Illhlll KM"WIO 214',(J I.ITTl.1- -"1 o\:" Ilt',IIlII!1I1 ',"llll 'II ~H" r\l'Ij(hIMllhuIMt 'If lIarprr ~(Hwi.' 1.1\11llC room "Ith Mtur.1 'lfJ( hoJf'J "~(;C!('Y William Muhllll f~rl"rlll('" Il1rl(l' llIorlt'rn kll' IlI'I' !.IIllII\ rmrn 1'1vI'r) ~P"U(1l1l\ IIrIVIl(') (r/l\'f', ('l'nlrallur, 2 bfld:lOOIt .. HOMJd ( tHl*nh'r ('/trohnr McKI'e (111 l(~y 10 Iwl 1IJ1I1Ppolrltll\l"nl II) Xl'(o! (JIMI) f)ltllTllflan l'lIula MlJ(Irf' .Ja~l C>rl'klch ()mah Murphy IfIIlIlHH( JAO:-'TO/'li!-: 1.0•• 11"cl11/\ 11 f't> fllll'(l (.rollllC' 1'0101.. W(.ooli 81~' .'ant&ftlll' .. lltooctroom CoklnWiI Cvnthla JWwondl(p LII'ld.t ParnrJl ff'lItunn/ot Ird tM"

•" •\ ... I Page T8n-8 Thursday, July 28, 1984

Pointer of Elegant (JJ.(Jt1zte Interest Eating

Counter Points by Janet Mueller A selec'ion 01 recipes from the forthcoming low-calorie. low- By Pat Bousseau "It's the OnlY thmg I'm good at .. So speaks Ron Samuel, one of cholesterol - and penny-wise - WhIle TravelIng Around .. promote Detroit's bUSiest workmg stage ac- cookbook by Thyra Grey Howard your town Wear a bright blue sweatshirt JI tors, explalIUng why he does what he and Heleoa DeWitt Roth, featuring, with 'White saIl boats and Grosse Pointe on - does. ActIng is his profession He this week, proof OIM:eagain that with it A turquOise or lavender T shirt has two has been a writer (free-lance), but a little effort SUMMER SQUASH and ZUCCHINI can become gour- an actor is what he is. And was, even whimSIcal ducks wIth Grosse Pomte Where met delights. the El1te Meet. They're available at The when he was wrltmg And will be, • Mole Hole, Kercheval at St Clair. because he can't help hunself Nor • • does he want to. ZUCCHINI AND YELLOW • • • SQUASH WITH DILL July Clearance At White's Old House ... every- He's acted all over town, from 1-% lbs. small yellow squash thing including pictures, lamps, wall accessories, the Attic Theatre to the Fourth I_I", Ibs zucchini roc~ers, sOJas, maple ammg room, brass t>eas.Zlale IS Street Playhouse to Somerset Dm- 3 Tbsp. margarine on floor stock TAKE IT WITH YOU AND SA VE I ... l1er Theatre. He's appeared m m- % cup sliced onion 26717 Little Mack, 776-6230. Closed Mondays. Open dustrial films and shows, m radiO 1;2 tsp salt Thursdays and Fridays until 9 a. m. and teleVision commercials. Look 1/. tsp. pepper $"~ '. ••• again at the photo at the nght, and Ii< .I ...... 2 Tbsp. fresh dill, snipped : at US each ... chargee Alex Tarek, turns for "Boulevard Blues," after exten- ,.~"{, care program for persons age 18 WITH SAGE . • • 315 Fisher Road. counsel. Unfortunately, McCaully's sive revill;ion, became "The Mind- and up with histones of mental 1lb. crooked-neck yellow sum- • • • illness own mental state is too unstable to Finders." The play has created All You Can Eat ... for $1561 each, meet Torek's emotional demands. some controversy because of its mer squash ~><: Admission is $5 general audience, hard.hitting approach and realism, V4- cup grated onion crusing at Christmas on the Royal Vik. ~ ll. $2 50 for students, ASC clients and ing sea from California to Acapulco. R~v~l This will be a return to the Fries but Kosik doesn't mind that. He Salt and pepper senior CItizens. including an after- Auditoriwn stage for Ron, who was wrote it not to shock, but to Handful of fresh sage Call the travel agent your friends . glow in Fries Ballroom following the recommend. Wallace Travel, 886-a805. involved in a few Grosse Pointe dramatize a shocking situation: the 1 Tbsp. unsalted margarine } hour-long performance. Curtain Theatre productions there in the 70S. ":tr~~ • plight of those who return to the CUt squash In very thin sUces. Ar- • • time is 8:30 p.m. Friday, July Zl. He's originally from San Francisco, community from a mental hospital range sUces in lightly oiled cas- Let The Experts ... at Mutschler Kitchens design Tickets may be reserved by calhng >1 holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in without friends, often rejected by serole. Sprlnlde with the grated ~ . a kitchen, family room, library, bath or cabinetry for 921-6238, 393-1915 or 881-7511; they Creative Arts from San Francisco family, economically dependent and onions, salt and pepper. Finely chop ~-, any room in your home. Cabinets are available in a will also be available at the door. State University, studied acting with socially shunned. the sage and sprinkle over the multitude 01 styles, woods and fin~hes including a Jack Axelrod and Micheal Shurtleff, , squash. Dot with the unsalted mar- rainbow of colors to fit your decor. Stop in and See "THE MIND-FINDERS," direct. imprOVisation with Jonathan Duncan McCaully is one of these garine. Bake, uncovered. in pr~ -" by r them today at 20227 Mack A venue. ed Garry Cox, will have been per- Round. outcasts of society. He's a far cry heated 350' oven until squash is formed 11times since it opened last from the CalVin Stroup Ron por- tender. Makes .. servings. • • • November in Wayne State Univer- sf Sammer-timely Special ... at the Notre Dame Pharmacy. Jlllt HE LIVES IN THE PARK. He's trayed in "Deadringer," d1rected by Calories per serving about 74. sity's General Lectures Building, . '1.1t off I/Z gaUon of vanWa, cbocolate. slrawben'y or neGPOUtaD 38 years old, father of two. doesn't Nicolas P. Calanni, another Pointe Cholesterol O. '';';J~,f Ice ere .... thanks to a Michigan Council (or the smoke, doesn't dnnk, and has been resident. And Duncan and Calvin • • • • • • Arts Touring Grant. Audiences have a Detroit area resident for about 15 are both far cries from Ron's ZUCCHINIPROVENCALE Hurry . . . just six more days for the traditional ranged from mental health protes- years. He's done well here For an Koophuis in last February's Actors sionals to menta! health clients, 1onion, thinly sliced, separated July Lamp Sale at Wright's Gift and Lamp, 18650 actor, he says, "Detroit IS not Alliance production of II Anne into rings from the business community to the Chicago, not Los Angeles, not New Frank," from his Phil Cook in the Mack Avenue. save 20% to 50% off most lamps. If you general public 1green pepper, cut in thin strips need lamp repairs, they can usually be done while you York - but it's okay. The profes- Fourth Street Playhouse production 1clove garlic, minced wait. Free Parking next to the building. It is Kosik's first play. Its first SIOnalism is there, but you've got to of "The Country Girl," from his Mel performances were co-sponsored by search for it " Edison in Somerset Dinner 2 Tbsp. cooking oil • • • 3 medium zucchini, thinly sliced The Super Summer Sale ends the WSU School of SocIal Work and Theatre's "Prisoner of Second the Mental Health Performing Arts Ron's search has taken him from Avenue" 3 medium tomatoes, coarsely . .~ Dlc:l July 31 .. , Tony Cueter's Bi- Association, an organization which Actors Renaissance Theatre perfor- chopped alJ C?~'!~ ]outerie offers you saving~ of Kosik started mances of "That Chamoionshlp Not to mention George Washing. 1/4 cup tomato paste 30% to 40% off everything in the Season" and "Art.1choke'\ to Sir ton. We don't want to dwell on Ron's 1/4 cup sliced pitte are bur;y planning the Welcome diagonally genealogy program, scheduled for ment Willprovide transportation for Wagon Club of GrOfise Pointe and Harper Woods' ,\nnual Summtr Brunch, to be held this year on 1 potato, peeled and diced Thursday, July 26, at 7 p m at the semor Citizens and other orgamzed Thursday, Aug. 23, at thE" Three ~ile Drive homt or MARILYl\' El\'GSTROM (right>. Wtlcome 2 'italks celery, shced thin • St. Clair Shores Puhllc LIbrary, groups dUring July and August for Wagon's executive board and board of director .. will ~ on hand at 11:30 a.m. to welcome new, old diagonally ;i', located on the corner of il Mile tnps to Hlstonc Fort Wayne, the and prospective members and friends. You're all inviled. Ticket!'i may be ohtained for '8 through 3 Tbsp. parsley, minced '-~ Road and Jefferson Avenue, WI)) Dossm Great Lakes Museum and next Thursday, Aug. 2, by contacting Sara Gagen. 88,5-7701, or Joan Owenfl, 881-8626. Reservations 2 cloves garlic, minced focus on "WhIch LIbrary Should I the Detroit HistorIcal Museum, (or made after that date ~i11 be '9. II. tsp salt (optional> Use?" and ....111 cover the majOr a $40 service (ee, covenng travel VIA 1/. tsp freshly ground pepper genealogy collectIOns In area the "Hlstorymoblle" and a tour of Fun with science under th~ Big Top through August Oash cayenne pepper Ilbranes, Includmg the LIbrary of the HIstorIcal or the Great Lakes IO..OZ can beef broth or Michigan and State ArchIVes In Lan. Museums Summl:'r "ScIence under the Big through grade three children start Gf'()lo~y work"hop .. range from sipl, the DetrOit Public Llhrary's There IS an addItIOnal admISSion Top" workshop<" dec;;lgned for at q a m and run until noon After rock .,ludy to .,u~ar crystals, dmo- 2 beef bouillon cubes In 1-1/4 cups Burton Hastoncal Collection, Ann fee of 50 cents for children and kmdergarten through f'lghth ~rade noon ~e'iSlons for grade!> four flaurs to Wind erO'lJOn, and mclude hot water Arbor'. Bentley Library and branch !>efIlorCItizens, $1 for adults at Fort students and covering geology, through eight run from 1 to 4 pm rock f>()lIshlng Wmd and water, Rl,nd all velCetablf'l toIether In libraries of the Church of the La ttf'r Wayne Reservation mformahon biology, chemistry and phySICS. The fee of $10 per week ($9 for sound and hght are' 'part of the heuy Dutch .vetl. Hprlnlt)e HaHn- Day saints may be obtamed by calh~ 833.9721 are offered Tuesdays through Fri' ScIence Center Allsoclate Mem- phySICSstudIes One biology work. In., add broth aDd 11mmer Ifa hour. The meeting IS free and open to between 9 a m and 3.30 pm. Mon. days untll September 10 a tent on bfors} covers four three-hour ses- shop Will (ocus on "why you are Tllte; adjust aealOll'" II. Simmer, tile public: Addittonal mfom.La.tlOn day through Friday Tours may be the DetrOit Science Center 810ns per ChIld, and all materials what you are'" the genellcs of eye uncovered, about:lt mlnutellonlel'. may be obtained by contactmg scheduled for mormnp or after. grounds ReservatIOns may be made by call. and hair color and the shapes of ear or unUI v,.,etablelar~ crtsp-telMler. Mary Karshner at 771-9020 noons SessIOl'l8 {or kmdergarten tn~ 577-8400 lobes Makes A.frvlnlls. Calorlft per If'I'VlnJ aMt st. Cholesterol •• ..

f J ,...... (

Sec:tioII C Sports & classifieds Thursday, JuJy 26. 1984

< , St. Clare's Peplowski first St Clare of Montefalco graduate :-'Ilke Peplo'4skJ threw the sbot put 47 f~l. 9 mctws to take heM pl.aCt In lhe slale of MIChlaan Jwuor Ol) mpils on June 9 'naat fuush -I quallfled PeploY>!;kl for the l" S _ .. TAC 1be AthJetl~ C~ JUnior Ol}mplcs track meet !.OCm- Clnnatl on Juh ";- .. here he f1r.JSh E'd ~econd 0 ..era lJ Icaught a local tournament game in which a Grosse Pointe youth baseball team was Involved this week. It was quite an The natIOnal meet In ClOCmnall

eye-opener. .."a~~_ the, __ highest..~ __ t __ Ie-...... el of__ eompeil'...... -----.

"'Viol • v.. f, y.v ...... _. - -0- 0'"' --.,.. A coach telling a kid he should have broken up a double '13141 He as oni'. a rew mcbes play by going in and putting his spikes in the shortstop's face. behind the Innt'r'. tony G.allaugh. Players screaming insults at the opposing pitcher. A parent er. of ChJllJcothe ohiO downplaying the opposing team's lead by saying it had gotten cheap runs. For a while there, I thought I'd walked in on Peplo\\3kJ's best throw at the season - -t!* feet. lu IIlches - es- a practice session of Don.Rickels-in-training, instead ot a tablished a 5t Clare record "'-as a baseball game In Grosse Pointe. full three feet 0\ er the M~r!r Then I thought back to many of the other sporting events Detroit CYO record and left hJ.m I've covered in Grosse Pointe. And to many of the other in- undefeated In slate competluoo cidents not at all unlike the baseball scene described above. Peplo....skI ....111attend Warren Like a Pointe hockey team which was way ahead in a game DeLaSalie 111gb SChool Uus (aU and spending the last few minutes of the contest high stick- The Park Majors Little League AII.St .... Include, from left to tight, (front row) AI Turner, Matt WysockI, Ed Sefldi, ing, tripping and in general cheapening the whole effort. Bill Saylor, Brett Rlcclnlo, Craig Kosteeke, Tim Gr.mllng, Steve; (middle row) Kelly Gr." .. , Jim Pote, Mfke Montagne, Mike O'Leary, Dane Lupo, Mike Rentz; (top row) manager Bob Turner, coaches Dane Lupo and Hal Bate Or football fans chanting racial slurs at a playoff game. Farms hosts Dads undercutting a manager's or a coach's efforts. Moms yelling at Junior when he doesn't get a hit or if he missed a Park picks Li1tle League All-Stars volleyball check The Grosse Pomte Park Majors Other "all-stars" are board and Dane Lupo (Onoles). John Unfortunately, that's what sports is all about sometimes. picked the All-Star team to repre- members John Hoye, equipment Hoye and ~hke Shaw (~otre tournament sent the Park in Distnct 6 Little Grosse Pointe can get down and dirty with the best of them. manager; Larry HardIng, day and Dame), Frank 1\fcCarrol, Dick The Fanns PIer '4UJ ho:s t a co-ed League tournament play All-Stars And that's not the kind of picture of this community that the night field worker; Tom Griem and Minadeo and BUI Co)TO (~llchigan volleyball tournamerlt thJ.s Sunda>". mcluded Al Turner, Matt WysockI, Wilson Barry Andy Meeker, field managers; State), Steve and Jul) 29 Rosters consIStIng of at Chamber of Commerce boys would like visiting teams to Ed Safadi, BIll Saylor, Brett Rlc- concessIOn manager Sue Dlugosiel. Cogan, laney Spanich, Molly Pole (Army), Dick NelsOn CXavyl at the Park today, Thursda}'. Jul) of poor sportsmanship, Grosse Pointe won't get asked to par- O'Leary, Dane Lupo and MIke Rentz, Emily Moellering and and MIke Liltel and Charles Brooks Rentz JanIce Campagna; and general 26 Players must be at least 16)'e8rs ticipate in invitationals and will be asked to clean up its act (Marines) old. • There were other "all-stars" In manager Roger Jacklyn. Park Majors offiCIals sent their when playing in other cities. And then maybe that will get the the Park Little League this year point across to the coaches, kids and parents who have miss- Also contributing to the Park LIt- best wishes to the 1984 All-Stars Further mformatIon ma\ be ob- Like hard-working president Susan and are already looking forward to tamed b) calling ~9535 or b} ed it so far. Petersmark, board members Dane tle League season m aU-star fashIon this year were sponsors, an even better 1985 Park Little vlSitmg the cbeck room at 1M and Robin Lupo, who organized the League season. Farms P1er But I wouldn't hold my breath. Opening Day parade and ceremon- patrons and fans and the following ies, board member, treasurer and managers and coaches' Grylls off to L.A., but, , . scorekeeper Nancy Spamch. board Pat Coffey and Larry Harding It's official. Pointe cyclist David Grylls will be in Los member and secretary Mary Ann (Cardmals). Marty McMillan and ATTENTION Angeles for the Olympic Games as part of the U.S. Cycling Nelson and board member and ad RIch Nelson (Yankees). Bob Team. Whether he rides or not is another story. book sales manager Tom McCov. Turner, Bill Cwnmms and Hal BARBEQUE ern. Bate (White Sox), Roger Jacklyn A spokesman at the U.S. Cycling Office said Monday that OWNERS' Grylls is still on the "long team," which means he can be Perfect year Now through chosen for a spot in the team pursuit right up until 24 hours for ULS AUTO SECURITY A4Jgust 4, .11our In-stock ~u.!..e!!!S and befoJ:.Etth.e team pursuit event in next week's Olympics. The Umverslty LIg- SYSTEMS accessories will be 10-70% Uti.. :, What it boils down to, according to the official, is that the gett Middle School !..'towat prtca ~ SIMa Cycling Team will wait until the results of the Olympic in- girls' soceer team fm- '-Haml brlnd Alarm Sy$tems Stalnlealtltl.rldlty twin lMtmer I WEIER1'''' - ReplaclmNt ' ished Its first season dividual pursuit are in to see which team cyclist would be w/dlagonal v.mvri I Cookill lri" - lISt S 11 95 ever WIth a perfect 6-O-Q P",_y Inlllllied 41."'" INy 4Jao ~ 1II1olf__ --. best suited to perform In the team pursuit. record Twenty-two CUSTOM VAN ENTERPRISES I list $36 50 NOW ' • .97. NOW '6.99 gIrls from grades 6 Heck, why wait until then? Any Dave Grylls fan would be 20932 HARPER • BETWEEN B & 9 MilE Lava list $7095:'" WEBER 18Yt- able to tell the Olympic squad Just who the best man is. through 8 played for the R.placement ~ team 886-8755 EJ -:~ SHIRTS • bIka. No 01 Vem6tlf The No. 1 singles champion, Steve Pack, already made it turned m by Emily t 24 hr ....~~~\ \\ SHOES 885-4670 onto my own personal All-State list when he sent me a very Hoffman. Lynne Con- StrInging ~ 'SOX nice note thanking me for this section's coverage of his and nor and Tenley Mogk t DefenSIvely the girls ULS' achievements over the years. Idon't want to embarrass Championship \~ TENNIS Flah .net Seetooct from 1M Spec ...... t Steve, but I thought it was a pretty nice thing for him to do collected fIve shutouts t Qua'"' Tennis Balls '<.~DRESSES - Idon't get too many letters that aren't ticking, if you know on theIr Wupl'fb turned out and told him about Pack's note Wood assured me throughout the l>ea.,on RACKETS EVERYDAY! on defense. \\ Ilh other t (unnecessarily so) that he had nothing to do with it, that Pack 20343 Mack • South Vernier solid perfOlIll.lIH'e .. 0' is just "that kind of kid" FISH & SEAFOOD tUI ned III by LI~.l Bel t GROSSE POINTE WOODS So, I'll comphment Steve's parents, the Nevillt> Packs, of WI. Syh hl 'f{I',tll' .1I1d , MON & THURS lll-8 TUES WED. FRI 10.6. SAT 10-5 1 J 9531 Mock • "We Deliver" • 885.3884 South Oxford Road, on the type of kid they've turned out. And SU~le D..lVI'> ~ 884.5880 ~ serve notIce to Prmceton UnIversIty ummer!> The flfst ~e"!o.lOn North JUnior val sity coach Hay nwnt All~ II through 12 WIllrun from Au~ nthrough 11, the TJrlkl3n. and community conches III WlII\\llh lilli's III NOW second from AIJ~ 11 throu~h 1!l. Tom Smith. Bryan Thomp ...on, $1700 SHRIMP $1195 Grand Blanc and the thIrd from Aug 20 through Mike Huddy and ChriS MU!ltOt' Volun!('l'r.. ("Ill 2.1 All !>CS')lOns\\ III go from 9 a m wall'll tlli' IOllfnlll1ll'nl 1h. Wr"I,. <;tilCj wlnJ sn,l Willer r"P«"h',lI llil kal 3 30 P (Ip<'n The pro!'(ram lOC'ludf''' ba to m and \1.111 he to lwfnn' or afll'l rht'll' ~I" II, roll),I Stll! l'l'llt'd ~"rr\lIl'O !l\)lldl c,m'llllllld boy~ and girl!. from Ihe age., of 6 to .,kllJ...and lacllC's lO"tructllm ....dat tn~ldo III" Ironl P<}<~t'l "nrk ...tuft Of ,1I1\11llH' If, Iy full I('/llo:th gdmt".. ..wllnmmg dUlll1fo( Illl' \l,t't'k On the cnaLhmg "t,lff 1111'• .,urn and vld<,lapt.'d !W"'"lon~ Goa!ll'nc1...... ,.,.... mg \\ ht> oHerNI dUring the thJrl! Inll'f(''d \ Olllll mrf \1.111 h(' the var<.,lty ",,)('('('r III ((ocr .. !>hollid (',dl H~ \H't'k coache .. at l;U~ alld i\'orth IIll/;h 7000 or all" .Hld Io III rid CB Summerwear In Stock nW1l1 IIII-I'h 101 tl1l' ~t ('Ian' ha Itl> fall ~porl.. the' gym Monday. Aug 6 at p III r. BUI('k (lJM'11 1I1 10.... ,Ill C8 Winter Jackets Anliable law opening dale., (;Irl ..' voll..yhall (or a m('('llOg vllnn' prl('f'" {,W .d.,o (grad€"'t four through ('Ighr) [ Roy.,' foollulli Igr:Hl...... IX bt' ordl'l ('d h) phoJ)(' ,II New Bathing Suits Antve meet at thf' gym Monday .IuIV 'I() through t'l~hl) mffl .. Mondll.Y Aua 1 HOC)441{ (iolY (rom fi to I{ p m for lh(' (Ir'lt pnc fl at 4 30 P m at th...Sl Clare gym This Week lice, sev('ral !f'am'i hll\f' bfo(>n for pracllC'f' Roys' ltOCC'f'r(....llh formNt Glrl'l' I"nm" (~radfos (IVf' tf'a.m!l In beth ~radf's (IVf' and 51x ~IIITII'rOII"l rc'llll.eI through f'lghtJ leam .. mf"f't at tht" and 10 grades seVf'n and (,I~hl) t 111'111<'11 ,I nel \1011('1'1111' n gym Mondai, July'\() at I) 10 pm mef't at II p m AUf( 1\ In thE' Rym IH(' 1.\k1n~ lip J,lll' 111 SCHUMMER'S SKI SHOP {or an or~nu'.ahonaJ mefltlnR And Practlc .. and rf'f(lstratlOn Jnfor. 11ft. <'lIrl .. 'r" .I~ nur,,!''> 2V17I MKk GfOIII ,.,. .. .., .... partlclpentll In girls' cheoerJeadmg matlon Will be given out at these So rt>porl IIJ(' Joh ('X ,..1 Sat 10-7SuMI¥ 11-4 (grades SIX through eIght) meet at time., pert~

". ~Two-C GROSSE 'OINTE NEWS Thursday, July 26. 1984 :Spotlight on Hot weather ~Pointe golfers hard on body : i'pm and Brad Y.l!sDo. of SaD- A fat- times of Grosse Pointe partinpllG: igH, headache. heal) breath- 14 to Ii -.eta: So, 5 - Jim ing. high pulse, poor appetite, Boutrous %5th mwaIl. 53:Q3. So. 1f) insomnia. -Mike Woods, Gtb O\"eraIl 504'43; !) Heat cramps: painful No. 16 - JobD Bourget. 7i1Il. 56: '1l ; spasms in \-oluntarj muscles: No. 26 - Dave S"lCboIsoD. 14&th. .-pUs dilate" ith each spasm, 63:51. ... Ruth t I'"c-. to town possible ~a\-} sfteating. Skin 18to %-l1r~: :io 10 - Wady U* -.ell, In ...... or the .... cold aad c1amm\, Woods. 18lst. 71 55. AuIh ~nI tar 15 ,..,. 3) Heat nhauStion: profuse 18 te M illS: So 9 - Ridl Mee. oIJ:ts.. 1M ParII: IIId the r=.... ul'eatirllg. weakness. nrtigo, %Ith, 53: 10; No. %1 - BnaD CariaD. CIty .. .., Ihe prl. twy ...... ski1l cold aod pale. clammj 82Dd. 56:53; So. %4 - Blake .. a. Pwtl ...... out to ..... with s.. eat; paise Is thread)' . Sbauman.,I8tb.S1:%1: No. 3Z-Bab F...... &Iou ItIId aft bIoed pressure 10".. Tempera- Loveland. 118th. 509:SO Ilol""", H, the F-. •• cay _ tun IHJrmal or subnormal. 31 te ~ .ell; So 10 - Scott in action by tiIRe on T....,. Possible \omiting, headache. W'tIsoll. 86th. 51'15. IIft.-noon. T_ from ...... , lleat cramps. nausea, mild ... Ie ... 1HIl: Xc. 9 - Jun • 8InIon Md Iton IIIIour'ain heat exbaustioll . N"JdloJsoo. IB3rd. 72: oz.. pad irE" d '...... Of 1M lie>' ..) Heat stroke: ncessi\'e don • ~ FiIIId. ar... PoInte 51\eatiDg. s1\'eating stops just South track ..... Ita first ..... dWI,,*,1Ih!p before lint stroke, temp6a- -.:. 197'1. Top, • hr1l: ~ tun rises sharply, pulse is CfUIiI.- into tNrd ..... Nor1b F.-. boandiDg and Cull. Blood pres- -team to meet _...... ,. 8'WIIIta the throw. sure eJe\ aled, delirium 01" co- An important ~tional At 11ft, ,...... ad\ the lie>' ma common; skin is nushed at South ad ~fCll' an Hi8bbOYs tkMJ the dugout. BtIDw, ...... rrrst, later reddish or purplish. girls who wish to partic:ipate ill bill on • hot sunny .,. _ • Get and stay in shape. A more the schooI's cross cauDlry pnrgruI Ihe n choice for u.. this be beid at conmttoned heart adapts to m- fall. ..ill SoUth HiP r-. (PMtoJ by Ten o."rwood). .aUg.m. V,'edDesday, Aug.l. Pmti- creased demands better than an '4' '-> sbouJd meet ill ItIe ...... wx:ond1tioned heart. The beart IS f., ~~ tr.Ick.. cooditioned through aerobic exer- - ~A~tiooaJ informatioo may be ClSe. ~ by calling coacb Stevt! 'I11is bot weather tnformalion is 7..aranek at 8'Il24226 provided by Dance Slunnastlcs, Ltd .. E.":~ ::1t, Babe Ruth :i. Park, Farms stay alive - ~ .~~~ 'in state play at Kerby fIIlat Q ,.. ... FODI ilanqgII ,... - ...., flew ' , ! Grosse POU1te Park's 14 and 15 ... Codltail !..IlIIII - ..., ttlW _..fn U II Park to Its victory over Alpena m year-old Babe Ruth All-Star team 8I81lll11!.-J'lIon. '1 AJI,'! i. f-, • $I[ 11 AA 11 ..... __ 11' Chns M.arkus, Lance Hardmg stayed alive in the state tourna- . 29-1S10. 25-1$11 - Thompson, Montagne and \\-'helan ment bemg beJd this week at Kerby collected the Park's hits For another FieJd Tbe Farms stayed in the Montagne went the route against race, too, beating Vernon. 3-2, last Port Huron. YIelding five hits But week Port Huron put two of those hits to- point of view, The Park then lost to North gether Wllh three walk produce RAM'SHORlt Famungtorl/West Bloomfield 8-6 a th.ree-run. fIfth I1Uling rally to earn the ~in Saros, Markus. :Mon. .111 ARAIIT read Janet Dave Arnold tripled and had one .... 18OZ RBI; Doug Lucas doubled for one tagne, Thompson, \\'llelan and 17410 MAC. AT ST Cu.lIt RBI Other hitters were Al Shahee, Matt McAlltster collected hIts for Jay Henze, Sean Bruce and Brian the Parle IMILYmll. e Mueller's From A.arUema. Playmg for Ute Park In the state unc' .... THE tournament 'w\ere Ayrault, Pat $3.5. GREEN I Bocci walks for top team The Park took an opemng round Bruce, Feola, Hardmg. :\1arkus. 11 ..... 11 ,. .., Another Pointe loss to Vernon. 3-1, on July 2{j as McAllister. Montagne, Jim ~forns, ROOM NO.EM-D. I Tr.e \!t'j~or (' .t:, Stnders and the ').; (,(3 and Frank Sobi of Hanard Vernoo pttcher James Lee threw a Saros, K.arl Stnebel Thompson IS NOW I Park '5 ,Jear.r...:: BOC~1combllx:rl for R.oad ""as 10th \II ltil a 50624, team- oo-hltter Tbe Park's lone run was and \\'helan Gene Wysocki was the IIOUP DAILY of View r-,/,o r.a: V/,;2 J (na~plO;"'JSh.p5 In team's manager WE ARE FAMOUS OPEN! I mg ',\Ith 'A omen S WInner BocCI to scored ~ Marcus Wysock.l, who ; Xtag.;ra F,:dl.." \ Y (JI1 J.l]:- 14 hnng another team 'ne-tory - the had lor OUR D£SSERTSf waIted. advanced to third on a The Woods.SbOl"~ Babe Ruth 13 rn:"ed title - to the ~Jotor City sacrifice bunt aDd came home on a T'":f- ~"r ':f.:~ I!, "j~H:-::rs \~Gsters. year-<>Id All-Star team won Its on Page One ;')~ndf:rs The ""omen s master's 'w\lId throw by Lee as he attempted I \ita _( ~~ Tf-4r:'". ~r~ ~t*= "A~J.trr~110 tournament at L'Anse Creuse Jui} r~rr. "lsv placed second In the a plck-off at Utlrd ~ r:Jcl-~£":~r 'J!; ...~~s It.-dr''". (r~m- 13 Utrough 15 The Woods-Shores ~nor OpEn D.\'ISIOn, BoccI saId : ~"'",~'ir ,p G ~ ':: ~ .. r ,r,'G r...... ((loT. beat the Park on I.rtday. topped CHl~!SE GOLDE:\ of the Th!.S summer has been an actIve Vernon nICked the Park's AI f cr~rr:~.r}r...... r:.;. 4 ":-. c:;. t 7.':: r..~ ~ ;7 L'Anse Creuse on Saturday, Jul} Qne for Jeanne Bocci She also Shaheen for five ruts and SIX wallts ; Tei:rt:Irs.a t~ \~c::..!j.:7; '.!{);(~tj r.A 14. and split a pair against L'Anse competed m the Olymp,c Tnals' A pall' of fteldmg mISCUeS 3<:- I '({"",',;.sr..n. F':.r.a~ :,fi..5r~ Y'''U.lOO m Creuse on July 15 to 'w\Jnthe tllle. ~~ BLBBD.-\ second section Oper. J(J Km rac~alk? flmshmg coon led for one of? the three runs • *'",: .u 4:"">1 p~ ~llr4;' ~ it ;"'t't/:e (;! De. v.tnnmg the fmal game. 7-6 f:lghUt I tr(J:[ l". rt:' ... l'r, a 74 ¥) frR a Greg Simon. Brian Burns and fectut"r ...... g ~J! ~, ...-;t .. (O"'+?~...e ~ "'oet "I ~as pleased tnat I made the On SdtW"day. the Park made learr. .r,,;,rr'}J (r._"r.;. Tn..' rnc:rked Ken Krausman pItched well for the for l","t'\ct'..eorc; C"'~ J..-'" ~. ~;I" ~'-:''''< '.:'Xk'-:=:-"\ I top 12 In the country and was g.J~'en short .. ark of Westland. 13-1, putt. I ~*:r~.~.ffif: c; .. r...rr~f:fj ....:f:;G:-:ri {!"rlm Woods.Shores ~Ick M.anclfil, thE- (;pportUnlt} to spend one Ing together seven hits, 13 walks Mondoy thrv Th~ 1 I 0"" • 11 P m ~;r(}l. 4(;;"". d :r';G"i-f£";"l (r,.arr:p~(Jfi wee«: Jason CavataIO Greg Simon and .n the OI,:aId • It SG""rdoy 12 ~ • 12 P lilt I ' pitcher He "'ent the diS- Pierce and Larry Kearnf") coached SvMoy 12 ~ - II p"" ',f,as great rJe'lng In Los Angeles I J lr. ~k \LYf~ \f~.r;.tf:r ~ ~t) ~ All-Stars 'Aho added their i~~ to Clly tance gJ\olng up five hits ..1ule ""as proud represent our and ch.ampHxlShlP to one captured by COCX To\IL I.OU'NCif 1 '.. "IKll,g ch~f'".p"y-~.r"y" """,-man It Just great to \,\atch the Olym- stnkmg out five and ....alkmg four the Wood<>-Soores 1') ;ear-<>Ids ~ "''''I-~ ..~ "O"""r"i I ~r/)'",:, r,i u..:rOI! ~;", - Y'r '" .th a !'-IC track and fteld tnals Shaheen collected h~'o of the 16340 Harper P.rk s tuts Bn.anA:ir~a doubl. TIle 13 yeaN)ld .\IJ.Srar tearn m. Triathlon date set ed aDd knocked In three runs The eluded Bnan Burn~ TJm Balf"v", other h1t.s ca~ from the bats of Jason CavataIo. John Ded(,(jn, Trio(- ";;;6. [.:(J:'. ~ ~~"'T.a "A~r..g((Jm. ""(,,men l~ years and older In good sean Bruce, Doug Lucas, Dave Ar. John Dakmak TIm Golobec, Ken ~"'<,t,... "".--i' ({J,T r>lf, r 2. bU:;JI1g phYilC .. 1 COndJllOn ...hi> um proVide nold and Mark SabelLa Krausman John Kennedy, ~Ick RE ~IR SP U Ct bring a three-person 11w Pal'tl's 13 H"U-oW Babe Rohan Tim R(Jf..ertson Tim OJ" fy-"f j<..t ~ MARtNE TRANSMI I NS 6.:. ~. .') "uPPQrt Cf"E'".... 10 help ~ Ith the eqUIp- fWth team finIShed in fifth place In Strunk Grefj! SImon Mike \\-Iebel- rr.f:nt • f~t--(~..,I-'"., It,,: <,:;/~~(~tl'l"''''' n,;.€, the recent state tournamt'nt In haus and Dave ~f()fath n,~fontr:- fee I!' $1 j The deadlme LansmlJ COMPLETEPAIlS IIIIDTOIY {~~r rr;-, r", ,...... r(~.h~ r...... trJ? 'r* 1<' Yf-! 7 10 Strong track finish FOR '.f'~r 1r'" .r i-' r."~ riod" (r}'TtJf:~j~,(Jf1 The loc.alJi fell Ypsilanti IH, .\ ...drds ...,J! ~(J tr. the top five male ...... l(t ({,r,- ,', (,' d 1.." rrd'ie b.k£: Irl tile operong ~me then bour~ L:OIH'f"'Slt! LlgIlt'n YhOI')J ' bfl:, <;' Grl:! I~aj~ flril"her<; In fl; e .lge - - Mercrutaer • vMC r,,(,. .r.r~+ rr, 1-", (/ (d ~ r"','If'. "r,tj a bade. to defut Alpena, 5-4, ~ore varslt! trark and flf'Jd te.. Tl"l flnl'>h Mercury Ov1boardl grr)(,jp'" 11' tr) 29 lfJ If) ~ 4(J to 49, Cl f, .. r; ,," :' ,r; It' l.rrd'f'd 'U.l ]fjl.) lOSIng to Port Huron, &-4. in the eel a \trong 1984 ~Al<;on )(,..,1011ord) Vofvo. Paragon '1") If! ~ and f/l and Q\let' Con. fmal game to Southfield Chnl>tlan ~cho()j SIem Power t~'4nL< .ldll al$o rece1'o'e a T-shirt. Matt )fontagne collected two 'J",. 'Ho. :1'",,' • ~~ f'r( 'f''':'' f'!j~ .aJ A pphca tllJO!- or l1l1orm;, lion on !.he Robert Feola and Ian Thompaon ke)' ri ,n1f'rfO obt.mlle'd from the other thlll .PAr '

Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Red Barons, get ready That amlllnq Red B«rron at right la Mlirty Wayman, who pIIrtlclpated In the Red Baron toot~U program lut ... IOn. And even though It'a atlll July. the 1914 Red Baron s... on 'a already gearing up. Regl.tratlon i. ..t for Thursday, Aug. 2, from 7 to 8 p.m. In Ihe Wooda council chamber. and from 9:30 a.m, to noon Saturday, Aug. 11 at Kerby Field. Player. muat bring a birth certificate to registration. Phyalcal. will be required by Monday, Aug. 13, which Is also the first day of practice (beginning at 4:45 p.m.). The coaching ataff looks forward to another ... son and will be hippy to answer any que.tlona at registration. Further Information may be obtained by calling Rick Moore at 881-7675 or Werner Lueckoff at 881-7453. L _

PhlHp J. Meathe (left) Is shown presenting a trophy for the afternoon field's longest drive to David W, Bianchi at the 1984 Bon Secours Invitational Golf Benefit at the Lochmoor Club last month. A training guide for marathoners You can't run a marathon the with a physician," he said "thiS is • Be aware of "the wall," a day after you decide to try it, but especially important for someone phySIcal and psychological barrier More than one winner at BSHgolf benefit you can run one if you're willing to over age 35. II where runners feel they caDDOt Invest 11 weeks III training, accord- The Auto Club ISa sponsor of this take another step, which often 0(- There was more than one winner On the course, 'Winners of golfmg Benfer, chief executive officer of Ing to the Automobile Club of Mi- year's Free Press Internahonal curs at about the 2O-mlle mark II at the Bon Secours Hospital'!'> Invi- competitions during the mormng Bon Secours. chigan Marathon. to be held m DetroIt on runners are aware of the potential tatlOnaVGolf Benefit at the Loch- and afternoon rounds included Mal The steering committee included That long-range schedule is the Sunday, Oct. 14 Runners planmng problem, they are better equipped moor Golf Club on June 11 - pro- Duncan and Roger Naeyaert, chaIrman Philip J Meathe, philosophy behind a marathon to enter should beglll traimng im- to mtensify their effort so they caD ceeds from the event will be used to closest to the pin, morning fIeld, co-chairman Don C Becker, Ben- traimng gUide developed by the mediately. run "through the wall," get a se- benefit the Bon Secours Hospital Kurt F. Hartlieb and Paul Nehra, fer, and Kenneth Adler, Archie W. Auto Club LIfe Insurance Com- "You must be able to run five or cond wind and fimsh the last few Health and FItness Center, opemng 1\1 D , straightest drives and Steve Bedell, M D, Ph D., James pany. six miles to start this program," miles of the race. thiS fall in St Clair Shores SChaffer and Dave Bianchi, longest Bologna, John A Boll, Edmund M. "Our program is based on two said Zwick. "If you are not at that Before runnmg, a person sbouJd dnves. Brady Jr, Lorenzo D. Browning, fundamental concepts in traming level, for~et about the marathon do stretchmg exercises to get m. The day began with a mormng C John Burke, George DuFour, for a 262-mile run," stated Auto this year. ' cIes limber, especially the calf aDd round of golf, followed by lunch ac- Robert G Frear, DDS, John R Club Life Director Jim Zwick "To The marathon guide begins at lower leg. Sf. Clare needs compamed by the music of the Gehlert, John R Hamann, Robert complete a marathon, you should the 35-miJe-a-week level and bullds In addition to co-sponsol'inl tbe Notre Dame High SChool jazz band L. Hannon Jr, John L Kmg, be running 50 miles a week, but to a 5O-miJe-a-week pace. Each International Marathon, the Auto football coach The afternoon round ended With Thomas W Madigan, D.D S., bUilding to that level gradually. week includes one long run, follow- Club will staff several of the rest 8t Clare of Montefako School cocktails accompamed by The Sa- Theodore Mecke Jr, John M "Eleven weeks is just about the ed by a day off. stops for runners along the needs a football coach for the up- turday Nite Feature Quartet, Nehra, M.D., Peter E. O'Rourke, mimmum anyone can train and A 2O-mUe run is included twice 26.2-mile route TIle marat'boa is coming fall season Experience followd by an awards banquet. Larry R PeJok, M D, Thomas still complete a marathon," said during the cycle to get the runner one of severa) projects the Auto in football coachmg is desired Ryan, John Seemann, RIchard ZWIck, who emphasized the guide ready for the mental and physical Club is involved in to promote fit- Interested persons should con- "The outstanding dedicahon of Shammas, Francis P Shea, M D , is deSIgned for the novice mara- challenge of a marathon. The gmde ness tact 81. Clare Athletic Director the committee members along Joseph A Tolari, George H thoner, but not the novice runner. is flexible, and the daily routine Steve Zaranek at 882-4226or 884- With the tremendous support of the Wilhams and Thomas R Young. "Before attempting this intensive can be re-arranged to accommo- busmess commumty made the day Hole-in-one 9515. blood schedule, a runner should consult date work schedules and personal a complete success," said David commitments. "The specific days you run are for Brierly not that important," he said Grosse Pointe School Board CITY OF ~rnss.e 'ninte 1J;arms MICHIGAN MARATHON TRAINING TIMETABLE "What matters is that your total member Catherine Brierly didn't Notice of Public Hearing ll-week mileage is in the 500-mile break 100 on the Plum Brook Golf Amendment to Zonmg Ordinance WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRt SAT SUN TOTAL range, with at least two 2O-mile Course in Sterling Helghts on July runs." 19 - but she dld card a golf game NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Councli of the Clty of 1 (July 30 Aug 5) a 5 3 7 3 5 12 35" Zwick suggested runners follow to be remembered Grosse Pointe Farms, at its Regular Meeting on Monday, August 2 IAug 6 12) 0 3 5 9 3 5 14 39 these procedures on marathon Mrs Brierly was using a seven-- 13, 1984,at 8:00am, Will hold a Pubhc Hearing concerning the adop- day' wood on the 147-yard l~ bole tion of an Ordinance to amend Article VIII of the Zoning Ordmance 3 (Aug 13 19) a 5 5 9 3 7 14 43 • Develop a comfortable pace when she sank her fIrst hole-in-one of the City of Grosse Pomte Farms, such proposed Amendment IS 4 (Aug 20 26) a 5 5 9 5 7 16 47 and stick to it. Do not try to go too 10 five years of golfinR. as follows: 5 (Aug 27 Sept 2) 0 5 5 9 5 7 16 47 fast at the beginning. And she came close to break. THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS ORDAINS. • Take at every rest stop, ing the century mark - shootinI- 6 (Sept 3 9) 5 5 9 5 7 20 51 Section 1. Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance oC the City of Grosse a even if thirst IS not obvious. 106 for the 18 holes. Pomte Farms, Ordinance No 192, enacted July 16, 1973 is hereby 7 (Sept 10 16) 0 3 5 9 5 7 16 45 amended by revlsmg Paragraph 2 and addmg paragraph 9 to Sec- 8 (Sept 17 23) 0 5 5 9 5 7 20 51 tion 800 to read in their entirety as follows' 9 (Sept 24 30) 0 5 6 10 6 7 16 50 2 Offices for banks and savings and loan associations 10 (Oct 1 7) 0 5 6 10 6 7 16 50 used solely for functIOns typICally performed by bank 11 (Oct 8 14) 0 3 3 0 262 402 tellers such as savmgs and checkmg account depoSits a 8 and Withdrawals but excludmg trust, estate, mvest- An 11.week timetable was developed by Ihe Auto Club Life Insurance ment, tax, admmlstratlve and Similar serVices Company to help runners gel In shape for the Ocl 14 International Maralhon 9 Ex~llve, admlmstratlve, banking (other than of- in Detroll II IS deSigned lor persons now able 10 run tlve to SIX miles dally II fices permitted by paragraph two), fmancial, legal, beginS at Ihe 35.mlle-a week level and bUilds 10 a 50 mile a week pace One real estate. insurance, engmeerlng, medICal and den- long run and a rest day are Included each week 10 develop a runner's tal offIces, medical chmes, and offices for Similar oc- slamlna A runner should consull a phySICian betore begmnlng The Aula cupatIOns, prOVided that If such an office IS located mobile Club of Michigan IS a co sponsor of the maralhon organized by the on Kercheval Avenue between MUIrand FIsher Road Detrol! Free Press ~181tf1I}) such use must be located within the rear fifty per- - IndIcates ,,,,Ie; ... cent of the usable ground floor space of the bUlldmg - An entrance not to exceed 41 mches In Width from A further explanation of this marathon training IIm.table may be found In Kercheval Avenue to such rear offlce may be the story above. constructed Section 2. Section 801 of the Zonmg Ordmance ISher'f'hy amended to revise paragraph 3 and to add pa ragraph 5 to read In U1elrenllrely as follows CITY OF MICHIGAN 3 Offices descnbed III SectIOn 800 9 may encompass <&rnSl1t IInint.e lIIuults more than the rear flfty percent of the usa ble ground NOTICE TO VOTERS NotIce IShereby gIven that an absentee voter 0001' space of a bluldmg prOVided that the City Coun- Cilftnds that enforcement of sectIOn BOO9would result coutlng board computer accuracy test for the Pl'lmary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 7,1984, will be run on Friday, August 3, 10 exceptIOnal practical difficulties or undue 1984,at:l 00 p In In the City offiCes at 2002.1Mack Plaza, Grosse Pomte hard~hlp Wooru., Miehlgan, and allmlerested persons should feel free to attend An apphcant for :::ucha conditIOnal Ui>e~halJ prOVide e\ ldence that the property cannot be reae.,onably CHESTER E. PETERSEN ui>ed for reti 2) adv('rll~('m ('n1', pubh!>hed. i 3) length of lime arhcrll<;cd, 14) re!>pon"es, (;)) rent whIch (ould be obldJl1NJfor relc!>pnd (7J rf'nlnls paid for <&rosst tllointt IDnwnsqip comparahle prol)('rt~ NOTICE OF COUNTING BOARD In Ill,>lanu'", \\!l('re lhe prorwrty I' nemg ..,old.t1w dp phcan! e.,hallprm Id(' eVHkllec Hldl the prop<'l ty C to procllI (. !>dlf>., ~otJce I., 111'1('hy gIV('1l lh,ll ,I compulPr acellr.IC\, t('sl for the for retail Ihee., /2/ .ulvprll<,,('mpnh punll<;hed 1:0 Primary Elt.c! lOll .. dll'du)i'd fm Tuesday, AugU('(l,(4 J r(',,[>on..,('<.,()J pur('ha!>(' I,n Fnday Augll,>l ~Id al oj 00 P In ThiS tee.,1Will lx' hf'ld al the Ill'lu' .....hlch (OIJJd1)/'ont,lIIwd for a n'!ho1'<'HOePOlnl(' Short's All In- cha"(' prlu' .....hH.h ('ould t)(' oblam('d for an oflle(' U!>t' \('ree.,tl'd p('rhOni:ol "hould f('('1 frei' to attend and (7) purchav' prl( (. p;lICl 101 ('omp provHl!'d ttH' ('I T(}\~ !lhhlP C!t'rk Wht'!1 the hcdr's looSt, on \\'.111 Stn~t. thoSt.'W1th large I) ('olln(" fmd" "lit h '>11Ue!Ul'{'" ""ill he .uleqll,llply land"l ,q)('d or fl'lll C'1l 10.,( n'('ll !twllllrom VlC.....11'0111 mvcstmt.'nts thl'fC. haw t\1l1SC to worn' Th,' ht>~r i( publiC r1ghh of ....dy or .1I1! '(1''11 prr.j" it".., mt..'an. Hut he ~Ill tx' Ollbm;u'teJ Just 10m ~-Pay- S(>(Uon'1. EX(('pl oJ" am('l1d(,rj hl'n'ln, Ordll1dll('C' "Jo 192,II'>11('1'<' mil Savin~ Plan ,ITlJ hu\' U S. Sa\'IIl~ Hoods each tofore amended. ,hall rNrldll1 1/1 full fort(' .lnd ('!fi'cl CITY OF HlOO~.6 MICHIGAN Mcllon 4 Thl'> 01dll1anc(' ,h'111 Idk(' f'jf('c! twpnly day" nftpr II'> <&rnsse tlJointe payday enactment Of upnn It<-. publw,tllon wtllCh('v('r h 1,1I"r ~(J'f J( I'; OF BIlAHI) Of' AI'I'f':I\1 ""~;i\Hl."IC; ~oll('" " hl'rt'hy Tht.' va':l~hl~mh.'n.'stI~Itc kb VOll :\h~\n.'In htgher re- KIWIIIII,II ttw CIty ('olln( II rnl,(.tlnlo: Publl( Int('f( ..,t('d proP('1 Iy ownl're.,or rC'''ldPrl!e.,of 111(' ('I Mond'l) AUIo:II"l f,. !'1H4,III 7 Iii P rn to h('ar Iht' appt"BI of Rotx>rt cAA You're prntcrkd hv .~ ~ ty are JnVltPd to atl('nll It.lh,lIIn. who Ie.,tI Pl'i,.dmlo:Uw dt'I1Ii11of tht' Hllllrtln~ InspN"tor to ('on- ..,1rLH.! OJ 1'I',lr add Ilion 10 10Iln M'ICk A vt'nut' (Oxforrllwveraf(f") due a~uaranteed minimum. ~~~L"\ A copy of th(' Orrhnanc I' l(hlY tll' purl 1111.,('(1 (If 1Il"~'( I('d dllnn~ 10 a (/f'flcJ{'ncy In off ,tn'f'l parklll~, .1 .. 1 f's~ry All can ~a~' is the mow to ~:;;'I pm, and Wedne IIntill, (1(1 p rn toe ~ Inll.I( ....I(.c! p('r.,on<, arc' IOVltN] 10 flllC'lld U.S. SavJn~ Bonds. • S ~,,- HIC JlAIW (; ~OLI\K ('l'J'y ('L~:HK CHESTER E. PETERSEN GI'N 72hB4 ('Ily AdmlOllitralor Clf"rk Pubhshed GPN 7121i/B4 mAmerica.

I t, \,. Page Four-C G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, July 26. 1984 CITY OF (ltrollar Joiutr 1Jfarms MICHIGAN CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE SEC 1603 CERnFICATE OF OCClJPA.l'IlCY ..fNOTICE lS HEREB\" GI\E.' thai thtClty CouDttJoItlwCth,:J. G~ Plltnll: F.mns j Hr..Il>lll l. Ill! .1It its Regular ~~ oa Monday. A..-c u. ... at. III P.1Il , .111 bD6d a PublIC Hu.r1rl(I l1le ho'ltlJ1llL!r ItJ,tK\l~,:J. In!> OnhflOlnt't' >kwH 00( ltppl\ to ctnmM\'S C'hu.rcll 0{ ~ the adoptioo QUan 0rGmaDce to lWftld .o\l1~1e U 1\ \'1 XII! IX XI\ X\ ,Plre- bo:>ltn<'"cup.>t.l, do"1"'" m.l'll> aenals tl.igpoln $A~hghl> bul No bu1ktuIt or structure or use for "'luch a Cerllflcate Comphao« bas been XV. A.'10 :\\11 oi the Zonlll8 ~o« oIlbe Cit) at Cnll\iof PouIte f ..~ ,och pro >t..lll appl\ III -;l,t'll'!e dl1'-~ .lntl'O'la. or fe-ell ers ~ WU be I.ISeci IX ~ untd the Dlf\!Ctor ol Pubbc servICe bas, after ~ Ameadrm.'nts a~ as loUcJon DRI\ ES \ \D \\ \L~~ (llloilltlSl*=UOl1 ISSUed 8 Ceftll ICate 0{ Occupancy Uldicatmg thai the Improve- meat compbes '" lib all of the IX'O\ woos 0{ thiS Ordl nance 11le ISSUance ol a -'THE ('In OF GROSSE POI.sTE FARMS ORDAl."'5 Dm l'"> plS to prlf) b.JJIdl"!g...... J':<~I') .'ru<:turt':> .lrl' permItted \\a~ or Ol.htr Cenuka1.e 01 Occupalll:) :>hall In no case be consll'Ufd as waiVIng am prOII- ;: ~t_ I \rlK:~ II s.«11Ufl Jllll at tht ZeIoIn& 1S!len'b\ am~ to ~~le- SlOO lb1.s Oulln.ance • p.1\t'M<'ll!. Jf'l:' perl"I't<'<1 "0 re<.J.u1rt'd\Md:, tor the pll~ 0{ pro\ Idtng aC of 'SUb6ectIQru. :) 300 I0 ~bot1' former SI.I~'tl<)ft' aDd slab6el.-tlOO 5 rormfi >U~I",){l i 3i>~',~~lb (0f1'1~~8i$~; aDdfotm~~tl<){\ ... ~,~ l""''' to rt'J.r \.lru, 0' ,l.-,.on .tro.ntUrt':l,1 ,u..h palemenl!> oot hIgher ''l.ln mn" q "l 11= aWl l' 'he gr.ldt! OIl ....hlCh It I' pl3.<'t'd SEe 1604 FEES lJOClIS - Sfoo.'uoo! -\rt,de II ~110f' ~l 01 tbe Zotun& ~ is henb~ a.'tle'1de-a 0' C'e'l>- ~dlOO ~ -\rt l l' '\\ " r..,rl"Ol ,,'ll .. nd.:\i bl rt'\l.tng paragraph; "nd adding Be{one a CewfJcate of Compliance shall be I:.sUed. an Ins~llOn fet! shall be ;ll'.g ~t .xL' 1 4 8 !:l l5 ~ 41 56 aM 110to rt'a4 lA their entu'E{\ a;, (ollo...s resolUllOO ~ ~l J~r.r;1p{\~ 4 ..,' d 'v ~o ....t'\.ll\.l\ 1~:2 rt'-\ .. Ln6 't"\. ~IOP151,J rt:\ Uo1flgparagraph -4 ot ~ec paJd LQan IUnoWlt eslabll.shed by the Cst) Cound I -\«h...:in ~ub\.I'0'11511 r€\l.:'lng~t:"'\.tlOnl:;.lJ .3.pd •')r 5...PTlil h.J.:: 'r',... .::.d.dlfl!. ....e<..tlon 151'" '0 r~ ..1a HI .,,~ r en'lret\ 3.= tollo,",'::! SEe 1M PERfOR'I-\:\CE Gt.-\RA:\TEE To ll1'>ure compliance \4lth thIS OrdlOance and \4lth an) COnditIons Imposed hereunder the C'll) Council Board of ZonI11gAppeals or DU'~torol Pubhc Ser. ..t C\.I ...... jat ~ flY oX 3 R.:" c€"n a.... rrl .. ~r\e"ts and \.a"'t"~.uer .. ffi4) Cl,,)f ",,lrtll hg Vr\..\".ILLre Bu:djlr'\~ vr l~e \ Ice reqwre the pol>lmg 01 a cash depoo,ll ~rtlfled checK letter of creU1ll.1l ....g 0'" Li. ... t::> rrh'tl~toCtl 0\ \ arrdl"'Ct' ~p.::'\.lal c:"'\i."'e'pt10'1or ....-t'V' 'lt.> the apphcatloo (or ",tuch appt'O\allS sought to be depoblted \\11b the Cltv Clerk Dvrr~t?':of\. ~~().,"~ n. a ~ tuoI roum or ~tm.11ar buJldlo.g or ~tructw--e ..1~ c:: lvi'l..0. lc..-n.. I Uo...'"'-4?" ::-r'__ Li bt c.~p N a l..,-~V\l]IL""~ ...tnkll.lfi:' tx...l~d.1""~ or ~ to llI:tUl'e faithful completion olthe ImpnlH:menl.:> The performance gu.irantet! 9 Pur\.n.x:ti' 0- LtJrd~!Tln ..:HIOn uf '(I('1('\.).ruorrnln~ L~ and S!ru(.t~ C -\ f'l' ....",,:and pnrnanl\ fOt' the' CQI' ..\elUHlCe of ~ 0<."Ct.!J'lr.t> tel " 11',.. Ctt\ GO IJr<",,,,l'Po'"'e Farn'~ 1'1.1\ ""'quIrt' b~ purc!ta"", condt'mna ,hall bo:>depoo.l!ed at tho:! lime of tbe Issua~ of tbe pei'ml! authoClzmg the ac bu ... tllCl'J.s located \4bolJ~ \4IUun lKlcl1 ttuudmg and 1'.... OJ.; ..... ma) IIt.'l" 'IX 0:1 er,,-.j.'<.. prnaft' pro~rt\ or aP Intt:"re:,l m p1nate prope-rt.:-- for tl\ It) or projeCt Improlernents Include wt are not luTUled to roadlloa)'s, tt'nor 'lgr", Of UJ.:>pi.a~. 01 'fll(> e'(~"o(' hghllllil Uulilles, Slde\I alb, screelllng dralllage or other features consIdered StOi'ag~ of men:handJ:,e n()nn ..liJ~ CarTl~ In ,tock In corne.:t!on ".th '1'l; r,,"'ol.>1 !'<)(,~Or'lVrrlllnil.L"'" "'ld ,tructUf't'» L'U>tand or a pvrt'v'1 'ht'rt'V~ 0' .lcqulr,ng 'he propert~ '1U) ~ paId (rom general lIe\.'eoSlll) to pnXect natural reiOUrces. or the heahh, safet) and v.elfare of near a busl~, Of ~ u..'l!-b> such storage Co exc.l.lded 11l the appll.anle t I"""' ... " ... ,.,.,.\ i-o..=:r..'::l ...... ~ .. ~t1~ .. t~ "::; ril .. t"'f""f b~ re:ildenLS IX future users or IlIhabltanLS of the proposed proJecl '1m "'loo.:I'U~"-~ .t.iL&-...... v.lI4' Il l nang~ 01 \')'lCo('Jorn'I"og SL'1..C'Uf'l:' prO\ ements cIoeS DOCIJlCII.lOe Ule eol1n projeCt ~ DJcn Ili tne SUl)ject ol lomng o\CCoessol) al! »treE'! pa rUng open or o!d approlal g .l,cee:..son oif ~tn!t>l ~dJng -\ n~'!'..Qntor'!1'!'il bUlldl'1g f'l.>1 be ,'nJdl.r..lll\ d!tt'rro or e\tenOt'd ....lthout rile 0' ~~ .LgnS "ppro\ aJ It-e B-..lra ", Zvn,l'g -\opeab onl\ Ul'der the fo1!c....l1lg ~'OC'JI t )'b SEC 1606 ZO:\I:\G ORDERS BOOK i -\uto Sef'\ Ice StatiOll ".~ bwldtng Of Stnlclure u:.ed 'or tile reta d ..a,t' 0\. V> or supp!~ ol f~!s for lOOtoc I~je" to the pub1Jc lOCiudin.g the ",al" o! a The ~ of ..aId ,oJJ' 'n the dL>tr.ct m hlCh ItlS located Tbe D~lOr at Public SenlCt! shall keep mlus olfl~.I. a ~J to be knoI\n as all~lle ~ and ml.'lOl'aw.oroobc.le sen~ for the public b -\m alce""0l") b•.I'JC1Pgloca'e<:l un the lot confOrTTb to all reqwrements 01 Ul • orQj".ar,c~ the rn..1Jdl11gcode the ZilI1l.a& Orders Book, III winch sball be 1.lsWd, 'limn a IlI"1el descnptlon, all g &1ld1n8 ... SlnKlUl'" ha \ log a root supported Ii\ cotW'" n.> or ....all, and 01 i Vananc:ell. ex~. aDd c:oochbOOal \DeS permitted Tbe 2cxung Orders Book desJ.gnttl or ..t5ed for witer 0( b an e!IC~ • c 'PIe t(){ala~a O<.'>:lJPled the !.>w d1ng alter the proposed enoc800 corr \ l'f':"on OJ >:~Llural alter.l:lOn and tm; area OCCUpIedb\ all other sball be opell to pu.bUc UlSpecU a • tngJO! hou..ellt:qh1'.g 1J.!lJ t .or . "0 pe"S<.or", I, \ bu 1(1.":<>0'1 '"" ot C:'n I've l''(,et'd Ih~ '1la'l;lIPllffi percenlage of lot co\ ef ag" peTr-'''leO t)\ -\rt t,e :\111 sechoo 10 Arllcle XVII lS hereb~ amended to re ...d III Its entlret) as follo\\s mg and coolr..ntl tog~ b a ~ bou:selr.eepu1g W1Jl ~ DOt reJ.a'ed '\0 pal"" (;1 tl'", e"'I.,U15 oonc~)[l.!ormmg oluldmg en,roachs or proJeCts b) blood adopooo Ill' nwnaae A penon s dumer.tJc emplv\ ee; If 11\ mg a mto more than OPe retjUlred opE;n'p.lce and such proJ't'Cuon COOlorms xvn 00 tM Jnf!'15eS are part of the lamll) at sucb po?f"5OO I'ltt> OIle of the IOlIo~mg Q Garage Pn\ ate .A hill) eoclosed ~ buUdulg or fwl) ~ por 1 j The l:'I;!SIlll@ noocooformmg wlldmg does not encroach 1lp<.ll1more BOA..'U> OF ZO~I::-'G APPEALS llOO of a mallllJuildultl desl3Dtd Ill' used lor ~ storage of mctor \et'uc1es than t~ffit\ f1\e pet'Cfflt '2:5"",, of the required Slde)ard ooats aDd SlmIW' \'ftUc1es wrludl are owoect aod II5ed b-. the Ottolpaots 0{ SEe 17'00 CREATION OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. <1, The e'l;1~tU",g~ooforll'lng building does not encroach upon more the bw1du1g to '" tudl II IS aceesson • 29 Ult A parcel of ~ W1d wider the same 0'11 nersbJ.p tl'oare not met Ihe building ma\ not be enlarged authonzed assIStant shall act as 8ecrelar)' for the Board of Zomng Appeals or altered un Ie.. a \ anar.ce " granted . 56 Temporal) L;;e IX Bulidlng A use or bulldw& pemutted b) the Board of Appeals 10 exISt lor a Umtted pl!nOd 01 lUIle SEC 1701 SEe 15t.l3 -\CCESWR) Bl'ILDJ,\GS -\'\D STRl CTL RES 60 'a~ a modiflClltlOO 01 the IneraJ pn1\'WClQS 01 the Zomng On:lmance granted b} the Board of ZOCllng .o\ppeals The Board 0{ Zorung Appeals shall ba\e the power to hear and decIde appeals ~1X'e'->tncts from any Ol'der ~ actJOClof the O!reelor of Public service under Uus Ordmance shall conform to the 10!lo'" mg regulatlons e'(cept as ma~ be olher"l5e pro\ld d..lnance regulatlng pnDelpal IX' eoedIbODal uses and to render opuuons mler'pretulg l!us Ordinance ed b\ th!5 Oroll1aoce 1 An area 'anaIlC'e 1fI\ GIves a rnodIflaltiOG 01 the pl"O\ ~ of !be Or 1 ~ccesson bulidlIlg" and ,truclUres shall not e'tceed one I; 5tOl"\ or four dlnance regu1aung af8 belght setbaW. etc or I)(hef' matters un- SEC 17112VARl;\NCES teen I~ fet!! In t\(>lght . ~Ia!ed to u:se Sediea 3. -\rt ICI~ IV of the ZOrntl@OntlllalXe IS beteb) amended to roead III Its enllrt't\ 1 -\cce5sox) budding:. and Slruct Ordinance and 10 no =ta.Dce ma) such buJ..ldm gs or Slr\ICtures place IS ret1a'led IfI the>b set rorth m this SectIOft the foIlo\ruIg be constructed 0\ er reser. ed eaM'ments \\ hen tbe rear I ard abuts upon 1 The-vanance IS lD hannony With and serves the mlenl and purpose of tlus See ~) PRI\CIPAL t:SES PEIUlITIED a street 00 bUlldmg or structure ~hal be constructed 1'1 the requIred rear Ordmanc:e lifter coosldenng , \ara 1 One-Famll) DeudIed o...e~ pronded. bowner. thai upoo an> I« a:. A The extent of the vanance m relatlon to the ~ll"emel1t, -\~'Ces.>e slructure together", Ith ail ott\(>r structures patws and decks -l Ac~ bwIdmp and uses pnl\'1ded sYCh \IM!lI are located as requIred 2 The vanaoce 'Wlllresult m substantlaJ Justice beLlli dolle, COlISldenng the does rIO! OCC'.Jp) more than Hun) fi\e percent '35%1 of the requIred rear D) o\rtlCle X\. pub1Jc benefIts mtended to be secured by thIS Ordmance lhe hardships or open space ;; Storage of lraUen tootonzed!lome boats. Ira\'e! eql.upment and otoo difficulties suffered if a vanaoce Ili not granted, and whe'ther the bardshlp 6 On aJ1) comer 10( III a re51dem.lal di.strH:t, no part of any accessory budding equJpmt'ftt IX velDcJes of a sUJU1ar na~ If i5UCb \eluc1e5 or eqwpmEOIlt or d1Irtculty can be obvulled by some method other than a vanance or structure shall be nearer lhe Side street lot 11l\t' than the setback requIred are III1OCCIJP'ed aJld parted III a ~ enclDsed garage Recreabmal \ etudes The \ anance will not substanlJa lly Interfere With or mJUTethe ngtlts of per- for the pnnclpal bulldlng m Article Xlll are permitted for temporal') penads!lOt 10 nceed ",ent).four '24' hours sons whose property IS affecled b) the propo5ed vanance 7 On a corner lot an attached garage l\1U be allo1Aed In rear )ard as long as for the purpoIIe at ioadUlg and unIo8dmg 4 1he proposed vanance meets the standards of ArtIcle XXV It complies ...Ith tr.e requirements of paragraph 3 aoo;e Ii -\utemoblle partq rlOt LQ excess at a\ll.omobdes 0~"Ded. b) the QC(.'lIpaIlts I!xludlllg not more !ban one truck owned by an occupant of !be dIiI~lbng 8 When an acce5-"Ol")tKlIldmg or StruCtUTeU located on a corner lot the Side SEC 11m -\ truck pt'I'1Illtted under tblli Secl!Gl1 sball be pa rIted rn a fuU... enclosed lot lint' o( ~nlch I. sub';tanllall) a COl1t,nuatton 0{ the front lot bile oi the lots to Its front or rear said bulldmg or stnJcture sl>all not proJeCt be)ond buUdultl • A vananc:e aUowed b)' the Board of Appeals, Ihall be recorded III the am front lot line requln'd for the ad~nt lots Zomnc -; in those mstaoees ..1lete lots abut ~ oato LaIle St Clair ~ IS mU1lltell In each case, the afflt1JUltne rtndmgs and conclUSions In support of permllted 00 the stN'et side of lhe J.o( Partmg IS DOt permitted or. the Lake the va.nance shall also be IDCluded LQthe mLQutes SEC 15f.H .lde of U',e lot A vanance demed by the Board ol Zonmg Appeals shall be recorded In the i Off street parlung facllltle, reqUired (or resIdence; and all uses peTlIllt. Mmutes As a part of the record LQeach case the matters as to which the Board red In CO'llmunJt) Sen Ice and CommunJt} Recreation DlslncLS snal! be on IS unable b) \1l'tUe of the "''bole record before It to make the reqlUSlte affirmauve the sa!l'e 10' or parct;! oi land a, the bUildIng sened For all other uses 'The 101!ov>log use; s.,lJ.a11 be pernutted II ' .1 the Clt) Ccuncl.1 (ar.ds thaI the con flndlllgs shall also be mcluded In !be mmutes dltlOOSImposed for e.och use are met 21 !be at) CClW'lCllappro\es a Sl!e plan such facllille!; .hall r-e 1000ated....'tlun three hllller.ed to be rrea,ure<:l from the near"",' f.treet park,ng faCIlities and public parkmg facilIties located '-tllrt) and pubhc stn'lCE' facilities and uses "'Ithout storage yards' "hen. "'Ithln wee l1Ulldre<:l'W'J leel of the bwloll1g mal be ullJ:zed!II calculatlng "''hen grantmg a vanance under Uus OrdInance, the Board may Impose such off-stret!1 pa.r.tncts if aiter notlce and public opera tm« reqwt1!l1ll!l&l5nece6Ua te the locatmg 0{ sa Id : a C111tie> wlthlll the conditions as art' necesal') to ensure that the variance IS conslstant \\ Ith Ihe hean'lg' as re<.J.<,lredb\ -\rtlcle :\ '{\ tt\(>C,t:- Council (mas' 11 suffocletlt dtitnct m ocdet to sene the IInmed..ate .lC'inlt) purposes of Uus Ordinance CondlllOlllllmposed shall be desIgned to Insure lha t space l.! a\allable In tM puohc parlcmg faclll!} to accQmmodate the addl 2 Mobile Homes II !be foUowurg eoodItIoos are sabSfJed the standards set forth m SectlOfl1702 shall be met TIie:se conditIOns may m. tlOnal par~mg requIrea b. the ne .. or enlarge<:l4Se. j 2, access" alks exISt -\ The Site IlICludet! a pad or st.alld cmRit.Irlg at a SCIbd.. 6-tneh thick pou."l'd c11lde but are nolllmlled to UlCrea.5mg the required lot or reqwred yard SIZes wluch make ,uch parl-Ing faelllt} readJl} a\ atlable to such lISt' and 13' that concrete aproo act less Iha!1 a feet WIde and ~ feet long to "h.l(:h the Itmltlng !be height of bwld1ngs, controllsng the locallon and nwnber of the requirements of .l.rtlcleoX\\ are ml:~ rr~ home IS !Inn!) at1acbed and a rat .. all 4 mches tluck and li drwewaY5. lllCreaSUIg the street Wldlb, lfICr'eaSl11gthe number of off-street park- utehes deep al'OUDll !be penmeter of the apron SEC ISll SITE PL\ '\ RE\ IE\\ lIlg spaces and requmng fencing, screenmg and landscapull! to protect nearby B -\II telephooe and eiectnc3l utl1Jt) j)lpe:> aod tank.> are property vaJues ul'lClefVOUlld. -\ bl.lldtng perron shall r.o: be IS->ue<:lfor the fOI!Oo\lllgun]e;s a sile plan has C -\lJ mobtJ,e homes are ~ arll!'.asooar) bIodcs or)ides eutneC1ed SEC 1105 LIMITATIOSS OS THE POWERS THE BOARD beefl aporc, ea t: the Cih. C{J'..,Inc~~ at to lJtlhtJes and pro'rlded WlIb ~Itlf! from the bottom of t.'le 'Malls to 1 The concurnng vote of lwo-tlurcls of the members of the Zonang Board of a An) Coone!I fmids socil sli1.lClUT1!':l>...lll be adeq>J.iilei> lana. 0{ an) such appeal the DIrector of Public ServIce shall submit a report to -\n) par~d of Jard ...mcr. _' '0 OCCUple'l0) a u.( "r budding ott\(>r than an ac ~ped or fe'1ced to;;creen tbe1r \ __ from !be p.lbllC r.ght of "'a) and from the Board and make avaIlable to the appellanl a copy of such report. which ce,s;;f) u::e M l;ul1dmg shall ha ,'l; fron!a!;e on and dIrect acl'l"'S to strert fIrSt floor ~els 0{ reslder.tlal proper!aes Sucl; antennas 01' rtC'e'\er",; a shall contam the follOWing .:t.all hoe Ioca t ell as b) Atuzje X\ Su~h frCJ'ltage ,hall be eaual to Itte mmtmum lot ...Idth t"'LabllShed by Article XliI (a) TIle applJcalJon. slte plan. ar.d an} other documents compnslng the record of the appeal, SEe M .\RE:' -\:\D BlLK REQURE\IE:\"TS 'iEC •;1f, LJff SPLITS (b) A summary 0( !he DIrector of Pubhc Servlce's actIons and findings con cernmg lhe appllcallon and the rea5Ol1S therefore Tn.: prl'I\ISociI".'of -\rtlCle XIlI ,hall be iO.~eod "",th !be follO'''lng ellcep'"r"" Ic I The relief requested of the Board ol Zoning Appeals -\ j,,, rr". ~'" b.. dlnx"!l t"l'" I or,e<:lCt. a r.'),'"tIO'1lhe~e<)(:>Oldor COO~ejeourJess "M,s 3 The Boa~ shaU fu a reasonable time for a pllbhc heanng on appeals Not ,II leas' I tre D.rec'cJr c,' P'.t)'IC ';t-n ce t,P-:ls th"t trf' p"-rceb (reared b} I/"te Jot split \Il str.x' .res cr lots arc .." 1""< uk~!'lote Road" r.., set !:.e leAs!'la\e 3 'rr.,r.. ~ spact (J( ~reater or If:sser dep!.h tt....r 25 !~t .\RTilLE X\ I deh~er-edpenonally or b) ceTttfled mall to O\Iltler5 and tenants at 1M ad pl'I)V1dPd hor""'~eT' t1'.. ' '1Q !root io!!'t baI'.al! oe r~lrt'd t J exc-eea 7'5 (eet dress ~n OIl the last 115SeSSrneT1troll or rrr~ It....., one.&olrd of tt'.e depth at the /<)t oor st...1l a froot set back be '[J"IJ\,r"TH \TII)' -\\'[J E'I")R(F\Tf.\,T 4 Partle; w an appeal sr.alJ b\" accorded the nght to appear In person, or by pernmtl'd .. rich J:S leU :bar, r.terltl 2iJ feet or _lth an IIllthonzed ajZent for lrJl, eX record ha\IOU! R di!-pth (J( .ess 0f~ ::"ndred l'f) 'fX, a'lER\ l( E elmtlr,g at ,~ p2ssage of tnJS uro.rwnce :he froot ~ blKk f'la\ bo!: re1uc docume-nl.lry e~t4ence to $Ubl7l1trebuttal evidence, and to conduct such ed 10 ry~ ",-'r.Re-'~t ..A' tr'.jU,j:A""""l1t '"--o.eo11fT cen In the furtherance of thl£ policy the Boord of Zonmg i\ppea14 may bmlt ~ ~,.t~ ~""l~'g'....-l ({f' .'v-J rP'v.1ded tu;...... eT :...... wer. !"~ &.ard ,,( Zor"IiT.f1 Appe ..l, lttl.s iJ prf'p.o re offlcl,,1 rt'Cord ((,r ! ...~!) r~("(Jr i'f' f' J-" I( ':k"" .. «( ..rl.dll "A'" ",IJ{r pl"r ....jj. U(Jt') ....t~r$" ~u~)r'1L...\I(Jrlln 'r~ an each eqwpmerot wll br nnar~ r.the rear ~ the ~.u~ too:t-"eeT '1'0- ""'re!".e sr.all ... r' "i er '''10 - "rd" ;rf>- (i l~,.. r.Jy~J (~r' tt-t' ~r()rj"""dtl(I'" r~f"!l,sarJ lo appeal and !.toeBoiord base Its deciSion on thiS nocord ..nd the evlliel1Ce SIdes and nol: """ than tt\nIf' feet from e:~ wde r.J. !be StrllCtIll"l' Rdngtra f_'dr •..... tn.-;:' t ...( tJ:1'"('t.t' ....p~ ...( ..... ! .1.....' (r ("~~ t (r ...,If h.dl (()17'j~jJl(J'1(€ "'l~h ~ted at the ~nng The offICial rt'Cl",d ihall IOcI~ lion equ.~t lr1l\i.alied oua,Oe a rtSlde11tl.a1 ~w~ po1Or to the ~te 0( 'il J /1 ...... d.J V "1(1" r,. tl\ '0: (t"(1 ~(""..('( j.,. ... Mr(1 rl ~ f ~l! I..d:'e (JI (f ...rr.plldr.<.,. "hall 'The rele'ianl adn:l1nr.strallve rf'Cords frem which an 1 Nil been lhlS aJ':1e!"AmMt ~ ...II no( COC",stlWtea rKlI'lCI'1r.1 n« stM.IC tu~ r...1 ((J"'T"Vlo::r'.(( pr"T. t '~"'U''''t') r rrl ~r«( Upl"Jr'j dfi fdlOL-E-.. '.:s*tmf-i'" m ttc aJ> (b, Comrrunt< atlfJ"llo(rom the "{ajo's Advl£Ory Planning Commlltee r~l .. tIH tl) !t...appeliJ f-l J{ atJi ...l'j (.if '-IJfJpt)j'f I" ~ ~/,( urr;"'r'~ l~ .f, d frr,rt Irk o:.s(p. (If t.,"d..sP('f" anrl c;tlall 5.rrtJOn, l,.. .. rlf' \. j r "- h""~ f .. .,...... Hti~ h: re-\. hl""~ ~ •Kit" ';t')j tc re411"'~ L< €'....~jj.vtOo 'e j '>och 'e6l.JITIIJIl, and aOdlt,(AI.'lI (iocl,lmt'nts or ellll1blls liS ma)' ~ offered a" fC>!!CIH .,....r" v+M In e; ldoeoce '" the tlf,.. nnl! '''', the aPfJ6ll/ 'IE/TIC,,; (, )'.DIT!'" 'It. I )f.~ ';H 'IL f"flrJJ,(,p~"\!JT I d I 'The requUJle wntlen Ilndlllga (Jl fael and 1'lI'~n; dl~po&lng of tlM!ap- peal thaI m4l)' ~ made by the Board of Zonltll APPl'al& n.efolkrA,""li ...VoCi ..... ~u ....-.r ~,..... 'ted t I '1"11"" t It\ I 1'A".....c: ~' "'4 'r,#' f"'~~' 'tr."t .....rJ .. I)(.J~i-' ...~ ...t r,yr~ ...II-<1 '11'1,., ...j ~'!I"I"'''~,--1 (''''''f'f.',lrMt1f,..((,frrr-,re l p'Jl'lthe ptlyrnent (A Wits a copy of the documents I' any appeal (lie lItlall :m~ If'" ""t1I( r,.J""" tlr"f> - .. - ... t",. (" (rr ...r-: d1W0',P< ot1'" f-)I 1r I ... 'r,P be available lJ> the p.;.r!l~ ~ offiCial ff'Cl)f'd M an appeal wll be f"A'ril"('. ;H"'" , ..... ( t .. (f",..... f~1-o..~ ... ~1"r-"ern ... ~tI.1,. r ... i " ...! .. .t I - JI n "'/" "'-ul", { 'WI"'. ,( .. ..,. Lf ~ ... r~.1.t1I"J~ Pf'rmlf open tn f'JIammatlon as a public r~(ll'd ",r'"T''''' ...~..,(l" ".-s(( {f""r ... ,."..r."" j~"'~,.,((r.f,I""II{,...U'.';"i"I:rJo" ...- "P'Jblre l' t. hrl. ~ ..~ "f"J~ t!"Y(t.a .... ,. tA.l,l':hrJl:." ,. p( f:, 'rd~:"r;,,('""/{"'j ,?r," '''e-;Jd.'' ~t le ..... ( ...... -r4r.rr;/'1u C(.f""J(t'I,I'-I(tlJr~(f;; ~~t,{Jrt< .. ~ V .. Ul ..1f'l'I ... ,(! ~ I'1!g.>UW ~'Il.('<1 Pf'J' ,df'<1 ...... ' ..~ .... f'r<" <,E( 17(.,. H.E'i #, r "~p..r, l/'" f,r.~~(}~ r","-.f( all .lr,~.~ fllr a fI",. 0'flCl<-el ~adllli (I'm u~ c" iiI~ r~':o ~~ ~. :r~ ( lh (~N"'. <"Ir.~ '" "'f- ( 1J,p.~-; t., 'JIIf- T" ~ , J 1'"""" r' t , ...J~; (F r" l"'oI~~,.I ",. rt1t 11(..,1 (~''<;' ffJr t.,IJ.kLn~ f;'''rl.rl.r'f ~.ovj ~.... ~ r~ 'ht ~rT"'" ~ilI rr6r4C.~"'''''''' ~-I>"'dt~ p.r."")/' ~1 r ," ,"(I ;,11 • ..-1, ...... 1( 4tir,~.-.spl(}~pl. ...nl1'f "'[;~ ,...... , fo'" (to ,,"" r,.r,l. r,~r,c;A fn 'tjIF -""pre.-...m ~~ 1"~ .. ~I",.".r,f"'~ , , rll( "(, ,t. r~ f ) ... ~ " j 1(/. jl'".fj ,.. .. (" .. I,'" _ (,' 't,..,. 4WdJonS Ar"l('."," II' )' ."',. I~".r>( r,-.1l"wtrll(f- I'" 4~ to {~ ..... "'2, ''',r 'rJl .."'''' I) 1 .. ~,. • l ,( • n o-,} 1 -C;'" f," ('ll" r f .. lr Jft Jr'.....t(, rll. umn headmjZ "t't( r, .. 4' ' ....I"', .. T:, \(,r,,1'TWTl' f'.I.o,rd rl8 ~hlil' ,_, r l"f-d1 \f r ~ ,r'" r 'f"( t (' ~ I (.rt "'J (f r ( J~ >1r'"(! (,f ",1'1 rl'.III~"~f"r'''rrr IJil.(tU",. .. lffor.st1" Strurture .... t!',adc, .~,1'; "r, (to r 'oIias forrr~n)' U;I" fir'" 'fJ rl'o\d Ir-e and r,) add,ra: ~"lI~ k ". r .... d Ir ,-. 'r'" l"l/~ '" r;:"." ",. ~ ~...SI4' 1..( ','Ar'1 ,~.., 1J(~Jqrr~{tur~upt'"~l! emir,.!} '"'~ !r,!J,t'o" t ,..-{ .. ~ ... ".,.. ~t"'''': ri"(.t1'" '~ .... r .. 'Tt .....rt1 ...tJ..t-hrl$i!t.J,rl",li"loi.tllJdrllnj{l. ~t Publ$( Ii~arl~ ,t~d "" Ilf.l1 In Ih<' ( fJO ..... 1i ('I'.., mbf'N 'If th~ Ill)' Hall !j() Kl'rby k I....t;t (I'~\--r.a". ~"~l, ,...... 051 Z!",f- .area ((J'\p.rl'd rJ).ad 'JUjl~ ra.., 111 dl}ff1 t" 'hot-- f(>"'~f~ '(/ ... ((. ,.. ,,'1'1 fV ....?1 GrC)ll,~ f 'IInl .. f ..ern!> r~.flflIJl', Thf' Hl'a "!4l ... 11i~ Put-It( IrItfOT""ll'd propf'rty ar .... ,/ tl1l- ,<)( 'l'It'rIIf'nl 'If the 8r1! Inv.t~ .... ,( r- ('r]'l" "-((/"p' A If' (rl"'£ I r" ti ""

IP 14"fN' ,~ pI"'" ~ ,t", ( I I ( 'J'Jro< I I rod' ,ur t, r fl' f' Jr ( Y'r t< ( .,. .. n "-,,. )I- t1 r I forr<: 'l,J(t J'I f(-- t ,r 1"", (v"" I rh.-i! ...t1i1'1 ~tflKtur'" "'ii hf' ~~"~:~') ,.ndj( V'J{)f'-i, r". 't 11or,l ,,,'''f'o<1 IN- P'"TT'. t .. r>tll"lKt. HI( HARCJ (, ~JI""K llttt_ i ArtlC~ X1\ 011It. 7Af111l1 hrdmanc:"e l.\ a~ b) rf'''~,r« p'r"l/r3!Y' ? ':10'> ~"- (HI" trlttl tt.,. .0" r",(,,,forr*"rll. fl(,( ((JrnpJ.itM'i hdll ({1"1~1ItUf#"..., \ff,I.,II(rt"l1)f U'H~ UTY CLERK .. nd .. dcIlr,~ .... ra'rllpl', , 1(0re-4Od In lht1r f'fltu'l!i)' n follows ')T'r!,l') ••r,,'" GPN 71./14

~.I ... ------~------~~------,I

Call 882-6900

Page FIve-C Classified ads Thursday, July 28. 1984 1X-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONAll 1A-!ERsoFmI 28-TUTORiNG XRb 4-HElP WlNftb EDUCATION GENERAL CUSTOM wood"'ork Quallt~ SMALL DOG slttlllg-not over RENT Acook for your speCIal carpentry with a personal ORIENTAL RUGS CUUK:'! AN U dlMwashert 12 pound~, also puppies 24 ! INDEX TOCLASSIFIED OFFERED I occasion Reasonable Ex. TUTORING touch Ornamental wood. houl care Excellent WANTED cellent references 881-8089 needed lit Groue Poude fiDe \\ork, home Improvement. 1. No 7 L2, red!>onable prevlOll.'>expenence re CALL 776-4626 758.2875 28 Tulorlng and Educallon 13D For Sale or Lease With me I. In Ihl~ short qUlred Jerome RICbart - rates Call 778 J 16.1 PERSONAL Checkbook bal. 2C Hobby 11\slrudlon 14 Real Ellate Wanled dialogue ",ant to thdnk you 88H4t4 ~ HORSE AND Carriage rental 20 Camps 1410. loll Wanled ancmg. small bus mess or 10 for evcrythmg and confJrln Add a Royal Touch" 2E Alhlellc InstnJctlon 14B Vacation or Suburban 2G-CONV,iLesCENT E"R~ S4 B7 HR We Deed Puppy SIHmg Sel \ Ice personal bookkeepmg Free oc- once more that I never want your", eddlllg or speCial 2F Schools Property Wanled CARE a~j5tano~ In e'o'aluatlO8 and Imhal consultatIOn. dehvery casion lncludes a driver to be ~epardted from you no responding to dally ...ork 2G Convalescenl Care 14C Real Eslate Exchange mdUer how great the mater BONDED LOCKS~lITH InlormatlOn or appomtment 7526960 ADULT FOSTER care home reporu .ubmltted by our "QUALITY' 777-1382 3 lost and Found 15 BUIlneu Opporlunllies lal deSires may be I want to (new) Regl"tered L' 01 M A: ~ ... t~ w ..... ~.~.,.I""ll ,~ P~'.c: J"",. ",,..1 ... L It I" al!ents thrOWlhout the JUlle t\.~ U\v "~IUI ) U"-t ilAUU 1.11) ,V'I't,..u SCHLAGE DEnDovLT SINCCRC SINGLES IIUr~C/IJ'" IICI dl.l.CIJUUI; No expenence nt'Ces6ar')'. W/STRIKE REINFORCING TEN:-.'IS LESSONS on prlvate ExclUSive publicatIOn for pro- 4A H;lp W~nl;d D~m~siic 16A Horses for 50111 ones IIIyour perpetual glory pn\ate patIents IIlcJUdHlg courl bv experlenced lenms 48 Services 10 Exchange 168 Pet Grooming PaId to complete lralJ:WC KIT fesSIOnals Call for free mtro Amen Alzhclmer's DI!>ease Work elt home For Inlonna. $4780 profess LOna I, IIlstructlon. copy 64~5288 4C House Silting Services 16C Pel Boardmg Thank you for your love to Beautiful on 13 acres 10 drills or match play, to learn 5 Situation Wanled 160 Adopl A Pel wards me and my loved tlOn st"nd self."ddresHd, CHELSEA LOCK CO Jackson, Michigan, fenced ~tamped t"tl\elope 9'~ lnc:tB or ImprO\ e your game Prl- AMBITIOUS 5A Slluation Domeilic 19 Printing and Engrovlng one!> Pray thiS ~rayer 3 con GROSSE POINTE PARK III back yard 357.3174 or long toA\\'GA Depc E Box 343-9144 vate or semI-prIvate. ll84- PHOTOGRAPHY 58 Employmenl Agency 20 General Service secullve days WIthout asking 5Z7-926'l 5619 STUDENT 5C Calenng 20A Carpel laying your Wish, after third day 49"lIH Atlanta, GA :m5t IS looklllg for apprenticeship 6 For Renl Unfurnished 208 Refngerallon and Air your v.Ish w!l1be granted, no 3-LOST AND BORED,BROKE.BLl:E BALLOONS "'Ith photographer or studIO 6A For Renl Furnllhlld Condllionlng Repair maHer how dlfflcultll may FOUND Homemaker, demonstrale Please call Paul at 294-0571 68 Rooms for Renl 20C Chimney and Fireplace to,!> for nations number I HIGH FL'i I"\G HELIU\I BALLOO:" BOUQUETS be Then promISe to publish PRA YER TO THE 6C Office for Rent Repair thiS prayer as soon as your IF YOU have lost an ammal to; and house .Rlft5 Party For all occasIOns for as httle .is $IO-deh\'el y a \ allable 60 Vacalion Renlals 200 locksmiths favor has been granted please contact plan, free kit, no Invest. Bu~ a dozen OJ buy a gross A GREAT \\aY to celebrate HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, you who make me 6E Gorage for Renl 20E Insulallon Thank 'IOU for favors recelv AntI Cruelly, 891-7188 ment, COUectlOflor dd!\'ery 882.4968 see everythmg and who 6f Share LIVingQuarters 20F Washer and Dryer Repair ed Favor Granted L W 13569 Jos Campau, DetroIt Call Katie, ~5-&410 shows me the way to reach 6G Slore LeaiB 200 Glan - Mirror Service REl.IABLE bab)sltter for 1 6H For Rent or Sale 20H Floor Sanding RESUMES, theses. term FOUND - TWO adorable kit. my Ideal You who gIve me papers, reports, repetitive tens about 3 months old preschoolers In Harper the Dlvllle Gift to forgIve 6J Halll for Renl 21 Moving Woods area ..vternooo shlft 6K Slorage Space 21 It.. Plano Service letters WORD PROCESS. Healthy, tramed I male, I WOMEN AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY and forget the wrong that IS ING Competlllve pnces' female Free to good horne approxImately t'AIce • done to me and you who are 7 Wanled 10 Renl 218 Sewing Machine wt.>ek Includell some week. CLOSING DATE AUGUST 15, 1984 7A Room Wanted 21C EIec1ncal Service quality work 521.3300 886-3835 or 882-2300 10 aH H1stances of my hfe ends and hohda)s 52&-1%22 FREE DISTRIBUTION OCTOBER 1984 7B Room and Board Wanled 21 D TV and RadiO Repair TYPING WORD processlIlg, FOUND Young male, CONTACT SUZANNE KENT With me I, in this short before I pm dIalogue want to thank you 7C Garage Wan led 21E Slorms and Scr .. ns resumes, $3 50 a page, 35( Shepherd and Lab Dog, tan. 885-6204 7D Storage Space Wanled 21 F Harne Improvemenl addlllonal origInals Notary about 50 Ibs. Lenox.Ha,1!rluU HASDnlAN for everythIng and confIrm For mISCellaneous plLnllJlrl once more that I never want 8 Articles for Sale 21G Roofing Service S C S 772-2809 area, 521.£(}31 SA Musical Inslrumenls 21 H Carpet Cleaning and repairs Parl.tlln~, to ~parated from you no VALUABLE ASSETS VIdeo LOST 7/19/84 muted Calico 823-4549aHer 6 e m mat I' how great the mater. 18 Antiques for Sale 21.1 Palnllll9. Decaraling taped for your protection female cat 7 ~hle-Kelly Maril)'nn G. Rusche, M.A., C.S.W. lal esll'es may be I want to 8e Office Equipmenl 21J Wall Washing and lIlsurance records Star area 372-25~ WAtTERS AND cooC, expen- 9 Articles Wanted 21K Window Washing enced only ...11b references speCialiZing 10. be WIth you and my loved tlng at $99 MemOries VIdeo LOST, Black cat wllh yellow ones In your perpetual glory 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21L Tile Work - 758.2875 apply Soup K.1tdwn, FPlu*- lOA Malorcycles for Sale 21M Sewer ServIce collar Grosse Pointe CIty IIn at OrleJaRS, 4 blocks east Amen area ll85-37U • Indhidual Therap) Thank you for your love to. lOB Trucks for Sale 21 N Asphall Work CONGRATULATIONS of Reri Cm between 2-5 P m • Fami!) Therap) 11 Cars for Sale 210 Cemenl and Brick Work DAVID WAGNER FOUND Carmel color rabbit wards me and my loved We knew you could do it' DENTAL ASSISTA.....T - ex- ones Pray this prayer 3 con. 11 A Car Repair 21P Walerproofing ArutalWedgewood area 88&- • Marriage Counseling YOUR FAMILY penenced prefetTed, pJea- secutlve days without aslung 118 Cars Wanted to Buy 21 Q Plasler Work 1876 sant penonal1t) and depend- your wish, after third day 11 C Boats and Motors 21 R Furniture Repair THANK YOU Holy SpirIt for LOST - Schnauzer, male WIth ablhty Important, good 882-3825For Appointment 110 Bool Repair 215 Carpenler your WIshwill be granted, no favors received M.B long ears St Clair Shores hours for II parent, send 11£ Boal Dockage and 21T Plumbing and Healing matter how diffIcult It may PRAYER TO THE 'licensed Losl IJ1 area or 9 resume to Grosse POUlle be Then promIse to publish Slorage 21 U Janllor Service HOLY SPIRIT Mile and Harper 77~8819, News, 99Kerchenl, GnlUe thIS prayer as soon as your 11F Trailers and Campers 21Y Silverplating Holy Spmt, you who make me 7575362 POlnle Farms, 48236. Q-44 favor has been granted llG Mobile Homes 21W Dressmaking and see everything and who PENDOLINO'S CHIMNEY SCREEN 11 H AIrplanes Tailoring FOUND Female Shepherd DENTAL HYGIENIST. ex. SERVICE Thank you for favors receiv- shows me the way to reach Collie mIx puppy found east penenced - full tune m pro- GET READY FOR FALL II ed ME 12 Surburbal\ Acreage 21X Draperies my Ideal You who give me 12A Surburb~an Home 21Y Swimming Pools SIde of DetrOit belween 7 gresslYe and stabJe St C1atr Brmg your house I WILL pay $20/$40 towards the Dlvme Gift to forgive Mile/Morang 831H331 Shores office 771-3+40 128 Vocation Pr0r.erty 21 Z landscaping up to code and new VIC Tanny member. and forget the wrong that is LOST - Cat, blue-grey, GROSSE POIl'o'TE DehVff keep unwanted 12C Farms for So e done to me and you who are shIps Days 294-2660 neutered male Exlra toes flyen, $2 50 per hour 81- 1Il all mstances of my hfe ammals oul Maryann Expires 7/31/84 Beaconshe Id.Char levolx lI603 With me I, III thiS short FREE ESTIMATES 1A PERSONALS 1A-PEAiOB!LS area 824-0221 881 2477 886-5870 _Em. UIla EXPERIENCED dIalogue want to thank you WOMAN, WIth expenence to TECHNIC[ANS PRAYER TO THE PRAYER TO THE for everythmg and confirm FOUND Last chance for 2 bab)"Slt 2 cht!dr'en ages 4 and *SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD* (Former Bell Employees) HOLY SPIRIT HOLY SPIRIT once more that I never want abaDdoned SISter kilteflll, ap- 7 10 my home Sta rtlng BRICK WORK, CROWNS, AND FLUr~~=LINERS Phone Installation and Holy SpJrlt, you who make me Holy Splnt, you who make me to be separated from you no prolumalely 12 weeks old Septembet' ~h, days - part- Repair Work Done see everything and who see everythmg and who matter how great the maler- Musl find homes before we tlme Musl be non smoker, Reasonably shows me the way to reach shows me the way to reach lal desIres may be Iwant to go on vacatIon 82~4 have own car Harper Don Palmer Hank Mobley my Ideal You who give me my ideal You who gIve me be WIth you and my loved Woods area .. 3855 684-2828 573-0925 the Dlvllle Gift to forgive the DIVIne GIft to forgive ones m your perpetual glory 4-HELP WARTED PART.TIME bartent.H>r or and forget the wrong lhat IS and forget the wrong that IS Amen GENERAL barmaid and ....altre5l!es DO YOU KNOW done to me and you who are done to me and you who are Thank you for your love to- needed for evenings al THE COLORS THAT m all Instances of my life wards me and my loved ATTENTION homemakers JULY 30TH m all instances of my IJfe be Grosse Pomle restaurant Er-;1iANCEYOUR BEAUTY \\ Ith me I, III thiS short Don't bored, make new trtI With me I, In thiS short ones Pray thiS ~I'ayer 3 con send Inqulne, to POBox friends demonstrating toys AND WHY OR HOW? dialogue want to thank you dUllogue want to thank you secullve days WIthout askmg 36625, Grtl6lie POinte f'arttJ,$. You WIll feel more lovely for everythmg and confirm your Wish, after third day and gIfts No Investments JANE CLARK IS 50! for everythmg and confIrm Free kit Free tralllmg l\ll ~ III the colors that work once more that Inever want once more that I never want your Wishwll! be granted, no A\erage $8 00 lX'r hour FINANCI.\L SECRET,o\RY You're someone very speCial who can brighten any day for you to be separated from you no to be separated from you no matter how dlfflCUltlt may $30 With thIS ad matter how great the mater. Karla 368--4828 Doclors' HOtip11a11l> Sftkltlf a With all the kmd and thoughtful thmgs you often do matter how great the mater. be Then promise to publish responsible llldJ,ldual ...IUI and say You're someone very speCial, always car. CERTIFIED COLOR lal desires may be Iwant to lal desires may be Iwant to thiS prayer as soon as your ANALYST be With you and my loved excellent :>«retanal rom mg, always glvmg You're someone very special who be With you and my loved favor has been granted SECRETARIES mwucalloo 4nd ocptUu, Will do' ones m your perpetual glory Thank you for favors recelV' adds such JOyto hving Have a Happy 50th BIrthday ones 10 your perpetual glory Campbell Ewald Company, a honal skuls QuahllcatlORS Jane -Color analYSIS Amen Amen ed VPL major advertiSing agency -Analyze your current Thank you for your love to- for thIS po$l!IOn llldude fl. LULU Thank you for your love to. located In Warren, IS sm- na~lal experl~ and ex. makeup wards me and my loved wards me and my loved 1B-SECRET ARIAL Lng secretaries With 1 or 2 pot>~ to "oro procaau. -Teach application of ones Pray thIS prayer 3 con ones Pray thIS pra)'er 3 con. SERVICE years experIence Ap. secutlve days Without asking eqwpmenl A minimum 01 correct makeup colors secullve days wlthoul asklOg Complete phcants MUST possess the .Provlde swatchbook & your WIsh, after third day two or thrt'e ~eill"S In bus.J. your Wish, after third day WORD PROCESSING followlT\g skills t) PinK 60 shoppmg IllstructlOn your WIshWillbe granted, no ness adnunLs!ratlOll Good your WIshWillbe granted, no Reports W P tTI, shorthand 80 typulg sXllb \ muumum ~ 50 882-5596 mailer how dlfflcult It may v. 7-26 matter how difficult It may RepetltlH' LeUen. pm, v.ord proc~lllllls .. pm' and hllht ~ be Then promIse to pubhsh not be Then promise to publish Envelopes desirable but necessary :.luLls are rt-qUlred Sa1ar) thiS prayer as soon as your thIS prayer as soon as your Qualified candldat~ should favor has been granted DI~sertatlons commensurate .. Ith bad. favor has been granted Manuscripts submIt their resumes III ground E'(eellent (rl. DTM &MLM c1udmg salary hll>tory and Thank you for favors receiv- Techmcal EquoltlOns benl'tlt:> p.!ol'kage 41."\."UCnpan- requirements In confIdence DEBT DOCTOR helps heal ed M P Tables It''S thJ!o ~ltlOO ~lull'C1 your fmanclal wounds WOHDSINUMBERS to NOVENA TO JUDE DEBORAII OSROR;-';E e.indldal~ llohoold ~lt [PSYCHIC Debt!>made workable Pro. ST. PHOCESSING CORP theIr resume:; "'00 ~1lU"y re- gram indiVIdually designed Apostle and Martyr great In KJI-9I!6O CAMPBELL EWALD CO qUirements to Oocton' For appOIntment 774-17<18 Virtue, rich III miracles, 884 WORD WARREN, MI ~l9J II~plIlll nJO t&.t Jeffer. kInsman of Christ, In. EXPERIENCED accounts :.on DtatrM. ~t1.wr. 25- READINGS 5Tt\INED GLASS-Wllldows, lerst.'Ssor of all who mvoke TYPING/" ord pi oce~"lng lamps, mirrors, bevels, re~umes, tl'rm papers, receivable bookkeept'r. J(}5{) ,,: \) E CommuNt\ you to use your jreat God ~cmor r~ldence ('~lIter, reo IT ',5 M£ tempered glas~, new con gl\,en po\ to al me m my reports, repetitive letters HUSpH;l1 ~tt'letl~ t'llmmun. qUlrcs liblhty to unden-tand It) N~ structlon and repaIrs urgent petillon In return I Reasonable A\'aLlable 7 BY eldt'rly \\ Ilh com p.t!>ll Ion. E. R/N. GO. 8RA I, References, 382'1112 promise Lomake your name da.)s a v.eek llIU5541 TR,o\n:J"o\tiE:'o.'T n~nqn-- 1\e<.'kllls aOlh:" 10 for your aid, St Jude, Say 3 2-ENTERT AINMENT Il('r!c'f)(." ~.a!t\l FAYE recClved M B "ork Wlrpr~I1rC to niffi Our I-'athers, 3 Hall Marys, LlGIIT m:AHTED dt'ddhllt'S Application flll'ms RECD"TIONIST to ...«It. 11\ YOUR lIOM}o: 3 G10nas ThiS Novena hll~ Jo:NTI-:HTA I ~ M 1>:Nl' mav beobta,rwdat ttwfroot 1.1", llllk.",,,,,th~ A WORK or ART never been known to fall MAG ICl,\N 11e.k to l>e submitted Yolth III r~!N~11 "~t~ dfope:ld 884-2495 "'famed Pen and Ink Say Novena for 9 d~ys ublt' l~granted ROBERT COOPER re'>urnc to Tht' "hlllu'r ALL ACi\<:S (){'CASIO:'IlS"S. ~15 Rurn..' l>etrolt F'lipf'f1t"Ill't'd preforrrcod BU'IlllCSSor Ro.'lt By DTM St'rnl ~ume h, "UIl\JISt loth tlll.'i HLO WANT.!':I~t'rlllul> n CAROL A ~INCLAm PItA YER TO TilE h\ lroll Pt"llllte..'ut, Otott'ott 8861\4611 Mi\C;W Sll()\\~ \\,lll ..bll' pt'rlt'OCt'(I, dept'rnV. hie I.tlltl HOLY SPIRIT ~(,llpt'r able' to \\ork J" lull ~-~ 1I0ly Spirit. you v.ho milk!.' me fm Inrlh IleI) ~ :>lIllHlIl'r 11\ ll\IlI - - - FOUND THE CUT UPS, INC wi rlt-slrl'~ m

I, ~.' I( _~~ ...i..- __ H_...... __ ."""'O'-~ • + Thursday, July 26, 1984 Page SIX-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS l 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELp WANTED a-AELP WlNTEb 4=ttELp WlNfEb s=sttUlti6N 51-SiTUltlON i=FOfi hiNt GENERAL I GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL, GENERAL WANTED DOMESTIC YNFUBHIIHED LADY WANTS part tlme DETROIT - upper nat DENTAL A~lstant-e'(perl STRO~G Collections person BOOKKEEPER BARBER SPACE avaIlable -QUA1JFlED nurse's aide - Chandler/Outer Drive area. GROSSE POINTE grocer~ cleanmi Job for Grosse enced In 4 handed dentlstn ....lth computer expenence seeks for daY' 01' llve-Ul. 824-4379 store needs part-time Muluple wut restaurant barber-stylist With POinte home or St Clair 5 wee rooms, own basement 10 a !ugh quaht~ office In and shipping clerk ab~ to general office Reply to Box bookkeeper, for Its head- followlll8 After 7 p m 881- EXPERIENCED DAY care $180 month. 881-322l. Gros::.e POinte Startmg take full responslblllt~ 881- Shores. Will try any Iund. F -86, Grosse POUlte News, quarters tn Detroit send 8011 home, will care for your GROSSE POINTE Park. 2 hours - 3Q hour::. pel \\ eek 7755 n5-00U 9'9 Kercheval, Grosse reswnes to Ward and Ward. WANTED, expenenced cook, cluldren full or part time bedroom upper. Ideal for \\Ith po:>s!blt: luture In 1------Pomte Farms. MI 48236 CPA 1560 Penobscot Bldg nummwn 3 )'ears experi- 882-4279 WE DO wmdOWl. Llght and creases Hepl\ to Bo\ L30. BANK TELLERS heavy houte/olfice cleamng mature adults. No pets Det 48226 ence, 40 hours plus a week EUROPEAN profeSSIonal Newly decorated $300 mono Grosse POlllle \el\S 9'9 Ker- GOOD MATH A PLVS TYPIST,hght clencal dut.les Honest Dependable Refer- che Gro,,::.e POll1te H.nng no....' 557-1200 Orthodontic office Call882- WAITRESS- Ren Cen area Call 259-2688 ask for Carl or Il.ardener, landscaper work. ences Two sISters 778-2972, thly 823-1003. Some bar expenence prefer- John 1118 Perremals, Blannuals, Farms \H ~8.236 JOB ~ETWORK 2821 Monda).Thursday 774-lS30. TWO BEDROOM lower - red Call 961-377S aftn 2 pm Annuals, Roses, trees, COUPLE"; dOO e,rmale::. need-' 28860SOl:THFIELD ROAD EXPERIE~CED oral surgery EXPERIENCED person WIth Beaconsfield, in the Park Apply The MeXican Inn, 401 4A-HELP WANTED shrubs, tnmmtng, prunrung Heat.water Included. $400 ed to \oluntet'r !ll'le \\Ith \ 0\:-': DRI\'ER needed - assIStant. full-hme 118-2100 reference, transportation, E Larned DOMESTIC maintenance 534-0571 per month Available August children ages 31'; \\ lth eTTlO- Grosse Po,nle area Part- I wants days Cleamng, laun. lIonal Droblems Ul'ldren s tIme dppro>amatel) 4 hours FINANCIAL WA~TED 2 strong Grosse 15th 821-0361 POinte coUege men to work GROSSE POINTE PROFESSIONAL dry, canng for elderly Home of DetrO!' 8SO-uSW a da~ School ~ear onl) SERVICES 839-2622 l"l DUPLEX on Moross Rd - August on some roofrepalfS MOVERS I mg EMPLOYMENT near St John HOSPitalarea EXPERIE,\CED and or Good dm record needed PLANNING for cash/~ 50hour Call Fn- Personal Family Service EXPERIENCED housekeeper degl el'd l~enllcal sJlbl-'fr Appl) m person 15501~tack ParI time 'full tune Will tram ApplianceS-PIanos and cook Own transporta. $365 per month plus utilities day a m Jul} 27th 777-8500 AGENCY 791.1737after 4 son-<.hemc.dl com pan) ~er MANAGERS Some college l' nlunlted op- LEGAL secretan for do~n- 885-4576 Insured-Compare rates hon Reliable References \wg Iret,,1 Il'l ;rl'n~ 'n portunity High ~Ield earn. 8844680 884-3113 THREE BEDROOM Colomal dustr~ \eeu "ggr","I\e Entr) Le\el or Experience to~n DetrOit Experienced 50 years rehable service newly decorated. Harper/ Ings on a part -time or full or Will tram person With ~eeds expenenced Cooks, NEED SOMETHING moved? A YOUNG lady, well ex- hardl\ ori-.,ng '''"1:>0'1 ',\ ,th e..... Hll'ng ~o\\' Call 557-1200 time baSIS ~tanagement Cadieux area. $385 plus r- JOB :'\ET\\ORK good typmg 963-7755 Nanrues, ~lalCis,Housekeep- Two POUlte resIdents WIll perienced Will do effiCient cellent pcr,,(;tJallt) Call 28860 SOt:THFIELD ROAD reahstlc \\ Ithm 4-6 months move or remove large or house work m the Gros!>e secunty 8&-5962 882-9130 922 llH 9-4 pm 822-4589. or 642- POSITIO~ available With ers, Gardeners, Chauffeurs, gro professH>oalflfm Ul Butlers, Conples, Nurse small quantlhes of funuture, Pomte area Call after 5 INDIAN VILLAGE area, two AFTER T\\O I'\1EHV!E\\S YOl""G AGGRESSIVE St 373.2 $325 AIdes, appliances, pla~ or what p m 372-2392 or leave wood floors throughout. .. ".. •• .. ." .. , r'T' " Clair Shores Real Estate """T TX'," ~ "n ('T "' 'Rl<' downtown DetrOIt Some of- Comparuons and Day ..... ,,. t _II. tWlv't:yvu. \"'CIlU lva uee:. c;..:au- m~dlle 011 1 t:\.UI U~l fUlt, t~ru-~ ~~wb $~ • v \ED' Ol'H ".-ill ~ I Firm loolung for 5 lull time flce experience helpful Pro- nUIM::!:>iUI Vll~"U: j~ulIl",," u~. ASSOCIATES SA agents to round out our staff fesslonal altitude and ap- 18514Mack Avenue mate 343-0481or 822-4400 MOTHER-oaughter c1earung per month plus utilities, security deposit If) ou aren't afraid of hard ATTE~TIO" homemakers pearanct! a must Please Grosse POJOteFarms COMPETENT leam Will clean your home WE ARE Don't be bored, make ne~ LAKESHORE REALTY .....ork or money please call submit resume only to Mr WE SPECIALIZE m the place- SITTING or office Experienced, A natIOnal marketing oagan 331-8881 331-8580 for an mterview Ask for friends demonstrallll8 toys J T Brooks, 600 Renais- ment of professIOnal do- dependable. Excellent lzalton The largest 10 our m. SERVICE Gem. Earl Keun Lakeshore and gifts No ID\estments sance Center, Swte 1400, mestlc and nursUlg person. references. JoAnn, 882-9624. ONE BEDROOM apartment dustry Expar.dmg and need Free kit Free tramlng HOME CARE - ELDERLY m-9710 Detroit, 48243. nel Housekeepers-Cooks PreViously With GratJot/7 Mlle area, clean sales and management posl' A\erage $.8 00 per hour GENERAL bouse c1eaning- Hammond Agency Monday or Tuesday morn- quiet buildll1g,all utihtles in- ttOns to be fllled GENERAL LABOR Karla 368-l828, Gall B39-8168 , PART TIME mamCUflStS -Couples-Child Care- 20207 }lack, Grosse Pomte Day Work-Maids-Home Days, mghts & 24 hour ing References Call cluded, $225per month plus WE OFFER SKILLED OR l:~SKILLED 3 P m -10 p m security deposit 839-6287 Complcle tralmrg excep Woods Call for appomtment Health Care LlVe In or Out rates available Darlene 296-2124, S: 30 HIRl'\G :-':OW BABYSITTER wanted, start - LICENSED BONDED tional earnIngs, guaranteed C.\LL 557-1200 886-2227. Please call a.m ..S pm UPPER FLAT, second house Ing september, full time SALLY THOMAS 772-0035 advancement permanent JOB NETWORK EXPERIENCED short order GOLL MATURE refined woman across Mack. Avenue at Experienced With refer - Grosse Pointe City. 3550 part and full tune POSitIOns 28860 SOl'THFIELD ROAD ences Call Katherine after cook!orfullt.une Apply at. PERSONNEL HANDYMAN - all types of deSires position as CA-~DIDATE~ SHPl"LD repaU'S, small)Obs, carpen- housekeeper, compamon to Guilford, Detroit 5 rooms, .'."EEDED - ~urse for pnvate 5 pm, 885-4230 Your Place Lounge, 17326 AGENCY Hs\e a strong desire to suc- East Warren ter work, painting Pete, 882- gentleman. CaIl mornings 7 basement and laundry Call tutonng or medical person person after 5 p.m , ceed. be v.llbng to ',I ork hard EXPERIENCED need- 2795 am -10 a m or everungs 885-0440. ',\Ith knowledge of nursUlg care t SECRETARY-full-time for 106 Kercheval and like to \\ ork II Ilh a ed to for tnfant and fin m-3748. HARPER WOODS - small 1 educatIOn and nursmg tech- grader m my home, ~fonday pr1vate school Accurate Grosse POlOte Farms EXPERIENCED nurses aide, , team If:- ou are under paid des1reS pnvate duty, ex- GENERAL cleanmg service - bedroom, stove, refrigera- or under challenged ruques Call 868-5743.5 p m thru Friday, 8 3G-530, own tYPlSt with word processmg 882.2928 lo7pm experience Spelhng and State Llcensed and Bonded cellent references No live- 2 hard worklng students, 3 tor, $200 plus utilities No CALL 792 3430, THCRS FRI transportation 882-5554 pets. Security deposit. 885- after 6 p m on Thursday or grammar skills essential PROFESSIONAL couple seek- ins, 296-1167 or 774-9001 years experience 751-3573, 3-8 pm or ~lond2.J SI-~ pm. CONSTRUCTION 7~. . 2771. to arrange Cor an lI1tervle\\ before 3 pm on Saturday College degree preferred mg mature adult to care for HANDYMAN - any home re- HIRING NOW! Proven ability to work well 6 month old llIfant and to pall'. Plumbing, eleetrical, HOUSE cleaner available for HOUSTON WHITTIER/Kelly CHILO SITfER/housekeeper ::'ltoTHER NEEDS 2 more full or part time Refer- area. For rent: 1 bedroom CUL ~OW 557-1200 hands to care for t~O boys , WIth others Competitive perform light housework locks, ete 881-1399. Neat, 5da)sa ',leek Somee\enmg salary and benefits. Please Full tune weekdays Must ences. Dependable Carol, upper income with appli. JOB ~ETI\'ORK ages 3and 5l.z. Monday Fn - dependable, honest. hours References pre- 28860 SOUTHFIELD ROAD sendresumeV.1threferences have expenence and refer- 886-5558. ances, excellent condltion ferred Call 886-9509 day, 8 45 to 6 pm Refer - COLLEGE STUDE~tll do $240 month, plus references to Grosse POinte News, 99 ences 821-0462 gardeoing, lawn w paint 5C-CATERING PROGRAMMERS ences required 885-5896. Kercheval, Grosse Pomte &£ security deposit 886-9885 OUTSIDE sales represen. garages or any jobs. FAST GROWING moving Farms, MI48236, Box U-8. IMMEDIATE FULL or part- RENT A cook.for your special tabve for tra\el agenc\ Ex- ENTRY LEVEL Reliable, reasonable. Ron, evenings. perienced onl) Re-sume company desires secretarial time openings for house- occasion Complete servtces HIRING ~OW CALL 557-1200 FREE keeper, companion, latmd- 372-9098. WHITTIER/ with references to Box W.l 0 help full time Must be ac - available Reasonable. Ex- E. OUTER DRIVE JOB :"ETWORK curate typlSt gIVen to detal1 TRAINING resses, and child care help "RENT A bartender." Ex- Gros..cePornte ~ev.'S. 99 Ker- 2886C SOCTHFIELD ROAD cellent references. 881-8009. (English Tudor) cheval, Grosse P01nte Ideal for well groomed Learn how to have a sue- Gall Personnel Agency. 882- perienced, dependable an LET "Apron Associates" qwck. learnmg person Cal neat Excellent references. Immediate occupancy, IdWer Farms, 48236 CLERICAL i cessful career in real estate I 2928. make your party unique 2 bedroom, formal dining 822-4402 Call VLTginia, 881-«)89 PHOTO/FRA)!E STORE Entf) level or Expenence With the leader Ul the In- KL'lIDL Y, capable live-in com- with our speCIally hors room, natW'al fireplace in HlrIrtg :"iow' Call557-1200 ENTRY LEVEL po5luon for a dustry Schweitzer Real pamon for pleasant elderly TRANSCRIBING from home Needs energet1c full time and . d'oeuvres Free menu and living room, beautiful hari- part lime sales persons JOB :-IETWORK legal secretary In a down Estate/Better Homes and ambulatory lady Refer- Psychiatric or Legal Ex- consultation 882-7149 wooq floor throughout. $325 Gardens is offenng free pre- ences. 881-1022. available to v.ork nov. and In 28860 SOUTHFIELD ROAD town Detroit law firm Typ- perienced 773-8786. plus security Lease re- fall. Background 10 35mm mg 60-70wpm., dictaphone license classes (Small EXPERIENCED sitter to COMPANION or babYSitting 6-FOR RENT qwred or rent With option to photography a deflmte plus AIRLINES expenence, spelling, kno~'- materials charge>. Excep- <:firefor infant In OW" home call evenings 882-8918. UNfURNISHED buy - Meldrum Co 885- • W111 Train' ledge of good grammar re- tiooal pass rate, qualified in- Monday-Friday send per_ Out gOlIlg personality and ACCOUNTANT - BOOK- 5 BEDROOMS 1500,evenings 725-8494. neat pnntmg, appearance Must be Willing to qwred Will be tested Medt- structors and best traming sonallllfo , references and Audubon - Detroit Carpeted, Relocate Call 357.1200 cal terminolQMYhelpful. Sa! KEEPER, part time LARGE 3 bedroom upper. essential Quahfted ap- - materials Call now for wage requirements to: P.O Thoroughly experienced - 2 baths, den, dlning room, Fireplace, porch, garage, JOB NETWORK ary commensurate, bene - detalls, classes start soon. Box 36444 Grosse Pointe plicants may call :'IIr Sped payroll, journals, general large kitchen, immediate basement. References $325 at Speedl Photo ,881.7330) 28860 SOl,;THFIELD ROAD fits 964-5890 after 2 pm, ask DENNIS ANDRUS occupancy for Karen WOODS OFFICE 48236. ledger, statements, taxes utilities 885-8687 . for mtervle\\. appomtment FACTORY WORKERS 886-4200 FULLTIME ~eeper good ReconcJ.lJatiOns Excellent WALKER-ALKIRE . 8IMHl92O TWO BEDROOM lower. No SALES PERSO~S Senouslv W111traUl or Expenence DEl\'T AL ASSIST Al"IT - part DOUG ANDRUS 'ft'lthchlJdren, own transpor- references Mature. 882- tune, expenenced only. flex pets. Split utilities with the interested in b,eakmg away Htnng ~OWI Call 557-1200 - FARMS OFFICE tation After 5 p m 884-9779 6860 TWO BEDROOM Upper - upper. One block from from S30K Into Sl00K in- JOB :\'ETWORK Ible hours. 771-3440. very clean, $205 rent plus 886-5800 _ 4c::HOUSE SmlNG COLLEGE STUDENTS seek Grosse Pointe. $300 Call come Call toda) about thIS 28860 SOUTHFIELD ROAD EXPERIE:NCED waitresses painting work or any odd ublities. 882-7147 after 6 p.m after 6'30 p.m 885-8495. ground floor opportumty In and bartenders - neat , A NEW OFFICE. . . S£RyICES ALERT person Wlth bookkeep- jobs Reasonable rates. Call APPLIANCES, carpeting and GROSSE POINTE Park. Cute J.he .energ) management I.Di baCkground. for' mterest- dependable. Reply to P 0 HOUSESrmNG Bill ~3754 or Tedd 885- heat furnished Apply at 'l~'Stems mriustry 294-7140 or Box lI!II1M, GTil6H Pointe , A NEW OPPORTUNITY _ 5 room upper with sunporeh. ing positton in newspaper of- With the addition of their Employed grad student with 1698. 10101Cadieux. Newly decorated. Garage. 792-7223 fIce in Grosse Pointe area MI 48236 or call 881-8089. newest office, Schweitzer "excelJept qualifications." EXPERIENCED Nunie'S Aide GARAGE Apartment Cad- $350 a month. 774-1605after J'l.TE;WLY opened l1lSwnc struc- }iust be good at f1gures and BABYSITTER - Reliable, ex- Real Estate/Better Homes On-shore, up-stream and CompanIon for the Ieux/Jefferson area $450 a 5pm ture In Old HI \ er To\\ n IS deta11s Phone and typmg penenced, with references and Gardens needs more DetrOit. 67&-7273. elderly Excellent Care month, utlhlJes included lookmg for barpersons expenence helpful Good LARGE ONE bedroom upper. Own transportation St John sa les assOCIates TIle office References n&-l735 One bedroom, kitchen, bath, waltpersons kitchen help salary and benefits Call ~tr Hospllal area Needed 2'~5 formerly Toles and ~ MARRIED Couple - college $300 includes heat and large !tvmg room, balcony water Nice area on water Apply Thursday Fflday. Lee at 881-9554 P m two days a week Call clates, 15 located at Ker- grads available for bouse- CERTIFIED Medtcal Atten- 882-4373 2:3(}-5pm lS'77\\oodbndge 882-2016 cheval-on-the-Hill Ambi- slttmg August 1st - dant for private home care Days82~ GARDE~'ER'S helper want. BABCOCK - Opal 2 Bedroom RESPONSIBLE and rehab Ie ed a hard ~orker, musl ruU,-TIME accounts pay- tJous, goal-orlented people September 30th Native Call after 4.30, 445-8875 EAST WARREN/Outer Drive, needed to sell the elite Grosse Pomters Referen- apartment, carpeted, drap- 2 bedroom house, formal housekeeper \I, anted to care have some expenence 757 able clerk Typmg reqwred CUSTOM PAPER Hanging Grosse POinte real estate ces. Jennifer 881-3909. es, air condltlOmng, heat, dmmg room, hVlng room ~ for ne\\ born 'Dab} and to do 5331 Conner and Jef(erson 822- and Paintmg Reasonable appliances $400 per month , general household c1eamng 6602, call between 8 30-4 30 market For confidential m- GARAGE, studio apartment and References Call With fireplace, full base- COOK WA:>:TED Appl~ plus security deposit 885- ment, 1st months rent, . in our Grosse Pomle home CadJeux Cafe 4300Cadieux, pm temew, call Doug or DennIS wanted or house siumg Vlfgirua at 881-8089 Andrus at 885-2000 Respon.~llble manager, ex- 6863 security deposit 826-9599 t ApprOxlmatel~ 2(J hours per Detroit WANTED full-time head ! week Referer.ccs required - cellent references 824-8131 BOOKKEEPER thru tnal GROSSE POINTE - One, two after 6 pm FULL Tl}!E position for ex- teacher for nursery schoo I CHILDCARE and light balance, payroll, taxes, • Must have 0 .. n transporta bedroom apartments Five GROSSE POINTE Woods/ penenced secretary In one class of 2 and 3 year olds housekeeping 40lSh profes- s---srnJAT1ONS receivables, payables. f bon 882.8489 rooms, carpet, apphances, Vermer 1 bedroom upper, person offIce }!ust have Degree or C D A certifica- SIOnalcouple, res1ding m Ci- WANTED pickup and delivery 469- parkmg 824-3849 540 EXPERIE~CE needed take charge personality, tIOn reqwred Expenenced ty of Grosse Pointe, W1th two 0623 772-5767 drapes, carpetmg, heat, ap- : Telephone sohcltor to ....ork good telephone skills for ex- preferred Send resumes to small cluldren are seeking a LOVELY 6 room upper flat pllances, Ideal for 1, mature CARING COLLEGE student will house WIthfireplace, deck, garage, $350 t at home, at own hours Good panding sales/service bUSI- Progressive School, 10611 woman whose famJly has smgle plus security ~ pay. Call :>:orma at 7/1-5727 \\nltlJer, Detroit, MI 48224 A Tradition Smce 1975 clean - own transportation Park facihtles 882-1146 884-3213 ness For further informa- grown, to care for our c!uld- For Loved Ones at References, reasonable tIOn call betl,\-een &-10pm ren Monday-Fflday full OUTER DRlVElEast Warren CADIEUX/7 Mile - Cozy, LEGAL SECRETARY Home, rates Jill, 8ll5-Q15 F~fr:;f~r;'~;I~~~~f~~O:'\L Y 884-3855 days Dnvers license reo Only The Best Will Do area Two bedroom upper clean small house No pets. I children ages 8-H v.lth emo- Part time poSitIOnfor mature qUlfed Please send reswne RELIABLE workers for roto- SpaCiOUShvmg room, duung $250 plus security. 774-4434 OFFICE ASSISTA-'I,'Tneeded CALL tilling, landscapmg, pamt- 1 tional problems Chudren's (or small busmess and per- experienced Ind1Vlduai and letter expla1mng why room With air, stove, refri- or 773-7039 In mg, gutter cleamng and Home of Detroit 88b-Q8()(J sonal planmng firm ]ocatro 961-7892 you are mterested positton THE HEALTH CARE gerator, sun porch Very TWO BEDROOM upper on to Box W-6 We're looking other outdoor work Tom or $3601 In Harper Woods Perma- ~iY ~W~I~IT and daddy need clean Heat included Kensmgton With ap- for someone Woo's practical- PROFESSIONALS John, 882-5978 NOW'S THE TIME nent part-tIme position 4 a babySitter for me while HOME CARE 2,000 month plus secunty deposit pliances $375a month Heat for a career In real estate day!> per ....eelc Typmg' they are at \\ork 1 am an ly perfect m everyway HANDYMAN - Complete re- No pets Prefer non-smok- mcluded New carpet and Grosse Pomte 99 Ker. Free pre license class transcnptlon skills neces- adorable 11 month old baby ~evrs, 423.6500 pairs - extenor and m- ers AvaJ1able mid-August. pamt 882-5861 cheval, Grosse POinte Insured and Bonded begins soon (Small mate. <;ary Opportumt)o to learn In and Iv, ould like you to take tenor, attics, pamtlng, roof- 882-5569 (days), 886-8918 rials charge) ExceptIOnal Farms, 48236 • R N - LPN's (evenings, weekdays) NEW 2,500square foot luxury :lev.I) emergmg finanCIal care of me at my home mg, etc References G condo for lease, at 400 On pass rate, qualified instruc- plannmg field can 88&7740 Please call my parents after • Aides - O>mpamons Lozada, 363-28.'lO ATTRACTIVE two bedroom tors and best tralnl'lg mate. DIRECTOR OF • Llve.m's - Homemakers The Lake Rent mcludes ~tALE \1:RSE needed to care 6 pm. 822-9283 BOOKKEEPER '-"Ill do part upper flat at 1642 Amta boat well, garage, carport, nals Call for more ,nforma KEY people needed to recruit, NURSES Close to transportatIOn and tlon Nanci Bolton St CI,Ht for elderly man Evenmgs, HOUSE A MESS? time work In exchange for maintenance and heat For 885-9212 manage and tnlln Health Outstandmg opportumty for Blue Cross coverage Shopping $395 823-2317 more details caB Bill Shores office manager m-I nght person to direct nurs. No TIme? Call \\'o\ITRESSES .....lth ex- and nutritIOn sales/man- 469.()6Z3, 772-5767 ATTRACTlVE three bedroom Schleicher at 884-{)6()() 4949 &hv. e.tzer Real Es- agement. 881-4011 Ing !>efVJcem a pnvate sku! THE lower flat, at 1642 Anita tate/Better Homes &1 perience 18421~tack Ave, ed nursing facl!lt~ of 172 SERVICEb OF A !"reela'llce HARPER/Whither area - 3 'Yi A HOUSE.KE. TEERS Close to transportation and Gardens Grosse Pomte Farina s '\lED lOventory control beds Expenence 10 thiS wnter - 773-8291 room upper, heated, refrig- Granar: clerk for local steel com- field ,s necessary Salary Let Our Cre....Come In & Do shoppmg $450 823-2317 erator, stove Secuflty F1.JLL TI\tE d('1'<-_ as" "tantl All of Your General Clearung pan) Some Imentorl con. the SA-SITUATION NEFF - two bedroom home deposit Ideal for mature experience rc~u,red (yrosse LOSE 10-29 pounds In 30 days, open Benefits are best Wmdows & Ovens Too" trol expenence required Apply In person byappomt- DOMESTIC Refngerator, stove, washer, couple 882-5556 Pomte arf:<> ~}jI i ~~ earn extra Income 881-9191 Call 779-7960 between 8 30-5 Excellent References clean and effiCient Full ment 10 a m -4 p m Mon- GIft Certificate Available LAKESHORE ROAD Grosse LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? pm day Fnday Bring creden TWO EXPERIENCED OffIce basement $3SO p1lll1 utlhlles POinte Shores All lhe Call ChrIS and Housekeeping Women !lfl;Hi193after 6 pm Earn $1') (){}J ~2j 00lJ L!">t \ ea f JOin O'le of the most ac. ~tATL RE pe",on for Sales tlals Cottage.RoseVdla charm and privacy of a lit- desire employment Bonded t!' e Real Esta'e CJfllCf'"S ,n \lacomb Count> Free Support posilion 10 }1isnufac :-'ursmg Center, lnc , 25375 565-4300 GROSSE POINTE Park, spa- lie house 10 the country TIlls turer's Representatives of Kelly Road, RoseVIlle Own transportatIOn Very I,cers<: cl"s- m(J'lthl) Ad\anced sales lrammg CARI:-OG & lJOI ....G ' CIOUS1bedroom, lower flat, two bedroom, two hath flce In t~ POlnte \Iust have i73.r022 thorough Excellent Gros'>e cI08e to transportation, no IS OCR ~OTTO home, set back on a large pro\lded ( \LL_ \1R \" HJ1(HER ,I good typmg and math skIlls POlnte References WIll do pets, S340 per month plus seduced lot has large hvmg laundry and Iromng, W1ndow 772-2fYfJ l'2A 2520 Send resume to Grosse Pom. WANTED • LIVE I'IIS utIlities 343~184 room. famIly room, private te :-Oe"" 00 Kercheva I Box LICE\SED and wall washing, ovens, • AlDE5 FrVE ROOM upper Apphan. study Avallahle now at \' ')[J Grosse POinte Farms scrub noors and any outsIde REAL ESTATE • R:\"s & LP~ s Ce1l SuItable for responSible SJ,200 a month 882-9806 \11 422.% For Home Heallh Care won: Days, evenings and SALES PEOPLE weell:ends, prefer workmg married couple $.125,half TWO bedroom apartment 10 GO\' E R \ !>t E "T JOB S At Its Besl Call heat ll82~153 Grosse POInte Park 'With $16 )'iH'iQ 5,)3/}ear \0 ....hlr. UJTS OF LEADS couplell, wlil accept checks 51. MED-STAFF 5~ dining room, hvmg room, BEDFORD - upper 3 room lnjil Your a rea Fee r('{luIr A~D F'RI:\GES Bt:R(,EP. k: ,(, J- t~e rU nals<;apce Center I'urrenll\ and bath Utilities and ap- kitchen AvaIlable ,June 5th, ed ("Il 8U5-M7.f1)(IJ Exl STIEBER REALTY 557.2505 EUROPEAN woman WIshes unrjr r ( , ' -'r Jr' t'Jr. • .11 be a(ccpt,ng aiJpJlcatlOn~ fo-r phanees. no peL~ Secunty $.300 R 1f;2J) HARPER/? \lILE ROAD hou.c;e work 2 days Good (In depoe II 881 2089 all foo 4.....11 PRIVATE NURSING Gr055e Pomle referrnces DILLON PROPERTIES 9am ,prr, AS')IW A:'o.T \l;mager ~aJes A roo nd the (JocK 1l85-7171 NEFF /KERCHEV AL - clean ll81.04147 Then' I 'f (XCc ' ,f , 'J part '1m" pr,,'ll(,r,~ a\aJlable expenence helpful gre;,t (JP- \HJ~lE ';' L ndercover ....ear IS In homf' hO<;pltalor nursmg HOUSECLEASISG All 3 bedroom upper Apphan- F.rrp}'J:"""H" ,ju. t(J r'N!lf F'<;rl'.Augu~t Hl)usev.IVl"'; p!"Jrtunlt) for ad\ antement the fa~test growJn~ home m:VONSHIRE/Mack Clean 5 parti !:.lda', our partie<; arE' horne R>";'s LPN's Aides, types Very rt8flonable Celli piLlAJenn-Alr grill and ,orL1 N,liegt ,'urll'rt.' ,1rt enc'JuraJlf'd tr, apply 5>ala n ( "r UJmml~~lon companion<, male alten freezer Newly decorated, room upper, Groue POlOt(' ~)(m(f.l" AppJ) at 2r.r~20 In demand hel::ome a IJnger Good reference~ 777-6991 or area "iewly decorated and Ih'derJ (m thf l~' /1("Ir JO() T(,,o,crJ IllS Screened Clnd Ie ~J)f'cl;,dl~taverage S2()an 296.7514 after 4 pm ftreplace, garage. adult. Ha fj:*f r><:t .....('en ?, !I \tile bonded 24 hour c;ervlce preferred $650 per month ca rpeted $21l~pJu.~utilitiell h(Jur no colll"(.llng deliver Security depot>lt Refer Llcen~ed nur'les for 10. pJua utilities References TICKET AGENT Ing Invf'ntory expen~e encP1. .,",0 pet!! Idf'al for FINANCIAL SALES and dlrecl .ales preferrf"rl surance r;,,'es 881-2221 WILL TRAIN P()I~TE ARF.:A \1:R.~ES I 20 IImlV, (ALL ')')71200 lompletP tralnm'l program We <,(~kr. or,,: Jr. n! ,rl J~, ... IIr c:q.'f'1',( -~f In till' fo" v,..... TC 4 '!IIll) A GOOD MOVE GROS-'iE POINn: }(JB "ETv. OP.K must !.Ie O\eT 18 and have lfo, TO u c:." HAVE YOUR RENTAL flat corwemently located twn;. pi I ,,',. (,. Pclt),C u)rpf>r"t r~n' .....~ "rfo;" l()(111 \!F.( If \ '\ I( \t'eded - light Reml)(1~If'd. ~W apph for appc,lt1tment 1 5 P m ele<'tnc:... l plumtJ1f~ hrrl!cen IT ~ EASY TO PROPERTY MANAGED I}-ha'>f'rl !p- ,(,f rA (" ,,'1.<; I f"fj<.llpment"on (.1lJr IR"'if'f!S duty (,iI and lube ete Arter \{(,nday fnda) v.lndo ...... ~ and ~ash (ord ancel, very clean, Clrpet- are tllgrll)' \ '~<1tJlt \1'd",e~t r'lrtUnE: 1 1(1) flfm You noor; 'ihlfl Apply In person HIRE ("OOD HELP' BY ed No pet.t $350, hea tin' IJHI\T.f:e., 'r.!'jJEf), replictd, etc R.eaSoOnable H(lUIoehoidTeamS! must ha ,fo l', pNwn('f" ,n UlmTT, umratmg ~ lit, In\esl t5ilJl Ma(K Ref f'Tences ll82-fi759 DILLON eluded 8ecunty depoalt mf'nt (Jiflrf-f' dr,d un'l, rq",nd l~b'e Yield AnalysIS &(1Od driVing rf'corrl Will ~ • 1Jep'ndable 1092 ReaconlIfleld train f:xcellent money ~:XPERJf.:\CE[) :'oo1;RSEli PROPERTIES We wLIICfjf)qUll'r",\) mr', \ ,au,,] \I, lh proper cr~nllals, DELIVERY • Affordable fZ.71f'1 makmg potential Apply 10 aides available ReaYJNIIl>lt • EffICient fl8H147 whethu pn"f'f.'I. ('mp)r,yerj (lr retlrf"d ....ho del>lr~ DRIVERS J)f'rYm ratMl Fraser Agency SlJIle to bf'~m ft n(..... flY( • f.~ taref>r Plc"o;.econt~ct Wi 10 '1reat yours"lf and your lS"Ill Malk A\e Ilcen~ed and hondtd PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS \~ 111.'1~ f'X pIll Iflir I<, :.- 'J\Jf I'f(.dfontlaI~and IOclu<:\eany \0 fo"XI'EP.I!':'I;Cfo: home '\fo~( F~'iSARY - 291-1717 Jefftnon at Grtllle POInte City limit - 4 story e)eVltor other IrJormllt!(Jl1 yOU [(lMld<-rp<>rtlOentPersonalm Rfo.(,r~'1 .I:.RED nlJr~ f1/)'A FREE F.~"'IMATES fil RI:\(, \OW' tJulldm(l With large rooms, one and two bedroomfl tcrvlewft ....dl bl; ilrrllnged \\ r,tf" AttenllOn Vice il( (I'ptl ng 3pphcdlwn~ 11 7 f'RASK ~ Handyman ~rvlce IlM-mrI ( Al.L =.=.7 1200 Referenceldfnl !,'manec (,f(]e POIn\( }- arm~ ~f1 482.16. Box :\ 27'1 JOB Jl,ETWORK '" ur

...... &-.... """'" ~ , ... t t 6' ...... ~~_~c~_._._~~~_~ ...... _~ ... , • pege Seven.C Thursday, July 26, 1984 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS I

8-FOA RENT 6-FOR RENT i-FOR RENT SC-QFFICEFOR SO-VACATION ID-VACATION i-ARtiCLES i-lRtldD UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED RENT RENTALS RENTALS FOR SALE FOR M" CLEARANCE SALE Satur. 22964 CAlJFORNIA NEAR TOWNHOUSE apartment - EXECUTIVE HOME In the PETOSKEY /CharlevolX prl' CASEVILLE, sandy beach, BLUE PRINTS Marter. 3 bedroom brick located Grosse Po1Ote City Woods, newly decorated, 4 GROSSE POINTE good fishing, sleeps 8 $300 day only, IlH Furmture, vate beach cottage located wrought lfon, glua top table bwlplow, 21,2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath Call bedroom, 212 bath, formal PARK per "'eek Available July RESUMES • on Little Traverse Bay and chairs. much, much LAMlSATlSG fresh decor and new carJiM!t 964-4522, ext 61 9 a m .5 dlOJng room, new kitchen Features Include. 2 full thru September 469 2967 or pm 1~18 MACK more 1854 Severn. (Woods> ID SIZE 50' $500 month plus utilities and appliances, Florida Onl)' $125-$150 bath., 3 bedrooms, fire- (5171 856-3375 Available Immediately GROSSE POINTE Farms - room, recreation room, 2 car GOLF CLUBS H&B Momen- 81~Xll - 1100 INCLUDING' place, dIShwasher, micro- HARBOR SPRINGS - 3 bed QI:ICK PRJ~'TI:'oiG Phone John 886.2496 7.9'30 - Mt Vernon Beautlful brick attached ga rage, central air, wave, color TV and row tum Iron (i),11ke new, .140, • All utihtles room, 212 baths, beautifully I:--;STA:-.7 COPlES p.m. Colomal, 3 bedroom, 112 prime location $1,200 • Attractive, carpeted, private boat Comfortably sleeps 8 also Halg.Ultra Irons (9), month 465-1377weekdays eqUipped condo, ac(om- new grips, M5 881-4179 SCRATCH PADS - 86'1.8 EXCEPTIONAL three bed. bath, hardwood floors, for- office Available August 25th modates 8 A\allable Yoeek WEDDl:\G ISVITATlOSS room lower, fresh decor, mal dimng room, modern GROSSE POINTE Farms - 3 • Air conditioned through September 1st 885- of August 18 626-7538 GARAGE SALE 22511 Bnt. KEYLI:\ISG carpet, kitchen appliances, kitchen, porch, bedroom, hving room, din. • Copymg machme 9325 tany, East DetroIt. between gas grill, mcely landscaped PHOTOSTATS :\'EGS near two bus lines, must see, tog room, porch, Ilh baths, • Secretarial service NAPLES, Flonda Vanderbilt 6!-GAR1GE Toepher and 9 MIle Thurs- Rt:BBER STAMPS Wayburn between Jefferson $900per month plus security 2 car garage Available • Off-street parkmg Beach Two bedroom, two FOR RENT da) thru Saturday. 10-4 ()PE~ \[0 '\DAY THRt' and 5l Paul $350 886.1924 and utlhtles 881.8879 September 1. $700 per • Pleasant atmosphere bathroom, third floor condo First time sale, \Hth SATLRD \ Y 9-5 P}! or 885.5342 MOROSS - Chandler Park month • Conference room Monthly only 792-2400 LARGE SOLID 2 double barn somethmg for everyone doors, high cellJng. qUiet Featunng such Items as POINTE PRINTING A SPOTLESS three bedroom near St John Sharp 3 DILLON PROPERTIES CHARLEVOIX - three bed. bedrooql, garage. base- GROSSE POINTE Farms - 4 locatIOn :-;'ear B \llleil.~ men's do....n hJ1lskIS. bools. 152fJl K£RCHE\ house Family room, up- room chalet nestled 10 Birch .u. ment, air condItioning, well bedroom ranch, 2~'.!baths, 881-4147 $75per month 886-9722,445 poles, air condition, baby's .It Lalte~..{Jlnle stairs office, carpet, lovely street Available Forest on Lake Manon Yoa Iker, s, changmg draperies, dream kitchen IOsulated, storms $395 NEWLY RE:".'OVr\TEU Flshmg, sWimmmg, boat. 0352 With appliances, neat neigh. Security 885-2535 August 1 $900 per month OFFICES FOR RE:\T table, bouncer hlghcha!r GrC' udlo oed 2l7' ill"!! fesslOnal bUlldmg, a\,l;llla~le the North Resort A 4-season table, caned mahoga'1) cor house With pnvate beach for GROSSE POINTE Woods - bike, Chl.~ ~ antlqUf: sc~: HAYES/State Fair - 3 bed. mdlvldually or as a sUite resort 10 Northern MiChi- FE~iALE ROO:\DIATE lee table. lta!la n cr) stal room With basement 2 car short term lease Available spacIous 4 bedroom Col- gan's pnme area, seventeen '" anted to share 3 bedroom chandelier, ltclhan cera desk older eh'ldren 5 1. Reasonable rent Includes re- garage, new carpet and september $1,500 8114- omal Perfect for entertam- home In quet eastSide- clotmng__....Fnda).. ,...... Saturda)....r...... ". • ~ ,. 1 ..,. (',,"!lnn ~nrl ('nnfl'rpnf'p mIles west of Gaylord mlcs copper ",all har.glllgs ".."'... ,.., _tA.~, '-.....-.....- ... --- _. ara~, !'1/'t'l .L.appln. ~,jbU " ....v .. IIlg, "'1t:lS'U'~ 'V)",, "''''''''5 rooms. modern telephone Lakes ot the North Hentals nelghborhOOO Lall J,U'l1",(JI tires, lots 01 glass""are plus security 884.3014 CARRIAGE HOUSE on Wmd- stairway Available sep- Inc POBox 532, or 882 6512 dishes, electrOniC equlp-- Gr055€' POInte \Iloods tember 1st $1,300per month system, utlhtles, Jamtoral EAST Warren/Outer Drive mill POinte Dnve Two bed- serVIce, and. secretarial Mancelona, M149659 61&-585 ment, base amp and much GARAGE SALE Y,sc rooms, near water Heat, mcludes lawn mamtenance -6695 ROOMMATE needed toshare more All Items pnced to sell hOOS{!ho!d ltetJ".i fur'mtul'e area - 5 room upper flat space Shared receptlomsll 3 bedroom home With 32 Carpeted, apphances, very electriCity mcluded Call 77!H323 secretary, copier, off street HARBOR SPRINGS contem- qUIckly ladle s golf clubs room between 9-10am. TW2-6646 year old female $175 per nice, some utilities $280 a FOUR ROOM upper mcome, parking, and many other porary home for summer Dlr-;I~G ROOM table and hunHdmer aDd rnore . F'n' month plus half UWltles Dog da'o Juh Z7 ~4 2C6.2-l month 882-2079. PARK - Maryland, Mack. 4 Haverhill, large bedroom, amemtles available July weekly or fall weekend ren. welcome 343-0757 persiS- Chairs 6O"x45", 6 legg~ hvmg room, dmmg room, LOChnH)<)r Harpl'f" 'Aoods GROSSE POINTE Park. 2 room upper $205 Includes occupancy tal In Blfchwood Farms G<>lf !entlY table, antique gold finish. bedroom upper $370 per heat 296 6475, 6.8 P m kitchen and bath, stove, and Country Club Resorl groo'o ed and turned legs, ~ HOLS£HULD Cok>rn fur refrigerator, carpet, heat 10' CALL SHELLY GILLETTE 349-6484 ROOMMATE needed to share nilure • x -l xS ..:lear piex- month, heat included Avail- NEFF - SPACIOUS 2 bed. 2 bedroom apartment In high back oalt chairs. able September 1st Call521- room upper has large lIvmg cluded, no pets $280 a AT 884-1234 !>lmllar style $275 886-1758 19las.s \ ac:.:Jm m.Jcl\ m H B 0 , gas, $310 court, children s playhouse oak cabmets 10 kitchen Ap. !>unporch balcony, garage, RENTALS !lOUSE OR 1Ip1\1lnlt'llt \\ anloo Sa~ oJ PINSONI Property 886 9770, or SB2-95-49 carpeted, drapes, close to • and swmllst."t ~veral golf until Dect'm~r iurmshed Tag s.JM It the HoIN phances Included Park CHARLEVOIX / PETOSKEY courses nearby Ideal for priVileges, 11"2 car garage HOUSTON.\HltllE'r, 14182 tran.~portatlon, on the canal pi eferroo Dr 010110 717 Of by Auct10rl .t our a.Ili'N $450 security and lease reo near Chalmers t:pper 3 $225 plus ulIlitles, security Chalet modern electrlc klt- one, two, or three families . 187-10148 Jl.l 651 5489 rooms, lJath, slo~e, chen, dishwasher, 4 bed- Comfortably sleeps 12 nil qUlred 469 4621 No pels Set.up for siudents RJo:fo'I~ED nm1ctle agNl ~'Oll 280 North Woodward Avenue refr.gerator $150 Bascment or roommates 824.£399 rooms, 2 full baths, f,,'e. amenities TV, ",asher, TWOBEDROOM lower, 7 MIle/ place, sleeps 12,room) deck dryer, mlcro",ave, dish. pie \\llh ~mllil PoodlE' M't'k Birmingham, M1ch19an 48011 apartment, $100 884 9977 ALTER/Warren area One Hayes/Gratiot area, WIth overlooking lake Available washer. garbage dl"l mil. condo I,) nnl 11l near (313) 646-4560 apphances, $190 a month t:ASTLANOf7 Mile GratIOt bedroom upper $225 a futut"t' PIl'fl'r Hllrpt.r area, modern, IUXUTlQUS, after August 25th 882-5749or =I,flreplace. ctc Call 886 Security and references reo montn plu~ securlly 881. ~I~I~ \\ Il(l(h an'a "),1t; ~lo;(lJ qUiet terrace garden apart- 26116 ro qUlred Share utJhtJes 821 LOOK I:\G rll rent 111,'\' 11"-1111 menl, 1 bedroom $280 GOLF HARBOR .VACATIO"I 1:\ heaullful 0656 or ~/lI.\11 IIpO den, fireplace In hVlIlgroom clean !:llrepln[ol room Over summerprJCf'$27:1aweekor Sl'fH'S.~ MuUNTAIN Chalet l; r(l"~t' Plllllll' ~hl7hlgl\ll LIQUIDATION l>creened In porch newly $150 ~rekends rail now by wroek or wet"kend, full\ -41\2\1> UPPER IN PARK Clean and ~', 7 mlnlllC'~ from St John decoretc'd Rnd full carp'cled Ho~pltal ll8,) 3039 88....5~, 881--4200, 823--4103, eqUipped "kl and s"" IIn ('Illl \\tmtm ;~~C;KI\<"-;';;:;;O;[ll SALES bright, all large rooms With $750 a month Avallable SUP, ask for SylVia 581.4350 or 445'2180 rt':H \\ Ilh h,lll..... prl\ 11C'!t~ In loads of wmdo ....s 2 bed 9 1 1\4 '" II h pohslble optIOn to RIAD ;'.jEAH KELLY, large Estate Sales and Appraisals rooms, hvm~ room, kitchen, IIp(lCr room T V room, HARBOR SPRINGS Milke _~~nRs _ (; n Il.Sc' I'III n!t' !lit') U\ll7 huy fIR! 1821\, 1n\ Itt" \ 'lll III ~tl'P Int,) ,"I'(\!'\N '" uh A In V h' '1IUf~~ carpet, an appliancr.s $.'J30 a hath $50 a WM'k Ideal for your SUM MER N'M'rvallOOll SAKAS(lT A I-'Ionda Melldl)'tI'li 10 \ It...... 1\('\\ !Ifill .l~1l1,1ll'tlllit month Call day~ 869-4409, CADIEUX QUlpt 2 bedrOOm v.orkmg ~IOR1C'gent!('mlln earl)' Lovely year round Cundo 2 bf'drooms l hlllhs, 7e-GAftAGE l'it Door .lpllrtmpnt, heat air after 5 10 P m 822 8102 ('Ill I LaVon!> 7732035 homt' c10fle to ~hopplnll, pool, !lolf and tennl; Call WANTEQ rondltlon('r llppllllnC'('s 11\1 l'l\ "llf'rllt"n .. )111 I)('ach Speclal wet"kly ratllll, 8fl2 Ut!7 _ (I"" F II H II/o" 'ill II. $21\5 pN 1'1l'1f'1 (,rn"'!' 1")11111' 'w lng, utlllllf!'> and electriC ~ fIR~ ~!f72 _ Larle 2 bedroom 2 balh", I'hl'n ctlsh"'tt.!\hN, fJrt'placl' \ l('1Mlilll M'T\ Inti !"l e month 77'1 1114 l art•• ll!~ HI; stove mrluded One hlock ocpanfront condom1l1\um l'tr 'd~p, 8 Mler t\ p m Il,lll(\",)Il't' ,11!lf'1lC' IM't H(JoM \\ 1111 or \'illhOilt kll from puhllc transportation TWO t;"rlroor~1--Urll)('r - ~e'r} [)lTI'ctly on the I)('/ich ~un ~I httH\ 10-STORAGE SPACE \l\ III !"l't"ndl lJAlIt"T\ tahl<- \ \I.Hhlf' 1'10' (I('.m $21(, rf'nl pIU"lItlhtlp, (he'n ('Mnfortllble qUIet ....1 VIf'W OWll4'r rllteli fAI fi\IO'(li{-' 'Jl-;-Ili",~ I ;;ml., 15mmlltf'l> from downtown WANTED \lId mu.:h mu\ h mnft' Ca II 527 lfiljCj AA2 7147 ,lftN r; P m hOll\l' 1124 3%2 ~~ ______hlt-al 11)(ill 1011 Irllol/ol1l11 ro" HARPER BERK~HJHfo: On!' (.'{O...... I~ '-;111" 11-,-(-;T, -....pH iC='OFFICE FOR LAKI-:f"kllNT (,01~rA!\ RENT "'1111' ~1\'1 0110:" \1111 l" Ik'''' refrigerator (arp<>tNI IIlr. 11111(' I (lom, mdlllll" on(' ('f~t' ('It~, :->IM'IJlnll 1I1'/lr \IAIH II 1,111011 ~lt \\IIICI~ (.TlMUI' l'olnlt I'Art. 1"'lIltf' tI rrlt K~~ H, , heal Inclurlerl $285 rer (nr Kay f1j(1 He «ort'lllp" re' "Ir.'p" ~ (;ooel II"h\1111. (,Ill( frnnl ll)C'ehoorn, (1I11 month 'n! ~".Ill qUlrNI ,41111 I.! _ ...... lmmlnR !l8"l61111l tov!'n for hroC'hlllMi l1li1 MIll, l\lIl okl (',\1{ ll.llrllllt' IIr v..tfl'hnll'l' 11<11Ir, I'Uflo,11l1 .lI1<1 Thur'O\dA' 1111:\11"10"1 "'(JlJAHfo: __~~___ _ _ ~_ wn In ,,1,lrf' lI11hl e"lu\pml'I)1 Ii) ,111 II III i,1 4 11Il P m GROSSt: p(Jlm: P~rk-1 ['PPI- it "pllrlmr nt Vvdf lll'ILDI'Hi lIlellOl" "I"raltr III /ill prill' bedroom upper !'>llltatM for r('n I( ndH'!lY art'a T ....o III(,(,I'1!-o l.AI\!': ("Illllt' '1 lUll M,il k Avf' TRA \;-~:H.'I-:<'ITY ctlilflll III (;n.....f' I'Cllntl' III Itn, \ 1111us al i.:l\ .14*1dllflill bu6!neu houn to un ... for wOrklnfl Ildult~ Nn lJ('t~ txoeJr()(Jnl .. '-.I,m(' appliantf"l hf'drnom full bath '22~ InK hf'1H tllTont rMort ":.~I"rf' r"f'a1 l.r~.~ !'1II1111' 1pe<'lal appointmenta Security deprlf;lt 111 B112011l:1 wf'l'kly l'xC'f-Uftnt rP<'rf-a »a y S2~n .J50 v""f"k I) ::?')~_ ('ON( ot It~,,:10:1\ "T lU4.Hi,' '" to: "'ILl, In: (I (Wt:D THt' 'ltl'TH ot' Uta n ()Nfo: Hflll{( J( I\Ti!7;p!t-x-- tlonalllN'. 2M 11113 RrochurM! '11161lj,'!& 17-.0 TWO BEORO()M, )' t hili h.. BlJ II-Ill NG .'OR \'.'l.\Tltl:\. REOPI:'I~G Tl'U, SEPT .". dupk'x In Detrmt ~Ilr Mac k newl) de( OrJ,lpr! (ll rpt'll"d 201111K('Ily Hd ------I-ARTieL!1 and Cadieux $17'; plus 1\ MIlf' 1l1lyf>cd In 1.ex1nl(ton HetIhU GIll, $.125and $425 a wMtc ('omt' l{ell'lOnlll,lf> 1t;11•.., ( OMPI':TITIVf'; ItAn;S !luwn llM'l"r worn, mmk <'0&1 Chartes Klingensmith room townhooM', r1.. n. !lUlt have a fun vacation; Iwimmlili. fllhlna lAndOOItlnM .ble for non t1moker'l No Hl'liahl(' '*rvl('(' ~nd ('liP", RntH11H' ~W'1ljl ~ (IOlll.,..t ('lUI' ,.rby L.kmew HUll Country Club machine ul50 II fl'w COltl! We r... \UN' a Mledlon 0( a"tlq~, ftnt...s f\rnMurt and P50 plus uti IIt1ea t'n fo'ree fo:..tlmlllC'> 885.0111 doli .... -0475 or call colJec:l, 3&t-a:102 ~2fi flOfi.1 ~)', f>.7/Saturday, 11.12 '141 ()4!11 !l22 4400

\ Thursday I July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE HEWS Page Eight-e 1-AR'11CL£S I-ARTICLES a=lRTiClD i=Di'kiii iRTiCLd .....iRncLEi FOR SALE FOR SALE i=lifi1t{d FORM'f FOB St'-f FOBMLE HUGE GARAGE Sa le- fORM'f FOR SALE G.E. REFRIGERATOR - 2 stereo. 16,000BT\J air cond1. PAPER BIKE. SdIwum belvy YARD SALE - 1353Gnytoll. MOVING SALE -lOla, cbau', d OM slde,by,slde, large boner, dryer, coklr TV, baby TWO Tr.dltlooal t.\n \,lp' du ty. 150 Cooper rDO"A er, nund&y,Frid.ay, Jllly pi butecue, fiDe cbma t() .... made crafts. and quallty \ 1\...... 14£1. f'-' -..-..~.• --- stroller. 110camera, glaSS- 'l,:lW 1:U~ ser,e't'" 11w.aLn..,.."...... -- ...... c10tlung . GARAGE SALE \~ldeo camera - ~ table, a charmwg ....OOO and Open Monday lhru saturday, \1iS ware, funuture, baby and T't\'0 FAMILY garage sale upholstered pull up chair. a 485 LINCOLN Elec InC, automaUc focus. chlldren's clothes; some- Most Items new Fnday' 10-5 We take consignments chrome & glass dtsplay wut, 9AJ'.-3 P W, exceJ1ent rondl110D $500 Uung for ev~ooe. RaUl or saturday. ~5 9175 Kens- by appomtment 2 umbrella tables for the FRIDAY miLY 882 .1~ sh1De Frida).~turday,!H IDgtOO, Detroit Our Ctuldren's Clothing at SClmdbiDI for ~'U')' room patiO. several poolslde 22217Kelly, 5 blocks south of -lR.; u.LY nms, 3 rada.l ures 2009 Hawthorne GARAGE SALE Friday, picnic table, ...tute t ~ chatni. a French Pro- ':l :\llle m-6551 _ me E.n-14.. Runs fit 5 lug A.''TIQL'E AND garage sale Saturday, SundaY. 10-5 867 VU!Clalcoffee table, a three headboard. lamps, sheets Fords and Chr)slers 6 ELECfRIC May tag dryer, towels. bedspreads \new. ) satw"day, July 28 oaly. 9 St Clair, Gl"OI5SePotnte City uered metal table perfect gailoo outboard gas tank. m MIScellaneous household $150 Sears electriC lIiirrcn, baby Items, a -5 p m 1222 Buckmg- for plants on the porch, a -."!tb gauge 77+-369'7 after 7 ham, Grosse POl.ote Park ltems at rea.sooable pnees la ....DInO, $100 Pnces c:qe, .oewu brown carpet small vellow velvet love pm Gas stove tncluded negotiable 526,8491, 7 iJII. KiJC size eomf FOUR FAMfi..Y ~ sale seat, 2 'lovely glass lamps witbdrapesandsbeets ~1X)W AIR conc:huooen- Dlnlng room tab e and FORMAL DLlIlINGset, com- a~muchmore pm -10 p m match. Bites. aDd man~ Glbsoo a,W) BTC, Sears ctwrs. better clothing and plete, excdlent coodibon, We also have several glonous SCANDIA hydrauliC rowwg IDOI'e items 6,000 BTIJ 115 \ oIt Call shoes. IJUSC. Saturda)',3675 must sacnfice 2!K-0056 or silver plated Se'ol<'lng pieces machine, dual cybnder, like Il8Hi086, ~5 pm Haverilill ~5 P m U\Cludtng a large tea sen', new $50 526-5079 25" COLOR CoPsok TV - ex 882-3272 ceBeDt picture. $195 ARD SALE - HOOHan'ard YARD SALE - baby clothes, GARAGE SALE - Friday, Ice 3 sets of 12 plaeesetUngS FISHER AMIFM stereo re- With 11 pIeces Ul each of 0829. July 2"1th a~ 28th, 9 30-5:30 boy's clothes to site ., mise. saturday, July 'n, 28; 10 ceiver, four speaker system, SDOVi bkw.'er, pedestal smk. Broozware flatware, " Hum- record player. strack Mmt items, Saturda~ 2Ilth. a In'" P m 871 Balfour figurines, 24 small pool table, 8.U'tra\'el 12--114731Ma '. Clothes, applianceS, (stove, mel a set of condition $500 Double bed, placesettings Royal Wor- ammal earner, tunuture, dryer), etc. chest of drawers, vanity In clothes and uusceUaneous IDllQCE w~ Col- chester pompadour pattern omal c:ba er, chrome FOUR FAMll.Y garage sale burl maple. $350 882-6677 items chma, baskets, ffilmature tabE with glass lDp and 4 tan Apphances, bousehold cluldren's turmture, milk MOVING South Garage sale CCUMALATIOS «50 years Naugah}-de director' cba1n items, clothes, canary blI'ds glass, assorted figurines , Furniture, household Items. 14485 State Fair. DetroIt. 184-7'023 9-6 pm., 9660 Ba.\foor satur- toys, bikes, tll'e5, boat sup- Fndayand saturday, 27th, glassv. are, framed pnnts GARAGE SALE - Saturday, day, July 28 ooly. knlck-knacks, etc pIles, desk, go-eart July 28th. 1()-4 26-29th 9-4 21012Lakeland. Sam.-Nooo. Bikes. p5 grill, BELL - 21" cast iron U1 wood The kttchen has 1D It small ap- EAL"TIFUL mobogany Dun- boy's ~'S and books. 825 frame, $250. 176-(8)4 pltances. Revere pans, as- 5t Clair Shores between 10 can Ph)ie dnlpIeaf dining Sorted table lInenS for a ban- and 11 Mile, oCfHarper Neff Road TWO air eooditiooen- U,OOO- set, ,*'1th cun"t!d glass comer SlZ.e table GARAGE SALE: 8 am.3 BTU. $1Z5; %0,000 BTU. quet and for small GARAGE SALE-349 Hill. cluna cabmet. S'7SO ~ (between p.m Tbursday, Friday, 57!l5 $150 Brown velvet loveseat round tables, an older elee - crest Avenue gany desk, o:uscellaneOUS an as . Marseilles, (elf Chandler with2ma~, $175. me stove, Ironnte, Beaupre and Plcbe). 10 77%-1155. Pari: Dnve) 3 piece oak I..owI-ey organ . e new. ask- scrted dishes and an Amana speed bike, fans, men's/wo- AruRDA Y 0111'1.Y - 9-4 bedroom set, sofa, otbet fur- ing $1,000. 88&-7260 microwave oven. men's and infant's clothes, !dulu family garage sale We have bed hnens, an exer - books, household Items, niture Many large women's COUCH lOll" - Royal blue, Lawnmawer, electnc t}-pf- cse 1:»c)'cle, floor model hair lawnmO'o\'erand Weber grill (16-20) and men's (42-46) Danish modern, flex steel, s ',1mtel:'. TV and much more cJoI.btJC bouseboW miscel- dryer ,1Iiches' & gentleman' SatufdaY and Sunday, July' Lancaster, Grosse $100. Mr. and Mrs CbairS, clothing, faone yard goods , 28th. 29th, 10 a m -5 p m 2150 JaDeous. $'Z5 each, blue/green floral , Pointe 'It' ClOds assorted garden tools ill TWO BEIGE chain, me wlnte Wlth foot stool. From Dobbs, cluding an electric edger, a RAINBOW RESALE LOFT, twin S1Ze for oon bedroom suite, box 1l8S--5666 Bon Secour Hospital.) Audubon GARAGE SALE Harper 1- A REAL DEAL' RemoV1ng La-Z.Boys, Open 10 a m .3 p.m , twO WINDOW air cond CHAIRS - 2 Woods 19218 Eastwood Wednesday honers 7,500 and 17,00 Mutchler kitchen cabmets SWIvel and rocker. 2 otto- Sice mIScellaneous and BTU's $150 takes both 882 formlca counters stove, mans, blue "elour, also 19" 7-9 'I'busday everungs clothes Fnday, SaturdaY, Call882-97S5 Wednesday 1146 double oven. dlshv.asher, san)O color n'. 12 ' Pana. IG-7 sll1k, perfect for cottage! some black:v. hlte 7i5--5666 Qual1ty eooslgDtnenls GARAGE SALE Fnday. Sat- GARAGE SALE Ster~ welcome urday, 9 30-2 P m Chlld. $1,500 886-1924or 885-5342 COFFEE TABLE and end cabmet luggage. vacuum. ren's Clothes 5Tl5 BiShop BRASS plated tWin bed, $35, S45 vacuum MOvr.'OG SALE 43 years of tables set. floor 'Waxer, foidlng bed, collecbbles Some furnIture , double bed, dresser. mIrror, cleaner. U5 2~-1954. clothes, lawn bot::U, CHINA CABII'-'ET, frultwood mower. • small a~nces. shelves, excellent condition, mus t 175, antique chest, $35, sofa, 774-1471 d1sbes Th\nday-SaWrtlay, plants a glassware July r $35, dmmg room drop leaf 2088S Parkcrest, off sacnfice $350 or best offe COCCH ASD Loveseat. ~~ 28th and 29th - 10a m -6 p m After S p m 885-3476 table, $100, steam carpet bn:r'\"ll. beige, navy. S200for Harper 20689 Kmgsvtlle, Harper cleaner $200 and dry both 88i~18 W~, two blocks north of HOUSEHOLD SALE vacuum. $50, round fomuca kitchen set, $75, S 0 S por. \HfIRLPOOL heaV) duty 18 Moross !Wad AntIque ornate French marb Ie COLOR T.V.'S y table oxygen lank, $95, Ib dr)er excellent condJ. PLAY PEN, 40 Inches good mantel clock screens 'Wlth Something for Avocado, like new $10000, Kaleidoscope TV nlture loon back chaIr mahogan y an(1JrOO5lamp; baby and everyone July 28th and 29th Duncan Phyfe dmmR roo m CIrcular skll !law 6", 2 a dult crochet afgl'1an$. cloth. stlOl/o'TOOm blades, $1500 Bron.<.onwm- lncatlOn 105 pm 852 Harcourt. set (burret, table, chaIrs J. dIng reel .., $6 (10 1006 mg lmens desk chair 279'51Harper I ~orth of 11 Parlr: antique French Regenc y much rr,fJre Thursday Fn. ~hle I Sl Oalr Shores FRE~CH doors. several mat. chllla c;j,bmetfbooltcase, an Remll1gton custornJred nfle, d.a)" 1(,-4 Z{fi'$ Hampton 71oH3llO $200 00 ~f 1o'J carbine US, ehl.nI; from S50 Some lique mahogany l'hlppe n THREE Eleg- Zll1.! ed 82+m4 dlll(J!jorca 192.'; mahfJl¥lny ...... sherS and dryers I""ork f3 ft banqQet table, folding WHlRI..PCJOL t.ea\ j dut)' 18 GARAGE SALE - fabulous secretAry (needs ~ ork I 109 or not! also refng chrome leg'! $.1.'i(fI, maple It> '"a!>her f:'X~llent condJ findl. cltJthes, pottery, art mahog&ny (ramed> (u.'ltom made book calleS t.rA'l 83.')-007g entnn C1llppeMale sofa (ball and $160') prints. leaded gIus panels, $.1'> (f) each S85 7555 ' CfJ(..[)SP(JT Au Co..-.d.~.c:- \..1... feet, l Art r)..')C(, r~nd FOR ~ALE - ']I, 3 ~ Huf. Walloo belt vlDrallA', muerJ 11 00fJ Bn: $75 ~ men fnday, Saturday Ju. pamted half mO(J!j console RETIRED TO rO~DO - HOUSEHOLD f) rr.en s tllkf' 2-4 ... ~ Arti!.l/ wa.~r. dryl'f' p;aral!c-<1oor f)r"ftmg table Craftsman )(CST SELL' White G E ly17 22 IClam-4pm 'ZGl wlth mirror and match lOR and In opener rlf'''' lawn m(J'Aler, sabre SOl'" like ~ ~ nu~ ~.. R.eaaonable 293- McKinley, near CharlevOiX. bed 'Tl"h(~ny t"" beds (c(JITlplete I flJa new ~now kitchen ESTATE SALES tJl'6S~d, [<'arm."l So pnsales J622 cr!"t'l: dOllb~ 2 m2 table and (hairs, Iot.~more pair pnnt I p",r s.c: Id green SUPER GA RAGE SIlle 3471 CorIdloarted t:r. K .' Kt:GE GAR"c.E Sale - ItS7 WOMAN S THREE S£:red (ash ooly 141-4Yrfl"k"hlre draperle'i Call ~ after B«Ibop, JUlt rAf Made Satur 5en'IC1 ng \'e'a yne. lAd1moor Blvd f\lrnl tur'le, blAt, like new, a1laturrUiy 23th - Sunday ') pm da). 9'i Hardwood dOQr<, OU~nd and drapeS, chnan« ta~ a nd wddle bags Call1lB:HM3 on 29th '16 m 4 pm antiqUo!! 1910 Garland ila'l Macomb CounUft [KILL \WkAI\AI-5 ct.aJn t:~.n<. lype"loTlter fnday ~Items antIqUeS t.tove, Rlrl1i blke and clolh f:LECTRI( ~t/}~(o Rood C(tfldl' .\'\TH;~~E'I OR Dll'olNG R(jOM table. 7 tlnl $I'il ll&.,) lf21,) f, Il P m Kay 247-0361 Fndiy July Tl and SlbJrda y Ing m.e (}os To)!'. glas~ I.tJp U)LLE("TTBLE.~ chall'l llltHe chma cabinet, dining UI~JIe elec:tr1(, tyP*' Ann n1-o197 "i "A'" ... fKjLL \fCSECM Jul) :za Ie" a m ~ prua lei servet', ex~Uent conclltlOO, GARM,f: ~ALE Satu.rdlly Ju.' ~rtler, h()I~"ehold Items. I 14 :';(1 pre-u ~ l3f,. i'ji <~ y:m. )(.. J(E',,)((JRE automabC W Mher MOO.1.2IG "oldIeS' rock lilt-wn ....many - excelll!t'lt condIl.iOn H,Jkr~t, corner WIlliams LARGE ~f:Lf.:mO' (A roe Kt.:GE GARAGE Sale ItemJ ~er uted rif ~QrOfl". GrOllIlf! POInte BUY 800 ~J079 • crmd IllrJfle'1 s( H\\ I"'" bl Stereo, 16OlIOB11: air <.on G A RAe..f: SA 1£ 259 M orOliIi farm. Ram date ~n Ju. N YOUR HOME q<.~ P,altOl'lil rM priCes LAOIES ''EW reel Ie:a ther dIooner. dryet' color TV fnday ~ :JH P rr Glrl ....- ly 2l; I '; , Vllla~ ( j( le'ry m.(j357 !>hoeS. real )MtM houIe baby ~~, bc'.dlJ , adult clothing, booh. oIoIbeI j'97(()Jj)f{ pOl'uhlf' TV - .lIppen, bootI, I man' m WHAT YOU _ ffllSCel laneou& ('!'lea p' PACK RATS m.... WANT HERE' It:MOWI)fJC! gJ'f'~ t picture' I 45 1IllS-0079 GARAGE SALE Cal'li, dothea MAT( IIINc. TWI"i <.aoop'Y Sf A\f .. A'" [) CoIn awa!Sa 1$ \.aDd. WoodI, off and collectible. GARAGE SALE ~ =between 7 and Frtday. bed, 6 drawer d~ WIth for elUtes. ba n1u, prwa ~ The 'Alfe 51)'! "sell It (If eollf!ctlonl call Job n • Mile July 27U1' aah, I • 5alW"day, noon" pm" mIrror, hope Chest, dak, rMYe" S.UIrda t-3 5501 to •.•. Handy &lid \.amp 331-1411mornl~ rnptoft StendeI .1.... - • Thursday, JUly 26. 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne.C

a-ARTiClES lA-MUSICAL 9-ARTICLES l1-CARS 11-CARS 11-CARS 11-CARS ii-CARS FOR SALE INSTRUMENTS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE T.BIHD 1980 CrUise, power G E WASHER, bke new, $95, USED PIANOS ANTIQUE OR COLLECTI- CAPRIn; ClaSSIC, 1979 - 4 1973 PLYMOUTH wmdoll, ,\M/t'M, excellent 1979 SILVER Honda CIVIC 1978 CORDOBA AMIfo'M brocade sofa, old rose, BLE DOLLS SUCH AS door, air, stereo, door locks, stereo, C B , air condItion- Good gas mileage, good con COlldlllull lllli JI99 ,Ifter 4 30 $8OO/bel.t orfer Needs new down filled, excellent condl- ON SALE NOW! MADAME ALEXANDER, rear wll1dow defogger, low mdt">, rust proofed, dltLOn $495/best offel 88l pill engme, good lslereo 884.3t30 109 tlon, $.ll5 791-0143 Uprights Consoles. Grands BARBIE, ETC $3,600 372 O'l28 8562 TRANSPOHTATION special, nll~ !lmoker $.l,650 f.<:xcel SECOSD AS\l'-\.L ABBEY PIANO CO I\lllU PININ F,lrIna Spider lenl condltj()l1 TII971J 757-5568 1982 CHARGEH 22 4 !lpeed, AMBULANCE - Ex Grosse 1971 Hornet wagon, runs BLOCK 8-\1.E ROYAL OAK - 54H1116 2UOO 'i ~Iwed FIOIldll l'al', POInle Shores vehlde, 1962 AMWM stereo, excellenl under 11.111oint) $5,B50 good, rK.'t.'e (onlrol, condltlon $3,400 776 J563, Bllb b'i1l2 best offer Tom, 1Ill25169 block north of East Warren TOP CASH PAIDI ouy U S dnd forelgnlolamplo 556-4308 $2,000 771 30440 ,tereo, 5.1,000 mll("<; $4 700 or and U S COlnlo 469-0900 1976 l\IONZA, 2+2 54000 1974 ALJDI AlIlomatlc, good Apphances, bool..s, clothes, PIANOS \AI'A-NT-E-D- AMC CONCORD DL 1978, Ii 19131 TOYOTA Cehca GTS, condition Call weekday:., bc~t 11816415 . furmture, toys and much Y'I, nll It>::., e1Cdll, IIMded $1,895 lOJded 884-3627 Excellent WILL BUY sllverplate tea cyhnder, automatlc, ~hal p 95, 7795900 1972 :\1EHCl H't' f'ull.,I/(' t more GRANDS, Spmets, Consoles sets, tray!l, any !lcrvlllg ('dll bell\ecn 6'l 88&6269 condition Fmds for the \\ hole family' and Small l'prlghts $2,100 negollable 88-1 19'14 1979 NEW Yorker, 44000 dnor b3,OOl)1J1I1('~ no ru.,1 Pieces 772-1155 \'\ elllngs/\\eekends 1979 I\IU~TAN(; hatchbol('k 1982 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 $475 fIlll 7911) TWO MID 19th Centun TOP PRICES PAID \11 , ~t Ick ::.Ieleo,>Sl'tll." miles, loaded, leather, "pry lOA-MOTORCYCLES Bl\IW 528 1979 Call 1111511881 door, V8, overdrive, aIr, good conditIOn Tuff Koted 1'm-l ()L[)~ Torllll.Jll~ 1.l~'.k~T elaborate French inlaid VE 7-0506 PO\I er ::.te('l'Ing/bl.llo.elo, ('X AMWM ::.t<'reo WIth CJi> \\eekcndlo, 468080-1, \I('('k $5,200 llll2 8425 under Y. ,lrr,lIll) 1'.ll., t174 FOR SALE eelll'Jlt londlt Ion S I200 or ~elle, condltlon $5,27;) Boulle pieces 1 bureau plat SB-ANTIQUES da)~ 901 good de~k, 1 flip top game tables 1973 YAMAHA 500 - great be~l off('r IIH2 1904 after II ll8tJ 8b64 1982 TOYOTA Supra L l')pe 191\2 HELlA \1 ,\,,0"H; '-;-ut;; \I Ith ormolu mounts, tor- FOR SALE condltlon, $-100 8ll..2-6975after 1977 FlHEBIHD - e\cellt>nt pm AI r, all pov. er, 5 .,peed I)()"er ~trerlflg i>r,llo.e~ ,)11' conditIOn, lad) s C.lJ , 3G 000 Ci\VJ\LlER 1983, 2 door, 5 manual elt.'Ctnc :.un roof, lrUl.,c ,\ \I ...\1 ~ll r"{J n',l'\hdUSt ::.ll' reo , Jb 000 mile::. rUlot dpfo~ger .In" 'I '~)i I' KIll 19t1O CB650 Honda, bldck, \\ hlt(' &I 000 111Ile., Speual $6 UOO hrm 8824047 $1 000 each 19th Centun' table al'd 4 chairs, rocker, tires, all $330001 be::.t offel proollng excellent cnndl 7!r24 many extras, e'\cellent con te,ilure." 862912i Inll ..,,> dt,.J II 1tI"trwr ~ ,,jr hun head \\ Inged cherub dltlOn Must sell 4656831 7929 FIAT 19B1Pmlll!,lIl1Hll'Ollver. of ne\\ parl!., I:unlo III good pm, 8856176 llllS 144; 9'2\ ;;, ,) Ill",t oltN 1980 YAMAHA DT 175 Red, tlble Spider 2000 Fu('l III 1971 PLYMOUTH Fur) 4 heads etc, $450 Beautiful HAND CARVED Victorian 1973 Pl.YMOUTH Scdmp All', hke new, only 270 miles condlllOn $600 or best offer Jet'led 5 loperu, "tereo, low doOl PO\\ er ::.teenngl 1\182 IlIJ'\iJ\i;fl'!~-(J;: ~;.~ large 19th Centur) y,alnut dlnmg room sUite 5 chairs, 886-5986 after 5 pm automatic transml::'!llOn, brakC'l>, aIr, AM'FM ne\\ Renaissance st) Ie Caloapan plus master chair, chma $675 882-2405 miles, $6,350 B39-{)7b3 \\Ith I\on ,nlf>rI')1 -• .,pt't'd 1981 JEEP CJ-7 Rene~ade - A!\l/Ff\! ,t('reo/cassette, ex tires Some rust, excellent ltUnfOtlf \ \I ..\1 Lcl..,~et!f' ('~ hnnf"h "lth,.~O:p r?t""et, ~~!!~!~=:b~~ e75 'loO(l() , ,,,""n "C:~'h,..n !~\I r'HhHf:lo'R IQ~l ,,,t,,m 'hf' " , , \.C,..UCIU 1,..VUUHJVll, JU\..,-J'ulll 1I dJl~f.IOruHlOn, ~I;)\/ t\1l~1 I elaborate high release ca;': 7140 '-;;:;II~:~~n'tc;;d~t;on $2,900 Af\lIl"M stereo, shdrp PO\I el ~teer Jng, pOll er "lert'u ul.Jtl' Sb'l')"j $5,800 773 1381 cal and llIterior OnglOcll pm ,8861292 /l.ll20740 mg all o\er, $1,600 Pre-civil or best offer B22-8544 brake::., 2 2 engllle, al r, 0\\ ner Best offer Call 343 --- TEL-12 MALL 1978 BMW 3201, sunroof, ,\1\1/1"1\1 ::.lelco, I'ustproofed, 1982 TAN Citation hatchb.lcJ.., 1\ It l'f \1ar empire loveseat, high 1973 HONDA 350 CB, excellent mdg 2092, 8 30 a m -5 pm l!l7~ 110\ D \ ( "111 e" ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE \\heels, 4 <;pt'ed, 7i,000 miles, 3,500 mile::. A~kmg $6,200 4 door, automatiC, po\\ er wndltloll ~I)('ed arms, pa\\ feet. prell) teal conditIOn Low mileage celll'nt 4 upholstenng, excellent con- Telegraph at 12 Mile Road, excellent conditIOn $6,BOO tlB4 t91!J 1975 MERCURY Cougar - sleermg/brakes, air. rear sunroof $199'3 7721<114 Runs like new Must sell dition, $500 Pair 19th Cen Southfield, Michigan 776-2015 steermg, power defroster, excellent llltenor $400 or best 886 0446 1984 CAMAHO Z28 - black t 1977 OLD~ l u,lom LrUI,!'r tury GothiC re\'lval ornate brake~, air, AM/FM stert'O, extenor $5,500 88401384 AUGUST 2- CORVETTE 1984 Red/red tops, ::.I£'reo ca::.sette, air good transportatIOn $800 1000dl'd gllOO ((,1\(1111011 nell. lattlce \1 ork hall chairs, $225 1982 2 RAIL motorcycle 1981 BUICK Skvlark, burgun AUGUST 12 Stol'ed winters $2l,500 Lllo.e !Il'\\ $12 2'}0 884.8B96 88'i 0335 111'('<, ('xh,lll,t hrdkl'" and a pair WII! negotiate \I Ith trailer Excellent condition d), V-6, air. A-M/FM po\loer Mall hours, free admiSSion, llegol1able D.lys 492 6152, IUn('Up $2 ~ooOf t I ,II!. ~4 serious bu) ers onl) please Must sell $200 or best 886 1973 Ol.D:. ('ullai>!l Call for 1977 TRANS AM - low miles. locks, automatic lrallsml.> free parkmg evenlllg~ 978 9190 JOI4 886 7.>H or 881-4179 0446 lei m::. dltel 3 p III 445-2197 4 new tires, new exhaust, !>lon, rear defogger, !le ..... 1979 OLDSMOBILE st.ltlOn. 1981 BLtlCK LJn1Itt'd - VIDEO MONITOR 9" $40 884- QUEEN f\NNE dmmg room 1980 SPORTSTER Stroker RENAULT, 1982, LeCar poy,.er steenng, po radials, 58,000 miles, ex. wagon, good conditIOn, be!.t 'itet'rJl1g table, 6 chairs and buffet, ProfeSSionally built deluxe, loaded, ::.unroof, rust bl akes $4,900 or best, cellent COndItion, best offer 2 door PO\\ fir 8955 offer 885.1392 75.100 years old Excellent (chrome} 1,000 !Tilles fresh, proofed, e\cellent condlhon negollable MUST SELL' 886-9633 after 6 pm PO" er brdkl'S dlr stert'O, MISCELLANEOUS Items, con dillon Make offer 886- fast Make offer 343-0025 1974 DODGE Colt and Monle ll86 3503 884 1753 cassette de(oR&N dON tv. In beds and dressers, $50 1980 CHEVETTE - 4 door, lock:.,, II lr{''f'b, 7170 Carlo Best offer Both 526. 1977 PONTIAC Astre - low 1982 CHRYSLER LeBaron - apiece Thursday, Friday, loaded, low miles, very look~ and run" pl'l fed Lo" MANCHESTER lOB-TRUCKS 5524 ITIlleage, good condltlon loaded With plush interior, clean, very economical, Saturda \ 881-9739 1269 FOR SALE mll~ $6 l45 or offer 7:)'} Brys GrOsse Pomte Woods, Ar-.'TIQUE MALL 1973 MUSTANG converllble $2,000 884 2342 AM/FM, front wheel drive, must sell $.1.400 882-6144 5647 Spectacular Folk Art bird Good condillon 885 444,} or many extras $6,000 After 6 corner of Marter and Brys INTERNATIONAL dump MAZDA 1978 GLC - 2 door 1976 BLAZER - body rust but cage circa 1900, thI ee feet m 921.2555 pm, 886-5361 1976 VOL:\UE \\,I~(ln f,ILlor) 21" ReA color console, $125, truck, good conditIOn, 1974 hatchback, automatic, rear under 47,000 miles, ne\ll ex. CB >\\l/fo'\! lte\~ IlfM height, 116 E Mam, Man. 1977 CHHYSLER Newport - 4 32' alummum extensIOn lad- $1,500 824-()637 1979 SEVILLE, diesel Low defogger, 5l,OOOmIles, good haust syslem $1.500 Call $695 331 1186 chester, open 7 days, 10-5 mileage, excellenl condll1on tondlllOn, excellent door, powel' steering, power after noon 881-5244 der, $100 After 5 pm, 885- 428.9357 Fnday and Satur- 1978 CHEVY pickup, excellent 1976DATSl'N Rl'd, \en Iittlt' 8277 condition $2,900 822.94J8 white, red leather $7,500 or tran!lporteltlOn $550 882- brakes, autOlTIdtlC trans mIs- 1980 PINTO - AM/FM cas. day to 8 p m !.Ion, vlllyl top $950, Call rusl $795 1.11 l.!&j reasonable offer 882 3200 Il 1936 sette, excellent condltlon, no CORVETTE glass tops, 68-n a m -2 p m 774-2057 mghts 885-9026 after 7 p m t978 ;.,IllSTA,\G - t'xcellt'nt $250 884.8955 MATERIALS ll-CARS MEHCURY Monarch 1977 - rust $3,OOO/besl offer 821. UNLIMITED FOR SALE 1978 CAPRICE ClaSSIC Needs 29,500 mdes Sole owner, 1959 AUSTIN Healy Sprlet 8722 after 6 p m conpeed, Ghla bod) style, 1979 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Good condition Call SUPE~ CADILLAC 1!l';f, - Coupe de\'llIp (,ro~~c BASEMENT SALE - chma, mantels, bars, back bars, 1977 FORD Granada, 6 dows $9,000 Call aHet 6 $1,&00 882-14-19 ,tatlOnwagon Loaded, good weekdays, 9-5 779-5900 Pomte ladles' 10'" 10011'age youth chair, humidifier, brass chandehers and arch- cylinder, full power, air, pm 885.7484 condillon $3,900 882-8899 1978 FIHEBJRD Esplrlt - FIREBIRD 1983 -loaded, hke $2,250 or best offer 8111,)i7l Hoover vacuum, lots more Itectural components under 20,000 miles $2,000 or 1978 BUICK Regal LimIted loaded, power steering, 19790MNI - 4S~, air con- new, 17,600 miles, must see best offer After 4 pm, 884. 1977 DODGE Aspen Special 873 Harcourt, Grosse Pomte Located at Power steenng, powel po\\er brake::., 1>0\\ er \1 Ill' dlllOnlllg, AMI FM cassette, $9,400 731.2197 Park JUly 26-28, 9 to 5 2 W Mlchlgan Ave 5806 brakes, air, V8, new radials, dO\\s air conchtlOmng, T. new brakes Clean $1,900 or Edltlon 6 C\ hnller \ tn\ I 1979 CADILLAC Fleetwood top, automatiC, pollcr ~tl'l'-r GARAGE SALE -lots of good Open 10 a m .5 p m 1971 MERCEDES 250 - C E 53,000 miles radials, 53,000 top::., AM/FI\I 8 track, good best offer 881.2778 Brougham d'elegance (Mon -Sun) red, With red mterlOr $800 mdes Orlgmal oll.ner Ex. conditIOn $2,300 Evemngs lIlg/brnkt>S, AM, t"~t rrlllt!, pOY. fir , 1979 dl'iA'ND"prii ':::' Po..Jer ed, 24,000 miles, excellent :K' best offer 445-6104 $1.11300 881-.3174 evelllngs 't976 BUICK Skyhawk hatch 884-4822 brakes, AM iF.\! slf'rt.~o, WE BUY AND SELL steermg, power brakes, V-6, condItion, $12,000 822-0116 back, 6 C) Imder, power FORD ESCORT 1982 4 speed, \ t'ry good conditIon onl) GARAGE SALE Thursday- 1847 ROGERS SIlverware, excellent condItion, low 1981 CENTURY Limited, 4 Sunday, 1~,~~cellaneous sleermg slereo, new llres 1965 BUICK LeSabre, 85,000 rustproofed, low mileage -lJ,500 1111I~ $'2 500 !t?"2 H 13 Eternally Yours, 51 Pieces, mileage Call 886.7427 after door Jadestone, excellent and exhaust !l}stem $1,400 miles, runs well, $200 331. Must sell this week FI~t 19162 McCormick never used $700 value - 5 p m condlllon. $6,000 tl22-7979 197'2 rOHI NO - f.IO\H'r ,tt'l'r 8829798 7507 $3,500 lakes' 33HH7 eve- GARAGE SALE Fm:ay, $350 777-5444 after 4 o'clock Ing , ,\;"1 (0':\[ ~t.'rt'tl 1982SCIRRCCO GL - maroon 1982 BERLINETTA Camalo, nlllgs Saturday. July 27, 28 Ktt- CHILD'S WOOD high chaIr, With tan mtenor, 5 speed, 1974 DUSTER - 6 cylinder, 1981 CADILLAC deVille 4 bod) good t'tlllfl<'r ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE Shores 1533 B 210 WOO DAT~UN Excellent !J.IO'J power sleenng/brdkel>, air 88l 5J85 ST CLAIR 1974 MUSTANG - good condl -- condillon, l8,OOO mile::., 19780LDS 4 door, V 6, power AM/FJ\I stereo, Sliver \\ Ith THANSPLlRTATIt I...... ~pt'\.ldl SCHWINN bike, 5 speed Col- RIVERVIEW MALL GOOD TRANSPORTATION tlOn, AM/FM all', 64,000 AM/FI\I.,teleo, dUtollhltlC, 4 !lteerlllg/brakes Good con. red velour InteriOr, tllt, rear 1971 PI) mouth ~.Itclhtl' legiate Excellent condilion JULY 27.28-29 1971 Plymoulh Satelhte - miles, $I,500/offer 884-5187 cylmdel one 0\1 ner $4,000 rlltlon $3,300 n9-044M defogger n6-JJ51 (Chns) Al\L fo'~1 ('a~se!lc rt'gular 343-{)l5l Along beautiful St Clair River blue, 2 door, air, radIO, 882.9875 after 7-28 84 best offer 774-8632 after 7 p m g.t:. $600 bt.'lot otrt'r 8112 lUll MOVING SALE - Stove, re- across from St Clair InV Wife's car, some rust, $375 1982 FORD ESCORT CONVERTIBLE 1973 OIds - 1981 CHRYSLER LeBaron - 1982 LYNX Loaded, autl>- JClgerator, dryer, rec room 1-94 N , eXit St ClaIr 885.1732 GTX - Flonda car, one new battery, top and pamt 1975 rx)IX;),~B ~ .Il8 \an, 6 cyhnder, -I door, power milllc, air, stereo, lilt furniture, porch furlllture, Hours 9 a m 9 pm, owner, automatiC, 15,000 I 884.5898 va st~rlllg brdkl':>, $lll,IO !lteenng, pOll PI brake!l, mr guard, rw.tproofed $5.300 much more Friday, Satur- Friday & Saturday 1980DODGE Mirada - power miles LIke new $4,750 firm 1976 MONTE Carlo Landau ufter 6 p m 30130.H7 condlllOlIIng, stereo Good Call B85 8018 day, July 27, 28,10-4 pm 10 a m -6 pm, Sunday sleenng, power brakes, 885-5167 Rustproofed, Wire::., loaded, automallc, sunroof, olher condllion 865 lll50, 527 7038 1976 CORVETTE, power 5580 Bedford 1973 VW Super Beetle Body nell. tires Excellenl condl' 11S-CARS WANTED optIOns, mag wheels 1981 HONDA Cl\'IC - 5 speed, brakes, steering, air, 'wery KENNARY KAGE and engme very good condl' lion 886 1049 TO BUY USA BUlldmgs - 4450811, 771-2196 Low AM/Fl\I ca!.::.!'lte stereo, good condltton $7,200 After ANTIQUES tlOn Sunroof, new batlt'ry 1974 CHARGER 400 - 4 bar. Agricultural. commerc!al, mileage, excellent condition 30,000 nllies $4,900 Ex 6 pm. 772-7362 Open Wednesday, Thursday, Mllst sell $I,~>OOor best WANTED full factory warranty, all tellenl condition llll6 2848 rei cam Need!. little $800 steel clear span, smdllest Fflday, 124 P m 1979 ELDORADO Blarrllz - 885 1508 after 6 p m or be!.t offer 885 8852 after 4 FUEGO 1983 SIlver, 6,000 C B ,sunroof, loaded, triple lllBl CADILLAC Coupe deVIlle mile!>, loaded, must sell Jl :\K C\lh bUlldmg JOY 40,< 10, largest Saturday, 9 a m to 4 pm 1981 FORD E<;cort - GL 4 pm blue, 46,000 miles $9,900 burgund}, velour mtenor 1 881-5795 P:\\ I\l; $okl ~ 1 l' 70Y 135x 16 30, W,5O,6O foot WE BUY AND SELL speed, air, po\\er, AM/f'M 1979l\1AHK - all OptiOns, con FHEIo: '1\)\\ 1'\1. 824-2994 0\\ ner Spent \1 mlers III Widths ll\ \anous lengths CadIeux at E Warren 1m CIIEVR()U~T Impala 4 stereo ca::.sette, rear defrost Flond,l SpuLle~., condItion, verllble top With moon root S,\~[t-; II \\ PH t\l l' Call 24 hours, 1 BOO 482-4242, Flea Markel ever) Salurday 1968 GTX . 440 4 speed, L A Rustproofed, cloth Ex. 77;' 1220 door, 6 cyllndt'r, v~r)' \'It'an $B,2(XJ 8llh 16112 ext ')4() Adnan, \ilchlgan 882-4396 car $-;,200 or best offer CIlI cellent $1,59'} 88,} lllO $2,000 886.3699 874.1883 dy, after 5 - 775,2452, 886- PLYMOUTH Champ t980, In a fe\\ select areas dealer. ANTIQUE clock repaIr Will 11l7,}COMET 4 door, good 0565.Jeff ESCORT SS, 1'181, ex(client ~tlck, ru~tproof 12 m p g, 19110 CADILLAC St'dan ships are available ;.,Iust pick up and deliver 822-3859 condlllOll, $ll,}1l deVille, excellent condition TOP $ $ $ $ sell ched p FOB, v.III conditIOn, AM/FM "lereo I'm) (,HANJ\DA - .1 "peed, beige, "tereo, I'xcellent con. 'I'il cas<;<'tte, air, 4 "pc<'d, pOller 95 f,.;,l 17.l0, lllll' ~II\ er .....Ith grey llIterlor dehvPr lo buildmg site FURNITURE reflnl!.hed, reo 1970 MACH I - Cleveland tr,m~purldtlon ~I)('CIJI, $'}50 Paid For Your Junk or sternng, power hr.lkr, 421i5 $7 ,500 8B6 'lO36 paired, StflPped, any type of Excellent conditIOn $3,400 1'179'I BlHD L.IIllI,1lI IO,HIl'd Unwanted Car A LAf{( ..E selectIOn - Like $1 900 Aftl'r 'i p 10 771 08611 caOing Free esllmates, or ~t offer Cmd) after 4 . $,14lHJor hI',! offer HEN'" '1.'1' FUt'go - 1'»1.1, 5 1978 El.IlOltADO One 0\\ ner ne.... ~(h\\ Inn bl<.ycle, 777-2452, B86-{)565Jeff or 772 9117 BULL AUTO PARTS 474 8953 1'lll2 PllOfo:NIX -I door \{,r\ !l1)('('(1hlack, AMIFM, l.l,OOO l.oadt'd Clean $5,1100 firm 886-1%8 822-4110 8C-OFFICE 1976 ASPEN. air, stereo, new 1975 SHORTY Voln V h, !(oo{) IO!l(hIIOn $'} 110 mIle::. eXCl'lIent condltlO'l lI82 !l656 894.4488 tlres transml!.<;lOn. 2 door, automallc I'Vl'ryllllng ne\\ 81\2 O"}77 97(~ 41 hH $11,<,(10 llll6 UJ68 1979 1l0NIl'\ t\cc\lrd LX .m ------8A-MUSICAL EQUIPMENT 1\\ \ \ I \Ilur h..'.llllp "II !lill best offer 885-')89'J $1,100 o14,}1071, 776 ')Ij\) condltlOOlnll 5 !o~, po,,,'r INSTRUMENTS Icr7B DOf>GE Illp!Ort!,lt I door .Il'~EI'('J5 1977. Rel1a~~,lIeVi ~oft top, It!l'l'nn({, PO\ller hrake' WA:>''TED FnJlt ....ood console \HIler, $200 Exc('lIent con poy,er brakc'",.m AM/F'-1, I. t: on~lI1,d 011.(1('1' 10..... Air, ,luIOln,ltll' 111I \\ 11('('1 n'Ii, IIH VB $2,1i1l'i llllt> 0,\68 I\M' FM I'a.~t'ttt', 15 m p ~ ,1l \"~'\l "r \H"llo.''ll l,.r~ \I,l1llt'tl 1"1\111'; liP Sl 'l\~l or Smet plaro good condl r1lhon 141 9198 6 cylmder, 819 46M mill''> 10,Ilkd l\Ill '1241 A\I/I'l\1 I,HIIO h V,.I\ "t',lt $.1 7'iO r\t'ltollable Ariel' a 1'111-1I'ONTIAC 2 HOO 2 door, \N\ IN\2 tlOn 882 1214 1t •.If d('fo!(~(,1 htlle' rll~t !lR6 0\ltl7 \ \1 F:\I ::.t.'n'u ,Ilr (IIndl - - 9-ARTICLES $I I 11'.0 lUlil 4'l'JII 1!J71r.nmn:nK'i !ll'ni lb.l HEll\lllr (I",,Il,I, \\,11111:'<1 DHlJ MMER Jooklllg for a 11()J1111~ Ill\'> Hllll'llKl' Ht',t of WANTED MAHER CHEVROLET ....Ilh U:H \, \\ porI 4 I l'r (n II ,lfl{'r ;; llltS 2[01111,llllO mlll'lo Loll> of h'l1dt'r 10\ Il1joi \ 'I'h "7~ 1.'lI7 EBO:-iY grand - 'l'i)', ex t~A~-P;;JDE book '>CHerd<....Iret, USED CAR SPECIALS door \ 11l~Ih,p pOll.l'l ~lt'l'r .,Igned limited ('dltlOn,> flne II1~ 1ll,lkl'" ,!II', ~I..rpo rt',lf l\tO'\Tfo: ('AHLO LlIndt"l mus!uan, pmI'd to '>1'11 862 IiJu"traled chtJdrc-n's IIlrra Carto • Loaded, T.tops .. ,.. I dl'lo~~11 (1111". IIl~lpl'~lf trUll., 1"1\ ",,11,,1 !'-11l1 '12 Mont, lOl1r1ll1on ,ur pO\\('r, <;tl'N'\) Clfft'r lIi'Il 9b.'>!l ¥)08 lUff' art, IJhotography, ",1 11I1l~ IWI fl'\ I \PI \ '7711 ... \_k) ('lr :7: XJ \~ * 771 \471 ------Amefluwa DetrOit, CIVIl '11 HorIzon. 4 door, automatic 2 lone paint, * "h,lt P I, Xl I IlI'n! 1111"', r~,IMMI 1~7l t 'olt\ ETIE l"lfl\t ~ 1"",lh,llk \utum"II( 0\.\1 lllI4117~ MOTORS Cldflnel, (;ememhardt tone'> ph l!o"(Jphy and --- ~-- '81 Century Limited • Very 1'11\l [ll)f)(,}o. (nil 2 c1(~J1 4 }o \1 t"lll' lny, Il1i1.'I1":!' \ en ------~- - - flute SIC)(J f'.arh ?,ll1 WI') or .....orlh~hil(' bO ('a"h '19 SuneItnI • Light blue, automatic power f).'\IlIt' nlo'II'llanu' Ioull\ \\1\1I1\\111l1 '''c101h••.A! .. " IIII'~ "l'!t.o 110 11I~t or [ i\,7m~'EHTilil:~fo:III1UU RE~TAL KEYBOAIUJ~ p1,47 I ~.~, ------\111'1 "('II M-4 '>,l \ ~tudlo" "rom $20 per 15175 E. JEFFERSON In Grolle POinte Perk GRUB STREET * ( III' \ HIll I' I \1011/.1 11 month 71', 7T>i'. Thur m 1'17\ ( 1I}o \ !io).":T ( ,I!lnt:l' -I 1'llW ~ ClHU l rtl\\ n \ I, IOfl,' .'1.1 ... ~ \\ I{ \F'1 1... 1 J.!hl\\MlI\ A BOOKERY 821.2000 OpenT~o; p'm • ,IIM~llllIh'" 11.111 hl;,,, I, 'x dllm ,lUloml1l11 ,llr lllnoVi SMALL If" \1 \W:-'V organ 01 d' ... r "1'11"11 "",II r1Ij111'1lIt' 2 (loor I' nI l \ \t \" 1. -phI \ ."Ht"r \ ,,n llfll 4fRIi 111'"1 ~I )IMI01 1,.,,1 ulft-r "\1 ~\t "II'It'1) ('It...lrll 1I' "Xf f'J1('fjl r fJndllllln III l)\ ...1 'I.', 41tH WITHIN 3 HOURS f,Hllll \ 1m I rll'l( H ~1I' IVW ,,11,\ 811',-lI'ffII WANTED SEE ',amf> lr-rm" 1'(, , III IJ1(." 11 >1(II'~rn,'n IlMl • SIIIIonl19 Hilt, fJ1l1 Corr pll'!' elf "1\,,,(/ "I IW> lilt ~II fl"f II J' III llAi])\\F..-~,;r;:;'-(,nl-;:J: r' n(h $$1fll' [)Hf/If.l:-''> "r,d nth', VI,lnl 'If It I' qr j I I, t Il,"mh'r ~I"" 1,,1~!~>rl" (Iln .!lH6 11A-CAR i-ARTICLES • S..,., Glen flnh" ('(] I':'fk('r f'fiX '>!THlh \I"II!,It' 1%11 10rlOllil,Ill (lwr; '(",H '111"" (, (,".IIM"I" J \11 'lTo\NI. 1m I nhrll II REPA.IR WANTED "" IfI( hl."tr'r ;tori lJl tiN" 1'1710 I hUllfk-rhlrd IlIlII 17'l~ • ',et.cllv. '81111 S•• '8nl DRUMMY }('hwll \'8 rM'W '" hf An lilln $.'1 fl4KI ()f' t-I oUt'! EASTSIDE -snOKS70SED AND-RARE Inl..,,';! ~",' I ," II'" ,,'Irl,!, /"dl $1',00 1lI\1 1~M) l'llillon S ~Pf't'l1 plI'('~ f(K cI68h rr app-/Il.'ifJ(J OLDS RH.'l c,,4~ K!!<:.r. ~ .E_nl _ TRAIISIIISSIOJI ~ou, fI.jrJ~""" (lit " YI)U'~ ,111 1\'\'/}o''-11 <1,,""'111', rUlIt elItlltes 111110(~1N!d In home c:orwuIUlOom II all,,,,, '11." I1f7HI II fo:V": 11''': llutCllIIlllll' ChoflCfI .ft ....u'r1,.d fm" "ll 1'\1) pillofl'fl It>! 71111 "r ht'lIuhrul ronrtlllOO nil ,1rntll 1""01 MACk .1 '\ M1L": JOHN KING I t.11 1\'>'>1.'> I ...... lor K 1M (1'0". i'CIlnl" tOf 0_ • 0•.:.0. 1'1111 IWICK ~k}lark- -. AM/,.'M, run. 1'll1'1'IIt'nt, "'HU: ROAO n:!iT 961-0622 772-2200 '\"'('11 low mllf'lIlCt., v(lry hlKh mll•• lC" '1,4:';0 M4 WORK (,UARANTl'fn L-. • _Cllp and Save thM ad • H \1i1,' ;. f,I:,tlol (' I'dn $4,IKIO firm nll:wtl7 2.111 ......

\ ~l II .•..--.---.

Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Ten-e 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAl ESTATE 13-RElC ESTiTE 13=AEXL ESTATE FOR SALE 12mE lNb AivER 12F-NORTHERN - FOR SALE 1RPJlClTiON FOR SALE FOe SALE 110 BOATS TY PROPERTY PROPERTY AND MOTORS eAOPER 1 FIRST OFFERING LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for MULLETT LAKE COTTAGE FOR SALE sale LeXington, MichIgan 16812 CRANFORD LANE 'tWO 70 h P EVlOrude en. Year-round home on 200' of 1705 S LAKESHORE ROAD 100x 200 3 bedrooms, 11vmg, GROSSE POINTE CITY gUleS, 1 needs pov.'erhead, \lullelt La!.e hvmg room. HARBOR BEACH Iutchen, duung rooms Front SpaCIOUS2,400 sq rt condominIum Yo Ith natural fireplace, very low hours, $1,800 for fauul\' 100111. dmlng room . • Off U S ~ Comer lot 9OX60 and back scret'ned porch€~ 10 ft celllllgs. hardv.ood floors, 3 full baths, carport both, extras 882.1449 kltdlen den. \\alkout rec • L1V1!l8 room. 2 bedroomS, Garage Gas heat. fireplace room and thl e{' ear gal age and much more, located on peaceful shaded slde of 16' 4 winns tri"lilill bOw kItchen, all noer large appllan. $65,000 82:2.7967 Offered b\ 0\1 ner Phone stlcet Over SlU shore lander Wt • ces. WATER FRONT sho ....pldce (blb I 62:i ib~5 LAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE tral1er 55 h P EVUlI'Ude Call i1HliO or 562-1866 home on Lake r.hchlg.ln Less than 180 hours rwuuJ'Ig CHALET - 3 mile fmm In SHOWN BY APPOlNTMENT AVAILABLE Immed1ately Manistique 100 feet sand) tune, ty,'o 0 M C gas tanks dlall River on Ii\\' 68 ~1 A GERNA Y REAL ESTATE beach, 3 bedroom~ \lllh new 48 month battery, fire Gorgeous home III Rocky minutes from fl~hmg:hunt- m-&t08 \I alkout ba~ement, lIvlIlg extingUlSher, full carpelIng, MountaU'lS BackpadCmg, all mg and ~\..lIng Ideal for sports, musIc Walk to finest room ....Ith fireplace, and ~ l1ghts, speedometer, I acallon or \ eal lound IIV anch~r, vinyl top, boat restaurants and shops Ac- cathedral cellmg S75.000 mg 3 bedlOoms 112 blgned kitchen • Garden room son; $1,000 Ray Jeff 78 chan- 120-LAKE AND RIVER (could be 5th bedroom I ~harmmg~uttOI\ Ba) Turn \11th t",o shdlOg wmdow ",alls • RecreatIOn room With A nel radio, $250 885-:J859 down, 3 bedrooms up L1\ Ing of the centUi \ hlsto! lcal 1 fireplace, book shelves. and many extra features 11' LARSON Fiberglass, 90 PROPERTY room 31x18 has magmflcent stor) commerual bUlldmg • Wormy chestnut paneling • Brick walls • Parquet. horsepower Johnson, com- field-stone fireplace Formal \\ lth up,talrs apartment oak vlDyl and slate floormg • Burglar and fIre alarm pass, coovertlble lop, traLier ST. CLAIR dining, 212 baths and 28x9 near )'idrll1 VII .. lU" .. ij :;4;;~C~PC::! !:::t guest apartment, two fire. ~~;il - City utlhtle<; Ll\E \Ct{f.: \Iood(d lot at floor 1\\ 0 full baths, 2.12 baths, breaklast room, om- All Call for a pm'ate ~howll1g 21' CENTURY 4000 Cutty places, central8Il' condlhon. Nlt'e tugh ground WIth beau- Schus~ :llountam ElectriC mg room. hvmg room With natural fireplace, den, cabin 0 M C stern dnve, ing, gIant family room, tiful \'Ie\lr of river and Its utlht\ lIl~talled Lanu baron basement family room With natural flTeplace Three WALKER-ALKIRE REALTY 886-0920 model 250, mmt cood1t100 entertamment center, 41"2 boat traffic $195,000 PII\ liege, mcluded Uo~e to car garage 20% down, 11% mterest Long term con- Less than 50 hours LIcens- tract Price $135,000 1409 Kensmgton, Grosse Pomte baths, 27x42 boat house .....Ith BEAUCHAMP golt <.OUI~e Jl1d ~kl I uns ed thnll986 Meets all Coast two weUs, hoists and exten. iii -{i13-l aftel 5 P m Park Busmess 882.2414/8854759 home No brokers Guard reqwrements. Allllfe slve dockage $395,000 REALTORS please' preservers, hnes, anchors 329-4755 13-REAL ESTATE and ski eqwpment mcluded Elegant tIDck French Pro\'m' FOR SALE Will include boat-well for re- LAKE HURON 12 ~hles north cw borne on beautlfulland- Grosse Pomle \\oods, Land mainder 0{ season. Boat Port Huron 3 bedroom scaped of North Contract to >lmple assump JOHN E. PIERCE Ii docked at Grosse Pomte house, furmshed, fireplace. R1vCn1de Dnve WIth V'teW of tlOn Bnck 3 bedroom, 1m. Shores Manna 881-1196 St Clair RIver 'Ibree bed. pareh, sandy beach NIce & ASSOCIATES, INC. VIew Unusual Surroundlllgs maculate. 1 l story updat- 28' CHR.I.SCRAF"I' lil64 Class1c rooms, three baths, family 1-3Z7-Q55 ed Countn Kitchen WIth dayCn1iser, twm lOS's, mint k.tlt:ben with fireplace, Solar family room Pnced m the SECLUDED SETIINGI condition $6,900 882~. cool glassed Florida room, OPEN HOUSE $6I)'s Ask for Ed Brmk OVERLOOKING LOCHMOOR GOLF COURSE full lower level entertam. SUNDAY, JULY 29,2-5 P M SANTANA - 22 foot, excel. ment center WIth second kit- R.lVer Colo"" coMo - ::19 1715 Lot Sunnll1gdale Grosse lent, four salls, extras m- N RIver Road, 5t Clair, (2 eludes well, $4,900 881-6842. chen. $180,000 Pomte Wa<:>&, 100 x 166' on- nules north of 5t Clalt Inn I h lot a\ allable In area ask 1982-182 Cuiscraft SCorpIon. Fabulous view of St Clair River Colony: Custom bwlt for Jim Perry low hours. 886-5857 and profeSSIonally R1ver from thiS 2 bedroom. 21. bath umt Sunken lIVIng CRES'IUNER, 20', deep-V, decorated three story 2 Grosse Pomte Cill - Eas\ hv- I/O, 190 H P, closed bow townboose offenng max. room features fireplace. mg 3 bedroom -brick r'anch doorwall to pnvate balcon)' walk-up - through-wmd- imwn prtvacy, VIew and With all alummum tnm 600 shield, teak mm, mint coo. comfort UVlng-dmt.og area, master swte with private square foot entertainment bath and doorwall to second dition lDterior /exterior, c0n- full ~ kitchen, two center 10 basement Ll\'lng 1162 DEVONSHIRE vertible top never used, bedrooItIs, library, family balcony Attached garage. room \\ Ith natural fireplace, 20580 FAIRWAY LANE tinted glass, swun ladder, room, 21;z baths Attached excellent buy at the reduced sun-room, and much more GROSSE POINTE PARK OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 carpeted, sun loungeI'seats, garage and abundant pnce of $114,900 Asswnable Lo~ heat bIlls. easy to mam- SpaCIOUS brick ranch WIth beautlful view of qUiet lane, off dual all' horns. Less than 100 storage Mint condltton. mortgage tam Priced at $81,500 Ask Classlc bnck Colomal, large hvmg room WIth fireplace Vermer Prime locatIOn! Must see' Priced to sell at JOACHIM REALTY I~C hours. Due to illness oever $207,000 for Ed Brmk and beaUtlful!) arched WIndOWS Dmmg room, wood $154,500 put in water this year $8,500. 329-9036 paneled ILbral') , breakfast room, kitchen With bUllt-m 822-9290. St. Clair Pre5bgiee thiS charmmg house at 517-826-3292 or after hours 517-826-3369 al'() mp,.l (,I 're ,~Jrl' r..nt r,f ,''''- th, n <2. V" ["('I,th ri-at .. -tit: lind, together BY APPOINTMENT ~., ., '" It i with any building. on It. Whether bUying or seiling, homes move faster In the 15225 ESSEX ; ;; $ I! It ~ h tc AU.,., .... Classlfleds Find the home of your dreams or sell your L...~.,~;y,{~ present home In the easy, ~k conven'ent Class1f,eds Q. - •• ""••• Buyer. .nd .etlers mHt every day In the Classlfleds I I I I' • Find what you need and sell what you don't need In the

16t1416118 V. "rrcn 1 ('Ii) 'q fl <" p"r,,11 [JIII"II, 1\11 Classlfleds condltlOnu! c()\ued pdrkmg S'\\ (jI)/),\,<,iJmp'IOIl (tr, erate rent free'

B(,.,I area bl''it pncl' In lhe Wmdmlll Pomte C;UbdIYI!>Ion Grosse Pointe for under $00' A 'I hf-nroom (x,lonlal Yolthnalural fll1'place. formal dmmg, dl'n m(Jdt'rn kitchen, recreation room and mlKh mor!' It '1> p,potle..'lly dean and well mamtalned call News for an appOlntm!'nl you'll love the prIce i 882-6900 ALDRIDGE & ASSOCIATES Yesterday's L'hann I CirCUit DrIve 100 It on Sblppmg Channel tl2$,OOO 'STRICTLY CO\1\1f f« jAI 884.6960 Real Estate One 01 Blue Wiler Country 7'94-93t3 882.3600

i ' .. f Thursday. July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-C iADLE8TXTE 13-REAL EST1TE 13-REAL ESTATE is-REA ESTITE 13-REAL ESTXTE 13-REXL ESTlTE 11=11ET8 2AiiAWL FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE fOR SALE fOR SAbE I' fOR SAbE FOR SAbE HJmCE . ANIMAL HOSPITAL GROSSE POINTE VILLA TODAY'S BEST ST CLAIR Shores condo, one liOUSE FOR sale - East PRICE REDUCED LAKESHORE Village 2 bed- two marveloUll dogs rescued Summer Special. CONDOMINUM bedroom Beautifully dec. Detroit, 111 ba ths, 3 1110Fairholme Road _ 2,400 room townhouse style CQndo from the highway are beLng LAWNMOWER BUYS Nice one bedroom hardwood orated, separate laundry square fQOt Cape Cod, 4 Near the clubhouse, $43,500 bedrooms, fmlshed base- boarded and need good SUMMER GROSSE POINTE floors, air, all apphances faCIlities, carport $40,000 ment, large country kitchen, bedrooms upstairs, 2 full Century 21-Avid 778.8100 homes They are 10YHlg, New hsung 3 bedroom smgle Ldundry, vacant $37,900 sacrifIce 88H1817 large lot $37,000 776-6433 plus 2 half baths, hVlng 2050 HAMPTON, Grosse oblcdent and would be TUNE-UP-$42.50 Full basement, gas heal, CADIEUX/MACK Sharp, GROSSE POINTE Shores room, dlnlOg room, study, Pointe Woods 3 bedroom y,onderful pets One IS a BLADE SHARPE~[-';G HARPER WOODS 1 side drIve, 2 car garage three bedroom bnck FlIush- One block (rom lake Marble famIly room, first floor Iaun. Colomal, bUilt 1980 1 2 female Beagle The other a OIL CHANGED $38,500 5% down to a Hampton - Cozy 2 bedroom ed basement, two car dry, central air, large at. baths, dIshwasher, attic fan, )oung male German wIred POINTS A:'IIDPLl:GS ranch on beautlfully treed foyer LIVIng room, library, ~uahrled buyer, conven- garage, Land Contracl tached garage, over I'l acre, finished basement, deck, haIr Setter Please con. lot Newer kItchen and fami- family room, all open FREE PICK.UP honalloan terms Asking $29,900 together for entertammg or many extras, larger than It garage With door opener sIder taking one They are Three bedroom smgle Formal ly room, aIr, Grosse POinte appears Excellent condl- Custom storage shelves In very nice ammals Please - DELIVERY schools each close for pnvacy Pan- dIning room, natural wood- HARVARD/MACK Gorge- try and eatmg space m kIt. tlOn By appointment No basement and garage call 886-1153 772-<:>858 work, 2 car garage, fenced ous, three bedroom briCk 1 realtors 686~l52 $69,900 by appOIntment LAND CONTRACT TERMS chen, 2 ,'2 baths, 2 baths, 4 HIMALAYAN kittens o N G CO'OSTRL:CTIOS co In yard Rented for $375 a Coloma I Natural fireplace, large bedrooms, ample FOR SALE OR LEASE 882-4027 No brokers month Priced reduced NIce 3 bedroom, newly Sided, registered mal~, 6 y, eelts ~asont) repairs, ch IrTI1IE') ~ dlnmg room, flOlshed base. clasels Large patio, large OPEN SUNDAY, 1 S PM THREE Bedroom ranch m 1951 patlOl, pOff.1Y-s Spec-..allzmg $35,000 terms on Harper Woods Border, 1 ment, garage Assumption yard Withsprmkhng system ~ freshly decorated, $5,000 Grosse POinte Woods, 1355 Country kllchen, 2 car MUST FIND home for playful 10 Fleld<;lone fireplaces Li Grosse Pomte Park, 3 bed- available Askmg $42,900 SerIous InqUIries bnly No down, $26 900 Hampton Road Colomal, garage, mw.t see to ap- 2 > ear old cat due to censed 8:39-9459 room Colomal WIth den on brokers Grosse POinte 1,300squarefeet 3 bedroom, preclate DetrOIt/Harper allergle. Cdt IS decla""ed 1st floor, recreatIOn room, CENTURY 21 NANCE News, 99 Kercheval, Grasse 11~ bath, updated kitchen WOOota soo.... cat as S£\\ A~D OLD Estate One, 296-0010 pool, tenms, marina Land- HOUSE FOR Sale - 3 FlOrida room, }l2 car Grosse POinte Woods 5235 has no paper> Call 886-387'2 StaIrs Carpeted ShIfted BABCOCK Co-opapartmenu. scaped extraordmalre bedrooms, dmette, kItchen, garage, near schools and 112 balhs, newer furnace WIth WILLIAMSBURG Charm on Repairs of All THJes after 5 p m Mack/Cadleux and Opal at Much, much more $148,000 21-2 car garage 882.3821 shopping. 527-0806 central air, roof, electrical Danbury Lane - 20354 By ALSO Warren, one bedroom $70 779.1323 service Natural fireplace owner Assumable mort. SHIH-TZt: A K C ch.ampaon NORTH OF BY OWNER - $8,000 asswnp- CARPETING, VI~ YL per month, lwo bedroom FARMS near "Hili" duplex, 2 tion, aluminum 3 plus bed- $74,900 Ask for Art Turner, gage Open Sunday, 1-6 lme mlnlatute breed, male HARD'AOOO $129per month, InCludes tax, bedrooms each Appliances, IMLAY CITY rooms, finIShed basement, Century 21 - Nance Cozy street, fnendly neigh. and female Heallh Sampks~ntn bors SChoots heat, maintenance C W carpeted, $89,000 293-9070 FantastIc home quality crafts- 1h 771-1380 Grosse Pomte guaranteed 3U-ro92 YOW' Home 2 car garage, complete m- 1 Babcock and 80rlS 777-3310 791 1239 manship This package. sulauon and carpetutg,large TECH CENTER ara 3 bed- 4 bedroom Colomal, 2 7 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup- B08 TRL:DEL CLEAN, cheerful, 2 bedroom ARMADA - Romeopeacel must be seen to appreciate corner lot, pnvacy fence, room quad Private court, baths, master bedroom pies, males, A K C 774-7SlIO da)~, 294-5896 t'\'K Home offers unusual amem- mground pool 573-7318 swte, dwng room, kJtchen carriage house condo With Answer to antique buffs eli\Ctnc garage door opener, Meadowpond champion CARPET ISSTA.eI..A TJOSS lles Hand stencl!mg, hard- 19985EASTWOOD _ Harper WIth eating area, ramlly sare, for pet or show, aU air condltlonlnR and ap- wanting space and comfort St John Hospital area 882- -'1 50a yard ~ 112 J175 phances Convemently 1 or more acres Terms wood floors, beautiful wood 5149 Woods, 3 bedrooms, 11'2 room With fireplace, 2 car shots m-.t03S. work throughout Perfect for located to [-94 792-8573 TU5-4415 baths, liVing room, dmlng attached garage, covered DALMATIAN JlUPPltS - lhe antique lovers Settmg DETROIT PROPERTY for reef- 208 REFRIOERA 110N sale Grasse Pomte area 7 room, famll\! room, dinette, pallo, second floor deck off stered member 01 local aDd AND AIR 1008BUCKINGHAM offers panoramic vIews of ~ of master bedroom Much natIonal club, Health and GROSSE POINTE PARK country SIde This offering room, 3 bedroom plus den. 18x36 mground pool, lot more Must see $98,500 834- CONOfTIOHtNG Unusual charm, interesting l00x354, hot water heat 884- ll779 or 774-3800 temperament guaranteed BY OWNER Outstandmg English Tudor Four bed- mcludmg 2 car garage, 3 REPAIR stall barn with loads of decor All new mterior, 9363. k 88S-09U rooms and office 2nd floor, 312 baths Marble staIrs HARPER WOODS condo _ 1 SIX ROOM extra large brlc RICHIE'S appba.DceS!en1C't storage, 10acres of woods, 9 Great neighbors. Low taxes 1 SHIH-TZU AKC, champion and fireplace Gold-leaf trIm, Gumwood, leaded ranch, 2 bedrooms, 2 2 car ceotet Servx:e OIl all ft\aJCI acre hay field, 28 acres total. Musl be looking for one of a bedroom, appliances. garage, near St John H06Pl- hne, muuature breed, male glass doors on 1st floor Pewablc tile Modern kIt- kind $25,000 77&-8858 appbanees 1lJ'l\ guarantee. chen Finished basement 4,000 sq ft 3rd floor Truely one of a kmd offer- carpetmg, low mamtenance, tal and Schoots Rent $52S and female H81th guaran- bedroom and bath $165,000 Appointment only ing $124,900 Owners offer GROSSE POINTE Woods immedIate occupancy ll86- Available 1st week of Set>- teed 343-0392 IIH07t 886-7547, Land Contract terms Dry- 1930Norwood, comer 5 room 9057 tember, 1-28&-2681,882-5443 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup- 2OC=CAiiNEY lIiS den Realty Co, 1-796-2242 brick house, newly dec. GROSSE POINTE condo - pies, AKC cbamplon blood- F1AEPLACE orated, screened rear porch. Mack at Lakeland, Up.....r 1 FARMS Colonial, SpaCIOUS Ime, from $l50 1181-S3IS HARPER WOODS - lovely 3 PO- and channing Hbedroom, REPAIR bedroom, new country oak 2 car bnck garage, $65,000 bedroom, air Make offer family room sturly, break- kitchen, finished basemenl, Open Sunday, 2-5 Call days, 9-4 Business 886-6676, Home 882-le U5 «15 Elegant ranch, profesSIonally landsl8ped 71~% large 101, room for expan assumable mortgage Three bedrooms, 2''2 baths, dmg Near Marter and Jef CARRINGTON Place Gn~ famIly room, hVlng and dIning rooms, flnlshed base- fenon, $5-1,500 777 6129 POinte Farms Betv.een ment, hrst Ooor laundry, burglar alarm system, I Lakeshore and COlUItr) ('Jub cE'ntral air, spnnkler system, $138,500 TWO !,'AMIL\' Income on Golf Course o"rwor con Grll) ton In [It'trOll $"5,000 l>lders hnancmg 11819659, 882-5529 25\+ 6..~ or ll82 ~12 9!il-{)I8t1 GOOn !':aSll>l~ area, 3 bt>cIII Impeccablr condl' p.-r month locludHlllaxes !':l.'t:-L!':WH l..alW' l.r,~~ tlOn belllg offered by oy,ner Fealure~ ma~ler 'lUlte Sunday, July 29, 25 1938 SI3nh~, Gr~ Po.nte tn,500 Hv ow~r 881 2649 POInte elt, 100" 1':0, hall With large sltllng room and ~epdroom, 1I'l bath, liVing room, ~ bill<. k to l.ikt" 886 J7'2'9 plus two addlllonal bf>droomo;each Withbatho;, library natural flrl'plnc(', dmmg room 1982 kllchen With LA K F.SHO R F: \ II.LA (i!': 17 _R&r ESTATE Anti-Cruelty L , and hYing room With flf('place, formal dlOlO~room, eatlng 'lpace, ne""er carpet m~ and dtocor through To",nh !'.,,~lI,u,d Ht'~It, $fI OO() doy, n 1 hC"(irl)llm I'n I"\~:i Harp<-r ""r- 1, 1111( 'A hrlck nuwh II:H,~gf'fln"h P_ ..lory Hhtodrt(' room ....lth y,el bar N'ntral 77111t!16 --_._-~-----_.- '" l, ,,( 1'..., .'f" " 1 r-" l ..... "if Il('al <;pnnkll'r 'lY~tl"m 2' J car garllf(f', 2 ;)50 1\'" 21671 Wl':~TBHi )01\ (oml - GUARANTEED SA,LE l ." o;quarf' ft'f'l , onwr 101 tlC"llullfull)' lanc!'«'apt'd (lr I.I-t \ ,1111 homl' .....lfh II", If II nf( 'orklo ...n !'rlrC" n' V,, ,,'1\1'1'1 '1,' I' \o\,~r'tE',' i't>' ',h',' ,~',' ...., (ularc!nVl' l.,chool">A-ilhtn '. m\le' lO!tL.lIld(on .,.11 ""Ill I "IOllllil ,10"" n ~ ' ..Ii ',It"lt', ...'11,'1, ~)I\)t',l t ,H Ir",,' ',d:,~'"....1 M.:t., Iran ll'rm~ III Illlahh' $119 r,oo Immrdullr oc:cupanq J' tl6 ------,------_.- ~."..-._---_.-... STAH 01" Tm: "}o'", AH":" ~l'tti)(11 n.; 'I ll1':H lI.0 (~J ('IlI\ ,., AJIII Th'll I(/~I MHrll(iI~1' I4n IppfflX ~4 Olillln('" fln'phll f", oU....r I'llt ras For ~'I !!pH' ....\! you (Iy ...r $40,(1011 as opptllIt'(11o curr",t IOtf'rr,t appOlnlOlt SER\ In: l (,il'.T Kfo:..l>Y Jo'IlM !,'A.Ll." bathll den and famllv 1 anlnl4l1l oul ('ON[)o M"adow hndllt monollram mlll'hlnC'1 PRICED REDUCED TO $89,500 Will nli4" Do yoorM'lf II fll vor and rh('('k II llUl II ~'KEE ESTIMAn:s 24C*lllarper and IfI' J MIlt' "nlrlYlnl marhlnC' MI 24r. -.SI7O 1R....2 HROADSTo:"''': COlltli ooIhlOR 10 look and what )'00 He will plf'1I1lf' 2 bedroom rlnch,'he

•• ..-_.--._.-.....

... r Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~~wefve.C 21AAINTlNGt 21G-ROOF1HG 21-I-PAiN1'I«3, 21F-HOME 21F-HOME DEcnRATlNG OICORAT1N9 ~121e-ELECTRICAL 21F-=Y£MENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERV1CE :' CHELSEA LOCK CO SERV1CE MIKE'S PAIl'to'TING BARKER PYRAMID ROOFING WHIYEY'S Interior, extenor. wallpaper. COLVilLE MODERNIZATION HADLEY HOME ul{! mUlOl' repatrS. patdung, , t=~:l:;: rOYrR.\('TORS • Wall Papenng IMPROVEMENT MoaenllZallon i Alterations. Re.Rootmg plasterlOg Free estimates Locb- ••~~ ELECTRIC CO. M.T. CHARGOT Tear OUs • Interior Pamtlllg Reasonable and honeSt Ref. BUILDING CO. INC . Addillol~ • Fa111lL\Rooms. • Reasonable PriCes • Residential. CommerlCal Ranges Dt1-ers, 5er. Il'eS. Kitchens &: R~creatlOn Repair ereoct'S Call anytime Eur0- PERSO;.,ir\LL Y DES1G:--lED COMPLETE RE~IODELl~G Ventilation • Good Work pean m-8081 • lndustnal Doorbells • Call - too small VtoL-,TIOSS '* Kitchens - AttiCS SERViCE AreasJ \.\!ES BARKER SI..}IIght Speclahsts no Job 343-9144 !,'AST E)tERGESCY '* Basements - Porches Kltchens.Baths ll86 50.H .\rea referel1l'eS Sernor Cltuen n4-0414 GROSSE POINTE .,. Bathrooms - Rec Rooms Add.I tlO/lS' Pore hes ______discount Free estllllates 2Of-WASHER AND SERVICE PAINTER'S INC. Outdoor deck em Ironments Attlc/Rec Rooms H-\:\DY.\I.-\:-';~SpeclallZlng In Licensed and Insured We MELIN'S Pamtmg - mtenor, DRYER REPAIR 774.9110 CUSTOM CRAFTED Alummum Sldmg,Trlm flmshed basements carpen. \l, 111 beat any contractors extenor, patchmg, plaster. Pallltmg - mtenor-extenOI'. '* Cabmets - Formica Gutters. Down Spouts tn formlca \\ ark dn \\all pnce mg. :.tucco \armshmg, \\-in. paper changmg and panel. RICHlE'S Appliance ser.'lce 210- TV AND '* Wood .....orkmg trim .....ork Storm Wmdo .....s Doors mid pamtmg ~o Job too 881.9173 dov. glaZing and caulking, hog Free estimates cheer. Center serVice on all ma)Ol' Roohng,Shmgl~ Hot Tar apphances lOO'\iguarantee RADIO REPAIR '* Replacements WlndO\\S small 8."24'V7 I -----:...--=---- 'oIallpaper Free estlmates, fuliy gl\,en LIcensed and '* lntencr - Extenor Doors :\IumlOum SldlOg and -ROOFING I RILEY &. Dl'FFY COSST reason.\ble pnce Call any. Insured We have a complete ILlleo[ Gutter Clearung Sen lClng All Your COLOR TV HI FI STEREO Fl'LL Y LlCE:-OSED A~D 21G time :\lelm 75~5099 882-9234 new and U:>ed p.itts 8S5 Fences' Repa Irs of all kmds SERVICE I Roofmg ~eeds 885~ I'\Sl'RED INTERIORS 0079 GE:\ERAL HO~[E REP-\IR Licensed and In~ured ~llKE S Specla!lzlIIg In Roof Repair CO~IPLETE PAINTING -\ \TE"I;\-\<;; Al'ODDECORATING BY DON & LYNN Free E~tlmat~ - 882-68-U 886-0520 Roofmg .and Hepalr L1CEi>.SED I~,:,l'RED LET GEORGE DO IT Call .lfter 6 30 I!\TERIOR - EXTERIOR "Husbdnd Wife Team 21 AND • AttiCS &; Porch Enclosures EASTLA:\D Washer. dn'Pr. 9 B&D vice SoeclAh:UnR In GE :.-..'"':::.::~ :....~ .,'M"''''~ TC 4 29tl Tl' 2.2436 \lo Illdo'" s. ralltngs. alumi- 1------527-5560 ' num shutters. porcn enClO- Kenmore and V. hlrlpool screens repaired K BUILDING CO. SLATE - Tl LE 1 ROOFl"l;G A:\'D repairs Alu- PAINTiNG ~ts sures Free courteous estl. Repairs Gutlers nUllum trim. sld1Og, and PERSOSALIZED FRED'S STORM D C KELLY BUILDING mates • INTERIOR WOOD REFINISHING • Quality Remodel1ng O\'ER 35 YRS ~utters Bob. Dale lsham SERVICE SISCE 1965 884-5007 Office ISho\\, room EXPERIE:--lCE _;;)_26-0066 _ STRIP STAIN VARNISH George Stults • Anderson Replacement 29315 Harper • EXTERIOR Duplicate EXisting FInish Or E\'ESISG CALLS Wmdo .....s &: Doors 88S-1i62 WELcmtE S C S i74-0460 After 6 p m 882-7322 EXPERT REPAIRS • WALLPAPER Colors to Match • Addltloos of all types Kitchen cabmets, bathroom WASHER/DRYER repairs • Custom Garages A.F. WITTSTOCK GUTIERS Repair your quahty bw.It 21F-HOME VOCCIA REMOVAL vanttles, Tee.famlly room automatic machmes ser. IMPROVEMENT 882.3463 CONSTRUCTION 'HADLEY HOME ROOFING paneling, doors. tnm and vice call US 00 Guaranteed LlCE~SED &: I:--lSURED IMPROVEMENT SMALL JOBS EQUAL TO THE BEST, moldmgs aM accountable RIchard CO., INC. BUT COST LESS Ltcensed Insured • Addttlons INC. 774-9651 BRENT 88H594 References Free Estimates 527~. • Dormers COMPLETE ROOFING SALE PRESTIGE PAINTING CO r- RUDDER CONSTRUCTION- • Garages PAINTERS DAVID ROLEWICZ • Kitchens RooFl~G SERVICE Rene'" or Repaired First 500 RESlI:lENTW - COhWER'CW COl\l:\IERCL-\L & square feet Installed $199 SERVED EUROPEAN 296-7386 778-5025 NEW CONSTRtCTlON MOOE~ATiON &. REPAIRS • FlCepiaces RESIDE~TIAL complete Based on 1,000 APPRENTICESHIP LEADED. beveled and stain- Bnck and Cement ",ork QUALITY INTERIOR/EX- FROM TL-e ROOf TO THE DRNF.WAY Tear-off , square reet ,I<'lats or Intenor.Extenor Spe<:lallZlllg ed glass repau'ed m our pro- Bank fmancmg avaIlable TERIOR pamtmg, wallpa. fasiGaal studio Free est1- 884-7410 Reshmgle shmgles AU types of gutters In repalnng damaged plas, penng, carpentry and re- Complete Hol Tar done Save 245-{)507anytime ter. dry-wall and cracks. mates. aD work guaranteed ~R£E EST'''~ATES L.cer.sed - lflStIed Home ModernizatIOn pair Expenenced reason. peeling paint, Window putty- Lumen Esseoc:e 824-3443 m-2816 773-1105 Roll Roofmg RESIDEl':TIAL & able. Insured Seaver's. Vents CO~L\IERCIAL ROOFING 109and caulkmg, wallpaper- a82-ooOG 2OK-FLOOR THOME CONT. Gutters :-;aLldown a 20year guarantee mg All work and material SANDtNG Repaln> .....Ith a commercial Truss guaranteed Reasonable STEVE'S PAINTING We Do All Home !.lamtenance Licensed and Insured roof Licensed and InsUred Senior citizens discount Interior & Exterior From The Roof Down. InSide Patching & Plastenng KELM 886-0520 772-4176 Grosse Pomte references & OUt Gr05Se POinte Free Estimates Call John Wallpapenng Window Floor laying, sandmg. refin- References Free Estimate B.T, an)'hme, 776-9439 Puttying Caulkmg ishing Expert m stain Old 882.5836 MINOR HOME Good Work - Free Estimates floors a speci8lt)' We also WHOLESALE, INC. ~ REPAIRS WALLPAPERING Reasonable Prices refmisb bamsten. MIKE'S 29181 CALAHA:--l semor Cltlz,ens 10% Off ~7256 (l2 ~!Ile - Groesbeck area) roofmg, gutters. brick ....ork, The Best Paperhanger Call Steve anytime ••• ~ODlt ~DJeet ~0lIte ••• Roofing and RepaU" clumTli!Ys. all carpentry 10 Town G .• G. FLOOR CO Shmgles and Flat Roofs Custom Gutters Run To Your Length Wblle You Walt "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS 365-5635 Floor sanding professwnally Make it Complete Gutters and Sidings. 526-7647 HANG PAPER" daDe. staiDiDg WHOLESALE - RETAIL Dark and fin- Painting & Total Home Maintenance Wmdow Replacements. Decks PROFESSIQ!\AL gutter ser- 15 Years In the business R &: R. PAINTING ~. All wort guaranteed and Homes up to code REY:--lOLDS Yl:\YL Free Estimates & ALUMI!IluM SIDING \ Ice Sld10g and tnm, roof Call Ron Hill for your S'I:UDENT WITH 6 Free estimates, References 14 ,'ears In the Pointes 774-3159 DELI\'ERY AVAILABLE repaIrS Reasonable Rell. ProfessIOnal Estimate YEARS EXPERIENCE a;.o:257 Mlke 882.5196 !t!llte 775-2256 EXTERIO R.INTERIOR 779-1805 i72-612-l able I do mv own work 497.5766 FLOOR SANDL"iG, staming LETO BUlDLING CO LICE~SED '& I:--lSURED Professional at very reasona- Free estimates, wortman SL,CE 1911 ROOF GUTIERS ble prices. Grosse Pointe skip guaranteed. call Jim CUSTOM BUILDING JOHN WILLIAMS PAINTING references. Free estimate CLEANED 885-5813 1Dc:b, 38%.53,23 REMODELING Exterior Robbm Roddewig 881-7518 SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES REC ROOMS Flushed and roofs mspected and after 7 p.m 21-11OV1NG KITCHENS Free estimates CASHAN ROOFING Intenor YOUNG'S "NEEDS 882-4968 RELIABLE POINTE resideslt 882-3222 HOT ROOFS STRlcrLY PAINTING SERVICE SINCE Commercial-Residential PROFESSIONAL Quality Pamtlng &: Wallpaper- with moviD& van will move ROOFS and DECKS large or' small quanllties 1909" MODERNIZATION Year.round service 1~ Years Expenence mg Plaster & Drywall GCTTERS and -INSURED FENCING r>unenslOOal Bwldmg Co,. Kit- Shmgles and Repairs Free Estimates Repair References, Free DOWNSPOl"TS Bob lIZ-It.- or 1lZ2-t400 921-6282 RUSTtC STOCKADE chens, Baths, Basements. Work Guaranteed Call Ron Hill Estimates Insured • CHAIN LINK - VINYL Addthons Licensed, 772- Gutters cleaned and Flushed Insured ~3245 Call anytime GROSSE POINTE 497-5766 COlORED-GALVANIZED 4176 New and Repair Work , Jim Young 372-4365 MOVING MiD SfORAGE CO COMMERCIAL - Licensed and Insured Poin&e resideftts wiD move or ADVANCE ~{AINTENANCE 21H-CARPET MICHAE~S EXTERIOR.INTERIOR ~ ... «smalIcpm- RESIDENTIAL a.EANING P£T n.NS ADDmOSS . DECKS 1731~ East Warren PAINTING & PAINTING '1itiIeI cI f\lraiWre. appnan- SNOW FENCE BATHROOMS 88+9512 ea, pianCl5 -«.mat bave Best references, cabinet stam. KITCHENS K-CARPET -REFINISHING Ing. plastermg. fast service. you. Call for free estimates Yr1NDOWS . PORCHES JOHN D. SIMON 34Um« 822-4400 Opera, MEHLE.BACHER FEICE CO. - 10483 IIAIP£I i78-1028-773.£986 CLEANING Intenor.Extenor service licensed, free estimates, -COMMERCIAL Paintmg C E G Pamtmg i57-7232. ted by John &eI.n1JJIer and REMODELING Roofmg. Caullung, COMPANY Bob Breitenbecbet LICENSED 6: I:'iSliRED Weatherstrtppmg, RepaIrs CARPET antlqumg and varruslung, PAINTER All types of pam. LICENSED.INSlJRED striPPing and stalmng MOVERS WORLD SPECIALISTS Co I te K teh Ii sh tmg. Prefer custom work. (U-Haul Company, Inc ) GUY DeBOER • Steam ExtractIOn mp e 1 en re 1m mg Professional, reliable. and 1185-4624 m-3+!6 Free Estimates - 885-3230 Every seniee a,,-ailab&e for l0- FERLITO • Shampoo reasonable With decorators cal Intra. Inta' state IDCMII8- CONSTRUCTION CO. PAQUIN • Spot and Stam Removal GIOVANNI SACCO touch Free estimates Ron - Free estimates Call East • l"pholster) Cleamng DECORATING SERVICE 715-6909 Jefferson MOVing and • All t)1leS of cement work • Adchtlons ROOFING at ,,[fordable pnces • Dnve't\'avs ." Kitchens ~~lI~all:~:~::J,~~~PETER'S PAINTING Storage 882-0688 . 12001 E. Jeffenon ." Patios • ." Garages SPECIALISTS IN clung, caulkmg Insured and Intenor~xtenor Professional 8Z3--S62l ." Bnck &: Block work • Roofmg FLAT ROOFS bcensed. painter Wallpapenng, plas- LlCE~SED I~SI:RED SPECIAL italian Journeyman. tenng, wmdow puttymg and PROFESSIONAL BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MeCALLUM MOVING com- 264-1579 978-2448 caulking Free estimates WE STOP LEAKS. GUARA.....7EED 2 ROO:\IS cleaned. 3rd room • pasty. Modem truck aod 839-7534 Call 365-2452anytime equipmc!Dt Establtsbed In cleaned FREE C CO 1911 - Fully lDSUI"ed. Also, QUAUTY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES D.CARPET BU HANAN & . PAINTER WHO IS reliable piino speciabsts 71&-71!18 GROSSE POINTERS and dependable ISInterested Licensed. Bonded • Insured' CLEANING CO . SERVING THE POINTES in mtenor house painting . PROFESSIONAL CALL US SOW FOR A FREE ESTIM.ATE SHA~1Poo 6: :steam extrac. SINCE 1972 Unlicensed Rates are rea. Wall paper and removal sonable 885-2628 MOVERS tlon spot & :stam removal, free estimate!., 10\\est pnce!> Painting lint and Ext) Persooa1 Fau1l1y ServIce 885-1798 Stamlng and varmshmg EXPERIENCED ProfessIOnal Appliances-Pianos In the Pomtes Financing Availabte i73.{)525 m.l329 Plaster repair painter \\ith references . Insured-Com pare ra leS Texture ceilIngs and walls Plaster drywall repair Call lIlI4-461IO OANNA WESTERN PROFESSIO:--lAL CARPET LICENSED INSURED Mike at 881-8148 21x=PtAN6 and I:pholstery cleaning at 886-4374 RAINBOW Pamtmg InterIor WINDOW SHADES and extenor work AI!Io'T,SHL'TTERS BLI:\1). reasonable rates USing the SEIMCE \'on Schrader method Call coMPLETE PIA.'W service' KAt:nIAl'.'X I GROSSE POINTE guaranteed 20 years ex REIiODEl Tom Barrese Tumnl. rebuilding, reo R.\l DOORS .-\"'0 \\T.\'DO't\ CONTRACTORS Mike 773-5834. Don m-51')5 ~~= fiDisbing Member Plano TecbnlClanl Gwld Zech. SHORESIDE Carpet Clean. CCSTOM PAIl'.'TING AND HA:'oJDY~IAN- Pamtmg All Bo&sner 731-7707 ID&7_ Ing. profeSSIOnal carpet WALLPAPERING prepare work done - In- cleamng Work guaranteed EXPERT ANTIQUING PIANO TU~I~G and repair- GRAfTOP tenor/extenor SatISfactIOn CO'"' T TAKE A Cl1 ...... CE-C ...U A PROFESSION ....l Fully Insured Free Estl guaranteed Greg 882-8188 iee Work gWlranteed SAL!S .. SSMCE 885.8155 15011 KEACHEV M. mates Call i75-3450. 24 Member AntI Edvtard Fel. FREE ESTIMATES I!Io'TERIOR Extenor. by U.M AJ>a; (. East o' Aller • ,- .toe ParK hours ste.46$.Q58 ~:y :..~ ..,~~.,.-.. ..~.... "'" e-...... A.:; student 5 yeC'rs experience !r~S ... ~-e ., ~a ': "'-e~ p~ ~-iJ'l ,...... V 'e-..yA"~ !C ...... 3" TU~ INSURED '", 0"'1 ,- -\ ... ~'lJ ...". ~,.... • .... :t -::'" With profeSSIOnal Jeff PIANO SER\1CES - Tumng CIoS4!d ~ondays DALE Barr Carpet Cleaning :'llcnael Satma!) Jr A. __ .. ::. 1. ..' ~1".Jl: .,..,. ~C...... ' .:t ,. "' ...... 2...- :: ,- ~ • Peterson. 885-8332 and rep6lr Quahfled tech. ... I \. ".,~ .,,'"'-11 f J" .. -"' .....~:: =..rr t.... upholstel) deanmg ...... Indow Pioan FlelUble boors R.ea,. l'O..,l .,. ....c...... cc P F'e- Cost 1(' Advarc.e cleaning 2nd Generatlon WALLPAPER PAI!\'TI~G. mtenor and ex- sonable rates 881-8276 y./.. o-¥" ~;~ :. ~'So-.iV~ ~Q c.a.~ .. O__~ ~U""'i e ..b::'" ='278105 Free Estimates REMOVAL tenor. wall paper. panelmg. GUlter cleaning hard~ ood PIANO refuushmg wood tones Y(ju Get F "'ar"tc "'9 t"'!e P fO ... ,.;~o BY JEFF plaslenng. textured ceiling Cv~.(!'fII'P.n r~ ...... , "W:_ ~~ hf"¥'.f-; ...."'tAI oil' N ~ floors pa:;te ....axed custom colon 2CI Reasonable, lice~d 772. eboeies gf)i!,'lo. lTl\G.- Illtenor/ex 21c-ELEC1'RtCAL y";. ....r;fl" a Toe """'.J-1 'f J.)b F,. Sl'"~j 0'" T rt"!' '-team df'dmng c.arpet and SERVICE • F-.' _. _IS •Ana '"l1li1• IK _ furniture B) \\ lIbur. Doug • Low Rates tenor \/vall wa<;hmg and • UT_ • IITCllfa • CJIITIlIl~S .... and Glenn Carter Call 771', • In<;ured rree estlmatt's domeo;l1C c1eamng Free WADE'S ELECTRIC If,l\(i Also oHenng c.ustom pain! e<;llmate<; Call Thorn COMPANY, 109 mlenor and exlenor 881 7210 21G-ROOFING n95215 n') 2'ffl I:-.TERI(j .. A\D extenor INCORPORATED SERYlce PAt:-'II~G - Jntenor ex. pamtlngand pdperhanglllg 5'''I.iFi~..c" 'T"~ FAST 24 HOUR , \9~ ue .. _ tenor plaster repair, tex. Rea~nabJe ralels, 3(j years SERVICE ~ tured ceilings paper hang. expenence Ray Bal"OO\lo-"iky, mg and rl'moval 882~)48 172-23'12 after Ii pm 814-9500 18332 Mack. Gros.. Pointe CALL 881-1024 Fret:] Consultation A t'l;n~RIOR/EXTERIOR bv JJI',f ~ ',\ ALLf',\Pfo:RIN(, - ELECTRlCA,L V\ORK college student ExpeoenC'l put ... more onlo your walls Resl4entJa1 • Commercial ed v.lth referencell Call for le<;s fo'rce estImate Frte Esllmat~ Brad 88."> P~112 7i2 2i26 ~ &! Tl'l5Ured REMODELING? -- . PAI.....TI .•(, "nr PA !J",jTrV, Ill.lilOe or Clut sma")OtIs IT::.-2966 Pa perh.a rijj; trI~ Beat any pncf' Y.aJlpaper (,!dZlTij!;. wood rlm~hHlg. THINK LETO BLDG. CO. 100 I I Guarantf'ed R82 5Il:l6 S • .i EI.EC'TRK PtEPAM_ SPEOAUSlS 40 Yl'an Expenen<:e ResI~I-eommerclal Why wait? Coli now, ..oo~ AHAI"S ~iIl,A"HtR f,'ree Elillmatel PAI~TJ""(J IntN)(J!'ffo:xt('r No Job__ Too2930Small ______":!~")£!C:...U ...d.,()OoI"':~<.~ __ (' 1111 EveTllI\I!!i lor f'rr;' 1"<;1 Imatf .... Trier !o,t (la Ir Shores 771 'IftfPO.., T S • GIo+lMH£YS REPAIRED ELECTRICAL -010-yOUi~o-~UWMl Y .",'i "(;~-{1rrHO- i~[Gr'[ Of;oo;.oo.. CON11\AcrOR ROOFING AND SIDING BY !MW( "lIl~~ D~ ~Of(!~~~iI._ ipest quGlht)' - Lowell dElOl direct wlm prk'a Free est!ma tf'S loth« At son owned JItCIr. D. Totty C,'NUIU (no, ra/o( TO- and operoMld buSIness MA5TER-ELEcrRIC LETO SINCE m-1IZ5 CAU 182..3222 BUilDING co 1911 ...... " Page Thlrteen-C -Thursday, July 26, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS I 21S-CARPENTER 21J-WAll 210-CEMENT AND 21CAfiENT lAD THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAY BE PUR. 21T -'COMBING AND ~ WASHING BRICK WORK SERVICE HEATING BRICK WORK CHASED FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: LANDSCAPE Cdbuilder Speclallzmg GARDENING wall ....ashlOg. floor cleanmg GRAZIO through the Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods and St repaIred, smk cleanmg 10 home up-dat\J\g and all and waxing Free esllmates CONSTRUCTION MASON CONTRACTOR Clair Shores ) Work limited to a~e only Design, COIWJlroctIOfl, EMantlng. LICENSED-INSURED mmor alld major repalr~ LIcensed m8!>ter plumber PRUNING, mam!enance, 882.0688 Porch enclosure:.. doors ad- • Cement drive. floors, pallos • Bnck • Block • Stone DOWNTOWN: 884-2824 Grosse Pomle Re5tdent • Old garages ral:.ed and • Cement Work )u!>ted, bookshelves lO!>tall INSURED GROSSE POiNTE fireman Ren-Cen, Calumet Tubacco and Gift Shop, mam level, ROBERT NJo~VEUX 884-0536 .... 111 do wall \\ clshlllg 821. rene\\ed • Waterproofmg ed, paneling. new counter 21U-JANITOR near 100 Tower tops, vamtw!> Code VIOla 29M • Ne\\ gdrdge door:, dnd • Tuck Pomtmg SERVICE TRIMMING, removal, spray tlOns corrected "'or l..Our- IIlg, feeding and stump re reframmg • Patios of any kllld JEFFERSON AVE.: WALL Washmg. neat, rehable • New garages bullt PORCHES AND ALL BRICK teous expert as!>I~tdnce In CRYSTAL clear home and moval "'ree Estimates service Rea!>onable rates Park Pharmacy, Noltmgham and Jt'fferson ImprOVIl1~your hOllle In an~ Window cleanmg 15% diS- Complete tree service Call Family operated :.lI1ce 1962 \!;ORK A SPECIALTY Village Wine Shop, Beaconsfield and Jefferson For free ('st!mates 882.6348 Licensed and Insured area PleaSe c,,11 me at count References avalluble Fleming Tree Service. 774- 882.1800 881079(1 7~ 7098 6460 21K-WINDOW 774-3020 772-1771 MAUMEE: LAWN CARE. cut, edge, trim, Bon Secours H05Pltal, Cadieux and Maumee, gift shop ALTImATION~ -- l\lodcrm WASHING CAPIZZO CONST. 21 W-DRESSUlkiNG sahsfa<:lion guaranteed, 12 J.\CK \\ ILLlAl\IS SChettler Drugs, Fisher and Maumee lallon. hIIIall tr' Art's Party Store, Wayburn and Kercheval knits a speclall} Call Barb wHln: S~OW REMOVAL num and gulter~ cleaned LI(,f~N~E[) free estimate!> Lowest • PATlO~ • ~TEPS • ETC ed&SetDo~nOnNc ....Rat. Revco Drugs, "In The Village" 7744251 10 a m -7 p m • Rolo Tilling 885 0602 Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Dame and Kercheval o Lawn CUtllOg pi Ice!>111 the POllltes wall &. Floor 885.4624 772-3446 INSURED GrOSl>ePOinte Book Village, on Kercheval, between QU ALITY seamstress 109/ • Top Soil 773 u525 777 1329 D & L MASON Contractors - LICENSED alteratIOns Kayla, l1&H7&4 be- bnc\o. and block, fireplace 885-0612 Notre Dame and CadIeux • fo'erttllZlng A OK WI~DOW CLEA:';ERS TONY GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 Kercheval ALBERT D. THOMAS fore 6 p m o Edgmg and repair 774 Y032 Service on stroms and screens Perry Drugs on the HIli INC. AI.TERA TIONS AND se"'!fig • Power Hakmg Also dome!>tJc house clean RYAN Trail Apothecary on the Hili Can flOl!>h)our unrtmshed • Log ~phttlOg TESOUN BROS. C()~THAC TOH~. 1M' 1I1g Fl ee e!>tllTIdtes I\lon CONSTRUCTION Cottage Hospital Gift Shop, MUIr and Kercheval projects Fast. teIJa hie. • EstablIShed 1976 thly rates 775.1b90 or 773- CEMENT CONT. Wp art. I!eneral contractor~ reasonable. W~_88&-17l7 o Licensed' IMured ~ ...... • "'.... I ,...&.1-... ,...."DI..__c:vruy._ ...... 1,t:1lIt:1Il dliU U,"'-" "VI" .. . One call takes care or all "SMALL Alterations .. Hush • I'ree estlmale! ~"* Dflvewcl)'!>. basement and Dnves - PdtlOS - Floors Lou's Party Store, Lakepomte and CharlevOIX G OL~lIN garage floors, rat\\dlls. your bUlldlng-remodehng JObs a specla Ity QualJty 77l-4l808 Sea\\ ails - Decks problems. large or small work Grosse Pomte Park WINDOW CLEANING footmgs. patIOs. ral~lI1g Garage bUilt or raised MACK AVE.: DEPENDABLE ~. stu- SERVICE garages Free estimates, Free Estlmates, ProfesSIOnal Devonshire Drug, Devonshire and Mack TU 2-0628 885-2206 dent cater to aU of your needs FREE ESTIMATES "44" Years In Busm~s Work, Licensed and Insured Don's Party Store, Country Club and Mack ALTERATIONS and restora- lanc:bcapmg I have WE ARE INSURED 777 0642 or 777-626J Yorkshire Market, Yorkshire and Mack POINTE CARPENTRY -Spe- tIOns, custom dressmaking my own equipment and 372.3022 778.4271 469-1694 Parkles Party Store, 5t Clair and Mack Cialties IOclude rec rooms, European trained Call 10 transportatlon 1 do quah.y MIKE GEISER Alger Party Store, St Clair and Mack decks. addItIOns, kitchens, am .6pm 8829820 'Work at a affordable pnce ANDY'S MASONRY AND For free estimate call Chns DALE Barr Wmdow cleamng. CEMENT CHIMNEY REPAIR Rand's Pharmacy, McMillan and Mack comrnerc lal \\ ork, free TIRED OF Your fit? Excellent at 8&HI479 carpet deamng. upholstery CONTRACTOR All masonry, bnck, 'Water pro- Arbor Drugs, 7 Mile and Mack e~tlmates 882 '1255 alteratlOns and sewing .. St John HOSPital, Morass near Mack, Gift Shop and cleanmg. 2nd GeneratIOn ofmg repairs SpecialIZIng in KITCHEN Cabmets and l"ur- Before 5 p m r.all 886-1524 MAC'S 527.8105 Free Estimate WATERPROOFING The Nook tuck pomtmg and small jobs mture Custom made m solid SPRING CLEAN.UP Gutler cleamng, hard \\ ood DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS. Licensed, Insured Merit Woods Pharmacy, Bournemouth and Mack oak, cherry, or walnut, reo 21 X-OR1P£RIES floors paste waxed Harkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and Mack WALKS, STEPS, Reasonable l"ree estimates ferences, portfolio. free csb. CUSTOM DRAPERIES ~ Compk-te yard work. lawn. K.\\ INDOW c1eamng com- TUCK POINTING 881-{)505, 882-3006 Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack mates. quality workman. shrub arid tree tnmmuli. Mr C's Deli, RIdgemont and Mack Quality work reasonable elc Reasonal*! rates, qual- pan) Storms, screens, gut- NO JOB TOO SI\1ALL ship Ken 521-1637 527-9282 prices Wide selections of Ity ~rvl« C&ll Tom,77&- ters, alwnmum cleaned In. REA & SON Bob's Drug Store, Roslyn and Mack FREE ESTIMATES CAHPENTHY SERVICE - fabtlcs DISCounts Ofl rods. 4429 or 812~1~ sured Free Estimates CONSTRUCTION INC shades. sbutlers. and bbnds 881.6000 EAST WARREN AVE,: all repalr~ and ~mall JObs 882-0688 ALL TYPES OF The Wine Basket, Outer Drive and E Warren HIJdegard,II84-2&10,97&-2691 o LANDSCAPING CEMENT WORK Llcen;,cd 7778714 WINDOW Washmg - Spring Mr C's, Grayton and E. Warren CALL SONYA {or too oll2htv COMPANY J.W. KLEINER Garages and ModermzatlOn 71Eleven, East Warren between Cadieux and Balduck 21T-PLUMBING & and fall change Neat, draeery and curtains - an>: • Spring Clean.Up Licensed and Insured Park HEATING reliable service References CEMENT CONTRACTOR Over 30 Years Experience st)le 15 years expenence • Cutting CEMENT - BRICK - STOl"E Mr C's Dell, Morang & Kelly Reasona ble priCes, free Brian - 882-6348 372-7191 772.7191 • Hedle Tnmmu18 SPRING Change-Over Pdllos, wdlks, porches EAST DETROIT: TONY estimate m-4OO8 • Edgtnl steps. drlve\\-ays The Ma:.ter Plumber Lowest Pntel Around Storms stored, Windows JACK WILLIAMS Merit Book Center, 22425 Kelly near 9 Mile Road cleaned inSide and out Call Flagstone repair (Son of Eml)) ~ • Free EstlDlllles • Tuck pomtmg, patchIng GENERAL CONTRACTOR ST. CLAIR SHORES: No Job too small Ne.... an, 177-1321 Greg 882.8188 Asphalt patchmg and sealmg CONCRETE & BRICK WORK repairs, vlOlatlOllS GROSSE POiNTE fireman • DRIVEWA YS • PORCHES Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon Free TESTA CEMENT VALENTE'S STEVE 865-0406 • SbIde ue. DLaD&ed estimate!> Get ready for fall CUSTOM LAMPSHADE • Sod remov.r rep&llcect CO., INC. WATERPROOFING AND 21Q-P LASTER 21 S:::CXRPENTER 881.2477 886-5870 BASEMENT REPAIR SERVICE EMIL THE CLEANING AND • Blue IfU!I sod WORK RENOVATION • Shade sod Servmg The Pomtes We dig, work guarantei!d PLUMBER • Oae day Mr'VICe For 37 Ye<>rs Plastenng cracks QUALITY carpentry dnd For 922-SS10 21O--CEMENT AND LICENSED Al\'D INSURED QUALITY !lPECl,\LIZING IN • SonntJer s)'ltemS BRICK WORK Dnveways, garage floors 18 years experience 881~ ehmm ated Tailored reo mica work, new or refaced, 382 GRAND BOULEVARD .lfnck.Pa~ • Kilcht'n.~ • Bathrooms patIOS, porches WET BASEMENT~ CrackS, pairs 30 years Grosse CommerCIal - Resldenllal DETROIT -18207 • EAlbIiIbedI_ LICl:I8560 INS Free Store ftxtures, displays also • Laundry room and VIOlatlon; • ReI~ fW1IIIbed R.L. STREMERSCH floor leaks, block walls Pomtl' references • Old and ne", work Free Estimates estlma tes, Jim Blackwell counters, kllcheJ\l>.vaOltll'S. POI:"'TER LANDSCAPE straightened & braced All doon. fo'ree Estimates 1900 CEMENT CONTRACTOR 821-705 J, If no .lJ\swer, 294- rec rooms, hl\Og All !JIll. Ma"ter Plumber ~ 881-1016 work guaranteed Licensed rcpalrs and ftm:.h work 16 Cement and Insured Rld-A-Leak 0034 'Son of Emil) Driveways years expenence Free esti- 777-'}22,() RING And Dry ....all 882-0029 PatiO'> LUGI-F PLASTE mates VIto Saplt'n/.a 77-1 BOB SCHOllER Bnckwork AMERICAN repairs Texturing and "tuc- 8933 TREE SERvtC£ CEMENT WORK WATER-PROOFING co IllIlured Pete Taormma, Basement Waterproofing CARPE!IITER - "mall and CLEMENS SCHUeTI Steps Seven Year Guarantee' 469-2967 MASTER m:ATING MA~ Good work on nght price Free EstImates large JObs. 32 y<'ars ex • RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL Tuck Pomtmg New and Repair Work PLASTE RING and Drywall penence Frt>t! eoshmates Heatlllg & Cooling 'I/o Job too small Licensed Contractor Nell Sq ulres. 757-m72 PlumbmK Repair • TREE REMOVAL • ('.ABtlNG " PftUNlSG DrIve garage Ral~mg Dlggmg Done by Hand l.1('ensed 527~ • STUMP REMOVAL • mnu. DAMAGE Free Estimates Walks' Steps • Porches • Sc\\l'r Lie,wlng Call 372-4927 for a SUPERI OR PLASTERING CARPENTER wad. pill('llllg fo'rt'CEl>llmalt'S • TRE~ TOPPING • LAND Cu:.ARINC SPECIALIZING IN Free Form PatIO • TRIMMING • SNOW REMOVAL FREE AND PA INTINGCOMPAl\Y Partitions, shelVing, doors, 7 d.tYl> a \\f'('k- and color Brochure on The [)o's and DRIVEWAYS AND All types of plaster v.ork. kItchens C1'lhnR5. repaln. 0\ Tuck Pamllng. & Chimney No ('rt!nlt' {'hargl' • 14 HOIJR l':MERGE"Ii('Y WORK Don'ts of Ba!>€ment drywall repair. t'f'ffient !>tuc Small JOb> 882 2795 4-15-6922 775-{)102 BASEMENT Basement Waterproofmg 'Waterprooflng and co repa Ir. tuck POlOllOtl In. • FREl': l':S1'IMATES Free Eslimates I"ORMI( A ~peclallst. KI1('ht'n WATERPROOFING How To Illre A sured G'rosse POinte Refer- 21S::CXRPENTER 2llSOAUARD 294-6449 771.9796 LEGITIMATE enca f'ree eshma~ Tom and bath. cw.tom colbHletll SERVICE 881.8526 GR~ POlNTE WOODS 884-7139 Contractor For Your 88.'i~99J ReAsonablt' ('all anytime Llccn~ed • Bondffi Own Protl'Ctloo U<'f'11Itd m~176 PLASn: RIj'I,G, DRYWAl.L. CALANDRA TIlO:\IE (<>n~lructlon All re MIKE GEISER erram Ie hie tuck polOhnK. CONSTRUCTION ml'nt work done :\0 Job too stU<"co . ~ }esn. ex pt'rtence, ~mall Guarantf'("C! llIl2 "l836 • Gmg &, framing CEMENT CONT. rree r'\'i tlmall'!li Guarllnlee'd ('a 11 \' alentlOo. 172 '1462 • Cement dn~rway~ ~~Ialllmg IJ\ 'n aterproorll1!! • Porch(><, truck pomtmg and Ouhlde City Vloldtlon~. PLASn: RING and dryWAll. C,tuahty 10 matenal .!Od fo'rN' E~timall"l tf'xturl"d celILng. painting, ....orkmdru.hlp 881-6000 \10 a llpapt' r paneling C.II Llcen ..ed & Insured anytll''Oe I.I<'f'nM'd m 4176 JOSEPH STREMERSCH PA1.ME R PLASTI~HlNG and 468-7069 dryv.llll 20 \ ell "" fOXpc'r1t'll<'fO. 211-'lO .... NG BI\"'!'.\U:~T l\,jo JOh too small Fret' AND HEATING AND HEATtNG \'r,\n'HPHO(W1N(; rt'allOMhl(' All POR('m.S. pATln~ ....f..'" or f'<>tlma It"> 1------._~------Walh f{f'fl'IltM1 'Work~ arrantt"('(1. 79'~27J6 r(.hulit tllck pOlntlO~. ~tra\llhtt'nffi I t• .,ld\ l fllCr.t (: au!r.lngt Rt'llld<:('Il I f\1~Ut....' ...... RS'"'Nt pamt ~Ntlt'r I/,Ilh IIIn:x I PLA STERING All Work (.IM ranteffi I-'rl'f' Mot Imatf':ll, law rale or ('emf'nl Wor t:~TABLl'llf}m 1924 ------372.0580 "" '\2fi '\Mfl 1'1.1\~n.HIN(i ANn dl\Wllll • »nv(,'Wl\Y~ All t}'Pf'" of ttf'm~nl ~lIll'r r"p,.lr FrN' ,.~llmat"!I • 1',1110'\ pr{)(,{lrijI I ,yN11"'IJ(UlIranlf'" 21L-TitE I rl'fl'rl'n •t., Llil 11M lf242 It..:,,]nf..N11.\I . WORK • B,I<,('ml'nl .... "'.rprcll'lllnfo( H,'ff'rl'n( t., Kllfi 'IW, Kill h ,ht r • BfI( k &: 1110'k 'l'.ork - -- - - I 1'J.A..,n.R/DIHWALL pat! CERAMIC TILElI 4\ i\I.lTY 'WOHK china Ulpll'l, Ipr.\ tfOXj (,00» PHJ( I':~ FERLITO lur~1I FrM' "llm.lel I K";N'~ S":'nI':H (U:A:\I~{, & & MARBLE Fr.nk ~lorm 2V',).{J14J I ( \ <.,TlJ~ Kl ILT CONSTHlK'TION ('0 776 7~2 Pl.l'MBIN(; 77to7').t2 Foyen. Kllthfon (mmtf'r (,AkM,f'.'I Prof~ililonaJ AN' you 1lN'C1 0( payJnl! hll(h I'rll'l''\ ff)r _fOr Tops. kathro(Jmll L....akl~ I \ "I/) AIJIlr110'''' Watf'rproof'lnR 121R=JOMNffOME I Shower Pal1ll ~Irf'd All __A_'" I --'" cM-_nlne .. I'lumhtnfl~ WI" '0\ III dl"lIn IIn)' ... I l.1("nM"C!. fW",,,,,,",.' MU,n, I w- [ ...~ks I AI,"'" work guarant Lwen.'t<."<, •. ., """ W'WflI' up to 1011 tt for $3.'1 'lO No N"Iult.ol. I'KI I t'harle Sf1'tIOf ClIltfln dIM uunl QUALITY C'r.Ftaman SPrvlnI RIB~~OO"TILE I 88£5:';'79'8 i ~:~~Rf~~~::;:(rrOflM' Pomte Irq In hori'w i repalr'll.nd rMlO....hOfll . Free _um.teI Call even- SAT1Sf'ACTION taJARANTfo:t.;n " ,~ ,I. I(/U',. FINANCING AVAILABLfo: &~:~~~EI I 885.1798 , 1l1li J G~ I2U4.2I

• • 4 .. ~'f,< Thursday, July 26, 19P GROSSE POINTE NEWS ;"~ Fourteen-C

~ "~'1S- , ..,>. ." North High honors its dedicated spring athletes ... ~ very difficult time at the states 10 : with the coaches athlete who exemphfy great ability an excellent student stayed behind so she could com- swimming, but he more than made By Rick Mukel Like Tim, Stacie Williams has plete her senior year at North. To win the award Tim and Stacie and leadership Dedication IS the were first selected as nommees by up for thiS In running when he be- North Higb earned fOUf lelters and has co. For theU" accomplishments bottom hne for Tim and Stacie the Varsity Club. They were then came the state 800 meter cham- that captained both the girls' cross Slherldan and WIlliams WID receive It goes without questJOn to They aclue\'e their results through selected by a vote taken by each pion. sports a person must be country and track teams Williams a trophy and have their names en- dO well in hard work, and their achIevements varsity coach and Tom Teetaert saw action 10 three sports (temus, graved on a plaque presented 10 Reallstlcally, a top SIX fmish was dedicated. North athletes Tim show It (Enc's former coach) Sheridan and Stacie Wllhams were Sheridan partiCipated In loot- track, and cross country) with Enc's name hoped for 10 the 800 run. But Mona- Enc Van Hee, for whom the • • • just that as recipients of the 1984 ball, basketbc1l1 and baseball at eight teams. She also quahfled for North graduate Tim Monahan han ran the best 800 meters of his tric Van Hee "Most Dec:bcated Ath- :'oJorth He's been a captam or co- the "states" four years 10 a row m a\\ard IS named, ",as a former life He got off to a quick start, ~orth athlete who graduated m has come full circle thiS year lete Award. " , captam for five teams Wmnmg track Also dn excellent student, Through his adventures he has ex- stayed close, and then ralhed on his The Van Hee award is gIVen an. four letters, t\\ a each 10 baseball \\ Ilhams proved her dedication 1!174 During hiS years at North, usual last second kick to win the EriC demonstrated an outstandlng perienced the thrill of victory and nually at North's awards rught and basketball he became presI- \\ hen her father" as transferred to the agony of defeat Monahan had a champIOnship heat In 1'553. ceremony to the male and female dent of the VarsIty Club and IS also Bulfalo Stacie and her mother dedlcahon and ",as very popular

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, ~~ , - . .,'1"J .. " ~""....,... ~

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