Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Inspection 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham

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Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Inspection 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Inspection 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham McCarthy & Stone Rob Corcoran BSc MSc ACIEEM Seasonal Author – Date 30/07/2019 Senior Ecologist Gabrielle Graham BSc (Hons) MSc MCIEEM Approver Date 16/08/2019 CEcol - Managing Director Project number 3814-1 Report and version number 1.0 Survey Date 15/07/19 · SWT Ecology Services · Gorse Lane · Chobham · Surrey · GU24 8RB · · 01483 795 440 · Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Assessment 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham McCarthy & Stone The contents of this report were correct at the time of the site visit. The report is provided for the sole use of the named client and is confidential. All rights in this report are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without our written permission. Its content and format are for the exclusive use of the addressee in dealing with this. It may not be sold, lent, hired out or divulged to any third party not directly involved in this situation without our written consent. SWT Ecology Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Surrey Wildlife Trust, registered in England no: 11034197. VAT no: 791 3799 78. SWT Ecology Services 3814-1/Report 1.0 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Assessment 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham McCarthy & Stone Contents 1 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Scope of work.......................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Survey area ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Assessment of development proposals .................................................................................. 9 2.6 Limitations ............................................................................................................................... 9 3 Legislative and planning policy framework ................................................................................... 10 4 Baseline Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Desk study results ................................................................................................................. 10 4.2 Extended Phase 1 habitat survey results .............................................................................. 12 4.3 Bat Preliminary Roost Assessment Results .......................................................................... 16 4.4 Roost suitability ..................................................................................................................... 17 4.5 Impact assessment ............................................................................................................... 17 5 Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Protected sites....................................................................................................................... 18 5.3 Protected habitats ................................................................................................................. 18 5.4 Biodiversity Opportunity Areas (BOAs) ................................................................................. 18 5.5 Protected species .................................................................................................................. 19 5.6 Species of conservation concern .......................................................................................... 21 5.7 Non-native invasive plant species ......................................................................................... 21 6 Ecological Enhancements ............................................................................................................. 23 7 References and Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 24 8 Appendix 1: Vascular plant species recorded during Phase 1 habitat survey .............................. 26 9 Appendix 2: Legislation and Planning Policy ................................................................................ 31 10 Appendix 3: Protected species and species of conservation concern desk study results ............ 37 11 Appendix 4: Survey calendar ........................................................................................................ 47 Figures Figure 1: Extended Phase 1 habitat survey results ................................................................................ 3 Figure 2: Site photographs ...................................................................................................................... 4 Tables Table 1: Summary of recommendations ................................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Statutory and non-statutory designated sites desk study results ........................................... 11 Table 3: Phase 1 habitat survey results ................................................................................................ 13 Table 4: Target notes ............................................................................................................................ 16 3814-1/Report 1.0 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Assessment 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham McCarthy & Stone 1 Summary Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) Ecology Services was commissioned on 28th June 2019 by McCarthy & Stone to undertake a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and Preliminary Roost Assessment of 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham. McCarthy & Stone is proposing to demolish the three dwellings on site, and construct 36 new residential apartments, with associated parking, residential lounge and refuse area. The PEA and PRA are required to: Identify the likely ecological constraints associated with the project Identify whether any mitigation measures are likely to be required Identify additional surveys that may be required to inform an Ecological Impact Assessment Identify the opportunities within the project to deliver ecological enhancement. The information collected can then be used to inform the development design. The PEA and PRA comprised a desk study, based on information provided by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC), an extended Phase 1 habitat survey to assess the habitats present within the survey area, and an internal and external inspection for bats of the buildings on site. The survey visit was undertaken on 15th July 2019 The results of the desk study are summarised below. Four protected sites were recorded within 2km of the survey area; of which the closest is 300m to the north of the survey area Ninety-three protected species were recorded within 2km of the survey area; of which the closest is slow worms recorded within the survey area. The following seven Phase I habitat types were recorded during the field survey: Semi-improved neutral grassland Tall ruderal Amenity grassland Ephemeral/ short perennial/ semi-improved neutral grassland mosaic Species-poor hedge Species-poor hedge with trees Buildings Fence Bare ground/ introduced shrub mosaic During the PRA, each building was assessed as having moderate suitability for roosting bats. The habitats present are likely to support the following protected species, or species of conservation concern: Bats (buildings) Reptiles (semi-improved grassland, tall ruderal, ephemeral/short perennial/semi- improved neutral grassland mosaic) 3814-1/Report 1.0 1 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Preliminary Roost Assessment 54-58 Reading Road, Wokingham McCarthy & Stone Breeding birds (buildings, species-poor hedge, species-poor hedge with trees) Hedgehog (semi-improved grassland, tall ruderal, ephemeral/short perennial/semi- improved neutral grassland mosaic) The development proposals will result in the loss of suitable roosting habitat for bats, and suitable habitat for reptiles, breeding birds and hedgehog. In the absence of mitigation, site clearance may lead to the killing and injury or bats, breeding birds, reptiles and hedgehogs. Further survey will be required to determine the significance of the impact on bats and reptiles. A summary of the recommendations is presented in Table 1. The further surveys recommended in Table 1 must be completed before a planning application is submitted and will inform the Ecological Impact Assessment which will accompany the planning application (CIEEM 2017). Table 1: Summary of recommendations Type of Recommendation recommendation Further surveys Dusk emergence/ dawn return to roost surveys should be conducted of each dwelling and a reptile presence/ likely absence survey should be conducted of all areas of suitable reptile habitat on
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