Census Cir 82 Dt 25022011.Pdf
Census- 2011 Annexure-I Wards/Charges as per density of Houseless Density Ward Nos. Plan of Charge Officer Remarks 25.02.2011 26.02.2011 27.02.2011 28.02.2011 Heavy Density 9,14,15,76,77,78,79,80,81,82 To contact HRC/NGO as Mapping of locations where Houseless found with the Complete Enumeration - ,83,84, 85,86,87,88,89,154 per list attached help of HRC/NGO including temperory/permanent of all Houseless persons and 200 night shelters and allocation of enumerators including temperory/permanent night shelters Medium Density i) 16,17,23,24,48,54,60,64,6 To contact HRC/NGO as Mapping of locations where Houseless found with the - Complete Enumeration of all 7,68,74,90,91 & NDMC 1-per list attached help of HRC/NGO including temperory/permanent Houseless persons including 9 night shelters and allocation of enumerators temperory/permanent night shelters ii) 111,117,143,147,148,152, 156,167,185,194,197,206 and 208 iii) 222,227,234,237,250,251, 252 and 258 Low Density All other Wards except above To locate Mapping of locations where Houseless found with the - Complete Enumeration of all mentioned temperory/permanent help of HRC/NGO if required including Houseless persons including night shelters if any temperory/permanent night shelters and allocation of temperory/permanent night shelters within their Ward enumerators boundary. They may contact the persons cocerned from the Note: 1.) For the Medium Density Houseless population, Shri, S.S.A. Jafri, DDCO, G.C. Joshi, DDCO & Shri R.K.
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