PROPHECY III INTO THE MISTS Rules for the Prophecy LiveLive----ActionAction Role Playing Game

These Rules are adapted from the EXILE Rules, with the permission of the author, Truax McFarland, to whom we extend our sincere and grateful thanks.

Prophecy LARP P.O. Box 105 Hurley, Y 12443

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We would like to thank the many creative and talented people who have helped Prophecy mean so much to all of us. We also extend a hearty welcome to our cast members, new and returning, some of whom were wonderful players in the first campaign. Finally, we would like to thank all of the players, past and present, that breathe life into this world. We hope you enjoy this journey.

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Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 (heh) INTRODUCTION 4 RULES AND POLICIES 7 CHARACTER CREATION 10 CHARACTER RACES 14 Children of Novum 15 Durriken 16 Elves 17 Goblins 18 Humans 19 Petrogens 20 Ratkin 21 GIFTS AND FLAWS 22 BACKGROUNDS 25 Ardenshire 25 Clarion 25 Deepwood 25 Falendale 26 Free Commons 26 Gwent 26 Serewaene 27 Walker of the Endless March 27 Nieva 28 Rachenza 28 Venelasque 28 SKILLS 29 Alchemy & Craft Skills 30 Faith Skills 33 Fighting Skills 33 Combat Styles 35 Information Skills 38 Magical Skills 40 Medical Skills 43 Mundane Skills 45 Racial Skills 45 Stealth Skills 47 Weapon Skills 48 COMBAT 49 DEATH & DYING 53 MAGIC 55 Effects 56 Sample Spells 61 RELIGION 72 ITEMS 81 SIGNS & MARKINGS 86 TRAPS & PHYSICAL CHALLENGES 87 CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT & BETWEEN GAMES 88 PLAYER INFORMATION 90 CAMPAIGN INFORMATION 91 APPENDICES 95 Basic Item Charts 95 Feats of Legend 105

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A Call to the Citizens of Arden-

A strange and unnatural curse has arisen, to devour the very heart of Gwent. The Gwentish people have sought to defend themselves from this curse, but to no avail. Even the Mist Wardens, stalwart defenders against the darkness, have fallen against this enemy.

His Lordship, Baron Egalin Sepulcrave, of the demesne of Westfalia, thereby extends this invitation for all brave and noble Citizens of Arden to aid Gwent in its hour of need. He shall provide shelter and stipend for as long as there is need, asking only that Gwent be saved from whatever seeks to destroy it.

Talented citizens are needed for all endeavors: combat, research, diplomacy, medical and surgical disciplines, knowledge of schools of magic, and all crafting trades. Volunteers should proceed to what remains of the town of Westphalia, in the Duchy of Gwent, to be mustered into immediate service as Guardians.

-Baron Egalin Sepulcrave

The Prophecy Epic The Kingdom of Arden has seen much peril and strife, and faced enemies great and terrible over the centuries. Yet in each time of great trial there have been brave and wise heroes who stood and faced the challenges. The names of these heroes fill the great epics; tales of the Defenders of Vaurendale and the Protectors of Rachenza still echo across the lands on the lips of bards and storytellers.

But now, a new darkness rises, and new heroes must answer the Call.

It is the year 710. The frightful mists of the Duchy of Gwent have begun to reach out past their borders in the Dead Marsh. Towns and villages are consumed by the Mists, their inhabitants seemingly lost forever. Alarmed, the Duke's counselors mobilize the Mist Wardens, who are sent into the Dead Marsh to discover the secret of the Mists. One fateful night, the Mist Wardens enter the Mists, ready to do battle... and vanish.

Gwent, the land of spirits and haunts and perilous bogs, now stands defenseless. Bandits ply their foul trade in the lawless and fearsome wastelands. Strange lights flicker in the swamp, luring travelers to their doom. And the Mists grow thicker.

Baron Sepulcrave, lord of the lands closest to the mists, recalls the other dark times in Arden's history and sends out the Call. He begs those of courage, intelligence, and patriotic hearts from all across Arden to brave the perils of Gwent and go INTO THE MISTS.

It is a time when the ancient knowledge of the past must be regained, when hope must be rekindled, when great deeds must be done. It is a time of high adventure, and you are about to become part of it!

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What is Live Action Roleplaying?

Live Action Roleplaying, or LARP as it is often called, is a form of art, recreation, and social gathering all rolled into one. LARP events are often referred to as Games , and may take place at an outdoor or indoor location, and may last a few hours or an entire weekend.

The chosen physical location will represent a Setting , and a number of people known as Cast populate the setting with characters ranging from monks to brigands to ghosts to wild beasts. Cast members will usually play several different Characters during an event. The actions of the Cast are guided by a number of inter-connected Plots , which are written and directed by the Prophecy Staff .

A Player will create a single Character, with personality, desires, goals, motives, skills, etc., using this rulebook. The Player will then portray that Character, and interact within the world of the Setting. So while Cast Characters (sometimes called Non-Player Characters or NPCs) must for the most part follow a pre-written Plot, as directed by the Staff, the Player Characters (or PCs) are free to do what they will within the confines of the Rules. A good way to think about it is that the Game is like a sweeping epic novel, in which the Players are the main characters, while the Cast and Staff provide the opposing forces, setting, and side characters.

In Prophecy, we plan to run mostly weekend events at a rural wooded site, several times a year, for 3 years. The events will be part of an overall Campaign , with a main over-arcing Plotline that has a definite ending point. Depending on the actions of the Players, that ending point may be reached earlier or later.

The Game revolves around “real” actions. What this means is that when you choose to do something you must actually do it. You can never “say” you are doing something and have it happen for you. You must actually do it. If you say, “I climb up this wall”, all it means is that your character has just said that, which will get you some odd looks, but won’t save you from your enemies.

There should be no need for you to ask other players out-of-game questions, such as “Do I recognize you?” or “What do I see?” These questions should be avoided. There may be a few cases where you will need to ask another player to clarify a situation, but these should be rare.

You can do anything that you are capable of accomplishing without breaking the rules, endangering another player or yourself, disrupting the flow of game, calling a Hold, or damaging other people's property. There are some things you just can’t do, even if “realistically” your character could do them.

The reasons for this are to avoid situations like the following:

Player A: “Okay, I set the hut on fire. You guys must be roasting in there by now, come on out!” Player B: “Actually, I broke down the back wall and climbed up that tree.”

This sort of thing confuses the continuity of the game. Examples of things you cannot “say” you are doing include: cutting off limbs, breaking down doors, violation of another’s person, and burning items. There are also some real-life actions we would ask you to refrain from for your own safety, and the safety of others. This information can be found in the Rules and Policies section of the Rule Book.

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What to Expect Prophecy is a game intended for people who enjoy complex plotlines, intensive roleplaying, and tough, meaningful fights. The person who will get the best experience out of Prophecy is someone who attends regularly, is eager to roleplay and get into plots, and enjoys challenges. While we expect that someone who comes occasionally or even just once can still have an enjoyable time, we intended Prophecy as a series of episodes in a continuing plotline, thus it will be more meaningful to a person who can participate regularly.

The Prophecy rules are more complex than some other systems, so please expect that you will have to spend some time reading this book at least once through in detail. You will have a difficult, and probably less enjoyable, time if you arrive at an event without having read the rules and created your character ahead of time. We could have chosen a simpler rules system, but chose the current rules because we felt they would best allow us to create the complex world and plots of Prophecy.

A Note on the Rules These Rules are meant as a guideline. It would be impossible to include every single detail on the possible interpretations of all rules. We ask that you follow the spirit of the rules and not be a “Rules Lawyer”. It is reasonable to ask questions, but if you are constantly demanding the clarification of minute points purely in the interest of “power”, the Prophecy Staff may be forced to define the rules to such an extent it becomes unpleasant to play the game any longer. Remember, we are all here to have fun!

A Note for Returning Players Prophecy III: Into the Mists continues the story of the lands of Arden that was begun in Prophecy I: Vaurendale and continued in Prophecy II: Rachenza. However, Prophecy III takes place some 100 years in the future, following the events of Prophecy II, and concerns events in the Duchy of Gwent. As such, we advise any returning players of the following:

• You must create a new character for Prophecy III. You may not carry over money, items, or skills from your previous character(s). • You may carry over any gamebucks acquired from both the first and second Prophecy campaigns. • Your Prophecy III character may have access to any lore you learned in previous campaigns if you provide a reasonable explanation as to why (such as, your PIII character is a historian). However : • Specific lore introduced in PI and PII is highly unlikely to have any bearing on the events of the PIII campaign. Although the cosmology, theology and history will remain consistent in the new campaign, the main plot-lines will rely upon exciting new swaths of lore developed for this campaign specifically. • Some rules have been significantly altered. We ask for your patience and understanding: all changes were made in the interest of running the game more smoothly and to avoid burning out the staff (especially the hard-working logistics people!).

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Safety Rules: These are the most important rules in this book. Follow them above all others, and at all times.

Running at ight The single greatest safety risk you face in live roleplaying is NOT combat. It is running at night over rough terrain, risking falling and bashing your brains out on a rock. Prophecy plot is written to avoid such situations, but to totally forbid running at night would stifle too much of the action. HOWEVER, always use extreme caution when running. Try to avoid pursuing other players at night.

Combat Force When fighting with padded weapons, you must always pull your blows so as not to strike too hard. No blow should cause real pain. If you are struck by a blow that you think is too forceful, say “Excessive Force”. The hit DOES NOT COUNT! Everyone is different, so you will have to adjust to your opponent’s level of comfort. Blows that some players would hardly notice are quite unpleasant for others. No one should feel uncomfortable about calling “Excessive Force”. It doesn’t mean you are a wimp. You are actually helping the game by keeping things under control. If you feel a player is abusing this rule, smile, make nice, and inform the staff.

Combat Targets Do not strike the head or groin. Hits to the hands do not count.

Weapon Safety All weapons must be inspected by the staff before every event. For guidelines on weapon construction, consult the “Combat” section of the Rule Book.

Blocking Doors Blocking or holding a door with your body or furniture is not allowed. Do not try to physically force doors open.

Fire No unattended flames are allowed at any time. No combat may occur within 10 feet of an open flame. Please do not yell “Fire” unless there really is an out-of-game emergency.

Light No lights with directed beams may be used, at all. You can modify flashlights and lanterns so that they aren’t “aimed” by adding a diffuser or film. Glowsticks are also safe and useful. Blue and yellow lights have in-game significance, so please avoid using these colors unless you are instructed to do so by a staff member.

Drugs, Alcohol, Real Weapons These are NEVER allowed. You will be instantly “disinvited” if you are found with these. This includes coming to an event “under the influence”. You may bring a pocketknife or similar tool for utilitarian purposes.

Physical Contact No physical contact is allowed in game without the other player’s permission. No direct physical contact is allowed in combat AT ALL, and you should avoid getting within arm’s length, unless using a fist-sized packet.

o Unsafe Stunts or Climbing Please do not climb trees or buildings, or jump out of windows.

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Carrying Other People There will be many instances during the course of the Prophecy Campaign when your character will want to lift or carry another character. We strongly encourage you to “roleplay” this action, rather than actually picking up and carrying the other person. Take them by the arm and say, “I carry you”, at which point the person you are carrying should get up and move with you, slowly, as if you are carrying them. Both of you should move no faster than a slow walk while you are roleplaying this action. We would rather see roleplaying of this sort than have someone get hurt by picking up another person, or being dropped by another person.

You may actually pick up a close friend and carry them, IF, and only if , you ask them “May I really carry you?” and they agree. In this case, you may move as quickly as you see fit. Again, we discourage this type of realism in the game for safety reasons. Other competitive players may see your action as a challenge and want to outdo you, only to hurt themselves or others in the process. The person to be carried may NEVER insist on actually being carried, nor can they make you carry them if you do not wish. They must always agree to roleplay the action if that is what you desire. Remember…the policy of Prophecy is no physical contact ; so be sure to ask the other person before taking them by the arm, to avoid possible miscommunication.

CAUTIO! When you see a safety problem, call “Caution”. This is used for things such as someone about to back over a rock or into a tree. The caution creates a sort of mini-“Hold” (see below) during which you should be ignored by others, as should the person at risk.

CLARIFY! When you did not hear or do not understand a spell or in-game effect, call “Clarify”. The person should explain what has happened or answer your question. This also creates a mini-“Hold” (see below) during which others should ignore both you and the person answering you.

HOLD! In the case of MAJOR safety problems, injuries, or the like, call “Hold”. ALL action stops within line of sight, and should start again only when the problem is resolved and a “Play On” has been called. Do not call Holds for in-game reasons (like someone not noticing the spell you hit them with). But do not hesitate to call Holds when you think it might be needed, such as for real-life injuries. We would rather be safe than sorry!


Do ot Use Obscenities Swearing is poor roleplaying, and upsetting to some people. If you feel the need for colorful language, practice using suitable in-game phrases, e.g. “By Daramore’s Blade!” or “You poxy knave!” or “By the Seven Unmentionable Parts of Jalubi!”

Do ot Cheat This should go without saying. The game is nothing if the players are not honorable – no matter how despicable their characters may be!

Do ot Insult Others OutofGame In-game insults are fine, of course, but we should all respect one another out-of-game. Unpleasant, out-of-game personal remarks, slurs on sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation are not acceptable. Treat members of the opposite sex with courtesy and respect. No one should be made uncomfortable out-of-game by what other people are saying at a Prophecy event. If you feel another player is violating this policy, please contact a member of the Prophecy Staff as soon as possible.

Do ot Litter Everything you bring to the camp should either leave with you or be placed in a suitable trash receptacle.

Smoke in Designated Areas OLY The Prophecy Staff understands that you may wish to smoke during the course of the event. However, there are many other players who do not want to smoke with you. Please be courteous to them and smoke only in the designated areas. Take your cigarette butts with you and deposit them in the trash. Do not throw cigarette butts on the ground! If we find that this is happening, smoking may be permanently banned from the game. 8 2/8/10

Roleplay! Prophecy is about roleplaying. Not everyone likes to roleplay every minute of a game, but NO ONE likes to be trying to roleplay while someone else is blatantly out-of-character nearby. Being out-of-character while others are roleplaying is rude, and will not be tolerated. Certain areas of the game are “roleplaying zones”. It is REQUIRED that you stay in character in these places. The Nym will routinely Disintegrate anyone who breaks character in these areas. In all other places, we simply ask that you be considerate of others.

Maintain Atmosphere It is hard to enjoy the game atmosphere when modern things are strewn about. When outside your cabin stay in costume and keep the modern necessities out of sight. In your cabin you may do as you like, but the Cast will react to mundane possessions as though they were the foulest excrement, out-of-costume people as though they were dressed in horrid rags, and out of character remarks as though they were the vilest of insults!

Stay In Control Blatantly losing control of your actions or emotions (whether during combat or because you are unhappy with the outcome of an encounter) leads to dangerous situations and out-of-game offensiveness. If you feel like this is happening, just step back from the situation for a moment to settle down and remember it is just a game. You may certainly roleplay that your character has lost control, but even in that situation you must always keep safety first.

o Spectators Live Action Roleplaying is NOT a spectator sport. Spectators, be they friends, significant others, etc. are NOT WELCOME! They make people uncomfortable and disrupt play. Everyone is welcome to play Prophecy, and the staff will find Cast roles suitable for those who are only interested in watching or roleplaying. But every person on the game site must be in-game and in-character.

“Disinvitation” The Prophecy game is run by its staff solely for their enjoyment, and that of the players. Everyone who attends a Prophecy event, be they staff or player, does so “by invitation”. The invitation is an open one – anyone is welcome! However, if you are not fun to play with, because you are abusive, cheat, are discourteous, etc., then you will be issued a “disinvitation”. This will usually (but not always) be preceded by a warning. Prophecy is about fun, and we are not interested in wasting time with people who cause problems.

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Creating a character for Prophecy involves several steps. You will have the opportunity to make many choices that will shape a unique and individualized character. You may change your character ONCE prior to the third game you attend if you find that you are dissatisfied with your choices. Although the world of the game consists of various kingdoms and empires, all player characters must be citizens of the Kingdom of Arden.

The steps to create a Prophecy Character are:

Choose a Race There are seven races available to Player Characters in Prophecy. These are Children of Novum, Durriken, Elves, Goblins, Humans, Petrogens and Ratkin. These races coexist in the Kingdom of Arden on good terms, each valued for their contributions to the society. However, intolerance and bigotry do exist, and every race may encounter them.

Every race has different basic attributes of Life and Mana, as well as Advantages and Disadvantages. Life points are the basic physical vitality of your character, and represent the amount of damage you can withstand before falling unconscious. Mana points are the measure of your character’s magical power. Mana is the bloodstream of the Prophecy universe. All things and all characters are somewhat magical. Mana is spent not only to cast spells, but to make special fighting attacks, and numerous other miscellaneous skills. Thus, having a high Mana attribute is as important to a warrior as to a mage.

All non-Human races have some makeup or costuming requirement. If you wish to play a non-Human race, please be certain that you are comfortable with the race’s makeup or costuming requirement before choosing to play a member of that race. You must provide your own racial makeup and costuming. If you do not come prepared, you may not be able to play.

Interbreeding between the races is impossible, and you may not play a “half-race”. See the “Character Races” section of the Rule Book for detailed descriptions of the Races.

Spend Free Points Your choice of Race will give you a variable number of Free Points. These can be spent to increase your base attributes (1 Free Point = 1 Mana Point, 1 Free Point = 1 Life Point). You may not reduce your Mana and Life attributes below the starting values to gain Free Points. You may instead choose to spend Free Points on Gifts, or gain more Free Points by choosing a Flaw (see the “Gifts and Flaws” section of the Rulebook).

Please keep in mind that it is unlikely you will find the means to increase your Life or Mana statistics beyond your starting scores, and most characters will find that they always need more Mana!

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Choose Gifts and/or Flaws (Optional) Gifts and Flaws may only be chosen during character creation. They represent innate positive and negative aspects of your character, and can add depth and uniqueness. Gifts are purchased with your Free Points. Flaws give you additional Free Points to spend. You may choose as many Gifts as you can afford, but you may choose only ONE Flaw.

Choose a Background The protagonists of the Prophecy Saga are all citizens of the Kingdom of Arden. However, it is a diverse land that arose from the banding together of other lesser Kingdoms against the threat of the Grithean Empire. These lesser Kingdoms are now Duchies of Arden, each retaining some of their individual cultures and traits. Your choice of Background is very important to the roleplaying and costuming of your character.

Each background has a special power. You gain this power simply by having a good costume that contains no anachronisms such as white sneakers, sunglasses or blue jeans. This will be awarded at Check-In. If at any point you fail to maintain this level of costuming, the power will be revoked.

Choose Skills You will begin the game with 45 Skill Points . This number may be affected by choosing certain Gifts and Flaws. These Skill Points can be spent on any of the skills listed in this book. Some skills are available only to certain races, and there will be other “hidden” skills available only through in game means. See the “Skills” section of the Rule Book for more information on available skills, and the Appendix for a concise list of skill costs.

Choose a Name You may be tempted to take the name of a well-known character from a popular book or movie. We heartily suggest that you avoid this. Many other players have read those same books and seen those same movies. To encounter a character with a well-known name may interrupt their Prophecy mindset and take them out-of- game.

Assemble a Costume The Kingdom of Arden is modeled on Medieval Europe. Thus, most Ardenians wear simple tunics, capes, skirts, hoods and breeches. Players may bring fancier clothing and armor as well, if desired. See the “Combat” section of the Rule Book for information on Armor.

If you are interested in purchasing appropriate costuming, the Prophecy Staff may be able to provide contact information for vendors with reasonable prices. Please inquire well in advance.

See the “Player Information” section of the Rule Book for more information on assembling a costume and other items you may need.

Write a Character History (Optional) You will gain 5 additional Skill Points by writing and submitting a history of your character to the Prophecy Staff. We encourage players to email their character histories to the Prophecy email address, or they can be neatly handwritten or typed and sent to the official mailing address of Prophecy (see first page of Rule Book for address).

Submitting your character history by email will gain you 1 Skill Point in addition to all others.

Your character history should contain personal information about your character’s exploits prior to the start of the Prophecy Campaign. This might include information on your background, your family, your childhood, your enemies, what brought you to town, etc. This information will remain confidential with the Prophecy Staff, but may be used for Plot purposes.

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Please do not include anything in your character history that will give you an unfair advantage in game. You may not write that you are some sort of supernatural creature with additional abilities beyond your starting skills. You may not write that you are of noble or royal blood, have an active position in the Arden Army, that you have large amounts of wealth, that you have magic items, etc. You may have an item that you think is magical, or that you believe might be, if only you could discover how to activate it. You may have had wealth once, but lost it, or had it stolen. You may be an orphan who doesn’t know who his mother is, and for all you know she might end up being a duchess! The point is that you cannot begin the game with an advantage over other players because of your character history.

Character Histories are subject to approval by the Prophecy Staff , in order to ensure consistency in the game and setting. Furthermore, the Prophecy Staff reserves the right to alter names, places and events to better fit your history into the overall plot. If such alteration is suggested, the Prophecy Staff will contact you first to inform you of the changes. For example, suppose your character is named Joseth. Joseth’s parents were murdered by a cruel bandit who has an eye patch. A fellow player named Raena is the runaway bride-to-be of a cruel bandit named Skeevy. The Prophecy Staff may add to Joseth’s history that the one-eyed bandit who killed his parents is actually named Skeevy, and may alter Raena’s history to add that Skeevy has an eye-patch. In this way, a single Cast member can be introduced as the one-eyed bandit Skeevy, and entertain two players, rather than having to introduce a different cruel bandit for each player. Please note that it may take a few weeks for the Prophecy Staff to examine your character history. Therefore, unless you submit your character history well in advance of your first event, you may actually wind up playing a few events before the staff can inform you of any alterations.

Remember: your character must be a citizen of Arden.

An Example We include here an example to illustrate the steps outlined above. Let’s say John is coming to his first Prophecy event and needs to make up a character to play. He has read through the rules and has a pretty good feel for the type of character he wants to play. He would like his character to be a dashing, swashbuckling fellow with some scholarly interests. So he sits down with a Prophecy Character Creation Worksheet (see the Appendix).

First, John must choose a Race . He decides that he would like to play a Human. That means he starts off with 1 Life Point, 1 Mana Point and 6 Free Points.

Now John needs to decide how to spend his Free Points and whether to buy Gifts and Flaws . First he determines that he will use two of his Free Points to increase his Mana Points from 1 to 3, and use four of his Free Points to increase his Life Points from 1 to 5. This leaves him with no more free points, but John would like to get a Flaw also, although it is optional. He decides that his character will be bad with money, and have the Spendthrift Flaw. This gives John an additional 1 Free Point. He could use that to buy a Gift, but instead decides to increase his Mana Points one more, to 4. So currently John’s character is a Human with 5 LP, 4 MP, and the Spendthrift Flaw.

Now John can choose a Background . He decides that his character is from the cultured seaside Duchy of Rachenza, since that seems to best fit his character concept. When he arrives at the first event and checks in, he will be given his Background Power, if his costume contains no really obvious anachronisms. In the case of Rachenza, his background power is that, twice per event, he can read all information flags for 30 minutes. This will allow John's character to use his comprehensive Rachenzan education to better understand the world of Prophecy.

Now John will choose Character Skills . John has 45 Skill Points to start with. He chooses:

One-Handed Weapon (The first Weapon Skill is free for Humans) 0 SP Two Weapons 12 SP Maim 7 SP Strike of Might 7 SP Swashbuckling 10 SP Acrobat 3 SP Dodge (Human Racial Skill) 6 SP

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This uses up 45 of John’s Skill points. John notes that the Dodge skill requires the expenditure of 2 Mana Points each time it is used, and both the Maim and Strike of Might skill requires the expenditure of 1 Mana Points apiece each time they are used. Since he has a Mana Point statistic of 4, he will be able to Dodge twice per mana cycle, or use four Maims or four Strikes of Might, or any combination that does not exceed 4.

He would really like to get the Scribe I skill (6 SP) also, but doesn’t have enough Skill Points. However, if he writes a Character History and submits it electronically , he will get an additional 5 + 1 = 6 SP, which would be enough to buy Scribe I.

John decides to choose a ame for his character that he thinks sounds flamboyant and dashing. He decides on “Marcos Conti”, and is ready to go!

Changing your Character You may alter or completely change your starting character ONCE, prior to your third event, without losing earned skill points. However, after the third event you may not alter your character. Furthermore, you may only have a single active Player Character at any given time. If you decide you no longer wish to play your character (after your third event) you must retire the character and create a new one from scratch. Retired characters may not be played again except as NPCs.

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There are seven races available to Player Characters in Prophecy. These are Children of Novum, Durriken, Elves, Goblins, Humans, Petrogens, and Ratkin. These races coexist in the Kingdom of Arden on good terms, each valued for their contributions to the society. However, intolerance and bigotry do exist, and every race may encounter them.

Every race has different basic attributes of Life and Mana, as well as Advantages and Disadvantages. Life points are the basic physical vitality of your character, and represent the amount of damage you can withstand before falling unconscious. Mana points are the measure of your character’s magical power. Mana is the bloodstream of the Prophecy universe. All things and all characters are somewhat magical. Mana is spent not only to cast spells, but to make special fighting attacks, and many other miscellaneous skills. Thus, having a high Mana attribute is as important to a warrior as to a mage.

All non-Human races have some makeup or costuming requirement. If you wish to play a non-Human race, please be certain that you are comfortable with the race’s makeup or costuming requirement before choosing to play a member of that race. You must provide your own racial makeup and costuming. If you do not come prepared, you may not be able to play.

Additional hidden racial skills and abilities may be revealed or discovered in game.

Interbreeding between the races is impossible, thus you may not play a “halfrace”.

Emreth leaped out of bed, grabbing for her sword. The door of the cabin stood open, and EightyFour was not at his traditional post by the window. Emreth jammed on her boots and raced outside, wondering which of the many nightmarish fates of Gwent had befallen her friend.

Down the hill, where the river ran, Emreth spied a familiar figure glinting in the sun. EightyFour stood knee deep in the river, his head tilted back and his arms stretched out on either side. He did not move, nor did he respond when Emreth shouted his name. He only stood there, as if paralyzed or deactivated by battle damage.

She reached the river’s edge when EightyFour finally moved. His head swung around on his neckbearings, focusing his glowing, yellow eyes on Emreth.

“Oh, hello! Good morning! Salutations!”

Emreth was annoyed enough to not respond to the greeting. “You need to at least tell me when you’re going out! I thought something had happened to you! What are you doing anyway?”

EightyFour raised his shoulders in a clicking shrug. “I’m trying to commune with nature.”

“What makes you think you can commune with nature?”

“Well, I don’t know that I can’t commune with nature, so I thought I’d try an experiment. Thus far, a fish has swum through the joints in my leg and a mourning dove perched on my shoulder for approximately two minutes. I tried to converse with them, but neither one seemed very talkative. All in all, I’ve found the experience quite promising.”

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Children of Novum The youngest of the races, the Children of Novum are a race of free-willed constructs that have only existed for the last century or so. They have struggled to fit into Ardenian society, due to rumors that they are the direct descendants of the legendary Army of Brass that was the scourge of the Sunlit Age. Unlike those callous engines of destruction, however, the Children are sentient beings and while not fully “alive” in a traditional sense, each individual possesses a personality and a spirit.

The Duchy of Serewaene is the most open and trusting of all the folk of Arden, and it is there that most of the Children have found a home. However, the Children can be found throughout the kingdom, from the streets of Falendale to the unspoiled wilderness of Deepwood.

The Children of Novum are eager students, no matter their profession, and seek to learn all that they can about the world that they have come into. They are naturally curious and inventive, and each individual works to find their unique place in the world.

Attributes: Life: 3 Mana: 1 Free Points: 4

Advantages • You are affected by any effects that would work on a living being or a construct. This can have some odd effects. Magical healing will repair you, but a mighty weapon blow can Critical you. • You are immune to effects delivered by Poison and by Disease. • You do not need to breathe, and because of this take no effect from effects delivered by Gas. • You are not significantly heavier than anyone of another race, and may be carried normally if unconscious. • You are resistant to certain Afflictions. Check the appropriate Affliction on the Wall of Woe for notes. • You do not become Unstable. Any effect that would make you Unstable instead brings you to zero Life and makes you Stable. You will awaken after 5 minutes at 1 Life Point. • You may take faith in a deity and, if you are killed, can return from Death's Door just like any other sentient creature. • You can be fitted with certain tinkered devices that will give you temporary special abilities.

Disadvantages • You are affected by any effects that target Living or Construct. This means that someone striking you with a Critical Living blow will Critical you. • Double damage from Damage done by Acid. Any other effect done by Acid also does 2 Damage. • You cannot benefit from any potion that you must ingest. • Some Gifts, Flaws, and Feats are inappropriate. Staff will not allow them unless you can come up with a good reason. • The Bandage and Surgery skills do not work on you. Note that magical healing will still heal you, as will Tinkering and Construct Repair. • If you are struck with any effect done, "by Silver" you are reduced immediately to zero Life and fall unconscious. • If you are killed in such a way that your body is lost (via the Disintegrate effect or some other means), your soul may go to Death's Door, but you may not return to life until a Tinker crafts you a new body. This will usually require BGAs and components, at the very least. In the interim, you are welcome to cast or play a backup character.

Racial Makeup Requirements: • Children of Novum must look mechanical in nature and should wear at least a partial face mask. They should not have any visible hair. Other than these requirements, Children of Novum can vary widely (Note to players of previous campaigns: You do not have to look exactly like a "Brass Man.").

Special OOG Note: While Children of Novum do not need to eat or drink, we understand that people will want to be able to enjoy in-game meals with their friends. For this reason, you may assume that most Children of Novum have been fitted with special systems that allows them to take in food and drink, the better to integrate with the other races of the Prophecy epic.

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Durriken The Durriken are a tough, sturdy, resilient people who Lennisto walked to the end of the ancient jetty, glad to feel greatly value hard work and good craftsmanship. They the firmness of proper stone beneath his feet after so hold great reverence for family ties and are very dedicated many hours of wandering in the marshes. Krazz stalked to their children. The other races value the Durrikens' behind him on tiptoes, nose atwitter and javelin poised to steadfastness and presence of mind. There are more throw. Onyx brought up the rear, walking with steady Durriken serving in Arden’s Army than any other race but purpose. If the deeps of the haunted swamp bothered him, Humans, and a number of these are officers. he did not show it.

The Durriken favor underground dwellings and dislike Lennisto reached the gong on the end of the jetty and bright light. grabbed the nearby mallet. He considered rooting to the jetty, just in case his research had been incorrect. But no, Attributes: that would have just scared poor Krazz half to death. He Life: 3 banged on the gong, and then twice more, its booming Mana: 3 crash echoing through the swamp. Free Points: 2 A boat pulled up to the jetty, poled by an old, old man in a Advantages: tattered robe. • May learn the Stonefast racial skill • Toughness can be purchased at character creation “Greetings, durriken. Where shall I take you this night?” for 1 Free Point. • Alchemy and Craft Skills cost 2 less Skill Lennisto unfurled his map and showed it to the ferryman. Points per Rank. He gestured to the line that represented the old Westphalia road. "I’ve discovered traces of this road here Disadvantages: and here. If my research is correct, that means the lost • Any Effect delivered “By Light ” causes temple is here.” Knockout. The ferryman looked at the blank spot on the map. “Very Racial Makeup Requirements: well. The price is two coins for each of you. One for each • Single horizontal black or dark blue stripe across eye.” the eyes from temple to temple. Krazz halfheartedly poked at the boat with his javelin. “I • Stripe may extend into hair color (optional). don’t know, Lennisto. It doesn’t look safe.”

“Looks sturdy enough to hold me,” said Onyx. “Just pay the man and get in.”

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Gwydion spat on the last of the bloated corpses. It Elves gurgled ominously, but did not rise again. He decided to Elves are an ancient race that originated in the great keep his bloodless axe at the ready, just in case. forests of the world. It is said that the first elves were uniformly fair and graceful, and dedicated to the natural “Daramore’s blade! I am tired of this filth. Give me some world. Their culture was complex and refined, proper enemies to fight. Ones that scream and die, or emphasizing philosophy and ritual. Since the dark age of bleed, at least!” Winterfall, however, the harshness of the world has tempered the Elves so that they are sturdier and worldlier. “Shhh!” Emreth motioned to him for silence. She Modern elves come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, crouched down, just out of reach of the grasping tendrils and while most maintain a deep appreciation for beauty of the fog. Heedless of the swampy water that soaked into and nature, they can as often be found living in cities and her breeches, she cocked one wellshaped ear and towns as in the wilds. Elves are generally very courteous listened. and value wisdom highly. Gwydion felt the sweat bead on his neck. All around him, It is said that the Elves invented Archery, although those thousands of hidden insects buzzed and chirped. of other races can now often be found with the skill. Elven archers are rumored to be capable of mysterious Finally, he could stand it no more. “What?” and powerful feats with their bows, and these skills are Emreth straightened and gestured with her needlelike known only to their kind. sword. “The villagers were taken this way. Their path winds through here, deeper into the swamp.” Attributes: Life: 2 “Through the Mists? Can we follow them?” Mana: 4 Free Points: 2 “o, there’s no way we would survive…Also, there’s one more thing...” Her clear eyes grew troubled. Advantages: • May learn the Silvershaft racial skill. “What?” • Second Sight can be purchased at character creation “One of them bit you.I sense its darkness beginning to for 1 Free Point. • flow through you. Infecting you. You may not have much May read Green ature’s Voices Tags and Brown time.” Woodwise Tags “Do something!” Disadvantages: • Take double damage from damage delivered “By “I can see the darkness, but I can’t stop it. Maybe Jeel Ice.” has something in his bag of tricks. Or, failing that, the • Take one point of damage from any other (non- baron’s Ritual .” damage) effect delivered "By Ice." Gwydion shivered, despite the heat and humidity. Was Racial Makeup Requirements: that the first signs of the curse? “Take us back. Fastest • Pointed ears. way!”

Emreth flicked her eyes around the swamp. “This way,

step where I step.”

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Goblins Goblins are an ancient race, generally known to be clever Jeel stroked a finger down the long, hooked length of his and wise. They are often seen as “less than heroic” in beautiful nose. “I must say, such a thing is outside of my stature by other races. Whether this reputation is deserved area of expertise, but it seems like the theory’s sound.” or not is a matter of conjecture. EightyFour’s eyes dimmed as he studied the plans. “So, The Goblins of old were famed as great scholars and you think that the more Fire magic is applied…” healers who developed a great store of magical and medicinal knowledge, much of which has been lost in the “The more impressive the effect, yes!” He sniffed proudly. strife that has beset their kind. However, modern Goblins “Though, it could overload and explode, but as I’ve said, retain some of this skill and tend to make excellent that’s half the fun with experimentation. And you’re quite surgeons. Goblins continue to love magic and many sturdy enough to survive a localized backlash. Unless, aspire to becoming great mages and wizards. However, you know, it melts you. Which it might. Best to be they often lack the patience and dedication to reach prepared.” master status. It is said, among the goblins, that they were once masters of the other races, and that they should be Emreth kicked open the cabin door, dragging Gwydion’s proud of the contributions they have made to the world. twitching frame behind her. The doughty warrior’s skin had a pallid cast, and his lips had become bloated, Attributes: quivering worms. Life: 2 Mana: 2 Emreth’s next command wasn’t even necessary. With a Free Points: 4 single swipe of his huge, metal hands, EightyFour cleared off the table to make room for Gwydion. Jeel tore Advantages: open his surgeon’s bag, and began to place all manner of • May learn the Dexterity racial skill. poultices and tools on the table. • Rank I Magical Skills (not including Dabbling, Spellcasting Specialization, and Summoning) cost 2 Emreth nervously tucked her silvery hair back behind her l ess Skill Points to purchase. ears. “One of the bloated things bit him. He’s infected. I • May purchase Surgery skill once for 2 less think it’s killing him.” Skill Points. “Well, I completely agree!” said Jeel, as he wedged a Disadvantages: stick in between Gwydion’s teeth. I hope it’s just poison.” • Rank III Magical Skills (not including Dabbling) cost +2 Skill Points to purchase. “It might not be.”

Racial Makeup Requirements: “Then you’d better fetch one of our woowoo people, or • Green skin. the Ritual Master.”

• Pointed nose. Jeel made an incision near the bite mark, letting out a • Pointed ears. • pustulant substance. He wrinkled his nose in distaste—it Pointed chin (optional). even smelled bad to him—and opened up his jar of corpse worms. Jeel introduced them to the incision, gently

stroking their slick backs as they bored their way into

Gwydion’s body.

“There now, if it’s a poison, the worms will dig it out and eat it. If one of you could hand me my grub jar, I would appreciate it. I need a snack to fortify myself…”

The cabin was eerily quiet. Jeel looked up and found himself alone.

“That’s fine then,” he said to himself, eyeing Gwydion as

he got up to get his grubs. “The quiet helps me think.”

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Humans Humans are a vital, warlike race that has flourished and A scream brought Gwydion out of his fever dream. He sat spread throughout the world. What wars have occurred up, or tried to, and wondered how on earth he had gotten between humans and other races have nearly always back to the cabin. He shook the cobwebs out of his head ended with Humans as the victors. In spite of this and reached for his axe, only to find that he had grabbed formidable reputation, however, obscure legends state that Jeel by the nose. Humans were also responsible for helping the other races survive the dark times of Winterfall. Thus, other races “Do you mind? tend to regard Humans with a mixture of fear and respect. Humans are the most adaptable race, with the ability to “What was that noise?” live anywhere and become skilled in almost any trade. They are more populous than any other race in Arden, “I don’t know. I’ve lived in this place long enough to filling positions from scholar to beggar, and running the know not to go outside when there’s screaming.” gamut of health from weak and fragile to incredibly Gwydion felt an unpleasant feeling as Jeel pulled a strong. purplish worm from the bite on his arm. “Besides, I’ve been busy saving your life.” While Humans are the most common and widespread of all the races, their origins are shrouded in mystery. The “And I appreciate it, to be sure, but I have to get out earliest legends claim they appeared in the known lands there.” soon after Winterfall, arriving in longboats from a mythical land called Sharnheim, across the seas. Jeel covered his wound with a deftytied bandage. “Oh, fine. I’ll be here, in case you need me. And you’ll Attributes: probably need me.” Life: 1 Mana: 1 Gwydion leaped into the night, a smile on his face as he Free Points: 6 readied his axe. The Mists had surged forward from the forest’s edge to curl dangerously around the perimeter of Advantages: the village. A huge shape lashed out of the Mists with • May learn the Dodge racial skill. long, fibrous tendrils. Emreth and EightyFour had been • May learn any one Weapon skill for free. snared by the beast, though both were acquitting themselves well. Disadvantages: • None. With a cry of, “Daramore!” Gwydion leaped into the fray, hewing at the snakelike limbs with his axe. Ichor Racial Makeup Requirements: fountained from the grievous wounds, and Gwydion • None laughed as it drenched him in a hot flood.

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Petrogens The young of this race resemble human children, but as they age their heritage manifests. By the time they reach their twelfth year, Petrogens possess the stony skin and hair and slowness of their kind. Over the years, a Petrogen will grow even more stone-like. As they approach complete immobility, elderly Petrogens will seek out a quiet and remote spot in which to “Root.” They will then become living statues, visited and looked after by their descendants until they crumble to dust. Petrogens are seen as sturdy, reliable, strong and wise. They move slowly, for their bodies are stiff and somewhat stone-like. It is commonly known that no Petrogen is capable of telling a lie, although none of their kind will reveal why this is.

Attributes: Life: 4 Mana: 1 Free Points: 3

Advantages: • May learn the Feat of Strength racial skill. • Immune to Maim and Knockout Effects • May read Grey Architecture Tags .

Disadvantages: • Physically Slow (may not run faster than a shambling lope). • Do not lie. • Cannot wear Heavy Armor • May not take Venerable Gift or Honesty Flaw.

Racial Makeup Requirements: • Hair and skin must be of an appropriate stone-color (not black). • Rock-like texture (optional).

Onyx did not give the ferryman a backward glance as he disembarked onto the ancient granite dock. Ahead of them stood the ruins of a massive building, all but reclaimed by the twisting vines and vegetation of the marsh.

“Good work, Lennisto,” he said. “It’s right where you said it would be.”

The durriken smiled briefly and consulted his notes. “We should be careful from here on in. If I’ve translated these blasted runes correctly, there are many traps and trials left here for those who seek the Tablets.

Krazz slunk ahead of them, sniffing at the air. “I don’t smell anything but rot and plants, so I think we’re safe.”

Onyx saw, too late, the ratkin’s foot depress a cobble on the dock. He let out a yell and lumbered forward, urging his heavy body to speed. With all his strength, he seized Krazz about the waist and drew him back.

“Down! Down!”

The brass spears leaped from the shadows like lightning, imbedding themselves in the stones where Krazz had just been standing

“You all right?” asked Onyx.

Krazz didn’t seem to be listening. He stared at a point beyond Onyx’s shoulder, his whiskers vibrating. All at once, there came a crashing sound from somewhere behind Onyx.

“Your cousin’s here, Onyx,” said Krazz, “and he looks really angry.”

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Ratkin The Ratkin (also called the Lachellen) are a curious race of ratlike humanoids that have existed since the Sunlit The animated statue uprooted trees and dashed aside the Age. Until about a hundred years ago, they lived in the ancient stones as it closed the gap between them. Its periphery of Ardenian life—rarely encountered and rarely mouth opened with a grinding noise, emitting a massive interacted with. Ancient magics once forced the majority jet of bluewhite flame. of the Ratkin to serve the Grithean Imperium, where they excelled as scouts and hunters. Since the fall of the “Hide!” said Krazz, bringing his javelin to his shoulder. Empire, the Ratkin have managed to break their bondage, “I’ll handle him!” and have fled to Arden to live in freedom. Lennisto was about to protest, but Onyx grabbed him and Ratkin are very similar to the rats they resemble. They are pulled him deep into the underbrush. The moment they quick, intelligent, curious, and playful. They have were clear, Krazz took aim and hurled his javelin. It developed a strange kinship with Goblins, in that both struck the center of the statue’s crumbling torso, hitting races seem not to mind the muck and mire and can eat so hard that the whole shaft was lost in a widening crack. almost anything. Some in Arden are wary of the Ratkin, both because they have served the enemy for so long, and The statue growled and kept coming. because of their propensity to get themselves into trouble. “What did you expect that to do?” whispered Lennisto Attributes: from the underbrush. “It’s not alive .” Life: 3 Mana: 2 Krazz turned and ran as fast as he could, scampering Free Points: 3 over rocks and through the lowhanging branches of the Advantages: tangled trees. The statue pursued him, not slowing at all • May learn the Javelin racial skill. as it smashed through the many obstacles. • Ratkin possess an extraordinary sense of smell, and may Detect any one of the following once per Mana Krazz was more nimble, though, and faster, and though Cycle: Disease, Living, any specific Race, or he knew he would likely tire before the animated statue, Undead. This ability is short-ranged, and the effect he had already seen a clearing that looked promising. call cannot be shouted. Rather than run across the open area of soupy mud, he • May buy the Flee skill for 2 less Skill Points. skirted the edge of it, clinging desperately to tree and vine • Can read Brown Woodwise Tags . as he ran.

Disadvantages: The statue rushed headlong into the clearing, and its • May not take the Iron Will Gift. stone feet became mired in the mud. The statue thrashed, • Cannot resist any Effect delivered, “By Mind.” but this only caused it to sink faster. Krazz ducked the However, Ratkin from the Free Commons may still blasts of fire from the statue’s mouth, as the statue sank use their Background Gift twice per event, as up to its neck in the mud. normal. Krazz cupped his furry paws around his mouth. “I took Racial Makeup Requirements: care of iiiiit!” • Brown skin or fur • Rat nose prosthetic • Rat whiskers (optional) • Rat ears (optional)

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GIFTS AND FLAWS Gifts and Flaws may only be chosen during character creation. They represent innate positive and negative aspects of your character, and can add depth and uniqueness. Gifts are purchased with your Free Points. Flaws give you additional Free Points to spend. You may choose as many Gifts as you can afford, but you may choose only OE Flaw. The cost/gain in Free Points is listed after the name of each Gift or Flaw Please be aware that a Gift cannot counteract the negative effects of a racial disadvantage or a Flaw that has been purchased. However, a Flaw can counteract and reduce the benefit of a racial Gift!

Gifts Courage (1) – Characters with Courage are completely immune to effects By Fear. In addition, once per day (game on to All Clear), you may role-play gathering your resolve, and heal your wounds, saying “Heal Full to Self by Courage.” Once per cycle you can find some additional strength, and “Heal Half to Self by Courage”. You must be conscious to use these powers. You may not take the Cowardice Flaw if you take the Courage Gift.

Iron Will (1) -- You have incredible resolve. You are immune to effects By Mind. Ratkin may not take this Gift.

Precognition (1) -- Characters with Precognition have attuned their minds to the vibrations of magic in the world surrounding them. This gives the character a mystical knowledge of the future, some say. The Nym may whisper vague clues and omens to them, or they may have visions and waking dreams. Characters with Precognition may read Orange “Precognition” flags. The Precognition gift is unpredictable and unfocused. It serves as a prerequisite for various other skills which refine and direct it. The information gained from these will always require player interpretation. Please note that you will never be given the whole answer to Prophecy plots through Precognition or the Divinatory Skills.

Resistant (1) You are exceptionally resistant to some common peril. You can choose to be resistant to the following types of effects: By Poison, By Disease, By Pain, By Fear, By Mind, By Magic, By Fire, By Ice (or Water), By Lightning, By Silver, By Shadow, or By Light. The number of times you can resist these effects is determined by how many you choose. If you choose three from the list, you can resist each one once per cycle. If you choose two, you can resist each one twice. If you choose only one, you can resist that effect 5 times per cycle. Children of Novum cannot be resistant to Silver. Durriken cannot be resistant to Light. Elves cannot be resistant to Ice. Ratkin cannot be resistant to Mind.

Second Sight (2) – Characters with Second Sight can perceive the spiritual/magical world or “Ether” that overlays all reality. Only characters with Second Sight may read Blue Second Sight Flags. If you have this Gift you may also state “Second Sight” discreetly to indicate that you are looking at something or someone in an attempt to discern their “aura”. However, those with “the sight” are cautioned that many creatures can detect that they are being thus examined, and there may be backlash. If no response is given, then nothing special is noticed using this skill. See the “Signs and Markings” section of the Rule Book for further information concerning the Ether.

Stoic Blood (1) - Characters with Stoic Blood are strong of constitution, and take longer to become Critical than most. If you have this gift, you may remain in the Unstable state for 10 minutes (instead of 5) before becoming Critical.

Thrift (1) - Characters who have Thrift will start each event with a variable amount of extra money that they have saved. Please remind the Staff at Check-In if you have this Gift. You may not take the Spendthrift Flaw if you have the Thrift gift.

Toughness (2) – Characters with Toughness may spend one Mana point to call “Resist” to the following effects: Maim, Critical, Knockout, Slay. You may not take the Toughness Gift if you have the Frail Flaw. Please note that you may not use Toughness to “Resist” the negative effects of a Racial disadvantage or personal Flaw (for example: Durriken “by Light” disadvantage, or the “Elemental Anathema” flaw.

Venerable (2) – Venerable characters must roleplay age and frailty, and have one less Life Point. They must wear makeup to make them appear very aged, and learn new skills at twice the cost. However, they begin the game with 70 skill points. Not available to Petrogen or Children of Novum.

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Berserker (2) – Characters with the Berserker flaw fly into a frenzy (the “Berserk” effect) as soon as they take damage. This is NOT an excuse for unsafe fighting! These characters will not retreat, negotiate, surrender, or otherwise stop the battle until they are dead, unconscious, immobile, all opponents are dead, or the duration of the Berserk effect expires (5 minutes). While berserking, they will never take prisoners, and may even attack allies in their rage if there are no enemies within view. They will always attack anyone, even an ally, who inflicts damage upon them. A berserk character cannot cast spells. If a berserk character does not possess a melee weapon, he or she will seek to obtain one by any means necessary. All berserk characters temporarily get the Desperation skill while they are berserk, allowing them to wield a variety of weapons.

Bleeder (1) – Characters with the Bleeder flaw are hemophiliacs. If you have this flaw, you may remain in the Unstable state for only 1 minute before becoming Critical. Children of Novum cannot purchase this Flaw.

Cowardice (1) – Characters– Characters with Cowardice may never engage in frontal combat with an enemy unless the odds are at least 3-to-1 in their own favor. Characters with Cowardice will always be affected by the Fear effect if it strikes them, regardless of any Shields, Resistances, etc. Additionally, any effect delivered “By Fear” renders these characters immobile and unable to do anything but cower and whimper in shock for the duration of the combat. If dragged, you may leave the area. You may not take the Courage Gift if you take the Cowardice Flaw.

Elemental Anathema (2) – You are extremely susceptible to one common element. Select one element from the following list: Fire, Ice (or Water), Lightning, Silver, Shadow, or Light. If you suffer an effect delivered by that trait, you take the “Slay” effect instead. You do not need to be struck in the torso by the element for the Slay to take effect.

Frail (2) – Characters who are Frail begin the game with one less Life Point, cannot wear physical armor, and pay double for Fighting and Weapon skills. A character that has only one LP already cannot take this flaw. You may not take the Frail Flaw if you have the Toughness Gift.

Honesty (1) – Characters who are honest do not lie, do not deceive, and do not break oaths. Cannot be taken by Petrogens.

Honor Code (Variable: See Below) - You strictly follow a code of honor that puts you at a disadvantage in battle and other circumstances. • Falendale Street Code (1): Always take revenge. Never give information to the authorities. Never allow harm to someone who has your protection. When you accept money, do what you are paid to do. • Chivalric Code (2): Never attack a foe from behind. Always accept a surrender. In single combat, always match your foe’s weapons and armor, or use less. Never take unfair advantage in a fight. Treat all with unfailing courtesy. Never refuse a genuine request for help (even from an enemy, unless it would harm the innocent). Never use missile weapons if your enemy has none. Never break an oath. Never lie. Never show fear. Never refuse a challenge. • Deepwood Code (1): Be courageous and true. Do not lie to other Ardenians. Protect and serve your country. Be merciful, even if mercy is only a swift death. Treat all wild things with respect. Do not hunt or kill for pleasure. • Code of Daramore (1): Always seek out and challenge the most powerful foes you can find. Stand by a friend to the end. Show honor and mercy to a worthy foe.

Illiterate (1) – Characters who are Illiterate cannot read any In-Game written texts or take any skills that require Literacy. Note: All characters who do not take this Flaw are assumed to be Literate.

Inexperienced (2) – Characters who are Inexperienced start with only 25 skill points. You may not take the Inexperienced flaw if you have the Venerable gift.

Lame (1) – Characters who are Lame require a crutch or other aid in walking, and can never jump. They cannot take Dexterity, Acrobat, Flee, Evade Trap, Two-Handed Weapon or certain other skills that would be impossible for someone dependant on a crutch.

Phobia (1) – Characters– Characters with a Phobia are horribly afraid of something relatively common in game, for example: fire, enclosed spaces, a common monster. The mere sight of the item in question causes the character to experience either the “Compel to Run Away by Fear” OR “Compel to Tremble and Take No Action by Fear” effect, even if he or she has the Courage Gift. The Prophecy Staff must approve all Phobias.

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Quirk (1) -- A quirk is just an odd habit your character has. You may have up to 3. No matter how many Quirks you have (1, 2, or 3), you still only get one Free Point.

For example: Jeel the Goblin has the Quirk Flaw. Jeel’s player has decided that he has two Quirks. The first is that Jeel is very proud of his goblin nose, and will mention its impressive length at every opportunity. The second is that because Jeel is very proud of his nose, he is always tending to it, and goes to great lengths to protect it. This can be frustrating for his companions, who often have to wait for Jeel to get done polishing his nose and looking at himself in a mirror before he’s ready to go adventuring.

Spendthrift (1) – Characters who are Spendthrifts must spend or give away all money they earn by the end of each event. You may not give the money to your friends so that they can give it back to you at the next event! You may not take the Thrift Gift if you have the Spendthrift Flaw.

Wasting Disease (1) – Characters with this flaw have a nasty disease (see Afflictions in the “Effects” section of the Rule Book) that is permanent and incurable. The Prophecy Staff will choose the Affliction.

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BACKGROUNDS The protagonists of the Prophecy Saga are all citizens of the Kingdom of Arden. It is a diverse land that arose from the banding together of several lesser Kingdoms against the threat of the Grithean Empire. These lesser Kingdoms are now Duchies of Arden, each retaining some of their individual cultures and traits. Your choice of Background is very important to the roleplaying and costuming of your character. Every player character must be a citizen of Arden hailing from one of the Backgrounds listed here. Each Background bestows a special benefit. You gain this benefit simply by having a good costume that contains no anachronisms (such as white sneakers, sunglasses, or bluejeans). This will be awarded at CheckIn. If at any point you fail to maintain this level of costuming, the benefit will be revoked.

Ardenshire Ardenshire is the region surrounding Caer Arden, the capitol city of the Kingdom of Arden. Being directly under the control of the Kings and Queens of Arden has made this region highly patriotic. The folk of Ardenshire are generally prosperous and upright, and range from farmers to merchants to craftsmen to soldiers to scholars. It is commonly said that “Life and the weather are always good in Ardenshire,” and that every man, woman and child from this land is born a “Hero”. Benefit: You may “Parry” twice per event. You must have a melee weapon or bow in your hand(s) and have the skill and ability to wield it at the time. If it is a Bow you must have the Bow Block skill.

Clarion The region of Clarion lies under the direct control of the Church of Harmony, and is the seat of religious power in Arden. Many abbeys and temples are spread throughout its pastoral fields and green valleys. The Council of Clarion, at which each abbey, temple, or house of worship of the Church of Harmony has one representative, meets in the Holy Citadel. The Church is a powerful institution, having been instrumental in the very founding of the Kingdom of Arden, and Church ratification is required for the ascendance of any noble to a position of power, including even the King or Queen. The residents of Clarion include both male and female monks, priests, and templars, as well as lay people and farmers. They are generally pious and take interest in politics and world affairs. Clarion is renowned for scholarship and healing, and the great Librus Harmonium in the Holy Citadel is said to be the most comprehensive library in the world on matters of history and genealogy. Benefit: You may bestow the “Heal Full to Living” effect by touch, twice per event. This cannot be used on yourself. You must be conscious to use this ability.

Deepwood The Duchy of Deepwood is a vast tract of forested land, crossed by several great rivers and well-worn roads. The people of Deepwood are familiar with the ways of nature, and tend to be excellent trackers. Duke Trewyn rules Deepwood from his stronghold of Caer Tammerlan, which is composed of buildings set high up in the giant trees upon platforms, connected by walkways among the leaves. The main industries of Deepwood are timber and trapping, but strict customs regulate these harvests to ensure that the resources are maintained. Benefit: You may “Heal Full to Self” ( not others) two times per event by touching a living tree and stating “I Heal Myself”. You must be conscious to use this ability. 25 2/8/10

Falendale The Duchy of Falendale is an urban region with very little wild land. The sprawling capitol of Caer Falen is a haven for merchants, gamblers and thieves. Orphan workhouses take in the many homeless children that roam the streets, and the general populace lives in squalor and poverty. Despite these conditions, the people of Falendale consider themselves “cosmopolitan” and “cultured”, and pride themselves on their “street smarts”. Residents of Falendale look out for themselves, and are always ready to make some easy money. Benefit: Hidden Pocket. You will be provided a 4” by 6” yellow pouch at Check-In. You may carry any in-game items in this pouch, so long as they fit completely within it. The pouch and its contents are considered so well hidden that they will never be found in a search of your person. You should still make an effort to keep the pouch out of view, and you must carry it with you. Items in this pouch will register if an appropriate “Detect” effect is called. The pouch itself may not be stolen. If you lose or forget your pouch you may not use this ability!

Free Commons An elected Council governs the Free Commons. The people of this land consist mostly of crafters, artisans, and farmers. Many scattered villages are spread across the rolling hills of the Common Lands, and there are no great cities. The Commons-folk tend to be independent and open-minded, and greatly prize their freedom. Arts and crafts from the Free Commons are reputedly the finest in all the world, and certainly the most creative. Many young men and women travel there to apprentice themselves to the great masters of their chosen craft. There are also many bards and storytellers who make their homes in the peaceful villages of the Free Commons, and most evenings will find the Commons-folk gathered in halls and around their hearths trading songs and tales. Benefit: You may Resist an effect delivered “By Mind” twice per event. This can be used even if you are a Ratkin or otherwise inhibited in ability to Resist Mind effects.

Gwent The Duchy of Gwent is comprised mostly of bogland, heath, and moors. Most of the buildings, including the capitol Caer Graveston, are erected on stilts above the marshy land, and all are surrounded by great hedges of sharpened wooden spikes. The people of Gwent are generally wise but reserved, and dress in muted colors. Their ways are often mysterious to outsiders, who perceive them as a strange, superstitious lot. Many tales of strange happenings, magical mists, ghosts, and unearthly creatures have been told about the lands of Gwent. Gwent is currently beset by dark forces from within. A wall of consuming Mist has spread from the Dead Marsh, devouring everything that it touches. Those who enter the Mists never return, and those that have been too near to it have made reports of terrible beasts. The Mists have badly sapped the strength of Gwent, eradicating virtually all attempts to combat it. This coupled by an overwhelemed Duke has left the Duchy in dire straits and in desperate need of heroes. Benefit : As a resident of Gwent you acquired a minor magical item known as a Talisman. You may only have one Talisman, and you must supply an appropriately Gwentish charm, adornment, or other physrep. Your Talisman will only work for you, and may not be stolen. You may not change your Talisman between events. You may choose the power of your Talisman from the following list: Talisman of the Closed Eye : A potent charm against ill intentions. You may resist two effects delivered, “by Gesture,” during an event. Talisman of the Salamander : A gift of warmth in the damp marshlands. You may throw two “3 Damage by Fire” packets during an event. Talisman of the Frog : This charm has saved the life of many a traveler. Twice per event, when you are rendered Unstable, you may use the Talisman to automatically “Stabilize by Ether” yourself. Talisman of Gateward : This charm is potent against evil spirits. Twice per event, you may throw a “Repel by Gateward,” packet. This will have variable effects, depending upon the sort of creature you strike. Talisman of the Riverlands : A charm imbued with the freshness of flowing water. Twice per event, you may throw a “Trip by Water” packet.

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Serewaene This ancient land is located east of the marshlands of Gwent and west of what remains of the Western Grithean Imperium. It was once an independent kingdom of goblins that had been subjugated by the Grith more than a hundred years ago. It briefly regained its independent status under the glorious leadership of King Snarg Bugcatcher, before becoming a duchy of Arden. The duchy is ramshackle and sprawling, and even after a century has not fully recovered from Grithean rule. Parts of the duchy are poisoned and barren, littered with crumbling barracks and rusting machines. In other places, the duchy is vibrant and lively. Goblins make up the majority of the Serewaene population, but Children of Novum, Ratkin, and the other races can also be found there. The goblins have adopted Saren as their patron deity, and many crafters and inventors work long hours to bring the light of their goddess's innovation to the duchy. Goblin culture flourishes in many parts of the duchy. In the populated areas, a traveler can smell the mingling aromas of strange cuisine, listen to all manner of wild goblinish music making, and narrowly avoid the cacophony caused by all manner of steam-powered devices. Benefit : As a resident of Serewaene you acquired a useful tinkering device known as a Gadget. You may only have one Gadget, and you must supply an appropriately physrep to serve as your Gadget. Your Gadget will only work for you, and may not be stolen. You may not change your Gadget between events. You may choose the power of your Gadget from the following list: Meshwire Entangler : This is useful for immobilizing your enemies. You may throw a “Bind (or Trap) by Physical” packet twice per event. Voltaic Motilizer : Better than a surgery kit! Deliver the, “Heal Full to Living by Lightning” effect twice per event. Unfortunately, the recipient suffers the Torment any time they touch metal for the rest of the current cycle. Charge Coil : Attach this to a weapon to sheath it in a field of crackling power. The affected weapon does +1 Damage by Lightning for five minutes, twice per event. The Retributor : Give as good as you get! When struck by a weapon, you may do “Return 2 Damage by Lightning” twice per event. Suspenso Boots : Twice per event, you may activate these boots to allow you to float on a cushion of air for five minutes. You suffer no effects caused by hazards on the ground, such as pits, water, traps, etc. A change in the Mana Cycle, loss of consciousness, or having your legs Trapped will deactivate the boots.

WalkeWalkerr of the Endless March If the Endless March is a place, it is a place unlike anywhere else in the world. It is inhabited solely by criminals, convicted of their crimes by the Courts of Arden and sentenced to the March of Redemption. The sentenced criminal is put upon a Way that leads to the Gate of the Usurper, where they begin their journey. They must remain on the March until they find their way to the Gate of Rebirth. Beyond this scant bit of information, none but those who have walked the Endless March know what is to be found there, and most are reticent to speak of it. What is known is that the Marchers face numerous spiritual and physical tests. If these are overcome, the Marcher returns to the world. If not, they must March on until they die of old age or the perils of the March itself. Those upon the Endless March who hope to find the Gate of Rebirth must be ever alert to the opportunities for redemption presented by the March itself. Those Players who choose this background will begin their first event having been released temporarily from the March into the environs of the Game. It is believed that this is one of the tests presented by the March, and a chance to find the Gate of Rebirth, though it may take months or even years to complete the tests. The Walkers are cautioned to remain alert, for if they do not appear to be making an earnest effort to seek redemption, they may find themselves recalled into the March once again, and lose this opportunity. Walkers of the Endless March bear the symbol of the March, a Wheel or a Winding Road, tattooed magically upon their face. If they have been upon the road some time they may appear quite travel-worn. Note: Characters with this Background have committed one or more crimes, for which they have been legitimately sentenced by the Courts of Arden. You cannot play someone who is innocent or falsely accused and take this Background. You cannot play someone who has “escaped” or “cheated” their way out of the Endless March. Additionally, note that being sentenced to the March does not grant extended life, and individuals younger than 15 are never sentenced to the March -- thus if your character is 30 you must have been sentenced to the March sometime in the last 15 years. More information about what can be found on the March is described in more detail in the Background packet. Benefit: Walkers on the Endless March are especially adept at navigating the Ways. They call “No Effect” to the Waytaint affliction. Twice per event, they may Resist any ill-effect delivered to them by the Ways themselves (such effects are usually called out by a Nym).

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Nieva The Duchy of Nieva is the northernmost part of Arden. It is comprised of frigid tundra and dense pine forests, where bear and elk are common. The Nievan people have domesticated elk for travel and milking, and most know how to ice-skate and snowshoe. They are seen as a proud, intrepid, and joyful people who live life to the fullest, relishing both hard work and festive celebration. They value honesty and openness, and may seem quite blunt, and even un-civilized, to others. The people of Nieva favor fur, leather, and garments of white or dark green, often accented by bright colors. The only permanent settlement of Nieva is Caer Shiverdown, an ancient fortress of stone. This serves as a center for trade, and as the stronghold of the Huntmistress Zaglanna, who eschews the title of Duchess in favor of her traditional designation. Many of the people of Nieva are nomadic, erecting seasonal shelters throughout the land and migrating with the great herds of elk that they tend. Benefit: Twice per event, you may “Purge Poison by Ice” by touch to yourself or another person.

Rachenza The Duchy of Rachenza is a rich and prosperous land, governed by the much beloved and admired Duchess Moira II. Many of its towns, including the capitol Caer Rachenza, are built out onto the protected Bay of Mardinale, with streets of water rather than cobblestones, and graceful gondolas rather than horse-drawn carts. Being a ocean-side duchy, Rachenza is a center for trade. This has exposed the Rachenzan populace to a variety of other cultures and peoples, as well as bringing significant wealth into the land. Rachenza is also rich in culture and scholarship under the influence of the great Magephilen Collegium of Arts and Sciences. The people of Rachenza are generally educated, refined, open-minded and hold a high appreciation for the finer things in life. They tend to dress as well as possible, and even the poorest among them strive to cultivate their minds and artistic sensibilities. Benefit: Twice per event, you may activate the ability to read any colored tags for 30 minutes. You must explain your ability to make these observations IG as the product of your “Rachenzan Education.”

Venelasque Also known as the “Lasque” or the “People of the Roads”, the Venelasque are a free-spirited and fiery people who travel throughout Arden by horse and caravan. They are divided into numerous close-knit bands or families, each identified by a unique melody known as a Spirit Song. The Venelasque favor festive clothing and are fond of music and revelry. Many of the greatest Seers of the world are Venelasque, for it is said that their people have much traffic with the world of Spirits. An ancient blood-oath dating to the founding of Arden binds the Venelasque to honor its monarchs, even though they are not considered subjects of any Duke or Duchess. Benefit: You may cause “5 Damage to Undead by Song” twice per event, as a packet based attack. You do not actually need to sing or have any other kind of vocal incant in order to use this ability.

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Skills are purchased using Skill Points. Each player starts with 45 Skill Points to spend when creating a character. This total may be increased or decreased by various Gifts and Flaws. Each skill is listed by name and by category. You are may purchase skills from any category except Racial Skills , for which you may only buy skills according to your character’s race. Please remember to take into account any restrictions based on Race , Gifts and Flaws when purchasing skills. Following the name of the skill are several important values that indicate the following characteristics: *: An asterisk following the skill name indicates the skill may be purchased multiple times. SP : This indicates the cost in Skill Points to purchase the skill. MP : This indicates the cost in Mana Points to make one use of this skill. If this is not listed, mana is not required to use the skill. Remember that you get a number of Mana Points equal to your Mana Point statistic each mana cycle of the game (see the “Magic” section of the Rule Book for more information on mana cycles). DMP : This indicates the cost in Dedicated Mana Points to make use of the skill. It represents that the skill is always “turned on”, thus the mana used to power it is permanently expended and may not be used for any other purpose. For example, if a character has a Mana Point statistic of 4, and buys Warcraft, which is 2 DMP, then the character only receives 2 Mana Points per mana cycle.

Some skills have different ranks of expertise, represented by the numerals I, II, III. Purchasing the Rank II skill requires having the Rank I skill, and similarly purchasing the Rank III skill requires having the Rank II skill. You may purchase multiple levels of a skill at the same time if you have sufficient Skill Points.

This list does not include all skills you may encounter in game. There are many hidden skills in all areas that you will only be able to learn in game. See the Appendix for a concise chart of skills and costs as listed in this book.

TEMPLATES Some of the skills herein (most notably, Crafting, Magic, and Faith), will require you to maintain a Template Book containing a written description of the Skill Templates they know how to use. This Template Book is in-game, but may not be stolen . NOTE: You do not need to be Literate to maintain the Template Book: the notes recorded in the Template Book are assumed to be in an obscure symbolic notation all characters with the same skill can understand.

You will begin with the knowledge a number of Templates depending on the level of the skill you purchase. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template.

You may learn more Templates in the following different ways: • You may receive a BGA response containing a new Template or Templates which you have learned. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. • You may be taught a new Template in game by an NPC, or another Player who knows the Template. This requires 15 minutes of role-playing, and you must copy the full Template description into your Template Book before you may successfully use the Template. You may only learn ONE new Template per game in this fashion, no matter how many people attempt to teach you. • You may learn any Template in the Rulebook you have the prerequisites to use by turning in 5 Game Bucks. Turn in the GB at checkin and copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. • You may discover in-game documents that include full Template Descriptions and an OOG note saying that you may learn the Template if you have the appropriate prerequisites and spend 15 minutes of role-playing studying the text, and 15 minutes of role-playing practicing the Template. You must copy the full Template description into your Template Book before you may successfully use the Template. • Successful repetition of experiments may result in the learning of the Template for that item. • Successful repetition of dabbles may result in the learning of a Template for a wholly new and unique spell.

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Alchemy & Craft Skills Generally, Alchemy and Craft Skills are used (between events, in some cases) to manufacture alchemical concoctions and crafted items. These skills utilize Craft Points to fabricate items, whether during or between events. See the “Alchemy & Crafts” chapter of the Rule Book for more information on using Alchemy and Craft Skills.

Learning Craft TemTemplates:plates: You will begin with the knowledge of three Templates for each level of a Craft skill that you purchase. Two of these Templates may be chosen from the lists provided in this Rulebook. One other Template will be awarded at check in by the Prophecy staff. This template may be a template which is in the rulebook, or it may be a secret template which would otherwise only be found through luck or search.

Some Items are created using a combination of several different craft skills, and if so, the Template will note this.

Alchemy III (Darankarik Tradition) SP: 6/9 MP: 0 Purchase of this skill makes one a recently graduated apprentice (I) or journeyman (II) in the Darankarik alchemical Tradition. Alchemists are able to concoct various oils, potions, and powders to bestow various effects, following known recipes in their Tradition as well as researching their own concoctions. Recipes require various alchemical components that must be obtained in game. Complexity of recipes increases with each level of this skill. The Darankarik Tradition is renowned for its emphasis on military uses of alchemical concoctions. OTE: any PC that possesses Alchemy skills will be provided with a more detailed explanation of the system before their first event.

Alchemy III (Magephilen Tradition) SP: 6/9 MP: 0 Purchase of this skill makes one a recently graduated apprentice (I) or journeyman (II) in the Magephilen alchemical Tradition, once centered at the great Collegium in Rachenza. Alchemists are able to concoct elixirs to bestow various effects, following known recipes in their Tradition as well as researching their own concoctions. Recipes require various alchemical components that may be found or purchased in game. Complexity of recipes increases with each level of this skill. The Magephilen Tradition is the eldest and most respected alchemical Tradition. It is renowned for its emphasis on practical matters contributing to the wealth and safety of the Kingdom of Arden. OTE: any PC that possesses Alchemy skills will be provided with a more detailed explanation of the system before their first event.

Alchemy III (Revician Tradition) SP: 6/9 MP: 0 Purchase of this skill renders one skilled in the Revician alchemical Tradition. Revician alchemists are able to concoct elixirs to bestow various effects, following known recipes in their Tradition as well as researching their own concoctions. Recipes require various alchemical components that may be found or purchased in game. Complexity of recipes increases with each level of this skill. The Revician Tradition is renowned for its emphasis on mentalist effects such as divination, clairvoyance, and altered mental states. OTE: any PC that possesses Alchemy skills will be provided with a more detailed explanation of the system before their first event.

Construct Repair III Prerequisite: Tinkering I SP: 4/6 MP: Variable ote: This skill does not have templates associated with it, but may be a prerequisite for certain Tinkering templates. Purchase of this skill allows a tinkerer to repair a Child of Novum (and, in certain cases, other constructs), effectively healing them as if they were living creatures. A character that starts the game with this skill will be given the Item Tag for a Construct Repair Kit, and a set of black and white marbles that represent the efficacy of their skill. You must provide your own safe prop for the Construct Repair Kit, containing implements you deem appropriate. If you lose your Item Tag, your marbles, or forget your prop, you may not use the skill! This skill can only be used on Children of Novum or other constructs. It has no effect on living creatures.

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If you have Construct Repair I, you may use it as if it were Surgery I. Any character with the Tinker skill may assist you in Construct Repair, similarly to a character with a Medical skill assisting a Surgeon.

If you have Construct Repair II, you get an extra marble draw for your surgeries as if you had Surgery II. In addition, you may use this skill as if it were Bandage II to heal Children of Novum. Like Bandage II, you must spend 2 Mana each time you use the skill in this way.

Cooking Prerequisite: Herbal Lore SP: 5 MP: 0 The potency of herbs can be enhanced by clever combination with more mundane food, spices, and heat. By spending 10 minutes of game time, any number of fresh or dried herbs (all of the same type) and an equal number of units of “Food” (which need not be of the same type) can be combined into a dish that can exert the Herbal effect on up to twice the number of recipients as there are Herbs in the pot.

You must know how to use a given Herbal component in order to be able to Cook with it. Cooking implements and a simulated source of heat are required to roleplay the cooking. This aspect of the skill may only be used with Herbal Lore Recipes, and only (effectively) in game. The Herbalist must serve the cooked herb within 4 hours of having finished the cooking process for any effect to be obtained.

Cooking also allows a character to create various wines and cheeses using suitable components, if they know the proper recipe Templates. Such Templates will utilize your Herbal Lore Craft Points.

Herbal Lore SP: 6 MP: 0 This skill enables the herbalist to use certain plant components (herbs) raw to deliver various immediate Effects in game, or to dry them between events. Dried herbs have the same effect as raw herbs, but can be preserved indefinitely. Fresh herbs will not retain potency between events. Herbs can be dried by a skilled herbalist utilizing the normal between-games crafting process. Due to the time involved in drying herbs, this practice may not be done normally during an event. All unused component physreps must be turned in at the end of each event.

Industry SP: 10 This skill enables a craftsperson to utilize all of their craft skills between events, instead of merely one.

Metalcraft IIIIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: 0 This skill can be used to create and enhance armor, and to make metal items, from weapons to jewelry to farm implements. Various ores and metal components are needed to craft in metal. Each rank of the skill represents additional experience and allows for more complicated and useful crafting. This skill can also be used to enhance metal weapons so that they will be capable of performing various Effects in the hands of anyone who can wield them.

Scribe IIIIII Prerequisite: Literacy SP: 6/9/12 MP: Variable A character with the Scribe skill has developed expertise in the art of lettering and writing. Local establishments, organizations, and other townsfolk who cannot write for themselves, may hire the character for this expertise. This skill can be used to create (or forge) certain official letterheads and seals that the character may not normally have the right to use. Many scribes also learn power runes and charms that utilize art or writing for small effects. In addition, this skill can be used to copy books, letters, or scrolls. Scribes may also read purple Archivist tags.

The Scribe skill does not automatically guarantee that forged documents will be accepted. Players must use creativity, guile, as well as information and names learned in game to make sure their forgeries are as believable as possible. For each purchase of the Scribe skill a Player will be given templates for three documents. Special inks and papers are likely to be needed for creation of the appropriate documents. Each rank of the skill represents additional experience and allows for the creation of successively more complicated, and potentially more useful, documents.

Upon attaining Journeyman (Level II) Scribe status, the Scribe will begin to learn the ancient arts of Pictomancy, a once forgotten school of magic now incorporated directly into the Scribal arts. Pictomancy is predominantly a subtle magic

31 2/8/10 worked through images and illumination of manuscripts, and may require From shores of old the longboats sweep a bit of Mana to work properly- most crafts made with it, though, utilize we built from oak and tharrow-tree, the inherent magic of various pigments, and thus do not cost Mana. the thousand clans are far from home Runecrafting III and far we sail upon the sea. SP: 6/9 MP: 0 This skill may be used to inscribe (paint, carve, embroider, etc.) a number We leave our homes, and many weep, of ancient and mystical runes onto items or people, generating a host of but doom has come to land and kin. magical effects. It is said that this crafting arose among the bards of a we follow road and falcon gods, long-lost human civilization, and that the runes themselves gain their and make their marks upon our skin. power from epic stories passed down through the ages. The first level of the skill allows for the creation of inscriptions consisting of no more than What once was sown, now turns to reap, three runes. The second level of the skill allows for the creation of longer, and death-smoke rises from the land. more complicated inscriptions. Rumors speak of still more advanced we come to new lands prophesied, Ritual Runecrafting, which is said to allow for communication with the we drag our boats upon the strand. spirit world and beings out of ancient legend and history. Some say there are dozens, or even hundreds of “lost runes”, waiting to be discovered We land as three in waters deep, among the crumbling ruins and ancient tomes of past civilizations. 'pon icy shoreline, island bleak, and pleasant vin-land ripe with fruit, Sewing IIIIII some clans we lost and still we seek. SP: 6/9/12 MP: 0 This humble skill can be used to create light armor and some Hearken now to joys that leap swashbuckling items, as well as certain magical and medical supplies. from gladden lips and hearts made light, Cloth, thread, and/or dye components are needed to craft an Item with speak of safe landings for the men Sewing. Each rank of the skill represents additional experience and allows from Sharnheim, lost to fogbound night. for more complicated and useful crafting. You will begin knowing how to make 3 sewn items per level purchased, and may learn more in game. --from the Song of the Settlers

Tinkering IIIIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Variable This skill can be used to create locks, crossbows, traps, and various unusual gadgets. Each rank of the skill represents additional experience and allows for more complicated and useful crafting. Gears, wires, and other clockwork components are needed to craft an Item with Tinkering. This skill may be useful in game to use or disable other tinkered devices you may encounter. Tinkering can also be used to repair damage done to Children of Novum or other constructs as if it were the Bandage I skill. This bestows the Heal Half to Construct effect. When attempting to repair a Child of Novum,, you must roleplay repairs for at least 1 uninterrupted minute. This skill may not be used while within line of sight of combat! You and the person you are treating must be stationary while using this skill!

Woodcraft IIIIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: 0 This skill can be used to make wooden weapons, shields, special paper, and other paraphernalia. Various wood, oil, and veneer components are needed to create an Item with Woodcraft. Each rank of the skill represents additional experience and allows for more complicated and useful crafting. This skill can be used to enhance wooden weapons so that they will be capable of performing various Effects in the hands of anyone who can wield them.

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Faith Skills For additional information on Faith, Starting Rites and a description of the gods of Arden, see the “Religion” section of the Rule Book.

Learning Rite Templates: You will begin with the knowledge of four Rite Templates. Three of these are general-purpose Rites common to all Faiths, and one will be specific to your deity. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. See the “Faith Rites” section of this Rulebook for the starting Rites.

Faith IIII SP: 4/6/8 MP: 0 Characters with Faith have dedicated themselves to a single deity, and can earn Faith Points. For each purchase of the Faith skill you will receive 2 Faith Points at the beginning of every event you attend. Additionally, Faith Points can be earned through prayer and by performing deeds pleasing to your chosen deity. However, Faith Points may also be taken away if a character displeases the deity! Faith Points last until used. Each Faith Point will be represented by a faith tag. These are visible in game as an aura of holiness, but may not be stolen by a normal character. Faith points can be used to cast Divine Magics (or “Rites”), to empower prayers, and to request your god’s assistance (see the “Religion” section of the Rule Book). When a character with Faith dies and faces Judgment, they will be judged by the guidelines of the deity in which they have Faith. The Faith skill may be purchased a maximum of 3 times. All characters that have the Faith skill begin as Acolytes. If they wish to become a Priest (or otherwise advance in the hierarchy of their faith), they must discover how to do so in game.

Fighting Skills

Battlethirst SP: 5 MP: 0 Characters with Battlethirst can fight on after wounds that would render them unconscious, if their enthusiasm for the fray is sufficient. They may, when reduced to zero HP, cry “Battlethirst!” The character may now continue to fight until they are reduced to a negative HP total equal to their full HP attribute. When this happens, or at the end of the battle, the character will immediately fall into a Critical state. Divine Shield will not protect someone in this case. See the “Death & Dying” section of the Rule Book for more information on becoming Critical.

Bow Block SP: 8 MP: 0 Characters with Bow Block may use their Bow to physically block other weapon blows. If you do not have this skill, and you use your Bow to block a weapon blow, the Bow will be Shattered. Note that this skill does not allow you to call the “Parry” effect. To block attacks with a bow in one hand and a weapon in the other requires the Two Weapons skill.

Desperation SP: 3 MP: 1 Characters with Desperation can, when the need is great, expend a Mana point to wield weapons that they have no real skill with. Once activated, the talent lasts for one “battle” or “adventure”, the end of the mana cycle, or up to 30 minutes, whichever comes first. No other fighting skills may be employed when using a weapon in Desperation.

Maim SP: 7 MP: 1

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Characters with Maim may use their melee (not missile or thrown) weapons to deliver the “Maim by Weapon” effect. The character must have a weapon of his or her own with which to attack, must announce “Maim by Weapon”, and must successfully strike his or her opponent. The effect must be called BEFORE the blow is made! Maim must strike a limb to be effective, and represents a debilitating magical blow. If you call “Maim” and fail to land a blow successfully or strike your opponent’s torso, weapon, or shield, your opponent will take no effect, but your Mana will have been expended. Mindsharpen SP: 10 MP: 1 Characters with the Mindsharpen skill have been trained in meditation techniques that allow them to Enhance themselves prior to a battle. The warrior must spend 10 minutes roleplaying some form of meditation (sitting in silent contemplation, practicing rote fighting techniques, etc.). During this meditation the warrior may not communicate with others. The warrior is then in a heightened state of battle-readiness, and will be Enhanced (+1 Damage) for the next battle in which she or he fights. If the warrior does not participate in a battle within the next 15 minutes, the enhancement is lost. This skill is usable only with hand-held melee weapons (not including missile and thrown weapons).

They come at dawn.

The words were echoed throughout the castle, passing from guard to guard, from the steward to the cook to the scullion, from the falconers to the huntsmen. It was said that the Lady did not sleep, but knelt in the Chapel all the night through. An hour before dawn she rose. In her chambers she arrayed herself in bright silver mail and shining helm. She kissed her two small sons upon their sleeping brows, for she knew she would not see them again. Then, it is said, she went to the parapets and clasped her sword before her. And as the sky brightened she fixed her mind upon the coming battle, on the strength of her sword, on the justice of her cause.

They came at dawn. And her blade awaited them.

From The Song of the Meverel

Strike of Might SP: 7 MP: 1 Characters with Strike of Might may use their melee (not missile or thrown) weapons to deliver the “3 Damage by Weapon” effect. The skill represents a strike magically made more powerful than normal. The character must have a weapon of his or her own with which to attack, must announce “3 Damage”, and must successfully strike his or her opponent. If you call “3 Damage by Weapon” and fail to land a blow successfully or strike your opponent’s weapon, or shield, your opponent will suffer no damage but your Mana will have been expended.

Sucker Punch SP: 5 MP: 1 This skill simulates brawling with one’s fists. Characters with Sucker Punch may throw a fist-sized seed packet at a foe and call the “Knockout by Weapon” effect. The beanbag must strike your opponent’s torso, and must be thrown from within an arm’s length for the “punch” to be effective. Your opponent may block the beanbag with a shield, a weapon, or hands. If it is blocked, fails to hit the torso, or misses entirely the Effect fails and the Mana Point is wasted.

Swashbuckling SP: 10 MP: 0 This skill allows a character to physically bat away packets using a hat, a bunch of flowers, a fan, etc. Any successfully batted-away packets do not affect the character. You must select one of your items to be your Swashbuckling item, and it must be approved at Check-In. You may find other suitable items in game, or have them made through the use of Craft Skills. You should call “Resist” when you have successfully blocked a packet. Packets that strike you will take effect as normal.

Two Weapons SP: 12 MP: 0 Characters with the Two Weapons skill may use two hand-held weapons (not including Crossbows) that you have the skill required to use, at one time. One weapon may be no longer than 42”, the other may be no longer than 30”.

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Warcraft SP: 14 DMP: 2 Characters with Warcraft are so proficient in the use of weapons that they routinely make attacks that others would have to use magic to achieve. The character may call ONE Maim or Strike of Might against EACH opponent they face, provided they have already purchased the Maim and/or Strike of Might skill. Example : Gwydion is a skilled fighter who has the Maim skill, but not the Strike of Might skill. Each time he uses that skill he expends 1 Mana Point. He learns Warcraft, and dedicates 2 Mana Points to it. Now, he may use a Maim against each foe he fights, without expending any additional mana. If he learns the Strike of Might skill, he may choose to use a Maim OR a Strike of Might (not both) against each foe he fights. There are other hidden skills that can be used with Warcraft. Warcraft may be used with any weapon, but is not applicable initially for missile and thrown weapons as the applicable skills (that would, for example, allow the delivery of Maim with a Missile Weapons) are not starting skills and must be learned in game.

Combat Styles The following skills comprise the “Martial Arts” in Arden, known to the few that devote their lives to the ways of combat. These styles are difficult to master, so it is not possible for you to start off knowing more than one. Characters who take Warcraft dedicate 2 Mana, because so much of their spirit is dedicated to fighting. They are constantly focused on war and battle, and will likely not excel in other areas. A similar thing happens to those who pursue Combat Styles. Only by investing body and soul in their Art can they hope to achieve mastery. For this reason, the first Rank of every Combat Style costs Dedicated Mana to purchase. All styles listed here are divided into two ranks. The Dedicated Mana cost must be paid for when you buy the first rank, but does not need to be paid again for the second rank. All abilities listed under each rank are acquired when you purchase that rank. It is possible for you to know both Warcraft and Combat Styles, provided you have enough Mana to dedicate to both. However, it is important to realize that Warcraft and Combat Styles do not stack .

Adamant III Prerequisite: One Handed Weapon SP: 8/10 DMP: 1 Adamant was originally developed by the petrogen, taking into account their slow, methodical movements, determination, and great strength. Though it is most widely practiced by petrogen, it has many students from the other races. The most famous practitioners of this style are the Adamant Wall, the True Sovereign’s elite petrogen defenders.

Style : The stance for this combat style is very methodical stance. When entering into Adamant, dramatically stamp your feet to “set” your stance. Your special attacks may not be used while running. You must fight with a one-handed weapon, but you may use a shield and may wear any armor.

Adamant I Abilities Onslaught of Stone : Swing your sword back and forth like a metronome. On the fifth swing, you may strike for 2 Damage by Weapon.

Adamant II Abilities Greater Onslaught : You may use Onslaught of Stone to deliver “1 Crushing” instead of “2 Damage by Weapon”. You may do this once per battle, and you must swing your weapon with both hands to create the necessary momentum for the blow.

Sovereign’s Defender : Call “Parry by Weapon” once per Mana Cycle.

Cavalcanti III Prerequisites: One Hand Weapon, Two Weapons SP: 10/12 DMP: 1

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This is a fighting school of Rachenza, studied by students of the famous Cavalcanti Academy, as well as those more martial students at the Collegium. It is a complex style that combines the grace of a dancer with the speed of a serpent. True Cavalcanti devotees also spend considerable time learning proper grooming and etiquette as part of their training.

Style : In order to use this fighting school, you must adopt a “fencing” style stance. You should take great care with your footwork, and strive to look light and agile. You must fight with sword and dagger. The dagger is held in your off-hand, with the point held down and used for blocking. Strikes are almost never made with the dagger. You may only wear light armor or less. Cavalcanti I Abilities Fencer’s Grip : Resist 1 Disarm per Mana Cycle

Riposte in Fourth : Spend 2 Mana to Disarm an opponent of a One-Handed Weapon.

Cavalcanti II Abilities Swift Strike : One Maim by Weapon, for free, per Battle

Web of Steel : One Disengage, for free, per Battle

Shielding Blade : You may Parry once per mana cycle.

Hillebard III Prerequisite: Staff or Two Handed Weapon SP: 10/12 DMP: 1 This is a fighting style reputed to come from ancient Sharnheim. It is still practiced by those who live on the Nievan frontier. Its practitioners are masters of pole weapons, and can use them to deadly effect against the beasts that inhabit the frigid wastes. Though this style originally used only the long spear, modern practitioners have adapted it for use with polearms and staves.

Style : Practitioners adopt a side stance, with their weapon following the line of their hips. Generally, the point is angled downward. All of the special attacks of this fighting style are made with wide (but controlled) sweeps and flourishes of the weapon. Because this fighting style requires a great deal of room, none of the special attacks can be made in cramped quarters (you must have enough room to swing your weapon without hitting walls, doors, etc.).

Hillebard I Abilities Ankle Smash : One Trip by Weapon, for free, per Battle

Whirlwind of Steel : One Disengage, for free, per Battle.

Hillebard II Abilities Bonecrusher : Spend 2 Mana to deliver a “1 Crushing by Weapon” blow.

Phalanx III Prerequisite: Shield SP: 8/16 DMP: 1 This is an ancient Durriken fighting style from the Sunlit Age. It has many techniques that are similar to those once used by the Grithean Legions. Its techniques are of great use to any fighting force that uses shield wall tactics, and is widely practiced by the Arden army, as well as other militia groups.

Style : You must fight with a one-handed weapon and a shield. You must also fight in a shield wall with at least one other person. They do not need to know this Combat Style for you to gain the benefits. If you are alone, or if your shield wall breaks, you get no benefits. You may wear any armor. Phalanx I Abilities Hold the Line : You may Resist a Trip or Trap effect 1/battle.

Phalanx II Abilities Stand Fast : You may expend 2 Mana to Resist a Disengage.

Quinque : If you are in a shield wall with two other shield users, you gain 1 Parry per battle. 36 2/8/10

Sword and Scarf III Prerequisites: One Handed Weapon SP: 10/20 DMP: 1/1 Sword and Scarf is both a martial style and a performance art. Practitioners develop a flexible, sinuous style of movement used to entertain others and bemuse and bewilder foes. Scarves are swirled, and a wide array of sidesteps and spins employed.

Style : You must fight with a sword and scarf at the same time in order to use the benefits of this style. You should endeavor to be fluid and graceful. You may not wear armor when using this style.

Sword and Scarf I Abilities Flashing Cut : 1 Maim per cycle.

Spin and Counter : 2 Disengages per cycle.

Roll with the Blow : Crushing attacks are converted to normal damage (i.e., a blocked blow does not harm you and body shots are not doubled), as long as you spin and fall back after every attack. Call “Resist by Weapon.”

Sword and Scarf II Abilities Move as the Waves : 1 Dodge per cycle.

Whirlwind Strike : Any time you spin completely around you can call Critical with a sword. This move takes some practice to execute safely. The first time you whack someone in the face with it you should not use it again until you have better control.

Twin Daggers III Prerequisites: Small Weapon, Two Weapons SP: 7/9 DMP: 1 This is a Falendale fighting style, in which the practitioners make use of lighting speed, sharp knives, and close quarters. Masters of this style are blurs of motion, and can decimate a foe with a flurry of blows.

Style : You must remain in constant motion, bobbing, weaving, etc. Your feet should move as if you are dancing. You may not use this style if your movement is hindered (Trap, Bind). Your daggers should be held close to your body, unless you are attacking. You may wear only light armor or less when using this style.

Twin Daggers I Abilities Forearm Block : Once per opponent, you may Resist any weapon blow that strikes your forearms You must actually block with your forearm to Resist the attack. If your forearm is hit by an opponent while you are doing something other than defending yourself with it (like attacking) this blow is not resisted.

Savage Flurry : One Maim, for free, per Battle

Twin Daggers II Abilities Wrist Twist : When you successfully make a Forearm Block, you may spend 1 Mana to call “Bladeturn Disarm.”

Falendale Special : You must strike someone three times in a row on three swings of your dagger. If you are able to do this, your third strike is a Critical. Once per Mana cycle.

Varja III Prerequisite: Two Handed Weapon SP: 11/14 DMP: 1 37 2/8/10

This Combat Style allows the practitioner to wield large weapons with devastating effect. Varja is not a subtle style, emphasizing brute force and sheer mass over subtlety and technique. Like Hillebard, Varja is believed to have originated on Sharnheim. It is strongly favored by human warriors of a certain physique and demeanor, though petrogens and durriken have also used this style to brutal effect.

Style: This style requires a two handed weapon. You cannot make use of any of Varja’s special abilities if one or both of your arms are Maimed.

Varja I Abilities Savage Counter: Spend 2 Mana to call, “Return 2 Damage by Weapon,” when you are struck in melee combat.

Crippling Blow : 1 Maim, for free, per battle.

Varja II Abilities Toughened Sinews : Once per battle, you may Resist a Maim that targets one of your arms.

Bring Down the Mountain : Spend 2 Mana to call, “Shatter by Weapon.”

Information Skills

Divination Prerequisite: Precognition Gift SP: 8 MP: 1 per reading This skill represents additional training someone with the Precognition Gift may undertake to hone and direct their visions. A Diviner may focus his or her visions in several different ways:

Item Reading : This allows you to seek insight into the nature, history and possible future of a specific object, using the object itself as a focus.

Personal Reading : This allows you to seek insight into the nature, history, and possible future of a specific person, using an object associated with them as a focus.

Location Reading : This allows you to seek insight into the nature, history, and possible future of a specific place. This works best when performed in the actual location, but may sometimes be possible using an object associated with the location (a map or a pouch of dirt, for example) as a focus.

To perform any of these divinations, you must be in the presence of a willing Nym. There may be times and places especially well-suited for Divinations, at which you will be likely to find a ready Nym, but you must discover these in game. Any player may attempt to summon a Nym by going to Ops to make the request and sacrificing 2 Mana or 2 Faith. Note that in this case, the Nym may not appear immediately.

When you are ready to perform the Divination, inform the Nym what type of Divination you are performing and what you are using as a focus, and begin to roleplay your Divination. The Nym may provide an answer immediately, it may leave and return with an answer, or it may indicate that the Divination is particularly unclear and difficult, and that what answer you receive will come to you at some later time, if at all. Please note that you should not expect Divination to answer all your questions or to provide all the information you need to solve the challenges before you. It is a means to seek guidance, not full answers.

Dreamwalker Prerequisite: Second Sight Gift SP: 8 MP: 0 The Ether is said to be a realm of many things: dreams and visions, gods and spirits, enlightenment and mortal peril. It is said that the Near Ether much resembles the mortal realm; those entities and energies within the Near Ether may often be seen by the naked eye. But there are deeper regions of the Ether, and those who seek to unlock their mysteries do so only through great effort, and with significant preparation.

A Dreamwalker is one who has practiced the arts of meditation and concentration to the extent that he or she can, with sufficient preparation, transcend into the Deep Ether, into a strange world of symbols and portents, dreams and spirits. 38 2/8/10

To perform a Dreamwalk, you must spend one BGA in preparation, meditating upon a Person or Place that will be the target of the Dreamwalk. The chance of success will be increased by the following: knowing the True Name of the target, having an item of significance associated with the target, knowledge of other information related to the target. If you attempt to Dreamwalk with a target based on a passing reference or incorrect name, you are unlikely to get the response you are hoping for. However, you will always go somewhere, even if it is not where you were hoping to go.

At the next event you will receive a BGA response information about something, you will probably fail, indicating that the Dreamwalk has been prepared for. You unless it is a BGA that was specifically set up in game by may or may not receive some indication of when it will an NPC. take place in game. At some point during the event, you will be approached by a Nym when it is time for the Dreamwalk. You may bring additional people with you Her hand shook as she locked the Library. She wasn’t on the Dreamwalk at a cost of 1 Mana per person (this sure if it was excitement, or fear. Probably both. Taking includes Children of Novum). You and your companions a deep breath to steady herself, she turned and followed must then roleplay entering into a meditative trance. The after Master Corbin into the woods. They walked in Nym will describe what happens next, but it will silence. ot the companionable silence of the library, generally involve transcending to the Ether and departing broken by the rustle of papers and the grumbling of the for a Module in an area outside the Town. If you are boggart. ot the peaceful silence of morning walks to going to be remaining in the area of Game, the Nym will the grove where the skyflowers bloomed. This silence provide blue glowsticks. coiled around her belly, a cold, ominous thing.

If you become Critical during the Dreamwalk, you should Finally, they reached the crossroads. The old elf turned travel as a Spirit back to the location where you entered to her. “So it is time to seek her out.” Was it her the Dreamwalk and emerge back into the Physical realm imagination, or did Master Corbin’s voice shake in a Critical state. Players should be advised that while slightly? o, she told herself. He was an experienced there may be combat within a Dreamwalk, skills in Magic Dreamwalker. and quickness of mind and intellect are of primary importance. You may also expose yourself to unknown She nodded, pushing down her fears as she drew the dangers unlike those you face in the Physical realm. supplies from her satchel: the rune scrolls, the stylus, Undertake a Dreamwalk at your own risk! the eyebindings. She shivered as she handed Master Corbin one of the latter. The painted silver eyes stared Information Gathering up at her from the black cloth. SP: 8 MP: 0 This skill represents your character’s ability to track down “You needn’t risk this, child,” said Master Corbin, his people who might know something about a particular eyes crinkling in concern. "Do you want to go back?" subject you are looking for information about. To use this skill, you must spend a BGA seeking information on your “o,” she said. “We must. It must be protected, and this specified topic. You may provide additional details about is the best way. You said so yourself. The Dancer in the where you are looking or if you are seeking a particular Mist can keep it safe until it’s needed.” contact, though there is no guarantee those efforts will be successful. At the next event, you will be contacted in- The old elf nodded. “Yes. But it will be dangerous. One game by a person or entity in response to your BGA. This does not ask boons of the Old Ones lightly. Are you person or entity may not be benevolent, and may demand certain? I can attempt the crafting on my own.” some service or payment for the information. You may be told in a BGA response who to expect and when, or they “o,” she said, trying to put the iron of resolve in her may simply seek you out. It will be up to you to role-play voice, as well as her heart. “I want to help. It’s what I’ve with them and learn what you can. been training for.”

Please be aware that the more specific the topic, the more Master Corbin gave a rueful smile. “I must admit I’m likely you will find what you are looking for. If you say glad of it. Best that you handle the inscriptions. I trust “I'm looking for information about that guy in the hat” your memory more than my own creaky noggin.” He you may get anything from the local baker to the local tapped his grizzled head. jester. They moved then, as they had practiced so many times, NOTE: If you wish to use BGAs to proactively gather to stand facing one another. Each bound their eyes with information, this skill is the best way to do so. If you do the cloths that would aid the Dreamwalking. As always, not have this skill and attempt to use a BGA to find out 39 2/8/10 the Dream rose up like a cool water, as if she had stepped unknowingly into a still lake. When she opened She knelt, the stylus in one hand, the scroll in the other. her eyes the cloth was gone, and before her stretched the As she began etching the first rune into the earth that glimmering blue etherscape. Master Cobin, stronger and was not earth, Master Corbin began the tale. younger now in his dreamguise, moved at once to prepare for the Telling. And somewhere, in the distance, she could hear music.

Literacy SP: 0 MP: 0 All characters automatically have this skill, unless they take the Illiterate Flaw . This skill allows a character to read and write the common language of Arden (English). Certain documents or books available in game may require separate skills to read, if they are written in languages other than the common tongue. You do not need to have the Literacy skill to read Item tags or colored Information Tags

Rumors SP: 2 MP:0 This skill provides a character with a random number of tidbits of useful, or not-so-useful information at the start of each event. This information represents rumors that the character has overheard between games. You cannot specify that you are seeking rumors on a particular topic, you just get what you happen to get.

Wayfinder SP: 8 MP: 0 The Prophecy world is riddled with ancient “pattern spells” from the long-ago ages of great magics. These connect different points of the physical world, but persist only in a fragmented and unpredictable manner that is constantly in flux. These mysterious magics may, for example, cause a forgotten graveyard to suddenly manifest in the woods near a village, and then fade away. Or, underground tunnels may shift and move, leading to different hidden caverns. Thus there are many locations that will appear and disappear from time to time, and some that players will have only one chance to visit. The Wayfinder skill allows a character to explore these pattern spells to some degree between events, and to predict times and places where remote locations will manifest. Thus if you wish to find a cavern you have heard of, or visit a sacred glade you once encountered, someone with the Wayfinder skill might be able to find the way for you.

Please note that Wayfinding is not an exact science, and you may not end up exactly where you hope to be. There may be some locations in game that you can never reach! The Wayfinder will be informed of the time and place in game at which the location might be found. This information might be revealed well in advance, or it might be revealed with only moments to spare. Pattern spells bring the location to you; they do not transport you to it. Thus, with this skill, it is not possible to travel this way, only to visit! Often, wayfinders are limited as to the number of companions they can bring along into the “ways.” This information will be revealed to the wayfinder before the “ways” are entered. In addition, travelling the “ways” requires a two-directional trip. Those who travel to a location must travel back, or risk being lost in the “ways” themselves. There may also be opportunities to use this skill without preparation, but these will be revealed in game. Characters with this skill may read Brown “Woodwise” Tags.

MMagicalagical Skills There are many magics in the Prophecy world, some wellknown, others only whispered of. The list of skills provided here represents what is commonly known in Arden and likely for your character to have studied. It is commonly believed that no Magical School has more than Four Circles of Mastery (in other words, though there may be Hidden Level IV Skills, there are no Level V Magics).

Among the lost schools of magic, three have been spoken of, largely in whispers, by wizards and scholars in the last century. There are rumors of ethramancy, the magic of spirits, time, and darkness; Sanguimancy, the secret lore of blood magic; and Limnomancy, an esoteric art that allows the practitioner to manipulate the Ether itself.

For additional information on Magic, Learning Spells, and a list of sample Spells, see the “Magic”, “Effects”, and “Sample Spells” sections of the Rule Book. 40 2/8/10

Learning Spell Templates: You will begin with the knowledge of three Templates for each level of a Magical skill (other than Dabbling and Spellcasting Specialization) that you purchase. Two of these Templates may be chosen from the lists provided in this Rulebook.. One other Template will be awarded at checkin by the Prophecy staff. This template may be a template which is in the rulebook, or it may be a secret template which would otherwise only be found through luck or search.

Some Spells are cast using a combination of several different magical skills, and if so, the Template will note this. Aquamancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Aquamancy is derived from the essence of Water and Ice. It is a deceptive magic that may seem inoffensive but is still capable of great power. Pure Aquamancers, like water, tend to flow around their obstacles, wearing them down. Aquamancy had its greatest development during Winterfall, when it became focused on ice as well as on water.

Cieleomancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Cieleomancy is derived from the essence of Wind and Sky. It is an ancient magic of a curious and mercurial nature. The effects it creates are usually as short-lived as a gust of wind, but may also be as devastating as a thunderbolt from above. Practitioners of pure Cieleomancy often prefer the outdoors, and dislike being constrained or confined.

Cognimancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Cognimancy is derived from the essence of Thought and Emotion. Its spells can affect the minds of those upon whom they are cast. It rarely affects the physical world. Creatures and entities without thought or mind will not generally be affected by many of the magics of Cognimancy. Practitioners of pure Cognimancy may be especially sensitive and receptive to the emotions around them, or alternatively may retreat behind a protective numbness.

Dabbling IIII SP: 4/6/8 MP: Per Spell This skill allows one Dabbling “Experiment” per time taken. Dabbling can lead to the creation of new spells and effects, but it is also unpredictable and may result in serious injury or death. At the end of an event, a Dabbler will turn in a Dabbling Work Sheet detailing their experiments, as well as any material components they have decided to use in the attempt.

Dabbling Experiments take place between events, and require no BGAs. At the next event, the Dabbler will receive a sealed card for each Dabbling Experiment he or she performed. The card will contain an incant, mana cost, and effect. The Dabbler can choose to release the spell at any time in the future, during an event, by opening the card. Channeling unknown power in this way is risky. If, upon opening the card, you find the spell takes less than or equal to the amount of mana you have left, the mana is expended and the spell works. If the Spell takes more mana than you have, it will begin to drain your available Hit Points as well, and you will fall unconscious after casting the spell. If the spell requires more mana than your available Hit Points and available mana combined, it does not work, and you will become Critical. There may be side effects to certain Dabbling Experiments. Once you have repeated the same Dabbling Experiment 4 times, you have learned the spell and may cast it without further experimentation, (provided you have any necessary prerequisites). Please note that, in a departure from previous rules, you MAY hold on to an unused dabbling experiment for as long as you like- it need not be used the event following the one in which you created it.

Embermancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Embermancy is derived from the essence of Flame and Ember. It is an explosive, powerful magic focused on causing damage to others and defending against ice and snow. Some say that it was first taught to mortals during Winterfall by the god Daramore, who burned the incantations of the first Embermantic spells into the great Stone of Chareth with his flaming sword. It was said that the first Embermancers used their magically generated warmth to enable many to live that would otherwise have perished in the first snows.

Geomancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Geomancy is the essence of Pure Form and Ideal Geometric Shape. It is an ancient science derived from the power of circles, triangles, lines, squares and other, more complex forms. A wide variety of effects can be created using Geomancy, but all are 41 2/8/10 limited in that the casting of a Geomantic Spell requires the drawing or construction of a series of forms, known as sigils. Geomancy is considered by many to be the most abstruse (and sometimes the most obscure) form of magic, and Geomancers themselves are often quirky and eccentric. This is especially true for the more advanced Geomancers who have ventured into more complex, multi-dimensional forms.

Lyrimancy Lore IIII SP: 4/6/8 MP: Per Spell Lyrimancy is derived from the essence of Melody and Harmony. Lyrimancers use music to channel their mana and create startling and unusual effects, including Healing (which is generally uncommon in magical disciplines other than Natramancy). Lyrimancers must invoke music of some kind in order to cast their spells. This can be as simple as a few verses of song or a rhythmic drumbeat, or as complicated as a full performance for a gathered crowd. Lyrimancy is one of the areas of magic in which it is most common to find more than one mage able to work together to accomplish an overall effect. It is also the discipline in which it is easiest to affect a large number of people with a single spell. Players interested in casting Lyrimancy will be expected to sing or perform music on their own instruments. Players who may wish to bring large and/or breakable instruments may do so, but should be aware of the potential risk of damage. Players who wish to bring such instruments are encouraged to contact the Prophecy Staff in advance so that safe performance times may be arranged. The Prophecy Staff regrets it is unable to supply instruments of any sort to a prospective Lyrimancer. ote: the effect of a Lyrimantic spell must be “called” at the same volume at which the music was performed.

Mineramancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Mineramancy is derived from the essence of Stone and Ore. Those who pursue this path exclusively tend to be tenacious and sometimes overly stubborn, possessed of a quiet strength, and implacable in anger once roused. Mineramancy spells are generally protective and beneficial to the mage, but also include some specialized effects useful to miners and stoneworkers. Characters with this skill may read grey “Architecture” flags.

atramancy Lore IIII SP: 6/9/12 MP: Per Spell Natramancy is derived from the essence of the Cycles of Life. Natramancy provides effects related to plants and animals, as well as some healing spells. It is said that some natramancers take on a specific or plant as their focus, and through this specialization are able to gain magical abilities related to the nature of that animal or plant. Mages who pursue Natramancy exclusively tend to prefer to live near nature, thus Natramancy is less commonly practiced by mages dwelling in cities. However, a slightly more scholarly variant is studied extensively in the Magephilen Collegium of Rachenza. Characters with this skill may read green “Nature’s Voices” flags.

Spellcasting Specialization SP: 5 DMP: A character that chooses to purchase this skill must dedicate all of his or her Mana Points to spell casting exclusively. The character then receives all their usual Mana Points plus 2 additional Mana Points each Cycle. However, all of these Mana Points must be spent only to cast spells! Remember that these Mana Points are dedicated permanently , and no other Dedicated Mana Point skills may be taken, so consider carefully before choosing this path. Example : Massiphus has 4 Mana Points and thus gets 4 Mana every Mana Cycle. He decides to take the Spellcasting Specialization skill. He now gets 6 Mana per Mana Cycle to spend, rather than 4 as he would normally. However, this Mana may only be spent on the casting of Spells (including Dabbling). Massiphus cannot use any other skills requiring Mana now that he has taken Spellcasting Specialization!

Summoning SP: 8 MP: 0 Allows a character to chant to summon eldritch elemental energy from the Ether. Upon purchasing this skill you must choose what type of element you wish to summon. The available elements are: Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Silver, Shadow, and Light.

To use this skill, you must close your eyes and repeat a 12-word chant while holding a spell packet. Every three times the chant is repeated, up to 6 times, the bolt gains one point of elemental damage. Thus, the maximum damage a bolt could do is 2 Damage by . You may open your eyes at any point and throw the bolt without any further incantation, or hold it until ready. You may not move your feet while holding the bolt, however. If you are damaged while holding a bolt, the bolt is lost. Using this skill requires that both hands be free, however you may wear armor while using it. 42 2/8/10

You may take this skill multiple times, selecting a different element each time.

Medical Skills

Bandage I SP: 5 MP: 0 This skill simulates basic first aid practices, and allows a character to deliver the “Heal Half” effect, (restoring one recipient to half their total Hit Points, including armor), after roleplaying bandaging for 1 uninterrupted minute. An actual bandage must be used, and may not be removed for at least one half hour. (Bandagers must supply their own bandages). You and the person you are bandaging must be stationary while using this skill! Successful completion of the Bandage I skill can achieve the following results: • You may bestow the “Heal Half” effect to a “Stable” character that is unconscious-due-to-wounds, or to a wounded but conscious character. You may achieve this result on yourself, (if you are conscious and have the use of both arms). Use of Heal Half on one who is Stable brings them instantly to consciousness. • You may “Stabilize” an “Unstable” character. The patient, who has been counting down the five minutes that will bring them to a “Critical” state, will pause in their count during the time they are in contact with the Bandager. If the Bandager is struck with weapon or spell, or if the Bandager leaves the patient before completing the bandaging, the patient will continue the countdown to Critical from the point they last left off. The Bandaging process must now start over from the beginning. When the bandaging has been successfully completed, the patient will now be “Stable” but will remain unconscious for five more minutes, at which point they will regain consciousness at One Hit Point. A second application of the skill, (by yourself or another Bandager), will bring the character to consciousness sooner (and bestow Heal Half), as above. • This skill works only on damage. It will not reverse other effects including Knockout, Sleep, Maim, Trance, Critical, or Slay.

Example : Emreth has 4 Life Points + 3 Armor Points = 7 total Hit Points, but she has taken 5 points of damage and currently has only 2 Hit Points remaining. Emreth’s right leg and left arm were also Maimed. She crawls to Jeel, the healer, and begs for aid. Jeel spends a minute bandaging her up, and announces “Heal Half.” Emreth is now at 4 HP (half of 7, rounded up), but her leg and arm remain Maimed.

Bandage II SP: 5 MP: 2 Bandage I is a prerequisite for this skill. Bandage II simulates advanced first aid practices. The skill allows the Bandager to deliver the “Heal Full” effect to one individual by expending 2 Mana Points, after roleplaying bandaging for 1 uninterrupted minute. The “Heal Full” effect will bring a “Stable” or “Unstable” character to full consciousness immediately. The “Heal Full” effect also Purges all Maimed limbs a character has suffered, and restore full Hit Points, all at the same time. “Heal Full” will not reverse other effects including Knockout, Sleep, Trance, Critical, or Slay. An actual bandage must be used, and may be removed when the character is fully healed. (Bandagers must supply their own bandages). You and the person you are bandaging must be stationary while using this skill!

Example : Emreth has 4 Life Points + 3 Armor Points = 7 total Hit Points, but she has taken 5 points of damage and currently has only 2 Hit Points remaining. Emreth’s right leg and left arm were also Maimed. She crawls to Jeel, the healer, and begs for aid. Jeel spends a minute bandaging her up, and announces “Heal Full”. Emreth is now at her full 7 HP, and her arm and leg are fully functional!

Physician SP: 2 MP:0 This skill allows a character to learn Cures for medical Afflictions (see the “Effects” section of the Rule Book for more information on Afflictions). Instant cures take place during events; the Physician simply roleplays applying the treatment, and then states the name of the Cure. If the Physician has correctly researched the affliction, the victim should be cured. If not, that should soon become apparent. Note that some Cures will only partially or temporarily alleviate the Affliction. You will be given 3 Cures to start with, and may learn more in game. When you have learned a Cure, you will be given a Cure Template bearing a description of the Cure, detailing the roleplaying, and listing any tools or materials required to enact it. In addition, this skill allows a character to Diagnose another character’s condition. The character may examine someone and then quietly ask any of the following (out-of-game) questions: 43 2/8/10

• “Diagnose – How many HP have you lost?” • “Diagnose – What Effect are you suffering?” • “Diagnose – What symptoms of Affliction do you show?” • “Diagnose – How long have you been Dead (or Critical, or Stable, or Unstable)?” • “Diagnose – What type of Weapon or Effect killed you?” Note that the subject may not answer all questions if the information is not obvious. Surgeon IIII SP: 10 MP:0 The “Surgery” skill simulates knowledge of basic surgical techniques, such as amputation, bone setting, suturing, etc. These techniques are very specific, and do not imply knowledge in medical areas other than surgery. A character that starts the game with this skill will be given the Item Tag for a Surgery Kit, and a set of black and white marbles that represent the efficacy of their skill. You must provide your own safe prop for the Surgery Kit, containing medical implements you deem appropriate. If you lose your Item Tag, your marbles, or forget your prop, you may not use the skill! When performing surgery, you must roleplay surgical techniques for at least 5 minutes (administering anesthetic, cutting, stitching, etc.). Then either the surgeon or the patient will draw randomly from the marbles. White indicates success; black indicates failure. Some surgical kits will provide a greater chance for success than others. Purchasing additional levels of Surgeon allows you to redraw a marble for each level, which increases your chances of success. This skill may not be used while within line of sight of combat! You and the person you are treating must be stationary while using this skill! Note: Surgeons with the Physician skill may draw a marble before beginning surgery in order to determine if the patient is able to be saved. Surgeons without the Physician skill must complete the surgery (five minutes of roleplaying) before the marble can be drawn. This skill may not be used while within line of sight of combat! You and the person you are treating must be stationary while using this skill! Once any surgeon uses Physician in conjunction with surgery to determine a patient’s condition, the result is final regardless of who the surgeon is . At that point, the only way a patient may be saved is with an alternate (non surgical) Revive effect.

The “Surgery” skill can be used in the following ways: • Minor Surgery: This will deliver the “Purge Maim” effect, repairing a Maimed limb. Surgery must be attempted separately for each Maimed limb. Minor Surgery may also be needed to cure some Afflictions. The subject may remain conscious during the attempt. If the marbles indicate failure during Minor Surgery, the attempt has not succeeded, and the same surgeon will not be able to alleviate the ailment during the current event…no matter how many times he or she tries. • Major Surgery: This will deliver the “Revive” effect, restoring life to “Critical” characters that would otherwise die, (“Healing” is not effective on characters who are “Critical”). Major Surgery may also be needed to cure some terrible Afflictions. If the attempt succeeds, the character that has undergone “Surgery” will become “Stable”. If the attempt fails, the subject is Dead! No further attempts by the same surgeon, or by other surgeons, will change this outcome. • Life Support: A surgeon that continuously operates on a character in the Critical state may use their skill to keep that person alive until other help arrives. In this case, the countdown for a Critical character will stop as long as the surgeon continues to roleplay medical treatment. Note: the count does not start over—it stops where it left off. If the surgeon stops treatment, the count will resume from that position.

With the purchase of Surgery II, you may read Forensics tags.

With the purchase of Surgery III, you may perform Minor Surgery to deliver the Purge Poison effect. If the subject is facing a “Doom by Poison,” the countdown stops until your surgery is finished.

Surgical Assistants : Even the most competent of surgeons can use a helping hand now and then. One other player may act as an assistant to the surgeon, and must roleplay along with the surgery (by fetching tools, holding compresses over wounds, etc.). Only those people with at least one Medical skill can serve as an assistant. The assistant does not draw marbles from the surgery kit—only the lead surgeon can do that. However, if a surgeon does have an assistant, they may add +1 white marble to their kit before making their patient draw.

Players who purchase the “Surgery” skill after their first event will be provided with marbles, but must find an Item Tag for their surgical kit in game. Players who already have kits can improve the quality of their starting kits in this way, and may choose to sell, or give, their original kits to other characters in game.

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Mundane Skills

Alias SP: 5 MP: 0 A character with this skill has undergone a ritual of protection to grant them a special false name. This alias protects a character from magic that is cast “by Name”. All magic cast “by Name” using the character’s alias is automatically resisted. See the “Magic” section of the Rule Book for information on casting “by Name”.

Light SP: 0 MP: 0 Every character has the innate “free” ability to conjure a magical light (diffused flashlights, glowsticks, etc.) for the sake of out-of-game safety. No light with directed beams may be used at all. You must provide the light source. Blue and Yellow lights have in-game significance, so please avoid using these colors unless you are instructed to do so by a staff member. Note that this is different than effects called “by Light” (see the “Effects” section of the Rule Book).

Scrounging SP: 6 MP: 0 This skill allows the character to “find” things between events. What is found is completely random, and can range from a piece of scrap paper to a handful of coins to a powerful magic item! The “found” item(s) will be given to the player at Check- In. Please remind the Staff at Check-In that you have this skill.

Racial Skills Only characters of the Race indicated may purchase these skills.

Children of ovum: Autorepair SP: 7 MP: 1 Once per Mana Cycle, Children of Novum may engage their autorepair systems, delivering the Heal Half effect to themselves. They do not have to be conscious to do this.

Durriken: Stonefast III SP: 6/9 MP: 1 This skill allows a Durriken to plant his or her feet on stone or earth and call “Stonefast”. After this all 1 point damage attacks are “No Effect” on the Durriken, until they move their feet, at which point the Stonefast ends. Each purchase of the skill increases the threshold by 1 additional point. Stonefast does not protect against anything other than straight Damage (so, for example, a Maim or Knockout will still affect a Durriken in Stonefast). The Stonefast is broken if the Durriken is rendered Unconscious, if the Durriken is struck by an effect that causes his or her feet to move (such as Maim or Trip), or by a change in the Mana Cycle. Stonefast may be used “in the Ways” provided you are on stone or earth. Stonefast may not be used in the Ether or while Dreamwalking, unless an NPC specifically tells you it is allowed.

Example : Retch has 4 HP. He calls “Stonefast” while fighting zombies on the stone porch of the inn. From then on, all 1 Point Damage attacks to “No effect” to him. Unfortunately, he does not see the odd little creature sneaking up behind him. The creature strikes for “2 Damage!” Retch takes 2 points of damage, but maintains his stance and goes on valiantly fighting, despite now being at only 2 HP. A moment later, the odd creature chuckles, and hurls a “1 Damage by Light” spell at Retch. Retch would normally call “No Effect” to this, but the effect is “by Light,” so he suffers the “Knockout” effect and slumps, ending his Stonefast.

Elf: Silvershaft SP: 6 MP: 1 This skill allows an Elf to magically silver 5 arrows per Mana expended. The Elf should announce, “I grant the Silvershaft” while touching the arrows. When the Elf shoots these arrows they will do “# by Silver” damage. The arrows will lose their “Silver” effect after they have been shot, whether they strike the target or not. If anyone other than the Elf who performed the

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Silvershaft uses the arrows they will just do normal damage! Unused “Silver” arrows will revert to normal at the changing of the Mana Cycle. Note that you must have the Bow skill to make use of this ability.

Goblin: Dexterity III SP: 6/9 MP: 0 This skill allows a Goblin 1 Armor Point per time taken. These Armor Points represent the Goblin’s skill at “rolling with the blow” to avoid the full force of an attack. These Armor Points can be regained by role-playing stretching for 5 minutes out of line-of-sight of battle. These Armor Points are not in effect if the Goblin is not able to run or move freely (suffering the Weakness, Bind, Trap, Paralyze, or Trance effects, or otherwise restrained) or is wearing actual physical armor of any sort.

Human: Dodge SP: 6 MP: 2 By expending 2 Mana Points, Humans with this skill may avoid any attack or packet they see coming. The Human calls “Dodge” and must roleplay the Dodge by spinning around, jumping back, ducking down, etc. Traps, and any attacks from behind, cannot be Dodged, nor can Effects delivered by Area Effect or Gesture. The Human does not have to choose to avoid the attack until after it has actually struck, but should call “Dodge” as soon afterward as possible.

Petrogen: Feat of Strength SP: 6 MP: 0 Once per Mana Cycle, a Petrogen with this skill may announce “Feat of Strength” and roleplay performing a feat of heroic strength. This might include any of the following: 1. Carrying another character at a normal walking pace for any distance. 2. Holding a door shut when others want to get in as long as the Petrogen is touching the door. 3. Forcing open a door held by another Feat of Strength (i.e. canceling it out). 4. Purging any Bind, Trap, or Paralyze Effect done, “by Physical” that is currently affecting the Petrogen. 5. Any action described on a Yellow Card–for example “This boulder requires a Feat of Strength to move”

Please note that anything secured by a lock CANNOT be broken with a Feat of Strength. It is part of the innate magic of Locks.

This skill may NEVER be used to do anything that would require a stoppage of play or out-of-game intervention (e.g. “I rip up this tree” or “I break through this wall” or “I throw you”). This skill must be used responsibly, and with safety as the prime consideration. Please exercise caution!

Ratkin: Javelin SP: 8 MP: 1 This skill gives the Ratkin the secret knowledge of how to make, maintain, and use special javelins. These Javelins can be used by anyone with the Thrown Weapon skill, but only a trained Ratkin is capable of using these deadly weapons to their fullest potential. When a Ratkin throws a Javelin, they may call, “Critical.” If the Javelin strikes a target in the torso, without first striking a weapon, shield, or other obstacle, the target takes the Critical effect.

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A Ratkin may only carry one javelin at a time, unless they also possess the Thrown Weapon skill.

Stealth Skills

Acrobat SP: 3 MP: 0 This skill allows a character to avoid falling off a “chasm edge” or “stepping stone” physical challenge, unless BOTH feet are off the safe surface. The character should at least attempt to keep both feet on “solid ground” and cannot simply walk about with one foot hanging “off the edge”. This skill also allows a character to throw down a piece of rope (not string!) up to 10 feet long across a pit, chasm or unsafe floor, and walk along it. Both ends of the rope must rest on “solid” ground, and the rope must be more-or-less horizontal. Only a character with Acrobat may use the rope.

Backstab IIII SP: 4/6/8 DMP:1 (for Backstab I only) This skill allows the character with an edged melee weapon to do additional points of damage in a single attack from behind. Each opponent can only be Backstabbed once per combat. Thus, only the first Backstab strike at an opponent would be at full Backstab damage. Any subsequent strikes at the same opponent, even immediate ones, would be normal damage.

Each purchase increases the damage bonus by +1. Backstab cannot be stacked with any other enhancement except those applied directly to weapons. The attack must come from behind, and it must strike the opponent in the back; otherwise, the attack does normal damage. The character must attempt to be stealthy when backstabbing; “drive-by” backstabs at a run in the heat of battle are bad form and do not count. Backstabs cannot be parried or dodged, but a Return effect would affect the attacker, and backstabs can also be bladeturned.

The attack should be called as “X by Backstab”, where X is the number of points of damage.

Disarm Traps SP: 5 MP: 0 This skill allows a character to attempt to disarm a trap. You must actually disarm the trap yourself, and if it is set off, you will be affected. This skill does not guarantee success! A character without this skill automatically sets off traps if she or he messes with them. Characters with this skill may read gray “Architecture” flags.

Evade Trap SP: 5 MP: 1 This skill allows a character to say “Dodge Trap” when damaged or otherwise affected by a trap. This indicates the character’s nimbleness in getting out of the way and avoiding the effect or damage.

Flee SP: 6 MP: 1 This skill represents great swiftness, or a gift for cowardly flight. To use the skill, a character must be actively running full speed away from an enemy. The character may then call “Dodge by Flee” versus ANY melee (hand-held) weapon attacks that come from behind. It is assumed that he or she has managed to pull just far enough ahead to dodge the blow. Missile or packet attacks cannot be dodged, nor can melee attacks that come from the front or side. Thus, if an enemy is fast enough to pull ahead and attack you from the front, this skill will do you no good. Once activated, this skill lasts until you stop running or use any other skill.

Pick Locks SP: 5 MP: 0 This skill allows a character to attempt to pick a lock. There are several types of locks used in the Prophecy game. All locks are magical to some degree and they, along with that which they are fastening, cannot be broken by any means! If the lock is an actual physical lock, it must really be picked (these locks are very simple and require only a sturdy unbent paperclip to pick). If the lock is highly magical, it is represented by a folded slip of paper with the lock symbol on the cover and a set of numbers inside. These represent the “tumblers” of the lock, and you must have a magical lockpick with the same number on it in order to pick that tumbler. Thus, if a magical lock had code L5326 on it, you could only open it if you had lockpicks

47 2/8/10 numbered 2, 3, 5 and 6, or a key labeled K5326. You may bring your own lock-picks for use in actually picking the locks, but skeleton keys are not allowed.

Waylay SP: 12 MP: 0 Allows unlimited use of the “Knockout by Waylay” effect delivered by melee weapon, but only from behind. The blow must land on the upper back. You may be positioned to the side or behind your target when delivering this attack to the upper back, but you may not reach around behind a target that is facing you. Any blunt weapon may be used. The pommel of a weapon may not be used. The character must attempt to be stealthy when waylaying; “drive-by” waylays at a run in the heat of battle are bad form and do not count.

Weapon Skills See the “Combat” section of the Rule Book for Weapon Construction guidelines

Bow SP: 12 MP: 0 Bows used by archers in the Prophecy world have no visible strings, and their arrows are more magic than substance. Archers use a boffer weapon made to resemble a bow with a long streamer attached to the midsection (this will represent the shaft of the arrow, when the bow is “drawn”). Arrows are represented by birdseed packets like those used in Magic.

To fire an arrow, the archer draws the bow’s streamer through two fingers of the hand holding the packet, aims the bow, then throws the packet. Normal arrows do “1 Damage by Weapon”. There are other types of arrows that can only be found in game. Arrows must be kept in a pouch and more than one may not be held ready at a time. Normal arrows may be retrieved and fired again. You may not use your Bow to block weapon blows without the Bow Block skill. If you do so, even accidentally, the Bow is Shattered. If one or both arms are incapacitated, you may not fire a Bow. The Bow itself may not be used offensively as a melee weapon.

Buckler SP: 8 MP: 0 Allows the use of a buckler up to 18” in any dimension.

Crossbow SP: 10 MP: 0 Allows use of a crossbow. The Crossbow Item Tag determines damage, with possible additional bonuses (or penalties) added by the bolt. A Player may not use a Crossbow to block a weapon attack, and opponents should avoid aiming attacks at the crossbow itself. Two hands must be used to aim and fire any Crossbow. If one or both arms are incapacitated, you may not fire a Crossbow. There may be skills that can be learned in game to allow one-handed firing of a crossbow.

One Handed Weapon SP: 8 MP: 0 Allows use of any melee weapon greater than 24” and less than 42”, wielded in one hand. The use of this skill will allow you to wield a one-handed weapon with two hands if you prefer. SP: 12 MP: 0Allows use of a staff from 60”- 72” in Shield length. These must always be used two-handed for both SP: 12 MP: 0 blocking and attacking. Allows the use of a shield no less than 18” and no greater than 40” in any direction. Two Handed Weapon SP: 18 MP: 0 Small Weapon Allows use of any melee weapon from 42”- 72” in length. SP: 6 MP: 0 These must always be used two-handed for both blocking Allows use of any weapon under 24” in length. and attacking.

Staff Thrown Weapon

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SP: 8 MP: 0 Allows use of a thrown weapon no more than 8” in length. You may carry no more than 10 throwing weapons at one time. COMBAT All combat is conducted using padded weapons. These may be hand-held (swords, maces, etc.) or thrown weapons (daggers, etc.). All blows do 1 point of damage UNLESS your opponent calls an effect when striking you (such as “Maim” or “3 Damage”). Thus, if you are struck with a “Maim”, it will not cause any actual damage, only the Maim effect itself.

WEAPON CONSTRUCTION ♦ If you have never constructed weapons for a LARP before, or require additional help, we advise you to contact the Prophecy Staff prior to the event for additional assistance. ♦ Weapons should be securely constructed and not rattle. You should not be able to feel the edges of the pipe through the thrusting tip. Weapons (especially long ones) should not be “whippy”. ♦ Weapons are constructed using 5/8” wall pipe insulation, 1/2” x 3/4” diameter CPVC pipe, open cell foam, and duct tape. ♦ Weapons made of nonstandard materials will be considered on a casebycase basis. Be aware that you may not be able to use a nonstandard weapon should you bring one to an event, so be prepared with a back up.

Weapon Sizes: Weapon Type Length Bow Between 30” and 50” (center grip) One Handed Weapon Between 24” and 42” (end grip) Buckler Less than 18” in the largest dimension. Shield Less than 40” in the largest dimension No less than 18” in the smallest dimension Small Weapon Less than 24” Spear or Polearm (used with 2H Weapon) Between 42” and 72” (end grip) Staff Between 60” and 72” (center grip) Two Handed Weapon (others) Between 42” and 72” (end grip) Thrown Weapon Less than 10” Javelin Between 30” and 36” long

MMeleeelee Weapons: Includes One Handed Weapon, Small Weapon, Two Handed Weapon, and Staff . • Cut a length of 3/4” diameter CPVC pipe to a length 4” shorter than the desired end length. File down the cut ends to ensure there are no sharp edges. Cap both ends of the pipe with duct tape. • Cut a length of 5/8” wall pipe insulation of an appropriate length to cover the pipe and extend at least 1” beyond the thrusting tip, while leaving whatever grip area exposed. Use duct tape to secure the foam in place at the grip. In the case of a staff with a center grip, you should use thin-walled pipe insulation to cover the grip area, for added safety. • Pack the 1” deep hole at the tip(s) of the weapon with a small piece of rolled up pipe foam or open-cell foam, and secure it in place with a small amount of duct tape. • Take a 2” cube of open-cell foam and attach it securely to the tip(s) of your weapon. You can trim the sides of the open- cell foam to a more cylindrical shape to match your weapon, but the end should remain blunt. • If your weapon has a single thrusting tip, add a “pommel” to the other end. Cut a short length of pipe foam that will attach to the end of the grip, and extend 1” beyond. Pack the resulting 1” deep hole with a rolled up piece of pipe foam or open-cell foam, and secure in place with duct tape. • Use foam to create any cross-guards, axe-heads, etc. on your weapon. You may not add any projections that might entangle or trap another player’s weapon in combat. • Cover the entire weapon with duct tape. The tape should be applied length-wise along the weapon, and overlap slightly, so that all foam is covered. Do not loop or spiral the tape around the weapon. • Poke several holes in the thrusting tip(s) of the weapon with a small knife, so that the foam will not become compacted when used. • You may use soft leather, rope, cloth, or tennis racket grip to cover the exposed grip area of a melee weapon (but not on a thrown weapon).

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Shields: Shields must have all edges covered with pipe insulation and padding. There should not be any sharp projections on the shield surface that might injure another player or damage weapons. You may not include any projections or cut-outs that might entangle or trap another player’s weapon in combat.

Thrown Weapons: Thrown Weapons are constructed ONLY of foam and duct tape. No pipe should be used, and they may not be weighted. You may create thrown weapons to resemble small bladed weapons, or any other medieval European item that might conceivably serve the purpose (rocks, bottles, potatoes). Your thrown weapons may not have any points small enough that they might harm someone’s eye. You may never throw shields or any weapon with a pipe core at an opponent.

Bows: Bows are constructed as per Melee Weapons. CPVC may be heated using very hot water or a stove or gas burner and bent carefully to create a proper “Bow” shape. The Bow may be entirely padded, or may have a center grip. A 1/2” to 1” wide, 24” long streamer should be attached to the center. Both ends of the Bow should be finished as if they were the thrusting tips of Melee weapons. Arrows should be constructed as per regular packets (see below).

Crossbows: Crossbows may be plastic toy crossbows, painted an appropriate neutral color. Crossbow bolts should be made entirely of foam may or may not be covered in duct tape, and should be a neutral color. Prophecy also allows certain handmade crossbows constructed of wood and bungee cord. Please contact the Prophecy Staff for information and guidelines should you wish to construct your own Crossbow.

PACKET CONSTRUCTION Normal-sized packets used for spells, etc. should be constructed by placing a spoonful of birdseed in the center of a 4-5” square of stretchable fabric, then securing the fabric with string or twine. A finished spell packet should fit in a film canister. The finished packet should have some “give” and not be so tightly packed that it would be painful when thrown at an opponent. Do not use rubber bands to secure your packets, as they may be harmful to wildlife should you lose them on the site. Do not fill your packets with anything other than birdseed. The birdseed should not contain any large or sharp seeds, such as sunflower seeds.

Fist-sized packets used for the Sucker Punch skill should be made in the same manner as regular packets, above, except fist- sized.

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WHAT COUNTS? Judging when you have been hit by a foe is solely your responsibility, but you MUST at all times do so in as fair and scrupulous a manner as possible.

Do Not Count: 1. Any weapon blow that lands on the same body part as the immediately previous strike. This is called “machine gunning”. Before legally scoring another blow on the same part of the body, a foe must strike at another body part, or parry a blow. 2. A weapon blow that strikes only cloth or a dangling pouch, and passes through without contacting your body. 3. A weapon blow that is too hard 4. A weapon blow that overcomes your parry by force. 5. A weapon blow that strikes the head, groin, or hands.

Do Count: 1. Weapon blows that strike capes, backpacks, sheathed weapons and the like, IF they would have hit you had the item not been there. 2. Weapon blows that are very light. 3. Weapon blows that glance off your weapon and then hit you.

ARMOR Standard armor comes in two basic types: Light (leather, padded cloth) and Heavy (chain, plate, scale). Light armor is worth 1 Armor Point, and Heavy armor is worth 2 Armor Points. If you bring an appropriate (good, realistic-looking) physrep to your first event, you will be given a tag for that type of armor. You must be wearing the physrep to gain the Armor Points! You may only wear one suit of armor at a time. You may acquire or craft armor worth additional Armor Points in game. Armor Points are quasi-magical, and combine with your Life Points to give your total Hit Points, which are used to determine how much damage you can sustain. Healing restores your total Hit Points, not just your Life Points, so the healing effects repair your armor so long as you are wearing it at the time. Armor you find in game may have other benefits and disadvantages, which will be outlined on the item tag. In most cases, once armor is found you may keep the tag, but the prop should be returned by the end of the game. You are then responsible for bringing a suitable physical representation to any subsequent events. You may have temporary or permanent effects added to your armor by someone with the Metalcraft skill.

WEAPON TETHERS Weapon Tethers are not allowed!

HELMS A helm completely negates all “by Waylay” attacks. You must be wearing the helm, obviously! A Helm must cover the majority of your head to afford this protection, and must be approved at Check-In.

NON---COMBATANTS-COMBATANTS There may be players at an event that for one reason or another cannot take part in combat with boffer weapons. These people are considered Non-Combatants, and will wear a prominent orange armband. At night they will wear a yellow glow-stick. Do not attack these players with weapons! If you wish to strike someone down who is a non-combatant, simply go up to them, point your weapon at them within five feet, and state, “I strike you down.” The non-combatant will fall to Stable. Non- combatants cannot wield weapons themselves, although they may cast spells and use other game skills.

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SEARCHING & BEIBEINGNG SEARCHED Once you have defeated an enemy, you may wish to go through their clothing and belongings looking for loot. If you wish to search them, you should state, “I Search you.” The person being searched has three options at this point: • The person being searched can simply hand over ALL game items they are carrying. • The person being searched can ask the searcher to “describe the search”, and turn over game items in the locations the searcher indicates he or she is searching. • The person being searched can say, “go ahead”, which means they are giving you permission to ACTUALLY SEARCH THEM. When searching, please avoid all taboo areas. You may not hide game items there either. If you do not feel comfortable physically searching someone who has given you permission, let them know and they may ask that you describe your search or must simply hand over any items. You never have to search or be searched physically, if you do not want to !

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DEATH & DYING During the Prophecy Campaign, you are likely to experience and encounter various states of existence. These states of existence, and other matters relating to them, are described below.

UNCONSCIOUS If you are struck with Knockout or Sleep, you are unconscious. You will fall to the ground with your eyes closed, and be unable to take any action or perceive anything that occurs. It is acceptable and encouraged for you to take a few steps to stumble out of the way of battle, if necessary, to avoid being stepped upon! After a specified amount of time (typically 5 minutes) you will wake up.

STABLE Your total Hit Points consist of your Life Points plus any Armor Points. Each point of damage subtracts from any Magical Protections and then from your total Hit Points.

If you are struck by a blow that reduces you to exactly zero HP, you are Stable. You will fall to the ground with your eyes closed, and be unable to take any action or perceive anything that occurs. It is acceptable and encouraged for you to take a few steps to stumble out of the way of battle, if necessary, to avoid being stepped upon! You will remain Stable for five minutes. At that point you will regain consciousness, but you will be at 1 HP. Any Heal Effect (including Heal One) will instantly restore you to consciousness.

UNSTABLE If you are struck by a blow that reduces you below zero HP, or you are deliberately struck in the torso once you are Unconscious or Stable (but your foe does not call Critical), you have become Unstable. Your condition is deteriorating as you bleed away your life essence. After 5 minutes you will be Critical, unless you are given the Heal or Stabilize effect before that time.

CRITICAL If you remain Unstable for 5 minutes or you are struck with the “Critical” effect, you are Critical. You will fall to the ground with your eyes closed, and be unable to take any action or perceive anything that occurs. It is acceptable and encouraged for you to take a few steps to stumble out of the way of battle, if necessary, to avoid being stepped upon! You will remain Critical for up to 20 minutes, at which point you will be Dead, unless you are given the “Revive” effect within that time. You may choose not to wait the full 20 minutes, and become Dead at any time after 5 minutes of being Critical. Note that the Heal and Stabilize effects WILL NOT work on a character in a Critical state. All players have the ability to strike an Unconscious, Stable or Unstable individual and deliver the “Critical” effect, provided they have a physical weapon of some kind.

DEAD If you remain Critical for 20 minutes, or you are struck with the “Slay” effect, you are Dead. You fall to the ground with your eyes closed, and will be unable to take any action or perceive anything that occurs. It is acceptable and encouraged for you to take a few steps to stumble out of the way of battle, if necessary, to avoid being stepped upon! You must remain for 5 minutes, to allow for searching of your body, last rites, etc. It is permissible to gasp out a few dramatic last words, if you wish, but try not to overdo it! Five minutes after the battle ends, or moves out of sight, you will become a Shade unless you are given the “Life” effect.

SHADE A Shade is distinguishable by its hanging head and vacant eyes. A Shade is on the brink between the Ethereal and Material world, and is incapable of interaction with either, beyond a meaningless groan or two. A Shade must travel directly to face Judgment. Everything that is physically in your possession at the moment you become a Shade remains with you and accompanies you to Judgment. If you choose not to travel to Judgment, you can only remain a Shade for a short time before dying permanently .

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JUDGMENT When your character goes to Judgment, you will stand before one of the Nym. If you have the Faith skill, you will be judged according to the values and tests of your chosen deity. If you do not have the Faith skill, the Nym will determine whether you are to be resurrected or not. What motivates the Nym to return shades to the living is unknown, and their arbitration may seem mysterious at times.

MEMORY You will remember nothing that occurs while you are Unconscious, Stable, Unstable, Critical, Dead, or a Shade, except what transpires when you go before Judgment. However, you do remember everything that occurred while you were conscious, beforehand. Thus it is difficult to murder someone without their knowing who did it!

TAKING YOUR OWN LIFE The Nym will rarely, if ever, return to the living a Shade who has killed him or herself. Asking your friends to kill you is also considered taking your own life.

PERMANENT DEATH If your character dies permanently, you have two options. You may immediately make a new character and begin playing again. Or, you may choose to Cast for the remainder of the event. Creation of secondary and later characters follows the same rules as creation of your starting character, and you may not begin with Hidden skills, even if you as a Player now know they exist.

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MAGIC Magic, also known as Mana, is the bloodstream of the Prophecy universe. All things and all characters are somewhat magical. Magic manifests in the form of spells, innate powers, talents, special attacks, etc. Most magic is represented in game by one of the standard Effects in the “Effects” section of the Rule Book.

MANA CYCLES Magic has a “heartbeat” of sorts. These are the magical cycles. At the changing of the cycle, all Mana is reset to full, and most magics dissipate. Note that unspent Mana does not carry over between cycles! The cycle changes at 12AM, 4AM, 8AM, 12PM, 4PM, and 8PM. The amount of Mana you get each cycle is equal to your character’s Mana Point statistic. Certain skills, magical items and other modifiers may raise or decrease this number.

WHAT ARE EFFECTS AND TRAITS? Many are the perils and wonders that you will encounter in the Prophecy world. In worlds of fantasy, wizards may hurl spells upon you; cunning blackguards may strike you with poison weapons, and the like. In science fiction worlds there are blaster rays and psychic powers. These things are limited only by the creativity of those running the game. How do you know what happened to you when that fellow in the odd hat pointed at you and shouted a mystic incantation? The answer is the “Effects” system. After casting a spell, or using any other kind of special power, the player using the power must say (or shout, if need be) the effect and any traits it has. Most are pretty self-explanatory. If the wizard had shouted “3 Damage by Fire,” you would know that you had taken 3 points of Damage (the effect) from some sort of fire spell (the trait). You would then role-play the effect of being burned and subtract three points from your Hit Point total. The following are the core Effects for the Prophecy Epic.

CALLING EFFECTS Effects can be delivered in a variety of ways, but they must always be called BEFORE the weapon, packet, or whatever strikes the target. You cannot swing a weapon, strike another player, and THEN call “Critical,” for example. Called effects do only their stated effect, and do no other damage. For instance, being hit with a sword (or any padded weapon) does 1 point of damage, but if someone calls “Maim” before they hit you, you DO NOT take a point. You only suffer the “Maim” effect (see below).

FORSOOTH An opponent may say “Forsooth… ”. This is a catchall for effects not covered in the standard list. Assume that whatever comes after “Forsooth” is literally true in game. For example: “Forsooth you feel an aching sense of despair.”

SPELL CASTING & INCANTATIONS In most cases magic requires an incantation or ritual – words that must be spoken or actions that must be performed before the magic can be used. Unless otherwise indicated, all spells require that the caster be able to speak and have at least one hand free, holding nothing more than a single spell packet. If the caster cannot speak or move as required, the magic cannot be used. Unless otherwise noted, the caster may not walk or run while casting spells. If the caster takes damage or is struck by spell or weapon (regardless of damage) while speaking the incantation or performing the ritual, or if the caster moves his or her feet, the spell is interrupted and will not work. No mana is spent in these cases. The entire incantation, including the Effect, must be stated clearly before the packet is thrown. Within seconds of pronouncing an incantation, a mage must throw his or her packet(s), unless specifically stated otherwise. A mage may not, for example, pronounce the incantation and hold onto the packet for instantaneous release at a later time. Exception: any Lyrimancy spell that creates packets will create packets that remain potent until used, dropped, or until the next change in the mana cycle.

DURATION Sometimes an Effect will have a duration stated after the effect. In this case it lasts for the stated duration. Otherwise, all effects will last for 5 minutes or until the next changing of the Mana Cycle, whichever comes first. Note that some effects are instantaneous and/or permanent.

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EFFECTS The following list describes the common effects you may encounter in the Prophecy World.

Afflict you with : You have received the indicated affliction. This has no immediate effect. At your earliest convenience, you must travel to the Wall of Woe . This will be a pre-determined place in game that contains listings of possible afflictions you may encounter, with descriptions of the effects of each and the required Cures. Read the description of your Affliction. If it is a progressive Affliction there may be postings for Day 1, Day 2, etc, in which case you should only read the appropriate one. Most Afflictions will have a Cure or Cures. Your character will not know what Cure is needed, but you as a player must read these so that if the Cure is applied to you in game, you will know that it has worked. Unless your character already knew what the Cure was before being Afflicted, you cannot use it on yourself or others until you learn about it in game . Afflictions may include horrible wasting diseases, fiendish curses, madness, amnesia, possession, parasitic infestations, allergies, or addictions to obscure potions. See the description of the Physician skill for more information on Afflictions and Cures. An Affliction will last until cured, even if a character dies and returns to life.

Berserk: You are overcome with rage and attack the nearest person, even if it is an ally, until rendered unable to do so, or the magic ends.

Bind: Your arms are bound to your sides and you cannot use them.

Charm: You become favorably inclined toward the caster. You will not attack the caster unless attacked first by the caster, and will tend to go along with any reasonable suggestion he or she makes. You are NOT a mindless slave and will not give away possessions, attack friends, or betray a trust, etc.

Compel you to : You are compelled to follow the Instruction to the best of your ability. The instruction must be a short, uncomplicated action. If there is no duration given as part of the instruction, the compulsion ends after you have followed the instruction.

Critical: You immediately fall into a Critical state (see the “Death & Dying section of the Rule Book for more information on being Critical). If you are not Revived within 20 minutes, you will be Dead. Heal effects will not affect your state. If this Effect is delivered by weapon it must strike the torso to take effect.

# Crushing: Indicates extra-powerful damage. A Crushing attack will do the called damage if it strikes your weapon or shield, or if you use the Parry skill against it. If it strikes your body, you will take double the called damage. Thus, a strike that does “1 Crushing” will do 1 damage if you block it with your shield, but 2 Damage if it hits you on your body.

Curse you : You suffer from the stated Curse. For example: “I curse you to howl like a wolf”, or “I curse you to take double damage from fire.” This effect will last until a way to remove it is found, even if the character dies and returns to life.

# Damage: You take the indicated Damage.

Detect : If you fit the type or possess the item being detected, you must indicate this to the caster. A simple wave or statement of “Here” is sufficient.

Disarm: Your weapon falls from your hand. You must drop it and do a silent 3-count after it hits the ground before you can pick it up.

Disengage : You must fall back from the person calling the disengage until a distance of about 10’ separates you, or if you can’t get that far back for whatever reason, as far as you can safely. Note that the person using this effect is usually, but NOT always, required to retreat at the same time. The spirit of this effect is that the person calling it drives their enemies back to get some breathing room, to make a hole in the line, or to escape. Disengage can’t force you into a damaging area, such as an area of Carnivorous grass. Disengage doesn’t work through doorways or narrow gaps either, so you can’t use it to push defenders out of a fortification, though you could use it once you get inside to make room for others to follow.

Disintegrate: You instantly become a Shade (see the “Death & Dying section of the Rule Book for more information on being a Shade) and all items physically in your possession suffer the Shatter effect.

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Doom : You will fall into a “Critical” state after approximately one minute (a 60 count). Most commonly encountered as “Doom by Poison,” to represent a venom that does not take effect instantly. If you receive a cure for the trait of the attack (for example a “Purge Poison”) within one minute, you will suffer no ill effects. You must role-play the effect of the doom during the minute, but can still fight and use skills normally. Note that you should keep track of the time as best you can, but in combat you will mostly likely have estimate it.

Drain : You are drained of one point of life, mana, faith point or skill point as specified. Drained Life and Mana will remain lost until you die, or the changing of the Mana Cycle, whichever comes first, unless otherwise specified. They cannot be Renewed, or restored by Surgery/Healing! Drained Faith Points are lost permanently, and you must tear up the tags. Drained Skill Points are lost permanently, but will not take effect until the after the event, when you may choose which skills to give up to cover the loss. Note that if you are drained of all your Life Points, you will become Critical. Successful surgery will restore you to 1 LP.

Enslave: You are a mindless automaton. You are bound to serve the caster without question. You will even slay your friends if so ordered. If the caster orders you to kill yourself, it does not count as taking your own life as described in the “Death & Dying” section of the Rule Book. You will have no knowledge of your own memories, and limited knowledge of your own skills- this should be at your own discretion.

Heal One : One Hit Point is restored to you. This will allow a Stable or Unstable character to awaken with one Hit Point. Note that this will not work on a Critical or Dead character.

Heal Half : If you are Stable, Unstable, or wounded this effect will restore you to half your Hit Points (rounded up). Remember, this includes Armor Points!

Heal Full : You are restored to full Hit Points (Life Points plus Armor Points), and any Maimed limbs are restored. Note that this will not work on a Critical or Dead character.

Knockout: You are unconscious, but do not lose any Hit Points.

Life: Will only affect someone who is Dead or Critical. Will restore you to life, with full Hit Points.

Maim: You lose the use of the target arm or leg. If no target is specified, you may choose which limb suffers the effect. If delivered by weapon, this will not have any effect if it strikes your torso. The Maim is permanent, until you receive a Heal or Purge Maim.

Pain: You suffer excruciating pain for 10 seconds. You must fall to the ground in agony, whimpering, crying, or screaming (unless physically unable to do so). You may still defend yourself with weapons, poorly.

Paralyze: You cannot move any part of your body or speak for 5 minutes, but you are aware of what is going on around you.

Purge : This effect removes ONE effect with the stated trait after a few seconds of role-playing. A “Purge Poison” would remove ONE effect “By Poison.” A “Purge Maim” would remove a Maim effect, no matter how it was caused. Note that you do not have any choice about having effects removed- a “Purge Fire” thrown at you would remove one effect caused “By Fire” on you, including a defensive spell caused “By Fire” if that was the only “By Fire” effect on you. If there are several effects that a Purge could remove, YOU choose which one is cancelled. A Purge will NOT counter an effect that happens instantly. So if you get smacked by a “Slay Living by Nether” effect, you can't Purge Nether it. You can't Purge “Damage” either.

Example of Purging and Counter Magic Two Ardenians, Lennisto (a fire mage, among other things) and Gwydion run afoul of a frigid specter on the outskirts of the Dead Marsh. The specter lets out an eerie howl and casts a “Paralyze by Ice” spell on Gwydion, freezing him solid. Thinking quickly, Lennisto casts a warming spell, taps Gwydion with a spell packet, and says, “Purge Ice!” He breaks the paralysis and frees Gwydion.

The specter calls forth an ice bolt and hurls a packet that does “2 Damage by Ice!” It strikes Lennisto, but 2 Damage isn’t enough to take him down. This is fortunate, since he can’t do anything about it with his Purge Ice spell.

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Gwydion leaps between his friend and the specter and attacks. Though he rains blows down upon his foe, the specter laughs them off (calling “o Effect”) . Lennisto, betting that the specter’s defense is caused, “by Ice,” casts his warming spell again. He throws a packet and hits the specter with a, “Purge Ice!” He’s right, and the specter falls beneath Gwydion’s mighty axe blows!

Renew #: Restores the specified number of Mana Points. If no number is specified, you regain all Mana Points as if the Mana Cycle had changed.

Repel: You must stay at least 10 feet away from the caster, and may not attack him or her. If no type is specified, everyone is affected. This effect cannot be used to “drive back” targets; if the caster advances upon the target, the target may hold ground and attack.

Revive: Will only affect someone who is Critical. Will restore you to Stable.

Silence: You are unable to speak or make any vocal noise. You may still call out game Effects as needed.

Shatter: The target item is destroyed. Some items may be resistant to this effect.

Slay: You are Dead (see the “Death & Dying” section of the Rule Book for more information on being Dead). If delivered by weapon, this will only affect you if you are hit in the torso. If delivered by packet it will affect you if it strikes anywhere, including your shield or weapon.

Sleep: You fall into a deep slumber for 5 minutes. The Purge Mind effect, or taking any physical damage, will release you, but moving you or shaking you will not.

Slow: When the Slow effect is called, all affected characters must perform all actions very slowly. Slow speech is not required, but may be hard to resist. This is fine.

Speak to : This effect allows you to communicate with a creature that does not speak the common tongue. It both enables the target to speak your language and to understand you.

Spiritbless: Your spirit is strengthened, counteracting one Death or Spiritwrack. This will help you when you next go before Judgement, and in other special cases.

Spiritwrack: Your spirit is weakened, as if you had died, although you do not go before Judgement. This will count against you when you next go before Judgement.

Stabilize : Stabilize changes your status from Unstable to Stable.

Trance: You must stand unmoving. You are mesmerized. You are not aware of what is going on around you. Taking any physical damage, will release you, but moving you or shaking you will not.

Trap: Your feet are magically stuck to the ground and may not be moved.

Trip: You fall to the ground. Either your chest or your back must touch the ground before you can get up again! If you are unable to fall due to physical limitations, or if the ground is unsuitably muddy or rocky, you are excused from actually falling, but you must roleplay being unbalanced and unable to do anything for a similar length of time.

Torment: You must scream loudly once, and briefly roleplay mental anguish and horror. No physical damage is associated with this effect. This effect is typically an Area of Effect.

Weakness: You will do one less point of damage with all weapons and spells (thus most people will be unable to fight at all), and you will be unable to run, for 5 minutes. You should roleplay feebleness and lassitude.

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Defensive Effects: Defensive effects are called when you are struck by a spell or attack.

Bladeturn : Effects delivered “By Weapon” or normal weapon blows are negated and the attacker suffers the designated Effect. For example, if Gwydion strikes a Fell Beast with his sword, and the beast announces “Bladeturn Shatter,” Gwydion’s sword shatters. If the fell beast had said “Bladeturn Doom by Nether,” Gwydion would suffer the Doom effect. A bladeturned effect cannot be bladeturned, or reflected back again.

Dodge : The blow or effect misses because you have moved out of the way and avoided it.

o Effect: The particular blow or spell did nothing and never will. For example, if you are not an undead creature and you were hit with a “Slay Undead” effect, you would announce “No Effect”, because it will never work. Once someone has called “No Effect” to something, you may not continue with that attack against them. This is so that the person can accurately keep track of what is happening to them, without being confused by extraneous hits.

Parry : Effects delivered “By Weapon” or normal weapon blows are negated. This call indicates that the weapon strike did not land, and thus did not cause the desired effect and/or damage. You may only use this on blows affecting yourself.

Resist: The particular blow or spell was ineffective, but it was an effort warding it off, and another one might succeed.

Reflect: The particular effect bounced back and struck the attacker. A reflected effect cannot be reflected or bladeturned back again by the attacker.

Return : Inflicts a called effect in response to a weapon hit. THE WEAPON HIT IS STILL EFFECTIVE.

Shield : You will resist the FIRST attack of the indicated type that would otherwise have affected you. When the Shield is used you announce “Shield”. You may have only ONE shield on you at a time. A shield will last beyond the change of the mana cycle, if it has not been used, but will not carry over between events.

Traits Many effects have Traits, which tell you WHAT caused the effect, HOW it was caused, or HOW LONG it will last. They are called as “Effect by Trait.” For example: “Trap by Earth” “Slay living by Poison” or “Disengage by Disease.” Traits do not change the effect in any way, but may determine if you able to resist the effect in some way. For example if you character is immune to poison, you would call “o Effect” to “Paralyze by Poison,” but not to “Paralyze by Ice.”

Flavor Traits Traits also help you to know how to role-play the effect. These are referred to as “Flavor Traits.” They are typically everyday, obvious words (ice, fire, fear, etc.) or defined by game rules. For example, consider Paralyze, which states that you cannot move. This effect could be interpreted differently for role-play purposes depending on the trait that caused it: “Paralyze by Fear” would indicate that your character was frozen in place in panic and horror. You would stand in place quaking or gaping until the effect wore off. “Paralyze by Ether” would indicate that you were basically frozen in place as a magical statue. You would hold your exact posture from the moment the effect struck you. “Paralyze by Poison” would be an effect like spider’s venom. You may, for example, curl up into a ball. “Paralyze by Web” would indicate being snared in bonds that you could not break, though you could role-play struggling against them.

Flavor Traits also tell you if you are affected by something. If an effect is called “To” a certain trait, you take the effect only if you have that trait. For example “Heal to Ardenians” would work only if you were, in fact, an Ardenian.

All players have the “Ardenian” trait, their Race as a trait, and their Background. You have the “Enemy” trait if you consider yourself an enemy of the person calling the effect. You have the “Ally” trait if you consider yourself a friend, (or at least fighting on the same side) as the person calling the effect.

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Delivery Traits

Area Effect… Effects called by Area Effect affect EVERYONE who hears them (or should have- the fact that you were not paying attention doesn’t mean you weren’t affected if everyone around you was). You cannot “stop up your ears” or “talk really loud” to avoid this kind of effect.

By Discourse In order for an effect “By Discourse” to work on you, you must have engaged in conversation with the person calling it. This need not be friendly conversation (insults shouted across the battlefield count), but if you feel that you have not actually conversed in some way, you may say “Not Taken” to the effect.

By Gesture Effects called “By Gesture” only require that the person point at you to call the effect. If you are fortunate enough to have a “by gesture” effect, be aware that it will not work on enemies who can’t see you - in other words you must have their attention. The best way to get it is to use their game name (you may not use real life names). In fact, many forms of magic require that you know the target’s name.

By Packet Effect by bean bag packets represent magical assaults that envelope your whole person. They affect you if they strike a weapon or shield. Again, all beanbag attacks are assumed to be “By Packet.” You don’t have to call them.

By ame Effects called by Name will only affect the person named. It will affect you whether it is your actual name or a clever nickname by which you are commonly known. The only safeguard against an effect that targets your name is if it uses a name provided by the Alias skill (in which case, you may call No Effect). If you are affected by something by your name, you have No Defense against it.

By Weapon Effects by weapon represent a physical attack-a dart, a sword, a knife, a fist, etc. They must strike you in order to take effect, and they CAN be blocked by weapons or shields. If you swing a weapon and call and effect, it is assumed to be “By Weapon”; you do not have to say it every time. If someone throws a packet and calls and effect “By Weapon” you CAN block it with a shield.

Weapon Traits Sometimes it may be important if your weapon is silver, wooden, blessed by Xaer or whatever. If your weapon has such a trait, you may call it whenever you have another effect. Thus “Critical Silver” or “3 Damage by Silver,” etc. You may OT call a weapon trait when you strike an ordinary, uncalled sword blow .

o Defense Nothing but “No Effect” will stop a “No Defense” attack. It cannot be dodged, parried, resisted, etc. Note that some very powerful creatures are immune to “No Defense!” You can still use weapons to block or real life quickness (where applicable) to avoid a “No Defense” attack.

Physical Effects with this trail are typically things like Paralyze, Trap, or Bind; and represent physical entanglements-ropes, webs, grasping vegetation, etc. You may “Purge Physical” by role-playing hacking at the bonds with a sharp implement for a silent 30-count.

Stacking The following are the rules for stacking various effects. • You may have any number of unpleasant/detrimental effects on you at a time. • You may only have one, “Shield” effect up at a time. • You may gain Armor Points from both your armor and from one magical source. (If you have Heavy Armor and gain +1 magical Armor Point, you have 3 Armor Points total). If you gain Armor from a second magical source, only the strongest Magical Armor remains.

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Remember that most effects are instantaneous or last for 5 minutes! Check the “Effects” section of the Rule Book for more information.

Learning Spells: You will begin with the knowledge of three Templates for each level of a Magical skill (other than Dabbling and Spellcasting Specialization) that you purchase. Two of these Templates may be chosen from the lists provided in this Rulebook. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. One other Template will be awarded at checkin by the Prophecy staff. This template may be a template which is in the rulebook, or it may be a secret template which would otherwise only be found through luck or search.

Some Spells are cast using a combination of several different magical skills, and if so, the Template will note this.

Aquamancy – The Magic of Water and Ice

Spell ame : Firebane Skills Required : Aquamancy I Spell ame : Blizzard’s Might Mana Cost : 1 Skills Required : Aquamancy II Effect : Torment Embermancer. Mana Cost : 1 Incantation : “With Ice I seek Fire. Torment Effect : One “2 Damage by Ice” Packet. Embermancer by Ice.” Incantation : “By the might of the blizzard! 2 Damage by Ice.” Spell ame : Frost’s Kiss Skills Required : Aquamancy I Spell ame : The Cooling Water Mana Cost : 1 Skills Required : Aquamancy II Effect : Stabilize, by touch. Mana Cost : 3 Incantation : “May the Ice sustain you! Stabilize by Ice.” Effect : Target will Resist the Pain effect, or effects By Pain, for the next five minutes. Spell ame : Panatault’s Serenity Incantation : “May the water numb you against pain. You Skills Required : Aquamancy I may Resist Pain for 5 Minutes, by Water.” Mana Cost : 2 Effect : One “Purge Mind by Water” Packet. Spell ame : Panatault’s Trembling Incantation : “By Panatault’s name I cool your blood. Skills Required : Aquamancy II Purge Mind by Water.” Mana Cost : 1 Effect : Compel you to Shiver for 5 minutes by Ice by Spell ame : Selara’s Sucking Mire Gesture. Skills Required : Aquamancy I Incantation : “In Panatault’s name, I Compel you to Mana Cost : 1 shiver for 5 minutes by Ice by Gesture.” Effect : One “Trap by Water” Packet. Incantation : “May the sucking mire drag you down. Trap Spell ame : Veiling Mists by Water.” Skills Required : Aquamancy II Mana Cost : 2 Spell ame : Vengeance of Frost Effect : Recipient can Resist Lightning for five minutes. Skills Required : Aquamancy I Incantation : “With veiling mists, I deflect the storm’s Mana Cost : 3 blade. You may Resist Lightning for five minutes, by Effect : Recipient is granted a Return 2 Damage by Ice. Water.” Incantation : “May the ice protect you! I grant you a Return 2 Damage by Ice.” Spell ame : Blizzard’s Rage Skills Required : Aquamancy III Spell ame : Blizzard’s Fury Mana Cost : 5 Skills Required : Aquamancy II Effect : Unlimited “1 Damage by Ice” Packets. A change Mana Cost : 2 in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or Effect : Three “1 Damage by Ice” Packets. weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s Incantation : “By the fury of the blizzard! 1 Damage by feet, or using other game skills will break the spell. Ice, 1 Damage by Ice, 1 Damage by Ice.”

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Incantation : “By the rage of the blizzard! 1 Damage by Incantation : “Trance by Ice”. This spell requires no Ice, 1 Damage by Ice … 1 Damage by Ice.” further Incantation!

Spell ame : Panatault’s Retribution Spell ame : Blizzard’s Wrath Skills Required : Aquamancy III Skills Required : Aquamancy III Mana Cost : 4 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Return Shatter by Ice. Effect : One “5 Damage by Ice” Packet. Incantation : “By Panatault’s name I prepare an icy Incantation : “By the wrath of the blizzard! 5 Damage by retribution. I grant you a Return Shatter by Ice.” Ice.” Spell ame : Selara’s Dreadful Desiccation Spell ame : Mindfreeze Skills Required : Aquamancy III Skills Required : Aquamancy III Mana Cost : 3 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : One “Weakness by Water” Packet. Effect : One “Trance by Ice” Packet. Incantation : “I drain the water from your body! Weakness by Water.”

Cieleomancy The Magic of Wind and Sky

Spell ame : Tempest’s Might Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Mana Cost : 1 Effect : One “2 Damage by Lightning” Packet. Spell ame : Zephyr’s Vengeance Incantation : “By the might of the tempest! 2 Damage by Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Lightning.” Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Caster is granted a, “Return 2 Damage by Spell ame : The Unveiling Clouds Lightning.” May only be used by the caster. Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Incantation : “I call on the gentle winds to grant myself a Mana Cost : 2 Return 2 Damage by Lightning.” Effect : One “2 Damage by Light” Packet. Incantation : “I call on the clouds to unveil the sun. 2 Spell ame : Cyclone’s Binding Damage by Light.” Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Mana Cost : 3 Spell ame : Winds of Clarity Effect : One “Bind by Air” Packet. Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Incantation : “I call on the binding cyclone to restrain Mana Cost : 2 you. Bind by Air.” Effect : 1 “Purge Mind” Packet. Incantation : “With cleansing winds I grant you clarity. Spell ame : The Extinguishing Gale Purge Mind by Air.” Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Mana Cost : 2 Spell ame : Zephyr’s Kiss Effect : Recipient is granted a Shield versus Fire. Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Incantation : “I summon the extinguishing gale! Shield Mana Cost : 2 by Air versus Fire.” Effect : One “Stabilize” by Touch. Incantation : “May gentle winds sustain you. Stabilize by Spell ame : Lightning’s Kiss Air.” Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Mana Cost : 2 Spell ame : Zephyr’s Shield Effect : One. “Pain by Lightning” Packet. Skills Required : Cieleomancy I Incantation : “Feel the sting of the storm! Pain by Mana Cost : 1 Lightning.” Effect : Recipient is granted a Shield versus Thrown and Missile Weapons by Touch. Spell ame : The Obscuring Clouds Incantation : “I summon gentle winds to Shield by Air Skills Required : Cieleomancy II versus Thrown and Missile Weapons.” Mana Cost : 1 Effect : Recipient is granted a Shield versus effects done, “By Light.” Incantation : “I gather the clouds to grant you a Shield by Air versus Light.” 62 2/8/10

Mana Cost : 5 Effect : Unlimited “1 Damage by Lightning” Packets. A change in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s feet, or using other game skills will break the spell. Incantation : “By the rage of the tempest! 1 Damage by Lightning, 1 Damage by Lightning… 1 Damage by Lightning.” Spell ame : Tempest’s Fury Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Spell ame : Tempest’s Wrath Mana Cost : 2 Skills Required : Cieleomancy III Effect : Three “1 Damage by Lightning” Packets. Mana Cost : 3 Incantation : “By the fury of the tempest! 1 Damage by Effect : One “5 Damage by Lightning” Packet. Lightning, 1 Damage by Lightning, 1 Damage by Incantation : “By the wrath of the tempest! 5 Damage by Lightning.” Lightning.”

Spell ame : Wind’s Block Spell ame : Wind’s Hindrance Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Skills Required : Cieleomancy III Mana Cost : 3 Mana Cost : 4 Effect : One “Disarm by Air” Packet. Effect : Three “Disarm by Air” Packets. Incantation : “I call on the winds to block you. Disarm by Incantation : “I call on the winds to hinder you. Disarm Air.” by Air. Disarm by Air. Disarm by Air.”

Spell ame : Winds of Freedom Spell ame : Windwalk Skills Required : Cieleomancy II Skills Required : Cieleomancy III Mana Cost : 3 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : One “Purge Physical by Air” Packet. Effect : For 5 minutes, the caster is “floating” an inch Incantation : “May the winds remove your bonds. Purge above the ground, and will suffer no Effects caused by Physical by Air.” hazards on the ground, such as pits, water, traps, etc. A change in the Mana Cycle, loss of consciousness, or Spell ame : The Eye of the Storm having one’s arms restrained will break the spell. The Skills Required : Cieleomancy III caster may move about freely once the spell is cast. Mana Cost : 5 Incantation : “May the gentle wind keep my steps from Effect : Unlimited “Repel by Air” Packets. A change in peril.” the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s feet, or using Spell ame : Zephyr’s Retribution other game skills will break the spell. Skills Required : Cieleomancy III Incantation : “May the eye of the storm descend. Repel Mana Cost : 4 by Air, Repel by Air…Repel by Air.” Effect : Recipient is granted a Reflect by Air. Incantation : “I call on the gentle winds to grant you a Spell ame : Tempest’s Rage Reflect by Air.” Skills Required : Cieleomancy III

Cognimancy – The Magic of Thought and Emotion Even though you must say the effects Cognimantic spells out loud, they are considered to be caused by thought. For this reason, no one around you will, “hear” (In Game) your incants, and you are able to cast them even while Silenced.

If you are unable to target someone with a spell done “By Gesture,” (due to darkness or noise) you may instead cast the spell “By Packet.” The packet must strike your target in order to affect it.

Spell ame : Armor of Thought Incantation : “I protect myself with the Armor of Skills Required : Cognimancy I Thought. 1 Magical Armor Point by Mind.” Mana Cost : 1 Effect : Caster is granted 1 magical Armor Point that will be lost when caster next takes damage. May be combined Spell ame : Illusionary Fleas with physical armor. May not be combined with other Skills Required : Cognimancy I magical Armor Points. Mana Cost : 2

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Effect : Target is, “Compelled to Itch by Mind by Effect : Caster gains 5 Dodges by Mind. These must be Gesture” for 5 minutes. used on the next 5 attacks that hit the Caster. A change in Incantation : “I compel you to Itch for 5 minutes by Mind the Mana Cycle or using any other game skills (including by Gesture.” use of weapons) will break the spell. Incantation : “With the power of thought I cloak myself in a Mirrordance.”

Spell ame : Yalefen’s Clarity Spell ame : Mindbridge Skills Required: Cognimancy I Skills Required : Cognimancy II Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 2 Effect : Purge Mind by Gesture. Effect : May only be used when within normal hearing Incantation : “With the power of thought I bring you distance of the target. Do not shout across the battlefield! clarity. Purge Mind by Mind by Gesture.” Anyone who overhears the message you send is aware of what you are doing – this spell is not intended to allow Spell ame : Yalefen’s Revelation you to send secret messages to your friends. This spell is Skills Required : Cognimancy I intended for roleplaying purposes, such as communicating Mana Cost : 3 with animals or people who do Effect : Detect Influence of Effect by Mind. Will reveal if not speak the common tongue. Some creatures will not anyone is under any kind of unnatural mental influence. understand words- in that case a vague emotional sense of Incantation : “With the power of thought I reveal control. the message will be conveyed. Detect Influence of Effect by Mind.” Incantation : Forsooth, I mentally communicate . Spell ame : Yalefen’s Trickery Skills Required : Cognimancy I Spell ame : Raven’s Cunning Diversion Mana Cost : 1 Skills Required : Cognimancy II Effect : One “” by Packet. Caster may Mana Cost : 2 call any Effect by Trait so long as the packet does not Effect : Compel the target to divert their attention from the actually hit anyone. If the packet hits someone, it should caster for one minute by Mind. Note that this will not be called as, “No Effect”. prevent the target from speaking with you, but it will Incantation : distract them so that you can escape or grab something. The Purge Mind effect will end this spell. Spell ame : False Friend Incantation : “I compel you to divert your attention from Skills Required : Cognimancy II me for one minute by Mind. by Gesture." Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Charm by Mind. Spell ame : Ember’s Iron Citadel Incantation : “With the power of thought, I make myself Skills Required : Cognimancy III your friend. Charm by Mind by Gesture." Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Caster is given a Resist to all effects done By Spell ame : Hands of Deception Mind for five minutes. This spell can only be used on the Skills Required : Cognimancy II caster. Mana Cost : 2 Incantation : “With the power of thought, I erect a citadel Effect : Compel you to believe this is a ______for 10 of iron about my mind.” minutes by Mind by Gesture. Caster may trick target into believing that one hand-held item is actually some other Spell ame : Haven item that can be held in one hand. Skills Required : Cognimancy III Incantation : “I compel you to believe this is a ______for Mana Cost : 4 10 minutes by Mind by Gesture.” Effect : Caster is immune (No Effect) to all melee weapon blows and missile weapons until the spell is broken, Spell ame : Illusionary Lassitude including Effects delivered “by Weapon”. Caster must Skills Required : Cognimancy II cross arms over chest to signify the activation of the Mana Cost : 2 Haven. Dropping arms, a change in the Mana Cycle, Effect : Weakness by Mind by Gesture. Trance, Paralyze, falling unconscious, taking damage of Incantation : “With the power of thought I sap your any kind, or using other game skills will break the spell. strength. Weakness by Mind by Gesture.” The caster may move about freely once the spell is cast. Incantation : “With the power of thought I build myself a Spell ame : Mirrordance Haven.” Skills Required : Cognimancy II Mana Cost : 3 Spell ame : Illusionary Gag 64 2/8/10

Skills Required : Cognimancy III Effect : This is a spell intended for roleplaying purposes. Mana Cost : 3 It may only be used on a willing target who seems to be Effect : Silence by Mind suffering from some sort of mental affliction (madness, Incantation : “With the power of thought I bind your amnesia, etc.). The target will whisper to the caster tongue. Silence by Mind by Gesture." whatever information they gain from the spell. This may range from nothing, to a long series of memories. There may be minor or serious side Effects from using this spell on some individuals. Spell ame : Yalefen’s Fascination. Incantation : “Forsooth, I seek insight into your mental Skills Required : Cognimancy III affliction.” Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Trance by Mind. Spell ame : Yalefen’s Madness Incantation : “With the power of thought I fascinate you. Skills Required : Cognimancy III Trance by Mind by Gesture.” Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Berserk by Mind. Spell ame : Yalefen’s Insight Incantation : “With the power of thought I enrage you. Skills Required : Cognimancy III Berserk by Mind by Gesture.” Mana Cost : 2

Embermancy – The Magic of Flame and Ember Please note that, unless otherwise specified, magical fire spells do not ignite combustibles such as wood, paper, oil, etc.

Spell ame : Fires of Purification Skills Required : Embermancy I Mana Cost : 2 Effect : 1 Damage by Fire and Purge Poison by Fire, by touch, both delivered to same target at the same time. Spell ame : Blaze of Freedom Incantation : “With fire I cleanse you. 1 Damage by Fire Skills Required : Embermancy II and Purge Poison by Fire.” Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Caster can escape from rope bindings, and any Spell ame : Flame’s Power Bind or Trap by Physical Effect but suffers 1 Damage by Skills Required : Embermancy I Fire damage in the process. Unlike other spells, this may Mana Cost : 1 be used while restrained, so long as you may speak. Only Effect : One “2 Damage by Fire” Packet. works on oneself! Incantation : “By the might of flame! 2 Damage by Fire.” Incantation : “Forsooth, with fire I destroy my bonds! Purge Physical and One Damage to Self by Fire.” Spell ame : Jothilian’s Fiery Release Skills Required : Embermancy I Spell ame : Fire’s Warming Mana Cost : 2 Skills Required : Embermancy II Effect : “Purge Physical by Fire,” by touch. Mana Cost : 2 Incantation : “May Jothilian’s fiery touch free you. Purge Effect : Recipient is granted a Shield versus Ice and Physical by Fire.” Water. Incantation : “May fire protect you! I grant you a Shield Spell ame : Vengeance of Fire versus Ice and Water.” Skills Required : Embermancy I Mana Cost : 3 Spell ame : Flame’s Fury Effect : Recipient is granted a Return 2 Damage by Fire. Skills Required : Embermancy II Incantation : “May fire overwhelm your foes! I grant you Mana Cost : 2 a Return 2 Damage by Fire.” Effect : Three “1 Damage by Fire” Packets. Incantation : “By the fury of flame! 1 Damage by Fire, 1 Spell ame : Waterbane Damage by Fire, 1 Damage by Fire.” Skills Required : Embermancy I Mana Cost : 1 Spell ame : Jothilian’s Fiery Blade Effect : Torment Aquamancer Skills Required : Embermancy II Incantation : “With fire I seek water. Torment Mana Cost : 2 Aquamancer by Fire.” Effect : Enchants a bladed weapon with fire for 5 minutes. Weapon will do “Fire” damage during that time. This will 65 2/8/10 not necessarily have any more Effect than regular damage on most creatures. Incantation : “By Jothilian’s name! Forsooth, this blade now does Damage by Fire for 5 minutes.” Spell ame : Immolation Skills Required : Embermancy III Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Area Effect 1 Damage by Fire. May only be cast Spell ame : Kalesk’s Searing Flame while indoors, within a room no larger than 50’ by 50’. Skills Required : Embermancy II This will affect everyone in the room, including the Mana Cost : 2 Caster and his or her companions. Effect : One “Pain by Fire” Packet. Incantation : “May the fires engulf this room! Area Effect Incantation : “I sear you with flame! Pain by Fire.” 1 Damage by Fire!”

Spell ame : Flame’s Rage Spell ame : Kalesk’s Incineration Skills Required : Embermancy III Skills Required : Embermancy III Mana Cost : 5 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Unlimited “1 Damage by Fire” Packets. A change Effect : You may throw Five “3 Damage by Fire” Packets in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or all at once. Anyone struck with multiple packets still only weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s takes 3 Damage. feet, or using other game skills will break the spell. Incantation : “I will incinerate you! 3 Damage by Fire!” Incantation : “By the rage of flame! 1 Damage by Fire, 1 Damage by Fire… 1 Damage by Fire. Spell ame : Lesser Inferno Skills Required : Embermancy III Spell ame : Flame’s Wrath Mana Cost : 4 Skills Required : Embermancy III Effect : Five “2 Damage by Fire” Packets. Mana Cost : 3 Incantation : “I summon a lesser Inferno. 2 Damage by Effect : One “5 Damage by Fire” Packet. Fire, 2 Damage by Fire, 2 Damage by Fire, 2 Damage by Incantation : “By the wrath of flame! 5 Damage by Fire.” Fire, 2 Damage by Fire.”

Geomancy – The Magic of Form and Shape All Geomancy spells require the creation of a sigil, which is a collection of one or more geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, etc. You will be provided the sigil for those spells you know on the Spell Template you will receive at check in. There are three basic types of Geomantic Spells: ♦ Wards are sigils that may be placed on stationary items (including the ground). They are activated if the item is disturbed/moved or the sigil is touched. The effect of a ward will be described on a yellow card, as with traps. A Geomancer who knows warding spells will be provided yellow cards for their castings. A Geomancer may always dispel his or her own wards, although this means that the Ward is gone and mana must be expended to recreate it. Wards generally last until triggered or Dispelled, or until the end of the event. ♦ Genera are sigils that may be placed on item and/or people to give them a certain effect. The target must be willing or immobile. The sigil may be marked on the item or person (if they allow), or drawn on a slip of paper that is then attached to the person or item. Genera generally last until triggered or Dispelled, or until the end of the event. ♦ Persona are sigils that may only be used by the Geomancer him or herself. They can be placed on any physical item or on the Geomancer him or herself, and are activated by the Geomancer’s touch. You must use the ability within 5 seconds of activating the sigil by touch. They usually provide the Geomancer an ability or effect that can be delivered by packet. Persona generally last until triggered or Dispelled, or until the end of the event.

A person can have a maximum of six sigils inscribed on his or her person at the same time. These sigils must be on different areas of the body (torso, arms, legs, head). Multiple sigils with same root name may not be stacked (i.e. Stone Plate Enhanced and True). If two sigils with the same root are inscribed, the more powerful sigil is the only one to take Effect.

A small item, such as a dagger, bottle, or helmet, can have one sigil inscribed on it. A medium item, such as a shield, long sword, cloak, or chest, may have two sigils inscribed on it. A large item, such as a table, stone, door, or tree, may have three sigils inscribed on it. The same restriction regarding multiple sigils with the same root name applies in these cases, as well.

Sigil ame : Agony By Flame Skills Required : Geomancy I Sigil Type : Persona Mana Cost : 2 66 2/8/10

Effect : Used on oneself. Caster gains the ability to deliver Skills Required : Geomancy II one, “Pain by Fire” packet. Mana Cost : 2 Sigil ame : Bind Fire Effect : Used on oneself. Caster may deliver one Sigil Type : Genera “Knockout by Weapon” attack by using a fist-sized Skills Required : Geomancy I packet. Sigil should be marked on your hand/fist. Mana Cost : 1 Sigil ame : Stone Plate Enhanced Effect : Used upon a weapon. Target weapon will do Sigil Type : Genera “Damage by Fire” damage for the next 5 minutes. Skills Required : Geomancy II Sigil ame : Fire Ward Mana Cost : 2 Sigil Type : Ward Effect : Used on a person. Target will “Resist by Sigil” the Skills Required : Geomancy I next 2 points Damage by Weapon, OR the first Mana Cost : 2 “Knockout” Effect, that he or she suffers. Effect : Produces the “1 Damage by Fire” Effect when warded item is disturbed or ward is triggered. Sigil ame : Abate Impurity Sigil Type : Genera Sigil ame : Protection from Ice Skills Required : Geomancy III Sigil Type : Genera Mana Cost : 4 Skills Required : Geomancy I Effect : Used on a person. Postpones any Effect delivered Mana Cost : 1 “By Poison” for 5 minutes. May be applied before or after Effect : Used on a person. Target will “Resist by Sigil” the the target suffers the Effect. next 1 points of Damage by Ice the person suffers. Sigil ame : Bind Fire True Sigil ame : Purge Mind Sigil Type : Genera Skills Required : Geomancy I Skills Required : Geomancy III Sigil Type : Genera Mana Cost : 3 Mana Cost : 1 Effect : Used on a weapon. Weapon will do “+1 Damage Effect : Used on a person. Will deliver the “Purge Mind by Fire” for 5 minutes. Weapon can do one “3 Damage by by Sigil” Effect to the target. Fire,” which will release the sigil.

Sigil ame : Bonds of Air Sigil ame : Gust of Wind Sigil Type : Persona Sigil Type : Persona Skills Required : Geomancy II Skills Required : Geomancy III Mana Cost : 3 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Used on oneself. Caster gains the ability to deliver Effect : Used on oneself. Caster gains the ability to deliver one, “Bind by Air” packet. one “Repel by Air” packet.

Sigil ame : Fortify Sigil ame : Stone Plate Fortified Sigil Type : Genera Sigil Type : Genera Skills Required : Geomancy II Skills Required : Geomancy III Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Used on an item. Item will “Resist by Sigil” the Effect : Used on a person. Target will “Resist by Sigil” the next Shatter. next 3 points of Damage by Weapon. Target gains the ability to “Reflect by Sigil” the Knockout Effect for 5 Sigil ame : Protection from Fire True minutes. Sigil Type : Genera Skills Required : Geomancy II Sigil ame : Wind Ward Mana Cost : 3 Sigil Type : Ward Effect : Used on a person. Target will “Resist by Sigil” the Skills Required : Geomancy III next Effect “by Fire” he or she suffers. Mana Cost : 4 Effect : Produces the “Repel by Air” Effect when warded Sigil ame : Solid Fist item is disturbed or ward is triggered. Sigil Type : Persona

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Lyrimancy – The Magic of Melody and Harmony All Lyrimancy spells require a variablelength musical performance in order to cast. This musical performance may be instrumental or vocal. Players who wish to bring large and/or breakable instruments to the game are encouraged to contact the Prophecy staff so that safe performance times and locations can be arranged.

A Lyrimancer may move about while performing the music, and unlike other magics, Lyrimancy spells may be cast even if the caster’s hands are restrained, so long as he or she can sing/chant/whistle the musical performance required to cast the spell. Spells are interrupted as usual if weapons or spell effect strike the performer during the course of the performance. In this case no mana is expended, but the caster must begin the performance again.

In the case of Effects that are “Area Effect,” the Effect must be called at the same volume as the performance.

Spell ame : Song of Serenity Skills Required : Lyrimancy I Spell ame: Haven’s Song Mana Cost : 1 Skills Required : Lyrimancy II Effect : Purge Mind by Gesture. Mana Cost : 4 Incantation : One-minute musical performance of any Effect : Caster is immune (No Effect) to all melee weapon kind. “Purge Mind by Song by Gesture.” blows and missile weapons until the spell is broken, including attacks “by Weapon”. Caster must cross arms Spell ame : Song of Clarity over chest to signify the activation of the Haven. Skills Required : Lyrimancy I Dropping arms, a change in the Mana Cycle, Trance, Mana Cost : 3 Paralyze, falling unconscious, taking damage of any kind, Effect : Area Effect Purge Mind. or using other game skills will break the spell. Incantation : One-minute musical performance of any Incantation : Two-minute musical performance of any kind. “Area Effect Purge Mind by Song.” kind. “Forsooth, I create a Haven of Song.”

Spell ame : Song of Fascination Spell ame : Song of Frenzy Skills Required : Lyrimancy I Skills Required : Lyrimancy II Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 2 Effect : Trance by Gesture. Effect : Berserk by Gesture. Incantation : One-minute musical performance of any Incantation : Two-minute musical performance of any kind. “Trance by Song by Gesture.” kind. “ Berserk by Song by Gesture.”

Spell ame : Song of Health Spell ame : Song of Healing Skills Required : Lyrimancy I Skills Required : Lyrimancy II Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Full Heal, to oneself. Effect : One “Heal Full”, by Touch. Incantation : One-minute musical performance of any Incantation : Two-minute musical performance of any kind. “Heal Full by Song to Self.” kind. “Heal Full by Song.”

Spell ame : Bridge of Song Spell ame : Song of Shielding Skills Required : Lyrimancy II Skills Required : Lyrimancy II Mana Cost : 1 Mana Cost : 2 Effect : For 5 minutes, the caster is “floating” an inch Effect : Target is granted a Shield versus Packets. above the ground, and will suffer no Effects caused by Incantation : Two-minute musical performance of any hazards on the ground, such as pits, water, traps, etc. A kind. “I grant you a Shield by Song versus Packet change in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or Attack.” weapon) or having one’s arms restrained will break the spell. Musical performance must be completed in order to Spell ame : Song of Greater Healing successfully cast spell. The caster may move about freely Skills Required : Lyrimancy III once the spell is cast. Mana Cost : 4 Incantation : Two-minute musical performance of any Effect : Area Effect Heal Half. kind. “Forsooth, I create a Bridge of Song.” Incantation : Three-minute musical performance of any kind. “Area Effect Heal Half by Song.”

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Effect : Area Effect 1 Magical Armor Point by Song. Incantation : Three-minute musical performance of any Spell ame : Song of the Long March kind. “Area effect, bestow 1 Magical Armor Point by Skills Required : Lyrimancy III Song.” Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Compel you to follow me peacefully by Gesture. Spell ame : Song of Slumber Incantation : Three-minute musical performance of any Skills Required : Lyrimancy III kind. “ Compel you to follow me Mana Cost : 3 peacefully by Song by Gesture.” Effect : Sleep by Gesture. Incantation : Three-minute musical performance of any Spell ame : Song of Protection kind. “Sleep by Song by Gesture.” Skills Required : Lyrimancy III Mana Cost : 4

Mineramancy – The Magic of Stone and Ore

Spell ame : Earthen Bolt Skills Required : Mineramancy I Spell ame : Earth’s Armor Mana Cost : 1 Skills Required : Mineramancy II Effect : One “2 Damage by Silver” Packet. Mana Cost : 1 Incantation : “By the power of earth! 2 Damage by Effect : Caster is granted 1 magical Armor Point that will Silver.” be lost when caster next takes damage. May only be used on oneself. May be combined with physical armor. May Spell ame : Hold of Stone not be combined with other magical Armor Points. Skills Required : Mineramancy I Incantation : “May the earth protect me. 1 Magical Mana Cost : 1 Armor Point by Earth.” Effect : Grants the recipient a Shield versus Repel. Incantation : “May the hold of stone keep you! I grant Spell ame : Iron Shield you a Shield versus Repel.” Skills Required : Mineramancy II Mana Cost : 2 Spell ame : Minor Quake Effect : Grants the recipient a Shield versus Shatter. Skills Required : Mineramancy I Incantation : “By the strength of iron! I grant you a Mana Cost : 2 Shield by Earth versus Shatter.” Effect : Trip by Gesture. Incantation : “With quaking earth! Trip by Earth by Spell ame : Lenata’s Healing Gesture.” Skills Required : Mineramancy II Mana Cost : 2 Spell ame : Strength of Stone Effect : Heal Full to Petrogen by Touch. Skills Required : Mineramancy I Incantation : “May the touch of the earth aid you. Heal Mana Cost : 3 Full to Petrogen by Earth.” Effect : Enables the caster to do, “Knockout by Weapon” with the next weapon strike. Spell ame : Lenata’s Insight Incantation : “May the strength of stone touch my Skills Required : Mineramancy II weapon.” Mana Cost : 1 Effect : Detect Ore. In the presence of a Nym, this may be Spell ame : Torin’s Firm Steps used for roleplaying purposes to detect veins of metal if Skills Required : Mineramancy I caster is underground or near mines. Mana Cost : 1 Incantation : “By Lenata’s name I seek the earth’s riches. Effect : Grants the recipient the ability to avoid falling off Detect Ore.” a “chasm edge” or “stepping stone” physical challenge, unless BOTH feet are off the safe surface. Lasts for 5 Spell ame : Lenata’s Smiting minutes. Skills Required : Mineramancy II Incantation : “In Torin’s name, I grant you firm steps. Mana Cost : 2 Forsooth: You do not fall off a chasm edge or stepping Effect : One “5 Damage to Construct” Packet. stone unless both feet are off the safe surface.” Incantation : “By Lenata’s name I smite her enemies. 5 Damage by Silver to Construct.”

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Spell ame : Rockslide Skills Required : Mineramancy III Spell ame : Earth’s Greater Armor Mana Cost : 4 Skills Required : Mineramancy III Effect : Enables caster to call “1 Crushing by Weapon” Mana Cost : 2 damage for 10 consecutive blows with his or her weapon. Effect : Caster is granted 2 magical Armor Points that will Applies to hand-held melee weapons only, caster may not be lost when caster next takes damage. May only be used be using Desperation to wield the weapon. on oneself. May be combined with physical armor. May Incantation : “May the might of rock touch my weapon.” not be combined with other magical Armor Points. Incantation : “May the earth protect me. 2 Magical Spell ame : Rockstorm Armor Points by Earth.” Skills Required : Mineramancy III Mana Cost : 4 Spell ame : Earthquake Effect : Unlimited “1 Damage by Weapon” Packets. A Skills Required : Mineramancy III change in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or Mana Cost : 4 weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s Effect : Area Effect Trip by Physical. Caster is immune. feet, or using other game skills will break the spell. Incantation : “With quaking earth! Area Effect Trip by Incantation : “With the Earth’s rage I smite you! 1 Physical.” Damage by Weapon, 1 Damage by Weapon …1 Damage by Weapon.” Spell ame : Jonas’s Steadfastness Skills Required : Mineramancy III Mana Cost : 3 Effect : Caster is granted a Shield vs. Crushing. Incantation : “May Jonas make me steadfast in the face of my enemies.”

atramancy – The Magic of ature and the Cycle of Life and Death

Spell ame : The Clinging Ivy Spell ame : Perversion’s Seeking Skills Required : Natramancy I Skills Required : Natramancy I Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 1 Effect : One “Bind by Physical” Packet. Effect : Area Effect Detect Undead. Incantation : “With vines I restrain you. Bind by Incantation : “With nature’s power I reveal perversion. Physical.” Area Effect Detect Undead by Light.”

Spell ame : The Cleansing Sap Spell ame : Swarm’s Fury Skills Required : Natramancy I Skills Required : Natramancy I Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 2 Effect : Purge Poison by Touch. Effect : Three “1 Damage by Weapon” Packets. Incantation : “May Nature’s power remove this taint. Incantation : “With swarm’s fury I smite you! 1 Damage Purge Poison by Earth by Touch.” by Weapon, 1 Damage by Weapon, 1 Damage by Weapon.” Spell ame : Communion Skills Required : Natramancy I Spell ame : The Entangling Roots Mana Cost : 3 Skills Required : Natramancy II Effect : May only be used when within normal hearing Mana Cost : 2 distance of the target. Do not shout across the battlefield, Effect : 1 “Trap by Physical” Packet. for example! Anyone who overhears the message you Incantation : “With roots I restrain you. Trap by send is aware of what you are doing – this spell is not Physical.” intended to allow you to send secret messages to your friends. This spell is intended for roleplaying purposes, Spell ame : Feather’s Rest such as communicating with animals or people who do Skills Required : Natramancy II not speak the common tongue. Some creatures will not Mana Cost : 2 understand words- in that case a vague emotional sense of Effect : Stabilize by Touch. the message will be conveyed. Incantation : “May the gentle wings support you! Incantation : “ Forsooth, I communicate Stabilize by Earth.” .”

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Spell ame : The Secret Garden Skills Required : Natramancy III Mana Cost : 1 Spell ame : Kindle the Seed Effect : Allows the Caster to send the target plant Skills Required : Natramancy II component to a “safer” place in the forest. The Caster Mana Cost : 1 should take the physical component (now out-of-game) Effect : Growing spell. Used purely for roleplaying and return it to the Prophecy Staff at the end of the Game. purposes, but may on occasion have in-game Effects. If It is suggested that if you plan to make use of this skill this spell is used, please report the circumstances in your you carry an out-of-game pouch or bag in which the PEL. components may be stored prior to turning them in. Incantation : “May warm light and star bright kindle this Incantation : “May Nature’s power find a place of safety. . Forsooth, I empower growth.” Forsooth, I transplant this plant.”

Spell ame : Sap’s Shield Spell ame : Swarm’s Rage Skills Required : Natramancy II Skills Required : Natramancy III Mana Cost : 2 Mana Cost : 4 Effect : Grants recipient a Shield versus Poison. Effect : Unlimited “1 Damage by Weapon” Packets. A Incantation : “May Nature’s power protect you! I grant change in the Mana Cycle, taking damage (from spell or you a Shield by Earth versus Poison.” weapon), having one’s arms restrained, moving one’s feet, or using other game skills will break the spell. Spell ame : Cycle of Healing Incantation : “With swarm’s rage I smite you! 1 Damage Skills Required : Natramancy III by Weapon, 1 Damage by Weapon…1Damage by Mana Cost : 3 Weapon.” Effect : Full Heal, by Touch. Incantation : “May Nature’s power sustain you. Heal Full Spell ame : The Untainted Glade by Ether.” Skills Required : Natramancy III Mana Cost : 3 Spell ame : Perversion’s Downfall Effect : Area Effect Repel Lesser Undead. Skills Required : Natramancy II Incantation : “May Nature’s power rebuke perversion. Mana Cost : 2 Area Effect Repel Lesser Undead by Light.” (Rope circle Effect : One “5 Damage to Undead” Packet. required – 10 ft diameter.) Incantation : “By Nature’s power this perversion shall be undone! 5 Damage to Undead by Light.” Spell ame : The Wolves’ Teeth Skills Required : Natramancy III Mana Cost : 2 Effect : Grants recipient the ability to do one “Maim” with a melee weapon. Incantation : “May the wolves’ teeth touch this weapon. I grant you one Maim by Weapon.”

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All of the religious aspects of the Prophecy Epic are entirely fictional. The players, cast and staff of Prophecy in no way advocate the reallife worship of the deities presented in this section. Furthermore, reallife religion is a very personal and sensitive matter. Please respect the reallife beliefs of others by avoiding reallife religious symbols, stereotyping, offensive language, etc.

THE WAYS OF FAITH There are many gods, goddesses, great spirits, and the like throughout the Prophecy world (though some are false) and many deities may be revered under different names in different places. Communicating with the gods is a troublesome matter. Gods perceive much, but they are not omniscient, and thus do not hear everything their worshippers say or think. Generally it is believed that they hear anything spoken in the presence of the Nym, and thus prayers are often addressed to such beings: “Tell my goddess…” The practice of posting written prayers in a shrine or temple is also considered highly effective.

An Acolyte is one who has devoted him or herself to the ideals of a particular god (i.e. purchased the Faith skill) and honors that deity above all others. They may or may not be part of an organized sect. All players who purchase the Faith skill are Acolytes. You may be an Acolyte of only one deity at a time!

A Priest is a political position within the church which is not necessarily a reflection of true spiritual power or advancement in the eyes of the deity itself. If you wish to gain a position as Priest you must do so via the political channels available within the local church of your deity.

A Monk is someone who has taken vows to serve in a particular abbey or temple, following a contemplative, religious life. A Monk may also be an Acolyte or a Priest, or they may not have Faith in any particular god. The word “monk” is used to refer to both males and females. The monks of Prophecy are inspired by real-world western monastics (such as the Benedictines) and are not intended to resemble real-world eastern monastics. No player character may start the game as a Monk, although your character may have been one previously and forsaken your vows. You may seek to become one in game, if you wish.

A ovice is one seeking to take vows and serve in a particular abbey or temple, which is not yet an avowed Monk. No player character may start the game as a Novice, although your character may have been one previously and forsaken your vows. You may seek to become one in game, if you wish.

A relationship with a deity is deeply spiritual, but also pragmatic. The worshipper lives according to the god’s teachings, empowers the god through worship, maintains the god’s church (es), obeys the god’s priests, and generally serves the god’s purpose. In exchange, the god may resurrect the worshipper when she or he dies, provide aid and guidance through dreams and other indirect means, and (rarely) intervenes directly on the worshipper’s behalf in worldly matters.

Changing the god you follow must be attempted in game, and may have serious repercussions. The gods do not look well upon those whose loyalty is weak, and may be vengeful. Other gods are also unlikely to accept a follower who has spurned another deity, for they will not trust the individual’s sincerity.

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FAITH POINTS & RITES A character with the skill Faith can gain “Faith Points”, as a representation of the blessing of his or her chosen deity. Each Faith Point will be represented by a Faith Tag, a slip of card stock with the symbol of the god upon it. These are visible in game as an aura of holiness. Faith Points can be earned through the following means: • Each purchase of the Faith skill (up to three times) earns 2 per event attended. • 1 BGA of Prayer between events may be used to earn 2 Faith Point(s). NOTE: this prayer will not result in any other guidance or information. It is OLY for Faith Points. Praying for guidance or aid must be done in game . • Certain deeds and roleplaying specific to the god may earn you Faith Point(s). • Undertaking tasks assigned by the god’s agents may earn you Faith Point(s). • Certain holy artifacts may grant Faith Point(s).

A character can use Faith Points for various religious “Rites”, which are similar to magical rituals. You may be an initiate of only one god at a time, and may accumulate faith only from that god. Faith Points may not be traded about, and are considered “expended” when given to another person. These are divine magics, powered by Faith Points rather than Mana. Characters with any level of the Faith skill begin with knowledge of the three “generic” starting Rites, as well as their deity- specific rite.

Additionally, all Faithful have the option of attempting "Rituals" in the presence of a willing Nym (or an appropriate NPC). The Players may perform whatever invocation, ceremony, etc they feel appropriate and expend what they consider an appropriate number Faith Points in an attempt to gain a particular blessing from their Deity. The Nym (or NPC) will inform the Players as to the outcome. Providing the Prophecy Staff advance notice of any planned Faith Rituals is desirable! Note that the more effort and thought (and Faith) you put into your Rituals, the more likely you are to gain a desirable result. Some Rituals may be unsuccessful, or may result in a different outcome than what was intended.

THE GODS OF ARDEN A pantheon of 12 gods is commonly worshipped in Arden. Only some are worshipped by citizens of Arden exclusively. All Prophecy players who take the Faith skill as starting characters must choose OE of the gods in the following list . This choice is crucial, since when your character goes before Judgment, you will be judged according to the values and tests of your chosen deity.

Those who do not have the Faith skill will go before the Nym. What motivates the Nym to return shades to the living is unknown, and their judgment may seem mysterious at times.

Learning Rites: You will begin with the knowledge of four Rite Templates. Three of these are general-purpose Rites common to all Faiths, and one will be specific to your deity. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. See the “Faith Rites” section of this Rulebook for the starting Rites.

Avalene Avalene is the goddess of martial skills and tactics, armor and weaponcraft, and the ways of honor. She is considered the patron deity of Arden. She is depicted as a woman clad in armor, wearing a winged silver helm, with a falcon upon her shoulder. The Winged Throne of Arden is said to have been a gift given by Avalene. Legends state that if anyone not of the blood of the True Sovereigns dares to sit upon the throne, Avalene will send her falcon to strike them down. Avalene is a just goddess who values loyalty, martial prowess and patriotism. Her followers include many warriors and crafters of weapons and armor, as well as a number of common folk who simply value honor and dedication. The religious orders devoted to Avalene tend to be highly organized and martial. Her priests are usually highly skilled warriors who are awarded their position after serving in an order and demonstrating sufficient dedication to the cause. One of the best known orders is the Handmaidens of Avalene, a cadre of female myrmidons dedicated to the defense of Arden. Those who follow Avalene can range from the goodly to the downright evil, but all value honor and skill in combat, and all are loyal citizens of Arden. Avalene expects that they will act honorably at all times, promote the arts of weapon and armorcraft, train others in martial skills, and generally promote unity and brotherhood amongst citizens of Arden. Avalene considers treason against the blood of the True Sovereigns, murder of other Ardenians, and dishonorable conduct in battle to be mortal sins. The Holy Rites of Avalene relate mostly to fighting skills and the crafting of martial items.

Avalene’s symbol is the Falcon, or a Winged Helm.

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Chaundelar Chaundelar is the god of sun, light, happiness, humor, and love, but also delirium and obsession. He is seen as a laughing or smiling man with a brilliant golden mane of hair. He is the patron of lovers and jesters both. Chaundelar also has quite a strong following among the general populace, dating back to ancient times and the Sunlit Age. Chaundelar is the steadfast lover of Janarre, goddess of sorrow and rain, and so his followers tend to be protective of Janarre’s priests.

The holy orders of Chaundelar are, by and large, well organized and benign, seeking to bring the gifts of happiness and love to all. However, there are some orders devoted to the more sinister aspects of Chaundelar, including the infamous Dancers of the Fervent Light who embrace madness and infatuation, and seek to share their burning frenzy with all. Chaundelar considers standing in the way of true love a mortal sin. The Holy Rites of Chaundelar relate mostly to emotions.

Chaundelar’s symbol is the Sun.

Daramore Daramore is the god of heroes, bravery, warriors, recklessness, fame, bravado, boasting, and fire. He is depicted as a centaur wielding a flaming sword. Where Avalene is the patroness of strategy, Daramore is the champion of those who charge fearlessly into battle, against any odds, for the pure exhilaration of battle. The stirring cry of “Daramore!” rings out across nearly every battlefield, as his faithful call upon Daramore to be with them. It is said that the strength of heart that empowers followers of Daramore can sustain them against any challenge.

Daramore is a fiery and passionate god who values the energy of battle and the glory of heroism. He is heedless of care, and does not mind 7that his followers exaggerate their exploits if it heightens the drama. Daramore despises cowardice. Those who follow Daramore are often brave and powerful warriors, but reckless and foolhardy. There are also a number of bards faithful to Daramore, who travel the world telling tales of great deeds and brave heroes. The religious orders devoted to Daramore are not well organized.

Daramore considers it a mortal sin to knowingly retreat from a battle leaving one’s companions behind. The Holy Rites of Daramore relate mostly to strength in battle.

Daramore’s symbol is the flaming sword, or a horse.

Duron Duron is an ancient god whose worship is said to have begun when the races were young. He is depicted as a minotaur, holding tools in his powerful hands. Duron cherishes the skills of crafters and artisans, the cycle of creation out of that which the world provides, the repair of that which has been broken. He is the patron of healers and of the arts of medicine and alchemy. Followers of Duron believe that in all things there is a pattern. The world is like a weaving on a great loom, in which the old threads unravel, and must be rewoven, to create a slowly changing tapestry of life. Duron is said to have placed ancient patterns upon the world that sustain the cycle of life, which is sacred to his followers. Duron’s faithful generally have a deep respect for nature and the goddess Maevesseroneth, and whatever they build or craft is done “within the pattern”, i.e. in a manner that will not disrupt the natural world.

Rumors state that the holy orders of Duron are sometimes aided or even led by one of the ancient race of minotaurs. These solitary creatures are rarely seen, and are said to be the last remnants of a dying race from the Sunlit Age.

Duron considers wanton destruction to be a mortal sin. He desires that creation always follow destruction, and that which is broken be reused or restored. The Holy Rites of Duron relate mostly to non-martial crafting, healing, and the discernment of patterns.

Duron’s symbol is the Hand.

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Hyst Hyst is the goddess of pragmatism, intrigue, complex scheming, and the ruthless attainment of one’s goals. She glories in plots and machinations and the varied means of bringing them to fruition; from courtly negotiation to the deliberate, merciless strike of a poisoned blade. Hyst is also described as the goddess of cold-blooded vengeance, which might also be seen as a way of attaining one’s goal. Despite this aspect of her nature, many of her followers are not evil. She is the patron of those who simply seek self-advancement, and of those to whom the end is important enough to justify any means. Many a goodly courtier or diplomatic envoy swears allegiance to Hyst and begs for her aid in affairs of political intrigue. Hyst is often depicted as a woman standing in the center of a vast spider web.

The religious orders of Hyst tend to be rigidly organized, and ascension is garnered by those with the political savvy and discretion to succeed at the games of intrigue in which Hyst delights. There are also rumored to be large numbers of solitary followers, pursuing personal goals and vendettas, but no one can say for sure.

Hyst considers it a mortal sin to fail in a goal by losing one’s nerve, or to abandon a quest for revenge. The Holy Rites of Hyst relate mostly to duplicity and manipulation, and to gaining revenge.

Hyst’s symbol is the Spider, or the Web.

Janarre Janarre is the goddess of tragedy, despair, and sorrow, but also of the surcease of emotional suffering. The clouds and rain lie within her domain as well. Thus any storm is considered a holy time by those faithful to Janarre. They celebrate with rites and prayers, often collecting vials of rainwater to use in future religious activities. Janarre is depicted as a weeping woman shrouded in grey. It is a mystery what the terrible sorrow of Janarre truly is. Some say it is her separation from her lover, Chaundelar, god of the sun.

There are several holy orders devoted to Janarre. The Order of Surcease works to relieve sorrow and comfort the grieving; their Holy Symbol bears a teardrop that is colored blue. The Order of Anguish promotes sorrow and despair, relishing the emotional suffering that their goddess grants them, believing that through embracing sorrow it may be conquered and controlled. Their Holy Symbol bears a teardrop that is colored black. Other more neutral orders of Janarre prefer Holy Symbols with a grey teardrop.

Janarre considers it a mortal sin to ignore those in emotional distress. The Holy Rites of Janarre relate mostly to emotions.

Janarre’s symbol is an Eye with a Tear falling from it, or Rain.

Jalubi Jalubi is the androgynous deity of leisure, self-interest, riches, comfort, food, and festivity. Jalubi is depicted as a short, plump, smiling individual surrounded by luxury, crowned by a circlet of peacock feathers. The followers of Jalubi include both those who posses great wealth, and those who wish to attain – or steal- it. Thus, many thieves look upon Jalubi as their benefactor. Jalubi is generally a peaceable and good-natured deity, but tends to be most receptive to those who make significant offerings of fine food, drink, and riches, which can be left at certain temples or conveyed by the Nym.

The holy orders of Jalubi are well organized, and advancement is entirely a matter of attaining sufficient wealth and throwing well-received parties. Most towns have a local priest of Jalubi to organize festivals and celebrations, as well as to see that a store of food is kept against times of need. Generally this priest, called “The Pobblejalub” is well loved and honored by the people of the region.

Jalubi has no mortal sins, for they would interfere with the comfort and leisure of existence. The Holy Rites of Jalubi relate mostly to the procurement and retention of items of value.

Jalubi’s symbol is the Peacock, or a Peacock Feather.

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Leukos Leukos is the god of fortune telling, dreams, and knowledge. Leukos is depicted as a moon-faced man, holding aloft a brilliant lantern. It is said that the movements of the moon and stars reveal his whispers of wisdom, and thus they are sacred to his followers. Leukos requires that his followers share and distribute knowledge, that it may guide the people of the world through the darkness around them. He is the patron of prophets, visionaries, and seers; those scholars not devoted exclusively to Xaer will also often pay homage to Leukos. Legend states that Xaer and Leukos are twins, but that Xaer looks into the past while Leukos looks into the future.

The holy orders of Leukos are surprisingly shrouded in mystery, perhaps because they take their guidance almost entirely from dreams, visions and portents. The path to priesthood is different for each follower, but the first step is always revealed by a divination.

Leukos considers withholding useful information and the corruption of dreams to be mortal sins. The Holy Rites of Leukos relate to divination and the acquisition of knowledge.

Leukos’ symbol is the Moon and Stars, or the Lantern.

Maevesseroneth Maevesseroneth is said to be the most ancient of all the gods, for she is the goddess of nature itself, and her worship is perhaps more widespread than that of any other deity. She is the goddess of birth and creation, healing and fertility, harvest, fruition, and death. She dances through the seasons, clad in the verdant green of spring, the brilliant flowers of summer, the brown leaves and golden grains of autumn, and the pale and snowy mantle of winter.

The holy orders of Maevesseroneth are often in close communication with farm folk and foresters, ensuring that the balance of nature is maintained. Priesthood is attained following completion of a holy quest, which is presented to the acolyte by one of the “green folk”, who are said to be the children of Maevesseroneth.

Maevesseroneth considers it a mortal sin to take more than is required from the bounty of nature or to slay one of the “green folk”. The Holy Rites of Maevesseroneth relate to nature and the cycle of life and death.

Characters with Faith in Maevessaroneth may read green “Nature’s Voices” flags.

Maevesseroneth’s symbol is a Circlet of Vines, or a Tree.

Saren Saren is the goddess of innovation, cleverness, tinkering, and invention. She is depicted as a goblin goddess, crafting all manner of strange devices at her great workbench. Saren requires that her followers use their ingenuity to make the world more interesting, and to try to do new and interesting things, even at the risk of failure. She does not believe in progress or invention at all cost, however, preferring that her followers do not work at cross purposes to the natural world. She is the patron of tinkers, dabblers, thinkers, anyone trying to think of solutions to impossible problems, and any crafter who does not look solely to Duron. Many goblins who are not affiliated with other deities look to Saren as both their protector and their wellspring of inspiration.

The holy orders of Saren are rather informal. They are always willing to come together to work on a new project or to use their intellect and crafting ability to solve interesting problems. The path to priesthood requires the supplicant to create an innovative masterwork in any discipline.

Saren believes that progress at any cost, the destruction of inventions, or the suppression of innate creative gifts to be mortal sins. The Holy Rites of Saren relate to crafting, cunning, and problem solving.

Saren's symbol is the gear.

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Tamalasque Tamalasque is the goddess of travel, roads, rivers, boats, luck, fortune, water and wind. Tamalasque is depicted as a woman with wild, wind-blown hair, standing at the prow of a boat or on a winding road. The followers of Tamalasque include those who travel much, such as traders, messengers, and soldiers. Many of the Venelasque pay homage to Tamalasque, who, legends say, bestowed their wanderlust upon them when they departed from their ancient homeland. Tamalasque is also the patron of gamblers and others who value chance and luck.

The holy orders of Tamalasque are loosely organized, as many of her faithful spend their time walking, sailing, and riding throughout the lands. They strive to protect those who travel from bandits and marauding beasts, serve as wayfinders to those who are lost, and maintain the many small shrines to Tamalasque that can be found along roadsides. Rising to priesthood generally involves undertaking a journey, or sometimes the restoration of abandoned roadways or shrines.

Characters with this Faith in Tamalasque may read Brown “Woodwise” flags.

Tamalasque considers it a mortal sin to cheat in games of chance, or to destroy roads or bridges. The Holy Rites of Tamalasque relate mostly to the improvement or impairment of luck, and to travel.

Tamalasque’s symbol is the Road, the Wheel, or the Boat.

Xaer Xaer is the god of languages, history, memory, maps, theater, music, art, and the commemoration of the dead. Xaer is depicted as a cloaked man dressed in concealing robes, holding a large book and quill. His followers include librarians, artists, musicians, cartographers, undertakers, and scholars. Legend states that Leukos and Xaer are twins, but that Leukos looks into the future while Xaer looks into the past. The focus of Xaer’s domain is knowledge of that which has been, and the collective perception of events that have transpired. It is said that Xaer records the history of the world in his great Book, gathering the experiences and memories of the dead.

It is common to find in, any fair-sized village or town, a book known as the Regnimorium, which is maintained by the local followers of Xaer. In this book are recorded births, deaths, marriages, and various other important happenings. Some villages have volumes dating back thousands of years. Copies of many (but not all) of these Regnimoria have been made and are stored in the Librus Harmonium of Clarion.

Xaer’s followers seek to uncover knowledge of the past, and see that it is not lost. The faithful of Xaer guard the dead, ensuring that they are not desecrated, not raised as undead, for this diminishes and taints their memories. There are several holy orders devoted to Xaer, embracing different aspects of his domain.

Destruction of books or art, the corruption of historical records or memory, and the creation of undead are all mortal sins in the eyes of Xaer. The Holy Rites of Xaer relate mostly to memory and the destruction of undead.

Xaer’s symbol is the Book or the Scroll.

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General Rites Item Blessing : FP : 1+ This Rite is invoked to Bless an Item in the name of the chosen Deity. Blessed items may be useful in certain situations in game. The Blessing will last until the end of the Mana Cycle. Acolytes should be cautioned that Blessed Weapons will not necessarily whatever be more effectual than others, except in isolated circumstances. The Player may roleplay this Rite in manner they choose, but must end with the words “May Bless this .” The weapon will then posess the Trait of the Deity invoked in the blessing. Note that as with all other Weapon Traits, the Trait should only be called on when ALSO delivering another Effect. Thus “Critical Tamalasque” or “3 Damage by Xaer,” etc. You may OT call a weapon trait when you strike an ordinary, uncalled sword blow .

Last Rites : FP : 1+ This Rite is invoked to ask the favor of the given Deity for the spirit of one who is going to Judgement. It must be performed over the body of the fallen prior to them rising as a Shade. The Player may roleplay this Rite in whatever manner they choose, but must end with the words “May grant their favor to this spirit” and then hand the Faith Tag(s) used to the recipient. A Shade who has been given Last Rites should be sure to turn over the Faith Tag(s) used in the Rite when they arrive for Judgment.

Divine Shield: FP : 1 This Rite is invoked in advance to protect oneself from becoming Unstable (see the “Death & Dying” section of the Rule Book for more information on becoming Unstable). The Player may roleplay this Rite in whatever manner they choose, but must end with the words “May shield me from death” and tear the Faith Tag being used. The Acolyte may perform this rite only upon him or herself, but the shield will last until used. Under the protection of this rite, the Character will remain Stable the next time he or she suffers an effect that would ordinarily have caused them to enter an Unstable state (it will not help if you are rendered Critical or Dead). The shielded character will regain consciousness if given the Heal effect, or five minutes after the battle is over, as usual. Once expended, the Rite must be performed again and another Faith Point used to renew the effect. Only one Divine Shield may be placed on a character at a time. Divine Shield will not protect someone using the Battlethirst skill.

DeityDeity----SpecificSpecific Faith RitRiteseseses

Avalene: The Armored Feathers of the Falcon FP : 2 Effect : This Rite allows the Acolyte to protect themselves with the sacred armor of Avalene. This Rite may be cast either on the Acolyte or upon another with faith in Avalene. This Rite bestows +2 Magical Armor Point, which does not stack with other Magical Armor. This armor remains until it is used or until the end of the event, whichever comes first. Incantation : You may roleplay this Rite in whatever manner you choose, but must end with the words, “May the Falcon protect you with its armored feathers.” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Chaundelar: The Majesty of the Rising Sun FP : 2 Effect : This Rite allows the Acolyte to dazzle an opponent with a shining beam of sunlight...The Acolyte may deliver a, “Trance by Light” either “By Gesture” or “By Packet.” You must prepare this Rite by performing the Incantation below. Incantation : You must pray for at least one minute beneath the open sky during the daytime, preferably while the sun is shining. You may roleplay the prayer in any way that you wish, but must end with the words, “May Chaundelar show my foes the majesty of the rising sun.” Tear the Faith Tags being used. You will gain the ability to deliver the “Trance by Light” once, any time until the end of the event. You may not have multiple performances of this Rite stacked.

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Daramore: The Blade of King Tamiak FP : 3 Effect : This Rite will imbue your weapon with a nimbus of holy flame. Only you may benefit from this Rite, and you may only have it cast on one of your melee weapons at a time. Your weapon will do “2 Fire Blessed Daramore” for five minutes or for the duration of one battle, whichever comes first. Incantation : You must pray over the weapon for at least one minute, all the while loudly glorifying Daramore’s name, the weapon in question, and your prowess with same. At the end of the Rite, you must say, “May Daramore anoint this weapon with the flames that empower King Tamiak’s sword!” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Duron: The Hand of the Minotaurs FP : 2+ (see below) Effect : This Rite allows you to call upon the crafting skill of Duron’s ancient servants to aid in one work of Crafting. You do not have to be the one performing the crafting (though it certainly helps), but you must at least oversee the crafting and lend words of encouragement to the crafter. While this Rite is in effect, you may expend one or more Faith points to add two Craft Points per Faith Point to one Crafting attempt. Please note you must spend at least 1 of your own actual Craft Points. This Rite does not work between events. It is rumored that the Minotaurs may cause an item crafted in this way to be of exceptional quality or to possess wondrous powers. The actual instances of such an event happening, however, are very rare. Incantation : You must spend at least one minute sanctifying the area in which the Crafting will take place. You should call to Duron to bless the crafter and his tools, and end with, “My the hand of the minotaurs aid you/me in your task.” Tear the Faith Tags being used, and note which Faith Tags are used to perform this Rite, and which are to be converted in to Craft points. You must note the use of this rite on your Craft sheet.

Hyst: My Lady’s Vengeance FP : 2 Effect : This Rite allows the Acolyte to deliver the “Return 2 Damage by Poison” effect to the next person that strikes them with a melee weapon. Once this Rite is cast, it is active until the end of the event, or until you travel to Death’s Door, whichever comes first. Incantation : You must pray to Hyst, preferably in darkness, invoking her protection with promises of ruthlessness and vengeance. Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Janarre: Weep a Tear of Surcease FP : 2 Effect : You may deliver the “Purge Mind by Touch” to one target. The target must either be willing to accept the effects of this Rite, or must be somehow restrained or pacified in order to accept it. Incantation : You must acquire some small measure of water, though rainwater works the best. You must pray over the water and the afflicted for at least one minute, begging Janarre to grant the cooling touch of her tears. At the end of the Rite, you must say, “May the Tear of Surcease wash away the malady of your mind,” and then sprinkle the water over the target. Tear the Faith Tags being used.

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Jalubi: Health to the Company FP : 1 Effect : Prior to a feast or a party, you may deliver the, “Area Effect Purge Poison from Food and Drink,” effect. This will ensure that everyone enjoys themselves, as your goddess intended! You may not use this Rite during small luncheons, or when people are grabbing food “on the go.” Incantation : Before the feast gets underway, raise a glass and say a hearty prayer to your god, thanking him for this bountiful feast. Clink the glass three times with a fork and then drink from the glass. Then say, “may Jalubi ensure that all enjoy this bounty!” Tear the Faith Tag being used.

Leukos: Servant of the ym FP: Special (See Below) Effect: When you wish to summon a Nym, you may expend one Faith instead of 2 Mana or 2 Faith Points. You may ask one question of the Nym for free (no Mana Cost, no need for Divination skill), provided that you or another of the faithful of Leukos have invoked this Rite to summon the Nym. Be warned that the Nym will not arrive more swiftly or provide clearer Divinations just because you have used this Rite. If you do have the Divination skill, you may use 1 Faith Point for questions to the Nym, instead of 1 Mana. Incantation: Go to where you would summon a Nym and say a brief prayer to Leukos, ending with, “I ask the Nym to come as a humble servant and a seeker of knowledge.” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Mavesseroneth: Wrath of the Four Sisters FP : 3 Effect : You may empower four packets to deliver the following Effects in the following order, “2 Damage by Light,” “2 Damage by Fire,” “2 Damage by Earth,” “2 Damage by Ice.” You may keep these packets ready until the end of the Mana Cycle or until you use them, whichever comes first. Once you begin throwing the packets, you may not cast spells or use other powers until you have thrown all the packets. You must prepare this Rite by performing the Incantation below. Incantation : In a natural setting, arrange the four packets in the style of a compass rose. Spend at least one minute praying to each of the four aspects of Maevesseroneth in turn, asking them to lend you your strength against dark forces. End with, “I ask the Sisters Four to grant me the Wrath of the four seasons.” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Saren: Fortify the WellConstructed FP : 3 Effect : You may call, “Area Effect Heal Half to Construct.” Neither you nor the Constructs you hope to effect can be sitting in a chair when you use this Rite. Incantation : You must pray over the wounded Constructs for at least one minute, glorifying Saren and her cleverness and asking her aid in fixing such wondrous and complex devices. At the end of the Rite, you must say, “May Saren repair you all!” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Tamalasque: Free to Wander the Greenroads FP : 2 Effect : You may invoke the grace of Tamalasque to protect yourself while you travel on a Way. For as long as you remain in the Way, you may “Purge _____ by Tamalasque” any Bind, Trap, or Paralyze done to you as often as you like. You must be conscious to do this, and you must spend at least ten seconds roleplaying great physical effort or calling out to your goddess. This ability remains until you leave the Way, for any reason. Incantation : As you begin your journey on the Way, you must praise Tamalasque and speak of the joy that only comes from wandering freely along the roads. At the end, you must state, “May Tamalasque grant me the freedom to Wander the Greenroads.” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

Xaer: The Scythe of the Reaper FP : 3 Effect : This Rite will imbue your weapon with a nimbus of holy power. Only you may benefit from this Rite, and you may only have it cast on one of your melee weapons at a time. Your weapon will do “3 Damage to Undead Blessed Xaer” for five minutes or for the duration of one battle, whichever comes first. Incantation : You must pray over the weapon for at least one minute, all the while praising Xaer and beseeching him to end the torment of those forced to rise as undead abominations. At the end of the Rite, you must say, “May Xaer grant respite to the tormented.” Tear the Faith Tags being used.

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ITEMS A character may encounter items of many sorts during the course of the Prophecy epic. Some will have in game significance, others will help with skills, and yet others may be completely meaningless. The following information will help you to make sense of the items you might find during the course of the Prophecy epic.


Numbered Items These are items that have value or meaning in game. A small set of numbers or letters upon them identifies the item. They may sometimes include descriptive text to convey additional information. There are several categories of Numbered Items, indicated by the first letter of the tag number. B items are Books or Scrolls that may be used for research and/or to teach skills, spells, cures, etc. A Book or Scroll without a “B” tag must simply be read to learn whatever it contains. C items are Components useful for some type of Alchemy, Crafting or Dabbling. L & K items are Locks and Keys. Key “K536” will fit Lock “L536”. M items include all other tagged items that may have in game use or value, including swashbuckling items, magical lock picks, tools, etc. These may have additional notes, such as “Food”.

Game Items These are items that have value in game, but are so common that they do not have tags. This includes in-game money and un- tagged documents. Un-tagged weapons and seed packets (for spells, arrows, punches, etc. ) are considered game items, but may not be stolen.

Unmarked Items Any item without some kind of tag or number that is not considered a game item may not be stolen or moved out of line of sight from where you found it. This includes items that are used simply for atmosphere or costuming, as well as the props other player’s characters have brought for decoration, etc. Please be careful with them!

MAGIC ITEMS Some items enable you to access some sort of magical ability. Your character may need to be taught how to use them. You may only use them without training if the item tag reads “IMMEDIATE USE”.

REGISTERED ITEMS Some items must be returned to the Prophecy Staff between events so that the physrep remains safe and so that the Staff knows who currently possesses the item. You must turn in items at the end of the event if the item tag reads “REGISTERED”. The item will be returned to you at the next Check-In.

EXPIRATION DATES Some items will expire. If so, the expiration date is noted on the item’s tag. This does not mean that the item has crumbled away; simply that it needs maintenance and cannot be used at the moment. If you have the appropriate craft skills and know how to create the expired item, you may restore it by spending half (rounded down) the original craft points necessary to create it. If the item cannot be remade by a PC crafter, perhaps a plot or module will restore it, or perhaps it may still have use in experiments or dabbling…

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Alchemy and Craft Skills are used by spending Craft Points (CP) either during or between events to create items. Every item has a listing of the rank of the alchemy/craft skill or Skills Required to make it, the number of Craft Points required to make it, as well as the material components needed.

At each event, every skill level purchased will provide 4 CP that can be divided between items to be crafted with that skill. This total can be used to craft items in-game. CP from one crafting discipline cannot be substituted for CP from another. For example, CP gained from Woodcraft cannot be used when creating items with the Scribe skill.

Certain in-game items may add to CP. Additional CP may also be purchased with Game Bucks.

Any item can be manufactured in-game, if the following conditions are met: • The crafter has enough CP still available for the crafting skill to be used. • The crafter possesses the in-game template or recipe required to make the item. • The crafter possesses the level of the skill necessary to create the item, as stated in the template. • The crafter possesses all of the necessary components to create the item. • The crafter has a suitable physrep for the item to be created. • The crafter roleplays through the creation of the item for 5 minutes per CP required to create the item.

Additionally, items can be crafted between games. Characters with crafting skills will receive the same amount of CP they had available at the beginning of the prior event for use between events. If crafters have enough CP available, they can craft multiple items in the same crafting discipline between events. For example, if a character wants to craft a wooden staff and some parchment between games, he or she can do so, provided enough CP are available in Woodcrafting.

To craft items between games, the following conditions must be met: • The crafter turns in a Post Event Worksheet within two weeks after the end of the last event attended. • The crafter is utilizing only one craft skill, or has the Industry skill. • The crafter has sufficient CP available to craft all items listed on the Post Event Worksheet. • The crafter has learned the Templates necessary to craft all items listed, or is trying an experiment. • The crafter has all of the components necessary to craft all items listed, and turns them in at Checkout.

Alchemical crafting is treated a bit differently than other crafting disciplines. Alchemical mixtures are made in several steps. Alchemists extract the essence of components, and use these Extractions in certain combinations to make Concoctions.

Any alchemist possessing a component and the necessary knowledge to extract the essence of that component can create an Extraction for 1 CP per Extraction. If this is done in-game, this process requires 5 minutes of roleplaying per Extraction created and a suitable alchemy laboratory. Any alchemist possessing the necessary Extractions and the knowledge to create a Concoction with those Extractions can do so with no CP cost. If this is done in-game, the process requires 5 minutes of roleplaying and a suitable alchemy laboratory.

Alchemical crafting can also be done between events following the normal rules for crafting. Note that each Alchemy skill (Darankarik, Magephilen, Revician) is treated as a separate skill for the purposes of crafting.

Learning Craft Templates: All Crafters are required to maintain their own Template Book containing a written description of the Craft Templates they know how to use. This Template Book is in-game but may not be stolen . NOTE: You do not need to be Literate to maintain the Template Book: the notes recorded in the Template Book are assumed to be in an obscure symbolic notation all Crafters with the same skill can understand.

You will begin with the knowledge of three Templates for each level of a Craft skill that you purchase. Two of these Templates may be chosen from the lists provided in this Rulebook. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. One other Template will be awarded at checkin by the Prophecy staff. This template may be a template which is in the rulebook, or it may be a secret template which would otherwise only be found through luck or search.

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You may learn more Templates in the following different ways: • You may receive a BGA response containing a new Template or Templates which you have learned. You should copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. • You may be taught a new Template in game by an NPC, or another Player who knows the Template. This requires 15 minutes of role-playing, and you must copy the full Template description into your Template Book before you may successfully use the Template. You may only learn ONE new Template per game in this fashion, no matter how many people attempt to teach you. • You may learn any Template in the Rulebook you have the prerequisites to use by turning in 5 Game Bucks. Turn in the GB at checkin and copy the full Template description into your Template Book to represent your knowledge of the Template. • You may discover in-game documents that include full Template Descriptions and an OOG note saying that you may learn the Template if you have the appropriate prerequisites and spend 15 minutes of role-playing studying the text, and 15 minutes of role-playing practicing the Template. You must copy the full Template description into your Template Book before you may successfully use the Template. • Successful repetition of experiments may result in the learning of the Template for that item.

Some Items are created using a combination of several different craft skills, and if so, the Template will note this.

TOOLS A full set of tools for Crafting or Alchemy will cost a lot, but can greatly increase the rate of production. A tool is any prop with an Item Tag that states it is a “Tool”. You must acquire Tools in game. Each Tool provides a variable number of extra Craft Points for crafting/alchemy. Only one person may use a given tool during an event or between events, but a single person can use as many appropriate tools as they have. Multiple tools of the same type will not be helpful to an individual, thus, a metalworker might make use of a Weighted Hammer and a Bellows, but not two Bellows. Certain tools may be useful only for creating certain items, such as a Gear Stamping Press.

BASIC ITEMS See the Basic Item Charts in the Appendix of this Rulebook for a listing of the Skills and Craft Points needed to craft many “Basic Items”.

COMPONENTS Components are the raw materials used by Alchemists, Herbalists, and other Crafters to create in-game Items at Prophecy. Components include certain species of flora and fauna (represented by plastic flowers and animals), minerals, waxes, inks, papers, ores, woods, cloth, dye, thread, leather, gears, wire, and a multitude of other items. All components will be marked with a small tag containing an identification number beginning with a C (see the “Items” section of this Rulebook). Certain crafts can create items that themselves are components; for example an Alchemist may create an ink that is used by a Scribe to make a document, or a Metalsmith might make wire that is used by a Tinker.

Components may be acquired in game in various ways. You may find components being sold at market, or you may obtain them on adventures, or you may find them in the woods. However, some flora and fauna components are renowned for their natural defenses, and woe betide those who would harvest them for their power! Some component species may be marked with Effect Tags; any character picking or closely interacting with a component must read its Effect Tag, if any, and abide by its dictates! If you read the Effect Tag, you have invoked any Effects that the component may exert. Components that have “natural defense” Effects will keep repeatedly (every ~5 seconds) or continuously exerting the Effect if they are held or carried unless the item tag dictates otherwise.

Components with torn or missing item tags are considered spent and useless. Components used in-game should be deposited in the designated used-component repository without tearing the tag, or the item may have an “Unused” tag which should be torn, to indicate that they have been used. An item whose tag is torn or missing will be valueless. The used component repository will be located in the alchemy lab, unless otherwise announced.

Plant and animal components typically retain potency for no more than two or three days after picking or removal from their natural habitats. Consequently, plant and animal components cannot be saved between Prophecy events, and must be turned

83 2/8/10 in at checkout! Note that herbs may be dried between events with the appropriate skill, and Alchemists may create Extractions from components that can be preserved indefinitely.

RUNIC INSCRIPTIONS Runic Inscriptions are somewhat different than other Craft items in that they are applied to other objects, or even to people. There are Templates for each individual rune as well as for the combinations of runes known as Runic Inscriptions.

Runic Inscriptions may be placed upon any in-game object, or a willing person. Depending on what the Runic Inscription is being placed upon, the Crafter will need one of several different in-game components: • To place a runic inscription upon a person’s skin requires one of pigment of any sort • To place a runic inscription upon a metal weapon or object requires one unit of metal of any sort. • To place a runic inscription upon a wooden weapon or object requires one unit of wood of any sort. • To place a runic inscription upon a cloth item requires one unit of thread of any sort.

Note that some Runic Inscriptions will only be useful when placed upon certain objects, and there may be situations that arise in game in which more specific components are called for.

In order to create a Runic Inscription, you must: • Have learned the Template for the Runic Inscription • Have learned the Templates for all individual Runes used in the Inscription • Have the necessary physical components to create the desired type of Runic Inscription • Have the necessary CP

Generally speaking, the CP cost to create Runic Inscriptions depends on the number of Runes being inscribed, starting at 1 CP for short inscriptions and increasing with the complexity of the Inscription.

If you wish to create in-game physreps (painted or embroidered costuming, temporary tattoos, decorated weapons) for your runes the Prophecy Staff encourages you to do so. When the Runic Inscription is created simply affix the Item Tag to the physrep (it need not be visible). When the Runic Inscription is activated, tear the tag. The physrep may be re-used, but you must create a new the Runic Inscription Item Tag using the necessary components and CP.

ALCHEMICAL VIALS Alchemical products are always kept in clear 35mm film canisters representing sealed glass alchemical vials. Opening an alchemical vial represents breaking a seal. If you open an alchemical vial, the contents will deteriorate within five minutes. If you read the tag within an alchemical vial, then you have consumed or applied the contents as appropriate, and are subject to their full effects . The target of a powder (which must be thrown) or a dust (which usually evokes an area effect) must be chosen before reading the tag, and cannot be changed based upon what one learns from the tag. When you have used an alchemical item, please fold the tag back up and place it back in the vial in a way that makes it clear the item has been used (i.e., without the type of item and symbols visible)

Alchemical products include potions, oils, dusts, powders, inks, waxes, and other products. Powders may contain or require a packet, which must be thrown at, and hit, a target in order to exert their effect. Such magical powders are highly unstable; if a powder is not thrown within thirty seconds after opening, it will detonate and exert its effect upon the wielder. While not everything that is found in an alchemical vial will exert an effect, in general potions are to be quaffed, oils to be spread on body parts or items, and dusts to be cast into the air or spread upon the ground (typically generating area effects). All alchemical extractions and concoctions resemble grey-brown gooey liquids or nondescript dusts to the untrained eye. However, any careful observer can, over time, pick out small differences in the appearance of different alchemical products that defy easy description (due to their subtlety) but that seem to correlate with their effects and powers, though not always in an easy or straightforward way. The symbols visible through the potion vials correspond to these physical properties. It is perfectly legitimate for non-alchemist PCs to try, through careful observation, to learn the likely effects of potions based on their physical appearances (as represented by the symbols on potion bottles). It is also legitimate for any character to record these symbols as a sort of "shorthand" for their observations of properties. Caveat lector .


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DRIED HERBS Dried herbs and other similar products may be kept in diverse sorts of vials, including opaque vials, which may be opened and examined, then closed again. Dried herb jars will contain a piece of paper with a picture on it describing the contents (see below). Herbalists will learn the names of the herbs that each picture represents in the course of their training – in fact, any character can learn the names associated with a given symbol or herb description by asking an herbalist, if they are willing to share the information.

Opaque jars and vials clearly containing only herbs are considered unsealed and can be opened at will and the contents and/or tag within gently examined. However, some herbs are fragile and will be destroyed by opening; others can even be dangerous to examine. An herb tag can even be moved to another vial, though it cannot be stored in one’s pocket or other untrustworthy environment, and if it is mixed with tags representing different herbs then the two cannot be separated again, and will usually be rendered useless.

Storing an herb in an inappropriate environment will destroy it- the tag should be put in the component return receptacle.

If an herbalist knows how to use a given herb, she or he can use it to invoke the associated Effect. o Effect is written on the tag. Unlike alchemical products, the effects of herbs cannot be invoked except by a knowledgeable Herbalist. The herbalist should roleplay preparing tea, a poultice, etc as appropriate for at least one minute, then administering it within the next five minutes. The tag itself should then be put into the component return receptacle.

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THE NYM Hooded and cloaked in somber grey, these strange spirits have existed as long as history has been recorded. Their purpose is a mystery. Perhaps they serve the gods, perhaps only themselves, or perhaps some unknown power. The Nym congregate where great joy or great suffering occurs, and where heroic or evil deeds take place. The appearance of one of the Nym bearing a lantern at night is said to be a sure sign of trouble, as they do so to illuminate battle that warriors die meaningfully by the sword rather than by stump or tree root. The Nym are fully In-game, but they serve an Out-of-game purpose as the “referees” of Prophecy. They may bestow divine magics, oversee battles, serve as guides on modules, assist diviners, and generally keep the game on track. Major infractions of the rules are punishable by Disintegration by one of the Nym. If action (such as Divination) requires a Nym and one is not present, you may not perform the action. Any player can summon a Nym by going to Logistics, expending 2 Mana Points or 2 Faith Points, and informing the staff at Operations as to the time and place where the Nym is needed. It is best to summon at least an hour in advance. Though the Nym are referees and guides, you cannot ask them questions like “What do I see?” or “What happens if I..?” All information you need to resolve the Prophecy challenge is before you, though it may not be obvious.

THE ETHER The Ether or Spirit World overlays the Physical World. It is a place of magic, of dreams, of the past, and of the future. Ethereal beings or spirits can be perceived by anyone, and if an ethereal being initiates conversation or says something, anyone can hear and respond. Some spirits, however, will only initiate contact with someone who has the Second Sight Gift, and will ignore other people. Ethereal beings and items are indicated by light blue veiling and/or a glowing blue light. If by chance you are taken into the Ether for a module, items and beings will not necessarily be marked, as everything is understood to be Ethereal by default. Note that if you do not have Second Sight you may choose to roleplay an inability to see Ethereal beings or objects, but it is not required.

OUTOUT----OFOFOFOF----GAMEGAME Yellow Markings Yellow is the color of “Out-of-game” (OOG) in Prophecy. Out-of-game objects are simply not there in game and should be ignored. Objects tied with a yellow band are not there. An area marked off by yellow rope is also out-of-game and may not be entered. Please refrain from wearing yellow arm-bands or headbands as part of your costume.

Yellow Hands A Yellow Hand indicates a building you just cannot get into. The building is still there, in game, but may not be entered. This may indicate a powerful magical protection that just cannot be thwarted. Generally this is used for rooms with delicate props that require the presence of a Cast member or Nym to monitor.

Yellow Cards A Yellow Card is a piece of yellow paper containing information and instructions. It is used to describe effects that cannot be represented physically. For example, you may enter a room and find a stretch of floor covered in green plastic, with a yellow card on it stating “This floor is covered in green goo. If you step onto it you will suffer the Trap effect”.

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Yellow Pouch Some characters have the ability to use a Hidden Pocket, represented by a 4” by 6” yellow pouch at. They may carry any in- game items in this pouch, so long as they fit completely within it. The pouch and its contents are considered so well hidden that they will never be found in a search of their person. Characters using a Hidden Pocket should still make an effort to keep the pouch out of view, and must carry it on them. Items in this pouch will register if an appropriate “Detect” effect is called.

SPIRIT GATES In Gwent, it is common to find these structures, most appearing as some sort of archway or door in the many ruins throughout the land. They lead to interesting places, but there is a price for passing through. Half of those passing through will be possessed and forced to play the roles of the entities (usually spirit guardians) beyond the gate. Essentially, a Spirit Gate is an adventure with no NPCs. Upon arriving, the adventurers must divide into two parties, roughly equal in number, each standing on one side of gate. One person then takes down the Gate Plaque, essentially a giant coin, and flips it to see which party will become spirits. The chosen ones then pass through, and locate the tote of props and items needed for the adventure.

They read the instructions, don the masks provided, and act as NPCs for the duration of the adventure. The parts they are called upon to play are quite simple, usually basic combat parts. Sometimes a spirit gate has nothing but combat and danger behind it, but often there are useful items or components, or information to be gained. In game terms those who become spirits are able to watch the entire adventure, and thus know what happened on it, but are trapped in the spirit world and cannot leave it until the other party leaves the gate or is all dead. Some spirit gates can be entered as often as desired, some only once per event or per day. This will be specified on a yellow card.

If you become unconscious beyond a spirit gate, your body will materialize outside the gate after 10 minutes. You may not enter a spirit gate that is “in use” - the only way in is to be part of the original party and take your chances with being possessed.


TRAPS There are a wide variety of traps to be encountered in Prophecy. Sometimes it may take a moment to determine the effect of the trap and to establish what has happened. Please try not to break the flow of play by standing there saying “Duh, what?” Roleplay pain or surprise while looking for the yellow card or waiting for the called effect. Anyone can find a trap, but only those with the Disarm Traps skill may attempt to remove them (see the “Stealth Skills” section of the Rulebook). You may not “trigger” a trap or magical ward at a distance by throwing things at it, etc. This includes using the dead or unconscious bodies of others! If you do so and the trap goes off, you take the effect.

Popper Traps These traps consist of a mousetrap, popping balloon, or explosive popper or cracker of some kind. Remember that you cannot move the poppers without the Disarm Trap skill. These always do 2 Damage by Weapon.

Buzzer Traps These traps consist of just a trigger. If the buzzer goes off, look around for a yellow card attached to the trigger. This will detail the effect of the Trap. Sometimes a Nym or other Cast member will announce the effect of the Trap instead, stating something like “Forsooth, a dart trap just struck you. 3 Damage by Weapon”. If you cannot find the card or determine the effect, assume the trap did 4 Damage by Weapon!

Falling Item Traps These traps consist of boffer rocks or other items that may fall on you. Sometimes a Nym or other Cast member will announce the effect of the Trap. In other cases, assume the trap did 10 Damage by Weapon.

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Contact Poison Contact poison is represented by petroleum jelly on an object. If it comes into contact with your bare skin it has the “Doom by Poison” effect. Contact poison may be avoided by wearing gloves, or may be wiped off by someone with the Disarm Traps skill. Once it is wiped off, the contact poison loses its potency.

Pits and Chasms When the floor or ground is black (i.e. covered in black plastic or cloth) it indicates a deep pit. You must cross it by jumping, using stepping stones or a bridge, or by some applicable skill or magic. Stepping-stones are generally brown or grey wood, carpet or cardboard. If any part of your body touches the black floor, you have fallen in. You may scream some last words, but then immediately become a Shade and go to Judgment. CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT & BETWEEN GAMES The Prophecy Staff hopes that players will want to get the utmost possible out of the Prophecy Epic. In order to do so, Players are encouraged to take advantage of some logistical policies that can benefit their character between events. All of these policies require paperwork and have a deadline. Official deadlines will be announced on the player email list and at the closing meeting of each Event.

You can enhance your character by: • Spending earned Skill Points • Spending available BGAS • Submitting a Post Event Letter • Deciding how to spend Game Bucks.

SKILL POINTS Skill Points are used to purchase any skill listed in this Rule Book, without requiring a teacher. You may also use them to purchase secret skills that you have learned of, but you must first find an in-game teacher willing to instruct you in the skill. Unspent Skill Points may be saved for later use. • Attending a Prophecy Event will automatically earn your character 2 Skill Points . • Staying after an event and helping to clean up will earn your character an additional 1 Skill Point . • Submitting a Post Event Letter telling of your exploits will earn your character another 1 Skill Point . Post Event Letters must be submitted by the announced deadline to earn Skill Points.

BETWEEN EVENTS A Prophecy Event represents a “high point” in the life of your character, but life does not stop when the weekend ends. For the most part, your character is considered to be tending to daily life between events, performing duties around town, tending to personal matters, and talking with other players. There are, however, some activities of in-game significance that take place between games: • You may learn new skills, if you have the available skill-points to do so. If the Skill is in this Rulebook, you do not need a Teacher. If the skill is Hidden, you must have made arrangements with a Teacher or have a Book or some other means of instruction. • Certain Crafting & Alchemy tasks, as well as Dabbling, take place between events • All other activity taking place between events is considered a Between Games Action or BGA

BETWEEN GAMES ACTIONS (BGAS) If you submit a Post-Event Letter (PEL) by the specified deadline, you get 1 BGA. You may get OE AD OLY OE additional BGA through other means (achieved through the use of some in-game item or potion). YOU MAY EVER HAVE MORE THA 2 BGAS FOR A SIGLE EVET! BGA requests must be submitted by the specified deadline, as announced on the player email list.

You do NOT need to use a BGA to: • Communicate with other Players between games. You may email one another freely. • Learn a new skill. • Perform Dabbling. • To send letters. If you wish to send letters, you must write them in game, or bring a printed-out document to the event, and find a Courier (or Courier drop-slot) in game who can deliver the missive. 88 2/8/10

• Pray to your Deity for Guidance. If you wish to pray to your Deity for Guidance, you must do so in game, after performing what you consider to be an appropriate ritual. • Perform Divinations. All divinations must be performed in game.

You DO need to use a BGA to: • Use one of the following skills: Dreamwalking, Wayfinding, Information Gathering. • Pray to your Deity for 2 Faith Points. Praying for advice or guidance must be done in game. • Read a Book. Note: you MUST provide the Title and ID of the book in your BGA or you will get no response . Books may be used by multiple Players in between two events. • Perform other non-skill based actions, including traveling, visiting NPCs, etc. Be advised, however, that if you try to do something in a BGA that you have not set up in game with an PC, is more than likely that you will not succeed . So if you decide to go off on your own and try to visit Clarion to research the genealogy of the Duke, and you haven't talked to any NPC about it and made a plan, then it is likely you will get nothing out of the BGA. The creation of BGAs is one of the most time-consuming and stressful tasks undertaken by the Prophecy Staff, and thus we need to be sure that there is an NPC prepared to write the BGA response.

POST EVENT WORKSHEET Players must turn in a Post Event Worksheet by the specified deadline to record how they are using BGAs, and to update their character’s skills as desired.

POST EVENT LETTERS Players must turn in a Post Event Letter by the specified deadline in order to gain Skill Points and a BGA for it. However, Players who miss the deadline are still encouraged to turn in letters after that time as a reference and plot tool.

A Post Event Letter should include a description of your character’s adventures at the event, and any other relevant information you would like to include. Your Post Event Letters serve to keep the Prophecy Staff informed of how things are going for their players, allow the Staff to react to your character’s actions, and overall increase your enjoyment of the game!

GAME BUCKS You can receive a varying number of Game Bucks for services you may provide the game, including prop creation and donation. These Game Bucks may be spent to gain various things, for example:

1 GB is worth $1 off the price of an event. 1-10 GB may be spent on in game items, per event, with the caveat that no single item may be worth more than 3 CP. 4 GB is worth 1 Skill Point. * 5 GB is worth a single Template for any skill in the Rule Book that you have the prerequisites to use. 50 GB can “buy off” a 1 Point Flaw. You do not gain the Free Point; you simply no longer have the Flaw! 50 GB is worth +1 Life Point or +1 Mana Point. You may only do this once, for Life or Mana, but not both. 200 GB is worth a second +1 Life or +1 Mana point. You may only do this once, for Life or Mana, but not both, and you need not match the earlier spending of 50 GB. 50 GB is worth a reprieve from permanent Death for a (willing) character of your choice. This will happen in the context of the game and will probably involve an adventure.

To use Game Bucks for Skill Points, buying off Flaws, or buying up Life or Mana that you wish to receive at your next event, you must include an indication in your Post Event Worksheet and submit it by the specified deadline The actual Game Bucks must then be turned in at Check-In.

*The yearly cap on Skill Points gained through converted Game Bucks is 20. This cap does OT include Skill Points gained by event attendance, helping with cleanup, or submission of Post Event Letters. 89 2/8/10

INCREASING MANA OR LIFE You may increase either your Life OR your Mana using Game Bucks as described above. There may also be ways in game that you can learn to increase your Mana or Life statistic. These will generally be expensive, or time-consuming, or both.

COMMUNICATION BETWEEN EVENTS You may communicate freely with other players between events. The Prophecy Staff and Cast are not allowed to communicate in game between events with players on an individual basis. On occasion, messages from cast characters may appear in newsletters or on public message boards, if the Prophecy Staff approves it. Any IG letters MUST BE SET I GAME .

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PLAYER INFORMATION A number of miscellaneous topics related to playing Prophecy will be covered in this section, including what sorts of things you will need to bring with you, and out-of-game details regarding how events will be run. Specific information on the Event Site, including Site Rules and Directions, will be provided separately.

WHAT TO EXPECT Registration : All players must register for Prophecy Events in advance . Since there are only a certain number of player spots available, the Staff must know ahead of time who is coming. You may register in advance and pay at the door; if you then fail to show up, however, you will no longer be allowed to register without payment.

Arrival : When you arrive at the Camp, you will receive information on where to park, what cabins are available for Players to stay in, and where to unload your stuff. Please try to unpack your car and return it to the parking area as quickly as possible so that the in-game areas will be cleared of vehicles in time to start the game.

Late Arrivals & Early Departures : If you arrive late (after 9PM), please go to Operations and a Staff person will take care of your Check-In. Be advised that there may be some delay, depending on what else is going on at the time. If you know that you will be arriving late or leaving early, please let the Staff know in advance so that they can make arrangements and take it into account when scheduling plots. If you arrive after the start of game on Friday night, you will NOT be able to drive your car up to your cabin to unload!!! Likewise, if you are leaving early, you will have to carry your things from your cabin to your car on foot. NO CARS will be allowed in the game area during the event, except in emergency situations.

CheckIn : Once you have unloaded your car and parked it in the lot, you can check in. At Check-In you will receive your Character Card, any Registered Items turned in previously, and information and items acquired or created between events. Please bring your weapons to Check-In for safety inspection at every event, and any armor for evaluation. It is not required that you wear your costume for check in, but if the Staff finds out later that you are wearing a costume containing anachronisms (such as blue jeans, sunglasses or white sneakers) your Background Power may be revoked.

Opening Meeting : There will be an opening, out-of-game meeting prior to the start of the event. The time and location for this meeting may vary, but will be posted at Check-In. Game will begin directly or soon after the opening meeting, so you should come prepared and in costume.

Hours of Play : Prophecy hours of play are approximately 10PM Friday to 2AM Saturday, 9AM Saturday to 2AM Sunday, and 9AM Sunday to 12 Noon Sunday. Plots may, on occasion, run past 2 AM if they are going slower than expected. The NPCS will announce the “All Clear” at the end of the night. This indicates that the roads are safe and all is well, and folk may retire in peace. Players will not be attacked in their beds and can be confident that they will not miss out on major plot after the “All Clear” has been announced. Certain roleplaying encounters may be scheduled for after the “All Clear” on occasion, but advance warning will be given to the players involved in this case. Between the “All Clear” and 10 AM, players are requested to engage only in roleplaying activities (i.e. do not go out into the woods and strip all the components while other Players are sleeping).

Closing Meeting : The end of game will be announced on Sunday afternoon, and will be followed by an out-of-game closing meeting. Check-Out will begin shortly after this meeting concludes.

CheckOut : There are several Prophecy skills that require between event actions to be described. As a result, most Players will need to check out, but some may not. Check-out is required for the following: If you had changes made to your Character Card at Check-In If you plan to use Alchemy or Craft skills between events If you plan to use Dabbling between events If you have a Registered Item You may fill out your Post Event Worksheet and turn it in at Check-Out, or you may wish to wait and mail or email it in later. If you decide to wait, please be aware that the Worksheets must be received within two weeks of your last event to count for the following event.

Cleanup : There will be a sign-up sheet for Cleanup at Check-Out, if you wish to help out and receive an extra skill point.

Between Events : Please see the “Character Advancement & Between Games” section of the Rulebook.

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CAMPAIGN INFORMATION This section contains information that your Character might reasonably know when starting the Prophecy Campaign. It is general information commonly known to most Ardenians.

GENERAL SETTING The Prophecy Campaign takes place in a world inspired by medieval Europe, with a hearty dash of magic thrown in for good measure. Some of the books and movies that inspired the world are the various renditions of the Robin Hood tales, Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe, and Ellis Peters’ Brother Cadfael mysteries. The Staff hopes to promote a consistent “medieval feel” through NPC costuming, names, props, etc. and our players are encouraged to do the same.

The game specifically takes place in the Barony of Westphalia, which is located near the Dead Marsh in Gwent. It is a strange and haunted land, isolated from the rest of Arden, filled with silent moors and ancient secrets. This setting is inspired, in part, by Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the terrifying D&D world of Ravenloft, and the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

Players in the Prophecy Campaign will all be subjects of the Kingdom of Arden. This section of the Rules is intended to provide an overview of Arden, its society and habits, and common knowledge that would be available to an average person. You may also get a “feel” for the setting of the Prophecy Campaign through the illustrations and story excerpts contained within the Rules.

HISTORY The Kingdom of Arden came into being roughly 700 years ago, when a number of different kingdoms and peoples united under the line of the True Sovereigns by accepting the Treaty of the Covenant. The first sovereign of the new kingdom was the much-loved Queen Rannilt I. Arden’s major enemy throughout that time was the Grithean Imperium, a terrible empire to the east that sought to subjugate the entire world. About a hundred years ago, the Ardenians defeated the Gritheans in a final, decisive war. Since then, the Empire is fractured and in decline, warring more against itself than outside territories.

Unfortunately, the collapse of the Empire encouraged the other kingdoms to wage war for glory and territory. Arden spent the last few decades fighting grueling struggles to maintain peace across the continent. This has left her somewhat diminished in strength, though proud that they have been able to win the peace at last. With a young queen upon the throne, Arden now turns to a terrible darkness that has struck it to the very core.

SOCIETY Arden society is generally feudal, with lands under the governance of various nobles and hereditary tenants who, in turn, may parcel out land to vassals or tenants for farming, or as a burgage for craft and business. Lands under a person’s direct control (not granted to another) are referred to as one’s “demesne”.

Arden consists of large swaths of wild land, manors, farmland, towns, villages and hamlets. A Manor is under the control of a noble or tenant, who will generally employ a Steward to administer the holding, a Reeve to oversee any tenants, and a Bailiff to tend to matters of law. Large holdings may employ an Exchequer to collect rents and taxes (there are Exchequers for the Duchies, and Royal Exchequers as well).

A town, village, or other settlement will often have an elected Provost, who represents the people to local nobility and to the Sheriff. The Sheriff is the primary administrator of a particular region (or Shire), and is the direct vassal of the King or Queen. Sheriffs usually have a great deal of land to administer. They do not generally spend much time in smaller towns, choosing to pass through, now and then, attending to business as they travel. One or more Under-sheriffs, Sergeants, and Constables usually assist the Sheriff.

There are a number of Villeins (or Bondsfolk) in Ardenian society. These are people who have lost their rights to be considered “free” men and women, either through debt or as punishment for crimes. A Villein must serve the master to whom he or she is indentured, until the term of indenture is complete.

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CRIME & PUNISHMENT Law is considered both complicated and simple in Arden. Scholars have not agreed on any fixed or defined list of Laws followed by every Duchy in the Kingdom. The King or Queen may proclaim Royal Edicts, of course, which apply to all Ardenians. Dukes and Duchess may proclaim Ducal Edicts, which apply to all within their Duchy (the rulership of Clarion and the Free Commons, as well as the elders of the Venalasque, have a similar power over their own constituencies). Within their own demesnes, landed nobles can proclaim further Edicts and Laws. The average Ardenian usually is not aware of particular laws and edicts, (especially as they vary greatly over regions, and are not consistently recorded), but has a general understanding that things like theft, murder, assault, etc. are crimes.

The primary figure in the administration of justice and apprehension of criminals is the Sheriff. A Sheriff is appointed by the King or Queen and given a specified region to protect and administer. The larger Duchies are divided into several shires, while smaller regions, such as Ardenshire , have a single Sheriff. The Sheriff is a direct vassal of the True Sovereign, and his or her responsibility is first and foremost to ensure that the will of the King or Queen is upheld. Although nobles have the ability to administer justice within their own demesnes to some extent, it is the Sheriff who is ultimately responsible for maintaining the peace. Only the True Sovereign, the Dukes and Duchesses, and the Sheriffs can sentence a criminal to the Endless March.

COMMERCE & TRADE The standard monetary unit in Arden is the copper “Throne”, but barter and trade are quite common as well. Many villages and cities have markets each week, where local farmers and crafters sell their wares, and traveling merchants stop to hawk their goods.

DATES & HOLIDAYS The calendar of the Prophecy setting matches our real life calendar, in that it uses the same names for the months, and days of the week. The people of Arden measure years in terms of years since the Prophet foretold the coming of the True Sovereign and the Covenant. The standard notation for Ardenian years is, for example, y.p. 305. The real world year 2010 is the year 710 in Arden, and will advance accordingly. Various other calendars are used in game by historians and scholars, and by people outside Arden.

There are a number of traditional Holidays and Festivals celebrated throughout Arden and, in many cases, throughout the world. The dates for these are determined by stargazers, and do not necessarily fall on the same date each year. Some of these include:

Gatemarch : A celebration of doors, gates, windows, rebirth, and new beginnings. All doors, gates, and windows are kept open throughout the day in celebration, and are often bedecked with flowers and colorful decorations. There are many local traditions: in some parts, it is common for folk to enter and exit their houses through all possible openings throughout the day, to ensure good fortune. Encountering a closed gate, door, or window is considered extremely unlucky on this day in all parts of Arden

The Feast of Remembrance : A celebration of the dead, to honor their memory and keep them at peace. This is a major religious festival for the faithful of Xaer.

Day of Graves: On this day, it is said that the spirits of the dead are unusually active. It is celebrated by leaving gifts for the dead in graveyards, as well as by singing songs and telling stories to both strengthen goodly spirits and ward off evil ones. On this day especially, many priests and nobles pay their respects to the dead, and it is generally considered a day of rejoicing.

The Day of Wrath: A day for mourning those who have been lost in the mist and whose restless spirits now wander the misty swamps of Gwent seeking vengeance. In preparation for this holiday, people make and hang masks of themselves in highly trafficked public and private spaces to confuse the angry spirits and gain some protection from them.

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THE GUARDIANS Every player is considered to be answering the call to fight for Gwent and vanquish the terrible Mists. Your character will have heard the “Call to Citizens of Arden” put out by Baron Sepulcrave, (see the “Introduction” section of the Rulebook), and answered it for reasons known only to your character. You received instructions to pack your belongings and travel to the village of Westphalia, the baronial seat.

It was late. Three times that night I nearly lost my way in the mists.

They reached out from the long grasses that edged the road to clutch at my mudstained cloak, like some ghostly witch’s crookfingered hands. Blue ghostlights shimmered across the mire, beckoning me with their deadly beauty. But I knew I had to press onward. I could not stop. If the creatures of the bog did not claim me, he would.

I looked back, searching the fogveiled night. othing. Perhaps he had done the wise thing, and stopped for the night at the last village. But I could not chance my life or worse, the lives of those depending on me upon “perhaps”.

At last I saw lights that gleamed warm and gold. Gods save me, I’d reached Westphalia! The promise of fire and food quickened my steps. I passed under the great door to the Sepulchrave Hall, carved with generations of wards and talismans, and prayed they still held some strength, after the rumored years of disuse. They say the Baron has only recently been forced to remove to this, the oldest part of his domain, now that the mists have taken much of the rest. Still, four walls were better than none. And perhaps perhaps! I could find help here. Someone who would believe my story...

Looking at the motly collection of illaffected oddities populating the great hall, my hopes darkened. The man who brought me food looked at me as if I might be a ghast or ghoul, clutching his talisman in one hand even as he poured my cider. A durriken girl, some sort of albino, sat talking to herself in one corner. A man in worn Collegium robes sat hunched over a book, ignoring all else. A pair of guards sat dicing sullenly, watching me with suspicious eyes. The Baron himself was gone from the house, curse my luck.

I had drained half my cup when it happened. The doors banged open. He had found me.

I drew my blade before he had gone ten paces, my scarf unfurling in a long crimson strand. His own saber was bare, and thirsty for my blood.

o time for help now, no time for anything but a final stand against my foe. I wove my scarf through the air, praying for the strength to defeat him.

Teeth bared, he sprang at me. His saber beat aside my attack, then returned to slice my scarf. I leapt back as the red silk fluttered to the floor between us.

He flashed me a terrible smile. “Come now. You know you cannot win this fight. But tell me what you know, and I may let you live out your days in the Home for the MistAddled.”

I answered with another sweep of my sword and a wordless cry. My desperate attack slid under his parry at last, slicing his forearm. He grunted, snarling, pulling back. Between us, a single drop of blood gleamed on the tip of my blade.

Then, suddenly, there someone else was shouting. It was one of the guards. “o you fools! Are you mad, spilling blood in the Hall?”

The man in robes had pushed aside his book and stood now, staring at my enemy and myself, horror stark in his face. Across the room the Durriken girl sat huddled and muttering, her hands covering her eyes.

“This is not your concern!” shouted my enemy. “My business is with this criminal alone.”

“It is our concern!” sputtered the man in mages robes. “If you wake the Terror we are all doomed!”

The moment seemed to hang there, like that drop of blood on the tip of my sword, perfect and unchanging.

And then it fell…

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GLOSSARY Arden : A large kingdom of diverse peoples. Arden is seen as a haven for scholars and artists, a defender of the weak, and a bastion of justice and freedom.

Banshees : Wailing spirits attracted to the sounds of blood and carnage. They are said to pursue the Shades of the fallen as they flee to Death’s Door. Woe betide those Shades captured by the Banshees, for it is said that they face an eternity of torment and never return to the living world.

Church of Harmony : The Church is the main religious power in Arden, and keeps its headquarters at the Holy Citadel, in the region of Clarion, which is under the direct control of the Church. The Council of Clarion, at which each abbey, temple, or house of worship of the Church of Harmony has one representative, meets in the Holy Citadel. The Church is a powerful institution, having been instrumental in the very founding of the Kingdom of Arden, and Church ratification is required for the ascendance of any noble to a position of power, including even the King or Queen.

Duke Titus : The current ruler of Gwent. He is said to have only the most tenuous grip on his sanity, a trait that has, unfortunately, bred very strong in the line of the Dukes and Duchesses of Gwent. He is rumored to rule in name only, with many of his duties taken on by his courtiers and councilors.

The Ferryman : A mysterious sailor who dwells upon the rivers and lakes near the Dead Marsh. Those who have met him say that he will ferry passengers just about anywhere, even into the Spirit World. The price for his services can be perilously high.

Librus Harmonium : The great library of the Church of Harmony, housed in the Holy Citadel in the region of Clarion. It is said to be the most comprehensive library in the world on matters of history and genealogy, and is visited by countless scholars annually.

Magephilen Collegium of Arts and Sciences : The largest, oldest, and most respectable school in the Kingdom of Arden has been the training place for countless mages, scholars, and alchemists. Many children of rich or noble families are sent to the Collegium for education, as well as extremely talented students from more humble and less wealthy families. The Collegium grants degrees of Mastery in various disciplines, including all the standard magical schools, alchemy, and numerous obscure and abstruse areas of scholarly study. You may not begin the game with a degree of Mastery from the Magephilen Collegium, although you may have been a student there in the past. Masters from the Collegium are sent throughout the kingdom to pursue various academic endeavors, as well as to look for likely students and to spread knowledge.

Meverel Keep : Legendary stronghold of the Mist Wardens of Gwent, the keep stands watch over the terrible Dead Marsh. On the night the Mist Wardens vanished, the fell Mists surrounded the keep. No one who has gone to seek word of the Mist Wardens, or to lay their hands on their fabled artifacts, has ever been seen alive again.

Mist Wardens : The sworn protectors of Gwent since time out of mind, they have served to combat the fell beings and strange magics that emanate from the deep places of Gwent. They were thought to be the Duchy’s best hope when the Mists arose to claim the unwary, but they vanished into the Mists without a trace.

Order of the Blazing Sun : A righteous and dangerously fanatical sect of Chaudelar worshippers who seek to purge evil and darkness from Gwent. Though some of the commonfolk hold them in high esteem, their ruthless methods make them feared by many others.

Royal Army of Arden : Arden is defended by an Army composed of disparate units from the different duchies and religious orders, as well as hired mercenaries and local militias. The Army as a whole is under the command of the True Sovereign, who meets with the various Generals to determine overall tactics and movements. Some of the forces composing the Royal Army of Arden are the Rangers of Deepwood, the Free Guard of the Commonsfolk, the Icewalkers of Nieva, the Ghostdancers of the Venalasque, the Ardenshire Regulars, the Bright Sentinels of Rachenza and the Scarlet Brigade of Falendale. The Royal Army also includes a number of martial religious orders, such as the, the Phantom Guard of Xaer, the Peacock Knights, the Glory-Born of Daramore, and the Handmaidens of Avalene.

Vanneth the Third : Also called, “the Peacemaker,” Vanneth is the young and much beloved Queen of Arden. In 708, she brokered a peace accords across the continent that brought an end to decades of fighting. She has recently been wed to a young nobleman from Clarion, who now rules by her side as Prince Consort.

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Westphalia : The Barony under the dominion of Lord Sepulcrave. It is located on the edge of the Dead Marsh, in the deepest part of Gwent. Fully half of the barony has been consumed by the Mists, and the Baron fears that if help does not arrive soon, he will swiftly lose the other half. Those parts of Westphalia that survive are home to ancient buildings, including the Manor House, the Feasting Hall, and the Sunken Library.

Winged Throne : Said to have been gifted to the people of Arden by Avalene, this throne has served as the seat of the True Sovereigns since the founding of Arden. It is said to be formed of golden wood, with a pair of silver wings ornamenting the tall back. Legends state that if anyone not of the blood of the True Sovereigns dares to sit upon the throne, Avalene will send her falcon to strike them down.

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APPENDIXAPPENDIX---- Basic Item Charts

Darankarik Alchemy

Calphalas Oil : Applied to the body, this oil bestows one Shield vs. Thrown & Missile 2 Darankarik Alchemy I Weapons. This effect is delivered "by Magic". Effect lasts until changing of mana cycle, if not used. Dalhamye Warpaint : Applied to the face, this yellow or white paint bestows the 2 Darankarik Alchemy I ability to "Resist" the "Fear" effect upon the recipient. This effect is delivered "by Magic". Effect lasts the duration of 30 minutes or a single battle, whichever comes first. This paint's benefit will not be in effect unless you have ACTUAL makeup or paint applied to your face or hands. Guardian Spirit : Bestows one Parry upon imbiber. This effect is delivered "by 2 Darankarik Alchemy I Magic". Effect lasts until changing of mana cycle, if not used. Irongrip : Bestows one Shield vs. Disarm to imbiber. This effect is delivered "by 2 Darankarik Alchemy I Magic". Effect lasts until changing of mana cycle, if not used. Magic Missile : Delivers the "2 Earth" effect, by packet. This effect can be blocked by 2 Darankarik Alchemy I shields. Partisan's Oil : Applied to a weapon, bestows one "Knockout by Poison." 2 Darankarik Alchemy I Alhimbror Warpaint : Applied to the face, this red paint bestows the ability to 3 Darankarik Alchemy II "Resist" the "Pain" effect upon the recipient. This effect is delivered "by Magic". Effect lasts the duration of 30 minutes or a single battle, whichever comes first. This paint's benefit will not be in effect unless you have ACTUAL makeup or paint applied to your face or hands. Draught of Wa r: Imbiber will be Enhanced (deal "2 Damage" per swing) throughout 3 Darankarik Alchemy II the next single battle that he or she fights, as long as that battle occurs within 30 minutes. This Enhancement does not stack with any other effect or skill. Flame Blade Oil : A metal melee weapon to which this oil has been applied will burn 3 Darankarik Alchemy II for 5 minutes, causing the weapon to deliver any effect (including uncalled damage) "by Fire". A wooden melee weapon (such as a club or staff) will suffer the "Shatter" effect. Flamestrike : Delivers the "5 Fire" effect by packet. 3 Darankarik Alchemy II Liquor of Vengeance : Bestows Battlethirst upon imbiber when reduced to 0 or less 3 Darankarik Alchemy II Life in battle. (Call “Battlethirst!” You may now continue to fight until you are reduced to a negative HP total equal to your full HP attribute. When this happens, or at the end of the battle, you will fall immediately into a Critical state.) If you do not enter battle within 30 minutes, you will fall Critical. Stinking Cloud : Opening this dust causes the "Repel by Gas" effect, which may be 3 Darankarik Alchemy II called at will for up to 5 minutes. Movement of the vial will cause this effect to dissipate. Opener of vial will suffer the Weakness by Gas effect until Repel effect has dissipated.

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Magephilen Alchemy

Bloodwarming Oil : Recipient receives the "Purge Physical" effect. 2 Magephilen Alchemy I Earth Tea : The next time that imbiber is reduced to Unstable, they will instead be 2 Magephilen Alchemy I Stable. This effect is delivered "by Medicine." Ink of Illumination : This product is not damaged by opening the vial, and can be 2 Magephilen Alchemy I moved to another physrep if desired. When a divination attempt is written with this dark, golden-shimmering ink, it is likely to be especially favored by the gods. Attach this tag to the divination in question before submitting it to Ops. Oils of Anointment : If a character with Faith skill uses this oil in a Rite of a God of 2 Magephilen Alchemy I Arden, spending at least 1 Faith Point, use of this oil functions as the equivalent of 1 additional Faith Point for that Rite. Waking Vapors : One recipient recieves the "Purge Mind by Gas" effect, after this vial 2 Magephilen Alchemy I is held beneath their nose for 5 seconds. Woundknitting Oil : Recipient receives the Heal One effect. 2 Magephilen Alchemy I Bridge of Vapor : If cast into/ov er a river, pit, or other impassable terrain, this dust will 3 Magephilen Alchemy II form a narrow (single-file), straight bridge of up to 20' length for five minutes. This bridge must have a solid start and end point. This bridge may or may not protect from other detrimental effects (such as heat from a river of lava). Draught of Desperation : Imbiber may perform one Feat of Strength within the next 3 Magephilen Alchemy II five minutes. He or she need not be a Petrogen. Elixir of Retaliation : Imbiber may call one "Return 2 Damage by Magic" within the 3 Magephilen Alchemy II present mana cycle. Mana Restoration : Restores up to two Mana points to the imbiber, not to exceed the 3 Magephilen Alchemy II imbiber's normal maximum. Powder of Entrapment : Delivers the "Trap by Physical" effect, by packet. 3 Magephilen Alchemy II Sarloy's Mindsink : Imbiber gains +1 Mana (and +1 Maximum Mana), and suffers 3 Magephilen Alchemy II Drain 1 Life for the rest of the Mana cycle. If imbiber has a 1 Life maximum, they suffer the Weakness effect until end of cycle instead.

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Revician Alchemy

Dust of Torment : Casting this dust into the air causes the "Area of Effect Torment 2 Revician Alchemy I Living by Gas" effect. Earthsong : Imbiber can hear Nature's Voices (read green tags) for the next five 2 Revician Alchemy I minutes. Elixir of Mindspeech : This potion allows the imbiber to communicate mentally with 2 Revician Alchemy I another, within normal hearing distance. Do not shout across the battlefield! Anyone who overhears the message you send is aware of what you are doing. This potion is intended for roleplaying purposes, such as communicating with animals or people who do not speak the common tongue. Some creatures will not understand words- in that case a vague emotional sense of the messa ge will be conveyed. This potion's effect will last for up to 5 minutes. Note that this potion allows the target to respond, but does not compel them to do so. Speak the incant "Forsooth, and I are able to communicate mentally for 5 minutes, by Mind." Hearye : Imbiber may call out "Forsooth, all beings must pause and pay attention to me 2 Revician Alchemy I for 30 seconds, by Mind" Ink of Inference : This product is not damaged by opening the vial, and can be moved 2 Revician Alchemy I to another physrep if desired. Anything written in this otherwise normal looking black ink will confer a weak suggestive influence on the first reader. A normal person will be inclined to believe or perhaps even obey the text written in this ink. Place onto your item a tag reading (Forsooth- you feel a mild inclination to believe or obey the writing in this document. This effect is delivered "by Mind", and can be resisted. Please remove and discard this tag after you have read this document.) Speak with Dead : Scattering this dust upon a passing shade draws it partially and 2 Revician Alchemy I briefly into the physical realm, enabling it to answer a single question. This does not compel the shade to respond. Ethersight : Imbiber recieves Second Sight for ten minutes, but is blind in the material 3 Revician Alchemy II plane for the same duration. Both effects terminate if any magic targeting the body affects the imbiber. Eye of Terror : This concoction causes the "Fear by Magic" effect, delivered by 3 Revician Alchemy II packet. Feronata's Lullaby : Imbibing this potion may strengthen or alter a character's ability 3 Revician Alchemy II to utilize the Dreamwalker skill. In addition, non-dreamwalkers who imbibe this potion may be brought into a dreamwalk by a character with that skill without the normal 1 Mana requirement. Madness Bolt : This concoction causes the "Berserk by Magic" effect, delivered by 3 Revician Alchemy II packet. Powder of Suggestion : This concoction causes the "Charm by Magic" effe ct, delivered 3 Revician Alchemy II by packet. Thought Shield : This potion allows the imbiber to "Resist" the next effect "by Mind". 3 Revician Alchemy II

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Herbal Lore

Scarlet Maewort : Preparing this herb for one minute will allow the herbalist to bestow the "Heal One by Medicine" effect on an imbiber. Remove the "Usable" tag.

ightshade : Preparing this herb for one minute will allow the herbalist to throw a single packet for "Charm by Mind." Remove the "Usable" tag.

Brimmelfenn : Preparing this herb for one minute will allow the herbalist to bestow the following effect on an imbiber: "Forsooth, any effect "by Poison" is delayed for the next 30 minutes." Remove the "Usable" tag.

Oilleaf : Preparing this herb for one minute will allow the herbalist to bestow the "Release by Medicine" effect on an imbiber. Remove the "Usable" tag.

Trumpet Lily : Preparing this herb for one minute will allow the herbalist to bestow the "Resist Fear by Medicine" effect on an imbiber. Remove the "Usable" tag.


Item Level CP Edged +1 Damage ext Blow: After 1 minutes sharpening by metalworker, wielder of weapon swings "+1 Damage" on next blow. 1 1 FireResistant Armor Finish: When applied to armor, wearer may call "Resist" to next "by Fire" effect. One Use. Appli cation requires 5 minutes of work, not the normal 10 that would be normal for the CP spent. 1 2 Light Metal Armor (1 HP): Creates Light Metal Armor (+1 HP) 1 4 Metal Bar/Plate: Component. Different metals create different types of bars/plates. 1 2 Metal Weapon: Creates or repairs a metal weapon. Template requires 5 minutes of work, but costs no Craft Points. 1 0 Plain Ring: Component. Different metals create different types of rings. 1 3 Brazier: Tool. Gives +2 CP for Alchemy. May only be used by one character per event or between events. 2 4 Heavy Armor (2 HP): Creates Heavy Armor (+2 HP) 2 8 Resist Shatter Treatment: Allows item to "Resist" the next "Shatter" effect used against it. Any item made of metal may be given this treatment. 2 1 Thrown Weapon Shatter to Shield ext Throw: After 1 minute preparing by metalworker, wielder may throw it for "Shatter to Shield" on next blow. 2 1 Simple Gear: Component. Different metals create different types of gear. 2 1 Blunt 1 Crushing ext Blow: After 1 minute hardening by metalworker, wielder of weapon swings "1 Crushing" on next blow. This template does not take the normal 10 minutes the CP would otherwise indicate. 3 2 Cratera Conflatorium: Tool. If three units of ore are spent in this crucible, four units of useable metal are created. 3 8 Edged Critical ext Blow: After 1 minute sharpening by metalworker, wielder of weapon swings "Critical" on next blow. This template does not require the normal 20 minutes the CP would otherwise dictate. 3 4 Lesser Magic Gold Ring: Allows the character wearing the item to store 1 magic spell of Level 1, to be cast later with no Mana cost or incant required. If the ring is taken off, the spell is dissipated, so spell cannot be transferred freely. This item requires another Ice Quartz to be recharged. 3 5 Lesser Magic Weapon of Sharpness: This weapon allows the wielder to spend 2 Mana to swing the "Maim" effect, once per combat. Requires preparation with one unit of Copper or Silver ore before first use each event. 3 8

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Runic Inscription Description Level CP Must be inscribed upon a tool used in Herb 1 1 N preparation. When triggered, will double the quantity of the next Herb prepared using the tool. To activate, person must mime shooting a bow, 1 2 VlS and toss a spell packet as if it is the arrow, to deliver a “Charm” effect. Must be inscribed upon a piece of paper. When 1 3 activated, the inscribed paper (and anything else written on it) will be transported to a specifed tdf recipient. If the recipient is not clearly named/identified, the message will be lost. If this rune is used, please bring the message paper to Ops or give to a Nym. Must be applied to a weapon. If a called weapon 1 2 blow delivered by that weapon is parried by an opponent (whether physically or by the Parry qdW effect), this rune can be activated to gain a "Maim" which must be used on the next swing against the same opponent. Item or Person bearing this inscription will Resist 1 1 CxV all “Detect” effects for one hour after activation. Gives the person who activates it a Feat of 2 2 cvK Strength that must be used within the next 10 minutes. Allows the person activating the rune to request 2 4 aid from the Spirit of the Great Whale. The situation must relate to water in some way, and will result in some price being demanded in return. fgcvB No promise is made regarding when the aid will come or what form it will take. The rune must be activated in the presence of a Nym, who will then bear the request for aid to the spirit world. Allows the person activating the rune to call the 2 2 IPZ "Detect Unstable or Critical" effect. Grants a Resist Shatter to the item it is inscribed 2 1 vBD upon Gives the person activating the rune +1 Life when 2 2 PCD fighting more than 2 enemies by his or herself, for one battle.

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Choose one of each level you can craft: Item Level CP Basic Ink : Creates a vial of Black or Red Ink. 1 1 Tauric Rune of Beltheoph : Inscribed on a character or their possession. Character is able to "Stabilize by Ether" a character by touch. One Use. 1 3 Lesser Shield Charm : Character may scribe 10 word charm that will protect a character against a single effect. Choose from the following effects when making the item: Compel, Disarm, Pain, Trip, Torment. 1 2 Parchment : Component. 1 1 Minor Component Manifestation : Requires the scribe to create a picture of a basic, natural Component they have seen, with color if necessary (though Pigments are not required). Please note the C# of the Component, for OOG reference. The scribe must then give the Picture to a Nym and attach an Etheric Ink Tag to the Picture. The Nym will return at a later time with the generated component, if the picture was sufficiently clear. Some rare components may not be possible to Manifest. 2 ? Prayer Strips : Character may write a Prayer to their deity on the strip, which will then function as a Faith point. 2 2 Etheric Ink : Component 2 3 Magic Scroll : Creates a Scroll that can be used to hold the magic of a specific verbally incanted spell. Compose an incant (30 wd. per MP of spell) and scribe it with calligraphy, etc. A mage must then cast the spell into the scroll. Attach a slip of paper to the scroll, with the spell effect written on it, and a note to destroy the tag when used. The full incantation must be read aloud to use the scroll. The scroll itself will not be destroyed when used, and may be reused with another application of Etheric Ink, and another casting of the spell into the Scroll. 3 4 Clypeus Carbaseus : The scribe may make an illustration of a person that will allow the character to resist an effect directed at their True Name. One Use. 3 6 Will : Creates blank Will. 3 4 And choose one of the following: Administrative Suite I : Allows the scribe to make any of three documents, dependent on skill: Level 1- Writ of Marriage. Level 2- Record of Birth. Level 3- Certificate of Death. 1/2/3 2/3/4 Legal Suite : Allows the scribe to make any of three documents, dependent on skill: Level 1: Certificate of Testimony. Level 2: Prisoner Transfer Form. Level 3: Warrant of Arrest. 1/2/3 2/3/4 Collegium Suite : Allows the scribe to make any of three documents, dependent on skill: Level 1: Certificate of Candidacy. Level 2: Relic Authentication Certificate. Level 3: Certificate of Mastery. 1/2/3 2/3/4 Mercantile Suite : Allows the scribe to make either or both of the following documents, dependent on skill: Level 1: Bill of Sale. Level2: Contract for Business. Level 3: Certificate of Holding. 1/2/3 2/3/4

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Item Level CP Glove of Gripping: Creates Glove that allows wearer to "Resist" the "Disarm" effect. Item has One Use. 1 1 Garment or Shoes: Creates a single basic garment with no intrinsic in-game effect, such as a shirt or shoes, or repairs the same. Template requires 5 minutes of work, but no Craft Points. 1 0 Hearth Filament: Component. Creates a single unit of Thread infused with the essence of Clarionberry. 1 1 Sachet of Stinging: Creates a single spell packet, which can be thrown for the "Pain by Gas" effect. One Use. 1 1 Scarf of Serene Slumber: C reates a Scarf of Serene Slumber, which if worn while sleeping protects the user against bad dreams. Report use of this item (IG or between events) to Staff. 1 4 Cleansing Bandage: Creates Bandage that allow s user to bestow one "Heal One by Medicine" effect. Item has One Use. 2 1 Clothing Reinforcement: Allows the tailor to spend 5 minutes reinforcing normal clothing to provide one temporary Armor Point, which stacks This temporary armor is lost before normal armor points, and cannot be healed or repaired. One Use per unit of material. 2 1 Hat or Silk Flowers: Swashbuckling Item: Creates a Hat or Silk Flowers, suitable for Swashbuckling. 2 4 Light Armor (1 HP): Creates Light Armor (+1 HP) 2 6 Sturdy Cap: Creates a Sturdy Cap. Wearer may call "Resist" to next "by Waylay" effect. One Use. 2 3 Glove of Impression: Creates Glove of Impression: Facilitates a Discern Fate on someone who has touched the Glove for 3 seconds. One Use. 3 3 Handfasting Cord of Honesty: While two people's hands are fasted by this item, both have the Honesty flaw when speaking to the other, ie, they cannot lie or deliberately decieve. However, this device does not compel either party to speak, and they may choose to remain silent. Characters handfasted may still be influenced by other mind-affecting magics. 3 5 Mask of Protection: Creates Mask that will allow wearer to ignore "Detect" effects that would otherwise target them. Item has One Use, Lasts duration of an event. 3 3 Pouch of Puissance: Creates Pouch of Puissance, which allows the storage of one Mana point, indefinitely. One Use. 3 4 Scabbard of Panache: Allows the wearer to call "Disengage" once per mana cycle when pulling their weapon from the sheath. 3 5

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TiTiTinkeringTi nkering

Item Level CP Lightning Rod : Can call "Resist" to one effect "By Lightning" while wearing. 1 1 Wire : Component. Different metals create different types of wire. Some metals cannot be 1 1 drawn into a wire. Scutum Mentis : Creates a Scutum Mentis, which allows the wearer to "Resist" one effect "by 1 3 Mind." One Use. Standard Lock & Key : Creates Standard Lock and Key 1 4 Locktight Glove : Wearing glove allows the character to resist the "Disarm" effect. One Use. 1 2 Lesser Channeler: Creates a Lesser Channeller. Character wearing channeler may call 2 4 "Restore 2 Mana to Self by Lightning" once. Requires only another Amethyst to recharge. Reconductor : Creates Reconductor that channels next effect taken "by Lightning" into same 2 3 effect "Return ____ by Lightning". One Use. Weapon Electrifier : Creates Weapon Electrifier, which causes weapon to swing all effects 2 4 "by Lightning" for an entire combat. One Use. Music Box : Creates a Music Box. 2 4 Simple Gear : Component. 2 1 Glaciator : Creates Glaciator, which contains 5 "1 Damage by Ice" packets. Once opened, 3 4 packets must be thrown immediately. One Use (total of 5 packets). Ethereal Resonator : Creates Ethereal Resonator: Monitors Spiritual energies in a certain 3 6 location over an extended period of time (aka, between games). Indicate use of this device in your PEW. Lyric Resonator : Allows a lyrimancer to call a single packet spell as a target spell. One Use. 3 2 Autoscriptor : Tool. May be used between events to create a copy of a Book. May be used 3 10 multiple times, but requires additional components in order to function. Brassling Field Autorepair Kit : When charged with one unit of Copper Ore and one unit of 3 6 Tin Ore, allows a tinkerer to call "Heal Full and Paralyze to Construct". May only be used upon a willing construct.

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Item Level CP Basic Splint: Creates a Splint that allows a character with Bandage I or Surgeon to "Purge 1 1 Maim" after one minute of roleplay. Kithkin Varnish: Component. 1 1 Flaming Charcoal: Creates a piece of Flaming Charcoal that may be thrown for "2 Damage 1 3 by Fire". Item lasts for one combat unless stored in Charcoal Box. Wooden 1 Crushing ext Blow: After 1 minute preparation by woodcrafter, wielder of 1 2 weapon swings "1 Crushing" on next blow. This template does not require the normal 10 minutes the CP would otherwise dictate. Wooden Weapon: Allows creation or repair of a normal, unremarkable wooden weapon. 1 0 Template requires 5 minutes of work, but no Craft Points. Improved Splint: Creates a Splint that allows any character to "Purge Maim" after one minute 2 3 of roleplay. Basic Mortar and Pestle: Tool. Gives +2 CP for Alchemy or Herbalism. May only be used by 2 4 one character per event or between events. Parchment: Component. 2 1 Spoon of Swiftness: Tool. Creates Spoon of Swiftness, which allows a character with the 2 4 Cooking skill to prepare food in half the time. One Use. Strengthening Varnish: Component. When applied to an item, allows wielder of treated item 2 1 to call "Resist" to next "Crushing" or "Shatter" effects to strike item. Ladle of Plenty: Tool. Creates Ladle of Plenty, which allows a character with the Cooking 3 4 skill to double the amount of food prepared. One Use. Swashbuckling Fan: Creates Fan, suitable for Swashbuckling. 3 4 Box of Sightless Eyes: Creates a Box of Sightless Eyes, which protects items stored within 3 10 from Divinations. Inform Staff in your PEL if you are using this item. Charcoal Box: Tool. Allows a character to store Flaming Charcoal between combats. 3 6 Charcoal will last for duration of one event if stored. Damage +1 to Bows for Combat: Coating a bow in this strengthening preparation allows it to 3 4 be Enhanced (deal 2 damage) for the course of a single battle. This effect does not stack with any other skills or effects.

Consult the “Alchemy, Crafts & Runes” section of this Rulebook for additional information on creating in-game items such as the below.

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Appendix IIII---- Feats of Legend Adapted from the Exile, Prophecy I, and Prophecy II Rules

Song and story are full of heroes who perform incredible deeds. In Prophecy II these heroic feats are covered by the Feats of Legend system.

Since these are meant to be rare, heroic occurrences, they can’t be skills players can use routinely. Instead they are one time Feats, which are purchased using Game Bucks. Thus, those players who contribute the most to the game are rewarded with moments to shine.

You can purchase Feats of Legend at Check-In, by turning in the appropriate amount of game bucks. You will then receive an authorized card for the purchased Feat.

You may use up to THREE Feats at a single event. *** You may only use ONE of any specific Feat at a single event. For example, if you purchased 2 "Dumb Luck" feats, you would only be able to use 1 of those feats during an event. You may not use two feats of the same name in one event. *** *** Feats are tracked by logistics. You MUST indicate feats used on your Post Event Worksheet. *** You may purchase more than three, but you may use no more than three during the event. Feats you do not use carry over to the next game. Some Feats have Prerequisites. You cannot purchase them unless you meet the Prerequisites.

Be aware that while Feats are usually restricted to players, some NPCs may have them as well….

SEASON ONE FEATS GAMEBUCKS PREREQUISITE Against the Odds 8 Any melee Weapon An Encouraging Word 10 None An Offer He Can’t Refuse 8 None Blather 5 None Break the Line 10 Any melee Weapon Clobber 8 None Don’t You Die on Me 15 Surgery Dumb Luck 8 None Duty Above All 7 None Great Rally 15 None I Saw that Coming 3 A Stealth skill Improvise Cantrip 8 Dabbling skill Laughter's the Best Medicine 7 None Mother's Old Remedy 7 None One More Cantrip 4 A Magical Lore Smite 4 Any melee Weapon Steely Gaze 10 A Weapon skill Strike Hard 8 One Handed Weapon Sunder the Shield 4 Any melee Weapon Taunt 8 None That Was Close 15 None Twin Threat 3 One Handed Weapon Unencumbered 4 None Victory of the Underdog 8 Any melee Weapon Watch out for That… 4 Evade Traps

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Against the Odds Cost: 8 Prerequisite: Melee Weapon You may only use this feat when outnumbered three to one in combat. It gives you two free special attacks for one battle (Maim, Trip, or Disarm, your choice) against each foe facing you, and allows you to call "Parry by Feat" twice to negate any two weapon hits you take in that battle.

An Encouraging Word Cost: 10 Prerequisite: one This feat allows you to inspire a single individual, before or during battle. You must roleplay by actually giving the target an inspirational speech before activating the Feat. Allows you to call "Heal Full and Renew to by Inspiration" This cannot be shouted, you must be close enough to the target to speak normally so it is obvious that it is not an area effect. You cannot use this on yourself.

An Offer He Can’t Refuse Cost: 8 Prerequisite: one After conversing with someone for at least 5 minutes, you may call “Compel you to obey the following instruction by Mind:” which may be any single sentence, such as “attack your friends” or “drop your coin pouch”. Obviously suicidal commands such as “kill yourself” may be resisted.

Blather Cost: 5 Prerequisite: one “Quick! The Dragonspawn on the hill! You have to save her! And the borrygroves are on the half shell!” To use this feat, you utter a string of nonsense. If someone makes the mistake of replying to you, even by saying “what?!” you may call “Trance for 30 Seconds by Mind by Discourse” against them, as they are stunned by your gibbering.

Break the Line Cost: 10 Prerequisite: Melee Weapon This feat grants you three uses of “Disarm by Weapon” or “Trip by Weapon” against a shield wall during one battle. A shield wall is three or more shield bearing opponents standing side by side. You may use any combination of Disarms and Trips, but may only attempt three total skill uses.

Clobber Cost: 8 Prerequisite: one By clubbing someone from behind with a foam rock or other blunt (but safe) object, you can call “Knockout by Waylay”.

Don’t you Die on Me Cost: 15 Prerequisite: Surgery Every good surgeon hates to lose a patient, and this Feat lets you save a life by pure force of will. Good, dramatic roleplaying is required. You may use this feat if you have attempted surgery to “Revive by Inspiration” someone who is Critical, and failed. You cannot use this feat more than once on any given individual per year.

Dumb Luck Cost: 8 Prerequisites: one The ultimate in "get out of jail free" cards, dumb luck allows you to call "Resist by Inspiration" against ANYTHING. However, you have to invent some excuse as to why it didn’t work - due to pure luck.

Duty Above All Cost: 7 Prerequisite: one To activate this feat, you must pledge to undertake a specific, limited task, such as guarding something during a battle, carrying a message, taking down a certain foe. While performing the task, you can, if needed, reiterate your pledge to inspire yourself. You must loudly state your pledge and call “Heal Full by Dedication.”

Great Rally Cost: 15 Prerequisite: one To use this feat you must first make a speech to inspire and fortify your companions during a battle or other dire situation. This skill requires a good heroic moment to use. Any cheesy use of it is VERY POOR FORM. Allows you to call "Area Effect Full Heal to Ardenians by Inspiration". It is also acceptable to use this feat before battle by quietly inspiring others with the strength to fight, making their wounds seem unimportant. One thing to remember is that the FULL HEAL effect doesn’t work on people who are already down and Critical. So you want to use this feat BEFORE you are surrounded by a heap of bodies. No more than TWO Great Rallies can be called (by anyone) in a given battle, so if you’ve already heard 2, you can’t use the feat.

I Saw That Coming Cost: 3 Prerequisite: Stealth Skill Allows you to use a stealth skill that requires Mana without spending any Mana. You must already know the skill you are using with this feat.

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Improvise Cantrip Cost: 8 Prerequisite: Dabbling You can use this feat to whip up a little symbolic ritual (takes one minute) that has the effect of ANY Level 1 spell in the rulebook which costs 2 Mana or less, except for Geomancy spells. You do not need the skill to cast that spell, and you do not need to pay the Mana cost.

Intestinal Fortitude Cost: 5 Prerequisite: one Allows you to call "Resist" against one "by Fear" effect.

Laughter is the Best Medicine Cost: 7 Prerequisite: one If you can make someone laugh, you can call a “Heal Full by Inspiration” effect on them. This must be reasonably spontaneous - if they’re not in a laughing mood don’t push it. Also note that the unconscious can’t laugh. Note that Brasslings CAN be healed by this feat.

Mother's Old Remedy Cost: 7 Prerequisite: one “Deep puncture wound? Bear grease is what he needs—drink a pint and he should be fine.” You just happen to know just the right remedy for what ails a friend—popping a joint back in place, a quick spell to cure a minor disease, whatever. You can use this feat, after roleplaying a quick cure, to call one of the following effects: Heal Half by Medicine, Purge Poison by Medicine, Purge Maim by Medicine, or Purge Disease by Medicine.

One More Cantrip Cost: 4 Prerequisite: Any Magical School Often a mage runs out of Mana at just the wrong time! You can use this feat to cast one more spell that you know how to cast with a Mana cost up to 2. You do not use any Mana to cast this spell. However, you must figure out an in game explanation as to how you were able to tap into just a little more magical might.

Smite Cost: 4 Prerequisite: Melee Weapon Allows you to call "3 Crushing by Weapon" on one blow with a weapon held in two hands.

Steely Gaze Cost: 10 Prerequisite: A Weapon Skill Allows you to point a weapon at someone and call "Trap by Fear by Gesture".

Strike Hard Cost: 8 Prerequisite: One Handed Weapon Allows you to use a one handed weapon with two hands and swing 3 "4 Damage by Weapon" blows. You must be holding the weapon with two hands. Please maintain the level of fighting safety required at Prophecy when using this feat.

Sunder the Shield Cost: 4 Prerequisite: Melee Weapon Allows you to call "Shatter by Weapon" on one swing.

Taunt Cost: 8 Prerequisite: one “Is that your nose, or some kind of bird-construct's proboscis?" To use this feat, you must engage a foe in an insult match. After they have gotten worked up, you may call “Frenzy by Mind by Discourse”, sending them into a rage and forcing them to attack you, and possibly their friends on the way to you. You may only use this one someone who has shouted insults BACK at you, and whom you feel you have gotten the better of.

That was Close Cost: 15 Prerequisite: one This feat grants you one use of either Acrobat, Evade Trap, or Flee without needing the spend the normal Mana cost for that skill.

Twin Threat Cost: 3 Prerequisite: One Handed Weapon Allows you to use a second weapon in your off hand without two weapons skill for 1 combat.

Unencumbered Cost: 4 Prerequisite: one Sometimes speed is more important than armor. By divesting yourself of all armor, surplus gear, extra weapons, and other encumbrance, you can move like the wind. You gain the ability to call "Dodge by Inspiration" against two weapon attacks, spell packets, or missiles, OR you can use the "Flee!" skill in place of a Dodge. 108 2/8/10

Victory of the Underdog Cost: 8 Prerequisite: Melee Weapon Sometimes the fates favor the outmatched. You may only invoke this feat when engaged in single combat against someone who has manifestly better stats than you do (since you don’t actually know the other player’s stats, this is in your judgment). To use it you must make some sort of comment about how you expect to win despite the power of your foe. The feat gives you 2 parries and 2 special attacks to use against your opponent as per "Against the Odds" above.

Watch out for That... Cost: 4 Prerequisite: Evade Traps This feat grants you the ability to use your Evade Trap skill on a nearby companion. After your companion triggers a trap, you should roleplay as if you aided their near miss as well as say a phrase appropriate to the feat such as "You should watch out for that." Or "You need to be more careful." followed by "Forsooth you Evade the Trap."

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Prophecy III: Into the Mists Character Creation Worksheet

Player Name: ______Character Name: ______

RACE ___ Elf (2 LP, 4 MP, 2 FP) ___ Child of Novum (3 LP, 1 MP, 4 FP) • Second Sight for 1 FP • Nature’s Voices & Woodwise are free ___ Human (1 LP, 1 MP, 6 FP) • One Weapon for free ___ Ratkin (3 LP, 2 MP, 3 FP) • Flee for -2 SPs ___ Durriken (3 LP, 3 MP, 2 FP) • Woodwise for free • Toughness for 1 FP • Alchemy & Craft at -2/Rank ___ Goblin (2 LP, 2 MP, 4 FP) • Rank I Magical Skills -2 SPs ___ Petrogen (4 LP, 1 MP, 3 FP) • Surgery once for 2 less SPs • Architecture for free • Rank III are +2 SPs

GIFTS – Total Free Points Spent: ____

___ Courage (1) ___ Resistant (1) ___ Thrift (1) ___ Iron Will (1) ___ Second Sight (2) ___ Toughness (2) ___ Precognition (1) ___ Stoic Blood (1) ___ Venerable (2)

FLAWS – Total Free Points Gained: ____

___ Bezerker (2) ___ Falendale Street Code (1) ___ Phobia (1) ___ Bleeder (1) ___ Chivalric Code (2) *Phobia:______Cowardice (1) ___ Deepwood Code (1) ___ Quirk (1) ___ Elemental Anathema (2) ___ Code of Daramore (1) *Quirk(s):______*Element:______Illiterate (1) ___ Spendthrift (1) ___ Frail (2) ___ Inexperienced (2) ___ Wasting Disease (1) ___ Honesty (1) ___ Lame (1)

Final Life Points : ___ (Race) + ___ (FPs) = ___ Final Mana Points : ___ (Race) + ___ (FPs) = ___

BACKGROUNDS ___ Ardenshire ___ Gwent ___ Walkers of the Endless March ___ Clarion *Talisman:______Nieva ___ Deepwood ___ Serewane ___ Rachenza ___ Falendale *Device:______Venelasque ___ Free Commons

SKILL TEMPLATE SELECTION Rank I Rank II Rank III Skill:______Skill:______Skill:______Skill:______Skill:______Skill:______Skill:______

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PPProphecyProphecy III: Into the Mists Character Creation Worksheet

SKILLS Alchemy & Craft Skills Magical Skills ___ AA Darankarik Alchemy (6/9) ___ AAA Aquamancy (6/9/12) ___ AA Magephelan Alchemy (6/9) ___ AAA Cieliomancy (6/9/12) ___ AA Revician Alchemy (6/9) ___ AAA Cognimancy (6/9/12) ___ AA Construct Repair (4/6) ___ AAA Dabbling (4/6/8) *Prerequisite: Tinkering ___ AAA Embermancy (6/9/12) ___ A Cooking (5) ___ AAA Geomancy (6/9/12) *Prerequisite: Herbal Lore ___ AAA Lyrimancy (4/6/8) ___ A Herbal Lore (6) ___ AAA Mineramancy (6/9/12) ___ A Industry (10) ___ AAA Natramancy (6/9/12) ___ AAA Metalcraft (6/9/12) ___ A Spellcasting Spec (5, 1 DMP) ___ AAA Scribe (6/9/12) ___ A Summoning (8) *Prerequisite: cannot be Illiterate *Element:______AA Runecrafting (6/9) ___ AAA Sewing (6/9/12) Medical Skills ___ AAA Tinkering (6/9/12) ___ A Bandage I (5) ___ AAA Woodcraft (6/9/12) ___ A Bandage II (5, 2 MP) ___ A Physician (2) Faith Skills ___ AAA Surgeon (10/10/10) ___ AAA Faith (4/6/8) – Deity:______

Fighting Skills Mundane Skills ___ A Battlethirst (5) ___ A Alias (5) ___ A Bow Block (8) _0_ A Light (0) ___ A Desperation (3, 1 MP) ___ A Scrounging (6) ___ A Main (7, 1 MP) ___ A Mindsharpen (10, 1 MP) Racial Skills ___ A Strike of Might (7, 1 MP) ___ A Children of Novum: Autorepair (7, 1MP) ___ A Sucker Punch (5, 1 MP) ___ AA Durriken: Stonefast (6/9, 1 MP) ___ A Swashbuckling (10) ___ A Elf: Silvershaft (6, 1 MP) ___ A Two Weapon (12) *Prerequisite: Bow ___ A Warcraft (14, 2 DMP) ___ AA Goblin: Dexterity (6/9) ___ A Human: Dodge (6, 1 MP) Combat Styles ___ A Petrogen: Feat of Strength (6) ___ AA Adamant (8/10, 1 DMP) ___ A Ratkin: Javelin (8, 1 MP) *Prereq: 1H Weapon ___ AA Cavalcanti (10/12, 1 DMP) Stealth Skills *Prereq: 1H Weapon, 2 Weapon ___ A Acrobat (3) ___ AA Hillebard (10/12, 1 DMP) ___ AAA Backstab (4/6/8, 1 DMP) *Prereq: Staff or 2H Weapon ___ A Disarm Traps (5) ___ AA Phalanx (14/18, 1 DMP) ___ A Evade Trap (5, 1 MP) *Prereq: Shield ___ A Flee (6, 1MP) ___ AA Sword & Scarf (10/20, 1/1 DMP) ___ A Pick Locks (5) *Prereq: 1H Weapon ___ A Waylay (5) ___ AA Twin Daggers (7/9, 1 DMP) *Prereq: Small Weapon, 2 Weapons Weapon Skills ___ AA Varja (11/14, 1 DMP) ___ A Bow (12) *Prereq: 2H Weapon ___ A Crossbow (10) ___ A One Handed Weapon (8) Information Skills ___ A Buckler (8) ___ A Divination (8, 1 DMP) ___ A Shield (12) *Prerequisite: Precognition Gift ___ A Small Weapon (6) ___ A Dreamwalker (8) ___ A Staff (12) *Prerequisite: Second Sight Gift ___ A Two Handed Weapon (18) ___ A Information Gathering (8) ___ A Thown Weapon (8) _0_ A Literacy (0) * Unless Illiterate flaw taken ___ A Rumors (2) ___ A Wayfinder (8)

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