Volume 1 | Issue 3 Defford & September/October 2020 Parish News

Please forward the newsletter to others in the Parish and [email protected] ask them to email the Editor to be added to the mailing list.

View from the Vicarage Rev’d Sarah Dangerfield, Rural Dean for

I wonder with what you associate the month of September? The start of a new academic year? The resumption of meetings? A seasonal piece of work? A holiday when the school’s return? The changing colour of the trees? The beginning of rehearsals for a Christmas concert?

For me, September is a month I look forward to meeting up with the children in school after the summer holidays and meeting new pupils. I look forward to Harvest lunches and suppers (what a benefit to have five or more to go to!) because these are those special times when a village comes together to give thanks for what we have been given, and to remember and to share with others whose harvest is less than plentiful. I look forward to hearing what the choir has chosen to sing for Advent and Christmas. And yes, September is one of my two favourite months for two of my interests – walking and gardening.

This September such associations are somewhat confused. Things are not going to happen quite in the same way as they have before. All of us are having to think of how to do things in new ways – at work, at school, at home, and in church. We are living with uncertainty. Many are facing money worries. Some of the decisions which were already hard to make, can be harder with the effects of the pandemic. Yet, new opportunities are arising. To build upon the good things we have learnt in recent months. A time to re-think, to re-prioritise, and to look at the bigger issues in our personal lives and the life we share with others.

It is not surprising that so many people say how tired they feel. Thinking through complex stuff is tiring. It can be emotional too. Less surprising is that more people than ever are saying they pray. In this we recognise we do not have the power within ourselves to work things out for good, or the strength to do everything we feel responsible for …… but God does, and God generously gives when we ask in prayer.

Prayer to me can sometimes feel like bringing to God a knotty mass of threads – and asking God to help me watch Him as He unravels them – not straight away – over time – and asking God to grant me the patience of waiting while He does. 2

Right now, lots of things can feel even more of a jumble than usual. In so many aspects of life – there are many things to think through afresh – it can feel like a maze of old and new – known and unknown.

Living prayerfully – trusting the moment to God in prayer – asking God to untie the knots to help us to see His ways, for they may not be our ways. Asking God to show us what is important and what is not important.

Paul in his letter to the Romans (8: 26,27) wrote: “The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

Asking God to show us the seeds He has planted. They may be tiny like a mustard seed – but it is God’s seed – and if it is Gods and by His grace we work with it, whatever it is in our life – we can trust Him for its growth. Prayer helps us to see things in ourselves and around us, in a different light. We begin to see and hear with the eyes and ears of God. Living prayerfully helps others to see through us, things in God’s light too. What we mean by His glory.

A Church Near You Rev’d Allison Davies

As we face up to the current challenges of the Coronavirus; the Clergy and non-ordained ministers across the Hill Group will continue to pray for and worship as recommended in the Archbishops' guidance and we will provide resources for worship at home.

Please visit is at A Church Near You: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7963/ for information and links to online services during this period of lockdown.

The Future of our Diocese Rev’d Allison Davies

A reminder to sign up for the Open Conversations on the future of our diocese via Zoom. The final date is Monday 28 September: 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm.

You can find more details at: www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/open-conversations


Church Services October Rev’d Allison Davies

Date Church Time Minister 4th October Chapel of Ease, Bredon’s Norton 9.00am Reverend Allison Davies St Mary’s, 10.30am Canon Roger Spiller HARVEST SERVICE

St Faith’s, 10.30am Lay Led HARVEST SERVICE

St Barbara’s, Ashton U Hill 10.30am Lay Led HARVEST SERVICE

Holy Trinity, Eckington 4.00pm Lay Led HARVEST SERVICE

11th Oct Holy Trinity, Eckington 9.00am Reverend Allison Davies St John the Baptist, Beckford 10.30am Reverend Allison Davies HARVEST SERVICE

18th Oct St Mary’s Elmley Castle 9.00 am Canon Roger Spiller St Giles’, Bredon 10.30am Reverend Catherine Lack St James’, Defford * 10.30am Reverend Allison Davies 25th Oct St Barbara’s 9.00am Reverend Doug Chaplain Holy Trinity, Eckington 10.30am Bishop Michael Hooper

Growing Leaders in the Diocese Alison Khan

Developing leaders is a priority for all churches. Research consistently demonstrates the clear link between leadership and the health and growth of a church. And with the realities of mission and ministry in an ever-changing culture, developing mission- minded leaders is a vital way of equipping the Church for the opportunities of the 21st century.

The Growing Leaders course focuses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year.

Now used by hundreds of churches across Britain and the Republic of Ireland, Growing Leaders has been a part of the development of thousands of leaders. As one participant said: ‘I am now so much more confident of what it means to be a Christian leader, and so much better equipped to lead.’ 4

Who is it for?

Anyone in any leadership role within the local church. For example, leaders of:

- Choir/music group - Lent course - Children’s work - Toddler group - Social projects - Prayer ministry teams - Young people’s work - Cell groups, small groups, home groups - Churchwardens, elders or deacons - PCC/church council/vestry members.

It is also appropriate for those who are emerging as leaders, not yet in a leadership role.

What does it cover?

The course runs over a year with ten sessions, one a month.

For more information please contact: Revd Barbara Wheatley [email protected] or myself [email protected] to register an interest. Remaining places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

For Information and Awareness

Defford cum Besford CE First School Elaine Mather: Headteacher

Following a summer term of lockdown and just a limited number of children in school, we were delighted to welcome back all of our children at the start of September. It is so wonderful to hear the classrooms and playground full of their chatter and excitement.

Whilst not fully back to the old “normal”, the new “normal” is working well – staggered start and finish times, staggered play and lunchtimes, with each class becoming a “bubble.” Whilst we cannot all meet together for collective worship, Zoom is proving a successful alternative!

We look forward to the day when we can all be back together properly, but in the meantime I am so proud of the children and the way they have settled back into school life (Some of them after 6 months off school).

Applications have now opened for admission to Reception in September 2021. Although we are unable to have an open day at the moment, please telephone the office and make an appointment if you would like to come and look around our fantastic school (01386 750321).


Defford & Besford Parish Council Lynne Yapp: Parish Clerk


1. VICE CHAIRMAN - Cllr Ron Davis stepped down as Vice Chairman due to his ever-increasing commitments as District Councillor. Cllr Sue Rees was elected Vice Chairman 2. COUNCILLOR VACANCIES - Cllr Chris Wicksteed resigned as parish councillor due to a house move out of the area. We now have 2 vacancies, one for Defford and one for Besford. Please contact the clerk for further details or an application form: 01386 552233 3. FOOTPATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY - Lack of way-marking has been reported to WCC 4. SPEEDING/TRAFFIC CALMING - A meeting with the parish council and WCC has been scheduled. 5. DRAINAGE / FLOODING - Following extensive works carried out last winter, Cllrs will be looking out for any areas which require action re: flooding. If any parishioner is aware of any areas, please contact the clerk 6. HIGHWAYS - the hazardous ‘kerb edging’ following re-surface works have been reported to WCC 7. CHURCH WALL - A third quote has been received and costs are in the region of £25-£26k plus traffic management costs. The parish council are exploring any funding which may be available 8. DOG POO - This is an ongoing problem and signage has been put in place at ‘hot spots’ in an attempt to encourage dog owners to pick up after their dogs 9. WEBSITE - we now have a new website however, there will be a period of overlap for the next few months with the old website – new site: https://defford-besfordparishcouncil.co.uk/ 10. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 18th November at 7.15pm - this will be held via Zoom.

FULL MINUTES CAN BE READ ON PARISH NOTICE BOARDS OR www.defford-besfordparishcouncil.co.uk/

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 22nd July in Defford at 7pm (Zoom Meeting)

Pershore Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team Local Policing Number: 101; in an emergency call 999 Email: [email protected] Rural Safer Neighbourhood Website

Our local team cover the villages and hamlets surrounding Pershore PC 3509 Daz Riley PCSO 6427 Julie Pardoe PCSO 40422 Faye Allen-Carter

Please Clean up after your Dogs There has been an increase in the number of reports regarding dog fouling over the past few months, especially in and around the villages.

Please clean up after your dogs, it is an offence not to do so and carries a fine of up to £1000. 6

Pershore Rotary Club Richard Lees

Pershore Tree of Remembrance In 2019 the people of Pershore raised over £5,000 for three charities. This year, with your help, we are supporting: Acorns Children’s Hospice & Pershore Rotary Grants Scheme

2020 has been a very difficult and painful year for many families, particularly those that have lost parents, children, relatives and friends due to Covid-19.

Remember a loved one this year by supporting our 2020 Appeal.

You can donate online at www.pershoretreeoflights.com

The Pershore Tree of Remembrance 2020 Appeal will continue throughout the Christmas period.

Personal information is only used for this Appeal and for Gift Aid (if applicable). It is not shared with any other party.

Through Rotary you can use your time, talents and enthusiasm to benefit the communities that we all call home.

For more information about Rotary in Pershore contact Kit Carson at [email protected] or 07747 117624

Defford & Besford Village Hall Roger Atter: Chairman

Although everyone still needs to remain extremely vigilant and be aware of the continuing, very real dangers of Covid-19, I am pleased to advise on behalf of the Defford and Besford Village Hall Trustees that the Village Hall reopened on the 10th August 2020, but subject to strict rules and conditions that must be complied with. For example, the two Fire Exits in the Main Hall area are now the only Entry and Exit points (unless in case of Emergency) for Members of any User Group, apart from the Hirer, or Responsible Designated Person (RDP), who may be the same person. The “Main Entrance” door is not to be used by Hall Users, apart as aforesaid.

Given the ongoing nature of the circumstances in which we all find ourselves, currently and understandably only a small number of our former Users wish to begin again, but it is a start. 7

The Trustees having also taken full account of Government Guidance, have made the decision that currently private Parties and such Events are prohibited until further notice.

The Village Hall Trustees always welcome any constructive comments and ideas. Thank you all for your understanding and forbearance. http://www.deffordvillagehall.org/index.html

Families in Crisis! Richard Lees

Speaking to Pershore Rotary Lynne Raymer, Project Leader at the Pershore Foodbank says she is extremely worried about the impact Covid-19 is having on many families in the Pershore area.

“Families that have never wanted for basic essentials are now finding that, perhaps due to unexpected layoffs or redundancy, their income has dried up and savings gone”. This is fast becoming a crisis situation for many families and they don’t know which way to turn for help. Clients come to the Foodbank for many reasons, mainly due to low income, debt, sickness as well as benefit delays and changes.”

Key to Lynne’s message is that there are many in need now and it is going to get worse. Anyone struggling, through no fault of their own, should go to a Referral Agency to get a red voucher or an e-voucher number. Referral Agencies can be found at schools, GP surgeries, churches, Social Services, DC, Pershore Town Council, Rooftop and Fortis Housing.

Lynne wanted to emphasise that Foodbank volunteers are never judgemental. Every client is welcomed. Not only will they receive a food parcel, but also a hygiene bag with essential toiletries and household items. Volunteers will also suggest where clients can receive additional support - for many, this is Citizens Advice who can be contacted on 01386 712100.

If you need help then phone the Pershore Foodbank on 01386 555347. Leave a message and a Duty Manager will respond.

Defford & Besford’s Support Group Sally Hunt: Group Co-ordinator

The Support Group are here to help anyone who is struggling to cope with the Covid-19 situation, please let us know if you need support with your shopping, walking your dog or picking up prescriptions. We can also provide support with horses and vet appointments.

If you or someone you know needs help and support during the lockdown, please email [email protected]


News from Groups and Clubs

POSH Club Margaret Mallett

We have reviewed the rules we would have to comply with to meet current Covid-19 regulations and have reluctantly taken the decision not to re-open POSH Club this year. Obviously if something significant changes relating to Covid-19 we will happily review the situation.

I am so sorry to disappoint people, but we feel there is not a viable option at present.


Thank you for being patient everyone, I know there are people champing at the bit to get back, to Body Sculpt and the Flex-abilty Classes please contact me for further information.

Look out for emails, on the WhatsApp group, and the Defford Facebook page as days and times may have changed. Won’t be long now!

Village Contact List

Vicar of Eckington, Defford with Besford and Associate Priest for the Bredon Hill Group of Churches Reverend Allison Davies Tel: 01386 750203 Email: [email protected]

Parish Administrator (Tuesday 10am-12pm) Churchwardens Rachel Richard Clements: 750839 Tel: 01386 750203 Pearl Winchester: 750260 Email: [email protected] Patty White: 556390

Honorary Treasurer Debby Fox 750974 Honorary Secretary Olwen Taylor 561522 9

Electoral Roll Officer Hazel Wakefield 750256 Organist Linda Gilman 750766 Parish News Editor Sally Hunt 750735 Advertising Secretary Debby Fox 750954 Parish Clerk Linda Yapp [email protected]

Clubs & Groups Contact List

Defford Bowling Club Chairman: Paul Dent 01684 592764 Secretary: Carol English 07909536776 Treasurer: David Yendole 01386 751548

Defford Garden Club Chairman: John Taylor 01386 750863 Treasurer: Barbara Owens 01386 750633 Secretary: Michael Pegg 07929862521

Defford Hummingbirds President: Gill Aston 01386 751480 Treasurer: Tori Richardson 07561470843

Defford Pathfinders Sue & Mike Slater 01386 750520

Defford Village Hall Chairman: Roger Atter [email protected] Secretary: Doreen Rowley [email protected] Treasurer: Samantha Hart [email protected] Bookings: David Wakefield [email protected]

Eckington Bridge Club Chairman: Ian Driver 01386 860270 Treasurer: David Wakefield 01386 750256

Kung Fu (ZJK) Tori Richardson 07561470843

Pershore Embroiders Anne Newbon 01386 561519

POSH Club Margaret Mallett 01386 750785

Posture, Health & Fitness Karen Harris 07954544595

Spring Bank Quilters President: Hazel Wakefield 01386 750256 Secretary: Diana Edmundson 01684 833347

U3A Art Group Dr Christine Dodd 01386 550338


Local Businesses A-Z

Aerial Erection Service Aerial Erection Service

Stuart Huntley Digital TV, Freesat & Radio Systems supplied, installed & repaired 01386 553151 07976 606967 Multiple Outlets, Sky Links, Equipment Installation

Barthorpe Interiors Ltd Barthorpe Interiors Ltd

Marc Barthorpe Kitchen & Bathroom Installations 01386 861983 Plumbing, Carpentry, 07866 589746 Tiling & Flooring

Carpentry, Repairs & Painting CARPENTRY, REPAIRS & PAINTING Gary 01386 422775

Cottage Kennels We pride ourselves on providing top quality dog boarding and training with a personal service. Douglas Winton 07725 708925 We have over 24 years’ experience and specialise in trained working dogs which require careful handling; all of our do g’s needs are catered for individually. All dogs are personally exercised 3 times per day on grass fields.

Lovely country setting near , within an old Victorian walled style garden provides fantastic secure facilities at all times.

Fully insured & full veterinary backup. www.cottagekennels.net

Motor Vehicle Service & Repair Specialists Defford Motors MOT Testing on both Petrol and Diesels

Mike Daley All Makes; Collect Service Available 01386 750220 Trade Enquiries Welcome MOT Testing Upton Road, Defford, Worcs. WR8 9BD. Station ‘YOUR LOCAL GARAGE’


Denning Tree Services Denning Tree Services • Tree Pruning • Tree Removal Paul Denning • Site Clearance 07850 665067 • Hedge Trimming • Stump Grinding • Logs • NPTC trained staff, Fully Insured; Free Quotes

[email protected]

E Hill & Son E Hill & Son Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Serving the community since 1960 Local people helping local people Richard Hill Qualified Funeral Directors Private Homely Premises 01386 552141 Service Guaranteed by Reputation

Fairfield House, Defford Road, Pershore WR10 1HZ

www.ehillandson.co.uk Golden Charter Privately Owned by Beverley Funerals Limited Prepayment Plans Available


01684 561804 ARISTON HOTPOINT Domestic Repairs 07831 433892 All leading makes; No call out charge

Factory trained engineer with over 30 years’ experience

Hinton Pest Control Ltd Preferred Contractor for 01386 41762 Regulatory Services 07775 168666 Speedy Response to Domestic Calls Fully Insured, BSPC/RSPH II Qualified Staff

Commercial Quotes Available Very Competitive Rates

Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Ants, Carpet Moths/Beetles, Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles, Foxes, Mink



One to One Swim

Alison 07811551909

Newlands Cleaning Ltd Newlands Cleaning

Jenny A Discrete and Superior Cleaning Service 01386 556493 07887 621857 Discover house cleaning that’s affordable, reliable and convenient.

Call us today for a free estimate!

“Come Home to a Clean House”

Revills Farm Shop & Revills Farm Shop & Farmhouse Café Farmhouse Café Try your local farm shop

Darren Hedges Fresh local and seasonal produce; wide selection grown on the farm 01386 750466 Best local breakfast Daily Newspapers Milk and Dairy produce, Meats, Breads, Cakes etc

Open Mon-Sat 09:00 to 17:00 & Sunday 10:00 to 16:00


The Chiropractic Clinic, 39 High Street (Ground Floor, Rear), Pershore McTimoney Chiropractor Chiropractic therapy, for neck pain relief and back pain relief

Rowena Bertram The Clinic is currently open on a restricted basis but available for telephone 01386 554209 advise.

The restrictions are under review and the answer machine greeting message will updated regularly with the current position.


Simon Williams

01386 750919 Property Repairs & Maintenance 07866 930199

SixChimnies Dog Not Just for Gundogs … Training Lisa has over 25 years’ experience in obedience and Lisa-Jane Allen gundog training and can provide tailored advice and 07515745029 guidance to help you train your dog.

She holds Puppy Classes, Intermediate and Advanced Dog Training locally at Strensham Village Hall.

Due to the current Coronavirus situation only 1:1 sessions are available at present. Please contact Lisa for further information.

Thomson Bancks Solicitors

Tewkesbury office 01684 299633

Pershore office 01386 562000

Cheltenham office 01242 235250

Stratford-upon-Avon office 01789 295544 For more information please visit www.tbsolicitors.co.uk

TC Executive Travel Prompt and Reliable Local Transport to All Airports

Transport to corporate & sporting events, chauffeur & business travel, seaports & airports. We also provide a driver only service. Call for a quote. Town & Country Private Hire / Chauffeur & Driving Service

Email: [email protected]


Electrician Vic Hopkins: Electrician

Vic Hopkins • For all Electrical Work 01386 710224 • Free Estimates 07818091023 • No Call Out Charges in Normal Hours

Wards Gardening Service The knowledge and skills to enhance your garden • Garden Maintenance 07825286136 • Fencing: Erection & Maintenance [email protected] • Trees: Pruned or Removal • Construction: Cold Frames, Compost Bins • Slabbing: Patios & Paths and Lawn Laying & Maintenance


Other Village information:

Defford Village Hall: http://www.deffordvillagehall.org

Chairman Roger Atter [email protected] Bookings Manager David Wakefield [email protected]

Defford Parish Council: https://defford-besfordparishcouncil.co.uk/

Our Parish Councillors:

Julian Clarke Chairman (Besford Ward) [email protected] Sue Rees Vice Chairman (Defford Ward) [email protected] Ron Davis Vice Chairman (Defford Ward) [email protected] Ian Spiers Parish Councillor (Defford Ward) [email protected] James Harrington Parish Councillor (Defford Ward) [email protected] Lee Revell Parish Councillor (Defford Ward) [email protected] Stanley Hornsey Parish Councillor (Defford Ward) Simon Harris Parish Councillor (Besford Ward) [email protected] Vacancy (Besford Ward) Vacancy (Defford Ward)

Parish Clerk: [email protected] Wychavon District Council: http://www.deffordbesfordpc.org/about.html

District Councillor: Ron Davis. [email protected] County Councillor: Adrian Hardman. [email protected]