Name: Surname: Class:

1 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

This term in the Witches Booklet we will learn how to;

 understand the meaning of new words from context

 make meaningful sentences using new words

 use a dictionary

 analyse and understand the hidden meanings in a text

 find relationships between the book and our daily lives

 skim and scan a text looking for specific information

 produce newspaper articles, cartoons, dialogues, act-outs using a text

1. Which one the objectives above do you think you will be good at?




2. Which one of the objectives do you think you will have to study harder for?




3. What’s your goal / plan to be good at those objectives?




2 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Skim through the chapter to fill in the chart below.

Word Book page Book sentence Possible meaning

... and those dangerous eyes of In a quiet, humble manner hers travelled slowly around the Meekly P106 audience of witches who were sitting someekly before her.






Choose 2 of the words above to make your own sentence. Remember to think about the word type when constructing the sentence. 1.______2.______3 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1) What is important about these numbers? Write down on the lines. 6:00 ______8:00 ______454 ______2) What disastrous discovery does the GHW make during the meeting?

3) Do you think there was any way this discovery could have been avoided?

4) The plans to give already prepared portions of the formula to the ancient ones. Why?

5) Do you think she is being nice to the ancient ones? Please explain your answer.

Formula 86 Delayed-Action Mouse-maker calls for some rather unusual ingredients from rather unusual creatures. Match these creatures with where they can be found.

Ingredients Place to Look

1) Gruntle’s eggs ___ a) Bleak moors

2) Crabcruncher claw ___ b) High up in trees

3) Catspringer tongue ___ c) High up on cliffs

4) Blabbersnitch beak ___ d) In a flat area where it can run really fast

5) Grobbersquirt snout ___ e) In very deep waters

One bottle of Mouse-maker formula can turn ______children into mice.

4 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Look at the words in the box below and write the correct words under the pictures.

metamorphosis (n): transformation, a process of change in which somebody or something turns in to something else triumphant (adj): showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or succcess stink (n): a very bad smell

tighten (v):to become stiff or make a part of your body stiff shrink (v): to become smaller or make something smaller squeeze (v): to press something firmly screw (v): a thin, pointed piece of metal that you turn in order to fasten pieces of metal or wood

Choose three of the words from above and write three meaningful sentences. 1. ______2. ______3. ______

5 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. When the narrator began to turn into a mouse he felt quite weird. What transformations did his body go through in this process? Explain how it happened in detail. ______

______2. When the narrator was turned into a mouse, he didn’t feel bad. He actually enjoyed being a mouse.

What did he like about being a mouse?


3. What kind of animal would you like to be? Make your chart of the advantages and disadvantages.

I would like to be ______.

Advantages: Disadvantages: * *

* *

* *

* *

* *

* *

6 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Use a dictionary to find the meanings and then write the definition next to the correct picture.


Meaning ______


Meaning ______


Meaning ______

I think...


Meaning ______


Meaning ______


Meaning ______

7 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Choose three of the words you learned in this chapter and write meaningful sentences with them. 1) Word: ______Sentence: ______2) Word: ______

Sentence: ______3) Word: ______Sentence: ______

Let’s write a role-play When the is turned into a mouse, he finds Bruno and talks with him. Let’s change this conversation to a role- play. Your teacher will give you a copy of this conversation. Follow the 7 steps below to change the book into a play.

1) Write your name on top of the pages from the chapter.

2) Also write if you are the Boy or Bruno.

3) Read the conversation carefully with your partner and decide who is speaking.

4) Underline what you will say with a colored pencil.

5) Look for clues about how you should say your line.

6) Look for clues about what you should do and how you should move.

7) Practice with your partner and be ready to perform.

8 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Skim through your book pages to guess the meanings of the words and phrases through context.

1) Instinctively could mean

A) on purpose

B) by instinct, without being told

C) very fast

2) Dart could mean A) A sudden or fast movement 7) Which one is a spike railing? B) A surprising sound A) C) To move slowly

3) Pale could mean A) Very happy B) White and light B) C) Blushed cheeks

4) To keep somebody on her toes could mean A) To help somebody B) To get annoyed at somebody C) Make somebody concentrate on what she C) is doing

5) Supply could mean A) Food and things necessary for a particular purpose B) Weapons used by the army C) Poisonous materials

9 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1) What exactly is a mouse-boy?

2) What is the boy’s plan to stop the Grand High Witch?

3) How does grandmamma help?

4) What would you do to get rid of the witches?

5) What is important about these two numbers: 554 and 454? Can you draw a picture of exactly why these two numbers are important?

10 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Skim through the chapter to fill in the chart below.

Word Book page Book sentence Possible meaning

It was too obvious Clear, apparent

obvious P139





to be spotted

When the grandma asked the boy how he was able to manage to get out of the room, he replies “It was a little bit hairy. I wouldn’t want to do it again”. What do you think “a bit hairy” means? A) Delightful B) Scary and difficult

C) Important

11 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

The mouse-boy goes to Room 454 to steal a bottle of Formula 86. Put a T next to each True statement and F next to each False statement. If a statement is False, write the sentence again to make it true under the sentence. ____ 1. The mouse-boy went down in a sock.

____ 2. Witches smell like perfume of roses.

____ 3. Witches are stupid and leave things lying around.

____ 4. The bottles of Formula 86 were inside the mattress.

____ 5. There were also three frogs inside the mattress.

____ 6. The frogs told the mouse-boy their sad story about being caught by the Grand High Witch.

____ 7. The witch heard the grandmother talking to the boy-mouse.

____ 8. Grandmama is a quick thinker.

____ 9. The mouse-boy got out as the ancient ones came in.

____ 10. The mouse-boy and Grandma were relieved when the ‘burglary’ was over.

Lots of people hide things under their mattress in the bedroom. If you were going to hide something in your bedroom, where would you hide it? Why would you hide it there?


This is a whole class activity. All the students sit in a circle on the floor. In the center of the circle there is a chair. A volunteer sits in the chair wearing a blindfold. That student is the Grand High Witch. Other students try to sneak up and get the Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse Maker from underneath the chair without being heard by the Grand High Witch. If the Grand High Witch hears something they point in the direction they heard the noise from. If they successfully point at the mouse-burglar then all students return to their seats. If the mouse burglar successfully steals the Formula 86, then they get to be the Grand High Witch.

12 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Answer the questions below. 1)If something is precious it’s rare and valuable. Look at the pictures below. Which is a precious thing?

A) B)

2) What is the most precious thing on earth for you? Write a sentence about it.


3) If somebody scowls she looks at something in angry way. Which baby is scowling?

A) B) C)

4) A chandelier is a piece of equipment used for decoration. Which one is a chandelier?

A) B) C)

5) Match the words with their synonyms. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary. 1. alarming __ A. to move I have some 2. budge __ B. misfortune alarming news 3. mishap __ C. worrisome, frightening for you.

13 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Bruno and both of his parents are very disagreeable people. They’re not very nice to be around and they say and do some very rude things. In each box write at least two things that person says or does that shows that they’re not very nice.


Mr. Jenkins

Mrs. Jenkins

Which of these three people could win a “not nice” award? ______

Although Mr. AND Mrs. Jenkins are very rude to grandmamma she tries to tell them what happened to Bruno patiently. What would you do if you were grandmamma?




14 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Fill in the blanks by using the words in the box. You can scan your book to find the sentences too. Then, write a possible meaning for each word.

trodden being spotted frisky disagreeable disastrous

1. “What a ______little boy you are” my grandmother said to him. Meaning: ______

2. “But even a Mouse can’t go creeping around on the table-top carrying a bottle and sprinkling Mouse-Maker all over the witches’ roast beef without ______. Meaning: ______

3. It would be ______if I turned all the other guests into mice by mistake, and especially you, Grandmamma. Meaning: ______

4. And I’ve got to keep fit and ______for the big job ahead. Meaning: ______

5. You will have to choose the right moment and nip in behind one of them, but for heaven’s sake be sure that you don’t get ______on or squeezed in the door. Meaning: ______

15 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

What are Grandmamma and the narrator planning to do to the GHW and all the other witches in the hotel? Describe their plan by using the phrases below. You can use your own words too.

the mouse secretly without being spotted creep into the kitchen mouse maker bottle






In this chapter the boy and his grandma make a plan to turn all the witches into mice. Each person (or mouse) is going to do certain things. These things are numbered below. Can you write the numbers in their correct box ?

1. Run along the baseboards Bruno

2. Carry mice inside the purse into the dining room

3. Carry the little blue bottle

4. Release mouse from purse under table

5. Keep silent

6. Walk to dining room at 7.30

7. Pass food to Bruno

Grandmama Boy

16 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Skim through the chapter to fill in the chart below.

Word Book page Book sentence/Picture Possible meaning

I caught a glimpse below me of a When you see something glimpse P. 162 white-coated figure ... for a short amount of time.




clasp (verb)


Choose 3 of the words above to make your own sentence.




17 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. What are the advantages of having a tail for the boy?



2. How could the boy see what was happening around him?



3. Can you describe the dining Room and the kitchen of the hotel?




4. Could the boy see the witches when he entered the Dining Room? Where were the witches supposed to sit?



5. What was the boy’s mission to complete in the kitchen?



6. What terrible thing happened when the boy was in the kitchen? How did it happen? How did the boy manage to survive?






18 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Look at the words in the box below and write the correct words under pictures.

asinine ( adj ): extremely stupid or unreasonable mischievous (adj): a mischievous person enjoys having fun by causing trouble frosty (adj): unfriendly cockroach (n): an insect similar to a beetle that lives in places where food is kept wise (adj): a wise action is sensible and shows that you have good judgement

Choose three of the words from the box and write three meaningful sentences. 1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

19 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. Why were the other people staring at Mr. Jenkins?



2. How was Mr. Jenkin’s behaviour towards Grandma? Can you guess the reason for his behaviour? Do you find it suitable? Explain why or why not.



3. What are the advantages of being a mouse for Bruno?




4. What do you think Mr. Jenkins will do when he meets the GHW? What would you do if you learnt that someone turned your friend/family member into a mouse?







20 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

In this chapter, the grandmother explains Bruno to Mr Jenkins. Let’s re-write this part and have Bruno explain it to his father. Use the cartoon boxes to make drawings and speech bubbles.

How will Bruno explain what happened to him? How will Bruno’s father react? What will they decide to do about it?

Title of your cartoon:


21 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

These sentences are taken from the book. Try to guess the meanings of the words and phrases through context.

3. He put two fingers into his mouth and blew a long shrill whistle. I watched him with envy.

1. Every single witch stood there as stiff and silent Envy could mean: as a corpse. A. to want to have something that someone has As stiff and silent as a corpse could mean: B. to imitate someone A. without changing the mood C. to stare at someone

B. in a polite way C. very quietly 4. “We have accomplished great feats today” she said. 2. Because all of them have had massive Feats could mean: overdoses, just like you. A. something funny that someone does Massive overdoses could mean: B. something dangerous that someone does A. more than needed C. something safe that someone does B. as much as needed C. less than needed

Choose two of the new words/phrases and write meaningful sentences: 1. ______


2. ______


22 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. What is “The Triumph” in this chapter? Who could do it?



2. What changed in the appearance of the witches because of the massive overdose?



3. Draw the picture of a witch before and after the massive overdose.

4. Where did the boy and grandma decide to go after their triumph? Would you do the same? Explain your answer by giving your reasons.




5. After you have a triumph what do you do to celebrate it? You can explain by giving an example.



23 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

There was certainly a BIG COMMOTION in the dining room of the Hotel Magnificent that day! Pretend you are a reporter for the Bournemouth Daily News and it is your

assignment to write a newspaper article about the event.












Draw a picture that describes your BIG COMMOTION in the dining room.

24 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Look at the words in the box below and answer the questions about them.

gadget (n): a small tool that does something useful

device (n): a machine that does a particular thing

ingenious (adj): something/someone that uses new and clever ideas

humming (adj): a low continuous sound

doze (n): sleep for a short time

1. What is the gadget or device that you find the most and the least useful in your daily life?



2. What kind of people or systems can be defined as ingenious?



3. Make a sentence by using humming:


4. Draw a picture showing the word “doze”.

25 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. When the narrator and his grandmother first went on their summer holiday, he was a little boy, but at the end of the holiday he was a mouse-boy. How did the narrator’s life change when they got back home?





2. What did the grandma invent to make the boy’s life easier? Write at least two of her inventions by giving detailed information about the inventions.







3. What did the boy want to know about the life of a mouse? Did he get upset after he learnt it? Why or why not? Include the information and his feelings in the speech bubble.

26 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

4. What did the boy find interesting about being a mouse? Would you like to feel the same thing? Why or why not?


5. Why didn’t the boy care much about living as a mouse? How would you feel if you were him?


6. Why do you think the name of this chapter is “The Heart of a Mouse”?


7. Talk to your group members and discuss some facts about mice and write them down. Later you will share them with the whole class.

27 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Read the sentences from the book and match the bold words with their meanings.

1. In the great headquarters where The Grand High Witch lives, there is always another Grand High Witch waiting in wings to take over should anything happen. 2. There are no longer any witches in England. That’s quite a triumph, isn’t it? 3. People knew her as a kindly and very wealthy Baroness who gave large sums of money to charity.

4. The new Grand High Witch is certain to be living at this very moment with her retinue of special Assistant Witches. 5. How else could she summon the witches of the various countries to their Annual Meetings? 6. The Grand High Witch’s Castle and you will very easily be able to get inside it and creep around looking and listening to your heart’s concent. 7. It will be a triumph, my darling! A colossal unbeatable triumph.

a. officially to order someone to come to a place ______b. a woman who is a member of nobility Ex:3. baroness______c. the place where an organization has its main offices ______d. a group of people who travel with an important person to look after him/her ______e. as much or as often as you like ______f. a victory ______g. extremely great or large ______

28 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

1. Where did the GHW live and why is this important to know?


2. The narrator and his grandmother come up with 2 good plans to get rid of the witches in the castle.

Describe each plan and tick the one they decide is better.



3. Do you agree with their decision? Would you do it a different way? Explain your answer.



29 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Word: ______



Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

30 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Word: ______



Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

Word: ______

Meaning: ______

31 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Are you an early finisher? Great Job! Well done! Excellent! Way to go! Perfect! So what’s next ???

You may now choose one of the following tasks listed. Please also check the task with your teacher. When you complete a task , tick the box beside it and remember to show your work to your teacher! We hope you enjoy working on these bonus tasks.

Write a recipe for a new WITCHES’ POTION. Be creative with the ingredients!

5. Compare and contrast GHW to another witch. (Sleeping Beauty’s Witch / Hansel & Gretel’s Witch…) Draw and colour. Write the similarities and differences between these two witches. 6. Are you good at COMPUTING? Make an animation which shows an ordinary woman transforming into a witch! 7. Design a machine which could be used to catch witches. Draw, label and explain how it works.

9. The boy's grandmother comes from . Find this country on a map, draw its flag. Learn at least 10 important facts about NORWAY. Write a short report about the country and the people who live there.

10. Find out how to say some common words in Norwegian. Write a simple conversation in Norwegian and then try it with a friend / your teacher. 11. Watch this short video of Road Dahl describing ‘Witches’. Write down at least 8 important things he said about WITCHES.

12. How would you feel if you were turned into a mouse (or another creature)? Write a story about an adventure that you might have!

13. Visit the Road Dahl website : Read about Road Dahl’s life. Create a QUIZ about his life & work. If you wish , you may create a KAHOOT too. Send it to your teacher so that we can all play and learn! :)

32 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

14. Make a list of all the disgusting words used to describe The Grand High Witch in Chapter 7. Can you think of any more? TIME FOR MATHS!

16. Chapter 12 is called 'M e t a m o r p h o s i s'. Find out what this means. Can you find any examples of

metamorphosis in nature?

17. A BEWITCHING REVIEW ! You have been asked to write a book review for ‘Which Witch Magazine’.

18. Visit the link below to play the game and test your knowledge! 1. 2. 3. 19. CREATE A STORYBOARD! Use speech bubbles. 4. 5. 6.

20. Listen to this PODCAST explaining important characters of the story WITCHES!

21. Write about a typical day for a witch based on ’s descriptions.

22. Pick a character from the play and design a costume for them. Think about what the character is like and reflect that in your choice of colours and style.

23. Draw a picture to illustrate your favourite part of the story. Write at least 3 sentences to describe the scene.

24. MEET THE ILLUSTRATOR! Visit the following site and write at least 10 important facts about .


33 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)





































34 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)





































35 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)

Evaluation Time

Did you enjoy reading this book? Give two reasons for your answer.

Write at least five vocabulary words that you learned. Use them in sentences.

Which activities were your favorites? Choose at least two and explain.

36 051-eng-wb-t4-(the witches big group)