Your ref: NLP421 Our ref: 34702/CRF DD: 01908 541 608 E: [email protected] Date: 29 August 2017

Ms C. Frost-Bryant Local Plan Team Central Council Priory House Monks Walk Chicksands Shefford SG17 5TQ

Dear Connie,




We welcome this opportunity to comment on the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan 2015-2035 (Draft Local Plan).

Bidwells has been instructed by CBC Assets to respond to the Draft Local Plan and is the sole owner of the land north of Bury Hill, Potton, seeking to promote this land through the Local Plan process.

Appendix D: Preliminary Assessment Results of the Site Assessment Technical Document identifies the land North of Bury Hill, Potton as reference: NLP421. The Site Assessment concludes that there are a number of constraints to development, and as such, the site is not considered suitable for development.

Site Assessment Technical Document Appendix D: Preliminary Assessment Results of the Site Assessment Technical Document identifies the land north of Bury Hill, Potton as reference: NLP421. The technical assessment concludes that the site represents a distinctive open space between the town and the open countryside while relating poorly to the existing settlement. In addition, the potential negative impact on the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin was considered a constraint as well as the desire for the provision of a community green to protect the setting of the Grade I listed church.

CBC Assets consider that a sensitive approach to development would enable a high-quality area of public realm to be delivered in the northern half of the site adjacent to the Church, while development could be taken from an access off Bury Hill.

A Neighbourhood Plan is currently being prepared for Potton. As part of the preparation for this plan, a list of the green infrastructure aspirations has been compiled, one of the aspirations is to:

John Ormond House, 899 Silbury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3XJ T: 01908 202190 E: [email protected] W:

Bidwells is a trading name of Bidwells LLP, a limited liability partnership, registered in and Wales with number OC344553. Registered office: Bidwell House Trumpington Road Cambridge CB2 9LD. A list of members is available for inspection at the above address. Central Bedfordshire Council Assets Land North of Bury Hill, Potton

“Create wildlife corridor with wetland features, east of Potton Brook, between Bury Hill and Church Causeway”

As part of this process the Potton Green Infrastructure Plan (August 2010) identifies this site as:

“Create accessible GI land including community woodland with wetland features beside Potton Brook”

A modest amount of development would enable this to be realised while ensuring the aspirations of Potton are included within the site.

The site is well located to the centre of Potton, within walking distance from many of the services and amenities.

The site is of sufficient size to ensure that appropriate public open space and landscaping can be accommodated for the provision of up to 50-100 dwellings. This could include a woodland area to the north of the site to the benefit of the setting of the Listed Church, as well as areas of formal and informal open space. This would provide a high quality low density development as well as ensuring appropriate and sensitive landscape mitigation and wildlife habitat creation can be delivered.

Percentage Growth of Potton

Potton is classified as a Minor Service Centre in the settlement hierarchy. Potton has only had 5.19% growth between 2006 and 2016, with this rising to 7.49% if all of the outstanding permissions are included. It is therefore considered that Potton could accommodate a significantly higher amount of growth given its place within the settlement hierarchy. Based on the figures within the site assessment, if the site was allocated for 100 dwellings, this would only represent a 9.9% increase on the 2006 figures or a 17.8% increase when all outstanding permissions are included.

The proposed development offers the opportunity to provide a well landscaped, high quality development in a sustainable location, this would include a proportion of affordable housing provision which is much needed in the area.

Conclusion We welcome the opportunity to comment on the emerging Local Plan and look forward to commenting on future versions.

Potton is a Minor Service Centre which has experienced limited growth in the last 10 years. The land north of Bury Hill represents a rare opportunity to provide sustainable development in the heart of Potton. The proposed development would be of a high quality and include a significant level of landscaping, open space and green infrastructure. It is anticipated that between 50 and 100 dwellings could be accommodated on this site which would enable the Parish Councils’ aspirations for the green corridor, along Potton Brook as well as a wooded area to the north and a significant amount of formal and informal open space.

The land north of Bury Hill is in total compliance with the growth strategy and will help provide much needed homes in a sustainable location prior to the delivery of the strategic growth sites. It is therefore concluded that the land at Bury Hill should be allocated for development of between 50 and 100 dwellings as part of the next stage of the Local Plan.

We would be grateful if CBC could confirm receipt of this representation and continue to keep us informed as to the subsequent stages of the Local Plan.

Page 2 Central Bedfordshire Council Assets Land North of Bury Hill, Potton

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions or require any points of clarification.

Kind regards

Chloe French MRTPI Planning Associate


Site Location Plan

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