societies, the most spectacularly as founding She has assumed roles scientific in several of pathogens, species such as Marieka now investigating isalso other plant connecting sexual andasexual morphs. where genera and new warranted, andalso these describing species, species between new forests, andhasthe determined relationships discovered additional pathogens that threaten , forest pathogens, including an order includes anumber which ofserious particularly concerned with Diaporthales, internationally.as Her research has been has made already animpact in Africa well as she andintelligence, withmycologist energy Asayoungto our offungi. knowledge Press). Marieka has contributed enormously the Bark-Inhabiting Tree-Pathogenic Fungi in 2009, , of Phylogeny, andEcology etal (Gryzenhout plant fungi pathogenic onanimportant through toher book andcontinuing graduate school, began her after first soon she paper published startingMarieka with Gryzenhout, Ethel MaryDoidgeMedal functioning, we have notification received functioning, of Now,foreseen. with the process in placeand more than far was complicated wehad thatlearned initiating the award process we Alas, inCongress Edinburgh. (IMC9) Internationalat the XIV Mycological Crous topresent the awards August last had intended forthen President Pedro Awards. ExecutiveIMA The Committee AssociationMycological Young Mycologist the firstfour of the inaugural International officers can now announce the winners of It iswith great pleasure that the IMA AWARDS IMA Young2011 Mycologist Awards . St Paul, MN: APS . St Paul, APS MN:

parasitica. Shealso Phytophthora ., .,

. research includes one record which approach, has an impressive andalready usingplant fungi apolyphasic pathogenic is currently focusing onthe systematics of and45new He species. genera, five new anddescriptions tothe discovery led of more than has 5000specimens, which habitats formany He years. has examined aquatic, coprophilous, and thermophilic systematics from offungi andbiodiversity the on working been He has China. in Cai isanoutstandingLei young mycologist Keisuke TubakiMedal mycology in Africa.” in mycology Marieka “represents the future bright for nomination commented forthis Medal that (IMA). One ofthose supporting her of the International Association Mycological now amember ofthe Executive Committee (AMA) newsletter ofthe African Association editor Mycological Mycological MemberMycological Organization), –African Medal Regional Doidge Mary recipients: (Ethel Marieka Gryzenhout in Thailand in 2014. for500€,at IMC10 include acheque which Mycologist Awards receive their will awards, winners ofthe round Young IMC9 ofIMA in the first issue Fungus ofIMA in 2012.All andtheir winnersformed, reported be will for Europe andLatin America have been and North Thecommittees America. Australasia, the winners Asia, from Africa, Please join me in congratulating the meincongratulating join Please MycoAfrica, and is also andisalso IMA Regional Mycological Organization for Organization Mycological for Regional IMA Ceri Pearce bythe Australasian selected was Daniel McAlpineMedal Chinese Academy ofSciences. international workshops orcourses in the lectures whohas given at various mycology Diversity. of editor an associate as serves also Mycology journal, international new key role in establishing andmanaging the Executive Associate Editor, a hehas played studies in China As andelsewhere in Asia. contributions in promoting mycological Program”. He made hassignificant also “Hundred-Talent (CAS) of Sciences awarded the prestigious Chinese Academy research, Cai was Lei in mycological peer-reviewed papers. chapters, book and54 two monograph, Organization). Member Mycological American Regional –North Buller Medal Henry Reginald Arnold Elizabeth (‘Betsy’) (ArthurA. MemberMycological Organization), and McAlpine –Australasian Medal Regional Organization), Ceri Pearce (Daniel Member Mycological Asian Regional Cai (KeisukeLei Tubaki – Medal For excellent his performance President, InternationalPresident, Mycological He isanactive in educator Association (IMA) John W. Taylor John IMA FUNGUS Fungal Fungal ; he AWARDS AND PERSONALIA (53) Fungal , a journal now pre-eminent in its in pre-eminent now , a journal He has held numerous prestigious held numerous has He the from obtained hisKevin PhD Betsy joined faculty of Division the the in Pathology and MicrobiologyPlant the in UA the Sciences at of Plant Department an Associate she is now 2005, where in teach courses Betsy currently Professor. and sciences plant microbial diversity, in Robert the L. Gilbertsonmycology, curates and conducts Mycological Herbarium, ecology, on the and research evolution of plant-associated fungi. She systematics in work innovative her for is best known ecology and evolution of of endophytes is truly work ecosystems. Her terrestrial global occurring sampling scalein with resulted has It transects. along continental of the understanding complete most our in of endophytic biodiversity and distribution largest culture fungi World’s and the Betsy is a much collection of endophytes. of spectrum a across speaker sought after member active is an conferences, life science Mycological Societyof the of America, biggestand one of mycology’s advocates. American North that great pride is with It mycologists acknowledge Betsy Arnold to mycology this with contribution and her Award. Excellence in Fungal Research, School Fungal of in Excellence Chiang University, Luang Fah Science, Mae Rai,Managing Thailand and is Director also in Research Foundation Mushroom of the Mai. Chiang Asian mycological in positions organizations, EASIANETincluding BioNet (of 2004–2007), (Coordinator International) Kong of Hong Mycological Association 2002–2007), and IMA Asian (Chair, 2007– Mycological Committee (Chair, and edited founded 2011). He Diversity hasfield, and beenas an involved editor A prolific journals. other ten of about and 15 600 publications over with researcher, real passion is in books to his credit, Kevin’s supervised – he has some 20 students training students, 60 PhD postdoctoral over fellows, been drawn who have and 15 MPhil students Lanka, Thailand,Sri from China, Laos, and Kenya. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, UK, the under of Portsmouth, University A. received (‘Betsy’) her Elizabeth Arnold Ecology in BiologyPhD and Evolutionary of Arizona University the 2002 from in McDade. Lucinda with she worked where 2003–2004, she was supported by From a prestigious NSF Fellow Postdoctoral Biology Microbial in sponsorship with University. Duke at Lutzoni François from Arthur Henry Reginald Henry Reginald Arthur Buller Medal his services in promoting Asian Mycology. Asian Mycology. his services promoting in and been has Head 2008 Kevin Since of Institute of the Professor Associate

th in


Australia. More recently, with her research her with recently, More Australia. increasingly important on the focusing now in been she has involved of biosecurity, area of diagnostic and emergency development the introduced and for exotic systems response to the pests has contributed in Australia. Ceri in roles her through mycologicsl community mycology organizations, which the includes Mycological Society Australasian (executive and librarian, 1998–2002),councillor Pathology Plant SocietyAustralasian and co- 2005 –2007, councillor (executive Regional of the chair Working Councillor she won addition, 2005– 2008. In Group, and successfully bid the co-organised 8 the this Medal based on her research and major Medal basedthis research her on mycological to the community. contributions on the which centred research, PhD Her biology fungi, of Australian taxonomy and resulted in a book on International Mycological (IMC8) Congress International time first 2006, which the in was Cairns in Southern been an IMC the had held in that been has involved Ceri Finally, Hemisphere. mycological and educational numerous in own her programmes, both within training organization and to agricultural industries, peers, and school students. VOLUME 2 · NO. 2

Kevin D. Hyde was given the award of award given was the Hyde D. Kevin Distinguished August in Asian Mycologist for Asian Mycological Congress the 2011 at Distinguished Asian Distinguished Asian Award Mycologist Kevin Hyde looking for freshwater fungi in southern France. Photo Jacques Fornier. Jacques Photo France. fungi southern in for freshwater looking Hyde Kevin (54) AWARDS AND PERSONALIA

moving toAustralia where hesurveyed andthen Brunei,Basingstoke, UK, before He first worked teacheras aschool in B.Garethdirection ofE. Jones, in 1987. Jiang-Chun Wei 80 his celebrated BIRTHDAY GREETINGS fungi onRosaceae underofthe fungi the guidance where the hestudied sys Institute in Beijing ofApplied Mycology in 1956hewas dispatched tothe by him was smut guided ofmillet, disease (CAS) of Sciences Northwest China, the in 1955,Jiang-Chun was Aftergraduating aspects. and biochemical of stripe rust ofwheat from physiological Sheng-Han pathway onthe Shi disease example, consulting the famous professor but in science, henever up gave belief for his in China, opposed was theory when gene from 1950 College Agricultural at the Northwestin plant pathology time ofthe Civil War He ofChina. majored from life 1945–1949was the middle-school duringto1945 was World War andhis II, city, Shaanxi Province, childhood China,his on 6November 2011. Jiang-Chun Wei’s80 NilamCabanela, Wulandari, Iman Hidiyat, Subbu andunidentified. Kevin Hyde teaching in the Mushroom Centre Research in Chiang Mai. Students from leftto Marivicright: the Jian-Yi myco-pathologist Then Li. Institute of Agricultural Biology of Biology Agricultural ofthe Chinese Academy . The first project for . The first project Born inXianyang tematics ofrust sent towork , at atime CAS CAS th birthday in in

enforced absence from the Institute for career, however, byan disrupted soon was of Mycology. His researchLaboratory the Chinese biota in the Institute’s in Beijing where hecommenced work on established CAS that was tothe recently This to China. time 1962, andthen returned PhD his obtained in him from that time, thatpassion stayed with in publishing onlichens He Petersburg). soon was then (now St Leningrad Institute, inwhat was the Komarov Botanical Savicz at lichenologist under ofthe the guidance his finish PhD degree he was sent toRussia to Wang. In 1958,however, Yun-Zhangmycologist subsequently atenured obtained lectureship by He tropicalfascinated microfungi. and Papua New Guinea where hebecame plant pathogens in north Queensland Umbilicariaceae, a th Institute ofMicrobiology (1985–1993) –the title ofthe laboratory Systematic andLichenology Mycology of ofthe Director was Laboratory Open the Institute ofMicrobiology, where he Revolution’, afterhe returned which to ten yearsforthe duration ofthe ‘Cultural dire need ofmanydire need more mycologists.” isin which the world ofmycology to salvage endeavours totrain mycologists andmould luckin his Hyde andgood best the very all by Dr Hyde andwould like towishDr have taught, andmentored trained been laboratory, who wearemycologists, budding Karunarathna “In adds: Dr Hyde’s at Mae Fah Luang University, Samantha mycology. Onecurrent ofhis PhD students hehas doneandcontinuesall todofor Kevin our congratulations and thanks for world-widemycologists in join extending fitting recipientaward, of and this special (see above). previous students, Ceri Pearce Cai andLei Mycologists Awards now made are tohis ofthe andtwo right, firstIMA Young into renowned in mycologists their own Kevin strives students eachofhis tomould provides forPhD’s scholarships in mycology. Foundation also heestablished which Theto Thailand. Mushroom Research moving for15yearsbefore he was based in the University ofHong Kong where It toconceive ofamore isdifficult IMA FUNGUS AWARDS AND PERSONALIA (55) The . (ed.), in 2012. in 38: 1–427), and . Lichenothelia The LichenologistThe birthday was marked with with marked was birthday (Jahns HM (ed.), 1990, th : 599–632, New York: Academic Press) – Press) Academic York: : 599–632, New Her 65 Her This work is dated “1974” but was actually is dated “1974” but Thiswork and scientific contributions, and I feel contributions, and scientific been privileged to have honoured to know his hospitality Beijing.him and enjoy in All lichenologists,mycologists, including wish and fulfillingtime. him a productive (Key Laboratory of Systematic LiXin Wei Mycologyand Lichenology, Institute of Academy Chinese of Microbiology, Sciences, Beijing) much provided kindly and information background of the here. photograph presented cited works is her 1976 study with Peter W. W. Peter with 1976 study cited is her works microscopic critical by demonstrating James morphologies could different be that work same fungusproduced the on by depending a cyanobacterial it has or a green–whether algal (in Brown DH partner et al Lichenology: progress: 27–77, and problems also She was the London: Press). Academic the diversity of appreciate to researcher first melanized rock-inhabiting non-lichenized in many fungi, describing a ‘Festschrift’ Lichenologica Bibliotheca Medal of the Acharius the she was awarded for Lichenology Association International (IAL) as 1992. She will be in remembered and pursued who understood a scientist lichenology also but as own as a field of its an integral part of mycology. by kindly provided a draft from Prepared (Royal Gardens, Botanic Döring Heidi UK), and a PDF of a fuller obituaryKew, which Lumbsch alongprepared H. T. with is to appear in published on 6 December always was 1973. Aino her that to show out very this to point concerned Josef adoptedby that before came out classification ME (eds), 1974, Hale V, (in Ahmadjian Poelt and which actually is dated appeared “1973” but on 1974. 25 March 1

, 18

The Asian , Beijing Umbilicariaceae (with her former her (with ), three ), three , Lichinales , Stuttgart: GeorgThieme) 1 ), 21 genera, and over , Gyalectales Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis Botanicae Symbolae (1): 1–123) is a prime example (1): 1–123) is a prime typeof this of work, illustrated photographs of numerous by developmental showing sections stages. textbook her A decade later Lichenes: in die Eine Einführung Flechtenkunde Jahns, Martin Hans student PhD 1973 she presented a classification she presented fully integratedthat lichenized non-lichenized fungi,with and “Zwischengruppe” the introduced to didfor fungi not conform that of Nannfeldt; classicalthe concepts which work a remarkable was this A celebration in his honour was held was his in honour A celebration In 1963 Aino was appointed curator of 1963 Aino was appointed curator In Arthoniales International Science Publishers) and a Science Publishers) International monograph of his beloved () Umbilicariaceae Science Publishers). International of Microbiology on his Institute the at glance ‘A he gave a lecture where birthday, age my back and prospect at of eighty’ and enjoyed a hugecelebratory cake. to has beenJiang-Chung an inspiration researchers and fellow students numerous perseverance, his for both China, vision, in in Asia (with Jiang Yumei, 1993, Yumei, Jiang Asia (with in presented ontogenetic data on all groups ontogenetic data major presented based which observations, included on her of all new findings, and descriptions many she acceptedfamilies and orders in Philipps-University the at herbarium the Marburg, 1970 as Professor, and in Associate retirement her she held until a position for lichens enthusiasm 1990. Aino’s in students, many fungi attracted and other as as long research her and she continued health permitted, last being her paper with than of more a series published 2007. In in orders she described three 120 publications, ( families (Coccocarpiaceae, Coccotremataceae Gloeoheppiaceae new150 new species, as well as numerous as a part often critical of combinations, most- one of her However, revisions. generic (1963, An Enumeration Enumeration An the founding co- founding the Ephebaceae (1986–1993). He He (1986–1993).



Aino Marjatta Henssen (1925–2011) Aino Marjatta Henssen IN MEMORIAM also served as President of the Mycological of the also served as President Society (1993-2003), of which he of China and an Honorary President, made was then degree the of DSc awarded he was 1995 in date, To Botanical Institute. Komarov the by and published papers, he has 107 research also eight books, including (1991, Beijing in China of Lichens reflecting his personal interests and which reflecting his interests personal embrace to world the in first one of the was fungi. other along with lichen-forming Jiang-ChunFurther, was editor of VOLUME 2 · NO. 2 A leading lichen taxonomist and systematist, and systematist, taxonomist lichen A leading 2011. She was on 29 August passedAino away Elberfeld, Germany, 1925 in on 12 April born mother. and Finnish father a German and had to become university at a teacher, She enroled she for research enthusiasm due to her but a doctoralgraduated in 1953 with in thesis andin Bonn working After physiology. plant investigating agricultural at Berlin institutes she microorganisms decomposing manure, started taxonomically to work – describing genera and severaltwo new actinomycete and to Helsinki visits new species. Following focus her 1956–61she turned in Uppsala Swedish the by fungi, lichen inspired onto led Johan by school systematics of ascomycete ascoma introduced who had Nannfeldt, Axel in complex as character a major development therevision of Aino’s classification. ascomyete families Lichinaceae (56) AWARDS AND PERSONALIA

Nanjing Normal University ateacher as University,from Soochow heworked at November 81.Agraduate 2011, aged away 1930, passed 28 December on10 macromycetologists, whowas born on Zang Mu, oneofthe best-known Chinese Zang Mu(1930–2011) 2011, Beijing: HigherEducation Press).2011, Beijing: Cryptogams (SporePlants of the Families andGenera ofChinese had [Dictionary this yearcompleted only Press), Science and 1994,Beijing: JZ, Ying SouthwesternMacrofungi from China well-illustrated andremarkable [Economic including the monographs, several also 150 papers ofChina,and onthe fungi He in Beijing. overof CAS published andLichenology ofMycology Laboratory ofthe of China,andVice-Director Key of Vice-President ofthe Mycological Society positions toinclude appointed hewas that curator as formanyserved Other years. and herbarium ofKIB, the cryptogamic application in afforestation. He established He mycorrhizasfungi. studied also andtheir of systematics, andgeography ecology, major interests his on focused bryology, and As aresearch fellow in mycology the Chinese Academy (CAS). ofSciences Kunming Institute of ofBotany (KIB) from 1954–1973,when tothe hemoved )] (with Li XJ,)] (with Li ] (with Kunming, China). Kunming, of Botany, Chinese Academy ofSciences, andZhu YangPeigui L. (Kunming Institute Prepared from material byLiu supplied Chinese mushrooms sorely missed. be will whoseexceptionalmycologist, of knowledge from overseas. China has lost agreat tonumeroushospitality visiting mycologists warmly remembered kindness forhis and relative researchalso fields in andis China, and tothe development ofmycology energy collecting stamps. He contributed full his in Chinese calligraphy, paintings, and interested very also hewas and bryology, ofJapanSociety (2003).Besidesmycology Hiratsuka Award ofthe Mycological AwardScience the (2003),andalso N. prize inChina’ssecond-class State Natural Technological Progress (1993,1995),a Awardclass inNational Scientific and Zang Mu the received second- twice IMA FUNGUS