The Clinton Independent.


I Spectacle* and Eye Glass** at almost -Huns storm on Tuesday, followed * ow* Part* anal Hfur»« Another V-)iool Teacher (mur To Htnpl TMi-pajrrr». Animal Par Hup*. wholesale prices at Krepps. DeWitt A bv ram Through the politeness of Supervisor Married, at the home of the bride's I will beat the Town Hall. Thursdays, Smyrna Rugs aud Moquette Hug* «o.'s. Even tested free —The Japanese fan drill ui "Tycoon' ’ Butler we are enabled to give the fol­ parents. Wednesday. Nov. 22, at 1999 at my home Fridays, uud the St. Job no At John Kicks '. lowing facta aud figures and compari ­ National Bank Saturdays of each week The celebrated 91. Oh Spectacles at is the funniest ever given here. a m.. by Rev. C. G. Thomas. Mis* A unit during the month of December Hunting state Far U. Allison a. —Beautiful, fadeless iffiotos S1.U0 per sons with 18ft! and lMKt. concerning the M. Henderson, daughter of ex-President 2w G. E. Plowman , Teas. I have an all cast, secoud hand beat ­ dozen at .Stage a. east side, St. Johns, tf tuxes for this county aud township. It Henderson, of this village, aud Will If. ing stove, fair size, which 1 will sell for HOftK MATTER*. —Lord Dolphin is most excruciating ­ is a subject of cousidertbie interest Burse, station ugeut at Carson City. DeWitt will have all the tine grocer­ 98. A bargain G. S. CoituiT, about this time of year ; ies for Thanksgiving. Independent () NrnrUtM. ly Hue and takes the cake—in tlie Little The bride was attired iu a handsome • —— Tycoon. The rate of tax for Bingham township costume of cream faile silk with pearl llr Thank f«U LMltw' MncklntMhm —THB Indkpnndest aud Detroit —'The tourist maiden ’s dunce with this fall is 915.10 against 912.24 in 18ft!. trimming and lace, and carneu a bou ­ For all the blessings you enjoy. Be At al price* At John Hicks ’ Weekly Free Cress one year. 91.75 thankful that you do not have to travel Alpine sticks, all the way home from on 91,000 of the assessed valuation. quet of cream rones . the groom wore overland to Detroit for your Thank*- Far the A uproar hlu« HolllUs t » —Gold lias been found at lleldiUK, Europe, in "Tycoon. ” The rate of State tax for Bingham the regulation black. The bride was fiving supplies, but can drop into the I shall lie fully prepared to do all kinda this, state, by workmeu engaged in dig­ —James St. Clair, cue of the earliest towuship. in 18ft!. was 15 cents on 9100 attended by Mia* Kathleen E. Burke, fiiistllng store of C. M. Johnson and of photograph- work and furnish :tH ging a well. settlers of Olive, died at his home iu against 2! cents this year. County tax who was attired in helitrope with trim­ leave your order for Cranberries. Oys­ kinds of large size portrait work, framed —Buy your gold tilled watches, of ters. Celery, Mince Meat iu package. or unframed. for tlie approaching holi ­ that township Nov. 18. 1893. of paraly ­ in 18ft!. 15 cents on $100. against 18 cents ming of chiffon lace and natural roses. Table Pickles, both sour and sweet ; days. at my art gallery over Chapin A i K.repps*. DeWitt A Co., leading jewelers sis. aged HI years. this year. Town tax in 18ft!. 18 cents The brother of the groom acted as best < armed Corn,Prune* Date*.FigsCleaned Co. ’* store. O. G. Pli nkrt . and save money.; Currants. Cheese, nice crisp Crackers, —About twenty-five neighbors aud on 9100. :igainst 25 cents this year.— man. The bride was a teacher iu our The Duly Menelbla Pulley — Tlie whereabouts of Nile*aud Jack- friends of Mr. aud Mrs. Wilton Ander ­ School tax. district No. 4. Bingham, for public school for the past three years Basin*. Lemons. Orange*. Mixed Nuts, soti who broke out of our county jail iu etc.; Figs. Dates. Citron Lemon Peel. Is to buy your Hbtck Hosiery witli the son made them a very pleasant surprise 18ft!. 74 cents on 91(0. against 88 cents and is one of fit. Johns' first vouug Orange Peel, Candies, etc. Leave vour color guaranteed by Louis llermadorf, the latter |iart of October, is still a my*- party on Tuesday evening. They ex ­ this year. ladies. The groom holds a very promi ­ order early, we will see that you get dyer. The best black. Sold bv i«ry. pect to return to their farm in Essex The total school tax for district No. 4, honest measure and honest goods —me John Hick *. nent imaition at Carson City, and is a right weight every time. —John McKay, roadmaster of the D.. township in the near future. Binghan. this year, is 13.025.87. while in very popular vouug man. They were Chapin a Co . are showing the largest «. li. A M. road for over thirty years, 18ft! it was only 911.021.41. This in ­ Leave your order early at DeWltt’s and finest line or Silk Velvets to he —John U. Lackey wan arrested on the recipients of many handsome aud found. ______died at bis home iu Graud Rapid* on Tuesday evening for lieing a disorderly crease is occasioned, chiefly . by au extra useful presents. After u bountiful re­ for choice Grape*. Celery and Fruits. Inn tail* :he stli instant. persou. He pleaded guilty before Jus­ amount of the principal of the bonded past to relatives and intimate friend*, Hr Tliuukful —Why is it that the work of painting indebtedness being due and payable this Are tlie latest craze in Veiling. Y«»a tice Duncan Wednesday morning, and the happy couple left on the 12:17 train How cau it lie done ? In this way :— will find them At John Iucks '. die exterior of the court house goes was fined 95 or 15 days in jail. He is year. for Florida, where they will remain a By leaving your order at Johnson ’s grocery along so slowlv V Has there lieen any ­ hoarding with Sheriff Lehuid. The amount raised by tax in Bingham fortnight, after which they will be at for Sweet Potatoes' tiest grade* We cau sell you Socks and Rubber* thing like a strike? of Flour that will make you smack your for less than any other dealet iu the —The asylum of the Masonic order township in 18 ft! aud ltftt. is as follows: home to their maitv friends at (.'arson lip* and say ’that's good bread. ’ Choice county. —'The record of railroad accidents to t Ml isea roll Butter. Rolled Oats. Oat Meal. is being repaired, {tainted, bronzed | JUl oo City. Meiu antilk Co . shoe DKI' M’T. passenger trains, so far this year, is 24 aud varnished in an attractive manner c ontingent expenses. • . P. The amount of drain tax for benefit township, this county, and whose family goods delivered fiee. Our goods bring At John Hick *’. —A change iu the proprietorship of DeW itt. of individuals in Bingham township, smiles ami help you to enjoy vourselt. the Ontral House saloon took effect is now located in Jackson city, died No­ You will not forget to buy a pouud of Why not save when you can buy your —No public action should be taken tills year, is 9878.08. vember 14, 1888, of heart failure. She ids fine Tea. will you? Sticks. Felts and Rubbers of the November 1. Mr. Jacob Foerch retiring, that would tend to cripple or make it a The total school tax m Bingham town ­ Mer< antilk Co . Shoe Stork . and Mr. Crank Waters assuming full was buried at Jackson by the Eastern Nice assortment of Nuts at DeWltt’s. loss to maintain and operate either the ship for 18ft! was 913.792.35. against Star lodge, of which ordet she was a Mug*' Rag*: Rug*: ownership. Mr. Foerch will devote his gas or electric light plant We want 914,918.77 this year. IIsih Imiui * Wire Plant Stand. entire attention to the tonsorial busi- member before leaving here Tlie prettiest liue ever shown in St. to maintain and build up instead of The amount of taxes apportioned to U will only In * u a sleep Three stories and high arch . For sale John* just received at Kendrick's. cripple and crush out institutions iu Clinton from the State m 1893. was When morning bioaeoin* out ol night. cheap. Inquire at this office With *oug* and dewy light. Don't fail to read the .Mercantile Co ’n —Kind reader, do you want a first- our village. 923.882.87. against 932.471.70. Hhe will open her pure eye* Faucy Raisins at DeWitt*. class magazine for a tittle money ? If 'Neatti the palm* of paradlx,*. Shoe Lepartment ad. in this issue. —On Saturday last while an 11-years- The couuty tax in 1892 was ♦24.000. SlrajMl or Stolen so we will furnish you with the Cosmo ­ old son of M. It. Frink, or Essex town ­ against 925.770.80 this year. HORN. The high quality and unusually low politan. one of the l>est in the list, for From the farm premise* of the under- price cannot fail to attract buyers toout ship. was leading a colt, the animal The State tax apportioned to Bingham igned, on Monday night. Nov. 13, 1NU3. store for Dress Good*. 91 ..30 for one year, or with Thk Indk - S!MM<»>"8.—To Mr. and Mr* Aianaon Sim­ made a sudden and vigorous movement township in 18ft!. was 93.533.74. against mon*. In Bengal township. November IT, imtl. a red cow. hollow back, brass knobs on ___ Chapin a Co phpknt for98 9H a bargain, ^jieak a son. tier horns, white spot in face and about which produced a compound fracture of 94.idl9.32 tills year. C<,10th** ClraimmI Dr*d :tod K*|*air*«1 «iuick. PLACE.—In Si. Johns, November It. IWG. to to come in. Auv person returning her the left wrist, which was minced by The county tax apportioned to Bing ­ Mr. and Mr* L L. Place, a sen or furnishing information leading to tier By II. Hickey, over Clark A Hulse * —The net proceeds from the oyster Dr. Wiggius. ham in 1892 was 93..>>4.07. against 93,- recovery will lie suitably rewarded. store. ______supper at the spacious aud comfortable MAKK1KD —Mrs. C. X. Hazard, who luts been 898.25 this vear. _____ A. F. Cowell . Women liave peculiar notions, but we home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, last nursing a pan of broken legs at Wa- The excess of tuxes to be collected SC’UDDKK—BLACK.—In St. John*. Nov ember Dress your turkey witli fine Leaf .sage. have Gloves. Hosierv and Underwear to Friday evening, under the auspices of cousta. has so far recovered as to tie able this year in Bingham township, over M. MSB by Rev. E. M lllancbanl. Mr Alex ­ Cranberries aud Celery. DeWitt keep* suit them all. Chapin A Co. the Epworth League, were $2h. A good ander S Seudder and Miss Olive 1>. Rlaek. them. to return to her formei home in Ht. 1892. is $2.88 on $1:000 valuation. Iw»lh of Olive. Mlcb. Mill*!- ’* Hock Moc, program was rendered and a pleasant KIMMIL—WELLER —At the Steel, to St. rii.OO Kowanl. Johns, at the residence of Mr. L. K. So when the tax gatherer comes ’round Johns, November 14. 1*1. by Rev E. M. I have just added to my busiueas a evening enjoyed by all. Patterson, and where she expects to next month you will know the gnu is it la tiilia r< I. Mr. Georg*-* C. Kitntni.. ot Bingh ­ Stolen from the premise* of A. F. new and comfortable Hack, which will am, and Mis* Lucy A. Weller, ot Kulton Cowell, l»e at the service of tlie citizens of St. —Union Thanksgiving services will to spend the winter as formerly. loaded witli a heavy charge for you. iu the villageof St. Johns. Mich ­ he liehl at the Congregational church township. Gratiot county. igan. November 18, 1893, one Cow . red Johns at all time*. Order* left at my —The Marie Kinzie Comedy Company llEWITT—HSGHTZ.— At the Central House in color, hollow' back, bras* knob* on ham. will receive careful and prompt this year liegmumg at the usual hour. The Little Tycoon. St. Johns. November 20.I MU. by Justice Jas. horns, white spot in face. fat. eight opened a week's engagement at Hcriv- The Comic Opera. "Little Tycoon. ” H. Collins. Mr. Wm J. Hewitt snd Miss attention. B. F. Milled 10:30 a. m. lie\ . E. M. Blanchard, pas ­ Emma Begetz. both or DeWitt. years old. kind, leads well, has probablv September lh. 189«. eu's Opera House on Monday evening. will he presented at Newton Hall on come in since stolen. tor of the Baptist church, will preach This is one of the best repertoire com­ WKSBMAN—CLASEN.—In St Jotio*. Novem ­ ^Por the best waten repairing go to the sermon. Cone prepared to give a Tlianksgiviug evening witli a fine cast ber It. l*l, by lustice Ja# H. Collins. Mr. A. F. Cowell will pay 910 for return panies on the road and is a prime favor ­ of characters aud an excellent chorus. John H. Weaeman and Mis* Malle Clasen of Cow . Krepps. DeWitt and Co. Even job good collection tor the poor. ite here. To-night ’s bill is the great 4- both of Fowler. I will pay 925 .uo upon conviction of warranted. ___ —The farm paper beat adapted to the Three months rehearsing lias been SWAN—APTHHOP.—In St Johns. November the guilty person or persons. act comedy. "Fogg ’s Ferry.* ’ If you given to the opera and no pains of ex ­ It. IMU. by M. N. Duncan. Heq.. Mr. Geo. W. Ml. Johns. Nov. 2U. 1893. Use Favorite (Team for hand* and aeeds of the farmers of Michigan is the Swan, of log bam county, and Miss Aldah A|>- face, cures chaps and roughness. wish a good evening's entertainment, pense spared in the study and produc ­ throp. rf Clinton county W. M. Lkland . Michigan Fanner . published at Detroit. Travis A Bakku . go and see them. tion of this charming musical drama. SHRRF.-DBVo. —In Portland. Mich . Nov. 7, She riff of Clinto n County. Under its new management and m its ■ law. by Rev. D. R Ray. Mr T. A. Sheer, of I Tlie largest and finest line of Carpets —On Tuesday last a young inau The costumes, at a great expense, are Humbolt. Iowa, and Mr* L. L. Deyo, of To ( ou»uiurni of *Mt<. bow form the paper is greatly improved. in St. John* is at Kendrick's, at lowest named Carroll entered the clothing furnished by the Acme ('ostuming Co., Ragle, this count) I desire to here say to my friends aud We club liie Farmer with The Inde ­ CRKTT8 —IIRRRY — In lAitaing. I MU. to all consumers of Fresh and Halt price*. ______store of Clark A llulse and sneaked a aud are the same as used by profession ­ hi Rev /.loimermau. pastor of the Lansing pendent at only 91.85 per year. Sam­ pair of gloves into his pocket when he Presbyterian churv-h. Mr Edwin Creyts, of Meats. Poultry ’ &ud Fish, that 1 an now- I The Mercantile Co. pay tlie tanner* al* iu the presentation of "Tycoon ” in I Aiming, aud Miss Ellen Berry, of Montrose, located in the Munger store room, near more cash for Butter auid Eggs that, ple copies at this office. thought lie was unobserved; but "Dart” at present a teacher In the heWItt village —Frank Worden ' now churn:, the all the large cities. Following is the -<■!><»* •: the tiead of Clinton avenue, east side, any three concerns in Clinton county. Hulse hud his eagle eye on him and so­ cast : where may always be found the finest championship as the greatest hunter licited the thief to leave his booty be- meat* at prices or loir a* thr lowest.— Fildew A Millman liave just received lrnm these parts. He claims that while Gen. Knickerbocker. (Baritone) BUSINESS LOCALS, Soliciting a share of your patronage I a big shipment of Wall Faper ami Win foie leaving the store. Carroll stoutly (me of the t ild-Time Knickerbocker*. on his recent hunting trip in Roscom ­ Kanry Good. remain Your humble senrent, dow Shanes. denied the allegation aud would have ...... Mr. E. J. Motnet Mrs. F. II. Frazeil lias tier elegant _ John PvLBOHAitn. mon county, he killed, in one week. 3 whipped the allegator had he felt equal Alvin Marry. (Tenor' stock of Fancv (;ouds now ready. If For Embroidene* aud wiiite goods go deer. 28 pairs of partridge, and caught A Wall Street Broker, afterward Great you are looking for Christmas gifts see Elegant liue of Stationery to Kendrick'a^ ____ to the task. "Dart” finally cuffed him Tycoon ...... Mr. lenon At Thaws A Uakki Fs. ■14 white tish. He also says he saw a up in such a manner that lie disgorged, what she lias in pretty drapes, sofa pil ­ For sole Choop. real live bear, and he never shook so bad Kufus Read). Baritone) lows. head rests, card receivers, toilet Thr x**r Laundry. A house, two lots and a bam. and while an officer was being looked A College Friend, afterwant* Gull Gull. cases, etc. All Handsome ami cheap. We are now ready in our new build ­ _____ L. Vaccon *ant . in all his life. for the offender of the law decamped. Interpreter to Great Tycoon .Mr. H. Dodge Two doors west of Fostoffice. ing opposite the Perrin House site, to —('has. Hement, a resident of Ovid Roger Rover, iBaritone) do laundry work m the best possible Indexed Fruit Cans. 50 cents a dozea Thanksglvine , At Spaulding A Co. ’s. since 1870. died at his home in that vil­ Cim-iiIt Court Kufu*' friend and helper,. Mr. H. Turner manner. Family washing* a specialty. lage on Monday of last week. Novem ­ I*>rd Dolphin, non of Marcbtoneae Puli-Htin Do not delay leaving your order at Min Kit A Findlky . The following are the cases disposed D* Witt’s. ______(ret vour meal* at The Hotel St. ber 13. 1883. aged 70 years The de­ Rack ...... Mr. H. Kttagermld UseFildew a 51 ill man s Winter Fluid John*. Walker street, west. 1401 of in the present term of the circuit Teddy. Lord Dolphin • valet Mr. W. Holton For » CbrUtma* Pr*»t«i for chapped hands. ceased leaves one daughter and two sons, court up to yesterdav noon. Judge l*t and 3d Custom Officer*. > Mr. L. Co Try' our 92 .hu Cabinets- guaranteed to Try Travis' Rheumatic cure for Rheu ­ Use the ” Ideal Polish ” for cleaning Charles, publisher of the I-aingsburg Daboll presiding Elevated men. | • Q. Woodruff please jroar friends. the nickle on your coal stoves. On sale Montgomery Gen. Kntcker- 1 Glenn Steel matism. a guaranteed cure At Spauldin g * Co. ’s. Nears, and Frank, publisher of the Ovid Mertle Kidenour, by aer next friend. Her Samuri. Iioeker'ti Footmen The»> Price _____ (LG. Flunk K*ri . ravis aker net M. Shaw vs WLllatn Davidson. Albert J. At T A B ’*. Register-1 'nion. besides a loving wife to Ncisou and William H. Krepps Trctpaa* on Captain of steamer ...... Maj. Then. Price Attend the (treat Cut Bargain Sale of Hjuadkr rchlrfa. We have the original ‘ Rismark ' saotirn his loss. the onae Will H. Bvuassa tor piaintfw: Nor­ Mia* Hurricane. iNmoi 9*J).(n«* worth of Boots. Shoes and Rub ­ Tlie finest line of Swiss and Linen Spade for ditcher * use. ton A Weimer for detendanst Judgment for Chaperone to Tourist Maidens Spaul ding A Co. —The souvenir half dollars coined!for plaintiff tor 9700. Order granted for■ etastar of bers. at the Ikmton Bankrupt Shoe Co Handkerchiefs ever shown to the ladies the world's fair, those of them that have nroceedtnsa for 30 days...... Mis* Mamie Rtntnonn All go at less than i price tills week. of St. Johns is At John Hicks ’ Consult your best Interests and leave Dolly. (Soprano, not been disposed of. are to be recoined Mary lilederstadt vs. Mathias Groae. As- Wwrwor lluoday. Fiidew A Millman s Eclectic!Balm vour orders for fall and winter suite at aumpstt Lyons Doollng for defendant: J. VIotoC#school friend.. Miss A.Malthouse The Pioneer Grocer of St. Johns, offers _ ____ Judd ’s. into standard half dollars. About two- H. Kedews for plaintiff. Judgment on with Lndy Dolphin. will cure a cold quickly. lira wal of plea for 99M.0S for Thanksgiving trade, a complete Best and newest pattern* and style* thirds of the number coined are still on Marchioness of Putl-Him-Back Mr* B.Lyon For Thookagtxiog ootl thr Holiday ■> The Fox Machine Oo. vs T. C. Beach- As­ And stock of Canned Fruits. Nuts. Oysters of fall and winter suitings and over ­ liand and the directors do not think it sumpsit Myron L firm- for plaintiff; Fed VIOLET. Soprano and Fancv Groceries. The largest stock Geo. F. Fowler A Co., of the Candy ewa A Wal bridge for defendant Judgment on coatings At Judd ’s. would be fair to those who paid a high withdrawal of plea for 9141 AI. Geti. Knickerbocker * daughter, after of Crockery, Glassware. China goods Kitchen, will have readv a nice collect­ wards Little Tycoon .Miss Nina Waldron and all kinds of Lamp*, ever brought ion ot fine candles and confectionery ( hapin A Co are receiving their new price for the coins to put the balance in Ubauncey D. Mean as administrator of Mary to Clinton county. All goods bought in fall good* daily. circulation at their nominal value, hence C Tlhotson. Assumoalt Kelly 8. Sear! for Chorus of Jspanesr. Hobgoblin*. Brigands for Thanksgiving and the approaching p.alntlff : J. H. Kedewa for defendant Jndg Tourists snd Tourist Maiden* large quantities direct from manufac holidays, at prices within the reach of ment for plaintiff for 93B7.M. Those "Horn ’’ Steel range* at Spauid the recoining. Sailor* Hornpipe, danced snd sung by Frank tures and for spot cash. Hence, my all. —Ionia Standard : "The supreme Samuel A. Slotnan and Adolph Kl< ability to pieaae mv patrons. ing A Co. ’s are the best on the market. Charles A. Hotter. Replevin FwtowaFcx A Wal Valentine. Seymour Price. Charlie Sherman “ Crorowrtle." Call and see them. court Friday decided a case of local in ­ bridge for plaintiffs ; tf. M. High for defendant. Glenn Steel. Theodore Price (ravanette is the new serge weave Order granted for discontinuance. terest. In the February term, John SYNOPSIS Drees Goods that water will not pene ­ Eugene F. Cooley vs. Peter Ciaver anda A few facts I wish to call attention to The largest and best assorted stook of Curtiss was convicted of robbery from Jataes Kitts. Attachment. Lyon A Pooling ACT I. Deck of an ocean steamer on Its I have Meat ('rocks, all sizes, from trate. Can be worn in any rain storm Carpets in St._Johns is at Kendrick ’s. the person, and sentenced to two and for plaintiff: Kedewa A Walbridge for defend ­ return from Europe. 15 to 30 gallons. I have a fine line of with perfect safety . Call and examine ants Judgment on withdrawal of plea for AIT II. Drawing Room In Gen. Knickbock- New Raisins from the cheapest to the It ______John IIick * Next Time one-half years at Jackson. His attor •MAI er * elegant VlUn st Newport. best grades. I have in California Dried Cloak- ' Cloah- ! t'looh* You come to town don't forget to see neys. Lyon A I tooling, of Ht. Johns, ap ­ Luceba Aulen vs. Norman Kenner. Slander. Crlch about those Evetroughs. Lyon A Doollnar for plaintiff ; Norton A Wei­ ACT III. Garden Scene at Gen. Knlokbnck- Fruits; Apricots. Nectarines. Harriet (»reat line of Ladies . Misses and Chil ­ pealed on the ground that Judge Smith mer for defendant Order made by the iotirt er’s home. Everything Japanese in boner of Fears and Peaches. dren s Cloaks in ail the latest styles | hk statu saviswn bask for security for roots within Sm days the Tycoon. I have Mixed Pickles in bulk, that are bad uot complied with requests in At JonN Hick *’ OK KOWLRR The Deri In Machine Works vs. Thadaeus C. \dmiaaion. 50c. geatson sale at Alii- verv nice, and about aa cheap as the T charge to jury. The case is affirmed, Reach Assumpsit Kedewa A Wal bridge lor common cucumber piokles. Have you seen those 15c. clotli bound CAPITAL, f I4,00»*. The Rerun Marhim Works. Judgment by < soils . Monday morning. and Curtiss will serve his term. fault for Wm.7\ I have the famous Washing Powder Books at Travis A Baker ’" —The entertainment given by the called the N ine o clock Tea. I still have NET ASSETS OK STOCKHOLDER*. N» The People va. George Nile#. Rntering Far Thanksgiving Day. No tmek to be found at Chapin ACo ’s. young ladies of St. John s church, at dwelling bouse etc. with intent lo commit a better grade of Molasses than you can CONSTANT!NK GKCLER. PrmUml felony Wm. A Norton, for the People. Bent " For what shall I be most thankful, find at any other store in town. the residence of Mr. C. H. Scofield, on to the reformatory at Ionia for a period of six aside from life, health anti prosperity, 1 would be pleased to get your Tlianks Fildew A Millman sell cheap. FREDERICK SCHEMER. Vi months W. H. SHELLING Wednesday evening of last week, in the on the near approaching time-honored giving order. Yours. Respectfully. UarfMa) Cary»t«: Caryot- ’ The People vs. WllUam I. Hewitt. Bastardy DIRECTORS reproduction of Midway I’laisance. was Wm. A. Norton for the People: Lyon A Dooi- F. A. Pkrckv Carpets at low prices to reduce stock. Thanksgiving day asked a fastidious 1 ooiuatln* Graltr. Kr*S>r tck *ck — an exceedingly amusing affair. There mg for defendant Settled by the defendant State street lady of herself. After brief If you leave your order at DeWltt’s We must have more room. marrying the Injured complainant, and the John Kicks . Michael SpluRy. John H. CarMt. was more hearty fun to the square inch wedding took ptare at the Central House on yen will get the best goods and prompt C. C. Vmfhia. Kraak Gruler Tuesday by Justice Collins meditation she replied in an exceeding ­ in each department, than could lie ly happy manner : " 1 lam it! * < me of deliveiy. __ (Vid I Caper at a big dlscovnt M The People vs. Joseph Shaffer and Mathias At Travis A Baker 's. crowded onto the Clinton County fair Ott. Violating liquor .aw Win. A Norton tlioee lovely liats shown in ttiat large No fake, make up and down, at ’ For per cast, inter**! paid oa ltoe t* for the People . Kedewa A Walbridge for de­ the Boston Bankrupt Shoe Co. Prices tavlolfcle Hair isota grounds. There was notuing omitted fendant Pleader! guilty and was Hoed fa> and varied collection at J. T. Cole A always the lowest . Iii all colors ______At Joh n Hk ks to make it an evening of feasting and The People va- Joseph W. (teller. Violating Co. ’s.” While upon this subject let it TATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. liquor law. tool removing blinds, etc The "short cut” road tomtrrrs* is buy ­ S hearty good cheer. Mr. Scofield is nev ­ A. Norton tor the He ante, Kedewa A Wal be said that at this center of fashion DeWitt is agent for the Cliase A San COMMERCIAL AND HAVINGS. er fouud napping. The cash receipts bridge for defendant. Pleafi’leaded guilty and waa born ('offee. Onlv Coffee used at the ing your Drv Goods of Chapin A Co. flnsd 9» may be seen the latest shapes and ex ­ World ’s Pair. ______showed a footing of 983. quisite trimmings to feast the ladies' AS (’•■!• For gf» CAPITAL The Peopu va. Andrew IHIler and John Indies' Boston Rubbers at 27 cent* —Mr. Jesse D. Janes, who was united Haur Violating liquor law. Wm. A. Norton eyes and set them wild to tvecome the New goods iust received. Full line of for the People: Fedewa A Walbridge for de­ pair at the Boston Bankrupt Shoe Co colors —all fall and winter styles. Never in marriage with Miss Matie E. Havens, fendants. Pleaded guilty and was fined W. happy possessor. They are cheap at 85 cents. before told for lees than 50 oents. Our NET ASSETS OF STOCK HOLDEMS. of this village, on the 7th instant, is, The People vs Rimer I. Harris. Disr rderly Mrs. Cole, the principal of this reli­ pnee. while thev last. 39 rents. ronduet ■ Pleaded guilty and was sentenced to Sweet Gerkin. Chow Chow, and Sweet when in active business, engaged in the prison at Ionia for a period of owe year. able (Inn. lias been in this branch of the Mixed Pickles in hulk, at DeWitt’*. John Hu k *. PORTER K PERRIN. selling diamonds and other costly jewels, Edwin K Armstrong. Hunker M. Graham mercantile business for many years in We have the Shawls. We also have GKO F. MARVIN. "In TuaUial on the installment plan, in Chicago. He and Henry I. Armstrong va. William If. Potter Ht. Johns, and her long and varied ex ­ Men * Felt* and Rubber* Best make the trade on them —Velvet Shawls. J. W. cmEGARALP. teak tar. and Thornes J. Ortetoek. Assumpsit H. M Candee Rubbers at 92.19 pair . all sizes H. H. FITZGERALD, A has been very nick, bnt is now slowly High for pialntMh: H. K A E L Walbridge for perience eminently qualifies her to he a very ohenp. Boston B—fanirapt Shoe Co. Chapin a Co. recovering. and will remain here until defendants Judgment for plaintiffs for MM. .v> Court adjourned to December 18th. good judge of the wants, needs and much better Mias Havens, daughter tastes of our intelligent matrons ami DeWitt is agent for Elsie Flour. Don ’t forget that our Cloaks are all DIRBCTORB: new and of this year’s styles, and are of Mr. and Mrs. Dm. Havens. Is too Lleawae to Wed. handsome daughters. Hie attractive­ Your choice of all ladles' Oxfonl Ties P K. C*rrta, O. W. Moagtr. Gw. F. Marrte. J.H sold as cheap as von can buy back num- Oa.b t. J. H. Fedewa. otto Falter. J well and favorably known to our people Date Name aad Reatdearr Age ness of their show window wilt cause and H Uppers, worth from 91.50 to 92.00, and 92.V ’ and 93.00 a pair. All will go John I Ik k - hrowa. G. W. Em—ai. J. SaUt* to require any extended notice at our Nov. IS—John W m,Fowler SB you to halt as you are about to round at our cut sale at only 50 cents a pair. aa oomi ?.a. Alltoon G. K CaeMa. hands at this time As soon as Mr Mattie Fowler... S3 : h —Wm. K katght . DeWitt...... the coraar of Clinton avenue and Hlfti- Come in and get a pair before the> are At John Hicks' are all wool, extra heavy Janes is able he will return to Chicago. Ellea J Bqnatr. DeWitt i* ' am street, opposite The Steel. ail gone. Boston nipt Slice and 4u inches wide. Great value. A Fk eases. ^ flag cholera Is prevalent in Man roe Albion < .>U««o Raltmed TtVMtllrr Mulilwf of d rithmi teasels STATE NEWS MENTION county. U><- Row Me 9 Ulan laboratory. Km! tOO Live* Lust. A Valtier HUM aaU CkUdrew abet. The school house at Inkster has Albion college has passed through A ga rro|>ortion* swept THE PRINCIPAL. NEWS OF MICH- Aft? yean of constantly increasing RESTS ON HIS OAR ANO AWAITS J. O. Drake, treasurer of the Indiana, burned. Cause of Are unknown. Illinois A Iowa railroad, wa* assaulted over tl treat Britain for ^^HlGAN IN BRIEF. usefulness and made a promising start INSTRUCTIONS. over k» iread death and in Ilia office in the Rookery building. A new Moravian church has been ded­ toward lho completion of the century. destruc he shipping and Uatortai Town of K« Chicago, by two men and robbed of icated at Sebawaing. The exercises commemorating the Ashing ns are naturally semi-centennial were of deep interest, 825, taxi which he had peeked in a vn- Coleman people are planning a tele­ liae, preparatory to going out upon the slowly lit is known that especially to the friends of the institu ­ fully re been loat. Ka(la>< Hurntd—Bnettrt* phone line to ML I’leeaant, 15 miles road to pay employes Mr. !>reke re­ away. tion and its work. Many of Uie old- Home i< of the gale can time graduates were present and the ceived rough trestmenL Welts in hia Mrs. (leear Kirby, of Petoakcy, has head bore evidence of savage blows. be gatl fact that two ■to dltn' IlMaaMl Hi scenes seemed to recall the days when heavy 1 > were blown off Tb« unveiling of the soldiers' tnonu- died from the effects of a fall on the they were “college boys" and “college The Oceanic steamer Australia has He had bat little to say. but the sum sidewalk. arrived at San Francisco from Hono ­ of 825.UUU was mentioned aa missing the tra less. From all ■eat—the gift of the late Jacob F. girl’s. ’ Many were the stories told by part* o >e there is trie- The Altruists, soon to settle at Whig- lulu and the news *he brought was and it was soon under*U mk I that the Batchelor, of Saginaw, to 8L Clair elderly ami middle-aged men and wo­ graphii m come reporta ooouty veteran* wa* attended by viile, will establish a broom and basket men, now staid professional or busi ­ hardly what the American people were robbers bad made away with that expecting. It was almost generally amount of the • gale which has about' 0,000 people at !*inc drove park, 1 factory as a starter. ness and dignified matrons, of the lieen a« e by heavy snow Port Huron. Itev. 11. N. Conden. a pranks they played in their college believed that the ex-queen would have Mrs. Thomas I*ranty, of West Thir ­ It is said that the investigation of been restored to tile Ibome by the new storm*. Ashing boat* are veterau, invoked the divine blessing. : .Sheriff Jacobs at Owoaso will coat days. And not a few were the tears teenth street, Chicago, was awakened minister to Hawaii, Willis, and that the by two intruders, who were in her iinssiiq » wreck* are re- -General William liartatuff wa* to de­ ! Shiawassee county 93.UOO. . which came to their eyes as the name ported provisional government had been over ­ room. She called to her husband who he harbor* were liver the oration of the day but waa of some college chum of long ago was tilled I m Mind vessels, prevented by aiekneeaand hia tank wan Walter A. Dahl has pleaded guilty to recalled and it in* told that he was thrown. This anticipation was well rushed to grapple with the men. A the charge of burglarizing hia employ ­ grounded upon the recently published shot from one of them stopped him 1 Much l n caused to live performed by A. H Chadwick. Judge now in the other world. stuck, i luce. Harris gave a abort aketch of the life er’s store at lousing, stealing 93d. To open the exercise* the band ren ­ letter of Secretary G realism which and he fell and died instantly. Tbs showed the present administration's The at lxmdonderry of Jacob F. Ilatcbelor. who bequeathed Regular passenger trains are now dered music at the chapel and the floor noise awakened otber members of the feeling that it would be but justice to family, and a son und daughter rush ­ has vaa team ferry woe the mouunient to the city. Hon. running on the new Alpena A North ­ and galleries were soon lllled. After sunk, ght of the fury Frank Whipple then formally pre ­ l>r. John Uraham had read a scrip ­ give the ex-queen her throne. ing to their mother ’s room, blocked western between Alpena and Posen. , It was therefore with considerable the exit of the burglars. More shots of the | r Hampshire was sented the monument to the city and ture lesson, Uev. U. II. Kuip driven ve*' Bay. Corn- the flags which had hidden the monu ­ Amelia Deview, of Baldwin, got a offered prayer, a splendid vocal surprise that il wa* learned that Min- MioeMeM MbAmbINv Mi with a divorce from her husband and i& min ­ iater Willis hud merely presented hia bullet in her thigh and the son was also- wall, a I to piece* near ment from view came fluttering to the trio was followed by Vice-President Gurnar eaty-one of the ground and the multitude broke into u utes later was the wife of soother man. Barr who introduced President Fiske credential* to the provisional govern ­ ahoL The intruder* sprang over the ment and had not even mentioned hia wounded and made their escape. Two ilauips r drowned, only prolouged cheer. Mayor Merriani de­ William J. Just, of Greenville. Mich . und he in turn delivered the historical one 111a reach the shore livered au address accepting the Has been admitted to practice liefore address. He told of Uie first organiza ­ instruction* from President Cleveland. policemen xvlio were near at the time There were several Hawaiian* on gave chase and tired at the retreating alive, l of t4L Ives ree- monument, and thanked the com­ the interior department at Washing ­ tion; of the different gentlemen who cued 4t aad officer* by mitter for the work they had done. had presided over the college; of the board the Australia and they expressed men, but without effect. ton. great surprise when they heard of the mean* ipavatus. Tlic monument an completed consists The Lake Superior Iron company at growth of the faculty and the attend ­ Only rive members of of a Ikihc IS If feel square at the bottom ance, the latter having increased letter of Secretary Gresham and inti ­ A MONSTER STRIKE. Ishpeming will resume operations at mated that Minister Willis had found the ere icr < inlra which and about IS feet high. The base con ­ it* section 10 mine December 1, em­ from 199 students in 1MX2 to 627 in 1893. was w IL Ives, am raped, tains life-size statue* representing the President Fiske ulao spoke of the bene ­ affair* in a different state than he had l.rhicli Valley KallrosU Completely Tied ploying s‘aout 150 men. anticipated, and, seeing that the pro ­ The *t 4 entered the bar ­ infantry and marine service. The ti. factors of Albion college und closed up —Over I MOO Mrn out. I Kir of er letting go her A. K. emblem in old copper occupies a While Ilev. W. W. Devine, flg Mar­ with an ouliiuc of the work the college visional government was well pre ­ pared to hold tbeir own against any Philadelphia: A general strike was uuchor ere carried away prominent (lostthin on one side of the shall, was on the way to the insuraucc is doing. Mr*. Clinton B. Fiske: Mrs. ordered on the entire system of the Le­ and slu I the rocks. The base On one side ia the inscription: office to have his house insured the Alice Brown HazletL of Lansing; K. unaided action of the royal iats, had concluded to await further instruction* high Valley railroad. The immediate const g led their lifeboat “To the memory of the soldiers living building burned to tne ground. li. Pond, of Ann Arbor, and Prof. L. cause is the <*ompany ’a refusal to rec­ and we go to the rescue and dead, of fit Clair countv. Who \V. Underwood. Lawrence University. from the United States. All the Uraod Army post* in brand The steamer China had arrived at ognize uny committee nr bod} ’ of men when sirandad on the fought in the war of the rebellion." Rapid* are soon to unite und give a Appleton. \Vi»., each made brief as the representative of the employes rocks ii fficuity managed On the reverse side is the inscription: speeches and after a chorus of 75 voices Honolulu with Minister Willis over a grand camp Are. Addresses will be : week before the Australia sailed for of the road. After repealed attempt* to rest” ly mean* of the “This monument is the bequest of delivered by prominent men from afar; rendered the “Festival Anthem" aud made by the grand officers of the sev­ rocket yacht* and two Jacob F. Batchelor, 1X1*3." At each “America Rev. \V. L Cogshull, of San Francisco und hut little of a deAnite nature hud occurred in the islands. eral railway organizations to gain cuaslin_ re ashore near corner of the upper portion of the base Frank A. Dean, of Charlotte, United (•rand liapids, pronounced the benedic ­ Greenock. Among the passengers on the Austra­ audiences with the official* of the road, is a cannon. .Surmounting the base is State* consul to Naples, will sail for ^ tion. This ended the formal anniver ­ and after a sub-committee from the Dispatches received from Banff any a column uliout 35 feet iiigb. on the top ills post on the doth inst. from New sary exercises. lia were the ux-Unilcd .state* consul at Honolulu, H. M. Severance, in an in ­ general committee sitting at the Bing ­ tiiat the M-asiiore for thirty inilea ia of which is a statue representing the Yam. lie goes by the Mediterranean lu the afternoon the chapel was ham lionae, Philadelphia composed of strewn with the wreckage of three oolor-lx-arer. The entire monument is Line. again Ailed to overAowing for the ded­ terview ex-Consul Severance said: “No one at Honolulu hu* heart! anything Ixma Ade employe* of the road, had vessels. .-Li Grangemouth the harken- no feet higii and is made of solid gran ­ It is believed that the slate txiard of ication of the new McMillan chemical failed to secure recognition from the tiue Betty was wrecked on the rocks, ite. It is the first monument ever laboratory. Prof. Full ga?e ;» short about the restoration of the queen b~- but the crew was saved. An unknown health, which recently placed consump ­ ing intended by President Cleveland. road's highest representative in this erected in the city. tion in the list of communicable dis- historical address ot, the uo •: ge labor ­ city, First Vice-President Voorhee*. steamer wa* next wrecked oa the atory work. Rev. Dr. Washington There wa* iio talk of bloodshed or re­ case*, will now place cancer in the ' sistance. In fact, so far as I have been the order to quit work waa telegraphed Heat!land aud soon went to piece* and Two tioou tirab* by Burglars. 1 same liaL Gardner paid tribute to Senator Mc­ to ull the employes uleng the line of aeven lives were lost. Several fishing Millan who alone paid for the labora ­ able to learn, all the recent excitement The little village of Wauceduii. six Dundee will put down another well , over Honolulu utfuir* up]>ear* to liave the road. The result xxa* that a gen ­ Ih Nits have lieen lost off the same spot, miles from Norway was the scene of for gas or oil. So it was decided at a ' tory costing $25,000. Senator Mc­ eral strike waa declared. Over lx«Hi in Ijough Foyle two wreck* are re­ Millan. in a few words presented the lieen stirred up in this country." ported with 12 live* lost. an extensive robbery. V. Kochon*. an largely attended meeting of citizen*. The dispatches from Honolulu de­ men will be idle until the matter is cooentric old storekeeper, hud for Contractors are on the Held making or- | keys of his gift to President Fiske. settled. Many vessels sought shelter badly The boys immediately gave three tailing the reception of Minister Willis years been known to keep large sums niugcmcnt*. by the prov dotial government give Buffalo: Freight traffic on the Le­ damaged trailer the lee of the high, of money in his safe. Uochons was cheers, tiger* innumerable, and the high is stopped, but several passenger jutting cliff* of the Knglish channel George 11. Jacobs, a brand Uapiils college yells muny time*. Dr. Fiske President Cleveland's letter introduc ­ and two vessels perished on the Good ­ called to Iron Mountain by bogus tele­ ing Mr. Willis, which reads: trains have lieen running. The tele­ grams aud while away the safe was aid *rmaa, •* charged by Muy long ex»i-u»d be ­ Irnsed on rumor* tiiat the leaders of the fuse did not burn. It is the biggest The new MeMillau chetni al labora ­ tween us. y knowledge ids high char ­ were rescued by the life boats. The City * council to investigate the alleged party are contemplating a change of burglary llellevue ever hath tory is 52x90 feet in dimension*, four acter and ability li.-i- .Men tne etuile con II- organization liecause of *ome disagree­ schooner Wiekiaaaes was wrecked near misuse of county fund* by the board stories in height, of brick and sand ­ denrethathe will eon*taully endeavor to Yarmouth anil live of her crow went of supervisor* in fee* for services advance the interest and pro. peril v of lioth ments among them. hut especially for stone. In the iMsetuent are store government- and *o render liltu-clf accept ­ drowneii while the boat lay on a ledge ■* 400.000 Hiatt* in • Lumlitr Town. claimed to have been rendered. l the pur(io*c of |>ermittiug the advo- room*, toilet-room*, the heating boil ­ able to your excellency. I therefore re tuesi I cates of the free coinage of silver, who of rocks, pounding to piece* in full A furious Arc. and one that in loss ers, and ga* machine anti engine, ami vour exelletn-v to receive hint tavura Iv view of thousands of spectator* who Fred Priudle, a wealthy tie-r-an and to ulve full credence lo what he shall I have never embraced the Populist doc- of property lias seldom iiad its parallel a vault for storing chemical*. On the were utterly unable to be of any as­ in the north woods, broke out at Keno. Oakland county farmer, while iswling M»y on the pari of the Lotted 'late- und the 1 trines as to government 4ixvner*hip of a load cf straw, was thrown from his second floor are the private room* of ii*suriin<-e* which I have c larzed hint lo sistance to the ilmwning men. It was Newaygo county, aud was not extin ­ con miv to you of the heat wlshe* of this i railroads, the bond loan policy ami the load at Pontiac with such violence that Prof. Fall, an organic laboratory, iv , issuing of paper moruy, to uttach impossible to launch the lifeb«iat on guished until 5200,000 worth of lumber quantitative laboratory, and a eomhus itovcrumenl for the pro .pertly of I lie Ha­ account of the tremendous sea dashing had been destroyed. The lumber was hia injuries may cause his death. waiian IslanU* a.v Mod have your excel ­ themselves to tiie new organization. tion room, the balance room, and a re­ lency In Ills wise keeptuic. "vnator I’effer wa* calleil upon for upon the coast, und the schooner waa the property of William Peters, of To­ Railroad Commissioner Hilling* ha* search room. Ou the third Hour is the 1 our guofl friend. too far out too be reached by the ledo. A strike occurred a few weeks completed his tail inspection* of the UHIIVMI C. Rl KI.AMI. information a* to the eorrectni-sa of the qualitative laboratory and lecture rejxirt. and unhesitatingly stuted that rocket line. ago because pay was delayed. The railroad* operating in Michigan und room, seating abont 100. In addition The Honolulu papers were in ecsta­ The packet boat Killarney. from Mil­ flmi next day paid off the help and dis­ says they an* in better condition thau sies over the evident good will expressed the rumor of the propo sed change wa* ford. arrived at Cork and report* that to this there are many other room* well foundeil. "I expect," lie said, “a charged the strikers, hiring new men. when he inspected them last spring. titled up for original research. The toward the provisional government. when 15 miles out she sighted the dis- The (ire broke out in the lumber piles, The passage in President Cleveland's new alignment of parlies to he found L. D. Calif, of West Bay City, was fourth Aoor is occupied with a mineral a!ih>d National Line steamer Helvetia hence the report* of incendiarism. letter: “lie will constantly endeavor after the eongrcsaxinal election next showing signals of distress. The Kil­ caught by the revolving shaft in A. and chemical museum, a chemical year, and that the new party xvill he Still it may have been caused by men society room, and quarter* for a jan ­ to advance the interest* aud prosperity larney stixxi by the Helvetia for Are smoking or by a spark from a locomo ­ Wheeler's shingle mill and dragged to of lath govern merit* aud so render ready for our work in the presidential the floor. Kvery stitch of clothing itor. hour* but wa* unable owing to the tive engine passiug through the yard. himself acceptable to vour excellency," el«x*tion of ixtai. ” was torn off but lie wasn't badly hurL tremendous sea, to take her in toxv The mill was Ha red by workmen Stale Monitor Mrlitml Ciinrmllaa. is one which calls forth especial editor ­ "Ito you mean that the Populist and was obliged to leave her to her party xvill lie disorganized?*" xvasusked. sweeping off the falling sparks and in the spring of lHifl Dr. H. 8. Cox Over 000 Sunday achool workers, del­ ial t-otmuent, and one of the papers, futi using water freely. One house and planted a black walnut which had ju*t egates to the State Sunday School con ­ the Hawaiian Mar, print* the sentence "The Populists," he replied, “xvill two barns and live freight cars were sprouted. This wo* his ceuleuiiial vention, were entertained by the citi­ for several days at the head of its form part of u groat national organiza ­ THK MARKETS. destroyed tree, lie ha* gathered this fall from zens of Hillsdale. The meetings were editorial column in bold type, under tion. which will probably lie brought tilt* tree two and one-half bushel* important and the report*, lecture*, the heading. "Good Cheer from Cleve­ together uniier another name. The Detroit. shucked nuts. aduresses and diacussions very interest ­ land." Other papers were equally full IVipulist party will have the same rela­ t'attle—Oi xl to choice .., 9 4 73 to M K Delon MmIIdk of l.lvr stork Association. Box*...... 4 SO .. 5 75 ing. For the executive committee A. of the same tone of rejoicing. In fact tion to this new (tarty that the old free The numerous live stock associations Joseph C. Bailey, one of the early soil anil ubolitionisl parties lioro to the Mieeti and lanilm ...... 2 4*1 3 80 settler* of Nelson township, Kent A. Hough, of Jackson, reported that it can be accepted without question Wheat No 2.... *>\.. Htftfc of the stute hold their aunual meetings that the provisional government up to Republican party." While A pot No 1...... 51119.. WM county, fell off a ladder and died fnmi 70 countv conventions and 10 district Corn No :: moot ...... BS • at Ionising during the third week of convention* had been held during the the hour of the Hailing of the Australia When asked xvhat would be the issue December Prominent stockbreeders the effects of his injuries, lie leave* a .No 2 yellow ...... 41 .. 4B* wife and four children and was about past year. At the convention held in had no knowledge of the purpose of upon which the uexv party would or­ • •at*--No 2 white spot ,... :Bk" Wo an* making a determined effort, which Hay City. 93.45V.X1 was raised to carry Minister Willis to restore the queen. ganize*. he said, “The issue is now be ­ live...... « will doubtless be successful, to have 65 years of age. tween the money power and u gold llay—No I timothy ...... 11 uu .. U 00 on the work during the year. The Washington dispatches say that it is Potatoes ...... 45 .. ® the pn|iem which are usually read tie- The Kxcelsior furnace at Ishpcining. secretary. M. II. Reynolds, of Owosao, believed by some naval officers that basis, on one side, ami the producing Mutter— Dairy per lb ...... 1* .. tl fore these associations seperately owned by Marquette parties, will go reported there are IX normal classes in , Minister Willis ha* found thing* so masses of the people advocating an en ­ Creamery...... -...... 91.. 20 united and read before the general as­ into blast us soon a* the plant can lx* larged volume of money on a gold, Hints per do/ ...... IS .. tl the state; 3.XX1 Protestant Sunday i different from what hi* instructions LIxe Poultry —Fowls ...... 0 .. 7 sociation. This will leave each of the put into repair. It will lie operated schools: 44,017 teacher* aud officers: led him to expect that he has assumed silver and (taper basis on the other. Chickens ...... 7 .. rt> by Fun Du lav, Wi*. . capitalists. Ducks ...... 7 .. • » several associations to hold their busi ­ total enrollment of *M3,755, counting the authority to refer operations until That will be the groat issue in 1*86. ness meeting* by itself and all partici ­ Aliout 75 men will lie employed. he received further instructions. and it ia one upon which the people Turkeys,...... 0 .. 9 only those between the ages of 5 and CIReego. pate in the benefit* of the general The 912,000 electric light I Kinds of 20 year*: 075.507 Protesluat pupils in i Illoiml'* Report. will divide without regard to former meeting* party difference*. ’ Cattle—Steers ...... 9 4 05 to U S, Holland have been taken by outside the Sunday school. The treasurer re­ Sec re tar- Gresham has at last given i i ii i moii ...... a ou .. a au Cheep txeu ...... 3 ttb .. a M capitalists, and now the Detroit Klee- ported an indebtedness of 832X 48. out a *ynop*is of Commissioner Lamia...... 2 30 .. A00 free Soup si Kalaiuaroo, tric Light company will commence im­ Officers for next year: President, mount's report which shows that Koxroliittonlola Arm! s (7. M. t'onanl. llcixs Mixed ...... 5 10 .. 5 99 Owing to the lack of work in Kai- mediately to put in the city plunt, lioth 50 ployment enough to carry them through secretary, A. H. Crtes, Lyons; treas­ to do no by ‘the government ami in ­ t Xheefi--*«tiod torholce .... 2 0J .. U 15 He had a dangerous wound in his lef: wo* arrested during the skirmish be ­ Lambs...., ...... aw .. 5 00 the winter unaided. Already Nuperin* urer, W. L. C. Reese, Jackson: execu ­ formed that the authorities were will­ tween the government troop* and Gen. Wheat-No 3 red ...... *»V. tendent Hush and Humane Agent Har­ leg under the knee, and will not give a tive committee: K. A. Hough, Jackson, *traight story as to how he received ing aud thoroughly able to preserve Saraivm and ia now 4-ontined on board Corn No 2 white ...... US.. 44k per have their hands full in attending chairman: Rev. Washington Gardner, order und protect American interests: the revolutionary steamer Iris, which oat* ...... ail*.. •*** the shoL WKKKI.Y ItKVIKW or Tit A J IK. bo case* of actual waut and the Union Albion; T. K. Hark worth. Jackson: C. that these troop* were stationed across i* off Desterro. The only crime of A i«l society ha* reorganized to render Claude Metealf, collector for K. li. K. Adam*. Detroit; Rev. W. li. Vincent. the street from the government build ­ which he ia accused, so far as car. he Nix Y ohk . Nov . 3D.—It G. Dun. A Co s Mibetantial aid. It ia proposed to open Dun A* Co., was held up at Saginaw by Detroit; A. 1! Swurlout, Saginaw: Rev. ing in which Minister Stevens knew two men. but fortunately all of his col­ learned. i» that he did not favor the review says: Business Is irRInlnir hut It M a free sou|>-room. C. II. Ilealc, Lansing: Rev. li. M. Ford. the revolutionists were alsiut to read rovol utioniai* a constant complaint that the iinurovearni lection* were in check*. The men Ilillhdaie: Rev. II. M. Mowry. Ypsiluntl; tlieir proclamation anil that the revo ­ Is slow. This U because vary raw raolUr secured only $250 of Metcalfs own Imjw heavy a load liuslna*. ha- to iiraa aftet A Railroad In Hard Lusk. G. 8. Fleming. Jackson: G. M. Davis. lutionist committee relied upon the Mrs. Mayiirlrk OytaR. It In cllmhlnK uiiaxaln l.c/idallvc uncer ­ money. Ilu was assailed frnn. behind Kalamazoo; K. 8. WrighL Hancock; Amerioan troop* to protect them in tainties welsh hea«lly. hut other lead* The Toledo A South Haven round but suffered no injury. David l*aul. Calumet; Rev. J. Ferris, this act of rebttllion: that Mr. Stevens Rev. .Liiae Ingraham, rector of Grace many overlook. Toe pad depression, with house at l*o»v Paw ha* burned to the church. SL Louis, received a letter traulns and manufai-turlni: failure- involv ­ 8L ignaee: J. C. Collin*. Iron Moun ­ recognized the provisional government ixi ground and three locomotives were Millionaire Mark Hopkins, of ML from lianmee* Caroline von Roque, in ing than *t_i. In nine inaaMto. Clair, hss a 935,000 damage suit on his tain; Rev. J. Frasier, Marqette. according to a preconceived program besides booking failure- of enurmoae lla- destroyed The loss is about 911X1,000 xvhich she slate* that she ha* learned btlltiea and failures of railway aad other hands by Mrs. Stephen Hart, who before that government had obtained corporal tun- liavlax heavy ind*nte«lnaaa to and there is no insurance The origin HI rang* fatal Arrlilnit In tho qulnry Ml nr poNsesaion of the uepartmentaanil mil­ that Iter daughter. Mr*. Florence of the Are is unknown. The railroad while working in the laundry at the ( May brick, xvho wa* convicted of ladivlduats and firms. Involve . ..nzlcual Summerville hotel had both arms ter­ William McCarthy, aged '*0. was itary power at Honolulu. anil that the etntiarras-inenl- which men am prone to has but one locomotive left. This is military power of the United States | poisoning her husband, is dying in forget. There ha* imen great encueewre- ribly and permanently injured by be ­ killed in the tjuincy mine at Houghton. j Woking prison. Kngiand. The lamineas inent durlnx the past week to the fact that now running, hut it will he unable to He had been employed in the mine for was used to install the provisional November payment- are far morewatlefar- ing crushed in a mangle. 1 speak* hopefully of necuring her handle all the traffic Aa the road bed 30 years, waa a very careful man. and government. torv thau was feared, ami yet the exten ­ daughter ’s liberty. The baron cm sion- of the month would hav» -earned is in Inm I nhape there is a prospect that William C. Shepard, of Mikado town ­ waa a timlier bnaa at the time of bis It was Commissioner Blount * report expects to bring her to America.aa. her aiarnwiiK other years. uerchMito-who col ­ all train* will lie taken off during the ship. Alcona county, went into the death, lie left his gang to go to a which induced President Cleveland to lect part of the amount due are rejoiced winter. The Toledo ,V South Haven ia stall with his famous stallion to feed lower level after some short drill*, and take step* toward the restoration of hut their buying power Is not m large as a narrow guage road and is managed him. when the animal grabbed his it ia supposed that upon his return to the Hawaiian monarchy. It is well to usual The extraordinary shrinkage in by It. II. fmgiiah. of New York. master by the wrist and so ground Un ­ purchases for consumption. IMesssolag. haa the shaft after getting the drills, he say. also, that Minister Stevens denies Gov. Peck xvill issue a call to the -till.made It impossible to manor (areas to go arm in his teeth that amputation near accidentally fell, and was run over bv every* imputation cast 114x1a himself •in lie fore The condition, ml industries the elbow was necessary. people of Wisconsin for nidi for the Improve, hut they wisely swaXt the revival HIom st Itottto t'reek. the skip, as it came to the surface with anti the officers of the Boston. It i* Lluriey sufferers. of purchase- by consumers. Twenty-four School building No. 4 burned at Hat­ Ten llcntou Ilariiur grooary Arras en ­ one wheel off. Itoth arms, leg* and now simply a question of severity. works of all kinds have wholly or In part A sawmill Imiler burst at llewderson- rus/unod against fourteen viewing Yet tie Creek The interior is a total gaged in a war on price* for provision - hia back were broken, and there wu a leas than half the Iron-worktsg» power I* ac­ They sold Aour at 92.50. 25 cents less a hole in the back of his head. Dr. Luriu* Merriaiu. instrncto- in viile. Ky., anil killed Harvey and Cohen wreck. The loss is 920.000. partially Winton. brothers. tive and out of ninety-nine weaton works covered by insurance. The store of barrel than it can be re place* I for in polities! economy ntCornell university, m the cast only ten are worktpg full time, while ftirty-ilve were shut on Nov L The Robert Stewart also burned and 92.000 carload lota. liranulated sugar 27 Charlotte and Marshall each expect ami Mias Mary L. Vearing, of Snntli The scale has been settled in Youngs ­ (allures for She week have b een til la the worth of hides were <*onaumed. The pound* for 91. Citizens liought freely to have a canning factory with a cap ­ Carol las. were drowned ia Cayuga town, O.. and the iron mills have re- I nllisi Main, agalaat MS Itot year, and 31 origin of either Are is unknown. for *n all-winter snpply. acity of 10,000 cans a day. lake. New York. bmtot'd after 23 weeks idienaas. ia i an ad a. awalnst S3 last year. Port Huron Guards. Co. F., Third The Ozark anti Willard hotels wave Adolph Fmser and Herman Bad re I. t'ollewe tllrl Oetregert and Mentored. Catanel J. Sumner Rogers of the Rainnerd Hclthay. the Gogebie high regiment, elected officers for a term of destroyed and the Pail man anti Duma of Taronturn. Pa., were struck by is Mis* Itirdic Baugh, handsome and Ortdtard l

A personal in a 1 km ton paper read* woman, who had induced her daugh ­ Wlth ehtt'-i words she flounced out as follows: “To Philanthropists —I ter to return and seek aa exnlstnUion spinunr of the room, leaving l'riacllla am a working woman; will some one more than ever astonished and my* of Mm apparently suspicion* circw to bo bay and hold for me two shares of lifted. stances from Mr. Mayblaasom- r Don ’t Forget A fistic encounter between the wife Hager common, and allow me to pay ••What can have been the matter debility, impair 1 wHh her?" thought the dressmaker. and the dressmaker seemed imminent in monthly installments? Address sd memory, low •*Cati she know my Augustus, and when the front door opened and Au­ it is V. E. M.” t», irritable t*m-| could he have been paying her any ad- gustus entered. While Louis Westeott was arousing per. him I th** thouaHnd The young man had tracked his sndone • In snaiinnata i dreaees? I must ask him when ho •n elevated railroad trestle at Elisa­ T mh aM sweetheart to the very house and bad of bund unu Usiy raiety J comes.** beth, N. J.. he was struck by a train ptv ity t h 1 uf. It was already near noon, and but a come to drag liar away by force if that result from, and buried thirty feet awav. landing uimatund, pernk-kma far mnl of bronu, short time elapsed before Mrs. M*y necessary. - habit*, .:on true tod* with a couple of blossom ’s departure after the fas­ Fortunately at this moment Mr. below the trestle, a fall of eighteen through ignorance 1 Cupids in atti­ cinating Augustus put in an appes r- May blossom descended from the room feet. Doctors pronounce his injuries Much habits mailt in tudes of charm ­ above, and after some difficulty man ­ as not serious lu» of manly 1 »ower. ing ubandon. the lie. too. naught sight of the dock, aged to give the necessary explana ­ An Irish whitethorn cane, which wreck the constitution snd sumetimm pro ­ duce softening of the neatest of carved and his manner, which had boen tion. The result of all was a repent- was presented to Ilichard llrown, who flowers and vari­ ardent and loving at h*a entrance aut wife, two oontrite and crestfallen BAKING POWDER raiysu, and «veu dreod 1 commanded the America when she To reach, re-clahn aadnul ■nvtore socb SB- ous other iaeora- suddenly changed to one of fierce rage lovers aud—a ruined clock. won the original cap around the Isle fortunstes to health and happiness. Is the tions. all cal -uiahr-d to attract atlen- and wild Jealousy. -on of the publislHm of a book wrwhm te tion and please die eye. “False, fickle woman! ” cried he. in BANN PUBLISHING. that makes the deli­ of Wight, is now in posses sion of plain but chaste language, on the It stood tinder a glass globe in a con ­ a melodramatic air “Is it thus you William H. Webb, a retired New \ ork t symptoms and mriil spicuous posiUett in the show window betray the fond faith which my too ADMonnmatnU of Intcuriril ltarrling*. cious biscuit, griddle police sergeant. ar- jzrjsrz, of a well-known Ilroadway Jeweler, trusting heart has reposed in yon? ” TH it Have Han»•» iiiluWrrsptML t*rrupt*«i. « j i 1 ”5^; r*. . _ m.* S-rtMj: and as pretty Mrs. Maybiusaom. the “Augustas” exclaimed die, terrified A few years ago a ludicrous, albeit CciKc and QOUgtlXlUt. Orests sold his entire effects for $10... WorldV wife of u modth. passing by with her at his excited manner and tragic vexatious, incident occurred at a UKJ Mam HC, Bu ,N. Y. ye> ng husband, caught sight of it she tones, “what do you mean? ” The inventory included his wife and abruptly pwused and gushingly ex ­ “That clock,” cried be, pointing to church in Larkhall. A rustic couples children. It would appear that he after having had the henna published rued him bargain, for on the next night claimed: the innocent cause of ail these com­ GATHERED GRAINS. “Oh, tiwoogc. what a lovely clock!” plications. the prescribed number of times, pro ­ he placed kindling, saturated with oil, Ati fries shsshI “Yes, Awnte dear.” replied he, “it “Why —why, ” stammered she. “DM ceeded to the church to be joined in National grants in aid of education under thA house, but hia intentions WORN NIGHT AND DAY. is really beautiful. ” you not send me that? ” holy wedlock. The service was con ­ were first made in the United States were discovered in time. “flow I wish," said she wistfully, ••I send vou a hundred dollar cloak!” ducted without a hitch until the „iU> r-**uoocr-ll in 1808. Mlrhlswn Ontrsl Winter Toerief Rstss. tlussiima l'»hS that you could afford to tray it It exclaimed ho in toaes of bitter acorn. vilergymau arrived at that part EEmi. SBSSB would made such a splendid ornament •T, with a salary of 81 a week! You In the world's fair forestry building The Michigan Central __now selUes Inr» Ko«r»*sslsd where ho asked. “William Wishar. round trip i\1n»r Tourist tickets to points for the parlor mantle-piece. ” cauuot deceive me. You know that not a single nail was used in its con ­ south smi south est at reduced rates, good “1 weald be only too happy to do Mr. May W.osaom bought that clock at wilt thou have this woman to be thy structions returning until lime l. I'M: also to rhclsc rsl— tor asif* wedded wife?" when the bridegroom coast point-, rood nine month* to return. an, I nit yi u know Annie, f’m a young our store this morning You knew A pig with only two legs is the pet merchant and whatever resources I replied with some avtouiahmoot. that her tic-eta suit Information apply at of a New York police officer. The Union Ticket Once. t> Woodward avenue have aanst be strictly devoted to busi ­ hia name ww> not William Wisher. osrucr Jeilersoa.or Depot foot of Third m. perher was captured in Spain. ness. ” The ceremony was, of course, sus­ Bse Cutch —Mr MpaiUag UssUoUv. la uthsr cuhSB. Nbe gave a little sigh mi regret, but pended nod. on investigation being Mrs Charles Htewart Parnell still urged the purchase no further, and Uvea la Urn hostse where her husband PJ SOS CURE fOR_ made aa te the cause of the mistake, Forbear to Judge, for we are sinners all. the newly married couple, shortly it transpired that the bridegroom 4ied. She has no amusemeets, no di- ' afterward arriving at Mr. Mavbiaa- -versions and enters none of the social who bars wsa* lasgast A*th- soma place of business, he after a had wrkton to the sexton of the •• Hibsm'i Noglr t'sm Ralv*. 'ss. ssoald ass mao's Curs for | pleasures of life. Wtmutel l* cars or mossy rsfasOaU. Aal . It has « tender parting from his wife, entered church, requesting him to havo the dniUsUfM ’ M- Prioo IScoMs. It has noiiojsr-1 hisatore. while she continued on her banns published, and concluded his It is interesting to hear the confess ­ lad <*«s. It is not bad tela way'to buy some few necessary things letter thus: “Me no more from your ions of Cramp, the great shipbuildA-, Stoafl n»h will nibble at any klad of bait. 1 it laths bast sough syrup for their recently established house- Well Wisher and (flary Williams.’ that he does not go aboard oftener be ­ ML The sec ton. suppost ig that William cause ocean voyages prostrate him Uhllsh't ( MMnmpllMi t'sfs CONSUMPTION I* **•< os a guarani or. II rurra |ari|M.«t » oswsp- hi spite of his ne on am ic resolutions Wisher was the naBie of the iaSauc- with sea sickness Ism* It JS l*a batOswsh Uu*. arl*,W(U.«fUS the'young husband felt strongly in- ing boned id. published the oano- ofciTted to gratify hi*, pretty wife's Itswore «f tllntoienla Sir Catarrh *THat A ls/y man's clock always runs too fast. apish, and when, therefore, he found ■Bcordingly and the disappointed Coin tin Mrrrarr, ELY’S 1 enuptj wore comp iled to await 4iie Catari iyvng on his desk a letter containing sh morrtirv wl'lvnirelv drmtroy the sanse of inn's Csnphor Ire wilt* tlljrrurlnr. a-siim of money and was informed by . publication of Me banns in their smell and eamhleteiy '*ierange tlw whole I Cure* Itianel M*o *Uoih I K*or, TmmW or Sore ►'wi. nystem when encoring ll through thr sue . Fur*, a* C. t*. Cl—r* Co.. New Utiu, CU l CREAM BALM the writer that it war the repayment proper names. imi surfare-. Such ar.lets- -howM never , of a loan which Mr. Mavblossom had Vie preceptor if a country p«'ish be ased vxrept en prew rlptlon* IWU rep ­ Cleanees the made to a friend in bis bachelor days, chn oh near Arbroath one Sueday utable phV'K ’IWn-. as the damage tfcur will Love U usNty a very pleasant faith cure. Nasal Passagee. and long looked apnr. as hopeless, he dots tea fold tr tho got,d you can possibly I anr ounced free his place that “Micro derive from dieru. flail- < atenrli cure* If thr llub* I* ( utllns Troth. Alleyn Posnanfl •determined to invest the mosey, wen a solemat per pose of marring* ■ be ­ ■saaiifartiire*! hv V. J. t'heeey v Co.. To ­ He .ore and nu that oM aad well triad remedy. Ear. 1 Inflammation. which was ns good as found, to the ledo. »>.. con is. 11- nus.rrrury. and 4s taken I tween AiexamA'r Spink of KMtier’n tatermflly. uOtinc dtrortly upon the blood j VuusaN nu sruisu H*»tr for rhlldrao Taathtag. Ipurchisr of that dork. •I WAIT * XO KXn.ASA of the -vaiem Iw | It did not take hitc long to return sin ” huving Hall's caiarVit ure l»*sw you get To Callfwawta, vtn Denver and Halt lake Restores the 'to the Jeweler's to -strike a bargain, Wynd," when*'}he parish hondh . who the : dine. It U taken tascrrsaily id CII*. that hr sent it to yournnd you re id tmub- In Toledo Ohio, by F. J. ■ hens? Dense** of Taste tthe money he had an opportunely re- . ectved it. You took this costly prone* t m.ip Homatiiin^f of a character, sud­ • «. Te«timonlal* fre»- I I'strona of Ms? (irest Central Route and Dmell. -eeived being jest little more than fr,,m-s married in aw. Oh. Priscilla. .1 denly rose aa*l unco emanioutly in- r~MelU t>y Druggists. Me. par bottle Weekly Recursions to t -illfornix, vtn the * the price asked, and the clock and ■ l inos* 1‘a'tlK' cr»n bs*e their tlckeu real thought more of ymi/duit now all ikt Mnrrupted the proceeding by exclaim ­ via lienwr and Unit Lake t.'ltr vdtiieut ad- TRY THE CURE. Cion' were carofully done up in over with us. My love, is dead, and I A mntkun, frlaSf la u thing 1 1 snd dluenat «*xp> “i«e t>etiU for folder giving ing: “ThattV wrang. that ’s wrung A particlebis. Pni-^HSil*I* a •* r*rns*t-t-_.orj ;ipareel. live-hut for reveaape.” fit’s no ’ Saniers Spink o ’ -Fisher's dsiaU-smd .-dr-utage-oilered. aofeeable. P “To what addreer shall I itY’ r. i: >HKAi*Kt(. manager. BLY ”•' He .-lapped his habuver his eyes and '.oan, that's gann to marry Klspoth Coaghloc trad* to tVonsuiaptlon. 191 South Clark street. Chicago .. asked the polite storekeeper. rushed out of the ream, leaving Pris­ K. L leUUAX. llackett. ha long Saadetv Spink o ’ Kemp- lisissm will -top the cough st OetL'l. Rear. A Ticket AgL. Omaha. Noh. W. N. U.. D----Xl—A7. “There is my os d,” replied Air. cilla nearly fraaoth with fear end mhv Smiddj Croft. ’* The name of one of . Yo»i wilMu «• the cxivHem olfoct after Mavblossom taking the hit of paatr- grief the Brat dose. Ask your friend —atiout IL .Kfc When writing to AdvwrtUsra pleas* SR smdglUant all druggists. It Ireitry In solitude to live after your board out of his nurd case, “t wish Meanwhile Jfcr <*1avbi«ms«a had partiewtiad boen wrongl . stated gm* saw the advertioonsost In this l*aear< you would send it at once, us mv wife quietly spent tM- morning atteoAlng in the proclamation paper .and this is out and I desire to surprise her hr Amraip* rd<.i friends fa all leaig ood Lthis business, andind now, during the waa the stay the beadle took to oor- bye wove. having her aee the cluck on her rr- imiom Iiiv mem. wav slowly wending rect iL ' turn home " Ills vivav home, fall 4r>? blissfnl aalici- i Some yetrs ago u middle-agetl agri­ A Chilli Kujnjra CURES PROMPTLY “1 am *orrr ’that:b is impossible for |MMtons of a iesang- -vclcnsae from his The hmi tlsvor. gentle action snd SWELLINGS, me to do ae. My delivery cmk .in cultural Laborer called upon the ses­ wrfi and utterly ut conscious of tin sion clerk of Alloa and asked him tilt! effects of Kyrup at Figs, wt.mln absent and wit not return for am hour htsrni that was gathering oa his de need of s lexativo. sad If 'the fath r or , * * BACK-ACHE, what the r largo was for publishing or ao .” mw tie horixoa. tool her be cosh ve or bilious, the most-grstl - “No matter, tiuri. (Jive a * the ••cries”—L e., banns of marriage too lie reached kwmv and wa* fraatl* fyiag eesulu follow Its nan: ao the; it Is LAMENESS, parcel. ” ;t*li uistied te letsrn from the rod ; —three times on the same Sunday. the best family remedy known, snd every SUBDUES, CURES. lie took the iharMi “Aye.” -said the other, "an ’ what 'sio noire who Its open-si to nasshy. wit i him. She lad come u- n. remained .t\ lerctere a Lewlew nutuh w.ft, n*d i.*r 1 1 1 I.»S»|MI mi. -pri'l-H.lonal *n*>n. awbasieH, fsiMSf Ihilf WE^ parcel and a surd from toe oaidcner* ••Half a guinea,'' was the reply. A single trial of Dr. Henry I tax ter * Man ee>t aw cru. work teres tse *w»r roeeS-bso sass nothins else nrl«OB lira »o murh quwk rs«u. Ilrgia- and then left tlit> house. “An - what d’ye chairge when ye wo MmM: iMrsnall whsr* i.tSers fstl—ner prtes* half others, oar Whf»ls Root Truss Or* (Oaiisos which lie still liela n his lutoti. •aanl H hat ciniM it mean. He w«uit to dnhr Kilters will convince ar. y on*- laarr !ui>trdJCsa>«aSsr**v trwirsmsi. hater sorts fnrtss North in C*Mn sorts fsrsvsry stale la there's the money for vour nervier. I Ills wife s ruotn. I] t was cm ptv. There tak* three Sundays to ’t ?” was the troubled with costlvnesa. torpid liver or say t:.S*.;ii»r»n«T s*Shi mi iwWt. ws pet freight*. ln»nr# «atl'fsrtlot •. bulM «p trade. h^4 It; ys*» work kiMkiwI disease* of tlmlrourstlvn proper ­ IWU( no luKMir nn: idt is* »s«Si* ;n«i rsortr. tho flnr.i r*rr n»*U. Write quirk (vinos oar. raMe- Now be off am1 sec that you eueeuh: nn no ciock *»n.themantelpteor M.. rustic's n* xt query. rsv». s«r.) u* VTA a* HS'V Nnutuio k ' ihthahihi On.. ltrpt. !*>riHI ASA. Mo .or your errand |m>uipti (y. and don ’t ikn*: whs t was that? -A letter addreswwl to “Seven and six. ” answcretl the ties 1 heyoalv cost 35 cent* per bottle. 1*0 cemT ItO. V.>««S»r-l mt: l.ieosrrs* .Verosrtr'; XtUNscTT'OrrSaM* Nitv I Iwn,tarns«forllrShSHS to demand auy pay .from the tody. ” Tc 1 imiiquHe. 411 joranq Nurseries.'UreSarO*. ale., mil of asset taforauuion shout trass sod fruits. Ilia, anti in his wife's liaodwritiai,;. clerk, with an amused air. D*wbV Kllxlr will cure sav cough or cold, “All right, ear.” said the iiasiimis • He tastily ope net' it and read: “Ayc.;« an. ” rejoined thr querist, aionairv, “tTLda thy fob in a Jlff.v,” outsat lor of bow long standing. Mr. May blossom ••cturned to hi*, Forever farewell. By the time yen “I see the longer ye tak’ to dae't tho atnrr in a rem li.iefitl state of mind. J rent this idler 1-fhall have return' d cheaper J‘, gets, .lusters- uwa' till The bask seat prof* wa* .* a front !.! rvi sia to my parents 1 our deceit is disurv- -eait «t tho oi rc ua while the man 1u .ua .—d at the card fmz ye pay jmraal’!” the directs*!!!. ered. i have learned all. Ifir-tt I And he took his depavtaro with ­ ••ft.JIO— California aad Iteluro —SMUl ftO went to the dressmaker * and saw ti e “Hello, wimtAr thir ” c\c.aimed hc out momxdo. The Unlac I’acISc offers so the Cnllfornin in mod - suifirisr. reading the addrtsn- clooi: there, and .then I went to the tourist for the winter of NW-L^t rate of “•Miss PnisuiUa Dnaenbaiy, drvss- | jnwrler ’s and uutik- aun- that you ooid n«h. $»•..*> for lb* round trip from it* Missouri bought it and wot it to her. Ih not Hirer Terminal- Quickest time and le*t maker, 3w> — .iliir'.* Well, now, The gnl< fish, which ia n: itributed service. Th* only line running I'ullman who'll think that sue! a tine j**jilIr­ seal; me for 1 am 'orever lost to you l'*l*rc Kleopers and Diners through from Ynai heart broket: Axml over tMtarJv all fiarUi of the wdu~v;yed damsel olhur he. *taid all beam sc my wife happen ­ note its an'ions in an aquarium will must respect yourself. lit years of ug«. possessed a lair j ed -to pla«*e her dressmaker’s card bo ustoniskod to find that tk • heuuti- patronage.gvaaal .healtnaiiii u lorn who .unong mine whet she wa* arranging «iiy card case yesSr rday. ’.Veil 1 suf • ful little fish is a true pscpliet iu gloried in hr .same of Aaguu.ii* matters minting to chaagee in tho Publishers; Tompkins, uk wav ind* ed a eierk in .pose 1*11 have logo after her and m- the identical Je-wak'.v aU re where the (plain.** weather. When an areu *of lower dock bad bemi boujfJit. Ho went into Uk library below prv- tcmjieraUm with rain ar snow, is Arr you going to She was aiming alitoting a robe, .piratorv 10 Icaviuf the house and di* - approachiag. tho gold fieh. -*omains A i issue a H oliday hvmmL*ig a eung, an* 1 with her covered lying on lahe table another lat­ near tho surface of tho valet, wliilo edition? Do you tnougiMts cent* red on her devoted ter addressed to him. if clear, saishiny weathcc is ex ­ Augusirs. sfieeulaung whetner be “liell'i!*' exclaimed he as lie opens*' pected they will almost always be intend to-use aHol- would yntkr has mtsiomarv noonday nul gist <*ed at UA epistle. “Mar* . found near tiu> oentcr of the resor- i»lay Supplement? visit, »* cii a katvek bounded m Lhr co to pi ku tions, and .-ill on aceonat of voir. Have you-!»een our drsir. aa>' opening it she mm V the eoui thut clock. Let me see:* ’ samples? Wriie missions re with Jiis parcel. Mr. U*!orgc MnjrbloMom —I need llpslM Mil Their I'nftrUI*. us. “A prusent fur you, miss,'' said he. only statu that Mis*. 1'riscilla Dusen- (Jypsics aw particularly super- F~pr risITr for Fanim. Winers, 1. R Hands and others. Double nolo «t- placing t te clock on the taldr before bury is, or rather was. my uttanreti •titlous regarding portraits, and it trnHing dovst to the boel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY. the iiauarahed girl “And s'ich a fine wife to psive rav right to rail vou U> Thousaada of Rubber Root wearers testify this is the best they ever had. is a rarity to find tho |s»rtaait of u ffastsin lempaper Union, gentlcmwi . too. Hc's|aiul :u « ulraady. account lor your iafatmms conduct of Aftk yOV dnitir fur thtn and doc*t be persuaded into on inferior article. ! Congo tattle you, tutor; I rood to day. N<> man, and a married mas truo Bohomiar. decorating any art- DETROIT, MICH. .morning. ” at thut, fthf ’-H give present* to one I gallery or store window. Thqy con ­ And tig ore she cuald wen say love, or aether have loved, and denv sider it m«Mt unlucky to be photo ­ •"thank yan ” he warn guae. ami thr satisfaction dec to a gentle ­ graphed. and will only coassuit to In great surprise Priscilla untied man Hv designating a gentleman to have their profiles taken in con ­ rthc parcel, tnd an eaclauiatior of joy eunfer with Mr. Clark, a friend of sideration of receiving, without ask­ <*eca ed Lie- lips when she bah rid its mlsir. id reg* r*i to the necessarv ar­ ing for it, nn eld shoestring wftli range 0*0111.'- yon will unnfer a favor grntenta. which they can hind tho spirit of ill “The »m clock I war speak :ng to oa yous,. etc. Aninmix Tompkins . Aiigustm eh >uL The dear, delightful "Iloitv. toity, ” cried Mr. Maybloa- .luck certain to pursue the person whose like has been reproduced. leilow h» .jHimrht it from his cm* snat. fairly c*»avnlse*i with laughter. .f— pk ver and wit it to me. Oh dun ’t I “A duel, s* I kve! Hang that ctoek, nr wit li he'd come to-day. so that. 1-eould anyway! I wonder whau will turn up A War*, Old Uhai/. tel1 him how much obliged I mi to nextY ’ An interesting Had it a library swallowed the can-o of all the quar­ Important Features for 1894. rel. sent to as** as a present by a gwatt*- to the floor and the glass globe was Ntn* Serial Stories. Cafdta! Short Stories. Sea Adventures. man who loves roe ovor mt much. ” shsltarml into a thousand fragments, IlnrtMhiiM cm Ur.**** “Oh. he loves you. does heT* aaW the pretty rapids last their arms and 100 Advnature Stories. Household Articles. Health aad Hygiene. The curious custom of planing a the young wife in tones so cold and heads, tho carved flowers a*ere broken Practical Advice to Students. Over 700 Large Pages. Popular Science Articles. metallic thw. l*rtscilfal«oke him. Why do you “You ,giddv. hesdaftrong girl!" ex ­ keep the wile has from riding the 4b- aak4" claimed he augrilv. “Now von've ceased** spirIL This bsaottfnl ColonMl Ftrtwro. -Wwosl Oinrltr." mint to 1 “(Ah. ao inatlwr," replied firs May- done the damage without listen nig to Sweet fin biosavm. too peand to reveal to her a word of explanation. ” It* swh lsvt to n ymuif 1/h It of f’olonl The Gift On *|m> Own. (•mat n I ■«. Mw 14V x SI drvamaaker the deubta and suspicion- “I want ao explanations from yon Passenger, for the 40th timo — m fi , , ff Iwstor*. It will W aswt to nil »*w ***hs» rlh*m to Tho f’Mnwnliin ___ 0 _ 1/______which hail entered her mind teem the sir." retorted she, haughtily, leaving Captain, do you think we will strike L narilV *to«lll rmt Wit mil offer anti It with at. 7ft for n rrur'. Of thr } QQV moment she beheid the (lock; ‘'but t he room * Mihsssfptlnn. owd In sMHIa tho pasmr will he —at Tree to you will please re turn my dress ia Its Aa she descend'*'! th< staircase shr an lce burg? ■ rmt ■ tsJaa. II («) unfinished state. 1 sb*H require vo*r encountered Mrs Maybioesom with Captain I hope so. —Texas 81ft- h*rvfOC9 BO louger. *• her mother, a sensible, practical lDfl The Y outh 's Companion . Columbus Avenue, Boston, CLINTON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28. I8»8. » i Kbl'CATIAMAI. KXNIIITN. THE MOUAT The Independent uuim 'UUi Hkiiuh Mkkt :m.. • TIME TABLE. Ml. Johns. Nvmnbrr *». I MR ( it Iks teachers' tssooiaflos, Ih srisbtr. IM EFFECT IV iMtilar wu ealltd to order toy IMS, awd riiHtou isastt Fair, intM HKIB1.E l.' OUIT, WtMf aa* Praprmar. •loot DeWlit. OT WATER NovFinbrr I!*lh. 1NHA •ITruitraHolltMrr, KniMu. Murdock Mr. Joans. Nov. U. 1W> I At the At. Johns fair in ltd. n Bne exhibit of wt. joaMR. thohhday . nov is. it AM) The minute* of November ft, INK, were read school work was presented for inspect ton, and j EATER I listisve it created a great interest in educe- | •ad approved. Sk a Kx-rt*j< hetaiw of Aomicultum * tlonal matter*, and we expect the Agrtcultural I 3sffc i «■ The following claim* were praraial and re­ sC ► Husk died at hitt I mine in Vironua.Wls., Society will be pleased to again give us space | dTATIHMs I = ferred to lha ouauatttw cm claim* *•# 5Sl •** for an educational esbtatt in IM The plan I W *■52 at H o'clock Tueaday nionnug Inal from Mo. 73—K. J Wood rut...... -• »* * M iM a com plication of dismaes. .t«e«l♦« wars. " 74—Will H. Brunson ------It 30 la to place before the people specimens of the “ 71—George Harper ------.... 6 23 work done In the school-room to stimulate an HORSES! p.ia. interest in our rural schools • M It 4ft * \KW |N||.ITI('.IL PJlRTV. •* M-O. C. dark. Aec'y...------V uo FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE CHEAP m.TRtHT ...... Lv 10 40 4 Oft T* The Bret division of work for exhibit may be Mtlwaahss Jet... 7 10 1ft Aft 4 » 9 Oft 11 3* Action taken by the local Trades and - TO-dt. Joaaa Manufacturing Do...-. 7 10 ft. ** 77-KedeumA Merrill------is. ou mads by any school, rural or village, ami may Fsatiar 7 4* V* t 07 12 Ift Labor Council looks toward the forma­ consist of photograph* of school Inn Mings and 11 sALK tor • ssh or ou time with a|e “ 73 -M. P. ««•»...... 13 73 •roved note* or in exchauge tor Sbeep. ft ftl tion of an independent political organi ­ graduating etnas. Hails ___ ft J* it» 10 Mi I 14 —O. P. lleWItt In. ao*onlanot* with Second division for rural ami village schools ! tile or other property, a targe number of Its read...... * 35 1 J3 •i Ut 11 10 « U zation. Sucli a party would, of enure, resolution ...... :t) oo PIRtT-CLlIH HOHSKS, Owsaa* Jet I* It ■1 U 73M 4 4ft of two teacher* : St. Jomk * 10 M 2 47 • 04! : Mt have for its primary purpose tin* pro ­ . . i Uotti Native ami Western, weighing from 1dh> 11 49 3 31 *»; > 3ft Total amount tHowel Mov. JQ..._. t2TC te 1. Map of Michigan locating tnountains, to l,7#t |MMiod*. broken or unbroken. at ex ­ tection of tlie rights and advancement tremely low prices. F-m. TV President appointed Truster* Murdock production and cities. 12 04 * 44 V IM 2. Map of United State*, locating a* In tuap I of the interests of orgHuited labor. The and Painter to act oo the committer on claim* L...... It IT 4 00 9 241 of Michigan. It 31 4 17 ft 401 • 10 promotion of such scheme would neces­ In ike absence of Trustee Wolcott . <•rami Matads ... I 00 4 Ml 10 •« 7 90 sarily involve a settlement of tlie ques­ The committee on claims reported the claim* 3. Map of Ulintun county, locating town ­

economical administration or govern ­ 7. Samples of klmlergarten work

$££ tie drawn imyable to the President, to be used *. Samples of busy work, |Hinilf*n<*F Soliritpfi. iw M M p | ment. the protection and tlie education ' in defray I up wltneaa tees In the North <*aae a — w of government, the protection and the The motion preval.ed. k Five samples of language work. »». in. • Ul- fl w. %o m The committee on Are. wnic and lifkt*, re­ 1» Five satniDes of number work. Milwaukee «S**r. education of children, are all matters UhicagoCHtn ..... ported. recommending l>uttlaa In electric Arc All work must In - tnnrked with the name i which am intimately connected wiUi of township*. tiumiM-t of district ami name of ! t tl 111 the prosperity of organized labor, awl aiartn ball at waterworks building ftrsad llateii Lv .s. 9 io 2 lo 7 45 on motion, the retmrt is accepted teacher, «ml written with i*en. R. M. STEEL. WHY ? Eerryshurg ...... HP. ►> !» Oft 2 15 7 C* would have to Is* intelligently consid ­ Village schools of more ih*n two depart - tl. H A I. Jet...... id 10 Oft ft IS ft 10 Trustee Hollister moved that the committee At, Johns, • vtoli* r 14, IMU. .4*n Tm &*- ered in framing the jmlicy of such a on Are. water and light* be Instructed to put inents will Is- Invited to make special exhibits. | tiraad llaphl- .... W ft 4ft 10 20 3 'll iV 4«> In an electric Are alarm hell at the water works Kxamlnation work and diagram* should tie It makes the Winter Home like Hulun Lowell...... 7 ii 10 5ft 4 •♦ 11 4« isuty as is p rupoee d. upon pape r IftxlJ Inch es All map* should he I Ionia ______7 Jo II 25, 4 2ft 12 27 bulidlnx, ennnerting It with Fireman's hail Tlie right of the great laboring mass­ upon hriMoi imanl, sice 11x14 inches ot 22i2* j Summer. Iletul tlie Testimonials. vr. Jonas . ™... S 25 12 17 ft 20 l 45 The motion untried i m. p SI es Inches. Each school should present the work ! Tom Padley, thus to organize is unquestionable. The following proposition from the St. Johns ( jffOltM .let ...... It 57 1 IS li •«• Oram ...... f* tw 1 » ft 0ft 3 10 As to the exjiedieucy of so doing, 'here Elect tit- I-ight. Heat X Power company. "•* of each group coaapiefe. If possible. U til torn: imper will baproridad at oom . II any school j is a serious doubt. There are men of presented ami referred to the committee on liuraud ______3 10 ft 35 t 47 •i .» 3 &S Tne Pioneer Manufacturer and An-, water and light* : has dIBculty in obtaining the paper specified Hollv ...... ft Aft I0 I4 ■2 2ft 7 40 4 47 ainropeactiHhle integrity and singleness Pontiac _. _____ 6 A l« ft* ft 05 It 25 they may use cheaper paper At. Jsnx*. Mini., May ftl, IMU. ** 37 St John ., Miihuian , i Dealer In Vlwaukec .let.... 7 30 It ft 4.5 ft 0ft 0 .ftl of purpose in the ranks of labor, but the We desire such work as can Ik * completed by j November 'Mb. IMU. t The Mouat Hot Water Heater, pul iato my reel DCTRiilT...... Ar. 7 4ast is that they do not Tk Ik* Mmmo V li- Pin 140 ml *m4 ffsanl of Tntt- the holidays, as an exhibit of Ulintun county] ueaee Iasi season Joes all that is rlslssed ter it, hair far. Buffet Uar »bd Msoptag Car ftenitt gain control in these political move­ fstt oj Ik* ITitojpr oj &. Jtkmt: school* at our next State Teachers' Associ ­ | sad it is at saaily ia*a*ged a* ■ real atsve a ad <• OTi.r.ur.N In rcspouae to yout request, ation at Lansing. Them- exhibits should i trivet us unhoundel comfort and sat I start ion Eastward, No. 12 ka* INilama ateep tr t bics< > to ments. Too inanv of those who liave Detroit. No 14 bn Parlor Buflrt 3»r aua< ked obtained leadership have yielded to the we have the honor of making the following sent to iay oAre by Dercm tier 1C. Idti - Light and Heavy Harness DAVID O. ATEEL •iraod Kapida to Detroit, (extra • hargr, 25 cost*.) proposition* for the lighting of the street* of I should like photographs ot school build No. Ift baa Ukair far.Draod Hapd) ta lw*-atr. tsgtrTLBMBX: Hjr request I give you my opinion promptings of iwtxmal ambition and the Village of St. John*, viz.: tng* and graduating < asses of the townships No.ftftha* si-oaer to Detroit. of the Mouat Hot Water lleatsr. We bare given greed. They have lost sight of tlieir Kim. we will erect, equip ami maintain of Bingham ami Eases, ami of as many schools IN AT. JOHNS. Westward. No. II iiss Chair • ar. Detroit tot> aad it * fair test, and *11 of us are well i.leased thirty *n are lamp*, including those at pres ­ from other townships as can be obtained, i Kapkls. No. Ift has Parlor ttuffri Car attacaed lofty mission as the champions of labor Among all of the pipes there is not one that leaks Delroli to t.rami lUpida (rxtrs ■ barge.'J5 rritk, > ent operated on Clinton Avenue, or the same aud Iwrtered their influence fora i,«iri- This is in line wilb the instructions ol uurem ' Will offer to the public, this Fall and Winter Everything is ssiiatartory, No. 17 has Polliesi. sleeper. Iwtioit io ut >ro style and candle power as those at present In ergeth- Superintendent of Public Instruction « superb line of M. IIAHMM K. No. si hs> sleeper io • trand ttaoidr Hideralion which netted nothing lielter use. distributed in accordance with u diagram Hon. II It Pattmgill. ami I earnestly desire JNo. W. UlUD, MEN ELETUIIER At. Johns, May A. ‘03. TrrAt Msaagrr Trav. Pas. ftjtit. than disappointment and chagrin in the to be furnished by you. providing they are so the co-operation ol the teachers of ('linton Tut*. RtoxuY. Loral Ag* it. great army of workers. Trearhery of located as not to requite the construction of county to make it a success not only at Robes and Blankets. more than lour miles of an- lighting circuit in alng. but also ta lon our own people at our this kind is a matter of common noto ­ : o addition to that at present in use. keeping the annual lair at St.Johns. LWiAL NOTK EN. riety, aiul whether it lie possible to pre- I herefore »*«’! Hnj I nlll Von llsve rent its repetition is a laattei for the •aim- lighted until midnight on the regular I.oni Litton said ‘ What taen want is not («H Ks(limitt*q oil lluatlilt; your ORT4.ADK SAL.K.—Default haviag .wen standacd Moonlight Schedule ta sample of talent, it is iMirtwise: in other Word*, not the Kvxmineil These (rood- uim I made ia the cotniltioas at a rr.-.ain promoters of the promised uev. partv to imwer to achieve, but the will to labor " MI inoitgagr made by Henry D Siaitb sad Ids F. which schedule tor Detobei. I MO, Is berewi.'h Hiiililinc of Smith to earnael K Day. dated May 23d. Ih: tad Determine. They cannot ignore the enclose*) for a term of one year from ami Teachers. It I may have your earnest efforts l.earnetl the !*rie*m. 1 recorded ia tbe o0n* ol ike Itegisier ol Deed* *ar lesson of tlie |ia*t. and it lemains tor after the Aral day of January, A. I> IM, or aa ill this inattri , I shall have no doubt* as to the ) • ImiIou louotr, in Mkhiraa. on May 23d. IIX* . results K. M. WINSTON. j iu Liber 7* of Mortngt*. us page \»< oa *)kt them to avert its repetition in the fu­ soon thereafter as It is practicable Incomplete ••engage there •« tiaimrd ta he due al the da:- al the construction of the additional lines am! i •uiiuiissioner of Schools. this aatlcc,am Uuedred at»«J ihirty-iawr ar» ture. erect the additional lamps, for the sum of run AMR MAIIK UPON HONOR ami tweaty-two rout*, tfeside. an attaraey re-o! There is the lint her question of the ftfteen dollats. .tipuiated m said utartgagr t* na ‘ UIM. payable monthly, pratidlng that the AMI FI LLY WARRAXTRH. u ftg paid should say iiroreediag* i*r taken to fet- use ability of organized laisu to compass number of the lamps may lie Increased upon *aiuerr ol salt* ia .aid mortgage oa- erful parties in the Held, constantly l«t- ing that additional circuit required tor each j 'ling for the supremacy. .Vs between All Goods and Work War ­ ; lataieesi sad of the .taiulr In »nrh raae mad* asu lamp shall not evertsl 1 ,-Vls> feet, also provided | That Kills” l*r«*»rde»i. iku ere I. hereby (teen that oa Febru ­ them the working masses easily hold ary 17th. I MP4. at oae ••'rlork in ll.«• afts raoeii. the balance of jtower, and liv rmiuerteri that the number of lamps to lie lurnisbed may ranted as Represented. at the west Iron! door of llte.-aun Imuw for i lit- be reduced by the t'ouncil at any time prior 1 is ovrnv.rrk— MOUAT HEATER CO.,:tan < wiiaty, to Mlrhuan. is the village ol s« Johaa, action can practically control the course, in said luosty, there will tie sold at |Miblir veciloe as affecting tlieir own interests, of the to the making ot on* c mtrect *o that th.* total j makes no difference what kind. Using i to • hr- highest 'qddir, rlie pit iniw. in mid jort- UK' with which tliev might ally them ­ mi taller required to l«* litraiahed shall not lu- wygasy inferior SOaDS IS OITC luJii October I. IMH. DETROIT. MICH. ragr* dvevribed. via: Tlie west half of the south- selves. One lias siihstuiitially Itecouiea ••«« limn twenty •.'• n. I<1 tt > • >si to llmu •••-. ____ A______\___ ,______, •-oar quarterof section lourleeii. in Tuwnshirt —»en nwly III use, at a mllng pro rata re- to premature decay—sore hands- North, of 'taage lour wrel, in Michigan Sabi sale plutocracy. The other, if loval to the IF will lie wall- subject to the payment of the re- 'iitegrity of its principles, will continue duction in <-nM«|ienaation. providesl that the sore hearts —clothes never dean. nisi Oder of *akJ .'tortrigr, nor ret due — |rai-- N«- length of the new circuit resiuirrsl to la* resiber 23. 10*1 *AMt'KL DA'.. ’be party of the people. Here the In tats Not so when I Mt.'L JACKSON. IMtt.’L 1‘KasigsX Haumift. Morigi. *. of labor, if united in tlieir purp ose, can | ermad fthnil aioo u<* reduced proportionately, Y oii are tiiinkiuu of inlying The Mcr« hant Tailor. Ally's far Mortgager. liml the means to the emls in view, so ami proilded further, that It at the expira ­ aiiytiiiiik' in tar as they arc consistent with the gen- tion of the time mentioned, tbc Village dora i* HD ft • I not enter iato a m*w contract with the cooaty •■ At. session of therrm **ral goisl and m consonance with the oalecvuMP lor Iberouuiy ol U||nton. boldeu .< t the true spirit ot oni institutions. It is haz ­ At. John* Electric Light, Ileal X IVnver f '<•, its MARBLE OR GRANITE Probate <•#<«•. In the rillave ot Ot. loti: i. an ardous to politically antagonize ;l partv •uceesaors or iisalgn*. tor the iightlng of the XKW tVrsinesday. the I'tlt daeol Nuvetatm. ia lb- roar Now is the Time. -me itionaaod eight hundred and uinetr-liirer-. which is in syrn|Mliiy with a movement. streets of the \ illage of At. Johns, they shall AMERICAN FAMILY Preoeat,Uhsrte* M. Merrill. Judge of Pron-tv. isHiimiug an inimical attitude, and im­ purchase the wires, poles aiul ianq>« i-rrctcl AM) Ia the aailrr ol the estate ol AENJAMIN H politic io discard assistance which is for the puriMNu- of lighting said alreetaai the HKI NDItiE. deceased. the guarani\ o| success. — F.i* /V<*.«. • ia resdiag and lillag the petitiou duly vn.sad. value thereof at such time, said valuation. In I have the lurgcAt Atoek I ever imtl ot Alvin IV. Hail, firsytag that Henry j tfrttor- caw of disagreement laetween the village of . at tlii** time of the year, ami will STYLIHH soaor .owe other .uitablc person may •*- aa- Hetorm Nes-slesi in the l‘ublo V-||«.|| syi- At. Johns ami the At John* Electric Light, poiolerl adiuinistralnr. 4* l—mit sen. with ill* will maw. . w*|| it auneard of said estate Heat X Dower Uo.. to lie Axed Ity arbitration SOAP Thereupon tt is ordered that Ttmrsrla*. the FALL KOWIJ{|t. NOV. JD. iHKt. Aeeond. We will fnrtiisb. erret ami maintain is used. Cheerfully proceeds the 7th tlay of lies-cmlier. 1 Strut, a: oar All:. Kbitok Tht* puhlic aclHaiia. j the lights mentioned In our first proposition ] labor of wash-day with health and WAY DOWM. o'clock ia the aflrrnoou Ire assigned lor tin iear- AND iag of said [s-tmon at the probate '*flirr m tkr wlmn* tjur t-hihlrrn art* eiluratftl and ; ami substantially in in —nnlance therewith, long life assured. Hands all right- Milage of «*i. .lohas inouhinl into intelliEeiit . |«ttriolic citi-1 exeepi, that the period ol contract shall Ihj hearts light — clothes pure and white Aiei it ia lurther ordered, that notice be .lien three years Imuatl «»f «me tear, for the Mini SKK HK BEFORE YOt 111 Y. to tbe pervoa* iatereateii la .aid eslatr ol zettft. to liohl aiul retain Hit* hiffii4«t as a Greenland snowdrift. WINTKlt the ua»e and place of said beariag of 9I.SM0. ] by rausiag a . *.py of this order t» he Htandanl of pprfpction ami iiAFfuliHmA. Third, We will I iirnish. erect and main lain JA8. S. KIRK A CO.. Chicago. ____ I iHibltahad lathe Ultatae 1, a news ­ the lights mentioned In our first pnrpoauion SUITINtiK. paper printed aud «imitated in said county ol must Ik * provided with atmoliiUtaiitltori- tad,BhaturiTirSwi. —F. F. MURDOCK < liBtoi. |«r thiee *nm*sitr wrekr. p«e»i-. is to ty and protection.ami whereat* the prea- ami substantially In accordance therewith, ex ­ $ •aid dav ol hearing • IIAKLKN M. MKMRILl.. eepi, that the pertml ol eontract shall lie Are OVKRCOATINHH (A tree copy.) lodge of Pro: ate. **nt school law« are not MiWcient for y ears instead of one. for the sum of il^fti that purpom*. it it the duty of the eiti* H. J. GOERGE. KOH tTi DM UKM-Mate ol Ml jmaa Providing, that in ease of the purchase of . Y.our Painter AND P < ouaty At aseeaion of tl . Pre- mbs, irrespective of party. to instruct i the inlw. ismpa and wires in accordance with . bale court for the couaty of Uliataa. hoiden at tko has often wasted time and material in probate oMrc. io tbe slllaffe of HI. John, oa our lesiftlatnr* iti mlopt a uniform ayn- any of the pmtMmitiel parent* anti Tuardiaii.s to any wires tlteymay desin to erect for com- | mixed paints, the ingredients of I a the waller of the estate ol LITVlHS send all children lietweeu the ages of he knew nothing, because of the diffi Picture Frames, Chrnmo*, Ktr. PLUMMTLAD. I mercial lighting, without athlilioiiai i-otnpen-1 calty in making a shade of color with • »n reading and miaglbe peliliou duly rrriftad, six and fourteen years to our public salMwi Very truly your*. ol IVter U. IVaiaeortb. firsytag i hat i he last villand white lead. This waste can be avoided t also sell icstaweni of all deceased saay he proved indad- schools not less than eight months in ST.JOHNS kl.Kt Till!' LliillT. HEAT AND' by the use of National Lead Compamy *s lailled Io prelialr, and that beot Mwae other sail- the year. Offenders of such a law HIWIR CO., Ftm (iso. A. Ms. nii'S AND WWORN IM’XPS. •ERFEUT able person may is* appointed Kternter ef sai- • Hi motion the Hoard adjourned. eslatr should he pimishahle by Hue aud im­ Thereupon it ia ordered, that Thursday, DEWITT H. HUNT. Pure White Lead KITH •IUARANTKKD the 7III day ol Daeetuher, A D. IMKl. at ear prisonment Village Olerk. I o ’clock in tkealternoaa hr assigned lor the bear ­ n iag of -aid petilieo. and that the heirs al law as*! The grantiiiK of citizeimliii) »liould I * legatees of said deceased, and all other per*, us in ­ Oil OU edlM-atioilHl IiUAIK. COIltrollfsl lay a rise Trouble Over. Tinting Colors terested ia sab! will, are required to appear at a non-|K»lltifnl Umnl of examiners select- •ession of said court then to be hoiden at tbe Pro- ed from memliers ot our University. j A prominent omw is town exclainartl ; These tints are a combination < hale other IB the Milage of At. Jahaa. and show We coiu|iel lawyers, doctors, ilrug- "«her tiay "Sly wife lias Imeu v eariny fectiy pure colors, put up in small cans, JACKSON. cause, if aay there be. whe the will should not b» and prepared so that oae pound will ST. JOHNS. appruved tftaU. tenchers. etc., to u riftitl exmnina- oul ,r®,n ‘l** effects of Dyspepsia, A ad II la farther ordered, Ibai notice is- given lion of ipuliAcation ; win uot do the Liver Complaiut anti Indigestion. Her tint 35 pounds of Strictly Pure White to l he persons intrrcstmi In saM rotate ol the pen with applicants for citizenship f case baAtfd tlie sktllolottr beat physicians Lead to the shade shown on the can. I aderiakioff m affscisiiyMy stoea drney ol the hearing Ihereol, by ■ auaing a ropy ol By this means you will hare the best ol Undertaker s Iloedone tn ent, a newspaper piloted and rirmlalerl in tail u republican form of self govenimenl is Celery King lor the Nervea she is almost j paint in the world, because mode of nnler llln* me a call and in* is»nvlnce«l. Mil H • aa I • I county <>• f'llulou loi three suceesaii- «ret ignornnre f voting cattle) controlled und entirely well.’’ Keep your Mood in a' the best materials- IIKNIIY J. QDRMDB, 5126 vious lo said das of hearing. led b)' uuprincipled |mliticians and healthy condition by ihr use ol lhi« great Kowler. KM. White Sewing I ih; • 'IfARM> M. MEttHILL. • temagoifiies .mil the sureat aud reliable \egelnble coiupottiid. (’all on C. K Van- irwesopy ______lodge of Pr. i.aie Strictly Pure DHTd AwMIX> rEs—Default liavinir twee ■mfegnaixl is education and intelligenre. Sickle. 41 Ulisiou Ave . sole agent, and get IS 8TILI KINO M in the •-nndltion* of n tnortgoge. l °«to’» (ore lor Throat and strictly (7l; tin-North-west quarter ul tin- .emith-west in mid mortgage to be ftaid -howi.l toy pro ­ quarter nf section eight <*». all In Town Bv«* ceedings he token to torreMwi- said raorwai: •luring the month ending Nov 17th l* un *'' mr- ,,1fr wo,'w hm'r '•w> “Armstrong A McKelvy (ftl north nf Hange not* it) weei Also tbe and m> suit or proceeding* at law or In saimy ■ i. i»..t. ... _, .. renrteievl happier anti )ierhap» saved having been insiltutiei to recover aai part of Faith I ratt. Iloget I ____ratt.r Hpyd I<*m I rail. Heed the warning' If you have a rough "Beviuer-Bauman” “Eckstein" ftnutlwast quarterof theHnulii-weat quarterof the debt secured by said mortgage: tberahaav, Fred Brooks. Ilov Ihietiler. WfllieCine or auy afleetion of the Throat sail Lungs “Fahnestock” “Anchor section thirtv-two •Xfi; the ftanth half nf tbe by vtrtweof the power of sole in said mort ­ tier. Ins LbmI. ( land < Ming. ( lyde Oil* South-west quarter of the South-east *|tmr«er gage contalneil. and of tbe statute In such cam- rail at C. E. Vanhirklo ’s. 41 Cliaton Ave . “Kentucky" “Morley" made and provided, nolle** is hereby given that ing. Kilnrin Jaatnun. Man Shrader, of section thirty-two X1, all In town six •*» i«nstn Set i mi let Marttia Marten. Chria. •ole ageot. and gel a trial tmttie free. “Southern ” “Shioman on December 2. IMKl. at one o'ciork lit tbe af­ Urge eioe Mr. 7. ..Red “Collier" north of Itange one (l> west. ternoon. at the west front door of the court Marten. Henry Wright. Floy Welmtei, fV»r price* ami •dber particular* apply tn house for t linton county, in MMRmn. In tbe village of Hi. John*. In said county, there will Kllsworth Wright. Maud Wetmtor. Katie “DaTia-Chambers" PRANK P. MOBSliN, l^lllg. Krnest last rani. Charlie llroogx SHrklfH't Irnirs aalvr, he *oht at public vendue, tn tbe Highest hol ­ Tb» n^.1 ,w.. _•. I Thaaa braaOa at Strictly Pars Whits Lsag If OM Ham mom t Building. Detroit. der. i hi premises in eohl —riiui disirtbed. Lewis A. Smith . Timelier. The Host Salve IB the world lor Cuts, and Nations I Laos Co.'s Furs Whits Load vtai The tuirth half of the south-west quarter Krinses. Korea. Ulcere. Hall Mbeou. Fever ! Ttmtaa Color* arc for sol* hy th* moat rc- nf aectioti Ate. in Township eight north of SETTLED AT I.AWT. X0tve. TH ter. Chapped Head*. CbilMmaen. *• •v«rr»Nn Itange owe wrel. ip Miehlgnn. Hold l Hi: If you arc getag to eolnt. it will pay yeu J. HARRISON he made subject to the payment of tho I Fair Jar, Fiimllv U**w*« la )«• Coro* amt all Skin Urnption*. and po*i- 1 to cawd to uo Tor a tmok containing fafsrsaa •lev of aaiil mortgage not yet due -Dated Hep- lively cure* Pil«e. or no nay required. It] tiao that may cave yea many a dollar: it will irtslerf. 1*1 HENItY M PKBHIM. rwe of Dr. I*r4e». is go ran I red to give ptrleet sot lalact ion 1' voly cast you a postal card. VETERINARY SURGEO Kor Ihr use ol • Partes II Adams. MoitgUgrt.l (HueADD, Nov. 22.—On tlie uiiaivnia Ptcaatm A Ho nviy. or money refunded. I'rice JS rents per NATIONAL LEAD CO., Alt ystar Mortgiger *12 nnl mNMntneniiation of J>r. Wiley, \«ir Bftlpr. N«rc l4Mrrr Pripr l»ox. For sole hy Fildew A Milltnau. Ht I Bread way. New York Chief United Mates(•ovemmeul Clietn- John* and Fowler ista at Wohliitigton. uini great in! living Chicago Branch. Fill scam Streets. Eor quallt) nmt variety of work. aiitlimiti 'Hi (ikk I proiiiu-t*.. liie World's tdrertlaed Letter*. or Sale* Fair jury to dav gave tlie highest awnnl A. N. HALTOM. Ahh tn Hr. Price's Cream Baking Powder If* YOU are indebted tn me Novembe r 22. i*wt Af. John*. Mien WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. for strength, purity anil excellence. — will you pl asm adjust live HuehOak. John Bond. ||. a |W Hepalrs furotahrst for ail moehlne* Hu* i-ouchisiieli **eltle*< llie question Dennis. Adam Eoa.Ujl booh - try noli nr shtrrt time

BI'HINKHK UIHMTORY. PRRMINAL. ar.--1 1 Barber*. Alexmiukr Pulfnw is in Alma. viMt- in« hlR Run t.roree. KNA*ri: IMHMR »HUP- WIUKINE J. II. ('Ampb«ll ih aRain on our *tr«6tR 8 • ABUXK hwlMn. Walfcar *(.. Wm. E*. HURRAH FDR WINTER I MMH la MrllMaod bath matlaeaaa—Oaa. morn uni for a visit in Saginaw. Dutcher ’s Cash Shoe House Mm. C. Kipp left Wedneeday morn ­ The Chetipert and Beat Piece to buy your Loan AimtN. ing for Flint, where *be will visit a sis­ ______■■ rpMK KH1TUIUUK CO. ter. Reversing JL Uiatuo I '.fatal. tT'.aao, wir.1.1. la \T.lkrr WINTER FOOTWEAR. AW bite, riaateralt, Moikkc rtartirillra. SrXaal aad J. O. Seldett wn* in (irand Haven last If JbUlpai H»ad. A law |ilaa af ubalaa laab far week on businens connected with a will •a** Walhst aad Sprtae-aia.. Ml. Jabaa. All Kinds of Everything First-Class in Warm case. Attorneys. Our esteeuieil friend C. Uiuler. Esq., Goods for the Feet. Figures of Fowler, made us a pleasant call Tues­ » « !' *KV KN » Ml. A. II L■I roRNUY. llaraUMwIDwt. 1404 day morning. NO SECONDS AND NO SHODDYS. Dr. Livesat was called to Ellwell last aaata a. Lvov. jmx c. oaot-iau. in LTON A IMIOLIS41. Ai>»ro«r> at Friday to treat a home with cancer for Our Heavy Socks, Knit Bootn and Felt Boots arc Jabaa. Mitfc. -Kic*- »*ar Kradi lak'a alata. H. H. Augell. the Best in the country and bought direct ORTON a WKIMKK. a Uaraaya at Lav. li. J. )*atter*on was summoned to De­ from the Factory. We are the only sellers N ‘•Ooa . ing for Pbrt Huron. 8. C. Scofield and Kev. Frederick Hall, N. K CM VON, Daotiat Eaal Walker OW are you fixed on Wall Paper and Cur­ -tree*. 11S> of 8t. John's church, attended the Stale Assembly of Brotherhood of St. An ­ tains ? We have more than we want at arc Compelled to move Physicians. drew, at Anu Arbor, yesterday. H this time of year, so we are slaughtering . Jan. 1st. 181 I+, and all Ananias Pouch and Herman Hale re­ o. UMOUE, n. O., Surgeon and Ho the price to make room* for our immense new a luaaaalbW PtiyOriao. ilOcr aad rraidrurrturned Monday evemug from Old Mis­ . lines of winter clothing Jtar* IfiMlai A l o.'« hard ware. *yy. T hr Marlsion. where they were engaged in build- stock which received an award at the World's . in both of our stores HO J. rOAVIM, q. oeer Klldaw Fair. Speaking about awards-we were awarded a A Mlllaua’a. Kraidrarr With* rlrtrl. Dh>- iug a stone creamery for Hon. 8. 8. . must Ire reduced at once. J•aaaaai wuataa aad cblldrrw a agrrlalty.______Walker. Tliey report lots of snow and the contract ior papering and painting Masonic PHAM. C. MINN. M. !».. Phyatrian aad colder weather in the north. JP Surgeoa. 'Mica arrr Oruler'a atarr. Fooler Hall, being the lowest bidders against all com­ aitb. ______tmt Chauucy P. Losey , of Adam* comity, petitors. We will !»e awarded your trade if you K. ONAOP, n. I’byalclan aad Wis., who spent a couple of weeks with a S-rgeaa. OBce al raatdaarr. It.t haaaa will allow us to show you our stocks and prices. •ootaC af tba Parrla Hauaa. St. Jab a. I3RT his brother. 8. E. Loeey, in this village, in September last, was almost instantly When it comes to figuring we always :ret there, H a H I , q. ■»,, PhyaK ian and Sur- H • arm»n. F.urrka. Mlcb HIT killed by falling from and lieing run but, of course, if you don't figure with us you W. POI.I, IMII PbyateUn aad Surgeon. over by a lumber wagon loaded with a '4kr war Wllaoo'a clatblag .lair Krai never know how badly you are beaten. Jcr*' «rr*oti <>Mw* mw Sullivan* rlwOiln* rtiirc, Wt. Jr»bna. Midi, IU1H CilMIMi KVHlflh. trade with us. If you don ’t, we think you will fall in line I.. OII.I.A H, q. O., Phyatrlaa iih ! Sa -'Hgwaa. 'Hlir al Raatdaacr. ■mpa.llr out* Thanksgiving Day. Nov. :in. will be after giving us a trial. bi> »r. »m "*« houra lol|i.ia.r*cep«W*d- Only Store in the City employing only Registered and Grad­ traday. ihan il t« 0 |> a lit. ol»«erved with appropriate sen ice and sinqiltv U. »».. lion, ropjilnr sermon atSt.-lohn scliurclijU lOr.Htn.m. uated Pharmacists, Ra Phyalctaa. Surgroa and Accu'irbanr. OArr The rector of St. John's church is r*. M»m ,traai. Drit Hi. 11X3contemplating a series of Sunday even ­ Pilot ourapli.Y. ing addresses to young men. to lie com­ CORNER DRUG STORE TRAVIS & BAKER. menced in the near luture. U. Pl.l MtllTT. Loading !*h..;..«ra- O• (Aar. orar < ha Ida A Cu.'a atorr M. .lonaa. thanksgiving dance and oyster siije FOR THK . . . Copying and aalarglng. Work guarantaad SrM-rla*.pei at Ueller s Hull. Fowler. Thursday CANNOT BE DUPLICATED evening. Nov. :su. Music by the Big VflMaarjr. Three of Ionia. Bill. #1.A». ffPPR071CJH,\G ftPLIDflYg * »l. IIOHN. V. a. <.ol.l Mrdallai ol Ha thr llRiartu Vrirunary Collro «*Air. Voii are cordially invited to attend liv this we moan the bargain* we have to otter you in our every line. McDonald'.drug.tarr Night*. Pauorr, llolai the Kpwortli lAWgne Sunday, Nov. -JU. Our first year is closing, ami to our friend* and patron* wo extend Subject : ** Making Home Bright and Paint I lie. our thank* for the very lilieral patronage giv.-u u», ami appreci ­ Beautiful." I^eader. Miss M. Bayker. ating this fact we have decided tc push sales the coming J. Pl,l RNTRAO. I'AIMKH i»rd* a rr* by mail promptly attaadrd in. -Iluality The King's Daughters will meet with year with iiion* vim than ever, and ns a starter we have Eand rtrrllanea, tba aeaaa of au*rnaa." la our mollo.Mm. A. K. I hitcher. Tuesday evening. SHERMAN'S BAZAAR made astonishing cut* in our line of fiirr ua a trial. tsaatf Nov. 2K. All tlioae desiring to jemaiu Has been designated as Ilendipiurturs for all of . % rndertakine. members of thin circle, please bring ten the Rest and Most Useful Articles in Bazaar W. INliH AH A W, t’NDKIITAKElt— cents dues (o this meeting, or send it to lumdlri'oNn HaaaalOinarr. W. MWi. the secretary. Miss Pauline Adams. and Bnzarette Goods, and will sell at Prices lbM Quarterly meeting for Bengal circuit. that will Discourage Competition and please Dry Ms. limits and Slitmsl L*. B. church, will convene at Bengal purchasers and consumers. The stock is un ­ [CARTER’S church. Saturday. Nov. itttli. al •! p. m. precedented and unequalled for completeness Come ill and get the Bargains. and continue over the Sabbath. A gen ­ and variety, and is every day recognized and 'm eral attendance is desired. ('oniman. l*astor. pronounced the finest and most complete stock The high scltnol will give a public en ­ in the interior of Michigan, and consists in purt of tertainment next Monday evening, at DON’T BE DECEIVED the high school room. A Hue program GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE, TINWARE of music, scenes from plays, recitations, .Vnd Toys that cause the little ones to leap with joy. Into (laying high and ficticious prices tor Groceries when you rail etc., is prepared. Admission, lo cents ; take advantage of tnene Brent Iir tod rngolaaatbabowafa. BtMtf tbayoaUf famoii* - Miff Tree lecture" in the RICHMOND * OSBORN Baptist church. Tuesday evening. Nov. . J. HAMILTQ3ST, Ib.s. of our Best Bice for...... 2*>ct* :Mth. under the auspices of the ladies I 7 lb*, of Beat Boiled Oat* for...... Hkitfl "" HEAD aid society. The following are some of j Landscape,Portrait Artist General Insurance Agents Om Alllmn * Jewelry Sion-. lib. of Bio Chewing Tobacco tor...... 2-Vt* idthoaa the brief expreaaionsof the pres*: **l!n-1 I make a •tnrlall} f*f ■a *111 Rad tbaaa llttfapUlaraU* ique. ' *• splendid.'* “ amusing.'' ** fam­ ST. JUNNs. MICH. «Malaaoaaa*y *aya that they «1U not ba *tt> .1 lb*, of Beat ItAinins ...... _2oct* liag t u uu wtihuu t tana. BMaftaraUaiakboaR ous.” ** instructive." ••versatile Tick­ LARGE WORK and Itoim (H iitlwa iXt* lolkwrlwr i^mn wln ; | et*. Si cents : children. Id cents. CHILDRENS PICTURES. Northwestern Natioaal of Milwaakee, 2Ti lb*, of Good. Standard Boiler Flour for______08ct* The Nan Fire, of lamilnn. The laanranre Ca.. af North Amerira, ACHE I'rlMrt vhinl Mono,. The Etna, of llartfard. ' aoaaayMaaa that bore lew 1'liu‘ngraphir AVnrk of ail Kinds ■al baaat. Oar ptUararaltr The setui-MumiMl apportionment of pri ­ Nprimrflelil. af NprlmrflelO. Naaa.,1 mal' school interest money for thin iwiwr and Sailufariion Uuamnin-i Itockronl. af Haekfanl, III.. Itenaaaia. af New Yark. comity amount*Ui|o.(W7 .i0aiiMl lias been it- Johns , matin Weateheater. af New Yark. Other equally as Good Bargains too numerous distributed to the several townships at a* 11 t-« ...... -...... ai put ;« v a waif Wt------— «l *1 HKN your (>mdi PuirhaHoa amount to tldO.OD you will ■pm ------ijg* Iraoaatl) .ml uMTHteillr looalml naartbo M-...... UR 914 St W he presented with an < legnnt Book (Ja*e, Tahir or ...... mu hr m imOma aemmr of ihuCM* iimior ’sCottonKootWmfmm—------H4 or m •ma*. K«a»*>------—— » m» Music Rack. . . . COMPOUND. Um*a ...... 4*4 an ST- JOHN*. MICH Urrfiil n:. -m |R INDAPO MOaaaa—...... mi in to Otm»—------m* is m lane earrtaar floor, moa) . rtaan ami airr • alia, ami Hoan rural, ami all at ri»a*nwah ir Rite___ 4W in m meari.r* la R» »AVa. *, rafli w*ew Total ______AW ,.*«! hi'-llil -»!•* Your* for Trade, la wall iqulHel *H0 rural VrUMw a*4 Hota Inability to *4«ep ia a nerviai* diaaaoe which wreck mam- iindie* T,.«?rr is a Ml. Call ami aaa me- -—T- XHH* ram* Lily cure for It— I>r. Wlieeler'* Nerve Vital- •sri*to* logs.iwti toro Mw*y»llRrsnfw iter. »l. P. 'lll.I.KK PrmT. J. C. CALKINS. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOV. 23,18QS. —— her* sea* really a good soul, and always a year, jtow amt again, w BM resit) to help a poor neighbor. Him waa In luck and tiad made a few franc* more ASTORYOF BLOOD. very fond of the O’Hara girl*, and already than III*Ordinary earning* from the news ­ she liad begun to build her little nasties la papers. he rewarded the lit tie widow's at­ the air fee their benefit, ltose was to marry tentions by taglur her to a tliaatre. muffgiv- Philip, that honest voting mechanic from log her an ice or a supper In the Passage Jouffroy^efure he escorted her home. He HU ITEM III. TtNIIF.l*. the far south, beyond Careaaaoone, who was doing ao wall aaa journeyman cabinet ­ trusted bar en grand teigneur on these oc­ • » ft wa- very ‘mall, very shabby : and cheap casion*, and those evening* were to Suion maker. and who waa something of an artist ■ of LONDON, now of C. IICAGO, with a Offloa and Laboratory at IIIL JR DALE, MJCIL, ■tthougli it waa. the rent aeriiml a meat In hla way. and thus a 1 it tie above the aver­ Michel as niglils sprat in pfiiadi«e; lisura to dream about for weeks after they were gone, deal to Rose, after her experience of village age mechanic. And now hare there had Viaited Southern Michchlgan for tho past Year, and during those visit* has examinad and prescribed tea BafiffUig-i-n *hr way: hut ner new trivial dropped from the sky. aa It were, the vary to long for with a passionate longing. Yet hundroda. and effected some of the moat Wonderful Cures ever made in the State. told her ahe matlu walk, mde* ami fet nolle lover of lovers for Kathleen —young, hand- they brnaghl her no nearer to the man site tm: ao cheap mall Part*: m> ahe took heart, some, refined, aa charming as a lover in a loved or to the realisation of her hopes. Not r«ur friends neighborhood In the county (Sat has not hsdRH a word wa* ever spoken of Imre or marriage. healthof aftaralTC'-pe Hit ti< K*ti»r I of It* mein i-rs snsiched from dm th and i aaiargj ■ml tilled the apartment for a month uuaaui'. tola tam. paying the fifth of her echini pieces, Mainan Schubert told herself It was high When they parted ou the step* of the create mt —iiimi ahisMilaa of which ahe had -pent Jwat four upon the time Kathleen should have a Inver, whose ■ trie, while the bells of Notre Dame were ■ead. aaan instalment of the rent. And duty it would he to protect aud cherish her, chiming on.- of the quarter* after midnight, then still directed by her atout friend,' ahe and to marry' her so aoon a* ever they were they wee* as far apart as ever. If ahe waa A' St. Johns, Thursday, Dec. 7,1893. One dav only. Office-Parlors at the Hotel St. Johns. Went t » a crcm< rie round the corner, and rich enough to marry. Him was much too ever to be Madame Mortemar the offer of marriaramu*l come from tier oeu Ups, Hu­ bourn: some mi.* and rolls and a little pgettv to remain unguarded by a strong Riaelssliun Wrmm (« Atl. Clti sic U ■her —- for supper ; and the alster ant down man ’s love. For such fresh and lunoeent ron thought; and -die won Id not have Mini nil Altkui(k the doctor la In utaer cm from telling the mail of her choiec of those The doctor treats no acute dlevnsea. hut de- In their new home, ao hare of many thing* loveliness Paris wns fall of snares; she to use exprustva Inatrr ntanu vote- fata whole time to the treatment at ■asentiai for eomfoit, and laughed and cried could not go the length of a street alone snug little ilive-imerit*, awl her willing- In making analysea. micro- chronic and tong standing and aurgtaai die- •vrr their lint meal In Paris Kathleen waa ness to ahare her economies witli him. ! eases: oase* given up by other iloctor* aud pro ­ without encountering perils. The wolf was othar sciantiOo esamLnattona, nounced incurable, *> innst desires to aaa. Dr. •linost hysterical with fatigue and excite- ah* ays on the watch for thlk lamb. Rise Feminine delicacy would not have hindered | such an avowal ; hut there was something in { ^3 ha makes no charges to anyone, bat lav liuaiphrv) has bad nearly c-uraa In the Men.'. All the way they had come, even In O'Hara's arooation* compelled her to be ab ­ mg It to be a part of th* physteow'a duty slate of Michigan, whltahts patients all told la the raiiM of her iclriLli gladness she had sent all day long, and she was oblige,! to the man himself which sealed her ll|ia. Minnesota. Wisconsin, lllm-u*. Alabama. Tan- Gaston was ax cold a* lee, as calm as mar­ to ascertain th* patient ’] (rue condition nosier. Uenvgta. Ohio and Indian:- bare t-rea been haunted by fears of purnult. The mew her vncnr sister in the little *.ttiag« without pipsna* to tU suffa.-er. Wnsa fully five ttmes that number: nearly two-tbirda Reverend Mother would send the gard-ner ble. llohad that amiable languor of xpeech room, forbidding her to go a step beyond aver and wherever Or. Humphrey decides of lhear sufferers wore given up as boiwleas after her, aud have her takeu back and shut her dailv marketing within a narrow radius and manner which clever young men are Invalids, home to he blind, some dear, and i apt to a Her t. until it l>ecotnm a .ecu id ns- j to locate a moat-.y rtalt crowds flock to others a prey to scrofula, chronic kidney -tla- up In the sun-baked room vrbare the rata of the Rue (tit le dour. ees> . oonsuiuptkMi. dcst, uctive female iron Nee. ■veil. lure. !ia talked likes man who had lived see bun. and oc wonder, tor by the first ex animation, aud oftoa without asking a Among o' hers, hundreds of children hopeless ­ “But now wc arc wife,” she saM. with her The wolf, aa represented by the gandin throuc.i avery experience that life could of- I ly deformed. But liehulil how many of them or pefli crew, was not often on the pi owl In fer to reprobate youth, who hail grown old question, he tells the Hvalid what Um see and hear, while osar I y all are rapidly bead on her sitter's shoulder, and Iloae ’s Iw-ing cured. arm ronnd her. “we are safe in Pari* ; and this humble locality. The pavements were In evil tiffore Time had written a wrinkle trouble la, and the pros reel of a cure, and moat wonderful of all be values hla Drat Th* doctor la surrounded with the flnsat and If Reverend Mother sends after us, we'll go too rough for hla dainty hoots, the region on hi* brow most citrus!vs oollec.MMi of InstrumanU ever to the Euipemr aud ask him to take can* of altogether too shabby for his magnificence. “Ah, bat he hax lived, that youth !” said Impnealon and first look at a patient more In parted to this country for examining asm But from the Horboiine. from the Luxem ­ then all else, and Dr Humphrey la nevar •resting all forma of chronic ailment* of the ns. We are his subjects now. ” Thtn waa the knowing ones of the quarter. “He has 1 aead. face eye ear. throat, cues', lungs, heart, In Hi. when tha Empire was In its glory, bourg, and from the Hotel Dieu issued squandered the paternal fortune ou aclresa- , mistaken in hla dianunta in any case. atoaaaoh. liver, aphieo. kidneys, bowels, repro ­ The doctor's methods differ markedly ductive organa, unnarr orgvos. hraln and ami there was n sense of power and splen ­ wolves of another and rougher specie* — es and oarottes, and now he hax to writs I from the general prartltlonar In all ra- students of all kinds; and IP.*e live! In stw-cia. following the ulan of 8t. (ieorae'a nervou) svsieiii. paralysis, growth#. Joint dla- dor in the third Napoleon's dominion over for his hared. ” pfias. hip diseases, sdatlca. skin dtseasaa. ever-present fear i*>«t one of these should llosp.iai of Loudon, he ragittar* every this beautiful modern Babylon, such at Tin- fast waa that Gaston Mortemar had particular a* to the patient * i>hr*mai now an -1 ovary form of weakness o( either must have l-een felt hi Home under the pie assail tier cherished lamb. Mainan Hrhu- never had a napoleon to hex tow upon any ­ dllionainl mental state The iwulillm of or bert was often too lazy to go marketing;' eech organ, location of any and all dla- liUc sway of Augustus. These girls felt as body. for good or evil. He had worked for ' Tha doctor s specific medicines go straight to and then Kathleen must need* go alone on easwl part*, and wheihcr -yinpatheiIc or If they were iu a fortress, now they were Ills dally bread ever since lie left the school organic, logetb-r with '.be amount and th*diseased organ, and can ix pl«tnl> u it at within the charmed circle of Imperial mag- her little errand* to the green-rrocer. or the of Albert the Great, where lie had been oua , nature of the d.*sa* n In tbM way ibe en ­ work In the Ji— itsed parts very shortly after tire amount of vital ener gies are ruadlly their use la begun. Ta*r are pleasant to take, ■Meence. pork-butcher, or the eremerle. of the brightest (oiplls of the good Domini- : mild but sea rolling In action, yet agree with The creme rie was just round the corner — t-ompiit(*l a ml fbt realnrinc power of th* » Year* of struggle and poverty and Indus ­ cans. He had never been rich enough to he Uidy meesuml against ib» force red en ­ the most •lellcwie lady o.- child, do not reduce one of the neatest daintiest little shops in profligate iu a grand way; aud he was too ergy and destructive oapnb lltlee of me dla- the strength, and can l*e used while at the try and self-denial rame after that happy usual occupation, a* many patients still able evening when the girls sat in the twilight, , Paris, or at least It w%* so thought by the proud, too refined to stoop to cheap vice, oeee. Thu* knowing the actual oaaiHfii for hard work and clnen attention «o busmens Inhabitants of Git Ic fYaur. who patronised of the tissue* ami th* effect of specific dreaming of a bright future; but though the lie wax, like Alfred de Musset, a dandy gaafitetnaa upon every structure of th* are often slowly, surely, yet unconsciously training was severe, it was perha|>s. the best It liberally. It was a tiny shop in a narrow bom. created with refined tastes ami lofty Uidy, unlike meat doctors, he is enabled to dying, knowing themariv-ea 111. yet deceived street, and one descended to it by two stout aspirations; hut poverty had embittered , say post lively whether any given oaa* la Infos fa lav security, they procrastinate and and noblest school In which humanity ran curabk- or net. aud given case on aa ravl-lly as (hay ought to get well In s few day* or dian. all the world of love and sin Iter for the Faubourg St. i-nnaln. It wa* cellar- Flaubert. He was a cynic to the inarrow of weeks, notwithstanding the fact that they possible, and a good r-nninon mus r slemral like nnd dark, but that was an advantage his bones. He tried to surpass Voltaire in have auffrrrd fur year*. Cnrefi alter all others Fail. on the i«rtof ih«- patieui bv mail ti the next Kathleen, who bloomed into exquisite love ­ thing to a personal consult a! Umi liness in that humble Parisian lodgn:?. a on a hot summer day. It was ennl and shad ­ arritnony. Knussenu in discontent, and lash ­ fair flower blossoming unseen, with, hap ­ owy, like a rustic dairy, and It was clean — ed himself into fury when Ire wrote abo**i Daleys Are Dangerous. Karts fo- Men of All Ages. ah. how tt wa* clean 1 You might liavo of­ tiie great ones of the earth. pily. few to note ht-r beauty. Many diseases are deceptive that h-mdred* ora alllnr with fly reason of fhlve modesty the youth of our land are kept In fered a napoleon tor every oh web to be One day he met Kathleen O’Hara in the dangerous, yet Inaldlotia. msladte*. ail unoonselno* of their true Rose found only too soon that education condition. They know thari ■ aiare not well, hut are entirely ignorant Ignorance of the serious results which certain solitary and Indiscreet was a drug in the Parisian markets. Alter found in Suron Michel ’s shop, without fear mominx sunshine, coming In from hor of being out of pocket by >our offer. »The marketing, juat as he was going out to of the deadly fangs fastening upon some vital organ, which must practices produce. Three rice* If persisted in eventually undermine heroic efforts to get employment as a morn ­ soo n er or later utterly destroy them unless rescuedteHbv a skilled tlw constitution. Induce nervous debility nnd early decay, organic ing governess In a trad-man '» family, she little tables at which Huron's customers breakfast, with a neat gray gown and a pale- hand Are you afflict id? Your oaa* may t-eeaailv ourablible now, l>ut weakness, premature loaa of the manlv powers. Involuntary loss of blue neck-ribbon, and a basket of lettr-o 'i remetnb ar. every moment of n<-gleet brings you nearer th* day fell back upon the only industry which of­ wn*n an incurable stage may supervea*. when th* most skillful vital fluids, general prostration, and nftmitmea isslwctlSty and breakfasted were of spntle«s nicrble. Her ami reiiishes on her arm; and he thought he chronic epilepsy- Or all maladies aflEctti.g mankind there la fered itself, and, by the help of her first thick white crockery had never a stain or a physician ecu render you no assets n os Th* present is sure. Th* probably none about which tbs common taintlv doct-r In general saw a Greuze that had suddenly become future may bo too ut *. Parisian friend. Madauie Schubert, the stout smear. Her bras* milk-can- and tin coffee­ practice knows so little, yet no suffen- need the stii-mion of th* flesh and bimal. and I uni walked out of Its eiperk-nced speciauat more than these, and hero we liavcin minister matron who had found her a lodging, she pots were a* bright as silver iu a silver- A Life of P.sports > and Opportunity. got employment as an artificial flower-maker. frame in the Louvre yonder, acro-s tlie to* diseased body, a >llae*s«-l muni, au-t imsglnallona Mini with smith's shop. shining river. He forgot his good manners, Dr. Humphrey's entire life has keen devoted to the study and work morbid desires and frarfm aporohenaions Dr. Humphrey's uo- In which art she progressed rapidly, and. in It was in this half-underground apartment of hla profession and Is rich in practical expenenen in hospital, dis­ paraUelr-lsucocas with these unfortunates art an* not only from the a couple of years, attained a perfection and turned to look after her as she crossed pensary and private practice, and many of the truly wonderful fact of the most scientific and apcciflr medication known cither In that Gaston Mom-mar. tin-young journalist, things be baa seen and dun*. If told, would read more like fiction than Ibis or any other country, out also to ihe fact of the direct tntluence which ins tire, 1 her liberal wages—wages the yard ami tripled up the steps of that aooer truth In the great hospitals of Europe b(a oppo rtunities have took his I rcakfast every day—wn Sequent. lr feo • -ml mentally. Disease or debility of the ra- ed to make both ends meet in that luxurious In a way. on the staircase. Madame Schu ­ M. Bergeon. l-'o*h*rg.'l ltcniard. etc., are as familiar to Mm aa to productive organs of either rex rapidly destroy* thernergies of both buxom black-eyed widow of six-and-twenty, thsmselvve. aui while ever ready to grasp and retain a fact, he holds body aud mind, robs the step of Its elasticity, dims the blight eye, ■spend verity of Panetcspcciallgin winter. 1 bert was standing in her doorway, scenting fast to old fheidi ten-ctouslv. and madia new ones cautiously, ex ­ who had always the last news of the quar­ the morning air. and watching thcgoiug* pa lea the cheek, develop- cowardice and often destroy* the brightest when fuel made atieh an inroad a|*on the ter. and a cheery ward for every comer, and perience having long since proven that one old truth wati applied la Intel leal. The rep rod-olive function is the mainspring of —'tt1 alender purse; hut somehow the girls never aud comings of her neighbors. Hhe and wortn a dozen conjectures however plausible. life—prese rve It at all hazards who found a great deal lo nay to thU par ­ Gaston had long been on friendly terms, so knew actual privation, never went to lied ticular customer. She Mood behind her bnugry. or were haunted in their slumber she gave him a little nod, and laughed a* lie Latest Discoveries and Improvements, or organa has takes place, as to affect Ihe tence. lost manhood, stn rn mtorrh-es, lossst, bright little counter. Hashing her knitting- proper function of said organ sad flnallr dehillttilllty. also for pros ­ by the nightmare of debt. The little rooms passed her door. Dr. Humphrey Is Ihe only physician who tatitis, varicocele aad all private dterases, needle*. ox moved deftly about the shop, has had (lie special advantage of Ku.-opea* break down the actual structure Itself. on the thin! story were the pink of neat ­ "QentttU. n'eet-ce piu. mon garront*' she Bren in some oases when this has happen —] whether from imprudent habits of youth i polishing ami arranging her |- -t- and pans, hospital studies In microscopy of the blood sexual excel —-s In mature years, or say can ness. Kathleen was housekcc|»cr. and her scn-ained. in her shrill treble, with tbo and tlssiise. who carries with tnm a full line of tm Mount skiff may stop the destructive oper ­ while fJa«t >n Mortemar breakfasted, aud ation. stay me larosAs of tbs - : “OtntlU*! Hhe is adorable," answered Other case*. If oegleeted. after peasing --•-nfl-lenUal Aheoluie cure* guar est in the day. By the time he had live,! ures and secretions of the l»dy. ns the urine, anued .Vo risk incurred. gray or brown merino gowns were uevtr , Gaston. “Is It |>n*sihle that such an ung.*l j blood, discharges of any kind, catarrhal se­ Ca certain singe, die In spit-of all that skill six months In the Rue Git le Cceur. they cretions, etc., rtix, which examination* are now sand--. Hen re It I* not only dangerous lode- ababby or dilapidated. Collars and cuffs ' Inhabit* the same dull walls that shelter lay, but ofttlmes criminal, for most all of us CpIlepsy were always -potleas, and the little ffiet were on very intimate terms. .Site used to considered Indi-tx-ti —Id* to a c- 'rrrol diagnosis »ilivelyy ccured t-y a never-falling method. upbraid him if lie were five minutes later me?" • In all forms of obscure sad chronic dt«**ers. live for those we love, far more than for neatly shod. There were arways a lew half ­ “Dangerous, is it not? But she Is as good \« \ - ry few doctors outside l he large --itte# are ourselves, ami It la a crime against thereto I'fnnm nnsklllfnlly I reeled by Ignorant pence for the lmg at Notre Dam-, and there than Ills usual hour, and -he would i«ut aud as she is pretty. A gentleman's daughter thus prej-are-l with costly outfit of mlr rosropto neglect ourselves until premature death prolrn-l--r* ^rh<» kii-p trirllng with them month look sorrowful if lie seemed iu haste to de­ cluees the scene. after iu" «th. giving i-ui -oik -us sn-l injurious wa« always a I oar to divide will, a j-oor too. though she and her sister have to uork and oiber ess-nils! lusiruments fbr making a part. Oner site -erved him n better break- strictly flrst-clam diagfi-ei* in many oases, (he oomi-ounds. should call and i-ee the doctor. ■dfhbor, or a eai for their bread, poor orphans. The father afflicted would do well to call upon tbodocior fast tli in he had ordered, and wanted to such as have l-affirel flic skill of all other Wonderful Cure* by my Improved method On the other hand, the pleasures of the was an Irish captain." Dad get hi* opinion and learn whether iH physletsn« and their ren —lie- Hr Humph ­ *upp!) httu with a dainty dish gratis; hut door* of hope are yat open or forever olusod of treatment sn comp Usned innerruu- debility, alaters were of the rarest, and. perhnpa.that “lit 3?].” exclaimed Gaston, with* touch rey quickly cures. - nncer*. tumors, flhrotd pn-nisluredecbneoi manly puwersdmd kindred Monsieur Mortemar drew the line here. His against them. six 1 poll (told growth* —trad without the ■ why they were no sweet. A steamboat | of rhip.-ine. There ontnes a turning point In Ike r-niirre sn-.-u.- iy. which have Imi-o ncglrcrod <-r un- angry flush aud haughty frown told the lit­ use of the kama or caustlos. No cuttiug, skillfully treeiod Nueypcrlmcnts or failures. •xcursn-n once or twice in a long summer ol every disease; this Is especially true of all m> pstn, no lUtuger. tle widow that she had gone too far. TO BE roVTOfUEIX progressive disease*, all or anv of which are Patient* rreated hy mail ami medluit-es sect to some suhuraati village that waa almost , Manhood 1‘srtoetly Restored. “Pu-ase to remember that I am % gentle ­ rurst-Is up to a certain lime; that Is. until by express Hereonai consulteUon prefer abl e, the country;a vlalt to a cheap boulevard such tissue change In some Important organ Quick, painless and certain cur* for Impo ­ we guarantee ournhtc theatre <>nce or twice In the long winter. man. ami not a piquoi**ltt v," he said, “aud NEW COLORING IN GERMANY. Bat O, how heavenly was the scent of iinie that I eat nothing I cannot pay for.” UHaalysl- < Rxaminaiion of Urine). —All person* suffering with obscure diseases, or suspected kidney affect ;ons. would do well to blo«aoin«. hotv exquisite the venture of sum­ Madame shrugged her shoulders, and said Manufacturer* *»»>• (Inti It IlNomw Kited faeteg from i--> to f -r the first urine pa — e.i in fhe ic-.ruing fur oaafiMUoa. While i*r H imphrei i - mi ment addrsa* is It wns hard she could no; offer an mmlctte Hit limit Eire. Chlcagi-. IlL, owing to the large number of pattenu In hnuthern Michigan and Northeastern Indiana and Ohio, he ha- Ii-oated a branch mer meadow-, to til use who tested the lux- office sod (llapenssrr at HtltsiUle. Michigan, where ail letters 1 roni this section oaa tm addressed. Our. North and Broad Sis. nr) so seldom! And how vivid and real w.v- mu poinlt d'usprrrjr* to a friend if she Some of the German porcelain nnd tfaat sham world of the stage to those who liked. gins* manufacturers are now using a 'All latter* InrD —Ing stomp fer pnstege answered toes. All enrrws pends nee and eonsultation in strictest conllds “When 1 visit my friend*! take what they ao seldom saw the curtain rias upon that now coloring material, capable of Ihv choose to give me.” answered GaMuii eoHi- pain; ami tiu«el paradt-e! ing ••fixed" without fire. In carrying Rose and Kathleen llvwi as hntnhly a, lv; “hut I have no frieuds In this part of Part a.’* out this process, ordinary water colors gn*etti-» live, and dressed asgri«cttesdn*»s; are used. Itiesu being ruhiied down but they presen ed the secluded habits of Saxon Michel looked as black a* thunder, with a certain mixture, consisting of -The - jhird - party IF YOU MT IRFOiKUTtON ABOUT Bnglisii ladles—knew no one. and s|s»ke to and took the journalist's money in sulkv si­ no one. outside the narrow enclosure of that two solutions, compounded in definito lence. She broke a jug tieforc ilinner-lime, proportions, one of them being ••om- little stone-paved yard in the R le Gil le and wa* snappish to her rustoUMSS ail the OuBur. with its three houses divided mto rest of ttoo day. posed of one hundred part- of u *yr.ip twenty domiciles. Among these dwellings of potassium water glass to which has the sitters had made a few reaper table ao- 1 “What Satan like prideshe exclaimed, thinking of her favorite patron; and then l»ven added ten parts of n lead ucclnto qpatutanees, including Mad ante Hrliutert. solution —fifteen parts lead acetate to the stout matron who grew mom and more 1 she muttered a remark which might have found a piaee later iu the columns of the one hundred parts of water—und PENSIONS obes- as the years went by. who was de­ ■^HMpaiaRr or postal saOT I'ere Durhcne. stirred by an uir stream until well 1 thi : wmknm ci. kina laNPtXT, scribed somewhat vaguely as a petit rentier, y,Tt mgm WEOOCRBURh. - • Masaakm and whose only business in life was to know Hhe cried wiien she went to bed that night, mixed; the other solution is n mixture p. o. Bov saa. VTAMI l hl.TOX. the business of her neighbors, and to attend cried and sobbed, ami swore an oath or two of fifty part* of borax dissolved in one ^MTU'J ___ nrtsioxa twentm- rtut •pun an ancient coffee-colorrd pug almost by way of solace, lie fore she laid her head hundred parts of warm water and SOLDIERS. WIDOWS, as obese aa herself. on her pillow, thinking that Gaston Morte­ twenty purls of glycerine. Sixty parts CHILDREN, PARENTS. AIS's for ---idler* smtaa-lsss -llssM- l In Ihe tlnrnf As she was their first, so was Madame mar would come no more to the little table of the first described solution are >ty in tho rsgslnr Army »r \*v since th- wsr. at the end of the shop. But at the usual I C■rvlvnrs of theladlsn war* lKV,' t.. Imx -n-l ■ehunertlk, tr brstand most Ultimate friend, mixed with forty |mrt- of the second, liv/t Mfilljewh ^elihcs, ^oy Kcs, tkrer widows, nnw - nlltled r»d sn-l re)er>— t rlslms and. indeed, the one only person whom the time he walked into her shop, and sat him- • a speetslty T^usmnSi esiitisd io fitgtisr rstm. ae f down an imperturbable visage. nnd witti this mixture the colors are •tod ^fo-^j-rwjaws. No charge ter adVhK. No fea Demnivilto O'Hara visited and iwi-ivrd in rubbed down. For thinniug purposes IVe W.Ot ilv/e tvil^ouh live -vi J/joj I’ ^oils r thi' vast city of Baris. Sae was always She served hi* coffee a* car.'fully a* ever, water and the first named solution are iv ch •heir comp in on and prolccm-* in those but said never a word, lie a newspa ­ Wf. v/avj livf wilfjcvl uotir.a , J) radicals Co|>ft f per while he breakfasted, paid, and went, mixed well together in equal parts. bappy -xCBr- Ions tnthc country, those fairv- f3ui Ciuilizfid ih Ck H CAuviol' hue ivilljovf* Ioo|). W. L. DOUGLAS Mk-nlgiita at the theatre. It was she Who without a wont on hi* part. After tiu. products have been (minted , ■applied tin- seciude I damsels with new-, of Next morning there was a bunch of daffo­ they are placed in a both compose.t ns ; S3 SHOE noTWtp. dil* on the little lahle, a bunch of yellow tb< outside world. She knew, or pretended follows. One part of borax is dis­ N“xt to the foolishness of trx-inp to live without Soap, is the Do you waar tlt«m7 Whaa ant In oosd try a pair. to know, aver) thing that w.%, going on in bloom lighting up :hc shauowy corner. In the world. solved la twelve part* of wnte»- nmi g-rait unwisdom of living without Paris: ;.nd she c-rtamly did know every* Huron hail trudge! to the llowrr-market la* mixed in n gnttn perchn vessel with fore she opened her sluqi, to buy these tbiiig that went on in the Rim- tiit le ( >rtu. fifty parts of hydroituoric ami ten • It was R une, or in familiar spring It -wers for the man she loved. Ye*, she loved him. sod meant to marry him If part* of sulphuric acid. On thu im­, ■fud'cit who gave Rose aud Kath ­ mersion of the articles some len min ­ leen the fir* uiforinatioiialMuita new lodger sliefoold. He was a gent'email, and site SANTA CLAUS SOAP utes in this hath they are washed in Who had tfckeri up his abode In tin* two lit­ ranalttc tie rnnttllle. But what of that? which is acknowledged to be far lietter than any other kind. tle garrcR over their own apartment —a Did not the gutter throne It yonder on tlia clean water, and the color apimars ns young man with a handsome face, and side of the .Seine. In the Boi*. In the Pare if burnt in. Sold everywhere by enterprising grocers. pMil —*Rk Nil how y tr»Tcllnjf rtytst, des’t #»y B61* $8, try my S3, $3.50, $4.00or “lie writes for the pajwr- - for the Jtm- toll'll for a pittance. H.irely lie would he on the Float iu Pfilnivtof the Detroit A ill Motion." said Mh man H< .raberr. “J resort to his merchandise or his farm, RIGHT’S $5 Ska*. They ft aqati to cattom mafia aafi task sad Willing ami glad to marry her, when he Cl-'velau-l »tiani Navigntloii < -xiij-ony. wear aa wait. If jrsa with to scooomlrs In per ISohrear, re seen the printer's devil going up stair* , fly over the land, sail U|»on sens meet knew that site had mvi d mnnev. ;iud had Two new steel passenger Vearner* hare SoMkytwrekatlsg W. L Ooorlat Shorn. Naaw aafi With proof*. But he Is not rich, this yooth. her little Investment* in the public funds. difficulty and encounter danger. If he just tieen built for this Upper I-ake route, DISEASE prirs Mxm#efi as Iks batons, look fbr It tskmye* bey. for he break faMsatBuxon Mich Tseremrrte, lie »mileI at sight of tin- first howera of knows that Uo is not -pending bis rostiturflOU.oOOeoatinjffi'lOU each, aud un- guaranteed W. L. IHH'GLAS. Bvecktom, teas*. Sold by and he often Imy* a slice of Lyon* sail save AMOB OTMCM OISOROfiRS OF TMC HIOntTh spring, look lug up at the widow, saw that strengtii in vain, bat that his labor to be tits urandet t.■iHffafit, t^^Hsol cat and •nd a loaf as he goes home in the afternoon. > she was smiling too. AH her sullen gloom will be rewarded by the sweet* of fastest sttoUueffi on the Idxkea; apeod BO CAM M ffCMMAMCMTLY CUMCOMVUh MO when other young men an going to their had melted at Mght of him. Hhe wa* *o glad mile* per hour, mnttinff time between ■vorlte restaurant.' ’ home. Solioitude n n d disappoint ment fie had not forsakeu her shop Perhaps It enter the history of every man s Ufa (Jleveloud Toledo and Chicago lem than “Dear in a man. how Is It that yea know > won id have hurt her even more than hi* ftO hours. Four tripe per week l-etwoen DR. J. N. MCLEAN'S ■vi i vthin- about everybody?" exclaimed desertion to have known bow Insignificant and he is but half provided for his Toletlo, Detroit. Alpena, ilackinai , Pfftos- Rose. a figure she made In ht* life, and how IItlte voyage who finds but an assoc ate fot key nnd (’hlroffo. Daily tri(* lietween LIVER AND KIDNEY She had met the new lodger on the *t^n he had thought about ye-ter lay'* dispute. happy hours, while for his months o( Detroit and CROfitfiod; daring July and that morning, ami coaid not deny his good He asked her the news, and Iter whole darkness and dial no*- no sympathizing August double dailv aenrkowlll be main lank-. He waa tall ami slim, He had dark face beamed at the sound of his voiee. Hu* f ('»PATENTS,vsfiH. andTrede-Msrhx nhtaHwd, aafi stl P»t-J partner ia prepared. —New York Lad- teintsl. giving »dayl ’glit rido acroa* Lake ■pes —eagle eyes—gad a black an»u«t«oha. • prattled away gaily far the net of th- hour, Erie. Daily aerrite Ix-ttrean Cleveland /«r.t h- uesss conducted for Meotssrc • tt*. j and fMture* as -leany mil a* a prBi H^—essHa. . f 11 • AM ILl-.SXeaJsuss. . common seam.” Hhe 'What* that, iunr) i nviiKtm* lilt rr iFiwvn h I from Ws-hlsgi'M- “I have opes and ear*, a re I a lieirtlo «rw “Yoa ought to pot up a placard in your inglv low Hound Trip Hole*. The pate k ! model. -1iswing or photo., with w.;- p-« path is,- my m-lghhors in their Joy* and John f” Ha; “A prominent p'lrslciaa Hal equipment the luxury of tlw appoint ­ phm p We srtv-ss, if pa t* st* Sts or ask. ires of; | Window, with "Belache ” upon It, when says that if men would walk up and down and F I Imfiilarilin I ckargs. Oar Isa oat dee tiii ptusi w oocered. , ■arrow-.'' said Madame Schubert. “Oaa ments makes traveling ao those steamers Monsieur la here, " said a rruinpv porter, to staini mors they would be baalthlar ’* I PHre Oor DeUar Per Hattie a #w»Ni(T, “How toOh'-sm Pateats, with' might m well be the statue of King Henry whom she had served a pat of Imtter with thoroughly enjoyable He«d for lllan- eat ol ssom in the Li. S. and foreign cowatnct on the Pont Visf u go througb the world Mbs: "That's in -ensthb- doctor By the trated pamphlet. Address A. A. Hrhante, Thr fir. J. R. IfLru Vffilrtwi 0o^ -so. Addrsss. seant civility, ami whose keen .-yes saw the way. I wish ros'd go down la I ha cellar ■an ng far n«4>affir tm ansa e if." O. P. A . Detroit & CDvelaad bimm Naw ST LAIUIff, MU.. state »f affairs oad bring up a toad of wood sad mom* SNOW ACO. This was a ctevapmat of -a-lac a. fetnl- Go , Detroit Mich. ;C. A. piua vice M*«tn a vtttoe . lau AlamaaBet-a- ' »ilhia kiwi of thing went . I.see aud Jsarsla Worn oa I too A Here Threat or t'aagti If ittffilml to “If Thou tflM Fergtvs Their Me— that mothers make for their children, hold with a firm grip the old gospel on three tulles from the shaft laborer pried off the rook, and I waa Wore Hat* lu Ike Kartleet Age*. ■tlfol terrific prayer of tnv toxL She is going lity on the other. 1 like the positive bleeding to death und he took a i ewrr No eleo baa any more ugly face tbai eelf to lift her own eternity and aet it upon faith of tlmt sailor boy that I'apL paper from around his luncheon and eescsIL that one “If," by which she expects to Judkins of the steamship Scotia picked hound it around m3' t|ouiul and then Wtien the bill for madam’* b Kortoer does not change Banner*; It un­ Brook i t*. Nov. ID.—In the Tabernacle, bonnet cornea home the man of tbo cover* them. decide whether you will go up with up in a hurricane. “Go uloft! " said lrniped me over the three miles under ­ this morning. Her Dr Toloiag® delivered family generally make* some wise re­ one of bis moat unique and useful sermon*, her or she down with you- ^he may CapL Judkins to hia mate, “and look ground to the shaft, where I was lifted from a text never before pr eeobed from. 4** this moment looking heavenward, out for wrecks.” Before the mate had to the top, and when that newspaper mark* about hi* ability to deck him> Bnbject The "Ifa” of the Id hie The text and saying: “O, Lord recluim him by gone far up the ratlines, he shouted “A was taken off iny wound 1 read on It self out with a stylish hat at little 44 cost and a* a rule he enters into a cboeen was: Kxodua Si: 31, “if thou wilt thy grace.'* and then adding that wreck! a wreck!" “Where away?” something that raved my soul, and it long diaaertution upon tbo joya of forgive their ala—; and If not, blot me. I heart-rending “If of my text: “If not. said (.'apt. Judkins. “Off the port waa onr of your sermons. Good night, ” German pray thee, out of thy book." bow." was the answer. Life-boats he raid us he passed on. leaving me masculine wearing apparel us com­ blot me, 1 pray thee, out of thy Itook." There is in our Knglish language n pared with the fat-lal* a fashionable After three years of abaanoe a son were lowered, and forty men vol ­ transfixed wi*h grateful emotion. small conjunction, which 1 propose, woman requires In order to keep up wrote his mother in ouo of the New unteered to put out across the And who knows hut the words I now by God's help, to haul out of its present with the procession. After all, England whaling villages that he was ailgry sea for the wreck. They catm* apeak, blessed uf God. may reach some though, htiw little he knows of the Syrup insignificancy and net upon the throne criming home in a certain ship. Moth ­ back with a dozen ship-wrecked, and wounded soul deep down iu the black real history of thu lieadgoar he -tarn where It Itrlonifii. and that is the con ­ er-like. she stood watching, und the among them a Imy of 1? years "Who mine of sin. ami that these word* it'-iy My acquaintance with Boschee ’s lit to praise *0 highly. junction “If.” Though made of only ship was in the ofHng. but a fearful an; you?" said Capt. Judkins. The be blessed to the staunching al '.hu Orman Syropwa-s made about four­ Though there la no mention in his ­ two letters it is the pivot on which storm struck it and dashed the ship on answer was. “I am a Scotch Imy. My wound and the eternal life of the soul? 1 teen years ago. I contracted a cold everything turns. All time and ail father und mother are dead and I aut Settle this matter instantl}'. positively tory of uny model* of millinery such the rocks that night. All thut night oa adorn thu feminine head of to ­ which resulted in a hoarseness and eternity are at its disposal. We slur it the mother prayed for the safety of the on ray way to America." "What have and forever. Sla3* Dw*t “If.” Ilur3' in our utterance, we ignore it in our day, it is recorded in the earliest cough which disabled me from fill­ son. und just at dawn there was a you here? ” said Capt. Judkins, as he deep the last “If." How to tlo it appreciation, and none of ua recognixe ages that man wore some sort of cov ­ ing my pulpit for a number of Sab ­ knock at the cottage door, und the son opened the bo3*'s jacket and took hold Fling lmd>*. mind and soul in a prayer it as the moat tremendous word in all ering upon hi* head, und it ia doubt ­ baths. After tTyiug a physician, entered, crying out. “Mother. I knew of a rope around the buy'11 body. “It as earnest as that of Moaes in the text. the vocabulary outside of thnao words ful if a single generation of men over without obtaining relief I saw the you would pray me home!" If I would ia n rope." said the boy. “Hut what ia Call you doubt the earnuatuera of thia advertisement of your remedy and which descrilte deity. If! Why that that tied by the rope under 3’our arm?" prayer or the text? It ia *0 heavy with lived that did not woar a ccrtaik usk all t.hoNr in this assemblage who form of hat. In early Asiatic times, obtained a bottle. I received quick word we take as u trump among words have been prayed home to 1 «od by pious “That. air. is m3’ mother's bible. Kite emotion Lhut it breuks down in the now appearing here, now appeuring though no particular und separate and permanent help. I never hesi ­ mothers to stand up, there would be Void me never to lose that. ” “Could middle. M was so earnest that the there, but having no value t»f article was used distinctively for the tate to tell my experience. Rev. W. scores thut would stand, und if 1 should you not have raved something else?” translators in the modern copies of tin; its own. when it rauily has a million- “Not and saved tlmL” “IHd you ex ­ bible were obliged to put a mark, u j head, there was the hood, a portion H. Haggerty, Martinsville, N.J. 49 usk them to give testimony of thut New of the outer eloak that oouid lie airedotu of worlds, ami in its train England son coming ashore from the pect to go down? ” “Yea. air. lint I At! sight line, a dash for an omir.tion ] walk ull planetary, stellur. lunar, solar meant to take m3’ mother's bible down that will never lie filled up. i drawn up at will to protect from the split tiratiers of the whaling ship. cold and rain. destinies. If the boat of leaves, made with me." “Hravo!" said (apt. Judkins. Such an abrupt pause, such a WEAK AND NERVOUS. “My mother pmved me home!" From Rome, wo all know, roinea water-tight, in which infant Moses “I will take care of you. ” sudden snapping off of the sentence. Another liilile “If is the “If of in ­ the model of the liberty cap that is sailed the Nile, had sunk, who would That 1*03 ’ demonstrated a cer­ You cannot parse mv text, it ia an Sleepless Nights, All Unstrung. credulity. Satan used It, when t’hrirt. a* familiar to most of u* a* the ever­ have led Israel out of Kgypt? If the tain 13' and a confidence that { offense to grammatical construction. , with his vitality depressed by forty lasting derby. Thi* cop wa* given Knst nrovotond. N. V. May It, IMS. Red sea had not parted for the escape like. Just in proportion as you have Hut that dash put in by thu typesetters days’ abstinence from food, the tempter to those slave* who were ullotUd Dr. Kilmer Sc On., Binghamton. X. V. of one host, and then come together few “Ifs" of incredulit3 ’ in your re­ is mightily suggestive. “If thou nilt Gentlemen: —Last March I suffered very had pointed to some stones, in color and their freedom, while another style for the submergence of another host, ligion. will you find it a comfortable forgive their sin" (then comes the dash) I with heart ami kiduejr shape like lo*«ves of bread, and aatd: went to the graduates and the fool ’s would the hook of Exodtia ever have religion. My full anil unquestioning —; “anti if not. blot me. I pray thee, trouble. After using “If you be the Son of God. command cap to thu poor miscreant who lagged two liott'.c* of your been written? If the ship on which faith in it is founded on the fact that out of thy liook." Some of the most that these stones be made bread." behind in the race for educational ltnnmp>M will write to or IIanile) had never lieen born for hen* l’eter looks out ufton the form ae Mr*. William Tcter. peritv. Huililhism will do. Confucian ­ in a prayer meeting aim sa\'ing. "O tnusio. or Titian had never lieen born in the shape of a man defying The “petaaus ” of the Greeks bad a Al DruatPlk, .’ill rriil* ntul tl.OO Mt». ism will do. Theosophy will do. No Lord Jesus!”* und then sitting down, wide brim und was -omothing like- tho for painting, or Thorwaldaen had never the mightiest law of the universe, the "InvmUd*' 1.I11 Id* t” Health ' fre- ' ViaaaMaUaa trm. law of gravitation, and standing erect religion at all will do. Hut when tin* burying the fact; in the handkerchief: sombrero in its picturesque droop or Dr. Kilmei A Co.. - llinghamion. N. V. been born for sculpture, or Kdciund world gets after 3'ou and defame* ?mtr the penitent iu the inquiry room kneel ­ dashing curve in tho wide circles of lttirke had never been l«orn for elo­ on the top ,f the liquid. Yet the in ­ deeds, when bankruptcy takes ing and sa3'ing. * God help me." anti felt that constituted thu rim. 44 quence. or Socrates had never been credulous l'eter cries out to the Lonl, the place of large dividends, when you getting no further: the broken pravc- Chaucer speaks of the hat in these born for philosophy, or Hlackston© had “If it lie thou." Alas! for thut incred ­ HOTHER’S ulous “If." It is working as power ­ fold for the lust sleep the still hands that started .-Treat revival in my lines. never been born for the law, or Coper ­ over the still heart of your old father church in l'hiladclphta. A prayer may nicus hail never been l»orn for a*tr< fully in the latter part of this nine ­ And fro 1 Ur ii?nch be drove away th- rat teenth Christian century as it did in who has been planning for your wel­ have in style the gracefulness of an And 1st I adowne his potents and bU bat '* -. FRIEND”.- noiny. or Luther hr.d never lieen born fare all these years, or you close the Addison, and. the sublimity of a Mil- In man}' of the Knglish museums is a KCientilically prepared Liniment for the reformation! oh. tlmt con ­ the early {Mtrt of the first Christian ecu- tor*,. Though a small conjunction, it eyes of your mother who has lived in ton. ami the epigrammatic fore.; of an arc shown pictures and mnnusct-.pts and; every ingredient is of junction “If!" How much has de­ that provo that hats were worn by recognized valuo und in constant use lxl he biggest block to-day in the way your life, ever since before you wore Kuwrson and yet tie a failure having pended on it. The height of it. the Imm, removing her spectacles a horizontal power but no perpendicu ­ men in Kngland as far back as the by the medical profession. It short ­ depth of it, the length of it. Use breadth of cbegospel chariot. “If!" “If!” W© ens Labor, Lessens Pain. Diminishes have theological seminaries which she will have clear vision in the home lar power, horizontal power reaching eleventh century. The early liritona of it. the immensity of it, the infinity' wore ->kull caps and also hooded Danger to lifo of Mother und Child. spend most of their time and employ to which she has gone, or you give the the ear of man. but no periicndn-ulai Book “To Mothers ” mailed free, con ­ of it. who can measure? It would last kia* to the child reclining amid power reaching the ear of God. capes. In the fourteenth century men swamp anything but < hunipotenc *. their learning and their genins in the taining valuable information and the flowers that pile the casket and There i* onh* one kind of prayer iu wore a curious arrangement with voluntary testimonials. manufacturing of “Ifs.” With that lint I must confine myself to-day to looking** •natural and life-like as she which prat uetxl to put the “If." ami floatiug ends thu*. was neither pie- Sent by express. charges prepaid, on recelot the “Ifs" of the bible. and in so doing weaponry is assailed the Pentateuch, Of price, $l.M 1tar bottle. anti the miracles and the divinity of ever did reclining in the cradle, than Uiat is the prayer for temporal Ides*- ( turosquo nor oonvenienL In the I shall speak of the “If" of overpower next eeutur}’ tho soft round hat i-ume BRAOFIELL- REGULATOR CO., Athata, 8 a. Jesus Christ. Almost everybody ia the only religion worth anything is the in it- Pray for- riche* ami the} may 1 lug earnestness, the “If of incredulity, into vogue, though at thu same time Sold by all druggists. chewing on an “If." When many a old-fashioned religion of the Gospel of engulf ns. or for fame and it may lie the “if of threat, the “If* of argu­ stiff, narrow crowned form- with a man bows for prayer, he puts hia knee Jesus Christ. I would give mart' in witch us. or for worldly success of any , mentation. the “If of eternal signifi ­ single drooping feather were popular. on an “If." The door through which such a crisis for one of the promises of sort and it mr.y destroy ns. Hotter ray | cance, or tx> many of these “Ifs'’ as I In tho reign of King Henry the he passes into infidelity and atheism the old lsMik than for a whole library “If it be best," “If I can makc.pmper can compass in the time that may la* Kighth and also in that of Klizubeth and all immoralities has two door ­ containing all the productions of nil use of it." “If Thou seest 1 need it.” A reasonably allotted to pulpit discourse. the other religions of ull the ages. The wife. pra}'ing for the recovery of her the masculine headwear was most Firat. the “If of overpowering earn ­ posts. and the one is made up of the picturesque, the various degrees of letter “1” und the other of the let­ other religions are a sort of cocaine to husband from illness -Limped her foot estness. My text gives iL The Israel­ ornamentation marking tho occutm- ter “F." benumb ami deaden the soul while be- ami raid with frightful emphasis. ites have l>een worshipping an idol, ‘•I will not have him die: God -hall tion and standing of tho wearer, There are only four stem between renvement and misfortune do their notwithstanding all that God hail tlone not take him." Her prayer wn> writes Kdith Townsend Kvorett in strong faith and complete unbelief, work, but our religion is inspiration, for them, ami now Moaes offers the answerer!, but a few years aft ;r. the Philadelphia Times. Satin, vel­ Firat. surrender the idea of the verbal illumination, emparadiration. It is a most vehement prayer of all history, the community was shocked by the vet, lace and pearls weto all worn by inspiration of the scriptures, and adopt mixture of sunlight and hallelu jah Do ami it turns upon an “If. “If thou fact that lu* had in u moment of anger noblemen, while the button cap indi ­ the idea that they wen* ull generally not adulterate it with une orop of the wilt forgive their sins —: and if not, slain her. A mother, praying for a cated the countryman. Tho heaver supervised by the Lord. Second, sur- tinq^ure of incredulit3'. blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book." son ’s recover}' from illness, told the was at first worn only bv those of n*nder the idea that they wen* all Another bible “If ia the “If of Oh. what an overwhelming “If!” it Lord he had no right to take him. and high degree, and to this dav is kept generally supervised by the Lonl. anil eternal significance. tiolomon gives was as much as to say. “If thou wilt the Imy recovered, but plunged into all largely for occasions of ceremony. adopt the theory that they were not ua that “If twice in on? -entence. not pardon them tlo not pardon me; abominations and died a renegade. The plain Puritan hat sans ornament all. but partly supervised by the Lonl. when he say's: "If thou be wise thou if thou wilt not bring them to the Iletter in all snob pra}*er*. and all pray ­ and tho dashing cocked hat lo.'l up to Third, lieliere that they ans the gra­ shall lie wise for thyself: but if thou promised land let me never see the ers pertaining to our tcnqiornl welfare, the proxent era when the high silk, dual evolution of the ages, and men scornest thou alone shalt bear it." promised land: if they must perish let put un “Ff.” saying, “If it la* Thv ungaiul}' tilo und tho stiff, uncom ­ wmte according to the wisdom of the Christ gives 11* that “If when he rays: me |M*risli with them; in that book will!” Hut praying ft .' spiritual good promising derby »ro tho two distinc ­ times in which they lived. Fonrtb, be ­ “If thou hadst known in this thy day ft totWlt :n|b San Rial. Cnq. Itbaa. when* thou recorde*t their doom re­ and the salvation of onr soul we need tive styles in head woar. Whether WkMUsr.stfk uHdini m icmtlnm lieve thut the bible is a bad hook unit the things that tasking unto thy ficace, nr :-.ttis;u:3 Is 2m turn, uditts Mil Is id- cord my doom: if they are shut out of never insert an “If." (hit . spiritual thu next fifty yuan will load to any ­ not only unworthy of tndwee but hut now they are hidden from thine m:ii t'4|M Css tt cats Tst viUsss U* sstdkst heaven let me la* shut out of heaven: if welfare is sun* to In* for the best ami thing tnoro picturesque it is hard to afa-.t Uur tuny tks 2m. Am 6oW ky dosltn mry- pernicious and debasing and cruel. ey'ea" Haul gives us that “If when vkon Lsrr* bartlca 60 teat, »e2 II 00. »• they go down into dnrkness. let me go away with the “Ifs.” say. but of one thing wo may bo cer­ Only four steps from the stout faith he rays: .'If thpy - shall enter into mv tain. that if fashion demands fuss und down into darkness." What vehe ­ Abraham's prayer for the rescue of in which the martyr died to the rest'' A11 these “If* ” ami a score ST-Sr Thompson's Eye Wator. mence and holy recklemneaa of prayer! Sodom was a granti prayer in some re- j feathers for masculine wearing the blatant caricature of Christianity more that I might rnrnll put the whole Yet there are those hens who, I have specti*. but then* were six “Ifs .11 it. , millinery bills of husband and father us the gn*atest shuin of the centuries. responsibility of our sulratitin on no doubt, have in their all-absorbing or "perndventnres." which mean the will be as large, if not larger, than EXPOSED. KJ2S." Hut the dtmr to all that pn»- ourselves. Ohrid's willingness to Price |Oc: ;t lor Ur, Address desire to have others saved, risked the same thing. “Herodventure there nan} 1 ,.thora of, thu feminine element in the I\ O. Itoi IM. Toledo. <1. cipation ami horror ia made out of un p-trdon: No “If about that. . , . .. „ ___ , home, for men are as A.p.iy^HH same prayer, for it is a risk. You must lie lift}' righteous »n the city 1 vain of their Christ's willingness to help: No not make it. unless you arc willing to “If. ’ The mother of unrests in the venturi* forty-five, prrad ♦**ntur«* appearance as women, and it is cus­ Imltinee your eternal salvation on such minds of Christian people and in those “If about that. Realms of glory tom.aud not oconomical motive*.that awaiting the righteous: So “If about forty, peradventtm* thirt}'. pi* rad* Patents. Trade-Marks. an “If." Yet there have been eases who rrgnni sacred things is the “If" of venture twenty, peradventure ten." I keep-* them in chuck. Kvaaeteotton set Advpw wm »/> PsswiOsMWSv of tlmt. The only* “If' in all the cam- Inwm.nn M<-nd for -- tuventsw*' or How toOat when* a mother has lieen so anxious incredulity, lu 1H7U. in Nc*»Uand,l saw Tlmse six peradventure*. those six rin^z 0'faiii . ; WAOsmarsk. z. c. worth n moment ’s consideration, is the rtirtr llrslua l%> *l»«* I Orrr B(l 1 InnrM. for the recovery of a wayward son a letter which had lieen written many ,“Ifs" killed the prayer and 1 years ago by Thomas (Carlyle to Thomas “If that attaches itself to the ques­ A noted physician wrote me scon that her prayer ha.*- swung and trem­ Sodom went down anti went un- j tinn A MONTH iwd haatlla? sr*sti bled and poised on an “If like that of Chalmers. Carlyle, at the time of tion aa to whether we will accept, a ft or the death of Henjamin F. But­ ^ I ■■■ in -very i»wn In the tier. Nearly all the prayer* that • ler to inquire a< to the weight of tie I VI Vj rnltct Mst.-a to a*4l our par - t»»o. the text. “If not, blot me. I pray writing the letter, was u young man. whether we will repent, whether we were answered had no “If*" in i Daniel Wobstor'a brain. He declared cogcc. aplrc«, t.sklag powder and aitrscu. H«s.| (a thee, out of tny book. Write his name The letter was not to lie published will believe, whether we will rim for­ tn stamp- for <<*r whot*«*>> |.rlcc Hat. American them. The prayer of Kiijuh that iltoG tho tlgiira- wore not to bo found TN i ■«., nr Mlrhlgsa Arc.. Detroit. Midi in the Umli N lx>ok of life, or turn to until after the death of Carlyle. His ever. Is it not tinn* that we take our changed dry wen titer to wet weather. I in any medical work in his library, the page where my name was written death having taken place, the letter eternal future off that swivel? la it . Made in oil atlr. sad The prayer that changed llczokiah and that he do«h**d if onn out of luO MARLIN site. l.lsbteat.atruagnai. ten or twenty or forty or sixty years ought to be published. It was a letter not time that we extirpate that “If." wot wnrklSK. •alc»i. from a sick man to n well man. The 0f the physicians of thu I nttori States •Imptcat. meat accurate, moat compact, sad ago. and with the black ink of ever­ in which Thomas Carlyle expresses the that miserable “If," that hazardous prayer that )tailed sun and moon with ­ could answer the que-tion off band. lasting midnight erase my first name tortures of his own mind while “If?" We would not allow this uncer ­ Model l*si In (1 raj •hori an.1 loa* rim and roe out shaking the universe to (fleet's In looking up the matter 1 nrepamd tee-are carirldgo, in the asm* rt*r. KsveatW par rent. and my last name and all my name. relaxing his faith in Christianity, tain “If to stay long in anything else am COM of amin onlnon "*»ril| ■** B If he la to go Into shipwreck, let while, at the same time, he expres ses of importance. Let some one say in no “I fa" in iL Hay in sulistanee: who have hod sixty or more ouuoee me 1m* toaaed ainid the same breakers his admiration for Dr. Chalmers, and regard to a railroad bridge. “I rrrREPEATERS “Lord, tinm haat promised panlon and of brains, as far a« oxMniuatiom if he can not be a partner in my bliaH. in which Carlyle wishes that have reasons for asking if that THE MARLIN FIRF ARMS CO.. 1 take It. Here are my wonnds. heal have been mode: Turgeneff. Hue- Non* Hawn, < ■■*. let me lie a partner in his woe. I have he luul the same faith that the great bridge ia safe,” anti yon would them lien* Is my hllndnena. Irradiate •ian novelist. 71 ouncos: Hchlller. for many yearn loved thee. O find! und Scotch minister evidently exercised. not cross it. Let mime one ray, iL Here are my chains of liondag©, German poeL <13: Abercrombie, the it lias lieen tny expectation to sit with Nothing that Thomas Carlyle over “I have reasons to ask if tlmt by the gospel hammer strike them off. Scotch M. IX. (W; t'uvior. French Unlike tde Oaten Process wrote in “Sartor Hesartus,” or the steamer ia trustworthy," and you Christ and ull the redeemed at the ban ­ I am fleeing to the city of refuge and naturalist. AL A; Abercrombie, hnu ­ No Alkalies quet of the akies. but I now give up my “French Revolution." or hia “Life of would not take paarage on iL IzA I am sure this is the right tny. Thanks ll nh general,

The Independent Lom Anoklns . Cal.. Nov. IS. IMS. Fkibnd ConaiT: —Having a few leis­ C old weather •> DECIDED CUTS «T. JOHNS. THURSDAY. NOV a. IM ure moments this morning I reeoive to write you a few lines aa I wish the ad­ —TMI dress changed on j our paper sent to me. flight here let me tell you that the home muon conruiriD (Mich.) jaspers are our moat welcome ------IN------(Moil County Saviop Bank weekly visitors, and you may rest as­ ST. JOHNS. MICH. sured that no |Mrt of them are left un ­ Hill I LI I I UU! WLftll. read. and to its, are like a visit with home folks. Warm goods. We have Cut the Prices on . . . •ays 4 Per Cent. latereet »n Uefwslts. We are now enjoying the Uneat of weather, with no reminder of approach ­ SOCKS. FELTS. RUBBERS. WARM GOODS ing cold storms, although we saw Best Rum Isiurlty. something of wiuter on tlie mountains Of all Description. as we were journeying through the no: Buckie* on our route here. Hike's Feak I>03TT...... 4.J. ILumu, I'rw I*. E. WtuvonM, Tm. was among the most conspicuous of tlie Stand back aud Freeze Your Feet when you ohm Jmuii I'rro*. Vt-Pni. K. r. IhtiTU. Aim Tm kind as we jiasaed near its base, for that, like many others, was covered We call your attention Keep Them Warm and Comfortable at the Prices THE LOCAL MAKKKTS. with its white mantle of suow. But we u»k. iirriuturTm i to our large stock of St. JAbM. Mich.. November 2.'. ISNL_( after all I don't know but tlist it was The loliowta* »re the price* P*1<1 1n < mb for near enough to old winter for our com­ i>rolucrln t hi* market: fort. and until we return to frigid Mich­ We are Neadqaarters ftr Wheat, whit. ------•* Wheat..wo ...... -*•!* igan. We witnessed some of the finest of 'Torer Seed-...... Knit Fauci nators Brmtktof i* tkr shoe Ltaw * Alatki- ...... mountain scenery, of which the ltoyal Warier |et •«!...... ~ aarr tom .42 Gorge is certainly in the lead. The Get Other Dealers' Prices. Then Come And Get Ours. ^EmimIi»»~...... - at* ■par...... - 10(4 1» Morrnan Temple, now completed, was You will find that we are the Monev Savers for you. Real...... l.idRIJO also of some interest to us. In fact, Iii all shade* of ... . Kr,______Hhjr. per tan...... -...... -~— there is no lack or interesting objects in Possum -...... — hspoirn. tier l<*> |*»uiula i.jaai.w sight-seeing, either eu route or here, Pork —...... -...... tJlfM where eveiything in nature is so differ­ Onion - ...... urn ■ ent. Of course, all tourists speak of |jnl, .12 the (lowers aud foliage to that extent fVond 1 tioaij*. Black, White, Pink, Blue, Tan and Cream, UMm that it becomes somewhat monotonous. py^ta w . Kraft Ct Sta W *-*hi-kf-ll. ii vi* '>»« ocean is another jdeasure and subject <*> Hanging in price from ...... Duck*. (* freely indulged iu. Many novel and pretty tliiugs are picked from its shores KDRRRA and dragged from its bottom, and. as in Here you find the Most Complete stock of N.ivralKTil, IMI. our case, dud their way into our (wick­ Dry Goods. Carpets and Cloaks in Clin­ Frank Westbrook went to Fenton last ets as mementoes and a reminder of a ton county. at Lowest Living Prices- week. pleasant vist to the sea shore. 25c to $1.50 Each. John Tripp in vbltinc relatives about When 1 commenced writing it was here. only with a view of giving you our pres ­ Mrs. Mary IIiiiKlcy came home sick ent address, which is 1134 Ho. Broadway. last week, but is lietter now. LosAngeles. Cal. I will not weary you Our new Fall Line of Cloaks is now in. John Walliiiffton went to Saranac. longer. However. 1 inav write you As usual we lead all competitors in styles Saturday, to spend Sunday with his again and keep yon and our frieuus there and prices- » tamilv. in St. Johns imsled as to our move­ Hev Kd. Kirby, who lias been visiting ments. Vours. very resjiectfulh . at home, returned to Hillsdale College J. II. Abbott . Children s Hoods, Tuesday New and Beautiful Styles of Dress Jim Worden s Tang ran away Mon- .lay and hurt his wife quite badly, lie- Ladies and Children's Mittens, Goods, including some of the Novelties in sides breaking up “de waggin/' Hop sacking and Henriettas. Lena Feslei. wlio visited Iter brother at Fort land last week, returned home Wool Hosiery and Gloves, Saturday. Her brother and his family are visiting their mother. Mr*. Fierson. is stamped in the best watch this week. cases made. It is the trade Warm Underwear. Cur pets of the Best .Makes and Styles, mark of the Keystone Watch at prices to attract your attention- November 20, IM Case Company, of Philadelphia, Ittt.u is much needed. the oldest, largest and best C. (i. l‘ope is moving his barn. Mrs. Charles Jones still continues on known factory' in the world— the sick list. 1500 employees,capacity 2000 Underwear stock is compile and in­ Mrs. W. E. Kidnilge lias recovered cases daily. Its products are cludes the celebrated Star Mills and Jer­ irom diphtheria sold by all jewelers. It makes sey Knit, which are best fitters• Frank ".wagart and family are spentl- the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled mg a couple of weeks in Gratiot county. Mrs. Horatio Hlianand Miss Ilildretii. Watch Cases, now fitted with «>t Kiley. spent Friday with Mrs. E. X. the only bow (ring) which can ­ Our stock of Gloves and Hosiery was Steward. not be pulled oH the case—the Mi. and Mrs. shoop. of North Star, never better, and your inspection is de­ visited tlieir son. Joe Shoop. Sunday, at the home of Mrs. M. A. Travis. SL Jolms sired. Lewis Drake, who lias been in poor Itffli-iiiM-oiil health for some time, is in Maple Baj>- :ds under the care of Dr l». E. Bliss. ■ II Mrs. E. X. Steward returned Thurs- CONDENSED FACTS In Corsets we keep the Leading Stand­ «lay from a four weeks visit in Detroit Ask your jeweler for pamphlet and other |mints in Wavne and (laklaml ard Makes at Popular Prices counties. It was with regret that we learned of the deatli of Miss Hattie Falmet. a for­ mer well knowu, popular and beloved In Groceries you will find the Staple yeuuR lady, of Bengal. Too soou site Lines at prices which no one irill beat We has faced, like a fair dower, before the chilling storms of earth —too soou has think it more profitable to sell Groceries she been laid to rest in an early grave. i cheap and save delivery expenses ourt. The

November 21. IRI. In short. wt have made an extra effort lame* Harris is leaching the Sim- Popularity of te have a liue of goods this fall in all de­ moos school. partments uhich will bring your trade for Wheat is suffering from the effects of Elsie Roller Flour is j^KEP thi* fact in mind —that when dry weather we know that good goods, low priees and Wm. L. VanDyke. of Kiley. is attend ­ ing court at 8t. Johns as juror. Unquestioned. about to buy your Fall and fair dealing will get it. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Townsend, of 8t. Johns, were guests of Edgar Hyde last Ask O. P DeWitt Winter outfit of Men s. Youth* and Come and see us- Yours to please week Bert Noma and wife have gone to iiouae keeping on .1. T. Norris' farm in for it or Children's Clothing, that we are a DeWitt. H.L. KENDRICK Mrs. Edward Locher and Mrs. Mark branch of the Largest Manufacturing Hill visited friends in southern Michi ­ Try the Mills. gan last week. House in these lines of any in the Mrs Charles White, of Lausing. was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Hedetl and Mrs. C. L. Fsarce last week. East, and that our Stock is now Com­ Important Announcement. Charles and Libbie Harris and Mrs. Loaacber. of Saginaw county, visited plete with the most desirable good* Olive friends last week IN PREPARATION Mr. ami Mrs. George Brown, of Gree- ley.Col .are visiting Mr. Brown's sister. and style*. Mrs 15 Irish, in DeWitt. LIVER Mr. am I Mrs. Kndgera. of i iratiot -AND- FOR THE HOLIDAYS countv. an* visiting Olive friends and Consult your best interests and sec their daoghtvr. Mrs. H. W. Norris. lie)- Van Fleet and Kd Cole have their us before you buy. We arc now 0|>en and ready for business in the store at the saw nail 1 running in good shape. The mill is situated on Jemme Dills' farm head of Clinton Avenue, lately occupied by Mrs. L. f former I \ John l*ark» farm.) Canfield, with an infioowing and outflowing Mr. ami Mrs Frank Smith, of Laings- stock of burg. and Mr ami Mrs. David Smith, of Howell, visited their surter. Mrs. OHINAWARE. ( BIX'KERYWARE. TINWARE LAMPS Mattie Blnumms. last Thursday. Boarding Stable BOLLS AND FANCY ItftODB. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (iardner and Mr. and Mrs. T. Blnaaei. of Lansing. Mr. FIVE TURNOUT* Of ALL KINDS Respectfully. All of which i» Hundaome. Dcmrabl* and worth even penny and Mrs. Wm. VanDyke. of HUey. Dr. lFIiM wc nak for them and Mrs. Simmons, of DeWitt, were ■m PartlM Mi gueata of Mr. ami Mrs. Varney Fearoe mriMM httiaa I ■■» sad DiMMH Hmwi •III Ik* kai •( IMIlttb br 1 rwlan l at my The neat appearance of DeWitt •uMwM.C LIVnSAY, Vwriiry Swrawmt. 1 * M- HiAiii HUM— 91 4*m g Tb* DM* Alt INSPECTION IS SOLICITS! i i range Hall since Its renovation and re- RMIiiiS* IMBi papenug and painting, seems to be getting in some good work Last Hat- unlay night two old mem tiers were re­ Respectfully, instated after several year* absence, and two new applications foi member - HbfwiMk mitlMw il Ik* Mr taw* (Mhh , SMrtkMM. m*4 ttiwil mwmI . J. B. SIMON. skip were received. r*rO*i«l***t iHtii' 4. - "irf-k. 17 Clinton Ave., St. Johns.
