Educatio Artis Gymnasticae

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Educatio Artis Gymnasticae EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE 1/2008 ANUL LIII 2008 S T U D I A UNIVERSITATIS BABE 1–BOLYAI EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE 1 Desktop Editing Office: 51 st B.P.Hasdeu Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone + 40 264 405352 SUMAR - SOMMAIRE - CONTENTS - INHALT KINGA MAJOROSS, CSABA BARTHA, PÁL HAMAR, SÁNDOR PUHL - The Attention Capabilities of Football Referees as Determined by Pieron’s Test .................................3 BULDU 1 CODRU WA, TACHE SIMONA, BOCU TRAIAN - Influen Xa hidrokinetoterapiei asupra organismului * The Influence of Hidrojinetotherapy................................................... 15 GOMBO 1 LEON, ZAMFIR GHEORGHE - Proiect sportiv. Handbal Transilvania junior * A sports Project Handball Transilvania Junior ............................................................ 27 CÂMPEANU MELANIA, CÂMPEANU BOGDANA MARA, DEBEURRE IOANA - Manifestarea anxiet ;X ii in actul kinetoterapeutic * The Anxiety in the Kinetotherapeutical Treatmant ...................................................................................................................... 37 APOSTU PAULA, 1ANTA CRISTIAN, DOBO 1I 1ERBAN, SZABO PAUL - Sistemul de management in sport * Management System in Sport ..............................................47 CRISTIAN SANTA, PAULA APOSTU, FLAVIA RUSU, ONELA SANTA, SERBAN DOBOSI - Activitatea sportiv ; la persoanele adulte * Sports Activity for Adults ................. 55 APOSTU PAULA, DOBO 1I 1ERBAN, 1ANTA CRISTIAN - Tehnici specifice de management în sport * Special Management Techniques in Sport ............................... 61 SANTA CRISTIAN, APOSTU PAULA, RUSU FLAVIA, DOBOSI SERBAN, SZABO MARIANA - Managerul in cadrul clubului sportiv * The Manager as Part of the Sports Club ................................................................................................................................. 67 KILLYENI ANDRÁS - Istvan Somodi’s Work and the Athletic Club From Cluj (ACK) Between the Two World Wars * Activitatea lui Istvan Somodi 2i Clubul Atletic din Cluj între cele dou ; r ;zboaie mondiale ........................................................................ 73 DEAK GRA WIELA-FLAVIA - Calcium Intake in Healthy Children and Adolescents - The Effects on Bone Mass Acquisition * Aportul de calciu la copiii 2i adolescen Xii s;n;to 2i - Efectele asupra acumul ;rii de mas ; osoas ;................................................. 79 BACIU ALIN MARIUS - Unele caracteristici ale procesului de antrenament la nivelul copiilor, juniorilor 2i seniorilor * Some Characteristics of the Training Process at Children, Junior and Senior Level ................................................................................ 89 FERENC KEREKES - Demonstra Xia sportiv ; din cadrul Colegiului „Bethlen Gábor” Aiud * Traditional Sport Activities in Bethlen Gábor High School Aiud...................... 97 GROSU-FLORINA-EMILIA, GROZA-GOGEAN GINA - Rolul tehnicii în aprecierea exerci Xiilor la sol 2i paralele inegale în gimnastica artistic ; dup ; codul de punctaj FIG 2006 * Tehnical Role in Judgments of Floor Exercises and Uneven Bars in Artistic Gymnastics Base on the International Point Code of International Federation of Gymnastics 2006 ...........101 MANIU DRAGO 1 ADRIAN, MANIU EMESE AGNES, ZAMORA ELENA - Aspecte ale tratamentului de reeducare neuromotorie la copiii cu encefalopatie infantil ; sechelar ; * Aspects in Treatment of Patients with Cerebral Palsy....................................111 UGRON ÁGNES - Recuperarea kinetic ; dup ; traumatisme sportive (studiu pilot) * Guiding Survey on Sports Injuries (Pilot studies) ....................................................... 119 MANIU DRAGO 1 ADRIAN, MANIU EMESE AGNES, ELENA ZAMORA - IntervenXie timpurie la copiii cu deficien Xe de vedere cu vârsta cuprins ; între 0-6 ani motricitate grosier ; * Early Intervention for Visually Impaired Infants, Todllers and Preeschoolers Gross Motor Development .......................................................................................................125 NEGRU IOAN NICULAIE - Stilul de via X; 2i sportul la tân ;ra genera Xie Lifestyle and Physical Activity at Youth * Lifestyle and Physical Actvity at Youth................................... 135 ORMENI 1AN SEPTIMIU - Tendin Xe în antrenamentul juc ;torilor de performan X; * Tendencies in the Training of Professional Players....................................................141 POP IOAN NELU, VOD : STEFAN, PRODEA COSMIN - Relatia dintre preg ;tirea fizic ; 2i calit ;X ile biomotrice în antrenamentul sportiv – judo * The Specific Physical Training and Biomotility Qualities Relation in Sports Training – Judo...................... 151 ORMENI 1AN SEPTIMIU - Indicatorii psiho-comportamentali ai juc ;torilor de fotbal * The Psycho-Behavioral Indices of The Football Players ............................................ 157 POP IOAN NELU, VOD : STEFAN, PRODEA COSMIN - Pliometria 2i rolul ei în optimizarea înv ;X arii tehnicii judo-ului * The Role of Plyometrics in Judo’s Technical Learning Optimization............................................................................................................. 165 POP NICOLAE HORA WIU - Creatina – Supliment nutritiv controversat * Creatine – controvertial Supplement............................................................................................. 171 CÂMPEANU MELANIA, CÂMPEANU IOANA DEBEURRE - Jocuri inedite de loisir „Petite pelote” - Joc cu mâna goal ; elemente tehnice si pedagogice * Loisir Sports "Petite Pelote" - Goal Hand Tehnical and Pedagogical Elements.............................. 177 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABE 1-BOLYAI, EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE, LIII, 1, 2008 THE ATTENTION CAPABILITIES OF FOOTBALL REFEREES AS DETERMINED BY PIERON’S TEST KINGA MAJOROSS 1, CSABA BARTHA 1, PÁL HAMAR 1, SÁNDOR PUHL 2 ABSTRACT. Objectives. The aim of the investigation was to assess the cognitive ability (attention) of Hungarian referees and assistant referees at international (FIFA), national and regional levels. It was hypothesised that referees and assistant referees acting at the higher level (members of FIFA and national group selections), have higher attentional ability than those operating at referral levels. Method. The survey was carried out with Pieron’s test, once four minutes, in quiet conditions. This study examines FIFA referees from seven European countries, as well as 37 percent of the whole referee population working in Hungary (more than 1000 referees and assistant referees participated in this survey, N =1013). Results. The hypothesis was confirmed, as significant differences were found between the different groups of referees acting at the higher level performing best. Referee assistants working in the same category had significantly higher attention skills (except for reserve groups) than referees. There was a significant difference between the scores of men and women (except for the regional level), which favored men. Introduction Attention and concentration have long been of interest the fields of psychology. Attention is a focal problem and no other psychological phenomena like sensation, perception and learning are possible without it. It is always present in connection to something, either in an intentional or in an unintentional form (Nagykáldi & Katona, 1980). Attention, for optimising the almost innumberable variations of our actions, is a complex process that requires several functions and systems. Attempts at a unified attention theory due to its complexity have failed for more than a hundred years. Pavlov likened it to a light beam, shedding light to the higher activities of our nervous system, while Bundtom depicted attention by means of concentric circles. Geissler signifies the „consciousnessless” grades of concentric perception by the outermost circles and the clear perception focus by the center (Dobricin, 1971). Attention takes a central place in the literature, but the research process is temporally discontinous. The first research was made after the turn of the last century under the auspecies of atomistic attempts, and there were several authors examining the efficience or tenacity with the combination of 30-40 methods. Later 1 Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Hungarian Soccer Federation, Budapest, Hungary KINGA MAJOROSS, CSABA BARTHA, PÁL HAMAR, SÁNDOR PUHL Gestalt psychology synthesised the perception-performance and the moment of attention in the Gestalt (figure), and then there followed a gap of 30 years (Nagykáldi & Katona, 1980). The new model of attention began with the perspective of information theory and cybernetics (Treismann, 1972); since then the research of attention is having a renaissaince, and the former results have been complemented by laboratory studies, ergonomics and social psychology (Nagykáldi & Katona, 1980). This was the time roughly when sports psychology joined the scene; it launched a performance oriented attention study focussing on the prerequisites for attention in high profile sports achievements, on studying the specific processes and developing the methods for improving it. In a functional perspective mostly three components of attention are distinguished: 1. Selection, during which we focus on the sensory stimuli and motor responses that are in accord with our intentions. 2. Vigility, which is maintaining the continuous attention on a regulated conscious level. 3. Direction or control, which makes it possible for us dynamically and flexibly to focus the
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