State of of McIntosh REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE MONITORING OF THE REMOVAL AND DISPOSITION OF DEBRIS AND RELATED MATTERS The McIntosh County Board of Commissioners, by and through David Stevens, Chairman, operating under the previously declared , is soliciting proposals for the monitoring of all Hurricane Irma Storm debris removal, including but not limited to vegetative debris, construction and demolition debris on McIntosh County and City of Darien properties, the removal of trees or tree limbs hanging or leaning on or above county or city properties, the hauling and siting of debris, the grinding of vegetative debris, and the final disposition of all storm related debris. All monitoring must be completed in strict accordance with the State of Georgia, Government, Georgia Emergency Management Agency and Federal Emergency Management Agency laws, statutes, guidelines, rules and regulations. Specifications are available at the McIntosh County Board of Commissioners Office at 1200 North Way, Darien, Georgia, or by calling Patrick Zoucks, County Manager at (912) 437-6671. Please note: Sealed Proposals must be received no later than Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Late proposals will be rejected. It is anticipated that bids will be opened immediately after the deadline. McIntosh County reserves the right to refuse and reject any and all proposals, and is not required to accept the lowest submitted bid or offering. All proposals must be accompanied by an appropriate bid bond, and performance and payment bonds will be required. There will be no exceptions. Adam S. Poppell, III Attorney for McIntosh County Georgia Bar No. 584540 P. O. Box 2332 Darien, Georgia 31305 (912) 437-2181 (9/21-28) |