SZBA Statement in Response to the attack on Congress of January 6th.

As Buddhist clergy, we condemn the attack on the United States congress on January 6th. We acknowledge the anguish and rage it has brought. At the center of our tradition is the understanding that violence leads to violence, compassion to compassion, ignorance to ignorance, and insight to insight. Although countless conditions led to the attack at the capitol, we see that the violence at the capitol was deeply tied to the white supremacy that has characterized this nation since its inception.

White Supremacy was a founding principle of the United States, and remains one of the hierarchical conditions on which this nation operates. Until this country fully acknowledges and repairs the damage of the horrific violence and day to day inequities of its racist systems, we will continue to reap its fruit. We must recognize the poison of racism not as an evil committed by terrible people, but as a part of the fabric of our collective karma which we must unravel together if we want to be truly free.

We witnessed the confederate flags carried at the capitol attack. We witnessed, too, the Nazi imagery there. A host of other structural oppressions are deeply tied to this attack, including a rejection of truth itself. Part of this rejection of truth is denial of the racism that permeates this country. As we watched the attack on the capitol, we witnessed the stark differences in the way law enforcement treated these protestors and protestors at Black Lives Matter protests last summer. We recognize that future violence is a very real possibility.

Buddhism teaches us that there is always the possibility for healing and liberation. To be free of the violence of white supremacy and other modes of systemic oppression, we must acknowledge them fully, collectively, and individually as an ongoing practice, and from this acknowledgment, find the way to fundamentally transform our society.

We, the undersigned, ask that as religious leaders, Zen clergy commit to justice, accountability and ethical action based in the teaching of . We call on the clergy to address structural oppression within themselves, their and their nations. With compassion alive in our hearts, and the courage to face the truth, let us move into liberative action.


Sosan Theresa Flynn President, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Marc Lesser Vice-president, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger Secretary, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Dokai Georgesen Treasurer, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Chimyo Atkinson Board Member, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Koshin Paley Ellison New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care Board Member, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Gyozon Royce Johnson Board Member, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Annalisa Rakugo Castaldo Chair, SZBA DEIA committee

Rev. Ben Connelly Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Hoka Chris Fortin Everyday Zen, Heart Zen

Rev. Jisan Tova Green

Charlie Korin Pokorny Stone Creek Zen Center Board Member, Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Teresa Bouza Kannon Do Zen Center

Rev. Genjō Sam Conway Clouds in Water Zen Center

Rev. Joan Jiko Halifax Upaya Zen Center

So On Jim Hare Valley Streams Zen

Rev. Allison Yusho Draper Central Valley Zen Shogaku Zen Institute

Dosho Port Vine of Obstacles & Nebraska Zen Center

Rev. Myogo Mary-Allen Macneil Bodhi Oak Zen Sangha

Rev. David Jindo Butler Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center

Rev. Shodo Spring Mountains and Waters Zen Community

Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

Bussho Lahn Flying Cloud Zen

Rev. Zenku Jerry Smyers Mission Mountain Zen Center

Rev. Myoshin Kaniumoe ‘Alaneo Zendo

Rev. Chikudo Catherine Spaeth

Rev. Kenshin Catherine Cascade Bird Haven Zendo

Rev. Doshin Mako Voelkel Austin Zen Center

Rev. Joshin Carolyn Atkinson Everyday Dharma Zen Community Santa Cruz, California

Rev. Shinchi Linda Galijan Tassajara Zen Mountain Center/SFZC

Rev. Rosan Yoshida Missouri Zen Center

Brian Joshin Byrnes Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community

Rev. Reirin Gumbel Milwaukee Zen Center

Rev. Diane Shoshin Fitzgerald Greater Boston Zen Center

Rev. Eido Frances Carney Olympia Zen Center

Rev. Jill Kakushin Kaplan Zen Heart Sangha Woodside, CA

Ryoten Mary Lehmann Boundless Sky Beldenville, Wisconsin

Myoan Grace Schireson Central Valley Zen

Kokyo Henkel Soto Zen Buddhist Association

Rev. Jane Genshin Shuman Twining Vines Sangha

Rev. Patty Jishin Pecoraro Twining Vines Sangha

Rev. Kathryn Myogen Stark Sonoma Valley Zen Sonoma, CA

Rev. Pat Enkyo O’Hara Village Zendo, NY, NY

Rev. Kisei Costenbader Zen Community of Oregon/Great Vow Zen Monastery

Jeromy Keido Thotland Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Reverend Shokuchi Deirdre Carrigan Water Moon Kannon Hermitage

Zoketsu Norman Fischer Everyday Zen Foundation

Kosen Gregory Snyder Brooklyn Zen Center/Ancestral Heart Zen Monastery Union Theological Seminary

Heiku Jaime McLeod Treetop Zen Center Maine

Hozan Alan Senauke Clear View Project

John Daigan Widell Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community Cornwall, Vermont

Rev. Taizan Alford Clouds In Water Zen Center St.Paul, MN

Daishin McCabe Zen Fields Ames, Iowa

Rev. Zenshin Greg Fain Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Eijun Linda Ruth Cutts San Francisco Zen Center Green Gulch Farm Zen Center

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde Dharma Rain Zen Center Portland, OR

Rev. Kotoku Ray Crivello Deep Spring Temple Zen Center of Pittsburgh Sewickley, PA

Rev. Jyoshin Clay Dharma Rain Zen Center Wy’East Zen Center

Rev. Ryushin Hart Gorinji Corvallis, OR

Donen Ted O’Toole Minnesota Zen Meditation Center Minneapolis, MN

Rev. Dōjin Sarah Emerson Stone Creek Zen Center Graton, CA

Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh Santa Cruz Zen Center Santa Cruz, California

Daishin Smith Clouds in Water Zen Center St. Paul, MN

Rev. Jodo Cliff Clusin Prairie Mountain Zen Center Longmont, CO

Choro Carla Antonaccio Austin Zen Center, Zenkei-ji Austin, TX

Tim Zentetsu Burkett Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Rev. Konjin Gaelyn Godwin Houston Zen Center, Shoun-ji Houston, TX

Myoko Sara Hunsaker Monterey Bay Zen Center Carmel, CA

Gyokudo Giuseppe Prisco Kannon Do Zen Center Mnt View, CA

Rev. Tenku Ruff Beacon Zen Temple Beacon, NY

Rev. Jo An Tibbetts New Paltz Zen Center New Paltz, NY

Rev. Melissa Myozen Blacker Boundless Way Zen Worcester, MA