THE PARISH MAGAZINE WOLVERTON, NORTON LINDSEY AND LANGLEY March 2021 Price 50p 1 Rector Rev. Richard Mutter 01789 731475 (day off Friday) Churchwardens Mr Adrian Hopkinson 01926 842422 Mrs Dorothy Mann 01789 731635 Deputy Churchwarden Mr John Cohen 01926 842751 Treasurer Mr Jonathan Toulmin 01789 731332 PCC Secretary Mrs Marion Austin 01926 842661 Editor Karin Elmhirst 07923 094513 If you need to speak to anyone about baptisms, weddings & funerals, please contact one of the Churchwardens above. CHURCHES NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE PRAYER Holy Trinity, Norton Lindsey will open on Sundays from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm St. Mary the Virgin, Wolverton, will open on Sundays from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm St. Mary's, Langley will not be opening. Please observe the custom of sanitising with the gel provided both going in and coming out. CHURCH ZOOM SERVICES - Common Worship Morning Prayer Service at 11 am on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month with BCP Evensong at 6.00 pm on the 4th Sunday of the month. To ‘attend’ these services contact Celia Spiers 07710 198009 2 ARDEN VALLEY BENEFICE LENT COURSE Challenges for 2021 You are warmly invited to join us, via Zoom, on the Wednesdays listed below from 7.00 – 8.00pm for the following exciting and stimulating events provided by senior members of the Diocese of Coventry. There will be a presentation followed by discussion on each occasion. 24 February Archdeacon Sue Field Pastoral Care in Pandemic and Beyond 3 March Rev. Craig Groocock Oh Lord hear our silence – finding Diocesan Spirituality Advisor space and quiet in our prayer life 10 March Christopher, Bishop of Coventry Living in Love and Faith 17 March John, Bishop of Warwick Christian Perspectives on Race Equality 24 March Archdeacon Barry Dugmore Church Growth in Rural Areas If you would like the Zoom link to each of these events please contact one of the following:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3 A PERSONAL VIEW..