Ihrrr The Omaha Sunday Bee tw t I NUMBElT ; NINETEENTH YEAE OMAHA , SUNDAY MOBNING ,] EEBKUARY 10, SIXTEEN PAGE 237 IB WWWW WWW I ¬ refractory blcyclo In country , rotlrod per ing ho ncodful to Kilkenny has written to Cheney specifying ling , that amount having boon given by Sen- through mls ty legend drove the rider the has THE CHURCHANDTHE SCHOOL m shall intelligent H THE LOCAL WOULD OF SPOUT , ator Hearst for King Thomas nt J. 13. Hag rblnosoros into tno ark , has been released by muuontlv from the rnco trnolc nnd is In the citizenship And It mav bo that his terms , and asking for a tenround con-¬ , are H gins sale In Now Yorlc city In 18S9. Maxi¬ Denver ] real cstnto business lu Portlund , Ore and publio cannot cannot ovist in prosperity H test with sixouoco gloves for scientific milian , the next highest priced yearling , Billy Klusrann who hai mgnod with St, doing well unless this is assured And so thii , H points , the event to como off in the Grand broucht 20001 in Enalnnd As highclass Louis , Is said to have onllfolv recovered the At the Loxlnrton , Ky , horse snlos Inst- state may have a good claim to the M - opera , If said homo can bo performer * both have been failures use of his arm aud Is throwing better than Tuosaay O. W. Plckott of this city , pur- Rev Dr Joaoph T. Dttryon Glvoa- AH 1b Importl- house * right of inspection nlso to That Portlnont and Eight thousand llvo hundred dollars Is the chased a brown colt , Wlnslow Wllkos , for and demand secured Lindsay , however , while ho is everboforo , Hla VIowa on tlio Subjoot the bo Bl Diamond most money over paid for a trotting brood to- , nnd Chnrllo Offut purchased the bay that Instruction shall up to it nont About the re- - Mr nnd Mrs Nlshols return 4250 , Hi perfectly willing to mcot the : Kid proscribed mnro nt auctionSoSo317fhaving Drought Kunsas City today , and on Thursday next mare Darkness for 000- . standard H- doubtable Billy In a contest to a finish or for nt Bnloin 1838. , n If the Catholic people to , thnt the Kittson Alma Mater loavn for Boston , where they expect to per Dunmlro and Pnrmelco hnvo received add the claim H a stipulated number of rounds will not con- Bold by Percy Tulbort , Lexington Ky , for innntly score or moro of letters from protnlnont trap RIGHTS OF THE CATHOLICS that they may establish and conduct PUGILISTIC GOSSIP GALORE sent to the risk of n lo s of reputation , brood- reside H 15000 is the highest priced trotting opposing coachers will hnvo a great shooters over the country In tbo past three these schools , the further claim for nny Insignificant compensation Ho mare over sold The be- that H privately , weeks , nil oxprcsslng their intention to they shall receive a ho Is na good a man ns Movers , and time rattling Pitohor McConnell of the proportion of tlio H thinks Ono mlnutonjul thlrtysovon seconds Is the en hand for the big April tournament No Ono Cnn money ot many followers who share In his belief , , local team , next summer hell turn a deaf Object If Thy Provide the people collected for the Hie Nntlnnnl Trnp Shooters Coinlnjt has fastest tlmo In which n mlle was 6vor run 11. II , Bratidols has received from H and docs not care to Jeopardize Ills chances in Me- car to thom Just Own lu- ¬ purposes of publio Instruction , this * Frying Pan gaining this record In n mas- Their Kdiiontlonnl H Tournaments The Gun Club go Moy * Is contem- ¬ friends England line specimen of u of futuro glory and ducnts In a with lbourne , Australia , In 1SS4. Mnnrl , nt Wash- - Seloo write that ho I - starts qulto anchor issue which " Bos- tiff pup Huiro Is very fond of his Importa- st tut Ions Thn Prln- H " The Wheel , the Horse nud ors simply to edify the public nnd turn a few ington park , Chicago , ran the mlle plating n western spring trip with the must bo carefully considered by Hs- fastest nnd- tion nud says ho would not take 1000 for dollars for himself Ho would much rather over ruu lu n mco lust year , vizi 1:39: 4 5. The ton team nnd is desirous of n date, hero clplo or Taxation tatosmou on tlio ground of Miscellaneous biiulus fight Mojors to n finish for n good pnrso nnd Dos Moines tbo dog H English horse Gladiator , made a mlle and at Senator Morgan Is making n barrel of political oxpodloncy It would seem M get nil or nothing , and nt the same tlmo seventeen ynrda In 1:38.: Manager Cushman of the Milwaukcos , , 13 , ns- money out of the Mechanics pavlllion that a people committed to the prlncl- - demonstrate who the best man and Forty six years tbo ago of oldest predicts Catcher Thnyor recently . H is the that Portland , Ore , nud has become so popular Parochial Schooln- plos ot religious freedom , fulfill YounRStcrB nml the 8lnr . usunl Lindsay la prottv nearly correct The Jockey now in active service In America , ho- Blgnoil by Omnbo, wWprovo nj big a fav- - r. tholr H The with the sporting tratomlty out there that liultvDrJottDh Ditiyn whole , pair In a contest , however , woud , duty when they protect Many of the old western league and western scientific bolng W. Haywnrd who Is able to hold his orlto ns Tom Nnglo was talk of running him for mayor in the There can bo no doubt the pro all H provo a great card and pack the Grand from own In any thev that classes In the onjovtnont of tliolr ' layers occupy today ns conspicu- with the best riders tnis or other Trodway , ono of Donvor's big sluggers last 1 rolig- H assooatton i spring By the waytho Senator writes tbat utos uf the Roman Catholic church are , pit to dome country year Is , O. , and snys IIko to- ious faith worship and practice It la positions the bnsobnll world ns any uf in Ironton hod although ho has nbandonod professional ' H ous in The lightest American Jockey was Hyslop , onrnost and determined in tholr purpose not iuitimboiit on thom to of the National go Into the brotherhood Bettor got a gold byklng , ho woull bo pleased to make a teach any ono H the renowned old veterans The Old Mnna Drfl who could ndo at fiftyeight pounds The in rolling mill In- , or of fig- ¬ situation a match race with Ned Heading for fifty or to pines a school in every parish creed maintain anv ono form ro- H Two years Hilly of Duluth , and who lightest , * league or American association Hawkins English Jockey was Kitchener who Jack Carroll will captain the Minneapolis ono hundred miles for a sldo and religious liglotH discipline H- up tholr nasal Jimmy ' and could rldo at the low weight of fortyninop- 250 order to combine secular and , ago tbo older bodies turned ured hero as Griffins traluer team the coming season , una if ho doesn't then swear oft for good , Well , Senator , you ¬ It may bo plausibly ouuds. . Instruction , and to secure the attend- said that if the H organs In mention of the second In his two meets with Jimmy Lind- crazy remember thnt Heading lindn century posted ¬ dupust at the The sonsationnl brought the highest drlvo the bleachers with his discordant ance ol us many of llioohllilron of Cath- Catholics touch and train tholr children Tney Is In a- Axtell not bo his with the writer for weeks for n race with Hg-H players of the minor orsnmzntlonB say, out the Des Moines Graphic with prlco over paid a In any country cackle it will fault olic parents as they are able by tlio- In their own schools , and reach tlio a bord and wore not to- for horse gone you , nnd ho snys It Is still open Como oft belonged to dlfleront challcngo to light nny light weight in the 810" 000. The Uncllsh horse Ormondo Elmer Foster und Ed Ilonglo have prossuru of oxhorlatinn nndovon of rudo of instruction which is doomed H- bo mentioned In the same week with the broke over tholr Minneapolis rink Foster now, or lny down country for 500 or 1000 a sldo , two ounce brought the next highest pneo Sio.On- . mndo a- nro to bo nocoEsury for the integrity nnd players of the older bodies Hut what hns - swears there hasn't boon enough Ice in the Ed Smith of Denver , tbo man who spiritual authority Tholr reasons H glvo to O.Tliootvnerof English Eollpso refused 123- , a- ¬ of , In Long , gloves , or take from two four to choppingblock of the Marino , ib out In They inuan to hold the chil- welfare the state thev have done como to pass thin bnof tlmoi 000 for that colobratcd lior3o. northwest this wlntor cool a cocktail declared H , pounds , any rules to govern Haw- ¬ challcngo to light any man In the world , of , their part , and should not bo j& Nichols , Hamilton , Bcckloy , Sowdcrs Six feet eleven nnd throoquarter lnchos Is Dnva Howe assorts that Undo Abnor- dren to the faith tholr parents and taxed in H , Nnglo , , Hlclly , llollldny , , whlto or black , big, llttlo or middling size , addition to supply to r" # Coonoy Crooki kins challenge , however dent go the highest Jump over made by ti mounted Dalrymplo will lead Omaha's best man In to bind thom to the church Wo have Instruction the , , Cody , Lowe , and for from 1000 to n sldo, London ring- ( of Duryca , Eurlo McAloer When ho was hero prepnrlng Griffin for the , accomplished by Koso- batting next season , but with Elinor Cleve- - 5000 no ground or doubting the sliicority of children others The answer Is that H horse that feat beinc glove lulos , within two mouths of signing a host of others will bo depended on the Lindsay mill, ho not only dnclarcd Mint berry Chicago nvcrago the land nnd Mlko Hlnes hell never bo In er these manacrors or the Interests of the the state docs not impose on thom the at Tuo Jump of it of articles , the buttle to take place within H| victory the clubs coming season to pull for Griffin would punch the Omaha man out In ordinary is , seajona WeBtorn asso- obligation to supply as much as any of the hurdle horsn only four feet Tim Hnrst of last 500 miles of Denver There Is no doubt that church The Catholic people ire likely instruction for thole H of these old bodies less than four rounds , but that ho himself , Tbo noted English horse Donovan , al- umplro Is , Eng- ¬ children , but to supply celebrities who formerly considered thorn ciation stuff at Battcrsen Edwnrd is n hard man to down , but ho Isn't to bo as honest as other people They oilers it froolv ; H as old and stale as ho is , could put him to though only two seasons on the turf , has land , associated with Charlie Mitchell In the A genu- ¬ that the state docs not ( the of the profession The truth a marker to his bnultor , Bat Mastorson certainly glvo the usual proofs of iutorfero with H elves salt sleep In oven loss time As nn evidence of won more monov than any horse in the his- muoagomont of the Washington music hall you matter is that will only ro- - te- better man to hnvo behind In a tight ineness by their devoted labors , iuhI self the family and the church , nnd these H- of the whoto it Hawkins Judgment it is but necessary tory , ho captured 270- , - youun of the worid haviuc Dan Cassy , who wa3 ono of the Phillies pinch than Mastorson docs not llvo If bo's in- ¬ are able to care nulroatwolvemontb or two lor the state that Lindsay had Griffin whipped In 000 In purses has won sacrificing generosity to the various for the moral and ro- H stakes and Hanover twirlers last year , will execute some of his yoh" yoh and ¬ players of the leaner organizations to crowd go and - wid bo's wld nil throw stitutions which oxprcss the lifo and per- Ugious training of the children ; less than ono round in the first more money than nuy American horse , 121- , grape vine twists for the Mllwaukeos this its a big red apple against a hundred dollar that M Into perpetual obscurity nil the old stare the proverbial 577 will of the public schools do inoulcito " knocked him as dead as being crodltcd to him year Manager Cushman signed him yester- greenback that there will bo no great rush form the the church Since they the com H > This is something the brotherhood should in lu two mlnutos- , men morality of mackerel the second Just Ulnir Athol , an English thoroughbred day , of hcavyweichts to Ueuver to nciopt Smiths believe that the churoh touches truth clvllizod and Christian H glvo a thought to nnd seventeen seconds Immediately moro money auy ¬ peoples ; and , , after brought at auction than Booms to have boon over- challenge Isn't meant by this oithcr tbat mon need to know , nnd performs func- Ilntilly that the publio M this Ldndsnv Btcmicd ill) to , The only Lovott It latter triumnh horse ever did ho being kockod down at In general they would not tret fair play , but Bat Is a tions thnt mon need to have ftilllliod schools do not at all interfere with the An Kxccllont New Utile Hawkins , nnd said : nro the man who Uoy " lO0Q. Ho looked the shufllo Bin fats ln H You 02000. Boll comes next at f. power In , few fighters ; family and the church by nny The rule adopted at the Into mooting of- mo , should bo n warning tb all young twirlers out Coloralo und order to tholr salvation they naturally instruc- s H can stop m less than four rounds are was sold at Lexington , Ky , In lSsS , and was to antagonize Influence Now Hon com- ? whoso crnnlums are affected with tumor would care his desire to preserve the luflucnco of the which undorniinos the faith of the of the Western association making It you " burned to death recently at Versailles , Ky purse H ' ! oslty.- . if Bat will ngreo to offer n 3000 for n should pupils in their parents nnd pulsory bn the part of all the teams to wear never said so , replied Hawkins , who The only two foals to obtain records as- church over men's minds Why roliglous H In general young players fight botwecn Smith and any peed man who , hadIevidently been forcibly Impressed with threeyearolds of 2:20: or hotter , thrown by the scramble for to- they not bo zealous for the church if teachers H- whlto uniforms on the homo grounds , Is an Ho wishes to try him , end will volunteer the Omaha mans prowess ono Boy : , Himliv Chnrllo Abbey should not bo overlooked to bo to wel- ¬ If it is said that the teaching of visiting teams will bo- mare are Boll 2:19f and rofcrcc the battle , no doubt Smith would bo- they think it essential the the H excellent otio As the you did , " retorted Lindsay , nil Hose , 2:19: } . dnm , Bolls , would make n good man for any of the minor of Yes and Their Beautiful spcodlly , fare of mankind in this world and the truth science and history will destroy In different colored uniforms , this rule will say to you 1 think you lcaguo teams , and can bo addressed in care accommodated H I want to is that 2:21 is by The Moor , out of Mlnnchahaby world the faith of the youth in roligioii , Ht- In keeping players from being de- nro go In ring now % of Tim to como their assist a duffer Ill right this Stephens Bold Chief , nnd Is eighteen years Bee bo cer- - is a concession of H- ceived by their opponents attired similarly and fight you to a finish for the purse 1 have old Denver 1ms a fine third baseman in Nick Questions and Answers It cannot doubted that under hnt weakness which With deception ' ' Con you glvo Btud number nnd might bo daugor no Catholic should bo willing to make themselves Many was thn Just won by beating your min Griffin Or If Mariposa , the thoroughbred brood mare , Smith , and Itowo says hell lead em all the the book tain conditions thco H running ' pedigree of polntor of may turn out that ho is of practiced last year by the coachers you are not In condition take all the tlmo owned Belle Mead stud , Tcnncssoe , is the coming season Nicholas wasn't at hlmsolf- extended the famous that the ctiildron and youth the It afraid the H at In City und down the line from third , when that base you wunt to prepare yourself nnd then lot only mnro in the world whoso iirat ten foals a portion of last season , but ho is in great dog , formerly owned Kansas church would bo weaned from their nineteenth century in general , rather H called ? , and first were occupied , thereby Inducing the mo know I am always ready for such were all winners They mo : Beatitude , form now Al Wotzel's Mack Polntor city rovoronoo for the church and its than of the common school in partlcu- - H homo , and giving the , dog pitcher to llro the ball fighters as vou at n moments notlco nnd I Boulevard Helmsman , lillss Beatrice , Joe Vi9iior , nn old Omaha ball tossor , Is Ans The is not roglstorod teachers , and drawn into unbelief , or on a to run down to second you to your you can- man first chance want to toll tcoth thnt Swift , Glidoaway , Eminot , Ada B nnd Mar- said to bo ono of the finest pool players in Please answer in Sundays Bke In play- ¬ Bkopti- - It is not by nny moans true uniforms were also the mo " positive disbolioforcvon radical that all H with safety Similar not best in four rounds or four hundred shal Luke the country Cntchor Docnor, of Philadel- ing pin pool , if n ball rolls against a pin and the ot many ludicrous and fatal mis¬ , cism.. Statistics make it ovldent that members the prlosthood are H cause of other Hawkins politely declined saying that Thu Sportsman , started in London Bovernl phia , also an oxpurt , and there is of a does not knock It dowu ( but ronulns ncainst- homo uniform will no is talk for some reason or other there Is a loss afraid of the Inlluonco of the publio takes The local teams ho was in condition then , and years ago , was tlio first dally paper ever match between the two i it , causing it to loan a very little , is the pin H , , loust , schools , and is cor Ha- bo whlto shirt and pantswith cardinal caps ho was out of the ring , but it ho over- , to the church of the equivalent at it tain that a largo that printed that is devoted to turr matters A Kansas City Is well pleased over the work counted down , or must it fall before it can ot belts and stockings did make another match ho would glvo fa.- . of number of children born umbor laity are entirely satis lied man named Fleming started the first paper of the scboaulu committee , and well she bo countodl T. II F. F. , Sloan , the H Lindsay the preference In conclusion It In country Daronts country with them In tholr view the touching H- this devoted to horse interests might bo , for without being oven repre- ¬ Ans. . It must fall to Catholic in tnls Crooks Sinry on Lathntn might bo but fair to mention that Hawkins 1800. of religion bo conllnod about the year It was published in sented at the mooting , she has got decidedly Will you please auswer and settle a dis- Seine of the prelates may believe that should to the H Jack Crooks told a very funny story on- is really a good man , dcsplto the forty yoors- Lexington , Ky.- . family , " the big und of the bargain B uro pluylntr O D rail- the inlluonco of the public school is and the church and they do not H Sunday ovonlng the he carries on his shoulders Ho bus whipped No moro peculiar race was ever run by n pute A nud and Arllo Latham last at reports tbat ho was never In A deals , picks up the trump such as to assist the general tendency perceive how the teaching of the H- Harry GUnioro , Jack Plynn nnd other good horse than which took place in Silver Dad Clarke road euchre truth meeting of the Western association moguls de- that butter health , or mora anxious to play and calls for B's best card and goes it alone to degree of freedom of thought , ot scioneo nud history can hinder the ones within tbo past four years , nnd Is ¬ City , N. M. , In 1S3S , when n mounted horse ball that H , was first* gumo- , re- ¬ coIIb plays of tlio at the Millard in our cidedly clover jot , but no match for Lindsay a professional bicyclist He is practising iudustriously aud will Cllkowiso for D's best card und which pushed to the extreme ends in faith Intalligoiit in the eternal H It was matched against 10. C two , i with Boston at Frisco this wlntor , " said port hero In the best of condition March it alone A secures three tricks nnd But is likely others think verities of religion mounted on his vehicle It was for 20J and how infidelity it H , Clarke will bo the Western association card how mnny points is A entitled to and iB ¬ Moan while uro two H- ( Jack , mid the umpire called Kelley safe at The Nntioinl Trap Shooters fifty head of cattle a side , thn distance fifty ] that the public school not responsi- there duties which f this year , many would C it ho had tnkon three tricks ¬ * ' homo 'What's Hint ? ' yelled Arlio ! Tom II Keller , the avnnt courier of the miles The horse won in three hours and ble for the result positively , but is con- nro plain and sure Wo must boo j. Safe , como terms and , Lincoln that H ' national trap Hhootlng combination , will ar forty minutes George Shock hasJflnally to II It negatively there can bo no ronsonablo objection _ I said , repeated the umpire Arllo stared with Milwaukee 1iio mild roasting ho re- Ans A can count but a slnglo point If- nected with the result to H jS hard at him a few seconds and then flinging rive In Omaha on Thursday next to bill the to say , the public school does the teaching ollored by the publio ME Th ! Hvkors' ceived from tbo Western association press C had taken throe It would have been That is H , ho flintier tricks should H " his arms aloft whirled round several town and make preparations for the com- a had the ollect to reduce the swelling of bis not una cannot impart such instruction schools Nothing bo done with H , to Hat What glorious day luat Sunday was for simply n euchre , two points times on his heal then foil the around , to children good the intention of assaulting the faith of - binations outfit hero which will , be on or in of- conk to such anox ton t that bo was only too as tends make the H r upon his back with his arms legs out- the whcolmou nnd everythinb' the shape ' In a four handed game of seven up A deals , and about March 5. Originally two teams glad to again sien wtththo Brewers Catholics Accordingly they would any child Nor should History bo H r stretched and lay so still that tbo players the a wheel in the city that would turn made us turns a Juck , B bogs and the cards are run Mullen , the handsome gentlemanly parish school , in which taught in any such way as to prcjudico came rushing in from the field thinking that were booked for Omaha In September , but appearance Ed and and run out , docs the point for 'ho Jack substitute the H season , common the youth The facts should bo sup- - ho bad actually The umpire grow owing to the cancellation of a number of tfcore card proprietor of last has turned up count ! Old Sledge , city they would have the branches not H M fainted The South Omaha club headed by Prof affuln tbo present , polo as the boys gathered around him, and secured the contract for does not taught , and in addition the doctrine , pressed nor distorted They are us H H southern dates , Manager Taylor has con Dally visited city in the The Ho is to give fans some Ans It edged off towaid the gala opening iuto the the forenoon year going the Charles H. , Omaha The Bee has no space order and offices of Iho churoh They they nro Still it should always bo H H eluded to Btop off here en route to the slope , covoltios in the way oflattractive cards this btcuchors Comray took a look at the pros upSn professor is getting to bo a Hard ndor upon pos- would children from the first taught that the times ohungo und wo H- H instend of the combinations return , pictures and birds for comment the probabilities and have the clown and thou turning to the umpire , The Omaha Wheelmen's club made two season with the of cirls clmugo B trata Frnnk Pnrmelco has nlrcudy received the and flowers and things ohitho first page sibilities to which you allude The situation instructed hi the mcaniug , uses and with thom Whnt has boon H snid : afraid that decision , old manlias- , trips to the Bluffs and had twentyfiro men be-- done , need H- V Im lithographs and hangers for the exhibition in wrathy- of today should bo sufficient to occupy the worth of these , in order that they in the past not bn expected H ' killed tbo boy Iand I actually believe that upon in- in line the afternoon for a trip to tbo Fort Burdlck oftho Sioux Citys is very and Kollor's arrivnl will nssist him - come to church , and not in the future The Protestant toaohor H , California auckor would buvo fled hadn't complotingarrangemcnts Nothing looks finer or attracts moro attcn- - nt Omaha for the wayfa which she lam- attentlonjrttho veriest crank on earth Mo attached the H for the event • ! ! { by In- - may be as of coward as sup- - moment Jumped to bis " , tlontUiana line liuo . * basted him lus rnlpnnidecldrcs5jell 1 , t iS ;!) bo weaned from It the general much a he Latham at this feet Sofar on the Hripthonvcsleni team has ofcyclers " orfolt Kinhoifwos expelled by thoaloaguaJa ! , H There are several things which would S2T) of bis Baliry for every game the Nobrns- - agotlb _ . , poses the Catholic priest to Lot cloudy outBbot the eastern contingent and and reinstated ) n 1883. Ho is dead fluence of the spirit oftho bo V Pnsto This In Your ( int.-. whore over the latter has come out victori- make an immunso improvement in the clubt, kans win off of him next season He mons Besides , the true and onrnost truth have a fair Hold and it tisks no H turn out First , more uniforms ; second , probably that forfeit to himself Oharllo Sabins , Omaha You are an old W Below will bo found , in convenient form ous , tbo cry of fake has ailscn In proof of hell it Catholic is interested in the favors The nineteenth century is not |H , enough sport fide B to preserve for roforoncotho complete play- - the genuineness of nil these contests Mana- more uniform riding such as keeping ut a Jack Crooks has registered a vow that to know that all bona present and future welfare of the the tenth nor the twelfth H- ger Taylor now to any regular distance , better line and a steady after Saturday next ho will cease to blow challenges should ' bo accompanied with a Ing schedule for the coming season fortho- offers 103 team of fly children of the church In his view It should bo the aim of every good H in ¬ pace These are features that the road cm off until the beautiful begins to cash deposit : live shooters any of the cities the combi- good of citizen to take pains to son , H Omaha team officers should attend to Do not ride so next November It Is quite probable , how-- Can ynu please inform mo in what inning morality is essential to the the thnt the H nation visiu who can beat the losing team in und community thbeon- - public schools uro as good as they H- B OMAHA AT HOME any of these contests When the combina- close nor quite bo fast on crowded ever , that Jack will provo tbo roik on which the winning run was made in tbo raomorable individual the can SO thoroughfares Ibis will enublo you to form many schooner will go to pieces lone , of industry , , frugalitytem- - be made Puronts will perceive B With Sioux City April 29 , 27, ; Juno tion shoots hero , an effort will bo made to a first game between Pes Moines nnd Omaha dition thrift the H In file narrow place Instead dog 1888 ? olTorLd H- 27, 28 SO ; August 20. 31 , 33. take in this 100 , in addition to a challenge single passing a about the days in Omaha , , und who made the run poranco , purity , and nlso of the social advantages to their children nil ¬ • Denver May G , 7, 8 ; Juno SO, 21 , 22 ; to the winners of the Omaha contests of straggling over ibo street and riding Toppku is still yearning for u ball team , Who were the pitcheral J. J. J. , Des order , righteousness aud equnlity bo- and will accept thom on their behalf H 23- a block bjforo line again and swears , by the gods of Olympus , la.-. August SO, 27, . The Omaha team , who will in all proba- fonnincin shell Moines , twecn man and man , community nnd This they can do only by removing the H 0, 10 , ; , Why dent Porrlgo have moro wheels for have ono too , oofore the spring Is fujly Kunsas City Mav 11 Juno 78 bility bo pitted against the Blurs , will con- Ans. . In the eighth Bug Ilolllday Cush ¬ community , nation and nation The control of the schools from political H U !S0 renton Sundays ! Every wheel ho had last sprang , If she is compelled to habilitate July ; August 29, , ill sist of Frank Parmaloo , W. H. S. Hughes , man nnd Burdlck , depends upon the partisans There is no absurdity moro 10 2, 3 ; Sunday was going all day and ho had to Hiram Dillon , HonryiStrong , Chirlio Holli- future of the race H - Milwaukee Juno 7, 8, : August , 5 John Petty, William Hrowor nnd W. H- . ¬ Bw away during , , , Will you plonse publiih in the sporting col- ¬ culture of the individual in truth , good- absurd than this , that wo entrust the H BT0k Sept 10 , 17 , 18. .Townscnd. . This is a strong quintctto und, turn several the afternoon , day Arcbio Williams George Veal Sam up own , Cliff , umns of The Bee of Sunday , February 15 , Ho education of to , J Paul May 30, 31 and Juno 1 ; July 21 , they have an evcu break with the host five oven giving bis wheel Kodgors itaiter Ellery Prcscott end ness and justice believes that the youth small politicians H St , the name and address of a Nebraska taxi- 20 , 27 ; Sept 27, 23, 30. in the National combination , barring the Mr J. Harold Child local consul for St Joe Wilson in Jerseys and force thorn on the principles of ethics as taught by the who know as little of the principles and H B Louis , spent few days city Hold dermist ! S. Carey , Now York City or- of H- ' Minneapolis Juno 3, 4, ; July 203031 ; ono fact that the latter will bo in tiptop it in the last II church are sound , that the rules methods sound education as they do Sept 23, 21 , 23. form by reason of daily practice week in the Interest of the Wurwlc people Manager Leonard will probably make Ana Charles Breeso , Lincoln morulf laid down are rooted in those of most other things If an upstnr t ia H 12 14 15 0 , Ho was vary enthusiastic over the fine runs dates for exhibition games with the Cln- - Dos Moines Juno , , ; August 7 , In spoaltlng of anas boscbas , the mallard principles and should bo taught and in- ¬ eager for a political career , and thinks H 20 21 , . the wheelmen of Omaha have , His state- cinnatis , Louis Browns and Burlingtons 10 ; Sept , 2- Next Stuur ltyN Shoot St duck, I notlco old authorities Audubon , . , the first of * many advantages , games culcated. And further he believes that stop the ladder is a H 2I OMAHA AIlIlOAll- . ment that the Omaha the moro tbo better for exhibition , of- Extonslyoprcparattons nro being made for Trumbull Forrcstor und others speak principles and rules of moral , local ollico , aad regards the position of offers to wheelmen should make it ono of beat all other practice out of sight On the u a that the H .AVith Denver April 17. 10. 20 ; Juno 30. tbo trap shooting tournament to como off on- tbo mule as milliard nnd the female as offectlvo by use school trustee a , the foremost cycling towns in the United Kith of April the Oinnbaa leave for Denver ? action must bo made the as potty gift which ho B July 1 , 2 ; August 10. 17 , IS & wild duck" Why is this Duck Shot tbo Gwin Dunmlro grounds aeross the States , is true There is oaly ono thing whore they open the regular championship Ia.- of mqtlvo forces in the soul of man can reasonably domund for his services H- Kansas City April 3J , 23 , 24 ; July 4 , 4 , 5 ; Bartlett, . the rlvor , next SaturdayWashington's birthday that will ovar bring this about and that is season on the day following The ball will To moral instruction must bo uddod the to the party , and his request for is M August 12 , Ans. . Different authorities call the male it 1314. ' the more general adoption of the safty bo set rolling on the homo grounds with bo- , is City May 1 , 3, 4 ; 23, 34 , There wll bo llvo bird matches and artificial sanctions of religion and there must granted there no moro wicked H Sioux Juno 2V wheel , and the sooner the , ridois und Sioux City Aoril 21. 27 and 39. bird mallard , groenhoad and wild drake , but August 23 , 21 , 25. contests galore , commencing at 0:30: in the development of the roliglons affec- ¬ outrage on the parents of the B wouldbo riders realize this the bettor Secretary Ed OBrandt will notify the both male and female como properly under a Milwaukee May 22, 23 , 34 ; Juno 10 , 20 , S3 ; morning and continuing us long in order to ad- ¬ children , and the state which H- as there is It is such an uncommon thing to sea a Omaha players to report hero Muroh 20. by- tions and sentlmonts fosters 14- . tbis bead The male Is now designated con- ¬ M- Sept 1113 , light enough to shoot by All tbo well known bearded man rldo a whoet in Umuha tbat it Manager Leonard willmrrlvo Frlduy , Feb- herence to right principles nnd Jhom for its welfare What can the . May 25, 27, 23 ; July 10 , 17, 18 ; in part duckshooters as the drake and the female St Paul shots this of the country have been seems an impossibility for the small boy or ruary 29 , and turn at once to- formity to standard of right action nvlsost and most faithful school suporln- - H 1 , 3 ; Minneapolis 10 , 17, 20 ; 8 , - attention - Sept 2. July invited , nnd with auspicious weather Muna- the Ancient Order of Hcd Necks to keep tbo renovation of the ball park A number as tbo boo , instead of mallard and duck , as- Therecnn bo no doubt on this point , tendont do , with the best of intentions H- 9, 10 ; Sept 4, C. 0. ger Dunmlro Is counting on a big attoadanco from insisting on having a pipe full of them of improvements will be made and tbo In the old days The tortn wild duck covers : the fact and the most earnest endeavors , if H Des Moines, Muy ; July 11 , 12, 14 ; There will bo special viz that history toaohos that ho 131415 several matches for Tbo Omaha wheel club will now have the grounds put in perfect shape for the first ex- ull var lotles of the untamed bird of tbis boon save placed H- Sept 8, 0, 10. stakes , and altogether the gunners will morality has never attained must be under thocontrol of a have finest and in fact the onlvclub house In the hibition game, which will be played April 3 species influencosofroligion When commlttoo incnpablo of comprehending H a busy day city Situated on the northeast corner of with the Cleveland loiguo team The Spid under the ' B Harry MtKoriiilcka It turn Will you please state in Sundays Bee , to- mon have had faith in uns eon powers , the first principles of pedagogy , and M B Harry McCormick , ono of the directors o- Thn Omuha Gun Club Seventeenth and Chicago streets , wnoro ers will also play hero on April 4 , 0 and 10. docldo n wager , whether Patsy Cardiff in his they enjoy tbo five largo elecantlv arranged The famous veteran George w. Bradley , and have believed that those wore in unqualified to judge intelligently of the M fB Omuha , has boon gun , fight with Peter Jackson April last , staid the Ball club who sojourn Tbo Omaha club tbo oldest sports , City in of mankind , and wore disposed qualifications of und fitness M- rooms piazzas and barn In fact everything , wbo plavod third base for Sioux last six or nine rounds ] Whut was the purse control touchers the B lug on the coast for n month past , will return mons organization In the city , will hold a- premises Is year up bis best of- good , to of 1b no place In M connected with the all that could und hold end witb the Antipodean , Omaha to favor the and Just and visit text books There B homo this wcok, bringing Knolls contract spoclal mooting at Gwm & Dunmire's store- bo dcslrod for a club of this description tbom , has offers to manage the New Orleans with vengeance the evil and unjust , which a fool looks bo foolish us on a M of , Ans Cardiff was not whipped until tbo with hira , A special telegram announces rooms , 1512 Douglas street , tomorrow eve And what an elegant gymnasium the barn nnd Waco clubs tbo Texas league and they hnvo been moved by fear to do school board Ono would think that a M- gotten in will muko will bo fitted up- . will probably accept ono of these offers un- tenth round , and oven then was able to go- BPr - that If Harry's whiskers hadn't his nlng , for the purpose of weeding out all It right , or in some way to atone for the raomont of genuine soltconsclousnosa H- way bo would have also signed for Omaha .Mombcrs of the Omaha Wheel elub should less ho can get a piaco with ono of the on. . Three thousand dollars BT w nonactlvo members , and again putting the wrong they have done ; nnd the cost of woula bo folio wed by a bow of roslgna- - M Bf * tbo crack aocoud baseman of the Oaklands-. bostlr themselves and sea tbat this thing teams Meantime , tiowevor , Caa you kindly Inform mo who holds the club on a solid foundation For a year past is carried thruugh successfully They have he is open to other offers He says bo has a tiotting record Has Maud S's best time the sacrifice has operated to make thom tion and rotlromcnt to nsphoroof up- - M T . in .B The Question of Now Grnundn- scores of the members have lntorestcd them- a fine opportunity to make their club one of good pitcher , a shortstop , ever boon equalled ! When did the Ameri- ¬ more careful to shun Wrong doing the propriato obscurity How long will M .B President McCoruilclc ana his able aides selves in no manner whatever in the welfare the leading clubs of the country , east or and two catchers , all good fielders , strong can horse Iroquois win the English derby ! future And as often as there has been those who love their children and their M B nro still negotiating for now grounds , and of the club , and those who bavo , uro tlrod of west batsmen and temperate men , whom ho can St Albans , Holdrogo.- . a belief of Immortality , and a coavic- - country submit to the Interference of M evening prospects this Indlfforonco and are determined to You can oil C. O. Candy Ho Is hero wltb sign for any minor league clubs Bradley's' Aub , Maud S , 2:08Jf: , made July 101S85. tion experiunco of tin endless small politicians with most Hacrod B last tbo looked exceedingly now glvo Willlngton that the their fl flattoriiig for scouring them The matter bring about a nowordor of things All the 1S9J Victor safety He will an address is 2248 street Philadel Never boon equalled In 1831. lifo will depend upon the character and essential interests ? H- BJ present of fancy and riding af-- phia.- . Bj will be definitely settled ono way or the monitors not tomorrow ovonlng , or exhibition trick this formed mid deeds in do not good ab- ternoon at 2 oclock 1315 Dodge , two professions are so as tbat of the done hero this other , this week who furnish a excuse for at street Ho allied Our GilueU Youth Do Actors F el EnnitloiiH on the Btage H sence bo to public will bo writorand player , , as a world , mon have boon checked from will stricken from tbo roster froa the It well worth the baseball and yet On the toilol tabic belonging to ono For the offectlvo simulation of grlof , Likely Unlikely taking in Mr, Candy has a universal repu- ¬ matter of fact , the bond of friendship bo- their tendencies to evil , and disposed to B and Mills ltlSMAHKAULil3 UVBNTS ia of the gilded younu men In a city that I much prefer sobs to tours , writes fl an Impromptu lUKC tation tor his untauo entertainments twecn the two of the frailest kind Few try to do right | There was mooting of the once wna known ns Now , Mr Bert Cole of Grand Island , the cham- ball players who read the humorous or regu- ¬ Amsterdam It the Catholic people belbnvo all this , Fanny Da von port in the Washington M Bj Gate City atblotlo olub last ovonlng , on- Seine Things AH Itnoo Follower * pion threomilo amateur of Nobruska , spent lar incidents of the gumo pause to plcturo the powderbox was oxidized silver nnd they may como to the conclusion thnt Post An audience cnn hear you sob , M Bj which occasion Manager Kllkonnysubmltted- Hhoulit Know , most of last week In the city Bert never the patient man with pan or pencil ! sitting crystal , with puff and contents of Illy the publio schools do not sulllclontly but it cannot always boo you weep • I U- • at- - a night nt the sixday race , while ho down to body thorn is hidden , BJ a report relatlvo to his work In booking KIncsom was the greatest rnca mare tbat missed forth Ha whiteness says the Now Yorlc Sun A provide for moral and religious toaoh- - am occasionally carried away through M The ono event provided for, Uxod was here This race has drawn a good witb a few exceptions , behind bis work , and box of as a- M- Bj' tractions over lived She won * little route accompanied it , ulso , as the force of my imagination so that I f° r a near date , Is a fifteen round contest bo-- fiftyfour straight many riders outside of the city Mr Kelley aims so to bide himself Ills pen is oftener mg and truining and that BJ Batollito uttonda its planet , and the of ; , am In keenest sympathy with suf- - M tweou Paddy Murray , the South Omaha races aad never knew defeat She was bred of Lincoln , Mr , Nlcodomus of Fremont and dipped In the milk pf human kindness than creatures the state , they cannot and the BJ eponpo whurowlth to apply it had a- fering of the onnractor portrayed , barber , and J. J, Kennedy's unknown , for a In Hungary and won races in England , several others who did not lcavo their names in gall , and yet the good things ho does are thoeforo , they muy think it to bo tholr but H- BJ - Bilvor holder to match the silvorbaok- - general um BJ purse agreed upon by tbo principals The Austria and Germany , her total winnings on the roglstor sea unnoticed , while tbo ill are roinein- duty to provide schools in which tholr as a thing I entirely ' The to be givenunder tbo nu- erod for all , ed bruehos and other toilet appurton- - of of myself misHH- BJ report further showed that Pat Killcn of St to A years tournanent time children may have the care tholr tress amounting 90613. few ago a spices of Omaha club on 27th- Billy , of old nnces. . Is to ho BJ Paul wants a purse of 1500 to moot Jack tno Wheel the Holbort the star catcbor the It said quite habit for souls provided , as well as the nurture of I emphatically deny the possibility Hungarian , with a duo presence , visited this , promises bo of , follovvlugstory' BJ Davis , which shuts that out ; also that Mlko- ' inst to ono the best over Mets told the at a banquet oxqulsito younp men to touch up their their minds of an actress actually experiencing the Hn-| Dally of Bungor , Mo offers to meet Jimmy country and claimed to bo her owner Ho held in tno Coliseum building It will Ir Now YorK recontlyJ Billy stood on a BJ complexions u bit when going out of an- to do , emotions of the chaructor Llndsoyat catch woightsbuforo the clubfor- succeeded In fleecing several business men bo made up with professional and ama- chair and said bo wished tp relate tbo story If they proceed their duty why ml nor BJ - ovonlng , and that they are much moro to- My judgment purse of , providing a 1X0 purse is of-- teur races , roller skate races and fanoy of the only game of ball ever ended by should any of us complain ? It scorns truyod rebels ugainst | BJ a 500 in each city ho visited , The mare died from tbat clover facial artists than fair Bi- ¬ for a meet botwecn his brother Dan , skating , trick bicycle riding and a the score of 214 to 3. Flaffertys and their bo the conviction of the American so rash a theory In the fpurtli act of H-| BJ fered on accident oh fne , any featberwolght may bo while the turf drill by a picked corps of from the Moollcaus , " began Hilly, "wore contest- sters ono of whom laid on too liberal , is do- - Tosca , " for iustanco , I murder a BJ nud the club lucky ' riders the pooolo generally that it La H BJ onouph to secure Hilly Meyer will net meet A quarter of a million dollars Is the most c . . ing teams It was the ninth' inning The allowance of a certain powerful lotion si ruble to associate the children man Is it to be supposed for tin BL * * * Lindsay to a finish for less than a purse o- raonoy over put up for two horses to race for II Perngo has offered some very good score was 2 to 2. The ; FlafTortys had been with a most ludicrous result Her of in the relations stant that I have the omotious of a prizes , bo all classes inH 1 , ) Hole agrcos , which will well worth competing Moolicansbad men fBf 13000 and Ton if the club will This sum was wagered at Natchez , Miss , In retired and tbo two out countenance became overspread with a of school this way becomes doross? How cau IV I never murderedmurH bang up a purse of MU0 , to produce u Mlnno- - for The club will spare no expense or MoManus , u rolling mill man , was at tbo lifo In it H Bj 1830, Walker Thurston matching his horse most dollcato vernal tint , which defied rocolvo touch- ¬ any ooo , Yet I know It 1b perfectly pos- - npolls man to moot Jack Uyan- . pains to make this , their initial entertain- ¬ bat Two strikes were on. him He hit the certain that all alike the H BJ Kodolph , , " ull attempts at removal until the next , thd of stugo , Ht- report was adopted Manager Kil-- against Hon J. F Claybourne's ment , a complete success , ball end split It In twain , Ono half went ing and training ncodful to enable thom sible through devices art .BJ Tbo and , moat de- ¬ bis- mare Susau Yandoll for 2600 bates of cotton The club will depart from the club room over Flsbklll rlvor , thd other lodged In morning and olloctually to bo good a community o sot clearly before nn audience a BJ kenny authorized to proceed and exorcise * half oltizons in H stroyed prospects of- ¬ BJ own judgment In entering into contracts for a sldo , It bolog equal to 250 000. Susan upon their run this afternoon a 2 oclock- the corner of tbo rlgbtjlleia fence McManus , her matrimonial which is democratic in spirit und re- picture of the mingled remorse and H . p . m. sharp Every member who can Is re- clad In overalls , started the moment A young man bolonglng- woman J future cutertalnments- Yundell had a walkover for the money , as- around the bases publican in its organization Hut usido terror which ovortnko the who H quested to attend Just ns ho reached thd second base ho fell to the gallant company of OBthotio top has done the dcod I do not moan to Hu- Billy Mejora Lindsay Kodolph took nick shortly before the tlmo * from this the association of children .BJ unit Jimmy aad broke his log Ills oolloagiies rushed to spends as much money on his acting , Ht- , U , sot for the contest Flashes in the Diamond rollers and yotthfl together tends to save thom dyocato mechanical but rulhor BJ J Kilkenny , manager of the Gate City money Im the fence , toro of! t board nud made a splint wedding trotissouu as a Ho has Ho- The mot over realized from ono Omaha's now catcher , Bird , ought to bride from narrow views and prejudices , and lmt the actress should command her Bj Athletic club , Is In receipt of tbo following of for MoManus' log Then McManus bopped of garment uuder- - sale horses at auction was that paid for prove a very fly man around the rest of the dlstaaco and got to six doon each in ou the other hand to cultivate generous motious , und not lot thom command H Bj loiter , which exylalns Itself : the 33S hood of thoroughbreds gold by wonr , always Wilt Cyclone Duryca was marrlod to a the plato Just as the half ball from the right in Bilk His slumber Buntimonts , and nourishgood toolings her , olsu boiuo absurd and omburrubslngr BJ Uostos , Mass , Feb 12. Dear Slrj Your lilcnkiron at Middle , England , In St Paul H lain Park damsel on Tuesday last field foil into tbo catchers arms Tbo um- robes are symphonies of blue or nllk , Different clusses and races are brought results might follow There nro parts H- Bj letter lu regard to an exhibition In Omaha 1673 , bo getting 512575 for the 129 foals 18 om- - In- plro decided tha doughty rolling mill laced with gold cord and daintily , of Tosca" am bo wrought BJ Wltb Jimmy Lindsay Just rccolved We - stallions and 100 broad mares dis- Taylor Stiafcr has signed to play second that into sympathetic connection und La whore I H then man was halt safe aad out , as only broldorod. . His stockinprs ulono uro BJ tended to visit Omaha two weeks siuco , but posed of, for Louisvllla this season half friendships nro formed , which will lust upon by the dramatic situation that my H half of a ball bad been returned , and so bo of , em- ¬ BJ lustead en mo hero , tiowevor , would say The most money over won by a trotter was Fred Jovno , as yet , has failed to catch full artistic interest his braces into raaturo lito , and in this way the hands shako , and I grow cold and rigid , H lillly Meyers would bo well pleased to by gave the game to the Moolicans by the score broidered with gold and silver apple rollox ox- BJ tbat earned Goldsmith Maid, she winning very on for next season Ho is In Chicago , of to 2." people will bo woven into ono piece but this is simply a Influence - H , Klve an exhibition lu Omaha , 1 fix 2K , BJ but cannot nearly 500000. In doing this she won 33J Curtis and Wblto both Bigned Den- blossoms and his corsets are fantasies , In , to crtod by the scones through which I am , with The schools fine tend induce the H BJ n date Just now but think it can be arranged heats In bottorthan 2:30: , a no * . and rhapsodies record which ver yesterday and Kowo has his team about Mi ollauenu IjoohI Spirts.- unity , sympathy and harmony of a true passing , nnd it is rather physical than H BJ for the last week of the prescut month if other animal over gained completed Is I will suit you , I have hud numerous It a good plan to trust no man who community mental have como elf the stage from H BJ that Stockwell , the noted English thorough- ¬ It uow looks as If Han't ODav would suc- abuses his Never liivo Up- . H- BJ1 letters from your city urging us to como , horse Still , If the Catholic people think and this act numb und exhausted but not at bred stood his last two seasons at (J500 , ceed Ed Hongle on second for Minneapolis .If you suffer with asthma , bronchitis , or there , but as tbo Gate City club The Omaha Schutzenveroln will make do , bo by the all doprcssod in spirits It I hud over BJ has been which is tnoro money than any other borsa O' Day is a good one . any or lungs , fool as I what shall done H many improvements at already other dlseaso of tbo throat ¬ highly recommended wo cnooso to negotiate over stood ut, Axtell now stands , their tine of us ? is not possible to ques- actually felt the omotious nf that act I BJ j- nt 1000 Des Moines feels very ore over tbo de- range at park early In the spring nothing can surprise you moro than the rest It H . * with you All wo deslro Is a friendly setto , which is the most over asked for a stallions lluser's tion to fouud parish schools should not have boon able to finish the nui1 * ° as ho agrees como cision of the arbitration committee awarding Several fair bags of (jirigtatl ra piditnprovemout that will follow the use their right H BBsf*f ' ler will do Just sorvlcos in America and mallard of SANTA you are troubled with from beginning been pity what may we make with you we- catcher Cody to Cleveland were made la marshes ABIE If This right has the - If a date Guy Wilkes , SslBtf, and his daughter , Lil ¬ the near Missouri , , you pcopo It- BJr tjjj 50 per of gross , Bob Black , who was with Sioux City the Volley during thomlld catarrh and have tried other modlcines conceded to other roliglous JT will waut cout the rocolpts lian Wilkes , 2:17: % have the fattest com- weather of the past bo express your Dr Uiriioypractico limited to and if this Is agreeable to you mo luttor part of the past season , has signed will unable to amazement at is too late to (revoke If then , they catarrhH ' lei know bined record for sire nnd daughter In the week the marvelous and instantaneous curatlvo it ol disoascs of nebo and throat Iloo bldg HJ- | Immediately and we will make arrange-- with the Washington league club re- - boo fit to provide the buildings , the j world Kobert McGregor , 3sl7 and Uon-- Jack Davis and Jimmy Lindsay , are powers of OALIFOUNIA OATnCURE , ments at once Leb CuKNEr- . : Charlie Abbey received an yeaterdae ¬ aud the books and usk no Hi- | nlo MoGrogor , 3:13Jj' , have the ifastest com- offer quested to communicate with Senator Mor- These remedies are not secret compounds , toaoherd .Iarriago resulting from love at tint ikU .I Manager Hilly Meyers , lightweight chum bined record for slro and son from tbo Wheeling , Va , TrlStato leaguy gan , mauger of tbo Mechanics pavlllion , favors of us , what have wo to say ? It- not generally wedded bliss on a par with plou of the but natural productions of California Sold s world Thlrtyelgtl thousand dollars U the most club , which he will doubtless accept Portlaud , Ore , ¬ Is , wo may sav tnu insist milk swindled Ha- J * at a package ; throe for 350 , and guaran- true slutoshall sour One or tbo other nets It may Maid 1 ¬ BJ bejwoll to add hero that Manager over ut uuutlon or privately for a year Old Tom Dolaa , who , it comes down Wilbur F, Kuapp , undoubtedly the fastest teed by Goodman Drue Go on such a grudo of teaching und train nd oftca both H
