20 The use of as reinforcements in composites

L. M. MATUANA, Michigan State University, USA and N. M. STARK, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, USA

DOI: 10.1533/9781782421276.5.648

Abstract:The chapter begins by discussing the major characteristics of wood in terms of structure, major chemical constituents and wood production methods, which is followed by the description of major manufacturing processes for wood composites (WPCs). It then reviews the effects of different variables such as the nature of wood flour (particle size, wood species, and wood flour content), filler-matrix adhesion, characteristics of polymer matrix, processing conditions, performance-enhancing additives, and foaming agents on the physical, mechanical, thermal, and durability properties of WPCs. Finally, the chapter discusses future trends in WPCs including new materials, novel manufacturing techniques, and emerging applications.

Key words: wood plastic composites, wood flour, mechanical properties, durability, foaming.

20.1 Introduction: characteristics of wood Wood is classified as a lignocellulosic material. It is made up of major constituents (, , and ) and minor constituents (ash and extractives) (Baeza and Freer, 2001). The major constituents are structural components with a high molecular weight. Wood is approximately 60-75%cellulose, 20-30%lignin, 1-10%extractives and 04.5% ash (Marra, 1992).The chemical composition of wood varies between species.

20.1.1 Cellulose and hemicellulose Cellulose is the most abundant and the main structural component of wood. The cellulose molecule is largely linear. Three elements, namely carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, are organized into ß-D-glucose units and linked together to form long linear chains that are arranged in one plane. The molecular weight of cellulose varies between 50,000 and 2.5 million depending on the origin of the sample (Fengel and Wegener, 1983). Figure 20.1 shows a combination of three cellulose building blocks. A high proportion of cellulose is crystalline, held together by intermolecular


© 2015 Elsevier Ltd Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 649

20.1 A combination of three cellulose building blocks (Pettersen, 1984). hydrogen bonding. The degree of crystallinity is approximately 60-70% for wood (Fengel and Wegener, 1983; Pettersen, 1984). The hydroxyl groups on cellulose are largely responsible for its reactive nature. Hydrogen bonds exist not only between cellulose hydroxyl groups, but also between cellulose and water. Cellulose is hygroscopic (attractive to water) because it is a polar molecule and easily undergoes hydrogen bonding (Marra, 1992). The absorption of water by cellulose depends on the number of free hydroxyl groups, not those linked with each other. Therefore, water cannot enter crystallites, only amorphous regions are accessible by water. The amount of swelling due to moisture absorption is limited because chain movement is limited. In addition, only hydroxyl groups present in amorphous cellulose are available for chemical reactions (Kazayawoko,1996). Hemicellulose is similar to cellulose in that it is arranged in five or six carbon sugars in chains. However, chains are relatively short, therefore are soluble or easily degraded to be soluble (Marra, 1992). The degree of polymerization maybe onlytens orhundreds of repeatingunits (Kazayawoko, 1996). contain more than .

20.1.2 Lignin Lignin can be thought of as a matrix that holds cellulose fibers together. It is a brittle, relatively inert material that acts as both a bonding agent and a stiffening agent. Diffusion of lignin into the fiber wall increases stiffness and allows for stress transfer between matrix and fiber. Generally, softwoods have a larger percentage of lignin than hardwoods, accounting for 23-33% in softwoods and 16-25% in hardwoods, respectively (Fengel and Wegener, 1983; Pettersen, 1984). Lignin is also composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The basic precursor is a phenolic material combined in many ways to form a highly branched, three-dimensional network (Fig. 20.2). The result is an isotropic substance. The six member rings of lignin are made up of only carbon atoms forming a stable benzene ring. In addition, there is a low occurrence of hydroxyl sites. Therefore, lignin is not as reactive as cellulose. 650 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

20.2 Structural scheme of spruce (Picea spp.) lignin (Pettersen, 1984).

20.1.3 Extractives Wood extractives are organic substances that can be removed from wood with solvents. Extractives can include organic waxes, oils, fats, , carbohydrates, acids, gums, and resins. Their greatest effects are on hygroscopicity, permeability, and durability of wood. They are deposits, meaning they are not strongly bound in the wood and are free to move (Marra, 1992). There are three types of wood extractives: aliphatic compounds, terpenes and terpenoids, and phenolic compounds. Aliphatic compounds include n-alkanes, fatty alcohols, fatty acids, fats (esters) and waxes. Terpenoids include turpentine and resin acids. Phenolic compounds include tannins, flavonoids,lignans, stilbenes, and tropolones (Kazayawoko, 1996). Extractives are typically removed through steam distillation, ether extraction, alcohol extraction, or water extraction. Steam distillation is used to remove terpenes and ether extraction is used to remove fatty alcohols, fatty acids, and waxes. Tannins are alcohol soluble while other carbohydrates and inorganic materials are water soluble (Baeza and Freer, 2001; Fengel and Wegener, 1983). Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 651

20.1.4 Wood structure The familiar concentric ring pattern apparent on the stump of a tree is due to annual growth rings. The lighter material associated with the early growing season is called earlywood. Latewood is the darker ring and is formed later in the growing season. Earlywood is lighter in weight, softer, and weaker than latewood (Wiedenhoeft, 2010). Wood is composed of several different types of specialty cells. The majority of wood cells are elongated, pointed at the end, and oriented with the stem axis. Cell sizes are different for earlywood and latewood. Earlywood cells typically have relatively large cavities and thin walls. In contrast, latewood cells have smaller cavities and thicker walls. Cell walls are layered structures arranged concentrically and characterized by differences in chemical composition and orientation (Figure 20.3). Individual cells are glued together by the middle lamella (ML), which is

20.3 Drawing of the cell wall. Layers shown include the middle lamella(ML),theprimary wall (P), and the secondary wall in three layers (S1, S2, and S3) (adapted from Wiedenhoeft, 2010). 652 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials generally free of cellulose. The primary wall (P), secondary wall 1 (S1), secondary wall 2 (S2) and secondary wall 3 (S3), are distinguished by the orientation of cellulose fibrils in the walls. In P, cellulose fibrils are arranged in thin crossing layers, in S1 the fibrils are arranged in a slight slope perpendicular to the fiber direction, and in S2 the fibrils are roughly aligned with the fiber direction. The P and S3 layers have less cellulose present than the S1 and S2 layers. The S3 layer has a high concentration of non-structural substances. The cavity bound by the cell wall is referred to as the lumen. The change in wall thickness between earlywood and latewood is mainly due to changes in S2 thickness, which is also where the majority of cellulose is found. The density of the cell wall is approximately 1.49 g/cm3 (Marra, 1992). cells aligned in the axial direction are primarily tracheids, accounting for over 90% of the volume of wood. cells aligned in the axial direction consist primarily of fibers, but also include vessels and parenchyma cells. Softwood tracheids can range from 1to 10 mm in length while hardwood fibers are on average 0.2 to 1.2 mm in length while (Wiedenhoeft, 2010).

20.2 Fiber processing and composite manufacturing 20.2.1 Fiber production methods Common wood filler for thermoplastics is wood flour. Wood flour is defined as a finely ground wood. It is derived from various wood planer shavings, chips, , and other clean waste wood from saw mills and residues of other industries. The production method often leads to fiber bundles rather than individual fibers.Moisture, particle size distribution, and density are monitored for consistent physical and chemical properties during processing. It is available commercially in a variety ofsize distributions and species. The most commonly used wood flour species for plastic composites in the United States are made from pine, oak, and maple. Other species are also used depending on regional availability. The main steps in its production are size reduction by several types of grinders (e.g., pulverization by crushing, Wiley mills, attrition mills, hammermill, etc.) and size classification by screening methods. The typical length-to-diameter ( L/D) ratio of wood flour ranges from about 3 : 1 to 5 : 1. Wood flour is graded by mesh size. For example, wood flour with 30 and 120 mesh corresponds to 500 and 125 µm, respectively. Detailed information on wood flour production methods is given by Clemons (2010). Wood flour is available commercially in a variety of size distributions and species. Stark and Berger (1997) reported that commercially produced wood flour has broad particle distribution. They showed that typical Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 653

20.4 Particle size range for ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) wood flours. S designates screened particle size distributions and C designates commercial particle size distributions (adapted from Stark and Berger, 1997). commercial grades of wood flour include a mixture of particle sizes, which overlap particularly at larger mesh sizes (smaller particle sizes). Generally, commercial suppliers of wood flour avoid extra screening to narrow the particle size distribution because this process results in a more expensive product. Comparison of ponderosa pine wood flour particles screened to specific sizes (discrete and narrow size distribution) and the particle size of commercially produced wood flour is shown in Fig. 20.4. The discreteness of size ranges for the screened wood flour and the overlap of size ranges for the commercial wood flour are clearly illustrated in this figure. Generally, wood flour (10-120 mesh) is easier to handle during processing than long wood fibers, which tend to agglomerate and cause dispersion problems during mixing. However, because of their higher aspect ratio, long fibers provide greater reinforcing effects in wood plastic composites (WPCs) than particles. The fiber can be difficult to disperse but the dispersion problems can be offset by using compatibilizers during processing. The use of long fibers in WPCs is described in other chapters in this book.

20.2.2 Composite manufacturing 654 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials common types of product-forming methods for WPCs involve forcing molten material through a die (sheet or profile extrusion) or into a cold mold (injection ), or pressing in (calendering) or between mold halves (thermoforming and compression molding) (Clemons, 2002). Pelletized compounds have a higher degree of uniform filler dispersion and better control of wood flour moisture content. However, the equipment suppliers have introduced into the market a direct extrusion that converts non-dried wood flour and plastic matrix into finished WPC products in a single-step process (Matuana, 2009). While the majority of WPCs produced today in North America involve extrusion, injection molding and compression molding of WPCs are proportionally smaller compared with extrusion. Most of the composites used in construction applications are extruded to a profile of uniform cross- section (solid or hollow) and any practical length, whereas products having more complex shapes such as those used in the automotive industry or other consumer products are injection or compression molded (Matuana, 2009). Products such as decking, railings, and window profiles readily lend themselves to extrusion through a two-dimensional die. Injection-molded applications such as consumer household goods and furniture parts are gaining importance. Thermoforming or compression molding is the forming method of choice for the automotive industry. In North American WPC manufacturing, over 80% of wood fiber-plastic composites are made with wood flour (mesh size up to 140) and polyolefin matrices, includingpolyethylene (PE) andpolypropylene (PP) thermoplastics (Zazyczny and Matuana, 2005) although polystyrene (PS) is also used. Currently, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) matrix represents only a small portion of thermoplastics used in WPCs but its use will continue to grow due to its superior performance and excellent weatherability compared to olefins (Matuana, 2009). Biodegradable produced from renewable resources are also gaining prominence as matrices for WPCs due to their origin and ability to decompose and maintain carbon dioxide balance (Afrifah and Matuana, 2012). Biodegradable bioplastics include polylactic acid (PLA) and starch acetate, non-biodegradable bioplastics such as bio-derived PE and (Lampinen, 2009). PLA has received the most attention from researchers as it is widely available commercially. These plastics are chosen because of their lower processing temperatures (150-220°C) which prevent the deterioration of the added wood materials. When wood is heated, the production of volatiles begins at processing temperatures exceeding 200°C (Saheb and Jog, 1999). While wood starts degrading at 210°C, this is mainly due to extractives and hemicelluloses. Cellulose does not begin to degrade until 270°C (Sears et al., 2001) and lignin at 280°C (Saheb and Jog, 1999). Therefore, it is preferable to set the processing temperature below 220°C to prevent not only the thermal Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 655 degradation of the wood flour but also that of heat-sensivive polymers such as PLA and PVC (Matuana and Diaz, 2013). In addition to the degradation issue, processing at elevated temperature (above 220°C) results in the production of volatile organic compounds, which can lead to foamed (porous) products with inferior mechanical properties (Guo et al., 2004). Wood flour is also very sensitive to moisture. A moisture level above 1% in wood flour makes the composite foam in the extruder, i.e., causes production of microvoids of irregular and inhomogeneous shapes which affect the performance of the products (Rizvi et al., 2000; Matuana and Mengeloglu, 2002). Consequently, great care must be taken when processing with wood flour. Generally, drying of wood flour prior to processing and keeping compounded feedstock sealed from atmospheric moisture are necessary not only to ease the manufacturing process, but also to enhance the quality and mechanical performance of the products (Matuana, 2009). Wood flour and plastic matrix constitute the main ingredients in WPC formulations. The amounts of wood flour vary in the formulations and wood flour content of up to 70% is currently used in commercial WPC products. Additionally, WPC producers extensively utilize a broad spectrum of performance-enhancing additives to improve the appearance, reduce the maintenance requirements, and prolong the service life of WPC products. Among these additives, coupling agents and lubricants are specialty chemicals widely used in WPCs because they play crucial roles in the processing and performance of the products. Coupling agents improve the dispersion and the bond between the wood fiber reinforcements and the plastic matrix, which reduces the rate of water uptake and improves the durability as well as the strength performance (Felix and Gatenholm, 1991; Kazayawoko et al., 1999; Matuana et al., 1998a, 1998b; Li and Matuana, 2003a). They are necessary because the wood surface is largely hydrophilic in contrast to the hydrophobic surface of the plastic polymer (Shah et al., 2005). Since the wood and plastic surfaces are chemically incompatible, coupling agents therefore function as a bridge between these two incompatible surfaces. Several types of coupling agents and compatibilizers have been investigated, including silanes (Matuana et al., 1998a, 1998b; Razi and Raman, 2000; Balasuriya et al., 2002), titanates (Liao et al., 1997; Rodriguez et al., 2003, maleated polyolefins (Felix and Gatenholm, 1991; Kazayawoko et al., 1999; Li and Matuana, 2003a), etc. Their functioning mechanisms are well established (Kazayawoko et al., 1999). Widely used in WPCs, the lubricants improve the surface quality of WPCs by reducing edge tearing, ease the problems of extruding viscous mixtures, and thus increase extrusion production rates (Matuana, 2009). The addition of these two performance-enhancing additives significantly adds to production cost and market price. 656 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

A broad spectrum of other performance-enhancing additives includes biocides,antimicrobials/antifungals, UVstabilizers,pigments/lightstabilizers, and flame-retardants (Matuana et al., 2001b; Stark and Matuana, 2003, 2006). Added to WPC products, these additives prevent staining and slow color change. Other methods used in the industry to increase color stability include coextruding a cap layer over WPC substrate (Jin and Matuana, 2008, 2010; Matuana et al., 2011; Stark and Matuana, 2009) and fluoro­ oxidation of WPC followed by coating (Matuana, 2009). These methods seal the surface of WPC products, thus preventing moisture absorption and surface staining.

20.3 Mechanical performance of wood plastic composites (WPCs) Property evaluation of WPCs depends strongly on their application. For example, in semi-structural building applications, such as decking, window and door frames, the aesthetics (wood look), the improved thermal and creep performance compared with unfilled plastics, as well as the improved durability to biological agents (e.g., mold, fungi, termites, etc.) and other environmental factors (e.g., freeze-thaw, water, etc.) compared to are extremely important. On the other hand, the light weight of WPCs (lower specific gravity) compared to plastic filled with inorganic materials makes them attractive for automotive applications. Therefore, properties such as strength, stiffness, impact resistance, density, heat deflection temperature, color stability, resistance to decay, ultraviolet light, moisture, and so on are important considerations in many WPC applications. These properties are evaluated in accordance with the procedures outlined in various ASTM standards. Most of the available literature on the mechanical performance of wood flour filled thermoplastic matrices can be classified in four categories: • The nature of wood flour • The filler-matrixadhesion • The characteristics of the polymer matrix • The additives used in WPC formulations. These topics are reviewed in the following sections.

20.3.1 Nature of wood flour The nature of wood flour includes variables such as particle size and distribution, wood species, wood flour addition levels, etc., and the effects of these variables are discussed below. Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 657

Particle size One of the factors to consider when using wood flour as filler in wood plastic composites is particle size. This variable has significant influence on some mechanical properties of WPCs. The effect of particle size on properties of injection molded wood flour filled polypropylene composites has been reported (Stark and Berger, 1997; Stark and Rowlands, 2003). Since it is difficult to characterize properties of WPCs based on specific particle sizes using commercial wood flour, due to the size overlap (Fig. 20.4), Stark and coworkers (Stark and Berger, 1997; Stark and Rowlands, 2003) examined the narrow size distributions of wood flour particles, which they obtained by discrete screening of wood flour to designated commercial sizes (Table 20.1). They observed that at wood flour loading of 40% (by weight), particle size did not affect specific gravity (Table 20.2). The higher density of WPCs compared to the unfilled plastic is mainly due to the compression of wood cell walls during processing, which is independent of wood flour particle size. However, the particle size did affect other properties. The melt flow index (MFI) increased as the particle size increased from 0.064 mm (120 mesh) to 0.513 (20 mesh) because the volume of unfilled regions within the polymer increased, resulting in greater flow mobility for the polymer and increased MFI values. Composites with finer particles (70 mesh and higher) had better tensile strength and modulus than their counterparts with coarser particles (35 mesh). Flexural properties followed similar trends. Generally, the larger the particle size, the greater the notched impact energy as a result of the increase in fracture surface area. Conversely, the larger the particle size, the lower the unnotched impact energy as a result of higher stress.

Table 20.1 Mesh sizes and particle sizes of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) wood flour screened to designated sizes by American Wood Fibers, Schofield, Wisconsin, USA

Mesh size range Screen hole size (mm)

Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Particle size

40 30 35 0.425 0.600 0.513 80 60 70 0.180 0.250 0.215 140 11 120 0.106 0.150 0.128 270 200 235 0.053 0.075 0.064

Source: adapted from Stark and Rowlands, 2003; Stark and Berger, 1997.

Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 659

Table 20.3 Effect of wood species on the flexural properties of extruded WPCs made with different thermoplastic matrices

Flexural Rigid PVC-based comppsites1 HDPE-based composites2 property Pine flour Maple flour Pine flour Maple flour

Strength (MPa)3 37.60A ± 2.10 31.55B ± 0.93 24.68C ± 1.04 20.73D ± 2.26 Modulus (GPa)3 3.34A ± 0.24 2.54B ± 0.14 2.21C ± 1.04 1.63D ± 0.33

1The formulations and processing conditions used to produce rigid PVC/wood­ flour composites are given in Pilarski and Matuana (2005). 2The formulations and processing conditions used to produce rigid HDPE/wood­ flour composites are given in Pilarski and Matuana (2006). 3Means with the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). Note: The composites contained 50% by weight wood flour of 40 mesh size. Source: adapted from Pilarski and Matuana, 2005, 2006.

Wood species The type of wood species constitutes another important factor to consider in WPCs. Generally, wood flours from softwood species are usually preferable to those from hardwood for easy processing and increasing mechanical properties. This trend is clearly seen in the flexural properties of extruded WPCs made with rigid PVC and HDPE matrices summarized in Table 20.3 where composites with softwood flour outperformed their counterparts with hardwood flour. Maldas and coworkers (1989) explained this disparity by the morphological difference between the more flexible softwood and stiffer hardwood as well the chemical compositions of the wood flours from the two wood species (Zazyczny and Matuana, 2005).

Wood flour concentration The amount of wood flour in WPCs significantly influences both processing and end-use properties. In the melting state, the viscosity of composites increases with wood flour addition level, since the wood flour hinders the movement of polymer chain (Shah and Matuana 2004; Li and Wolcott, 2005; Guo et al., 2008). Plots of melt flow index as a function of wood flour contents for PLA-based composites are illustrated in Fig. 20.5. Increasing wood flour content reduced the MFI of the composites, suggesting that increasing wood flour content makes the composite melts more viscous. Interactions between wood flour particles and the matrix may account for this decreased trend, since studies have shown that solid wood flour particles embedded in the polymer matrix increase the friction towards the flow of the melt, resulting in higher viscosity (Matuana and Diaz, 2013). 660 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

20.5 Effect of wood flour content on the MFI of PLA: semicrystalline (PLA 2002D) and amorphous (PLA 8302D) from Natureworks®.

Generally, the mechanical properties of composites follow the rule of mixtures. Due to the higher strength but lower modulus of thermoplastic compared to wood, generally the strength property of WPCs decreases as the wood flour content increases in the composites (Kazayawoko et al., 1999; Li and Matuana, 2003a). This is a result of poor interfacial adhesion due to the incompatibility between hydrophilic wood flour and hydrophobic plastics (Table 20.4). In contrast, the stiffness of the composites increases linearly as the amount of wood flour in the composites increases, in accordance with the rule of mixtures, due to the greater stiffness of wood flour compared to plastic. Both the elongation at break and the impact strength of wood flour filled plastic decrease as the wood flour content increases in the composites. The addition of wood flour into plastic matrices reduces the ductile behavior of the matrix by making the composites more brittle. The higher degree of brittleness introduced by the addition of wood flour into the plastic matrix causes this decreased elongation at break and impact strength (Matuana et al., 1997, 1998b). Rigid fillers restrict elongation, limiting almost all the stretching that occurs to the polymeric matrix. This difference is a typical trade-off for improving the stiffness of the matrix by incorporating wood flour into the plastic matrix. In general, wood flour improves the heat deflection of unfilled polymer matrix, which increases with increasing wood flour loading. It should be pointed out that a recent study that assessed the effect of wood flour content on the impact strength of PLA/wood-flour composites (Afrifah and Matuana, 2012) depicted two distinct behaviors depending on

662 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

Table 20.5 Notched lzod impact strength of injection-molded PLA/maple flour composites as a function of wood flour content and particle size

Wood flour Notched lzod impact strength (J/m)2 content in the composites 20 mesh 40 mesh 60 mesh 100 mesh (% by weight)1

0 16.1 ± 1.6A 16.1 ± 1.6A 16.1 ± 1.6A 16.1 ± 1.6A 5 16.8 ± 1.8A 15.4 ± 1.3A 16.4 ± 1.3A 16.7 ± 1.7A 15 14.9 ± 2.1A 15.6 ± 2.0A 14.5 ± 2.0A 14.9 ± 1.8A 25 16.5 ± 1.5A - - 13.5 ± 2.5B 30 - 15.3 ± 0.9A 13.6 ± 2.0B ­ 40 15.6 ± 2.0A 15.4 ± 0.7A 10.3 ± 2.6C 6.5 ± 1.9C

1The PLA resin used in the composites was PLA 3001D from NatureWorks, USA, with the following characteristics: density of 1.144 g.cm-3, 8% of D-lactide enan­ tiomer, crystallinity of 15%, and melt flow index of 12.1 g.(10 min)-1 at 190°C. 2The different superscript letters for each particle size denote that the difference between two wood flour contents is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Source: adapted from Afrifah and Matuana, 2012.

wood flour particle size (Table 20.5). The impact strengths of composites with coarse wood particles (up to 40 mesh) were not significantly affected by the wood flour concentration. Unlike fine particles, it is believed that coarse ones create fewer cracks in the composites due to their lower surface area per unit weight, reducing the propensity of brittle failure which decreases the impact strength. On the other hand, the impact strengths of composites with finer wood particles (60 mesh and up) decreased drastically after adding 15% or more wood flour into the matrix. The observed trend is probably due to wood flour agglomeration in the matrix, which resulted in stress concentration promoting crack propagation with low impact strength (Afrifah and Matuana, 2012).

20.3.2 Filler-matrix adhesion The polar or hydrophilic nature of wood flour due to the existence of many hydroxyl groups in cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin is a major concern for its use in WPCs. This is because it results in low compatibility with the non-polar or hydrophobic polymer matrices leading to poor wetting of the wood flour by the polymer, inhomogeneous dispersion of the fillers in the matrix polymer, and poor adhesion between the filler and the polymer. Accordingly, this incompatibility leads to composites with lower strength properties (e.g., tensile and flexural strengths) than the unfilled polymer (Kazayawoko et al., 1999). Effective interfacial adhesion between Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 663

hydrophilic, polar wood flour and hydrophobic, non-polar plastics is crucial for both the processing and performance of WPC materials. Consequently it is important to enhance the surface properties of the wood flour and/or the polymer matrix to improve interfacial adhesion between components and derive optimum strength properties from the composites. Since the performance of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites strongly depends on solid fiber-matrix adhesion to allow stress transfer between the phases, surface modification of wood flour by coupling (or other compatibilizing) agents is usually performed to attain improved interfacial adhesion and subsequently satisfactory strength properties in the composites (Matuana et al., 1999, 2001a). Substantial research has been carried out on the surface modification of wood fiber using coupling agents to improve the strength properties of WPCs. Among them, the influence of surface treatment of wood flour with maleated polyolefins on the strength properties of polyolefin-based WPCs has received particular attention (Felix and Gatenholm, 1991; Kazayawoko et al., 1999; Li and Matuana, 2003a, 2003b). Many in-depth studies have reported improvement in the strength properties of the composites when maleated polyolefins were used in the formulation and the mechanisms of adhesion between wood flour and polyolefin matrices that caused the improvement. Maleated polyolefins are known to promote the affinity between the wood flour and the plastics (Li and Matuana, 2003b; Carlborn and Matuana, 2006). They induce the bond formation between the wood four and plastic matrix. When strong chemical bonds are formed, stress transfer from the polymer to the load- bearing filler takes place, resulting in the enhancement of the strength properties of the composites. The results summarized in Table 20.6 demonstrate the importance of coupling agents on the performance of WPCs. Without coupling agents, the addition of wood flour into the plastic matrix significantly reduced both the tensile and flexural strengths of the composites due to poor interfacial adhesion between wood flour and the matrix. As expected, the addition of coupling agent into the formulations had a positive effect on the strength of the composites due to the enhanced interfacial adhesion between wood flour and plastic matrix. The effectiveness of maleated polyolefins in improving the adhesion between the wood flour and polymer matrix is attributed to two mechanisms, which have been extensively investigated. Firstly the carboxylic acid portions of the maleated compound react with the hydroxyl groups on the wood surface to form monoester or diester linkages (Carlborn and Matuana, 2006). This leaves the remaining polyolefin portions of the maleated compound as free pendant chains. The second mechanism involves the diffusion of the free pendant polyolefin chain into the polymer matrix which forms a physical bond upon cooling (Kazayawoko et al., 1999). Successfully

Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 665

achieving these two mechanisms results in the formation of an adhesive bridge between the wood fiber and the matrix polymer. Polyisocyanates, triazines, organosilanes, etc., have also been used as coupling agents. For example, silanes are known to form strong covalent bonds between the wood flour and the polymer matrix (Balasuriya et al., 2002; Matuana et al., 1999). These covalent bonds ensure effective stress transfer from the polymer to the wood flour, resulting in improved strength properties, especially tensile and flexural strengths (Matuana et al., 1998a, 1998b; Razi and Raman, 2000; Balasuriya et al., 2002).

20.3.3 Characteristics of the polymer matrix The characteristics of polymers, including molecular weight and its distribution, rheology properties, mechanical properties, and degradation temperature, influence the properties and/or manufacturing of WPCs. The melt flow index (MFI) of a polymer, an assessment of average molecular mass and inverse measure of the melt viscosity, is critical to control the processing. Generally, the high MFI (low viscosity) polymer has low strength and modulus due to the low molecular weight. Because polymers with a low MFI often have a high molecular weight (Balasuriya et al., 2001), studies have shown that WPCs with a low MFI polymer matrix have better tensile and impact properties than WPCs with a high MFI polymer matrix (Fig. 20.6 (Balasuriya et al., 2001; Huang and Zhang, 2009). Generally, WPCs made with PVC matrix outperformed their counterparts in flexural strength and stiffness, regardless of wood species due primarily to the higher stiffness of PVC (Table 20.3).

20.3.4 Additives used in WPCs 666 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

20.6 Effect of polymer MFI on the tensile and notched lzod impact strength properties of HDPE filled with 50% wood flake (40 mesh radiata pine) (adapted from Balasuriya et al., 2001). reducing the viscosity of the molten material to insure good flow properties (Zazyczny and Matuana, 2005). The available data indicate that both the tensile strength and modulus of WPCs decrease as the plasticizer content increases because of plasticization of the matrix. In contrast, the impact strength of the composites can be significantly improved even with lower plasticizer content in the composites (Matuana et al., 1997).

Impact modifiers The addition of wood four into a plastic matrix produces compounds that are more brittle with a much lower capability for absorbing impact energy than unfilled plastics (Matuana et al., 1997, 1998b). Since impact strength is a vital property for many WPC applications, the composites must be toughened for successful applications. The conventional approach to Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 667 toughening WPC compounds is to incorporate impact modifiers within the matrix as part of the formulation prior to compounding (Zazyczny and Matuana, 2005; Afrifah and Matuana, 2012). Studies have shown that toughness and impact strength of WPCs can be improved by impact modifiers (Mengeloglu et al., 2000). Some reported studies used impact modifiers such as ethylene/propylene/diene terpolymers (EPDM), styrene­ ethylene/butylene-styreneand their maleated derivatives for improvement of impact strength and toughness of polypropylene/wood-flour composites (Park and Balatinecz, 1997; Oksman and Clemons, 1998). The addition of these impact modifiers increased impact strength and toughness while it reduced stiffness and strength of the composites. The effects of impact modifier types and addition levels on the mechanical properties of rigid PVC/wood-flour composites (Table 20.7) revealed a strong dependence of impact resistance of the composites on the type and content of impact modifier (Mengeloglu et al., 2000). All impact modifiers listed in Table 20.7 were effective in enhancing the impact strength of the composites. However, of the impact modifiers studied, methacrylate­ butadiene-styrene (MBS) and all-acrylic modifiers (ACR) were observed

Table 20.7 Effect of impact modifier types and concentrations on the mechanical properties of rigid PVC/wood-flour composites

Impact modifier types lzod impact Tensile Tensile Elongation and contents in the strength2 strength2 modulus2 at break2 composites’ (J/m) (MPa) (GPa) (%)

Crosslink modifier (ACR):

10 phr 38.9 25.7 2.50 1.15 20 phr 73.3 21.9 2.24 1.12 Crosslink modifier (MBS): 0 phr 20.0 30.3 3.38 0.89 10 phr 38.7 25.7 2.45 1.14 20 phr 70.7 22.7 2.47 1.09 Uncrosslink modifier (CPE): 0 phr 20.0 30.3 3.38 0.89 10 phr 29.1 27.1 2.71 0.95 20 phr 44.1 26.4 2.63 0.97

150 phr of wood flour (maple, 20 mesh) was used in the composites. PVC ( K value = 57). 2The notched lzod impact strength, tensile strength, modulus, and elongation at break values for neat rigid PVC (without any impact modifier) were 34.98 J/m, 44.0 MPa, 2.47 GPa, and 2.23%. respectively. Source:: adapted from Mengeloglu etal., 2000. 668 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials as more effective and efficient in improving the impact resistance of the composites compared to the chlorinated polyethylene modifier. The MBS and ACR are crosslinked, whereas CPE is an uncrosslinked modifier. The addition of impact modifiers reduced the tensile strength and modulus of the composites,whereas the elongation at break of the composites was not a function of impact modifier content and was essentially independent of the modifier type.

Foaming agents WPCs have been commercialized, but their poor nailability, machinability, and high density (900-1360 kg/m3), which is almost twice that of solid (350-640 kg/m3 for various pines), are major drawbacks for their use in applications such as decking, , window and door frames, etc. Foaming of WPCs has been proven to be an effective approach for reducing the density of the composites and improving their machinability. Foamed WPCs are accomplished through a conventional continuous extrusion process using chemical foaming agents (CFAs) or water contained in wood cell walls as a blowing agent (Mengelogluand Matuana,2001,2003;Matuana and Mengeloglu,2002; Matuana and Li, 2001,2004; Li and Matuana, 2003c; Rizvi et al., 2000). More recently, the use of physical blowing agents such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide has become attractive for microcellular foamed WPCs because of their inertness and also because they produce foamed WPCs with cell sizes in the range of 0.1 to 10 µm and a cell-population density of at least 109 cells/cm3, which are desirable characteristics for the properties of microcellular foamed WPCs (Matuana and Mengeloglu,2001; Matuana and Faruk, 2010; Matuana and Diaz, 2013). Figure 20.7 illustrates images of microcellular foamed neat PLA and PLA with 20% wood-flour composites. The effects of CFA types (endothermic versus exothermic) and contents, as well as the influence of processing aids on the density and cell size of extrusion-foamed rigid PVC/wood-flourcomposites,have been investigated (Mengeloglu and Matuana, 2001). Exothermic foaming agent produced foamed samples with smaller average cell sizes compared to endothermic

counterparts, due to the lower solubility and higher diffusivity of N2 in the

PVC matrix compared to CO2, the main decomposition product of the endothermic foaming agent (Table 20.8). The density reduction can be further improved by the addition of an all-acrylic processing aid in the formulation of rigid PVC/wood-flourcomposite foams. Property evaluation of PVC/wood-flourcomposite foams has also been performed (Mengeloglu and Matuana, 2003). Typically, PVC/wood-flour composites foamed with both endothermic and exothermic chemical foaming agents exhibit similar mechanical properties (Table 20.9). The tensile strength and modulus are Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 669

20.7 Microcellular foamed (a) neat PLA samples (2002D) and (b) PLA with 20% wood-flour composites (pictures originally taken at 350×). Foamed samples were produced in a continuous extrusion process

using CO2 as a blowing agent (Matuana and Diaz, 2013) (adapted with permission from Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 02013 American Chemical Society).

Table 20.8 Effects of chemical foaming agent (CFA) types and processing aids on the density and average cell size of rigid PVC/30 phr wood-flour composite foamed using 0.5 phr CFA

Type of CFA in the Density (g/cm3) Cell size (µm) composites' Without With Without With K-400 K-4002 K-400 K-4002

Exothermic (modified 0.93 0.58 44 88 azodicarbonamide) Endothermic (baking 0.91 0.57 65 84 soda)

1Wood flour used in the composites was maple of 100 mesh. 2The processing aid utilized was all-acrylic processing aid (6 phr of Paraloid K-400 from Rohm & Haas Co.). Source: adapted from Mengeloglu and Matuana, 2001. generally deteriorated by foaming whereas foaming does not compromise the elongation at break of the samples. Foaming reduced the Izod impact resistance of rigid PVC/wood-flour composites but this reduction was not statistically significant for the composites.

20.4 The effect of moisture on composite performance In WPCs, the hydroxyl groups in wood flour are primarily responsible for the absorption of water, which causes the wood to swell. When WPCs are 670 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

Table 20.9 Properties of extrusion-foamed rigid PVC/wood-flour composites

Sample1 Density Notched Tensile properties (g/cm3) lzod impact strength Ultimate Modulus Elongation (J/m) strength (GPa) at break (MPa) (%)

Unfoamed 1.10 ± 0.08 16.8 ± 5.42A 20.3 ± 2.8A 2.1 ± 0.6A 1.3 ± 0.1A composite Composite 0.80 ± 0.08 13.5 ± 4.4A 11.4 ± 2.9B 1.1 ± 0.3B 1.4 ± 0.3A foamed with BS Composite 0.80 ± 0.04 14.3 ± 3.0A 14.4 ± 1.8B 1.5 ± 0.3B 1.4 ± 0.3A foamed with AZRV

1Composites contained 50 phr wood flour (maple, 100 mesh) and were foamed using 0.5 phr CFA. Source : adapted from Mengeloglu and Matuana, 2003.

20.8 Schematic of moisture damage mechanism in WPCs (Stark and Gardner, 2008).

exposed to moisture, the swelling wood fiber can cause local yielding of the plastic due to swelling stress, fracture of wood particles due to restrained swelling, and interfacial breakdown (Joseph et al., 1995). Figure 20.8 illustrates this mechanism. Initially, there is adhesion between the wood particle and matrix in a dry WPC. As the wood particle absorbs moisture, it swells. This creates stress in the matrix, leading to the formation of microcracks. It also creates stress in the wood particle, causing damage. After drying the composite, there is no longer adhesion at the matrix and wood-particle interface. Cracks formed in the plastic and the interfacial gap contribute to penetration of water into the composite at a later exposure (Stark and Gardner, 2008). Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 671

20.4.1 Moisture exposture Damage that occurs during moisture exposure degrades mechanical properties. Microcracks in the matrix and damage to wood particles cause a loss in flexural mosulus of elas ticity (MOE) and strength. Interfacial damage is primarily responsible for a loss in composite strength. The effects can be dramatic. For example, after soaking 40% wood flour filled PP composites in a water bath for 2000 hours the water absorption of the composites was 9%. This corresponded with a 39% decrease in flexural MOE and a 22% decrease in flexural strength (Stark, 2001). Wood flour content, wood particle size, processing method, and additives influence the amount of water absorbed by the WPC. Table 20.10 shows how increasing wood flour content, removing the original composite surface, and increasing the particle size increase the equilibrium moisture content of WPCs. Because the diffusion of water into WPCs is slow, it can take some time to reach equilibrium moisture content. As the thickness of WPCs increases, the distribution of absorbed water in the material becomes non­ uniform with higher moisture content in the outer surface layer than in the core (Wang and Morrell, 2004). Figure 20.9 shows that moisture exposure is cumulative, causing some irreversible damage to WPCs.

Table 20.10 Average moisture content of PP-based composites soaked in distilled water for 238 days

Wood flour Wood flour Coupling Surface Moisture content (%) particle size agent (%) treatment content (%)

25 coarse 0 none 5.08 (0.03) 25 coarse 0 milled 6.33 (0.21) 25 coarse 3 none 4.42 (0.16) 25 coarse 3 milled 5.75 (0.05) 25 fine 0 none 4.76 (0.17) 25 fine 0 milled 5.73 (0.04) 25 fine 3 none 4.43 (0.06) 25 fine 3 milled 5.19 (0.20) 50 coarse 0 none 13.33 (0.34) 50 coarse 0 milled 14.12 (0.43) 50 coarse 3 none 10.92 (0.27) 50 coarse 3 milled 12.56 (0.16) 50 fine 0 none 11.51 (0.16) 50 fine 0 milled 12.41 (0.07) 50 fine 3 none 10.77 (0.17) 50 fine 3 milled 11.51 (0.10)

Source: adapted from Steckel et al., 2007. 672 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

20.9 Moisture sorption of 50% wood flour filled HDPE during five moisture cycles consisting of 2 hours of boiling followed by 22 hours of drying (Clemons and Ibach, 2004). 20.4.2 Freeze-thaw exposure Moisture exposure also becomes important in cold climates during freeze- thaw cycles. Standard freeze-thaw cyclical testing consists of three parts: (1) water soak until weight gain in a 24-hour period is not more than 1%; (2) freezing for 24 hours at -29°C;and (3) thawing at room temperature for 24 hours (ASTM D6662). Freeze-thaw cycling WPCs results in a loss of mechanical properties. For example, WPCs comprised of 46% pine wood flour filled PVC were exposed to five freeze-thaw cycles. After exposure, the modulus of rupture (MOR) decreased 13% and the MOE decreased 30% (Pilarski and Matuana, 2005). Coupling agents are commonly used to improve bonding between the hydrophobic matrix and hydrophilic wood fiber. Coupling agents can also reduce the amount of moisture WPCs absorb by reducing gaps at the wood- matrix interface and by reducing the number of hydroxyl groups available for hydrogen bonding with water. However, the decreases in water absorption can be minor compared with other variables, including wood flour content and surface morphology (Table 20.10).

20.5 The effect of temperature on composite performance Thermal response of polymers can impact WPC mechanical properties. Depending on the climatic exposure, WPCs used in decking applications Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 673 can experience temperatures ranging from -30°C to +50°C. The primary thermal changes impacting WPC properties include thermal expansion, mechanical creep, and thermal-oxidative degradation. Increased temperatures can also act synergistically with other chemical degradation mechanisms to increase reaction rates (Stark and Gardner, 2008).

20.5.1 Thermal expansion Thermal expansion in WPCs is anisotropic in extruded solid deck boards. As an example, for PP-based deck boards, the coefficient of thermal expansion was greatest in the thickness direction (30.03 × (1/°F) × followed by the width (23.61 × (1/°F) × 106) and is the least in the length (11.53 × (1/°F) × or machine direction of the boards (O’Neill and Gardner, 2004). Both the polymer chains and wood flour align with the flow of extrusion and this behavior is believed to contribute to the anisotropic thermal behavior of extruded deck boards. Thermal expansion behavior of WPC deck boards becomes important during installation because improper gapping can lead to warping. Using a plastic matrix that is not as susceptible to thermal changes, such as , may be an important way to provide thermal stability in the future (Chen and Gardner, 2008). Thermal expansion in WPCs can also be reduced by creating a cellular or foamed microstructure (Finley, 2000). Since wood is more thermally stable with temperature than plastic, WPCs with higher wood contents exhibit lower coefficients of thermal expansion.

20.5.2 Creep Thermoplastic materials like WPCs will experience changes in mechanical (stiffness) properties as a function of increased temperature. Materials under a mechanical load that might perform adequately at normal service temperatures may experience creep under loads for extended periods of time and at higher temperatures (Brandt and Fridley, 2003). Mechanical creep in WPCs can be reduced by crosslinking the polymer (Bengtsson et al., 2006).

20.5.3 Thermal-oxidative degradation Thermal-oxidative degradation may also contribute to the degradation of WPC deck boards (Klyosov, 2007). In one case study, WPC deck boards not containing sufficient levels of antioxidant exposed to extreme temperatures in the Arizona desert were experiencing crumbling and subsequent board failure. The failures were attributed to free radical oxidative degradation mechanisms that were exacerbated by high temperatures. 674 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

Thermoplastic polymers can experience thermal oxidative effects during processing, especially for PVC-wood composites. Both antioxidants and thermal stabilization aids can be added to WPC formulations to decrease thermal degradation during processing. In addition to protecting the polymer during processing, antioxidants can also help protect the polymer matrix during environmental exposure (Klyosov, 2007).

20.6 The effect of weathering on composite performance Primary weathering variables include solar radiation, temperature, and water. Secondary variables include seasonal and annual variation, geographical differences, atmospheric gases, and pollution changes. The large number of variables accounts for the high variability in weathering studies, and does not readily allow for comparison between natural weathering studies. Results obtained are specific for the location and timeframe of the test. Accelerated weathering is a technique used to compare performance by subjecting samples to cycles that are repeatable and reproducible. Primary weathering variables can all be measured during accelerated weathering. During accelerated weathering, test standards are typically followed that prescribe a schedule of radiation (ultraviolet, xenon-arc, etc.) and water spray (number and time of cycles).Weathering variables act independently and synergistically to degrade WPCs. WPCs exposed to weathering may experience color change, which affects their aesthetic appeal, as well as mechanical property loss, which limits their performance (Matuana and Kamdem, 2002). Changes in mechanical properties after weathering can be due to changes such as composite surface oxidation, matrix crystallinity changes, and interfacial degradation (Stark, 2006; Stark and Matuana, 2004a, 2004b, 2007). Weathering results in the destruction of the WPC surface (Fig. 20.10). Wood particles exposed at the surface absorb water and swell. In addition, the plastic matrix cracks upon UV exposure. In combination, the result is a flaky, cracked surface. As WPCs weather, the surface chemistry also changes.Oxidation at the surface is one measure of degradation (Stark and Gardner, 2008). The color of WPCs primarily reflects the color of the wood during weathering, although some whitening is due to stress cracking of the matrix. Water and UV radiation jointly contribute to increasing composite L* (lightness), Exposure to UV radiation degrades lignin, leaving loose fibers at the composite surface.Water spray cycleswash away loose fibers,exposing more material for degradation. The result is a cyclical erosion of the surface (Williams et al., 2001). Additionally, washing the surface can remove some water-soluble extractives that impart color (Stark, 2006). UV radiation and Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 675

20.10 Micrographs of extruded 50% wood flour filled HDPE composites: (a) before weathering, and after (b) 1000 hours, (c) 2000 hours, and (d) 3000 hours of weathering (adapted from Stark et al., 2004). water also act synergistically to degrade WPCs in the following ways. Exposing WPCs to UV radiation degrades hydrophobic lignin, leaving hydrophilic cellulose at the surface and increasing surface wettabillity, causing the surface to become more sensitive to moisture (Kalnins and Feist, 1993). Swelling of the wood fiber also facilitates light penetration into wood and provides sites for further photodegradation (Hon, 2001). Fiber swelling due to moisture absorption is primarily responsible for the loss in mechanical properties of the WPC after weathering. Cracks form in the polymer matrix due to swelling of the wood fiber and contribute to the loss of composite MOE and strength. The loss in strength is due to moisture penetration into the WPC, which degrades the wood-polymer interface, decreasing the stress transfer efficiency from matrix to the fiber. Synergism between UV radiation and water also contributes to mechanical property losses by eroding the surface and increasing surface wettabilility as described above, causing exposure to UV radiation with water exposure to be much more damaging than exposure to UV radiation only (Stark, 2006). The protection of WPCs against weathering generally includes the addition of photostabilizers. Photostabilizers are compounds developed 676 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

Table 20.11 Percent change in properties of photostabilized 50% wood flour filled HDPE composites after 3000 hours of accelerated weathering

Formulation Change in property (%)

L* Strength MOE

UVA: Hydroxyphenylbenzotriazole, Tinuvin 328, Ciba Specialty Chemicals. P: Zinc ferrite in carrier wax, Cedar TI-8536, Holland Colors Americas. NS: Change not significant at = 0.05. Source: adapted from Stark and Matuana, 2006.

to protect polymers and combat UV degradation. They are generally classified according to the degradation mechanism they hinder. Ultraviolet absorbers (UVAs) and free radical scavengersare important photostabilizers for polyolefins. Commercial UVAs are readily available as benzophenones and benzotriazoles (Gugumus, 1995). Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) provide protection as free radical scavengers (Gugumus, 1995). Pigments physically block light, thereby protecting the composite from photodegradation. Pigments, ultraviolet absorbers, and hindered amine light stablilizers and combinations of photostabilizers have been used with some success in mitigating changes that occur during WPC weathering (Stark and Gardner, 2008). Table 20.11 summarizes the percent change in property that occurs when injection-molded WPCs photostabilized with UVA and/or pigment are exposed to accelerated weathering. In this case UVA reduced lightening by absorbing some UV radiation, resulting in less UV radiation available to bleach the wood component, while P physically blocked UV radiation, which also results in less available UV radiation to the wood component. In addition, P masked some lightening (Stark and Matuana, 2006).

20.7 The effect of biological attack on composite performance 20.7.1 Decay Wood decays when its moisture content exceeds approximately 20%. In WPCs, it can be assumed that the plastic matrix does not absorb moisture. Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 677

Therefore, a 50% wood-filled WPC must reach a moisture content of about 10% for decay to occur (i.e., the wood component reaches a moisture content of 20%). However, the moisture content is typically measured for the bulk of the material. The slow diffusion of water through WPCs result in higher moisture contents at the surface than in the core (Wang and Morrell, 2004). In the field, the moisture content of the bulk WPC material may be significantly lower than the expected point at which decay begins (Stark and Gardner, 2008). The wood flour in WPCs is responsible for its susceptibility to fungal attack. Because moisture is the critical factor, the variables that influence moisture sorption, including wood flour content and size, also influence decay. Increases in wood flour content increase decay (Mankowski and Morrell, 2000; Verhey et al., 2001), while decreasing wood flour size decreases decay (Verhey and Laks, 2002). Decreasing wood flour content and size both increase encapsulation of the wood flour by the plastic matrix, decreasing decay susceptibility. WPCs decay only at the surface layer. Stakes cut from a commercial WPC consisting of approximately 56% wood and 44% PE were installed in ground in Hilo, Hawaii and analyzed after 10 years of exposure. Evaluation of the in-ground portion of the stakes using SEM revealed surface pitting due to loss of wood particles. Only 5 mm in from the surface, there was no evidence of microbial attack (Shauwecker et al., 2006). This was attributed to limited moisture movement into the WPC. The first step in preventing decay is to prevent or limit WPC moisture sorption. Limiting the access of nutrients, i.e. encapsulating the wood in the plastic matrix, also decreases decay. Verhey et al. (2001) demonstrated that sanding the surface of a compression-molded WPC, i.e. removing some of the plastic film at the surface and exposing the wood flour, increased the amount of decay at high wood contents (Fig. 20.11). Acetylation and silane treatment of wood fibers decreases moisture sorption, and this has been shown to be beneficial in preventing decay (Hill and Abdul Khalil, 2000). The preservative zinc borate is often used to prevent decay and can be very effective (Ibach et al, 2003; Verhey et al., 2001). For example, mass loss of 50% wood flour filled PP composites was 12.9% after 12 weeks’ exposure to brown-rot fungi. Adding zinc borate at 1% reduced the mass loss to less than 1%; adding zinc borate at 3% or 5% resulted in virtually no mass loss (Verhey et al., 2001).

20.7.2 Mold Moisture exposure of WPCs also relates to mold growth. Dawson-Andoh and coworkers (Dawson-Andoh et al., 2004, 2005; Filson et al., 2009) found more evidence of mold growth when WPCs were directly in contact with moisture 678 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

20.11 Percent weight loss in wood content from wood flour/PP as a function of composite wood content after 12-week exposure to either white-rot or brown-rot fungi (adapted from Verhey et al., 2001). versus exposed to an environment with a high relative humidity.Additionally, pre-conditioning WPCs through either exposure to UV weathering or freeze- thaw cycling was shown to have minimal effect on mold growth (Dawson- Andoh et al., 2004, 2005). Increasing wood flour content increases mold growth (Laks et al., 2005). Lubricants are often used to aid in extrusion. It has been suggested that amines in some lubricants provide sufficient nitrogen for more rapid colonization of mold fungi (Laks et al., 2005). Because mold and mold spores are always present in the air, it is often recommended to periodically clean WPCs to remove mold that is already growing. Similar to decay prevention, strategies to prevent mold growth often coincide with reducing moisture content and moisture susceptibility. Biocides also can control mold growth. Dylingowski (2003) evaluated an isothiazole and zinc borate moldicide in a model WPC material. Evaluated biocides that have had some success include isothiazole (Dylingowski, 2003), zinc borate (Dylingowski, 2003, Laks et al., 2005), and chlorothalonil (Laks et al., 2005).

20.8 Trends in materials and manufacturing techniques 20.8.1 New materials Thermoplastics selected for WPCs traditionally have melt temperatures below 200°C (392°F) to maintain processing temperatures below the Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 679 degradation point of the wood component. Higher processing temperature can result in the release of volatiles, discoloration, odor, and embrittlement of the wood component. Thermoplastics commonly used in WPCs include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and (PVC). However, new manufacturing strategies allow for the use of engineering thermoplastics with melting temperatures higher than 230°C (446°F) such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyamide (PA, nylon), and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) (Gardner et al., 2008; Matuana et al., 2007). The use of engineering thermoplastics for WPCs will grow as new applications requiring superior mechanical and thermal properties are introduced. A driving force in the development of many new materials is to decrease our use of petroleum. Because the most common plastics used in WPCs, PE and PP, are typically derived from petroleum, there is growing interest in replacing the common WPC thermoplastics with bioplastics. Bioplastics, i.e., plastics derived from renewable biomass, may also be biodegradable. Biodegradable bioplastics include polylactic acid (PLA) and starch acetate; non-biodegradable bioplastics include and bio-derived PE and polyamide (Lampinen, 2009). PLA has received the most attention from researchers as it is widely available commercially. Bioplastics will be particularly important in automotive and packaging

The wood and/or lignocellulosic material used in WPCs can be derived from a variety of sources. Geographical location often dictates the material choice. In North America, wood is the most common raw material, in Europe natural fibers such as , , and are preferred, while rice hull flour and fiber are typical in Asia. The wood is incorporated either as fiber bundles with low aspect ratio (wood flour) or as single fibers with higher aspect ratio (wood fiber). Wood flour is processed commercially, often from -industrial materials such as planer shavings, chips, and sawdust. Wood and lignocellulosic fibers are available from virgin and recycled sources. New lignocellulosic sources include mill sludge and biorefinery residues. Because wood and lignocellulosic fibers can lead to superior WPC properties by acting more as a reinforcement than as a filler,in applications requiring additional strength, a trend is to move toward the use of wood and other lignocellulosic fibers. The adaptation of nanotechnology in WPCs includes the use of nanofibers derived from wood and other lignocellulosics as a reinforcement for plastics. These new composites are termed cellulose nanocomposites. Cellulose nanocomposites are rapidly expected to open new markets in medicine, packaging, electronics, automotive,construction, and other sectors (Oksman et al., 2009). The emergence of non-traditional forest products markets is 680 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials

Other materials can be added to affect processing and product performance of WPCs. These additives can improve bonding between the thermoplastic and wood component (for example, coupling agents),product performance (talc, impact modifiers, ultraviolet (UV) light stabilizers, flame retardants), and processability (lubricants). Additives for WPCs are continually evolving, but nanotechnology will drive changes in additive technology as the use of nanomaterials in small amounts in WPCs improves performance. The incorporation of nanomaterials into WPCs is still in its infancy and in the research stage, but includes the use of carbon nanotubes (Jin and Matuana, 2010; Faruk and Matuana, 2008a), nanoclays (Faruk and

Matuana, 2008b; Hetzer and DeKee, 2008), and nano-TiO2 (Stark and Matuana, 2009). It is expected that as the full benefit becomes understood, the use of these and other nanomaterials in WPCs will experience tremendous growth.

20.8.2 New manufacturing techniques Improvements in and changes to manufacturing methods will help pave the way for the next generation of WPCs. New processes under development include coextrusion, foaming during extrusion, and inline coating technologies. Coextrusion consists of the extrusion of multiple materials through a single die simultaneously. The most common application in WPCs is coextrusion of an opaque, unfilled plastic cap layer over a WPC core. This process became popular for fencing and is quickly becoming the manufacturing method of choice for decking. The unfilled cap layer enhances durability by improving moisture resistance. In addition, coextrusion allows manufacturers to concentrate expensive additives such as biocides, fungicides,and photostabilizers in the cap layer. Coextrusion is also being evaluated as a method to extrude a clear plastic cap layer over a WPC core (Stark and Matuana, 2009; Matuana et al., 2011; Jin and Matuana, 2008,2010).This method allows for the more natural appearance of the WPC to show while still providing enhanced moisture resistance and concentrated stabilization. Others are evaluating coextrusion as a method to extrude an all-WPC profile with different additives in different layers as needed (Yao and Wu, 2010). Growth is also expected in the production of foamed WPCs. Creating a microcellular foamed structure in WPCs not only results in weight reduction, but also improves impact resistance and allows for better surface definition and sharper contours (Faruk et al., 2007). Chemical and physical foaming agents are typically used to foam WPCs. Chemical foaming agents decompose at processing temperatures into gases while physical foaming agents liberate gases as a result of evaporation or desorption at elevated Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 681

temperatures. A new trend in foaming is to meter and dissolve inert gases in the polymer melt during processing. This is termed extrusion foaming when done during extrusion (Diaz and Matuana, 2009; Matuana and Diaz, 2013), or gas-assist injection molding if done during injection molding. Another option is to use moisture in the wood to foam WPCs (Gardner et al., 2008). Applying a coating to WPCs post-processing but before they are made available to the consumer is a growing trend to provide increased durability and enhanced aesthetics. Coatings can include latex paints, polyurethanes, or acrylics. However, surface treatments are required to attain adequate adhesion between the WPC and the coating. Treatments that have been found effective include oxygen plasma, flame, chromic acid and benzophenone/UV irradiation (Gupta and Laborie, 2008). Another treatment being commercialized uses fluorooxidation to modify the surface of WPCs for improved coating adhesion. The advantage of this process is that the rapid chemistry allows for inline processing. Fluorooxidation also modifies only the outer few molecular layers, so embossed patterns are unaffected (Williams and Bauman, 2007). New coatings being evaluated include UV-curable coatings and powder coating. Advantages of a UV­ curable coating include virtually unlimited color choice and gloss level, long-term resistance to fading, increased scratch, stain, and mar resistance, and prevention of mold and mildew growth (Burton, 2008).

20.9 Current and emerging applications In the past decade WPCs have become a widely recognized commercial product in construction, automotive, furniture, and other consumer applications. Commercialization of WPCs in North America has been primarily due to penetration into the construction industry. Current WPC applications include decking, railing, window and door lineals, roofing, picnic tables and benches, fencing, landscape timbers, patios, gazebos, pergolas, auto parts, and playground equipment (Smith and Wolcott, 2006). The automotive industry in Europe has been a leader in using WPCs for interior panel parts and is leading the way in developing furniture applications. Manufacturers in Asia are targeting the furniture industry, in addition to interior construction and decorative applications. Continued research and development will expand the available markets and each application will penetrate the global marketplace. In North America, construction applications that will see increased penetration into the market include siding, fencing, bridge decking, foundation isolation elements, marine structures (chocks, wales, pier decking), laminate flooring, residential furniture (bathroom/kitchen cabinets and patio furniture), utility poles, railroad ties, and exterior and interior molding and millwork (Crespell 682 Biofiber Reinforcement in Composite Materials and Vidal, 2008). Emerging markets are expected as injection molding becomes more common for WPCs, including applications such as cosmetics packaging and toys. Markets in injection-molded automotive application are poised to grow in Europe and include parts such as glove boxes, fixing hooks, sound systems, and fan boxes (Carus et al., 2008). Growth is also expected as improvements to WPCs allow them to be used as structural members. There are various methods being investigated to improve the strength,stiffness,and creep performance of WPCs.Crosslinking the PE polymer matrix in WPCs using silanes in a reactive extrusion process can improve toughness, reduce creep, and improve durability (Bengtsson et al., 2006, 2007). Using nanoparticle-reinforced plastics as matrices for WPCs is another way of enhancing the structural performance of WPCs (Faruk and Matuana, 2008a, 2008b). Combining WPCs with other non-WPC materials is also a trend that will allow for more structural composites. Currently, some WPC manufacturers in China are extruding WPCs over solid metal or solid wood. This allows for structural members in applications such as pergolas and gazebos to have WPC surfaces that match the non­ structural members. The hygroscopicity of wood can be reduced by replacing some of the hydroxyl groups with alternative chemical groups.Acetylation has been an active area of research in improving the moisture performance of wood and wood composites.Acetic anhydride reacts with hydroxyl groups in the wood cell wall to yield an acetylated fiber. For example, acetylating pine wood fiber reduced its equilibrium moisture content at 90% relative humidity and 27°C from 22% to 8% (Rowell, 1997).This method has been investigated to a more limited extent to provide moisture resistance to WPCs. For example, a SO% wood fiber filled PP composite absorbed 5% moisture after soaking for 34 days while a 50% acetylated wood fiber filled PP composite absorbed only 2.5% (Abdul Khalil et al., 2002).

20.10 References Abdul Khalil, H.P.S., Ismail Rosfaizal, H. and Ahmad, M.N. (2002) Polypropylene (PP) Acacia mangium composites: the effect of acetylation on mechanical and water absorption properties, Polymer Plast Tech Eng, 41,453-468. Afrifah, K.A. and Matuana, L.M. (2012) Statistical optimization of ternary blends of poly(lactic acid)/ethylene acrylate copolymer/wood-flour composites, Macromol Mater Eng, 297,167-175. Baeza, J. and Freer, J. (2001) Chemical characterization of wood and its components, Chapter 8 in Hon, D.N.-S. and Shiraishi, N., Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, New York, 275-384. Balasuriya, P.W., Ye, L. and Mai, Y.-W. (2001) Mechanical properties of wood flake- polyethylene composites. Part I. Effects of processing methods and matrix melt flow behaviour, Composites: Part A, 32,619-629. Wood fibers as reinforcements in composites 683

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