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                              logue while respecting each other’s sensitivities and con-   n an effort to defuse the near- cerns.     ! Ily month-long stand-offs at and China have also various locations at the Line of agreed that both the sides     Actual Control (LAC) in should implement the consen-       Eastern Ladakh, top military sus reached between the lead- he coronavirus disease has      N  O     commanders of India and erships of the two countries Tnot “exploded” in India, but  Q!! " #! $  China held extensive talks on that the “two neighbours do the risk of that happening              Saturday. There was no imme- not constitute a threat to each remains as the country moves           %  diate breakthrough, and both other and that each other is an towards removing its nation-   ! !  $ $ # the sides agreed to remain opportunity for development wide lockdown that was '(   $! )  engaged to resolve the ongoing and do not let differences turn imposed in March to contain   $ * (    )  confrontations. into disputes.” This is in a ref- the Covid-19, a top WHO $" # )$ )  The high-level talks erence to decisions taken at the expert said. !   $     !)  between Leh-based 14 Corps two informal summits between India, which went past  ) !    !  )!  chief Lt General Harinder Prime Minister Narendra Modi Italy on Friday to become the populations, the disease has not )   #  " Singh and his Chinese coun- and Chinese President Xi sixth worst-hit nation by the exploded. But there is always      ! !  $ terpart Major General Liu Lin, Jinping. Covid-19 pandemic, is already the risk of that happening,  ! )!  !    # commander of Tibet Military As expected, the talks witnessing huge spurt in cases Ryan said in Geneva. )         District in Chushul-Moldo in between the senior military 12 rounds of talks at various each passing day. Ryan noted that measures  +  * (    , ,  China, came a day after the commanders were not to yield levels of military were held in WHO Health Emergencies taken in India such as the  -    #  L   video conference between the instant solution. However, the the last fortnight but failed to '()*+)& Programme Executive Director nationwide lockdown has had )      L     senior diplomats of the two three-hour long parleys pre- achieve any breakthrough. Michael Ryan said the doubling an impact in slowing trans-     $/  ,   ( countries — Naveen Srivastava, pared the ground for some Earlier in the day, the ,$",$3",.))$,44#) time of the coronavirus cases in mission but the risk of an #  $ !)   )  Joint Secretary (East Asia) in more rounds of talks at the Indian Army officials said )"L$"66)),7)M%,",4 India is about three weeks at increase in cases looms as the  !  !  $    # the External Affairs Ministry, local military level in the com- Indian and Chinese officials L$"9%)M,$$$) this stage. “Measures taken in country opens up.    )    and Wu Jianghao, director gen- ing days, sources said. continue to remain engaged 74,),"4%"%)4%. India such as the nationwide “The measures taken in  * (     /  # eral in China’s foreign ministry. At present, there are at through the established mili- 9)7)6%#$"#4.%)"#) lockdown has had an impact in India certainly had an impact  $  )   )  $$ 0 They agreed not to let their least four flashpoints at the tary and diplomatic channels to )9)7",.)74); slowing transmission but the in dampening transmission  !         $ “differences” turn into “dis- LAC in Eastern Ladakh and address the current situation in ),""""),$74,7), risk of an increase in cases and as India, as in other large   # Q)  ) # putes” and address contentious both the sides ramping up the India-China border  ))#4.))$=4 looms as the country opens up,” countries, open up and as peo-  )! ($   issues through peaceful dia- their troop strength. More than areas. )"$)4%#$"!9#)!),) he said while stressing that as ple begin to move again, there’s %Q1  ! $ $  74,),%)7)$=))),) the disease generates and cre- always a risk of the disease !  $   !  )    #)$)"9)L4 ates a foothold in communities, bouncing back up,” he said. ! #) !          ,)".=4%$4,474,"%) it can accelerate at any time as He added there are specif-           !"" )4)74),$ has been seen in a number of ic issues in India regarding a !$ #  )      )74)",4994%,"64 settings. large amount of migration, the ! $    $       $))#49!),,$$4,4#) In South Asia, not just in dense populations in the urban  $"      !"# $"66)),7)%,",4$"9%) India but in Bangladesh, environment and the fact that         ( )    )))#)(6#94", Pakistan and other countries in many workers have no choice    )        ) 3", ), $0 South Asia, with large dense but to go to work every day.       $  (          of such patients, he     # said.               Q!) arning of strong action The CM rubbished claims     ) Wagainst some private hos- that Covid-19 tests have been he Police has regis- " #            #"   pitals allegedly refusing admis- stopped, and asserted the city Ttered a FIR against Sir   )  Q sion to Covid-19 patients and test ratio is the highest. Ganga Ram Hospital for   "%!      !    involved in “black-marketing” allegedly violating Covid-19 /$  of beds, Delhi Chief Minister       regulation norms.   $% &'"             ,Q /  Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday      “The hospital was alleged- $ !   )) said his Government is going to ly not using RT-PCR app while           #$   issue an order stating that hos-      collecting Covid-19 samples. $ +,    3  pitals cannot deny treatment to   As per the guidelines, it is              L $   )!    such people. “mandatory” for labs to collect !   !  The Delhi Government : A five-member samples through RT-PCR app,” n eight-month pregnant         # will depute medical profes- panel constituted by the Delhi the FIR stated.      several MLAs from north Awoman died in an ambu-  !   $  sionals at all hospitals who will Government has suggested that There was no immediate Gujarat were shifted to a resort lance here after a frantic 13-    ) update availability of beds for the health infrastructure of reaction from the authorities of larmed by the resignation near Ambaji in Banaskantha hour hospital hunt failed to $$#!   coronavirus patients at an offi- the city should be used only for the leading private Aof three of its MLAs ahead district, those from South and find her a bed as over half-a-       !  cial app and ensure admission treating Delhi residents. hospital. of the June 19 Rajya Sabha polls Central Gujarat were moved to dozen facilities, including a   !   ) in Gujarat, the Congress on private bungalows in Anand, Government one, denied her )   !  Saturday shifted several of its legislators from Saurashtra treatment, her family claimed $$   $  !   )$        legislators to resorts and bun- region were shifted to a resort on Saturday.  )/  045#"   galows near their constituen- in Rajkot. Neelam, 30, and her hus-     !      !!   cies to thwart any “poaching” “The MLAs were asked by band Vijender Singh, 30,    !) 6" )   !"#           bid. party high command to arrive knocked the doors !6"  )!!  )       With the resignations of in resorts in Anand, Ambaji, of eight hospitals, including    6"! !  (! && !"#$%  &  '( &' Akshay Patel and Jitu and Rajkot after completing Government ones, before she       )#"  '(  & ( Chaudhary on June 3 and that their work on Saturday. They died in the ambulance outside      6   3  of Brijesh Merja on June 5, the will arrive in these resorts on a facility in Greater Noida on   $! )#   %* && &&&( Congress’ strength in the 182- the basis of the zone-wise loca- Friday, the family told ! '      ! $ +*, &  & ' & member House has been tion of their constituencies. PTI. !             $) & &  '  reduced to 65. Many of them have arrived. Taking note of the death   ! $  # ( )   89    The effective strength of Others will reach there soon,” and the claim, the Gautam  '$   $   1 ) ) ( $$)  &  the House, however, stands at said party sources. The MLAs Buddh Nagar district admin-  $  " ' ! (  )),.#   && 172 as of now as ten seats are might continue to stay in these istration ordered an inquiry ! !    8:!  )   #   /,0 '& '&  currently vacant — two due to resorts until the day of the elec- into the matter. ; L! $    !/    court cases and the rest because tion for four Rajya Sabha A resident of Khoda colony $$)L        " (&  of resignations. seats. on the Noida- bor-    $4::! ! L$    ,$$) (( & The party has moved the Earlier, Congress had der, Neelam was eight months   3! )L  (  , ' (& MLAs to three separate loca- moved its MLAs to a resort in pregnant and undergoing treat-        ! $    $ $  tions keeping in mind the need in March this year after ment at Shivalik Hospital here, )  #      ;    )#,., ( && & to maintain social distancing in five of them had resigned a private facility, for pregnan-        1!!%2/!" ( && view of the Covid-19 outbreak. ahead of the March 26 elections cy-related complications, her )      # ) $"  & & & & AICC sources said while to the Upper House. husband said.   ! (  !  '          !#   ;  )  )               #'  !"#, , "-.../ 0R/  ) ))$ $ 0 0$    9: <:! !#             !   ) $ L     ! "#$%" ""& !%$ (  &                        #$  $ )! *+ ,  -  . /    .   /  0 &     +3     )     3$  +3    ! )   )   hief Minister  #      ( he count of Covid-19 cases in CHemant Soren  )     $   TJharkhand crossed 1,000 mark today expressed pro-    ! !!      on Saturday as nearly 100 fresh found grief over the 0 0 ! # cases surfaced here – the highest demise of former    $ ) single-day surge reported since Governor of Jharkhand made a mark among     )! )0 ) # the entry of the virus in the State, Ved Prakash Marwah. the masses. He was a     "   )  health officials said. “I am hurt by the news very popular person 8:84#'$= /       At least 34 fresh cases of Covid- of his death. Before among the people. The       L !  /  045 19 infection were reported from serving as the Governor Governor said that he !   L  )  , #  Simdega, the highest among the 12 of Jharkhand, he also was a great leader of the   )   $   districts where cases surfaced on served on many impor- police force. He met (!      #') $ Saturday, officials from the tant posts in the coun- various challenges effi- $! !    ) =/     National Health Mission (NHM) try. May God grant ciently with better      !  0  # said. As many as 21 cases were peace to his soul and administrative func-    !   ! )  reported from Ramgarh, 10 from migrants as the reason for the virus so far in Jharkhand are in the migrant workers. At least 5 lakh give the bereaved fam- tioning. He worked as a   $   )   )  Gumla, six from East Singhbhum unprecedented increase in cases. At age bracket of 11 to 30 years – a migrants have returned to ily the strength to bear motivator to keep the    )# and five from West Singhbhum on least 742 of the 1028 cases report- trend that highlights how young Jharkhand since the lockdown was the hour of this sorrow,” morale of the police $ !  '$  !   $- Saturday. Besides, four cases sur- ed in Jharkhand so far are that of people were as prone to the virus imposed across the country in said the CM through a force high. “Marwah ji   )     )#  )  faces in and three each in migrant workers, NHM officials as their older counterparts, health March, health officials said. tweet. was a vigilant, sensitive,          )  Hazaribag and Latehar, health offi- said. officials said. Out of the 1028 The Government has so far Governor efficient administrative  )   !   cials said. Cases were also report- As per the daily Covid-19 bul- cases, 629 are in the age bracket of collected samples of 94,043 Covid- Droupadi Murmu has man and visionary,” she    ( $!      # ) ed from Saraikela, Palamu and letin was not issued by the NHM 11 to 30 years and 313 in rhe age 19 suspects from across the State, also expressed deep said. Expressing con- ,      $ Khunti. on Saturday, at least 90 suspects had bracket of 31 to 50 years, the and more than 1000 of them have grief over the demise of dolences to his family, 0 )#> $$  $/  045   The number of Covid-19 cases already tested positive for the virus NHM bulletin said. tested positive. At least 84,444 of Ved Marwah. She said the Governor said that   !) $    in State have reached from 500 to by the time this report was filed. According to NHM, more than the 94,000-odd samples collected that Ved Marwah had God may give them the   )!  ! L   ) 1000 in roughly a month, health More than half of the 1028-odd 70 per cent of the COVID-19 have been tested so far, the NHM served as a Governor in strength to bear this  ) 3# officials said, citing the return of people infected by COVID-19 cases reported in Jharkhand are report said. three states and had suffering. )'# (!#'* ,!#12323     

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Why Shirish Kunder? a male gynae doctor out to get #4),$74!9"4,",)) 3,$.%9%E 644=##)%#4=#"#,$     "$47%)") ;  3<=< - What was it that you were you. )7,EM +)74##)7",.))9)"),7)" ,7)) ,")$!"$6")#$),$) 47",.)!%7F7)#)=)$ 0,>    -3  looking for? Is it to tell the Then there is Jacqueline ,)GL4,4946%7%) ))")#.",644=##",.#).),$)# %#",),;3"70)E,))  - 0   viewers that it is a dark movie? Fernandez. This is the second O  /   /P 4%,$ F 6))".,$ ")#,$BB & 6)!#)9#)46 70",.466)",.64#4)46)94  @ABC". The title is a give-away. It is time that we are watching her in %",."7%7"#9)4647"# %994)$",.744,49)4 )) ")0)),E7) ))")47)=)",$F)F7),) unfortunate that there are few a Netflix Original, the first being $",7",.L)) C.")"")) ,4)=%"#$",.4%,$' 6)) 9)!"))6)%",.)#")#2"))F #44044,)46)4#$;=) hough it has been just over a scenes in the entire film that are Drive. Here, all she does is either $"#446",9""4,") E)",$,$)74%#$,O !)"70%=!),.G 9!)) 7"70))!6)##64!.7),$64%. Tmonth since the film was not shot in the dark. It is more cry or try to pop her eyes like she !4#4."7#4"# E)$ 9)$"7"9))$E,7))$.#"$",. %)$4,C&,$"E)!",.4,C44 =704)7#"!)""#),$",)."E released, it appears to have caught annoying rather than the director is shocked but all one will end up 4,,,7"),74##)7"4,464"),$ .",)$.)),))J%")$ )#)7E )!",.4,!4,"!)C"$)4 the imagination of the OTT trying to be scary and freaking doing is roll one’s eyes. And what 7"9%)+349;"#  !4!),%!,$#"$4%.!%76) #  %"*%6$     ' 5&(%'6 L , *'& ,  platform viewers of late. But you out that there is a serial killer is with the accent? $)9"7)& ",7,"4,46 4$ ,%994)$4E#!4 47))")46)& ; 34)",.) &,$ &B4!%# there are a few things that out there gunning for unwed As for Manoj Bajpai, one C",%E "",.#.),#"6)6))#4 =,.)$".",4="7046##=% 3"7.4%###)$="7)#14$, ,)7!9"4,"9")")"4,)F inherently don’t sit well with pregnant girls. Showing a hopes that the actor is trying to ))",7,"4,)),74 4!)464%,)#$%)4!J%"70 4,)46).))9#)",)"4 46FF0",$")",.)9)"),7)646,46 Mrs Serial Killer. First and most mangled bloody body suspended experiment with different scripts ""$*40"##6%##))$ )6#))!,.)$44"$)74##""4, 46),$.%=#)!4"74,"7 B4!%#,)EB4)4,)4$4,; important, a defense lawyer from chains and six bottles with and hence taking up such "9E "))#946!6))E6)) 94",.6".%)46##"!)E ) 0,4B4!%#,)"74!9#) telling his client that the only way foetus is nowhere near shocking projects. Otherwise how is it +)74##)7",.!)!4")64!) ",7"$),,.",.!"$F"64 $47%!),6)%)",)")" )7,"7#94,$4,)7,7#)# to prove the innocence of the or worth pucking. possible for an actor who has been "!)"#)"""##44",.64 4%,$ !",%)"##))!!,.)$ "%##))"!94,6".%)", ,4=)%,$)44$4),".E%4,7) jailed beloved is to become a There is a bit on a disconnect part of films like Drohkaal, Special )4))7## 4$%!,$ 4.)!)$4,6)#EM 14$,;7))64!"!4)4 4%.)",4))%9467,$) copycat killer. as well. While the subject is 26 and Aligarh end up doing Mrs 4$+!)4!47##),.",. )4#0=4%4 64!))!!)4!%"7",,$ $"66)),9)7"6"7"4,"6))#!4)#"0) Imagine the consequences interesting enough, the subject is Serial Killer? It boggles the mind. 77))$4)=70),E 3,$.%9%4)74!)))# #"0)1%", "!=)#0)E70)$" #)4,",9"7,94E7 and ramifications of such advice. far removed from what happens Over all, this movie should $$",.6%)=4%"6# 4=7#)","94)=#"",.) %,")$644.)64!)& F "4",)$")!,.),$ Even if one manages to overlook in India. We may have had our only be watched if one wants to $9",.64!4,)77)4,4) % !9")%,$))=#).%"$,7) )4,)$47%F)")"%,$4%=)$# 4,)#")#"6)",)6#,)F=44, this bizarre piece of ill-advice, share of serial killers — the 2006 see the kind of experimenting that ""74!!),)$L"#)"$"66"7%# 46"7")6$"43,0E 4,)46)=)746")E ,$466)70F$%",.)77%4 there is the whole backdrop that Noida serial murders. But these is taking place on OTT platforms. !,.)4)9",4)77) 7%),#"4,,.# CE )!",.4,)6#"E )4,46B4!%#,)7",.E the film has been shot at. are few and far between. We also L /  /!  $% &" "0)##.)$47%!),") )!",.4,)6#" Q  9      / R %     #$%& %'%&" (&  )"   *+  " $     ) ,#   $%&$% $-%  9)0"  =4%)$)=% "          " ( (          4)74)49#!4)4,7)),,)#.)  What got you interested in acting?  This is not the first time you have played ,$=4)##)9"4,647",. I have done engineering in Computer this character. Why say yes, each time? Science from . When I was in I have noticed that not many actors want t the age of 13, when story was amazing and the third year, I auditioned for MTV Roadies     to do mythological shows and I have also most girls are busy character was neither completely 4. Back then I was interested in bike riding. seen that not all actors are suited to do them. Awatching fairy tales and positive nor purely negative. I gave the audition and got selected. I did     It is a different ball game. While I had not imagining a life in la la land, That was the beauty. But back that show and finished my course. I then     prepped for the first mythological show, I Sneha Wagh, who plays Mata then, I didn’t know that the show went to Texas for a flying course. When I enjoyed the whole process. As an actor I am Anjana in &TV’s Kahat will become so popular and will finished my flying, I got another call from   truly blessed that I have got this opportunity. Hanuman Jai Shri Ram, was run for so long,” Wagh tells you. MTV for Splitsvilla 1. I flew down straight I will continue to play this role as long as I giving wings to her career. From playing a young girl from Dallas to . I was told it would ! "   keep getting them since people remember Wagh started from Marathi Jyoti to Ratan, a mother of two be a month’s shooting and a month’s   #   you. theatre and then went on doing in her second Hindi TV show, promotion and then I could go back. But  How tough is it to live up to people’s Marathi shows. However, acting Wagh says, she didn’t thought of I won and they offered me another show ! $ # expectation when you are part of a mytho was never on her cards the consequences that time. to host. This was in 2008. Back then there show? whatsoever. “Like I said, I returned from weren’t many jobs in aviation. But I kept       Many actors have played Krishna but “I never dreamt of being an London and was offered the role, getting TV offers. I got Bhagyavidhaata and % ! &  have not been exacted. Personally, I have to actor. I was a classical dancer and so that time I didn’t think too the rest of the shows followed. I had not be able to look the part. I was offered to play my goal was to have my dance much about whether people in planned to be an actor, they just happened.      Shiv but I refused. Because I don’t think that academy one day. But like any the industry will typecast me.  So, you had a different trajectory? I can do justice to the look since Shiv has a other family, my father wanted For me work was work and I Yes, I come from a business family. We '   rough and rugged personality. I know me to be an engineer,” she tells looked at it that way. However, have jewellery shows. From the very   what my traits are. For me to be able to you. later on I realised that I should beginning, I was against doing things that convince the audience that I am God, I have But destiny had something have given it a second thought. were routine and go to one place. When I to be convinced otherwise that conviction else planned for her. Wagh I even went into depression. But studied engineering, I knew that it was not will not come across. developed interest in theatre and then, I picked myself up and my cup of tea. A friend of mine had applied  What are the challenges that come in joined a group. She got a chance thought how does it matter if I for a flying course and that interested me such shows? to do Marathi shows like Adhuri played a mother. What should and asked him how to go about applying I don’t think there are very many since Ek Kahani and Kaata Rute matter is my craft and my talent. for the same. The idea of being up in the people know the man behind the show due Konala. Then there are so many clouds and going places really piqued my to social media. But when you play such “My father was not very people out there who don’t have interest. roles, you do your own research. Before I happy with my decision of being work and that I should feel  Was it a struggle to make space in the took up the role back in 2011, I never used an actor intially. But then, my blessed that I have been working industry? to practice yoga or meditate. But I do that mother knew what I wanted. all this while. And now I can see If I had not given the first audition, I regularly. I have lots of books as well. It has She told my father and with time my career trajectory has been so would have never gone to Mumbai to changed in in a way but it has not been he too embraced the fact that good. I have never repeated become an actor. I had no acting intentionally. acting was my calling,” Wagh anything and that’s the best background. I never even got a portfolio  Is there a need to change content that tells you. part of my career,” she says. done for the first four-five years of my we see on TV? That was not all. She was She adds that she has never career. The industry has very kind to me. Definitely. If we don’t do it now then, then offered the lead in NDTV been choosy when it comes to When I went to Mumbai, I when? If not, TV is going to suffer Imagine’s Jyoti. “That came as a projects. “If I like the script, I just already had a show in my since there are so many OTT surprise. The producer saw me take up the project. I took all the hand. I have done around platforms that offer great content. on TV in one of the Marathi good projects that came my way. 12 shows in a career People even in small towns and shows and she wanted me to Acting is what I love the most spanning 12 years and a cities have access to good Internet play the title lead in Jyoti. She and as long as I am acting I am few films as well. connectivity. If makers want people searched for me and then at my happy place,” Wagh, who  How did you come on to sit in front on their sets at 8 pm and contacted me. But the funny in future wants to be a part of a board to play Lord Krishna? come back day after day, they need to thing is I failed the audition 16 real-life inspired series, tells This is the fourth time that I am find content that is brilliant. We times. Because the character you. playing Lord Krishna in must do away with the concept of daily was so serious and I was just 19 Wagh is extremely happy to Dwarkadheesh—Bhagwan Shri Krishna soaps and come up with finite shows. back then. I said I just couldn’t be a part of Kahat Hanuman Jai 2. I was doing Rishton Se Badi Pratha When you do daily soaps, one tends to do that. I was like a newcomer Shri Ram. The reason for back in 2010-11. Sagar Pictures were compromise because there is a deadline in the industry. But then I gave increasing popularity of conducting auditions through an actor and we must do away with this. it another try and it went well. used to shed tears after reading and tell me that they are able to mythological shows, she says, is friend. I didn’t really prepare for it but  Should viewers change their choice? That’s how I was finalised for the the script. I wondered how relate to the character. I felt so positivity. “It is human nature got selected. Before Not really. It is wrong to assume that role,” Wagh tells you. could someone who is going good that not only the women that whenever we are in danger doing this show, I because the audience watches such shows, Playing a mature character through so much in life can still but the men too are able to or the time is not right hum ya had done two makers are producing them. There was a like Jyoti changed Wagh inside manage to smile infront of the connect with Jyoti,” she says. toh mummy ko yaad kartey fictional shows and time when the entire family would sit and out. “The character was indeed family. Jyoti was like the man of After Jyoti, Wagh went on hain ya bhagwaan ko. Also reality show but I watch shows, back in the 90s. If you give challenging. I had to learn a lot the house. And there are girls doing Ek Veer Ki Ardas...Veera these shows bring in so much started enjoying good content, people will watch it. of things to get into the skin of like her in the society,” Wagh that earned her much fame. “I of positivity, they give out a acting when I played  What next? the character. But it changed my explains. remember, I came back from message that good will always Krishna for the first I am back home and looking at the life 360 degrees. It changed me She recalls how she used to London after learning film win against evil. These shows time. The whole idea of change to open a boarding school in from within and I started receive a lot of messages from making and I was offered the kind of validate our trust and standing in front of the camera Palampur. But I would love to do web series looking at things differently. fans appreciating her role of Ratanjeet Sampooran just create a positive and to play a God really got me provided the content and script that I am The character was so emotional performance and character. “So Singh. I was so excited to be a atmosphere that everything interested. offered is good. that there were times when I many men used to message part of that show because the will be fine,” she says.

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  +3 JPCC Chief visited America behind and become    ! Lohardaga and reviewed the the world's largest hotspot cen- harkhand Pradesh Congress work being done in dealing ter in near future. JCommittee (JPCC) on with the Corona virus infection Meanwhile, on the occasion Saturday alleged that Prime by meeting with the officials of of the 'Shraddh' of former party Minister Narendra Modi and the district administration. He MLA and late senior leader the Central Government are took information about food Rajendra Prasad Singh, JPCC completely responsible for distribution, health services, served food to the poor at the increasing the number of especially among the common Hinoo Chowk in Ranchi and Coronavirus infected patients people and migrant laborers. At gave the final tribute to the in India. the same time Oraon met with leader. On this occasion Talking to media persons senior party leader and Rajya Agriculture Minister, Badal, JPCC Chief cum Food and Sabha MP Dhiraj Prasad Sahu. described Rajendra Prasad Civic Supplies Minister, "The number of Corona Singh as the messiah of the Rameshwar Oraon said that virus infected patients is poor and workers. He said that due to Prime Minister increasing continuously across Jharkhand had suffered Narendra Modi's wrong poli- the Country, including in irreparable damage due to the .  2 . &  .        .!! 2  cies the positive cases are Jharkhand, but the Central departure of a great personali- .   /  .  '    increasing so drastically despite Government has shed all its ty untimely. Badal said that the total lockdown imple- responsibilities now and Singh has been an important  +3 which are useful in locust con- mented across the Country. He entrusted duties to the State contributor to his political life trol. said that had the Central Governments. People started completely ruined by the poli- /    /!   "! 2  ' +  3 /     and he has been a big contrib- n bid to combat locust attack, Mittal directed the con- Government taken steps in a talking about tension on the cies of the Central             .   /       utor in whatever he is at present. Ia meeting was held on cerned officials to contact the systematic manner, the situa- Pakistan and China border. Government, crores of people The Minister further said Saturday led by Ranchi Deputy vendors and farmers of these tion of chaos would not have An attempt has been started to are unemployed, the poor do Kishorenath Shahdeo said that with the virus. He said that the that he got a big help from Development Commissioner sprayers and maintain coordi- arisen. A large number of divert attention from the orig- not have food grains to eat and those who talked about defeat- way the number of positive Singh in getting a ticket in his (DDC), Ananya Mittal to chalk nation so that their help can be migrant labourers were trapped inal problems. In the last six the youths are not getting ing the Coronavirus in 21 days cases are increasing in the first Assembly election and out future strategy. sought if needed. DDC direct- in various places of the years, the economy of the employment," said Oraon. till yesterday, now they are Country at present, it is feared after that in the election The meeting was attended ed the locust control working Country, he added. entire Country has become JPCC Spokesperson Lal saying that they will have to live that soon India will leave campaign. by Sub-Divisional Officer, team active at the block Bundu, District Agricultural level. Officer, Ranchi, Forest Notably, in the light of the Divisional Officer, District order of the Department of *./   (   Horticulture Officer, District Agriculture, Animal Level Fire Department Officer, Husbandry and Cooperation, District Public Relations Government of Jharkhand 01 (    Officer, Junior Plant (Agriculture Division), a dis- Conservation Officer, Principal trict level locust control work- '5' +,-,*, " cum Preferred Scientist, ing team has been constituted Division of Agricultural under the chairmanship of 6'*$' - Sciences, Ranchi. DDC for locust control in the During the meeting, Mittal district. The convener of the   +3 said that it is important to deal team will be the District with the attack of locusts in the Agricultural Officer. ovid-19 infected patients district that farmers should be Mittal directed the Cwill have to spend up to made aware about the locust Agriculture Department to Rs.35,000 a day for treatment attack and its prevention. remain alert and active. He has in private hospitals across During the meeting, the tasks also instructed the officials Jharkhand, and shell out more and responsibilities of the task concerned to monitor the money if they have a comorbid force for locust control were locust continuously in view of condition or require adminis- discussed in detail at the dis- the increasing outbreak. tration of high-end drugs, the trict level. Meanwhile following the umbrella body for private hos- The DDC directed to instruction of Chief Minister pitals in the State has decided. ensure adequate storage of pes- Hemant Soren, Ranchi Deputy The decision comes in the ticides and achievement of Commissioner Ranchi (DC) .  & "  '!     P       .   /  .  '    backdrop of reports highlight- these chemicals in adequate Rai Mahimapat Ray along with ing exorbitant fee charged by quantities for the preparation of all the concerned officials vis- some private hospitals here "      -    .      locust attack in the district. ited Getalsud Dam. from patients infected by the Also, he inquired about the Ray inspected the dam &  ( deadly virus, president of the Tocilizumab,” he said. certain percentage of those availability of high speed, low along with all the top officials Association of Healthcare As per the chart fixed by who contracted the disease volume sprayer, power sprayer, on Saturday. During the inspec- Providers India (AHPI), Jogesh the AHPI, a Covid-19 patient could be treated for free. gator sprayer, knapsack sprayer, tion, Ranchi DC inspected the Gambhir said. admitted in an isolation ward On Thursday, a 45-year-old vehicle sprayer and others entire area around the dam.  2 “We have finalised four will have to pay Rs.15,000 a day. Covid-19-infected man died categories for Covid-19 patients A patient, who is provided during treatment for a head   +3 itable in my case. We invited undergoing treatment in pri- oxygen support, will be charged injury in the Intensive Care ,-. )/ the wives of our employees and vate hospitals. The charges will Rs.20,000. A patient admitted Unit (ICU) of RIMS. In less EDxKanke, has been orga- persuaded them to push their vary from Rs.15,000 per day to in the Intensive Care Unit than 24 hours since his death,  =   2  9 = Tnizing a Webinar Series spouses to work harder and Rs.35,000 per day depending (ICU) will have to pay another 70-year-old Covid-19- ),!0)$7"!",##44)$.4#$,$74,.%,94",64!) titled ‘The Rise of a New World’ enhance the work culture at the on the category,” said Rs.25,000 for each day of infected man from Simdega 4%)46,)F)!9#4))4633 7%!=%",)!,",404O which started on May 2. The company which led to things as Gambhir. treatment, and a patient put on died at RIMS during treatment /66"7)74#4,M,43F&G !4,%$E ) speaker of the event on June 6 simple as boosting attendance,” The fee structure is indica- ventilator will be charged for a kidney ailment on ),")6!"#!)!=)))#))9",."!)94#"7)4%7)"$E was GK Pillai, Director and said the speaker. tive, and may vary from city to Rs.35,000 daily. There are Friday. )",7"$),4409#7)#)4,",)),",.,".46B"$F%$ Advisor, Walchandnagar “Technology is the only city, said Gambhir, adding that around 500 private hospitals in Both the patients were %,$)404 )!#94#"7)"4,#"!"E4#"7)"$9))B+ Industries Limited while the driver that can take us out of the charges may be lower in State. admitted in RIMS after being )."))$& !),=.)$",4))F33 )!9#4))7%! talk was titled Leadership chal- this grave scenario. We have smaller towns of The development comes a discharged from Bhagwan =%",)!,OJ%)66"7)34#4,E lenges and behavior in the seen how technology enabled Jharkhand. “The daily fee, how- day after the Supreme Court Mahavir Medica Superspecialty 4043,$,/%!1"$##6!"#!)!=) midst of disruptive scenarios. people to work and operate vir- ever, will not exceed Rs 35,000 asked the Centre whether a Hospital, health officials said. ",7#%$",.7"#$))#))9",."!)E )$74"=40)) The session was moderated by tually. Industry 4.0 will take a unless the patient is also treat- direction could be passed to The health department served 44$),$44,$),))$64!))"$)46)4%)4%,$ TEDx Kanke Curator Rajeev push and automation will ed for a comorbid condition or cap the cost of treating Covid- a show-cause notice to the pri- !E )4)$)!.%,,$")!""7064##4",. Gupta. to be ready to break barriers.” become more important across administered high-end drugs 19 patients in private hospitals. vate hospital in connection "7)#44)$7 ,$.4#$4,!),46+ #0E The series is slated to have “In uncertain times, it is organizations. In hindsight, we like Immunoglobulin and The apex court also asked if a with the two cases. speakers from the fields of essential for a leader to have can see the country becoming  =   2  9. technology, innovation, lead- one goal. In our case, the goal stronger with regards to )!",4,;4)7"4,,$74,)"4,46),"4,!),,$ ership, creativity and art and was to lower number of deaths. automation and technology. ="4$")"G434"$F&;4.,")$",))9!),46 culture of national and inter- The next most important thing Before Covid, larger states like ,"!#4$%7"4,,$,.)!),N O46"."7%#%# national acclaim. The sessions is economic revival. We saw a Maharashtra and Karnataka ,")"N O4,%$E9)0)))$,7!9"., are being streamed live on the different goal in USA where the welcomed migrant labourers 649#,"4,)74,)"4,94##%"4,!","!""4,,$ facebook page President focused on economy which boosted their economy. 74!9"4,64###"",.7)%)4%#$".64!4!) fb.me/tedxkanke20. over the number of deaths. In This pandemic has changed ,)".=4%44$,$409#7)464)",4#)$E ))), Pillai said that leaders have a situation like this, political this dynamic and there is an 4.,")$%,$))%9"7)464#$,0F"$)$"4,# to be ready to break barriers thinking should be let gone as opportunity for home states to ."7%#%#".) $%7"4,4*)7N O%,$)49)"4, and without a goal it is very dif- this is time for national think- provide crucial job opportuni-  E ficult to push and motivate ing. Stability on economy is ties to labourers. If jobs and people towards a larger objec- important and there is need for skills are made available in O0   < <=  > tive, “Covid is affecting all of a uniform agreement amongst home states like Bihar, 1 4%94,)46)#.))$%7"4,#74,.#4!))",,$"4, the aspects of human life like all the stakeholders in the Jharkhand and , local %$,,4%,7)$N1$)FF))O,4,#",)6%,$",.9#64! relations, finances, economy country. We will now have to regions will become more self- ))7)47,),$.)",))4,9"7%#94*)7 and travel. I will not talk about plan with a proper timeframe sufficient and also keep the )4%#$#"0)4#%,7E"),")#$"),=74$6%,$",.,$ the disruption due to Covid for coming out of this crisis, but people home. Agriculture and "##=)"#=#)4!4), 7%),1%$),#4,." because we have reached a showing unity is vital even agricultural products will ")7)66,$!"##"4,461#%!,"!)!=)4) saturation point with the infor- when the average lifestyle has improve in the states as we have =)),946).4%964# )E6))!",.%9" mation on it. Regardless of the changed,” he added. experienced during the crisis,” #)4,)174!!%,"!)!=),",$""$%#"###4=)),"#)$ disturbances, there are two “Changing the mindset of said Pillai. 4%=!"94*)7N1$)FF))OE ""6"46"0",$ ideas that are essential for a a company is also essential. The organizing team for 74$6%,$",.",""")",4$%7)$=,)$%7"4,#","%)", leader to succeed – bend the When I started at HEC it did the series includes Kanishka ),,$"64"#.)74!!%,"!)!=)E rules and have one goal in sight. not have a lot of money so hav- Poddar, Kanika Malhotra, When leaders accept challenges ing a different thought process Kailash Manjhi, Pravin    2 . ? 8 at the top, it passes down to was vital. This thought process Rajgadhia, Bijendra Sharma, )!=)46)+ .4%9$""=%)$"4,,$)#")6!)"# other members who are moti- is required to achieve the goal- Rashmi Saha, Priti Gupta and 64,%""4%$")4( 9).,,4!),46 $0,. 4,04 vated to step up. Leaders have making the company prof- Santosh Sharma. 6          .    7082 !  /  0 &    ==.,%%.%=,$%4#"),4#" #0,./47=4,./"$."##.)46 #0,.,7 46!0%!=#470E,"$"66"7%#9)46))9"$)!"7)"6!"#; ).%#",74!),4=#)4749)")!,$",%7 %  ( "" (    "%"4,)$,.)94)$$%)4!#,%""4,E )4#94*)7 744%,$+(  E,"4%467"").4%9 ,0)$##)$4,4"$#404$$4,4)7) 0#% @#%6-P"'# %, from pollution, dust and the match with their outfits very $")E virus of course. soon. These triple layered % *%-' 6"5%"@" Apart from being just a masks can be washed and necessity, these masks today reused,” said Chandan Gupta,  /=   +3 have become more of a fashion owner of AC Collection in statement. From students, Doranda. ith people gradually housewives to small business- “I have small children at Wstarting to step of their men, Ranchiites across all age home who just refuse to wear homes after a span of over groups have taken up mask a mask because it was so months, the demand for pro- making as a new hobby and uncomfortable. It was then tective gear is at an all time profession. that the idea of making some high. Face masks have now In an attempt to promote with soft cotton struck. There become a new way of life. the tribal art of Jharkhand- are numerous videos available Hand painted with cartoon Sohrai painting, students of online on how to make it at characters or tribal art forms, Kalakriti School of Arts have home and by just following people can be seen sporting started painting masks in this one, I ended up making masks these cotton masks which not form. not just for my family members only look attractive but also “I have painted more than 4           !  .   /       but friends and relatives as well. add colour to one’s 100 masks in Sohrai art form For children I decided to paint wardrobe. to make them more attractive. many. I have also made masks institute. Made of cotton and hosiery them with smileys and butter- Initially N95 and surgical These handmade masks are with mandala art for adults and Catering to the increasing material with popular cartoon flies while for adults I embroi- masks were the popular choic- solving a dual purpose of both cartoons characters for chil- demand of this product, shops characters like Barbie, dered it. I even have a couple es but soon cloth masks were providing protection against dren. Depending on the design, have also started keeping masks Doraemon, Spiderman and of orders. The ones for children recommended for public use as the lethal virus as well as pro- each mask is for Rs 100-150 to attract customers. Superman masks for children are priced at Rs 50 each while well. Made from soft fabric moting the art. which is also helping me sup- “I have a shop of seasonal are available at Rs 30 each. those for adults are for about Rs these masks are not just com- The government should also port my family in these tough goods and right now I have From pastels to bright colours, 120 each,” said Anita fortable and skin friendly but promote this as it can create times,” said Vikas Kumar (16), decided to keep fancy printed masks in a variety of hues will Churiwala, a resident of they also provide protection employment opportunities for a student of this masks to increase footfall. also be available for ladies to Harmu. )'# (!#'* ,!#12323   0

3'  4 " .6@6'6B "'6" (     # +''@ -!' "B %-,6C &5'& vate vehicle taxi and should be used Q"  R * ,/" regularly. In a five-seater private vehicle  /.9 /  + Coronas will go away   1  + taxi, only two passengers in addition and thousands of rupees to the driver and in a 6-7 seater taxi, fter media reports of women in will come to everyone's n a fresh development, the district only three passengers in addition to AGarhwa performing rituals with bank account by wor- Iadministration has allowed the the driver will be able to travel. At Aadhar cards to ward off coronavirus shiping with Aadhaar shops and other commercial estab- the time of traveling, passengers will and thereby expecting Rs 5000 to be card. After this rumour, lishments to function till 9 pm start- have to sit on both sides of the seat, sent to their bank accounts, Circle a lot of women started ing from 5 am. There will be a night following social distancing. Officer, Manjhiaon, Rakesh Sahay performing the rituals. curfew from 9 pm to 5 am. The It will be mandatory for pas- has registered an FIR against News of this kind of administration has asked the police sengers to wear masks. Smoking, and unknown persons for spreading worship has come to to file FIR any person found open- consumption of tobacco will be rumour of the corona virus being light from several vil- ing the shop beyond 9 pm. A group prohibited by travellers during the eliminated through the puja and to lages of Meral block and of shop keepers had filed a com- journey. Passengers and drivers have promote spread the infection of the &%  7 .!  /  627 "  2  / a Bodara village under plaint with the district administra- been requested to install the Arogya virus, with the Manjhiaon police sta-   4  +         Manjhiaon block. tion, seeking extension of timings Setu App on smart phones . tion, on Saturday.           Interestingly, when for opening and closing of markets Kumar said that persons over 65 In the complaint, Sahay men- people are finding it dif- in the city. years of age, persons with other dis- tioned that around 250 women were bank account. On taking informa- ficult to feed themselves in this The shopkeeper had said that the mercury has been hovering distancing was presided over by eases, pregnant women and children reported to perform Chhath Puja tion related to this, it was found that global pandemic, the women of the the previous arrangement, accord- around the 40 degrees Celsius mark. Dhalbhum SDO Chandan Kumar below ten years of age are advised with Aadhar card and bank account this rumour has been spread by some village bought new saris, fruits from ing to which shops are allowed to Bharat Vasani, a senior func- on Saturday. He gave necessary to stay home except for essential ser- in Bichhi tola of Bodara village of people. the markets and performed Chhath stay open between 7am and 7pm, tionary of Singhbhum Chamber of guidelines regarding the operation vices and health purposes. District Manjhiaon police station area. The CO has asked the police sta- fast. was not convenient in this weather. Commerce and Industry said: “ As of taxis, autos and other vehicles in Transport Officer Dinesh Ranjan, Women where they performing rit- tion in-charge to identify such peo- The victim of this rumour is They have demanded that shops stay per the feedback given by the the light of the instructions of the Executive Officer Jugasalai uals said that this will eliminate the ple and take action against them by becoming less educated women of open till at least 9 pm. traders nobody wants to suffer a Transport Secretary. Municipal Council Jagdish Yadav, corona virus and PM Modi will send lodging an FIR. So that such cases the village. On being asked by the A district official said that the heat stroke by stepping out. The During the meeting it was CO Sadar Anurag Tiwari, Executive the money to their bank account. On are not seen in other villages, said faithful women, they said that they traders said that by the time the tem- administration has taken the right instructed that it will be mandato- Magistrate Savita Topno, its information, the women were Sahay. Notably, the incident was are doing Chhath Vrat here seeing perature comes down and most peo- decision to allow markets to stay ry for the taxi driver of a private Chandradev Ram, President of Auto explained by the officials that this will reported by several media houses each other. This was seen in some vil- ple finish with work, the shops are open till at least 9 pm.” vehicle to wear a mask. Spray san- Union and others were present in not eradicate Coronavirus and nei- including the Pioneer that a rumour lages under Meral police station already shut. For the past few days, Meanwhile, a meeting on social itizer will have to be kept in a pri- the meeting. ther will the amount come to the was spread in the Garhwa district that area on Tuesday also. 1+4 1  1-2  #  78 

 /+ for everyone to wear the mask, #     "   9  .:( ive persons returned second is to fol- Fhome from Bokaro low social dis-    1 The SP said the post mortem der case.   = L+ Bishnugarh and Keradari and General Hospital, after tancing rule and report said one thing more vital. Linda said, “We do not believe Barkatha blocksof Hazaribag dis- fully recovering from the third is to he ghost of a KGBAV girl stu- The girl had no sign of rape/ gang in arrest of fake people. We go by eports of 26 samples collected trict. COVID 19. Medical kits, wash hands with Tdent of Meral village under rape Linda reiterated, who added evidence circumstantial and mate- Rfrom Hazaribag reached here All were already quarantined fruits, etc were given away soap at regular Paton police station haunts some this ‘unhappened’ thing too is rial.” after 14 days. The HMCH man- in the centers at Silwar and ITI. to all while returning to intervals. We political forces more than the shamelessly floated with all vigour He said the fact of the matter agement received 26 positive The hospital management has their houses and it was should always family, said sources. now causing huge infamy to the is that police have now reasons to reports on Friday night, out of sent total 3380 collections from directed that they should The condition of all three keep in mind these three Paton police had found this girl’s family as well. understand that the death of this them five persons have already dis- Hazaribag, out of them 2968 remain in quarantine for is normal. things only then Corona girl’s body hanging from a babul Sources said the family of the girl is somewhat related to fami- charged on the basis of TrueNat reports came negative. The 312 14 days in their homes. It is a great relief for will not be able to contact tree on April 29 and had serious girl did nothing between April 29 ly honour/ dignity and when the negative reports. samples are still pending. Two people from Chas, Bokaro district. The report & it’s the biggest weapon of suspicions about the hanging then and May 31 but on June 01 there bereaved family got this inkling At present there are 52 active Singh said that two contain- two from Nawadih and of all the 20 workers who protection from the possi- and when came the post mortem erupted a violence against police that our police are inching towards cases in the district, out of which ment zones formed by the admin- one from Gomiya. returned from Dharavi, ble spread of infection report police’s suspicions about the wherein government vehicles were this line of investigation stir against 33 patients are in HMCH and 19 istration. One is in Barbadha of After five persons Mumbai has turned out to COVID19. hanging proved true said SP damaged and officials were mis- police was launched on June 01 to are in Covid 19 hospital Arogyam. Barkatha block and second one in returned home post recov- be negative. A total of 92 Kumar has congratu- Palamu Ajay Linda. treated. Police said the stir was a put police in poor light and change The total number of cases reached Govindpur village of Keradari ering fully & confirmation reports were received, in lated the doctor and the It was death first by strangu- planned one and deliberate. the course of investigation. to 110 on Saturday. block. He has given the hint for of negative report Bokaro which all the reports of team of BGH for this glo- lation and then to pass it off as Sources said a kin of the girl Now police have lodged a Hazaribag DC Bhuvnesh more containment areas in adja- district now having three COVID19 found to be rious achievement and death by hanging the girl’s body said to be in police in Bihar had criminal case against those Pratap Singh said that at present cent of town areas. cases active which are get- negative. said that all the warriors was made to hang loosely from the come to Meral and then said SP indulged in June 01 violence and total 110 cases have surfaced in the He said the newly set up test- ting better treatment for DC Mukesh Kumar are doing better job. May babul tree said Linda. Linda this June 01 ruckus was therein the case figures a young district, out of them 58 have dis- ing machine TrueNat. The hospi- faster recovery. Two are has congratulated the five all of you continue your The SP said the police without staged with the help of activists of and firebrand girl which has again charged by hospitals. Now, there tal management has tested 182 undergoing treatment at persons on their return better service. We are wasting any precious time made AISA and others to defame police stirred a fresh bout of smearing are 52 active cases. samples. BGH while one is admit- home after recovering. The proud of all of your team this case registered under section that it was not making any break- campaign against Paton police. He further said that in 26 new In last 24 hours 40 samples ted to Ranchi RIMS due to DC said that it is necessary who were truly instru- 302 and 201 of IPC. Police began through in this case and the agi- PNS Linda said, “We will crack patients reports came positive. tested, all found negative. The sec- chemotherapy where they to keep three things in mental in getting Corona its investigation with all angles in tators pressing police also wanted this case but cannot give any time They are one each from Sadar, ond TrueNat machine has been are undergoing treatment. mind. First it’s mandatory positive person healthy. mind. 3 persons to be sent to jail in mur- line for it.” Katkamsandi, Daru, Tatijharia , working for last three days.     +;8& +  4#$ ,"4,!),7)#)=)$

BERMO: A 30-year-old wife Deepati Singh is bank station of cheating, Rs 86 lakh had applied for housing loan amount in other fake bank BOKARO: On the occasion of tion. Apart from this, in woman absconding since 2018 granter, DySP, Bhagwan Das against Rohit Raj and his wife and submitted fake proforma accounts and later escaped World Environment Day, a prize the backdrop of World has been arrested from Ararh said on Friday. Deepti Singh, on June7, 2018. invoice in the bank and bank after leaving his wife Deepti distribution programme was Environment Day, the Bihar for allegedly cheating The main accused Rohit After getting information officials issued pay orders in the Singh. organized at BSL Human winners of online events Rs 86 lakh from Bank of India, Raj and his wife Deepti Singh regarding her hideout, she was name of Rohit Raj while wife Sources said that police Resource Development Center, organized this year were Chas branch. belong to Bokaro's arrested from Chinegaon in Deepti was guarantor of the could not find main accused, following the rules of social also honored. In the online The woman has been sent to Chas.According to police the Arrah on Thursday at around loan. while arrested his wife Deepti distancing. During this occasion, essay competition, Chas jail. Her husband Rohit Bank of India branch manag- 2 pm," DSP (Chas ) Bhagwan After depositing the money Singh at Chhanegaon village Executive Director (Operations) Ranchak Kumar Pandey, Raj is main accused in the case, er Rajesh Singh had registered Das said. their accounts, they withdrew under Sinha police station in AtanuBhowmik was the Chief AyushAmlan and Priya is still absconding, while his a case (131/18) at Chas police According to police, they the cash or transferred the Arrah in Bihar. PNS Guest. The awardees were pre- Kumari were the winners. sent in the program along with Similarly, in the online Chief General Manager slogan competition 30)470 (Maintenance) DN Mohanty, the year 2020. Arun Kumar Krishna Kumar Mandal, Chief General Manager (HRD) and AnjumParvez Khan of Hot Dr.VarshaKumari ,Anu and BS Popli and General Manager Strip Mill and VK Vajpayee of AdijaShekhar, Abhiraj Singh 46 +  (Environmental Control) NP SMS-1 were rewarded for their and Manorama Kumari were Srivastava. remarkable achievements winners in the online poster 40 The visiting guests and par- towards environmental protec- competition. PNS ticipants were welcomed by NP  / + Srivastava, General Manager (Environmental Control). He eputy Commissioner, discussed the efforts being made DRamesh Gholap on by the Bokaro Steel Plant Saturday visited various pan- towards environmental protec- chayats under Markachho and tion and highlighted the impor- took stock of works running tance of World Environment under MNREGA. The DC , Day 2020. Upendra Narayan, ordered to seize two JCB earth Sampler (Department of moving machine at Environmental Control) admin- Bahadurpur village under istered the environmental pledge Nawadih panchayat where he to the participants. Chief Guest received a complaint that JCB Bhowmick specially discussed machines were used in the the achievements made in the Construction of dobhas. In the field of environmental control by course of inspection of BSL and motivated everyone to schemes, DC rode about 6 work together for environment kilometers on a motorcycle. and water conservation. The DC, visited Barwadih During the programme, of Mahogaya Panchayat, where General Manager (CO & BPP) he received a complaint that the KN Jha was declared as the soil work of constructing a Nodal Environment Officer for house was done by cutting the soil from the government land. Gholap instructed the CO to get the land measured and lodge FIR against the accused. The DC said the administration was committed to provide job opportunities to the migrant labourers who have come amid nationwide lockdown. )'# (!#'* ,!#12323  ' 3

      (  8:6       P            .    & $     

he Indo-Tibetan Border   P  TPolice (ITBP), that secures the frontier with China, has thrown open the gates of its     countrywide health centres and hospitals for its veterans ontinuing with his tirade suffering from Covid-19, para- Cagainst the Modi dispen- military chief SS Deswal said sation, Congress leader Rahul on Saturday. ")#946!"., Gandhi on Saturday accused Deswal has issued an offi- the Government of actively cial message to all his troops #0",.4,64494"$)$,94 destroying the country's econ- and formations saying the deci- omy by refusing to provide sion has been taken after the cash support to people and force came across media New Delhi: With the Supreme cines, clothes, slippers and small and medium enterpris- reports of people facing prob- Court having taken suo moto other essentials free of cost, es as he termed the Modi lems in getting admission or cognizance of the problems depending upon the require- regime “Demon 2.0”. treatment at designated hospi- and Chandigarh The centre in Chhawla faced by migrants, the Centre ments. Sharing a news report on tals for the management of apart from health centres at its area of south-west Delhi has on Saturday filed a detailed affi- In its affidavit, the Centre Twitter on the impact the destroying our economy by Rahul had earlier said pandemic. every base in the country. treated about 1,200 people davit in the top court regard- has said that States and the coronavirus pandemic would refusing to give cash support that it was criminal on the “We have come across The DG, further in his including 42 foreigners who ing the matter, stating that it Railways have been providing have on the economy and the to people and MSMEs. This part of the Government not news items that citizens are fac- message, said the COVID-19 were brought to India on spe- has, along with the support of food and water free of cost to state of affairs of the MSME is Demon 2.0,” he tweeted. to provide cash to people ing problems in hospital admis- situation is "under control" in cial evacuation flights from NHAI, facilitated shifting of the labourers travelling back to sector in the country, he The Congress has also and the industry to emerge sions and treatment or they are the force as protocols were Wuhan in China and Italy these workers, found walking their native places. “Till 1st called for an immediate pro- been demanding an eco- out of this crisis. charged exorbitantly,” the DG strictly followed by field units. after the Covid-19 outbreak on roads, by providing them June, Railways has served 1.63 vision of 10,000 to the poor nomic stimulus packagefor He had termed the lock- said in his message. "Everyone of you have con- earlier this year. requisite transport to the near- crore meals and over 2.10 crore and an economic stimulus the MSME sector, which pro- down imposed by the “Our Himveers (mountain tributed in this tense period. The facility is still opera- est railway stations. packaged drinking water bot- package for the MSME indus- vides employment to a large Government to contain the warriors) have sweated We are grateful and proud of tional and is taking care of The Government further tles, apart from services pro- try to come out of the current number of people, together spread of virus as one that throughout their life. We do not our doctors and paramedical those ITBP troops who are said that whenever necessary, vided by respective State situation. with cash in the hands of peo- “failed” in achieving its aim want that they suffer and hence staff who have sincerely and joining back work after easing the migrants are provided with Governments,” the affidavit “Government is actively ple, to help generate demand. and purpose. all our veterans are being with utmost dedication treated of restrictions imposed during food, drinking water, medi- read. Agencies offered health services in case our troops and policemen from the countrywide lockdown. anyone of you are affected by all forces working in the It also created the first COVID-19,” he said. national Capital region,” the standard operating procedures ",$"=440 ",$"9)#,4"4, He further said that all hos- DG said. (SOP) for management of the )2         pitals of the force throughout According to latest data, pandemic among the various =4%=")F6)) the country will admit veterans the ITBP has 211 Covid-19 Central paramilitary forces 4)/) with coronavirus infection and positive cases out of which 177 and Central police organisa- treat them. personnel have recovered and tions. !        $)",6!)74 The ITBP has about 20,000 only 34 are undergoing treat- The about 90,000 person- ",*%&' retired and dependent person- ment. One personnel has suc- nel-strong force is primarily     pandemic after "proactive test- protocol has been put in place     nel. cumbed to the pandemic. tasked with guarding the 3,488     ing" are asymptomatic, officials for sanitising the ED head- The ITBP runs a super spe- ITBP also reported three km-long Line of Actual Control ive Enforcement Directorate said. quarters twice a week and all fter the Punjab Chief cialty Referral hospital for the fresh cases of coronavirus with China and a good day after Air India opened F(ED) employees, including The employees who have documents. “Daak” (post) is AMinister Amarinder Singh Central Armed Police Forces infection on Saturday. number of its troops along Abooking for select a special director rank officer, tested positive include a special sanitised before it is handed Government targeting the (CAPFs) or paramilitary forces The ITBP was the first with Army personnel are at destinations in the USA, have tested positive for Covid- director rank officer and an over to officers and other staff Centre over an ordinance in Greater Noida, has two base organisation in the country to present engaged in the stand- Canada, the UK and Europe 19, following which the head- investigating officer. All of of the agency, they added. which allows barrier-free trade hospitals at Tigri in Delhi and have created a 1,000-bed quar- off with the People's Liberation under the phase three of Vande quarters of the Central anti- them have been admitted to An ED employee had test- in the farm sector, Union Kimin in Arunachal Pradesh antine centre for Covid-hit Army of the neighbouring Bharat mission, Air India (AI) money laundering agency has isolation facilities at a desig- ed positive for Covid-19 in May Agriculture Minister Narendra and composite hospitals at people. country in the Ladakh area. on Saturday said that it has sold been sealed for 48 hours till nated hospital for treatment. also. Singh Tomar on Saturday over 22,000 seats in 15 hours of Monday. After detailed contact trac- The ED is the federal asserted that the ordinance opening bookings under Vande Out of the five infected ing, people who came in con- agency mandated to probe would not violate the spirit of Bharat Mission-III. AI also personnel, two persons are tact with the infected person- money laundering, black federal structure in any informed that more seats to contract employees. The nel have been quarantined. money and hawala crimes way. The Union Minister also )        new destinations will be added employees were found infect- As per procedure, the under the Prevention of Money slammed people who create in due course under the mis- ed after the ED carried out sec- headquarters of the agency Laundering Act (PMLA) and “illusions” over the minimum sion. tion-wise testing at its head- have been sealed for 48 hours the Foreign Exchange support price (MSP) for food-      32";   “Sale of tickets commenced quarters in the wake of some and are expected to resume Management Act (FEMA). grain and said the assured at 5 p.m. Friday for select Covid-19 cases being reported operations on Monday, the Earlier, headquarters of the price to farmers would destinations in the USA, from other floors of the Lok officials said. Central Reserve Police Force continue.      alternative to jungle raaj and guide the NDA government in Canada, United Kingdom & Nayak Bhawan in the upscale The affected employees (CRPF) and Border Security The Union Minister’s was known as 'vikas purush'. case it retains power. Europe under Phase-3 of Khan Market area here, where have not been coming to office Force (BSF) located at the statement came a day after ok Janshakti Party president But, yes, there have been short- The assembly elections in #VBM. Our website saw excep- the agency office is located, the since they tested positive, they CGO Complex here were Punjab Chief Minister LChirag Paswan on Saturday comings. I am not levelling alle- Bihar are due in October- tionally high traffic without 60 officials said on Saturday said. sealed after detection of Covid Amarinder Singh dubbed the said that employment for gations but offering suggestions November. million hits at peak & over All the ED employees who In order to check the positive cases in the respective ordinance as “violative” of the migrants, who have returned to for improvement as an honest Employment, especially for 22,000 seats have been sold were found infected with the spread of the viral infection, a Forces’ ranks. federalBihar from across the country, ally," he told PTI. its migrant population, health overall till 8 a.m now in a trans- structure. The Chief should be the top priority for Paswan said the Bihar gov- and education should be the parent manner. Heavy rush Minister had also warned that the ruling NDA as it prepares ernment's handling of the top priorities for the NDA, however slowed the website at it could pave the way for dis- for the State Assembly polls. migrant crisis,triggered by the Paswan said. times. More seats to more des- banding the MSP regime as With some of his com- nationwide lockdown to curb Asserting that the opposi- tinations will be added in due ,     well as the foodgrain procure- ments seen to be critical of COVID-19, “could have been tion alliance, which includes course,” the AI tweeted. ment regime, triggering unrest Chief MinisterNitish Kumar- better" and counted law and the RJD and Congress, is not in The maximum demand is among the state's farmers. led Government, Paswan said order as a concern, saying seri- a position to pose any serious for flights to the US, with con- The Centre on Friday noti- he never doubted Kumar's ous crimes like murder and challenge to the BJP-led nection to San Francisco ,    fied two key ordinances to intentions but there have been robbery have been rising. National Democratic Alliance, and Chicago being the most kick in agriculture reforms “shortcomings” which he as an The Lok Sabha MP from he said the saffron combine sought after there. As per and help farmers trade freely honest ally has highlighted. Jamui in Bihar called for a com- may win more than 225 of the schedule, AI will be operating onage racket linked and fetch better prices. “Nitish ji emerged as an mon minimum programme to state's 243 assembly seats. 75 flights from India to select     to Pakistan in The Farmers' Produce destinations in USA and December last year. Trade and Commerce Canada from June 9 to June 30. he NIA on Saturday arrest- The NIA arrested (Promotion & Facilitation) #)7"4,))",.!"$744,"%7""" People faced a difficult Ted an accused terror fund- Mohammed Haroon Ordinance 2020 allows barrier- time due to huge demand as ing conspirator in the infamous Haji Abdul Rehman free trade in agriculture pro- tickets are being sold on only Visakhapatnam espionage case Lakdawala, a resident duce outside the notified ,4",.=%N94#""7#%#%"!OG )*" AI channels. Passengers in which 11 Indian Navy per- of Mumbai, last APMC (Agriculture Produce wonder why did AI not sell its sonnel allegedly leaked sensi- month. A probe Marketing Committees)      ( -56   #  alliance, saying that having inventory through online tive information to Pakistan's found that he was one mandis.   %#  "contrarian views" is healthy travel agents. spy agency, Inter-Services of the "key conspira- It proposes to bar state gov- day ahead of Amit Shah’s -      # for any democracy. Several Twitter users then Intelligence (ISI). tors" in the case. ernments from imposing taxes Avirtual rally to sound BJP's  %    His remarks come a day pointed out that the Air India Abdul Rehman Abdul With the arrest on sale and purchase of farm poll bugle in Bihar, RJD leader before the Rashtriya Janata website was down and the Jabbar Sheikh, 53, a resident of of Sheikh, as many as 15 that a few Navy personnel produce undertaken outside Tejashwi Yadav on Saturday Dal (RJD) is set to observe ticket purchase was not going Mumbai, was involved in the accused have so far been came in contact with Pakistani the mandis and give farmers said electioneering amidst the major issue in the Assembly ''Garib Adhikar Diwas'' that through. terror funding along with his arrested, including the 11 nationals through various the freedom to sell their pro- coronavirus crisis in the coun- polls slated for later this year. was announced to counter AI will operate 300 flights arrested wife Shaista Qaiser and Navy personnel, Pakistan- social media platforms such as duce at remunerative prices. try is nothing but “political vul- In an interview to PTI, Shah’s rally on June 7 in to North America, Canada others, an official spokesman born Indian national Qaiser Facebook and WhatsApp, and Whereas the Farmers turism”, and alleged that the saf- Yadav said he is hopeful that all which the Home Minister will and Europe from June 9 to said. and her associates. were involved in sharing clas- (Empowerment and fron party was only interested like-minded parties who are address the people of the State June 30, 2020 under the During the search of his ISI recruits agents in India sified information in lieu of Protection) Agreement on in electoral victory even at the driven by the same ideology of through video conferencing third phase of Vande Bharat house, a number of digital for collecting sensitive and monetary gains. Price Assurance and Farm cost of human lives. pro-constitutional supremacy and Facebook live, given the Mission. devices and incriminating doc- classified information regard- The money was deposited Services Ordinance 2020 The Leader of Opposition and pro-poor would come COVID-19 guidelines and AI has in Phase I operat- uments were seized by the ing locations and movements into the bank accounts of the empowers farmers to engage in the Bihar Assembly also under one umbrella and fight restrictions. ed 64 flights and evacuated National Investigation Agency of Indian naval ships and Navy personnel through with processors, aggregators, accused the Nitish Kumar-led the “divisive and a failed gov- The BJP will sound the 12,708 Indians. (NIA) which took over the case submarines, and other defence Indian associates having busi- wholesalers, large retailers and NDA government of meting ernment of 15 years” in the poll bugle in Bihar with the vir- In phase 2, till date 290 in December last year, he said. establishments along with ness interests in Pakistan," exporters through advanced out "step-motherly" treatment State. tual rally by the Union flights and 52,113 Indians The Indian intelligence their deployment pattern. the NIA had said in a state- agreements on pre-agreed to migrant labourers and He also dismissed reports Minister and party's senior have been brought home. agencies had busted the espi- “Investigation revealed ment last month. prices. asserted that this would be a of cracks in the opposition leader Shah. (-7       ! 6     !   

    dence, WHO advises that  0/      essential vehicles also came to a In India, there are more than “As a result, the strength of Governments should standstill. In India, the restric- 9,698 government-registered the bees depleted. Lots of bee- ays after maintaining that encourage the general public tung by the Coronavirus pan- tions made it difficult for the entities – individuals, societies, keepers were unable to migrate Dthere was not enough evi- to wear masks where there is Sdemic-triggered restrictions, farmers to move the huge num- firms, companies and a few self- their apiaries to different regions dence to suggest that healthy widespread transmission and quarantine requirements and ber of beehive boxes from one help groups who are engaged in as per their planned movement individuals should wear masks physical distancing is difficult," border closures, beekeepers are State to another or even within beekeeping. A whopping 15, 59, calendar and lost on honey pro- and encouraged the use of Tedros said while introducing now, as the lockdown eases the States. As a result, the bees are 771 registered bee colonies are duction. The inability to do medical face masks only by the new guidance. gradually, exploring ways on starving to death.” spread across various states in the anything in the face of looming those who were sick or caring Based on new research how to move their bee boxes He explained that during the country. Rakesh Kumar, chief crisis was indeed stressful." for the sick, the World Health and evidence, the WHO also from one place to another across summer months between consultant with -based Satinder Singh, a small time Organisation on Friday did a advises that fabric masks the country. February and July, farmers, espe- Golden Hive Products talked beekeeper from Punjab too said U-turn by recommending should consist of at least three While the tough regulations cially in Northern India, go about challenges faced by those that they could not travel across wider use of face masks. layers of different materials. have already disrupted their from one state to the other with selling their products in local State lines to move the hives The guidelines issued by At the same time, WHO earnings particularly of those their bee boxes to feed the bees market as abroad. “With all around and feed them. “As the the WHO on Friday said that also warned that masks are engaged in exports, it also sug- (Apis indica) on seasonal flow- their movements’ restricted temperature increases, we have people aged 60 years and above, -    round on the cardiology or not a replacement for social gests that their bees could not be ers of mango and litchi trees. inter-state and intra- state, many to shift the bee boxes to the and those with underlying con-     "  4& palliative care units where distancing, hand and fed as usual on seasonal flowers, “Bees feed on the flower apiaries were trapped in areas shade” otherwise they will die ditions are recommended to     %  there are no respiratory hygiene – and all neither will they pollinate this honey for nutrition and farmers which had nothing to offer to the from the heat, he said. wear a face mask in situations ' #    confirmed Covid-19 patients, measures should be strictly summer, warn experts. sell the honey the insects store in bees. Many apiaries were left with Rakesh Kumar pointed out where physical distancing is not      they should still wear a med- followed to keep the risk of Gopinathan Maheswaran, their hives. The bees also help none to care for them for an that even though lockdown has possible.       ical mask,” WHO Director- Covid-19 transmission at bay. scientist with Birds section of pollinate the mango and litchi extended period of time. Though eased, seven days compulsory The new guidelines also General Tedros Adhanom The cornerstone of the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) trees, thereby increasing the bee keeping was under essential quarantine period cross-border advice use of medical masks Ghebreyesus said at a virtual response in every country said that the Covid-19 lockdown production of these two cash services, it was not easy for the will add up to the input cost, for all people who are working only healthcare workers who press conference. must be to find, isolate, test presented a peculiar problem for fruit crops, and also a variety of farmers to take up the risk in even as natives of the respective in clinical areas of health facil- deal with Covid-19 patients. For people who are in and care for every case, and to the beekeepers and the bees. “As other plants,” he said in a report view of mandatory quarantine states are also not keen wel- ities in areas with the wide- “That means, for example, areas of widespread transmis- trace and quarantine every countries went into extended published in Nature India recent- period and scare spread all coming the outsiders, unlike spread transmission, and not when a doctor is doing a ward sion, "In light of evolving evi- contact," Tedros stressed. lockdowns, movement of non- ly. across the country. earlier, fearing Covid-19 spread. )'# (!#'* ,!#12323   7

D2B, @  ,$""!94),"F$%!9",.$%   < C,  9/=/ 4,#",7#7%#464' *         2 #%-$'6$(&- - country or a firm exports an 3<4 Q ( *#%**# B '-&$*#%" item at a price lower than the      dealing with us since 2014 had sortium member, Karnataka ndia has imposed anti- price of that product in its  (=& availed various credit facilities Bank reported to RBI a fraud Idumping duty on imports of + 6 B' * -*' domestic market. rivate sector lender under consortium arrange- amounting to 43.44 crore in electronic calculators from Dumping impacts the PKarnataka Bank has report- ment wherein, we were one of the credit facilities extended Malaysia for five years with a 6-,%! '5=%(%",% price of that product in the      According to the company, ed to the RBI that it has been the member banks. In view of earlier, on account of diversion view to guard domestic players + (',*"%""'$,%* - importing country, hitting mar- despite being one of the fastest defrauded of over 285 crore Early Warning Signals (EWS) of funds. from cheap imports from that gins and profits of manufac- he near-term outlook for growing markets globally for consequent to loans gone bad in the conduct of the account Leel Electricals was classi- country. 6' 5%(%(& turing firms. Tthe FMCG market is FMCG products, the per capi- to four entities including and other developments, the fied as NPA account in March After conducting a probe, According to global trade "extremely uncertain" as the ta FMCG consumption in DHFL. account was red flagged on 2019 and it reported to RBI a the commerce ministry’s inves- value, which is amounting to norms, a country is allowed to COVID-19 outbreak had a India is still amongst the low- A total of 285.52 crore has November 11, 2019. fraud amounting to 20.65 tigation arm Directorate dumping and the domestic impose tariffs on such dumped "terrible impact" and the situ- est in the world, giving the been reported as fraud where- "The borrowing account crore in the credit facilities to General of Trade Remedies industry has suffered material products to provide a level- ation remains volatile with the industry a long runway for in the bank was one of the con- was classified as Non- the company on account of (DGTR) had recommended injury due to the dumping. playing field to domestic man- trajectory of the coronavirus growth. "The complexity and sortium lenders during 2009 to Performing Asset on October diversion of funds. anti-dumping duty on elec- While DGTR recommends the ufacturers. The duty is imposed undetermined, according to volatility continue to rise. In the 2014 to Dewan Housing 30, 2019 and now, for misap- "In all the referred three tronic calculators from duty, the finance ministry will only after a thorough investi- HUL. last quarter of financial year Finance Corporation Ltd propriation & criminal breach non-performing accounts, nec- Malaysia. take the final call to impose the gation by a quasi-judicial body, While describing the cur- 2019-20, we have seen an (DHFL), Religare Finvest, of trust & diversion of funds in essary provisions have been "The anti-dumping duty same. Ajanta LLP had filed such as DGTR, in India. rent situation as "much more unprecedented global breakout Fedders Electric and the credit facilities extended made in full to be spread across imposed (USD 0.92 per the application for imposition The imposition of anti-dump- uncertain than normal", the of the COVID-19 pandemic Engineering Ltd and Leel earlier to the company, a fraud four quarters," it said. piece)...Shall be effective for a of anti-dumping duty on ing duty is permissible under FMCG major added that it is leading to a humanitarian cri- Electricals Ltd, Karnataka Bank amounting 180.13 crore has Fedders Electric and period of five years (unless imports from Malaysia. the World Trade Organization confident about its ability to sis, lockdown across many said in a regulatory filing on been reported to RBI," Engineering Limited was revoked, amended or super- Malaysia is a key trading (WTO) regime. India and manage the immediate crisis. countries and a significant eco- Friday. Karnataka Bank said. reported as NPA in July 2018 seded earlier)," the department partner of India in the Malaysia are members of this "The situation remains volatile nomic fallout," it said, adding, The maximum is owed by Likewise, Religare Finvest by a member bank in consor- of revenue has said in a notifi- Southeast Asian region. Geneva-based multi-lateral with the trajectory of the virus "In India, the economic impact DHFL at 180.13 crore, fol- Ltd (RFL) was dealing with the tium, subsequent to which cation. The bilateral trade between body. The duty is aimed at undetermined, evolving hot of COVID-19 is trickling in on lowed by Religare Finvest  bank since 2014, availing var- Karnataka Bank reported fraud In its findings of the probe, the countries increased to USD ensuring fair trading practices spot geographies, the success of the backdrop of an already 43.44 crore, Fedders Electric  ious credit facilities. of Rs 41.30 crore on account of the DGTR had concluded that 17.25 billion in 2018-19 from and creating a level-playing containment measures uncer- challenging macro-economic 41.30 crore and Leel Electricals Following classification of fund diversion. The the product has been export- USD 14.71 billion in 2017-18. field for domestic producers tain, the severity and duration environment." 20.65 crore. this account as non-perform- account has already been fully ed to India from Malaysia In international trade parlance, vis-a-vis foreign producers and of resulting economic crisis and Mehta said various con- "DHFL (defaulted entity) ing in October 2019 by a con- provided for, it added. below its associated normal dumping happens when a exporters. the extent of structural damage tainment measures and the unknown," HUL Chairman nationwide lockdown from and Managing Director Sanjiv March 25 caused disruptions   %'C 8%6* Mehta said in his address to across the company’s value # (    %  %' shareholders in the company’s chain. "We continue to work annual report for 2019-20. closely with the government at "There are many different levels, prioritise key 4.)%)!", ")7"))7%" Amul brand of food products you still want to view it?" was security step, the account unknowns today and hence, SKUs, make planning cycles - found its Twitter account displayed. regains full access, the state- the near-term outlook is more agile and create flexible !4,.49& $4,#4$)$ 947))P774%, blocked on June 4 evening. The Twitter did not link the ment added. extremely uncertain," he added. alternatives. account was restored on June account restriction to the "To protect the accounts, Though the coronavirus This is helping us reboot )4)$ 5. advertisement. we routinely require them to and containment efforts have our supply lines to a large 99.#4=##", Some sought to link the "Safety and security of the clear this security key for login resulted in supply and demand extent," he added. Mehta said blockage to Amul advertising accounts is a key priority for us verification," the spokesper- disruptions, leading to a sharp- 2019-20 witnessed a challeng-      19 pandemic. "Aarogya Setu       for use of its Make in India and to ensure an account has son said. Amul Managing er growth deceleration, ing business environment with one of the top 10 downloaded products and boycott Chinese not been compromised some- Director RS Sodhi said the Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) lower GDP growth and slow- arogya Setu, a Govt app mobile apps globally since he Twitter account of Amul products. times we require the account company’s Twitter account was is confident about medium to down in consumption, which Adeveloped for tracking launch, second month in run- Twas briefly blocked, spark- Amul had posted ‘Exit the owner to complete a simple blocked on the night of June 4, long-term growth prospects of resulted in a weakening con- COVID-19 patients, retained ning. India has led the way in ing public outrage, but the Dragon’ tweet on June 3 after- reCAPTCHA process. and restored on June 5 morn- the sector. sumer sentiment and lower its position as one of the top 10 effectively leveraging technol- social networking and noon and its account went These challenges are sim- ing when the issue was taken "Despite the near-term demand for the categories in downloaded mobile apps in the ogy to combat the COVID-19 microblogging firm on down on June 4 evening. ple for authentic account own- up with Twitter. ambiguity, we remain confident which HUL operates. world in May, NITI Aayog pandemic," Kant said in a Saturday said the account was On accessing the account, ers to solve, but difficult (or "Our Twitter account was of the medium to long-term For FY20, HUL’s net prof- CEO Amitabh Kant said on tweet. Prime Minister restricted after being caught in a message saying "This account costly) for spammy or mali- blocked on the night of June 4 growth prospects of the FMCG it was up 11.48 per cent at Saturday. The Centre has Narendra Modi in his address the platform’s security process- is temporarily restricted. You’re cious account owners to com- and restored on June 5 morn- sector," HUL said, adding its 6,756 crore, compared to  made the app mandatory for to the nation on April 14 es. Gujarat Cooperative Milk seeing this warning because plete," a Twitter spokesperson ing when we again took up the strong portfolio of trusted 6,060 crore in the previous year. government employees to bol- appealed to people to down- Marketing Federation there has been some unusual said in an emailed statement. process of reactivation with brands and capable teams is Sales stood at 39,136 crore, ster efforts to fight the COVID- load the app. (GCMMF) - which makes activity from this account. Do Once the account clears this Twitter," he said. built to survive times like these. marginally up 1.44 per cent. -  +             /   6!    + R2   $          !        / /  starting from 6 am. All of trade between India and Bangladesh-bound vehicles Bangladesh.        xports to Bangladesh are set stranded in and around the The trade through this <=   >?@ Eto resume through West Petrapole check post, around land port, the largest facility on Bengal’s Petrapole land port 80-km from , will be the Indo-Bangla border, was      procedure for opening food      after traders agreed to create a cleared by June 14, he said. The stopped on May 2 after two establishments," Paytm said in pool of local drivers, who will local administration also asked days of operation, following igital payments major a statement. tate-owned Canara Bank on deliver consignments to the traders to be ready with anoth- protests by local people who DPaytm on Saturday said it It added that it has reached SSaturday announced reduc- neighbouring country and stay er pool of 50 drivers outside the were afraid that truck drivers has approached 10 State out to 10 State Govts and plans tion in its repo-linked lending in isolation after returning, an ICP area for any exigency."A and labourers might spread Governments to promote con- to approach all states over the rate (RLLR) by 40 basis points official said on Saturday. Days large number of trucks are coronavirus infection when tactless food ordering and next few days. The company (bps) to 6.90 per cent. after a similar mechanism was stranded near the border due to they return from Benapole. payments, and to make these a had earlier stated that it aimed Meanwhile, the Bengaluru- introduced at Mahadipur land the lockdown. Exports through Meanwhile, Mahadipur part of the standard operating to onboard over one lakh based bank also slashed its port in Malda district, this Petrapole check post will Exporters’ Association secre- procedures for re-opening restaurants for the solution in marginal cost of fund-based arrangement at Petrapole inte- resume on Sunday. We have tary Prasenjit Ghosh claimed dine-in restaurants and take- phase one. Paytm said it has lending rate (MCLR) by 20 grated check post in Bongaon agreed to follow the instruc- that around 70-80 trucks are away joints. In April, Paytm already partnered thousands of basis points across various area will start from Sunday, he tions given by the administra- currently operating as a pool of had said it has developed a restaurants for the solution, but tenors. said. tion," an official of exporters’ 50 drivers are working to deliv- 'contactless in-store ordering' did not provide exact details. The revised lending rates A pool of 100 local truck body FIEO told PTI. er consignments to Bangladesh. solution - 'Scan to Order' - to "We strongly believe that will be effective from June 7, drivers will only be allowed to Federation of Indian Usually, over 300 vehicles help restaurants and eateries our contactless food ordering Canara Bank said in a state- go up to 500 metres within Exports Organisations region- used to operate through the minimise physical contacts for solution would not only help ment. All new retail loans Bangladesh port area, and will al chairman (east) Sushil Mahadipur land port before menu, billing and cash trans- establishments get back to busi- (housing, education, vehicle), return after unloading goods, Patwari said exporters are not COVID-19 outbreak. actions after these businesses ness but also save lives as the credit to MSMEs are linked to the official said, adding that sure whether this arrangement Apart from Petrapole and open after the lockdown. core idea of this innovative RLLR. Many banks have they need not move anywhere will continue, following clear- Mahadipur, the trade between "With the Government fur- product is based on maintain- passed on the benefit of reduc- else in the neighbouring coun- ance of the stranded trucks by the two countries takes place ther easing lockdown norms ing social distancing and din- tion in 40 bps in repo rate try. "The drivers, who will June 14. through several land ports and opening malls, restaurants ing out the smarter safer way," announced by the Reserve enter Bangladesh, will stay in Everyday, around 550 to such as Changrabandha in in non-contaminated zones, Paytm Vice President Nikhil Bank of India in May through the integrated check post (ICP) 600 trucks laden with various Cooch Behar, Fulbari in the company is having Saigal said. Paytm has devel- cuts in their RLLR. Recently, area after their return and will goods go to Benapole, located Jalpaiguri, Hilli in South advanced discussions with oped a QR code that is dis- some lenders, including Punjab not go outside the land port," on the other side of the border, Dinajpur, Ghojadanga in North multiple state governments played at partner restaurants National Bank, Bank of India he said. The trade will be through Petrapole land port 24-Parganas district, among urging them to make contact- that users can scan from the and UCO Bank, slashed their allowed for 12 hours daily, that accounts for the majority others. less QR-based food ordering Paytm app to browse the menu lending rates linked to repo rate part of the standard operating and place orders. by 40 bps. ?/>  $  !   4::0 (!0 

     Ammonium Bi-Carbonate for urea as per Modified New bakery products and tanneries. Pricing Scheme III which was espite COVID-19 crisis, Methyl Amines is used in long awaited, it added. Dstate-owned Rashtriya pesticides, dyestuff, and phar- Chemicals Fertilisers (RCF) maceuticals, while Dilute Nitric has crossed 100 crore sales- Acid in jewellery and propel- mark in its industrial products lant and Formic Acid is used in in the first two months of the the rubber and leather indus- current fiscal, the Fertiliser try. Di-Methyl Formamide - as Ministry said on Saturday. solvent for fibres, spandex, "The company’s operations polyamides. In the statement, have been running successful- the Ministry said that RCF ly. In the ongoing current standalone net profit rose by 49 COVID-19 pandemic, the per cent to 208.15 crore in company is fully geared-up to 2019-20 fiscal from 139.17 face the upcoming challenges crore in the previous year. and ready to capitalise on the The revenue from opera- opportunities coming its way," tions rose 9 per cent to 9,698 the ministry said. The RCF’s crore in the 2019-20, the high- major industrial products are est since inception. Ammonia, Ammonium "Despite various challenges Nitrate, Ammonium Bi-car- being faced by the company, bonate, Methyl Amines, Nitric the financial performance for Acid, Dilute Nitric Acid, the current year has been bet- Argon, Formic Acid, Di- ter as compared to previous Methyl Formamide, Di-Methyl year," it said. Acetamide and Sodium Nitrate. Fertiliser industry got some For instance Ammonia is used relief as the Govt approved vin- as a refrigerant for nitriding of tage allowance of 150 per steel, rocket fuel and pharma- tonne to certain plants (which ceuticals, while that of were 30 years old plus con- Ammonium Nitrate in explo- verted to gas) and additional sives for coal mining and fixed cost of 350 per tonne of )'# (!#'* ,!#12323  8    

Berlin: Thousands of people rallied in Australia and Europe &     7+  to honour George Floyd and to voice support on Saturday for   "   what is becoming an interna-     !     tional Black Lives Matter Buffalo (US): Two Buffalo approaching a line of helmeted movement, as a worldwide  / neck holds, and require any police officers were charged officers holding batons as they wave of solidarity with protests     member of the police depart- with assault Saturday, prosecu- clear demonstrators from over the death of a black man ment to immediately report tors said, after a video showed Niagara Square around the time in Minneapolis highlights racial he Minneapolis City any unauthorized use of force them shoving a 75-year-old of an 8 p.M. Curfew. discrimination outside the TCouncil on Friday voted to by an officer. protester in recent demonstra- Two officers push Gugino United States. end use of chokeholds and “Black, Indigenous, and tions over the death of George backward, and he hits his head Demonstrators in Paris neck restraints like that used by communities of color have suf- Floyd in Minnesota. on the pavement. Blood spills as tried to gather in front of the a white police officer who fered generational pain and Both pleaded not guilty to officers walk past. One officer U.S. Embassy in Paris, defying pressed his knee into the neck trauma as a result of systemic second-degree assault. They leans down to check on the restrictions imposed by author- of unarmed black man George and institutional racism and were released without bail. injured man before another ities because of the coron- Floyd on May 25, sparking long-standing problems in The officers had been sus- officer urges the colleague to avirus pandemic. They were coast-to-coast protests. policing,” said the proposed pended without pay Friday after keep walking. met by riot police who turned In California, Governor order which the council a TV crew captured the con- Dozens of police officers people on their way to the Gavin Newsom said he would approved unanimously. frontation the night before near stepped down from the depart- embassy, which French securi- end state police training in San Diego County in the end of protests. ment’s crowd control unit ty forces sealed off behind an carotid restraints similar to California this week also The footage shows a man Friday, in response to their fel- imposing ring of metal barri- the technique used on Floyd by banned the carotid restraint, in identified as Martin Gugino low officers’ suspensions. AP ers and road blocks. former Minneapolis officer which an officer blocks the flow “You can fine me 10,000 or Derek Chauvin while three of blood to a detainee’s brain, 20,000 times, the revolt will officers stood by and watched leading to unconsciousness. happen anyway,” Egountchi "  !    6! '  &    '  /  " as Floyd died after pleading for Newsom said he supports Behanzin, a founder of the his life. legislation to ban use of the Black African Defense League, for too long.” their rules and everybody is Up to 1,000 protesters had The Minneapolis police technique in local police told officers who stopped him The British government staying away,” Carper said. already gathered in the Town fired all four officers, and they departments throughout to check his ID documents urged people not to gather in “But I need to be here because Hall area of downtown Sydney have been charged with mur- California. before he got close to the diplo- large numbers and police have the government is the prob- ahead of the decision. Floyd, der. The incident has commu- “At the end of the day the matic building. “It is because of warned that mass demonstra- lem. The government needs to a black man, died in handcuffs nities across the United States carotid hold is literally designed you that we are here.” tions could be unlawful. In change.” In Sydney, protesters on May 25 while a reconsidering use of such to stop people’s blood from Pamela Carper, who joined England, for example, gather- won a last-minute appeal Minneapolis police officer restraints. flowing into their brain,” an afternoon protest at ings of more than six people are against a Friday ruling declar- pressed a knee on his neck The Minneapolis decision Newsom said. “That has no London’s Parliament Square not permitted. ing their rally unauthorised. even after he pleaded for air came in response to a place any longer.” that headed towards the U.K. Carper said the coron- The New South Wales Court and stopped moving. Minnesota state human rights Many police departments Home Office, which oversees avirus had “no relevance” to her of Appeal gave the green light His death has struck a complaint against the city. In a have ended the use of so- the country’s police, said she attendance and noted that she just 12 minutes before the chord with minorities protest- proposed court order that must called chokeholds, which put was demonstrating to show had a mask on. rally was scheduled to start, ing discrimination elsewhere, be approved by a judge, the pressure on a detainee’s wind- “solidarity for the people of “I am showing the gov- meaning those taking part including deaths of indigenous Minneapolis City Council said pipe, but have still allowed America who have suffered ernment that I am heeding to could not be arrested. Australians in custody. AP it would ban all chokeholds and carotid restraints.          ' 0  " :  ,"  *        !        ("  (      !     Taipei (Taiwan): Voters in the their government to the island contacts with China’s ruling Taiwanese port city of after Mao Zedong’s Communist Party and lost in Kaohsiung on Saturday ousted Communists swept to power in January’s presidential election  / the Taliban had carried out the Beirut: Lebanese riot police Semarang: An Indonesian their mayor, whose failed bid mainland China in 1949. to DPP incumbent Tsai Ing- attacks, although no one imme- fired tear gas at protesters in army helicopter crashed on for the presidency on behalf of The party’s continued asso- wen by a whopping 57% to wo separate militant attacks diately claimed responsibility. central Beirut on Saturday, the main island of Java on the China-friendly Nationalist ciation with China’s demand for 38%, with a third-party candi- Tkilled 14 Afghan security The Taliban on Saturday after a planned anti-govern- Saturday, killing four of the Party earlier this year brought eventual unification between date taking the remaining per- personnel on Saturday in the claimed an attack a day earlier ment demonstration quickly nine people on board, officials widespread disapproval among the sides has continuously hurt centage. Strong Taiwanese dis- northeastern Badakhshan that killed 10 policemen in the degenerated into rioting and said. residents. it at the polls, but a failure to gen- approval of the heavy crack- province and the capital of southern Zabul province. stone-throwing confrontations The Russian-made MI17 The number of votes to erate popular candidates has also down on pro-democracy pro- Kabul, officials said. Afghan government officials between opposing camps. helicopter was carrying nine recall Han Kuo-yu far exceed- resulted in recent major defeats. testers in the semi-autonomous A roadside bomb killed 11 said the Taliban ambushed an A few thousand demon- soldiers on a training mission ed the 574,996 needed to The measure to remove Chinese territory of Hong security force members in Afghan police convoy on strators had gathered in Martyrs’ when it went down and burst remove him. Han accepted the Han needed the support of 25 Kong and questions about how Badakhshan when it tore Friday after setting off a road- Square hoping to reboot nation- into flames in Central Java until it crashed with a very loud result in a statement to sup- per cent of the city’s more Han had acquired expensive through a security vehicle side bomb. wide protests that began late last province’s Kendal district about sound,” Eka, a witness, was porters and media after the than 2 million eligible voters. properties on his modest civil responding to attacks on check- US forces had carried out year amid an unprecedented an hour after taking off from quoted as saying by Kompas threshold was passed. Just over 22,000 voted to servant’s salary also helped points in Khash district. two sets of airstrikes Friday economic and financial crisis. the provincial capital, TV. “Two passengers escaped But he blamed the media in oppose his recall. Han won a Tsai to the landslide win. Sanaullah Rohani, against the Taliban in western But tensions and divisions Semarang, said army before it crashed, and after that part for the result, saying he surprise victory in 2018 in China has shunned Tsai spokesman for Badakhshan’s and southern Afghanistan. among protesters over the goals spokesman Brig. Gen. Nefra there were three or four explo- had been subjected to “constant what had long been a strong- since shortly after her 2016 provincial police chief, said a These were the first U.S. Strikes of the demonstration quickly Firdaus. sions.” Indonesia, a sprawling smears, rumours and attacks.” hold of the ruling Democratic inauguration, shutting the local commander was among following a brief cease-fire became apparent as groups of In addition to the four archipelago nation of about 270 He has one week to leave office, Progressive Party, which rejects already diplomatically isolated the dead, and that four mili- declared by the insurgents for protesters faced off, with the who were killed, five others million people, has been unless he decides to appeal. China’s demand that it recog- island out of international tants were killed in the fighting. a major Muslim holiday last army standing between them. were hospitalized with serious plagued by transportation acci- The success of the recall nize Taiwan as a part of China. forums and stepping up its An hour-long gunbattle month. Scattered groups of protesters injuries after managing to dents in recent years, including vote — Taiwan’s first — was His decision to take a leave threat to conquer the island by also erupted in Kabul’s Gul Since the signing of a US- arrived in the capital’s down- escape the wreckage, Firdaus plane crashes and ferry sink- hailed by commentators as the of absence to seek the presi- military force. She has, how- Dara district when insurgents Taliban peace agreement at the town area, only some of them said in a statement. ings. latest sign of politicians being dency just months after taking ever, received strong support attacked a police checkpoint, end of February, U.S. Forces wearing masks and face shields The cause of the crash was The military, which suffers held accountable in the island’s office drew heavy criticism from the Trump administration killing three police officers, have only once before to protect against the spread of not immediately known. from low funding, has also reg- robust democracy. and a petition campaign was amid sharply deteriorating rela- said Interior Ministry announced a strike against the coronavirus, in response to “The helicopter was flying ularly suffered airplane and It is also a further blow to launched to seek his recall. tions between Beijing and spokesman Tariq Arian. the Taliban, in defense of calls for a centralised protest to very low and getting lower helicopter crashes. AP the Nationalists, who moved Han was blasted for his Washington. AP Both Afghan officials said Afghan forces. press for demands. AP   < .9 8

%   44     &  A   / +    !      Seoul: South Korea reported 51 the situation with aggressive new cases of the coronavirus on tracking and testing. 0%@% *% ,$4,)")94)$     Saturday, mostly in the dense- But the recent resurgence ,)#& ,)7)46) 744,"%4,%$,) ly populated capital region, as of COVID-19 in the greater ",.#)F$".64)74%, Beijing: China has upgraded ed to have been poached in the seafood wholesale market in authorities scramble to stem capital area, where about half =4%."4#7)#4$ the protection of the pangolin, last decade, and 20 tonnes of Wuhan, the virus’ first epicen- transmissions among low- of South Korea’s 51 million 9  ).4),!), believed to be the intermediate pangolins and their parts are tre which was subsequently income workers who can’t people live, is now threatening %,)"#)$,),,7)$"!%#% host of the coronavirus, to that trafficked internationally every closed. afford to stay home. to erase some of the country’s 970.)4Q( E="##"4,4 of the first-class protected ani- year, according to the wildlife This weekend, China As of Saturday afternoon, hard-won gains. It has also led ,74)"%F=))$ mals on par with the endan- trade monitoring network announced to upgrade all at least 42 of the new cases were to second-guessing whether )74,4!E gered species like giant pandas. TRAFFIC. species of the pangolin from linked to door-to-door sellers officials were too quick to ease Pangolin meat is viewed as After initially suspecting second-class to first-class pro- hired by Richway, a Seoul- social distancing and reopen ='"$' +%")94)$" a delicacy in China and its the snake and the bat for the tected animals considering based health product provider. schools. )74,$F".)4,)F$$)4## scales are commonly used in COVID-19, Chinese scientists their rapidly decreasing num- Vice Health Minister Kim At least 130 infections have South Korea has now con- Health authorities and hos- 64!3CF&)),) traditional Chinese medicines believe that the pangolin may bers due to overhunting and Gang-lip said the spread of the also been linked to a massive firmed 11,719 cases, including pital officials on Friday partic- ,%!=)46,)744,"% to promote lactation and cure be an intermediate host of the habitat destruction, state-run virus among Richway sellers warehouse operated by 273 deaths. ipated in a table-top exercise for ",6)7"4,)!",)$)$E impotence resulting in the mas- novel coronavirus to humans. Global Times reported on was particularly alarming as Coupang, a local e-commerce The country was reporting sharing hospital capacities ?%"#,6C*'6+))7)) sive poaching of the mammal. The contagion, which has Saturday. most of them are in their 60s giant, which has been accused around 500 new cases per day between Seoul and nearby cities 64%,$)$%. The pangolin is also turned into a pandemic result- Other first-class protected and 70s. He called for officials of failing to properly imple- in early March due to a massive and ensure swift transports of $47#44J%",)K"4 believed to be the world’s most ing in the worst global health animals include giant pandas, to strengthen their efforts to ment preventive measures and outbreak surrounding the patients so that a spike of cases "4%),"="4"7 trafficked mammal. About one crisis, was believed to have Tibetan antelopes and red- find and examine workplaces having employees work even southern city of Daegu, before in one area doesn’t overwhelm "4!7",K$"$,4)$%7) million pangolins are estimat- been spread from Huanan crowned cranes. PTI vulnerable to infections. when sick. officials managed to stabilize its hospital system. AP )"046),"#"4,4$) ,$47")$"#4,.) #),.4649"#",3CF &9"),E ),#" $&      R" 9%=#")$",)*4%,#)$" )6"",) 4)94$ 4,$47#44J%",)N3MO     % Geneva, Switzerland: The level virus transmission, “we a medical mask. non-medical fabric masks for masks were only one part of an 4%74!)643CF&64! World Health Organization advise that people aged 60 years As before, those caring for the general public, advising effective strategy to suppress ,"4,"$)",).)$)# Colombo: Sri Lanka is set to months. Friday changed its advice on or over, or those with underly- an infected person at home that they should consist of at the virus — and should not lure )!E welcome back foreign tourists “Further relaxation of long face masks amid the coron- ing conditions, should wear a should wear a medical mask least three layers of different people into a false sense of 8%*#5%6-& )9#O3CF& from August under strict mea- stay guests is currently under avirus pandemic, saying they medical mask in situations when in the same room; and material. The inner layer security. He said they were not 7)74)$ 4, sures to boost the tourism consideration, enabling tourist should be worn in places where where physical distancing is health workers should wear should be made of a water- a replacement for physical dis- %$6))74$,) sector that has been crippled to be granted five-year multi- the virus is widespread and not possible”, he added. medical masks plus protective absorbent material such as cot- tancing and hand hygiene. ",6)7"4,))$))7)$74 by the coronavirus pandemic, ple-entry visas with a maxi- physical distancing is difficult. But the UN health agency equipment when dealing with ton, the middle layer — which “Find, isolate, test and care )74%,"#))$)4## authorities said on Saturday. mum six-month stay,” Sri The use of masks has been stressed that facemasks alone suspected or confirmed acts as a filter — from a mate- for every case, and to trace and $%)4)744,"%.4,) Sri Lanka announced lock- Lanka Tourism Development a hot topic ever since the pan- “will not protect you from COVID-19 patients. rial like non-woven polypropy- quarantine every contact. That %94&774$",.4))# down in mid-March to contain Authority said. demic first emerged in China in COVID-19” — and people But in an update affecting lene, while the outer layer is what we know works. That is !","E the spread of the coronavirus. On COVID-19 measures, December. suffering with the virus should healthcare workers, the WHO should be a water-resistant every country’s best defence  /' @ ))@40) The severest impact was the authority said there won’t “In light of evolving evi- not be out in public if they can now recommends that in areas material such as polyester. against COVID-19.” "7=)),))9"7),)46 recorded in the tourism sector, be mandatory quarantine upon dence, WHO advises that gov- avoid it. with widespread virus trans- The WHO’s emergencies The novel coronavirus has )3CF&9,$)!"7",) with a drop of tourist arrivals arrival unless symptoms are ernments should encourage the The WHO maintained its mission, all people working in director Michael Ryan stressed infected at least 6.7 million )74$)$)#4) by over 70 per cent year-on- detected. general public to wear masks recommendation that people clinical sections of a health that putting on a fabric mask is people and killed more than ,%!=)46($),$  year in March. All travellers would be sub- where there is widespread trans- who are sick with COVID-19 facility should wear medical primarily about preventing the 390,000 since the outbreak 49"#""4,",7)) According to new guide- ject to PCR (Polymerase Chain mission and physical distancing symptoms should stay at home masks -- not just those dealing wearer from possibly infecting first emerged in China last 9,$)!"7=)., 4),4 lines, all travellers will be Reaction) tests at the airport. is difficult,” said WHO chief and if it is absolutely necessary with patients with COVID-19. others, rather than self-protec- December, according to a tally ,$)3%4!4"$E issued a visa valid for 30 days The PCR tests reports are to be Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. for them or their contacts to The WHO also issued new tion. “It’s an altruistic act,” he from official sources com- and extendable up to six released in 4-6 hours. PTI In areas with community- leave home, they should wear guidance on the composition of said. And Tedros stressed that piled by AFP. AFP )'# (!#'* ,!#12323   9 ,  +( B#"70;"$)74!)64!.4#$4,4=))F#) ))0%),(FP )"9".#"9%9.", FIGURATIVELY +4=) ),$40"74)$ .4# ",",.#)%,$)#".)4,64"$ 0>"!)N#4 &'F&,$ &F& OK )$ )##)")4,#4)9#)",)74!9)""4,; "44$44!4),4,7)N6")"!)O 4!)##)")6"9#)", 7> %49);496")#).%)4)7 #).%)"",",.#))4,",7) /)",)%,)64C6 4#6=%.", &(F&' O"      6) 7)),%,"7) />74)$ .4#E)%,$)#".)74$         ,"B#"707)#)=)),$.4#46" )!"," %,$)#".!7 87!,.)64),%,"7E44) 8  P  B 747",%,$)#"."4)),!,.4# ","6" !7)      games against Uzbekistan and )4, 4)046),%,"774)"' Vietnam — both of whom are .4#","%,$)#".)4,K ##46)!", he Indian women’s football ranked higher. 1))74,$#646))4, Tteam members are delight- Captain Ashalata Devi, who & ),$($B#4","46 ed at the prospect of playing the was among the three nominees ) ))0%),=)74!)) AFC Women’s Asian Cup 2022 for the AFC Women’s Player of .?4%,.)9#)",)),")"446) finals in front of home fans and the Year 2019, said that getting %,$)#".474).4# feel the event can do wonders to play in the Asian Cup will be for the development of the a ‘dream come true’ moment. game in the country. “I would like to thank the Chelsea-bound Leipzig striker Timo Werner India will host the AFC AIFF and Women’s Committee set up Patrik Schick on 27 minutes to give Leipzig Women’s Asian Cup 2022 finals, as they made a lot of efforts to the lead, but they were forced to defend it with continent’s biggest tournament bring the tournament to India. 10 men after Dayot Upamecano was booked twice for the first time since 1979. It’s a huge step for us and the in the first half. “I am very excited that a entire continent’s eyes will be on Strohdiek’s last-minute strike gave Paderborn tournament of this magnitude us,” the centre-back said. .  ' !     6  &    B   6     6  '  !   6"   /  " their fourth draw in five games, though Steffen will take place in India and I She also highlighted the Baumgart’s side remain eight points off Fortuna thank the AIFF for bringing the importance of the tournament   +  Lewandowski netted in the the line against the champions. with a well-placed header after the Duesseldorf who occupy the relegation play-off Asian Cup to our country. We to her and the players. second half as Bayern established The Argentine delivered after break, reaching the 30-goal mark place. Duesseldorf themselves missed the chance have one-and-a-half years to “Ever since I have been obert Lewandowski scored a 10-point lead over title rivals just nine minutes, beating the off- for only the second time in his to move towards safety, as they battled to a dra- prepare for it and I am sure that playing football, I have never his 30th league goal of the Borussia Dortmund, who later side trap after a throw-in to Bundesliga career, but there matic 2-2 draw against 10-man Hoffenheim. we will put on a good show,” shown any of my matches to my Rseason on Saturday as Bayern host Hertha Berlin. slot the ball past Manuel was still time for 17-year-old A headed opener from Rouwen Hennings and head coach Maymol Rocky told mother. I was waiting for the Munich came from behind to The game also saw Bayern lend Neuer. Florian Wirtz to curl in a a red card for Hoffenheim’s Benjamin Huebner put AIFF website. right moment and now in 2022, claim a 4-2 victory at Bayer their support to protests over the A mistake from consolation goal for the home side in pole position, but the visitors “People are getting more I want my mother to come and Leverkusen and move a step clos- death of black American man Moussa Diaby allowed Leverkusen before the final struck back with goals from Munas Dabbur and and more aware of the progress watch me play against Asia’s best er to the Bundesliga title. George Floyd, with all their play- Coman to curl in the whistle. Steven Zuber before Hennings saved a point with made in women’s football in teams.” After Lucas Alario secured an ers wearing armbands bearing the equaliser, before a fizzing Elsewhere, a late equalis- a late penalty. India. Goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan early lead for the home side, slogan Black Lives Matter. shot from Leon Goretzka and an er from Christian Strohdiek gave Uwe Roesler’s side remain three points adrift “The girls will get the feels it would be a “huge respon- Bayern struck twice in quick suc- With their talisman and elegant lob from Serge Gnabry saw bottom-of-the-table Paderborn a of survival, after goals from Moussa Niakhate and opportunity to play against the sibility” to live up to the expec- cession just before half-time to turn Bayern transfer target Kai Havertz Bayern take a two-goal lead before faint glimmer of hope in the race Pierre Kunde Malong gave fellow strugglers top countries in Asia and fans tations of fans in the tourna- the game in their favour after ruled out with a muscle injury, half-time. for survival, as they snatched a 1- Mainz a rare 2-0 win over local rivals Eintracht will get to see the best teams ment. Kingsley Coman’s equaliser. Leverkusen turned to Alario to lead Lewandowski finished the job 1 draw away to RB Leipzig. Frankfurt. such as Japan, Australia, Korea “It is an amazing opportu- and China Live in the stadium, nity for us to prove and show which will go a long way to our supporters why they should develop interest among young believe us when we say women’s '        O P ( /< ,/ girls and parents,” the coach team has the potential to play at added. the top level. The Indian side is current- “There is now a huge    ly ranked 55 in the world, hav- responsibility for us to put for-   , ing won the Gold medal in its ward the image that we want remier League stadiums will most recent outing at the South our supporters to have of Pbe divided into three zones  3  + a period when we have to rotate Asian Games 2019 and record- women’s football,” Chauhan when the season resumes quite often.” ing draws in away friendly said. behind closed doors on June 17, le Gunnar Solskjaer believes United are currently three West Ham vice-chairman Othe introduction of extra points adrift of a place in next Karren Brady said on Saturday. substitutions will be “welcome” season’s Champions League, and $4=)#")) / /       Clubs met on Thursday to when Manchester United Solskjaer said: “It does feel like discuss logistics and safety pro- resume their Premier League a new season but then again, the         tocols, with Brady saying stadi- “The amber zone will be ers, with a 15-minute limit for campaign later this month with first two games against +4,#$4"'", ums would be divided into restricted to the minimum pre-match talks by managers. action away to Tottenham Tottenham and Sheffield United   @ red, amber and green zones. number of staff required to “A new strict accreditation Hotspur on June 19. are vital for the league standings, ",",.G) ". “Red zone will be the meet contractual require- process will be developed, United face fellow European the table. IFA president Gianni most severely restricted ments for broadcasting, including an isolation room qualification hopefuls Sheffield “And it’s a short season, it’s  + FInfantino called on area, including the pitch, the media and club staff... should someone unfortunately United on June 24, with the only nine (league) games so Saturday for discussions over tunnel, technical areas, And anyone entering this develop symptoms of Covid-19 FA Cup quarter-final at can we get as many points uventus centre back Matthijs proposals to introduce salary changing rooms will be lim- area will be subject to a whilst within the stadium,” Norwich and league match at and good performances as Jde Ligt said that it is difficult and transfer fee caps to foot- ited to 105 people maxi- temperature check and a Brady added. Brighton following soon after- possible. “If we do get a good to believe that Cristiano Ronaldo ball in the wake of the coron- mum, to include players, health questionnaire. Television viewers will have wards. spell now, we could end is 35-years-old when one sees avirus pandemic. coaching staff, match officials “And the green zone is the access to 360 degree replays and With games coming up with some tro- him training. Calling the Last month, the German and all the essential staff only,” stadium exterior, eg car park- pre-match tunnel shots, while thick and fast, Premier phies and something Portuguese superstar as the best FA and Bayern Munich chair- Brady wrote in her Sun news- ing.” players’ shirts will feature the League clubs have to cheer about. striker of his generation, 20- man Karl-Heinz Rummenigge paper column. Players have been told they logo of Britain’s state-run agreed managers will The enforced year-old De Ligt said that urged industry talks about a “And only those who have must not shake hands, spit or National Health Service. be able to make up to suspension has Ronaldo is a huge example for salary cap and reforming the tested negative for Covid-19 in share drinks, while social dis- “So we are in good shape,” five substitutions per allowed the likes of younger players. transfer system to keep foot- the past five days can enter this tancing will be observed even Brady said. "We are ready. We match from an Paul Pogba and “I always try to improve the ball “credible”. area... in the dressing room and show- are raring to go.” expanded nine-strong Marcus Rashford to way I play by watching him “On the financial and gov- transparency and good gover- bench as a way of help- regain fitness follow- because even in training he has ernance aspects, I also heard nance principles, and not only ing sides cope with a ing ankle and back a crazy intensity and you won- some interesting proposals on limiting this to the transfer three-month backlog injuries respectively. der if he really is 35-years-old,” a wide range of topics,” system, but to the entire foot- of fixtures. But former United the Dutchman told Tuttosport. Infantino wrote in an open let- ball ecosystem. “I think that’s help- striker Solskjaer was cau- De Ligt was all praise for his ter to FIFA’s members. “FIFA is doing already a ful because footballers, tious about their Juventus squad, which he joined “From salary caps to trans- lot of work on this area, even after being out for so prospects of playing this year from Ajax. fer fee caps or other taxation if we face some strong vested long, going into compet- against Spurs. “We really have a good mechanisms, to the possible interests who fight against our itive games will be a challenge “Well, we hope every- team, a lot of good guys. The obligation for governing bod- plea for a better global gover- for them and we have to look body’s going to be ready most fun are the South ies, competition organisers nance in our sport.” after them injury-wise and fit- for the first game. Americans. Beside Ronaldo, I and clubs to build reserves or A recent study by account- ness-wise,” United manager “We’ve had time out was impressed by Paulo Dybala to contribute to a reserve fund ing firm KPMG said the trans- Solskjaer told the club’s website. so I don’t think we can and Rodrigo Bentancur: both which can be of assistance in fer value of players in 10 of “We can’t just flog one expect that those lads players with an amazing tech- hours of need such as now. Europe’s top leagues could '  &       3  player and say to them, ‘you who’ve missed lots of the nique. Rodrigo in particular is “I personally advocate for plummet by up to 10 billion /        play every game and every football can last the full underestimated, he will have a clearer and stricter financial euros due to the economic 1, (  )@        % :  minute’ because it might be game.” great future ahead of him.” regulations, imposing full crash caused by coronavirus. !   =      = ,  'Q8:84 $  (   + “The rules that they told us  + 3 said on Friday he was “disap- that we would have to respect to pointed” with the forward’s atti-  /@ orld number one Novak be there, to play at all, they are ario Balotelli’s ill-fated stint at tude. WDjokovic described the extreme.” Mhometown club Brescia “Mario is training separately igh-ranking Olympic strict hygiene restrictions under Djokovic, champion at the appears to be coming to because his team-mates have done Hofficial Pierre-Olivier which the US Open is likely to US Open in 2011, 2015 and an end, with local media work that he hasn’t,” Lopez told Beckers on Saturday made be played as “extreme” and a cap 2018, described planned limits reporting on Saturday Corriere della Sera. plain that the delayed Tokyo on support teams as “really on player entourages as “really his contract will be ter- “The (individual) training ses- Olympics “will be held in impossible” on Friday. impossible”. minated after repeated sions were optional, okay. But the 2021 or not at all”. As doubts grow over “We would not have access absences from training. group took one road and he took The Belgian was reiter- whether or not the Grand Slam to Manhattan, we would have to A letter notifying Balotelli of his another. On Zoom, during the ating the stance put forward event can go ahead as scheduled sleep in hotels at the airport, to release was sent to the Italy inter- quarantine, we didn’t see him. Even by Japan and International in New York, the epicentre of the be tested twice or three times per national by the club’s lawyers on if he says he feels good, he’s not at Olympic Committee chief such a project on the go for “We can’t envisage a coronavirus outbreak in the week. Friday, according to Sky Sport, the level of his team-mates.” Thomas Bach that next year any longer considering the similar upheaval a second United States, Djokovic admit- “Also, we could bring one Gazzetta dello Sport and the AGI was the last chance to hold enormous costs and all the time,” stressed the presi- ted the demands of organisers person to the club which is real- news agency. the Games postponed due thousands of people dent of Belgium’s Olympic could create severe strain. ly impossible. Balotelli has reportedly missed )")74,6"!'%="%"4, to the coronavirus pandem- involved.” Committee. “Just yesterday I had a tele- “I mean, you need your a number of sessions since Serie A = Serie A has announced that between the two game times, as ic. Beckers suggested it was According to Beckers a phone conversation with the coach, then a fitness trainer, then teams returned to training at the each team will have five substitu- well as, in the event of dispute of “Today everyone is sure “essential” that the tradition- final decision on Tokyo leaders of world tennis, there a physiotherapist. start of May. Players initially tions per game for the rest of the the extra time, a fourth interrup- that they will start on July al sporting calendar “will be taken in the spring were talks about the continua- “All their suggestions are worked out individually before season which begins on June 20 tion, in addition to those scheduled 23, 2021,” he told Belgian emerges from its Covid-19 if questions (over the glob- tion of the season, mostly about really rigorous but I can under- clearance was given for them to after the Covid-19 shutdown. between the end of regular time newspaper L’Av e n i r. lockdown before allowing al health crisis) persist.” the US Open due in late August, stand that due to financial rea- resume team training. According to the statement of and the start of the first extra peri- “We are convinced that major sporting events like He said he was opti- but it is not known whether it sons, due to already existing con- The 29-year-old said this week Italy football federation, each team od and between the first and sec- the Games will take place in the Olympics to be staged. mistic over the staging of will be held,” the 33-year-old tracts, organisers (want the event he had been sick and would send can make the substitutions using a ond extra time, only if at the end 2021 or they won’t take “All the sporting feder- the Games, rejecting any Serb told Prva TV television and to be) held. We will see what will the club medical certificates as maximum of three game interrup- of the regular time less than five place. ations have to adapt to the notion that it would be held quoted by Blic online daily. happen.” proof. Brescia coach Diego Lopez tions, in addition to the interval players have been replaced. IANS “It’s unthinkable to keep Games’ postponement. behind closed doors.      

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                  !  " !#"$%&%&&'  (        (    (    )          *      ,* WHAT DOES GAYGAYBEING GAY BOMBOM MEAN INBAY?BAY?

arge numbers of Asian men and women continue to live within the ‘traditional’ spaces for gender or sex difference and to understand them- selves and their lives in ‘pre-gay’ terms Lthat often relate more to the pre-industrial rural pasts of their societies than to the post modernizing urban present. However, there are also large numbers of men and women who are homosexually inclined people. Many deal with reacting against what they see as the historic the dilemma by marrying and then leading a constraint on homoeroticism in their respective Q  double life. societies and who are actively engaging in relo- For these married men, or soon to be mar- cating homoeroticism from the shadows and L),)=4406"7!)4%",494#4.=%,4",0"7,=))$ ried men, marriage did not indicate a change in the periphery, to the centre stage of their lives. #"7)46J%))"4E4%7,))",")7)9=)#4)),&).4 their sexual identity. They were clear that their (Jackson, 2000) !)!=)46).4%9))74,)",."$)4%,$J%)),),$,$",,),$ marriage was an obligation, but that their sexu- I encountered two opposing conceptions of al gratification would continue to rest with homosexuality among my interviewees. One )$))$"7%"4,#4,."$))4)"77""!99),",.",) men, even after marriage. There was very little version equated homosexuality with being gay; 74%,),,$#49)7%44)",))7"4,#J%))94*)7) sensitivity ex- pressed towards the feelings or this camp wished to assimilate and appropriate 64##4)$4)))E,)9)67)4"=440O,))$""4,0)J%)"4, desires of women in these worldviews. the term within the Indian context, recognizing Other respondents were avoiding marriage fully well the unique set of circumstances with- K0",$464#$)).4",.47))4.)),4)7"4, ".4,) and devising means to negotiate what was best in which this would take place. For them, social =%))).)"),7T4$4)6",$)74,,)7)$,)=))), for them. For some of these individuals, this interaction was the key to building a sense of ,".#"".$""".,$)".464)!",4""),$!4) meant coming out, for others it meant discreetly gay community in Bombay, but they recog- fighting for what they felt was important and nized that cutting across class and gender )$4.))T3,))74.,"))U=#70#")!)%..#)".4",. making creative compromises to attain their norms may be a problem within these kinds of 4,##4%,$)4#$"#474,,)7)$44%J%))%..#)T!.#$4)) goals. But for all respondents, there was a con- interactions. The other version of homosexuali- stant reflexivity- an acute consciousness of their ty I encountered questioned terms like gay and 4!,4%,.J%))94*)7",)74%,)=4%",))7"4,#"E ""$) thoughts and actions vis-a?-vis their sexuality. deemed them Western imports and negative !4,",7))#49))J%))!4)!),",4%74%,.#,")4%,$ Overall, I think that to be gay in Gay influences and preferred to use gay as just one )"!94,"%)46)).)") ,7)!)"$"$4%,$ E Bombay signifies being glocal; gayness here term, alongside indigenous terminology such stands for Indianized gayness. So, one might as kothi or functional terms like ‘MSM’. They )))4!,4)#,))$47,.)",6%%)E#44640)$,$ dance in a Western style disco anywhere else in were interested in social interaction across class "9"$)!4,",")##4%74%,O".7""),4*4",%J%))", the world, but one can only munch on a post- norms, an assimilation of the various LBGT 7)",.!4)",7#%"),$"4.))EM dance jalebi in India. My respondents wanted identities that exist in India and were also con- to selectively draw on a buffet of Indian and cerned with issues such as HIV/AIDS. western influences in conjuring their own thali Proponents of both these views used the gay of gayness! Most of them, even those who had Bombay newsgroup as well as real world events course of my research. Take the case of to meet someone like Nachiket, for example. access to the El Dorado of abroad, still wanted like parties and meetings as a battleground for C +  /  Harbhajan to whom being gay was ‘just sex, He was married with kids, had never had sex to configure their gay experiences within an their respective ideologies. The archive facility   @ @ over and out’ and who was also married to a with another man, but still described himself as Indian matrix. As Cholan said, hanging out in of the Gay Bombay newsgroup provides a fasci- @ B  woman who was aware of his sex- gay, because he imagined him- the Castro was not important, but coming back nating and rich look at their debates as they   $%P ual orientation. I observed him at self so. home and being with his father was. Even for have played out through the volatile posts over several GB events and he was an Many respondents felt the younger Gul, travelling to America opened the years. @  +   intrinsic part of the organizing that they were bound by the his eyes to Queer as Folk and gay strip bars, but However, this is not to suggest that these B+& committees for these. It was clear contract of silence and that he used the experience to be more confident in were the only two positions that my respon- @ E that he experienced his sexuality being discreet about their sex- India. dents adopted-as we have seen in Chapter 7, as something much more than uality was the pragmatic thing Gay Bombay is certainly inspired by there existed a variety of other stances that   3  ‘just sex’. He felt a part of the com- to do. Within this silent space, Western notions of what it means to be gay-its were sandwiched between and around these   + @ 3 munity and there was camaraderie they found society to be pretty dance parties, PFLAG style meets, website and two prominent takes on the nature of Indian @ +    between him and others. Or flexible and accommodating so on, have all drawn from Western experi- homosexuality. Many of these included recon-  +   Bhuvan, who clearly told me that with regard to their sexuality. ences; but they have been customized, glocal- ciliatory stances advocating a middle ground, he was not willing to shout out in Some, citing responsibilities ized and made uniquely Indian, uniquely Gay which echoed Shivananda Khan’s (2000) line of 3 @ 3 public about his sexuality. Two towards their parents, families Bombay. Thus, as I noted in Chapter 3, even reasoning that ‘to say gay is appropriate and  F3 '! years later, he was one of the lead and society, had either chosen though I talk about flows throughout this book, right. But at the same time to denigrate or deny  panelists at a CNN talk show, to get married, or were con- I do not want to diminish the agency of my other frameworks of identities and choices is openly discussing his life as a gay templating doing so in the respondents or their locatedness in Bombay not...’. man on television! near future. As Vanita (2001) itself. For Gay Bombay, as I have realized, place Let us stop seeing a debate that pits those For the gay identified respon- writes, this is typical in India does matter and this is true both offline and who work for gay rights and those who work in dents, being gay signified different — The parental family online, where even though it is a virtual world, preventing HIV/AIDS, among men who have things to each of them. For some remains a major locus of it is still a manifestation of Bombay and sex with men, against each other. Let us work gay just represented their sexual social and emotional interac- Indianness at large. together, whatever our own frameworks and desires, for others it was a political statement or tion for adults. There are few public places priorities and recognize that in a region of over a social identity. Many respondents felt that it where people can comfortably interact, so Excerpted with permission from Gay one billion people there is space for everyone to was a state of being or a way of life, while some friends are entertained at home and absorbed Bombay: Globalization, Love and (Be)longing in work out their destinies. (Khan, 2000) spoke of it as an emotional commitment to into the family or turned into fictive kin. The Contemporary India (Special Anniversary Indeed I find it difficult to look at things in other men. For all of them, the common ele- family is also the only form of social security Edition), by Parmesh Shahani — Vice President black or white after my experiences in the field. ment about being gay was the imagination of and old age insurance available to most people. at Godrej Industries Ltd., SAGE Select, 595; What people said often contradicted with what themselves as gay, in whatever way they wished This means that heterosexual marriage and Ebook (Kindle Edition): 435. The book is also they did and people’s views changed over the to articulate this imagination. It was fascinating parenthood hold many attractions even for available on KOBO and Google Play      C +BB3  B @   +   @  @ yvixi€ari€  3 33  K  /  

4 $$),($!(    + / )##,$4.))467).#4=#9,$)!"7"""!)4)6#)7"", '   ,$)!=7)##%!,"4,)") +1 +     love and tolerance towards people, or do they perpetrate more prejudice and discrimination? At every opportunity, we should inspire the people with whom we work to make decisions and take actions that promote peace and unity.       One of the most effective meth- ods to make human unity a living reality in our own hearts is through meditation. Spending time daily in silent meditation helps us commune s the entire humanity reels under the pandemic impact with our true self and the divine an important question crops up. Do we give public Power that created us. Ahealth the same kind of priority that Defence gets? Those moments are filled with In all probability, no. The global obsession with war prepared- bliss, peace and love. As we enter the ness is rather an ancient phenomenon that indicates our inse- inner sanctum of our hearts, we find curity and inclination to be ready to repel any attack from that there is Light within us. an enemy known or unknown. Even a cursory review of That Light is the Light of the human history since the ancient times would reveal that wars Creator. The realisation dawns on us have killed millions causing wide spread devastation. The that the same Light that is within us economic, social and psychological costs of war have been is in all other human beings. We start huge in enormity and wide in scale. But, so also have proved to recognise that Light within others. the epidemics, in their impact on human history. If we take Then the outer differences that sep- into account the disruption and death caused by epidemics arate us start to dissolve. We see one it could be more than what wars have done. Why, then, have Light expressed by many different the epidemics been not accorded the same priority that wars outer coverings, each beautiful in its get? Why our preparedness against epidemics does not reflect own way. We start to see all life as the same degree of concern? These questions may not be easy one. to answer as many would compare the budgets that are ear- When we begin to have love for marked for defence and health. It is true that on this count all, a transformation occurs within many nations do show a tilt in favour of health. Nonetheless, us. Our behaviour towards others there are some nations who are found wanting on this count changes. We become nonviolent in all as they put more money for defence than public health. But our dealings. We begin to have that, notwithstanding, budgetary allocation as a percentage understanding and compassion of health is not the issue. That epidemics strike and disrupt towards the idiosyncrasies and habits irrespective of budgets is just one side of the story. The other of others. We stop criticising people and more important one is that preparedness is much more in our minds. First, we realise that than mere allocation of funds. How much effort and plan- they are bound by the shrouds of ning goes in defence and how much in health is what makes ignorance and illusion of this world. the difference. So, despite allocating much more budget for We know that deep within them is health than defence, the US was in no less precarious posi- the soul, a part of God, that it is only tion than Saudi Arabia and several others that had marked their mind and their state of spiritu- more funds for defence. This is the issue that needs to be al ignorance that causes them to resolved. But before that one important assertion. In many behave the way they do. Secondly, we cases war and epidemic connection can also be seen if we are so steeped in God’s love and the take a closer look at many past major epidemics. Of course, ur world is in need of our hearts are clear of any hatred and negative thoughts towards others. bliss which permeates us that we do there may be a few other variables, too, that would need to human unity. We are prejudice for others who we think are not want to be distracted from that be examined, but some moderate degree of correlation can connected to each other different from us. We must develop   rapturous state by petty thoughts of be found. The other significant pointer is the fact that epi- through the silken thread true love in our hearts for all people. Next, we live human unity by others. demics have played more havoc at commercial hubs. All these of love, and that is the We must eliminate prejudice and dis-   C +@ making sure our words express Criticising others in our thoughts factors need to be examined by the big data analysts who coreO of human existence. In our crimination from our heart and our appreciation and tolerance for all only pulls us away from the state of are busy finding out how many are going to die, when and homes, families, societies and cities, mind. It is said that out of the abun- +  @ people. We need to watch our words happiness that union with God where. To begin with the first lesson that governments all there is a need to come together and dance of our heart we speak.  + lest we injure any heart. Do our brings. Since our thoughts will be over the globe have to learn is that like equipping military embrace each other in the spirit of If we feel hatred towards any words cause division or do they bring filled with divine love of God, our to defend the borders, they need to equip the doctors and love, tolerance and oneness. Doing so group, we cannot hide it for long; it      people together? Loving, caring words will become sweet and loving. nurses to defend public health. Had there been a well oiled can help bring about peace in our is bound to come out from our lips  +/ words that make people feel comfort- We will not say anything unkind to health machinery and a battle ready health army, many deci- homes, our neighbourhoods, our or show on our face. Our actions will able bring people together. We need anyone. People who come within our sions that proved costly and painful could have been avoid- communities and in the world at large. speak even louder than our words. /  3 to become living examples of sweet sphere will find only words love and ed. There is one more requirement. We must revive the idea How do we live human unity? It Thus, living human unity begins with  / 3  and loving speech. kindness. We will become sensitive of barefoot doctors, the concept that proved useful in the is not enough to tell others to prac- clearing our hearts of any animosi- to the hearts of others and will wish past but went out of practice. The paramedical personnel is tice unity and peace; we must live it ty towards others.  +    them no harm. Finally, we will never a medically trained force, like the para military forces, that ourselves if we want our words to be When we clean the chamber of  3   @ Every day we are faced with do anything to physically harm any- must be reared and trained for such exigencies. Nevertheless, effective. Here are some ways that our heart from any prejudice and ill choices. Are we going to take action one. We will not become violent with this is not the last time that a pandemic has struck nations. have proven effective in making will for others, then God can reside that tears people apart or action that anyone. We will even have regard for Let good sense prevail so that we not only learn but prac- unity a reality: there. God is love. God is all-encom- brings people together? In our jobs, the life of animals. When this hap- tice the age old lesson that prevention is better than cure. passing and embraces all creation as we often have to work on committees pens, we will be truly living human And much less costly. Health is wealth, literally.   one family. That love will enter our or make decisions on policy. Do our unity in our own lives.  !                The first step is to make sure that heart when we keep it clear of any voices promote policies that show :            ! ? -        !?D?  -./012   3  )%,")))7)77)9,7)46##")!=4$")3+@ )"$)",)$P)7%)"%,"!94,1 / + +C 3 )))#),",.469#,)",),7"),7"),7) )%.)9)49#)40)7)46)!)#)",)$46#"",.",6) ardly anyone can claim that the ne form of Lord Shiva is threat of Corona is not affecting Ardhanarishvara, one form of Lord Hthem, especially since the most OVishnu is also Mohini, In the advanced nations with the best medical Mahabharata, Lord Krishna transformed facilities are the worst hit. Affect it into a woman named Mohini and married should but not terrorise as it is happen- Iravan for one night. In the Mahabharata, ing in many cases. Why? I’ll explain. Arjuna took the form of Brihannala, when This creation is God’s own; He is the during their exile, Arjuna used to dress like controller. It is His responsibility that the a woman and teach dance to Uttara. world functions properly. It appears to Shikhandi gender change is probably an me, rather I am reasonably sure that the example of reassignment. In Konark Sun Lord has decided that the humanity has Temple, statues depicting homosexual rela- abandoned its responsibilities towards tionships can also be seen. Impotence, one another, climate, etc. Therefore, homosexuality is an issue that has existed God had to act and He did in a very since the early period of human civilisation. decisive way. Only God can bring Let’s understand this mystery from the about the changes in the way we live. eyes of Indian Vedic astrologers What does God want? What has According to Indian astrology, there is Him so upset? We, human beings, have maintain your distance such that any proper perspective. No one is dying also a gender difference in the Navagraha. been given free will for proper use. And discharge from another person cannot because of Corona; people are dying The planets are also divided on the basis of tent. In a chart, the seventh, eighth, and them, thus it is noted that gay people are what have we done? A lot many of us, reach you, you should be safe, as safe as because it’s their turn to die. Death is gender. The gender of the king of the plan- twelfth houses of the horoscope are associ- proficient in various arts and sciences. who are reasonably well off have shown one can be. And, it is time to turn to destined; the cause is unimportant. Life ets, Sun, is male. The Moon is called the ated with sexual organs. Moreover, the Saptamesh (7th house) of the blatant disregard for others, climate etc. God, who alone can give the feeling of span of everyone is unrelated to any cur- queen of planets and is considered a female. Marriage is the most important sacra- horoscope, Mars, and Venus signify the per- They are so much engrossed in unlim- security, because He is the controller. rent event. It is fixed at the time of birth Commander Mars is a male planet. ment of human life. In Hindu culture, the son’s sexual desire, as well as the Dwadash ited sense gratification that no bar is too And as stated earlier, this will end when itself. Number of deaths due to Corona Devguru Jupiter is also considered male. tradition of matching horoscopes of a bride Bhav (12th house) denotes that how much low for them. In spite of a very active the Lord inspires a scientist or a group is a number only, and it should not scare Daityaguru Venus has been given the title of and groom is prevalent even today. In this, physical pleasure a person will get. Moon protest by climate activists, mostly of them in finding a vaccine for it as well anyone. Do you know that deaths due a woman. The prince of the planets the decisions are made on the basis of position reflects your mindset. Whereas young who are rightfully protesting, as drugs to cure this dreaded virus. Till to road accidents in India was down to Mercury is male but impotent. Saturn is mutual equality, friendship, and the rela- Rahu and curved planets show how differ- world leaders have chosen to ignore then, take all the precautions, which are almost zero from 400 per day in the ini- referred to as female (impotent) and the tionship between the birth planets and ent two people are. Since Venus is also the their concern. These leaders seem to for- relevant. tial lockdown period? Even death due shadow planet Rahu is male. planetary constellations of a boy and a girl. planet of sexual desires, it increases senti- get or do not realise that there is some- Some of them are as follows. Social to Corona is in low percentage of peo- Mercury leans towards homosexuality, But today, when a man comes to ask about mentality in a person due to its retrograde, one, who is the Master of the universe, distancing is the bedrock on which this ple infected by it. Intelligent people do The reason behind this logic is that his male partner or a woman, comes to ask and emotionality has its special significance and He has acted. We may blame some- virus is to be avoided. Then, comes not fear death due to Corona but avoid Mercury is considered a child planet and about his female partner, which is called in same-sex marriage. one for it, but the fact remains that it is wearing masks. Wearing one is crucial suffering due to getting infected by tak- not fit for sexual activity. Saturn has a low same-sex marriage, also known as gay mar- I remember a book written by God, who is active. And He will remain but not as crucial as the one worn by ing the necessary precautions. libido due to physical deformity. Ketu riage, then there is no such arrangement in American author and relationship coun- so till He has brought us to our senses. the person is your close promixity, and And, finally I will venture my per- (south node of the moon) is also marked the horoscope match making of Vedic selor John Gray named “Men Are from It will happen but not quite so soon. if he or she is talking or sneezing as well. sonal opinion about this virus. Since impotent. Ketu has been ascribed the status astrology to answer their questions. Mars, Women Are from Venus” so where are Habit changes take time. Till then, we, But your wearing a mask is critical for God is involved, as is evident from its of a monk planet, and it offers salvation According to Vedic astrology, sexuality the rest of us from? In my view, they came as individuals, must accept whatever is others. Therefore, everyone in public scale, it is to reset the style of living of away from indulgence. and homosexuality is mainly related to the from the universe and they should be given happening. must wear a mask period. Hygiene of the modern man. Good people need not Accordingly, the zodiac signs are also Lagnesh (1st house), Panchamesh (5th equal treatment as we give to straight cou- Yes, acceptance is the key. This is the highest standard should be prac- fear; they will gain something. Yes, bad determined on the basis of gender. Aries, house), Saptamesh (7th house), Ashtamesh ples. The universe teaches acceptance and reality right now. No one can deny it. tised. Sanitise whenever in doubt. Don’t people have something to fear, i.e. those Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are considered (8th house) and Dwadash (12th house) reverence of all that it embodies. It never Don’t fight it; focus on protecting be lazy. Similarly, trust no one; treat who are harming this climate, etc; they male and Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, and Libra house of horoscope. The role of Mercury is discriminates. So why should we? yourself. You are safe if you do that. It every stranger as a suspect. need to reset their lives. are female signs. Gemini, Capricorn, seen in the horoscope of gay people. Also, :     2    "      does not matter if the person you come Before I end this article, let me put 6              Sagittarius, and Pisces are considered impo- Venus and Ketu also have an influence on           across is infected or not, as long as you the matter of death due to Corona in the   D%  ?     uvitiut   $    %"   %

he new crisis that has Taiwan issue will remain intact Tcropped up between China as a permanent thaw between and its rebel nation Taiwan Washington and Beijing is far- highlights the “love-hate” rela- fetched. With Xi’s war theatrics tionship between the two. The and grand propaganda of ful- root of the current stand-off filling his “China Dream”, the lies in the belligerent posture cross-strait relations would maintained by the Xi Jinping continue to be in focus. regime. And the face-off has Again, if Trump returns to escalated with the re-election of power, it may bolster the China the pro-independence skeptics to continue the trade Democratic People’s Party war with China. It would be a (DPP) candidate Tsai Ing-wen big mistake to think that as the President and William Trump’s anti-China rhetoric is Lai as her Vice-President of just an election gimmick. It is Taiwan. a permanent policy plank of Clearly the election out- the core team of Trump presi- come in Taiwan is a sharp dency to exert pressure on 4%#$=)=". rebuke to both Beijing and the Beijing whether it comes to pro-China parties in the island trade, technology, South China !"0)4",0 such as the Kuomintang Sea, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong  %!9O,"F (KMT). Besides China’s con- Kong, Tibet and even to China’s stant threat to reunify Taiwan border conflicts with India. 3",)4"7" with the mainland and the Hence, the future of China- two groups of political actors Taiwan relations is heading *%,)#)7"4, — one for pro-independence for a chaos. Certainly, there is and the other for merger in no chance of an imminent ."!!"70E" China — there is an external war. But it serves as one of the 9)!,),94#"7 element, the strong voices from most dangerous flashpoints in the international community the world, particularly when 9#,046)74) mainly led by the US. two nuclear giants are engaged. This results into the cross- China’s status of being a trade )!46 %!9 strait relations between Taipei behemoth mainly emboldens it 9)"$),74)) and Beijing getting more com- to spur its campaign against plicated, with the latest saga of major powers of the world, 9)%)4,)"*",. events like the island nation’s especially against the US. But inclusion in the World Health 8   !         :B :0 & - +  !     +  :  F > G=G=? .     :      +     /   then derailing a powerful coali- ))"74!) Assembly meeting on the side-                     3                  ? :       L :B tion of Western forces would be 4$) lines of the current Covid-19  L                      B    " extremely difficult for China at crisis. any time in future. )7,4#4.4% China claims Taiwan as an defensive capability. Though representatives issued a docu- vision in leading Taiwan’s depending on whether they apprehension of the Taiwanese Instead of competing and inseparable part of it. However, the US officially does not sup- ment which read like this: vibrant democracy is an inspi- improve, worsen or sever diplo- to be under the Communist contesting the US, China must 3",) ", the majority of the Taiwanese port Taiwan’s independence, Both sides agree that there is ration to the region and the matic relations with Taiwan. It dictatorship of the mainland. In see to it that its own territories V",*",.4,. reject China’s claim as bluffs but the American Institute in only one Chinese nation com- world.” finally calls for increased the name of people’s democra- are secured and its citizens and declare itself as absolutely Taiwan (AIT) is solely respon- prising all of mainland China, With this remark coming American support for Taiwan’s cy, what has been practised in enjoy basic human rights. /4,. "=),$ independent from Beijing. sible for implementing the US Taiwan, Penghu and the off- from Washington last month, participation in global affairs. China since the days of Mao Suppressing the populace back Whenever the matter of com- policy towards Taiwan. shore islands; under this China has flashed its anger yet Closely looked at, this direct- Zedong till Xi is nothing but a home in the mainland and par- )),43",O plete independence erupts, Clearly, this is the bone of Chinese nation, there are two again for the US coming ever ly wants to bolster Taiwan’s pseudo-socialist system. The ticularly in Hong Kong would =4$)74,6#"7 Beijing either threatens Taipei contention between the US states and both sides agree to closer to Taiwan. In fact, the claim for de facto indepen- political system that prevails cost Beijing in future. Only or airs strong warnings about and China. Washington has disagree on the definition of praise prompted China’s dence. today in China is pure market mere force applying through ",$" possible fallout of such steps by been developing close con- control of these two states. Ministry of Defense to issue a What comes from the capitalism in the disguised the PLA would not help sus- the latter. Such extreme pro- tacts with the island and its What follows from this is that statement expressing strong other side of the spectrum is form of socialism with Chinese taining the Xi model of per- nouncements from the main- administration, but that is sim- basically both sides agreed that dissatisfaction and firm oppo- that Beijing adheres to its one characteristics. Majority of the manent presidency across all land are quite common. In ply not acceptable to Beijing. the other side existed, but they sition to Pompeo’s remarks. At China policy as it is. That is Taiwanese do not want to have the overseas territories of 2017, Yin Zhuo, a Chinese Historically, the 1979 US- would disagree about every- the same time, its Foreign why China registered its utter a governance system like that China. Rear Admiral in the Navy, People’s Republic of China thing else. What many of us Ministry said it was “extreme- dissatisfaction with the US by of the mainlanders. The pri- What seems permanent is said, “If the Democratic (PRC) Joint Communique miss in this agreement is that ly indignant” at the message saying the latest words coming mary detest and hatred for that the ill-will between Taipei Progressive Party (Taiwan’s rul- switched diplomatic recogni- both sides agreed that Taiwan and accused Washington of from Pompeo is hurting the Chinese political system and Beijing is going to contin- ing party) declares indepen- tion from Taipei to Beijing. In belonged to China, while con- breaching its diplomatic com- “sentiments of the 1.4 billion emerges from the complete ue. Admittedly, the tension dence, then we must go to war this communique, America tinuing to disagree on which mitments. And what happened Chinese people”. absence of basic freedoms, between the two has risen to an without any hesitation. If they recognised the Government ‘China’, whether it is Republic in the beginning of March was Taiwan’s re-elected absolute disregard for human all-time high under Xi. Though declare independence, we will of the PRC as the sole of China or the Peoples another pointer to America’s President Tsai hoped for peace- rights, and the public display of Tsai is leaving after this term, use military force to bring Government of China. This Republic of China. As years deeper ties with Taiwan, espe- ful co-existence with China, state-sponsored violence by the DPP and its liberation phi- about unification, we must be again reiterates the fact that passed, this came to be known cially under the Donald Trump but clearly disavows “one China Beijing. Secondly, since his- losophy can’t be obliterated very clear about that.” there is but one China and as the ‘1992 Consensus’, which administration. On March 4, framework” of Beijing. She torically and geographically, from the Taiwanese soil. With &"+-"3 //"8+8" Needless to say that with Taiwan is a part of China. But has been rightly rejected by the the US House of again highlighted that “Here, I both Taiwan and China live a sixth generation of leadership the coming of the DPP to what has taken an ugly turn current ruling party in Taiwan. Representatives unanimously want to reiterate the words apart, the people of Taiwan not coming to take over power, the centrist forces in the today is that only under this The US, being the pre- passed the Taiwan Allies ‘peace, parity, democracy, and have developed a taste for (because of Xi’s permanent island and the Communist communiqué, the US is dominant power of the world, International Protection and dialogue’. We will not accept the independence from the begin- presidency), it definitely adds Party in China have become allowed to maintain cultural, has a strong military presence Enhancement Initiative Beijing authorities’ use of ‘one ning. However such claims worry to internal party con- equally concerned about the commercial and other unoffi- in the Asia-Pacific, backed by (TAIPEI) Act. What is adding country, two systems’ to down- though buttressed by the sensus over Xi’s presidency real intentions of the Tsai cial relations with Taiwan. its allies. Therefore any war-like more weight towards the main- grade Taiwan and undermine Taiwanese side, the mainland after his two terms. These are regime. Thus any move that After this, what we need to situation over Taiwan would tenance of Taiwan’s unique the cross-strait status quo. We outrightly rejects them. For serious threats to Xi and his leads to complete separation of know is the historic 1992 con- surely drag not only the US into identity and independence in stand fast by this principle.” Beijing, Taiwan is a breakaway core team. Therefore main- Taiwan from the sovereign ter- sensus that is critical in shap- this maelstrom, but also all its future is the very special char- These words directly indi- province and its reunification taining an iron fist at home and ritory of China would tanta- ing and reshaping the relations allies. And this could probably acter of the Act. This Act aims cate what Taiwan under Tsai is is a must either by peace or by sloganeering unification over mount to causing war. between Taiwan and China. be the beginning of the Third at inducing governments that looking for. On her inaugural force. Taiwan and Hong Kong would The major cause of irritant When Lee Teng-huei became World War. America’s growing are allies of Taiwan to maintain speech, she vowed to fight for China’s potential danger be successful only in rhetoric. for China in Taiwan is the con- the chairman of the KMT in influence in Taiwan starting diplomatic ties with the coun- Taiwan’s participation in inter- comes from its own people. Taiwan would remain what stant American interference 1988 and also became the first from defence cooperation to try and to identify those at risk national organisations, The world’s most populated it is today, physically alienated, and engagement with the elected President of Taiwan in people to people contact has of sovereign relations with it. strengthen mutually benefi- nation is simply scared of its economically tied with the island. But then there is an offi- 1996 after the demise of irked China for long. When It also calls for the US to cial cooperation with its allies own populace. The discon- mainland and politically distant cial act known as the “1979 Chiang Ching-kuo, the son of Tsai won her second term this supplement its diplomatic pres- and bolster ties with the US, tents emerging from its popu- foes forever. So the war of Taiwan Relations Act” that the founder of Taiwan i.e. year, US Secretary of State ence in countries that support Japan, Europe and other like- lation are not allowed to be sur- words and weapons between provides the legal basis for the Chiang Kai-shek. In 1988, he Mike Pompeo congratulated Taiwan and reduce its diplo- minded countries. This defi- faced anywhere else. It has the ROC and the PRC will unofficial relations between initiated talks with the main- her saying, “Her re-election by matic footprint if they side with nitely is slated for a tough fight been suppressed for decades nowhere head for perpetual the US and Taiwan. This par- land, and associations repre- a huge margin shows that she Beijing. Further, the Act would with the Xi regime in the days with an iron fist by its succes- peace. ticular Act enshrines the senting Beijing and Taipei met has earned the respect, admi- give the Secretary of State the to come. sive communist regimes. When American commitment to in Singapore in 1992. At the ration and trust of the people power to expand, reduce, or At the centre of the China- it comes to Taiwan, it is certain (The writer is an expert on assist Taiwan in maintaining its end of this historic meet, the on Taiwan. Her courage and terminate US aid to countries Taiwan bitterness lies the sheer that the sensitivity of the international affairs)

6).6);( 2) %      

ecording over 6.8 million health system and to help limit pneumococcal conjugate, inac- strengthening our systems to than 117 million children vaccine management systems ty of declaring vaccinators as Rcases in more than 200 transmission. Of course, this tivated polio and rotavirus better monitor and manage across the world could miss out and logistics, including activi- first line responders. With pro- countries, the coronavirus pan- temporary halting is critical to have been introduced to vaccine stocks, logistics, tem- on essential vaccines needed to ties that were underway to tective gear and mobile tech- demic has undoubtedly recalibrate efforts to arrest the improve the health of our chil- perature tracking, all of which protect against measles. produce new and existing vac- nology, they could effectively become the most widespread spread of Covid-19, but it is dren. In fact, our UIP targets to are essential to ensure that Women are also missing out on cines. While I am certain that sustain immunisation activities infectious disease outbreak, also deeply concerning. My fear serve more than 26 million vaccines are accessible to every- a vaccine that protects against all activities to sustain and while practicing the mandated leaving SARS, Ebola and H1N1 is, this temporary suspension newborns and about 27 million one. rubella — an infectious disease expand the immunisation pro- physical distancing. influenza far behind. Across could place children at risk and pregnant women every year. Of course, these are just a that if contracted by pregnant gramme will eventually Intersectoral collaborations the globe, countries have disrupt the significant momen- Concerted efforts have helped few of the encouraging results women could cause sponta- resume, the disruption caused will be critical to immunisation deployed aggressive contain- tum we have achieved through us beat polio, maintain our of a more robust UIP and the neous abortions, fetal deaths by Covid-19 may lead to delays infrastructure — scientists, ment measures, including our immunisation efforts in the polio-free status for over half a benefits of new vaccines. But it and serious congenital defects. in restoring full capacity. researchers, policymakers, stringent lockdowns, domestic country. Let me elaborate. decade and eliminate maternal would be safe to say that, These are grave concerns, espe- This pause has also dealt a economists, and civil society and international border-seal- Since its inception, the and neonatal tetanus — which through dedicated efforts of the cially since India, in the recent severe blow to our plans of scal- organisations and private orga- ing and trade restrictions. Universal Immunisation were all responsible for signif- government and partners, we past, has already witnessed ing up pneumococcal conju- nizations have to come togeth- Tourism, hospitality, public Programme (UIP) — one of icant child morbidities. have managed to considerably several outbreaks of measles gate and rotavirus vaccines er to design a roadmap to transport, manufacturing and the largest public health pro- Mission Indradhanush is improve child health in the and rubella. Similarly, while we across the country. A quarter of cover lost ground. other such “non-essential” ser- grammes in the world — has testament to the Government’s country. are a polio-free country today our children still die of pneu- Even as all hands are on vices have been affected in protected millions of children commitment to reach and pro- So how has the current sus- and there’s much to celebrate, monia and diarrhoea, yet we deck to develop a Covid-19 38.&"' ++ $$"3$E'4 most countries, which are like- from vaccine-preventable dis- tect the most vulnerable pension affected us? the recent outbreaks of vaccine- may have to wait longer than vaccine, we need to collective- ly to have a resounding impact eases like diphtheria, pertussis, through targeted immunisa- Unfortunately, vaccine- derived polio in parts of the earlier expected to ensure ly carve out a meticulous risk on domestic economies. measles, pneumonia, diar- tion. In just 3 years, the mission preventable diseases have not world is a sobering reality. We everyone has access to these management, financing and In two dozen countries, rhoea, etc. From offering pro- fully immunised over 8 million taken a break. For instance, need to ensure that children life-saving vaccines. The on- executive plan to ensure that national routine immunisa- tection against 6 vaccine-pre- children. Today, the globally, there has been rising receive the inactivated polio going economic downturn once an emergency vaccine is tion programmes have been ventable diseases in the mid- Government has strengthened concern about how the current vaccine on time to avoid the affects us all, including vaccine available, everyone has access paused. In India, too, routine eighties, today, the UIP has its mission to leave no-one situation could lead to a spike possibility of such an outbreak manufacturers, impacting to it. immunisation has been sus- expanded to provide protection behind, through intensified in vaccine-preventable diseases in India. overall production and distri- pended to help ease the burden against 12 such diseases! New mission Indradhanush. We such as measles. In fact, WHO The temporary suspension bution. (The writer is former on the already overstretched vaccines like measles rubella, have also made strides in and others predict that more has also significantly affected Let’s explore the possibili- Director General, ICMR)       C @ +B    E@ + @   +   @ €axu€ !   @ + B K+@ E   

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construct, chemistry, and operating prin- help of its perceptive instruments is sup- ontinuing from where we left last to have a holistic understanding of the ciples of mind. Remember, mind is the posed to collect outer field data. And week, it comes out that ‘Freewill’ living realities of life. One, thus, can’t see prime mover of a being. All actions out then deliver them for due diligence to Cserves as a double-edged sword. If, things in the right perspective due, and in the open, be it chasing a desired desti- buddhi, which following due considera- on one hand, it binds you to fate, at the therefore, fails to pick up the right lead. nation or respond and react to an exter- tion directs manasa to accordingly act same time, it also enjoins you with the So, we end up helplessly fated. nal stimuli, originates in mind, which upon. Manasa, again as directed by potential to come out of its limitations. The question now is: Is there any following processing translates into ahamkara, puts into action usual func- What choice to make, remains the pre- scope to come out of the binds of fate? If action. Even the imprints of all your tional mandates of mind. Guided by rogative of ‘ahamkara’ (Ego conscious- so, what is the way forward? Remember, inherent tendencies are there in the mind indwelling mind-trends, often ahamkara ness). The paradox, however, is that we the inherent limitations, with which we itself, in the form of thought-seeds. It is takes things on their face value, when it are all born with inherent desire and are born, don’t grant us access to the full again following a mental process that ignores buddhi, following which manasa mind-trends, coming as they may as landscape of our mind. Consequently, could help purify the mind, so as to have acts on instinctive judgement, and with Karmic carryover from the past birth, the processing power of the mind gets access to its full landscape with its obvious consequences. which serves as the defining principle of compromised. The obvious calling, wholesome powers. Unless you become All these three coordinates are sup- mind. We are, thus, born with a precon- therefore, is to first service our empower- conversant with the working modalities posed to work in a coordinated way as a ditioned mind. ment tool, the mind — by clearing all of the instrument in use, it will not be unified organism. If we remain alert As a consequence, more often than clutter and inherent limitations. possible to use it efficiently. enough to optimally use the functional not, ahamkara is inclined to identify Following which, you may then be able Be it known, Mind has three func- coordinates of mind exactly as mandat- itself with indwelling desires, which it to discriminate between ‘what you want’ tional tools — Buddhi, Ahamkara and ed, we shall be able to come out with our wishes to passionately purse as the end and ‘what is right’. Also, you could Manasa. Buddhi is the faculty of discrim- best. For, then, wholesome powers of game. Going through the run of life, explore all options available with an open inate intelligence, intrinsic to which is mind shall be available. The paradox, ahamkara also gets drawn towards mind, free from all limitations whatsoev- the sense of dispassion. It analyses issues however, is that stuck to the usual grinds tempting influences of the seeming er, to pick up the most appropriate lead. in hand in an unbiased manner, arrives of life, we often lose our sense of alert, world, and instinctively makes it as a The next question would be: how to go at the right judgment, and accordingly and with obvious consequences. dream destination. Taking them on their about? guides how to act upon. But, buddhi can’t To be continued... face value, ahamkara doesn’t allow time Awareness is the key. The first step act upon by itself unless directed by :            and space to look beyond for a better called for in this direction is to look for ahamkara. Ahamkara brings in the sense     ? ((    option if any. Nor, is it keen to invoke an enlightened Guru, who may lead you of ‘I’ consciousness, which makes you $=G 66  33 33     buddhi (faculty of discriminate intelli- through. Otherwise, you may end up take the call of life, and own up for the 3  22  = ==GA gence) for due diligence either. With being stuck to your mental mesh. The consequences of all your doings. Manasa : ; <<H

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