Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Thursday 25 February 2021 at 7.30 pm via ‘Microsoft Teams’ Video Conferencing.

Members Present: Cllr Malcolm Llewellyn (Chairman) Cllr John Lowman Cllr Allan Brown (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Martin Machan Cllr Michael Avery Cllr Claire Majsai Cllr Stephen Hand Cllr Duncan Ranger Cllr Rodney Jackson Cllr Julia Shorrocks Cllr Seth Jee Cllr Bob Sampson Cllr Tony Lank

Also Present: Cllr Alison Bennett & Cllr Colin Trumble (MSDC), Cllr Joy Dennis (WSCC), Sarah Groom (Clerk to the Council) and one member of the public.

C20/21.095 To receive and record apologies for absence. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr David Evans, and Cllr Peter Griffiths for medical reasons, and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council ACCEPTS the apologies for absence from Cllr David Evans and Cllr Peter Griffiths.

C20/21.096 To receive and record declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest.

C20/21.097 To receive and accept the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council: Members received the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2021. Cllr Sampson asked for his name to be included in those present, and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council AGREES the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28 January 2021, as amended.

C20/21.098 To consider whether to adjourn the Meeting in accordance with Standing Orders to receive questions from members of the public in attendance: Members agreed to adjourn the meeting in order to receive questions from members of the public in attendance.

The member of the public was present to support the item regarding the branding manual. The Chairman thanked him for his generous time and efforts spent designing the new branding material and he was further thanked by all the Members present.

C20/21.099 To receive verbal reports from Representatives of other Authorities: The following reports were received as follows. In the absence of Cllr Joy Dennis who would be joining later, it was agreed to take the MSDC and MS/WSALC reports first.

C20/21.099.1 Mid District Council (MSDC): Cllr Alison Bennett reported that the kerb side small electrical items recycling was very successful but the baskets were filling fast, so residents have been asked to put items out with their landfill bins. The District Council is agreeing its budget on 3 March 2021 and proposing a 2.95% Council Tax increase on a Band D property. Discussions for a BMX track (“pump track”) are being held following a group of parents asking on behalf of their teenagers. They have been asked to demonstrate the demand and suggest possible locations. Expectations will also need to be managed. Cllr Trumble is investigating damp issues for some properties in Willow Gardens with Clarion. The Copthorne Hotel will be a quarantine hotel for Gatwick Airport. Cllr Trumble has been in touch with the Lord Lieutenant of Sussex to gain support for the tree planting proposal to

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HURSTPIERPOINT SAYERS COMMON & PARISH COUNCIL commemorate HM Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. Tim Manley at Hurstpierpoint College is also very supportive. Cllr Trumble will follow up on the Bramble Park traffic survey detail. Cllr Alison Bennett and Cllr Trumble were thanked for their updates and Cllr Colin Trumble left the meeting.

C20/21.099.2 Mid Sussex Association of Local Councils & Association of Local Councils: Cllr Jackson confirmed the WSALC AGM was held at 10am that morning and Cllr Brown confirmed it was attended by approx. 150 people. The special resolutions had been voted on and had overwhelming support. In conclusion WSALC is required to cease talks with Hampshire’s ALC and to talk to East Sussex about a Sussex wide ALC instead. The Mid Sussex ALC AGM is on 4 March 2021 when new representatives will be elected to WSALC. Cllr Bennett left the meeting.

C20/21.099.3 West Sussex County Council County (WSCC): Cllr Dennis had previously provided a full report, sent to all Members for their information. Cllr Dennis updated the meeting on the app being developed for landowners to report fly-tipping to . Cllr Dennis is meeting the Regional Manager of the Nationwide next week with the MP Andrew Griffith to discuss their closure of the Hurstpierpoint and branches. The 32 households who have applied for digital upgrades were successful. The links between the A2300 and Jane Murray Way are commencing in the Spring. Negative effects from the A2300 road works may have impacted on local drainage issues. Cllr Majsai enquired whether WSCC is planning any holiday activities for children. Funding may be available for the Sussex Clubs for Young People holiday activities via Clarion. The Chairman emphasised the need for continuity of funding for such groups as one-off grants cannot be relied upon. The Chairman thanked Cllr Dennis for the information and for her very full report. Cllr Dennis left the meeting.

C20/21.100 To receive the minutes and where appropriate, consider the recommendations of the following Committees: The Committee Chairs introduced the following sets of minutes:

C20/21.100.1 Planning & Environment Committee (4 February 2021) No recommendations.

C20/21.100.2 Estates & Facilities Management Committee (11 February 2021) No recommendations.

C20/21.100.3 Finance & Governance Committee (18 February 2021) There were three recommendations for Council:

F20/21.102 Financial Regulations: The Committee reviewed the Financial Regulations last adopted in February 2020 and recommended their consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021. The document remains unchanged but it was noted that a revised NALC model version may be available in the Spring, in time for a revised version to be considered at the May 2021 Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee AGREED to recommend the Financial Regulations for consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021.

RESOLVED: That Council ADOPTED the Financial Regulations dated 25 February 2021.

F20/21.103 Review of Internal Controls: The Committee considered a draft set of internal controls as required by the Financial Regulations to be programmed in to take place in February and July each year, prior to visits by internal auditors. It was agreed to recommend their consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021. RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee AGREED to recommend the Internal Controls for consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021.

RESOLVED: That Council ADOPTED the Internal Controls dated 25 February 2021.

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F20/21.105 Action Plan: The Committee considered the Action Plan Version 14, updated at Estates & Facilities on 11 February 2021 and agreed to add an Action No. 36 to consider a Risk Management Policy, Corporate Risk Register and a Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery suite of documents, for the July 2021 Committee. It was agreed to recommend the revised version for consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021, and it was: RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee AGREED to recommend a Version 15 of the Action Plan for consideration and adoption by Council on 25 February 2021.

RESOLVED: That the Council ADOPTED Version 15 of the Action Plan.

Following the review of the Committee minutes, Members:

RESOLVED: That the Council RECEIVED the minutes of the following Committees: i. Planning & Environment Committee (4 February 2021) ii. Estates & Facilities Management Committee (11 February 2021) iii. Finance & Governance Committee (18 February 2021).

C20/21.101 Calendar of Meetings 2021/2022: Members re-considered the provisional list of meeting dates for 2021/2022. These had been further considered by Committee Chairs, and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council AGREES the provisional list of meeting dates for 2021/2022, to be ratified at the May 2021 Council meeting.

C20/21.102 Annual Parish Meeting: Members considered a briefing note outlining proposals for the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2021, and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council AGREES: 1) The evening will be named the Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Annual Parish Meeting – working together for a sustainable future. 2) The evening will carry an environmental theme with the proposed speakers invited. 3) The Community Engagement Committee Co-opted Member Helen Olsen Bedford will co-ordinate the running of the evening.

C20/21.103 Branding Manual: Members reviewed the briefing note and considered the options with regards to future branding/logos for the Parish Council. The Chairman thanked Christopher Maidment for his generous advice, time and expertise that he had shared with the Parish Council. The matter was debated including the decision to move away from current images. Members felt the new images were very professional and clear. Cllr Sampson offered to assist further with the image clarity. The preferred image was Option 3: the use of both black and white and colour versions of the two village emblems in a circle surrounded by the name of the Parish Council. It was agreed the detail of agendas, minutes and letter head layouts etc. can be confirmed in due course, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES: (1) to adopt the newly designed logos, outlined in the Branding Manual Briefing Note of 25 February 2021. (2) that the new logo should be used on the Heritage Trail map and leaflets. (3) to send a thank you letter to Christopher Maidment for volunteering his advice, time, and expertise.

C20/21.104 Hurst Life Articles: Members reviewed the list of authors and subjects for future Hurst Life magazine articles. The Parish Council was now paying for two page articles each month and the format and layout had improved in the last few months. In response to a question from Cllr Shorrocks,

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Cllr Majsai explained the schedule can be flexible enough to pick up current issues to respond to public need which didn’t need to change the main theme of the month, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES the list of authors and subjects for future 2021/2022 Hurst Life magazine articles.

C20/21.105 MSDC Consultation on Place and Connectivity Walking and Cycling Programme: Members considered the proposals from Council under their Growth Programme, to deliver the Place and Connectivity Walking and Cycling Programme. As part of the formal process to dedicate the Public Rights of Way as “Bridleway”, Mid Sussex District Council was writing to notify all stakeholders of the proposals and inviting comments before the deadline 12 March 2021. Members supported the proposals, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES to respond in support of Mid Sussex District Council’s consultation on the Place and Connectivity Walking and Cycling Programme provided that i) the paths could withstand use by horses as well as bicycles; and that ii) the cyclists were required to give way to pedestrians.

C20/21.106 Henry Smith Charity Representative: Members considered appointing an informal representative of the Parish Council on a group led by Holy Trinity Church, Hurstpierpoint that offers hardship grants to local residents once a year. Ex-parish councillor Rosemary Burns has filled this role for many years and now wishes to be replaced. Cllr Majsai offered the support of the Community Engagement Committee if required, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES that Cllr Duncan Ranger be an informal representative of the Parish Council, on the group led by Holy Trinity Church that offers the Henry Smith Charity hardship grants to local residents once a year.

C20/21.107 Local Government Boundary Commission Review of Mid Sussex: Members considered the review being undertaken into the size of Mid Sussex District Council, undertaken approximately every twenty years, and noted the dates of the consultation periods and the invitation to submit comments by 31 May 2021. The Chairman proposed that a Strategic Policy and Resources Panel meeting be arranged to draft a response for recommendation to Council for approval, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES to call a Strategic Policy and Resources Panel meeting to draft a response to the consultation, for Council approval and submission before 31 May 2021.

C20/21.108 Document Retention: Members considered a briefing note outlining documents proposed for disposal. The large planning applications will be kept in storage. The Cemetery record books all remain in the safe. It was agreed the Document Retention Policy should be reviewed, and it was:

RESOLVED That the Council AGREES to the disposal and recycling of old journals and magazines, the box of blank community life questionnaires, old Parish Council accounts (pre- 2015) and confidential shredding of old personnel file contents.

C20/21.109 Information Items, Correspondence Received and Requests: Members noted:

C20/21.109.1 Closure of Nationwide Branch: Members were very disappointed to note that the Nationwide had closed the Hurstpierpoint High Street Branch with immediate effect in early February. The Chairman had drafted a letter of objection to send to their Chief Executive and Regional Director.

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C20/21.109.2 Phishing Emails: The Chairman explained a number of emails are being sent by scammers who use apparently genuine email addresses to impersonate him, the Clerk and other councillors. The scammers are attempting to encourage people into buying things for them. These are all being reported to [email protected] and all Councillors must be vigilant and carefully check the addresses of emails they receive, to identify fake emails. If identified they should also report them to the above email address.

C20/21.109.3 Notice of Councillor Resignation: Cllr Hand has notified the Chairman and Clerk of his resignation from 28 February 2021 to concentrate on other work. The Chairman paid tribute to the great service Stephen Hand had carried out on behalf of the Parish Council and his resignation would be a massive loss. The Chairman and all Members wished Cllr Hand the best of luck with his future endeavours. Cllr Hand praised the talented and committed people he’d had the privilege to work with at the Parish Council, all of whom he would miss.

The Council RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the following items, the press and public be excluded under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Confidential Matters:

C20/21.110 South Avenue UKPN Wayleave: Members received a verbal update on the discussions concerning the final version of the wayleave with UKPN for South Avenue, to ensure it suitably protects the Council’s private section of South Avenue, as previously discussed on 17 December 2021 (Council Minutes C20/21.081), and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council AGREES to two Councillors signing the Wayleave with UK Power Networks regarding the Parish Council’s private section of South Avenue witnessed by the Clerk.

C20/21.111 South Avenue Southern Gas Networks: Members received a verbal update on the discussions with Southern Gas Networks, and it was:

RESOLVED: That the Council AGREES to two Councillors signing the Deed of Easement with Southern Gas Networks regarding the Parish Council’s private section of South Avenue, witnessed by the Clerk.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.23 pm.


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