3.44 Whiddon Down It still retains a sense of its heritage as a post town on a nationally important route. However, over the 3.44.1 Part 3 years there has been some feeling Whiddon Down is located on the that a little further development at northern boundary of the National Park, this settlement would strengthen at the place where the A382 running its cohesiveness and reinforce its south connects with the old A30. sense of place. The new A30 trunk road lies a little distance to the north. Along with 3.44.5 Crockernwell and Cheriton Cross, There are no specific policies or Whiddon Down was one of the post proposals for this settlement. points on the turnpike road that formed The policies in the Core Strategy part of the main Penzance to London and the general policies of this route. The turnpike toll house may document will be sufficient for be seen at the southern end of the development management purposes. present settlement and the Post Inn is still in operation. Farming has also been an important component of the local economy.

3.44.2 The National Park boundary runs through the settlement, meaning that the part lying to the north of the old A30 lies within the West local planning area. The village has a limited range of local facilities and services, but the A30 service station at the Merrymeet junction can act as a local store. The village is located within parish. The results of a local housing survey published in 2007 showed a need from within Drewsteignton parish for four affordable homes. A scheme was completed in 2011 at Lamb’s Park in the village of Drewsteignton which met this need.

Conserving the quality of the built environment 3.44.3 There has been a small amount of development over the years; the greater proportion has been affordable housing for local needs, including housing association provision at Turnpike Close.

3.44.4 The essential distinctiveness of Whiddon Down results from its openness and loose assemblage and low height of dwellings and other buildings. There are good views south to the moorland of and north to the Culm Measures of mid/north Devon.

Dartmoor National Park Authority 190 Development Management and Delivery Development Plan Document Adopted Version July 2013 © Crown copyright and database rights 2013 Ordnance Survey 100024842.

Dartmoor National Park Authority Development Management and Delivery Development Plan Document 191 Adopted Version July 2013