DATE Thursday 25 June 2015 TIME 2.00 pm VENUE Chamber, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA

Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority held in Chamber, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA, on Thursday 25 June 2015


Gareth Bacon AM (Chairman) Councillor David Cartwright Darren Johnson AM Dr Fiona Twycross AM (Vice- QFSM Councillor Stephen Knight AM Chair) AM Councillor Oonagh Moulton Councillor Liaquat Ali MBE, JP Councillor Councillor Pauline Morrison Councillor JP, AM Councillor Maurice Heaster Councillor Martin Whelton Andrew Boff AM OBE Councillor Jack Hopkins

1. Statement of Members Appointed

Resolved –That the appointments by the of the Members of the Authority be noted.

In addition, the Chairman welcomed to the meeting those Members who were new to the Authority, namely Andrew Boff AM, Tom Copley AM and Councillor Oonagh Moulton. He also paid tribute to those Members who had stepped down from the Authority, namely AM MP, Councillor Mike Fisher and Valerie Shawcross CBE AM, and placed on record his thanks for their service.

2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received on behalf of AM and Councillor Sarah Hayward.

3. Appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Authority

The Authority, pursuant to Schedule 28, paragraph 3 of the Act 1999 (as amended), proceeded to the appointment of a Vice-Chairman.

Dr Fiona Twycross AM was nominated by Councillor Liaquat Ali; the nomination was seconded by Tom Copley AM.

There being no other nominations, Dr Fiona Twycross AM was duly appointed as Vice-Chair of the Authority for the period until 30 November 2015.

Resolved – accordingly.

4. Minutes

The motion was made by the Chairman – that the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 26 March 2015 be signed as a correct record.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

Resolved – accordingly.

The minutes were thereupon signed by the Chairman.

5. Minutes of Appointments and Urgency Committee

The motion was made by the Chairman – that the minutes of the Appointments and Urgency Committee meetings held on 1 May 2015, 5 May 2015 and 29 May 2015 be signed as a correct record.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

Resolved – accordingly.

The minutes were thereupon signed by the Chairman.

6. Special Announcements by the Chairman and reports by the Chairman or the Clerk to the Authority of any Communications

The Chairman announced that in March 2015, the Fire and Rescue Service National Co- ordination Centre, in Brigade Control, had participated in a National Exercise ‘Rolling Thunder’. Brigade staff handled requests and mobilised resources, therefore ensuring a consistent and supportive approach to all Fire and Rescue Services.

The Chairman confirmed that the London Fire Brigade’s Procurement Department had been the winner of the Society of Procurement Officers in Local Government 2015 National Award for Best Collaboration Project. The award was for the work undertaken in the Vehicles and Equipment programme, which had included the termination of the vehicles PFI contract in 2012, the award of the interim contract, and the subsequent re-procurement of the long term solution which resulted in the current vehicles and equipment contract with Babcock Critical Services.

The Chairman stated that, on Friday 24 April 2015, the Brigade had received a call to a fire in Enfield where a woman, a child and a baby were trapped in a flat. On arrival, crews received reports that residents in various flats were being given fire survival guidance by Brigade Control. Crews had saved the family in the flat as well as assisting a further four adults and two children from neighbouring flats.

Finally, the Chairman noted that, on 8 August 2011, the Brigade had attended a fire in Hounslow involving a fatality, which resulted in four summonses being served on the owner. At the trial in March 2015, the owner had been found guilty under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in relation to failures of fire risk assessment, fire detection and warning, fire fighting equipment and ensuring the means of escape could be safely used. The owner had been fined £160,000, ordered to do 200 hours of community service and to pay £40,000 costs.

7. Disclosures of Interests and Dispensations

Resolved – That:

(1) The details of membership of the GLA, other functional bodies and , as attached as an appendix to the agenda, be noted; and

(2) Andrew Boff AM’s declaration of a non-pecuniary interest arising from the fact that one of his family members was a firefighter be additionally noted, insofar as it was relevant to any of the items on the agenda for the meeting.

8. Reconstitution of Committees, Standing Orders, Allowances, Delegations and Related Matters - FEP 2448

Report by the Clerk to the Authority.

A document populated with details of the proposed membership of all committees was tabled at the meeting.

The Chairman moved part (1) of the motion – That the Authority notes the appointment by the Mayor of London of the Chairman and Members of the Authority.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman then moved part (2) of the motion – That the Authority agrees that the committee structure proposed in the report be adopted for the 2015-16 municipal year with the orders of reference for each such body being as set out at Appendix 1 to the report (FEP 2448).

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman moved part (3) of the motion – That the Authority agrees unanimously to dis- apply the proportionality rules in the allocation of seats on committees.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman moved parts (4) and (5) of the motion – That the Authority appoints Members and alternate Members to seats on committees and appoints the chairmen and vice-chairmen of committees in accordance with the document as tabled.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman moved part (6) of the motion– That the Authority re-confirms the establishment of the Joint Council on the basis of the previously-approved constitution, as set out at Appendix 2 to the report (FEP 2448), and appoints Authority Members in accordance with the document as tabled.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman moved part (7) of the motion – That the Authority approves the programme of Authority and committee meeting dates for the 2015-16 municipal year, as set out at Appendix 3 of the report (FEP 2448).

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The Chairman moved part (8) of the motion – That the Authority approves the revised Standing Orders for the Authority and an updated Scheme of Delegation of Functions to Officers, as set out at Appendices 4 and 5 to the report (FEP 2448).

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM.

Dr Fiona Twycross AM moved an amendment as follows –

“To insert the following words at the end of Standing Order 37(b), ‘Where such a vacancy arises, a meeting of the Authority or appropriate appointing body shall be convened as soon as is practicable, and prior to any further meeting of the body on which the vacancy has arisen (unless formal notice of an intended meeting of that body has already been given under Standing Order 43(a) [or Standing Order 40 (b) if applicable]or there is urgent business that is required to be conducted by that body), in order to make an appointment to fill the vacancy.’

The amendment was seconded by the Chairman, put and agreed.

The substantive part of the Chairman’s motion, as amended, was put and agreed.

The Chairman moved parts (9), (10) and (11) of the motion – That the Authority adopts the Members’ Allowances Scheme for the 2015-16 year, as set out at Appendix 6 to the report (FEP 2448);

That the Authority approves the updated Financial Regulations, as set out at Appendix 7 to the report (FEP 2448), to come into effect on the date on which the Authority’s new Top Management Structure becomes fully effective (anticipated to be 30 June 2015); and

That the Authority agrees that the Clerk to the Authority be instructed to implement the decisions on these matters and to discharge the associated statutory requirements as regards publicity and the keeping of records.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

It was therefore –



(1) The appointment by the Mayor of London of the Chairman and Members of the Authority be noted;

(2) The committee structure proposed in Appendix 1 of the report be adopted for the 2015-16 year with the orders of reference for each such body as set out in that Appendix;

(3) (Unanimously) the proportionality rules in the allocation of seats on committees be dis-applied;

(4) The appointment of Members and alternate Members to seats on committees in accordance with the document as tabled (and attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) be agreed;

(5) The appointment of the chairmen and vice-chairmen of committees in accordance with the document as tabled (and attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) be agreed;

(6) The establishment of the Joint Council on the basis of the previously- approved constitution, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, and the appointment of Authority Members to the Joint Council as set out in the tabled document (and attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes) be agreed;

(7) The programme of Authority and committee meeting dates for the 2015-16 municipal year, as set out at Appendix 3 to the report, be approved;

(8) The proposed revised draft Standing Orders for the Authority as set out at Appendix 4 to the report, and the approved additional amendment to Standing Order 37(b) as recorded above, and the updated Scheme of Delegation of Functions to Officers, as set out at Appendix 5 to the report, be adopted, to come into effect on the date on which the Authority’s new Top Management Structure becomes fully effective;

(9) The Members’ Allowances Scheme for the 2015-16 municipal year, applying the Scheme as set out at Appendix 6 to the report, be adopted;

(10) The updated Financial Regulations, as set out at Appendix 7 to the report, be agreed, to come into effect on the date on which the Authority’s new Top Management Structure becomes fully effective; and

(11) The Clerk to the Authority be instructed to implement the decisions on these matters and to discharge the associated statutory requirements as regards publicity and the keeping of records.

9. Representation on Outside Bodies 2015-16 - FEP 2449

Report by the Clerk to the Authority.

A document setting out proposed nominations to outside bodies was tabled at the meeting and is attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.

The motion was made by the Chairman:

That –

(1) Representatives be appointed to the relevant bodies for the 2015-16 year in accordance with the nominations set out within the document as tabled (and attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes);

(2) Upon ceasing to be a Member of the Authority, a Member's appointment as an LFEPA representative to an outside body automatically ends; and

(3) Should there be any change to the Authority’s political balance during the municipal year, a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Authority to ensure that LFEPA’s representation on outside bodies remains consistent with the rules of proportionality.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

Resolved – accordingly.

10. Firefighter Pension Schemes - Local Pension Board - Terms of Reference - FEP 2450 and FEP2450A

Report of the Acting Director of Operational Resilience and Training.

The Acting Director of Operational Resilience and Training introduced the report.

The Chairman explained that, following discussion, he would propose that the employee representation consist of five trade union nominees - three from the Fire Brigade’s Union, one from the Fire Officers Association and one from Prospect – and that the employer representatives be composed of three Labour Members and two Conservative Members of the Authority, in order broadly to reflect the political composition of the Authority.

The Chairman therefore called for three nominations from the Labour Group and two nominations from the Conservative Group.

The following Members were nominated: Councillor Liaquat Ali, Tom Copley AM, Councillor Susan Hall, Councillor Jack Hopkins and Councillor Oonagh Moulton.

The Chairman moved the motion:

That the Authority agrees -

(1) The Terms of Reference for the Local Pension Board attached as Appendix A to the report (FEP 2450);

(2) That the employee representatives of the Local Pension Board consist of five trade union nominees - three from the Fire Brigade’s Union, one from the Fire Officers Association and one from Prospect;

(3) That the employer representatives of the Local Pension Board be composed of three Labour Members and two Conservative Members of the Authority, in order broadly to reflect the political composition of the Authority and;

(4) That Councillor Liaquat Ali, Tom Copley AM, Councillor Susan Hall, Councillor Jack Hopkins and Councillor Oonagh Moulton be appointed as the Local Pension Board employer representatives.

The motion was seconded by Councillor Maurice Heaster OBE, put and agreed.

Resolved – accordingly.

11. Property Services Review - FEP 2443 and 2443A

Report of the Assistant Commissioner, Technical and Service Support.

The Assistant Commissioner, Technical and Service Support introduced the report and the Assistant Commissioner and the Director of Finance and Contractual Services answered questions from Members.

Mr Tony Philips made representations to the Authority on behalf of Unison.

After discussion, the Chairman moved part (1) of the recommendations set out in the report – That the Authority agrees that the External Integrator (shared services) option as set out in Appendix A to the report should be pursued on the basis that it offers the best value to the Authority of the options considered.

The motion was seconded by Councillor Maurice Heaster OBE and put to a vote. There were seven (7) votes in favour and eight (8) votes against. The motion was declared to be lost.

[Note: AM, Tony Arbour JP AM, Andrew Boff AM, Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, Councillor Susan Hall, Councillor Maurice Heater OBE and Councillor Oonagh Moulton voted in favour of the motion.]

The Chairman explained that, as the remaining parts of the recommendation were dependent on agreement of part (1), they therefore automatically fell and could not be moved.

12. Questions from Members (in accordance with Standing Order 20) – 25 June 2015 – FEP 2451

Questions from Members for the meeting on 25 June 2015, published in the order received in accordance with Standing Order 20, are set out below with supplementary questions and the replies provided:

Questions received:

Question 418 From Darren Johnson AM

What role can London Fire Brigade and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority play in securing a commitment to statutory five yearly electrical safety checks in the private rented sector?

Commissioner’s written response

The Brigade’s fire investigation team are uniquely placed to provide qualitative evidence and case studies to make the case for improvements to regulations on electrical safety in the home. For example, after seeing a rise in the number and severity of fires involving domestic consumer units (fuse boards) the Brigade’s fire investigation team worked with industry to change regulation so they now have to be made of non-combustible material or be enclosed in a cabinet made of non-combustible material.

Officers work with other organisations, including Electrical Safety First and the Institute of Engineering and Technology, to push a statutory requirement on landlords to have electrical installations regularly checked. This includes providing evidence and speakers on this topic – such as for the report by the International Longevity Centre on electrical safety and issues relating to the elderly and vulnerable. This culminated with a fire investigation officer speaking about this issue at the launch of the report at the House of Lords in November 2014.

When there are cases where the poor condition of electrical installation has been a factor in a fire death, the Brigade proactively makes submissions to the Coroner asking for this to be included in the Prevention of Future Death reports that are issued following inquests. Darren Johnson AM: Myself and Tom Copley AM met with the Electrical Safety First organisation recently and they were very keen that across the GLA Group there is a real push for this. Is there anything more that we can be doing to lobby on this, particular in conjunction with other parts of the GLA Group?

Commissioner: We’re confident that we’re doing as much as we can at the moment. However, there is always an opportunity, if other groups are interested in joining us, to strengthen that lobbying. If you have a contact at Electrical Safety First we can just check that to make sure we incorporate them in what we’re doing and if not we’ll certainly make sure we do in future.

Question 419 From Dr Fiona Twycross AM

What conversations has the Chairman had with the Mayor or his office about any forthcoming Mayoral Directions?

Chairman’s written response

As part of my regular meetings with the Mayor we have discussed specific Authority business which he may be minded to issue directions on.

Dr Fiona Twycross AM: I just wondered if you could be a bit more specific about the Directions we could potentially be receiving over the next few weeks, given the Mayor’s increasing tendency towards management by Direction?

Chairman: The only one I can see coming imminently would be regarding the discussion we had at the Chairman’s Consultative Group (CCG) a week or two ago around providing consultancy services to Qatar. There could potentially be a Direction following regarding Property Services, I would hazard a guess. Other than that, I have not been made aware of any.

Question 420 From Tom Copley AM

Does the Brigade collect data on tenure for properties where there has been a fire? If not, will you begin to collect this data?

Commissioner’s written response

Fire crews do not routinely collect data about the tenure of the properties where there is a fire. To collect this information reliably would require an occupier to be present at the fire (which is not always the case). Also, for rented property, more detailed information about the type of renter (private, local authority, social landlord etc.) would be essential, but we believe this cannot be reliably collected at each fire incident. Where fires are attended by fire investigators, then tenure information is collected. Fire crews do collect data about tenure when undertaking home fire safety visits as the owner/occupier is always present.

While the Brigade does not capture themselves details of tenure, they are making good use of Experian’s Public Sector Mosaic data to profile households that have fires. The Brigade believes that it is people lifestyle that drives risk and having a more complete picture of how people live gives a more refined risk profile than analysing one factor alone (such as tenure data or occupant age). Targeting prevention resources on the basis of the Mosaic analysis has been very successful and whist this is the case there is not a strong case for fire crews to spend more time on data collection at the scenes of incidents.

The Brigade’s corporate gazetteer is based on the National Land and Property Gazetteer (as supplied via OS Address Base Premium). The Brigade would like access to better data about London’s building and has been actively working the GLA who share this aim. The GLA have established a Borough Data Partnership group and one of three key themes is improvements in the completeness of data about buildings. The Local Land and Property Gazetteers (which together comprise the National gazetteer) provides a perfect opportunity for Borough custodians to improve the data (like tenure) they collect and share about the buildings and residents in the local areas to create a London-wide asset.

Tom Copley AM: You mentioned here that tenure information is collected where fires are attended by fire investigators. Is that information published? If so, where?

Commissioner: We publish as much information as we can. We publish information on the London Datastore and also in other Authority documents.

Question 421 From Councillor Sarah Hayward

What was the impact of the telecoms failure on 28 April and how long did it take for a normal service to resume?

Commissioner’s written response

On the 28 April, the Brigade suffered a brief loss of the Airwave service. Airwave is the national radio communications system used by all emergency services to communicate with fire, police and ambulance resources around the country. The airwave system suffered a power outage on 28 April at 09:04 which it is believed is related to maintenance activity that Airwave were carrying out that has been done man y times previously without impacting service. The Airwave service was unavailable for around 1 minute and was subject to intermittent service for around 40 minutes, whilst a staged recovery by Airwave took place. Full service was restored by 09:42.

As soon as the problem was detected, officers and crews were advised to have their Brigade mobile phones on standby, in case the system should suffer a complete failure. However, this did not happen and there was no real impact on our ability to mobilise Brigade resources during this period.

Question 422 From Councillor Pauline Morrison

Have you had any recent discussions with the new Fire Minister, The Rt. Hon Mark Francois, and/or any other ministers over (a) LFEPA Reform and (b) the ongoing industrial dispute?

Chairman’s written response

I have pursued the new Fire Minister for a meeting but we have yet to establish a date.

Councillor Pauline Morrison: I’m just disappointed that it seems a low priority for the Fire Minister.

Chairman: The Fire Minister is new to his post. As is often the way for a new Minister, everybody wants to see him. The Mayor wants to see him; the Chief of Staff wants to see him; I want to see him; the heads of all of the Brigades around the country have been trying to get in to see him. What he is doing at the moment is trying to read around his brief to get himself on top of it before he starts meeting people and listening to their concerns. It’s not a low priority for him; he’s just trying to find his feet, I think.

Question 423 From Councillor Martin Whelton

How confident are you that the new mobilising system will be in a position to go live on 15 July? And how much training have control staff received on the new system?

Commissioner’s written response

Officers can confirm that the new mobilising system will not go live on the 14 July 2015 as planned. Capita have recently confirmed that they believe that they will now be in a position to provide a system ready for operational use before the end of September 2015. The contractual details regarding the change of date are still being agreed but the fault for the delay lies with the supplier. Members will recall that the original plan was to go live with the new mobilising system in July 2014. Contracts with our existing system supplier will remain in place until the end of the year, paid for by Capita, and the delay will have no impact on the Brigade’s current ability to mobilise appliances to incidents.

With regard to the training of staff on the new mobilising system this has been ongoing for some time; 95% of Control staff are capable of answering a 999 call and mobilising an appliance using the new system. However, due to the delay in the delivery of the enhanced functionality staff have yet to be trained in the more complex mobilising functions; nevertheless consolidation training will continue until we are able to resume the completion of the final phase of training which is now being re-scheduled.

The Director of Operations as the Project Sponsor will not permit a cut over to the new system unless he is confident that the new mobilising system is fit for purpose and that staff are proficient in its use.

Councillor Martin Whelton: Does the Commissioner share my continuing concerns about the delays that have taken place in this contract? It is now over a year and we have seen that there is a further delay to September 2015. Can the Commissioner explain what contingency plans are in place if we don’t achieve September 2015 and when do we say, ‘Enough is enough’?

Commissioner: I certainly do share your concerns regarding this; we’ve had a year’s delay already and I’m not very happy about that. I’m pleased that we’ve been able to enforce the contractual requirements on the contractor in order to make sure there is no financial loss to the Authority, but certainly, in terms of the operational benefits that we’ll get from the mobilising system, those are not being accrued at the moment because it’s not been implemented.

We are in detailed discussions with the contractor about their assurance they will give us about the revised dates and we’re making sure that any financial penalties that we are able to apply to them are being applied.

In terms of the contingency arrangement, we will be continuing with our existing contractor in terms of mobilising system so I am confident that there will be issues in regard of threat to the mobilising system. We are doing that at cost to the new contractor. It’s not costing the Authority any extra money to extend the contract; Capita are paying that for us.

In terms of, ‘When is enough enough?’, those discussions are taking place. They are confidential and quite sensitive so I’d rather not comment too openly in this forum. However, we are quite a long way into the contract now and we are assessing the costs of re-procuring, should we have to do that. There are some issues we need to work our way through but it is certainly something that is one of our options.

Councillor Martin Whelton: I read with interest in terms of training in terms of the mobilising functions. When do you envisage that will be completed by?

Commissioner: I can’t give a final date when the training will be completed until I know exactly when the mobilising system is going to be ready. What I would say – and I’m happy to give a strong assurance on this – with great experience of implementing these new sorts of systems, we’ve done it at least twice in my experience, we never let the system go live until we’re confident that staff are properly trained and are able to use the system competently. I can assure Members that we won’t be going live until all staff have been appropriately trained and feel confident in the new mobilising system.

Question 424 From Councillor Liaquat Ali

What discussions has the Chairman had about the future of the 13 appliances that are currently ‘off the run’ to support the contingency arrangements?

Chairman’s written response

I was consulted by the Mayor on the future of the 13 appliances, in the context of the Brigade’s continued excellent performance and requirement to bridge next year’s budget gap, before he issued his direction.

Councillor Liaquat Ali: I just want to ask the Commissioner if he can confirm that the FBU have agreed to his terms as set out in the letter dated 1 October 2014 and that the agreement had effectively been reached prior to the Mayoral Direction?

Commissioner: We had a discussion about this at the Appointments and Urgency Committee yesterday. The position actually is that we have not yet reached final agreement with the Fire Brigades Union. Mr Fielden for the Fire Brigades Union I think yesterday agreed that there are still some final details that need to be resolved in relation to some of the assurances I need before I would have allowed the appliances to go back. There are three main areas. We’re agreed on two of them; one we’re still in debate about and I think that was the position we reached yesterday. I think the FBU agree that there is still some debate to go on. The final agreement is not yet in place but we’re seeking further discussions with the FBU to try and at least get that in place so that if we were able to return the fire engines we could.

Question 425 From Councillor Jack Hopkins

What conversations has the Chairman had with the Mayor’s office about any forthcoming budget cuts?

Chairman’s written response

In conversations I have had with the Mayor he has confirmed that his protection of LFEPA’s budget will continue until the end of his term.

Councillor Jack Hopkins: I was very glad for that; pass on my thanks. I just wondered whether you had had any further discussions with central government, with the Fire Minister, or whether you had had any further indications that there were going to be further cuts coming from central government, as opposed to the GLA Group?

Chairman: As you will have heard from my earlier answer, I have not had the opportunity yet to meet with the Fire Minister. It will be on the agenda when I do get to see him.

Councillor Jack Hopkins: You’ve not heard anything and you haven’t had any indications that anything will be coming down the track; that we’re going to have to make further cuts?

Chairman: No, nothing concrete. Anything I say here would be fuelling rumour and speculation, other than I think the direction of travel has been made very clear about no end to austerity and I would be very surprised if that were reversed in the next few weeks.

Question 426 From Andrew Dismore AM

What conversations has the Chairman had with DCLG about any forthcoming budget cuts?

Chairman’s written response

I haven’t yet discussed future funding settlements with DCLG officials, nor the new Fire Minister. I am currently seeking a meeting to address this amongst many of the issues facing the Authority.

13. Authority - Summary List of Actions - FEP 2452

Report by the Clerk to the Authority.

The Chairman moved: That the report be noted.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

Resolved – accordingly.

14. Exclusion of Press and Public

Resolved – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following items, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

15. Property Services Review - FEP2443X

Report of the Assistant Commissioner, Technical and Service Support.

The Chairman moved the motion: That the report be noted.

The motion was seconded by Councillor David Cartwright QFSM, put and agreed.

The meeting ended at 15.08

Signed By: Chairman

Rebecca Arnold, Ground Floor, 169 Union Street, London, SE1 0LL; telephone 020 8555 1200 ext 30084; email: [email protected]