PRESENT: Cllr Dru Drury (chairman), Cllr Clarke, Cllr Spicer-Short, Cllr Dragon, Cllr Marshallsay, Cllr Haywood, Cllr Parish, Cllr Dando, Cllr Morrison-Wells.

There were four members of the public present.

PUBLIC HALF HOUR. A member of the public spoke to express their concerns about an application to stop up the highway at number 4 Jubilee Gardens. Whilst the parishioner did not have concerns about the specific request she wanted to stress at this time that access must remain in the future. The householder at 4 Jubilee Gardens has asked to ‘stop up’ a highway included in the ‘List of Streets’ kept in accordance with Section 36 of the said Act on the grounds that the highway land is unnecessary. The parishioner asserted that the access to Jubilee Gardens was a very long standing right of way, she considers exiting the road from the remaining access at the top end of the road extremely difficult and she uses the road every day. She also stated that the right of way is stated in the deeds in the land register. A second resident of Jubilee Gardens also attended. He asked the Council, is the application merely to take over the grass verge or is there anything further to indicate there may be fencing or gating in the future? He did not want number four to be permitted to prevent public and private access to Jubilee Gardens but had no issues with the detail in the application. The Council advised the matter was on the agenda and would be covered later in the meeting.

Bridget Downton attended the meeting to answer questions presented to her by the Council, the questions mainly focused on the shape of planning after April 2019. The answers were as follows. 1. After April, who will be the PRACTICAL planning authority? ‘ Council’ will be the planning authority. 2. What officers will it have? The CEO of the Council will be Matt Prosser and the elected members are currently in the process of recruiting a ‘Director of Place’ who will manage planning for the Dorset Council. In the short term we are unlikely to see much difference in the planning process. It is anticipated the officers we engage with on a daily basis will be largely the same as at present as the fundamental changes will be within management. The precise structure of the new Council will become apparent in due course. The geographical area of the Dorset Council is a big one and there will still be a need for officers to visit application sites. There is work underway to see how the democratic process of planning is organised and it has been speculated that there MAY be three planning committees to consider larger applications and referred applications. These may be remote, we are not sure. Day to day it is likely the officers we deal with will remain in Westport House until (and if) the new Council’s estate is restructured. 3. What will be the role/scope of a Parish Council such as ours? The role of the Parish Council will remain exactly as it is now; they are statutory consultees as set out in the Town and Planning Act and the restructuring of local government does not impact on the national legislative framework. 4. Where will planning meetings be held? We don’t know. Until we know the areas covered by the committees we cannot be sure. It will be interesting to see how the Council will be engaging with local communities after the reorganisation. Both within planning and outside of planning. Wiltshire did this really efficiently through a system of boards. Dorset has no such mechanisms. She reassured the council that the CEO is very clear he wants a new culture within this organisation which is fit for the new authority. Elected members will want to engage significantly with T&P Councils. Until the new Council comes into being we will not know how this will be realised.


It was asked what about in the interim? How will applications referred to committees to be dealt with? Potentially in April and May there will be no Planning Committee. Relevant applications will have extensions agreed. Average householder applications which are delegated to officers will continue as at present. 5. What legal authority supports the statement "that parish and town council representations carry no more weight than individual representations" in respect of responding on matters of planning? What matters is not who objects to a planning application but what is said in the objection. Only material considerations can be taken into account, anyone can raise any other issues they may have but the planning department can only take note of material considerations. It is not about who says it but what they say. 6. Please can we request that clear instructions are sent to all parish councils by email about how to respond to the Local Plan in terms of finding the form to respond to the pre-submission of the local plan. Bridget brought to the meeting a detail document showing how to comment. This has been circulated to all Councils. She requested we share this information with our parishioners if they wish to comment on matters of soundness, legal compliance or the duty to cooperate. 7. In preparation for encouraging engagement in local democracy, is Bridget able to suggest positive ways of encouraging new people to stand for Parish Councils. What confidence can Bridget give that supports Purbeck being represented at the new authority, and will local knowledge be taken into account? Bridget would advise research how diverse Councils got their Councillors involved. She has read up on case studies illustrating diverse Councils but they did not detail how and why individuals got on board. Decide who you want on your Council and target those groups. She asked do DAPTC target schools, colleges, businesses. Could we liaise with them. In terms of reassurance about the representing Purbeck in the new authority, Bridget said yes, local knowledge is imperative and PC’s will remain as statutory consultees to exercise their knowledge. Officers are likely to have the local knowledge and will know their patch well. The new Council will need to find a way to capture the local knowledge and ensure it does not lose sight of it. Speaking for the Purbeck Councillors; they are very committed to engagement with T&P Councils and see the value and merit in engagement. A Councillor raised concerns that the new Council would become socially engineered. The number of Councillors has been reduced to 82 from 200 and the work load will be increased yet the allowance is low. This could result that only those financially able with ample time can contribute. A Councillor noted how about referring applications of concern to Committee, how will this be dealt with? At present Purbeck has a mechanism where a ward member needs to seek the support of two further members. This is not the same in other districts so this may be different under the new Council. Bridget would say if what is in place on day one does not work, bear with the Council, moving forward everything will be under review to find what works best. Cllr Dragon praised the success in upholding objections at PDC having recently seen the publication of a 90% success rate. Bridget advised that whilst planning’s decisions are not always popular they are based on the NPPF and PDC take the responsibility of applying this very seriously. She advised she is always happy to discuss objections in detail to enable Councillors to feedback to parishioners and householders. 6. What arrangements are being made to ensure that Buildings Conservation Officers continue to exist in any new planning arrangements for the new Dorset County? There will always be a need for conservation officers. PDC currently have a contractor called Stefan Ganther who is acting conservation officer. With 1400 listed buildings in Purbeck alone it is a key part of planning function and will remain so. It was asked why Conservation officers have a reluctance to see any other way. There may be three appropriate ways of approaching an alternation yet an officer often will decide on one and not be open to other adequate suggestions? Bridget is keen to retain strong links between building control and the conservation officer, at present Purbeck do this really well. Bridget stressed that officer’s work within specific frameworks. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Grinsted, Cllr Spinney, Trevor Parsons ( Railway)

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS: The Council adopted the Code of Conduct set out on the Communities and Local Government website at the 10th September 2012 Meeting (Page 155, para 3.7). Declarations of Interests received for all Councillors. All Councillors are granted a dispensation to set the Precept.


2. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The draft minutes of the meeting held on the 8th of October 2018 were confirmed as a true record of proceedings and were signed.

3. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT: It was anticipated the County Council would finish the year over budget, the anticipated overspend has been reduced to £2.7 million and may balance by the end of the year. There had been some negative responses to the boundary review. Some multi member wards are not happy. Purbeck West had had Bere-Regis and Afpuddle added within their boundary making it a two member ward. and Upton is now a three member ward. The disadvantage is whilst councillors are supposed to represent a certain number of people; in multi member wards anyone can come to any councillor and thus they represent a greater number. Debbie Ward, leader of DCC has taken voluntary redundancy and will be leaving towards the end of November. Mike Harries will be taking over as Chief Executive until the Council closes at the end of March. Nick Jarman is now responsible for both children’s services and adult’s services. Recruitment for social workers and occupational therapists for Adult and Children’s services is underway. There is an advert in the Guardian at present. DCC have recently won three national awards, one for their wildflower grass verges. The Schools admission consultation is live on Dorset For You as of the 12th of November. Cllr Dragon had read in the Echo that DCC would be taking forward a debt of £300 Million. He asked Cherry if this was true? She did not know and will find out. Cllr Brooks was asked to progress the Norden project and has advised she will do this and is happy to arrange a meeting. The chair said there are two points the PC would like addressed; the long term strategy for the Park and access from the park to Castle View. It was asked that Cllr Brooks elaborate on the new culture Bridget had advised would be created within the new Council. What will this be? The answer is ‘Lean and light’; they aim to get rid of layers of bureaucracy and improve local involvement. The Shadow Council are looking into this at present and it may be that the Dorset Council, once in state, will have a different approach. Action: Cllr Brooks to report on Councils debt. Action: Clerk to liaise with Cllr Brooks to arrange Norden meeting.

4. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT: District Councillor Dragon reported that the new railway units for Swanage Railway are anticipated to be ready in spring next year, in time for the trial service from Corfe to Wareham. At present the plans are to keep the units in Corfe Castle. There are two items of interest on the Agenda for the Council forthcoming District Council meeting. One is the application from CC Village Hall for £20,000 towards their build. Normally this would not be acceptable on top of the grant they had already received however stipulations set by PDC had required extra work to be done. This grant would help to cover the additional costs. The second item of interest is the Timson Cottages in . The Cottages were left to the village of Langton to be held in Trust and occupied by elderly people. The residents do not pay rent but upkeep the properties. PDC are proposing to adopt the Trust prior to LGR . Cllr Dragon noted that the report states that houses can be offered to neighbouring Parishes if they are not occupied by resident from Langton. The Cllr reported he has received complaints about drones being operated over the village, further to recent complaints about aircraft noise. He asked did the National Trust use drones? They confirmed no they did not. There is a new group forming called ALL, ‘The Alliance for Local Living’. This is a group of independent candidates which has grown in popularity in and is now active in rural Dorset. The group feels they can offer some scope for transformation.

5. NATIONAL TRUST REPORT: The National Trust echoed Cllr Dragons concerns regarding drones and advised that they are currently awaiting new legislation to help tackle this. The parking at Uvedale will be barricaded on Monday the 19th of November. This has been well advertised for some time and notice has been given to residents to explain the reasoning behind the closure. If anyone has any concerns please contact the National Trust.


The car park at Castle View has been resurfaced with a resin but the main entrance way needs re-doing. The pitching is coming away and work will be commencing on Monday the 19th to repair the entrance way. It is anticipated this will take two days. The National Trust have been liaising with highways regarding parking on the white cross hatching outside of the bakery and were advised to contact the Parish Council. DCC had visited and found no intervention required at present. The Parish Council had also raised concerns about said lines to highways and Cllr Brooks will be carrying this forward. Parking on the lines prevents access for emergency vehicles and the lines do need to be visible. A new project called ‘Wild Purbeck’ is in its infancy. This is likely to mainly involve Arne and Hartland Moor and he will provide more details as they become apparent. Following comments raised at the last meeting the National Trust are proposing to replace the barrier at Oli Vye’s lane to prevent cycling though the lane. The Lead Ranger has reported the common is getting overgrown and they are in the process of purchasing a new mower to assist with this. The new item will remove debris rather than leaving it on site. They are currently working on the mound and trying to shorten the grass there. Ivy growth has got out of control on the monument and they will be attempting to remove this. As custodians of the monument they need to preserve it and cannot let the ivy take hold. They will be looking at the best method of removal. There is a garage at the back of Boar Mill which the Trust will be converting into a bat roost. They have designated officers who are working on this. The equipment currently held in it is being moved out to Hartland Farm. This half term the Castle hosted special events over a two week period to accommodate half term visitors from different areas. This was really successful, they received fantastic feedback and welcomed just shy of 13,000 visitors. Cllr Dragon queried was there a strategic plan to the clearance of the heath at Scotland Heath? James was unsure but will look into it. He addressed a query raised at the last meeting regarding The Rings; the project is on hold for this year but may be developed from November 2019. The Trust have the hedge at the end of Oli Vye’s lane on their schedule for hedge cutting and asked the Council to contact them if it is not done imminently. Action: James to confirm details of the strategy for the clearance at Scotland Heath.

6. PLAYGROUND REPORT: Nothing to report. The Chairman requested the Playground committee urgently attend to the two items noted as a moderate risk in the recent inspection. Action: Playground Committee to read the external report, to ensure the two moderate risks noted on the annual play inspection report are addressed as soon as possible and report back to Council.

8. MATTERS ARISING INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN: 8.a Establishing a group to manage The Halves. The Clerk has liaised with Jonathan Kershaw regarding this. He has advised there is an imminent meeting between the owners of The Halves and Symonds and Sampson whom they have employed to do some work for them. At this group meeting Jonathan is going to discuss the suggestion of a management committee similar in structure to that of the commons committee and see what response he receives. 8.b External playground report. In October the Playground Committee were asked to read the external inspection report and to ensure the two moderate risks noted on the annual play inspection report were addressed as soon as possible. This is still outstanding and is to be carried over to the December meeting.

8.f The Clerk has written to the Sports Trust regarding their contribution to the grass cutting. The fees have recently increased and the Council have requested the Trust consider what they can contribute. The Sports Trust are arranging a meeting and will report back. 8.g The Clerk has responded to the Governments Shale Gas Exploration Consultation stating that Local authorities should still be consultees. 8.h The Clerk was asked to investigate when the car park was handed to village. The historical context of the land was addressed in correspondence circulated by Cllr Haywood, the Clerk has not followed up in any more detail with PDC.


8.i The Clerk has drafted a letter to send to businesses in the village to ask if any would consider financially contributing to supporting the provision of the West Street Toilets along with the National Trust. The letter has not been sent due to the fact there may not be a need to raise extra revenue to support the provision of the asset. 8.kThe Clerk has made provisional enquiries on the valuation of toilets and car park. It cannot progress as the property has to be in your ownership before you can obtain a valuation. 8.j The Chairman has raised the issue of insufficient quality of online plans at the SE Purbeck Parishes meeting and the Chair and Clerks meeting at PDC. 8.l At the request of the Chairman, the Clerk has submitted a response to the Government Consultation on Cycling Offences. The submitted comments were as follows: Do you have any comments on any laws not covered in this consultation which could apply when trying to prosecute for this cycling behaviour? Rural Areas are frequently used for cycling events, both formal well managed policed events and unofficial gatherings of up to 200 cyclists with no identification and no control. Both groups are using small (often narrow) country roads shared with pedestrians, individual cyclists and all other traffic; local, agricultural and tourist traffic. These mass events are often time trials rather than 'races' and cyclists intend to go as fast as possible, often with no regard to the speed limit or highway code. At present there is no obligation for cyclists to wear a number on their back or on their cycle so that they can be identified. A legal requirement to be identifiable would prevent dangerous, careless cycling and aid in prosecution should the need arise. Another angle to improve safety would be to tighten the laws regarding mass cycling events on highways.

9. WEST STREET TOILETS AND RESERVED CAR PARKING SPACES: The Clerks report noted that the funding gap created by potential business rates owing could be closed due to a recent government budget announcement abolishing business rates for Local Authorities on Public Conveniences and the fact that you can still claim small business rate relief if you own more than one property providing the combined rateable value of your properties is under £12,000. The Clerk confirmed we had received no update from PDC regarding the heads of terms. It was suspected these would not be ready for some time. Cllr Dragon asserted that until LGR actually happens and the newly elected Council is in place we will not know if the threat of the closure of the toilets is real. Cllr Parish noted that we could not be sure that the same deal would be on the table at any other time. The council awaits further news on heads of terms.


10a. Item 11- PDC- Purbeck Local Plan Pre-submission publication draft and Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and Priorities for Spending . The Council considered if they would make a response but did not feel ready to at that time. It was suggested a response could be considered and if necessary agreed by email. 10b. Item 12- 19/10 National Trust Annual Liaison Meeting. Cllr Dru Drury will be attending and Councillors were invited to consider any points they might wish to raise. 10c. Item 14- 24/10 Claire Lodge Volunteer of the Year- The Council resolved to put a request in the Corfe valley News for anyone who felt they would like to nominate a ‘Volunteer of the Year’ to get in touch. 10d. Item15- 26/10 Purbeck CAB Annual Report. It was noted the CAB does have a significant reserve fund. The Council felt that they were a very worthwhile cause and were entering a risky period due to the potential loss of funds from the District Councils that will cease to operate after May 2019. 10e. Item 16- Information re. Government consultation on National Parks and AONB. The Council had been circulated Cllr Clarkes suggested response prior to the meeting. Cllr Clarke pointed out 44% of Dorset is AONB and asked does present an additional planning hurdle. One of his concerns about National Parks is the point of accountability; board members are not democratically elected and this concerns both him and the Chairman. If we were to consider a National Park he would like to see mechanisms that meant board members were accountable. He also asked the Council to consider the suggestion of a Regional Park. The Chairman asserted that if they were the responsible planning authority they must be democratically elected, not nominated. Cllr Haywood understood that a National Park would benefit projects such as Norden and help drive forward projects that would support ever increasing tourism. The Council resolved that they would make some revisions to the proposed response,


highlighting the point about democratic responsibility, and then circulate to neighbouring town and Parish Councils along with the local press. 10f. Item 19- John Alford- ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT, 1984 TEMPORARY Restriction on the Road . Cllr Morrison Wells raised concerns about the timescale on this project which stipulated a period of over 12 months to complete work. Cllr Brooks advised this was due to a delay in the work last year and said DCC are just allowing themselves a big window in the event of a delay. 10g. Item 22- 30/10 Helen Jackson Footpath Request- Gods Acre. The footpath suggested at Gods Acre to prevent parking is not likely as it is low on the Highways priority list. The Council has bought additional signs in the hope these may prevent parking. 10h. Item 24- Richard Brown, Would you like him to visit to update on National Park? The Council resolved that they would welcome Richard to come and speak regarding National Parks at a forthcoming meeting. 10g. Item 25 - 4 Jubilee Gardens. The Council considered a proposal which had been discussed earlier in the meeting to ‘stop up the highway’. Cllr Brooks advised the householders had applied for the section of highway as they had been maintaining it for some time. Cllr Brooks has organised a site visit with highways to gather more detail. On the face on what has been presented the Council had no objection to the suggestion. Action: Clerk to put a request re. Nominations for Volunteer of the Year in the Cofe Valley News.


11a. Application No: 6/2018/0514. Mr Macelio Ferreira De Andrade.Corfe Castle Model Village, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5HE Development: Erect a shed . The Council objected on the grounds the development is out of context in the area and is too obtrusive.

11b. Application No: 6/2018/0525 Mr Curtis. Bartholomews, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EZ Development: External repairs to roof. Renew valley to front in lead. Replace 3 existing rooflights with 3 conservation rooflights. No Objection

11c .Application No: 6/2018/0543. Mr Andrew Goodall. The Old Cart Shed, Woolgarston Farm, Woolgarston Road, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JD . Development: Erect external staircase to provide access to first floor. Install door in North elevation at first floor level. The Council discussed this application and resolved to OBJECT on the basis there was insufficient detail in the plans to ascertain the exact proposals for the first floor accommodation. They also objected to the proposed metal staircase as it is out of keeping within the AONB.

11d. Application No: 6/2018/0547. Mr & Mrs Christopher Campbell-Warner. Sandy Hills Farm, Sandy Hill Lane, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JF. Development: Non material amendment to Planning Permission 6/2018/0057 (First floor extension on north elevation. Demolish part of existing store, extend store on south elevation & alterations to loggia. Excavate ground level & install oil tank. Construct detached garden store) to replace clay plain tiles on garden store roof with cedar shingles . No Objection

11e. Application No: 6/2018/0572. Mr & Mrs Fitzgerald. Woolgarston Cottage, 1 Sandy Hill Lane, Woolgarston, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JD Development: Changes to existing doors & windows in rear lean to extension, insert new first floor landing window, replace flue in existing chimney stack and new clay pot. Internal alterations including replacement staircase . No Objection

11f. Application No: 6/2018/0585. Mr & Mrs Fitzgerald. Woolgarston Cottage, 1 Sandy Hill Lane, Woolgarston, Corfe Castle BH20 5JD Development: Change of use of outbuilding to holiday accommodation . No Objection

11g. Application No: 6/2018/0567 - Wytch Farm Power Generation Project . No Objection

11h. Application No: 6/2018/0568. Mr Stanley Carter. Location: 54 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EQ .Development: Demolish existing lean-to and erect a single storey rear extension. No Objection



1. Application No:6/2018/0299. Mrs Jessica Starmer. 30 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 No Obj A 5EQ. Development: Remove existing chimney, repair and re-instate

Application No: 6/2018/0161. Ms Jessica Starmer. 30 East Street Corfe Castle BH20 2. 5EQ .Development: Re-pointing to part of one wall on the north elevation of the house.(Listed No Obj A Building Consent).

3. Application No: 6/2018/0434 and 6/2018/0435. Ms J Baum. 74 East Street Corfe Castle BH20 No Obj A 5EQ. Development:Demolish part of existing extension and replace with new single storey

extension including pitched roof (listed building consent)

4. Application No: 6/2018/0471. Mr & Mrs Peter Hartle. Lower Scoles Farm, Access Road To No Obj W Lower Scoles Farm, Kingston BH20 5LG. Development: Upgrade the field track with a hard surface, improve vehicular access onto Kingston Hill No Obj Application No: 6/2018/0501. Mr & Mrs M Gould.19 Townsend Road, Corfe Castle, Wareham, A 5. BH20 5ET Development: Two storey rear extension

6. Application No: 6/2018/0522. Mrs Curtis. Bartholomews, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, ND BH20 5EZ Development: Replace 18 existing windows & 4 french doors No Obj

Application No: 6/2018/0513 Mr George Pitcher. Bankes Arms Hotel, 23 East Street, Corfe A 7. No Obj Castle, Wareham, BH20 5ED. Retrospective - approval of openings between bedrooms on the

first and second floors. Removal of existing stud walls and formation of 4 bathrooms for 8 letting rooms.

ND 8 Application No: 6/2018/0468. Mr & Mrs Fry. The Annexe, Greystone Court, Langton Road, No Obj Kingston, Wareham, BH20 5LR. Development: Single storey extension and insert rooflight

9 Application No: 6/2018/0511. Mr and Mrs Anstey. 2 Ailwood Farm, Ailwood, Corfe Castle, A Wareham, BH20 5JA . Development: Conversion of existing ancillary building into bedroom No Obj

accommodation used in conjunction with the main residence

Application No 6/2018/0483. Mr & Mrs Fitzgerald. Woolgarston Cottage, 1 Sandy Hill Lane, A

10. Woolgarston, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JD .Development: Change of use of outbuilding to holiday accommodation No Obj


TWA/2018/207 Land to rear of 29 East Street adjacent to station entrance, Station Road, Corfe Castle (T1) Sycamore - fell and remove stump and roots - Corfe Castle Conservation Area



TWA/2018/159 Harling House, Calcraft Road, Corfe Castle, BH20 5EL ; (T1) Multi-stemmed ash - fell to ground level; (T2) Beech - crown lift to 5.2m over highway and 2.2m over pavement, crown lift to 2.5m over garden; (T3) Ash - prune the lowest 3 primary branches back to the main stem; (T4) Conifer (dead) - fell to ground level; (T5) Bay - reduce height to 2m above ground level; (T6) Beech - reduce lateral branches above the lawn by 2m; (T7) Beech - reduce lateral branches above the lawn by 2mT8) Cypress - fell to ground level - Corfe Castle

TWA/2018/177 1 East Street, Corfe Castle, BH20 5ED (T1) Monterey cypress (dead) - fell to ground level; (T2, T3 & T4) Ash - fell to ground level; (T5) Elm - fell to ground level; (T6) Apple (dead) - fell to ground level; (T7) Cherry (fallen) - fell to ground level; (T8, T9, T10 & T11) Spruce - fell to ground level; (T12) Sycamore - fell to ground level - Corfe Castle Conservation Area

TWA/2018/172 108 West Street, Corfe Castle, BH20 5HE (T1) Oak - reduce entire crown by 1-2m retaining the natural shape of the tree, prune to give 0.5-1m clearance from overhead wires; (T2) Oak - reduce entire crown by 1-2m retaining the natural shape of the tree, prune to give 0.5- 1m clearance from overhead wires; (T3) Lime - pollard to previous pollard points; (T4) Lime - pollard to previous pollard points - Corfe Castle Conservation Area.

TWA/2018/183 Bartholomews, The Square, Corfe Castle, BH20 5EZ (T1) Beech - crown lift/reduce to provide 1-2m separation from structures - Corfe Castle Conservation Area


12.a To approve payment of annual grants: To approve annual grants budgeted for in 2018/19 budget; It has been noted to approve the payments of grants in May or June of 2019 as opposed to in November:

Grant- promotion of local government activity within parish THE DUBBER 100.00 Local Government Act s142

Grant- promotion of local government activity within parish CORFE VALLEY NEWS 600.00 Local Government Act s142

LITTER-FREE PURBECK Donation to organisation S137 100.00

DORSET AND SOMERSET Donation to organisation S137 150.00 AIR AMBULANCE

PURBECK CITIZENS Annual grant S137 100.00 ADVICE BUREAU GODS ACRE Local Government Act s214 700.00 Total for grants: £1750.00 All grants were approved for payment. The Council did ask the Clerk to investigate if Air Ambulances would be funded by Central Government in the future? Action: Clerk to report to Council on the Government budget pledge regarding funding the Air Ambulance.


12.b ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Reported expenditure: The Clerk wishes to report that a direct debit went out for £35 to the information Commissioners Office for the Parish Councils annual Registration. This was not reported in the October Meeting so has been allocated below.

WAREHAM AND PURBECK SKIP Gods Acre Refuse collection - increased charge 18/1`9 60.00 HIRE BRITISH TELECOM Line rental and unlimited anytime calls and Broadband 39.85 DAPTC Clerks Seminar Fee 70.00 ALISON BURNETT Clerks pay and expenses 727.28 PKF LITTLEJOHN Audit 240.00 NEST Pension contribution 11.78 HMRC Cheque for Nat insurance (two months) 18.96 CC Parish Councils annual ICO Registration ( direct ICO 35 debited 19/10) Total £1262.87

Total including annual grants at £1750 £3012.87

Resolved: To approve all proposed payments, proposed Cllr Haywood, seconded Cllr Spicer-Short, all in favour. Paid In Interest 0.65 April- October CIL Payment 1515.30 Total monthly receipts £1515.95

Bank Balances - (as of 30th October, no payments withdrawn with the exception of BT) Interest Bearing Account Cheque Account £51,701.42 Total balance- £ 15,336.68

13. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: Railway Liaison Committee Cllr Dru-Drury reported that the railway had new members and that Arne Parish Council were now represented on the committee. When the new rolling stock is ready it will be stored in Corfe until arrangements are made in Furzebrook which is the long term plan. Realising this is subject to a lease agreement being resolved and sidings being installed. The Chairman has invited the Chairman of the Railway Company to the meeting to present his plans for the sidings but they were not ready in time for this meeting. When the plans are prepared he hopes a representative will attend. Crazy For Corfe Cllr Spicer-Short advised Swanage Rotary have contacted Crazy for Corfe and asked if they can bring the Santa on a Sleigh to Corfe this year. Crazy for Corfe have welcomed this suggestion and hope it will be an opportunity to bring festivities to the doors of parishioners who cannot attend other events. The sleigh will be driven around residential streets accompanied by carol singers and other festivities. The event is planned for the 17th and 18 of December.

The meeting closed at 9.36pm. The next Parish council meeting will be held on the 10th of December 2018 in Corfe Castle Town Hall.
