MUSTER ROLL of Captain Fortunatus Berry's Company, of Militia Stationed at Fort Gratiot called into the service of the on the Requisition of Gen. ....the 19th of May 1832.

1. Fortunatus Berry Captain 19 May 1832 3 months 2. Antoine Brickler 1st Lieut. 19 May 1832 3 months 3. William Collins 2d Lieut. 19 May 1832 3 months 4. Benjamin Glover 1st Serg. 19 May 1832 3 months 5. Joseph Polindre 2d Serg. 19 May 1832 3 months 6. Louis Pehgor 3d Serg. 19 May 1832 3 months 7. Arthur Thomas IstCorpl. 19 May 1832 3 months 8. Medard Dupuis 2d Corpl. 19 May 1832 3 months 9. Geo. Cubbage' Asst. Com. 19 May 1832 3 months 10. William Bowles Private 19 May 1832 3 months 11. Antoine Bain Private 19 May 1832 3 months 12. Aaron Castle Private 19 May 1832 3 months 13. Louis Chatelain Private 19 May 1832 3 months 14. Adams Collins Private 19 May 1832 3 months 15. William Currie Private 19 May 1832 3 months 16. William Curtis Private 19 May 1832 3 months 17. Ralph Carver Private 19 May 1832 3 months 18. Charles Charlefou Private 19 May 1832 3 months 19. John M.Curtis Private 19 May 1832 3 months 20. Maurice Fougire Private 19 May 1832 3 months 21. Eugene Foumier^ Private 22. John B. Gayon Private 19 May 1832 3 months 23. Paul Gerbert Private 19 May 1832 3 months 24. William C. Green Private 19 May 1832 3 months 25. David Hildreth Private 19 May 1832 3 months 26. Nicholas Hebert Private 19 May 1832 3 months 27. Auguste Hebert Private 19 May 1832 3 months 28. Jacob Heruff Private 19 May 1832 3 months 29. Joseph Hebert Private 19 May 1832 3 months 30. Henry Hart Private 19 May 1832 3 months 31. Joseph Henault Private 19 May 1832 3 months 32. ElHck Ignace Private 19 May 1832 3 months 33. John Kemp Private 19 May 1832 3 months 34. Joseph Kemp Private 19 May 1832 3 months 35. Benjamin King Private 19 May 1832 3 months 36. Vanderlin Lansing Private 19 May 1832 3 months 37. Francis Lafleur^ Private 19 May 1832 3 months 38. Joseph Morell Private 19 May 1832 3 months 39. Joseph Minette Private 19 May 1832 3 months 40. Rowley McMillen Private 19 May 1832 3 months

^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Drew no rations." ^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Commenced 14 June. Paid in Clarkes to June 14." ' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Musket $10 damages." 41. Henderson Nolan Private 19 May 1832 3 months 42. Jonathan Olmstead Private 19 May 1832 3 months 43. Charies Olmstead Private 19 May 1832 3 months 44. Joseph Payne'* Private 45. Paul Saulnier Private 19 May 1832 3 months 46. Bernard Smith Private 19 May 1832 3 months 47. J. B. Saulnier Private 19 May 1832 3 months 48. Bazil Toumelle Private 19 May 1832 3 months 49. Michael Tyer Senr Private 19 May 1832 3 months 50. Michael Tyer Jur Private 19 May 1832 3 months 51. Frederick Tyer Private 19 May 1832 3 months 52. John Vereing Private 19 May 1832 3 months 53. John Viznette^ Private 19 May 1832 3 months 54. Bernard Ward Private 19 May 1832 3 months 55. William Wastle^ 56. Lewis Woods^

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. Fortunatus Berry's Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the true state of the Company.^

Fortunatus Berry, Capt. Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen. Atkinson.

W. W. Woodbridge Adj. & Inspec Iowa Militia

^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Commenced 15 June. Paid in Clarkes to June 14." ^ Listed as John Vignette on Pay Roll. ^ Listed as William Worthey and William Wastley on Pay Roll. ^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Commenced 15 June. Paid in Clarks to June 14." * In remarks on Pay Roll, "Deductions—1 ration per day for every officer & man Except Cubbage." MUSTER ROLL of Captain Benjamin W. Clark Company, of Iowa Moimted Volimteers under Command of Gen. H. Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson...the 20th May 1832.

1. Benjamin W. Clark Capt. May 16 149 days Iowa County 2. John R. Shorlttz^ ILut. May 16 44 days II 3. James Powell^° 1 " July 2 162 II II 4. R. H. McGoon 2 " June 10 124 II II 5. Saml Scott 1 Min.? May 16 6. Rob. M. Magee 1 Sargent II 149 II II 7. George Mason"^ 2 " II 149 II II 8. James Ervin'^ 3 " II 149 II II 9. Stephen Goff^^ 4 " II 149 II II 10. Anderson John''* t( til5 II 149 II II 11. Austen Hiram'^ 1! II II 149 II II 12. John Anckney*^ II 149 II II 13. AshbrookC. C.'^ II 149 II II 14. Blackmore J. R.'^ II 149 •1 II 15. Burbage Jacob^° II 149 II II 16. Bodoins Peter May 16 30 II II 17. Brown John May 16 30 II II 18. Colvin William II 149 II II 19. Can* Benjamin II 149 II II 20. Clark David II 149 II •1 21. Goushen John II 149 II II 22. Coons John R.^' II 30 II II 23. Doyle Patrick^^ II 149 II II 24. Drummer A M.^^ II 149 II II 25. Dance Russell II 149 II II 26. Demun Jules II 30 II II 27. Evdng Jarard^"* II 149 II II 28. Ennion John II 149 II II 29. Eames George II 149 II II

In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid as private below [no. 64]." '* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." '^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." " In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." " In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." *^ 10-78 identified on pay roll as privates. '^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." *' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." '* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse. Saddle $12.56." *' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^" In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." " In remarks on Pay Roll, "Stop 1 saddle $20." ^^ Listed as A. W. Drummer on Pay Roll. ^'^ Listed as Jared on Pay Roll. 30. Estess Reuben II 149 31. Evans, Morgan^^ II 149 32. Fergusen G. W,'' II 149 33. Fletcher Werio P [Merton?] II 149 34. Griggs EUas^^ II 149 35. Gratiot J P. B.^^ II 30 36. Huling Hurcanes II 149 37. Haris John II 149 38. Harden Isam^^ II 149 39. Hare B. W.^° II 149 40. Huling Samuef' II 149 41.IsbelT. S.^^ II 149 42. Jumey S M" II 149 43. KananerWill II 149 44. Nagles James II 149 45. Nicolson Thomas II 40 46. Navol Enoch •1 149 47. Poter Thomas J^"* II 149 48. Pate Jacob II 149 49. Parish John June 14 20 50. Philes John^^ II 149 51. Pence A W^^ II 149 52. Philips Samuel June 25 129 53. Payne Joseph May 14 30 54. Hamilton Juneau II 149 55. Hawl R.^^ II 149 56. Eugene Foumier II 30 57. Ryan John II 149 58. Robinson W.B.^^ II 149 59. Robison G. W.^^ II 149 60. Smith John M II 149 61. Southwick David II 149 62. Scovill Benjamin II 149 63. Wood William May 16 30 64. Wamer Samuel II 149

^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^^ Listed as Edwin Griggs on Pay Roll. ^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^" In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^^ Listed as T. S. Isbel on Pay Roll. ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^'^ Listed as Thomas J. Porter on Pay Roll. ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^^ Listed as Resin Hall on Pay Roll. •** In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.' 65. Wallace Will. " 149 " 66.WaleyGeo^^ " 149 " 67. Ward Thomas'*' " 40 " 68. Thomis Willey " 149 " 69.WoodLewis^^ " 30 " 70. John Wilkins"*^ " 30 " 71. Cubbage George " 30 " 72. Haskins Calvin " 30 " 73.PowalJames^ " 30 " 74. Smith Henry^^ " 149 " 75. Taylor Humphrey'*' " 149 " 76. Welsh Nicholas " 149 " 77. Hudson James^^ May 30 15 " 78. Collins Adam^^ " 15 "

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. Benjamin Clarks Company of mounted men in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier are accurate and just; and that the recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the true state of the Company.

Benjamin W. Clark Capt Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 11 day of Oct mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers by order of Maj Gen Scott

H Dodge Major Commanding U S Rangers

'*" Listed as George Wiley and Geo Woley on Pay Roll, In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." '^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Saddle $18." ** In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." '** In remarks on Pay Roll, "Horse and ? stopped." ^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Musket damaged $15." '*^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." "** In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse.." MUSTER ROLL of Captain Cornelius De Longs Company, of Iowa Militia commanded by Col H Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of H. Atkinson dated May 24th 1832

Comelius DeLong Captain 24 May 1832 3 Months Adam Hymers'*^ 1st Lieutenant II II 2 II John Kendall 2d " II II 3 II Justus Deseelhorst actg. Asst. Comy. II II 3 II John B. Premir Sergeant II II 3 II William Stewart II II II 3 II John Parish^^ Corporal 18th June II 2 II David Mayfield^' II 24th May II 3 II Ashford Rollins" II II II 3 II Horace Booth^^ II II II 3 II 1. James Ball Private II II 3 II 2. John Blakely II 6th June II 2 II 3. James Burley II 24th May II 3 II 4. John Bomer II 12th July II 1 II 5. Samuel Carlton II 24th May II 3 II 6. Thomas Cunningham II II II 3 II 7. James Cunningham II II II 3 II 8. Joseph Cunningham II II II 3 II 9. William Cunningham II II II 3 II 10. Andrew Connor II 25th June II 2 II 11. James Collins II 6th July II 2 II 12. J. R. Crawford II 3rd June II 2 II 13. Robt. Doty II 24th May II 1 II 14. Thomas J. Davis II II II 2 II 15. Henry Deacon II II II 3 II 16. Francis Dowling II II II 3 II 17. Horatio DeLong II II II 3 II 18. James Donaldson II 2d July II 2 II 19. John Doyle II 24 May II 1 II 20. Joseph Emerman^"* II 2d July II 2 II 21. Moses Eastman II 24 May II 3 II 22. Solomon Eastman II II II 3 II 23. John Eastman II II II 3 II 24. Andrew Eastman II II II 3 II 25. Michael Fouchette II II II 3 II 26. Michael Findley II II II 3 II 27. Lysander Gilmore II 12 July II 2 II 28. Joseph Hawkes II 24 May II 3 II 29. Joseph Hawkes Jr. II II II 3 II 30. David Hawkes II II II 3 II 31. Scott Hawkes II II II 3 II

^^ In remarks column, "Accidentally Killed by the discharge of a gun 27th July 1832." ^^ In remarks colunm, "Eight days a private." ^' In remarks colunm, "Fifteen days a private." 52 In remarks colunm, "One month a private." ^^ In remarks column, "One month and fifteen days." ^ In remarks column, "Served in capacity of Corpl." 32. Rowland Hall 14 June II 2 33. John Hall II II 2 34. Oliver Holdshowser" 3d June II 1 35. John Hazzard 18 June II .2 36. Thomas Hayners 24 May II 2 37. Warren Johnson 18 June II 2 38. Lewis Joplin II II 2 39. Woodson Joplin II II 2 40. James Kindle 24 May II 3 41. William Kindle II II 3 42. Alex Kindle II II 3 43. Corns. Kennyda 3d June II 1 44. Ambrose Kennyda 24 May II 2 45. Absolem Loutheraine II II 1 46. E Mayfield II II 3 47. Green Mayfield II II 3 48. Lewis Merchant II II 3 49. George McMuUen^' II II 3 50. Patrick Murphey 25 June II 2 51. James McDonald 24 May II 1 52. Joseph D. Parish 18 June II 2 53. Amasiah Parish II II 2 54. Ambrose Parish II II 2 55. Francis Pemo 24 May II 1 56. James B. Smelser II II 2 57. Robt. Stewart" II II 1 58. John Stewart II II 3 59. George C. Shattuck II II 3 60. Thomas Stewart^^ II II 2 61. Willis St. John 2d July II 2 62. John Scott 24 May II 1 63. Abner Westrope II II 2 64. Alexander H. Willard^' 3d June II 2 65. Roland Willard 3 June II 3 66. James Wright 25 June II 2 67. Isaac Wood'° 24 May II 3

^^ In remarks on pay roll, "Paid 19 days to June 22, from that in Gentrys." ^^ In remarks column, "Served as serjeant Nineteen Days." ^^ In remarks colunm, "Acted as Serjt one month permitted to do in Mounted Volunteers." '* In remarks column, "Served as Serjt." ^^ In notes on pay roll, "Paid in Gentrys." *" In remarks colunm, "Served in the Capacity of Corporal twenty days." All listed as present in "Names Present" column except Adam Hymers and the following who were listed as "on Furlough or "Furloughed": John B. Premir, John Blakely, Samuel Carlton Henry Deacon, Thomas J. Davis, Joseph Hawkes, John Hazzard, Absolem Loutheraine, Francis Pemo, John Scott, and James Wood.''

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. Comelius Delongs Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits in every particular, the true state of the Company.

Comelius Delong Capt Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug. 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States the above mentioned company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen Atkinson

W W Woodbridge Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia

61 In remarks on pay roll, "Deductions—1 ration per day for every officer and man." Joseph Dixon's Company

1. Jos. H. Dixon Captain June 4 1 month 2. Geo Robinson'^ 1 Lieut 3. Charles Lewis'^ 1 Lieut 4. Thomas Denson 1 Sergt 5. ClelendMcMurry'^ 2d Sergt 6. HiramWeld'^ 3d Sergt 7. Geo. Rosamire'' 4 Sergt 8. Wm Davison Private 9. H. Massey'^ II 10. James Hopkins II 11. Wm Flint II 12. Thos Felchpatrick'^ II 13. Missouri Dixon'^ II 14. James Vanwaggoner^" II 15.AbelRasdeir' II 16. J. B. Lavine II 17. WmCarpenter^^ II 18. Allen Carpenter II 19. Harvey Miller^^ II 20. Ross J. Ferry^"* II 21. J. P. Stewart^^ II 22. D. McGaws^' II 23. Benjn Duncan II 24. Thos Himer7 7 25. WmH Farmer7 8 26. Frederick Hollman 79

The entire company was fi-om Iowa County.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. Jos H Dixons Company of Iowa

In remarks on Pay Roll, "P. Horse." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed horse." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P. Horse." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." Listed as George Rosenmire on Pay Roll. 67 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed horse." ^^ As Thomas Fitchpatrick in Pay Roll. ^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "P. H.", i.e. pressed horse. '" In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys Company in full." '' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "P. H.", i.e. pressed horse. ^•* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." ^'^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "PH.", i.e. pressed horse. ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Hoard and Parkinsons as I suppose found also in Rountrees." ^'' In remarks on Pay Roll, "In Delongs Co. same time." ^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 79 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." Mounted in the cervice of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

Jos. H. Dixon Capt Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 4 day of July 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of Gen Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Inspec Iowa Militia

The "Remarks" column contains the following:

We certify that the dates upon this muster muster [sic] roll are innaccurately stated. The service was actually performed from the 17th of June to July 17th 1832 and should have been so stated.

Joseph H. Dixon Capt. W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & insp Iowa Militia MT. J. H. Rountree Capt.

I am fully satisfied, by positive testimony, of the tmth of the above statement. This company was formed out of Rountrees upon the termination of the service of that company the 17th of June and was broken up July 17 when many of the men went into Gentry's company. I have accordingly altered the dates upon the pay roll to correspond with the facts. E. Kirby Paymaster

approved H. Atkinson Br. G U.S. ay. MUSTER ROLL of Captain Benjamin Funks Company, of Iowa Militia Stationed at Fort Funk called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson on the 19th May 1832.

1. Benj. Funk Capt May 19, 1832 3 Months 2. Francis Clyma 1st Lieut II II 3. LotDimmick 2nd II II 4. Will Quinn 1st Sergeant II II 5. Isaac Taylor 2d II II 6. William Goodwin 3d II II 7. Jerh H. Powers 1st Corporal II II 8. Juhus Brown Private June 9, 1832 2 Months 11 days 9. Israel B. Cowan II May 19 " 3 Months 10. John Graft II June 9 " 2 Months 11 days 11. David Hudson II May 19 " 3 Months 12. Samuel Horine II II II 13. AsaHutton II II II 14. Jeremiah Hall Asst Q'^Master II II 15. Anson Irion^^ Private June 24, " 1 Month 27 days 16. John Kenny II May 19, " 3 Months 17. Aaron Kenny II II II 18. Peter Kenny II II II 19. Washington Keimy II II II 20. Thos Moore II June 9, " 2 Months 11 days 21.Kingsley01es II II II 22. Jesse Powers II II II 23. Alex Simpson II II II 24. Gilbery Summe II II II 25. Enoch Selles •1 June 24, " 1 Month 27 days 26. James Timms II May 19, " 3 Months 27. Seth Taylor^' II II II 28. King Taylor II II II 29. Frederick Wineman II II II 30. Thompson Wethers II II II 31. James Kirkpatrick II II II

Remarks: The company was stationed at fort Funk, by Order

Inspection remarks: The whole Company was present when mustered out of Service.

I CERTIFY, on honor that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. Benj. Funks Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company. Benj. Funk Capt. Commanding the Company

*" "Listed on Pay Roll as "Irvin" and "Irns." *' Listed on Pay Roll as "S. K. Taylor." I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20 day of August 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen. Atkinson.

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt and Insp of Iowa Militia MUSTER ROLL of Captain Francis Gehon Company, of low^a Militia commanded by Col H Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 19 May 1832.

Francis Gehon Capt 19 May 90 Days A. C. Dodge^^ 1st Sargt II II Levi Sterling 2nd II II II II James D. Jenkins 1st Sargt II II II II Samuel K. Campbell 2nd II II II II Robert F Douglass 3rd II II II II Elijah Hyde Commissary II II II II Bamey Gray Private II II 12 II Christopher Shoultz 26 June 56 II Clifford Sitton 28 " 53 II E M Buchanan Gayen Keniday It 11 George Messersmith 30 Henry Messersmith John G. Sitton 28 " 53 " John Messersmith 7 " 30 " James Jenkins 19 May 90 " Nicholas Hofman II II II II Peter Rector •1 II 33 " Thomas Graham II II 90 " William Messersmith 7th June 30 " Joseph Dodge 19 May 30 " James Gardener II II II II II Joshua Jones II II II II Tob' Dodge II II II II William Jones II II II II

The entire company was from Iowa County.


We certify that A. C. Dodge served as 1st Lieut, and L. Sterling as 2nd Lieut, of this Company the whole term. That they are mustered as sergeants by mistake & that we intended they should be and supposed they were mustered upon this roll as 1st and 2nd Lieut respectively.

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Inspector Iowa Mihtia Francis Gehon Capt

I have seen an original muster roll of this Company in the hands of Colonel which agrees with this in other respects and which musters A. C. Dodge as 1st Lieut, and L. Sterling as 2nd Lieut.

82 In remarks on Pay Roll, "A. C. Dodge, 1 saddle & bridle deducted $24." E. Kirby Paymaster U.S.A.

It is personally known to me that A. C. Dodge served as 1st Lieutenant & L. Sterling as 2nd Lieutenant in Capt. Gehons Company & that I have in my possession an original muster roll which so musters them

Mineral Point June 7, 1833 H. Dodge Late Col of Iowa County Militia M.T.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. Francis Gehon Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the true state of the Company.

Francis Gehon Captain Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned company of Iowa Militia by Order of Gen Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Inspector Iowa Militia MUSTER ROLL of Captain Jas. H. Gentrys Company, of loway Mounted Volunteers imder Col. H. Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson May 11th 1832.

1. James H. Gentry^^ Captain May 11th 4 mo 28 dys 2. Paschal Biquette^'* 1st Lieutenant 3.HenryL. Dodge^^ 2d Lieutenant 4. John Porter^^ 3d Lieutenant 5. John Lindsey^^ 1st Sergant 6. Peter Fitzgerralds^^ 2d 7. George C. Willard^^ 3d 8. Stephen Thrasher^° 4th May 17th 4 mo 23 dys 9. Lewis D. Seelhorst9 1 1st Corporal II II 10. Thomas F. Calmes 92 2d II II 11. John James^^ 3d June 1st 4 mo 9 dys 12. Atchison Jefferson 94 Private June 22nd 3 mo 17 dys 13. Andrew James B.'^ July 20 2 mo 19 dys 14. Black Samuel T 96 May 17 1 mo 8 dys 15. Cams William B 97 May 11 4 mo 28 dys 16. Cox James P 98 II II 1 mo 28 dys 17. Crawford John R 99 July 1st 3 mo 9 dys 18. Carpenter William 100 July 17 2 mo 22 dys 19. Carpenter Allen'"' II II 20. Charles Samuel'"^ Julyl 3 mo 9 dys

83 In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Blanket deductions $7." ^'* In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Saddlebags $6." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Saddle $25." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Saddle Bags." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ** In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." Listed on Pay Roll as Fitzgerald. In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. *' In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded in the Augt 2d." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." Listed in Pay Roll as S. B. Thrasher. '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); Blanket $8.25." '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "'* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Jones to Aug 20th." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded in the battle Peckatonika 16 June died July 25th." In remarks on Pay Roll, "The mother has given a power of atty to receive this amt." (note in pencil) ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Musket damage $10." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Rountrees and N.C. Staff." ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, " P.H {i.e. pressed horse]; Damaged Musket $10." ^"^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '"^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 21. Duncan Asa'"^ June 15 3 mo 24 dys 22. Doyle John H 104 July 1st 3 mo 9 dys 23. Dustin Caleb'"^ June 22 3 mo 17 dys 24. Davis Clabom'"^ June 15 3 mo 24 dys Denton Arnold"'^ July 17 2 mo 22 dys 26. Davidson WilHam 108 II II II II 27. Dixon Joseph'"' II II II II 28. Douglass Robt F 110 July 25 2 mo 14 dys 29. Dean William'" May 11 1 mo 20 dys 30. Dougherty John"^ June 22d 3 mo 19 dys 31.EstesJasB"^ May 11th 4 mo 28 dys 32. Earnest John'"* July 17 2 mo 22 dys 33. Ewing Pleasant"^ May 11th 4 mo 28 dys 34. Ewing John R 116 July 17 2 mo 22 dys 35. Farmer WilHam H 117 July 11 4 mo 28 dys 36. Flinn Joshua 118 June 17 3 mo 22 dys 37. Ferry Ross"' II II II II 38. Flewellin Herbert 120 II II II II 39. Fitzpatrick Thomas 121 July 17 2 mo 22 dys 40. Haney Bennett 122 July 25 2 mo 14 dys 41. Horine Patrick 123 May 17 4 mo 23 dys 42. Hunter Joseph 124 June 9 4 mo

'°^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '"'* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '°^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '°^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '°^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." ^"* In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '"' In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." "° In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse]; Paid in Gehon's to Aug 20." '" In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded at Bad Axe Augt 2d & died 3d Augt." In remarks on Pay Roll, "See Capt Jones' roll; Saddle and Bridle $25." '" In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Blanket & sircingle." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." ""* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Bridle $3." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll," Conunencement of service not properly stated on mr. roll." In Inspection Remarks on muster roll, "We certify that Wm H. Farmers service commenced May 11 & should be so stated" (James H. Gentry Capt.; W W Woodbridge, Late Adj & Inspec Iowa Militia MT). "I have seen the duplicate roll which so musters him." "* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "' In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Bridle $1.50." '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "* In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." *" In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." *" In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 43. Holeshouser Oliver'^^ June 22 3 mo 17 dys 44. Harrison Thomas'^^ II II II II 45. Hymer Thomas'^^ June 17 3 mo 22 dys 46. Hood Lawson'^^ June 16 3 mo 23 dys 47. Hopson WilHam'^' June 22 3 mo 17 dys 48. Higanbothem Jefferson 130 May 17 4 mo 23 dys 49. Hopkins James'^' July 17 2 mo 22 dys 50. Jon Thomas'^^ II II II II 51. Jenkins Thomas'^'' May 11 4 mo 28 dys 52. James Edward'^"* II II II II 53. Jenkins John G.'^^ May 17 4 mo 23 dys 54. Johnson Famham.13 6 II II II II 55. Kinnin Bazil'" July 1 3 mo 9 dys 56. Kennedy Comelius.13 8 June 22 3 mo 17 dys 57. Kirkpatrick J. W.'^' July 25 2 mo 14 dys 58. Kirkpatrick R.H.'^" May 11th 1 mo 22 dys 59. Loury George'"*' June 16 3 mo 23 dys 60. Lewis Charles"*^ May 17 4 mo 23 dys 61. Langworthy Lucius.14 3 Augt 9 2 mo 62. Miller Harvey'^^ May 11 4 mo 28 dys 63.MaddinWmJ.'^^ July 25 2 mo 14 dys 64. Messersmith John''*^ May 11 4 mo 28 dys

'^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^* In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded at the battle bad axe In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. Aug 2d." '^' In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^" In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '•*' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded at the battle Pickatonika June 16th." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid to June 11 at Sergt Major P.H [i.e. pressed horse]." '^'* In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Blanket $5.75." ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '•*'' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. *'*" In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Blanket $4." ''*' In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded at the Bad Axe Battle In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. Augt 2d." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); Paid in Dixons to deduct 1 month." '''^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '** In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." ''** In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Bridle & Girth $4.50." *'** In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." 65. Messersmith Henry 147 II II II II 66. McDonald James''** June 22 3 mo 17 dys 67. McMullin Daniel"*' July 17 2 mo 22 dys 68. Massey Henderson'^" II II II II 69. McKeg Daniel'^' Julyl 3 mo 9 dys 70. Myers Jonas.15 2 July 25 2 mo 14 dys 71. Myers John'" II II II II 72. O'Neil John F^15 4 May 11 4 mo 28 dys 73. Gates Philip'^^ II II II II 74. Ohara Irvin'^^ July 17 2 mo 22 dys 75. Pahick Samuel'^^ May 17 1 mo 76. Parkerson Peter'^* II II 4 mo 23 dys 77. Payne Aaron'^' July 25 2 mo 14 dys 78. Person Milton B 160 June 22 3 mo 17 dys 79 Parrish Thomas,16 1 July 25 2 mo 14 dys 80 Rasdel Abel"' May 11 4 mo 28 dys 81 Rittenhouse Obediah 163 June 16 3 mo 23 dys 82 Raines John"^ July 17 2 mo 22 dys 83 Robert R. Read'^^ May 17 4 mo 23 dys 84. Robinson George'^^ May 11 1 mo [Southard John]'^^ 85. Steel William'^^ June 22 3 mo 17 dys

''*^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." '*** In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." e. pressed horse, 149 In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse, 150 In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse, '^' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse, ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse, 153 In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse, '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." .e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Blanket $6." '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid as Capt to Aug. 20. This service performed as a substitute, as certified by Capt Gentry." '^' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^* In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." *^' In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded in the battle bad Axe Augt 2d." '^° In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." P.H. [i.e. pressed horse); Paid to Aug 20 on Jones' Roll '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 166 In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Rountrees roll same time." 167 In record of events on muster roll, "We certify that John L. Southard served as a private in this company one month in the field mounted on a furnished horse and his name was omitted on this roll by mistake. (James H. Gentry; W W Woodbridge, Late Adj & Inspec Iowa Militia MT). '*' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." 86. Smith James 169 July 25 2 mo 14 dys 87. Stewart Robert'^" July 17 2 mo 22 dys 88. Stout Benjamin'^' July 25 2 mo 14 dys 89. Sturdevine Jefferson'^' July 17 2 mo 22 dys 90. ShayDavid'^^ May 17 4 mo 23 dys 91. Tower Isaac S.'17 4 II II II II 92. Traverse Abraham.17' 5 July 17 2 mo 22 dys 93. TuUier Joseph'^' July 25 2 mo 14 dys 94. VanMatre Lewis L 177 May 17 4 mo 23 dys 95. Vanwagoner James 178 II II II II 96. Willard Alex H.'^' II II II II 97. Wells Samuel'*" May 25 2 mo 98. Welds Hiram'*' July 17 2 mo 22 dys 99. Wheeler John'*^ July 25 2 mo 14 dys 100. Wheeler Salomon'*^ II II II II 101. Young Daniel'*^ July 1st 3 mo 19 dys 102.WhetworthJohn'*^ July 25 2 mo 14 dys 103. Hawkes James'*^ July 24 2 mo 15 dys

I CERTIFY, on Honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme stste of Capt. Jas. H. Centrys Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

James H. Gentry Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 9th day of October 1832 mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers by order of Maj. Gen Scott Henry Dodge

'^' In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^" In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. 171 In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H."i.e . pressed horse. "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. *'* In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Mounted Complete." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^'^ In remarks on muster roll, "Wounded at battle Peckatonika In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. June 16th Died 25." '** In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. '** In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); Paid in Jones to 20 Aug." **^ In remarks on muster roll, "Furnished by Government." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H.", i.e pressed horse. Major Commanding US Rangers Approved H. Atkinson Br Gen USA MUSTER ROLL of Captain Isaac Hamiltons Company of Iowa Militia Stationed at Fort Independence called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 19 May 1832.

1. Isaac Hamilton Captain 19 May 1832 3 Months 2. Peter Corish 1st Lieut II II 3. McVay Armstrong'*^ 2d Lieut II II 4. James Turkington 1st Sergt II II 5. Geo Ames Private 2d Aug 18 days 6. Wm Berry II 19 May 15 Days 7. Peter Bodoin II II 3 Months 8. John Coudy II II II 9. Matthew Cullen II II II 10. John Coons II 2d Aug 18 Days 11. Patrick Doyle'** II 19 May 3 Months 12. Jacob Duvall II II II 13. Arthur Dawson II II II 14. John Ealer •1 II II 15. Jerard Ewing II 2d August 18 days 16. Thomas Fox • II 19 May 3 Months 17. Thomas Harris II II II 18. Jacob Hamilton II II II 19. VemeyLovet II 2d August 18 Days 20. Thomas McCusken II 19 May 3 months 21. Matthew Miller II II II 22. James McQuade II II II 23. Alexander Moore II II II 24. Patrick O'Sullivan II II II 25. Dennis 0 Neil II II II 26. James 0 Toole II II II 27. Adam Plank II II II 28. John Ryan II II II 29. Michael Slaven II II II 30. Francis Synnot II 10 July 40 Days 31. Hugh Ward II 19 May 3 months 32. Nicholas Walsh'*' II II II

The entire company was from Iowa County.

Remarks: This company was stationed at Shullsburgh.

Inspection Remarks: Company all present.

I CERTIFY, on honor that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. Isaac Hamiltons Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the

'^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "1 Damaged Musket deducted $10." ^** In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Clarkes Co." 189 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Clarkes co as I suppose but am not certain as to identity." names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

Isaac Hamilton Capt Commanding the Company.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of Gen. Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia

Notes on pay roll: 1 ration per day deducted for every officer & man. MUSTER ROLL of Captain Wm S. Hamilton Co, Iowa Militia being in part Mounted & called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen Henry Atkinson by the Governors proclamation... ^^^ l.Wm S.Hamilton'" Capt 2. Daniel Miller"^ 1 st Leut 3.ALline"^ 2 Leut 4. Wm S. Rankin 2 leut acting commission 5. Pearce Bradley 1st Sargeant 6. David Rankin'" 2 " 7. James Dougherty"^ 3 " 8. Anthony Miller"^ 4 " 9. Apple Henry"^ 10. Boyd Thomas 11. Bud Samuel 12. Biggs James 13.CummingGW 14. Carrol George 15. Clamo Stephen 16. Clamo Perry 17. Campbell Robert 18. Carrol Charles S. 19. ComptonJohn"* 20. Davies Wm'" 21. Dunstan Emanuel 22. Floyd Aquella'"" 23. Gilbert David'"' 24. Galoway J. B. 25. Higgenbothan Alexander.20 2 26. Hale Jackson 27. Hale Eldred 28. Hale Stephen

"^ The muster roll indicates the company was mustered on May 2,1832 for a term of 3 months and 4 days from Iowa County. The names of all but those killed or wounded were repeated under "Names Present." The Term of Service was reported on the Pay Roll as 3 mo. 18 days. "' In remarks on muster roll, "on Horse Back." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pd by Maj. Andrews on separate voucher 8 Feb.." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." "'* In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse valued at." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse valued at." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse valued at." "^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed by the enemy 16th June within 3/4 of mile of Fort Hamilton." '^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed on the 14th by the enemy about four miles from Fort Hamilton." '" In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." ^°° In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." Listed on Pay Roll as Aquila. ^°* In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." ^"^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." 29. Hale Washington'"^ 30. Harrison G. W 31. Kukendoll Robert'"^ 32. Lamont Roderick 33. MilhonBennet 34. Million Crawford 35. McClure James 36. McClure John 37. Myres R.H. 38. McAlear Francis 39. Mcllvane James'"^ 40. McNight James 41. Munston John 42. Rankin Andrew 43. Skinner Albert'"^ 44. Skinner John B. 45. Skiimer John 46. Shook Elias'"^ 47. Spufford Omri'"* 48. Spencer Francis 49. Sayles Nathan 50. Searles A. D.'"' 51. Tremble Gabriel"" 52. Telbury Elijah'" 53. Van Skork Joseph'" 54. Walls John C.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. Wm. S. Hamiltons Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

Wm S. Hamilton Captain Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of Gen. Atkinson.

^°^ Listed on Pay Roll as Hill. ^^ Listed in Pay Roll as Kirkendall. ^"^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed on the 14th within four miles of Fort Hamilton." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Killed 14 June." ^"^ In remarks on muster roll, "Lying at Prairie du Chien being wounded in Battle on the Mississippi." ^'^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." ^°^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed within 4 miles of Fort Hamilton." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Killed 14 June." ^°' In remarks on muster roll, "Killed 14 June." ^'° In remarks on muster roll, "Served on Horse." Listed on Pay Roll as Trimble. ^" Listed on Pay Roll as Tilbury. ^'^ Listed on Pay Roll as Van Schaick. W.Woodbridge Adj and Inspector

I hereby testify that the company was mustered into the service of the US on the 2nd day of May 1832.

William S. Hamilton Capt Iowa Militia

Signed and countersigned H. Dodge late Col Militia Iowa County M.T. MUSTER ROLL of Captain Robert C. Hoard Company, of lov^a Militia Commanded by Col. H. Dodge called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 21st May 1832

I.R.C. Hoard Capt 21st May 1832 3 months 2. Chas Bracken 1 Lieut II 29 Days 3. D. M. Parkinson 2d " II 27 Days 4. Richard Stephenson 1st Lieut 22 June 1 month 29 days 5. WmBurritt 2d " 19 June 2 months 3 days 6. Vemey Lovett Ord Serg 21st May 1 month 7. Alford McConnell Ord Sergt 21st June 2 months 8. John McNair 2d " 21st May 3 months 9. J. B. Steward 3 " II II 10. Jeremiah Adams 4 " II II 11. George Skillenger 1 Corp II II 12. Thompson Smith 2 " II II 13. Thomas Clark 3 " II II 14. Alexr Baldridge 4 " II •1 15. A. C. Ransom A. A. Com. II II 16. Joseph Bailey Private II II 17. Wm Baker II II II 18. John Baker II II II 19. Irvin Baldridge II II II 20. Thomas Bean II II II 21. Robert Blain II II 2 months 22. Samuel Brents II II 27 Days 23. Joshua G. Brown II II 3 months 24. Wm Burnett II II 29 Days 25. [omitted in original] 26. Clayboum Davis"^ II II 27 Days 27. M. G. Fitch II II 27 " 28. Robert Gray II II 3 months 29. Hayden Hilton II II II 30. Reason Hall II II 27 Days [Daniel S. Hawley]'"* 31. Richard Highton II II 3 months 32. Francis Kenon"^ II II II 33. Michael Laha"^ II II 2 months 34. Leaven Leach II II 27 Days

213 Listed on Pay Roll as Claiborn. ^''^ "Entered on the rolls by order of Sec. of War Dec. 15,1832 said order being endorsed on the papers of said Hawley presented for payment; M. M. Sims, Clk 2 audt office, Dec 18/32" ^'^ Listed on Pay Roll as Kennon. ^'^ Listed on Pay Roll as Lehon. [John Loughborough]"'^ 35. Alford McConnell"* II 1 month 36. George McCullough II 3 months 37. Vemey Lovett 21st June 1 month 38. John McGechee"' 21 May 3 months 39. Dominick McGraw"" 40. Benjamin Million 21 May 3 months 41. Wilham Monroe 42. Henry Nation 43. H. C. Nichols 44. Elijah Osborne 27 Days 45. Nathaniel Parkinson 3 months 46. Peter Parkinson 27 Days 47. Thomas H. Price II 48. Daniel Shinkle 3 months 49. Peter Sanderford II 50. Wm Sullins 27 Days 51.F. J. Scott II 52. Richard Stephenson 1 month 53. Thompson Smith ODays 54. Chas B. Tomlinson 3 months 55. Jas Tomlinson 27 Days 56. Tousant Trombly II 57. A. P. Vanmatre 3 months 58. Abraham Vanmatre 59. Columbus Curtis 60. Wm Coleman 61. Ezra Lamb 62. Henry Morin 63. John Ray 64. Saml F. Frithwell'" 65. John Smith

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. R. C. Hoard's Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

Robert C. Hoard Captain Commanding the Company I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order

^" In remarks on muster roll, "We certify that John Loughborough served as private in this company three months and that his name was omitted on the roll by mistake" (Mineral Point, June 7,1833, Robert C. Hoard Capt.; W W Woodbridge, Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia). John Loughborough added to Pay Roll as a private serving 21 May-20 Aug. "* Listed on Pay Roll as Alfred. ^^' Listed on Pay Roll as McGehee. "" In remarks on muster roll, "Dominick McGrath served 27 days Robert C. Hoard." "' Listed on Pay Roll as Fretwell. of General Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Insp Iowa Militia MUSTER ROLL of Captain James Jones Company of Iowa Militia Stationed at Fort Blue called into the service of the United States in the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 19th May 1832

1. James Jones Capt 20th May 3 months 2. Aaron Adams 1st Lieut 3. Cuyler Armstrong 2nd Lieut 4. Jno M Bosert Asst. Com. II 5. Austen Palmer 1st Sergt. 6. James Andrews Privates 7. John Armstrong 8. Robert Andrews 9. J. T. Brown 10. John Cook 11. A. B. Castle'" 12. WmDunlap 13. Wm. J. Frame 14. Levi Gilbert 15. James Hughes 16. Thomas Lucas 17. Levi Mace 18. George Meekey 19. Jackson Meadows 20. James Moody 21.0tisMastick 22. Thos. J. Parish 23. Wm Price 24. John Sidinger 25. Mason Wooton 26. Jno Whitworth 27. Hiram Current"^ IstJuly""* 18 Days 28. Zeb. Duphey"^ 14 " 29.WmDean"^ 30 " 30. Joseph McDonald"^ 23 " 31. John Evans"* 40 " 32. Richd Lawhead"' 40 " 33. David Maltock"" 40 "

^^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Supposed to be paid in Berrys as A. Castle." "^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." ^^'^ #27— In remarks on muster roll, "These men were under my conunand as Mounted Volunteers for the time annexed to their names." "' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Terrys." ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, " Wm Dean was wounded and died the same day at the Battle on the Mississippi Aug 1832." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Mustered and paid on Capt. Gentrys roll." "^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Terrys roll." "* In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "' In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "" In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 34. Isaac Martin'^' 14 II 35. Bennet Hamy'^' 40 II 36. J. Reno'" 14 II 37. Geo. Robinson'^'* 40 II 38. J. Hunter'^^ 26 II 39. J. W. Kirkpatrick'^^ 40 II 40. Milton Persons'" 40 II 41. Jno. Lyers'^* 40 II 42. Jno Fennimore'^' 18 II 43. Baptiste Deshongs'"*" [ay 2 months [44. Andrew Hughes]'^'

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. James Jones Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the company.

James Jones Capt. Commanding the Company.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined the muster roll, and that I have this 20 day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen. Atkinson

W W Woodbridge Adj. and Inspec Iowa Militia

Duplicate muster roll in file.

'^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Adjt Woodbridge states that he absented himself from F. Winnebago and is not entitled to pay." "^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys from July 25." ^^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); a musket charged to him." ^^ In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "' In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Capt Gentrys roll from July 25 & on Terrys the rest." "^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentry." ^^' In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. "' In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^'*'' In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); musket and Blanket charged to him. ^'*' In remarks on muster roll, "Andrew Hughes omitted by mistake on the roll—I certify that he served in the company three months and was mustered out—that his name appears on the duplicate roll." (W W Woodbridge, Late Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia MT). "See the duplicate roll which accompanies this." (E Kirby, Paymaster). Andrew Hughes added to the Pay Roll as a Private serving 19 May-20 Aug., P.H (i.e. pressed horse). MUSTER ROLL of Captain John Moors Company of Iowa Militia Stationed at M. Ty called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 19th May 1832.

1. John Moore Capt 19 May 3 months 2. James Marston.24^ 2 1st Lieut 3. JohnWilson'^^ 2nd 4. Allen S. Dougherthy 1st Sergt. 5. Harvey Peppers 2nd 6. Horace Andrews 7. Henry Boyers Privates 8. James Brady 9. Robt S. Black'^'* 10. William Bennett 11. Henry Blaney 12. Thos. J. Atchison.24' 5 13. Saml. Charles 14. N. F. Dean 15. James Edwards 16. Mattw Edwards 17. Fames Fiddick 18. Wm Fennimore 19. Garret D.Farris 20. Wm Gilham 21. John Hood 22. Joseph Hollingsworth 23. James Hale 24. Matthew Harris 25. Joseph James 26. Patrick Manahan 27. Wm F. Manahan 28. Patrick McKinney 29. Abraham Miller 30. Abner Nichols 31. James Nugent 32. Peter Perry 33. William Priddix 34. Henry Ramon"*^ 35. Robert RRead"*^ 36. John T. Sublett 37. James Scantlin 38. Richard Thomas

"^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Saddle and Blanket deducted $15." ^'^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Drew no rations." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Drew no rations.'* ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys from June 22." ^^ Listed in Pay Roll as Redman. ^"^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Gentrys roll." 39. Holstead Townsend 40. Charles Harris 41. Stephen Terrell 42. Mark Terrell 43. Francis Vivian " " 44. John C. Wheeler'^* 45. Andrew Whitaker'^' 46. Thomas Walker 47. Salomon B. Wheeler'^" 48. Thomas Webster'^' 49. F. M. Morris 50. William Brown " 1 month 51. Wm Messersmith'" 19 July 52. Jno Messersmith'" 53. George Messersmith'^"* " " [54. WilHam Sublette]'^^ [55. Rains Miller]'^^ [56. James Prideaux]'^^ [57. WilHam Storey]'^* [58. WilHam Kendall]'^'

Remarks: We certify that William Kendall, WilHam Sublette & Rains Miller served in this company for the full term of three months from the 19th day of May & that Hames Prideaux and William Stoney served in the company for the terms of two months from May 19th that they were omitted by oversight upon this roll mustering the company out of service John Moore Cpt. W W Woodbridge Late Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia MT

I CERTIFY, on Honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. John Moore's Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the periods herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company John Moore Capt Commanding the Company

^'*" In remarks on Pay Roll, "26 days stopped paid in Gentrys." ^'^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Damaged Musket deducted $10." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "26 days stopped paid in Gentrys." "' In remarks on Pay Roll, "circingle deducted $.75." ^^^ In Remarks column, "Wounded by the enemy on the 16th June 1832 in the Action on the Peckatonica and died of his wounds on the 22 June 1832." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Shermans & Gehons roll." ^^^ In Remarks column, "Detached service." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Shermans & Gehons roll." ^^ In Remarks column, "Detached service." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Shermans & Gehons Roll." ^'' On Pay Roll as a private, serving 19 May-20 Aug. ^^ On Pay Roll as a private, serving 19 May-20 Aug. ^'^ On Pay Roll as a private, serving 19 May-19 July. ^^ On Pay Roll as a private, serving 19 May-19 July. ^*' On Pay Roll as a private, serving 19 May-20 Aug. I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of August 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Insp. Iowa Militia IVIUSTER ROLL of Captain Irvin Oharra Company, of Iowa Militia commanded by Gen Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson the 4th of July 1832.

1. Irvin Oharra Captain 4th July 1832 1 month & 16 days 2. Miles Vineyard 1 Lieut II 3. John B Farrar 2d Lieut II 4. Frederick Hollman'^" Act Asst Cormn II l.W. B.Adney 1st Sergt. II 2. W. Gillam'^' 2d II 1. John Brown 1st Private II 2. John Brown 2d It II 3. Isaac Balonga II II 4. J. B. Cahmberlain II II 5. John Carpenter II II 6. Benj. H. Duncan'^' II II 7. Joseph Denson II II 8. Missouri Dixon'^'' II II 9. Wm Dudley II II 10. Washington Farmer II II 11. Benjn Green II II 12. Robert R Green II II 13. Thomas Good II II 14. Charles Good II II 15. Louis Gokey II II 16. John Henderson II II 17. James Hurd II II 18. J. R. Hopkins II II 19. B. B. Lawless II II 20. George Lory'^ II II 21. Antoine Lore II II 22. Louis Leporte II II 23. Joel Medcalfe II II 24. D. Medcalfe II II 25.JohnNicholson'^^ II II 26. E. M. Om"' II II 27. Richard Parmer II II 28. Francis Packet II II 29. John Denfurth"^ II II

^*^° In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Dixon's to July 17." ^^' In remarks on Pay Roll, "a different man of nearly same name in Moores." '" In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Dixons to July 17." "' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Dixons to July 17." ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Supposed to be paid as Geo. Lowry in Gentry's." 265 In remarks on Pay Roll, "1 damaged musket deducted $10." 266 Listed on Pay Roll as Eben M. 267 In remarks on Pay Roll, "1 damaged musket deducted $10." 30. G. Rosemeyer"* 31. Benjamin Robinson " 32. Calvin Reckby 33. James R. Vineyard

The entire company was from Iowa County

Remarks: This Company was stationed at Fort Dodge.

I CERTIFY, on Honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. Irvin Ohara's Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the periods herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company

John B. Farrar 2d Lieut Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of August 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Insp. Iowa Militia

^^* Listed on Pay Roll as Geo. In remarks on Pay Roll, "Supposed to be paid as Geo. Lowry in Gentry's." MUSTER ROLL of Captain D. M. Parkinson Company, of Iowa Mounted Volunteers under command of Col. H. Dodge called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. H Atkinson on the 17th June 1832.

1. Daniel M. Parkinson'^' Capt 17 June 2 months & 3 ds 2. Samuel Patrick"" 1 Lieut II 1 month 3. M. G Fitch"' 2d II II 2 months & 3 ds 4. John Woods"' 1 Lieut 18 July 1 month 5. Henry Beaupark'^^ 1st Sergt 17 June 2 months & 3 ds 6. F. J. Scott"^ 2d II II II II 7. T. H. Price"' 3d II II II II 8. Leaven Leach'^*^ 4 II II •1 II 9. John A. Brinegar'" Privates II II II 10. Samuel Bmnts'"'* II II II II 11. James Bidix'^' •1 II II II 12. Wm Brown'*" II II II II 13. Moses H. Bmnts II 9 July 1 month & 11 dys 14. Adam A. Coon'*' II 17 June 2 months & 15. Dominick McGrath'*' II II II 16. Elijah Osbom'*^ II II II 17. Peter Parkinson'*"* II II II 18. Jacob Pate'*' II 11 1 month 19. Jacob Ritter II II 2 months 20. N. W. Standford'*^ II II II 21. WmSullens'*^ II II II 22. Toussant Trombl/** II II II

269 In remarks on Pay Roll, "For public property purchased at sale reported by Adjt Woodbridge $12." 270 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse - Blanket and Circingle $.75." 271 In remarks on Pay Roll, "As pr in Hoards Com." 272 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." 273 In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); 2 blankets $10." 274 In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." In remarks on Pay Roll, "pr in Hoards Com." 276 In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." 277 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e, pressed horse. ^^* In remarkso n Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. Hoards Com." 279 In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." 280 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 281 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 283 In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." 284 In remarks on Pay Roll, "pr in Hoards Com; paid in Gentrys Company." 285 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Clarks." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Stoppage for bridle blanket and curcingle $9.75; P.H [i.e. pressed horse)." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com; blankets $4." In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." 23. Absolem Townsend'*' 24. James Tomlinson"" 25. John Woods'" 1 month 26. Joseph Touleau'" 2 months 27. John Brown 1 month

County: Iowa

Names Present: Whole Company

Remarlcs: This Company was in the Battle of and Bad Axe

I CERTIFY, on Honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. D. M. Parkinson Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers in the service of the United States, for the periods herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company

Daniel M. Parldnson Captain Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By Order of Gen Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Inspector

^*' In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^'^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); pr in Hoards Com." 291 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^'^ Listed in Pay Roll as TuUier. In remarks on Pay Roll, "P.H [i.e. pressed horse); paid in Gentrys from July 25." MUSTER ROLL of Captain C. M. Price Company, of Iowa Mounted Volunteers under command of Col. H. Dodge called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atldnson by the governor's proclamation dated the 20th May 1832.

1. CM Price Captn. 20 May 1832 3 months 2. G W Jones IstLt. II 1 month 3. Robert Hatfield IstLt. 20 June 2 months 4. James Hilla 2nd Lt. 20 May 3 months I.William Hall Sergt. II 1. Arthur Solomon Private II 2. Boyce James II II 3. Boyce Aaron II II 4. Bushnell Henry"^ II II 5. Bushnell John II II 6. Blessing Abram II II 7. Bristoe Haney""* II II 8. Barber Woodward"' II II 9. Blake Page II II 10. Cluse John II II 11. Dmen Samuel II II 12. Hicklin Moses II II 13.HuntJohn"^ .11 II 14. Hinkson Wm II II 15. Kibbe Oscar II II 16. King John H II II 17. MoreyAP. II II 18. McCartney Orvis II II 19. Newell John A"^ II II 20. Peck Christopher II II 21.RayRichar II II 22. Ramsey Alexr II II 23. Segar Thomas II II 24. Salmon Cutler II II 25. Wheeler Jesse II II 26. Warfield Sylvester"* II II 27. Warfield Wm 11 II 28. Wayman Wm'" II II

The entire company served from Iowa County.

"^ Listed as H. C. on Pay Roll. ^''* Listed as Henry on Pay Roll. ^'^ Listed as J. Woodward Barber on Pay Roll. 296 Listed as Jno. F. on Pay Roll. ^'^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Rode a public Horse." ^'* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Rode a public Horse." ^'' In remarks on Pay Roll, "No deduction." Remarks: This Company was stationed by order of Genl Dodge at Fort Cass at the town of Cassville on the Mississippi 30 miles from Prairie du Chien in Michigan Ter.^""

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. G M Prices Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

G M Price Capta Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen. Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Insec [sic] Iowa Militia

300 In remarks on Pay Roll, "This company furnished its own forage." MUSTER ROLL of Captain John H. Rountree's Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers under Col. Dodge called, into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson on the 17th May 1832.

Capt 2. Geo Robinson.30 1 1st Lieut 3. Jas. P. Cox^"' 2d Lieut 4. J. H. Dixon 1 Sergt 5. ClelandMcMurr/"^ 2 6.HiramWells^"^ 3 7. Thos Brooks^"' 4 8. WilHam Davidson Private 9. Irvin O'Harra 10. Frederick Hollman^"^ 11. JohnHenderson^"^ 12. Allen Carpenter 13. James Hopkins 14. Wm Flint 15.ARasdelP"* 16.WmDean^"' 17. Charles Davis"" 18. James Vanwagoner,31 1 19. WmH Farmer"' 20. Edwd James"^ 21. VesniDawson""* 22. Geo Rosamire 23. Thos Fitchpatrick 24. Wm Carpenter"' 25. Missouri Dixon 316 26. J. B. Lavine"^

301 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Bridle & 2 girths $7." 302 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Stoppage includes 2 saddlebags $6." 303 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Pressed Horse." 304 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 305 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 306 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 307 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 308 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 309 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 310 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Dixons and Gentrys." 311 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 312 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 313 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys." 314 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 315 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 316 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 317 In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. 27. D. McGaws"* 28. B. H. Duncan"' 29. John Rains^'" 30. Jas Kaney 31. J. Sturdivant^" 32. Thos Jon 33. John Earnest^" 34. Abram Travis^'^ 35. Daniel McMullin^"*

Entire company reported as serving one month from May 17. All from Iowa County.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. J. H. Rountrees Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

John H. Rountree Capt Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 17 day of June 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia By order of Gen. Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adjt & Insp Iowa Militia

^^" In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Hoards and Parkinsons." ^" In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^" In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^' Listed as Sturdevine on Pay Roll. In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^^^ In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^" In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. ^" In notes on Pay Roll, "P.H." i.e. pressed horse. MUSTER ROLL of Captain John Shermans Company of Iowa Militia Stationed at Blue Mounds Fort under Command of Col. called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson 20th May 1832.

1. John Sherman Captain May 20th 3 Months 2. George Force^" 1st Lieut. II 1 Month 3. R. E. Collins 2d II II 3 Months 4. W. H. Haughton 1st Sergt. II II 5. Henry Starr 2d II II II 6. Moses Collins 3d!Serg t II II 7. A. G. Haughton 4th II II II 8. Esau Johnson 1st Corpl. II II 9. R. S. Lewis 2d II II II 10. Daniel Evans 3d II •1 II 11. Jacob Keith 4th II II II 12. A. A. Commissary II II 13.W. G.Aubero^'^ Private II 17 Days 14. Harvey Brock II II 3 Months 15. HughBowen II II II 16. Robert Creighton II II II 17. Samuel Davis II II II 18. JohnDannels^" II II II 19. JohnDalby II II II 20. Moses Forman II II II 20. Anson Frazier II II II 21. Jonathan Ferril II II II 22. James Fiddick^'* II July 20 1 Month 23. Emerson Green^" II May 20 1 Month 24. James Hanlon II II 3 Months 25. Charies Harris"" II II 1 Month 26. J. C. Kellogg II May 20 3 Months 27. French Lake II II II 28. Jeremiah Lycan II II II 29. Thomas McCraney II II II 30. Femando McCraney II II II 31. Jason Putnam II II II 32. James Prideaux"' II July 20 1 Month 33. WilHam Prideaux"' II II II 34. Jefferson Smith II May 20 3 Months 35. Alpha Stevens II II II

^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed by the Enemy 20th June three miles from the Fort." ^^^ In remarks on muster roll, "Killed by the Enemy June 6th one mile from the fort." ^^' Listed as Daniels on Pay Roll. ^^* In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Moores." 329 In remarks on muster roll, "Killed by the Enemy 20th June four miles from the Fort." 330 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Moores." ^^' Listed as Priddix on Pay Roll. •*^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Moores." 36. William Stoney July 20 1 Month 37. Thomas Wilson May 20 3 Months 38. Samuel Woodworth II 40. Jno Messersmith 333 1 Month 41. Geo Messersmith 334 42. Wm Messersmith 335

Entire company from Iowa County.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. John Sherman's Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

John Sherman Capt Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of General Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Insp Iowa Militia

^^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Captain Gehons roll from." ^'^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Captain Gehons roll from." "' In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Captain Gehons roll from." MUSTER ROLL of Captain John B. Terry's Company, of Iowa Militia called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson May 18th 1832.

1. John B. Terry Capt May 18 3 months 2. Hypolite Menard 1st Lieut II II II 3. Joseph Wooley 2nd II 2 II 4. Peter A. Lorimier A. A Com. II II II 5. Joseph Hempstead 1 Sergt " 20 ds 6. Joseph Wogan 1 June 9 2 months 10 ds 7. Jonas Myres 2 " May 18 3 II 8. RoUa Dixon 3 " II 2 II 9. Charies Geines"^ 4 II 3 II 10. W. B. Woodman 3d " July 20 1 II 11. Wm Andrews Private June 23 2 II 12. Francois Boner II May 18 3 II 13. Francois Bracomier II II 3 II 14. Albert Browning II II 3 II 15. Antoine Ballot II June 9 2 II 16. Hiram Brown II June 23 2 II 17. Peter Conner II June 9 2 II 18. David Dixon II May 18 3 II 19. Antoine Dameille II II 3 II 20. Flomey Dorson II II 3 II 21. Zebulon Duplessis II II 3 II 22. David Duncan II June 23 2 II 23. Armistead Floyd II May 18 3 II 24.WmLFleaharty^" II II 3 II 25. John Fennimore II II 3 II 26. Ross J. Ferr/^* II July 13 1 II 27. Charles Galloway II May 18 3 II 28. John Hanly II II 3 II 29. James Hanly II II 3 II Joseph Hempstead II June 9 2 II 30. EH Jarvis II May 18 3 II 31. Mordecai James II II 1 II 32. John James II June 23 2 II 33. Baptiste Kenar"' II May 18 3 II 34. Jas H Kirkpatrick II II 3 II 35. J W Kirkpatrick^'*" II II 3 II 36. Wm Kimble II II 3 II 37. Morgan Kehoe II June 16 2 II

336 Listed as Garner on Pay Roll. 337 Listed as Flaherty on Pay Roll. 338 In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys; on Dixon's also." 339 Listed as Kennar on Pay Roll. ^^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid on Gentrys July 25; mustered also in Jones." 38.GBLoughlin^^' May 18 3 39. Joseph Lallmontier II 3 40. John Myres^"*' II 3 41. Joseph McDonald II 3 42. Martin McMahon II 3 43. Patrick O Maro II 3 44. John O Maro II 3 45. Isaac Martin II 3 46. Narcissus Perar II 3 47. Henry Powell June 21 2 48. Dorson E. Parrish June 23 2 49. Robert Ropes May 18 3 50. Joseph Reneau II 3 51.DukeSmith^^^ II 3 52. Charles Souci II 3 53. Benjamin Seguin II 3 54. Nicholas Shay June 21 2 55. Thomas Simpson June 23 2 56. John Sevier July 20 1 57. Henry TilHer May 18 3 Joseph Wogan II 3 W B Woodman.34' 4 June 23 2 58. John Wyatt June 23 2 59. Daniel Young May 18 3

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. John Terrys Company of Iowa Militia in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarlts" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

John B Terry Capt. Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20 day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of Gen. Atkinson

W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Insp Iowa Militia

341 Listed as Laughlin on Pay Roll. ^'*^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid in Gentrys from July 25." ^^^ Listed as D. L. Smith on Pay Roll. ^^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid as Sergt from July 10." MUSTER ROLL of Captain John C Thomas Company of Iowa Militia commanded by Col H Dodge called into the service of the United States on the Requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson on the 1st of June 1832

1. John C. Thomas Captain 2. Henry Smith 1st Lieut. 3. N. J. Hale 2d 4. EHas Griggs 1st Sergt. 5. Geo. Ellinger 2nd " 6. R. C. Crandel 3 7. Henry Gilbert 1st Corp. 8. Clinton Vancicle 2nd " 9. John Ankeny^'*' Asst. Com. 10. James Neville Privates 11. Moses Vancicle " 12. D. L. Isbel 13. John Shepperd 14. H. T. Ankeny^34 6 15. JohnMcManus 16. Robert Paxton 17. Philip Sam^"*' 18. B. F. Ankeny 19. J. P. Clark 20. Wm Journey 21. Thos Vancicle 22. Oliver B. Ankeny 23. T. H. Lott 24. Martin Vancicle 25. Geo W. Lott 26. Michiel Redd 27. John Gray 28. David Divin 29. Samuel G. M Gulpin34 8 30. J. HilHard 31. WmFinehart 32. Harvey McGowen 33. J. C. McNabb 34. Olstead Austin^"*' [35. Aaron Hastings] 350

^'*^ In remarks on Pay Roll, "Paid as a private on Clarks roll. Paid upon this roll the difference in pay as N.C.O." 346 Listed as H. B. Ankeny on Pay Roll. ^'•^ Listed as Saine on Pay Roll. ^'** Listed as McGulpin on Pay Roll. ^^^ Listed as Alsen Austin on Pay Roll. 350 In remarks on muster roll, "I certify that I know Aaron Hastings personally and that he served in the company the full term with the rest of this company and that his name was omitted on the roll by oversight." (W. W. Woodbridge, Adjt & Inspector Iowa Militia). On a slip attached to the muster roll: "I John C. Thomas Capt. of a company of Iowa Militia, do hereby certify that when my company was mustered out of service by the Inspector, I neglected to place on the roll Aaron Hastings a private in my company, said bastings was enrolled on the 1st day of June and served until the Company was discharged, and is entitled to his pay .--John C. Thomas Capt." In remarks on Pay Roll, "Aaron Hastings, private, 1 June-20 Aug added." Entire company mustered June 1 and served for 2 1/2 months. Entire company from Iowa County.

I CERTIFY, on honor, that this muster roll exhibits the tme state of Capt. [left blank] Company [left blank] in the service of the United States, for the period herein mentioned; that the "Remarks" set opposite the names of each officer and soldier, are accurate and just; and that the Recapitulation exhibits, in every particular, the tme state of the Company.

Henry Smith 1st Lieut Commanding the Company

I CERTIFY, on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have this 20th day of Aug 1832, mustered out of the service of the United States, the above mentioned Company of Iowa Militia by order of Gen. Atkinson W. W. Woodbridge Adj & Inspec Iowa Militia MUSTER ROLL of Captain Augustus Grignons Company of Menomonie Warriors Conunanded by Col. Samuel C. Stambaugh and encamped at Green Bay under orders of Col. George Boyd U.S. Ind. Agent for the protection of the settlement and w^aiting orders from Genl Atkinson from the 5th of June to the 3d day of July 1832.

1. Augustus Grignon Captain 2. Ebenezer Childs 1 Lieut Actg. Quarter Master 3. Robert Grignon 2d Lieut 4. Charles A. Grignon 3d Lt. & Interpreter 1. WilHam Powrell 3d Lt & Interpreter 2. Augustus Grignon Jr. 3d Lt & Interpreter 1. Kaush kau no nauvv^ Chief 2. Kp min my kin Senr 3. Faw^ wi kon nauw^ 4. Ko min ny kin Jr 5. Tchi kau ma ki chin 6. Aush key he nei neu 1. Piyot tome Jr 2. Oki shaie 3. Mon na kie 4. Min kautch 5. Le beau frere dau kishie 6. Amable 7. Wati chesse 8. Mins shev^ ky mon 9. Mens ki wette 10. Mah ki mitteaw 11. Ky ny shaie 12. Ha ya kom ma 13. Way a whe ny 14. Au ke tauk 15. Washeio 16. Wabbis shaugay 17. Wau bin nise 18. Chip pau na go 19. Te ke tauch Seru: 20. Wesh kin non 21.0 0pechie 22. Tip pa ko woim 23. Kish ka tau peiw 24. Tip pau neatch kaile 25. Wap peu na nouse 26. Wap pau tau kauo 27. Shion 28. Fam mony cote 29. Paw evan au kai nautowr 30. Cay Cautch 31. Aukkow 32. Pau my ko mau au 33. Whe ya whe ny Sr 34. Wap pau non 35. La Janesse 36. La Ponce 37. Perraultjr 38. Wa ya wheny Jr 39. Co Raut che kaim 40. Cha Rau no ga 41. Au ton caush tau ko mau 42. Wappiu nah mah kie 43. Kau oak ko 44. Naugh tau wa pete 45. Niu mau tchiew 46. Niu tome hau pieu 47. Niu nit tome 48. Niu riau shau pe my 49. Pat che shaw 50. Ret chi mong 51. A wau non he paiuv 52. Wau non Rock Rome 53. Au tou wonse 54. Pet echi pet au wau 55. Wish sho ga 56. Ke shick wa ya yah tow bl. Au qui mau mon kie 58. Au quin au mon kiu Jr. 59. Sau wattie Jr 60. A ya ko owe 61. Wet taus sie 62. Es kwon tcha pete 63. Ny ga na coname 64. Sa qui tauk 65. A ya met tauk 66. Wish ton you 67. Fen mit tau 68.0 Saw wa mik 69. Wap pin na mek kie 70. Na wai taw 71. Weshauga 72. Peu ny core 73. Na peni me shaiw 74. Aya mittau 75. Shau boi tuck 76. Pishi pie kau 77. A mik 78. Maugh whai shai 79. Mah kew ace qaon om 80.0 shaw shew 81. Maugh whai shai Jr 82. Pau yash rau wet 83. Esh kon naie 84. Washaiw 85. Wappash shi aw 87. His son 88. Nim mau shute 88. Coppow 89. Niu mau shute Jr. 90. A posh ko shaiw 91. Nin nautch ky chin 92. Pe ki ka nau na quit 93. Kish kome 94. Ki shi ya co tau 95. Pau k wetchi ny my 96. Kau pe mau bey 97. Ke kau non my kit 98. Au ke mau shie 99. Shai na waite 100. Moose 101. Kish ka noh kome 102.0 nan kis saie 103. Pish shi pie kau 104. Min my Ottoman 105. Wappan non 106. Ketchi nin ka 107. He shene 108. Mittai we weny 109. Aushi ny ny 110. Kakikaki kish 111. SouHgnie 112. Sany pau 113.0. O. Pechaie 114. Pau katchi kaia 115. His son in law 116. Shau wa non 117. Me sha nin 118. Piet tome 119. Minch Shopaman 120. Shi my nan na quet 121. Hugin na pau eu 122. Au mitch 123. Ka sha na mies 124. Sha wa na quotte Jr.

I do hereby Certify on honor that the above and foregoing Muster Roll and return exhibits a true and accurate statement of the state of my Company of Menomonie Warriors xmder my command as mustered out and inspected by me at Green Bay the third day of July 1832

Agt. Grignon Captain Comg. Compy. of Men. Warriors I certify that the above company, conunanded by me and enrolled as above stated, was mustered out at Green Bay the 3rd day of July 1832 at Green Bay

S. C Stambaugh Col. Comg. Menomonies

I certify on honor that Colonel S. C. Stambaugh was in command of the warriors, from the 5th of June to the 3 day of July 1832 Inclusive

Green Bay Indian Agency office Sept. 2d 1832 George Boyd US hid. Agent MUSTER ROLL of Capt. Augustus Grignon's Company of Menominee warriors, marching under orders of Genl. Atkinson and under command of Col. S. C. Stambaugh.

1. Augustus Grignon Captain July 20, 1832 2. Charles A. Grignon 1st Lieutenant acting as interpreter 3. WiUiam Powell 2d Lieutenant acting as interpreter 1. George Grignon 1st Sergeant July 28, 1832 1. Aushkash or the Brave 1st Chief 2. Ko mah ne kin or Big Wave 3. Manbasseaux 4. Powwakony, or Great Soldier 5. Key Shau or the Sxui Monsh kau mau gay the Leader Tchi ka ma ki chin War Chiefs Monse or the Moose Chip pau na go 4. Nah nau pa pete I. Tawas sau bon Privates Minsh kiwete Haw ish quou kau Mi Omee Ash kinette 7. Ky ny wackau 8. his son 9. Matm quaw 10. Kau ky kesie II. Wap panon 12. Wan nish kam 13. Ca shah na ma 14. Wapa shi au 15.0 shaw wau na quet 16. Wap pi na mah kie 17. Matche ka nie 18. Nin to ka shek 19. Aus ki she quaw home 20. Ky sha shik 21. Maugh whoy shay Snr. 22. Pau autch ka wette 23. Wen nissaute 24. Shew Mine 25. Ke ka nou wau na kete 26. Shah nau whay 27. Ha yau ko owe 28. Way taus sah 29. Ish kou watch ah pet 30. Pic ke watch a ni ny 31. Min mouh chute 32. Pichi pi ka 33. Pitchi pittawa 34. Wap bish sha gay 35. Nigan na que aine 36. Shai ke toque Jr. 37. Na pern ma shaie 38. Maugh ki mittaie 39. Washawe 40. Woy ke man wette 41. Shau wan non mitaie 42. Pin min shi aw 43. Naugh maugh na quet 44. Mons so mon nah 45. Mack a tai a quet 46. Ma cake 47. Shaw ny one 48. Ky ne chaie 49. Au shau shew 50. Te kow 51. Sauc ka na quet 52. Wai she quoi nete 53. Ky shi yauch 54. Ny Cou chette 55. Pepon na naie 56. Ke wai tche ketas shew 57. Wack kitchi on 58. Nah nan he tok 59. Mettai wou pe chait 60. Au ke tauk 61. Hau wau peme shaie 62. Ettaw wan nan paie 63. Waishe one 64. Wai shau we zoin 65. Autchi pain se 66. Nau ke sheek 67. Kaush kaush 68. Batise Jr 69. Cauron son of Catish 70. Mi ya qui gick 71. Appashemin 72. Peppon ny naie 73. Wau boose Jr. 74. Sauc kou ka naie 75. Wac kau 76.0 shaw wan na mah ky 77. He min mah ky shaie 78. Naugh pak taie 79. Wa we ya naie Jr 80. Pitti tame 81. Wap pan no Jr. 82. Ky ny payate 83.ShaketokSnr 84. Waish ky non 85. O O Pechaie 86. Tapa ke waiw 87. Kesh ka ta paiu 88. Ta pau na tchi kaite 89. Wappen ny nouce 90. Wappan tok kaiue 91. Shy on naie 92. Pam monicote 93. Kom ma ny kin 94. Pewan nau ke na tow 95. Kah cautch 96. Ho Wai kaiue 97. Pam mi ko na han 98. Wey yau we na Jr 99. Wapano the 3d 100. La Jexmesse 101. La pone 102.PierrauhJr 103. Wa yau whe na son 104. Ka cautch tche kaiue 105. Cha cau nou ka 106. Au tau kaush tau ko nan 107. Wa pin na ma kie 108. Kau oak to 109. Nin tau wau pette 110. Nin mause 111. Nin torn ma paine 112. Nah he tome 113. Nan nah sha pern ny 114. Patche shain 115. Min caush shaw 116. Kitchi Mau 117. Hau won nau pa paw 118. Wau non caush kome 119. Au tau wouse 120. Au Kauw 121. Pit chi pit ta wau 122. Wish shouga 123. Peki ka na nau quet


Commencement & Expiration of Service From the 20th of July to the 28th of August 1832.

G. Boyd U.S. Ind Agent

I do hereby certify, on honor that the above and foregoing Muster roll and return, exhibit a true and accurate statement of the state of the company of Menomonee Warriors under my command as mustered... Augt. Grignon Captain Comdg. Company Meno. Warriors

I certify tiiat the above company commanded by me, eru-oUed as above stated, was mustered out of service this 28th day of Aug 1832 at Green Bay

S. C. Stambaugh Col. Comg.

The above Menomonie Warriors marched xmder the conunand of Col. Saml C. Stambaugh under the order of Br. General Atkinson as directed to me by his letter of the 12th of July 1832 together with the above officers appointed by me and by my approbation.

Indian Agency Office Green Bay Sept. 2d 1832 George Boyd U.S. Ind. Agent Muster Roll of Captain George Johnstons Company of Menomonee Warriors Marching under orders of General Atkinson and under Command of Col. Samuel C. Stambaugh

1. George Johnston Captaini July 20th 1832 2. Alexander J. Irwin 1st Lieut & Commss. " 3. Robert Grignon 2d Lieut & Interpreter " 4. James Boyd 3d Lieut & Interpreter July 281832

1. Grizzle Bear^ 1st Chiefs 2. A Ca Mot the Leader 3. Pe wait ton ette 4. A Yam e tah^ 5. Wab boose 6. Lou li je nei or Silver 1. Ribbon 2. Canon 3. The Brave Brother 4. Mos Kett 5. Mah wa che nau pau man 6. Ke Sha a co tee 1. Wa na co 2. Sha sha co tah 3. O Miche 4. Wapenaine 5. Motapave 6. Kesick na a quah 7. May a woo sette 8. Bapt Mc Ibee 9. Tau qua ca nee 10. The Ribbon Jr 11. Pau ca che Kave 12. Wish te ah Jr. 13. Che ca puve wah shin 14. Le Rubon 15. Kau-che-ko-cave 16. Wa che che na pave 17. Sha won no 18. Kah Ya na mae 19. Winous o co

^ Officers not listed on Pay Roll. ^ Listed as Grizzly Bear on Pay Roll.

^ Listed as A yem e tah on Pay Roll. 20. Sha sha co ta 21. Apaish co sive 22. May a co mais 23. Na nache Ke sin 24. Pey Keh cun 25. Way a wainee 26. Amable 27. Ma cata wa quot once 28. Wa pe Scaine 29. Amick 30. Nu ca niche ca wah 31.Nasawapea 32. Qu ruo 33. Josette 34. Way e weah 35. His son Wa Sho 36. Amable Jr. 37. Wa pe ke nance 38. Ma ke me tance 39. Na che we toe 40. Pau com mah 41. Ke wah wosah 42. Ke ne pey alt 43. Wa pa na che 44. Mach wau pe me 45. Pe po ne nee Jr. 46. Pau ma se ga 47. Che me na quotte 48. Kin o po wave 49. Pena au quotte 50. Shau na pave 51. Neh nache 52. Ma Woove 53. Wa poma she koche 54. Wa pe na ma kive 55. Ka qua ta pe toe 56. Pau sha mock 57. Cache te na quotte 58. Ka ca no tock^ 59. Pau ta shive 60. Mos Ketts Son 61. Wapa na nau 62. Pau sho Mock Jr.

^ Listed as Ka ka ne took on Pay Roll 63. Ma she nau 64.0 que ma o kive 65. Pio ta me 66. Wa pe kin a nive 67. Ka coche 68. Ma che pa tove 69. Na pa nash some 70.0 ca ma shaw Senr 71. Onaquessias 72. Pe cha pe ca 73. Shau pau toe 74. Canon Senr^ 75. Wa pe no Jr 76. Ma yah to mies 77. Nah naw paw pet 78. Mauk cau tcha 79. O ca tcha waw no 80. Nah gaun 81. T yah nau way ha 82. Kau ko mauk 83. To kah kew 84. Oge mah mo keah 85. Kay o Kutch 86. Nach e ke neo 87. Naa ot gee shick 88. Mauk katch awe 89. Haw yaw nauh way hay 90. Mauk squaw nauh new 91.Nauwautcha6 92. Nauk kaune 93. To kah keur 94. Ko ko mauh 95. O ka tcha wa naugh 96. A po ma quee um 97. Guinne won 98. Nah watch co 99. Mis CO ni ny 100. Wah pee nun 101. May shee naw ta way way 102. Kee tuck 103. Ke shai gee pay 104. Ma mee nosh

^ Listed as Carron on Pay Roll. ^ Listed as Nauh wau tcha on Pay Roll 105. Ki on mack 106. Matchee kee neoh 107. Matchee kee neoh 108. Puk autch e won 109. Ki a kee ka pay ta 110. Kosh keese e ko une 111. Natch eeo tah 112. Kin e pai otte 113. Nau on e qui e ota 114. Pet Auche 115. May maun o wette 116. Pay wau a neet 117. Nah cotche 118.0 na kee sheoh 119. Wah nah teo 120. Aw shin 121. Osh kippo kaush 122. O kee tuck 123.0 kay shay cum 124. Kaw pee maw py 125. Glaude 126. Kee shee kai pay tah 127. Ai pach e kee net 128. Cow o ko 129. Nahmashe 130. O pee no a num 131. Mechee kay neo 132. Ah hee tum 133. Mah whay shay Jr 134. Natchee wah pet 135. Shay e o tuck

From the 20th of July to the 28th of August 1832. G. Boyd, US Ind Agent

There are 59 warriors, discharged at the Butte des Morts, whose names do not appear on this muster Roll, as belonging to Capt. Johnston's Company. S C Stambaugh Col. Cong. Menominees

I do hereby certify on Honor that the above and foregoing Muster Roll and return, exhibit a true and accurate statement of the state of the comapny of Menomonee Warriors under my Conunand as mustered and inspected by me at Green Bay the twenty eighth day of August AD 1832.

Geo Johnston Captain Comdg Compy Meno Warriors

I Certify that the Above Company Commanded by me, and eruroUed as above stated, was Mustered out of Service this 28th day of Augt. 1822 [sic] at Green Bay.

S. C. Stambaugh Col Cong. Menominees

The above Menomonie Warriors marched under the command of Col. Saml. C. Stambaugh, under the orders of Brg General Atkinson, as directed to me by his letter of the 12th of July 1832, together with the officers appointed by me and by my approbation.

Green Bay Indian Agency Office Sept 2d 1832 George Boyd US Ind Agt. ROLL of Pottawattomie Indians with the Army under Brigr. General H. Atkinson comdg. U.S. Forces against the Sac and Fox Indians.

1. B. Caldwell Prinl. Chief discharged at the Ouisconsin 27th July 2. A. Robinson 2nd Chief discharged at Rock River July 22nd 3. Wau-bon-e-see 1st War Chief discharged at the Ouisconsin 27th July 4. Shau-we-nisse 2nd War Chief at Rock River July 22md 5. Me-tai-wa Chief II M 6. Chamblee The Blue Mounds 25th July 7. Shatee Rock River July 22nd 8. Wab-me-mic^ 9. Mex-e-man 10. E-to-won-gote 11. Perish Le Clair Prairie du Chien 5th August 1. Ke-wai-o-nock Rock River July 22nd 2. Wa-ba-kai8 3. As-ke-witt 4. Me-kess 5. Mon-ta-niss 6. Francois Prairie du Chien 5th August 7. Sne-na-ge-v^nn Rock River July 22nd 8. Pay-co-je-bai 9. Sans-bock-skuk^ 10. [Sau-ke-mai]io 11. Squaz-ke-sick 12. Nan-con-ne-bee 13. Pat-e-quee 14. Te-tan-ko 15. Show-men 16. Ke-wai-ke-too 17. Pe-so-tum 18. Ke-way-tum 19. Mas-quat 20. Mas-go 21. Ke-o-quaw 22. Me-she-ke-yah 23. Wai-sau 24. Me-kai-ta-be-nee

"^ Listed as Wau-be-mic on Pay Roll. ® Listed as Wau-be-kai. ^ Listed as Sans-bick-skuk on Pay Roll. 10 Listed as Sau-ke-mai on Pay Roll. 25. Mes-kee-suck 26. Pee-wai-tan 27. Joseph Chonie 28. George Forthier Prairie du Chien 5th Augt 29. Mex-e-ke-ne-bee Rock River July 22nd 30. Che-chalk-goes 31. Wau-kai-so

The above Indiaris joined the Army on its march Jxme 29th 1832 having left Chicago 22nd Tune and continued with it acting as guides & scouts xmtil sent home by order of Genl. Atkinson. I certify the above is a true copy of the roll furnished me by B CaldweU Principal chief of the Nation. Robert Anderson Lt & Ajnt. Genl

Remarks: Men on this roU entitled to pay as mustered H Atkinson Br Ben U.S. ay

Endorsement on pay roll:

We do hereby certify to the best of our knowledge and beHef, that the time and commencement and termination of the Potawatomie War party as stated in the foregoing receipt roll is true and correct and that they have received of Major Robert A. Forsyth in our presence the several sums owed to their respective names.

Th. J. V. Owen

B. Caldwell Interpreter ROLL of Pottawattamie Indians with the Army under Brigr General H. Atkinson, from the 29th June until the 9th and 11th days of July 1832 when they returned home.

1. Mauk-e-sett Chief 9 July 2. Can-o-sott 10 July 3. Chippe-wai-see 4. Mau-kai-tai-o-suck 5. Nau-bai-kau 6. Pati-ti-co-suck 7. Can-be-nah 8. Shaw-wa-no-quack 9. Me-ke-she-to-no 1. David Laughton Warrior 11th July Sent express 22nd July 2. Joseph La Fromboisii 11 3. Alexr. La Fromboisi^ II 4. Frans. Bourbonnois Seru- II 5. Pow-she-tow 9th July 6. Kai-shaw-ke II 7. The-kauk II 8. Kai-kau-ta-moi3 10 July 9. Wau-bon-no-sai 10. Man-biss 11. Sahw-tai 12. E-te-we-ke-sick 13. Mitchel Ouillemet 14. Wash-e-o-con 15. Ma-che-we-ta 16. Wai-wai-se-man 17. Tau-no-ko 18. Messe-non-e-see 19. Wai-san-o-ke-yah 20. Wai-san-e-suck 21. Ne-a-se-no 22. Ween-go 23. Pai-ka-ko-too 24. Chene-quaw 25. Wa-we-ya-ton 26. No-sha-cum 27. Pet-wai-wai-o-co 28. Cee-bon-sime 18th July 29. Nau-quay-suck 30. Nau-bai-kan 2nd

•'••'• Listed as Le Frombois on Pay Roll. """^ Listed as Le Frombois on Pay Roll. """•^ Listed as Kai-tau-ta-mo on Pay Roll. 31. Kai-bai-oquam 32. Wab-be-mem-too 33. We-shay 34. Neen-ko 35. Wa-o-ya-ka-muck 36. Suck-ke-na-ke-sick 37. Ske-yah 38. Can-o-sett 2nd 39. Morgan 40. Baptiste de Roche 41. Taw-tau-pe 42. Wai-sau-won-quat 43. Kick-ke-yock 44. Wai-bais-kuck


Indians embraced in this RoU joined the Army tmder the same circumstances as those embraced on the Roll no 1 and are placed on a separate roll in consequence of the different term of service. The principal part on this roU deserted from the service on the 9th July. The few that did not v^rill be named by Caldwell and should be paid on his certificate.

H. Atkinson Br G. US. army

I certify that this roll is a true copy of the one furnished me by B Caldwell Principal Chief of the Nation. Robt Anderson Lt&A.g.G


We do hereby certify to the best of our knowledge and beHef, that the time of commencement and termination of the Potawatomie War party as stated in the foregoing receipt roU is true and correct and that they have received of Major Robert A. Forsyth in our presence the several sums owed to their respective names.

Given imder our hands at Chicago this 27th day of July AD 1833

R. J. V. Owen Indian Agent

B. Caldwell Interpreter (Copy)

MUSTER ROLL of Captain Charles TuUers Company of Michigan Militia Commanded by Col. Robert Irwin Jr

1. Charles Tuller Capt. Jtme4,1832 on Furlough 2. Fisher F. Hamilton Lieut 11 3. Joseph Dickinson Ensign 11 (dead) 1. Jesse Sanders? 1st Sergt. 11 (dead) 2. Joseph Redline 2nd II 3. Wm A. Forsyth 3 II 11 4. Edwin Hart 4 II 11 1. Charles Chapman 1st Corpr. 11 (dead) 2. Wm. Wilson 2 II 11 (Gone dead) 3. Moses Hardwick 3 II 11 4. Robt. Johnson 4 II 11 I.John Glass Privates II (dead) 2. Nathnl Perry It II 3. L. Provoncalle 11 II (dead) 4. Samuel Irwin II II on sick report (dead) 5. H. Hunter II 11 6. Ingraham (I) II II 7. Chas Grignon II II on detached service 8. Thomas Franks II II (dead) 9. R. Marshall It II 10. D. Darnell It II 11. John Smith It II 12. A. La Borde II II 13. A. G. ElHs II II 14. R. M. Eberts II II 15. D. Parent II II 16. J. V. Suydam II 11 17. La Grave II 11 18. J. Kendall II 11 19. J. McMillen 11 11 (dead) 20. D. Bushnell 11 11 21. S. W. Reed 11 II 22. J. P. Amdt 11 II 23. Geo. McWiUiams 11 II 24. Pierre Grignon 11 II 25. Paulette Grignon It II 26. J. Peltier II II (dead) 27. A. Bourdwine II II 28. Luke Laborde II II 29. F. Martin II II 30. F. T. Wortman II II 31. H. Davenport II II 32. A. J. Irwin II II on detached Service (dead) 33. Alexr Grignon

I do hereby certify on honor that the above and foregoing Muster Roll and Return exhibit a true and accurate statement of the state of the company of Light Infantry imder my command, as mustered and inspected by me at Green Bay the 3rd day of August 1832

Jos Dickinson Ensign Comd Compy

State of Wisconsin Coimty of Brown On the fourteenth day of July 1857 personally came before me a Justice of the Peace within «& for said Coxmty and State John P. Amdt and John McMiUan residents of the coimty and State aforesaid who being duly sworn upon their several oaths, each for himself deposes and says, that he has carefully examined the aimexed document purporting to be the Muster Roll (or dupHcate) of Captain Charles TuUar's Company of Light Inifantry, Michigan Mihtia, commanded by Col Robert Irwin Jr. And each deponent further states that he is personally cognizant of the fact that the Company mentioned in Said RoU was actuaUy formed at Green Bay then in the Territory of Michigan, in the Summer of 1832 & on or about the fourth day of June of said year, and was disbanded at or about the time mentioned in said RoU, and that they are personaUy acquainted with the above officers of Said Company & and that they acter as such, and further each of the deponents further states that he is acquainted with the greater number of the persons who composed said company and served therein, whose names appear upon daid roU. Each of the deponents further states that he is acquainted with the hand writing of Joseph Dickinson whose name appears to the certificate annexed to said roU, and he verUy beUeves the signature to said Certificate is the said Joseph Dickinson's genuine signature and that the said roU is one of the dupUcate original roUs made out by the said Joseph Dickinson as the officer he therein represents himself to be.

John P. Amdt J. McMiUan

Sworn and subscribed to before me this fourteenth day of July AD 1857 and I certify that the affiants are credible witnesses C H Kees Justice of the Peace

State of Wisconsin County of Brown I John B. A Masse clerk of the Circuit Court within & for said County and State do hereby certify that C H. Kies Esqr before whom the foregoing affidavit was made was at the time of taking the same a Justice of the Peace within and for said County & State, duly commissioned and Qualified and tiiat his signature thereto is genuine. John B A Masse Clerk