MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY WORKING PAPERS Working Paper No. 50 CHRIS HANN HISTORY AND ETHNICITY IN ANATOLIA Halle / Saale 2003 ISSN 1615-4568 Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, P.O. Box 110351, 06017 Halle / Saale, Phone: +49 (0)345 2927-0, Fax: +49 (0)345 2927-402,, e-mail:
[email protected] 1 History and Ethnicity in Anatolia Chris Hann1 Abstract This paper begins by sketching a simplified intellectual context for the author’s recent monographic study of a region in north-east Turkey (Bellér-Hann and Hann 2000). The scope is then gradually widened. First, it is shown how more historically oriented research can provide insight into the social organization of the region in question, and in particular, into the nature of ethnic identity. Contrary to some common assumptions, ethnicity seems to have been de- emphasized in the later Ottoman period, when the people of this periphery were already well integrated into the state system. Second, again drawing on recent publications by other scholars, the paper reviews the question of ethnicity in Anatolia generally. The Turkish republic has often been criticized for its failure to recognize ethnic groups, and is likely to come under increasing pressure to recognize the rights of ‘cultural minorities’, e.g. in negotiations over EU entry. Within anthropology, however, there is no consensus as to how recognition of group diversity should be translated into political practice. Key terms such as ‘culture’ and ‘ethnicity’ have become unstable. According to Barth’s influential discussion (1969), ethnicity classifies a person ‘in terms of his basic, most general identity’.