202. Suggested Re-arrangement of Sports Facilities: In accordance with the in­ structions contained in recommendation II (22nd November, 1955) of the Management Committee, adopted by the Main Committee at their meeting on 3rd January, 1956, the Borough Engineer submitted proposals for the suggested re-arrangement of the sports facilities at the oval in the Recreation Ground. The proposals include the provision of an eighteen-hole putting green, six grass tennis courts, ornamental gardens and shrubberies, at an estimated cost ol £460. RESOLVED: That the Committee defer consideration of this matter to enable them to observe for a further period the extent of the use of the present sports facilities in the Recreation Ground; and that the Borough Engineer be instructed to report further to the Committee in the matter at their meeting in September, 1956, with the object of any proposed redevelopment of the sports facilities being recommended for consideration in conjunction with the draft estimates for the financial year 1957/58. 203. New Valuation List: The Borough Treasurer reported in regard to the effect of the new Valuation List in so far as premises in this Recreation Ground are concerned; that they have now been brought into rating and that the occupiers will be responsible for payment of the rates. The Borough Treasurer is arranging for a notice to be inserted in the " Harrow Observer " drawing the attention of ratepayers to the granting of relief from rates to three categories of properties, including (inter alia) playing fields not occupied for profit, and the Club repre­ sentatives on the Committee agreed to draw the attention of their own Clubs to the changed position. RESOLVED: That the report be received.

GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE: 8th March, 1956. Present: The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Cowen, O.B.E., J.P.); Aldermen Leigh, J.P., C.C. (in the Chair), Alien, J.P., Bailey, Brown, Collins, Crawforth, Grainger, Jordan and Woodruff; Councillors W. D. Bishop, Cutler, C.C., Jenkins, Macaulay, Rees, Rogers, Samson and Sheldrake.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION I: Charity: Victoria Hall, Harrow. Under a Scheme, made on 2nd August, 1940, by the Charity Commissioners for the administration of the Victoria Hall, Station Road, Harrow, the Council of the Borough (as the successors to the former Urban District Council) are empowered to appoint one Representative Trustee ^o serve on the body of Trustees, which is charged with the duty of administering the Charity. The former Urban District Council, by resolution 5820 (21st March, 1952), appointed Mr. S. J. Briggs, then a member of the Urban District Council, as a Repre­ sentative Trustee of the Charity to serve for a term of four years ending 21st March, 1956, and, although Mr. Briggs ceased to be a member of the Council after May, 1952, he agreed, with the approval of the Council, to continue his trusteeship for the full term, as the person appointed by the Council may be, but need not be, a member of the Council. Your Committee recommend that Alderman Brown should be appointed as the new Representative Trustee of the Charity for a term of four years commencing 24th March, 1956. For the information of the Council, the Trust was (in the words of the Trust Deed of 1888) created for the purpose of:— GENERAL PURPOSES 1596

" affording to the inhabitants, and especially the artizan and middle classes of the locality, opportunities of intellectual and moral improvement and rational and social enjoyment, through the medium of a reading room, lectures and entertain­ ments and also for supplying the need of a hall in which to hold public meetings, and of a place for Sunday School classes for St. John's District, and for any useful and desirable purposes within the objects of the Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854." Your Committee feel sure that the Council will wish to express to Mr. Briggs their appreciation and thanks for the services he has rendered as a Repre­ sentative Trustee of the Charity for the past four years.

Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That, in pursuance of the scheme made by the Charity Commissioners for the administration of the Victoria Hall, Harrow, the Council hereby appoint Alderman Charles Brown, F.I.A.C., as a Representative Trustee of such Charity, to hold office for a period of four years commencing 24th March, 1956. (2) That the Council record their appreciation and thanks for the able services rendered by Mr. S. J. Briggs as a Representative Trustee of this Charity during the past four years.

RECOMMENDATION II: Hendon and Harrow Local Employment Committee. The Minister of Labour and National Service proposes to reconstitute the Hendon and Harrow Local Employment Committee for a further period of three years, the Committee covering the areas of Hendon, Harrow, Burnt Oak, Ruislip and Northwood. The purpose of the Committee is to secure for the Minister the full benefit of local knowledge and to bring the Employment Exchanges into close touch with local employers and workpeople. The Minister invites the Council to nominate a member to serve on such Committee. Alderman Grainger, who was appointed by the Minister to the present Hendon and Harrow Local Employment Committee upon the nomina­ tion of the Council, is eligible for re-appointment, and your Committee recom­ mend that he should again be nominated for appointment. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby nominate Alderman Harold Grainger for appoint­ ment by the Minister of Labour and National Service as a member of the Hendon and Harrow Local Employment Committee, which is to be newly constituted.

RECOMMENDATION III: Harrow Local Fuel Advisory Committee: Repre­ sentative of North Thames Gas Board. Mr. B. Bewsher, the local Manager of the North Thames Gas Board, has tendered his resignation from membership of the Harrow Local Fuel Advisory Committee, with effect from 6th March, 1956, owing to his retirement from the service of the Board, and the following recommendation is submitted for the appointment of a representative and deputy representative of the Board to serve on the Advisory Committee for the remainder of the present Municipal Year. Your Committee know that the Council will wish to express to Mr. Bewsher their sincere appreciation and thanks for the valuable services he has rendered, for many years past, as a trade representative of the Advisory Committee. 1597 GENERAL PURPOSES

Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That, in pursuance of the Coal Distribution Order, 1943, the Council hereby appoint Mr. G. O. Beretta and Mr. P. A. Sole, officials of the North Thames Gas Board, as a trade representative and deputy trade representative, respectively, on the Harrow Local Fuel Advisory Committee, to hold office during the remainder of the Municipal Year, 1956; the deputy representative to be entitled to attend and vote in the place of the trade representative, when the latter is absent from any meeting of the Advisory Committee. (2) That the Council place on record their appreciation and thanks for the valuable services rendered by Mr. B. Bewsher, for many years past, as a member of the Advisory Committee (whilst he held the appointment of local Manager of the North Thames Gas Board), and extend to him and Mrs. Bewsher their good wishes for a long and happy retirement.

RECOMMENDATION IV: Contract for Corporation's Printing Work. Advertisements have been issued in printing trade journals inviting tenders for the following printing work of the Corporation for a period of three years from 1st May, 1956:— 1. Council Summons, Minutes and Committee Reports. 2. Education Committee Summons and Reports of Education Sub- Committees. 3. Index to Council Minutes and Committee Reports. 4. Municipal Year Book and Diary; with reprints of general information matter (for circulation and sale to local organisations, etc.). 5. Harrow Civic Bulletins. 6. Civic Delegate Conference Handbooks. 7. Abstract of the Borough Treasurer's Accounts. 8. Annual Estimates for General Rate. 9. Annual Reports of the Medical Officer of Health. Only three tenders have been received, and only the present contractors (Messrs. King & Hutchings, Ltd., and Harrow Observer, Ltd.) have quoted for all the printing work specified. Your Committee are of the opinion that, as in the case of the contract for the past three years, all the printing work referred to above should be the subject of one contract, and, for this reason, they do not recommend acceptance of the lowest tender in respect of items 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 above (in any event, this tenderer is not on the " fair list" of printers), nor do they recommend acceptance of the second lowest tender for item 9. As mentioned above, Messrs. King & Hutchings, Ltd., and Harrow Observer, Ltd., have quoted for all work specified, and their tender is the lowest for items 5 and 6, and the only tender for item 4. During the currency of the present contract, and under previous contracts, they have given every satis­ faction, particularly as regards the observance of the Council's necessarily strict time-table for the printing of minutes and Committee reports, and your Committee recommend, therefore, that the tender of Messrs. King & Hutchings, Ltd., and Harrow Observer, Ltd., should be accepted, at the prices set out in appendix III to this report, for all the specified printing work. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby accept the tender of Messrs. King & Hutchings, Ltd., and Harrow Observer, Ltd., for the Corporation's printing work for a period of three years from 1st May, 1956, at the respective prices set out in GENERAL PURPOSES 1598

appendix III to the report of the General Purposes Committee of 8th March, 1956; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare and execute the necessary contract.

PART II.—MINUTES. 434. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 2nd February, 1956, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record. 435. Town and Country Planning Act, 1954, Section 33: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report, dated 17th February, 1956, of the Special Committee re section 33 (Protection for purchaser of interest subsequently acquired compulsorily) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1954. 436. Law and Parliamentary Sub-Committee: RESOLVED: That the report of the Law and Parliamentary Sub-Committee, dated 8th March, 1956 (appendix I to this report), be received and, in so far as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in these minutes, be confirmed. 437. Assembly Halls Sub-Committee: RESOLVED: That the report of the Assembly Halls Sub-Committee, dated 27th February, 1956 (appendix II to this report), be received and, in so far as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in these minutes, be confirmed. (Councillor Macaulay voted against the adoption of recommendation I of the Sub-Committee's report.) 438. Harrow and District Marriage Guidance Council: Grant: The Town Clerk submitted the receipts and payments account of the Harrow and District Marriage Guidance Council for the year ended 31st December, 1955, and reported that such Body asked if the Council would consider increasing their grant, at present at the rate of £100 per annum, for next year. RESOLVED: (1) That the Harrow and District Marriage Guidance Council be asked to submit a revenue and expenditure account and a balance sheet in respect of the year ended 31st December, 1955, with an indication, if possible, of the Organisation's costs in regard to their activities so far as Harrow residents are concerned; and that consideration of the amount of grant to be made to the Organisation for the next financial year be deferred in the meantime. (2) That the Borough Treasurer be hereby authorised to pay to the Harrow and District Marriage Guidance Council the last quarter's instalment of £25 of the Corporation's grant (at the rate of £100 per annum) for the Corpora­ tion's financial year ending 31st March, 1956. 439. Poets Corner Area: (1) Incorporation in Civic Centre Scheme of County Council Buildings: The Town Clerk reported (a) that, as agreed by the Civic Centre Sub-Committee at their meeting held on 1st February, 1956, a number of Members of the Sub-Committee (Aldermen Brown (Chairman), Alien, J.P., Bailey, Crawforth and Jordan, and Councillor W. D. Bishop, with the Town Clerk and Borough Engineer) met representatives of the Estates and Housing Committee of the County Council at the Middlesex Guildhall on 28th February, 1956, when they discussed the question of the incorporation of County Council buildings in the Civic Centre Scheme at Poets Corner; 1599 GENERAL PURPOSES

and (b) that the Clerk of the County Council was preparing a report (to be agreed by the Town Clerk) of the proceedings of the meeting, for submission to this Committee and to the Estates and Housing Committee of the County Council, but that such report had not yet been received. Alderman Brown reported orally as to the discussion at such meeting. RESOLVED : That further consideration of this matter be deferred pending submission of the report referred to above. (2) Deputation to Minister of Housing and Local Government: The Town Clerk (a) referred to resolution 432 (2nd February, 1956), whereby the Committee approved a recommendation of the Civic Centre Sub-Committee that the Members of Parliament for the three Harrow Constituencies should be requested to approach the Minister of Housing and Local Government and urge him personally to receive a deputation from the Council in regard to approval being obtained to the Corporation's proposals for the redevelop­ ment of the Poets Corner area for civic centre and housing purposes; (b) reported that, following approaches made by the Members of Parliament, and in reply to a question asked in the House of Commons on 14th February, 1956, by Mr. lan Harvey, M.P., the Minister intimated that he hoped to announce his decisions with regard to the Middlesex Development Plan within the next few weeks; and (c) that, with the concurrence of the Members of the Civic Centre Sub-Committee, no further action was being taken at present with regard to the proposed deputation to the Minister, but that Mr. Harvey had been asked to inform the Minister that if an early pronounce­ ment was not made by him, the Council would be extremely concerned and reserved the liberty to raise the matter with the Minister again. RESOLVED: That the report be received. 440. Local Authority Finances: Capital Expenditure: (1) The Town Clerk submitted a letter (2nd March, 1956) from the Association of Municipal Corporations, stating (a) that the Association's General Purposes Committee had considered the circulars recently sent to Local Authorities by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and other Government Departments, following the statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons on 17th February, 1956, as to the curtailment of Local Authorities' capital expenditure; (b) that the Committee expressed their concern that the Chancellor's statement, which affected the interests and activities of Local Authorities so severely, should have been made without consultation with representatives of the Local Authority Associations such as would have enabled them to make known their views to the Chancellor; that the Committee noted in this connection that there had been prior discussions with the nationalised industries; and that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had been informed of the Committee's feelings; (c) that the General Purposes Committee desired that members of the Association should keep the Association informed of the effect which the Government's policy was having upon the carrying out by members of their functions, and particularly how far the embargo on capital expenditure was affecting members' programmes of new development or extensions of existing schemes; requesting, therefore, that the Corporation should bring to the Association's notice evidence of difficulty which it had experienced or might experience in the future; and emphasising that the Committee were not GENERAL PURPOSES 1600

seeking the Corporation's views on the propriety or otherwise of the Govern­ ment's policy, but that what was needed was information of actual cases in which that policy had resulted in the curtailment or postponement of essential work. RESOLVED: That the Association's letter be received, and that no action be taken thereon for the time being. (Alderman Alien, J.P., and Councillors Jenkins and Rogers voted against this resolution.) (A request that this matter should be submitted to the Council as a recom­ mendation was not accepted, as the required number of Members, as prescribed by Standing Order 63 (3), did not support the request.) (2) The Town Clerk submitted a letter (14th February, 1956) from the Tottenham Borough Council, inviting the Corporation to appoint two representatives to attend a conference of representatives of Middlesex Local Authorities and Metropolitan Borough Councils, to be held at the Town Hall, Tottenham, N.I5, on 6th April, 1956, commencing at 3 p.m., to discuss the financial policy of H.M. Government and its effect upon the finances of Local Authorities, and, if the conference agreed, to request the Minister of Housing and Local Government to receive a deputation. RESOLVED : That no action be taken upon this invitation. (Alderman Alien, J.P., and Councillor Jenkins voted against this resolution.) (A request that this matter should be submitted to the Council as a recom­ mendation was not accepted, as the required number of Members, as prescribed by Standing Order 63 (3), did not support the request.) 441. County Electoral Divisions: The Town Clerk reported (a) that the Committee, by resolution 190 (3rd March, 1955), agreed to inform the Middlesex County Council that the Borough Council desired to review the County Electoral Divisions in the Borough in the light of the changes in the Harrow Parliamentary Constituencies, and that a further communication would be addressed to the County Council in due course; and (b) that the Committee later agreed to defer consideration of this matter for a period of three months, which time had now expired. RESOLVED: That consideration of this matter be again deferred for a period of six months, and that the Town Clerk be instructed, in the mean­ time, to invite the views and suggestions of appropriate local bodies as to any desirable changes in the present County Electoral Divisions in the Borough. 442. Land at Imperial Drive/Rayners Lane: The Town Clerk (a) referred to the negotiations which the Highways and Cleansing Committee had with the owners of this land with a view to the acquisition by the Corporation of part thereof for use as a public car park; and to the request of the Highways and Cleansing Committee that, as the owners were not prepared to sell part only of the remaining undeveloped land, with a frontage of 467 feet, this Committee should consider the possible acquisition of the whole of the undeveloped site for Corporate purposes; (b) reported that, as indicated to the Committee, at their meeting on 20th October, 1955, he had enquired of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government as to whether, if the Corporation wished to acquire the whole site, the Ministry would be prepared to recognise such a transaction as the 1601 GENERAL PURPOSI s

acquisition of Corporate land within the meaning of section 171 (Power of a Municipal Corporation to acquire Corporate land) of the Local Govern­ ment Act, 1933, and be prepared to concur in any subsequent dealings with the land under section 172 (Power to dispose of Corporate land) of the Act; and that the Ministry had replied that they agreed with his view that the proposed transaction was legally possible under the sections mentioned; (c) that, at the same meeting, he reported that the owners, having been refused planning permission for the development of the remaining land with a frontage of 467 feet, had served a Purchase Notice upon the Corpora­ tion under section 19 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, and that the Committee thereupon decided to await the Minister's decision upon the Purchase Notice before taking any further action in this matter; (d) that a letter (15th February, 1956) had been received from the Ministry forwarding a copy of a letter which they had addressed to the owners, stating that the Minister had decided not to confirm the Purchase Notice; (e) that the Committee might, therefore, wish to consider whether they proposed to proceed with the suggestion of the Highways and Cleansing Committee that the Corporation should acquire the whole of the remaining undeveloped land (467 feet frontage) for Corporate purposes (part of the land to be appropriated for use as a public car park); and he submitted a confidential report of the District Valuer as to the likely cost of acquisition of such land; and (/) that, if the Committee considered it desirable that the Corporation should acquire only the part of the land required for a car park, and the owners were still unwilling to sell a part only of the land, it was competent for the Highways and Cleansing Committee, if they considered it expedient, to recommend the Council to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of the car park land. RESOLVED: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee be informed of the position as reported above, and that it be suggested to them that they should consider the re-opening of negotiations with the owners for the possible acquisition by the Corporation of the part only of the land required or public car park purposes.

443. Land at Sylvia Avenue, Hatch End: Purchase Notice: The Town Clerk reported that the Middlesex Area Planning Committee refused an application for residential development of land (2.4 acres) situate to the north of Sylvia Avenue, Hatch End, on the grounds that the land was (a) in an area denned for school playing fields; (b) in the Green Belt; and (c) because the develop­ ment would conflict with proposals for the "D" Ring Road; that the owners had served upon the Corporation a Purchase Notice under section 19 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, in respect of the land, which notice was submitted to the Planning Committee at their last meeting, when they decided that, in view of the reasons for refusal of planning consent in this case, the Middlesex County Council should be requested to accept such financial and other responsibilities as might arise should the Minister of Housing and Local Government confirm the Purchase Notice; and that the Planning Committee wished to draw the attention of this Committee and of the Education Committee to the decision taken in this matter. RESOLVED: That the Committee concur in the action taken by the Planning Committee in this matter. GENERAL PURPOSES 1602

444. Site at Rear of Public Convenience, North Harrow: Proposed Erection of Civil Defence Hut: The Town Clerk reported (a) that the Civil Defence Committee had before them at their last meeting a letter from the Clerk of the Middlesex County Council, stating that the County Civil Defence Committee, having considered the list of projects to be included in the County Civil Defence building programme for 1956/57 in the light of the Government's policy on capital investment, had decided to recommend the County Council to agree that one new Civil Defence Training Centre only (either at Pinner Road or Bessborough Road) should be provided in the Borough of Harrow during the next financial year; but that the Civil Defence Committee had decided, however, that they could not subscribe to the view that negotiations in regard to the proposed lease by the Corporation to the County Council of the site (0.27 of an acre) at the rear of the public conveni­ ence at North Harrow, on which it was proposed to erect a Civil Defence hut, should be discontinued because the Civil Defence building programme was under review; and (b) that, as instructed by resolution 382 (5th January, 1956) of this Com­ mittee, he had submitted to the County Council the Committee's observations in regard to certain of the terms provisionally agreed for the lease to the County Council for a term of 42 years of the above-mentioned site at North Harrow; and submitted a letter (7th February, 1956) from the County Valuer, indicating reasons why he .could not recommend the County Council's acceptance of the points raised by the Committee. RESOLVED: (1) That the Committee note the decision of the Civil Defence Committee as to the site at North Harrow; and (2) that the Town Clerk be instructed to inform the County Valuer that the Committee desire that the points they have raised in regard to the terms of the proposed lease of this site to the County Council should be considered by the appropriate Committee of the County Council.

445. Tender Prices: Annual Contracts: The Town Clerk reported (a) that the Highways and Cleansing (General) Sub-Committee requested the Borough Engineer to report to the Highways and Cleansing Committee details of any tenders received for annual contracts where prices quoted for the supply and delivery of materials, or for the execution of works, appeared to have been agreed by the tenderers prior to the submission of such tenders to the Council; and (b) that the Highways and Cleansing Committee, having received the report of the Borough Engineer in this matter (as set out in resolution 840: 22nd February, 1956, of that Committee) had referred such report to this Committee for consideration. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be instructed to send a copy of the Borough Engineer's report, together with details of the tenders referred to therein, to the Monopolies Commission.

446. Conferences: (1) The Town Clerk submitted a list of conferences, to be held during 1956, to which it was recommended by the Committees concerned that the Council should send delegates. RESOLVED: That, in accordance with paragraph 18 of the Committee's order of reference, the Committee hereby approve the under-mentioned list of conferences of associations, or other bodies, to which the various Com­ mittees of the Council may send delegates during the year 1956:— 1603 GENERAL PURPOSES

Highways and Cleansing Committee: Institute of Public Cleansing. Association of Public Lighting Engineers. Institution of Municipal Engineers. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Institute of Works and Highways Superintendents. Public Works and Municipal Services Congress and Exhibition. Open Spaces Committee: National Association of Bath Superintendents. Institute of Park Administration. National Association of Cemetery and Cremation Superintendents. Housing Committee: Institute of Housing. *National Housing and Town Planning Council. to the (*Note: The Housing and Planning Committees confer in regard appointment of delegates to attend the conference of this Association.} Planning Committee: Town Planning Institute. National Housing and Town Planning Council. Federation of Housing and Town Planning, subject to International only delegates being appointed to attend the conference of this Body if it is held in this Country. Public Health Committee: The Royal Society of Health (formerly the Royal Sanitary Institute). Sanitary Inspectors' Association. Institute of Shops Acts Administration. Finance Committee: Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants. Rating and Valuation Association. General Purposes Committee: Association of Municipal Corporations. That the respective Chairmen of this Committee and of (2) RESOLVED: Year, 1956/57, the Law and Parliamentary Sub-Committee for the Municipal of the Council to be nominated by the Minority Group, and a Member annual with the Town Clerk, be hereby appointed to attend the together Corporations meeting and annual conference of the Association of Municipal to be held at on 18th, 19th and 20th September, 1956. 1939/1945: 447. Roll of Honour of Civilian War Dead in the : Town Clerk reported (a) that the Imperial War Graves Commission, The enemy action in having completed the Roll of Honour of civilians killed by during the late war, H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, the United Kingdom over as President of the Commission, on 21st February, 1956, handed K.G., for custody the Roll of Honour to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey; (6) that the Record contains 60,000 names, of which in Westminster lives 20,000 are those of men, women and children who lost their nearly for consulta­ in ; (c) that copies of the Roll of Honour are available the London Office of the Commission at 32, Grosvenor Gardens, tion at Home Office S.W.I. Sets of the volumes also being deposited with the (jINERAl. PURPOSt-S 1604

in London, the Scottish Office in and the Ministry of Home Affairs in Belfast; (d) that the Local Authorities have been supplied with copies of those parts of the Roll of Honour referring to casualties within their boundaries; and (e) that the copy of the part of the Roll of Honour applicable to the former Urban District (now the Borough) of Harrow is open to public inspection at the Council Offices, Harrow Weald Lodge, an announcement having been made in the local Press to this effect; and (/) that the public have been informed that facsimile copies of the page contain­ ing any individual name in the Roll of Honour, together with a copy of the introduction, in a specially designed folder, may be obtained by sending 2s. 6d. to: Imperial War Graves Commission (C.L.), Wooburn House, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. RESOLVED: That the report be received. 448. Fouling of Footpaths by Dogs: The Town Clerk (a) referred to the Cor­ poration's Good Rule and Government Byelaw which made it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to allow the animal to foul a public footpath, the Byelaw being in similar terms to the Middlesex County Council's Byelaw previously in force in Harrow; (b) reported that the Byelaw had, from time to time, been widely publicised in the local Press, on the Council's notice boards, and in the Civic Bulletin, and that notices are displayed at Post Offices in the Borough; (c) that suggestions had been made in the past that notice of the Byelaw should be affixed to street lighting standards in streets where the nuisances most frequently occurred, but that the Committee had not favoured this course, as they had expressed the view that the publicity above-mentioned was sufficient; (d) that the best publicity is, of course, a report in the local Press of the prosecution of an offender, but, unfortunately, although he asked all complainants if they were prepared to give evidence as to any actual offence which they had witnessed, they were most reluctant to appear as witnesses in any prosecution, especially if a neighbour's dog was concerned: and (e) that a letter had been received from a resident of Cuckoo Hill Drive, Pinner, suggesting that the Council might wish to consider circularising a notice of the Byelaw to all residents in any street from which complaints are received by the Council. RESOLVED: That the suggestion referred to in (e) above be not adopted; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to arrange, if possible, for copies of the Byelaw in leaflet form, to be issued by Post Offices in the Borough with dog licences. 449. Food Hygiene: Exhibition of Display Stands: With reference to resolution 393 (5th January, 1956), RESOLVED : That the Committee accede to a request of the Harrow Food Hygiene Advisory Council that the exhibits of the Public Health Department stand, which was displayed at the Twelfth Civic Delegate Conference, may be on view to invited audiences in the large Committee Room at the Council Offices, Peel Road, for approximately two weeks towards the end of April, or at the beginning of May, 1956. 450. Borough Arms: (1) The Town Clerk reported that the Youth Sub-Com­ mittee had agreed to the purchase of singlets and badges for the members of a team chosen to represent Harrow in athletics, and that they asked per­ mission to reproduce the Borough Arms, in their entirety, on the badges. RESOLVED : That permission be granted accordingly. 1605 GENI-RAL PURPOSKS 1956) from Mr. (2) The Town Clerk submitted a letter (28th February, Hill, N.10, stating that an organisation, known as S. H. Pontin, of Muswell has recently the North and West Home Counties Road Records Association, upon and authenticate cycling road records been formed to adjudicate to towns and other places with historical or other claims between certain that one record within the area indicated by the Organisation's title; fame, this purpose they are is from Harrow to Rugby and back; and that for certificate for presentation to successive holders, upon designing a record to include which certificates they wished, with the Council's permission, the Borough Coat of Arms. subject to the RESOLVED: That permission be granted accordingly, Borough Arms being reproduced in their entirety. (1) The Town Clerk submitted a letter from a 451. Harrow Weald Park: would and Estate Agent, enquiring whether the Corporation local Surveyor subject to necessary consider the sale of Harrow Weald Park for the erection, consent being obtained, of a training college. further enquiries RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be instructed to make in this matter, and to report at the next meeting. the The Borough Engineer reported that the caretaker of (2) Caretaker: at Harlow Mansion at Harrow Weald Park had obtained employment to take up on 3rd April, 1956, and that, as New Town which he wished New was not yet available for him and his family in the accommodation to continue occupa­ Town, he asked if he could be allowed, in the meantime, quarters at Harrow Weald Park, on the understanding tion of the caretakers' so act during the that he would act as caretaker at night and his wife would day-time. to the Town Clerk being satisfied as to the legal RESOLVED : That, subject until Committee approve the arrangements indicated above, position, the moved from his such time as the mansion is demolished or the caretaker (whichever period be the shorter) such continued present accommodation tenancy, of the caretakers' quarters to be on the basis of a service occupation wife undertaking the rent free, in consideration of the caretaker and his above-mentioned duties. Association: The 452. Council of Justice to Animals and Humane Slaughter that the Public Health Committee had considered a Town Clerk reported to support pamphlets from this Association, asking the Council letter and in Parliament as soon a Private Member's Bill, which was to be introduced Slaughter of Animals Act, 1933, in so far as it as possible, to amend the and to the method of slaughtering animals for Jewish consumption; related the matter. that such Committee had decided to take no action in of the Public RESOLVED: That the Committee concur in this decision Health Committee. Bodies at Council Offices, Peel Road: RESOLVED: 453. Meetings of Outside the Clerk be instructed to report at the next meeting as to That the Town Offices, Peel Road. numbers of meetings held by outside bodies at the Council on Outside Bodies: RESOLVED: That the 454. Reports from Representatives attend­ receive the reports of the following Members upon their Committee the under-mentioned ances, as representatives of the Council, at meetings of bodies:— GFNIRAL PURPOSES 1606

Representative's) Meeting Aldermen Alien, J.P., and Annual General Meeting of Harrow Citizens' Collins Advice Bureaux, 5th March, 1956. Councillor W. D. Bishop County Fire Brigade Committee, 1st March, 1956; and Watford Area Executive Com­ mittee for Better Rail Services, 16th February, 1956. 455. Nos. 1 and 3, Station Road (Poets Corner Area): The Borough Engineer reported that the properties Nos. 1 and 3, Station Road, which were in the ownership of the Corporation, were vacant, with the exception of the garage of No. 1, which is let on a weekly tenancy; that these properties, which are semi-detached, could now be demolished, if the Committee so directed; and that, as reported previously, the cost of repairs and renovations to make the properties serviceable for a few years would be uneconomical. RESOLVED: That the Committee approve the demolition of these two properties (with the exception of the garage referred to above); and that the Borough Engineer be instructed to obtain tenders for the work of demolition.

(Signed) J. C. LEIGH, Chairman.

APPENDIX I. LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY SUB-COMMITTEE: 8th March, 1956. Present: The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Cowen, O.B.E., J.P.) (in the Chair); Aldermen Alien, J.P., Grainger, Jordan, Leigh, J.P., C.C., and Woodruff; Councillors Macaulay and Rees.


PART II.—MINUTES. 5. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 17th January, 1956, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record. Association of Municipal Corporations Business 6. (a) Re-organisation of Local Government: The Secretary of the A.M.C. has sub­ mitted, for the information of the Council, a copy of the Questions and Answers in the House of Commons of 7th February, 1956, relating to the reform of Local Government. The Answers indicate that the Minister proposes shortly to issue a White Paper dealing with the present position on the question of the re-organisation of Local Government. RESOLVED: That the letter be received and noted. (b) Crown Properties: Contributions in Lieu of Rates: The A.M.C. has made urgent representations to the Treasury as to the payment of contributions to Rating Authorities. The Association fear that the amount of Treasury contributions in the forthcoming year might be less than that payable during the current year. The Treasury have replied that it is the practice of the Treasury Valuer to discuss with Rating Authorities the values of Crown properties before finally determining them; and that it is intended that this procedure should be followed in fixing the new values. Authorities are assured by the Treasury that it is reasonable to assume 1607 GENLRAL PURPOSES

that the contributions will be as large in 1956/57 as they are this year, and Authori­ ties may, if they wish, adopt the contributions of Crown property of 1955/56 for the purpose of fixing their rate. Alternatively, they may assume that the values of Crown property will rise in the same proportion as values of comparable property. RESOLVED : That the report be received, noted and referred to the Finance Com­ mittee. (c) Rating and Valuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1955, Section 8: Rates Payable by Charitable, etc., Organisations: The Rating Committee of the A.M.C. have considered the difficult problems which will arise under this new section. Parliament has reserved for the time being the question of leaving this matter wholly to the discretion of Local Authorities in the matter of relief for charities from rating. Hereditament occupied by an approved organisation will not be liable to pay more rates this year than last year, and, in the event of a reduction of rates, the Local Authority cannot review the case for three years. RESOLVED: That the report be received, noted and passed to the Finance Com­ mittee. (d) Further Education: Recoupment of Cost: The A.M.C. and County Councils Association have for some time been discussing the question of payments to be made by one Local Education Authority to another, where students from the area of the former attend further education classes or courses in the area of the latter. Negotiations have not met with success, and the County Councils Association have made no recommendation in respect of any period subsequent to 1955/56. The Secretary of the A.M.C. states that it will be a matter for individual negotia­ tion between the Borough Authority and any County Council with which they may be concerned, to make whatever arrangements seem best to them, and that he will write again, if at a later stage, a greater measure of agreement can be reached with the County Councils Association. RESOLVED: That the letter be received, noted and passed to the Education Com­ mittee.

Not for Publication. Actual of Apprehended High Court Litigation 7. (a) Ministry Planning Decision on Appeal: 3 and 3a, Tyburn Lane: The Queen v. Minister of Housing and Local Government and Harrow Corporation ex Parte Joiner: The Town Clerk reported upon the present position on this matter. The Divisional Court on 27th January, 1956, granted the Appellants leave to apply for a writ of certiorari which allows them to commence proceedings to attempt to set aside the decision herein of the Minister of Housing and Local Government in 1947. The Appeals Committee of the Middlesex Quarter Sessions have adjourned consideration of the appeal against the decision of the Local Magistrates, pending the result of the proceedings of certiorari in the High Court. RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.

Not for Publication. (b) Tree Root Action: Shea v. Mayor, etc., of Harrow: The Town Clerk reported that a writ had been issued against the Corporation on behalf of the owner of the dwelling-house in the Belmont Ward in respect of alleged damage caused to the garage, driveway and entrance path of such property by the roots of two trees growing in the adjoining highway. Counsel's Opinion had been taken as to the advisability of defending the action, and Counsel has now settled the Defence, which has been delivered. RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk's actions in briefing Counsel and defending the action, be approved. GF.NKRAL PURPOSI.S 1608

Not for Publication. (c) Tree Root Action: Clarendon Road. (i) Hadland v. The Harrow U.D.C. (now the Corporation): The Town Clerk reported that the Plaintiffs have allowed their claim for some £1,743 10s. 2d. to remain in abeyance. The claim related to damages in respect of the Plaintiffs' shop fronts which they alleged were being affected by tree roots.

Not for Publication. (ii) The Town Clerk reported receipt of a claim in respect of damage to the shop premises concerning the same Plaintiffs as above but relating to their adjoining shop, and also reported upon a meeting with the Plaintiffs' Architect when a suggested settlement was offered for their consideration.

Not for Publication. (iii) Adams Limited, 31/41, Clarendon Road: An approach has been made to the Town Clerk by Adams Limited, requesting the removal of all the trees in Clarendon Road, so that the road may more readily appear to be a shopping area and not a residential one. A complaint from another firm in Clarendon Road concerning damage to their shop premises by tree roots was also submitted. The Committee considered these matters and also the advisability of retaining the trees in the circumstances. The Town Clerk also advised the Committee on the legal position. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to confer with the Chairmen of the Law and Parliamentary Sub-Committee and of the Highways and Cleansing Committee on this matter and report further to the Sub-Committee.

Not for Publication. (d) Tree Root Action: Davey v. The Corporation: The alleged damage to the house in the Headstone Ward by owner and occupier (which, if sustainable) is covered by the Corporation's Insurers. The Plaintiff now wishes to amend his pleading by increasing his claim to £1,537. A preliminary issue as to the owner­ ship of the land in which the trees grew would not dispose of the case which will be called on in due course. RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.

Not for Publication. (e) Tree Root Action: Former Requisitioned Property: A claim for damage to property in the Stanmore South Ward on the grounds that the roots of a tree growing in front of the adjoining house, has been received, the latter property having now been de-requisitioned. The Minister of Housing and Local Government has authorised the Corporation to resist proceedings on his behalf, and has agreed to reimburse in full the Corporation's expenses in regard to any costs and damages, etc. RESOLVED : That the report be received and noted.

Not for Publication. (f) Tree Root Action: Alexandra Park, South Harrow: The owner and occupier of a dwellinghouse in the Roxeth Ward has claimed that trees in Alexandra Park had, by the extraction of moisture from the soil, caused damage to his property. 1609 Gl-NLRAl. I'URl'OShS

made The Town Clerk reported upon further developments and as to an approach by the Claimant's Solicitors. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor be asked to report further in this matter.

APPENDIX II. 1956. ASSEMBLY HALLS SUB-COMMITTEE: 27th February, and Present: Councillor Sheldrake (in the Chair), Alderman Leigh, J.P., C.C., Councillor Rees.


RECOMMENDATION 1: Rayners Lane Assembly Hall: Use as an Occupation Centre. the list of applications for the hire of the Rayners Lane Assembly In considering notice Hall for the period 1st April to 30th September, 1956, your Sub-Committee exception of a weekly dancing class and Sunday School, the hall has that, with the booking been booked by only two local organisations, one of which requires a monthly and the other a single booking. ceased Your Sub-Committee are informed that two regular weekly hirers have now and have not renewed their application for the forthcoming season. to use the hall for the This will reduce the income from lettings, which has been estimated at £300 to about £150, but, on the other hand it will mean a saving in labour year 1956/57, upon costs. Your Sub-Committee are also mindful of the higher rating assessment this building which will increase the expenditure without any compensating augmenta­ tion in income. It will be remembered that the County Council recently asked if the Corporation them the exclusive use of the Hall, for the purpose of a full-time Occupa­ would grant Purposes tion Centre in co-operation with the Parents' Association, but the General decided to retain the hall for evening and week-end lettings, with the Committee on vacant suggestion that the Parents' Association should be allowed to hire the Hall evenings. circum­ Your Sub-Committee are now of the opinion that, because of the changed above, the Middlesex County Council should be asked if they would stances mentioned negoti­ take over this Assembly Hall completely on a tenancy or some other mutually the purpose of a full-time Occupation Centre, subject to their making ated basis, for allowed provision for the present lettings on Saturdays and Sundays at this Hall being to continue. Resolved to RECOMMEND: of the reasons outlined in the report of the Assembly Halls Sub- That, because if Committee of 27th February, 1956, the Middlesex County Council be asked over the Rayners Lane Assembly Hall for the purposes of a full-time they will take on Occupation Centre, subject to their making provision for the existing lettings Saturdays and Sundays being allowed to continue.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee 31. Minutes: signed held on 30th January, 1956, having been circulated, be taken as read and as a correct record. GHNF.RAL PURPOSES 1610

32. Assembly Halls: Allocation of Lettings: RESOLVED: That the allocation of lettings for the hire of the Belmont, North Harrow and Rayners Lane Assembly Halls during the period 1st April to 30th September, 1956, as set out in the attached schedule, be approved. 33. Harrow Old People's Welfare Committee: Meeting of Voluntary Home Visitors: RESOLVED: (a) That the Harrow Old People's Welfare Committee be given the use, free of charge, of the North Harrow Assembly Hall on the afternoon of 16th March, 1956, for a meeting of voluntary home visitors; and (/>) that this Committee be given the use of this Assembly Hall, free of charge, on three occasions each year for similar meetings.




-. ^

g r




~ ~



28 28



21, 21,

20, 20,

15, 15,

15 15


29 29

8, 8,

14, 14,

13, 13,


1, 1,

7, 7,

6, 6,


25 25

24, 24,

23, 23,

18, 18,

17, 17,

7 7

8 8

16, 16,

11 11

31 31

30 30

11, 11,

9, 9,

10, 10,

August August

3, 3,

4, 4, 2, 2,

7,14,21,28 7,14,21,28

28 28

26 26

27, 27,

19, 19,

21, 21,

20, 20,

14 14

11 11

31 31

July July

14, 14,

12, 12,

13, 13,

6, 6,

7, 7, 5, 5,

3,10,17,24, 3,10,17,24,

28 28

22, 22, 23, 23,

21, 21,

9 9

16, 16,

15, 15,

13 13

30 30


29 29

June June

8, 8, 9, 9,

14, 14,

1, 1,

2, 2,

7, 7,

5,12,19,26 5,12,19,26

25 25 26 26

31 31


18, 18, 19, 19,

24, 24,

9 9

10 10

12 12

10 10

29 29

May May

12, 12,

11, 11,

17, 17,

1,8,15,22, 1,8,15,22,

5, 5,

3, 3,

4, 4,

27 27 28 28

26 26

19, 19,

21, 21,

20, 20,



11 11

April April

14, 14,

13, 13,

12, 12,

7, 7,

6, 6,

5, 5,

3,10,17,24 3,10,17,24

3- 3-

Sat- Sat-

p.m. p.m.


p.m. p.m.

2.15- 2.15-

Club, Club,

Thurs- Thurs-

Thurs- Thurs-

p.m. p.m.


Borough Borough

Wednes- Wednes-

Fridays, Fridays,

Wednes- Wednes-

Borough Borough

Saturdays, Saturdays,

Hiring Hiring

p.m. p.m.

Thursdays, Thursdays, 1.45-4.45 1.45-4.45

a.m.-6 a.m.-6

Joan Joan

of of

of of

of of


p.m. p.m.

p.m. p.m.

Tuesday, Tuesday,

10 10

a.m.-9 a.m.-9

Saturdays, Saturdays,

a.m.-9 a.m.-9

Reception, Reception,

7.30-10.30 7.30-10.30

7.30-10.30 7.30-10.30

& &

Drive, Drive,

Drive, Drive,

8 8

Drive, Drive,

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

8 8

Drive, Drive,

Drive, Drive,

Details Details

Councillors, Councillors,

day, day,

days, days, 9.30 9.30

4.15 4.15

7-9.30 7-9.30

days, days,

Councillors, Councillors,

day, day,

urday, urday,

7.30-10 7.30-10

7.45-10.15 7.45-10.15

p.m. p.m.

Tuesdays, Tuesdays,

Meeting, Meeting, Election Election

Social, Social,

Whist Whist

Whist Whist


Election Election

Wedding Wedding

Whist Whist

Whist Whist

Whist Whist

Darby Darby





As- As-

We We

As- As-

Bel- Bel-

West West

North North

Invalid Invalid

Corner- Corner-

Belmont Belmont


"Lest "Lest

(Afternoon) (Afternoon)


Association Association

Axelson, Axelson,

Association Association

Ward Ward

Booth, Booth,

Organisation Organisation


Why Why

Council Council

Council Council

Hopkins, Hopkins,


Guild Guild

Conservative Conservative

L. L.

Club Club

Community Community

G. G.

Hinks, Hinks,

J. J.

Spencer, Spencer,

and and

D. D.

M.H.Ellinger, M.H.Ellinger,

D. D.

.W. .W.

D. D.

R. R.

A. A.

A. A.

Harrow Harrow

stone stone

sociation sociation

Harrow Harrow

vative vative Tricycle Tricycle


Forget" Forget"

sociation sociation

mont mont

Whist Whist

Mr. Mr.

Mr.W.A.Tackley,Head- Mr.W.A.Tackley,Head-

Mrs. Mrs.

Mrs. Mrs.

Name Name

Borough Borough


Mr. Mr.

Borough Borough

Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Mrs.

Mr. Mr.

Mrs.G.Walsh,W.V.S.... Mrs.G.Walsh,W.V.S.... BELMONT BELMONT



m tJ tJ




"d "d








15, 15,

16, 16,





8, 8,

9, 9,


1, 1,

2, 2,

25 25

26 26

19, 19,

18, 18,

4 4


22 22

11, 11,

12, 12,

August August

5, 5,

4, 4,

28 28

22, 22,

21, 21,

15, 15,

7 7

29 29

24 24

July July

14, 14,

8, 8,

1, 1,

7, 7,



17, 17,

16. 16.




10, 10,

9, 9,

3, 3,

2, 2,

26 26

27 27

19, 19,

20, 20,



23 23

May May

12, 12,

13, 13,

5, 5,

6, 6,

28 28

22, 22,

21, 21,


15, 15,



25 25


April April

14, 14,

8, 8,



Sat- Sat-





Satur- Satur-

Thurs­ Thurs­


2 2


1 1



Borough Borough


Sundays, Sundays,




noon-5 noon-5

of of

a.m.- a.m.-

of of



Class, Class,

12 12

Reception, Reception,

a.m.-9 a.m.-9



7.30-10 7.30-10


10 10

Saturday, Saturday,

Drives, Drives,

7.30-10 7.30-10

School, School,

8 8

, ,

Drives, Drives,

Drive, Drive,

Details Details

10.30 10.30

Councillors, Councillors,

7.30-10 7.30-10

day, day,

days, days,

2.30-4.30 2.30-4.30

urday, urday,

days days

days, days,

Social, Social,

Election Election

Whist Whist Wedding Wedding

Sunday Sunday

Dancing Dancing

Whist Whist

Whist Whist

A.G.M., A.G.M.,

. .

. .




. .

1st 1st

St. St.


Scout Scout

Labour Labour

Sinclair Sinclair

Infantile Infantile

Ruthven, Ruthven,

Kemp, Kemp,

Marsh Marsh


Dancing Dancing

Lane Lane

Church Church

Fellowship Fellowship

Organisation Organisation

Donovan, Donovan,

Stevens Stevens

M, M,


H. H.

South South

E. E.

of of

Council Council

E. E.

Witham, Witham,

E. E.

W. W.

and and

J. J.

F. F.

E. E.

R. R.

L. L.

F. F.

E.H.Webb, E.H.Webb,


Rayners Rayners Pinner Pinner

Group Group

School School

Andrew's Andrew's

Paralysis Paralysis

Name Name

Mr. Mr.

Miss Miss

Borough Borough

Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Mrs.

Mr. Mr.

Mr. Mr.


APPENDIX III. CONTRACT FOR CORPORATION'S PRINTING WORK for 3 years from 1st May, 1956 Tender of King & Hutchings, Ltd., and Harrow Observer, Ltd. (1) COUNCIL SUMMONS, MINUTES AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: Price per page for 256 copies (plus \ 3 single-sided copies and one copy on azure paper): Plain matter set Tabular Tabular Tabular across page or matter matter matter in 2 cols. (3 cols.) (4 or 5 cols.) (6 or more cols.) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 176 226 226 226 Council Summons (40 additional copies) : At net inclusive price of 6s. 6d. (2) EDUCATION COMMITTEE SUMMONS AND REPORTS OF EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEES: Price per page for 112 copies (including 12 single-sided copies): Plain matter set Tabular Tabular Tabular across page or matter matter matter in 2 cols. (3 cols.) (4 or 5 cols.) (6 or more cols.) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 176 226 226 226 (3) INDEX TO COUNCIL MINUTES AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: £1 12s. 6d. per page. (4) MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK AND DIARY: Price per page General Diary Section: Cover Purchase Tax matter 1 wk. per \-wk. per page page s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 19 6 16 6 15 6 1 9 27% Reprints of general information matter from Year Book: Price per page: 500 copies 750 copies 1,000 copies s. d. s. d. s. d. 12 6 15 0 17 6 (5) HARROW Civic BULLETIN: Price per page (inclusive of thick paper cover) 6,000 copies Each additional Photographic 100 copies blocks £ s. d. s. d. At standard block-maker's 3 15 0 13 charges (6) Civic DELEGATE CONFERENCE HANDBOOK: Price per page (inclusive of thick paper cover) 1,000 copies Each additional Photographic 50 copies blocks £ s. d. s. d. At standard block-maker's 276 13 charges GENERAL PURPOSES 1614

(7) ABSTRACT OF BOROUGH TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS: Price per page (inclusive of board cover) 200 copies Each additional Cloth covers 10 copies (20 required) £ s. d. d. s. d. 2 14 0 10 23 per cover (8) ESTIMATES FOR GENERAL RATE: Price per page (inclusive of thick paper cover) 120 copies Each additional 10 copies £ s. d. d. 1 18 6 7 (9) ANNUAL REPORT OF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH: Price per page (inclusive of thick paper cover) 100 copies Each additional 10 copies £ s. d. d. 1 10 6 4