Cfcc Commontoealtft of Qiassac&usctts

Senate, July 19, 1956. The committees on Rules, to whom was referred the Senate Resolutions in behalf of Joseph E. Cronin upon his selection to ’s hall of fame (Senate, No. 744), report recommending that the same ought to be adopted.

For the committees,


[Senate, No. 744. Offered by Senator Quigley.]

Cfte Commontoealtf) of Massachusetts

In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Six. ￿ Resolutions in behalf of Joseph e. cronin upon his SELECTION TO BASEBALL’S HALL OF FAME. Whereas, Joseph E. Cronin of Newton, General of the Red Sox. long known to all followers of the national pastime because of his sparkling performances as player and manager of the Washington Senators and the , respectively, has been selected for mem- bership in the National Baseball Hall of Fame where his name will be enshrined with the select group of baseball’s immortals; and Whereas, This high honor conferred upon Joe Cronin is not only because of his ability and performance as a fielder and hitter, but also because of his determination to conquer any weakness in his play and to excel in his profession, his perseverance, his fierce competitive spirit, and his ability to come through when the odds were against him; and Whereas, Joe Cronin’s fighting qualities as a competitor and leader, his ability to come through in the pinch, his gentlemanly conduct, both on and off the playing field, and his affable manner have endeared him to all followers of our national pastime and to all who came in contact with him; and Whereas, Friday night, July twentieth, has been desig- nated as Joe Cronin Night at and appropri- 4 ate exercises will be held in honor of the nomination of Joe Cronin to baseball’s Hall of Fame; therefore be it Resolved, That the Massachusetts Senate takes this occasion to express the sentiment of the people of the commonwealth in extending congratulations and best wishes 1956.] SENATE No. 744. 3 to Joseph E. Cronin upon his having achieved the highest honor in baseball, and wishes him and his family every good wish for health and happiness; and be it further Resolved, That an engrossed copy of these resolutions be transmitted forthwith by the Secretary of the Common- wealth to the said Joseph E. Cronin. 4