


CLASS OF 2020 [email protected] Acknowledgments

I would like to thank:

Joe Harris for lending me a copy of the Greenberg and Harper Algebraic book.

I would also like to thank him for allowing me to create an exposition and for o‚ering advice as to what topic I should explore.

ii To My Parents





iv Contents

1 Introduction 1

2 Higher Homotopy Groups 2

2.1 De€nition of the homotopy groups ...... 2

2.2 A €rst important result ...... 3

3 Homotopy groups of 4

n 3.1 πi(S ) when i < n ...... 4

n 3.2 πi(S ) when i = n ...... 4

3.3 Stable and unstable ...... 5

n 3.4 πi(S ) when i > n ...... 5

v Chapter 1


Œe study of higher homotopy groups has long been of interest to algebraic topologists.

Œese groups, which will be de€ned in the next chapter, are quite simple to de€ne, but unfortunately are very dicult to calculate. Especially when compared to the groups, the higher homotopy groups are rather ”elusive” in nature. Œe €eld of study was opened when introduced Hopf €bration (also known as the Hopf ) which was the €rst non-trivial mapping of S3 to S2. Œe €bers of this map were S1 and it allowed a calculation of the third homotopy of the 2- S2. For this text, the author will provide some history and some important theorems and results. Due to author’s limited knowledge, proofs of these theorems and results will not be included unless they are within the scope of the author’s ability.

1 Chapter 2

Higher Homotopy Groups

Œe idea of homotopy and a was introduced by Camille Jordan who did so without using the syntax and notation of . Œe concepts of homol- ogy and the were intertwined by Henri Poincare, but the higher homotopy groups were not de€ned until Eduard Cech did so. A major step in both the de€nition and computation of the homotopy groups came from with the . A later development came with ’s suspen- sion theorem. Œis development contributed to the study of stable to examine the properties that did not rely on . George Whitehead and Jean- Pierre Serre made the next major advancements. Whitehead proved that there exists a metastable range for the homotopy groups of spheres. Serre employed the use of spec- tral to prove that all the higher homotopy groups of spheres are €nite, with n 2n the exception of πn(S ) and π4n−1(S ).

2.1 De€nition of the homotopy groups

For any given X and base b, πn(X) is the set of homotopy classes of maps

f : Sn → X that take a base point a → b. πn(X) can also be de€ned as the group of homotopy classes of maps

g : In → X that take ∂In → b, where In denotes the n-cube [0, 1]n and ∂ denotes the .

2 2.2 A €rst important result

Œe result the author wishes to show is that all the πn(X, x0) for n > 1 are abelian. Œis will be done in two ways. Œe €rst of which is the ”Eckmann-Hilton trick” and the other is an inductive proof.

‡eorem 2.2.1. πn(X, x0) for n > 1 are abelian ”Eckmann-Hilton trick”

Proof. Let S be a set with two associative operations ∗, ◦ : S × S → S having a common unit e ∈ S. Suppose ∗ and ◦ distribute over each other, in the sense that

(α ∗ β) ◦ (γ ∗ δ) = (α ◦ γ) ∗ (β ◦ δ)

Taking β = e = γ in the distributive law yields

α ◦ δ = α ∗ δ

, while taking α = e = δ yields β ◦ γ = γ ∗ ⠌us ∗ and ◦ coincide, and de€ne a commutative operation on S

As for the inductive method, a few things must €rst be de€ned. Let Ωx0 ⊂ X consist of all loops at x0 and let C be a constant at x0. Œis allows us the theorem:

‡eorem 2.2.2. π1(Ωx0 , C) is abelian

Proof. Let f , g be loops in Ωx0 at C. Now de€ne ( f ∗ g)(t) = f (t)g(t).

f g ' f ∗ g ' g f rel(0, 1)

Now de€ne the higher homotopy groups as

πn(X, x0) = πn−1(Ωx0 , C) for n ≥ 2 From this we have the corollary

Corollary 2.2.3. Še higher homotopy groups are all abelian

3 Chapter 3

Homotopy groups of Spheres

Œe next major paŠerns come from theorems that are beyond the (current) knowledge of the author. ‹alitative explanations will be given where possible.

n 3.1 πi(S ) when i < n

n Nicely, πi(S ) = 0 when i < n. Œis can be proven formally but it can also be seen in the following way. Given any continuous mapping from an i-sphere to an n-sphere with i < n, it can always be deformed so that it is not a surjective map. Œis con€rms that, its is contained in Sn with a point removed. In all cases, this is a , and any mapping to a contractible space can be deformed into a one-point mapping. Hence it is trivial.

n 3.2 πi(S ) when i = n

n πi(S ) = Z when i = n. Œis can be realized in multiple ways. Witold Hurewicz related the homotopy groups to the homology groups by abelianization(i.e. taking a quotient group G/[G, G]). So, the result directly follows from the Hurewicz theorem (which will not be stated or proved here for lack of knowledge of homology). Œe the- orem shows that for a simply- X, the €rst nonzero homotopy group πk(X), with k > 0, is isomorphic to the €rst nonzero homology group Hk(X). For the n-sphere, this means that for n > 0,

n n πn(S ) = Hn(S ) = Z . Œis can also be proven inductively from the Freudenthal theorem which implies that the suspension homomorphism from

n n+1 πn+k(S ) → πn+k+1(S ) is an isomorphism for n > k + 1

4 3.3 Stable and unstable

n Œe groups πn+k(S ) with n > k + 1 are called the stable homotopy groups of spheres, S and are denoted πk . Œese are €nite abelian groups for k 6= 0. Œe general formula is still unknown. For n ≤ k + 1, the groups are called the unstable homotopy groups of spheres.

n 3.4 πi(S ) when i > n Unfortunately, these groups are not trivial in general eve though the homology groups of this form are. Œere is no known general formula for computing these groups. As stated before, most of these groups are €nite and all are still abelian. An example of a known paŠern is that 2 3 π3+j(S ) = π3+j(S ), ∀j ∈ N Œis is also a consequence of the Hopf €bration.

5 Bibliography

Cartan, Henri; Serre, Jean-Pierre (1952a), ”Espaces €bres et groupes d’homotopie.

I. Constructions generales”, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences. Serie I.

Mathematique, Paris: Elsevier, 234: 288-290

Greenberg, Marvin J., and John R. Harper. ”Loop Spaces and Higher Homotopy

Groups.” Algebraic Topology: A First Course. Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley

Pub., 1981. N. pag. Print.

Hopf, Heinz (1931), ”Uber die Abbildungen der dreidimensionalen Sphare auf die

Kugelƒache”, Mathematische Annalen, Berlin: Springer, 104 (1): 637-665

May, J. Peter (1999b), A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, Chicago lectures

in mathematics (revised ed.), University of Chicago Press

May, J. Peter (1999a), ”Stable Algebraic Topology 1945-1966”, in I. M. James, History

of Topology, Elsevier Science, pp. 665-723,