


Present: Councillor Donald MacMillan (Chair)

Councillor Robert Currie Councillor Robin Currie Councillor 3ruce Robertson Councillor Archie McCallum CounciIlor Alastair McKinlay Councillor George McMillan Councillor Alison Hay Councillor John Findlay Councillor Dugald McKinnon

Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Ian Fawcett, Area Environmental Services Manager David Black, Senior Planning Officer, Development Control David McInnes, Area Housing Manager Donnie McLeod, Area Manager Roads & Transportation Adrian Shaw, Corporate Support Mike Geraghty, Head of Education in the Community Lorne Campbell, Education Department Sheila Baird, Senior Environmental Health Officer Sergeant Kerr, Police

1. Prior to the Commencement of the meeting, the Chairman announced the sad news that Mr Martin , Headteacher of Southend Primary School had died. The Committee expressed their sympathy and condolences to Mr Motherwell's family and the pupils and staff of Southend Primary School.


The Chairman decided in terms of Section 50B (4)(b) of the Local Government {) Act 1973, and the Committee agreed in terms of Standing Orders that Item 10.4 which was not specified in the agenda should be considered as a matter of urgency because of the need for a decision to be taken prior to the next meeting,


Councillor George McMillan declared an interest in respect of Item 10.6 and took no par1 in the discussion on thal item.


The Committee agreed the minutes of their meetings of 5th and 25th August 1998 as correct records. 5. EDUCATION 182

5.1 Schoo€Rationaiisation - A Best Value Programme Paper 3

There was submitted report by Director of Education on School Rationalisation.


To set up B Member/Officer Working Group comprising members of the Area Committee and appropriate officials to identify and give preliminary consideration to possible options and to advise the Area Committee accordingly.

(Reference - Report by Director of Education dated 20 August 1998)

5.2 Grant AppIication - Jura Youth Club

I NAME OF ORGANISATION GRANT Jura Youth Club 2475 f475 I

As arising therefrom the Chairman reported that a letter of thanks had been received from the Christian Youth Club for the grant which had allowed them to have an exchange visit with Youth Groups in Northern Ireland.


6.1 Planning Applications to be considered

The Committee considered and dealt with the applications for planning permission as detailed in the list attached to this minute (Appendix 1).

6.2. Delegated Decisions by the Director of Development and Environment Services

6.2.1 Planning

The Committee noted decisions issued by the Director of Development and Environment Services as detailed in reports dated 17 August 1998.

6.2.2 Building Control

The Committee noted decisions issued by the Director of Development and Environment Services as detailed in reports dated 17 August 1998.

6.2.3. Delegated Refusal due to Section 75 in completion within four months

The Committee noted the decision by the Director of Devefopment and Environment to refuse planning permission in respect of 96/00859/DET, No1 . Croft Lorgba, Port Charlotte. 183 6.3 Landfill Tax - Support to Environmental Bodies for Local Projects

There was submitted report by the Director of Development and Environment Services on Landfill Tax - Support to Environmental Bodies for Local Projects.


APPLICANT GRANT Argyll & Bute Countryside Trust Nil Kilarrow Church, Bowmore continued Loch Fyne Marine Trust continued Royal Society for Protection of Birds E1,500 Scottish Wildlife Trust El ,000 TOTAL LANDFILL TAX REBATE TO DATE f2,500


7.1 Rural Challenge Applications

There was submitted report by the Chief Executive's Department on Rural Challenge App i ic a t io n s .


1. To note the bids which have been received for funding from the Council's Rural Challenge Budget 1998199.

2. To prioridse the bids for consideration of the member Group Officer Group on Rural Issues and decision of the Policy Committee at its meeting on 10 September 1998 as folIows:

~ MA11 Lochgiiphead After School MED Club MA12 Islay Rural Study Initiative MED MA13 First Steps HIGH M AJ4 Kintyre Young People in to the extent of Trouble Forum lHIGH MA15 Tarbert Academy Residential Education Experience MAi6 Kilmichael Glassary Children's Play Area MAi7 Considering the further MED Education Option MA18 Colonsay Adult Education HIGH Project -~ MA19 Books for Babies LOW

(Reference - Report by Chief Executive's Unit dated 2 September 1998) ss4 8. HOUSING APJD SOCIAL WORK

8.1 Housing Performance Indicators

There was submitted and noted report by Area Housing Manager on Housing Performance Indicators.

Dec is i an

To note the contents of the report.

(Reference - Report by Area Housing Manager dated 2 September 1998)


9.1 Kintyre Young People in Trouble Forum


1. To note that further information was required before the recommendation- of the e Committee would be considered by the Education and Social Work Committees.

2. To continue consideration to the next meeting.

9.2 Minutes of Meeting of Mid Argyll Partnership held on 4th August 1998

The meeting noted the minutes of Mid Argyll partnership held on 4th August 1998.

9.3 Minutes of Meeting of Kintyre Initiative Working Group held on 10th August 1998

The meeting noted the minutes of Kintyre Initiative Working Group held on 10th August 1998.

9.4 Scottish Millennium Festival Fund

There was submitted circular from the Scottish Millennium Festival Fund, the terms of which were noted. a


10.1 A83 - Report on Present Position

A verbal report on the current position in regard to the A83 was presented by the Area Manager Transportation, the terms of which were noted.

10.2 Port Askaig Pier - Report on Recent Position

There was submitted report by the Area Manager, Transportation, on Port Askaig Pier


1. To note the report. 2. To instruct the Area Manager to discuss the proposals for Port Askaig Pier with the Local Member. 3. To instruct the Area Manager to submit a further report to the next meeting. (Reference - Report by Director of Roads and Transportation dated) 185 10.3 Scottish Rural Transport Grant

There was submitted report by Director of Transportation and Property on Scottish Rural Transport Grant.

Decision I. To approve the proposed projects for submission for Rural Transport Grant.

2. To note the requirement for bus shelters in various locations.

3. To consider an additional ferry service between Islay and Jura on Winter Sundays to take the minister to and from Jura.

(Reference - Report by Director of Transportajion and Property dated 19 August 1998)

10.4 Jura Ferry Service

There was submitted report from the Area Manager, Transportation on the current position of the Jura Ferry.


1. To note the terms of the report.

2. To instruct that the new Jura Ferry should not be taken out of service for alteration unless a suitable alternative ferry is available to carry on the service during that period.

3. To request that the Area Manager considers ways to protect the Islay High School children who travel daily from Jura from bad weather in view of the limited passenger accommodation on the vessel.

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50A (4)of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the two following items of business on the grounds thal they were likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 9 Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1473.

10.5 Proposed Sale of Ground Adjacent to Tarbert BowflingClub

There was submitted report by the Director of Transportation and Property Services .


1. That the Committee authorises the sale of the site to the Tarberl Bowling Club at a nominal value, subject to the consent of he Secretary of State for Scotland.

2. The sale should be at nominal value for the following reasons: (a) the benefit to the community of Tarbert (b) it will relieve pressure on the Council Car Park (c) it will lead to the improvement in the visual amenity of the area by removing a derelict piece of ground from the centre of Tarbert.

(Reference - Report by the Director of Transportation and Property Services dated 2 September 1998) 1236 10.6 Proposed Sale of Ground at St John Street, Campbeltown

There was submitted report by the Director of Housing and Social Work on the proposed sale of ground at St. John Street, Campbeltown.

Decision To permit the sale o€the former depot site to Bute Housing Association on terms and conditions to be negotiated by the Director of Properly and Transportation. 187 Appendix I




98/00644/DET Mr D Claase. Detailed. Alterations & Extension to The Argyll Hotel, Front Street, Inveraray.

David Black advised members that the Roads Department had confirmed (10/8/98)that it had no objection to the revised parking arrangements subject to conditions and also advised that the Public Protection Officer confirmed 128/8/98) that he had no objection io the proposal.


It was agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Development and Environment Services in consultation with the Chair and Local Member to approve the application subject to: 1. The Director of Development and Environment Services determining whether the revised parking arrangements could be accepted as a non material amendment to the current planning application; and 2. Clearance by Historic Scotland.

98/00645/LIB Mr D Claase. Application for Listed Building Consent. Alterations & Extension to The Argyll Hotel, Front Street, Inveraray.

David Black advised members thar the Roads Department had confirmed (10/8/98) that it had no objection to the revised parking arrangements subject to conditions and also advised Lhal the Public Protection Officer confirmed (28/8/98)that he had no objection to the proposal.


It was agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Development and Environment Services in consultation with the Chair and Local Member to approve the application subject to: 1. The Director of Development and Environment Services determining whether the revised parking arrangements could be accepted as a non material amendment to the current planning application; and 2. Clearance by Historic Scotland. 188 98/00708/DET Mr R Sharp. Detailed. Installation of replacement windows, Flat 2/1, Braeside, Castle Street, Tarbert.


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Development and Environment Services dated 13 August 1998.

98/00749/COU W D Semple. Change of Use AppIication. Partial Change of Use of Car Sales to MOT Station, Quick Service & Repairs and Tyre Check; Variation of Condition 3 of Planning Consent 01/93/0484 to provide additional car parking within an identified compound at Highbank Garage, Highbank lndustrial Estate, Lochgilphead.

David Black advised that the agent for the applicant had requested a continuation of the application for consideration of revised plans and consideration of a Noise Report (2518/98 & 28/8/98). An Engineer's Noise Report had been submitted (28/8/98).


That planning permission be refused in accordance with the report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 19 August 1998.

98/00870/REM Mr W McFadyen. Reserved Matters Application. Erection of dwellinghouse, garage & oil tank, Flat 2, Kilkerran Road, Campbeltown.


That consideration of this application be continued pending receipt of the requisite information from the applicant.

98/00896/OUT Mr & Mrs Peter McConnachie. Outline Application. Erection ol' DwelIinghouse, Airdaluinn, High Askomil, Campbeltown.


That the application be continued to allow the applicant to discuss with appropriate officials applications for Listed Building Consent in respect of the proposed visibility splays and amended plans for the proposal.

98/00904/DET M MacDonald. Detailed. Revised Site Layout & Septic Tank Location and Formation of Camping Area at West Loch Holiday Park, by Tarbert.


That planning permission be granted Subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 11 August 1998. - 189

98/00934/DET Mr Peter Poulsen. Detailed. Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of access, Lag, Kilmichael Glassary.

David Black advised that the agent had confirmed (21/8/98) that the load carrying capacity of the access road was 17 tonnes and that the Head of Public Protection (31/8/98) had no objection to the proposals.


That subject to a Section 75 Agreement covering the maintenance of the remaining ruins within the settlement at Lag, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in the report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 14 August 1993.

98/00974/DET West of Scotland Water. Detailed. Construction of a Service Reservoir & Access Road, Dunchraigaig, by Kilmartin.

David Black advised that revised plans have been received (26/8/98) relocating a fence in accordance with request from West of Scotland Archaeological Service dated 17 August 1998 and that the Roads Engineer requested an additional condition regarding the first field gate (28/8/98).


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons contained in lhe report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 12 August 1998, and to the following additional condition; notwithstanding the details in the plans hereby approved, the first field gales from [he A816 public road shall be sited a distance of not less than 20 metres from the start of the new access road unless otherwise approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority.

The landscaping scheme to be submitted to be determined in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this Committee.

98/00996/LIB Mr & Mrs Strickland. Application for Listed Building Consent. Alterations to Internal Layout to Subdivide One Flat Into Three Flats, The Paymaster's House, Main Street, Inveraray.

This application was withdrawn

98/00999/DET Mr & Mrs Strickland. Change of Use Application. Subdivision of One Flat Into Three Flats, The Paymaster's House, Main Street, Inveraray.

This application was wihdrawn,

98/01010/COU Mr & Mrs J & M Cameron. Detailed Application. Formation of driveway, 31 Ardview, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay.


That planning permission be granted subject to the standard condition and reason contained in the report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 17 August 1998. 98/01056/DET Chris Fiorentina. Detailed. Provision of Manager's Accommodation, Lord of the Isles. Craobh Haven.

David Black advised that SEPA confirmed that it had no objections (27/8/98).


That planning permission be refused for the reason contained in the report by the Director of Development and Environment dated 12 August 1998.

98/00685/OUT Application for development for plots of private housing at former Babettes, Dance Hall, High Street, Campbeltown

David Black advised that the report on page 63 of the minutes that in paragraph 6 where the first reference was made to "30 m" that should read "20 m".


To recommend approval of the application in respect of 3 houses on the plot because the layout proposed by the applicant makes good use of the land available and will prevent any of the proposed houses or the existing house from overlooking each other and this is not contrary to policy and is not overdevelopment of the site.