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1977 07 Seniors.Pdf SENIORS Mark J. Abribat Mark Ableman Barbara Diane Aiken Christa Renee Albright Nancy Albright Nancy Elizabeth Aldridge Barrett Alexander Marsha Anne Alexandrovich Ann Louise Allen Warren Wilson Alves Donna Lee Anderson James Alan Andersen Kim Marie Aubrey Anderson Patrick John Anderson Susan Ashley Anderson lillliii Kim Margaret Anthony Linda Ann Arena Maria Regina Argan Sherri Jean Arledge Carole Berry Armstrong 188 Lynn Arnold Suzanne Marie Astolfi Richard Peter Babiarz David T. Bach Joseph E. Backer Lida R. Bacon Kathleen Agnes Baker Timothy Joseph Baker Victoria Jean Baker David Harry Bank Caroline L. Banks Donald Paul Barbagallo Karen Jean Barker Linda Ann Barone Larry Keith Barrett Dena Louise Bates Lynn Dale Battin Lynne Marie Baumann Veda Baumann Victoria Ann Baxter 189 Terry Jean Bayard Robert Jacob Bazas Nora Fern Bechtold Phyllis E. Beck Dale Kenneth Becker Jeffrey A. Behrer Andrea R. Belanus Ella M. Bell Patricia Leslie Bell Joanne Mildred Bennett William Richard Bennett Janot June Bente Rodman Carl Bergstrom, Jr. Constance Louise Bernard 190 Diane Maria Bernhard Michael Vincent Bernot Marc Alan Bernstein Ronald Bernstein James Anthony Bianculli Patricia A. Bird Timothy Vernon Biringer William Hugh Black Barbara Lynn Blackman Bruce David Blair Jane Marie Boman Thomas Francis Bongiorno 191 Michael Paul Boniello Betsy R. Bontempo Raymond F. Book III Susan Trudeau Booz Andrew J. Borresen Erik L. Borup Janine Bostick Denise Christine Boucher Victoria L. Bourdon Barbara Anne Bowers Betsy Ratcliffe Bowers James M. Boyd, Jr. Robert Benjamin Boyer Julie Ann Boyle 192 David Andrew Brabson Barbara Ann Bradley Susan Dale Bradley Thomas Owen Brady Cathleen Ann Branciaroli Patricia Ellen Brandt Diana Lee Breese Diana Leighj Breisacher Jane Anne Brennan Susan Lorraine Brezza Patricia Ann Brill Henry L. Brisco Alison Emily Brooks Nancy Virginia Brown Sophia Maria Brown Karen Claire Brucker Marykate Brumbauch Kathryn J. Bryson Wayne Alan Buchanan 193 Rebecca Susan Buckingham Nancy Joanne Bunn Jeffrey Paul Bupp David Michael Bunch Eric William Burkhardt Jeannie Caroline Burleigh Mary Elizabeth Burns Virginia Mary Burns Ellen Louise Bussi Shauna Lani Butler Pamela Suzanne Butterfield Kirk D. Bye Wendy Lee Calla Gen Cameron Carol Anne Campbell Kim M. Campbell 194 Mary Theresa Campbell Sally Ann Camper Donna Louise Cannon Paula Ann Capritta Curtis W. Cariddi Linda Clare Carman Larry LeRoy Carr Stephanie M. Carr Stephen Anthony Carrere Thomas Lawrence Carroll Karen Lee Carson John Joseph Cassidy Joan Ellen Caufield Melody Marie Centrella Kevork K. Cetinyan Ronald Hitchens Chaney Janet Virginia Chanko Jill Chernekoff Laura Lane Chirnside Cynthia Mary Chiusa Linda Rita Christiano Alfred Anthony Ciuffetelli, Jr. Felicia Ann Ciuffetelli Michael Hugh Clark Diana Jane Clarke Ann Marie Clawson John William Cleary E. Jeanne Cline Gary Raymond Cloud Eugene Francis Cocco Colleen Marie Cochran Chris William Cody Charlotte Pauline Coletta Lynne Ann Coll Valerie J. Collette Edward Allen Collins 196 Maryann Bernadette Collins Glen Douglas Conley Joanne Connolly Renee Jeanne Conroy Margaret Anne Conte Gerald Travers Conway, Jr. Daniel Lee Cook Robert W. Cook Stephen Cooper, Jr. David Turner Corbishley Anny Cordova Theresa Marie Corrigan Lethia Cottman Janet L. Cotton Gordon Bruce Cox Janet Louise Cox Joseph Michael Coyne Cathy Camille Crane Jill A. Crespo Deborah Ada Cresthull 197 Kathleen Adle Crist Anthony Michael Cristofich Robert Lee Cropper Mary Ann Crum Michael Lee Crump John Joseph Cucci Dawn Carol Cullember Cheryl Ann Culp Willie Curtis Kenneth Earl Custer Judith Ann Dale William Benneker Dally John Joseph Daly, Jr. Patricia Ann Daly 198 Andrew Dane Cynthia A. Davies Catherine Quayle Davis Gregory J. Dawson Theodore Kent Dawson Nancy Lee Delucia Donna Marie DeMarco Regina Mary DeMarco Alexis Maria Demetris Joan Elizabeth Deming Jeanne Ann DePue Nancy Lorraine Derr 199 Jeffrey Lee Derry Linda B. Detwiler Loretta Vicki DeVito Deborah L. deVry David J. Dewitt Maria Dievler Michael James DiGiacomo Elisa Carol Diller Stephen Edward Dilts Meredith Lee Dimmick Judith Quinta DiSabatino John J. Dmytryk Diane Mary Dobbs Cynthia Joan Dobroski Catherine Marie Dolan Patricia Jane Donley Robert A. Donelly, Jr. Barbara Ann Donohue Bruce Allan Dore Beverly Anne Dorsaneo Kathleen Elaine Dorsett Roberta Marie Dorylis Deborah Ann Dougherty Molly Ann Dowd Damian Thomas Drake Kathleen T. Dredge Susan M. Dreibelbis Joan Irene Dresch Dawn Lynn Dubinski Ralph George Duerr, Jr. Debora Ann Dukes Amy House Dunigan Paula Gayle Durland Deborah Renee Durham 201 Lynn Janice Eastburn Karen Lee Eisenbrey Patricia Mae Eisenhart Gail Ann Elder Douglas Walter Elfner Janet Sue Ellavsky Christopher J. Elliott Cynthia Grace Elliott Lynne Whitney Elliott Irvin Griffith Ellison III Lila Sue Emenheiser Cynthia Love Emerick Linda Jane Emery Janet Elizabeth Englehart Leslie Ann Eschenbach Kenneth Ira Eskow 202 Deborah Gail Evans Jane E. Evans Mark Tyler Evans Ann Howard Exline Diane A. Facciolo William Francis Facciolo Andrew Dorman Fairchild Barry Neil Falgout Renee H. Fareira Janet Lynn Farrow Elizabeth May Faulkner Susan Leslie Fazio Janet Louise Feathers James Anthony Fedewitz Cathy Ann Feierman Laurel Ann Ferris 203 Jayne Lenore Fetterman William Frederick Fields, Jr. Patricia Joanne Fish Edward J. Fitzharris Gail Elaine Fitzmaurice Marie K., Fitzsimmons Janis Anne Flack Darol Jane Flahart James Joseph Flaherty Karen Leigh Fleetwood Stephen T. Fleischmann Bruce A. Fleming Barbara Marian Fletcher Eileen M. Foley Glenn Mark Folsom David R. Forrest Cathleen Louise Forsyth Janice Ellen Fortney Darryl Keith Fountain Michael Robert Fountain 204 David Charles Fowler Barbara Ann Fox Constance Eileen Foytik Mary Patricia Fraher Elizabeth Anne Frey James Timothy Frey Mary Ellen Marie Froehlich Ann Marie Fromuth Richard J. Figazzi Cynthia Louise Fulper Cindy Lee Gabis Eileen Mary Gail Michael Jay Galaton Gerald F. Gallagher Rosemary Gallagher Hilda Katherine Gallucci Elizabeth Rose Garman Lenora Terese Garniewski Carol Ann Garrubbo Clare Gassier 205 Joseph Scott Gaudio Mary E. Gausz Ann M. Gaybos Caroline Louise Geise Susan J. Geiss Michael Anthony George Francis Xavier Giacoma Richard James Giacopelli Sandra M. Giafski Peggy A. Giampietro Craig Allen Gilbert Barbara Elaine Gilmore Andrew Ralph Gioseffi Michael Eugene Givler 206 Mark H. Glaze Kristin Elise Glick Mary Elaine Glover Guy Michael Godfrey Virginia Anne Godwin Anne Olivia Goetz Heidi Lee Goetz Judith Goewey Marc Joseph Goldberg Sandra Sue Goldberg Miguel Eduardo Gomzalez Daniel Nathaniel Good Paul Reynolds Goodman Virginia Aileen Gorrell 207 Denise Marie Gothie Barbara Gould Janette M.K. Graham Margaret Rose Grandine Leigh Tracey Grau Ronald Everett Gray Lynne Denise Graybeal Sally Ann Green Scott Arnold Green Carl Jan Greenberg Richard David Greenberg John P. Greene Catherine Louise Greenley Byron Lee Gregory 208 Michael James Gretz Jeffrey D. Gricol Amy Rosanne Griffin Mary Diane Griffin Carol Suzanne Gross Martha Ellen Gross Richard Wayne Grossman Charles Joseph Gruber Nancy H. Haas Charles Albert Haase Mary Kathleen Hagemann Linda Joyce Haines George Matthew Haldeman Brooks Wilburn Hall Timothy McClelland Halligan Stephen Lewis Hallsted Elizabeth J. Handy Ann Marie Hanley Barbara Gail Hannan Marianne M. Hardesty 209 Robert George Harding II Joseph Edward Harris Katherine W. Harrison Therese Hartnett Perry David Hartranft W. Michael Hartsky Donald R. Hartwig II Maryann Haskey Deborah Hauss Jean Marie Hayden Kathy Ann Hayes Paul F. Hayes Denise Ramona Hayman Michael Hazuda Jr. Claire M. Healy Mary Ellen Regina Healy 210 Robert J. Healy Sue Ellen Hedley Karen Elizabeth Heidgerd Victoria L. Heim Jeffrey S. Helthall Patricia Ann Hensley Mark Peter Hepp Carolee Herbermann Mary Ann Herman Kathleen Mary Heron Debra Prima Hess Robert L. Heuser Margarita Busto Hevia Michael Comrie Heyden Anne Marie Hickey Anthony Francis Hickey 211 i Robert F. Hicks Maureen Ann Higgins Elisa Marie Hill Donna Lee Hinderer Donald W. Hinderhofer Rosemary Hindman Kenneth Joseph Hines Susan L. Hinrichs Elaine Mira Hirshoot Margaret H. Hirst Linda Sue Hitchens Jane Ann Hochstuhl Daniel Patrick Hoeftman Lynn Gail Hoffman Michael Winfried Holfeld Fred A. Holland Virginia May Holt Margaret Louise Holter Mary D. Homan Linda Anne Hood 212 Martha E. Horn Eugene Robert Horowitz Najmul Hossain Cynthia Louise Houck Elaine Beth Houck Pamela Ruth Howard Clarice M. Howe Catherine Ann Howell John Andrew Hrinak Jill Allison Huber Valerie Kay Huegel Florence J. Huggins Patricia Lynn Hultgren Paula Deborah Humphrey Cynthia Flagg Hundley Michael William Husich William Greg Huncik John Joseph Iorii Margaret Anne Iorii Jeanette Hessenbach 111 213 Charles Franklin Ireland, Jr. James D. Jackson Bruce S. Jacobs Carol Jacobsohn Linda M. Jacobson Thomas A. James Scott Francis Jamison Alan Lawrence Janko Janet Lee Jenkins Thomas Paul Jenkins Susan H. Johns Kevin Ross Johnson Mary Anne M. Johnson Richard Nicholas Johnson 214 Virginia Louise Johnson Kristine Jommersbach Gene Edward Jones Jeffrey J. Jones Michael S. Jones Robert John Jones Stewart Russell Jurgensen Linda Ann Justice Frank C. Kahoe, Jr. Edward James Kapuscienski Erik Karlsson Lisa Ursula Katurakes Joyce Irene Kavjian Nancy Beth Kaye 215 Laurie Ann Keene Kim Anne Keidel Walter Russell Keithly Kathleen Patricia Kelly Thomas John Kelly Denise Renee Kempski Karen Ann Kendig Shirley Ann Kennedy Norene E. Kerrigan John Dunn Kessler Bzrbara Lynn Kester Mark Edward Kibblehouse Stephen L. Kibblehouse Karen Love Kierce Louis
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