Footprints Vol. III, Issues I-IV Footprints 2007 - 2008 Our Lady of The official newsletter of Notre Dame Right to Life Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn The President’s Note Joy, disappointment, excitement, elation, pain, love - a smattering of words can and only begin to describe my last two years of service to Right to Life as President. Ups Notre Dame, and downs come with work for any cause - but they are particularly poignant when Our Mother, that cause is the right to life - when you know that what you do can actually change someone’s views and save a life. Frequently, life is literally on the line. That is why our work as ND Right to Life is so vitally important. We are here to Pray for us! answer a call to defend all life, particularly the most vulnerable - and what a more fitting place to do so at Notre Dame, the University of Our Lady, Our Mother, who constantly reminds us of the beauty and worth of human life.

Notre Dame Right to Life seeks to Thank you to everyone who I’ve worked with these past years. Without you this Stay in Touch! promote and uphold the sanctity club would be nothing. All of your time, energy, prayers, and financial support has of all human life from conception helped form this club into one of the most active and vibrant student organizations Please contact our Development Officer, whose address can be until natural death through prayer, found on page 2, with address changes or any questions as to how service, community, and education, on campus. ND Right to Life is without a doubt one you can continue to help support Notre Dame Right to Life! particularly by helping women in of the most respected collegiate prolife organizations crisis pregnancies find alternatives in the nation. Highlights! to abortion through service and As I prepare for graduation, I know that I will miss support, in the spirit of the Our Lady’s University more deeply than words can This year Right to Life… . express; but particularly the people, the friendships, ♦ Won Best Club of many of them formed thanks to RTL. I am thankful the Year in its for my time with this group. It has deeply impacted Division and Best Notre Dame Right to Life my life, and I know that is has also changed and Overall Club from the Inside this issue: formed the minds and hearts of many others. ND 314 LaFortune Student Center Club Coordination President’s Note 1 Right to Life truly answers the call of the recently beatified founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Council! Notre Dame, IN 46556 Secretary’s Note 2 Bl. Basil Moreau: the mind must not be cultivated at ♦ Brought 280 students President Elect 2 the expense of. the heart. Thus as we strengthen our to the March for Life academics, and even address these issues from an in D.C.—20 of whom Rice Lecture 3 academic standpoint, we do not neglect the care of ate breakfast at the our heart. We learn to feel for others, and through Life is Beautiful 4 White House Cemetery 5 love and charity come to see the dignity and worth of every human and feel the need to protect that gift. ♦ Raised over $3000 for Theology of the Body 5 I am confident that Mary Kate Daly, president moms in need elect, will serve this club well. So I leave in peace and Dawn Parkot Lecture 6 ♦ Hosted monthly hope that she will take as much delight in working Project Mom 7 with you and the Right to Life as did I. lectures, several Motherhood Resources 7 Thank you all once again. I hope roundtable discussions, you enjoy this newsletter and hearing of and conference March for Life 7 many of Right to Life’s events this year. featuring Alice Von- White House 9 May God bless you and keep you. Hildebrand, Phyllis Schlafly Conference 10 In Our Lady, & Bobby Schindler, and Burning Questions 11 Mary Liz Walter sponsored numerous Class of 2008 President 2006-2008 successful activities. ♦ Touched the lives of countless people! Page 2 of 11 Footprints Page 11 of 11 Footprints

The Secretary’s Welcome Burning Questions: On Terri Schiavo By Natassia Quan As another busy year comes to a close, I’d just like to thank you all for your continuing support. I’m positive that your dona- tions - and even more importantly, your prayers - had a lot to do Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life. When I saw the poster for cult, talking about an issue as emotional as his own sister’s 2008-2009 death. One main point of emphasis Bobby made was the 2007-2008 with Right to Life’s success this year. This success was not only the Right to Life Conference, I thought, oh gosh, here we go injustice of Terri’s parents being stripped of their right to Officers marked with the distinction of being named Club of the Year, but Officers again… I took a step back and re-evaluated my initial reac- protect their daughter. He cited one instance in which was also shown by the incredible stories I’ve heard of people chang- tion, and thought, well, I know where I stand, but what better Terri had chapped lips and her parents wanted to put ice on Mary Liz Walter ing their minds about the abortion issue or wanting to get more Mary Kate Daly place than Notre Dame to challenge my views on the pro-life her lips to soothe them, but armed policemen were sta- [email protected] [email protected] issue? I was attracted to the caliber of speakers that were involved because of our activities and example. tioned at Terri’s bedside and wouldn’t let her parents ap- President President invited: Terri Schiavo’s brother, a speaker who was con- proach Terri. Maybe it’s because I trust that my parents After such a great year, and with so many of this year’s truly ceived from rape, and many other prominent pro-life advo- would do all that they could to ease my suffering, but I can’t Emily Toates amazing crew graduating, us new officers certainly have some big Emily Toates cates comprised an excellent group of panelists selected to imagine the agony a parent must feel when they look at [email protected] shoes to fill. They’ve left the club a fantastic legacy. After seeing [email protected] speak at Notre Dame. How could I miss this opportunity to their daughter suffering and are denied the ability to even Vice-President the enthusiasm of some of the new staff, though, I’m confident that Vice-President give the “pro-life” side a fair chance? I was apprehensive, and help her. the club and the cause are in good hands, and will continue to grow I admit, a bit scared that the core of my liberal beliefs would After the talk, Bobby Schindler showed a 7-minute Adam Hoock and see a lot of good fruit. Victor Saenz be shaken a bit too hard. I showed up for the first speaker, long video of pictures from Terri’s life, from when she was a [email protected] [email protected] Bobby Schindler, Terri Schiavo’s sister, with my notebook in Thanks again, and keep praying for life! - Erik Miller smiling toddler, to when she passed away in 2005, set to Vice-President Vice-President hand, counter arguments ready, and an open mind. I defi- thought-provoking music like the Beatles’ “Let It Be.” At nitely underestimated the extent to which the speakers could this point, I totally broke down, and really felt emotionally Adam Hansmann Erik Miller challenge my beliefs and that I would come out of the confer- The President-Elect’s Message... attached to Terri. Although I didn’t know her, I felt like I did [email protected] [email protected] ence with completely new insight on what it means to be a know her all along, just because we are tied together as Secretary The motherhood resources committee is still in its infancy, how- Secretary “pro-lifer.” humans, through a common humanity that God has given us ever it has taken many strides this year to become more active as Take Bobby Schindler’s speech. Articulate and pas- through life. Caitlyn Flanagan a RTL commission and also to set a firm foundation for future Juliana Thimmons sionate, Bobby told Terri’s story and spoke of the impact Bobby’s story was compelling and I commend the [email protected] work. We hosted three "Parents' Day Out" events at the married [email protected] Terri’s death had on his family. Upon my question to Bobby Right to Life club for giving Notre Dame students a chance Treasurer student housing complex, University Village, that were well at- Treasurer regarding the validity of Michael Schiavo’s statements that to hear his side of the story. Thousands of cases involving tended not only by the children being babysat but also by volun- Terri “wouldn’t have wanted to live like that [on life sup- life-support and limited family responsibilities exist in the Laura de Give teers from RTL. Considerable effort was also made to establish a Nicole O’Connor port],” Bobby said that he felt these statements were bla- U.S., and listening to the perspective of a family member in [email protected] partnership with Notre Dame's Office of Student Affairs in the [email protected] tantly false and “it would be outside of Terri’s nature to even this complex situation is invaluable in allowing people to see Membership hopes of getting more pregnancy resources available on campus as Membership talk of such things.” In this case, who could you believe, how brothers/sisters/parents will respond to such a tragic well as increasing knowledge about this on-campus help available. Terri’s brother/family/friends or her husband? There seem occurrence. If we are to be conscientious leaders, we must Victor Saenz Kelly Levis to be endless layers of complexity and mystery in this case, ask ourselves how we would handle situations such as [email protected] Next year, as I assume my position as president of Notre Dame [email protected] including Michael Schiavo’s intentions, and whether or not he Terri’s, placing ourselves in the role of judge or family mem- Development Right to Life, I hope to continue the work that has been done so Development should have been given the right to all of Terri’s medical deci- ber. With pages of notes and a new take on this issue, I well by the current president, Mary Liz Walter, and the current sions in the first place. But one thing was clear and unques- admit that I underestimated the impact that pro-life speak- Philip Little leadership committee, but while also bringing some new ideas to Philip Little tionable, evidenced from Bobby Schindler’s experience: the [email protected] torturous misery and pain that Terri’s family went through ers could have on a determined liberal. [email protected] the table. I hope to continue pushing the work that the mother- Webmaster hood resource committee has been doing, as I see this work as Webmaster having to watch their daughter dehydrated/starved to death Natassia is a Junior Marketing Management B.B.A. and Political important both for the sake of having such resources available on- and not being able to stop it. Science B.A. dual degree candidate whose views on life were Elizabeth Kirk campus, but I see this work as important for the mission of the Elizabeth Kirk At points during his speech Bobby was impassioned radically changed by attending the April Conference. [email protected] grand-scale pro-life movement. In addition, I would like to see a [email protected] to the point in which it seemed that he was trying hard to Faculty Advisor sky-rocketing in attendance of our annual spring collegiate confer- Faculty Advisor keep from being overemotional- which must have been diffi-

ence. This year's conference was well attended, but I see our po- PICTURES! More photos from a very memorable year for Notre Dame Right to Life... tential for attendance to be even bigger and better in the near fu- Contact us! ture.

ND Right to Life I also have more simple goals for Notre Dame Right to Life. Just 314 LaFortune recently we hosted a well-attended dance to raise money for a Notre Dame, IN local pregnant teen. This event was a success not only monetarily, 46556 but also it was a great opportunity for the social aspect of RTL. I would like to see more such events occurring next year and be-

yond at which we can be doing pro-life work, but while also having [email protected] a really fun time and building relationships and getting a lot of dif- ferent kinds of people involved in this important work that we do.

Next year’s President, Mary Kate Daly Page 10 of 11 Footprints Page 3 of 11 Footprints RTL Hosts 3rd Annual Pro-Life Collegiate Club Meeting – RTL Packs LaFun Auditorium to Conference at Notre Dame By John Gerardi hear Rice Lecture by Adam Hansmann On April 11 and 12, Notre Dame Right to Life held its mother. For most members of Notre Dame Right to Life, an- guarantee life in their governing documents – is the right 3rd annual Right to Life Collegiate Conference in swering the question “Are you pro-life?” is easy. Articu- to life there nonexistent as well? Debartolo 102. The conference dealt with the life is- Dr. Eugene Diamond proceeded to give an interesting lec- lating why can sometimes be difficult. Although the truth His point, of course, was that a person’s “right” to life sues of abortion, contraception, and euthanasia from ture regarding medical ethics entitled "Doctors Should Not about most life issues seems almost intrinsic, being able was not a right in the public sense of the word at all. the perspectives of medical ethics, politics, and theol- Kill." He discussed how doctors have always regarded to say “why” is just as important to the pro-life Instead, a person’s “right” to life is rooted in his ogy, and featured six prominent and dynamic speakers their work as a vocation as to heal, protect, and preserve movement. Professor Emeritus Charles inherent dignity as a human being created by God. with expertise in these various fields. The unifying life. This is in opposition to many modern ideas of medi- Rice, of the Notre Dame , ad- Interestingly enough, Professor Rice took it a step theme was the third chapter of John Paul II's encyclical cine, which seems to portray the doctor as being a mere dressed this issue on Wednesday, October 3rd, Humanae Vitae, entitled "You Shall Not Kill." functional instrument of the will of a particular patient or further. “How do you know there’s a God?” he at the monthly Right to Life meeting. family, without regard to the natural wondered. This year’s speaker lineup: After a few introductory remarks from Club The conference began on Friday moral law. The answers became even more varied than be- with a talk from Bobby President Mary Liz Walter ’08, Professor fore. Some cited St. Thomas Aquinas. Others re- Schindler, Terri Schiavo's Pro-life activist and family lawyer Rice took the microphone to address a packed ferred to personal experience; still others offered younger brother. Bobby ex- Rebecca Kiessling delivered the Montgomery Auditorium. He began his lecture theological insights. But Professor Rice’s explana- plained the teachings of the next talk, talking about her per- by posing the question to several members of tion was rather simple: “Nothing can exist,” he Church in regards to the care sonal experiences of having been the audience: “Why are you pro-life?” The bevy said, “that does not have a prior cause.” God, he of patients need of artificial conceived in rape and given up of answers was expected: because everyone should have concluded, is that which, through divine infinitude, means of delivering food and for adoption. She emphasized a right to life, because abortion is murder, because it’s in water for their survival: basi- that the value of a person has brought the universe into effect. And with the universe the Constitution. cally, food and water are never nothing to do with the manner comes the natural rights with which we are all endowed. Bobby Schindler Phyllis Schlafly Rebecca Kiessling As Professor Rice expected, most people struggled to to be considered in which they were conceived, For Right to Life members, Professor Rice’s lecture truly articulate their reasoning. He first addressed the "extraordinary means," but as that all men have value as was both challenging and insightful. He challenged the essential to the care of any adopted children of God. Constitutional issue. To one student who derived his notion that beliefs can be held without sufficient reason- patient. He also highlighted pro-life stance from the Constitution, Professor Rice ing to articulate them and give them credibility. But he the fact that Terri Schiavo’s The last speaker was the great replied: “OK – well, let’s amend the Constitution. We’ll also offered very useful insights for the dozens in atten- case was not an isolated one, philosopher Dr. Alice Von amend the Constitution to permit it. Problem solved. dance. And affirmed what many of them knew intrinsi- that many in her situation have Hildebrand, who discussed abor- Do you still have a right to life?” He also wondered cally to be true: that the cause for which Right to Life been killed or are in danger. tion from a theological perspec- about other countries that do not explicitly or implicitly tive. She discussed the beauty of stands is rooted in more than a policy preference. The next talk was held in the Dolores Meehan Eugene Diamond Alice Von Hildebrand life, the fact that Jesus Christ Gold Room of North Dining Himself claimed to be The Life; Hall and featured the prominent conservative political conversely, she attempted to show the true horror of RTL Concession Stand a Success! October 30, ND vs. USC activist and author Phyllis Schlafly. She discussed how death. She emphasized the dignity possessed by women the judiciary branch, in a manner that the Founding which stems from the fact that their bodies have been de- Fathers did not intend, has exercised an undue degree signed by God to carry within them an immortal human of judicial power to harm American culture in the areas soul. In light of all this, the horror of abortion is made of pornography, abortion, and public displays of relig- quite evident: it is a rejection of the life in which man is ion. She also advocated steps to stem the problem of given the privilege of procreating in union with God. judicial activism by having Congress more actively work to limit cases over which the Courts have jurisdiction. Perhaps the most important contribution of Collegiate Conference was that it dealt with aspects of the culture The talks resumed on Saturday morning with a talk by war that are not always very well examined in most pro-life Dolores Meehan, the co-founder of the Walk for Life youth outreach. There was very little re-hashing of the West Coast. Her lecture focused on the less- basic arguments for and against abortion; instead, the life discussed topic of the effects of abortion on men. issues were examined in different ways—through the Many men, as a result of helping to provide for abor- lenses of politics, theology, bio-ethics—and other aspects tion, experience severe psychological consequences, of the pro-life battle, particularly euthanasia, were more many of them left unnoticed and untreated. She also closely examined. It is important for young Catholics to discussed how men have absolutely no say in the deci- understand the grave battle taking place in our culture, and sion of whether or not their own child is to be it is to be hoped that the Collegiate Conference helped to aborted, not even when they are married to the achieve that end. Page 4 of 11 Footprints Page 9 of 11 Footprints

The March for Life was a memorable experience for many students, and helped show the nation Notre Life is Beautiful By Mary Liz Walter Dame’s concern for the Right to Life. It provided a perfect opportunity for everyone to be in solidarity Reprinted from the Irish Rover, Respect Life Week, October 2007. with other people who are also fighting for the dignity and the respect for human life in all of its stages. In an Observer interview Senior Ana Laura Virzi said she just wants to protest abortion on behalf of "all Life is beautiful in all stages. Think about that for a second. It the unborn souls that didn't have the opportunity to protest themselves." Though she is a Panamanian sounds so simple, but it’s a pretty profound statement and not that citizen, she believes it is important to make a difference in the United States - a country that may well easy to accept. It’s tough in the middle rotten day, when nothing is serve as an example for other countries in Latin America and the world on the abortion issue. going your way, to pause and think “Wow! Life is beautiful!” Now Hopefully this trip will continue to grow and be an important event for Notre Dame Right to Life in think outside of yourself, think about the elderly woman facing the years to come. onset of Alzheimer’s, the homeless man on street, the young teen who just found out she’s pregnant, the ‘unwanted’ child growing in- side that girl, the murderer on death row, the child with severe dis- A March to Remember: ND Right to abilities. The list can go on forever. Are you able to look at them and say “yes, their life is a beautiful thing?” Can you see the Life Goes to the White House beauty? Do you think they can? By Julie Hail Flory It’s not easy, but that’s what we’re called to do, especially here at Reprinted from University of Notre Dame Newswire online Notre Dame. As Catholic university we have a particular mission to stand up for the dignity, sanctity, and worth of all human life from It’s a yearly trip Mary Elizabeth Walter has made for human family is a conception until natural death. most of her life. Growing up just outside of Baltimore, the child of God,” In a statement issued last week on behalf of the United States Notre Dame senior joined in many family outings to President Bush Council of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Rigali wrote: “Since 1972 the Right to Lifers begin planting crosses at 6:00AM. Washington, D.C., for the March for Life, an event that said. “You're Catholic bishops in the United States have set aside the first Sunday draws some 200,000 people to the nation’s capital each here because you know that all life deserves to be pro- in October as Respect Life Sunday. On October 7, Catholics will again year to rally for legal protection for the unborn. tected. And as you begin your march, I'm proud to be stand- pray for – and renew their resolve to bring about – a culture of life Now in her second year as president of Notre Dame ing with you.” and an end to the killing of innocent human beings, especially those Right to Life, she has kept the tradition alive throughout Held each year to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, who are vulnerable due to their age, size, health or dependency.” her college career, traveling by bus to Capitol Hill each the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that required the Notre Dame cannot let this call go unheeded. Consequentially in January with a group of students to participate in the legalization of abortion, the March for Life’s mission is to these days leading up to October 7 we celebrate Respect Life Week march. urge the adoption of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution – dedicated to further our understanding that each and every life is But this year was a little different. to overturn the decision. beautiful regardless of its stage or condition and deserves the utmost respect and love. This year ND Right to Life is pleased to welcome “It was kind of a surprise,” Walter says of the day, The yearly Notre Dame trip is about more than just the the so-sponsorship of Campus Ministry and the Center for Ethics about two weeks before the trip, when she learned that march itself. Participants spend time exploring Washington and Culture in taking up this challenge to respect life. this would be no ordinary march experience. and learning about the history and ideology of the pro-life While all men and women are called to this challenge, in his en- The woman who coordinates the group’s stay in movement. cyclical Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II set an even higher standard Washington had contacted some friends of hers – who “We try to set aside a day to explore the religious sites for universities, especially Catholic universities such as Notre Dame. happen to work at the White House – and arranged an around D.C. – the National Shrine, the Franciscan monas- He writes: “A special task falls to Catholic intellectuals, who are opportunity of a lifetime. She wanted to know, would the tery – all the sites that remind us why as Catholics, and as called to be present and active in the leading centers where culture is students be interested in meeting a certain commander-in- Christians, we believe in the right to life,” Walter said. formed, in schools and universities, in places of scientific and techno- The view from South Quad sends a powerful message. chief? “Then we take another day to explore the secular side; to logical research, of artistic creativity and of the study of man. Allow- “And, of course, we said ‘yes,’” Walter recalls. try to understand why we as Americans, as humans, believe ing their talents and activity to be nourished by the living force of the It was Bill McGurn, a 1980 Notre Dame graduate and that we have the right to life.” Gospel, they ought to place themselves at the service of a new cul- chief speechwriter to President Bush, and his wife, Julie, For the first time this year, the group also spent a day ture of life by offering serious and well documented contributions, who set up the presidential visit for 25 members of the volunteering at various locations around the city. capable of commanding general respect and interest by reason of Notre Dame contingent, who first enjoyed breakfast at But not too surprisingly, the highlight most certainly was their merit.” the White House. the audience with the president, who left the crowd with Thus our mission is even more challenging than that of oth- “It was incredible,” Walter says of the experience, some parting words of encouragement. ers. We have at our disposal gifts that many do not, and – as we all which she found especially significant as a history major. “As you give voice to the voiceless, I ask you to take know – with great power comes great responsibility. John Paul ex- “We ate in the Red and Blue and Green Rooms, and those comfort from this: The hearts of the American people are plains at length how we must go about this enormous task of revolu- rooms are usually museum space, but there we were, eat- good,” he said. tionizing our world; so I’ll simply refer you to his writings rather than ing breakfast while sitting on the couch that Dolly Madison Walter plans to continue attending the march, even after filling this entire paper. sat on.” graduation. But she knows this year’s trip will be hard to But if you’ll take any last words from me, let them be that life is truly The group then joined a small crowd of about 200, top. beautiful at all stages. The questions I raised at the beginning of this including about 50 students from nearby Christendom “Will we be disappointed that we don’t get to go the article are difficult ones I can’t answer here and now - they require College, in the East Room for an up-close and personal White House? Well, we’ll miss it,” she admits, even though serious contemplation and profound understanding that is not easily address by the president, who shared his admiration for future trips certainly won’t be lacking with the week of ac- grasped. But consider them, read JPII, consider your own life, come their commitment to the cause. “I see people with a deep tivities. to the next Right to Life event – particularly one this week – and Cleaning up after a successful demonstration. conviction that even the most vulnerable member of the “It’s not everyday that the president says thank you and know that life is beautiful and live accordingly. then shakes your hand and says, ‘Go Irish!’” Page 8 of 11 Footprints Page 5 of 11 Footprints

The students on that trip - the “service trip” left Friday night and arrived in the Washington/Baltimore area the next morning. “Cemetery” Visualizes Abortion By Adam Hansmann They split into three groups. One worked with a nonprofit char- ity group, A Simple House in the heart of D.C. and learned about poverty and evangelization, and baked cookies too. The For most Notre Dame students, Thursday morning is a While for the most Notre Dame or St. Mary’s stu- second group spent the day cleaning a temporary housing com- time to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Classes begin at dents life issues are a “no-brainer,” not everyone agrees plex run by Catholic Charities by Ft. Meade, Maryland. They 9:30 AM at the earliest, so moving under the covers before with the pro-life stance. Two years ago the display was also played with some of the children housed there. The third 9:00 AM is almost unheard of. But for more than forty Right to vandalized by a group of students, who tore down or group traveled up to Baltimore where they spent the day with Life members, Thursday, October 4th was not a morning to uprooted most of the crosses. To deal with this sad residents at an assisted living community also run by Catholic sleep in. problem, the Knights of Columbus, Notre Dame Council Charities. These opportunities allowed students to ex- Shunning their shut-eye needs, they arose before the crack 1477, stationed a guard to watch over the Cemetery perience life at various stages and in poor conditions thus pro- of dawn to help construct one of Respect Life Week’s most during the overnight hours on Thursday and Friday. voking them to think outside of the usual ’prolife bubble’ - what visual traditions: the Cemetery of the Innocents. The concept is Though it is perhaps disappointing that it came to does it ‘from conception to natural death’ really mean? That to raise a number of white crosses to memorialize the number that, the support of the Knights reinforced the idea that night they gathered together at St. Agnes Parish in Arlington, of abortions that take place in a particular amount of time. The Right to Life is not an independent, exclusive group: pro- Virginia, the host parish for Right to Life, shared a simple dinner, idea is to show that abortion cannot be understood in purely life issues are important to many campus members, es- listened to a brief presentation by the director of A Simple “statistical” ways; every abortion represents one child that will pecially the Catholic men of the Knights. House and then spent a Holy Hour together, praying and reflect- never receive the gift of life for which he or she was intended. At Notre Dame, students are motivated, driven, and ing on the day’s lessons. This year, 600 crosses were aligned across the campus’ South success-oriented. It is easy to sometimes forget that The next day, Sunday, the ‘long trip’ arrived with 3 more Quad – each representing the approximately 600 children that there are more important issues than grades or social buses. The students were encouraged to spend Sunday sightsee- are aborted during the span of the average Notre Dame foot- activities. But no one who traversed the campus’ busiest ing and reflecting on reasons why as Catholics and Christians we ball game. walkways on South Quad could ignore the Cemetery. believe in the right to life. That night, the kind and generous “Getting up at 6:00 AM wasn’t fun at the time,” said Right And that is exactly the point: to remember those who parishioners of St. Agnes provided the weary pilgrims with a wonderful lasagna dinner, reminiscent of the loaves and the to Life member Joe Scolaro ’10, “but seeing the finished prod- are so easily forgotten. fishes as there were enough leftovers to feed them for the rest uct – and knowing what it stood for – certainly was.” of the trip. Students listen to Clark Massey of A Simple House The following day, students were likewise encouraged to visit Prof. Reimers delivers “Theology of the Body” Lecture By Will Erickson secular sites to explore why as Americans we believe in this right. That night many gathered at the Basilica of the Shrine of The evening of Friday October 5, just before the week- the Immaculate Conception for the powerful vigil Mass. end of Respect Life Week, was devoted to an outstanding Tuesday morning, the final bus arrived at St. Agnes. Students lecture on Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. boarded the metro and headed towards the Youth Rally at the About fifty RTL members gathered to listen to Philoso- MCI Center in anticipation of the March. phy Professor Adrian Reimers, along with his wife Marie, However, a group of 25 students representing Notre Dame, explain the late Pontiff’s teachings on the subject and its im- St. Mary’s and Holy Cross, a variety of majors, freshman through plications for the Pro-life movement. senior classes and even graduate and law students, received a Professor Reimers, an expert on the writings of Pope special invitation thanks to St. Agnes Parishioner and Domer Bill John Paul, began the informal discussion by deploring the McGurn, top speech writer for President Bush. These students ever-present hedonism of our time, specifically in the cin- joined around 200 of the top prolife leaders in the nation for ema. The impurity that stars in so many films is of course breakfast at the White House! After breakfast, President Bush harmful enough, but Professor Reimers pointed out a subtler addressed the group, commending them for their work - and he thread of error fed to us by the entertainment industry. especially acknowledge the Domers with a cheer: “Go Irish!” Citing specific movies, Professor Reimers exposed their un- today, Professor and Mrs. Reimers also offered their insights After his speech, he took a few minutes to shake hands with derlying message that man is (and ought to be) able to live in and wisdom (and exchanged a couple of jabs!) about the some of the students. After this thrilling experience the group Students wait for Mass to begin at a very crowded Basilica of a blissful state of pleasure-seeking, following his passions married life, the roles of husband/father and wife/mother, rejoined the rest of their friends for the March from the Mall to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. without consequence. This is the supposed natural, primi- the demands of raising a family, and the joys in the midst of tive human state, free from the constraints of religion or these demands. Incidentally, the abovementioned films all The University administration was very supportive of the group as usual. This year, as in past years, students were excused by social norms. That attitude, of course, is bald-headed mod- try to render the phrase “joy amidst demands” an oxymo- Student Affairs from classes. Associate Vice President for Residence Life Bill Kirk said in an interview with the Observer that the ron—either you are free from responsibilities, they suggest, decision to allow these students to miss their classes, he said, is in accordance with the absence policy outlined in duLac, which ernism at its worst. It is a flat denial of original sin, free will, and divine grace; it makes us little more than brute animals; or else you are not really happy—but all of us at the lecture says members of groups that officially represent Notre Dame may receive excused absences when they are away from campus surely agreed that Adrian and Marie Reimers are walking performing duties for the University such as athletic events, choir tours, and national conferences. Kirk said he was "delighted" and it maims the truth of human love, thereby reinforcing disproofs of this claim. to approve their absence from class and hoped these students will be "a very visible sign" of the University's commitment to its the claims of the Culture of Death. In reality, of course, we The couple also answered several questions in detail re- Catholic mission. "I can think of few better ways to do so than through this march," Kirk said. are not mere bodies but instead enfleshed souls, created for garding topics such as the failure of today’s young men as Thanks to the generosity of our donors and St. Agnes Parish, the cost for the trip was kept at an affordable price. The stu- genuine sacrificial love, not pleasure. Most of all, we are fathers, the fallacy of handicapped children’s “inability to lead dents on the service trip paid $85 per person. The long trip cost $75. Both prices covered transportation, lodging and some made with the dignity to be free from slavery to our pas- food. The short trip cost $50 per person to cover the cost of the buses. sions, not to cave in to their every whim. a full life,” and the example of the Holy Family for today’s In addition to addressing the grave falsehoods we face parents. Page 6 of 11 Footprints Page 7 of 11 Footprints

Lecture Review: Dawn Motherhood Resources Project Mom Parkot Uplifting By Emily Toates Committee Hosts Discussion By Mary Daly November through December Right to Life ran its Respect Life Week was highlighted by keynote speaker annual Project Mom drive to help the Women’s Care Center host a baby shower for local moms in Dawn Parkot, the first person to graduate from Notre On Monday, November 12th, 2007, the Motherhood crisis pregnancies. Dame with multiple disabilities - literally a living piece of Resources Committee hosted RTL's first of a series This year Project Mom did a stellar job broke all pre- roundtable discussions aimed towards self-education of Notre Dame history. vious records! Project Mom collected at over $2300 in club members and others on Pro-Life hot-issues. Afflicted with cerebral palsy at birth, Dawn overcame all cash alone - and of course there were boxes of baby Addressing abortion, this first discussion looked at odds to graduate from Notre Dame with an undergradu- items collected from many dorms as well! related topics such as the pervasiveness of the abortion ate degree in Math in 1995 and with a Master’s in Com- December 8, the committee hosted a baby shower industry in American, Asian, and European cultures, and for around 20 moms! In May a “Lifesavers Dance” was puter Science in 2000. its connection to the contraceptive mentality. Included held to help a granddaughter of a campus worker in a Dawn spoke about being disabled and the shocking way with this was discussion of various studies that have crisis pregnancy. The family is deeply appreciative of our our society regards people who are “different”. Looking been done into the practices of the industry of death. assistance. Thanks to all who helped! through the eyes of someone whose mother had been Also tackled were the myths and claims of the abortion/ told her daughter was nothing more than a “mindless pro-choice industry and effective pro-life responses in vegetable” who would die before age 5, Dawn provided this dialogue. a new perspective to the Terri Schiavo case. Sometimes, Future roundtable discussions will examine issues it is obvious, a medical prognosis is little more than a such as euthanasia, stem-cell research, chastity in mod- medical conjecture. ern culture, and pro-life politics. Fortunately, Dawn’s mother did not listen to the doc- tors, providing her with the education and therapy that Above: Late September, Professor Dan McInerny and his wife Amy hosted a delicious barbecue for RTL this fall. Thanks! allowed her to reach the place she is today. Had it not Club Joins March for Life in Below : Right to Lifers got their groove on at the “Lifesavers been for her mother’s hard work and encouragement, Dance” this May. Ticket proceeds helped support a local preg- Washington, D.C. Dawn might have ended up very much like Terri. nant teenager in her decision not to abort. Instead Dawn became a double-Domer - someone with Around 250 students from Notre Dame, Saint Mary's, Holy an undergraduate and graduate degree from Notre Cross and around 30 more from Purdue and other schools Dame. Dawn also became the first person with a speech who work with Notre Dame Right to Life made the 12-hour impairment to win the Miss Wheelchair USA pageant. bus trip to Washington, D.C. to join thousands of other pro- She was even an alternate on the US Paralympic team in life advocates at the March for Life on Tuesday, January 22. Each year the group travels for the this powerful annual horseback riding, and has been successful in the business demonstration against Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court de- world. cision that legalized abortion in 1973. The students on that trip - the “service trip” left Friday night and arrived in the Washington/Baltimore area the next Dawn was able to succeed because of her enormous This year, Right to Life offered students three travel options, ranging in length from 36 hours to four days. Usually there morning. They split into three groups. One worked with a determination and the enduring support of her family. nonprofit charity group, A Simple House in the heart of But she pointed out that not all people with disabilities are only two options - a ‘long trip’ which allows students to spend the entire weekend preceding the March in D.C.; and D.C. and learned about poverty and evangelization, and are lucky enough to have the opportunities she did. ‘short trip’ which drives through the night the eve of the baked cookies too. The second group spent the day clean- March and returns the night after. However, since the March ing a temporary housing complex run by Catholic Charities All too often, Dawn said, they are sent to institutions or by Ft. Meade, Maryland. They also played with some of the special schools which do not provide the opportunity for fell on a Tuesday instead of a Monday this year, a third option was created allowing nearly 50 students to take advantage of children housed there. The third group traveled up to Balti- them to work so that they can reach their full potential. the full weekend in D.C. more where they spent the day with residents at an as- Dawn’s talk reminded us of the importance of re- sisted living community also run by Catholic Charities. specting life in all its stages and that pro-life work does These opportunities allowed students to experience life at various stages and in poor conditions thus provoking not end once the baby is born. The pro-life movement is them to think outside of the usual ’prolife bubble’ - what about affirming the worth and dignity of all human life in does it ‘from conception to natural death’ really mean? all its stages, born and unborn, from birth until natural That night they gathered together at St. Agnes Parish in death. Arlington, Virginia, the host parish for Right to Life, shared a simple dinner, listened to a brief presentation by the direc- tor of A Simple House and then spent a Holy Hour to- gether, praying and reflecting on the day’s lessons.