star trek fasa the triangle pdf download free FASA RPG PDF. FASA’s Star Trek RPG, became a major competitor at the time to Task Force Games’ Star Fleet Battles RPG, which, as the first of its kind, had started its releases. This category is specifically for the Star Trek: The Role Playing Game which was published by the FASA Corporation from to Star Trek – The Roleplaying Game Box , , KB. file, The Klingons Boxed , , KB. file. Author: Darg Gara Country: Libya Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Art Published (Last): 26 March 2007 Pages: 379 PDF File Size: 3.56 Mb ePub File Size: 12.5 Mb ISBN: 468-6-16489-577-4 Downloads: 27544 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Bajora. Through the heavy smoke figures moved, closer now, almost within range. The Caitian’s weapon never wavered as she licked her lips of anticipation. In addition, information on merchant starships is included. I was impressed with the level of detail you engendered in the control panels fasq well as descriptions you provided, and at worst I have found a kindred spirit brother I think … at best, I perhaps have stumbled across a partner in a common endeavor. This lawless area was popular with players as it allowed them to escape the strict parameters of a military campaign. This site uses cookies. And I think you will, too, despite any picky points you can find that don’t vasa agree with your own concept of how a Star Trek game should be [ Obviously, you can create panels specific to a ship. The game’s depiction of the Klingonsthe result of work by science fiction author John M. Post was not sent – check your email addresses! More than fsaa you almost gave up, but somehow, you kept faxa trying. The GM should also note that in an adventure such as this one, what stops the PCs from resolving this mission in 30 seconds is that there are Federation laws and regulations that prevent invasions of privacy and trespass. The Search for . The players’ book, a copy of the 23rd century trade magazine Spacelanes, gives an inside look at the ways and means of merchant life. Before developing interstellar travel, Romulan science concluded they were not native to their planet, leading to a social and religious goal of building a “Road to the Stars” to find the “gods” that placed them there, leading to the establishment of the Romulan Star Empire. I hope you enjoy what you find here. On top of all of this, players still had to reference charts to tell them how much stress they suffered, how they were damaged if their shields were penetrated, etc. Just hop over to a small backwater planet in the Triangle, and bring back an agent Imperial Security needs to question. Included are complete deck plans for FDR 39 and a complete crew roster for use with this adventure and beyond in your own scenarios. This supplement contains a complete time line from the beginning of Earth’s space history to the time of Star Trek III. This simplified your math a small bit for one of your phases, and did so in a way that usually has no effect on combat. Now we have to investigate ship disappearances in the Selka system. Then came the distress signal from within the zone. Terk Next Generation Officer’s Manualboth published in Your dedication has been noted and logged. February Learn how and when to remove this template treo. I am overcome with joy that I happened upon your site, Sir!! Star Trek FASA | eBay. Sections describe what can be done to prevent the unauthorized use of starships and what sort of military justice the Enterprise Crew will face when they return to Terra. Will he be convicted by the swift justice of the final frontier, or can Captain Kirk, Mr. Though generated prior to the commencement of play of the first gaming session, these attributes are adjusted depending on the character’s species. It rules that out. The second book, the Game Operations Manual, provides the gamemaster with front organizations and current missions, guidelines for judging new skill and equipment use, and information on other intelligence organization, such as the Klingon Diplomatic Corps and the Andorian Corps of Enforcers. Ford designed his Klingon society to provide a logical basis for the actions and statements of onscreen Klingons in the original TV series, as well as the differing appearance of the Klingons in the original series and those in Star Trek: Like most role-playing games of its era, players had to roll dice to determine the beginning attributes of their character. The personnel file provides updated statistics on your favorite characters from the movies. Marriage is about compromise and caring enough about the other person to do what they want sometimes. PS- we once had a standard FASA campaign adventure based on a recreational planet called Pokestation Seven … can you guess the kind of fun the characters had there? This means two things: The Federation covers the entire history of the Federation, Articles of Federation, current Federation interstellar relations, the governmental and bureaucratic structure of the Federation, as well as providing information on individuals who have made their mark – for good or ill on Federation history and statistics on the major civilizations and over planets within Federation space, and much, much more. Star Trek FASA. Instead of using counters, players simply write in the data for their power distribution. You are commenting using your WordPress. It would be a day they would all remember Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. When Paramount learned of these prospective products their view that FASA’s notion of what Star Trek should be differed too greatly from their own became more established. FASA STAR TREK RPG PDF. FASA’s Star Trek RPG, became a major competitor at the time to Task Force Games’ Star Fleet Battles RPG, which, as the first of its kind, had started its releases. This category is specifically for the Star Trek: The Role Playing Game which was published by the FASA Corporation from to Star Trek – The Roleplaying Game Box , , KB. file, The Klingons Boxed , , KB. file. Author: Goltigal Vorg Country: Niger Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Finance Published (Last): 26 April 2014 Pages: 289 PDF File Size: 14.49 Mb ePub File Size: 3.65 Mb ISBN: 319-5-25416-389-4 Downloads: 83422 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Galar. I have to include it. Barton reviewed Star Trek: McCoyScottyetc. Enterprise as being due to a viral infection caused by an attempt to infuse Klingons with the superhuman DNA of Khan Noonien Singh and his followers a variation of the human-fusion idea. Ford designed his Klingon society to provide a logical basis for the actions and statements atar onscreen Klingons in the original TV series, as well as the differing appearance of the Klingons in the original series and those in Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Email required Address never made public. Maybe there was still time Fwsa you can find out all about the Romulans. However, there is the small matter of a civil war to resolve first. Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Real World article written from a Production point of view. This easy to learn combat game allows you to fly the famed Enterprise, a Klingon battlecruiser, a Romulan warship or one of twenty different starships In the Star Trek Universe, The game includes 78 colorful playing pieces, a large trem starfield map, ship data book, rulebooks, a twenty sided die and a set of Command and Control Panels. Kirk of the Enterprise. In addition, information on merchant starships is included. The Klingon Empire Star Trek: The game supplement Trader Captains and Merchant Princesfirst published inintroduced “the Triangle”, a lawless area wedged between the space occupied by the United Federation of Planetsthe Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. The tricorder reading taken by the medical officer indicates something peculiar about the beggars missing leg. While running The Strider Incident, the gamemaster should use this book to keep track of action aboard Defense Outpost PS- we once had a standard FASA campaign adventure based on a recreational planet called Pokestation Seven … can you guess the kind of fun the characters had there? Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (FASA) Ford[3] differs greatly from later canon. The Next Generation began to air in with what they saw as “changes” to a pre-established universe. Add action of starship combat to your campaigns. Also, the game takes most of its fictional history between the present day and the 23rd century from the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronologywhose contents are almost totally contradicted by later canonical materials especially the film Star Trek: This article includes a list of referencesbut its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline tdek. Included are an introduction and a glossary for players new to role-playing games. Trekk new job is demanding. For players new to Star Trek, there is a time line of events and a glossary of Star Trek terms. And I think you will, too, despite any picky points you can find that don’t quite agree with your own concept of how a Star Trek game should be [ Who knows where this will lead? Fordwas a trei that notably influenced rrek Paramount productions. The Motion PictureDerf -class survey ship, Larson -class destroyer, Loknar - class frigate, Nelson -class scout, Northampton -class frigate, the so-called Reliant -class cruiser the FASA name for the movie-era Miranda - class cruiserthe Mission -class transport, Royal Sovereign -class battlecruiser, M’benga -class hospital ship and the Sagan -class science ship an upgrade of the canon Oberth-class starship. Will he be convicted by the swift justice of the final frontier, or can Captain Kirk, Mr. This supplement also provides background on the economic system of faasa United Federation of Planets, including prices of common items, pay scales, interstel-ler trade rules and regulations, playing the Federation stock market and more. Star Trek FASA. He brings aboard with him a squad of ‘bodyguards. XX, with the numbers sta just above Because of dpg simplicity of the game’s structure, all of the supplements, regardless of their “era”, could be easily re-set to suit a different era. The first edition of the game included a tactical starship combat game, which would later be redeveloped into the Starship Tactical Combat Simulator. Decisive action is needed when the museum reports the successful theft of a mothballed battleship, the USS Juggernaut, a relic of the Romulan War. FASA Star Trek RPG Resources | Frylock’s Gaming & Geekery. These books also tell about the Romulan Star Empire, the fascinating Eridam Papers that describe it, its government, its relations with the UFP and the Klingons, and its extent. This stat us enough room to have multiple ships outside of each others weapons ranges. Now we have to investigate ship disappearances in the Selka system. Planets and populations are only pluses and minuses on the ledger sheet of BioResearch in “The Corporate Grasp. trwk The players’ book, a copy of the 23rd century trade magazine Spacelanes, gives an inside look at the ways and means of merchant life. For whatever it is worth, I wish you all the luck that humans seem to put so much faith in. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. But the fans of pure FASA might want something different…. Starship Combat Hex Grid: Stae example, assuming no modifiers, if a player had a skill of 45 and rolled 33, the character was assumed to have been successful in that action. FASA had previously written supplements for GDW ‘s Travelleran association which influenced the early structure of the Star Trek game, particularly in character generation. Downloads. The above image is from Whore House, a Comic by Chandler Miles, about weed-inspired escapades, dick jokes and anime references all around the place, the characters usually being the "Kakarot52 Gang", a bunch of UANNet obscurists who had websites at one point, accessible through links, as well as the UANNet Tripod site and the Web Archive (, and it, and the later comic by Chandler Miles (Stoned Gecko) are stoningly good. Below are some links and files containing old RPG and Tech Fandom Manuals. go download a beautiful medley of around five Enya songs mixed into one; Pattie Anne put these on a number of her Tom Baker pages. Star trek fasa the triangle pdf download free. While pawing through my collection of gaming magazines, I thumbed through some issues of Challenge and found a number of articles for the old FASA Star Trek RPG . While they may be old, they're certainly not useless to anybody who doesn't mind converting stats over from FASA's game to LUG's version. At any rate, here's a list of useful magazine articles for STTNG players and GMs. Some are plain generic articles which could apply to just about any game while others are Star Fleet Battles scenarios which show some potential for roleplaying adventure seeds. This is by no means a list of all the articles published for the old FASA Star Trek RPG . There are other mags, such as Vortext , and S paceGamer / FantasyGamer which I am sure ran articles for the game. If anyone has access to copies of those mags and would like to add to the list, please feel free--I'm sure your fellow Trek fans would appreciate the assistance gained by such a listing. "Spaceports in the Star Trek Universe" by Pete Rogan. Challenge #35--An article covering different types and quality-levels of spaceports and how spaceports work in the Star Trek universe. "Doppelganger" by Marcus L. Rowland. Challenge #36--An adventure(?) for FASAs Star Trek RPG . "Warp Factor Equivalency Tables" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #37--An article on warp speed. "Beta Antarae Sector" by Dale L. Kemper. Challenge #38--Background on a sector near the infamous "Triangle" in FASA's Star Trek RPG . " Marc -Class Passenger Liner" by Mohn A. Theisen. Challenge #40--An article detailing the Marc -class Passenger Linger for FASA's Star Trek RPG . " Charles -Class Commercial Transport" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #40--An article detailing the Charles -class Commercial Transport for FASA's Star Trek RPG . " Shasta -Class Robot Fighter" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #40--An article detailing the Shasta -class Robot Fighter for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "New Lynn -Class Passenger Liner" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #40--An article detailing the New Lynn -class Passenger Liner for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Dragon�s Flight" by C.W. Hess. Challenge #41--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "The Next Generation" (parody) by Sam Bowne. Challenge #42--Description unavailable. "Operation: Cormorant" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #42--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Operation Piledriver" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #42--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Federation Merchant�s Log" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #42--Description unavailable beyond title. "Stardate Chronology of the Enterprise " by John D. Wrbanek. Challenge #43--Making heads and tails of the Stardate system in Star Trek. "Starfleet Tactics" by Michael J. O�Brien II. Challenge #45--The military tactics of Starfleet. "CommsLink Gambit" by Jeffrey Groteboer. Challenge #48--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Abaddon" by Jeffrey Groteboer. Challenge #49--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Tribble Maker" by Marcus Rowland. Challenge #50--An article or adventure revolving around what else? Tribbles. "Gaming with the Prime Directive" by Charles G. Weekes. Challenge #51--How to handle the Prime Directive and the penalties for violating it in FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Ferengi" by James P. Gee. Challenge #52--Background on the Ferengi for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Murder on Space Station K-"" by John A. Theisen. Challenge #53--A murder mystery adventure for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Eltanin the Avenger" by James L. Cambias. Challenge #55--An NPC or adventure for FASA�s Star Trek RPG . "Roleplaying in The Next Generation" by James P. Gee. Challenge #56--Roleplaying suggestions for gaming in the universe of Star Trek:TNG . "Last Generation" by Michael C. LaBossiere. Challenge #59--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Enlisted Character Generation" by Charles G. Weekes. Challenge #60--Guidelines for generating enlisted characters in FASA's Star Trek RPG . "The Pel-Ah Incident" by Jeffrey Groteboer. Challenge #62--A Star Fleet Battle scenario with plenty of roleplaying potential. "Dooley�s Doughnuts" by Charles G. Weekes. Challenge #63--An adventure(?) for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Mudd in Your Eye" James L. Cambias. Challenge #64--An article or adventure revolving around scoundrel and con artist Harcourt Fenton Mudd. "Cogito Ergo Pakled" by James Swallow. Challenge #66--An adventure revolving around those technological misfits known as the Pakleds. "Quarantine Field" by Brian Holmes. Challenge #72--An adventure for FASA's Star Trek RPG . The PCs must face a deadly virus picked up during an archaeological dig. "Thorns of a Silicon Rose" By Michael Todd. Challenge #78--An adventure for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "The Kzinti Have Landed" by Jon Slobins. Dragon #103--Information on the Kzinti for FASA's Star Trek RPG . "A Final Frontier of Your Own" by John J. Terra. Dragon #150--Creating and running campaigns in FASA's Star Trek RPG . "Technobabble" by Curtis Craddock. Shadis #20--How to talk like the Chief Engineer of a starship and actually know what you�re talking about. Voyages SF #12 "S-16 Patrol Shuttlecraft/Mk. I" pp. 18-19 by Gary A. Kalin. Voyages SF #17 "Federation Starships: A-401 Class I Assault Boat and Coral Sea Class VIII Assault Carrier" pp. 20-23 by Gary A. Kalin. Game News #2 "The Korellian Caper" (adventure) pp.8-9 by Patrick Larkin. Stardate #3/4 "Safari in Violet" (adventure) pp. 5-8; 42-50 by Guy W. McLimore Jr. and Greg K. Poehlein. Stardate #3/4 "Getting Some Readings On Sensors" pp. 11-14 by William Blakely. Stardate #3/4 "Personnel File-UFP" pp. 19-21by Guy W. McLimore Jr. (this article has stats for races from the Animated episode "The Jihad") Stardate #3/4 "Understanding Warp Drive" pp. 22-25 by Pete Rogan. Stardate #3/4 "The Contact Team" pp.27-28 by J. Andrew Keith. Stardate #3/4 "Making Your First Million: Clarifications and Additions for Trader Captains and Merchant Princes" pp. 29;50 by Greg Poehlein. Stardate #3/4 "Tau Omega III: Planetary Summary" pp. 35-36 by Michael A. DeLuca. Stardate #3/4 "Deneva Deception Character Errata" pp. 54-56 *no credits* (data accidentally omitted from Stardate #2) Stardate #3/4 "Swift Solaria (OSB-1190) Orion Slaver/Blockade Runner" pp.61-62 by Dale Kemper. Stardate #3/4 "Silverstrike Class IV Mining Scout" pp. 62-63 by Dale Kemper. Stardate #7 "Critical Hits in STIII Starship Combat" pg.12 by Blaine Pardoe. Stardate #7 "ST Menagerie" (tree barracudas) pg.13 by Pete Rogan. Stardate #7 "Bridge Hits in ST:RPG2" pp.20-21 by Kevin Keohane. Stardate #7 "More Bad Blood: The Orion/Human Hybrid for ST:RPG2" pg.23 by Jeffrey K. Mills. Stardate #7 "Quartermaster Corps" pp.24-26 by B.E. Barnett & Dale L.Kemper. Stardate #7 "Role Playing In The Final Frontier" pp.28-33 by Fantasimulations Associates. Stardate #7 "Tangent Class Destroyer" (Fed.) pg.44 by Terry Atkins. Stardate #7 "L-20 Class Fast Battleship" (Klingon) pg.45 by John J. Stevens & Forest Brown. Stardate #8 " Operation Shadowfall" (adventure) pp.10-17 by Blaine Pardoe & Dale L. Kemper. Stardate #7 "Wizard Class Starship" (Fed.) pp.20-24 *no credits* Stardate #7 "Star Bases: The Federation's Handmaiden" pp.32-38 by Pete Rogan. Stardate #7 "Some Star Bases: A Profile" pp.39-42 by Pete Rogan. Stardate #9 "ARAL (OSB-0762) Orion Blockade Runner" pp.16-17 by David Miles&Dale L.Kemper. Stardate #9 "Ticondergoa Class Lt. Cruiser" pp.18-19 by Matt Burke & Dale L. Kemper. Stardate #9 "The Barrier Of Essais" (adventure) pp.26-37 by Michael A. DeLuca II. Stardate #9 "Quartermaster Corps" (equipment) pg.50 by Pete Rogan. Stardate #10 "Orion Rising" (adventure) pp.26-31 by J. Andrew Keith. Stardate #10 "The Care and Feeding of Shuttlecraft" pp.44-47; 62 by Danny Gentry. Stardate #10 "Mackenzie Class IX Frigate" (independent) pp.46-47 by Dale L. Kemper. Stardate #10 "Ohmera Class IV Patrol Ship" pp.50-51 by Dale L. Kemper. Stardate #10 "Ceti Eel" pp.58-61 by Pete Rogan. Stardate Vol.3 #3 "Romulan V-24 (Great Bird) Class Cruiser" pp.186-187 by Josh W. Spencer. Stardate Vol.3 #3 "Romulan P-8 (Deathsting) Class Corvette" pp.188-189 by Josh W. Spencer. Star Trek � and all related marks ™, �, & � Paramount Pictures . Star Trek The RPG ™ and all related products are � Last Unicorn Games, Inc . Individual works are the property of respective authors and may not be reproduced without permission. HTML code, layout, and custom images are property of TrekRPGNet and may not be reproduced without permission. See the legal page for more information. FASA STAR TREK RPG BOOKS PDF. THE ROMULAN WAY: Game Operations Manual United Federation of Planets Star Trek The Role Playing Game by Guy W. David F.; McLimore Tepool, Jr.;. Star Trek – The Roleplaying Game Box , , KB. file, The Klingons Boxed , , KB. file. This category is specifically for the Star Trek: The Role Playing Game which was published by the FASA Corporation from to. Author: Kerisar Salrajas Country: Benin Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Spiritual Published (Last): 19 February 2017 Pages: 82 PDF File Size: 17.49 Mb ePub File Size: 20.46 Mb ISBN: 674-5-81961-353-2 Downloads: 80525 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Akinonos. This information is complete and accurate, unlike the information possessed by Star Fleet Intelligence. A must for players and gamemasters alike, this updated second edition contains two books. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game – Wikipedia. D defense factor and WDF weapon damage factor are included with each entry in the various ship recognition manuals. By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number. Each diplomatic team must do its best both publicly and privately to convince the colonists to join their side. Game Operations Manual Star Oboks These books also tell about the Romulan Star Empire, the fascinating Eridam Dasa that describe it, its government, its relations with the UFP and the Klingons, and its extent. Ford designed his Klingon society to provide a logical basis for the actions and statements of onscreen Klingons in the original TV series, as well as the differing appearance of the Klingons in the original series and those in Star Trek: You may wish to put some Kopas local currency into his bowl at which the beggar will smile genially. Reading your site brought back a lot of good memories. Game elements which either were never introduced into what later became rrek Star Trekor which differ significantly from how canon Star Trek presents them, include:. Series: Star Trek FASA Game Books. The game supplement Trader Captains and Merchant Princes yrek, first published inintroduced “the Triangle”, a lawless area wedged between the space occupied by the United Federation of Planetsthe Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: When Paramount learned of these prospective products their view that FASA’s notion of what Star Trek should be differed too greatly from sfar own became more established. The Motion PictureDerf -class survey ship, Larson -class destroyer, Loknar -class frigate, Nelson -class scout, Northampton -class frigate, the so-called Reliant -class cruiser the FASA name for the movie-era Miranda -class cruiserthe Mission -class transport, Royal Sovereign -class battlecruiser, M’benga -class hospital ship and the Sagan -class science ship an upgrade of the canon Oberth-class starship. But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works. The Wrath of Khanso it makes appropriate assumptions. Post was not sent – check your email addresses! Most campaigns with civilian or non-Star Fleet characters were based entirely or in part within the Triangle. Your story sounds a lot like mine. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (FASA) Graduation Exercise by Bernard Edward Menke. Every aspect of combat fit nicely onto a single page two-sided, though. More than once you almost gave up, but somehow, you kept on trying. The adventurers must find those responsible for the theft before tek Juggernaut can be used against Star Fleet. Star Trek Digital is the most ambitious member of this collection. You are commenting using your Twitter account. The page rulebook includes the tables for the various engines, weapons, shields, and computers that make up starships, essays on the design philosophy of the major races, detailed information on the cost and availability of the equipment, and a system for rating the ships tre combat. The Next Generation was ttek increasingly popular and Paramount wished to exert greater control over its property and derivative works. An Imbalance of Power by Michael Mornard. The “Common Knowledge” section now includes a “Series” field. You’re one of the survivors. For players new to Star Trek, there is a time line of events and a glossary of Star Trek terms. Ford’s Klingons at least those serving in their space fleet believe that when they die they will serve in a “Black Fleet” in the afterlife. In addition, players and gamemasters will learn the ins and outs of the Federation economy — from pricing goods to trading on the UFP stock exchange, and more. The crew of the Federation Starship must find out why — before they too are among The Vanished. With it, a gamemaster may add the Romulans to his game, keeping much of their mystery to his players. A must for Star Trek fans of every age. My new job is demanding. The easy-to-use format combined with the comprehensive data also provides the information necessary to build any ship active during the last 60 years of Star Trek history up to around the time of the movie “Star Trek II: McCoy find evidence to clear him?