B2 bus time schedule & line map

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The B2 bus line (Keighley - Oakworth) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Keighley <-> Oakworth: 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM (2) Oakworth <-> Keighley: 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest B2 bus station near you and nd out when is the next B2 bus arriving.

Direction: Keighley <-> Oakworth B2 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Keighley <-> Oakworth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:35 AM - 10:35 PM

Monday 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM Bus Station Stand E, Keighley Towneld, Keighley Tuesday 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM

The Albert Hotel Ph, Keighley Wednesday 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM High Street, Keighley Thursday 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM South Street Goulbourne St, Keighley Friday 6:45 AM - 10:35 PM South Street, Keighley Saturday 8:45 AM - 10:35 PM South Street King St, Knowle Park Sunderland Street, Keighley

South St Woodhouse Road, Knowle Park B2 bus Info South Street Rawling Street, Knowle Park Direction: Keighley <-> Oakworth 170-172 South Street, Keighley Stops: 32 Trip Duration: 25 min South Street Ingrow West Station, Ingrow Line Summary: Bus Station Stand E, Keighley, The Ingrow Bridge, Keighley Albert Hotel Ph, Keighley, South Street Goulbourne St, Keighley, South Street King St, Knowle Park, South Halifax Rd Lane, Ingrow St Woodhouse Road, Knowle Park, South Street Halifax Road, Keighley Rawling Street, Knowle Park, South Street Ingrow West Station, Ingrow, Halifax Rd Hainworth Lane, Halifax Road Wesley Place, Ingrow Ingrow, Halifax Road Wesley Place, Ingrow, Halifax Ingram Street, Keighley Road Hermit Hole, Ingrow, Halifax Rd Damems Lane, Ingrow, Halifax Road the Whins, Ingrow, Halifax Halifax Road Hermit Hole, Ingrow Road Lees Moor Farm, Cross Roads, Halifax Rd Dorothy Street, Keighley Civil Parish Lingeld Drive, Cross Roads, Halifax Road Bocking Wmc, Cross Roads, Halifax Rd Cross Roads Park, Halifax Rd Damems Lane, Ingrow Cross Roads, Road Cecil St, Cross Roads, Hermit Street, Keighley Civil Parish Haworth Rd East Terrace, Lees, Lees Lane Lawcliffe Ln, Lees, Mill Hey, Haworth, Station Road, Haworth, Halifax Road the Whins, Ingrow Bridgehouse Lane, Haworth, Rawdon Road, Haworth, Rawdon Road, Haworth, Mytholmes Ln Halifax Road Lees Moor Farm, Cross Roads Greeneld Terrace, Haworth, Mytholmes Ln Ebor Halifax Road, Keighley Civil Parish Lane, Mytholmes, Providence Lane Hebble Row, Mytholmes, Providence Lane Providence Crescent, Halifax Rd Lingeld Drive, Cross Roads Oakworth, Providence Lane Manor Park, Oakworth, Colne Road Sunhurst Dr, Oakworth, Colne Road Halifax Road Bocking Wmc, Cross Roads Vernon Street, Cross Roads Windsor Rd, Oakworth, Windsor Road Windsor Grove, Oakworth Halifax Rd Cross Roads Park, Cross Roads Canberra Drive, Cross Roads

Haworth Road Cecil St, Cross Roads Annie Street, Cross Roads

Haworth Rd East Terrace, Lees Chapel Close, Cross Roads

Lees Lane Lawcliffe Ln, Lees Shuttle Fold, Haworth

Mill Hey, Haworth

Station Road, Haworth Station Road, Haworth

Bridgehouse Lane, Haworth

Rawdon Road, Haworth Rawdon Road, Haworth

Rawdon Road, Haworth

Mytholmes Ln Greeneld Terrace, Haworth Mytholmes Lane, Haworth

Mytholmes Ln Ebor Lane, Mytholmes

Providence Lane Hebble Row, Mytholmes

Providence Lane Providence Crescent, Oakworth

Providence Lane Manor Park, Oakworth

Colne Road Sunhurst Dr, Oakworth

Colne Road Windsor Rd, Oakworth

Windsor Road Windsor Grove, Oakworth Church Street, Keighley Civil Parish Direction: Oakworth <-> Keighley B2 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Oakworth <-> Keighley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:05 PM - 11:01 PM

Monday 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM Windsor Road Windsor Grove, Oakworth Church Street, Keighley Civil Parish Tuesday 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM

Colne Road Windsor Rd, Oakworth Wednesday 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM Church Street, Keighley Civil Parish Thursday 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM Colne Road Sunhurst Dr, Oakworth Friday 5:58 AM - 11:01 PM

Providence Lane Manor Park, Oakworth Saturday 9:13 AM - 11:01 PM

Providence Lane Providence Crescent, Oakworth

Providence Lane Hebble Row, Mytholmes B2 bus Info Mytholmes Ln Ebor Lane, Mytholmes Direction: Oakworth <-> Keighley Stops: 32 Mytholmes Ln Greeneld Terrace, Haworth Trip Duration: 27 min Mytholmes Lane, Haworth Line Summary: Windsor Road Windsor Grove, Oakworth, Colne Road Windsor Rd, Oakworth, Colne Rawdon Rd Mytholmes Lane, Haworth Road Sunhurst Dr, Oakworth, Providence Lane Manor Park, Oakworth, Providence Lane Providence Rawdon Road, Haworth Crescent, Oakworth, Providence Lane Hebble Row, Mytholmes, Mytholmes Ln Ebor Lane, Mytholmes, Rawdon Road, Haworth Mytholmes Ln Greeneld Terrace, Haworth, Rawdon Bridgehouse Lane, Haworth Rd Mytholmes Lane, Haworth, Rawdon Road, Haworth, Bridgehouse Lane, Haworth, Station Road, Earl Street, Haworth Haworth, Mill Hey, Haworth, Lees Lane Lawcliffe Station Road, Haworth Crescent, Lees, Haworth Rd Vale Mill Lane, Lees, Haworth Rd Annie Street, Cross Roads, Halifax Rd 4-6 Mill Hey, Haworth Cross Roads Park, Cross Roads, Halifax Road Mill Hey, Haworth Bocking Wmc, Cross Roads, Halifax Rd Lingeld Drive, Cross Roads, Halifax Road Lees Moor Farm, Lees Lane Lawcliffe Crescent, Lees Cross Roads, Halifax Road the Whins, Ingrow, Halifax Rd Damems Lane, Ingrow, Halifax Road Lees Lane, Haworth Hermit Hole, Ingrow, Halifax Road Wesley Place, Haworth Rd Vale Mill Lane, Lees Ingrow, Halifax Rd Hainworth Lane, Ingrow, South Street Ingrow West Station, Ingrow, South Street Vale Mill Lane, Cross Roads Rawling Street, Knowle Park, South St Victoria Road, Knowle Park, South St Aspley Street, Knowle Park, Haworth Rd Annie Street, Cross Roads Bridge Street Aireworth St, Keighley, North Street, Annie Street, Cross Roads Keighley, Bus Station Stand E, Keighley Halifax Rd Cross Roads Park, Cross Roads 43 Cross Roads, Cross Roads

Halifax Road Bocking Wmc, Cross Roads 119 Bocking, Cross Roads

Halifax Rd Lingeld Drive, Cross Roads

Halifax Road Lees Moor Farm, Cross Roads Halifax Road, Keighley Civil Parish

Halifax Road the Whins, Ingrow Halifax Rd Damems Lane, Ingrow

Halifax Road Hermit Hole, Ingrow Dorothy Street, Keighley Civil Parish

Halifax Road Wesley Place, Ingrow Oakvale, Keighley

Halifax Rd Hainworth Lane, Ingrow 1 Wesley Place, Keighley

South Street Ingrow West Station, Ingrow

South Street Rawling Street, Knowle Park 170-172 South Street, Keighley

South St Victoria Road, Knowle Park South Street, Keighley

South St Aspley Street, Knowle Park 209-211 South Street, Keighley

Bridge Street Aireworth St, Keighley Back Prospect Place, Keighley

North Street, Keighley Temple Row, Keighley

Bus Station Stand E, Keighley Towneld, Keighley B2 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Yorkshire. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved