Topic Models for Taxonomies

Anton Bakalov, Andrew McCallum, David Mimno Hanna Wallach Dept. of Dept. of Computer Science Princeton University University of Massachusetts Princeton, NJ 08540 Amherst, MA 01003 [email protected] {abakalov,mccallum,wallach}

ABSTRACT to fully understand the topics a node is intended to cap- Concept taxonomies such as MeSH, the ACM Computing ture. We present a user study (Section 4.3) confirming that Classification System, and the NY Times Subject Headings substantial inaccuracies arise when asking computer science are frequently used to help organize data. They typically graduate students to assign a research paper to nodes of consist of a set of concept names organized in a hierarchy. the ACM taxonomy when given its node names and hier- However, these names and structure are often not sufficient archical structure. Users could gain better understanding to fully capture the intended meaning of a taxonomy node, by reading titles of papers that have previously been accu- and particularly non-experts may have difficulty navigating rately assigned, but this would be time consuming. Taxon- and placing data into the taxonomy. This paper introduces omy builders could augment each concept name with a list two semi-supervised topic models that automatically aug- of keywords that delineate the concept. But this task would ment a given taxonomy with many additional keywords by be burdensome to perform manually for large taxonomies, leveraging a corpus of multi-labeled documents. Our exper- and furthermore would need to be redone frequently since iments show that users find the topics beneficial for taxon- new ideas and topics within a concept arise over time. omy interpretation, substantially increasing their cataloging This paper presents two semi-supervised topic models that accuracy. Furthermore, the models provide a better infor- automatically discover lists of relevant keywords for tax- mation rate compared to Labeled LDA [7]. onomic concepts. The models, termed Labeled Pachinko Allocation (LPAM) and LPAM-List, take as input an ex- isting taxonomy as well as documents with their concept Categories and Subject Descriptors assignments. Then they run inference in a latent-Dirichlet- I.2.7 [Artificial Intelligence]: Natural Language Process- allocation-like manner in which there is one topic per con- ing—Text analysis; H.3.7 [Information Systems]: Digital cept node, and the set of topics allowable in the document is Libraries; G.3 [Mathematics of Computing]: Probability restricted by its taxonomic concept labels, augmented with and Statistics—Statistical computing their ancestors in the hierarchy. Document terms are as- signed to the topics, and the highest weighted words in each Keywords topic become the concept keywords. Notably, even though most documents are labeled with multiple concepts and all Topic modeling, Taxonomy annotation, Taxonomy browsing concepts pull in their ancestors, the model is able to par- tition the keywords into their appropriate concepts. Fur- 1. INTRODUCTION thermore, incorporating ancestor nodes enables our models Many organizations such as the Association of Computing (a) to discover keywords for more abstract concepts located Machinery (ACM) use taxonomies of classes as structured close to the root of the taxonomy, and (b) to separate more metadata to facilitate browsing of their document libraries. generic words out of the taxonomy leaves. Users browse and search these libraries by navigating a hi- Multiple previous papers have focused on learning topic erarchy of named concept nodes. When new documents are hierarchies (e.g., [2, 4]). We are addressing the complemen- added to the library they must also be assigned one or more tary problem—leveraging a given human-defined hierarchy concept names. This task is often performed by the docu- such as ACM’s Computing Classification System. Like our ment authors themselves, not trained catalogers. work, some other methods sample paths to nodes in a given Unfortunately, the concept node names often do not de- taxonomy (e.g., Hierarchical Concept (HCTM) scribe the concept in sufficient detail for unfamiliar users [9], Hierarchical Pachinko Allocation (HPAM) [5], Multilin- gual Supervised LDA (ML-SLDA) [3]). However, LPAM leverages available labels to select a subtree of the taxonomy to generate a given document. Furthermore, LPAM differs Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for from HCTM in that each node has a distribution over the personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are whole vocabulary, not over a pre-specified subset. not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies The second model we propose, LPAM-List, represents a bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to document as a mixture of the same topic nodes as LPAM’s, republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific but does not use the tree structure in its generative process. permission and/or a fee. JCDL’12, June 10–14, 2012, Washington, DC, USA. This makes it more similar to Labeled LDA [7] which also Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1154-0/12/06 ...$10.00. child nodes; however, LPAM additionally enforces path con- Info. Root Software straints based on labels. Systems LPAM’s generative process operates as follows: (r) Info. 1. For each node r draw φ ∼ Dir(β) Storage and Database Software 2. For each document d: Retrieval Management Engineering (d,c) (d,c) (a) For each node c ∈ Cd, draw θ ∼ Dir(α ). (b) For each word w: Info. (d,root) Search and Systems Metrics - Draw r ∼ Mult(θ ) Retrieval - While r is not an exit, draw r ∼ Mult(θ(d,r)) - Draw w ∼ Mult(φ(a)) where a is r’s parent Abstract: Dealing with verbose (or long) queries poses a new challenge for information retrieval. Selecting a subset of the original query (a "sub- We train the models by Gibbs sampling. The probability query") has been shown to be an effective method ... of choosing node c as the topic of the i’th token (wi) given the remaining topic assignments (z\i) and all words (w) is:

Figure 1: The first two sentences from the abstract of a pa- P (zi = c|z\i, w, U) ∝ per about information retrieval [11]. The publication is la- k (d) (d,cj−1) ! (w) beled with the shaded node from the ACM taxonomy. Some Y ncj−1,cj + αcj nc + βw of the neighboring nodes are also displayed. P (d) (d,cj−1) P (n(m) + β ) j=2 r(ncj−1,r + αr ) m c m

(d) where U is the set of hyperparameters; ncj−1,cj is the num- constrains the choice of topics to those associated with the ber of times node cj is visited from its parent cj−1 for doc- document’s assigned concepts. However, LPAM-List addi- (w) ument d; nc is the number of times word w is assigned to tionally incorporates the taxonomic ancestors of the assigned node c; k is the level at which the exit is located, i.e., ck−1 nodes. This simple change enables it to learn about both is the node generating the word. The contribution of the leaves and interior nodes of the taxonomy. Similarly to La- token being sampled is removed from these counts. beled LDA, Newman et. al. [6] also uses a non-hierarchical The first term of the right-hand side expression above is set of concept labels, but rather than discovering a distribu- the probability of traversing the path to node c and choosing tion of words for each concept, they instead estimate a dis- to emit from it. The second term is the probability of gen- tribution of topics for each concept; this is accomplished by erating word w from the word distribution associated with using document labels as authors in the author-topic model concept c. [8]. Our experiments show that leveraging the internal struc- 2.2 Labeled Pachinko Allocation - List ture of taxonomies imparts our methods with two advan- LPAM-List considers the same restricted set of topics Cd tages. First, we obtain a better information rate compared as LPAM’s but sampling a path is not part of the generative to Labeled LDA (Section 4.2), indicating that our models process. If ψ(d) is a multinomial distribution over the nodes more precisely capture characteristics of the data. Second, in Cd, then the generative storyline is: we obtain a list of keywords for each concept in the taxon- 1. For each node r draw φ(r) ∼ Dir(β) omy, including the high-level interior concepts that do not 2. For each document d: usually appear as labels. Our user study shows that our con- (a) Draw ψ(d) ∼ Dir(α(d)) cept description keywords help people interpret a taxonomy (b) For each word w draw c ∼ Mult(ψ(d)) and w ∼ Mult(φ(c)) as measured by the accuracy of concept label assignments (Section 4.3). In contrast, Labeled LDA [7] constrains the topics only to those associated with the document labels. LPAM-List’s 2. MODELS sampling equation is: (w) (d) (d) (d) nc + βw 2.1 Labeled Pachinko Allocation P (zi = c|z\i, w, α , β) ∝ (nc + αc ) P (n(m) + β ) LPAM is a semi-supervised topic model for documents m c m labeled with nodes from a taxonomy. It builds on latent where zi is the topic of the i’th token wi; z\i are the topic Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [1] and hierarchical pachinko al- (d) assignments of the remaining tokens; c ∈ Cd; nc is the location [5] by leveraging additional structure, as described (w) number of times node c is sampled in document d; nc is the in this section. For each document d, it considers a restricted number of times word w was assigned to node c. Similarly set of taxonomy nodes Cd consisting of the document labels, to LPAM’s sampling equation, the contribution of the token augmented with their ancestors in the hierarchy. For exam- being sampled is removed from these counts. ple, the document in Figure 1 is a mixture of the nodes Info. Search and Retrieval, Info. Storage and Retrieval, Info. Sys- tems, and Root. Each node c ∈ Cd defines a multinomial 3. DATASETS AND PREPROCESSING (d,c) distribution θ over child nodes in Cd plus an additional We perform experiments on two datasets: (1) abstracts one termed the exit. Also, each node r in the taxonomy of scientific publications from the ACM digital library, and is associated with a multinomial distribution φ(r) over the (2) the first 300 tokens of articles from the New York Times vocabulary. Like some other models such as HPAM, LPAM (NYT) dataset. We remove stopwords and tokens that ap- represents a distribution over paths using multinomials over pear fewer than five times in the corresponding corpus. Statistics ACM NYT (LPAM) paper based system systems approach data time results analysis present Root Taxonomy size 268 580 (LPAM-List) paper based approach time systems data Taxonomy depth 4 6 system work results analysis Labels/doc 3.13 5.98 (LPAM) data information system paper based web user Info users management systems Nodes/doc 8.2 8.94 Systems (LPAM-List) information system paper data based model Branching nodes/doc 1.65 2.11 systems user management users Number of docs 20,527 15,493 (LPAM) data query queries database databases problem Vocabulary size 13,906 27,544 Database view tree processing xml Management (LPAM-List) data query queries database databases Num tokens 1,499,878 3,323,851 problem view efficient algorithm algorithms Tokens/doc 73.07 214.54 (LPAM) mining data spatial patterns gis algorithms temporal analysis discovery time Database (LPAM-List) data mining spatial knowledge patterns temporal Table 1: Dataset statistics. Taxonomy size is the number of Applications gis complex time analysis nodes in the taxonomy. (We exclude nodes that are not used (LLDA) data mining information paper spatial knowledge to label any document in our dataset and are not ancestors system based analysis time of label nodes. These concepts do not affect sampling and it is impossible to discover keywords for them.) Labels/doc Figure 2: Four taxonomy nodes along with the correspond- is the average number of document tags. Nodes/doc is the ing top 10 words learned by LPAM, LPAM-List and La- average number of restricted nodes, i.e., label nodes and beled LDA (LLDA). Note that LLDA provides no keywords their ancestors. Branching nodes/doc - a branching node is for the internal nodes and that the new models successfully a restricted node that has at least 2 child nodes. Tokens/doc pull domain-specific words to the top of the hierarchy (see - number of tokens per document after removing stopwords. the examples shown in bold).

Documents from each dataset are labeled with node(s) 8.13 LLDA LPAM-List from a dataset-specific taxonomy. These taxonomies have 8.03 tree structures. However, our models can be trivially ex- LPAM tended to handle directed acyclic graphs as well. ACM doc- 7.93 uments are tagged with at least one leaf node. We ignore the 7.83 additional descriptors beyond the leaf-node labels. If a doc- ument is tagged with a node called “General”, that implies 7.73

the paper is relevant to most of the nodes in that subtree. Informaon rate 7.63 The models we propose and Labeled LDA require a specific set of document labels. For this reason we discard papers 7.53 tagged with “General.” These documents constitute only 4% 7.43 of the dataset and our goal of attaining concept keywords 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 can be achieved without them. Percent of data used for training NYT articles can be tagged with multiple leaf or internal nodes. For 98% of the documents, an ancestor of a document label is also used to tag the article. However, in merely Figure 3: Information rate calculated on the ACM dataset. 0.6% of the documents all the ancestors are labels. Table 1 Note that lower is better. The difference between the models contains more statistics. is statistically significant (p < 0.001).

4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS are prominent in the distributions corresponding to the leaf Let 1(N) be a vector of size N containing 1’s. The param- nodes. eters β, α(d), and α(d,c) are set, respectively, to 0.01 × 1(V ), (|Cd|) (K) 1 , and 1 , where V is the vocabulary size, Cd is the 4.2 Information rate set of restricted nodes for document d, and K is the number We set aside 10% of the data for testing (wtest) and 90% of c’s child nodes that are in Cd plus 1 (because of the exit). of the data for training (wtrain). We use the “left-to-right” test train train algorithm [10] to compute P (wd |w , z , U) where test 4.1 Topic examples U is the set of hyperparameters and wd denotes the words Figure 2 shows the topics that LPAM and LPAM-List in the d’th test document. This probability is averaged across 5 runs to calculate the estimate P˜d and the infor- learn for a few ACM nodes—Database Applications and its ˜ ln Pd mation rate − , where Nd is the number of tokens in the ancestors. Labeled LDA considers only labels, so it produces Nd topics only for leaf nodes such as Database Applications. We test document. can see that the higher in the taxonomy the concepts are Because of limited space, we present in Figure 3 the aver- located, the more general the corresponding keywords are. age information rate obtained using one of the datasets, the The reason is that those concepts take part in the generation ACM corpus. We compare the models using a two-tailed of many documents, so domain-specific stopwords (e.g., “pa- paired t-test. LPAM consistently outperforms LPAM-List, per” and “based” highlighted in bold in Figure 2) common to which in turn is better than Labeled LDA. The differences all these documents are driven higher up the tree. Labeled between the models is statistically highly significant (p < LDA does not use internal nodes. As a result, general words 0.001) for varying amounts of training data. In the NYT Action Correct Approx. Incorrect Step 4 all but one of the surveyed students say that the key- Addition 10 5 2 words are helpful. We conclude that LPAM-List can play Deletion 21 - 5 an important role in document classification. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Figure 4: User study results - actions taken after viewing We present two topic models that automatically build lists discovered keywords of clarifying keywords for each node in a given taxonomy. Our user study shows that presenting a few of the highest weighted keywords as concept summaries is beneficial for dataset LPAM achieves a slightly worse information rate taxonomy interpretation. Also, the information rate pro- compared to LPAM-List. However, both of these models duced by LPAM and LPAM-List is significantly better com- outperform LLDA. As we point out in Section 3, if a NYT pared to Labeled LDA’s performance. document is labeled with a given concept, then in many In future work, we plan to extend LPAM, so that it can cases some of the ancestor nodes are also among the docu- suggest edits to taxonomies. This is an important problem ment tags. As a result, the margin between Labeled LDA because new ideas emerge over time and the accompany- and the other two models is smaller compared to the results ing taxonomies should be adjusted accordingly. In fact, the we obtain with the ACM dataset. In future work, we plan output of LPAM was provided to the committee that edited to examine the differences between LPAM and LPAM-List. the ACM Computing Classification System in 2011. We also plan to apply LPAM and LPAM-List to the problem of tax- 4.3 Dataset navigation onomy alignment. We would like to know whether the concept keywords help taxonomy interpretation. We focus on the ACM dataset and 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS use the keywords discovered by LPAM-List. The authors would like to thank Laura Dietz for useful To address this question we designed and issued a survey discussions and ACM for providing metadata from their dig- to 15 graduate student volunteers at the Computer Science ital library. This work was supported in part by the Center Department at University of Massachusetts Amherst. In our for Intelligent Information Retrieval, in part by NIH award survey each participant is presented with a randomized list #HHSN271201000758P and in part by NSF grant #CNS- of abstracts and has to complete the following four tasks: 0958392. Step 1 : Select four ACM abstracts that are about topics with which they are not significantly familiar. Since we have 15 participants, the total number of labeled abstracts is 60. 7. REFERENCES Step 2 : For a given abstract, we present the user the sub- [1] D. Blei, A. Ng, and M. Jordan. 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