Rags Morales,Grant Morrison,Sholly Fisch,Andy Kubert | 256 pages | 07 Aug 2012 | DC Comics | 9781401235468 | English | New York, NY, United States Superman - Action Comics () Vol. 1: Superman and the Men of Steel - Comics by comiXology

Superman and the Men of Steel is a retelling of Superman 's origin storyestablishing the character's history in Prime Earth continuity following timeline changes caused by Flashpoint. It is Grant Morrison 's debut arc in his [[Action. This succeeds the previous established origin story presented in ' Superman: Secret Origin. This series drastically changes Superman's origin story. His early years as are eliminated from continuity. It's said that he recently developed powers, and they greatly increased over time. begins his career as Superman as an adult wearing a t-shirt and jeans with his cape. His career as a reporter begins at the Daily Star working for George Taylor. Superman attacks the corrupt businessman Glen Glenmorgan to scare a confession out of him. He beats up Glenmorgan's thugs and shrugs off police bullets, then leaps into the night. General Sam Lane sends the U. Military after Superman, using as a consultant. They attack with tanks and helicopters, forcing Superman to rescue tenement squatters as their building is destroyed. Clark Kent escapes back to his tiny apartment, where his landlord Mrs. Nyxly asks for the rent. Clark calls his best friend at a rival paper to alert him of Glenmorgan's plans. Jimmy's partner insists that they ignore him, and she follows Glenmorgan's men onto a train. The train goes out of control and Superman is forced to stop it, knocking him unconscious. It is revealed that this was Luthor's plan, and he enlisted Glenmorgan to help him. Luthor attempts to torture Superman for information. They run tests on his physiology, and Luthor insists that as an alien Superman Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 no rights. Luthor mentions the planet Kryptonbut Superman has never heard of it. The military is unable to contain him for long, and Superman easily breaks out of his restraints. Superman calmly walks through the building while they're shooting at him, and sees the rocket he was found in as a child. Sam Lane tries to keep his daughter Lois from getting in, and they're surprised to see Superman getting out. John Corben volunteers to fight Superman wearing a metal suit designed by Emmett Vale. Luthor is shown Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 be getting his information about Superman from . barely escapes from with her baby before the Collector steals the city. Back in the present, Clark is hassled by cops for investigating Glenmorgan. They ransack his apartment, and Mrs. Nxyly discovers that Clark is Superman. Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 uses his influence with Galaxy Broadcasting and the to drive the public against Superman. The anti-alien sentiment leads to riots in the streets, and people begin attacking him on sight. Jimmy and Lois try to get Clark to move to the Daily Planet, but he refuses to let Glenmorgan buy him out. Brainiac takes control of the technology in , and sends his Terminauts to destroy the population. Corben enters the "Steel Soldier" suit and becomes possessed by Brainiac, demanding to know where Superman is. The Terminauts begin terrorizing Metropolis, as they spawn and self-replicate. Kent turns into Superman to fight the robots. John Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 Irons begins wearing his own metal suit to help. Brainiac uses Corben to find Lois and demand to see Superman. Superman battles Corben, but is beaten to the ground. Irons arrives to help and shuts down the warsuit he created, defeating Corben. Superman returns to the fight, but finds that Brainiac has bottled and stolen Metropolis. Sam Lane asks Superman to help save his daughter. With the Science Council refusing to hear Jor-El's plan for evacuation, he and Lara decide to take their baby and escape into the . Unfortunately, the criminals inside are waiting for them. saved them from being dragged in by Xa-Du, but was himself dragged in. Unseen, a red streak zips out of the Phantom Zone as they escape. Lara and Jor put Kal in a prototype evacuatory rocket run by a Brainiac intelligence. Kal is saved just as the planet is destroyed. John and Martha Kent discovered the rocket just after being to the adoption agency following a miscarriage. Seeing it as a sign, they took the child from the rocket. Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 throw the government off the scent of the child, John replaces the boy with a miscarried and deformed calf. Superman and the Legionnaires are too slow to stop them. Backup: John and Martha tried for three years to have children, but it wasn't happening. After saving up for it in vitro, the process failed and they decided to try adoption at great cost. On their way home from the agency, the Rocket crashed near their truck, which was caught in a snowbank. Vndy attempts to auction off the engine he had them steal in the future. He has them do a task in his name in exchange for a piece of it. The Legion's Time Bubble is out of juice, and they are attacked by Erik Drekken, from whom Saturn Woman learns that the thieves are hiding in superman's Brain. The residents of New Troy realize they've been shrunk. Backup: Steel is a cool guy who helps people. Glen Glenmorgan admits that Vndy influenced him to get into this situation. Lex Luthor has been acting as an informant to Clark Kent all this time. Superman comes out as an alien to Metropolis and decides to use COMPUTO's satellite as a base, thanks to the rocket's technology taking over its systems. Meanwhile, Vndy recruits Maxim Zarov into his army. Pandora appears. The Origin of Superman is a popular concept fundamental to the Superman mythos that has received multiple treatments and iterations, usually involving significantly different versions of events. This event or storyline is specifically related to Supermanor to members of . This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Superman Storylines category. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. It is Grant Morrison 's debut arc in his [[Action Contents [ show ]. The New The Man of Steel. Superman: Birthright. Superman: Secret Origin. Superman and the Men of Steel. Superman: Year One on Earth Categories :. Origin of Superman The Origin of Superman is a popular concept fundamental to the Superman mythos that has received multiple treatments and iterations, usually involving significantly different versions of events. Superman Family Storyline This event or storyline is specifically related to Supermanor to members of the Superman Family. Superman – Action Comics, Volume 1: Superman and the Men of Steel by Grant Morrison

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. First in Series. NOOK Book. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. With this renumbering comes a new creative team featuring comics legend Grant Morrison and fan-favorite artist Rag Morales. While Morrison is no stranger to writing the Superman character, having won three Eisner Award's for his work on All-Star Superman, Action Comics will be something new for both old and new readers and present humanity's first encounters with Superman, before he became one of the World's Greatest Super Heroes. Set a few years in the past, it's a bold new take on a classic hero. Product Details About the Author. About the Author. Writer Grant Morrison is known for his innovative work on comics from the graphic novel to acclaimed runs on Animal Man and , as well as his subversive creator owned titles such as The Invisibles, Seaguy and WE3. Related Searches. After 6 year from Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1here's another collections of 71 x pixels full After 6 year from tohere's another collections of 71 x pixels full color drawing of children in action. Comics for people of all ages. Happy reading and all the best for the year In this issue, we View Product. This extra-sized debut issue is the Superman is on trial for his life-and the jury is the Anti-Superman Army! Ultimate villains Ultimate villains spring the ultimate trap at the end of time itself, and the identity of the Little Man is finally revealed! First appearance of the villainous Livewire! Action Comics But will even their help, and that of additional guest-stars Superboy, , Steel and the Challengers of the Unknown, be enough to protect Metropolis? Collecting the bizarre adventures of Animal Man, a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues Collecting the bizarre adventures of Animal Man, a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues and moral dilemmas. Buddy Baker is a caring husband, devoted father, animal activist and super-powered being. But as he attempts to live up to all Superman: Action Comics Vol. Clark Kent is dead! When grave circumstances cause Superman to leave behind his alter ego, When grave circumstances cause Superman to leave behind his alter ego, an unimpeded Man of Steel must face his deadliest foe to date: Nimrod the Hunter! Metropolis' newest threat has killed everything he's ever tracked, but And so DC Comics. ACTION COMICS VOL. 1: SUPERMAN AND THE MEN OF STEEL | DC

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Rags Morales Artist. Andy Kubert Artist. Brent Anderson Artist. Gene Ha Artist. Brad Walker Artist. ChrisCross Artist. Sholly Fisch Writer. DC Comics took a bold step and renumbered the longest-running monthly comic, Action Comicsto 1 for the first time since as part of the DC Comics— event. With this renumbering comes a new creative team featuring comics legend Grant Morrison and fan-favorite artist Rag Morales. While Morrison is no stranger to writing the Superman character, having won three DC Comics took a bold step and renumbered the longest-running monthly comic, Action Comicsto 1 for the first time since as part of the DC Comics—The New 52 event. While Morrison is no stranger to writing the Superman character, having won three Eisner Award 's for his work on All-Star SupermanAction Comics will be something new for both old and new readers and present humanity's first encounters with Superman, before he became one of the World's Greatest Super Heroes. Set a few years in the Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1, it's a bold new take on a classic hero. Collecting: Action Comics Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. TideNimrod the HunterMrs. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Superman — Action Comics, Volume 1please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Superman — Action Comics, Volume 1. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. View all 4 comments. Jun 04, Anne rated it it was amazing Shelves: comicsgraphic-novelsread- infavorites. Because Conner wasn't such a goody-goody. He had attitude. Also, he wasn't an all-powerful god. He was still stuck at 'able to leap tall buildings in a single bound'. I have a sneaking feeling I'm not the only one who has felt, at one time or another, that Superman was a douche. A douche clad in red and blue spandex. I also think I'm not the only one who has been chomping at the bit, waiting to see if Morrison was going to fuck up 4. I also think I'm not the only one who has been chomping at the bit, waiting to see if Morrison was going to fuck up this re-boot The short answer? Or not. I haven't read them all, but Morrison's Superman is so far the best of The New He took the Kansas farm boy and turned him into an angsty badass in a pair of jeans. Who openly taunts the police. Say what?! Oh yeah, and he's not all-powerful anymore. He can't fly, and getting run over by a train can knock him out. Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 the words of the immortal Tony the Tiger It's Grrreat! Highly recommended! View all 15 comments. Aug 19, Jeff rated it really liked it Shelves: comix. This is my first experience reading the New Grant Morrison has more great Superman ideas than anyone. In All Star Superman, he was able to craft a limited run of Superman stories that was able to touch on many past ideas and storylines and yet still remain fresh. Superman is initially portrayed as a bull in a china shop, awkwardly trying to fight each and every crime that occurs in Metropolis. This rambunctious approach to crime and the orchestrated backlash against him makes Superman more feared than respected. Morrison adds some interesting touches: Superman is not invulnerable. He bruises, he bleeds, and he gets knocked unconscious. His Clark Kent is a nerdy twenty something; a peer of Jimmy Olsen. When he initially becomes Superman, the cape he wears is the blanket he was wrapped in during his rocket flight to Earth, thus doing what thousands of kids over the years have done when they have imitated him. One constant in the mainstream Superman arcs and it is no different here is that he is raised by , a good, wholesome couple who encourage him to use his powers for the good of mankind. What would happen if Kal-El ended up with a different set of parents: a drunken, abusive father; an unstable bi-polar mother; survivalists; religious fanatics? View all 5 comments. Jun 30, Bookwraiths rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novelslibrarygraphic-novels-dc. And he is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. When I was a kid that is how I always thought of Superman. He was just a guy from another planet who was gifted with some amazing powers by our sun. Powers he tried to use to help other people. Somehow, though, that simpler Superman got lost, as writer after writer made him more and more powerful until he was basically god flying around Metropolis saving the planet every other issue. And, to be honest, I got fairly bored with that guy. First, he makes Superman more relatable by stripping him of his god-like omnipotence. Rather, this young Supes acts like exactly what he is: a young man on his own in the big city for Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 first time, who is realizing that his abilities can make a difference in the world. He is making it all up as he goes along, saving the day in his blue jeans and t-shirt. Besides Supes, Morrison also does a lot to freshen up the supporting characters. Lots of unnecessary stuff goes on in the story for the sole purpose of making things more confusing. Story arcs are left at cliffhangers while the writer takes us off on a side trip to no where. And important parts of the narrative Like why everyone hates the alien Superman when no one knows he is an alien or have any reason to hate him? Overall, it was very good, and the whole blue jeans and t-shirt costume of this younger Supes is executed very well. As you Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 probably tell, I liked this book. It Superman - Action Comics: Superman and the Men of Steel Volume 1 a very creative devolution of Superman the character, introduced some much needed humanity back into him, and did a great job of entertaining as Morrison did the former things. Ultimately, though, the writers foibles kept me from loving it as many others have. Jul 01, Dan Schwent rated it liked it Shelves:comicscool-covers. General Lane and Lex Luthor team up to capture the new super hero calling himself Superman. But is the deal Luthor has made with an alien intelligence worth the price? I know this is the comic book equivalent of blasphemy but I've never much cared for Superman. When the New 52 hit, I thought Superman might have suddenly become interesting.