¦¦¦"¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦1*>S»***»»»W***»«Saaaamal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaararaaaaaaaaaaaai ¦ i ¦¦ .¦ Personni l>r.Dolt! and Miss Manly Married Con.ro Missions Thursday Night Dentil of Mr. John S. White et Mrs. W. P. Morris of Salem is Today at Baptist Church at Presbyterian Church Clifton Porye ®!jt fertte [Visiting Mrs Kir.'.'st A. Bale. The Lexington Baptist church An interesting and instructive i li remains of Mi. J«»bn Spronl Mid-Summet Sale Mr. M. J. Weaver is spending (be Avas today tit high noon the scene meeting was held Thursday night White, who tlied in Clifton Sept. li)J4 Purge Lexinoton, Va., 7, week in Baltimore and New York of a beautiful nuptial event when in the Lexington Presbyterian linrsvtay Beening, Septenber 1 t, '¦' We Have Some on bininess. Dr. Calvin Graham Dold and Miss church in the interest of the were to Satur¬ aS*aaaa**aa*a*a****aaa1 laailira 'iaaW>. wain I Goods WE WANT Advertisements Congo brought Lexington Ayers TO SELL New has re¬ Mis* Jennie P. Crigler Linda Manly were united mission work in Africa. The day for interment. The funeral Ay er's Cherry Pectoro! Irwin and Co..new goods for cash turned to Farmville Normal School Peyton Wc haven't advertised a Redaction bot we are in The church and were Rev. L. C. services were held in tho quiets tickling throats, hack- Sale, or for the session. marringe. speakers Vass,who Presby¬ in the produce. the ill-fated mission terian lng coughs, pain luntfS. offering Bargains in all Summer J. MeD. Adair.fauoy dree9 gooda, Miss Minnie Dulany of Balti¬ chancel were tastefully decorated, commanded church, conducted by the It relieves congestion, gttb- Clothing. carpets, art squares, ete. more, has returned to Lexington the color scheme being white und boat Lapsley when it was destroy¬ pastor, Rev. L'r. Thornton Whal¬ The Smart Set.announcement. as milliner for Mrs. Isaac Wein¬ yellow. Innumereble candles and ed on the Congo River, and Hov. ing, who was assisted by Mr, Addison for sale. mis¬ White's Rev. J. K. Cook Cherry Children's Wash Hogue.stove berg. colored lamps cast u soft light W. H. Shephard, thc colored pastor, W. R. Steam of Clifton Mr. White died Beeton.-Lexington Miss Annie Lee Greinor and over a bridal sc j ne of rare loveli¬ to the same field. Seated Forge. for work. sionary In thc and Ohb hos¬ Pectoral I Laundry good Misses Maude nnd Alice on the and who assisted Chesapeake ..AT and neices, ness. platform, at Clifton of COST FOR CASH.. Weinbiirgs. Clothing millinery. all, are visiting friends in in the services were the pastor, pital Forge typhoid dues inflammation. It heals, Loy The , a petite brunette, after an illness of about two jj Colored Man Dead Lynchburg. Rev. Dr. Thornton Whaling, Rev. fever, strengthens. Yourdoaor w.MI \ Any Goods we don't sell that " .. charged Worthy looked charming in a gown of weeks. He was not a strong man this to He ¦: way. whose home Mrs. Anni;! Whitesell and her Dr. ('naries Manly of the Baptist explain you. I Lewis Myers, colored, de chine over With and Rev. J. Olin Knott of physically, hence was unable to all about this mzC\\ '>.::.* is near Flumeu, died Saturday while eon, Miley, are in Washington, crepe taffeta, church, cough a also withstand the attacks of the "Wu iuve aaeal Arer'a < berry ¦'. i on a visit at the home of his her .Mrs. Win bertha of Ince. She curried bou¬ of Methodist church ; ... ¦¦ daugh¬ D. C..visiting sister, Trinity he received the our firmly for M reatra Tor lltr.. Straw Hats at own Price. ter, the wife of Lee Atkins, who lives Mr. Paul MeC. of disease, although trevblee. and are think ru> moHrin.J you* F. Gilmore. of bride's roses and wore Seig Highland Mas. a. reasBor, Appletun , on Buffalo. For the year he has quet a beet of medical attention. past who will go to Africa as Vx-.,»r Sl.00. r ( i ti: . 1 been a sufferer from heart trouble and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cook of diamonds. She county, Mr. White was born and feared family ornaments, and Kev. Dr. William Don't you need a of ? see dropsy. He also had fever. Lewis Hutchinson, Kansas, were guests Mrs. missionary, in He was the eldest pair SHOES Come and tis. came was attended by her sister, M. who hat of tho Lexington. was about 63 years of age. He last week of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morrison, charge child or to Rookbridge from Covington nearly Rdward Watson of Greenville, S. Congo work. the lute Mr. William 40 and the whole of 0. Campbell. White, and was SO years ago, spent as matron of who was The first was Mr. Vast, aged years. Trunks and Valises that time in the of one Mr. W. A. Bodell of C., honor, speaker His mother was Miss Frances employment Blyfield, and car¬ who described i;i some detail the Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery. man, Mr. R. D. Firebaugh. He was his father gowned in white chiffon of re- laxative. all who W. Va., is visiting manner and ol' thc work Sproul Augusta county. He Purely vegetable, gently a held in the highest esteem by Mr. G. M. Bodell. Ile is ried Mareeba] Nell toaeo. -Miss progress Ciiv«d Ids education at Specialty knew him as a man of sterling char¬ accompa¬ Calhoun if among the natives. He referred Washing¬ and honorable. nied his wife. Mary B. Liberty, lfoM ton anti tile Mili¬ Collierntowii acter, trustworthy by was of I taor. She was ¬ to the construction of thc mission College Virginia He was a of the Methodist maid He entered the (ia-e/!e CtH resimndriii e. member Gol. John N. Opie of Staunton, cloth with boat, the and vividly tary Institute. church at Brownsburg. The funeral ed in whit, Sicilian Lapsley, iere.ee as one if tho 6-Rev. Rolston tho Our afternoon from independent candidate for Con¬ carried its destruction in the Confidante .Sept. I). H. Children's and Boys' and Summer Suits took place Sunday point iee trimmings, and portrayed members of the «Jadet popular pastor <>f the Spring the colored Methodist church iii Lex¬ gress from thia district, «p-iiit Neil loses. The raging waters. After the los- of gallant Presbyterian reduced in W. C. Mareeba! groom's battalion who took in tho church, preaches his last sermon herc greatly price. Odd Knee Pants for the ington, conducted by Rev. Monday ii. Lexington. wa* his brut Mr. their boat the mission worker*, he [tart boys. were best man lier, New ju on of Thompson, and the remains Mr. wife nnd Tho said, felt but battle of Market May, Munday mornlnf the 11 Mi. In burled in the colored cemetery here. Harvey Radar, Henry Ott Dold ot Lexington. greatly discouraged, 1804. thc afternoon of he aili seven Mr. Clark, Alexander decided to to the chil¬ Sunday, He leaves a wife and children. daughter, Randolph ushers were: Messrs. they appeal r. lie wife and left Tuesday Clarence N. dren ol' the church in the United For many years early life niako the opening address before the Children Are daughter, Nelson Myer-', Price, was associated in the mercantile V. THE Many Sickly for the St. Louifl Exposition. A. Adair und Dr. Charles States for funds with which to K. C. A. of the Washington a id G. & D. CLOTHING CO., William businees in with Iii.- Lee He to Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Miss Kliuer is visiting H. all ol' build a batter and larder boat, and Lexington University. expect* ipend Court House. children, used by Mother (tray, a Crigler Davidson, Lexington. father. Later, .,n Recount id' poor ono week at his home near Harrison Opposite relatives in She has The bride was her their prayers bul been answered. nurse in Children's Home, New York Lexington. given away by health, he engaged in farming. bury before the Union Theo Mr. Stewart Hutchesnn is still with us. Glad to see hi* friends. Sum¬ n iiHsisant teaehet in Dr. John M. of the He told of some of thc customs entering cure Feverishness, Headache, bin appointed brut lier, Manly About thirteen he re¬ tit Va. mer Bowel Disorders, Stomach Tav¬ the natives, af their super¬ years ago logical Seminary Richmond, tile graded school tit Steele's University <>f Chicago. muong moved to where Iii- mid Troubles, Teething Disorders, and As entered stition, their manuel ol' Augusta county congregation (hs community At all druggists ern. the party living, he followed ann sonic In to Det8>oy Worms. of Miss Annie their dress or rather their lack of farming, general regret exceedingly ales 25c. Sample mailed kiikk. Address, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ailor tile church, Manly, years later he went to Clifton him up Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, X. Y. have returned to sister ol' the bride, played Men- dress, their food, consisting in Strain & Philadelphia., Forge and engaged in business. A An unusually attractive Children's Patton GKT ALLKN'S lulssulm's bridal and after great measure of snakes, worms, DON'T GKT KOOTSORK ! Mr. Ailor is uow con¬ chorus, few months he the service was held in thc FOOT-KASK Lexington. the mareil bitter herbs, otc. ago purchased Day Metho¬ nected with the Lexington Steam the ceremony wedding business nf Hawkins Bros. dist Church on the third in that eu ns Mr. followed in an ad¬ grocery Bunda? A wonderful powder from Luheiigiin. Thc officiating Shephard wai feet and makes Laundry. dress that to the of that town, ,.nd building up August. The church was full, the tired, aching,sweatlng has minister was the bride's father, appealed sym¬ taken ill. He Prices Reduced new or tight shoes easy. Ask to-lay Miss Beulah Montgomery of his hearers as he a giod'trade whee pulpit exquisitely decorated, and the no Kev. < hares 1). 1). A ring pathies vividly for Alien's Foot-Ease. Acc-pt returned from Philadelphia and Manly, was a member of thc Presbyterian children eager and A good PRICK. Ad was used in Gk- portrayed tho degrading customs Inspiring. ON substitute. Trial packuge New York where she ceremony. church ami was collection was raised. A. S. N. Y. city, bought un if the natives whe;i thirteen years quite recently dress, Olmsted, LeKoy, lier l.ill stock for W. The bride is accomplished a in the (lift. of millinery he first went as a elected deacon A successful protracted meeting Colt Tournament & young latly, daughter of Rev. Dr. igo illusionary church. Summer o. Co. Kaiseley and Charles He. :o the Congo. At piesrnt, he said, Forge WSS closed at Mt. Moreland Chinch, Clothing, Club held its has moved Mrs. Manly. Mr. White never narried. He last the The Lexington Bott Prof. A. P. Staples fat lui- is the of the Lexing¬ (he outlook is full >fhope. Several Friday evening. During usaul summer tournament on Aug his from and pastor have become is survived by one brother, Mr. servicas twenty nine persons pro¬ Oxford Shoes, ust 30 and 81. The tir.xt ga u* family Roanoke, they ton church. The groom is housand natives 27, 29, are now the former res¬ Baptist Archibald S. Whiteof Lynchburg, fessed Christ. 'The Rev. S. lt. on the 27th was played for quailflea- occupying a con i f the late Mr. Calvin M. hristuiiis, worship in churches, pastor, S. White on and two sister. , Mrs. I). waa on tion, open to all, the best elah! to idence of Mr. Thomas former of md appear transformed in charae- Harry Neel, aided Monday night, Negligee Shirts, and the following street. Dold, mayor Lexington. Irwin anti Miss Scottie White of Dr. of enter the contest, upper Main a and success¬ er and habit. Their idols have Aug. 29, by Quarles Lexing¬ were successful: Messis. H. Dr. Dold is popular Minn. members Preston Allan has been leen torn and the true Minneap >lis, ton, and on Wednesday night, by D. Campbell, Wm. M. McElwee, J. Mr. J. ful young physician. He was edu¬ down relig- Underwear, W. McClung, D. C. Humphreys, E. elected principal of the High cated at the Virginia Military In¬ nii substituted. He a.so showed Death of Mr.Michael McNamara Kev. Mr. Kenny, a ministerial L. S. G. Hunter School at Accomac i aumbar of such as the student from Richmond College. Half Hose Graham, Pettigrew, Pungoteague, stitute, Washington ami Lee Uni¬ curios, Mr. Michael McNamara died . Pendleton and B. W.Manly. county, Va., and he expects to in medicine reapom ol' warfare, cloth made by On the 29th, Messrs. Campbell, versity,and graduated Saturday at his home near Wesby Colored Methodists, to Meet Straw Pendleton anr! .Manly leave tomorrow for that place. from the of Maryland. he women, etc. Hats. Pettigrew, University An feature of the at the Advanced age of The fourteenth annual session of were defeated. On the 30th, Messrs. Hon. H. I). Flood of Appomat¬ Among the guests from a dis¬ Interesting Chapel the District Conference and McElweeaud Humphreys were de¬ of from the were-. was the of several RI The funeral took Epworth It Will You to Give Us a match tox, member Congress tance Mr. Charles M.Manly irogram singing years. pince Conventlou of the Alexandria Pay Call. feated. On the 31st, the" final Tenth and Democratic wife of in the of the at ll o'clock League was off betweei. Messrs. Mc¬ District, mid Smitl ionian Institute, .yinni language Monday morning District M. played tor wai in Mr. William iativ ¦. Those taking part were Washington Conference, Clung and Graham, in which Mr. Mc¬ candidate re-election, Washington, D, C.; from St. Pi trick's Catholic church K. Church (colored), will be held in was defeated, leaving Mr. Tuesday greeting his D. of the Missouri State be three missionaries and Mn Clung Lexington Manly also in Lexington, followed by inter¬ thc Randolph street Methodist Graham the champion The prize many friends here. University,Columbia, Mo. ;Mt.Kd- (heuhard, the lader Binging FALL and WINTER Goods was the cern church of Lexington, beginning Tues¬ a silver cup. last ivard of Greenville,S. C. ; solo. ment in Lexington tery. Mr. Charles A. Lacy spent Watson, Fath-r Van of day, .September 20th anti closing Sun¬ Free to Our Headers his son, Mrs. Robert Patrick of .Judson In¬ lugelgeii Stainton, Are week in Covington visiting Sunday School Picnic ifTieiat.'d. The remains were fol¬ day, the2."5th. Arriving Daily. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, Mr. Thomas E. Lacy. He was stitute, Marion, Ala.; Miss Sarah An haj been ( of A delightful Sunday school lowed to the cemetery by a large interesting program scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eating Accompanied home Saturday by jcWatbmsy Richmond, Va.; .rowd of his and friends. prepared, running through the entire sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, who the sum¬ Mrs. V. of ilcnlc wa enjoyed last Saturday neighbors bone Mrs. Lacy, spent M.'Kennedy Walbing- Mr. McNamara was born in Ire- time, with morning, afternoon and pains, swellings, rheumatism, in Roanoke and on, D. C., and Miss Minnie New- n the woods of Miss Mollie Burks catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, mer Covington. and, and came to the United evening sessions. All phases of STRAIN & nan of Va. we advise you to take Botanic Blood Mr. K. Sterrett, who has Harrisonburg, ear Buffalo Mills. The affair a tbnrab work will be and PATTON, Lyle States more than half century discussed, Balm (B. B. B.) Especially recom¬ his home in Dr. and Mrs. Dold left this res a union the mended for I*en making Atlanta, picnic, Sunday igo. Ile first engagetl in work on the speakers will include tho presid old,obstinate, deep-seated ifternoon over the - - heals 3a., for the past '.bree years, is Chesapeake chools ol Buffalo Mills, Falling the I he old North ing elder of the district, Rev. 1). Vt. Opposite Hotel, LEXINGTON, VA. cases, cures where all else fails, md Ohio railroad for an extended building of Lexington the blood and his vncation his on 1). the Kev. W. C. every sore, makes pure ipending visiting which will include ij.ring and Elliott*! Hill uniting '{iver Canal, and later worked Hays, D.j pastor, rich, gives the skin the rich glow of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A rip Chicago, Instit ii tu Thompson; besides many visitors mid health. fl bottle. 'nuada, Texas and will li- or the day. And a BOSt delight- dis Virginia Military Druggists per large Sterrett of near Timber Ridge. they mi thin under construction. the local preachers. Sample sent free by writing Blood t urn to via New 0'- til time was en all. Un racks, Mr.and Mrs. G. Tribbstl Lexington j »yed by I'he later of his lite werd The opening sermon will be Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe George eane. cr the direction St years preach- trouble and fie j medical advice sen, if left Superinten- levoted to and he was ld night hy Kev. T. 1'. Collierstown, Lexington Th Were numerous an i ..nt .J. M. HI ick if td.- Buffalo funning, Tuesday Weinberg's in scaled letter. Medicine sent at once afternoon on a visit to presents ¦bnsidered a model farmer. He rhonias. At tba Wari Monday iandsnnse and bear of Jills the excellent arrange- coming recaption prepaid. aad West lestimoi.y school, as a humeroui Walker 'riends at*J?ana, III., lie of Dr. Dold and his lents were carried typical Irishman, .Vedaaedaynight, Mayo.-s.n. Unclaimed Letters loWst*. will visit the j opularity succesd'uiiy and was held in viii extend on behalf of the Branch, They air ut and the sevi ral hundred ind witty, high greetings Following is the list of unclaimed St. Louis before return* young b/jd& pres ¦steen) his friends end iowa Expostion nt had a timo. by neigh* Tailoring... letters remaining in the Lexington home. good iors. In he was a Re- for the week ending Septem¬ ng darned Under Sprcadiny Oak* A and enjoyable ail politics Bucklen's Arnica Salve postofflce Mrs. I). Frank Koontz of Jeffer* pleasant Iiiibliean, and served for many A. Made to Order ber 5: A romantic was sol* ress was made by Kev. Dr. Buck- lins world wide fame for marvelous by ion W. i6 her '?ars as a member of the Repu'nli- Bowyer, Miss Susie county, Va., visiting 11:80 er, ot 3 inr-'ri It other She ionized this morning ni pastor Palling Spring an Executive Committee of Rock¬ surpasses uny salve, Bed inger, Mother, Kev. J. Olin Knott. hurt'!). Tables of the otion, ointment or balm for Cut.*, Mrs.QoQgJJ. Mr. 'clock beneath tin- inviting greatest l Schloss Bros. & Grcv-u, Mary e accompanied by her son, bundance anti variety of good ridge. Jonis. Barns, Bolls, Sore*, Felons, Company Miller, George jevif Knott wh» will at- ranches of oak trees which He ie survived by six children, "leers, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Fever Robinson, Mrs. Susan Koontz, stately liings for the "inner man" were Skin Bran* means Fit ami end the Behool * wo daughters, Mrs. Thomas P. (ores. Chapped Hands, Style, Workmanship nUMZOeilnd. Strickley, Miss M'try R. Lexington High orround Bethany Lutheran obtireb pread, to which old and young ions; infallible for Piles. Cure Ono Persons for these letters he coming session. like did Games Villsof Lexington and Mrs.Samuel Soe at B.H.Uorroll thousand samples to select from. calling ear Alone, Rockbridge county. ample justine. JVatts of guaranteed. Only swill please say they are advertised. Mr. L. M. ol Colorado, ero anti nnd violin Thompson's Landing, rroggltt. McCiiUse P. M. Campbell 'he contracting parties were Mr. played bunjo nd four sons Messrs. Patron, s after an ab uisic was furnished by Messrs. Michael, Vlen's visiting Kockbridge .ewis son of lived with his Thomas What ls Life? Department A Wild Ride For Life ence of He 's acsoni- Lackey Hotinger, [oeteter and rna father, Boy's many years. Reynolds. Every- William and In thc hit mnied a Maude, Irs. Min- ia Hotinger f Oak was and f Roanoke and analysis nobody knows, With family around expecting him by daughter,Miss ody pleased everybody .ut we do know that it is nuder etrict a Hattie lawrence of Wi st Virsima. to die, and a son liding for life, 18 dr. Campbell married daughter tale, uni Miss Gertrude ftlW- I aw. Abuse that law ven slightly, miles, to get Dr. King's New Discov¬ if the late Mr. David A. Stoner of of min results. means kirkpatrick, daughter Mis. S. A New (incut ol' Mr. Irregular living ery for Consumption, Coughs and 'ames River, near Natural Bridge. DrjKii Mr.Earnest P.Deacon,son lerimt eiiient of organs, resulting in We Have Added a Colds, W. H. brown, of Leesville, Ind, Kirkpatrick of near Alone, F. Deacon ol Flumen, returned tonalI Headache, or Liver endured death's from asth¬ Mr. Samuel W. Wilson of near The Baltimore and Richmond nation, agonies 'he brui" was dressed in white ionic after circling the rouble. Dr. King's \ew Life Pills ma; but this wonderful medicine gave i.as been confined CKristal Advocate of last woe!; today rc this. It's rimber Ridge, lobe. He Sollie time in tlie inlcklv adjust Kantie, Line instant relief soon cured him Mo ilk and blossoms. spent of and his home for the three vt-i',with orange si et thorough. Only Me at ll. H. Complete 0 past under the above ; writes:" I now soundly every roses. Miss iys, caption forrells store. sleep veeks with a knee, for he carried bride's 'hillipines. drug night.' Like marvelous cures of Con¬ crippled Requests have conic fro::i many Tucker re- no cause can hi lice sister of the Hon. H. St. George bedroom also sumption. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, rbicfa assigned. Kirkpatrick, miters that some he from Linens; Blankets and Colds and a s»-ifs for was of who was space given nriicd home Sunday night Coughs, Grip pi ie has but little hope improve ride, maid honor, the ad- The Time will Come matchless merit for all Throat and lieut lillies.-) lie receives special retted in white organdie. The t<; thc Sunday-school lesson. Dhus VWashington, D. C., upon at Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles r>0c ?en decided to an article v ire of hit nn:l is now Uicn the Advice of Tilla Lexing¬ Counterpanes. Everything popu- and Trial bettles free at reatment. room was attended by Mr. Robert publish physician, $1.00, tc li while it will be oufined to his home here with ton Von B. H. Gorrells store. At a ol' the executive IcNutt td' Brownsburg, as beat week, which, Resident Will Help ar drug meeting biteed the text of cute toimilitis. He hopes to be prices. oinmittec af the Bun- ian. upon Scripture few people arc entirely free To St. Louis Via C. & O. Route Kockbridge tl ic and will ut in a few to fill his en- Very Association held in The were Misses Sunday-school lesson, days fi.oin back SCbe. It does not take much Now is the time to see the ay-school lu out the of during the campaign ns great last Mr. J. B va Kirkpatrick, sister of the 'lng great thoughts gagements * > derange the kidneys. A lit! le World's Fidr at St. Louis, Mo. De¬ .exington Monday, ll!ie text, anti will for the Democratic ticket. cold, and 'rank Stratton of Buena Vista, bride, Lula Lindsay, Myrtle Rn- give suggestions s|peaker slrnin, stooping poidtiona or hard lightful weather the Exposition Bessie to Sunday-school workers, yet il lr1lr. Tunker is reoognieed as one complete in all its beauty. An oppor¬ resident of the association, was Bleman, Minnie Kayton, io ork, overtaxes those delicate organs Weinberg's w at the same time, be o f the most forceful stumpers tunity not to be missed und never io leeted a to the State Teaford and Alberta Kirkpatrick il', profit- mi aches anti be See that ticleets delegHte alile and to ail of our tl ie State. many palm promptly .adies' forgotten. your Convention which o!f A!.me; Miss Kate Stuart >f interesting allow, A Lexington eiti/on tells you Department read via the C. & U. and Bi^r Four unday-sehool le aders. whet her in the Keeorder Mr C. S. letts in in October. Brownsburg, anti Mi s Lilly Mont engaged Highland eic how ill can ba re¬ Railways. Shortest, quickest and best Lynchburg Si work or nit. These jyj has returned from every kidney route with fast vestibuled train ser Winchester Star: Dr. John H. g*(imery of Collieretown. They inday-eobool IcNulty just eved and cured. Head about it: vice. w ere all gowned in white organ¬ ar tides will be contributed by Rev. a prospective tour of thc principal John P. Rhode* of Main street, the lUlane, nf history nt and a professor d.ic and carried of ferns, J« din 0. Knott, thc scholury \\i'eit Virginia cities, with view ll know n farmer whose farm ls OBS Fearful Odds Against Ulm :n and Lee bouquets The Smart University, of our at Set at church of his trashing! The were Meaars, Qro* tractive pastor ,, Moenting for tho practice ille es>rt of Lexlngso , says: "I shall Bedridden, alone and destitute. as ia Baltimoie He groomsmen iva'.s 'ak a word for Wednesday. Viit of Ouk John Lt and will usually be rol'essioii, having just graduated sp good Dean's Such, in brief was thc condition of an ; Hotinger Dal?, ixiagton, p I'ilis fir are a vii'iuible a graduate of Johns-Hopkins Luther folindon the first column of thc 4th j, law at ti and Lc 'liney they A of old soldier by name of J J. Havens, is ona <»f the most II uttoti of Collierstown, Washingt: .ni dy for kidney trouble. Al inter- Hagazine Cleverness w.-ts trou¬ fjiiveisity, and lt is our belief that these that th" Versailjes, U, For yenr* he B of Hot Bm* plige. (;itivei-sity. He believes ii- r< aoinetinra I suffered ln>ni u should a dise»m<< anti known lectureis md teach irkpatriek Springs, tfegaatees kass vell-deflned purpose. bled.with Kidney neither idely tn of (lardi¬ ar tides will beni re enjoyable and \|tether State offers sup rit.r atlvaii- i*-\vy, dull aohiugaeroas the small flsnalne - ett Alon>, oatsttelemen!, saiwemwuit arni mears! doctors nor medicine gave him relief. rs in the tout)!, Dr. I. ti ne n Kirkpatrick f back which was inteusi- rwreationan the motives of iner of 'I pf ii lo all of our readers limn ,, lie has select -tl :le i;ro\v- my always Tl IK SMART SKT, tho At length he tried Electric Bitters. rather of Dr, S. P.Lntaaeof thii Clemmer QeJIieratoWn', Sgtmand t'f bj aatn* Pu xi 'ti of At meelina" of Lee Jackson ur paper led to get IL IL t)otli hemisphere. Guaranteed rother, Editor M. W. tl ie at the homo of roiitl of him as.ono of her s «ns. Only 50c. by B. Paxton Wedding guests 0; of pl tirrell's drug store. They relieved lu* SHOUT BTORIB8 ste matohlsas ilsaa sod Ml of human lal.si. 1. Gorrell,druggist. ie "County News." Mr. tl ie bride's motlier niter the cere- imp Confederate Veterogs IS from the commencement. Before Its POITBY tao satire ri-»1«I alalnta. ii; !:is italHied Loder Clerk Shields) eoverlag of reese pataaa, low. bassor, t-adei- a prominent lawyer uilopt- rn Mr. and Mrs. Ii dinger b< ld last Saturday, Col. John A. U finished it the kidney stcretlons sa.ls bj- tho moatpopular pasta, nata sad awaoa. <>f tao doy. Fine Yield of WliL-at a ony. 'came the backache Ita JOKES. I State* He is accompaU-d by di*ove to and took the (ii bson and Sainud AV. Pal- The estate cf Annie Kliza Campbell, norval, disep- WITTICISM. SKETCH KS. Ste., mo admittedly tba most mirth cf near Lexington Maj. I'lired anti at present I am able to nt I"' Mr. D. H. Felt* Fait Held, Miss Mary Pax- Louis to " wns committed to Sheriff ovofclaf. of wheat aughter, Gentry al ternoon train for St. to ii wars elected to the .ceased, nd to my linties without at y incon- had the finest yield repotted and a son, Mr Frank Pax- delegates s>si for iidiiiinistration, anti the thia year. From u field of ten acres >n, by vi sit tlie Exposition. Vir- tenet! rolenee whatever. Under the cir- who lins enteted the Virginia in-Mtingof the grand Camp of were that 160 he threshed 810 bushels, an average )n, The bri.le is a well know:; t a<-h- Mowing appraisers appointed iiustaness it is only natural I Pages Delightful Reading of 31 bushels to the acre lt any other Institute for ile year. ria to be held in \[ .sms. W. c. \V O. Hess, W. loubi ¦trongry rsooM mend Dona's lilitary ci in the public schools of the gi Lynchburg Moore, Ile pages ate wasted an paean illustrations, ss farmer can beat this we should be 8« Nth-Kith Col. J. D.ll. a. K. W. P. iilnev Pills." a uni idle sdltutlU£veneftags wserrteg have the which will be Dr. W. S. burrell of Washing- CA mnty, and the groom is a pros¬ ptember j| IL,..ter, Felts, Koo* For stile all dealer-. Price 50'*-ays discussions, glad to report, » iss nt from this nurnmer ity of Buffalo. jcteil alternates. H. s MeCit.t-r qualified as aomlu \n T., sole agent* for 'he United pery ehsqee, express order, Lexington Two names «r»r« lo the rogUtoted lott*-to THK SMART BBTs48f Fifth Avenue. Nov Fork. itirc-si Eczema, Itching HuniorH ¦et u ri al summer normal sch added trotoe* on the estele <>f N. II. lie BlIates. ng ols, the name Dunn's and N. B. BsBjplo eoatss sent Fros on cases Death of .Mrs. Kllzu Brown mt of lin- i'amp, Mr. uer, anti the following Remember application. Especially for old, chronic take as approached and asked if he imbeiship deceased, ike no substitute. a lbert T. McLeod of tLe Stn e. Botanic Blood Balm. It gives be induced to the Mrs. widow of Mr. Bi ipraisets were appointed ; Messrs __ the affected :>uld accept po¬ Rita Brown, ollice of who healthy blood supply to tion lo be at the head of the de- died at Aiiditor's Richmond, P. Smith, W. L. Bryan,R. J. Canton. Church Notes heals all the «ores, eruptions M iohael Brown, Monday wiis a of parts, in a member C mpany A, Jst \\. Wall iee. .1. T. Side. scales; the awful itching artment of English prominent e of her Mr. John The finest anti ( burches A Hint for Wives scads, stops th home son, Vi and Mr. S. H. W. Tribbett tis nd city village aid* burning of eczema, swelling, sup¬ onthern He declined rginiaCavalry, A. tpialilied j hi¦e with the L- ngmati \Mar- university. H Brown of near She Ni¦ekols of Buena a mein- of K. M.Wil painted To purating, watery sores,etc. Druggists, ith the statement that W-.shlng- Lexington. Vista, inistrntoron the estate t] nez Painfs, and we want every lessen )our own caren please free and writ¬ r of were our donut ion when- / fl. Sample prepaid by m and Lee was for hitd been ill for some time. Tin bc Company G. 58th Virginia .11, deceased, ami the following fj burch to aeivpt Blood Halm Atlanta Ga. Des¬ good enough .er your husband. An easy way as to ing Co., morn In fan try . ^-ssrs. W. -A. .' thev paint. cribe trouble and fre« nledlcal advice im. fnineral took place yesterday pointed appraisers H 4 tl make therefore when you li.s alex, a. w. T. .). Deacon, ll. linen is to send his shirts, collara, sent in sealed letter. Dr. J. R. S. Sterrett, professor i g from St. Patrick's Catholic Mr. Warren Ashton Wilson, son Morrison, ant fouiteen gallons of paint, buy ; C. Foraj the. i (), of L.4M. sad mil six gal- cull's, handkerchiefs, etc., to tho Lex¬ Bloom of Chert y Trees f Greek in Cornell is cllurch at ll o'clock, followed hy ol' tbs lats Dr. J. T. Wilson of dy eight (j Second University, The estate of Sninuel Iv Marlin lo ns ol pure lalneasd Oil with it, mik i relatives, intennent in the Lexington cetne- La reaohed last ington Steam Laundry. The work Mr. A. E. Smith of near Lexington, Kockbridge visiting aiagtoa, Lexington ss onianiltted to fherltTT. A. tfiei in9 actual cost of palm about 11.10 "\ is wife and children te Father Van Injrelgen oflleia- i. with his bride, who was ¦r dune here is so brought to Thk Oazkttk office last accompa- ry. iil^ht lt for administration. * gallon. exceptionally good, Saturday several twigs of cherry v him. Last Saturday relatives ted. M iss Blanche of IVvthe Don't pay .iii..10 a gallon for Linseed i^ Gibbonaj J. W. as nota j ii 60 which do and in every way tl at trees which had bloomed the secon^ ) (be number of assembled Mrs. Brown before mari vii le. wen married yester- Hurler qualified q (worth seats) yon I satisfactory, were thirty Inge They w hen other io ¦ chu he will he time this season. The blossoms M. Sterrett as a Ends. She was born at the bride's Mr. i»iblic. you buy paints £/ suited. Yoi know ve rall Mr. l the home of Mr. W. wi Miss duy parents, itu a label on il. Many yu large and perfect specimens.' plaint " for and ti near in Henrieo Va., 82 yean an tl Mrs. James M. (iibbor.-v of ht mses ure well with foin pd deliver goods. Postal i t Smith reported that several trees Hays Greek, Ko-kbridge county, To Cure a foin in One Dov painted ^ bloom. the with their She is survived five chil- w tbaVi11.'. Mr. Wilson ic I took- lo ns of L. & M. and three gallons of copv«iomi will catch lid. were in aths, to spend day ap;« by y r.ii» Wears phOM kinsman. Dr. Stcr- di three Mcssro. John H.-, ke in a bank at W.-'.h, Vf, Va. Pake Laxative Bromo Quinine 11, hissed Oil Hilled lleicwitli. istinguished en, sonp, Spar kc cele Stop* the Cough. Works off the Cold are and Mis. s. All druggists refund the nese-i aiid covers li gold. Thean! LEXINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY ¦tt is an archaeologist of note,and Jsimes D. and William A. Brown, Tltey visiting Mi. are sold it fails to cure. K. W. Uron'. '"¦ated Paints h\\ W. R. Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets as spent much time in making aiid two daughters, Miss Mary Cllarles E. M-ickey of near Timber Mel 'rum Drug Co..Lexington, and BEETON, Proprietor. cure a cold in one day. No Cure, Ho in Greece. Bi rown and Mrs, Willam McKeevcr. Ri (nature ls pu eaoh box 'i&n. H L. Ollksion -Buena Vista. Pitoys 70. Pay. Pries, 88 cents. cplorationi dge.