microsoft basic compiler docu mentation microsoft basic compiler docu mentation The Microsoft BASIC Compiler and associated software are accompanied by the following documents: 1. BASIC-80 REFERENCE MANUAL provides syntax and detailed explanations of all Microsoft BASIC statements and functions. 2. BASIC COMPILER USER'S MANUAL gives the BASIC compiler command format, error messages, and general directions for the use of the compiler. 3. MICROSOFT UTILITY SOFTWARE MANUAL describes the command formats for the MACRO-80 Assembler and L1NK-80 Linking Loader, and provides a reference for MACRO-80 pseudo-operations. Microsoft BASIC Compiler Release 5.2 September, 1980 ADDENDUM TO: BASIC Compiler User's Manual Section 1.1.1 BASIC Compilation Switches The /Z switch tells the compiler to use ZBO opcodes whenever possible. The generated code is listed using BOBO opcodes except in those cases where ZBO opcodes ha ve been used. The /T switch tells the compiler to use BASIC-BO Release 4.51 execution conventions in the f ollowin g cases: 1. FOR/NEXT loops are always executed at least one time. 2. TAB, SPC, POS, and LPOS perf orm accordin g to 4.51 conventions. 3. Automatic floating point to integer conversions use truncation instead of rounding except in the case where a floating point number is being converted to an integer in an INPUT statement. 4. The INPUT statement now leaves the variables in the input list unchanged if only a carriage return is entered. If a "?Redo from start" message is issued, then a valid input list must be gi ven. A carriage return in this case will generate another "?Redo from start" message. basic-80 reference manual basic-80 reference manual This manual is a reference for Microsoft's BASIC-80 language, release 5.0 and later. There are significant differences between the 5.0 release of BASIC-80 and the previous releases (release 4.51 and earlier). If you have programs written under a previous release of BASIC-80, check Appendix A for new features in 5.0 that may affect execution. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. (C) Microsoft, 1979 To report software bugs or errors in the documentation, please complete and return the Problem Report at the back of this manual. 8101-520-06 BASIC-SO Reference Manual CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .. CHAPTER 1 General Information About BASIC-80 CHAPTER 2 BASIC-SO Commands and Statements CHAPTER 3 BASIC-SO Functions APPENDIX A New Features in BASIC-SO, Release 5.0 APPENDIX B BASIC-80 Disk I/O APPENDIX C Assembly Language Subroutines APPENDIX D BASIC-SO with the CP/M Operating System APPENDIX E BASIC-SO with the ISIS-II Operating System APPENDIX F BASIC-SO with the TEKDOS Operating System APPENDIX G BASIC-SO with the Intel SBC and MDS Systems APPENDIX H Standalone Disk BASIC APPENDIX I Converting programs to BASIC-SO APPENDIX J Summary of Error Codes and Error Messages APPENDIX K Mathematical Functions APPENDIX L Microsoft BASIC Compiler APPENDIX M ASCII Character Codes Introduction "BASIC-80 is the most extensive implementation of BASIC available for the 80S0 and Z80 microprocessors. In its fifth major release (Release 5.0), BASIC-80 meets the ANSI qualifications for BASIC, as set forth in document BSRX3.60-1978. Each release of BASIC-80 consists of three upward compatible versions: 8K, Extended and Disk. This manual is a reference for all three versions of BASIC-80, release 5.0 and later. This manual is also a reference for Microsoft BASIC-86 and the Microsoft BASIC Compiler. BASIC-86 is currently available in Extended and Disk Standalone versions, which are comparable to the BASIC-80 Extended and Disk Standalone versions. There are significant differences between the 5.0 release of BASIC-80 and the previous releases (release 4.51 and earlier). If you have programs written under a previous release of BASIC-80, check Appendix A for new features in 5.0 that may affect execution. The manual is divided into three large chapters plus a number of appendices. Chapter I covers a variety of topics, largely pertaining to information representation when using BASIC-80. Chapter 2 contains the syntax and semantics of every command and statement in BASIC-SO, ordered alphabetically. Chapter 3 describes all of BASIC-80~s intrinsic functions, also ordered alphabetically. The appendices contain information pertaining to individual operating systems; plus lists of error messages, ASCII codes, and math functions; and helpful information on assembly language subroutines and disk I/O. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC-SO 1.1 INITIALIZATION The procedure for initialization will vary with different implementations of BASIC-SO. Check the appropriate appendix at the back of this manual to determine how BASIC-SO is initialized with your operating system. 1.2 MODES OF OPERATION When BASIC-SO is initialized, it types the prompt "Ok". "Ok" means BASIC-SO is at command level, that is, it is ready to accept commands. At this point, BASIC-SO may be used in either of two modes: the direct mode or the . indirect mode. In the direct mode, BASIC statements and commands are not preceded by line numbers. They are executed as they are entered. Results of arithmetic and logical operations may be displayed immediately and stored for later use, but the instructions themselves are lost after execution. This mode is useful for debugging and for using BASIC as a "calculator" for quick computations that do not require a complete program. The indirect mode is the mode used for entering programs. Program lines are preceded by line numbers and are stored in memory. The program stored in memory is executed by entering the RUN command. 1.3 LINE FORMAT Program lines in a BASIC program have the following format (square brackets indicate optional): nnnnn BASIC statement[:BASIC statement ... ] <carriage return> GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC-SO Page 1-2 At the programmer~s option, more than one BASIC statement may be placed on a line, but each statement on a line must be separated from the last by a colon. A BASIC program line always begins with a line number, ends with a carriage return, and may contain a maximum of: 72 characters in SK BASIC-SO 255 characters in Extended and Disk BASIC-SO. In Extended and Disk versions~ it is possible to extend a logical line over more than one physical line by use of the terminal~s <line feed> key. <Line feed> lets you continue typing a logical line on the next physical line without entering a <carriage return>. (In the SK version, <line feed> has no effect.) 1.3.1 Line Numbers Every BASIC program line begins with a line number. Line numbers indicate the order in which the program lines are stored in memory and are also used as references when branching and editing. Line numbers must be in the range 0 to 65529." In the Extended and Disk versions, a period (.) may be used in EDIT, LIST, AUTO and DELETE commands to refer to the current line. ---- GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC-SO Page 1-3 1.4 CHARACTER SET The BASIC-SO character set is comprised of alphabetic characters, numeric characters and special characters. The alphabetic characters in BASIC-SO are the upper case and lower case letters of the alphabet. The numeric characters in BASIC-SO are the digits a through 9. The following special characters and terminal keys are recognized by BASIC-BO: Character Name Blank = Equal sign or assignment symbol + Plus sign Minus si9n * Asterisk or multiplication symbol /,... Slash or division symbol Up arrow or exponentiation symbol ( Left parenthesis ) Right parenth~sis % Percent if Number (or pound) sign $ Dollar sign Exclamation point [ Left bracket ] Right bracket Comma ,. Period or decimal point Single quotation mark (apostrophe) ; Semicolon Colon & Ampersand ? Question mark < Less than > Greater than \ Backslash or integer division symbol @ At-sign Underscore <rubout> Deletes last character typed. <escape> Escapes Edit Mode subcommands. See Section 2.16. <tab> Moves print position to next tab stop. Tab stops are every eight columns. <line feed> Moves to next physical line. <carriage return> Terminates input of a line. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC-SO Page 1-4 L.4.1 Control Characters The following control characters are in BASIC-SO: Control-A Enters Edit Mode on the line being typed. Control-C Interrupts program execution and returns to BASIC-SO command level. Control-G Rings the bell at the terminal. Control-H Backspace. Deletes the last character typed. Control-I Tab. Tab stops are every eight columns. Control-O Halts program output while execution continues. A second Control-O restarts output. Control-R Retypes the line that is currently being typed. Control-S Suspends program execution. Control-Q Resumes program execution after a Control-S. Control-U Deletes the line that is currently being typed. 1.5 CONSTANTS Constants are the actual values BASIC uses during execution. There are two types of constants: string and numeric. A string constant is a sequence of up to 255 alphanumeric characters enclosed in double quotation marks. Examples of string constants: "HELLO II 11$25,000.00 11 IINumber of Employees" Numeric constants are positive or negative numbers. Numeric constants in BASIC cannot contain commas. There are five types of numeric constants: 1. Integer constants Whole numbers between -32768 and +32767. Integer constants do not have decimal points. 2. Fixed Point Positive or negative real numbers, constants i.e., numbers that contain decimal points.
BASIC Programs for Computing Displacements, Strains, and Tilts from Quadrilateral Measurements
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BASIC programs for computing displacements, strains, and tilts from quadrilateral measurements by Arvid M. Johnson and r> Rex L. Baum Open-File Report 87-3^3 Any use of trade names in this report is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. University of Cincinnati (M.L. 13) U.S. Geological Survey Cincinnati, Ohio M5221 Box 250H6, MS 966 Denver, CO 80225 1987 INTRODUCTION Since 1983, we have been using quadrilaterals defined by survey stakes (fig. 1) to measure displacements, strains, and tilts at the surfaces of landslides. A companion paper will describe the use of quadrilaterals and give derivations of the equations needed to compute displacements, strains, and tilts. This report provides user instructions for, and listings of, BASIC programs that perform the computations. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with MBASIC and CP/M. However, we have tried to make the user instructions complete and step by step so that the average user can run the programs successfully. B (a) (b) Figure 1. Quadrilateral, (a) Isometric view showing survey stakes on a hillside, (b) Plan view. By convention, stake A has the highest elevation and the other stakes are named B, C, and D in clockwise rotation from A. In the field, the slope distance between each pair of stakes and the elevation of each stake is measured. The azimuth of line AC is used to orient the data.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Launch Guide Do more with less. 1 Contents Introduction 2 Introducing Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 4 Windows Server 2003 Case Studies 10 Introducing Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003 26 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Case Studies 41 Australian .NET Connected Partners 47 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 52 Microsoft Exchange Server 53 Windows Server 2003 and Visual Studio .NET 2003 Launch Sponsors 55 Platform Partner 56 Platinum Sponsors 61 Gold Sponsors 81 Silver Sponsors 96 Australian Windows Server 2003 JDP 100 Microsoft Gold Certified Partners 102 2 3 Welcome to the launch of Windows Server 2003! This is an exciting time for In my ten or more years in the Australian developer community, the combination Microsoft, our partners and customers, as this is unquestionably the most of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET 2003 is customer-focused Windows Server release yet. The reality of today’s IT environment the most exciting launch I have ever been involved with. Last February, Microsoft is the demand to do more with technology and, at the same time, do it with reset the bar for innovation and productivity with a new development paradigm for less cost. Over the last two years, we have spent time with customers using building Web Services and applications – Visual Studio .NET. This year, we build Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server and Windows NT® Server 4.0 to really on that momentum by offering an entire development platform for the building understand what it would take to enable them do a lot more with Windows Server and execution of those applications.
Mbasic Vt180, Vs.21 Getting Started with Mbasic Vt180
MBASIC VT180, VS.21 GETTING STARTED WITH MBASIC VT180 AA-P22SA-TV MBASIC VTlS0, VS.21 GETTING STARTED WITH MBASIC VT180 AA-P22SA-TV developed by MICROSOFT CORPORATION Bellevue, Washing ton DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Maynard, Massachusetts / .. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a com mitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the. use or reliability of software by DIGITAL or its affiliated companies. Copyr ig ht @ 1981, MICROSOFT CORPORATION Licensed to DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ASSIST DIGITAL RSTS COMPUTER LABS EDUsystem RSX COMTEX FLIP CHIP RTS-8 DATATRIEVE FOCAL SBI DDT lAS TMS-ll DEC INDAC TRAX DECCOMM ITPS-IO TYPESET-8 DECmate LAB-8 TYPESET-II DECnet MASSBUS UNIBUS DECSYSTEM-IO OMNIBUS VAX DECSYSTEM-20 OS/8 VMS DECtape PDP VT DECUS PDT Work Processor DECwriter PHA VT180 DIBOL CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research PRODUCT EXCEPTION REPORTING SERVICE: If, prior to SEPTEMBER 1, 1983, the customer encounters a problem wi th the software as orig inally furnished, a Product Exception Report may be submitted to: Digital Equipment Corporation BOX A 146 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 Through the software authors, DIGITAL will, wi thout addi tional charg e, respond to the reported error in the current unaltered release of the software by issuing any known correction informa tion to the customer reporting the problem and/or issuing notice of the availability of corrected code.
Sun City Summerlin Computer Club Seminar Beginning Programming with Visual Basic Script Edition
Sun City Summerlin Computer Club Seminar Beginning Programming With Visual Basic Script Edition Tom Burt August 31, 2006 This seminar is an experiment. It will present a quick overview of the fundamentals of computer programming, including two “real world” examples. The audience is experienced computer users who can think logically and translate a procedure or other activity into a sequence of steps. For this introduction, we will mainly use the VBScript language, which is a dialect of Microsoft BASIC. It is very similar to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which is built into most MS Office applications. It is also similar to the Visual Basic 6 programming language. The VBScript language runtime executive and programming documentation are available free from Microsoft’s Windows Scripting web site. (See the web links at the end of the presentation). If time permits, we’ll also look briefly at Microsoft’s FREE VB.Net 2005 Express Edition. 1 Where to Find the Materials Sun City Summer Computer Club Website Seminars: • Acrobat file of these slides and Notes: • ZIP file of the Examples: • TNB August 31, 2006 Intro - Programming VBScript 2 Seminar Agenda Visual Basic Versions and Reference Basic Programming Concepts VBSCRIPT Language -- Bio Break (~10 min) Program 1 – Ticket Draw Program 2 – Clean out Temp folders Web Site Links Open Q and A TNB August 31, 2006 Intro - Programming VBScript We’ll spend the first half of the seminar covering the key programming concepts of the VBScript language.
^9/08/89 11:43 U206 883 8101 MICROSOFT CORP.. 12)002 Table of Contents m-^mm Table of Contaits 09/08/89 11:44 'Q206 883 8101 MICROSOFT CORP _ _ [ 1003 The Story Begins JAN The story of MS-DOS_begins a hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1975 In 1975, Albuquerque was the home of Micro Instrumentation'Telemetry MiTS introduces the 8080-baseci Systems, better known as MITS- In January of that year, MITS had intro- Altair computer. duced a kit computer called the Altair. When it was first snipped, the Altair consisted of a metal box with, a panel of switches for input and output, a power supply, and-two boards. One board was the CPU.. At its heart was the 8-bit 8080 microprocessor chip from InteL The other board provided 256 bytes of memory. The Altair had no keyboard, no monitor, and no permanent storage. But it had a revolutionary price tag. It cost $397. For the first time, the term "personal computer" acquired a real-world meaning. The real world of the Altair was not, however, the world of business computing. It was-primarily the world of the computer hobbyist These first users of the microcomputer were not as interested in using spreadsheets and word processors as they were in programming. Accordingly, the first soft- ware for the Altair was a programming language. And the company that developed it was a two-man firm, in Albuquerque, called Microsoft FEB The two men at MiCTosof^ej^PailjAJten^and Bffl Gates-Allen and 1975 Gates-had met when-they were both students at Lakeside High School in Microsoft sails first BASIC to Seattle, where they began their computer-science education oa the school's MITS lor Altair time-sharing terminal By the time Gates had graduated, me two of them had computer.
{PDF EPUB} Learning IBM Basic: for the Personal Computer by David A
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer by David A. Lien Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer [Lien, David A.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer5/5(1)Format: PaperbackAuthor: David A. LienLearning IBM BASIC for the personal computer : Lien, David ... IBM BASIC for the personal computer Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. ... Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer by Lien, David A. (David Alvin), 1934-Publication date 1984 Topics IBM Personal Computer, BASIC (Computer program language), ComputersPages: 520Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer (Book, 1985 ... this from a library! Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer. [David A Lien] Learning IBM BASIC For The Personal Computer: ISBN: 0-932760-13-9: Author: David A. Lien: Publisher: Compusoft Publishing: Price: $19.95: First Printing: 1984: Number of Pages: 496 Learning IBM BASIC for the Personal Computer by David A. Lien A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy … Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer Nov 1, 1983. by David A. Lien Paperback. $23.99. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. ... by David Lien Paperback. $3.76. More Buying Choices $3.76 ... Aug 22, 2008 · Author of MS-DOS, The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language, The BASIC handbook, Learning BASIC for Tandy computers, Learning Apple II BASIC, The IBM BASIC handbook, The Tandy 200 portable computer, Learning Microsoft BASIC for the MacintoshWritten works: Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal ComputerBooks by David A.
An Overview About Basic for Qt® from July 17, 2012
An overview about Basic For Qt® from July 17, 2012 Contents An overview about Basic For Qt®..................................................................................................1 Object-Oriented...........................................................................................................................2 Event-Driven...............................................................................................................................2 Basic For Qt® Framework..........................................................................................................3 The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - To simplify application development.............4 IDE Contents...............................................................................................................................4 Toolbox.......................................................................................................................................4 Project Window...........................................................................................................................4 Properties Windows....................................................................................................................4 Code / Design view.....................................................................................................................4 Review........................................................................................................................................4 Getting Started - Making
Version Information Product Name Microsoft® Basic Keyboard Product
Version Information Product Name Microsoft® Basic Keyboard Product Version Microsoft Basic Keyboard 1.0a Keyboard Version Microsoft Basic Keyboard 1.0a Product Dimensions Keyboard Length 17.6 inches (446 millimeters) Keyboard Width 7.09 inches (180 millimeters) includes palm rest Keyboard Depth/Height 1.26 inches (32.0 millimeters) with tilt legs folded Keyboard Weight 26.1 ounces (739 grams) Cable Length 78.7 inches (2000 millimeters) Compatibility and Localization Interface PS/2 Compatible Operating Systems Microsoft Windows® Vista™, Windows XP Home and Professional Edition, Windows 2000, and Windows Millennium Top-line System Requirements • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP Home and Professional Edition, Windows 2000, or Windows Millennium Edition • PS/2 port Compatibility Logos Certified for Microsoft Windows Vista Software Version No software required Keyboard Localization Available language sets will vary by product and sales channel 104 key configuration: Chinese (Traditional), International English (ROW), and English (North America) 105 key configuration: English (UK), French (France), German (Germany), and Spanish (Latin America) 106 key configuration: Korean 107 key configuration: Portuguese (Brazil) 109 key configuration: Chinese (Simplified) and Japanese Product Feature Performance QWERTY Key Life 1,000,000 actuations per key Hot Key Features Web, Mail, and Search Hot Key Life 500,000 actuations per key Typing Speed 1000 characters per minute Storage Temperature & Humidity -40 °F (-40 °C) to 158 °F (70 °C) at 0% to 90% relative
LinuxFocus article number 277 BASIC programming with Unix by John Perr <johnperr(at)> Abstract: About the author: Developing with Linux or another Unix system in BASIC ? Why not ? Linux user since 1994, he is Various free solutions allows us to use the BASIC language to develop one of the French editors of interpreted or compiled applications. LinuxFocus. _________________ _________________ _________________ Translated to English by: Georges Tarbouriech <gt(at)> Introduction Even if it appeared later than other languages on the computing scene, BASIC quickly became widespread on many non Unix systems as a replacement for the scripting languages natively found on Unix. This is probably the main reason why this language is rarely used by Unix people. Unix had a more powerful scripting language from the first day on. Like other scripting languages, BASIC is mostly an interpreted one and uses a rather simple syntax, without data types, apart from a distinction between strings and numbers. Historically, the name of the language comes from its simplicity and from the fact it allows to easily teach programming to students. Unfortunately, the lack of standardization lead to many different versions mostly incompatible with each other. We can even say there are as many versions as interpreters what makes BASIC hardly portable. Despite these drawbacks and many others that the "true programmers" will remind us, BASIC stays an option to be taken into account to quickly develop small programs. This has been especially true for many years because of the Integrated Development Environment found in Windows versions allowing graphical interface design in a few mouse clicks.